#excellent bela POV!
House Dimitrescu: Lady Dimitrescu- Bloody Good
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Pairing: Lady Alcina Dimitrescu x Fem!Reader
Pov: Reader
Warnings: Bloodthirst, fluff, a little bit of angst, vampires, indulging, gluttony, anger, (Talk of Heisenberg for like a second because he pisses off Dimitrescu on purpose), injury for the reader, mentions of Bela, Casandera, and Daniela, hurt reader,
Summary: When her blood thirst is on high alert. The reader offers to help Alcina but things can get out of control quickly especially when Alcina is indulging herself.
A/n- Firefly-graphics for dividers
WC- 1.6k
Resident Evil 8 Master List // House Dimitrescu Master List
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The closer the wine gets to being out the closer Alcina is starting to loose her cool. Just last week she came back from a family meeting, she was seething. Her eyes were red and she was more then okay with tearing through the castle before I was able to hear her slam her bedroom door. 
Her daughters watched from the balancys in the main hall. Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela. Before they could even get to talk about why their mother was so pissed I looked up from the stairs. “Don’t you three worry about your mother. She’s got a few bones to pick with that Heisenberg boy is all.” I said trying to distract them from their mothers outrageous behaviour. 
The girls didn’t know and would probably would never know that the wine was dwindling down. Faster then Alcina could keep up. Their mothers rage was coming from that exact reason. She was worrying more then she would ever let on that her blood intake was starting to cause her to morph into the monster she knew that she would turn into. I shook that panic off my shoulders and walked out of the main hall after sooshing the girls back into their rooms. “You girls go chase the servants or something. Let me go to your mother.” I said.
Promises that their mother will be back to her excellent and loving self. That’s all I was doing in reality. Promises three young girls that they once again would have their loving mother back, telling them what a joy each of them was. I shook the anxiety from my bones as I walked out of the main hall towards the dining room, seeing that the door leading out towards the courtyard wasn’t closed I let the cool breeze of the mountains.
I crossed my arms and walked rather quickly over to her doors. I pushed them open and could hear the absolute rage that was pumping through the building. “For the love of FUCKING HELL. WHAT HAS THAT ABSOLUTE BAMBOO DONE?” Alcina was screaming, her voice seemed hoarse and the more she screamed the more things went flying through the air. 
Landing sharply on the floor. I walked up the steps careful to avoid the damages she had left behind. “Alcina?” I said quietly almost hoping that she would stop at my voice, but I was wrong. It didn’t stop not even when I stood in her doorway. The last thing I truly remembered was seeing her vanity go flying right where I was standing. Then a sheirk. 
When I awake Alcina was on her kness sitting next to her all to small couch. My head rested on the arm of the couch, and she had covered me with a quilted blanket. “Love? How are you feeling?” She asked me. Concerned was etched into her face, and her voice was the same. “Well I am okay. I was more worried about you.” I said even through the sun that was shining through the windows was hurting my eyes, and there was an ache in my bones I felt just fine. 
That was before I planned on moving. “Worried about me?” She asked me like she hadn’t been having a tantrum just a few moments ago. “Yes baby. Worried about you. You’ve been raging and throwing things for many days now. The girls are starting to worry about you as well.” I said softly as I tried to get up from the position on the couch. My arm ached out in pain. I looked down as the pain and noticed that the nice white quilt was turned a deep shade of red. “Fuck that hurts.” I mumbled out. “I can’t be here right now.” Alciana said, getting up floor. 
“Wait.. No where are you going?” I asked, begging. Wanting to know, “I just can’t… I’ll get a maid to come up her and help you dearie.” She said, but before she was out of my reach and pushing throug the pain I reached my arm out and grabbed onto her wrist. My blood printing onto her proleain skin. “Y/n, why’d you do that.” She asked anger was starting to boil again. I know why Alcina getting like this. 
So, I can fix it. “I want to help you. Will you let me help for once please?” I begged her. Not yet letting go of her wrist. My grasps was starting to yes fail but that didn’t mean I had to stop looking straight at those beauitful yellow eyes. They always gave her away, gave her true thoughts away. “Please Alcina.” I begged once more. Alcina looked down at my hand wrapped around her wrist. Chewing at her lip, “If you’re thinking what I think you are. You’ve got no idea how dangerous that can get love.” She said softer this time. “I don’t care.” I said plainly. 
Alcina shook her head. “You do understand right?” She questioned me. I only shook my head. “I want you to use me. To curve that urge, to curve all that pent up anger you’ve got growing. I want my loving Alcina back.” I said calmly. I let go of her wirst in my hand and got up even with the pain shooting up through my body. Alcina looks over at me, “Alright let’s move you huh?” She says softly. She picks me up with ease, instead of moving to sit on the couch along with me she walks us towards her en-suite. She looks once at me when towards her very large clawed foot tub. When I give her a strange look she answers it with resolve. ‘For the mess darling.” It’s simply and enough for me. My heart is pumping as I felt Alcina slip the both of us into the tub. 
Alcina laid me down on her chest with my back facing her. She moved my hair out of the way. Her fingers are freezing. “You’re freezing Alcina.” I say quietly. She’s quick to console me comment. “Oh Dearie. Let’s just get comfortable.” She whispered into my ear. I shivered at the cold hands and intimate whispers. The thoughts of how it would feel didn’t even make it out of my mouth. Alcina was sinking her teeth into my neck and in the best of terms sucking the life from me. 
And in the oddest of ways, I felt more relaxed than ever before. The moans that slipped from my mouth didn’t go unnoticed. “Do you enjoy this Y/n?” She asked smugly. Alcina was taunting me, then her lips were back around my neck and shoulder. The arm that wasn’t aching came up to cup the side of Alcina’s face. I was enjoying this more than I thought I was supposed to. “Y/n you taste so fucking good.” She whispered into my skin. The harder and more Alcina sucked at my skin the further I fell into a deep and dark spell. “Alcina, you. You’re so good to me.” I mumbled.
As she sucked, her hands roamed around my waist and chest. Her hands were so much larger than mine, but so was most of her. The longer her lips stayed attached to my neck the longer I got the feeling of being dizzy. “You’re better than the wine I have at dinner baby. I think you might just have to feed me for the rest of my life.” Alcina said as she licked at the wound she had created. Her tongue sent tingles down my shiver and gave me a whole new world of sensations.
“Alcian, baby. I need a second I…” But she was already lost in the scent of my blood. It clouded her thoughts and ears from my words. I tried once more, “Please, you’ve got to… you’ve got to give me a second love.” I whimpered. But still more words went unheard until I tried to pull away. My head was dizzy and the more I moved the more I pleaded for my life. The harder my heart pumped in my chest, give all the wrong signals. “AlCain!  Please.” I cried out trying desperately to get away from my lover. She was only taken out of her blood-soaked daze when the tears from my cries came falling down on her tight grasp. “Y/n? Baby?” She asked into the cold air. I turned and the tears didn’t stop. 
Her mouth and chin were covered in my deep red shade of blood. She looked so wild, so improper. She was the exact opposite, her hair had come out of its curls. Her lips were more crimson than ever before. “I asked you… I asked you to stop and you just…” I was mumbling. Desperately trying to get out of the tub. Aches poured through my body. “Oh, Angel. I’m sorry” She said softly as she tried to reach out to me. I just needed a second. “Don’t touch me right now,” I said trying to catch a bated breath. Alcina looked hurt but I was one that was aching and blooding.
The silence was more than uncomfortable, it stayed this way for far too long. “Y/n, I’m sorry.” She said at first her words soft and quiet. “I… I didn’t mean to take advantage. You’re just amazing, and even so, you taste wonderful.” Alcain said softly as she reached out for me. My head rested on my arm over the edge of the tub. I closed my eyes and let her reach out for me. “I’m truly sorry. How about we get you fixed up and cuddle later?” She suggested and even though I was hurt. I couldn’t say no to her. I smiled, “There you are my love. There’s that beautiful smile I love.” She said.
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Completed on: 02/20/23
Posted on:02/21/23
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ohsamtumbles · 2 years
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Fic on AO3
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featherquillpen · 3 years
Reclist: Eldritch/Inhuman Castiel
My interest in Supernatural, such as it is, begins and ends with Castiel, a gay angel who is portrayed by known human being Misha Collins, but is shown by visual storytelling (shattering glass, fallen trees, dramatic lightning flashes) and in dialogue ("I am a multidimensional wavelength of celestial intent", "my true body is the size of the Chrysler Building") to be an incorporeal nightmare monster who just so happens to have possessed a suburban dad. I am a monsterfucker who absolutely wanted to read about a terrifying eldritch gay angel, but I discovered to my great disappointment that most SPN fanwork portrays him as a quirky human man lightly dusted with halo spice.
However, I have managed to find some fanwork that gave me the many-eyed, mind-breaking, dorky gay possession spirit that I crave, and I thought I would share my finds with all my fellow alienfuckers. Also, for those alienfuckers who are not in this fandom (excellent life choice, by the way) I have marked with an asterisk (*) those fanworks that I think work well without any knowledge of SPN.
Contra's trueform!Cas art
Contra's take on Cas's trueform is inspired and incredibly cute. I love how he draws Cas as his usual nearly expressionless human vessel, but then has a very expressive trueform expanding like a giant cloud of wings and eyes around him.
Carolina's trueform!Cas art
Carolina's take on Cas's trueform is very abstract and intriguing. In the example I linked, the blue and tan and white of Jimmy Novak's iconic outfit spill out in a chaos of triangles and wings and animal heads from Jimmy's body as Cas possesses him, as well as the red burn of Cas's handprint on Dean.
Friendly Pigeon's Giant Castiel series*
Friendly Pigeon heard Castiel say that his true form was the size of the Chrysler Building and decided to take that to its logical fanart conclusion. This art beautifully communicates the awe-inspiring scale of a cosmic being like Cas.
angel-derangement's trueform!Cas art*
This fanartist draws Cas so different every time, and so WEIRD that I am honestly inspired. These trueforms are inspired by everything from the lighting aisle at a hardware store to Lisa Frank. Feast your eyes.
Long Fanfic (>50k)
Cruel Angels* by orphan (107k)
The ultimate in eldritch!Cas. This author delivered to me everything I wanted: Cas walking the earth in a giant, freaky, many-headed form that sends everybody but Dean screaming for the hills. The sheer power, scale, and alienness of Castiel in this fic is unparalleled, and yet he always tries so hard to do the right thing, in his endearing way.
Cinderwings* by bendingsignpost (182k)
The Cas in this Cinderella-ish AU is technically not as alien as in most of the fics on this list, in that he is a corporeal humanoid being who just happens to have ginormous wings, but the fic does a great job of portraying Cas and angels in general as very culturally distinct from humans - a lot of the drama of this fic comes from Cas operating from totally different first principles than humans do.
So Says the Sword* by komodobits (85k)
An AU(-ish? it's complicated) where Dean says yes to being Michael's vessel, and Castiel is assigned to guard him. Castiel and Dean are basically locked in a holodeck together, under terrible circumstances, and bond with each other while they wait for the apocalypse. The Castiel POV is beautiful, his true form scene is awe-inspiring, and the fic is so poetically written in general.
Medium Fanfic (10 - 50k)
Broadway Musical* by Griftings
An exceedingly silly AU that includes references to Jewish angel lore, angels having three animal heads as per the Book of Revelation, and Cas having previously possessed a dinosaur as a vessel. I love that Cas has an internal conversation going with Jimmy throughout the fic, a stream of petty arguments and useful tips for playing human, which emphasizes how Cas is not his vessel.
closer (isn't close enough) by fleeceframe
A finale fix-it in which Cas is now an archangel. While Cas is roughly humanoid in this fic, you still get the immensity and power of his true nature. In this fic, he heals trauma damage directly from Dean and Sam's brains, and designs a heaven for bees, which is just... such wholesome weird angel content.
Autrement, Danger - or, The Account of an Exceedingly Long Day by awed_frog (31k)
The description of Cas's true form in this story was so poetic and beautiful I actually cried. This fic captures the concept of the sublime: the feeling you get in prayer or in contemplation of nature that you are very small and the universe is vast and frightening and breathtaking.
Short Fanfic (<10k)
Fata morgana. by orange_crushed (7k)
Castiel in hell, searching for Dean, from demon!Bela's point of view. I love how Bela's demon senses can see Cas's Grace fading and warping in hell. Cas is also just so hopelessly sweet amidst the bleakness of this story.
diamond star halo by jad (5k)
Castiel possessing Dean, from Sam POV. I love fic where Cas possesses other vessels than Jimmy, because it emphasizes that Cas is not his vessel - he is an incorporeal entity who needs help from humans to interact in the human world. Castiel!Dean in this story is just so weird and I love it.
Everyone is Trying to Get to the Bar by Balder12 (8k)
A very weird eldritch Cas made of blade-feathers and spinning wheels and tentacles, AND it's hurt/comfort! I'm such a sucker for fic where a monstrous/alien character is hurt and receives comfort, because monsters deserve love and care, too.
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the-brides-diaries · 2 years
Vampires can turn into animals and have magical powers. That is not new and the Count is not the only one able to do so.
Please read this excellent explanation by user Richard Beker on Quora, about this matter:
Because... in addition to turning into a wolf... he is traditionally considered to be able to turn into a bat as well... is he then a were-bat? Additionally... he maintains his "life" or maybe his "after-life", by drinking... the blood alone from his victim... whereas the werewolf actually consumes the flesh from his kill... being a much messier feeder than the vampire. As often the werewolf loses his human intelligence, and ability to speak intelligibly during and after his transformation, becoming in all respects much more the wild animal than the vampire does... while the vampire retains both his ability to think rationally and speak coherently, often with an interesting accent(thanks, Bela (Lugosi) for that!) perhaps that explains why vampires often consider themselves "higher class" than the werewolf, as they maintain much more of their "human" traits than the werewolf does. Also, the vampire's transformations into either bat or wolf are totally under his (or her) control and is by an active act of will and decision by the vampire... whereas the werewolf's transformation is totally involuntary... occurring automatically under the Full Moon, whether the werewolf wishes to transform or not, which at times can be very inconvenient... and very surprising to those people around the werewolf at that time! Personally... I much prefer vampires to werewolves, as they can, theoretically, survive by not necessarily draining their victim unto death... but only take an amount of blood that leaves the victim alive, so if I was forced to choose between being one or the other,I would choose, if I was forced to, to be a vampire over a werewolf, also because I want to maintain my intelligence and ability to speak... and Female vampires are generally much better looking than female werewolves... who are a little too wild for my taste... but some female vampires are actually very voluptuous and outright gorgeous... not to mention much less furry!
"Anon", I hope this was much informative and that you will consider that your pov isn't necessarily an universal truth everyone has to follow.
Now that that's over with..
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