#except i'm not neglecting anyone
hexplaything · 1 month
ok i was spitefully horny but that's over now it's time to be a degen gamer again
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blizzardz · 2 years
Why are there people who think Sunny was actually just alone in his house for 4 years. As in his mother wasn't there?? For 4 years??
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yayroos · 8 months
full time work is such a con it's the first day of the school holidays (2 week break) here and I'm stuck at my desk but good god my body remembers this being free time. I am aching to go hang out in the garage or wander around in the sun or spend a whole day with a friend. I am tired and desperate for a break and I can hear kids in the neighbourhood in their backyards.
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ariaste · 14 days
listen ok so i made some good jokes yesterday about Lestat having an onlyfans but i am back today with a new essay and this one is entitled
Why The Invention Of Social Media Is Going to Permanently Save Loustat's Fucking Marriage
come on this journey with me.
ok so on one hand we have Louis, who does not like to leave the house except when he absolutely fucking has to and even then he resents it. my man wants to be at home with a book 100% of the time and he's so fucking valid for that. When he leaves the house, bad things happen to him. He has learned this and honestly i can't fault his evidence. it sucks out there. it truly incredibly sucks out there.
the problem is that sometimes he is married to lestat, who starts clawing at the walls if people aren't paying attention to him for 12 consecutive seconds, and being Out Of The House is the best place for him to go foraging for People To Pay Attention To Him. my man once had a rock star career the way that some people get addicted to meth brewed in a trashcan in someone's garage. Louis, through no fault of his own, is simply not capable of filling this psychological need no matter how hard he tries, except he should not even HAVE to try like that, because no one can do it, because Lestat is fucked up and like wasn't hugged enough as a child or something
this imbalance in their relationship is the core source of all their marital problems since day 1: THIS man's idea of a good time is chilling on the sofa in silence and maybe staring contemplatively at the wall for a while, and THIS man starts self-destructing at a truly astonishing rate if no one is making eye contact with him. If you make Louis go outside and socialize with people, he's miserable and sulking and whining about "are we done can we go home". If you make Lestat sit in silence in a chair for five minutes he starts crying and claiming that No One Has Ever Loved Him, Ever, Ever, And No One Understands Him, And He Hates Everyone In This House and He Is Being Actively Neglected And Cruelly Mistreated Right Now And No One Even Bothers To Feel Sorry For Him, This Is BASICALLY Domestic Violence Against Him Personally, If Only Anyone Knew About The Quiet Hidden Tragedies Of An Unhappy Marriage, and then he breaks some furniture and a window and isn't seen again for six weeks and comes back like "you will not believe what just happened, i [checks notes] met Merlin and also a dragon who gave me three wishes, brb i'm going to write another book about it :))))"
all you fucking have to do to fix their problems is to hand Lestat a cellphone and say the words "do you know about social media? you can say whatever shit you want and there's always someone awake in some time zone to talk to you." Suddenly Lestat is now very interested in sitting quietly on the couch, Lounging Alluringly and posting thirst traps on instagram and finally getting emotional fulfillment from all the likes and comments of "omg???? omg this is the hottest man alive". he does not have to leave the house anymore to get his attention meth. His yawning abyss of neediness is being fulfilled by having parasocial relationships with millions of strangers online who all think he's sexy and don't have to experience how fucking awful he is up close. he can flirt pointlessly with 200 people at once which is FINALLY ENOUGH FLIRTATIONS FOR HIM TO SATISFACTORILY JUGGLE
Meanwhile Louis is 3 feet away, vaguely reflecting to himself that HE is feeling all emotionally fulfilled because they're spending this great Quality Time together in perfect silence while he reads his book and Lestat plays on his cellular telephone and only OCCASIONALLY giggles to himself or says "louis which of these photos do you think is sexier, the one with four buttons undone or the one with five buttons undone" Louis is feeling like his Opinion is being Valued, Louis feels like he is being Consulted on Matters that are Important To Lestat. He has opinions about the photographs. It is not that much trouble to be interrupted from staring philosophically at the wall to spend five seconds looking at a photograph and then saying "that one". Finally he is experiencing Cozy Domesticity. he is so horny about it. lestat is surprised and bewildered about the sudden sharp increase in the amount of sex he is now getting but before he can make any vaguely mean comments about it (bc he's confused and vaguely defensive and worried that it's going to stop out of nowhere and he doesn't know any other interpersonal skills for expressing a thought) his phone pings about how he's just broken 5 million followers on instagram and he totally forgets to even mention the sex thing, which means that he continues getting the sex instead of inciting an argument about the sex and going through his 800th divorce from Louis
all their friends are extremely confused when a whole month, and then six months, and then a year goes by without another Loud Divorce happening and no one crashing through their front door like "I HAVE TO SLEEP IN YOUR GUEST COFFIN FOR THE NEXT MONTH, HE IS INTOLERABLE". They are worried. they are concerned. what is going on over there. are they both dead. no, they can't both be dead, Lestat just posted another tiktok of him sucking on his own fingers, which he would not be doing if Louis were dead. there is an ecosystem collapse happening in the groupchat and it's because the main Drama Vectors have been neutralized
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Wow oh wow. Unfortunately, I feel like having a man to say exactly what I'm saying would yield better results than me speaking for myself, because that sincerely gets me nowhere.
#I've often heard how taking a man completely changes the environment and how they respond#Sucks for me that means I'm still fucked#Borderline tearing my hair out at how often I have to repeat myself only to not be listened to#No worries I'm either just in searing pain or go numb it's chill I'm sure it's nothing#Certainly nothing to do with the injuries I went through because that's quickly dismissed as irrelevant and a non factor#Absolute worst case scenario is that untreated numbness get worse than it has and leads to amputation lmfao nothing major#But if you continue to ignore it then you don't even to do anything so it's all good for everyone#Except me of course but that's not important in the slightest nor is the continuous impact it has#I swear the hardcore NHS defenders really grate on me#'Well I was seen instantly and got every test I needed just to make sure and I was treated quickly'#And anyone who has a different experience is full of shit and lying#Like my experience is always dismissed and disregard... Apart from the allergy guy who can't help what needs help#But I can fully acknowledge other people receive amazing care despite the fact I never have#It's not perfect at all so the blind and rabid defence despite the many flaws it has regardless of the good it does is fucking cult like#Anyway I'll continue to get ignored so rip to the things I've lost due to their blatant neglect because I'm unworthy of care#And there's no one to help at all so I gotta continue going it alone and getting flat out ignored#Just perfect#Exactly what I wanted#Guess that's bye to pole permanently thank you for your fantastic world class service#I really don't know what to do and i really am crying because of it all the time
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I guess maybe cause we have a lot of the same issues & he was around recently before I started fronting, but I think about Loki a lot sometimes, n how drastically he changed during the time he was co-host.
How desperate for connection n approval he is, when like me he's also just. On a different wavelength than most people around us. Never could figure out the problem but he used to be so much more likely than the rest of us to try n take interest in other people's interests, to go out of his way to do things for em, but somehow just mostly got it wrong n was met with criticism instead. Or ignored, but that's also what happened when he (at least as far as we could tell) got it right. I'd get it if it caused more work for the people instead of being helpful, but it was always useless at worst?
Like idk maybe him pointing out the things came off as him...expecting praise for some very basic or low effort things he did or something? But it was never about that, he just wanted to be seen. He was just as if not more content seeing people even a little bit happy about it than he was being thanked. He just wanted the connection.
He burnt out n stopped trying pretty fast. He doesn't do things for others anymore. He might, if he's directly asked to n given enough info that he trusts he won't fuck it up somehow, but it goes to the absolute bottom of his priorities. He doesn't try to strike up conversation, definitely not about things he's not into but the other person at least was at some point. Just...doesn't try to connect. His life's on a parallel line to anyone else's n sometimes there might be a brief, coincidental overlap but it doesn't mean much anymore.
I more or less started out from that point. Maybe that's partially where this constant fucking feeling of isolation came from. I don't like being asked to do anything. I'm hyperaware of being ignored n what kinda topics that happens with. I face everything n everyone with the assumption they don't care about anythin I have to say unless it's in (the right kinda) response to what they're saying, though even then I need to learn to cut it off at one or two sentences. It's supposed to be a reply, not a conversation. That when people speak to me they want to talk to me, not with me. Acknowledge it to show you're listening n invested but don't take up time. Which...funnily enough is exactly what Val's always told me. I kinda hate how my ADHD tendency to ramble still gets out of hand all the damn time n I only catch it when it's too late, n how my natural way of processing things is by talkin about em.
I mean. I'm assuming there's gotta be somethin that I'm reading wrong in the situations. Somethin that makes what I say or do weird n I guess off-putting. It's not a new problem, it's (part of) why we never had that many friends n when we did they usually got sick of us after a couple of years. But no one will tell us what it is n after over 20 years of tryin to crack it we're just fucking tired. I know it's some kinda personality disorder + neurotype + trauma combo but it just doesn't feel worth it try anymore when it takes so fucking much energy to try n get it right just for the Russian roulette of havin either a genuine interaction or a new step in my downward spiral. I just got no way to know which one it's gonna be til it happens n a lot of the time I end up wishing I didn't take the risk. I'm too fucking fragile for it.
#with the exception of the partner system. in loki's case especially B in my case especially herald#like i know the feeling of disconnect n being somehow Inherently Different than everyone else is a trauma symptom#especially common with like. childhood emotional neglect#so it's probably not entirely reality based at this point#but for whatever reason it's like....sometime around the time cloud or loki started fronting it started gettin worse n worse#i know it's a schema or some shit but it's. constantly getting reaffirmed instead of us working through it#& i know it's somethin we should talk about in therapy more in depth but whenever we try we choke up so bad we can't make a sound#especially cause anytime we try to talk about it to anyone else than the bf we're pretty much told our perception must be wrong somehow#n it's not like i'm tryin to put blame on anyone or say it's some kinda intentional conspiracy against us?#the only common denominator is us so why would we try to pin it on someone else?#& if our perception is really that off then i mean that'd be the answer. there's something so severely wrong with our brain that we both#repeatedly don't see or hear it when we're being responded to and hallucinate people talkin when they actually don't#which i'm pretty sure would mean we need to be on antipsychotics like asap#this btw is an open invitation to let us know if we are legit reacting to interactions no one else can see or hear#cause the most i'm aware of is the way i sometimes ask people if they said somethin cause i thought i heard someone talk#n that's very much not it. but idk. it's kinda hellish to be an extrovert in a brain that's broken in this specific way.#spdrvent
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katsukikitten · 6 months
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Men suck! So why not drain their bank accounts for wasting your time?! It would be foolish not to. Even more foolish to push the buttons of a very powerful man in the underground world of Tokyo.
But hey wait! He messaged you first! He wanted you to be his sugar baby so badly it makes him look stupid!
Although Bakugou Katsuki is anything but stupid.
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It was supposed to be an easy mark. He followed all of the rules of the unspoken game between sugar baby and sugar daddy. He reached out to you first. He set the time and place for the first date and he asked about your pricing.
To which you told him was a steep two thousand consultation.
Immediately there was a notification with your fee plus a little extra for the expedited meeting in your bank account before he messaged you again.
Wear somethin nice.
His profile was vague as most marks were. Choosing to keep their identity a secret, embarrassed to have to buy a woman's time with their endless cash flow for one reason or another.
Some because of their looks, some their abhorrent attitude, some because they were too busy drowning in their work and some because they just couldn't be bothered for much of anything real only to fall in love after the third date thinking they could buy your heart like they did everything else.
Because at the end of the day all of these marks had something in common. Something to exploit.
They were all terribly lonely.
And despite how forward this mark is, like others have been before him, he was no exception to this rule.
You roll your eyes as you doll up for tonight's meeting. You always wore something nice and appropriate for the setting yet undeniably sexy. Something that made every eye rove over you with the heated gaze of envy. Something that made you everything those men wanted you to be.
A trophy, a status symbol, a yes I'm fucking that.
Scrolling his profile or lack thereof, a little bit more in an attempt to be his perfect baby girl. Knowing that to have a good long lasting con to afford you the luxuries you sat in now, you had to shed your true skin and stuff yourself into something two sizes too small.
Because all men expected that of all women. Of anything of their desire. One must cut away the truest, deepest parts of themselves in order to hold a man's attention span for longer than five minutes. The second you start to look anything relatively human and anything more than a walking sex kitten or cock sleeve is the second they lose interest.
A man often times doesn't want to actually fill the loneliness, not with anything long term, they just want to relieve the ache in their cock.
At least that's all you've ever known and so who was anyone to judge you to exploit them how they exploited others.
Smiling at your reflection as you apply dark eyeliner to your lid, dragging it across your lash line as you go for a more noire mysterious look since you cannot find out much about your potential benefactor. Not that that worried you, you'd worn many skins before.
A recently divorcee, a 'single mom', but most benefactors liked a heavy power imbalance. They lived for the broke college girl act. Showing up in threadbare dresses that were still cute in an old shit box car you'd borrow from a friend and some classical piece of literature those fucks could recognize but knew they'd never read.
Mostly you figured they enjoyed that broke college girl act because they felt they were "helping you build a solid future" all while neglecting their own real daughters at home that they constantly compared you to. Showed you pictures of, similar in age to you and you'd have to stamp down the disgust at these men who probably didn't even know their real baby girl's favorite color.
Absolving themselves of guilt you supposed.
However this new benefactor was something to be excited about, mostly because of the unknown that he seemed to shroud himself in. No interests filled in, no movies or hobbies or songs that he likes.
Not even a profile picture or his name. Just GZ for now and when you checked the banking information on your wire in, it didn't give you any real leads. Received from a business or estate account that google results had no address or number for.
Only his age, 32. Three years your senior.
Which wasn't too bad of a gap well to you anyway, he saw your age as 25 because anything older than that, even one fucking year, men's interest dropped by sixty percent.
Another message comes through the little app.
GZ: Give me your number.
Aggressively forward as you giggle to yourself reading the message, let the read receipts show your interest when you lock your phone and don't reply. Taking the time to apply a nice dark shade of lipstick that made your mouth absolutely sinful as you wore a skin much too close to the real you. Going to your closet for your dress, knowing he was taking you to a very expensive, very highly rated restaurant, most likely to both flaunt and prove he has money.
Zipping up the velvet body con dress with a halter top, the hem stopped just above the knee and you knew it would ride up when you sat down or walked in your black heels with the pearl strap. Pulling on bicep length lace gloves and putting on an onyx ring on your middle finger before adding your pearl necklace to make a suggestion of what he could do to you at the very steep price of seven thousand dollars.
Some men even paid it and even asked to do it in the parking causing them to pay an expedited fee of four thousand. It meant nothing to you and every bit of power they thought they held over you to them.
Opening a drawer to your vanity all with unused pairs of underwear. Choosing a black lacey pair where the ass would be half exposed by lace and strings digging around for the to go tide pen so you could lightly bleach the crotch to make it seem as if they'd been worn all damn day "just for him"
Fuckin gag me.
Your phone pings again, another notification from the SDSB app.
GZ: I don't like waiting, Sweetheart, give me your number.
This time you reply but only after looking over your outfit in the mirror, debating if he'd be into stockings and ripping them before you realize it might make you look a little too conservative for his tastes.
Bbgrl: tell me what GZ stands for and I'll give you those special digits
GZ: I don't barter
Bbgrl: Everything comes at a cost. You know this otherwise you wouldn't be messaging me.
You watch the bouncing bubbles pop up before his quick reply.
GZ: Ground Zero
GZ: Now give me your fuckin number Princess.
Bbgrl: maybe in person, Mr Zero.
Not giving away your actual number was your number one rule and because the last sugar daddy you cut off went full tilt you had to disconnect your other phone and just hadn't had a chance to get a burner yet.
Picking up a small clutch purse you shove inside your lipstick for the night, your phone, the doctored pair of underwear and you don't even bother to bring any sort of wallet.
Walking to a public place a block or so from your luxury condo before you flag down a cab giving them the address as the man smiles down at your cleavage. Enjoying the view in the rearview and it's a wonder he doesn't crash and kill you both. Leaning down to meet his gaze with a disarming smile, wearing a skin to protect both you and him from harm as you force a giggle.
"Eyes on the road silly." When really you wanted to take the knife strapped to your ribs and slit his throat for thinking he even deserved to stare at you like that.
You wore this dress for attention yes but there is a fine line between appreciation of a body and straight up eye fucking you.
And just because you wore this dress didn't give him the right to stare. Counting down from ten as you have pretty visions of gouging his eyes out only for him to pull up right to the restaurant, acting as if he was going to get out and help you.
"No need." You smile politely, "And the fare?"
You look at the triple zeros and his eyes flash to it in embarrassment, so busy eating you alive with his eyes he forgot to start it.
"On the house for a pretty lady."
Forcing a smile as you give him a thanks, leaving the cab as quickly as you can before you walk inside, twenty minutes late for the date.
Tardiness was a big part of the game, whether it agitated them or made them anxious, it would certainly place a little more power on your initial interaction. Gaging their reaction to your power play always determines how you'll respond. Clueless, lost, down right stupid.
The hostess gives you a warm smile as she welcomes you into the restaurant asking of your party size. You're quick to tell her you're here for GZ.
"Or maybe under the name Ground Zero if the initials are too vague." You smile and watch the hostess blanche a moment before she fixes her face.
"Right this way." Expect she doesn't lead you all the way over there, stops just before the darker corner of the restaurant making a gesture with her hands and you chalk it up to nerves. That maybe he owned the whole fucking restaurant.
Watching his large palm swirl a bourbon straight, watch his other heavily ringed hand card through his ash blonde locks.
"Mr Zero?" You ask with a cat like smile, coming to stand beside the table. He glares up at you either oblivious or acting it as you wait for him to pull out your chair.
"Yer fuckin late Princess." He doesn't wait you out though can tell from a glance you'll stand there with your sexy ass heels rooted to the hardwoods of the restaurant before you'd ever sit down. He doesn't give in, this just happened to give him a chance to show his stature. He slams his drink down, clattering the water glasses and your wine glass filled with a pinkish color. Most likely something sweet. For a moment it makes you wonder if he read your profile considering most men didn't bother and showed it often on their first dates that they hadn't when they ordered you red wine. Which you had as your top dislike.
When he rises he's much much bigger than you. Tall enough you have to crane your head up to look at him, broad shoulders and now that he's fully facing you you can see his scarred face. A deep fissure of discolored skin from just over his eyebrow cutting through his eye flaring over his cheek before tapering off at his throat before it meets another deep scar that's hidden under his shirt.
He didn't even bother with a dress jacket, only a dress shirt, black, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows exposing his tattoos and even more scars, his black vest if swirling velvet on the front only emphasizes his broad chest and tapered waist.
He stands there a moment watching you take him in and he cannot lie he is surprised. Most women cowarded at his size especially when they see his scar and his half clouded bromine eye but you just smile. Maybe even a bit of excitement flashed in your eyes but you stand unmoving still that fuckin cat smirk on your dark stained lips.
"My chair, Mr Zero." You remind him and he snarls, leaning in close to your face tipping your chin up to him. It's here you realize how large his hands are, especially when the other settles at your ribcage a moment. You just hope he doesn't feel the knife nestled there and take it as a threat to himself.
"I told you I didn't like waiting." He growls, "So what makes you think Imma continue this date?"
"You're still here aren't you? Besides," You half guide him by moving your face gently from his grip, stepping towards your chair and he follows, "You wouldn't want to cancel a date with such a pretty girl would you?"
"A pretty woman." He corrects with a growl, pulling back your chair and shoving it in roughly when you sit, leaning behind you to whisper in your diamond clad ear, "Yer no girl that's for sure."
As if to say a predator recognizes a predator but you feign ignorance.
"Year?" You ask, smelling your wine before taking a sip. It's fruity, peach you realize with hints of citrus and angel food cake.
"Didn't ask." He bites waiting for you to ask where the menus were, he makes eye contact with the waiter to signal to start their meals. Oblivious, you take another sip of this amazingly delicious wine.
"Bit of a dessert wine isn't it?" You comment, usually men would blunder by now realizing they aren't as prestigious or well versed as they pretended to be but this man proves to be different once again.
"Peach pairs well with spicy and smokey." Glaring right back at you before a mean smile curls his lips, "Unless ya lied twice on your profile."
You set the wine glass down thanking the waiter when they leave fresh bread. Zero is faster than you grabbing for the crusty pre dinner treat as he butters the rich white center before placing the slice on your plate before starting his own.
"Hmm, I haven't lied on my profile." You refuse to touch his offering for now.
"Sweetheart, you may look twenty five but I know that you're closer to thirty than what you want to admit." There's that cruel smile of his again.
"It's quite rude to make a woman seem older than what she is. Touchy subject ya know?" Going back to sipping your wine as you've decided you may need a buzz to endure this date, "Or maybe you don't have a lot of experience with women. Is that why I'm here?"
Smirking over the vein protruding from his throat but the satisfaction only lasts so long, thoughts rounding back to wondering how the fuck he knew your real age and so quickly.
Suddenly you feel his fingers wrapping around the back of you knee as he pulls you forward leaning over the table.
"Haaah? Ya think I don't have experience with women? Oh sweetheart I could have you begging to take my cock in this bathroom in under ten minutes. But I need you for somethin else." He lets his bruising grip go when he sees a flash of the real you, sees your pretty lip snarl in disgust before you fix your face so quickly it would have him wondering if he ever saw that snarl or not.
He thinks he likes this version more than what his right hand picked out from your profile.
Your profile was vague but your photo album was filled with a lot of photos that men could easily project on or imagine themselves with you. Looking demure, easy going, a submissive.
Really Bakugou can tell you're a fucking brat at best and far from demure.
"Is that true Mr Zero? Sex on the first date is quite expensive." You smile cutely, make it a giggle all while the steak knife whispers to you that it belonged shoved through his hand on the table.
"I bet it is sweetheart." He spits back.
"So…our contract?" You're ready to rush this along thinking that maybe this benefactor isn't going to work out and that you'll have to save your underwear for another time.
He leans back, finally looking a little more relaxed as you bring up business as if contracts and dealings were part of his expertise. Taking a sip of his bourbon as he looks you over in that fine velvet dress he imagines on the floor of his expensive bedroom.
"Dunno can ya behave long enough to talk about it?" Deadly smirk on his lips now, one that makes your stomach clench.
"I always behave, Mr. Zero." A purr, one that changes the tone of the entire dinner, at least for now.
A light scoff but he's smiling, genuinely and he looks so handsome like that. His eyes catch something you don't see before the waiter comes over with two starter salads.
You look down at the fresh bed of greens matching his and try not to grimace that he's most likely ordered dinner for you. Hating when benefactors took it upon themselves as they never paid enough attention to order even remotely right.
"Let's see how dinner goes first yea, princess? Gotta make sure I like it before I buy it." A clear taunt and stab at you to which you give a tight smile. Him placing himself above you but you were determined at the very least to secure the after dinner deposit fee from him that was clearly stated on your profile.
Any dinner lasting longer than two hours or is set after eight thirty pm is considered to be equal to two consultation fees.
He already violated the time since he messaged you at exactly six pm tonight and you were always sure to take your time getting ready.
But you had to finish the fucking date first.
"Okay." Agreeing without issue as you bite your tongue. Finishing your salad and your wine, asking him to order you another glass. Batting your eyelashes and for a second you see his face flash with something other than his gruff nature. Standing with the brief explanation of "freshening up."
Annoyed as you enter the ladies room, looking at your reflection as if to share a what the fuck glance with a friend before rooting around in your bag. Touching up your lipstick, spraying yourself with a bit of your perfume that made all the men insane for you before turning your attention to your hair.
Making sure it was still in perfect placement as you angle your pretty face this way and that. Clutch open on the vanity, the dummy pair of underwear threatening to fall out. Checking your account to see if the rest of this date was worth it when you see your stipulation fee is sitting in your account despite the date only being an hour long thus far.
Figuring you'll make this date worth it now, mostly curiosity getting the best of you over what is going to make this contact so fucking special he's more than willing to pay everything upfront.
To deal with your more cheeky side you used to scare off weaker men.
Clawed fingers curling around the soft pair of underwear, rubbing them between your hands vigorously to make them warm to the touch. To have him thinking that this sexy lingerie style underwear was nestled right to your cunt.
Balling them up as you make your way out of the bathroom while the waitresses gossip over the fact that some violent ringleader was dining there tonight and that he was "dangerously hot." Hushing when they see you pass the refreshment nook before you make your way back to the table.
Thankfully his left hand with all his rings is resting on its side on the table giving you more than enough space to press the warm fabric into his palm and curling his fist around it before sitting back across from him. Giving a flirtatious smile to the large blonde who turns his hand to see what you placed into his palm. Smirking and shaking his head as he looks down at the fabric.
Unfurling it with his large hand and seeing the pair of underwear with a little spot on the crotch that makes him chuckle.
You look over your meal that's been set out, can tell he was polite enough to wait for you as the aroma of spicy smoked meat sits before you. Breathing deeply and hating to admit that you'd actually like this dish. Picking up your fork as you let him become dumbfounded over the thought that you were bare under your dress when that was far from the truth.
Bakugou leans over the very expensive meal on the small table. Grabbing at your jaw a bit tightly so he can turn your face to husk in your ear.
"Now gimme the ones you're actually wearing, Princess." He growls, pulling back to hold out his hand expectantly.
Feigning innocence you look up at him and bat your eyelashes since that worked earlier, even letting your eyes get a little glassy.
"Wh-what are you talking about Mr. Zero?" Voice soft and going softer still when you add, "Those are my underwear. I wore them just for you."
He laughs loudly in your face and his grip tightens, mouth back at your ear with a deadly tone. A mix of playful flirtation and restrained anger.
"Now Princess, 'fore I get mad."
It sends a chill down your spine and a jolt to your cunt. Breaking your facade entirely when you let sharp nails bite into his thick wrist as you yank away your face. Looking around trying to come up with an excuse that this was too much of a public place before he adds.
"We're secluded enough." Letting his fingers wave impatiently with his palm up. Your eyes widen as you see how serious he is. Unable to hide the snarl on your lips or the flash of deep seeded anger in your eyes as you obey a benefactor's command instead of tricking them into thinking they had control.
Shimmying up your little bodycon dress, hooking sharp clawed thumbs into the band of the underwear to bring it down past your thick thighs that part for just a moment exposing your pretty mound to Bakugou by accident. It makes saliva coat his tongue and his cock twitch in his expensive pants.
Quickly fixing the hem of your dress that still tries to ride up thanks to your hips and thighs, balling up the black underwear and slapping it into Bakugou's waiting palm harshly. The corner of his lip curls up as he realizes it's a thong, much better than the dummy pair you gave him moments ago.
"You're such a fuckin pervert." You cross your arms over your chest, pushing up your tits giving the ash blonde a snarling pout. Wholly forgetting about your dinner now as you look away from him, can't believe he's won this round.
"Yea? Who's fault is that? Yer the one who gave me a clean pair of underwear to make me love sick for ya so I'd cough up all my cash." He makes no move to pocket the thin pair of underwear you've just given him, making your eyes dart to look for the approaching waiter, "This work on most men Sweetheart?"
"Tsk, yes." You scoff, "Then they send me whatever I fuckin want."
Pushing away a bit, thinking of leaving from how condescending his tone is. Inspecting the first pair you've given him now that he has the actual pair you'd been wearing, looking closely at the crotch.
"Did ya use a bleach pen on these 'fore ya came in?" He laughs when he watches your face blanch, most men couldn't tell. Just thought it was real and went with it, asked for more.
The waiter starts to come back to the table with another glass of Bakugou's bourbon and your wine, trying not to crack. Shoving down the panic and letting your nails bite into your palm letting crescent moons form in your soft skin. To try not to shove his hands into his lap to save you the embarrassment because the last thing you want him to know is that he's actually getting under your skin. He looks over his shoulder to follow your gaze, feral smile on his mouth.
"Besides, who's the real pervert here, Me for enjoying a pretty woman's time," He rolls the dark fabric around in his hand, still warm from your cunt and when he gets to the crotch it's damp, sticky, "Or you, for getting off to playing some dumb ass men outta thousands."
"I'm not-"
"Not what? Wet?" He laughs, letting his thumb slide through the slick of your underwear, uncaring that the waiter is here now. Setting down the drinks and forgoing asking how the meal was quickly slipping away in hopes of not bothering Ground Zero.
"Sweetheart I bet I could run my fingers through that sticky cunt and everyone in this restaurant would hear it." Bringing his thumb up to his mouth licking at it as one would to get sauce off their fingers, his eyes flutter and suddenly your cheeks burn.
"You're insufferable." You hiss, crossing your legs now, still unable to look at him.
"Ya know, I hate liars." He tosses your fake pair of underwear, pocketing the thong you wore with one hand while the other swirls his drink, "Ya've lied three times now."
"I have not."
"Ya have. Yer age, yer whole personality, yer underwear." He lists them on his fingers and funny enough you chose to die on only one of those hills.
"I am twenty five." You hiss, grabbing at your wine and downing it in three swallows.
"But yer not." He chuckles, eyes flicker to your face, you don't have foundation on, going for a mostly natural look, and Bakugou has good eyes where most men didn't, "Ya've got crows feet sweetheart. Seems like ya've smiled a lot in your life."
Reflexivity you go to hide the corner of your eyes, they crease heavily when you really smile. Everyone who knew you, actually knew you, always made the comment of "you smile with your eyes."
"Ah come on they're barely noticeable and nothin to be ashamed about." He chuckles, pulling at your wrists so he could see your face again, "Gimme a smile."
"Fuck off." You hiss waving him away dismissively trying to regain control, "The contract Mr Zero."
He sighs, annoyed as he leans back, "We haven't finished dinner."
"I'd like to skip to dessert." A snarling hiss as you push away what was probably the best meal you could've ever had.
"Oh would you?" Deadly smirk, "I could skip to dessert iffin ya want. In my car or the bathroom, your pick Princess."
"Again you're fucking insufferable." You make motion to stand, to leave, only for his strong hand to catch your wrist and pull you into his lap making this somehow worse.
"What's wrong? Embarrassed now?" He tilts your chin to him and you squeeze your eyes shut in defiance he chuckles lowly, "Tell me yer real age and I'll stop teasing, for now."
You open your eyes to glare at him for a long, long time. No judgment in those bromine eyes as he patiently waits for your answer. You sigh, scratching roughly at his undercut with your long nails whether it was a strategic move or your fingers having a mind of their own, you weren't sure. The only thing you were sure of was that this man was trouble.
Big trouble.
Yet you answer honestly anyway.
"Twenty nine." It's soft, genuinely this time as if you might be a little embarrassed about it when you know you shouldn't. He smiles up at you, letting his thumb linger at one of the corners of your eyes before he lets his fingers trace your face down to your jaw.
"See, won't so bad to admit it was it?" Genuine gentle tone, his hand on your hip squeezing at the fat there.
Your heart races and that foreboding feeling creeps up your throat as you're slowly realizing that you are no longer the one who was hunting.
No, no, now you were being hunted.
Nails bite harshly into his nape as you stand, snarl to your lips and all he can do is chuckle at your flippant attitude.
"M leaving." Holding out your manicured hand, "Give me my underwear back."
"No, I paid for it." He growls really spurring on your temper now.
"All you men are the same. Pigs who want to keep their dicks wet." A scoff as you snarl your pretty lips.
"And I can say all women are the same. Bitches who want to keep their pockets full." He retorts forcing your sharp claws to grab onto the cheeks of what you don't realize is the most powerful man in the entire country.
Even making sure your nails bite into the skin of his cheeks, "I don't need your fucking money."
"Then why're ya here sweetheart?" He smirks up at you, grabbing onto your wrist tightly.
"Fuck you. You don't know me." Shoving his face and escaping his tight grip before you begin to stomp from the restaurant with your head held high.
"You'll be crawling back to me, princess." He calls out with a chuckle.
"I won't!" You send a snarling growl back, unable to get through the too quiet dining room to the exit of the five star place.
Hissing through your teeth with an echoing groan as the night air hits you doing little to cool your temper while you hail a cab.
Pulling up the sugar baby app on your phone going to his profile to block him but before you can a message pops up.
GZ: See ya in two months sweetheart.
You'd never blocked a mark faster in your entire life.
But the thing you don't know about him yet is that Bakugou Katsuki always kept his promises.
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A/N: yay! You've gotten to the end! Thank you so much for reading! Now I have plans to make this a series however I'm not very good at long term things if I'm being honest. Lmfao but please! If you liked or loved this reblog it! I'd love to hear in my inbox or in the body of the reblog or even in your tags of your reblog what you thought of this!
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mhsdatgo · 6 months
Always hated the way according to TB I'm supposed, as a woman, to root for Rhaenyra "Mary Sue" Targaryen because she's a Valyrian woman and can't do no wrong. Otherwise I'm framed as a misogynist, an enabler, a rape apologist, every name in the book. As if this isn't the same girl who coerced her bodyguard because her erectile disfunction uncle didn't wanna bang her after leaving her in a brothel, naked and on plain sight for any kind of perverted brute. As if this isn't the same girl who weaponized both her and her best friend's trauma to twist a truth about something she very willingly did that could've had her disowned if her father was anyone else other than the weak ass neglectful rapist pedo father she had instead.
This is the same girl who ignored and mistreated Alicent when all she did was convince Viserys to allow her privileges she never had, like choosing a husband. Like it or not, it was Alicent the one who gave gave and gave, and Rhaenyra the one who took took and took and even MOCKED, time and time again. The same girl who acted like a victim when the girl she called her literal best friend (only when it benefitted her) was getting maritally R*PED in the next room by her crusty ass father. She never tried connecting with her siblings because they were Alicent's children. Not because their minds were poisoned, not because they were apparently bitter towards her. Because they weren't her mother's children. Same as Viserys. Guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.
I'm supposed to root for a woman who doesn't do one single thing for the claim she feels so entitled to (who was purely based on Viserys' grief and guilt for Aemma)? I'm supposed to root for a woman who brings back to the line of succession the same man everyone wanted far from the line of succession? I'm supposed to root for the woman who wants to be the exception, not give possibilities to other women like an ACTUAL feminist does? She usurps her stepdaughters' claims in favor of her obviously bastard children, and no, betrothing the fpur of them isn't the same. If they die, the girls' claim dies with them, and guess what, exactly that happened.
No, I will not root for the woman who wanted a teenager's head because she was black and because she couldn't cope with the fact that "hEr pRiNcE" didn't love her, only what her title could offer. Or the woman who put a price on a 6yo's and a 2yo's head simply because they were her brother's children, thereby proving what Criston said about what was needed for Jace to raise to power after his mother. She even denied the request of multiple older daughters/sisters who rightfully wanted to lead their houses, with the excuse that the relam would be far too 'imbalanced'. Girl, are you that dense? There's the smallfolk getting eaten and burned and taxes by your dragon and your entire family fighting wars and dying left and right and you think two women ruling their houses will destabilize the realm?
Rhaenyra is many things, but feminist is not among them, no matter how much you cry and whine about it. Yes, I'm aware that no woman in asoiaf or f&b can be described as feminist. But the convinction (and delusion) that Rhaenyra is, without a shadow of doubt, is mindblowing. She's arguably worse than any of said women combined.
No, I don't feel represented or uplifted by a tyrant, classist, racist, hypocritical, spoiled kinslayer with god complex because she's albino and has a pet dragon as spoiled and as useless as her. Sorry not sorry.
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adoresol · 5 months
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♥︎ 𓂃 11:54 PM — p. wonbin
1.4k *smut ⚠︎ (sub!wonbin & fem!reader — light oral: male receiving, blowjob, handjob, boob play, nipple play, light overstimulation).
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IT HAD BEEN A WHILE since you've met with your friends. after becoming so busy with balancing work and school, coming home tired every single day. even your boyfriend had noticed, but him being the sweet boy you've always known, he never complained about it. wonbin would engulf you into a hug once you came home, letting you fall asleep in his arms and rest up as much as you needed.
“are you sure you don't mind? we haven't had time for us, i don't want you to feel like i'm neglecting you.” you muttered, a small pout forming on your lips as you spoke to wonbin. your hand reaching up to his face and rubbing the pad of your thumb against his cheek.
the way wonbin looked at you never failed to set your heart on fire, his eyes stared at you with such awe. he smiled and leaned forward to place a kiss on the top of your head. “i promise, and it's not like i'm not coming with. i want you to have fun with your friends too.”
and to say the very least, you definitely did.
catching up with your friends made all the weight from the past semester that you carried fade away in a flash, laughing at stupid jokes and shared memories. but, you couldn't help noticing how wonbin grew quiet and reserved.
when he first met your friends, it was usual for him to keep to himself. but after a year of you two dating, his interactions with your friends grew natural over time. so you knew for a fact that it couldn't have been his timidness.
meanwhile, wonbin knew that he shouldn't have been so quiet. but he couldn't help it, all of his thoughts raced to your body. he knew he shouldn't have been staring for so long, but he couldn't help it.
you wore a darker colored shirt, one that hugged your body perfectly. specifically the way that it accentuated your breasts made him yearn for you. all he wanted to do was to wrap his mouth around your tits, his tongue to swirl around your nipple while his hand would play with your other breast. to suck gently onto the skin and mark them up with his kisses.
the images clouded his head but the last thing wonbin wanted was to cut your night out together short, just because he couldn't keep it in his pants. he'd been so good at keeping himself under control for the past few weeks, as much as his body craved you, he knew yours craved sleep. wonbin knows how hard you've been working lately, and he wouldn't let his needs get in the way of it.
except for right now, it felt much harder than before. it wasn't his fault that you looked incredibly beautiful, he knew you didn't dress up this way on purpose but he felt himself put the blame all on you.
the shirt dropped down to your round tits, leaving very little to the imagination and usually he would've been slightly upset to let you go out that way because he didn't like when others stared at what was his. but, he's around to keep them in check if anyone wants to try something anyways.
from dating wonbin for so long, you picked up on his tells. wonbin never vocalizes whenever he's needy, so you end up having to figure it out yourself. for example, the way he would avoid eye contact.
“do you want anything else?” you asked wonbin, looking over to meet his eyes only for the boy to shake his head without a word or a glimpse towards your direction. he raised the glass of water to his lips and took a drink instead. or the way he'd squirm around in his seat and readjust his clothing whenever he could. from time to time, you saw your boyfriend tug down on his pants, his bottom lip tucked between his teeth.
as much as you love teasing your boyfriend, you felt yourself grow just as needy as he was. the lack of sex in your lives due to busy schedules impacted you much more than you thought it would — which led to your current predicament.
wonbin's back landed on the bed, and you hovered over his body, lips encased with his. his hand quickly finding its way to your tits, cupping it in his hand with satisfaction. his tongue against yours as you deepened the kiss, your hand reaching down to unbutton his jeans. rubbing your hand against his covered cock, the boy whining in your mouth. “please..” he sighed, pulling away and looking up at you with wide eyes.
“please what, pretty?” you hummed, raising your brows at your needy boyfriend who gulped at the pet name.
“don't make me beg.” he cried, his hand tugging on your shirt. “just want you, in any way you'll have me.”
god, you thought, you couldn't even be mad at him.
quickly pulling his boxers and his jeans down to his ankles, you wrapped your hand around his cock. “pretty boy, so needy, hm?” wonbin nodded at your words, licking his lips as he watched you begin to jerk him off. he moaned at the sight, throwing his head back as your nails graced against his length in an up and down motion. finally receiving the touch he'd been aching for so badly.
your mouth watered at the sight of his cock in your hand. you bent down to his length, pressing your tongue flat against the tip of his cock while maintaining your focus on your boyfriend's facial expressions. lapping at the precum that gathered on the tip, his hips slightly thrusting up at the feeling. the way his brows furrowed and his grip on the bed sheets tightened. you couldn't help but feel pride grow inside of you from watching him, “look at me, baby,” you spoke, breaking wonbin's train of thought (or lack thereof).
you decided to give him a bit of a show, you had seen wonbin staring at your chest almost the entire time. you pressed a kiss on the side of his length, flashing a smile at wonbin before letting his cock drop to his stomach. you slowly took your shirt off, revealing your tits in a black bra with hot pink lacing. his breath hitched at the way your bra clung against your tits, almost begging to be freed.
you chuckled at his reaction, the sound of his breath caught up in his throat made you beam at him.
once you discarded your shirt, you took off your jeans, wonbin's eyes immediately landing onto the matching panties, a pink bow placed right in the middle.
leaning down, you noticed how his gaze fixated onto your tits. “take it off for me.” you told him, motioning towards your bra. wonbin's eyes glued onto yours, his hand reached towards your back, his skin brushing against yours and the feeling made him tingle.
the sight of your boobs releasing from your bra made his mouth open slightly, you laughed softly at his face. “you're so cute, 'bin.” he smiled shyly at your words, his fingers playing with the bud of your breast.
wrapping your hand around his cock and brushing your nipple against the head of his length, you felt his cock twitch in your hand and pride grew inside of you. you were just as needy to have him inside of you (but that would have to wait).
“oh, my love. you've been waiting for this, huh? been missing me all day.” you cooed, his head nodding at your words as you pressed kisses along the shaft of his length, dragging your tongue from the bottom of his cock to the top, humming at the taste of his precum. “my poor baby.”
wonbin whined at your words, his breathing becoming uneven at the way you were making him feel. he could feel all the blood rush to his dick and he felt himself seconds away from cumming. “i-i think.. i'm gonna cum.” he moaned, his legs twitching and his hips meeting your touch.
“cum for me, 'bin.” you nodded at his words, continuing the motion of jerking him off as his tip rubbed your sensitive nipples. ropes of cum shot against your chest, your mouth opening as bits of him cum landed on your lips. his moans growing louder at his release, his heavy lidded eyes watching as you licked the cum from your mouth and began wrapping your lips around his cock.
wonbin's cock seamlessly twitching in your mouth, his thighs tensing up at the overstimulation. his breaths turned into pants as he felt like another orgasm was about to be dragged out of him. “'s'too much.” he whimpered, his head lolling to the side at the feeling.
you grinned at his words, “you can take it.” you spoke, detaching your mouth from his length and your hand going under his shirt, your thumbs teasing his nipples. “you didn't forget about me, right 'bin? pretty baby already came, it's my turn now.”
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a/n — happy new year!! this was heavily inspired simply from this video <3
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b1rds3ye · 9 months
Hi! Hello! I'm not sure if I can make a request, but if I can here's my request!
Can you do an LED mask reader who has a workshop underneath the base that the 141 doesn't know about (except Price, he approved it he just didn't tell the others, he didn't tell Shepherd too)
And when someone breaks something (like a gadget) they tell them to come to their workshop so they can fix it
It's okay if you don't do this! I just really like the idea :)
YES YES YES PLS THIS IS SO CUTE!! (Also PLEASE don't be afraid to invade my askbox, it's always open for brainrot, requests and the such~) Unfortunately I couldn't really incorporate the mask into this, just reader being a lil gremlin I hope that's okay 😭
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The base has bunkers in case of an emergency and evacuation, but there are some passages and dead-ends that have become completely neglected. Price doesn't know how the hell you caught wind of those abandoned rooms but with his authority combined with Laswell's, they manage to allocate a space for you without the knowledge of any stuffy generals like Shepherd.
While it takes some months until anyone else in the 141 is invited to your underground workshop, they do know something is up. One minute you're around and then the next you've disappeared and unreachable (the first few weeks when you cleaned up the bunkers there was absolutely no signal underground). However they had enough faith in you and Price's lack of concern was signal enough to calm down.
It was only when Soap had come back from a mission, he could only groan in despair at his battered hardware. He's normally a clean demolitions expert, but a mission going south quicker than he could blink meant that his typical tools had succumbed to the explosions he set off. Unable to say no to Johnny's pout as he looked around at everyone like a kicked puppy, you eventually give him a reassuring pat on the back.
"See me downstairs, I'll fix it."
... what?
Johnny - as well as Gaz and Ghost who watched the exchange - just stare at you silently as you walk away. Downstairs? You mean the run down evacuation tunnels that are so run down and poorly maintained they're probably more of a death trap than whatever could be up above? But sure enough, you walk in the direction to one of the known entrances to the bunkers and they hastily chase after you (Price also following a little behind because he just knows this is going to be entertaining).
When they find you downstairs, even Price is in awe of what you've done with the place. It's filled with various forms of high-end tech. An impressive blend of both software running automatically on clean screens and gritty hardware that's sprawled across various workbenches and occasionally forgotten on the ground. There's only a singular hanging light at the center of the ceiling, but with a fresh bulb and the ambient light of all your other technology, the place is lit more than enough.
"Bloody hell..." Kyle pulls away from the rest of the 141 and joins you, his eyes following the curves and dips of a nearby piece of machinery he has never seen before but the general shape has him half convinced it's a bloody bomb.
"Like what you see?" You turn to the rest of the task force. You can't stop yourself from straightening your back in pride as the boys were clearly in awe of your handiwork.
"You were hiding this from us?" Simon asks. His voice always has a bite but you could tell that he was just stupefied, his question not just directed to you as he shoots a look to Price who stifles a smug smirk.
"We had some spare space," Price explains. "Thought it could use the renovation."
"Renovation? You rebuilt this from the ground up," Johnny exclaims, taking in the room as if it was a hidden hoard of treasures.
"Say, you'd let us pay you a visit down here, yeah?" Kyle turns back to you, eyes gleaming. The rest of the task force join in their own way. Johnny's nodding enthusiastically, John cocks an eyebrow at you, and even Simon tilts his head in curiosity, waiting for your next words.
"Hm..." you look away, bringing a finger to your chin and tapping it in contemplation. Eventually you let out a huff as you snatch Johnny's broken gear from his hands and start shooing them out. "I'll have to think about it. I'll get back to you in five to seven business days."
Johnny starts animatedly protesting but lets himself be pushed by you out of the door. Kyle laughs while Price hushes them all. Below all the commotion was an underlying understanding and agreement. You don't even need to say it aloud but they'll all certainly be crashing at your underground workshop and they were more than welcome to. In truth, as much as you loved having your private workshop, the only thing that could make it better was entrusting it with the dearest people in your lives.
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Call of Duty Masterlist
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marymary-diva17 · 7 months
Ok so
We know the typical reader being hated by the sullys, and in this request she's neteyam's twin sister but looks sky people or whatever, Jake cares more about her siblings more than her and neytiri is basically blind to all the hate reader gets from the clan and neglect from her dad and siblings, and her dad making go on missions even though she's scared of sky people, buuuuttt.......plot twist, reader gets tired do she trains in the forest alone, spying on sky people way of fighting to play fire with fire, she becomes buff and tall with scars since she decided to live in the middle of the forest in the most forbidden place of it, where no na'vi survived except her apparently, and because of that she deals and hunts bigger, stronger and faster predators than the normal ones, and sooo, she has better reflex and hates the family except neytiri cause she's her mama and tuk because she's too young to comprehend what's going on. She does visit spider once in a while but never reveals where she lives, appearing as an unknown warrior only when the raids are happening and then disappearing in the shadows, hell not even Kiri with her Pandora Jesus powers can track her
You can take something off if you want and the rest you can choose what you want to do
sully family x daughter/sister reader
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Ewya blessed child
part 2
When neytiri and Jake had found out they were going to be parents they were overjoyed with the new, it had been one of the many good news to come since the end of the war between the navi and RDA. Twins will soon enter this world and join the omatacayia clan, their son neteyam was born first his birth had brought everyone great joy then there was his sister you. Your birth was seen as a bad omen to many has you had inherited your father human DNA born with five finger and toes and different shade of blue and different markings then everyone else. Even your hair was seen as something horrible it was white color very know to the navi, you were seen as demon child. She was also seen as the failure as well she was no like other navi child, and never seem to fit in with her clan or even her own family.
Y/n " dad I'm ......"
Jake " young lady I'm not going over this again with you" once again you are in trouble with you dad, training classes had happened and your had completely failed tsu'tey the mentor had brought you to Jake. As all the other mentor had competely giving up on your and deemed your a failure.
netyeam " dad she getting good it not easy for everyone"
Jake " stay out of this son I'm speaking to your sister she need to take accountability"
lo'ak " well dad if you most know there are others to blame for this, the blame is not all her"
Jake " I said enough you two now stop"
y/n " dad I have been trying my best to get better in class but I don't think I'm the warrior type"
Jake " don't pull this stunt on me young lady all the other kids can do combat but you, even te children younger then you can do better"
y/n " dad I'm sorry but I don't think I have it in me for war or to hurt others, I'm scared of going to battle I'm scared dad" you are scared of going to battle as you didn't wish to kill anyone. You wish to study some of these new humans which was not liked by anyone. You always seem to do things in a way that your understood but was not the navi way.
tsu'tey " brother she can't keep up with the other trainees if this keeps up she will be holding back everyone"
y/n " I didn't mean for that to happen I can get better"
Jake " you always say that you don't mean it or to now look what is happing no one else will wish to teach you"
Jake " that times I'm cleaning up your mess and speaking to others because you means we lost more of our people and home, all of this because you are scared ... stop being childish and selfish y/n and act your age because you selfish ways are causing this all"
y/n " I'm sorry dad I not mean anything of this I don't wish to be selfish"
Jake " I don't have the this I'm the leader I have our people and your brothers training to deal with neteyam has to be ready you are wasting my time and his"
y/n " what about mom I can help her maybe I can prove my self there and maybe grandma as well"
Jake " she busy with your baby sister tuk still a child and needs all her attention, and she has her stuff to deal with and your other siblings"
Jake " leave mo'at out of this matter she has your sisters to take after you she doesn't need you"
y/n " well maybe I can help your or the humans I can be helpful dad, give me a chance I know I have mess up but maybe if you hear me out"
Jake " I don't have time for now just go elsewhere and stay away from the warriors and everyone until future notice once again, I will be apologizing for you mistakes"
y/n " I can go say sorry to the class and my mentors"
Jake " just stopp y/n you have done enough today just go else" you said nothing else everyone knew your dad loves your sibling more, then you because when they messed up it was okay but when you messed up it was bad. He will defend them more than he will defend you and that was true.
y/n " yes sir" you soon walked away it seems like everyone was listening to the conversation, you soon reached your mom and sister as they sat outside of the home with, some other mother and children by them having a good time.
y/n " hey"
tuk " sis you are home"
y/n " yes lesson got done early"
kiri " did they or did you mess up again come on sister you have to start thinking more, before you act"
y/n " I did my best"
y/n " umm can I help you all with the weaving I got better" neytiri and kiri looked at each other and soon looked at you.
kiri " sister I and mom have been working on this for months and we have to make sure the style stays good, and it and project me and mom have been trying to keep a secret for dad"
y/n " oh what is it for"
neytiri " a gift for you father is has all the families ikran on it"
tuk " all but mine"
kiri " hush once you get your ikran we will add it" you were looking over the project it had everything special about everyone, in the family well expect you.
y/n "I think you are all missing something"
kiri " no we are not everything on there"
y/n " no you are missing...." you had taken a step not trying to ruin anything but there was soon a loud rip sound.
kiri " no y/n " you soon looked down to see the image of your parents and family had been ripped in half.
y/n " I'm sorry I was making sure I didn't step on anything wrong, here I can help" you had moved out of the way trying to clean up the mess you had made accidentally, but tuk and some other kids were running around not paying attention and trip over you bow that you placed away safely, but one kid had tossed it down hoping to win the game but it was seen like you had done it. sending them falling into the ground, hurting themselves as cries let out.
neytiri " tuk"
y/n " oh tuk I'm so sorry I didn't see you"
neytiri " enough"
y/n " here let me help I can take tuk and take care of her"
kiri " enough sister please move ... move I need to attend to our sister you had hurt while not looking where you are going"
y/n " umm sure is there anything I can do"
kiri " no juts stop"
y/n " tuk I'm sorry so sorry"
tuk " it hurts"
y/n " oh tuk I'm so sorry when you are better I will make it up to you, hey hey don't we go for flight or you can have my desert at dinner"
tuk " can a hug help"
y/n " oh tuk"
neytiri " just leave you sister alone just go away for a bit, we can deal with her"
y/n " okay mom is there anything I can do while I'm gone I can get dinner or collect new materials for the project anything name it"
neytiri " become a better daughter and sister, and one of the people" you looked at you mom hurt and it seems like your sister heard it as well, but soon went back to attend to tuk who was still hurt because of you.
navi mother " you have no shame ruining your mom and sister work and not hurting children even your own sister"
y/n " I didn't mean to if there anything I can do"
neytiri " just go away y/n please just leave and don't come back" neytiri was now looking at you in the eyes and she was mad, it seems like she didn't see you as her daughter anymore. You didn't say anything else as you soon left, feeling all eyes on you getting dirty looks from the mothers and their kids. Once you were out of the view of the clan you soon started running as fast and far you legs can take you. You kept on running until you could no longer run anymore feeling the pain in your legs and feet.
y/n " I'm even a failure to my family" you didn't know where you ran to but you just wish to sit down and relax.
y/n " I can't be a warrior like the rest of my family and I will never be a healer like kiri ... I always mess up and can never do everything everyone else wants me to do it like .... I'm no true navi I'm a demon in false body"
y/n " even I'm bring my sibling into this when it not their problem"
y/n " now because of me we are losing this warrior and more lives will be lost, and now I rude dad gift he would of like so much I rude everything .... I'm selfish and childlish as well" tears were falling down your face as your felt like a complete failure as daughter, sister, and navi altogether. You even thought the human hate you as well as they will rush away and cover stuff when you came by, you were unwanted by everyone. expect your sibling, your grandmother, and spider they always love you and wanted to spend time with you.
y/n " I just wanted to be helpful and keep everyone alive and well" you soon felt something touch your forehead. You soon open your eyes to see a wood spirt you had gotten up and look at it.
y/n " hello little one are you lost" you reach out your hand as the spirt start floating over it making you laugh and smile, soon more spirts had shown up getting your attention.
y/n " well it look like you are not alone" the wood spirt had float down towards your feet and start making it way up, soon followed by other doing the same as well as the other float around you. A smile had grown on your face as this happen it was so beautiful and wonderful.
y/n " huh" it seems like the woods spirt were leading you towards something so you decide to follow them, going deep and deeper into the forest until you reached a grand spitter tree.
y/n " wow' you follow the spirts towards the grains tree as all the other trees started to glowing brighter and brighter. you soon reach the tree truck.
y/n " I have never been here what is here anyways where I'm" the spirt from earlier was floating near you, as one the tree branch was hanging low.
y/n " I'm going with you want me to grab and see what happens right, well I'm trusting you spirt and all your friends ... oh please great mother given me strength to be strong and helpful ... I just want to be there for my family and people as I feel lost and useless" you had closed your eyes and made the connection, soon open your eyes.
y/n " huh" you soon saw Thanator was trapped one of rda traps, you remember this day as you soon saw a child version of you. Who was walking slowing towards the creatures holding your blade as you walked towards the creature. the Thanator was looking at young you made and growling, as you raised up your blade looking like you were making a hunter blow when you cut off the trap from the creatures and removed and tracking device.
younger you " there you go see I mean you no harm" younger you had broken the tracking device in many piece and soon tossed it over a cliff.
young you " see all good now you are all better they will not find you" the Thanator soon looked at you and soon bowed towards you and your bow back, the creatures soon ran off into the woods. The Thanator was not the last creatures you saved from hunter traps.
y/n " I remember that day I was so proud of myself" soon another memory started playing it was other version of you from years ago . You had come across some rda scientists and one solider .
Scientist " leave us alone we mean you no harm"
younger you " I mean no harm as well"
Scientist 2 " then why are you here anyways"
younger you " I saw your fire and came to see if you need help ... you r friend is sick" you had seen the other humans laying down sweating badly and sick.
Scientist 3 " no please don't him he our friend he mean no harm, he has a family"
younger you " I'm here to help no cause anymore harm" you soon saw flower that could help and some herbs, you grabbed them and soon of metal cups starting cursing them.
solider "what going one ... she one of them what is is doing"
Scientist 3 " don't worry she her to help you"
younger you " the hot water can I use it"
Scientist " yes give her what she said" the forth scientist had grabbed the water and gave it to you, and you soon poured the water into the cup and soon walked to the man.
younger you " drink it and you will feel better" You were kneeling down towards the man as he looked at you, he soon took the cup his friend.
solider " it ever sweet"
Scientist " what did you give him"
younger you " a herbal tea that will help heal you friend he will feel better soon"
solider ' thank you"
younger you " you are welcome now you all most head back to your home, before the scouting party see you"
Scientist 2 " why are you helping us"
younger you " because I care and you all seem like you mean no harm"
scientist " are you well enough to move"
solider " yes ready to go"
younger you " here some advice the rda higher up are using you all I know you all came here for some reason, but once the rda has had it use with you they will leave you all behind"
Scientist " thank you child we will always remember this"
younger you " if you use this way you will be home befroe dark and avoid any hunters out there, the warriors and brave and will defend our homes ... I have show your kindness today where other wouldn't dont make me regret my choices" the human had looked at you soon clearing thier stuff and soon leave the area, you made sure their tracks were not followed.
y/n " I still wonder whatever happen to them after that day" you had shown kindness and help your so called enemies will others would not. You even shown kindness toward you clan members and humans even due they didn't like it most of the time. soon the memories ended and you back in the real world.
???? " you are not selfish or childish" you soon got scared when you heard a deep voice speaking to you, making you looked around to see tshaik standing near you but she seemed different.
y/n " hello have you called me here"
????? " yes I have called you here today as I have been sneaking you out since the day you open your eyes"
y/n " huh"
????? " you think you are useless, selfish, and childlish, failure I'm right" the women was walking around you as you following her every movement.
y/n " yes"
???? " that is false I have seen what you have done in the past showing kindness towards the creatures here and face the most dangerous ones, and being there for enemies you wish to understand verse hate them"
y/n " yes"
????? " you are not useless, selfish, childlish, and failure you are perfect my child as I have a dynasty made for you and you will discover more as you grow"
y/n " huh what do you mean"
???? " you have come to place that thsaik once they are in elders years can come and you are still young, that speak volumes you will be great tshaik one day"
y/n " no that is for my sister I can't take that away"
????" still caring for your family that why you will be perfect my child, you will be good tshaik and show everyone what you can do" the women was soon standing in front of you and soon tapped your forehead as wood spirts soon started circle around you, as the women disappeared as the tree starting glowing bright and brighter. The wind was blowing as well and you could hear this sweet song and soon everything had felt like it stopped.
???? " now go live your life with wonder and beauty it will not be easy, but you will do great things my child great things" soon it felt like everything had ended.
y/n " thank you" It was night time and you realized it was far to late to be away from home, your family might be worried for you. You soon raced home with a smile one your face as the spirts followed you, as the ground glowing under your feet as your feet hit the ground. While everything else glowed when you fingers touched them, you felt some happy once you reached home you were alone.
y/n " I'm home but it seems like no came looking for me ... it okay at least they are all okay that all the matters" you soon reached your home to hear and see you family having a good time eating dinner and talking, you wish to join them but you didn't after today you felt it was wrong.
y/n " I should leave it will be bad if they see me" you soon went to place you had made with your siblings and spider, you soon climbed all the way up there it was tree house that what Jake called it. You had picked some fruit while eating it, watching some the light turn. You looked out onto pandora wondering what will happen next and what was your dynasty. You had fallen asleep that night not feeling alone like past nights you felt like you were not alone. anymore and just maybe there was some others here and with the great mother that are on your side.
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Realized upon that hometown events' guest characters are those who are close with SSR card main characters. And I'm not saying because they are family or close friends.
Jamil - They could picked either of Jamil's parents yet decided upon Najma. Why? Because he and his parents' relationship are complicated and Najma is someone that he is close to the most and can be himself without worried about hierarchy. They even have typically sibling relationship where Najma mess with him but never outright cruel to him. (Love how she stole the shawarma)
Epel - Well Epel is a family man and he is close with each of the family relatives. I'm sure the reason it's Marja is because she is involved with the sled competition more than his family even looks like her the most (once he gets old). I mean it's hilarious how Idia fangirls Marja because she is inspiration of his favorite character.
Leona - they could have picked Farena since Cheka was already present but they picked Kifaji which is surprising given the last two are family members yet the guest character is the Twisted version of Zazu (but still interesting to have another twisted version of a Disney character). The reason is probably because he isn't close with Farena despite his brother caring about Leona that much but knowing his overblot backstory, he despise him since he is the heir and how people praise him while they badmouthed Leona. While Kifaji and Leona aren't really close, he is one of the few that Kifaji treated him well without discriminating him especially from the chess game. Kifaji is basically like a parent or an uncle to Leona and given Leona's family issues, he is close to someone than any of his family.
Deuce - knowing well about what he said about his mother, it's obvious that his mother is the guest character. Not to mentioned, the only person he is close to the most. Since he left the gang to leave a better life and how he treated everyone disrespectful and no known relatives except for his grandmother, his mother is closest person he has and how he'll do everything for his mother.
Vil - so far one of the two overblot boys (with Azul being the other one) are the ones without family problems (Idia seems to have caring parents but the family business is complicated for chapter 6 and 7 reasons). Obviously Vil will have his own father be the guest character because he is a great dad to Vil who doesn't abuse nor neglect him. Vil even talks proudly about his father.
So based on that, it's not just relationship towards the SSR but also how they are close to one another without ill-intentions nor trauma. So I have feeling the next hometown events will be similar to which the SSR closest to be the guest character.
Like for example, Azul's guest character could be his mother because he proudly talks about his mother and how he is happy that he married her divorce lawyer. I can picture tweels' guest character to be either their parents.
Now the only issues on who is closest to are the Lilia, Silver, Riddle's, Shroud brothers', and Malleus'.
Lilia and Silver are eachother's relatives and doesn't seem to have anyone they talk to outside of the family (Baul and Zigvolt don't really count especially when Baul ready debuted and felt they would be Sebek's guest characters). We already seen through the Shroud's parents and I doubt that Idia has someone close and Ortho is extroverted but I'm not sure what their hometown is like besides Styx. Do they have other children or anyone close to?
Malleus's family is complicated and we know about Senate. So he would likely have his grandmother.
Riddle for obvious reasons...
So this is just my speculation.
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I believe it has been stated that the manga intentionally blacks out the face of Mrs. Rosehearts because she is viewed as the source of Riddle’s trauma. It keeps her in this shadowy, untouchable status and maintains the idea that the darkness of the past still impacts us in present day. I anticipate that this will hold and become the pattern for each OB boy’s flashback sequences. (We’ll soon see!)
If that’s the case for the manga, then it makes sense for the game to do something similar by purposefully keeping the faces of figures who play a significant role in each OB boy’s trauma a secret. That means likely no Mrs. Rosehearts, similar to how we did not meet the Viper parents in A Firelit Sky nor Farena/Falena in Tamashina Mina. However, some parents are clearly still fair game since they do have a good relationship with their son (Mrs. Ashengrotto and Azul, for example.). We see an example of this with Eric Venue showing up in Tapis Rouge.
It makes sense to meet family members whom the SSR boy has a good relationship with; running into a family member that stresses them out would kill the fun and easygoing vibes of the hometown event and would instead present an interpersonal issue that runs too deep to be resolved in a satisfying way before the event’s conclusion. Imagine a hometown event in which we have to stay over in Riddle’s home and we witness his parents fighting?? 😔 I don’t think that’s something that could be “fixed” in like 5 parts… Of course, not every family is perfect and that’s valid. It’s just not the scope or the perspective that TWST hometown events want or are equipped to deal with.
I feel like any of the Ocatrio’s family are pretty fair game? Despite how sketchy they are, Azul, Floyd, and Jade seem to be on good terms with all of their family members (well, maybe excluding Azul’s biological father) and learned many important things from them. I am, once again, asking TWST for a Coral Sea hometown event… 🤚 ✋ *holds out hands*
I’m sure that the characters who don’t have obvious family members to meet/yet to be revealed will have some other substitution? Probably a new character that’s twisted from another Disney character (similar to Kifaji). Maybe we’ll see a new noble fae that Lilia knows, Silver’s guardian fae that blessed him at birth, or prominent STYX staff (like maybe twisted Pain or Panic?).
For Malleus, his only living relative is his grandmother, sooo… I guess he’ll introduce us to the reigning monarch if he’s the SSR of a Briar Valley hometown event 😂 Malleus does what Leona won’t…
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solarmorrigan · 6 months
If you’re still taking prompts, could I ask for “please come get me” with Steddie?
I’ve read over all your other angst prompts and just about died this morning, you’re so good at the pain!!
Hello! :D Thank you for the prompt! I'm afraid this one is a little heavier on the comfort than the hurt, so perhaps not as much pain, but if you've been binging what I've written so far, maybe that's a good thing?? But anyway, I hope this is alright!
[Warning for implied child neglect/emotional abuse. Nothing really happens in the fic, but just as a heads up]
Angsty-ish Prompt List
Eddie shouldn’t be hearing this. This isn’t a conversation meant for spectators.
“I know you just got back from a trip, I just–” Harrington says into the receiver of the payphone, clinging to the handset as he practically wilts against the useless ‘privacy wall’ next to it. “I’m sorry, I was just hoping you could give me a ride home.”
All Eddie had wanted to do was cut the pep rally like any self-respecting social outcast would, except he couldn’t just ditch and go home; it’s Friday, and he has Hellfire after this. But the last thing he’d expected while loitering around outside, waiting for the pep rally to end, had been to stumble across Steve Harrington on the phone, practically begging someone for a ride home.
“No, I drove myself here today, I’m just not sure I can drive home.” Harrington pauses, then sighs. “No, Dad, this is a pep rally, I haven’t been drinking.” Whatever comes down the line next makes his posture snap straight almost immediately, before he hunches back in on himself with a wince and a hand pressed to his forehead. “No, sir. I’m sorry, sir.”
This is weird. This is so weird. Harrington is meant to be cocky – confident and in-charge and at ease, not curled around a payphone in the same way a kicked puppy tries to protect itself even as it asks someone for more attention.
Someone who is apparently his dad.
It’s just – weird. It’s like how you know a lemon is a citrus fruit, just the same as an orange, but the second you peel off the rind, you feel like you’ve seen something forbidden. Lemons aren’t meant to be peeled that way, and Harrington isn’t meant to look close to tears while trying to get someone to drive him home.
“I – I’m sick. I mean, it’s – I have a migraine,” Harrington explains haltingly. “No, it’s not just – yeah, my head hurts, but if it was just that, I swear I wouldn’t bother you, I just – I’m dizzy, and my vision’s all blurry, so I’m not sure I can drive, and I don’t…”
Shit, that sounds kind of fucked up. Eddie frowns, leaning against the wall he’s been peering around, now definitely intentionally eavesdropping. Harrington is frowning, too, rubbing a frustrated hand over his face.
“Tommy and I don’t hang out anymore, we haven’t in over a year,” Harrington says, then carries on a little more quietly, a little more subdued, “and there isn’t really anyone else here I can catch a ride with, either.”
Eddie will admit he hasn’t been paying a whole lot of attention, but anyone who doesn’t live under a rock knows that Harrington’s popularity had taken a bit of a hit last year, when he’d ditched Hagan and Perkins and decided to be a bit less of a dick. And then this year – well, even if Hargrove hadn’t crowed enough about the fight between the two of them, the state of Harrington’s face back in November had spoken volumes. Still, Eddie hadn’t been aware the condition of Harrington’s social life was so dire.
“I’m not – I’m not making this up, the doctor talked to you about this, he– I’m not trying to talk back, I just– Dad, please, can you just – please, come get me,” Harrington stutters through what sounds very much like a losing argument before going silent altogether, pressing one hand over his eyes as he lets his head hang, the other still holding the handset near his ear. “I understand,” he says dully after a minute. “I’m sorry. I’ll – I’ll figure it out… Yes, sir.”
It doesn’t seem like there’s much left to say after that. Harrington hangs up the phone and leans up against the adjacent wall before sliding down and sitting himself right there on the ground, knees drawn up and face in his hands.
Eddie ducks back around the corner, gnawing on his lip, caught in indecision. He shouldn’t have overheard any of that, intentionally or otherwise, but now that he has, he can’t just – not do something.
Can he?
He tries to tell himself it’s not his problem, that Harrington’s certainly never done him any favors, even if he’d never been a dick to Eddie specifically, but it doesn’t work. All Eddie can see is the defeated slump of Harrington’s shoulders, the helpless way he’d just sort of dropped to the ground, the way he’d quietly admitted there’s no one else he can ask for a ride – Eddie’s always had a soft spot for the lonely ones.
But when he rounds the corner, prepared to come up with some bullshit excuse as to why he’s out here and willing to drive Harrington home, he finds that Harrington is – gone.
Eddie glances around, but he doesn’t seem to be anywhere. Poof, vanished while Eddie had been too busy trying to decide what to do.
Well, damn.
Distantly hoping that Harrington had, indeed, figured something out, Eddie tries to put the incident out of his mind. The pep rally will be over soon, and that means Hellfire will begin, and he needs to get his head in the game.
He has no real reason to think on the incident after that, and he’s fairly successful at shoving it somewhere into the back of his mind until nearly two years later, in a setting so far removed from that spring day at the school that it might as well be in another life.
Eddie has to extricate himself from a few fans (actual fans; apparently, rumors of Satanism and returning form the dead will do wonders for the reputation of your metal band) in order to get up from the table settled near the back of The Hideout. Gareth, Jeff, and Oliver are all accounted for, enjoying their drinks and chatting with whoever’s descended upon them after their set, but Steve had disappeared ten minutes ago and has yet to make a reappearance.
Ten minutes isn’t all that long, Eddie knows logically, but after last year, after everything, it still feels a little too long. If he finds Steve and Steve tells him he’s fine, then that’s great, Eddie will leave him be. But he just wants to check.
The bathroom is a bust, empty but for one drunk swaying precariously in front of a urinal, so Eddie heads outside, where, around the side of the building, settled on the ground in a triangle of sodium-glow orange thrown off by a nearby streetlight, he finds his quarry.
Steve is sitting with his back to the rough wood façade of the bar, his knees drawn up in front of him and his head leaned back against the wall behind him. His eyes are closed, but there’s a little pinch of tension between his brows, and Eddie is abruptly reminded of that day, eons ago and not really that long ago at all, when all Steve had wanted was for someone to care enough to give him a ride home when he’d been sick.
Eddie finds his ass on the concrete right next to Steve before he even has the conscious thought to go over and sit down.
“Doing okay, sweetheart?” Eddie asks, picking up one of Steve’s hands from where it’s resting on his own knee (it’s safe enough right here, Eddie knows; someone would have to actively be looking for them to spot them where they’re tucked away).
If Steve is surprised to find Eddie beside him, he doesn’t show it. He turns to look at Eddie in the low light, offering him a fond little smile.
“I’m good. It was just getting to be a little much in there, so I came out here for a break,” he says.
Things like excessive noise and heat—say, the likes of which might be experienced at a concert in a crowded bar (or maybe a high school pep rally)—tend to be migraine triggers for Steve, so why he continues attending shows at The Hideout is beyond Eddie. He’s tried telling him that he doesn’t have to come, but Steve still insists he wants to make it to every performance that he can.
Eddie squeezes Steve’s hand. “You wanna head out?”
Steve shakes his head. “You’re having a good time. I don’t want to take you away from that.”
“I’m not going to be having a good time if you’re miserable.” Eddie reaches up and cups Steve’s cheek in his hand, keeping him facing in Eddie’s direction. “You’re a priority for me, you know that, right? Say the word, and we’ll go home.”
It doesn’t seem like Steve has anything to say to that; instead, he just stares at Eddie with something like wonder, as if Eddie’s just done anything more amazing than promise Steve that he’ll never have to beg for basic consideration.
“Besides,” Eddie goes on, if for no other reason than to shift the sudden weight of Steve’s reverence, “it’s not like it would be a hardship.” He leans in, pressing a kiss to Steve’s willing mouth before he continues, speaking so close that their lips are brushing. “Getting to take you home, take you to bed, lie there in the dark, just the two of us…”
Steve presses in for another kiss, long and lingering, before pulling away.
“Let’s stay a little longer,” he says. “Jeff owes me a beer, anyway.”
“Y’know,” Eddie pauses with a grunt of effort as Steve stands and uses their joined hands to pull Eddie up after him, “the only reason you knew the movie he was referencing—and, thus, the only reason he owes you a beer—is because I made you watch it.”
“And? What do you want, a medal?” Steve snarks.
“Well,” Eddie drawls, glancing Steve up and down, “some token of appreciation wouldn’t be remiss.”
Steve raises an unimpressed eyebrow at Eddie. “It would be if we did it in the alley next to a bar.”
“Wow, Harrington, mind in the gutter much? I only meant a beer,” Eddie sniffs, all exaggerated offense.
“Sure you did,” Steve says. “Now c’mon; one more beer, and then… home?”
“You got it, sweetheart,” Eddie says, offering one more quick kiss in hopes of putting any hesitation out of Steve’s mind. “One more beer, and then home.”
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bonefall · 6 months
Is Sandgorse still abusive in BB? If so does he still save Sparrow? Idk I think it'd be a neat thing for Talltail to brood on and move past once realizing the truth. Like just because your abuser did a "Good Thing tm" doesn't mean you have to forgive them or that all of a sudden it excuses their past a tion towards you.
Or did you remove this plot beat entirely? If so I don't blame you :P
Weird that Tumblr search isn't giving me all the stuff I tagged :/ hopefully after finals are done I can compile a 1st draft/The Story So Far for the rework of Tallstar’s Revenge
It's now called TALLSTAR’S COLLAPSE. It is actually a story I am rewriting with tragedy in mind. It's about Talltail fleeing WindClan with his starcrossed lover, Sparrow, only to eventually be drawn back to it where he becomes a perpetuator of all the things that made him leave.
To answer your question; Yes, and. Sandgorse is abusive and there's a LOT of nuance to this situation. I'm not sure if he still saves "Sparrow" though because I have waaaay more of a point in mind with Tallstar’s tumultuous relationship to him.
Summary of changes,
Tallstar's Collapse
Sparrow is the Clanmew name Jake takes when his group interacts with WindClan. His first language is actually a dialect of Townmew!
(Also Firestar has no known father in BB)
His group is nomadic. They go from place to place trading goods. I need a name for both them and their cultural "cluster" but in my head, Jake's family is the Algernauts because Algernon is the current leader
It's important the Algernauts are extremely endearing because leaving them is VERY painful
(and something i want to frame as the wrong choice for tallstar, emotionally)
WindClan is in a very sensitive period of its history. Before Tallstar was born, Heatherstar began the Mothermouth Moorland War, to take a very large parcel of land from ShadowClan. A good 1/5th of it.
Naturally this is a huge project and incredibly ambitious. Sacrifices Must Be Made
The sacrifice she has chosen to make is the death of tunneling. Because she's smothering it.
Tunneling is PEACEFUL, defensive at best. You can't dig them in a floodplain, they would be useless for holding the Mothermouth Moorland territory
Tallkit is born into a terrible position. Son of the head tunneler, mother in a terrible depression, and Heatherstar trying to pry a wedge between the "future" and the "past"
Im also planning to change his name. He was born Slowworm-Kit, which has a connotation of cleverness in Clanmew. To bully him, Shrewpaw calls him Wormtail, because Slowworms drop their tails if pulled. It means "you will get trapped in a cave-in, and when they pull your tail, it'll fall off"
But it doesn't translate well into English... so I'm not sure what his Heatherstar-given warrior name would be. Wormwing or Wormleap maybe, like he "defied fate" to become a wonderful moor-runner...
Or maybe the prefix is Drop? Droptail as the mean bully name and Dropflight as the warrior name...
Anyway, when he returns, Heatherstar welcomes back the extra claws and honors the lesson he learned with "Talltale." In Clanmew this is "Story-travelled," his leader name meaning "Tale-star."
Anyway. Back to the cat drama
Talltail (name pending) is in a tight spot. I kind of want to show everyone being a victim except Heatherstar herself, who has all the power in this situation.
Not that it excuses anyone
Sandgorse is watching something he loves dying, an ancient tradition passed down for generations. He is trying to force his son into a position he shouldn't HAVE to occupy, but his child is the one thing he might have any control over
(Until Tall breaks it ofc)
Tallpaw was just a kid. He needed to take out his bullying and the stress on something, and that was usually his mother and the concept of tunneling
Palebird has been completely neglected by her mate as he focuses on the person he WANTS his kid to be. She NAMED a Fading Kit, a serious social taboo, and even the support of the nursery and Woolytail can't pull her out before Tall's kithood is over
Heatherstar is using Tallpaw as a political pawn and Tallpaw is too young and hurt to realize it. He was given to her sister, Dawnstripe, and endlessly praised for his skill and talent in a time where he NEEDED positive feedback
Which is making his relationships with his parents worse
All the while, there's VIOLENCE. Regular raids and counterstrikes. Cats die and get injured, and it only escalates as Tall gets older and Cedarstar is reaching the end of his lives, hoping to end the conflict before then
And in all this chaos and uncertainty, there comes Sparrow.
Just a trader and an honored guest, there's been lots of these nomadic visitors since the time of Windstar herself, but they've become quite rare.
When Sandgorse dies suddenly in that collapse (TITLE DROP) Talltail has the push he finally needs. It's too much. He can't process this
Sparrow begs him to leave with them, they don't even need to confront anyone, just come!
I have tons of really nice little things planned for this part of the story. It's several chapters of Talltail being free.
He engages in the funeral rites of Wee Hen, asking if he may sit vigil for her. His new family is honored to allow it, Reena even tries to do it too and falls asleep
(Little sister energy)
They meet all sorts of people and go to many places. Talltail learns that the world is vast, and there's an endless amount of knowledge out here.
It all starts crashing down when him and Jake find a litter of abandoned kittens, and become parents.
They're a few moons old.. around the same age as his halfsibs back home.
It starts bringing back memories. He wonders how they're doing. If they made a nice grave for Sandgorse...
The sudden longing for his own mother strikes him like lightning.
For the first time in eons, he feels GUILT over leaving. He thought it was over-- he's living his own life now!
But what if they're hurt? What if there was a battle and he couldn't help? What if his mentor died and he didn't even know?
What kind of a horrible son doesn't even say goodbye?
The problems that made him leave seem so small now, and the homesickness is like acid leaking from his stomach, dissolving his guts and leaving him hollow
He's raising kits who will never know what it means to earn a title, or have a permanent home, or--
(Any of the other things he should have learned don't have meaning outside of clan culture. Things they wouldn't miss.)
He cherishes the memories he makes here, raising children with his mate, but something turns inside of Talltail. Like the groaning ache of a hundred stones on top of a decaying mineshaft
The REAL collapse is this. An existential crisis Talltail can't escape from.
And eventually, it comes tumbling down with one last, horrible nightmare.
In his dream, he came home only to find the sandy camp abandoned, the dens decrepit, full of musty scent and cobwebs.
Sandgorse was there. And they talked.
His dad was gruff as always, disappointed. But he didn't say anything the real Sandgorse would say.
The nightmare said, "You really did turn out like me. We both left your mother when she needed us. Turned our backs on our leader. And now we're both dead to WindClan."
Tall wakes up crying. Jake is there to comfort him, but the conversation they have is sad.
Jake tries to tell him that's all not true, and even if it WAS his dad, his dad sucked and would only say that to hurt him!
But... Tall can't believe it. Jake's right but also wrong. He IS all those horrible things.
And...... how can jake ever Understand? He does not know the Bonds of a Clan cat
(thought terminating cliche. Outsiders Cant Understand Our Bonds.)
He stays a few more days, but that nightmare was the end. And everyone sees the change.
The kits are apprentice-aged. He stayed until they would be old enough to keep up with the Algernauts.
And he says goodbye. He won't ever leave without saying goodbye ever again.
Jake says it doesn't have to be goodbye, he'll always love him, and they can visit! They can see each other again!
And Tall says yes. That this isn't the end. It's... see you later, my love.
(...but they both know how violent it's getting between Wind and Shadow. It isn't safe to visit.)
It is the end. But neither can admit it.
But after Tall is a fair distance away, one of his kits tackles him.
POSSIBLY Post-Tallstar's Collapse
Not sure if I'd put these in a novella or still make it part of it, but these are all directly related to the fallout of Tallstar's Collapse
Most likely is that there would be overlap between this and Brokenstar's Cataclysm, so the same events would be seen in different perspectives.
The kit's name is Fly. Tall has to wait for him to catch his breath and stop crying before they can talk.
Fly already lost parents before. He says he knows he can't make his dads stay together, "But PLEASE, papa, let me choose where I go this time!"
How could he say no? How could he send his son away after a plea like that?
He told him it would be hard. That he would be trained. That there would be dangerous fights.
Fly didn't care, he said he could be strong. He could do anything he needed to.
So... Tall took him to WindClan, where he became Flypaw. He became the warrior he promised he would be.
And Tall didn't notice how much the kid was changing until it was too late. Flytail took to it as if he was Clanborn-- but had to work twice as hard, fight thrice as viciously.
Though Talltail was graced with an Honor Title and open arms, he'd adopted his greatest rival.
Fly and Tall started competing for deputyship as soon as they finished training apprentices; Heatherstar had a fondness for the two of them.
In the end, Talltail won the spot by springing into action and saving Heatherstar's young nephew, a little golden tabby, from an adder.
Flytail continued as one of the more aggressive warriors in the Clan, surviving increasingly violent and bitter battles, until it came to a head in Heatherstar's Last Stand.
Her final battle as an old leader was a gruesome, definitive curbstomp in the last strategic point ShadowClan held above Carrionplace.
One of the losses was Lizardstripe-- neck snapped in Flytail's jaws.
Runningnose, and by extension, the oak-tree to his long-shadow, Brokentail, remembered this. Especially when Runningnose's father Mudfoot collapsed later that year.
As Talltail took leadership from the dying Heatherstar, a familiar regretful guilt wormed into his belly.
His son Flytail stood with a bloody mouth, eyes wet with sorrow, looking down at the leader Talltail once loved almost as much. Appreciating her sacrifice.
(secretly he didnt choose Deadfoot as his deputy just for his honor title or the battle move he invented... he chose him because there was a shocked, sorrowful look in his eyes at the fallen shadowclan cat. Sympathy seems more honorable in this moment.)
Tallstar is a wise leader... but his fatal flaw is naivety. How could he think he'd bring his son into WindClan, and not see the boy grow into a ferocious Warrior?
And naivety is what he displayed when he offered Raggedstar a peace deal. WindClan would keep the land, but they would pay a small tax of rabbits over the winter.
It was unprecedented. It was merciful. It was stupid.
When the winter was over, what would stop them from pushing further south?
Would they trade back the frogs and the flax, come summer?
On the blood and bones of so many warriors? As if giving up was ever an option?
Brokentail killed his father to prevent him from taking the deal, and reawakened Ripplestar's War Tactics.
BURN the peat. KILL the prey. OFFENSE is defense. A dead warrior is 10 less claws. A dead apprentice is 1 less warrior.
Stolen kittens are 1 more warrior on your own side.
Tallstar paid the ultimate price for letting Flytail follow him home that day. On the night of the massacre, Flytail went down fighting alongside a mate and a daughter. Dogpiled by Tangleburr and her squadron in revenge for Lizardstripe and Mudfoot.
Tallstar's granddaughter Stoneclaw, made a warrior and sitting for her vigil on that night, was the sole survivor of the little family.
The event stopped her from speaking again, like she's still sitting vigil.
Tallstar is a character who almost broke free of the control of the Clans. For a brief moment of his life, he was free.
He thought maybe he could change things a little, protect his Clanmates from the battles by being part of them, have the Mothermouth Moorland and protect the peace at the same time. But you CAN'T.
You can't fix broken systems without fundamentally changing them. He thought he could be a nice warlord and that would work on the Clan whose territory he had inherited. Power acts through people just as much as they act through power.
And that's Tallstar. He who travels the world, yet is never able to go far enough. Always falling just a little short of the point, believing that love and mercy is enough while blissfully ignorant of the pressures of pride and power.
Into this role, as a successor to this leader, Onestar is unwillingly thrust.
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eddies-house · 8 months
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Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6 | Ch. 7 | Ch. 8 | Ch. 9 | Ch. 10 | Ch. 11 | Ch. 12 | Ch. 13 | Ch. 14 |
Smoke Signals
Chapter Seven - Halloween
W/C: 10K
Eddie x Fem reader - Grumpy!Bartender!Eddie x Shy!Reader
Or where you show up to the town's biggest Halloween Bash and you unexpectantly take on the roll of a babysitter.
A/N: this is a long one..and tbh some of it isn't edited...but i'm super excited about this one but also nervous.
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Bass bumped through the unfamiliar house, vibrating all the way down the driveway and to the street where you stood.  Shouting could be heard, no doubt a collection of drunks getting overly excited about something usually mundane.  Fog smothered the driveway, a decision you felt was made by someone sober at the time of setting it up only to neglect the fact that everyone would be wasted by the time it got dark, sending people tumbling down the driveway in their drunken state.  It did add to the atmosphere though, a nice touch that gave it that eerie, spooky feel the owner was probably going for.  
As you trekked up the lengthy and steep driveway, a mock graveyard sat to the right, taking up the space that would usually be the front yard.  Fake limbs stuck out of the dirt and splatters of blood painted the plastic headstones.   A lonely skeleton sat propped up against one, his arm hanging around it as if it were his good friend.  Some pumpkins appeared to be slaughtered and littered throughout the yard, the guts surely rotting in the grass and in one of the trees, hung a hopefully fake body, swaying in the chilly breeze.
From what you had heard, the owners went all out every year, Halloween night being their specialty.  The closer to the house you got, the louder the music and the louder the voices got.  Donnie had told you that it would be a rager but you severely underestimated her words and took them as a joke.  You were already hesitant to even attend but now, you were fully questioning if you should even dare to step through the door.  It’d be smart to turn around now and go home, maybe watch a few movies and indulge in that candy you’d bought and placed in a large bowl on the coffee table at home.  Half of it was gone of course, you stealing a piece here and there throughout the past week.  You could stuff your face with the rest if you left now.  
You had to be brave and walk through that door with confidence.  Even if it was fake.  You were never going to meet new people if you kept hiding away in your tower.  This town was never going to feel like home if you didn't start treating it like it.  Donnie was the closest person you had to a friend and as much as you appreciated her, she was more than half your age and had a whole family already.  She mentioned that people ‘your age’ would definitely be at this party, everyone went to this party.
You can’t miss it.  She assured.
But on another hand, no one would miss you anyway, no one ever did.  Even if they did know of you.  There was no harm in trekking back down the driveway and rushing home to snuggle up in your pajamas, right?
No, you have to do this.  You have to push yourself out of your comfort zone even if it feels like you're diving off a cliff.  But what if everyone stares at you?  And whispers about how they didn’t invite you?  Donnie promised anyone who’s anyone attends this party, even people from a few town’s over who hear about it from a friend of a friend.  So why couldn’t you shake the feeling that you just didn’t belong?  That you were intruding.  
Everyone’s gonna hate me.
It was especially embarrassing that you were wearing a Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz costume.  It wasn’t even all that out there but you felt so uncomfortable without your standard wardrobe.  You felt as if your ruby red glittery heels would suddenly draw unwanted attention, your pigtails making a mockery out of you even if just for the costume.  Everyone dressed up so why were you the exception?  Why were you the only one they would single out, especially in such a common Halloween costume?  You were sure there would probably be much more flamboyant costumes, ghouls and goblins covered in blood, zombies with ungodly amounts of face paint, and even vampires with those ridiculous plastic teeth.  No one made fun of them so why were you so insecure?
Every possible outcome ran through your brain while you stalled on the doormat.  That is until two men dressed in chicken suits bursted through the door, cackling while they set up for a smoke break on the front porch, completely missing you as you stood there terrified.  They leaned over the railing as they went on, slurring about how crazy it was that someone had somehow punctured a hole in the keg, a seemingly impossible task.  
You took the opportunity to slip in through the cracked door, gently closing it behind you as you entered the chaos that was the famous Knife’s Edge Halloween Bash.  Strobe lights flashed in the corners of what you could make out as the living room and the regular light bulbs in the ceiling were all switched out for purple and green, adding to the ambience.  The floor was hidden beneath a sea of people dancing their hearts out to Thriller by Michael Jackson, some attempting to actually perform the dance, and others simply flailing their limbs around and hoping for the best.  
A rather convincing mummy was stealing the show, everyone else creating a circle around him as he danced like no one was watching.  Not one person glanced your way, either too intoxicated to notice or just unbothered seeing as there were already over a hundred people occupying the house.  The line of cars you’d seen up and down the street should have given that away but to be fair, you were too busy running circles in your head and rehearsing how you were going to walk in.  All of that went straight to the garbage once you saw the nature of the place.  
Everyone was too caught up in having fun to take note of a timid Dorothy sneaking through the front door.  Fun.  Something you couldn’t see yourself having unless you had at least a drink or two in you.  It’s sad but it was the only way to loosen up around such a large volume of people. Sobriety was not an option unless you wanted to remain an anxious fly on the wall.  
The only issue was finding the source of alcohol, more than likely in the kitchen which you had yet to locate.  In order to get anywhere, you would have to weave through the crowd of sweaty bodies, the smell of tequila and beer already filling your nostrils just by standing a few feet away from them.  
Taking a deep breath, you clutch your little wicker basket close to your body and begin squeezing in between people with a polite ‘excuse me’ accompanying every accidental touch.  Along the way you pass a preppy cheerleader, a few stereotypical vampires, a cowboy and a cow, a dentist, and some guy with a fake chainsaw covered in fake blood.  You’re finally able to see your destination just through a large archway, relief already finding you as you inch closer and closer. 
The kitchen’s fluorescent lighting is a major contrast to the purple and green throughout the rest of the house.  It still follows the spooky theme, however, with an orange tablecloth draped over the island and purple and orange streamers hanging from the doorway.  On the island sits a large punch bowl filled with mysterious red liquid along with a stack of red cups and a few choices of liquor next to it.  A bowl of pretzels and some Halloween themed cupcakes are placed next to that, and at the other end, is a bucket of candy along with some various kinds of chips.  
Hanging from the chandelier is a homemade ghost using a torn sheet, the eyes and mouth filled in with sharpie.  The floor is sticky as you slowly make your way forward, most likely the mysterious liquid that had been spilled several times throughout the night already.  More shouting can be heard from the living room, some kind of dance off being announced that you would gladly hide from.  So far, you didn’t recognize anyone although it would be pretty difficult to seeing as everyone was dressed up.
Gingerly, you grab a cup and scoop the smallest amount of the mystery liquid in.  Upon taking the tiniest sip, you can determine that it's some kind of jungle juice.  A hangover in a cup.  With disgust written on your face, you discreetly throw out the remaining juice in the sink, instead opting to take a shot or two to loosen up.  Maybe just one for now.  You learned your lesson when taking four straight tequila shots at a time and didn’t need a repeat.  Especially at a party with several hundred people as witnesses.
So you fill the bottom of your cup with some whiskey, a generous shot.  Throwing it back, it goes down a lot smoother than that tequila had, the burn being mild but still causing your face to twist.  The cup is discarded in the trash, cutting yourself off before you can get ahead so as not to get absolutely wasted within minutes.  If you had an appetite, you’d snatch one of those delicious looking cupcakes but unfortunately, you needed to pace yourself.  Nerves and alcohol didn't make for the most stable stomach and you were already feeling queasy just from the mere thought of having to socialize with strangers.  
Exploring further into the house, you exit through the other archway leading into a dining room that displays even more food than the kitchen, a whole buffet laid out for guests including potato salad, macaroni salad, various horderves, snack mix, a giant bowl of M&Ms, and more.  A dream for a child, dinner and dessert all in one.  
A few partygoers were scooping some food onto their plates, chatting about who knows what while you moved on to the next room which appeared to be the family room.  The TV played some kind of horror film while absolutely no one watched it, the room almost empty aside from a couple in the corner making out.  
A few pops and some celebratory yells are heard just out the back sliding door, drawing you in.  The closer you got,  you could see someone dressed as a scarecrow holding a bottle of champagne overflowing onto the deck.  You were curious as to what everyone was celebrating but got cold feet when you reached for the handle, your hand glued to it but not putting any effort into actually sliding it open.  Just as you decided you were going to chicken out and find a corner to hang out in instead, someone points at the door, outing you, causing your blood to run cold in embarrassment.  When the scarecrow turns around, you can see that it's Donnie, face paint pulling her whole look together.  
At the sight of you, her face lights up, hands thrown up in excitement as the champagne she’s holding sloshes over and further coats the deck.  She doesn’t seem to mind, as she hands off the bottle to someone else and makes her way over to the door, sliding it open.  Your cheeks begin to feel hot as people stare at the interaction, unwanted attention that you could’ve escaped had you been quicker.  
“You made it!”  She just about squeals, giving you a tight squeeze.  
She had clearly had a few drinks, unafraid of any affection as she previously stated that she hated friendly affection of any kind, more prone to use her words to show appreciation.  But you didn’t mind, Donnie was the one person you were comfortable with and your one friend so if she happened to show affection while under the influence, so be it.  And maybe by her doing so, you wouldn’t appear to be such a freak to what seemed to be her friends.  Maybe it would grant you acceptance into their circle.  
“I made it.”  You repeat with a polite smile.
“So we were just popping some champagne we found.”  Donnie explains.  “No rhyme or reason, we just found it inside and thought, hell lets just go at it.”
Nodding, you try to appear as enthusiastic as possible, covering up your anxiety to the best of your ability.  People were still staring at you and it was proving difficult to just ignore it, holes practically being burned into you.  A few of them you recognized as regulars at the bar but the rest were complete strangers.  Either way, you were intimidated.  
“You want some?”  Donnie offers to which you begin shaking your head frantically.
“No, no, I’m okay!  I already had something and I have to drive later anyway.”  You explain.
Donnie nods understandingly before starting a dreadful introduction to the group.  She points out Brian, Sam, and Wyatt, her sons who were fully grown, the oldest Brian, being around thirty.  You didn’t catch who was the youngest or middle since Donnie was talking so fast.  Then she reintroduces you to her husband, Nathan, who you had previously met at the supermarket though Donnie didn’t seem to remember in her current state.  Then there were the owners of the house, Crystal and Gabriel, a very nice couple in their forties who made Halloween their night and everyone knew it.  Apparently Thanksgiving was Donnie and Nathan’s holiday according to a little comment uttered by Crystal.  There were what seemed to be a dozen more introductions though you couldn’t recall every single person.  You only remember Donnie skimming by an introduction to Jett’s mom, Kristy who seemed like a lovely woman.
Thankfully, once everyone was acquainted with you, they seemed to move one rather quickly and continued on with their festivities.  A fire pit sat in the middle of the deck, crackling away while a few individuals rested on the chairs circling it, warming themselves up.  Some orange lights were wound around the railing accompanied by some fake cotton spiderwebs.  Everyone held a drink in their hand except you and you were starting to regret not at least carrying your empty cup with you to occupy your awkward hands.  Rookie mistake.
Your breathing becomes increasingly shallow with each passing second, panic settling in as you attempt to remember how to act like a person.  You almost contemplate rushing off to the bathroom to hide but quickly scrap the idea, knowing Donnie may take notice.  Instead, you stupidly shuffle your feet in place, trying to ground yourself with no luck.  
In your inner turmoil, you can vaguely hear everyone else engaging in conversation about their lives or some silly story.  Something you didn’t care to tune into as your inner monologue chants at you to run.  Even with the one shot that you thought would relax you, you still feel your shoulders tensing and your jaw tightening anxiously.  If anyone were to initiate small talk with you right now, you’d come off like a dunce, thoughts unable to form gracefully.  Tonight was definitely a bad idea and you should’ve just stayed home where you knew your place.
Uncomfortably, you remain standing as everyone passes around the champagne.  There was no way to dismiss yourself without seeming like you were rude and awkward.  This was hell.  
“Okay, elders!”  You hear a familiar voice from around the corner, steps clunking up the deck stairs.  “We got your drugs, now pay up.”  
Jett emerges, a second pair of steps heard behind him.  He’s dressed like a greaser, hair slicked back as he wears a white shirt tucked into his tight jeans.
“We got the goodies!”  Eddie singsongs from behind him, dangling a plastic bag full of weed.  
Eddie seems to be dressed as…himself?  With a bit of smudged eyeliner.  His torso is covered with his standard black leather jacket and he’s pretty much wearing what he wears in his day to day.  Except when he dramatically flings his leather jacket at Jett, he sports a very revealing cut off shirt, all ripped and torn.  And his fingernails are painted black.
“Jeez, Eddie!  You’re gonna catch a cold, put that back on or go inside!”  Donnie scolds.
“‘M fine.”  He mutters, tossing the weed at Jett who just barely catches it as he drops Eddie’s jacket to the floor.
Donnie sighs, giving up on the argument seeing that Eddie was too stubborn to listen.  Suddenly you feel yourself warm up, the chill October air no longer pinching at your cheeks as they grow hot again.  Not out of embarrassment this time. 
“Gon’ get ‘nother beer.”  Eddie mumbles, stumbling toward you though he doesn’t realize it yet.
“That kid gives me a headache and he’s not even mine.”  Donnie says.
“Hey!”  Eddie whines, turning back toward the group mid stride.  “You claimed me ‘s one ‘f your own, ‘member?”  He points at her.
Several people chuckle at the scene while Donnie rolls her eyes and waves him off.  He was clearly a lot more intoxicated than everyone else.  His waddle toward the sliding door is evidence enough.  
“Drink some water, boy.”  Nathan advises.
“‘Rink some water.”  Eddie mocks in a high pitch to himself while hiccuping before colliding into your shoulder.  “Oh shit.”
Stumbling backwards, you stabilize yourself while his hands reach out and rest a bit too comfortably on top of your shoulders, heavy handed.  Almost as if he were using you to keep himself up.  When you dare to glance up, you’re met with heavy, glazed over eyes, bloodshot and decorated in smeared black liner.  His lips paint a perfectly content smile as he sways back and forth, unbalanced.
“Bambi.”  He cooes.
“Hi.”  You whisper, startled like a mouse.
“Heyyy.”  He draws out eyes becoming even heavier if possible.
“Munson, get off ‘er.”  Jett laughs, shoving Eddie to the side.  He manages to save himself from face planting into the deck, leaning himself against the side of the house.
“Should kick ‘yr ass.”  Eddie mutters, glaring at Jett.
“No one wants you leanin’ on ‘em like that!”  Jett defends.  “Hey, Bambi.”  He greets you.
At this, Eddie appears enraged, his face visibly going red as he shoots Jett a glare that no one would want to be on the receiving end of.  Everyone else seemed to have moved on, paying no mind to Eddie’s sudden shift in mood.
“Hi, Jett.”  You reply, a friendly grin gracing your lips.
With a grunt, Eddie pushes off the wall and storms inside, evidently pissed about something.  Jett shares the same confused expression as you, shrugging while he starts asking how you are, if you’re enjoying the party, and if you’d seen the huge array of food they had out yet.  You answer all of his questions to his satisfaction but mentally, you’re trying to track Eddie down.  Trying to understand what set him off and made him leave with such irritation.  Had this been the first week you met him, you would’ve dismissed it as his normal temper but now that you’d known him for almost two months and gotten to know how his emotions function, you knew better. 
He had also clearly been under the influence which could mean nothing happened and his emotions were just sensitive.  But you had a strong suspicion that there was a definite reason he abruptly got angry and rushed inside.  No one else seemed to notice, aside from you and Jett.  And he obviously paid no mind and didn’t intend on going after Eddie so maybe you were missing something.  Or maybe everyone was also blinded by their intoxication and you were the only sound minded individual in the group right now.
“Oh and then—“
“I think I’m gonna head inside, it’s kinda cold out here.”  You interrupt Jett’s tangent on his and Eddie’s journey down the road to collect the weed they had been sent to pick up.
“Oh well just take this.”  He says, snatching up Eddie’s jacket off the ground and handing it to you.
You should’ve come up with a different excuse though to be fair, you didn’t think he’d hand you Eddie’s jacket.  He was supposed to follow your lead and let you go inside.  Wasn’t he concerned about Eddie too? 
“T-thank you.”  You clutch the jacket in your hand, draping it over your forearm.
“Yeah!  So we were just walking—“
“Jett, I’m sorry I’m gonna run to the bathroom, okay?”  You cut him off again.
You felt bad for seeming so uninterested in what he had to say but you couldn’t go much longer without knowing if Eddie had gotten himself into trouble.  He was super out of it from what you could tell and it was eating away at you.  It only made it worse that he was so angry and if you were the most sober one at the party, it would be in your hands if something happened to him and you knew he had run off.
Before Jett can get another word in, you spin on your heel and rush inside, the music still blaring and everyone still screaming from the living room.  The whole house felt like it was vibrating, your body buzzing as the bass dropped.  That same couple still remained in the corner making out, their stamina impressing you.
Entering the kitchen, there’s no sight of Eddie, only a few guests topping off their drinks and toasting to themselves loudly.  Realistically, you should take another shot to calm your nerves but this nightmare of an evening needed to be cut short and you would need to drive home as soon as you found him and returned him to the group.  
Dreadfully walking yourself back into the living room where the heart of the party beats, you focus on each individual, attempting to spot the one dressed in all black with almost no shirt, tattoos, and a head full of brown curls.  It proves to be more difficult since the lighting was so dim and the strobe lights left you seeing spots.  
Everyone seems to be having the time of their life and here you are, worried sick about someone who never thinks twice about you.  Even before he arrived you were having the worst time and wanted to go home immediately.  Halloween would’ve been perfect if you stayed home where you couldn’t make a fool of yourself in front of people.  
“Tequila!”  A woman dressed as a slutty maid shouts, carrying a tray full of shots past you, only eliciting a gag from the back of your throat at the smell.  “No tequila for you then.”  She jokes, you shaking your head as you cover your nose.
It was obvious that Eddie wasn’t going to hit the dance floor after getting so infuriated. Unless that’s the first thing he would do in his state?  You weren’t completely sure but you were almost certain that he wouldn’t.  As a large group gathers around for shots, you manage to escape down a hallway where you imagine the bathroom might be.  It’s completely dark, the only light coming from underneath a door on the left, probably the bathroom.  At the end of the hall is what looks like a bedroom, the moonlight shining in from the blinds to just barely reveal a bed.  
No one seemed to be in said bed, an empty room for people to crash in at the end of the night.  Eddie could be in the bathroom but you’d have to be sure before leaving.  With a shy knock on the door, struggle to hear any voice that might respond.  Pressing your ear to the door, you try again, only to be met with the annoyed voice of a woman saying she’ll be out in a second and that she was fixing her lipstick.
Clearly not Eddie.
At this point you’ve covered the downstairs, no sign of the man so far.  He would be good at hide and seek, you assume.  Or maybe you’re just the blind.  Retracing your steps back out into the living room, you collide with a few bodies, none of them paying any mind to the impact as they continue to dance, flailing around like rag dolls.  You didn’t think it was possible for the room to get any more humid but you were proven wrong, sweat grazing your arms as you pass by and attempt to avoid touching anyone, failing miserably.  
Your perfect ruby heels are starting to kill you, digging into your skin in all the wrong places, making it more difficult to walk with every step you take.  You know for sure that come the morning, you’ll have blisters that will be bothering you for days.  Reluctantly, you slide them off and scoop them up, dangling them by your fingers, Eddie’s jacket still hanging off your arm.  You were becoming a walking closet.
Going upstairs didn’t seem like a great decision seeing as this wasn’t your house and you didn’t want to give Crystal and Gabriel the impression that you liked to snoop around.  Although, if someone did see you, you could just vouch for yourself by saying you were looking for a bathroom and the downstairs one was taken already.  So up you went, nervously glancing behind you.  The coast seemed clear, not one person paying you any mind, the party still capturing their undivided attention.
Like magic, Eddie appears as you reach the top of the stairs, leaning against one of the doors as he weakly knocks, his forehead pressed to the wood.  He was gorgeous, the perfect image of an 80’s rockstar gone 90’s.  His back was nearly on display, shoulders all broad and waist lean.  You could make out bat wings tattooed symmetrically on his shoulder blades and something along his ribs.  The sight flustered you but you were here for one purpose and that was to retrieve him and get him back to Donnie so she or someone else could keep an eye on him.
“Dude, ‘urry up!”  He whines into the door,  pounding on it with more force.  “Hafta piss ‘n maybe throw u—up.”  He hiccups.
You want to giggle but quickly remember how miserable that feeling is, your stomach rejecting you and releasing its contents in protest of the alcohol you continue to bombard it with.  You realize that no light pours out from underneath the door which meant the bathroom had to be available.
“Eddie, I don’t think anyone’s in there.”  You offer, slowly walking up behind him.  
“Pfft, it’s locked.”  He scoffs, hitting his forehead against the wood with a thump.
When you reach your hand toward the handle and twist the door open, he gasps, nearly falling head first into the bathroom.  It wasn’t thought through, opening a door with a grown man leaning his full weight onto it.  Luckily, he catches himself, hands gripping the countertop as he sways.
“Shit, I’m sorry.”  You hiss, voice tinged with regret.
“‘S okay.”  He mumbles, pulling his zipper down.
“Oh!”  Covering your eyes, you shut the door.
“Wait, wait, wait!”
“Eddie, I am not standing in there with you while you pee!”  You yell through the door.
“God.”  He groans, a stream following.  “Just—I know!”
“I’ll stand right here and make sure you don’t fall and hit your head, okay?”  You bargain.
After several seconds, you don’t hear any movement, worry kicking in once again.  He couldn’t have hit his head, you would’ve heard it.  What if he passed out but didn’t hit anything?  It was pathetic, the way worry would grow inside you solely for him.  Just when you begin a countdown to burst through the door to check on him, you can hear the unmistakable sound of him puking his guts out.  Now you wonder if you should go in anyway and hold his hair back.  
Dry heaving is heard through the door, the awful sound the only thing you can focus on.  You can’t take it anymore.  You can only hope he remembered to zip his pants back up in his drunken state.  Opening the door, you reveal Eddie hunched over the toilet, his hair draped over his shoulders, clearly in his way.  You rush to his side, dropping your heels and his jacket in the process and collecting his curls in your hands, pulling them back as he breathes heavily, drool hanging from his mouth.  His eyes are wet and his hands are shaky as they grip the toilet seat.  You feel as if he should be vomiting in your lap for payback for puking on him that one night.  
“Ah shit.”  He complains, shaking his head.  “Round two, get o—out”.  He gags.
Throw up was the embodiment of the most disgusting thing you could ever think of, smell and everything but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care at this moment.  Even with his clammy skin and pukey lips.
“It’s okay, just let it out.”  You encourage him, hesitantly running a hand over his back, regretting doing so as you feel the muscles under his skin tense.
“Seriously, out.”  He almost vomits, swallowing it down.  
The action alone should be enough to have you jumping up and leaving but you stay.  
“Eddie, just puke it all up.  It’s fine.  I’m gonna hold your hair.”  You tell him.
He shudders, glancing over at you with his bloodshot eyes.  It’s like he’s shooting daggers at you before his eyes soften involuntarily, irises becoming that caramel toned warmness you were becoming more and more familiar with.  His pupils are dilated, huge planets in the middle of his eyes, clearly high and drunk though you still recognize the puppy dog-look he was giving you.  
“Eddie, if you don’t puke right now—“
As if on command, he lunges forward and spews out the rest of his stomach.  The sound makes you wince but you try to hide it as best as you can for his sake.  It’s not his fault his body is reacting to the substances he put into his body.  Maybe it is his fault since he put those substances into his body but regardless, you felt for him.  Once it has to come out, it has to come out and there’s no going back.  
“There you go.”  You soothe, fingertips gently raking up and down his spine.
“Fuck.”  He whispers into the bowl, spitting out a huge glob of saliva. It would repulse you if it were anyone else.
“It’s okay.”  You whisper just as quietly.
Grabbing the toilet paper and folding it a few times, you rip it and hand it to him to clean himself up.  You linger for a few seconds, waiting for him to grab it but he only continues to stare into the toilet bowl, hands braced on either side.  Just when you’re about to speak up again, he goes in for a third round.  You can’t help but feel bad for him even if the smell is nauseating you.  
“You want some water?”  You offer, standing up in preparation to go find him some.
“No, stay.”  He blindly grabs the hem of your dress, wiping his mouth with his forearm.
He didn’t seem to have a follow up reason as to why he wanted you to stay but you do anyway.  It was still a concern of yours that he stayed hydrated but you would tuck the thought aside momentarily to appease him.  
“Okay, what do you need?”  
Finally, he relaxes, his stomach seemingly empty now as he sits back against the wall.  A sigh leaves his lips, relief slipping off of them as he gazes up at the ceiling.  Shutting his eyes, he shows no indication of responding anytime soon, his pale face exhausted.  Sitting down beside him was your best bet, that way if he did decide that he needed to spill his guts again, you were there to assist.  And it was especially comforting to sit there just in case he passed out since he was at risk of hitting his head against something.  He was obviously still out of it, sobriety seeping in very slowly, the room more than likely spinning from his perspective.
“Dizzy?”  You ask.
“Mhm.”  He hums, squeezing his eyes shut as if it would aid in steadying the room.
“You need water.”
“Mm.”  He disagrees, shaking his head.
“Yes, it’ll help with the dizziness…probably.”  You tell him, standing up once again.
This time he doesn’t protest, the message sinking in.  You do, however, worry what could happen in the seconds that you’re gone.  But, you have no other options right now.
“Stay here—Eddie, stay here.  Do you hear me?  Don’t move.”  You try to drill into his brain.
All he offers is a weak nod, unable to even open his eyes.  Satisfied enough with the response, you speed out of the bathroom and down the stairs into the kitchen.  It was easy enough to grab a cup and fill it with water, dodging the wasted party guests that had gathered around the counter to play some kind of drinking game.
“Hey, where did you run off to!”  Jett calls over to you.
Carefully, carrying the cup of water as not to spill, you turn around to meet his cheerful face.  He had clearly gotten into that weed stash as his eyes were even more bloodshot than Eddie’s and his face was the most relaxed you’d ever seen it.  And he was a pretty laid back guy so that was saying something.
“Oh, uh, Eddie’s not feeling good so I was just helping him out.”  You explain.
Jett offers a suspicious squint, eyes glimmering in mischief as he reaches for a cupcake.  
“What?”  You ask genuinely.
He shakes his head, sticking his hands up in surrender which only makes you question the strange boy further.  What was going on in that hyperactive mind of his?
“Nothin’”  He smirks, orange icing coating his upper lip.
You didn’t have time for him to elaborate, if you could even get him to.  You just needed to get back upstairs, you had already been gone for a few seconds too long, worry burying in your gut like a parasite.
“Okay, I have to get back to Eddie and make sure he hasn’t done something stupid.”
“Mmmhmm.”  Jett giggles.
If only you had the time to interrogate him and inquire as to why he found that so funny.  But you didn’t.  Leaving him behind to laugh to himself, you can just barely make out one last word as you turn on your heel.
Your eyes grow ten times bigger as you scurry away.  Did he think that’s what this was?  That you were on your way to hook up with your boss?  Did it look that way to everyone else?  Jett was going to rat you out for something you weren’t even doing, you were convinced.  No matter how nice of a guy Jett proved he was, he was higher than a kite and could start up a rumor like wildfire if he relayed his suspicion to anyone.  It’s possible you were being paranoid but come the morning, if there were rumors floating around, you knew exactly who to blame.
Trying to shake the butterflies you felt taking your stomach hostage, you concentrate on getting the water upstairs without spilling a drop.  It was evident that you had filled the cup a tad too high, giving you even more of a challenge.  As you conquer the stairs, you anxiously peer around the corner into the bathroom, hoping and praying that Eddie had listened and didn’t move an inch.  Otherwise, you were on another goosechase for a six foot tall metalhead for the second time that night and respectfully, your organs wouldn’t be able to handle another spurt of anxiety like that.
Much to your relief, Eddie sits against the wall just as you had left him, eyes still shut tight and head bowed.  He doesn’t seem to hear your sock covered feet padding into the bathroom, not one muscle twitching.  
“Eddie.”  You call, holding the water in front of him.
No answer.
“Eddie?”  You say, more panicked.
“Okay, this isn’t funny, Eddie.  C’mon, drink the water.”  You tell him, gripping his chin as you examine him.  
His eyes seem to flutter beneath his eyelids, brows furrowing as his head resists your hand and leans toward gravity.  You continue to hold him up, giving his cheek a small pat.  A deep groan escapes him although he’s still practically sleeping.  
“Eddie.”  Shaking his shoulders, he only moves like a rag doll in your hold.  “Eddie, wake up.”
“Mmm.”  He grumbles, swatting your hands away.
“Okay, I gotta take you home.”  You decide, placing your hands on your hips, attempting to determine just how you were going to even get him into your car.
You couldn’t leave him here, he was still wasted.  You could leave him with Donnie and everyone to look after him but what was the point if you were going to go home anyway and he lived right next to you?  There was no use in making them babysitters if there was a more logical solution.  
“‘M fine.”  He says, curling up into a ball.
“No, Eddie, get up.  Get up.”  You try to be firm with him but he remains on the floor, comfy as ever with his hands tucked beneath his head.  “Shit.”  You sigh.
It was time to call in some reinforcements.
“Jesus Christ, he’s really fucked up isn’t he?”  Jett stares down at the figure of a sleeping Eddie on the bathroom floor, perfectly content.  
“Yeah, can you guys just carry him to my car and I can figure out the rest once I get home?”  You plead.
Jett and Nathan share a look of concern to which you raise your eyebrows in confusion, expecting an explanation.  They glance once more at Eddie’s sleeping body and then back up to you, appearing as if that had said everything though you were still lost.
“How are you…going to carry him out of the car?”  Nathan asks, his bushy gray eyebrows knit in thought.
In all fairness, you didn’t think far enough into the future.  If it were only you, you assume you would be required to drag his body across the yard and onto the porch before fishing out his keys and lugging him up onto his couch before leaving some water next to him and dismissing yourself.  The affair may take you over an hour considering Eddie was proving to be a stubborn drunk.  But you’d surely manage if it had to be done.
“I dunno, I’ll work something out.”  You tell him.
Nathan glances over to Jett once more, concerned expression only deepening as he peers back down at Eddie.  Jett shrugs, surrendering the decision to both of you.
“How ‘bout this.”  Nathan starts.  “We’ll follow you home and help you get him situated–”
“God, ‘m up!  ‘M up, okay!”  Eddie takes the three of you by surprise as he rapidly pushes off the floor and begins standing on wobbly legs.  
“You sure about that?”  Jett teases while Eddie stabilizes himself against the sink.
“Fuck off.”
Eddie’s aggravated demeanor persists once again, a pathetic puppy dog pout at his lips while his eyes become overshadowed by eyebrows, a stern scowl forming.  If it was meant to intimidate anyone, he was sadly mistaken.  Instead, Jett snickers behind his hand, attempting to hide his grin.
“I’m kidding, I’m just kidding.”  Jett continues to chuckle, avoiding Eddie’s harsh gaze.
“What is goin’ on here?”  Donnie emerges from the stairs.  
“Christ, ‘s go.”  Eddie murmurs, rolling his eyes.
Donnie’s face contorts in confusion at his attitude, something that if it were directed towards you, you wouldn’t think twice about.  It was no secret that his moodiness carried over even when he was intoxicated.  But you suppose she has a motherly hold on him and should he act up, she wasn’t afraid to confront him.  It didn’t matter how much taller or how grown of a man he was, she wouldn’t hesitate to pinch him by the ear and drag him off to give him a lesson in manners.
Obediently, Eddie backs down, his expression instantly relaxing.  His scowl is replaced with a blank face, any negative thoughts seeming to fall right out of his head.
“You’re leavin’?”  Donnie questions.
Rather than answering, Eddie shifts his gaze to you expectantly.  Like you were suddenly his keeper.  It was odd, going from being absolutely repulsive in his eyes when you’d first met him, to him essentially submitting to you so willingly.  He was wasted but it was still something you fondly tucked into the back of your mind to remember later, like a little postcard for yourself.
“I, uh, yeah.  I was just heading out and I thought…since we’re neighbors…”  You try to elaborate, only feeling as if you were digging yourself into a deeper hole as you remember Jett’s comment from earlier.
Low and behold, the brief glance you offer Jett only confirms it, a huge smirk displayed on his face just for you.  It was enough for the blood to rush into your cheeks, practically sizzling to the touch.
“You just got here.”  Donnie complains.
Jett puffs out his cheeks, offering some kind of communication that has Donnie reeling back on her previous statement.
“It is late though and if he’s really not feeling good…”  She reasons.
You weren’t stupid and you knew Jett was assuming the position of a wingman and somehow, he was able to convey that to Donnie in just one simple look.  And she ran with it, much to your surprise.  Eddie seemed to check out of any conversation, bags hanging underneath his eyes while they drooped in boredom, his tall frame leaning against the wall as he toyed with the chain attached to his jeans.
Externally, you were irked, irritation written all over your face, even a hint of disgust could be found within your features.  But internally, you were having quite the opposite reaction.  Those damn butterflies had started up again, whirling around in your stomach so intensely, you were beginning to think they were bees.  Your heart pounded in your ears, the tips of them becoming embarrassingly red and hot.  You didn’t know why, maybe it was the prospect of everyone else thinking you had some secret relationship going on or even a little fling and the fact that they seemed to be rooting for you.  It ignited the tiniest bit of excitement in you, you weren’t going to lie to yourself.  Even if there was truly nothing going on.
Within minutes, you had an entourage escorting you to your car, Nathan insisting that it was no issue if you’d rather him drive Eddie just in case he were to pass out again.  Though you were grateful, you didn’t see the trouble in making him drive all the way out to your street only to turn around and go right back to the party.  If Eddie passed out again, you’d splash some water on him and surely figure out a way to wake him.  Besides, he had started to become more alert since stumbling down the stairs and making the walk down the steep driveway.  Of course, you also required that he down some water before leaving, otherwise he could stay and let his friends have their fun and tease him about sleeping in front of the toilet, which he didn’t seem to like as he scrunched his face and grabbed the water from you.
Donnie had advised you to drive safely several times while Jett continued to poke fun at Eddie, only earning himself a sock to the shoulder.  Jett may not feel it now but in the morning there would be a good chance he’d have a nice purple bruise.  
At some point after you had stepped outside, a jacket was draped over your shivering shoulders.  Eddie’s jacket.  And seconds later, he walked ahead of you with his hands shoved in his pockets, no doubt trying to escape Jett’s teasing.  It was in that moment, surrounded by people who seemed to just…care, that you began to feel wanted.  While Donnie talked your ear off about keeping an eye out for deer, Nathan continuing to even offer to drive both of you home, assuring you that he didn’t mind in the slightest.  Eddie resting his jacket over your shoulders, even in his current state, and Jett…well Jett was being Jett but he still contributed to the warm and fuzzy feelings you were experiencing.  
It felt a lot like…family.
The cold glass soothes Eddie’s sweaty cheek, the surface fogging up with every breath as his finger taps away to a beat in his head on the center console.  The slumped position he had been in for the past five minutes was sure to awaken a few aches and pains in his spine but he didn’t budge.  The radio softly sounded through the car, some random pop song he could hardly make out.  His eyes followed tree after tree, nearly causing him to go cross-eyed as he kept up with the little game he made up in his head, counting each tree.  Sometimes he would get distracted by the pavement zooming by before continuing.
Not a word had been shared between you since the bathroom though it was an oddly comfortable silence.  It didn’t feel like you had to speak or fill in the gaps like you usually would, desperately clinging to words that you didn’t have in order to appease the other person.  The fact that Eddie was coming out of his drunken haze could have something to do with it but had it not been Eddie you were driving, you’re certain you would struggle to strike up a conversation as if it were required.
Glancing over at him, you can’t help but feel a small smile tug at your lips, his fingers drawing a smiley face into the fog he created with his breath.  You’d never seen him so content but perhaps you shouldn’t look too much into it.  A few beers and some weed would have that effect on anyone.  It was just pleasant to see him so laid back, the stressors of his life set aside for another time.  You could only hope he could appear the same way sober someday soon.  
“Where’s your family?”  Eddie suddenly mumbles, eyes still glued to the scenery outside.  
The question is out of the blue and the last thing you would expect from him.  Although he had taken somewhat of a liking to you, he’d never taken an interest in something so personal.  And you offered him that same respect.  
“What?”  You ask, sneaking a glance at him, your hands squeezing the wheel.
His focus shifts from the window to you, his body turning inward as he leans his cheek against the headrest, waiting for your response.  The way his lips pucker from his cheek squishing against the seat only makes your heart clench.  His large awaiting eyes reflect the moon and you find it hard to change the subject when they appear so patient and attentive.
“Um, well, they’re back in…back home.”  You answer simply.
“Where’s that?”
He looked the most inquisitive you’d seen him, body turned toward you, his attention not once wavering.  Instead of the usual knit brows he often wore, his features remained softer and full of wonder.  Lips parted and eyes twinkling, who were you to deny his efforts?  Even if he was slightly under the influence.  Worst case scenario, he doesn’t remember this conversation.
You didn’t know what kind of response you were expecting but for some reason, the one word was a bit too vague, self consciousness kicking in.  
“What about yours?”  You shift the spotlight over to him.
From what you can tell as you keep your focus on the road, his gaze drops while he collects his thoughts, his breathing going shaky for just a second before he regains his composure.  A hum deep in his throat notifies you that he’s ready to begin speaking again.
“Uh, don’t really have one.  Never really have.  Or, uh, I just don’t remember them?  Other than my uncle, Wayne.  He’s back…”  Eddie hesitates.  “He’s in Indiana.”
“I’m sorry—I didn’t know…”  You start to backtrack and although he was the one who initiated the conversation, maybe it was too bold of you to reverse the question.
“No, ‘s okay.”  He assures you, shaking his head, his curls flattening against the seat.
“You miss him?”
The car is silent again, aside from the radio playing quietly.  You fear you’ve said the wrong thing, struck some kind of a nerve that forced him to go mute.  No longer wanting to engage in the topic.  But when you peer over at him again briefly, he’s biting his lip, getting lost in his mind again before he decides on an answer.
“Yeah.  Yeah, I do.  He visits when he can.”  A sadness lurks beneath the surface of his monotone response, eyes growing shinier in the moonlight.  And then he wipes the slate clean, face devoid of emotion once again as he seems to shake his previous thoughts from his head.  “So what’s your deal?  What made you come all the way out here?”  
This is the part where you would shrug and offer no further insight into the corners of your mind that usually were kept isolated.  But when his gaze softens from the passenger seat like that–like he wants to know, like he cares, you wanted to give him the key to your contaminated brain and let him poke around all he wanted.  As long as he wanted.
“Well, uh, I love my family...”  You start, voice timid.  “But I was feeling super lost.  And like I was living for everyone else.  And when my dad passed months ago he left me his estate…left me everything…”
“I’m sorry.”  He says, sympathy coating his words.
You nod, a silent thank you before continuing.
“So I split it up with my family…then moved away.  Guess I wanted to…I dunno find myself?”  You laugh, as if you’d just told a joke.
Rather than laugh along, Eddie studies you with intent.  Like he’s searching for more, digging into your soul.  
“Why’s that funny?”  He asks.
“I just–I don’t know what I’m doing.”  You laugh again.
“Well, neither do I.”  He begins to chuckle.  “I mean look at me.”
Progressively, you both start to laugh harder, glancing at each other and reveling in the failures that you both had endured up until this moment.  It’s like you were slap happy, a snort threatening to escape you through your uncontrollable laughter.  
“Ah, fuck.”  Eddie exhales, a grin plastered to his face.  “Bar is going to shit, my government hush money has run out–”
“Your what?”  You question, amusement taking over your features.
Suddenly, he has no desire to converse, his lips shut in a tight line as he once again turns his attention to the window.  
“Government hush money?”  You repeat.
With a roll of his eyes and a deep breath, you can tell he contemplates carefully as he chooses his next words.  
“Jesus Christ, I’m really not supposed to talk about it.”  He breathes, pinching the bridge of his nose.  “But, fuck it I guess.”  He drops his hand from his face.
Pulling into your driveway, the gravel crunches under the tires before you kill the engine, headlights leaving you in the darkness.  Eddie has your full focus, your body turned toward him as you pull a knee up to your chest, resting your chin on top.  
“You don’t have to.”  You assure.  “I can just forget you ever said anything–”
“Honestly, it’ll probably do me some good to get it off my chest.”  He interrupts.  
At his insistence, you keep quiet, waiting for him to continue.  He fidgets with his rings nervously, pulling them off and putting them back on.  
“You, uh, you have to swear to never talk about it again.  To anyone.”  
“Promise.”  You whisper, sticking your pinky out.
A puzzled look crosses his face, looking from your pinky to you in uncertainty.  It was becoming apparent that he was sobering up, laziness no longer taking a hold of his eyelids and words coherent.  
“Pinky promise.”  You smile.
“Pinky promise?”  He still appears confused.
“Yeah, you never made a pinky promise before?”  
A small smile forces the corners of his mouth up, eyes shining with entertainment as he stares at your pinky.  Shaking his head, he rests his hands in his lap, almost bashfully.  A contrast to his usual prickly tendencies and forward personality.
“Well, I take pinky promises very seriously.  They can’t be broken.  So I pinky promise, I won’t mention this ever again.”  You stick your hand even further forward, awaiting his pinky.
“Yeah?”  He asks with a lopsided grin.  “How do I know you mean that?” 
“It’s a pinky promise, Eddie.”  You deadpan, as if he was supposed to know how eternally binding it was.
A few seconds pass, Eddie still looking from you to your pinky with round eyes, soft at the edges with something that resembles the innocence of a little boy.  His inner child was sparkling, pouring from him like a forbidden fountain that only you had the honor of witnessing.  When his pinky wraps around yours, his comically larger than yours, you can’t fight the way your heart flutters in response to the touch.  His warmth encompassing yours, melting together like the sweetest chocolate.
Then, once your pinkies part, he speaks of a horrifying earthquake, striking his home town and wreaking havoc on the innocent lives once lived.  He tells you of things that you would never in this lifetime believe, things that he was forced to believe within seconds, creatures that attacked him, putting him on his deathbed only to be revived and put in the hospital for weeks.  Of the horrifying manhunt for him, how he was a wanted man for things he was never responsible for, conveniently at the peak of satanic panic.  How he was blamed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, how the whole town pinned a murder on him.  How there are things he could never even begin to explain like how Chrissy, the head cheerleader at his highschool had died right in front of him.  And how she was the first girl he was actually interested in, only for her to die a horrific death before his eyes.  He didn’t go into detail, though you didn’t need him to.  You didn’t want him to re-live such trauma just to provide you further explanation.
Once all was said and done, once he was out of the hospital, he was arrested and sat in jail for a week or so, he couldn’t recall exactly how long.  His uncle trying everything, doing everything he could to bail him out but he didn’t come from money so that proved to fail, especially since no one was on his side, even a majority of the police.  He told you of Dustin and Lucas…of Max, Erika, Steve, Nancy, and Robin.  The people that had always been on his side even when he was the only suspect for murder.  The people he missed so dearly every day but could only see every so often when they could find time to visit.  Which they did.  He only wished he could go back home.  If he did, it would only spark up another riot and it was against his agreement with the government to even step foot in the state of Indiana.  
So when he was bailed out of jail, his friends all awaiting him just outside the station, it was bittersweet.  He was relieved that he wouldn’t be stuck in that hell hole for the rest of his life like his dad but he was terrified of leaving everything he’d ever known.  It was his dream to someday get out of that place, a place that he wouldn’t name which was most likely due to his agreement.  But the second he was forced to leave, he didn’t know what was next for him, a terrifying concept for any smalltown boy at the fresh age of 20.
Wayne had intervened, making plans for Eddie to move in with his grandfather, Roy out in the middle of the mountains a few states away rather than being shipped somewhere where he had no connections, a setup for failure.  Eddie told you about how he didn’t know his grandpa his entire life, didn’t even know he still had one until he went to live with him.  But without any hesitation, Roy took him under his wing, stating that it's what his daughter, Eddie’s mother would’ve wanted him to do.  The least he could do for a boy who only knew broken family and lost his beloved mother so young.  
You learn that his grandfather had distanced himself due to Eddie’s dad and truthfully didn’t know of Eddie’s existence until Wayne made that phone call.  The moment he found out he had a grandson, he welcomed him with open arms and put him to work at the bar, giving him a kind of security that Eddie had never been familiar with in his life.  Grandpa Roy died last year of kidney failure, leaving Eddie everything and you could tell it was really taking a toll on him, the responsibility of the bar, the fear of losing it and disappointing his grandfather.
It seems that within the span of ten minutes, you learn Eddie’s life story.  From the incident back in Indiana to how his dad created destruction in his life long before that and how he would teach Eddie how to commit petty theft and hotwire cars.  He was on the route to becoming just like his dad before Wayne got involved, fighting like hell for legal custody of him.  His dad refused time and time again although Eddie spent most nights and days at Wayne’s trailer anyway.  Wayne didn’t want him to have any authority over Eddie, the man was a criminal and an addict that would leave poor young Eddie alone for days to fend for himself until he decided to come back.  He didn’t want that life for Eddie.
Eventually, he won, the courts taking far too long to review the case but he was granted full custody and not long after, Eddie’s dad was arrested for grand theft auto.  He still rots in jail to this day for several other crimes he committed once he got out the first time.
It was all laid out for you, Eddie’s entire upbringing.  His whole life on display for you to judge if you felt so inclined to.  You didn’t.  You sat and you processed.  Deciphering that Eddie is the way he is because of the way he had been treated his entire life.  An outcast among the working class, growing up in poverty and being made fun of for things out of his control.  Kids steering clear from him for the simple fact that he was his father’s son and that his name had already been tarnished before he was even born.  It was becoming clear as to why Eddie was so emotionally withdrawn.  How could he not be?
“Eddie I–” “If you say you’re sorry I’ll puke again.”  He jokes.
It was something you found so endearing within him, his ability to remain playful even when addressing his trauma.  Perhaps it was a coping mechanism.  You could relate if it was.  
“Let’s just, uh, call it a night.  I think that’s enough about me.  I don’t wanna talk about me anymore.”  He shakes his head, exhausted but still displaying a playful smile.
“Okay.  Yeah.”  You agree, opening the door before he stops you with a raise of his hand.
“Would this…would this be a bad time to tell you that I’m ninety nine percent sure that I left my keys at the party?”  He squeezes his eyes shut.
“Wow.”  You sigh, resting your head on the steering wheel.  “Look at how the tables have turned.”  You grin, shoving his shoulder, eliciting a grunt from him.  
“Gonna make me sleep on the porch with the bears?”  He half jokes.  He wouldn’t blame you.
“Only if you don’t puke on me like I did to you.”
Eddie can’t fight his grin, dimples deepening.  He’s thankful that it’s too dark to make out the pink tinting his cheeks.
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nrdmssgs · 11 months
Soap comforting reader
Masterlist Comforting series: König comforting reader Price comforting reader
AN: I've got requested for something a bit similar for König and decided to make a series. There will be different traumas, CoD boys help us all overcome. (Königs version coming soon)
Here Johnny helps the reader deal with her neglectful family. I kept everything mild, so no TWs here really.
You are nervous about that family gathering. Of course, it's Johnny, you'll follow him anywhere, but a mere thought of a full family gathering in one house… 
Someone will not like your clothes, someone will criticize your career, someone will quarrel with you because of politics... And at some point there will be ‘THE talk’ about children and grandchildren, and you will choke in guilt and shame.
No, you never met Johnnys relatives before. But you knew well, how is it usually going: “Hi guys, look, whom I found, please like her as I do”. And then the show starts.
It didn't help as well, that your own family gatherings often ended with you gagging on your tears in the bathroom, pretending, you were just washing hands.
“Hen? You nervous? We can always pull off the road, so you can take a breather.” Johnny puts his hand on your knee and gives you a beaming smile.
"No, no, I don't want to be late. Your sister wrote that she was already there."
He stops on the next parking lot nevertheless. “If she is already there - it means, my parents are already entertained enough by her kids. Come on, lets walk.” And before you could react, Johnny drags you out of the car, takes your hand and leads you in a field beside a parking lot.
It helps, but by the time you two step inside his parents house, you feel your pulse drop once again. 
“I'm so happy to finally meet you!”, “Johnny, what took you so long to bring her here? Oh, you've been dating for not that long? What took you so long to find her then?!”, “He is so lucky to have you!”
Yes, they don't just quietly accept you - they absolutely shower you in love. You usually don't hear that many nice words, even on your birthday.
And they are all fantastic people: they are kind, open-hearted, love a good joke. You feel like you could talk to them forever. 
You see, what it takes to raise such a treasure like Johnny: he has mothers eyes and fathers voice, he shares his bubbly personality with his sister. 
His family still has their little heartwarming rituals, when they call their son to lick the spoon after mixing cookie dough. Only now Johnny picks up his nephew and gives him the spoon. Or when they all gather together on the terrace after dinner, lay out blankets and pillows on the plank floor and make themselves comfortable with mugs of tea.
Johnny sits with a notebook in his hands and sketches something, his sister stealthily peeps over his shoulder, then glances at you and smiles. You are stolen by his nephew to build a pillow fort.
Before you go to bed, you help his parents clean up. His mom walks over to you while you're wiping down the big dish and hugs you. "Thank you for letting him into your life. Johnny has always been a sweet, cheerful child, but It`s the first I see my boy literally glowing with happiness."
Although normally, you wouldn't like being touched by someone you've just met - this time you don't mind. In fact you even find yourself enjoying this little warm moment.
Later that night, sitting on the edge of bed in Johnnys childhood room, you ask yourself if this is what a family feels like. Or maybe MacTavishes were just an ideal family and in fact it was ok to cry at every family gathering, to avoid texting and calling your parents more than once a week. Maybe everyone didn`t share their feelings with parents and siblings, just like you? And there were rare exceptions to the rule here and there, and you just met one?
You didn't even hear Johnny entering the room and coming closer.
“Heeeey, what's with the wet eyes? Anyone let you down?” He slowly lowers himself to the floor and puts his head in your lap. "Wait, or did I say something stupid? That joke about my next deployment is just a joke, I swear!”
You smile and wipe away tears hastily. “No-no! Nobody let me down. Its just your family… You are all so good to me and to each other.”
Johnny lets you go on with the thought, asking questions and encouraging. He has long noticed that your relationship with your family is not like his, but he has never commented on this before.
"I know it's stupid, but... I didn't want to go to bed, just to spend more time with them. I wanted to remember how a family can feel. And now I'm afraid that in a week I'll forget this feeling... Sorry, I must sound like an edgy teenager right now."
He pulls your torso in a firm hug, not raising from the floor. “They… We all are your family, if you want us to. They love you, bonnie. You know, how many times they asked me to finally bring the woman who makes me smile constantly to our family house? How long have they all wanted to meet you? You know, how many times they pulled me in some corner today just to ask when am I going to wife you up?”
You frown. “Oh no…” “Oh yes, sweets. They are rooting for us.” “Wait, that's bad, that's really bad…” “How is that bad?” “I like them so much, I want them to be happy, and if you have second thoughts, if you decide, I'm not worth it, they'll all hate me for not being that girl, for wasting your time, for not being good enough…”
The speed with which you find yourself knocked over on the bed and his hands holding you tight against his chest is beyond any belief. You are cut out mid-sentence.
“Breathe in…” His hand moves to your spine and traces a long line up to you neck. “... and out.” His fingers now travel down your back.
Johnny repeats it a few times and when he feels your pulse steadying, he finally speaks. “There are and will be no second thoughts. Happy or not - you're stuck with me, sweets. I may joke around other matters, but I am dead serious with this. You are the one. For me, which also means - for them. I know it, they know it. You are welcome here, you are loved, you are so much awaited. They are part of me, so they always come with me, if you choose to have me.”
As he speaks, you feel his breath tingling back of your head and his fingers drowning in your hair. This all feels surreal, but you want to believe him. They are slowly becoming your family. Your home. 
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