#fantasy life elmie
oliviapescado · 1 month
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Elmie :3 she’s super cute.
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marsjora · 11 months
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many thoughts about the elderwood.. much to think about…
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Fantasy Life Inktober Day 9 - Woodcutter
In this house we stan the Forest Spirit Elmie. For whatever reason the above screenshot stuck with me, and I figure that good ol' Remus is the exact kind of dork to offer to buy lunch for a divine being.
Artist's Note: I have a drawing tablet, a regular tablet, and a stylus, but for some reason I drew this entirely with my thumb on my phone.
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katlimeart · 2 years
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Made in 2020
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as characters from Fantasy Life
1. Yuelia
2. Noelia
3. Aurora
4. Elmie
5. Fizz
6. Hazel
7. Jinx
8. Roslyn
9. Taylor
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Leilah and Noelia as SDV farmers. Magmia and Elmie [with and w/o reference drawings]
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the-carrotella · 5 years
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Drew some of my favorite Fantasy Life allies ^^
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Sun-marked, a Firestorm excerpt
"Papa?" Sunbud whispered loudly and Brightsong looked up from the scroll he was reading, finding his youngest peeking in through the door to the chamber.
"Heyla, little Sunbud. What is it?" he asked, smiling, and Sunbud crept inside, glancing around before scurrying around the large table.
"Up," Sunbud insisted, arms stretched high, and Brightsong chuckled and put the scroll down, pushing his chair back before reaching down to haul his son up into the air. Sunbud squealed and giggled, burrowing close to hug him tightly, and Brightsong ached with happiness, beaming. Leaning back when Sunbud let him go, he rubbed his nose against the boy's, earning another giggle.
"Did you need something?" he asked and Sunbud sobered, looking at him with serious eyes.
"Why do I have to have the Sun-mark? Why doesn't Frost, or Honey, or Winter?" he complained and Brightsong hummed thoughtfully.
"That's a good question. To be honest, I don't truly know. But I also have the Sun-mark, and my elma did too," he answered and Sunbud gaped at him, astonished.
"You have the Sun-mark? And your elma did? Where?" Sunbud [wondered] and Brightsong chuckled.
"Well, elma had hers a little further up than you do, on her left shoulder. And I have it on my back," he explained and Sunbud bounced in his lap, demanding,
"Show me!"
"Okay, okay," Brightsong laughed, lifting Sunbud back down, before rising to pull his robe off and then the tunic over his head. He sat down on the floor and Sunbud made an impressed noise, small hands pressing against his bare back.
"It's big!" Sunbud exclaimed and Brightsong hummed, smiling.
"Compared to the one my elma had, it's tiny. Hers spread over her entire shoulder and up over her neck and down her arm," he replied and Sunbud traced the wavering lines of the sunbeams with a soft noise.
"It's warm. Is my Sun-mark also warm?" he wondered and Brightsong nodded.
"Yes, it is. Have you never wondered why you can run around without a tunic and not get cold?" he reasoned and Sunbud shook his head, the beads in his hair making soft wooden clacks when they collided.
"No? I thought everyone else was cold!"
"Not quite," Brightsong chuckled and Sunbud hummed.
"Will my Sun-mark be as big as yours?"
"I think yours will be very big, Sunbud. Probably bigger than my elma's," he answered and Sunbud clambered around him and into his lap, tilting his head back to look at him.
Smiling, Brightsong ducked down and pressed a kiss to his son's forehead, hugging the boy close, and Sunbud put his own arms over his and held on, grinning up at him.
"I think Shandas wants you to grow up strong and good because he needs you to do something for him," he explained and Sunbud sighed, leaning back against his chest.
"Do I have to?" he whined and Brightsong rocked him slightly.
"Sometimes, things we need to do happen without us realizing. I never knew I would be the one to settle the conflict between the Emer water-nymphs and the river clans until after I did it," he said and Sunbud nodded but grumbled,
"But why me? Why do I have to be the next Sun?"
"Well, they say that Shandas chooses the person the people need. It's hard to argue with a god, even if we don't always understand," he murmured and Sunbud was quiet for a moment then asked, doubtful,
"Really? But what could I make that the people need?"
"That I don't know, little Sunbud. We'll see what the future brings. But enough with the complicated ideas! Aren't you supposed to be helping Leaflet with their gardening?" Brightsong grinned, tickling Sunbud's side and making the boy squeal with laughter before tumbling away.
"I'm going now!" Sunbud called over his shoulder, already running for the door, and Brightsong chuckled.
“See you later.”
I loved writing this, and I hoped you enjoyed reading it! Thank you for making it through! (*´꒳`*)
Sunbud literally means ‘Budding-Sun’ and it is both a title and a concept for the heir-in-line. The names for the person ruling are the only constant, predetermined names among the Shandar people. All other names are a childhood name given by the parents, and adulthood names chosen by the individual or given by the tribe at large.
Elma means grandmother-on-mother’s-side; elmi is the corresponding for grandmother-on-father’s-side. The grandfather-versions are elpa and elpi. It’s actually slang words for elder-mother/father, with the suffixes a or i denoting mother or father’s side. (Yes, I’m conlang-ing words because every time I have to mention my mormor (literally mother’s mother) or farmor (father’s mother) when I speak English, the fact that I have to explain which one of them I mean is driving me nuts, and the same for morfar (mother’s father) and farfar (father’s father), so yeah, have words that make life easier o(*^◇^*)o )
Oh, [ ] these lovely brackets are what I use to mark words I’m not happy with but that carry the basic intention of what I’m trying to say. If anyone has a suggestion for a better word, please let me know?
Tiny little tag list (let me know if you want on or off) @weaver-of-fantasies-and-fables @adorhauer @concerningwolves
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hey its me elmie from fantasy life, you know, a super minor character from the elderwood with no plot relevance at all. thats me
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Fantasy Life Inktober Day 1 - OC
Jumping in early with this because I have no clue how much I'll actually be able to do this Inktober, but now's as good a time as ever to post my FL OC, Remus.
*Character details under the cut*
Okay so Remus might actually be the oldest OC I have, just constantly retooled and reformed into the version he is now. And because I'm totally not a hack, what could be a more fun way for you to learn about my OC than a literal bulleted list?
Socially Inept
Remus doesn't talk much and generally doesn't know how to respond to things. If you ask him to do something he'll more likely than not agree to it, even if it slows him down. Because of this, people find him approachable and a great listener. Thank God he has a talking butterfly that can handle that for him.
Extreme Workaholic
He is happiest when he's doing some kind of task. This includes combat, exploration, resource gathering, and crafting. He doesn't care much about the money his actions get him, that's just an added bonus.
Would Kill for His Friends
Despite spending most of his time working, Remus makes an exception for any of his friends. Their happiness and well-being become his top priority if he is out with anyone. In his mind, another person putting that much trust in him is a huge honor.
Not a Cook
(In the actual game yes of course I completed the chef life but it's more fun this way) Remus doesn't put much stock in cooking because he spends most of his time out and about. Why make a three course meal when he can just slap salt on meat and cook it on a campfire? (His favorite meat is wolf btw) He will make an exception and try to cook if he thinks it'll please his friends, no matter how many attempts it takes.
Advanced Combat Master
In his time focusing on combat-heavy lives (and not at all because he secretly likes it), Remus trained with his weapon types until he could fight a napdragon with his eyes closed. He isn't too good with hand-to-hand combat, however.
Loves Animals
This guy adores his pets and spoils them rotten. This is why he was so willing to step in to help Flutter/Yuelia and befriend them. To date, Remus has a dog, a cat, a parrot, a horse, and he makes sure they're all happy at any moment.
Relationships With Others:
Remus gladly still lives with Yuelia and is best friends with Laura, but outside of that his closest friends are Jude, Damien, and Elmie. He gets along with Noelia and Leo quite well, but both are too stubborn to admit they are his friend and Remus doesn't know how to ask.
My phone is dying as I type this, but if anyone wants to ask anything else about my OC I'd love to hear it!
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