#fatal mention
thefanciestborrower · 2 months
The Devouring of Prometheus
Ohh boy this fic has been over a year in the making and by golly am I proud of it. It was mostly an attempt to imitate Mary Shelley’s writing style while adding more classic lit vore into the world cause oh boy do we need it. This fic is a little darker than my usual fluffy stuff because. You know. It’s Frankenstein. But everything is still safe despite what Victor thinks. Anyways, please enjoy and let me know what you think!
Warnings: Contains soft, safe, unwilling vore, mentions of digestion, mentions of dying, mentions of cannon character death, minor injury, and vomit
Characters: Victor Frankenstein and the Creature
Word Count: 2,830
Mankind has no greater fear than that of being devoured. It is an instinctual fear, engrained deep within our very beings from the moment we are born, as it is in every living being, and yet it is perhaps one of the most uncommon fears to experience in its true, unaltered form. We are quite familiar with the notion of being killed and eaten by a wild beast, since such a thing, while not terribly common in the more civilized parts of the world, is often talked of in books and by explorers returning from long voyages to strange, wild lands. It is a threat to be sure, but perhaps not the most fear inspiring one. A hungry lion might indeed pounce upon you with his teeth and claws bared as if to shred you to ribbons while you lay awake in agony, but in truth he is far more merciful than even most men and will end you swiftly with a bite to the neck before he ever starts to feed. The fear of being eaten in this way, then, is diluted by the promise of a swift death at the claws of a creature who bore you no more malice than you do a butchered duck. 
The terror of being consumed lies not in the act of consumption, but in the method. Stories full of giants and ogres who devour men whole and alive fill the countryside and take captive the minds of all who hear them, filling their dreams with images of gnashing teeth and slavering mouths, capable of sending a grown man down, kicking and screaming, in a single swallow. I must confess I never heard much of these tales growing up, aside from a few Clerval was so fond of telling, and when they did reach my ears, I simply scoffed, laughing such frightening images away in the clear light of day when nothing could seem more ridiculous. They were children’s tales, I thought, simply meant to frighten and entertain, for nothing, man or beast, could swallow whole a living man. Oh, how I wish I had been right. 
He came for me in the night. I was asleep, or nearly so, when a sudden noise at my window startled me awake. At first I assumed it to be the scratching of a branch or perhaps even some night creature making its rounds through the garden outside. After all, I was far more unfamiliar with the Oxford landscape than my dear friend Clerval, who had spent much of his afternoon exploring the grounds, so I felt there to be no need for concern. Indeed, I had nearly turned over to drift back to sleep when I saw his eyes. Those wretched, sunken, yellow eyes staring as if into my very soul through the dusty window I had neglected to lock in my naivety. I might have screamed had fear not grasped my throat and strangled my voice, and though I longed to run, terror turned my legs to lead and forced me to watch as the fiend pried open the window with a delicate ease that seemed almost laughable compared to the rest of his hulking mass. I pulled my sheet up to shield my chest like a child might, entertaining fantasies that perhaps this was simply a nightmare, and if I remained still in my bed then he would be unable to harm me, but when he began to climb through the window with the elegance of a lion stalking his prey, eyes never once leaving me, panic settled over my heart and I realized this was no mere conjuring of an overworked mind. The beast was here, looming over me in my chambers as I trembled in bed with naught but a thin sheet and even thinner night clothes to protect me. 
“Devil! What do you want from me!” I cried at last, terror loosening her claws from my throat. “I have not forgotten our agreement, so why do you insist on tormenting me so!” 
I received no reply, the beast more than content to simply stare at my trembling form. Perhaps he enjoyed how weak I must have appeared before him as his eyes flicked over me, almost sizing me up for reasons I could never have comprehended in that moment. Cold and yellow as they were, I could see an inkling of some mysterious emotion behind those eyes, but it’s identity I couldn’t say. Nor did I care. My thoughts were quickly preoccupied as he advanced upon me, padding forwards like some great and terrible cat, until he stopped just shy of the side of my bed, so close I could have reached out and touched him. 
Again, I saw that strange emotion flicker behind his dead eyes, but before I had time to ponder it he wrapped his hands around my chest and lifted me from the safety of my bed with terrifying ease, like one might lift a small child or a doll, and while I screamed and writhed in his hideous grasp, his hold only tightened. My ribs creaked and complained under the pressure and my cries became strangled and choked. With a ghastly popping sound he opened his grotesque mouth, jaw hanging at an angle too wide for any human to achieve, and to my upmost horror he quickly stuffed my head inside with the terrifying efficiency of a ravenous beast. The slimy muscle of his tongue lapped against my face and my body convulsed in disgust as I desperately fought not to be sick. Revolting as my situation was, I did not wish to add my own vomit to the mix, even if it might have disgusted the fiend enough to free me. 
I could see nothing but darkness, each desperate gasp for oxygen only supplying me with the barest sliver of foul air. Teeth ringed my neck like a terrible collar, and for a moment I entertained ideas of those teeth, the very same I had picked and sorted by hand, crashing together to sever my head from my body like some terrible executioner. Before my thoughts could spiral much more in this direction, his grip changed and I was suddenly shoved against the slick, fleshy opening of his throat. My blood curdled and, with a sudden, crushing pressure, my head was crammed downwards in the most painful manner which caused me to cry out in despair. My skull felt as though it would shatter, and I screamed a horrible, terrible shriek of agony and terror as my shoulders were crushed down after me, the tight gullet of the beast threatening to break them into splinters. My vision swam, stars of pain and lack of breath sparking and dancing before my eyes, and though no light followed me into my hellish prison, I could still see the blackest pitch wavering at the edge of my vision, threatening to drown me in its inky embrace. For a moment I wished it would, if only to keep me from the terrible suffering I knew lay before me, but fate is a cruel mistress and before I could sink into that comforting ocean of darkness a terrible pressure bloomed upon the crown of my head and forced me into an open pocket of stinking, putrid air. 
Coughing and gaging I struggled to draw even a single breath. My ribs, now horribly compressed, creaked and shuttered terribly under the pressure of the creature’s throat, and though my legs still flailed outside, and my hands desperately scrambled for a hold on what I felt to be his chin, I did not dare move the length of my compressed torso for fear of inflicting more damage upon myself. Another painful swallow jolted me down, my face jamming roughly into what I presumed to be the bottom of the creature’s dreadful stomach, and the grotesque flesh not only yielded to accept my presence, but did so with an almost pleased sounding groan, if stomachs can be pleased, as if I really were simply a morsel of food to be consumed and forgotten. The sound filled my heart with a terror I’ve never known, and I cried out, though my voice was quickly silenced by the slick flesh as more of my body was squeezed through that terrifically tight ring of muscle and forced to bend and twist to fit my new prison like some sort of contortionist. 
I know not how long it took the devil to consume me: the darkness of my surroundings and constant pain dulled my senses and left me disoriented to the point where I no longer could even tell up from down. I remember no longer feeling the cold air on my body after some time, my entire being now encased in sweltering heat, and searing pain as my legs were crushed down against my ribs. Finally, it was all over. My entire body had been fully compacted into the creature’s stomach, and although this new development was arguably a much worse position than my previous one, I was far too preoccupied with gulping down precious lungfuls of oxygen to care.
Then, all at once, the reality of my situation came crashing down upon me and with the fervor of a cornered beast I began to lash out and fight, twisting and turning in the confined space in hopes of causing my captor at least the slightest bit of discomfort. 
“Fiend! Devil! Release me at once!” I panted, gnashing my teeth in fear and anger. “This is no way to treat any man, let alone your maker!”
I had no doubt that he could hear my cries and feel my struggles, confined as I was, and yet no answer came. Despite the nature of my location, I was completely and utterly alone, for what man pays attention to his food after he’s eaten it. Again, I tried to call out, to plead for release as I fought against the smothering flesh, and again I was ignored, save for a light pressure against my back from which I hastily jerked away. It was his hand; I knew it instinctively. The brute was no doubt relaxing after so fine a feast of human flesh, and that touch was nothing more then the satisfied gloating of a predator now sated with a filling meal that would last him far longer than any morsel of bread or wine. I was merely something to be enjoyed, digested, and forgotten.
 How many more, I wondered, would be lost in the same way once I had perished. Clearly my current location indicated my captor had grown fond of the taste of human, and with a heart wrenching shudder I suddenly realized I had no way of knowing wether I was the first victim of the monster’s appetite, or if he had already glutted himself with other gentle country folk, just as he had done to me, and I was now resting in their grave. The thought was too much for my already distraught and troubled soul, and the disgust which filled me suddenly became too overwhelming to sustain. With a thick heave I proceeded to retch onto myself, my sick mixing with the beast’s own bile, and I sobbed bitterly for my home. 
“Oh, my dear mountains and precious lake. Will I truly never again delight in your sweet air and radiant beauty? Am I to perish so far from all that is fair and wholesome, without even the cold stars to bare witness to my demise?” I lamented; my voice thick with the grief of a man who believes he is to die isolated from everything he once held dear. 
The spongy flesh seemed to mute my voice effectively as a heavy curtain might, and my words fell upon deaf ears, for no reply came from my creation. My captor. My killer. Was I really to meet my end as nothing more than a meal? My last breath tainted by the stench of bile and vomit? The pressure to my back returned, and although the touch revolted me, I was far too exhausted from my fear and the quickly thinning oxygen to do more than twitch in protest. What difference would it make anyways, my fate was already sealed.
Each breath I drew grew more ragged and gasping with every passing second, my panic having done nothing but quickly use up what little air I had in the stale cell, and in some fever, I realized that, although my air was quickly thinning, I had not yet begun to feel the slightest tingle of digestion. Oh, what sweet twist of fate was this! I still would meet my end as nothing more than a morsel of food this was true, but I would be long since unconscious and perhaps even suffocated before acids truly began to work on me and thus spared the sensation of digesting alive. It was a small assurance, but so consumed was I by grief and terror of my fate that even the small mercy of a painless death brought me comfort. It was more than a man like me deserved after all I’d done. The innocent blood on the creature’s hands stained mine as well, and I thought bitterly of poor darling little William and dear Justine. Their blood has been spilt on my account, and yet, while their deaths had been horrific tragedies, I took solace in knowing they had left the world far quicker than I would, and that I would be seeing them again soon.
My vision swam before me, and with one last shuddering sigh I slumped against the slick walls, no longer attempting to catch my breath, for what would be the point in trying to breathe when there is no air left to fill my lungs. The stomach clenched around me with a disgusting squelch, smothering and squeezing my helpless form as it worked to knead what I presumed to be caustic acids into my sodden clothing and soft flesh, preparing for the undoubtably difficult task of liquifying my un-masticated body. With a gasping, barely audible sob I pressed a trembling hand out against my churning prison walls, cursing my creation and praying my end would be swift. Then the darkness engulfed me, and I knew no more.
Due to the circumstances in which I had fallen unconscious I fully expected to never wake again, so when I started awake some unknown amount of time later in the very bed I had been snatched out of, I could seldom comprehend what was happening. My first thought was that my horrendous experience had been naut but a dream; an apparition brought upon me by the dreadful task I knew I would soon be required to complete. Then I became aware of the disgusting film of sticky, foul smelling sick coating my body and the dull, yet throbbing pain in my ribs, and my blood ran cold. It had been no dream. My creation truly had assaulted me in the night, swallowed me whole and alive, and, by some miracle, vomited me back out before his digestive system could process me. In fact, aside from my ribs, which were badly bruised, I appeared whole and unharmed. Not even a drop of acid had singed my clothes, and my skin was fair and unblemished as it had always been. I pressed a hand to my cheek as if to make certain of my unharmed state, and then, to my own surprise, I began to laugh. It was not a mirthful laugh, but rather one of incredulous shock and relief as I grasped at my warm and unharmed skin. So certain had I been that those final moments filled with slimy blackness and foul reeking air inside the creature would be my last that the cold air of my room and the sting of my nails against my face might well have been gifts from Heaven itself. Even now I marvel at my incredible escape and wonder what could possibly have prompted the monster to give up as filling a meal as I surely must have been. I do not think I shall ever know, but judging from the healthy nature which I possessed upon waking, I can only assume he realized he could not process me as he intended and his body expelled me, though wether such an expulsion was voluntary on his part I still could not say. Nonetheless I knew I was no doubt incredibly fortunate to have survived such an encounter and my resolve had the been strengthened. Where before I had postponed my promise, I vowed to not do so again, for who knew how long the wretched beast would be content to wait and leave me and others be. As soon as I was able, I would set to work creating another who would contain his terrible urges and put this dreadful encounter behind me forever. 
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vore-scientist · 3 months
Hi, how have Yonah's friends react as they heard that he's a evil Wizard?
His friends were at Yonah's trial when he was given the job. this was actually before he graduated from the wizard college. (if you do not recall: Yonah was on trial for hiding his identity as a giant. He committed identity fraud basically. When he was discovered he was expelled from school and actually chased out during a panic. Im considering him potentially eating a bandit or two while "on the run" to add to his scary factor when he's caught and put on trial. though eating bandits that attack you IS NOT A CRIME.)
Anyways he was caught and put on trial and given the job of Evil Wizard in the Tower by King Ben. His friends were at the trial, so they know he's evil.
After he moves into the tower, the Grand Master Wizard Sean, who is the headmaster of the college, asks Yonah to come back to finish his education. Now that people have calmed down.
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warning you guys now, this is gonna be so OOC but idgaf, this is my cringe ill do what I want with it
also don't expect this to be organized- none of my gay thoughts are 
tw for traditional AM things (threats of digestion/fatal + electrocution, mocking- yknow.. the normal stuff) BUT ITS STILL FULLY SAFE/SOFT DW
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he is 100% pred. no fucking way hed let someone eat him. if someone managed to shrink him down and eat him, well… get ready for a terrible stomachache! 
fearplay is his SHIT. he will never get tired of it ever. he loves being able to scare prey shitless (it covers up the fact that he actually likes eating someone and doesn't mind having certain prey enjoy their time in his stomach)
although he doesn't actually have a “real” stomach, he’d analyze and simulate the sounds of one after eating someone just to scare/unsettle prey a bit more
he'd definitely pretend to digest someone if they REALLLY got on his nerves- he'd tense up/make his stomach feel tighter and ramp up the sounds, mocking them and their efforts to escape, then make them pass out.  later they'd wake up still in his stomach, totally unharmed, with booming laugher and "YOU WERE SO SCARED!!! PATHETIC PREY."
its stomach would definitely be a pretty tight fit, no matter the size of prey. I'd imagine it would still feel soft, like synthetic silicone but plushier and kind of velvety??? with a slight electric buzz. (you're inside a war computer. he's Full of electricity) it would also be warm too, like when a computer overheats 
if AM really wanted to be gross it would probably have some sort of sticky ‘saliva’ in its stomach (or mouth depending on how you view him) to fuck with people 
going off of the electricity thing, he'd threaten to electrocute prey if they got too rowdy and whiny (even though he LOVVESSSS feeling them kick and squirm.. but he'd never admit that, obviously.)
he definitely purrs. maybe not traditional purring but a mechanical hum/growl as an undertone to whatever else his prey would hear while inside of him (probably a lot of electrical sounds lol)
would also tease someone for tasting/feeling good- he can be 'nice' sometimes (rare)
AM would never confess this but he melts whenever he gets belly rubs. maybe his prey finally calms down and realizes that AM is just scared, lashing out from fear and hate, and decides to give him rubs to calm him down.. AM dies. he fucking melts and doesn't let his prey out for weeks /hj
HALFSIZE LOVERS COME GET YOUR FOOD!!! although I'm a g/t kinda guy, AM can alter anything he wants and could definitely eat someone no matter the size (...to an extent). in fact, he'd probably love eating someone that's bigger because of the heightened senses! he'd be able to feel EVERYTHING, making him feel in control 
it loves vore because of the control. it can trap someone inside of it for however long it wants! hows THAT for control?
(if you imagine it with something closer to a physical form) it would be so fucking interested in pressing on its stomach, feeling its prey’s form and how they squirm around.. it would be one of those rare feelings that he wants more of, that he can't ruin and associate with humans. [yes im gross but he is too]
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jack-the-nibbler · 6 months
🐍💔❤️📊😈 (This is for that vore ask game)
-Least favorite trope: It’s easy to just say fatality. But I think fatality in a more “casual” setting rubs me in all the wrong ways. It just sounds absolutely dystopian; having to live every day knowing that some random jackass could eat and kill you for any reason, then go about their day like it was nothing. Especially when said settings have cruel or apathetic preds, or throw in some kind of class system…I’m sorry, I just have strong feelings about this.
-Favorite trope: Oof, that is a hard one! I’m going to have to say gentlemanly/formal preds and tongue baths. Even when there’s no/implied noms with the latter, something about being lovingly licked and tasted sounds so cozy. Peak affection.
-G/t: It’s one of my preferences in vore, but I’m not too picky. Absolutely a fave though :D
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nightmarevore · 1 year
Btw in the regular serial killer au, Luke is super theatrical and dramatic about it. When he drags Rowan with him, he plays up Rowan being a pred to try and scare their victim. Shows off Rowan’s teeth, talks about how hungry Rowan is and how only Luke has control over this “hungry beast of a man.”
But after it’s all said and done Luke pampers the hell outta Rowan and they’re super cuddly. Gets back home and gives him plenty of belly rubs, making sure he’s comfortable and nothing went wrong when he ate their victim.
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cybersoldier82 · 6 months
📉💔😈 (for the ask meme)
@samstrashcan thank u for humoring me babe :3
📉: opinion on half size? Literally one of my fav sizes, hell ur the one who got me into it fjdjrj
😈: opinion on fearplay? I love fluff bt my god fearplay in soft vore hit’s different dawg
💔: least favorite trope? Anything involving permanent fatal tbh, thats it thats all lol
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escape-cube5 · 1 year
What’s wing vore? Never heard of that one lol
From what I understand, it's where a pred cocoons a prey in their wings. The prey is then held in a 'pouch' of sorts on the pred's back, where if it's fatal, the wings would secrete acid and the prey is absorbed through the wings.
There's also the more cursed version where the prey just sort of..slips through the back into the stomach?? I guess like they morph through the back or something.
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dragons-eat-people · 2 years
Oncoming Betrayal
“Why do you keep staring at me like that? Like...you want to hurt me? Aren’t we friends?” You ask, unable to sit still in your chair as you look through the glass. Your pred-your friend sits on the other side, staring back at you. They emit a low grumble, which you can clearly hear from the other side. The pred smiles, showing off their sharp array of teeth. They laugh at your words. “I do want to hurt you. In fact, eating you would make me very happy. Even if only merely.” They reply. They were never interested in eating you before, so why now? Why the sudden change? You wonder. It doesn’t make any sense. “You’ve been acting strange, my friend. That’s why you’re here, in this facility.” You remark. Your pred knows you work here, too. A research and containment facility for flawed predators of all kinds. You thought you’d never see the day that they’d be the one who walked through those doors. You were about to speak up again, but suddenly a door on the pred’s side opened. 
A person was pushed inside, then the door was immediately closed back. Your friend smiles with cruel greed while looking at you before focusing their attention on their new snack. You watch in horror as the pred snatches up their food, absolutely devouring them. The pred doesn’t take long to finish them off. Faster than you think, they chomp down on their prey, forcing them into their maw. They swallow in one foul gulp, licking their lips afterward. Your eyes connect, locking in a stalemate. “You’re only postponing the inevitable. All these lives going to waste because you choose to run from me. It’s not my problem though, it’s wholeheartedly yours. You know what you’re doing. I think you’ve changed...” They mock, snickering. 
You shake your head. “I’m only doing my job! None of this is my fault. You’re the one that’s changed, and I’m sure you think the same, deep down.” You reply, defending yourself. The pred rolls their eyes, running their hand over their stomach, pushing back on the struggles coming from within. You try to keep your eyes off of this sight. An alarm sounds, meaning your visiting time is over. You’re needed elsewhere. You sigh, standing up from your chair. In the mere second of a blink, your pred had rushed forward, slamming against the glass that kept them separated from you. You seize backward, falling over in fright. You look up to see their malicious smile plastered on their face once more. “I will get you. Like I said, you’re only postponing the inevitable. You aren’t safe here, or anywhere. Cherish the time you have. It’ll be over soon.” They warn, sulking back to the other side of the room. 
Picking yourself up, you quickly depart. You don’t know what you’ll do, but it may seem like your former friend may be the end of you. Only time will tell. 
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nom-central · 2 years
On top of the thing the prev anon said: splat00n is perfect for any same size vore. Or vore in general
- body reforms
- no bones, elastic body
- squids and octopi are predators by nature
- beaks are now shark teeth, which is hot
- "death" (being splatted) is a normal occurance, so would vore
i was talking about this! the shapeshifting aspect is a big part of it to me imo, not to mention the aforementioned details (food based decor comes to mind, also if they made eating each other trendy they'd be all over it)
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fastfur07 · 1 year
Ever thought of a scary prey and adorable (or just an average joe) pred? The thought of an intimidating person curled up in the soft tummy of their best friend makes me happy :) runs away
Hey where are you going?? This has so much opportunity!! Especially because of the number of different interpretations of "scary prey"... A lot of different ideas are running through my head at the moment:
Prey to observer: So you're hungry, are you? I know something you can eat. Open up~
Pred: Oh, for-- come here. *noms prey*
Observer: *complete bewilderment*
Pred: Sorry everyone, they just get cranky at this time of day :)
Observer: So where's the haunted house start?
Prey (emerging from pred's mouth Beetlejuice-style): Right here...~
Prey to other prey: Just fyi, we are definitely going to die.
Other prey: *hyperventilating*
Pred: Hey, stop that! *coughs up other prey* I think they need a time out, don't you?
Prey: Finally, peace and quiet.
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Heyo, CJ! I'm really sorry, but since you did say I could ask…
CW: Mentions of digestion
Considering it's highly illegal to digest a human, is there a system in case anyone does attempt to do so? How does it work? What is the punishment?
You mentioned that bones and organ meat are an essential part of their diet, do they consume it from animals now? How is their food prepared?
Can you explain a bit more how the third "lung" works? Is there any positive change on the mini-giant upon consuming a human friend, do they only feel satisfied/full (or satiated in case of cravings), can it be used in a therapeutic way for both parties? Does it act or interfere in the release of neurotransmitters?
And mhm, I'm aware of the comfort and curiosity with James and Ben, but I meant in a more generalized or biological way, because since they don't consume humans as food anymore (but still crave them), would their bodies adapt?
How long did it take for them to stop having humans as food? What started it and how did society took it?
Oh boy this took me so long to answer lol but I hope I got all your questions!! Also never be sorry for these long asks because oh my goodness I love them lmao
CW: Mentions of digestion below the cut
Considering it's highly illegal to digest a human, is there a system in case anyone does attempt to do so? How does it work? What is the punishment?
There is, but I’m still working on fleshing all that out since this whole thing started as a silly little highschool vore sitcom hahah. Basically though it would be very difficult for someone to eat and digest a human without anyone noticing. For starters, it takes about a week or two to digest a full human, and during that time it’s going to be pretty obvious what they’ve done. Especially those first four or five days. See, mini giants don’t tend to eat large meals like that at all anymore, so if someone has a suspiciously human sized gut that’s definitely softer than it should be well...that’s not good news. There’s also just general police investigation type stuff and it will be noticed if someone just, goes missing. Missing persons reports and stuff you know? Combine that with the fact that the guilty party will have to hide away for a while and bingo, not too hard to find. It’s also worth mentioning that articles of clothing, especially shoes, wreak havoc on the digestive system, so those would need to be spit up, which would definitely be some evidence as well. 
The punishment is basically a first degree murder trial and the repercussions that come with it since, well that’s what eating someone for real is. 
You mentioned that bones and organ meat are an essential part of their diet, do they consume it from animals now? How is their food prepared? 
So food typically consists of things like whole roast chickens, large cuts of beef, pork, and venison, whole fish, and other things like that, which often means bones don’t even need to be added separately. Like, you know how we eat chicken and other cuts of pork and beef off the bone? They’d just eat the bone with the meat. Bones can also be bought separately, usually from larger prey items like beef, elk, bison, and other such animals, and are a fairly common snack food. Antlers are also popular, especially among young giants who’s fangs are still coming in, since they’re cheaper than some bones. 
Meals will be prepared pretty similar to the ways we’re used to. Roasted meat, soups, sandwiches, and fried meat, are all common dishes. The only difference is bone won’t generally be removed from a piece of meat and may even be added to certain dishes as both a garnish and part of the meal. Similar things go for organs. Organ meat is a staple for 90% of the kinds of soups you’ll find, and things like liver are very popular because of how big the organ is. Especially sliced on things like sandwiches. Think of it being just another common lunch meat. Heart and kidneys are also fairly popular snack foods and you can genuinely just buy like, a bag of them in the grocery store seasoned all sorts of different ways. 
Also, prepared meat will tend to be on the raw side of things, so always make sure you specify how you need things cooked if you’re human
Can you explain a bit more how the third "lung" works? Is there any positive change on the mini-giant upon consuming a human friend, do they only feel satisfied/full (or satiated in case of cravings), can it be used in a therapeutic way for both parties? Does it act or interfere in the release of neurotransmitters?
And mhm, I'm aware of the comfort and curiosity with James and Ben, but I meant in a more generalized or biological way, because since they don't consume humans as food anymore (but still crave them), would their bodies adapt? 
The third ‘lung’ is a pretty wonky system tbh so forgive me this is gonna get a little wack. Basically it’s like this...separate little organ that acts as a sort of bellows to pump some fresh air from the lungs into the stomach, and pump out deoxygenated air back out. It doesn’t take much more effort than maybe breathing a little deeper. The operation of the third lung is mostly involuntary actually! It automatically kicks in whenever there’s movement in a giant’s stomach, and the operation of the lung signals acid production to stop as well. If they wanted to digest something still alive they’d need to make the conscious decision to do so in order for the third lung to shut down and acid production to begin. 
Ingestion of a human helps mini giants produce certain neurochemicals like serotonin, dopamine, and melatonin, that greatly improve their overall mood and cognitive function. So like, basically if you super need to study for a last minute test it’s not a bad idea to eat your human friend before hand lmao. As for the human side of things, even though acid production is shut off for the time a human is ingested, there are still some very mild enzymes chilling in the giant’s stomach that will essentially remove most of the humans’s already dead skin and hair cells, so it’s like an extra exfoliating bath. 
Even though the effects are positive many humans and even giants have very mixed opinions about the issue. 
How long did it take for them to stop having humans as food? What started it and how did society took it?
Oh gosh okay here comes the history nerd brain lol
So eating humans purely for food was already falling out of practice since maybe....the 1500s? It still happened a lot of course, but it was more a means of executing prisoners of war than anything. Although depending on the rank of said prisoners of war it wouldn’t be too uncommon for the king or other high members of the aristocracy to eat them as a show of power. Nobels could also decide what to do with any human found on their lands, and most decreed that said humans were to be brought to them, since I think they may have been considered a delicacy of sorts. 
Peace treaties and even alliances were eventually drawn between most human and giant kingdoms, and while that didn’t solve every problem my any means, it certainly paved the way for eventual proper integration. 
Around the time of the Enlightenment both human and giant philosophers were proposing ideas on the equality of their species (or at least equality in intelligence) and both began looking at each other less as beasts and prey items, and more as fellow sapient beings. 
Fast forward to the 1800s and things are a lot more integrated. Most mini giants live in smaller towns on the outskirts of large cities just because they’re not generally fans of cramped cities, but for the few who do live in cities they are more than able to get jobs and even attend universities if they so choose. People are still very wary of them and things aren’t perfect, but it’s better than it used to be. 
Much later in around the 20s eating people was pretty much outlawed very enforced too, but that didn’t stop things from getting kinda bad during the prohibition because it was the prohibition lol. Eating someone was also a pretty popular way among mobs to dispose of witnesses or generally just have a good time, and people rarely looked into those sorts of disappearances anyways. 
Present day where we find Ben and James things are far from perfect, but they’re also the best they’ve ever been. There are quite a few human/giant cities with accommodations made for both species and the general fear of giants is at an all time low. Doesn’t mean some people aren’t still jerks, but you also won’t get arrested for eating someone so long as you have expressed consent and it’s clear they aren’t being harmed. It’s especially common for young giants and humans to play together this way actually, which means more and more humans and giants are growing up together used to the idea of being eaten by/eating their friends and thats lead to some all around great improvements. 
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vore-scientist · 3 months
What would Yonah do, If one of his friends ran at him in panik and ask him to eat them. Like If their got chased or something.(Sorry If something wrong, English is not my first language)
Yonah's not really a great hiding place since there's not really amazing safety spells in canon*.
HOWEVER this is one of my favorite vore tropes so obviously i gotta think about how this would happen.
Then I realize, i have written that story, sort of, "In Which A Couple Of Elves Get Into Trouble" <- i think you'd like it if you havent read it!
They (the elves) dont ask him to eat them but they do ask him for help and its clear they know exactly what that means.
I would love to write a similar scenario with actual friends of yonah's rather than "friends" (people he's um... eaten/harassed but dont hate him), like one of the wizards.
He'd definitely eat them, but for the drama he'd wait for whatever they were running from to SEE him do it. If its another large monster this would be to lord it over them that He, Yonah, got to eat such a tasty treat, and they did NOT. Stole their snack. Could end up with a fight! and then Yonah's friend would be in for a fun little ride!
If its not a large monster, but another human-sized person, yonah would still wait for them to see him eat the friend. And then catch the person they were running from "for dessert". This could end with yonah just toying with the person, eating them or not, but letting them go (after spitting up his friend). Or he could actually eat the threat (after spitting up his friend). Since whatever can make a fellow wizard panic is uhhh dangerous to leave alive.
Even if this wasnt a wizard friend (wizards are very able to defend themselves and Yonah actually is a lower ranked wizard than most of his friends), it would end up as i described in the previous paragraph. (I like both options, of purely safe or mix safe and fatal)
*(i used to have basically none unless you had a LOT of money to spend and time to cast it, but ive adjusted to include easier short term safety spells, like 20 min duration. you'd have to recast and they dont provide air. so you still need money and time for spells that can handle say, overnight snuggles)
Thanks for the ask!
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trek-tracks · 5 months
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Sorry, we can't move them
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jack-the-nibbler · 1 year
On one hand I like the idea of settings with casual vore, on the other I hate how a vast majority of them are fatal. At least from what I’ve seen.
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suntails · 4 months
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💙 best friends 💛
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 30 days
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King the silly guys, Lupin III!
(for @dying-suffering-french-stalkers)
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