#father Aro/ daughter Jane dynamic
effrvsnt107 · 1 year
Aro headcanons because I feel like ranting:
• Aro washes, he is the only one that washes, he’s clean, the blood on his hands is just a part of him don’t worry about it
• He’s a glorified theatre kid, he adores all creative media but has a strong preference for music and art. He’s a quiet commissioner, if you ever get a commission for anything remotely historical it’s him asking the new receptionist to do it for him
• All vampires have a scent that attracts, but from the amount of vampires and humans he’s killed there’s a lingering smell of death that cannot be washed off.
• Given that he probably smells of Lavender, Cinnamon and a bit of Eucalyptus because of his baths (with a nice toasty warm smell of death along with it)
• He’s ABSOLUTELY listens to Lady Gaga and I’m not kidding I’m sure he does. He’s a Lady Gaga stan
• Aro’s love for Tchaikovsky is unmatched as well, adores him with his 3000 year old unbeating heart
• Him and Jane have some sort of father/daughter connection that was established when Jane was very young in England. I’m sure she knew something was off about him when she caught him spying on her and Alec. Alec was more afraid of him whereas Jane could sense danger but still interacted, and Aro liked that because what’s better than a willing soldier
• Chelsea and Jane have a different dynamic with Aro, both being seen as the most valuable members of the Volturi and with an unmatched connection with Aro. He spoils Chelsea with everything she wants (usually material things) because she is the one keeping half of the coven together, he cannot handle her leaving because of how good she is to him. He spoils Jane in an abundance of affection since Jane is so young that she’s more like his child than his coven mate. She also has an ‘immortal child’ quality to her, she would attract a lot of people if people weren’t scared of her. He doesn’t give af, she’s his chaotic demon baby. His little Renesme.
• Aro and Sulpicia’s love isn’t real, he never perused love he just wanted someone with no strings attached, that’s why he picked and orphan. She doesn’t deserve a goofy man like that anyway
• Specking on that, denial is a river in Egypt, ✨your husband is gay✨
• PRAYS TO THE HEAVENS ABOVE that Carlisle will come back to him, he wants a Las Vegan wedding just to stick it to Esme because Carlisle and Esme had a fancy lovey dovey wedding.
• The night Carlisle and Esme got married was the day he locked himself in his study to read the book they wrote together, got high on garlic or something like “why did my husband leave me, I’m only partially insane”. He left Caius in charge for that day to realise that he burned down 30 villages and caused natural disasters to cover it up.
• He makes the receptionist manicure his nails, they can’t even grow but he doesn’t care, all those creams and wax treatments for his onion skin hands
• Gives good hugs, even if he can read you mind while doing so
That’s about all I’ve got for now
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vintageseawitch · 1 year
if there are any twilight book sequels written then published, i promise to look up spoilers because if i find out the Volturi decide to create hybrids of their own (🤢🤮) then i will refuse to read let alone own them. as curious as Aro may be about it, it's horrendous that he would try it out himself. the creation of hybrids is legitimately terrifying body horror to me & even Aro's "indifference" towards humans doesn't automatically make him a psychopath about this sort of thing.
Aro, despite his penchant for ruthlessness, is a softie, too. i like to imagine the thought of putting a uterus-owner through such a specific & horrific form of torture fills him with revulsion & guilt. yes, humans are red-eyed vampires' food, but even humans get disturbed at the thought of animals they consume going through needless pain especially for selfish reasons.
at this point the canon of this silly franchise means approximately shit to me so if smeyers decides to make her refined, considerably more interesting clan of vampires into true monsters, she can fuck right off because they deserve better than that. they're not villains simply because they're doing what is natural to them & the Cullens are a creepier cult than the Volturi will ever be. at least everyone knows that the three kings are dangerous. the Cullens are too busy being gentrified hypocrites (completely beige & lacking a good, old-fashioned dungeon & set of coffins... the dark drama is what draws us to vampires in the first place & someone like Forever Emo Teenager McWalking Red Flag scoffs at such things like a good little boring creeper on top of them actually not giving a damn about humans considering how in midnight sun it's clear they wouldn't have batted an eye at killing bella because said little boring creeper - or the prodigal son 🙄 - can barely control himself around her like it's her problem to deal with. glob i hate that & his losing control around her would make their "lives" a Little Bit Uncomfortable lmao) with Whatever The Fuck Weird Dynamic they have going on.
if anyone would be cruel anyways, it would be Caius out of the three kings, but i refuse to believe even he would go that far. a part of it is the thought of needing to be close to a human like that would disgust him but another is at least when they feed it's quick. if anyone is to endure a terribly long torture it would be Nahuel's biological father because he's a real monster. like, yes, somehow the Volturi never found out about hybrids, but they never went & tried to find out what would happen themselves.
i like to think the more the three kings researched it the more horrified they would be, but that could just be my biases & preferences showing. bella & edward's daughter displays disturbingly similar compulsory "abilities" or however one would describe them like Immortal Children because everyone's sudden pull to her after she touched them is WAY too similar to the enchantment vampires experience around the latter type of child so i think the Volturi (especially Jane) would be weirded out by that connection considering how long they've studied them.
i'm not saying every hybrid is like bella & edward's kid, but i'm pretty sure Aro noticed that neither she nor the rest of the family really like or trust the Volturi that much PLUS the Romanians are some of her favorite vamps. pretty sure that has put the Volturi on their guard (so to speak) (also Carlisle what the FUCK why are you being so weird about the Volturi. why tf does edward have his stupid attitude about them whyyyy make them your enemy especially considering the drama in new moon & eddie blatantly disrespecting the ancient group by expecting them to be Suicide Assistance as though that's what they're there for & have nothing better to do & Aro doing you a MASSIVE favor). ya know, as pretty as he's portrayed in the movies, i'm liking him as a character less & less (he's the biggest hypocrite of them all & playing a dangerous game of delusions - like hun, sorry, but no matter how much you pretend, you are not a human any longer & maybe you don't realize it (or WANT to) but you totally think you're better than humans seeing as you bend their rules especially if it's for your extremely problematic red-headed "son" - but THEN AGAIN you're certainly good at wiping out local wildlife like big predators so maybe you're more like humans than you think & i mean that as a slur).
i totally get derailed in my little rants on here & i'm only a little bit embarrased since this is pretty much how my brain works & how i talk lmao so tl;dr if the Volturi become the worst kind of monsters in future books when it comes to hybrids (aka "making their own" 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮), smeyers can fuck right off some more & the Cullens & their creepy cult & creepier hybrid kid are the worst. i still like Emmett though even if he chooses to stick around the problematic bunch (pretty sure Carlisle has a gift as well; it's amazing that so many vampires are not only able to live with each other peacefully but rigidly stick to a diet that is unnatural to their kind - a kind of creature that follows their instincts above almost most things. oh Carlisle, you certainly transferred your wild need to repress almost too exceedingly well).
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