#finally did it after procrasting for weeks
quirkyplutonian · 5 months
So I just found out my classes for next year are wonky and I have to redo half my schedule. But I won't prob change it for weeks
How am I supposed to explain to anyone or my parents that I'm not technically procrasting, but that on sunday I was up until 4am to finish a podcast project, monday I could barely get anything done due to sleep deprivation so I started on my didn't-know-i-had physics homework, which took not only monday night but also all of tuesday, and now wednesday I have to add sound effects into my podcast because i got a little extra time becaus I was one of only two people to get it done by monday,
but now I'm also behind on my two survey/discussion classes, so I'm going to have to spend most of thursday getting that done. Meanwhile, there was a critique apparently due last week I missed but only one person did it so far so I guess it got moved and I might as well finish it friday,
Oh, and I've also got a new project coming up as part of my final, I have a game prototype to finally flesh out into a small Alpha and submit, I've got a group project that I haven't even begun communicating for (no one els ein the group has, so...), and there a possibility I've got a portfolio critique coming up too but I've only really gotten three things uploaded to it and the home page isn't done but I haven't gotten an email for it so maybe not,
then I have more physics homework to do and, oh, I forgot I also had a lab write up for friday.... and probably a few things I'm forgetting.
And then, once those things are out of the way, I can fix next semesters schedule. And THEN, after that's out of the way, I can focus on packing for the winter and starting my study abroad app and emailling for reccomendation letters and adding things to my portfolio and thinking of gifts for everyone for christmas and get my stuff for my winter class and get my stuff for my spring classes and come out to (and probably, sadly, break up with) my boyfriend and figure out what shifts of my job to take next semester if any and figure out which clubs i'm staying in and leaving and trying out and -
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annekan29 · 7 years
How Morning Musume was formed?
In 1997, Japanese producer Tsunku started a talent search competition named “ Josei Rokku Vokarisuto Odishon” for a female rock vocalist for his band Sharan Q under the show Asayan.
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The winner was Michiyo Heike,
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After the competition, Tsunku offered five of the ten runners-up: Natsumi Abe, Yuko Nakazawa, Kaori Iida, Asuka Fukuda, and Aya Ishiguro a chance to be taken under his wing on one condition - to sell 50,000 copies of their demo single, "Ai no Tane", within five days of promotion events.
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The five accepted the challenge and were named ‘Morning Musume’ and thus, the recording of the song began.
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The song was released on November 3, 1997 and they started their distribution at Shinsaibashi, Osaka, selling 16,610 copies on just their  first day. 
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And within just 4 days of promotional events and overcoming obstacles, they distributed their 50,000th copy of ‘Ai no Tane’ at Nagoya.
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As promised, under Tsunku’s care, in 1998, the 5 member group debuted as Morning Musume with their 1st single “Morning Coffee”.
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And from there on, started their journey to become the most famous all-girl group in Japan.
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yeah, i don't lie a lot either, not only because i'm just really bad at it but also i'm a pretty honest person, i rarely see a reason to lie about something to people i'm close with. i do lie to teachers too though. because i am not just gonna tell them that i'm planning on procrasting an assignment for 3 weeks and then doing it on the last night. no, thank you. about that i can lie very convincingly.
there was also this one memorable occasion where i was lying horribly and then somehow managed to save the situation? it was weird. basically this guy i was friends with asked me out and I panicked coz i didnt want to hurt his feelings but i really didnt like him that way, so i said i'm sorry i have a crush on someone so i'm not emotionally available. and he was like oh cool who is it? because he obviously didn't believe me (see: my terrible lying skillz) and i was like oh it's my classmate [insert random name that does not belong to any of my classmates] and he asked for his facebook because again: didn't believe me. and so i panicked even more because i didn't know any people with that name so i told him yeah you caught me, i was lying, i actually have a crush on my best friend (we're both girls) so hopefully ur not homophobic dude. he was not homophobic! so that was great, even if i did lie so horribly at first that i had to come out to save my lie 🤷‍♀️
i'm pan ace by the way! and i'm only out as pan to 5 (i think) people irl and literally no one outside of tumblr knows that i'm ace (because i'm apparently really horrible at telling who in my life is aphobic and after one attempt at coming out as ace and backtracking asap i did not try again!)
also, i figured that you would like to know, that i found some hair dye i bought before (the second) quarantine in my country started and forgot about. so i dyed my hair red again! at 1am (well it's 12.30 but thats close enough right?) i also accidentally dyed my favorite (white) sleep shirt red because in my excitement i forgot to change. so now it looks like someone's head was cut off while wearing it! the chaos! i'm loving it
Oh yeah, I had this one lecturer last trimester that would give you assignments and expect you to have started them like, a solid month before it was due. If it was like a MASSIVE assignment I would understand of course. But half the time it was just like a 1000 or 2000 word essay. Two weeks from the due date I’m pretty sure she expected a draft. That is of course not what I did. I’m over here chatting with my tutor the day it’s due like yeah I started last night gonna try to get it done by the due time tonight :)) shoutout to that tutor, I gave her second-hand anxiety and stress and she did not deserve it. But when talking to the lecturer? nooo I’ve made a start for sure :). On the other hand that was my worst class last trimester and my results just. weren’t vibing. so maybe I should’ve started weeks prior sdkfsdfsk. Lying to teachers about having started an assessment is my specialty. stressing tutors out about having not started so close to the date is also my speciality (i’m so sorry sdfkshdf).
oh my god what a legendary way of saving that lie in the end. that’s incredible. I think I would’ve panicked so much in that situation it just would’ve been stuttered half words and a sprint in literally any direction to get away. What a save. 10/10 quick thinking skills there honestly. to be fair there also weren’t enough people in my high school to get away with naming a fake person. when a guy asked ME out I just stood there staring at him with great fear until he reminded me I could say no so I said uh, yeah, I mean no sorry, and speed-walked away. he was good about it though. until I found out he wanted to ask me to the ball in year 12 I believe and I suddenly disappeared whenever he entered a room. Weird how that worked. so strange. odd. top 10 unexplainable things in the world.
so when I was younger I was ‘dating’ this guy on minecraft. there! i said the first sentence! cue laughter! meanwhile a guy at school had started to show interest in me (the dude above) and i mean. what was i gonna say. sorry dude i’m actually dating someone on minecraft so :)) can’t date you! but some friends got really curious about why I was so against dating him because we did actually get along pretty well as friends. and I wasn’t about to tell THEM the truth either. so i. so i- so. i um. i uhhhhhh. hhhhhh. i confess. the worst lie i’ve ever told. went something like
so the thing is I’m actually in a long distance relationship with someone, which is why I can’t date this guy and am not interested. we met in new zealand though! he’s in america now. it’s SUCH a weird story. we met in [insert place two towns over] and started dating and it was all going really well when his parents found out. they weren’t happy with us dating so they decided to move away so he couldn’t date me anymore. they moved ALL the way to the US just because they disapproved! we still keep in touch through messaging apps and that though. so. then my friends took me to maccas after school asking more questions and what he looked like. so I showed them his insta profile and explained a bit about him. that part wasn’t a lie but geez, THEY MOVED ALL THE WAY TO AMERICA FROM NZ BECAUSE THEY DIDN’T APPROVE? WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT ASS LIE IS THAT. THAT IS THE WORST THING I’VE EVER COME UP WITH. I THINK I GAINED MY ABILITY TO LIE SOMEWHAT WELL AFTER THAT BECAUSE IT TRULY COULD NOT GET WORSE. anyway. that’s something i never want to reflect on EVER again. thank god i’m only exposing myself to all of tumblr. i was like 14 or 15 there is no excuse for a lie that god awful at that age. and yet. ANYWAY.
that’s awesome though! 10/10 identity in my opinion, thanks for sharing!!! I came out to my entire english class in year 13 as part of a speech assessment just cause it seemed to fit the speech topic at the time and i was like fuck it. last year here. let’s do it. and my parents still didn’t find out. despite reading the speech. it was a coming out comment that clearly just went over their heads. they still don’t know. everyone else does. it’s wild. I feel you though. I’m so comfortable saying I’m bi or I’m gay or I’m queer or anything of the sort with people I know are chill but the ace side of things? it’s just trickier for me, at least. the first time I mentioned asexuality was to my Dad when he asked me to explain what the acronym LGBTQIA+ meant after seeing it on the news or something. So I went through each and explained them carefully so he understood. And I got to asexuality and I started explaining and he was like oh but that one’s a choice though with a very final sounding voice. And I didn’t really know my sexuality exactly at the time but I was questioning if I was ace and I was like ! neat ! i’m never telling anyone now ! i’m sure he didn’t really mean harm or anything and if i genuinely sat down now he’d listen but it was enough to keep that part of my identity more private. still i met a bunch of ace people at uni by accident in one class. it was rad. english attracts queer people i swear.
and omg, awesome! I hope it turned out well! well except for the shirt. but honestly, that seems like an awesome edition. i’m feeling a serial killer who collects the shirts of people whose heads they just cut off. who then wears them to bed to sleep in cause like obviously you can’t just wear that in public. what a vibe. also at 1am? sdkfjskdfsdf mood. i’m glad you’re vibing with it though!!
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ashikactually · 7 years
I haven’t fell off the grid yet! I’ve been swamped with exam nerves and prep for my long case  –  which essentially is the worst 45 minutes of a medical students life! It involves me being introduced to a patient for the first time, gathering their history and doing a full examination AND then putting all that information together in the most cohesive form possible within the remaining 10 minutes, before a team of consultants walk in and start to cross examine EVERYTHING. That was three days ago, and if I had failed I would’ve heard by now, so all is well. I’ve passed my friends. You can trust me. As a semi doctor. ish. I also managed to pick up a lost hobby in between all the panicking and “prepping”
PROCRAST WINTER SCARF IN MAROON – cuddle up to all your excuses because this is the perfect complement to any winter ensemble. Despite delayed assignment submissions and impending deadlines, leave your apartment confident that you can conquer the wilderness , the city and everywhere in between!! 
Anyways, I intended to share some delightful conversations I had with two colorful people. Walking down North Earl Street, I was stopped by a World Vision worker, he tried his very best to paint the situation about whats happening in the world, prompting me to answer it for him, and then being surprised that I am aware of the East African famine. “Okay so you know where exactly we’re trying to do aid work?”, “Somalia, South Sudan” I say. “Oh okay, literally no one I talk too knows whats going on!”- he’s a bit tongue twisted now, unable to wrap his head around the information, so I help him, help me.
“You know, Bono calls World Vision the sleeping giant”.
“I didn’t know that!” I lied,
“yeah, we’re as big as UNICEF, we just don’t market as much as them”.
He forgets what the children are being fed, so I tell him its protein paste – “yas! you seem to know everything!”, what I didn’t know was that each packet costs less than 12cents. Its enough to help a famished child grow plump and healthy within a few weeks. If you want to learn how you can help then click here:  https://www.worldvision.ie/?gclid=CJH777nPjdQCFe8V0wodD_EHKQ
What followed afterwards was a frenzied conversation between two die hard VaynerNation fans. He tells me he’s Russian and studies Business in Trinity College. *lightbulb*.  
“Have you heard of Gary Vaynerchuck?” I meekly ask. To this, he jumps in excitement. We talked about entrepreneurship, confidence, marketing, being pragmatic and practical, what we’re hoping for in the future. After half an hour, and running late for a tutorial about my long case exams , I bid him bye bye.
“You made my day!”, as we shake hands
After an arduous talk about the finals, Ailbhe and I take the bus back into town at 9;30PM. “OH MY GOSH, ITS WAY PAST MY BEDTIME” she yelps, “you go to bed at half 9?” “NO, but i always want too hahaha” she laughs to herself
“George Bush used to be in bed by 9”, says another fellow passenger.
“But, strategically that was a bad idea. He did nothing for the state. He should’ve stayed awake and spent time learning more about his policies” I interject.
“Are you from the states?”,
“nope, I just get my accent from Cartoon network” I add
“south american?”, “nope”
“Jordan?” , “No, I’m from Bangladesh”.
“AHHH, BUT YOU’RE IRISH” Ailbhe laughs
“You look nothing like bangladeshis”.. I know
“I’m Dutch myself” he tells us.
He then tells me about Louis Kahn, the architect of the Bangladesh Parliament after its independence. He was known as one of the worlds finest architects, and the Bangladesh Jatiyo Shongshod Bhobhon was known as his magnum opus, his final masterpiece before his death.
  you can learn more about this extraordinary man in the 2003 Academy Award nominated Documentary My Architect: A Son’s Journey.  
  He asks how Bangladesh is currently managing the floods, and I tell him nothing like the innovation and technology in the Netherlands, which has exceptional flood control and a complicated system of drainage ditches, canals, and pumping stations.  I tell him more about the country’s welfare and  economy being sold cheaply to India. He retorts a remark which may have hurt my feelings if I cared too deeply, and he quickly apologises. Tells me he’s transgender and hates it when people make offensive remarks about him, and that he should’ve known better. “It’s alright, don’t worry”.
He’s interested in Design and Culture, but tells me architecture isn’t magical like it used to be and too much politics has devoured the creativity from it. He points out the new buildings in Dawson Street, and the three of us swerve our heads to a canvas of linear dark granite blocks – boring, no imagination, urban buildings. He points out the lackluster of the pedestrian streets and we chuckle because he’s right.
When we reach our stop, we get down, but I offer to shake his hand and ask his name, “I’m still thinking about it”.
When I met Vladimir and still thinking I haven't fell off the grid yet! I've been swamped with exam nerves and prep for my long case  -  which essentially is the worst 45 minutes of a medical students life!
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