luisdelaconcepcion · 1 year
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Another training successfully finished... Still not comfortable to take the shirt off, but the day I'll take it off, I won't put it on again! 🤤😋 . . . . . . . . . . . . . #gymman #gymboy #gymbody #gymgay #malhação #brasil #ginasio #academia #fit #fitgoals #gaylatino #gaybrasil #gay #energetic #energy #fitboy #motivation #freeathlete #freeletics #noexcuses (em Miallet) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnziIDOtyjH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mirex12 · 1 year
13.02 - 19.02.2023
So Freeletics ended up taking a toll on my knees. Bad enough that I willingly went on a walk. (Spoiler: Getting me to walk anywhere is normally not gonna happen. At least after work) The first one I took on a sunday. To my aunts house and back. 6,6km. 
Took me a bit over an hour. For my Birthday I got a Polar H10, so I could optimize my calorie tracking and surprisingly that walk burned far more than I would have thought. 
So maybe, I’ll do that more. Just putting in a Podacast about some Serialkiller and then its off to walking
Weekly Average: 90kg (198,4lbs) - Not much lost this week
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plusperfekt · 1 year
Gewinne eines von 10 Jahresabos Body & Mind Coachings von Freeletics
Gewinne eines von 10 Jahresabos Body & Mind Coachings von Freeletics
Um ausgeglichen zu sein und stressigen Siuationen entspannter zu begegnen, hilft es auf seinen Körper und Geist zu achten. Meditation und Bewegung unterstützen dabei unsere Emotionen zu regulieren (more…)
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rnegrao · 2 years
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A cara na segunda feira de quem não descansou, não dormiu direito, mas teve um final de semana feliz! #freeletics #freeleticsgym #freeleticsbodyweight #freeleticscommunity #freeleticsbrasil #freeleticsambassador #freeleticsworkout #freeleticsjourney #smartfit #smartfitalunos #smartfitness #smartfitbrasil #gym #gymmotivation #gympass #gymlifestyle #gymlove #workout #workoutmotivation #functionalfitness #functionaltraining #functionalworkout (em Smart Fit) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cithobtsiu6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ordnas69 · 2 years
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Never too hot for training. 36° C Outside. #thebeardedone #beard #beardandtattoos #maoritattoo #tattoo #tattoos #sweat #training #firness #shorts #barba #barbaetattoo #barbaetatuaggi #tatuaggio #tatuaggi #sudore #pantaloncini #bart #schweiß #freeletics @freeletics (presso Bolzano, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfUQPYtMBTO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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usertiff · 1 year
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let it be known i do not support copaganda, but i giffed some of the show so i figured i’d release my gif psd for anyone who may also want to gif part of the show. this psd is quite simple, should NOT whitewash/tomatowash, and should take little to no adjustment. any adjustments necessary (likely for skintone changes) can be done through the hue/saturation and/or curves layers! <3 pls reblog if using, and enjoy! you can find the download in the source.
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blrrrr · 1 year
FREELETICS – AGAIN from Federico Mazzarisi on Vimeo.
Director – Federico Mazzarisi ECD – Augusto Do Santos Production – OKI Films EP – Niko Hannack DP – Tommaso Terigi Casting – The Good guys Art Director – Carina Cavegn Styling – Irmi Jenewein Postproduction – nhb studios Postproduction Supervisor – Florian Decker Colorgrading – Julien von Schultzendorf Editor – Kim Steinocher Sound Design – Daniele Di Virgilio Music – Roger Rekless, Ningustorm, Iamdamsick Omega – Thomas Gottschalk 1ST AC – Jürgen Christa Gaffer – Christoph Blase Rental – FGV Schmidle
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Did yoga session yesterday and a cardio session from Freeletics today. Yoga makes me feel good, freeletics makes me feel like I’m at PE class. Yes, I hated PE classes.
Still doing workout two days in a row is something I haven’t done in years. I think I earned a shoulder tap.
I feel like I have to do something but can’t figure out what.
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tecnowiz · 2 months
Le 5 migliori app in italiano di fitness per allenamenti a casa
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Se vuoi rimanere in forma, ma non hai tempo o voglia di andare in palestra, le app di fitness per allenamenti a casa sono la soluzione ideale. Con queste app, puoi scegliere tra una vasta gamma di esercizi, personalizzare il tuo programma, monitorare i tuoi progressi e ricevere feedback e consigli. Inoltre, puoi allenarti dove e quando vuoi, senza bisogno di attrezzi o spazi particolari.
Scopri le 5 migliori app di fitness in italiano per allenarti a casa! Trova l'app perfetta per te e inizia a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi di benessere con allenamenti personalizzati e video dimostrativi.
Ma quali sono le migliori app di fitness per allenamenti a casa disponibili in italiano? Abbiamo selezionato per te 5 app che si distinguono per qualità, funzionalità e recensioni degli utenti. Scopriamole insieme!
Nike Training Club (Android/iOS)
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Nike Training Club è una delle app di fitness più popolari e complete sul mercato. Offre oltre 200 allenamenti gratuiti, adatti a tutti i livelli di esperienza e obiettivi. Puoi scegliere tra diverse categorie, come forza, resistenza, yoga, mobilità e altro. Ogni allenamento è guidato da un trainer professionista, che ti spiega e dimostra ogni esercizio. Puoi anche creare il tuo piano personalizzato, in base al tuo tempo, al tuo spazio e ai tuoi attrezzi disponibili. Nike Training Club ti permette anche di monitorare le tue attività, i tuoi risultati e le tue calorie bruciate. Inoltre, ti offre suggerimenti e contenuti esclusivi per migliorare il tuo stile di vita, la tua alimentazione e il tuo benessere. L’app è gratuita e disponibile per iOS e smartphone con sistema Android.
Freeletics (Android/iOS)
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Freeletics è un’altra app di fitness molto famosa e apprezzata dagli utenti. Si basa sul principio dell’allenamento a corpo libero, che sfrutta il peso del tuo corpo per eseguire esercizi efficaci e intensi. Con Freeletics, puoi scegliere tra oltre 1000 allenamenti, che durano da 5 a 30 minuti. Puoi anche affidarti a un coach virtuale, che ti propone un programma personalizzato e adattivo, in base al tuo livello, ai tuoi obiettivi e al tuo feedback. Freeletics ti aiuta anche a tenere traccia dei tuoi progressi, con grafici, statistiche e badge. Inoltre, ti mette in contatto con una community di milioni di utenti, con cui puoi confrontarti, sfidarti e motivarti. L’app è gratuita, ma offre anche una versione premium a pagamento, che sblocca ulteriori funzioni e contenuti. È disponibile per iOS e smartphone Android.
7 Minute Workout (Android/iOS)
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7 Minute Workout è un’app di fitness ideale per chi ha poco tempo, ma vuole comunque allenarsi efficacemente. Come suggerisce il nome, l’app ti propone allenamenti di soli 7 minuti, composti da 12 esercizi da fare per 30 secondi, con 10 secondi di riposo tra uno e l’altro. Gli esercizi sono semplici e a corpo libero, come salti, flessioni, addominali e squat. Ogni esercizio è illustrato da una voce e da una animazione. 7 Minute Workout si basa su uno studio scientifico, che dimostra che un allenamento di alta intensità e breve durata può avere gli stessi benefici di uno più lungo e moderato. L’app ti permette anche di personalizzare il tuo allenamento, scegliendo il numero di ripetizioni, il tempo di riposo e la difficoltà. Inoltre, ti consente di monitorare le tue prestazioni e le tue calorie bruciate. L’app è gratuita e disponibile per iOS e smartphone con sistema Android.
Fitbit Coach (Android/iOS)
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Fitbit Coach è un’app di fitness che si integra perfettamente con i dispositivi Fitbit, ma che può essere usata anche senza. L’app ti offre una serie di allenamenti video, che coprono diverse aree del corpo e diversi livelli di intensità. Puoi scegliere tra allenamenti brevi o lunghi, a corpo libero o con attrezzi, per principianti o esperti. Ogni allenamento è accompagnato da una musica e da una voce che ti guida e ti incoraggia. Fitbit Coach ti offre anche un piano personalizzato, che si adatta al tuo livello, ai tuoi obiettivi e al tuo feedback. Inoltre, ti fornisce consigli e informazioni utili per migliorare la tua forma fisica e il tuo benessere. L’app è gratuita, ma offre anche una versione premium a pagamento, che ti dà accesso a più allenamenti e a un coach nutrizionale. Questa applicazione è disponibile per telefonini iOS, smartphone con sistema operativo Android.
Adidas Running : Sport Tracker
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Adidas Running : Sport Tracker è un’app di fitness focalizzata sull’allenamento a corpo libero, che ti promette di trasformare il tuo corpo in 12 settimane. L’app ti propone un piano personalizzato, basato su un test iniziale e sui tuoi obiettivi. Il piano prevede 4 allenamenti a settimana, che variano in durata e intensità. Ogni allenamento è composto da esercizi a corpo libero, che puoi fare ovunque e senza attrezzi. Gli esercizi sono spiegati da video e da una voce. Adidas Running : Sport Tracker ti aiuta anche a monitorare i tuoi progressi, con foto, statistiche e grafici. Inoltre, ti offre contenuti e consigli per migliorare la tua alimentazione e il tuo stile di vita. L’app è gratuita, ma offre anche una versione premium a pagamento, che ti dà accesso a più esercizi, a un coach personale e a un piano nutrizionale. Questa applicazione è disponibile su App Store per iOS e sul Play Store di Google per cellulari e tablet Android.
Queste sono le 5 migliori app in italiano di fitness per allenamenti a casa che abbiamo scelto per te. Speriamo che ti siano utili per raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi e per mantenere la tua forma fisica e il tuo benessere. Ricorda che per ottenere i migliori risultati, devi essere costante, motivato e seguire una dieta equilibrata. E ora, cosa aspetti? Scarica la tua app preferita e inizia il tuo allenamento!
Note finali
E siamo arrivati alle note finali di questa guida. Le 5 migliori app in italiano di fitness per allenamenti a casa. Ma prima di salutare volevo informarti che mi trovi anche sui Social Network, Per entrarci clicca sulle icone appropriate che trovi nella Home di questo blog, inoltre se la guida ti è piaciuta condividila pure attraverso i pulsanti social di Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr e Instagram per far conoscere il blog anche ai tuoi amici, ecco con questo è tutto Wiz ti saluta. Read the full article
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onlinemarktplatz-de · 3 months
Deutscher App-Award 2024: Die beliebtesten Apps in verschiedenen Kategorien
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Das Deutsche Institut für Service-Qualität und der Nachrichtensender ntv verleihen erstmalig den Deutschen App- Award. Über die Preisträger in 55 Kategorien entschied eine Befragung mit über 30.000 abgegebenen Verbraucherstimmen sowie eine große Social- Media-Untersuchung. Sie sind so viel mehr als nur kleine Symbole auf unseren Smartphones: Apps prägen unseren Alltag und verändern die Art und Weise, wie wir leben und interagieren. Von sozialen Netzwerken, die unsere Beziehungen prägen, über Alltagshelfer bis hin zu revolutionären Gesundheitsanwendungen – der Deutsche App-Award, der in diesem Jahr Premiere feiert, eröffnet die faszinierende Welt der digitalen Innovationen. Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher waren aufgerufen, aktiv genutzte Mobil-Anwendungen in 55 Kategorien zu bewerten und damit die beliebtesten Apps zu küren. Markus Hamer, Geschäftsführer des Deutschen Instituts für Service-Qualität: „Insbesondere Angebot und Leistung sorgen für Nutzerzufriedenheit, was sich auch in einer hohen Weiterempfehlungsbereitschaft niederschlägt. Zwar wird der Bereich Kundenservice etwas kritischer gesehen, aber dennoch erzielen nicht wenige Apps insgesamt gute oder sogar sehr Qualitätsurteile.“ Catja Stammen, Redaktionsleiterin ntv-Wirtschaftsmagazine: „Die Ergebnisse bieten spannende Einblicke in die Welt innovativer Anwendungen, die das tägliche Leben der Menschen beeinflussen. Als Mitinitiator des Awards möchte ntv die Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher über digitale Trends auf dem Laufenden halten.“ In der bevölkerungsrepräsentativ angelegten Befragung über ein Online-Panel wurde die Kundenzufriedenheit mit Apps und App-Anbietern in den Bereichen Angebot und Leistung, Bedienungsfreundlichkeit und Kundenservice untersucht. Berücksichtigt wurden zahlreiche Einzelaspekte, etwa Qualität und Nutzen der angebotenen Dienstleistung; Angebotsumfang und Vielfalt an Leistungen/Programmen/Nutzungsmöglichkeiten, Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis, Usability beim Nutzungseinstieg, Umfang und Verständlichkeit der Inhalte, Kontaktmöglichkeiten sowie Reaktionen auf Kundenanfragen hinsichtlich Beratungskompetenz und Freundlichkeit. Berücksichtigt wurde zudem die Weiterempfehlungsbereitschaft der Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher. Die Befragten konnten je Kategorie nur eine App bewerten, die sie in den letzten zwölf Monaten genutzt hatten. Es gingen 30.593 Stimmen ein. Darüber hinaus flossen die Ergebnisse eines Social-Media-Monitorings mithilfe von Brandwatch Analytics in das Gesamt- ergebnis ein. Hierbei wurden über einen Zeitraum von einem Jahr 111.890 Beiträge in sozialen Netzwerken, Websites, Foren, Blogs, Reviews und Presseseiten hinsichtlich der Tonalität untersucht. In die finale Auswertung gelangten 384 Apps, die mindestens 80 Verbraucher- meinungen aus der Kundenbefragung und der Social-Media-Analyse erreichten. Die Gewinner des Deutschen App-Award 2024 Kategorie Preisträger (alphabetisch)* Finanzen & Versicherungen Banking-Apps N26, Norisbank, Revolut Steuer-Apps Steuer Go, Steuerbot, Wundertax Trading-Apps Capital.com, Comdirect Trading, Degiro Versicherer-Apps CosmosDirekt, Gothaer Gesundheit, Meine Allianz Versicherungsmanager-Apps Clark, Finanzmanager (DEMV) Wallet-Apps Mobile-Pocket, Yourwallet Fitness & Gesundheit Fitness-Community-Apps Asana Rebel, Freeletics, Nike Run Club Fußballtraining-Apps Box to Box, Easy2Coach Training, Football 3.0 Fußballtraining Kalorienzähler-Apps Fddb, My Fitness Pal, Yazio Krankenkassen-Apps IKK Classic, Knappschaft, Mobil Krankenkasse Medikamente-Lieferservice-Apps Apo-Discounter, Aponeo, Shop-Apotheke Schrittzähler-Apps Healthforyou, Honor Health, Mi Fitness (Xiaomi Wear) Freizeit & Hobby Apps für E-Books, Hörbücher, Podcasts ARD Audiothek, Bookbeat, Podimo Dating-Apps Elitepartner, Lovescout24, Parship Fotobuch-Apps Lalalab, Pixum, PosterXXL Kino-Apps Cinemaxx, Cineplex, Cinestar Lotto-Apps Lotto Baden-Württemberg, Lotto Bayern, Westdeutsche Lotterie Ticket-Apps Eventfrog, Ticketcorner Wunschzettel-Apps Starsnoopy, Volo wishlist Genuss & Lebensmittel Essens-Lieferservice-Apps Bringbutler.de, Restablo.de, Uber Eats Flash-Lieferservice-Apps (Lebensmittel) Bring, Flink Kochrezepte-Apps Dr. Oetker, Kitchen Stories, SevenCooks Supermärkte-Apps Aldi Süd, Famila, Penny Systemgastronomie-Apps Dean & David, Five Guys, Nordsee Lifestyle & Shopping Cashback-Apps Letyshops, Myworld, Scondoo Drogeriemärkte-Apps Budni, Rossmann Marktplätze Privatanbieter-Apps Ebay, Quoka, Shpock Schnäppchenportale-Apps Dealdoktor, Kaufda, Schnäppchenfuchs Service-Apps von Mobilfunkdiscountern Lidl Connect, Mein Blau, Winsim Shopping-Apps Fashion mit Filialnetz Bonprix, Breuninger.com, Ernstings-family Shopping-Apps Fashion ohne Filialnetz Asos, Sheego, Witt-Weiden Vergleichsportale-Apps Check24, Keepa - Amazon Price Tracker, Mein Deal Mobilität & Reise Carsharing-Apps Free2Move, Getaround, Hertz E-Scooter-Apps Lime, Voi Fluggesellschaften-Apps Easyjet, Emirates, My TUI Flugpreis-Apps Idealo Flug, Kayak, Skyscanner Gebrauchtwagenportale-Apps Autoscout24, Heycar Hotelketten-Apps A&O Hostels, Best Western, World of Hyatt Hotelportale-Apps Agoda, Hotels.com, HRS Parking-Apps Ampido, HandyParken München, Parco Reiseführer-Apps ADAC Trips, Get Your Guide, MM Travel Taxi-Dienste-Apps Sixt Ride, Taxi Deutschland, Taxi.eu Wanderrouten-Apps Alpenvereinaktiv, Gaia GPS, Mapy.cz Praktische Alltagshelfer Einkaufslisten-Apps Einfach-Einkaufsliste, Einfacher Einkaufszettel, Pon - Mobile Einkaufsliste Paketdienste-Apps DHL, DPD Spritpreis-Apps Benzinpreis-Blitz, Mehr-tanken Wetter-Apps Weatherpro, Wetter.de, Windfinder Wohnen & Leben Apps für Gelegenheitsjobs Appjobber, Jobfox, Jobvalley Baumarkt-Apps Hagebau, Obi, Toom Energieanbieter-Apps Enviam, Octopus Energy, Yello Heizungshersteller-Apps Brötje Ida, Weishaupt Energie Manager, Wolf Smartset Immobilienportale-Apps Immoscout24, WG-Gesucht.de Jobbörsen-Apps Indeed, Jobware, Truffls Shopping-Apps Möbel Depot, Home24, Westwing Tierbedarf-Apps Zoologo, Zooplus * Je nach Branchengröße und Anzahl der bewerteten Apps werden pro Kategorie bis zu drei Apps bzw. Unternehmen ausgezeichnet. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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mirex12 · 1 year
06.02 - 12.02.2023
As I suspected, with the lack of sports and the amount of birthday cake, there was no loss of weight.  BUT I kept the weigth so thats pretty nice. 
I have also decided that since my weight can fluctuate so much between days, that I will start to step on the scale each day and then build a weekly average and see how that changes to the week before. 
This weeks average: 90,05kg (198,52lbs)
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AI in Fitness Apps: Why It's a Game Changer
Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming countless industries, and the fitness app development world is no exception. AI is being integrated into fitness apps and wearables, providing users with a more personalized, effective, and engaging experience. 
Based on research data, the global fitness app development market was valued at USD 1.3 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to experience a robust CAGR of 17.6% from 2023 to 2030.
In this blog post, we'll explore how AI is revolutionizing fitness apps and why it's a total game changer.
Exploring AI's Role in Fitness Applications
 Personalized Workouts and Training Plans
One of the biggest benefits of AI in fitness apps is the ability to create tailored workouts and training plans based on the user's individual goals, body metrics, and preferences. 
For example, an AI-powered app like Fitbod analyzes your workout history and performance to generate a strength training program specifically for you. It takes into account your muscle groups, the equipment you have access to, and your recovery time between workouts. The workouts evolve as you provide feedback on which exercises you enjoy most.
The app Freeletics uses AI to offer users over 900 different workout variations depending on their fitness levels and desired training outcomes. Whether you want to build strength, lose weight, or improve endurance, the app will suggest personalized audio and video workouts. 
AI plays a significant role in this aspect, as does the field of human psychology, as emphasized by Freeletics CEO Daniel Sobhani during a recent installment of the TechFirst podcast.”
This hyper-personalization means users are more likely to enjoy their workouts, stay motivated, and see better results. AI takes the guesswork out of building an effective training routine.
Intelligent Tracking and Monitoring 
AI also enables fitness app development to track user stats better and monitor progress. Apps can now automatically log exercise type, duration, reps completed, weight used, heart rate, calories burned, and more. 
For example, MyFitnessPal uses image recognition to identify foods and portion sizes to log your daily calories and nutrient intake accurately.
The Apple Watch uses its motion sensors, heart rate monitor, and proprietary algorithms to detect when you are walking, running, swimming, or dancing. It will then log these as workouts and provide customized metrics based on the type of exercise.
This intelligent tracking removes the need for manual data entry, which can be time-consuming and inaccurate. The rich performance data provided by AI empowers users to fine-tune their workouts and stay on track towards their goals.
Real-Time Feedback and Coaching
Fitness app development powered by AI can provide coaching in real-time during workouts through audio and video guidance. They analyze exercise technique, form, and posture and provide instant feedback to reduce injury risk and maximize effectiveness.
For example, the Mirror interactive home gym uses computer vision and machine learning algorithms to count reps, set pacing, identify improper forms, and suggest modifications. 
Apps like Kayla Itsines' Sweat provide customized trainer tips and motivation based on your performance. If you are struggling during a workout, it will dial back the difficulty and intensity to ensure you complete the routine.
This AI-enabled coaching provides a safer, more results-oriented workout experience. The feedback helps you perfect your technique to smash your fitness goals.
Hyper-Personalized Nutrition Recommendations
In addition to workout guidance, AI in fitness apps can also provide tailored nutritional recommendations for optimal wellness. Apps like Precision Nutrition take into account your dietary preferences, food sensitivities, metabolism, and goals to generate a custom nutrition plan.
MyNetDiary leverages millions of data points to provide science-backed macro and calorie recommendations. It considers your age, gender, activity levels, and desired weight loss to determine your optimal daily intake.
The app Suggestic even scans restaurant menus and uses AI to recommend dishes that align with your nutritional needs and diet preferences.
By combining fitness tracking and nutrition guidance, these apps help users adopt healthier lifelong habits. The tech allows them to optimize diet and exercise in a streamlined, personalized way. However, some critics argue that over-reliance on these apps may hinder genuine self-awareness and a holistic understanding of one's health and well-being.
Gamification and Social Motivation 
To boost engagement, many fitness apps are adding gaming elements and social features powered by AI. Leaderboards, challenges, virtual rewards and real-time multiplayer workouts tap into users' competitive drive and make fitness more fun.
For example, Strava allows you to compete against other runners and cyclists on popular routes and segments. 
Zombies, Run! immerses you in an audio adventure to make your runs more entertaining. 
AI determines how to match users of similar fitness levels for group challenges, recommend new friends with similar goals, and foster camaraderie. The social components enhance accountability and motivation to help users stick with their routines.
The Benefits are Just Getting Started
This is merely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to potential fitness apps for artificial intelligence. As the tech continues advancing, we can expect even more tailored workout recommendations, accurate biometric tracking, and insightful performance analysis. 
AI will provide users with an increasingly frictionless path towards their wellness goals. It minimizes guesswork and manual effort so you can focus on building healthy habits that last. Apps powered by artificial intelligence make fitness regimens smarter, more engaging and hyper-personalized.
The fitness app development world will continue undergoing rapid digital transformation thanks to AI. This shift stands to benefit trainers and health professionals by enhancing client engagement and helping them deliver superior, tech-enabled services.
In summary, artificial intelligence is a total game changer for the fitness app development industry. AI-enabled apps and wearables provide users with 24/7 personalized training, intelligent tracking, real-time feedback, injury prevention, and more - all conveniently accessible from their pocket. 
Developing Next-Gen Fitness Apps
To build truly next-level fitness apps that leverage the power of artificial intelligence, partner with leading technology solution providers. Leading mobile app development companies like Consagous Technologies have the expertise to develop multi-platform, AI-powered fitness app development with stunning UI/UX design.
Our full-stack fitness app developers and designers build secure, scalable apps customized to your business needs. We employ proven methodologies and the latest development tools to bring your fitness app vision to life quickly.
Get in touch with us today! 
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bestapplicationknow · 9 months
Embracing the Future of Fitness: AI-Powered Workout Apps
In today’s fast-paced world, technology has penetrated nearly every aspect of our lives, including fitness. The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way we approach our health and wellness goals. AI-powered fitness apps have taken personalized workout routines and tailored nutrition plans to a whole new level, helping individuals achieve their fitness objectives with greater precision and efficiency. In this blog post, we will explore the top AI fitness apps that are shaping the future of fitness and enabling users to unlock their full potential.
Freeletics: Your Personal Fitness Coach
One of the standout names in the AI fitness app domain is Freeletics. This app employs AI algorithms to create personalized workout trainer based on your fitness level, goals, and progress. As you continue your fitness journey, Freeletics adapts the routines to challenge you appropriately and ensure continuous improvement. With AI as your virtual coach, you’ll experience a tailored approach that maximizes results and minimizes plateaus.
8fit: A Holistic Approach to Wellness
Gone are the days of generic workout and meal plans. 8fit embraces a holistic approach to best home fitness app, utilizing AI to generate customized plans that factor in not only your fitness goals but also your dietary preferences and restrictions. The app evolves alongside you, taking into account your feedback and progress, resulting in a well-rounded fitness and nutrition regimen that is as unique as you are.
Fitbod: Crafting Intelligent Strength Training
Strength training enthusiasts have found a loyal companion in Fitbod. fitness coaching app Through AI-driven insights, Fitbod crafts tailored strength training routines based on your equipment, experience level, and muscle groups you wish to target. The app optimizes your workouts by suggesting appropriate weights, sets, and reps, ensuring efficient and effective training sessions.
JEFIT: Your Pocket Gym Partner
For those who crave a gym-like experience at home or on the go, JEFIT steps in as your personal gym workout apps. This AI fitness app designs workout routines based on your goals, preferred exercises, and available equipment. As you log your progress, the app adapts the routines to ensure a balanced and progressive approach to building strength and endurance.
Nike Training Club: AI Meets Athletics
A titan in the sportswear industry, Nike, has harnessed AI to enhance your training experience. The Nike Training Club app offers a diverse range of workouts, from strength and endurance to mobility and yoga. The AI technology within the app helps you select suitable workouts based on your fitness level and goals, providing a dynamic and engaging training regimen.
Embracing AI for a Healthier Future
As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of fitness, AI-powered apps have emerged as invaluable tools. They not only provide tailored workout and nutrition plans but also adapt and refine these plans as you progress. The days of one-size-fits-all fitness routines are behind us, replaced by intelligent algorithms that account for your unique needs and aspirations.
It’s important to note that while best ai fitness apps offer tremendous benefits, they are most effective when used in conjunction with expert guidance and a balanced lifestyle. Consulting fitness professionals and healthcare providers ensures that you’re making informed decisions that align with your individual circumstances.
In conclusion, AI-powered fitness apps have ushered in a new era of personalization and efficiency in the pursuit of wellness. With options like Freeletics, 8fit, Fitbod, JEFIT, and Nike Training Club at your fingertips, achieving your fitness goals has never been more intuitive and effective. So, embrace the power of AI and take your fitness journey to new heights!
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[ad_1] E-commerce in Europe is about to develop 30% % this yr, with the web buying groceries surge that began at the upward thrust of Covid-19 appearing little signal of abating. Nowadays, a startup that’s construction infrastructure within the area to assist traders fill and ship the ones orders — and provide a substitute for the use of Amazon for success — is saying investment to make bigger its footprint to fulfill that call for. Byrd, which builds tool to regulate warehouses and logistics operations, and likewise runs a provider to assist on-line traders retailer, pick out and ship their orders, has picked up €16 million ($19 million), a Collection B that it'll be the use of to make bigger to 5 extra markets in jap, northern and southern Europe along with the 5 international locations the place it’s already energetic. Based in Vienna, Austria in 2016, Byrd may be in the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, and France, the place in combination it has some 15 success facilities and 200 consumers, together with Durex, Freeletics, Scholl, Your Superfoods and different D2C manufacturers in well being and wellness, client packaged items, cosmetics and style. Mouro Capital — a strategic fintech/e-commerce VC that was once spun out from banking massive Santander remaining yr — led the spherical, with Speedinvest, Verve Ventures, Rider World and VentureFriends additionally collaborating. Byrd isn’t disclosing its valuation however has raised some €26 million up to now. The distance out there that Byrd goes after is a increasing one, now not simply on the subject of measurement however on the subject of merchants’ call for, and what they're searching for in a success spouse. E-commerce is a deceptively complicated industry — misleading, as a result of as customers all we ever truly see or care about is the power to seek out what we're searching for at a tight worth, click on on it, purchase it with out an excessive amount of fuss and feature it seem at our doorways, preferably asap. However the steps wanted in the back of the scenes to make all of that conceivable are many, and most commonly complicated, and now not most often within the core competency of a normal small store, who could have recognized a product it thinks the sector needs, however now not the right way to get it to them. They come with advertising, bills, consumer interface designs, personalization, production and different provide chain considerations, and sure, the logistics and success to get orders to consumers. As e-commerce continues to turn out to be a larger channel, all of those segments within the chain constitute ever-growing alternatives. Usually, merchants will glance to third-party tech corporations to supply those other products and services, and that is the place Byrd is available in, as an outsourced spouse to care for corporations’ logistics and success. The corporate has constructed a suite of APIs that allow merchants necessarily plug in and shift the entire success operation to Byrd. That incorporates integrating with Byrd’s warehouses to obtain, retailer and pick out pieces; and it additionally comprises connecting with an organization’s service provider community, which might come with a service provider’s personal on-line storefront, but in addition Amazon and different marketplaces the place pieces are bought. When an order is available in and it's time to pick out and send an merchandise, Byrd additionally makes use of its tech to faucets right into a community of various delivery corporations — the record comprises the likes of UPS, DHL, Amazon, postNL and others — to seek out the most affordable and best possible means of having an merchandise to the patron. To be completely transparent, Byrd isn't the one one doing this. However along different impartial corporations that compete with Byrd — one of the most largest, ShipBob, remaining week raised a large spherical of $200 million on a $1 billion valuation — is a large elephant within the room within the type of Amazon.
The e-commerce massive has situated itself as one thing of a one-stop store for traders, offering now not simply success (by the use of FBA), however storefront visibility, advertising and a lot more. The scale of Amazon is such that it most often accounts for a big marketplace percentage, and plenty of traders can’t now not have a presence there even supposing it’s essentially as a buyer acquisition channel, stated Petra Dobrocka, co-founder and CCO of Byrd, in an interview. However the issue is that the Amazon choice, and probably the most different third-party suppliers, don’t go away a lot to personalization. Certainly, as e-retailers proceed to mature, and in finding themselves dealing with their very own stiff festival, they're searching for extra techniques of having an edge, and to stick out from the group. Byrd supplies one thing right here for them, too, giving them the technique to customise packaging in order that consumers are necessarily experiencing an immediate provider, even if it’s in truth coming from Byrd, and to offer them choices to move for extra sustainable supply and extra in the event that they select. That has in all probability supposed a slower charge of scaling for the startup, nevertheless it comes as a high quality choice, and that counts for one thing in an international this is teetering on very deficient high quality keep an eye on, and undoubtedly loss of distinct id, in some marketplaces specifically as they proceed to scale. “It's good to say we're a substitute for Amazon, but in addition reasonably other. Our dealers are very brand-focused and need to supply a complete revel in general to consumers,” Dobrocka stated. “We even have smaller consumers who admire this.” Certainly, as is so incessantly the case, smaller companies get short-changed on provider ranges in comparison to larger companies, so having a success provider that treats even smaller merchants like larger ones is a plus. This may be a part of a larger pattern, the place a wave of tech corporations are rising to assist the ones merchants construct extra distinct on-line presence and personalization, too. (The web storefront design platform Shogun, which additionally introduced investment remaining week, is every other instance of a startup taking part in into this pattern.) All of this has resulted in Byrd seeing some very sturdy enlargement — revenues are up 300% in comparison to a yr in the past — with “masses of 1000's of parcels per thirty days” being treated, the corporate stated. Even if its number one industry is in catering to the very giant B2C alternative one glaring adjoining house the place Byrd may just paintings is in B2B, and Dobrocka stated that can also be coming on-line within the coming months. Along that, whilst the corporate hasn’t specified which international locations it'll construct out its success in subsequent, given Mouro’s involvement, I’m guessing that Spain may well be one of the most subsequent international locations at the record. “We're thrilled to be main Byrd’s Collection B investment spherical, specifically because the pandemic has introduced the desire for versatile, virtual e-commerce fulfilment answers into sharp aid,” stated Manuel Silva Martínez, normal spouse at Mouro Capital, in a commentary. “Byrd’s end-to-end features, center of attention on sustainability, and family model consumers set it except its competition, and we sit up for seeing the successes that the geographic growth enabled via this funding will convey.” [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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hi-g2 · 10 months
23.06.19 | Personal Work Day-15
Personal work Title | Freelet Direction, Motion Design, Planning, Project Manager | G2 Graphic Design | yoshihiro Assistant | Mitsumine
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divierteteetb · 1 year
¿Cuáles son la mejores apps para hacer ejercicio?
Ya se acabaron las vacaciones y si tu propósito es conectarte con tu pasión por hacer ejercicio, ya sea desde tu casa o desde un gimnasio, lo mejor es ayudarte de alguna aplicación desde tu celular que te indique cómo entrenar día a día y cada parte de tu cuerpo.
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Aquí te damos las mejores opciones que puedes descargar en tu celular:
Freeletics: Esta app es de las más usadas en Europa, pues es de libre acceso y te da la opción de entrenar desde casa o desde el gimnasio, aquí encontrarás ejercicios, calentamientos y estiramientos según tu necesidad, tiempo, elementos y proceso.
Reto deportivo 30 días: Si te gustan los retos en poco tiempo, con esta app encontrarás un entrenamiento que desde casa promete mejorar tu físico y fortalecer tus músculos de manera progresiva. Aquí podrás regis
trar todos tus avances, tendrás tutoriales en video y una comunidad entera apoyándote.
Sworkit entrenador: Con esta app tendrás un entrenador personalizado en tu celular, aquí tienes la posibilidad de elegir entre fuerza, aeróbicos, estiramientos o yoga, el tiempo que deseas dedicar al ejercicio y automáticamente se activará tu entrenador personal que debes seguir.
Gym WP: Si lo tuyo definitivamente es el gimnasio, en esta app encontrarás diferentes planes de entrenamiento diseñados para el objetivo que deseas cumplir, además puedes hacer un seguimiento completo de tu peso, ganancia muscular, y mucho más.
Seven: ¿Tienes poco tiempo? Esta aplicación se trata de que busques 7 minutos al día y se los dediques a hacer ejercicio, ya que los entrenamientos están científicamente diseñados para ofrecerte el máximo beneficio en poco tiempo y te ayuda a crear el hábito y la rutina en tu vida.
¿Ya te animaste a descargar alguna de estas aplicaciones e iniciar este año cumpliendo ese propósito que solemos aplazar para el año siguiente? Recuerda que lo más importante es que le metas toda la actitud y te conectes con esa pasión.
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