#fuck it i am so salty about that you know??? idc!!! its been a shit night and that bugged me so bad!!
loartacc · 1 year
You know what my biggest gripe about the first hunger games movie is
The bread flashback scene
Katniss doesnt look fuckin 11 in that scene. It looks like it happened like the last couple months for them. I will forever be salty about not seeing little katniss and little peeta on the big screen and I stand by that.
Also the cat, so thank god for Francis Lawrence there.
Is this the wrong account for this and way too late at night for thg gripes? Yes. Whatever.
Also god i wish the stylists and prep teams had like, more scenes. I miss them.
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irkenheretic · 3 years
I dont have a cool salty question 😔 but if u got anything u wanna bring up just go for it
ok im answering this at asshole o clock cause im pissed but with all my hatred for this fandom and everyone in it esp Pushy Membrane Stans that would rather die than let anyone dislike the man i have ONE good thing to say abt them and thats this:
i am so fucking glad none of them stumbled across the "its just their CULTUREEEE to act like that to their kids 🥺" excuse. or if they did, realized they were too white to pull it wrt the membranes a mexican family
this fucking excuse has been used towards i think every nonwhite abusive parent at some point or another and at this point idgaf if youre from said culture or not. if its ur fucking ~culture~ to mistreat ur kids then ur culture fucking sucks sorry not sorry. and if ur NOT from that culture then stop trying to white knigjt for a culture u do not belong to
anyway this was spurred on by my dad "its just our culture"-ing my mom inappropriatley complimenting the size of and slapping my prepubescent ass so i swear to all that is FUCKING holy if youre maladjusted and [slur redacted] enough to start Cartoon Dad Discourse on this post, in my askbox, or ANYWHERE on my blog because of this post, i wont even entertain it and ill just launch into needlessly detailed descriptions of the creep shit my mom did/said to me and hell ill drop any additional dirt i have on you if i have it
this ended up being not about iz for the most part but the bottom line is idc if you think membrane is a dilf or like him or want to redeem him or whatever. what i DO care about is trying to push ur interpertations/headcanons/fanfiction onto other people like youre a fucking fandom mormon because idc how mucn lip service u may give abt Treating Things With Care And Nuance or Caring About Abuse Survivors because if u push ur hcs onto people including people you KNOW are abuse survivors without any consideration on how this might trigger (not squick not Make Kinda Sad but ACYUALLY TRIGGER THE DIAGNOSED PTSD OF) abuse victims in the community u supposedly care about then u can bend down and kiss my mommy tenderized ass
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*sequel* to actual fucking quotes from the shiftblr coffeehouse discord server
once again, it's out of context because x1000 funnier
also x1000 longer than previous post
"ur satan is gnc af"
"Bestie I’m already having gender envy over a fucking demon please"
"O_O ODEPIJHFbavevisdpvfhzdcnjawedsidjksjdkoeirjfmkdsoeirujdksodifjndmksoidfjdksidfj ITS" NOT IN MY FRAFTS IS SPEDNT 1 hour PN THAT SHIT"
"ohoho sexy"
"I am very proud of myself"
"himbo x edgy fuck"
"he has teefs"
"good for biting 📷"
"he's a himbo basically"
"i havent watched blue exorcist in years but mr okumura my beloved </3"
"is it important information to mention that the person i put up for my turn is the son of satan" "I know like 1 thing about everyone who isnt ranboo lmfao"
"tumblr sexyman"
"idk why but my first thought was cowboy onceler"
"I vibe with him but he is very long and twisty"
"steampunk e-girl"
"steampunk tumblr sexyman"
"Canonically bi crimelord I agree!!"
"they look like someone i would want to be friends with but is way cooler than me so i'd never actually talk to them"
"babby..... would die for him"
"honestly i probably kin him"
"i'm sure he's lovely but he looks way too much like my ex i'm sorry-"
"i'd be down for another rotation! i have another twink to show y'all"
"Also :00 blonde friend"
"Let us all infodhmo"
"Hsjagdvbs shhh im on phone"
"Nix woukd you like to joon?
"skitters away"
"I have two braincells and they both drink dumb bitch juice"
"oof wait whats the order again i have 0 memory"
"i want to bond with him over cosplay-"
"Awkwardly watches in band kid"
"One day I'm gonna a broadway star"
"which isnt to say they were bad. they were just fortnite dancing during rehersals"
"I threw it so hard my glasses flew off and slid under the stage right divider"
"anyway heres my boi"
"haha emo"
"virgil sanders kinnie"
"he looks like he listens to my chemical panic at the fallout boy"
"Bro I bet he'd kick my ass with his deck"
"bird man my beloved"
"fuck i had so much to say and then i forgot it all"
"She sounds like someone I would end up stealing her personality"
"yess name collector gang"
"alias glass aiden haven absinthe fish brick rice"
"But I have Cypress, Remure, Genesis, Lemres, and Comet"
"And she's named after a mars candy bar bc alien"
"Hey, if plato went by plato, you can be king thief"
"im not dissing my gramma like that shfojd"
"My dad has seven legal names" "bitches be like *looks at fictional character* *steals their name* it's us we're bithces"
"coraline lowkey traumatized me but i adore it regardless"
"mmmmmm magic man :]"
"°0° green man"
"criminal (affectionate)"
"he would shoplift a candy bar from walmart and then brag to all of his friends about the sick stealing he did"
"despite the fact he's canonically been capable of overpowering a minor deity"
"i would commit so many crimes for him"
"Very babey"
"Yes please tell green man he is very pog"
"he also keeps a lot of dumb secrets"
"but I will sorely miss the chaos and energy of this here chat until I wake again" (by request XD)
"i just say words and if they're funny then they're funny"
"* or extremly chaotic either works"
"at this point we are just taking turns rambling"
"bc my brain has a schedule"
"Hopefully they have gyoza there or I will lose my mind"
"hehe yes spooky man"
"my ghost glucose guardian"
"the head of the undead group that lives there, and we end up dating. (yes I date a ghost, no I will not be taking constructive criticism /lh)"
"ghosts r just inherently sexy"
"i mean im becoming a squid thing so"
"Raven quirk raven quirk!!"
"ł â m p"
"mothman: ooh lamp you look very nice today! do you come here often? mothman: wait shit no"
"I'd date a ghost"
"mine is still accurate, i am still sobbing (/j)"
"p e e p e e"
""@nick wilde is a tumblr sexyman" is the best thing i have ever seen"
"im sorry im cackling like a dying hyena"
"you're all 12 year olds"
"He once caused global warming on accident so he could get a tan"
"god, what a himbo. i love him"
"that reminds me of my friends kin assigned me jesus"
"Man outside of battle be like: princely crying but then in battle hes like: "CATACLYSM! DISASTER! DEVASTATION!" Chill out man"
"Every time I talk about satan it never fails to shock people it's my favorite thing to do"
"im kin assigning him roman sanders" ""Oh yeah he caused global warming because he wanted to get girls" "he what""
"oh damn i forgot satan was straight"
"twink appreciation club"
"give us the twinks"
"my first thought was bottom-"
"so many people to try and get his dad to love him"
"daddy issued"
"Big boy but"
"anyways janus is swagggg"
"gib twink"
"give twink then i will share"
"holds him gentle like hamburger"
"This dumb bitch opened a book that said "do not open" and got possessed by a little bastard"
"he is. fragile creachur"
"klug is beauty klug is grace i would let him step on my face"
"If I'm playing swap and I have to hear one more "Pwanet Powew" Im gonna lose it"
"Who is to blame? Pandora or the box?"
"Bakugo isnt my type but I respect the drip"
"i say like my type isnt long-haired pretty boys and girls that look so gnc that people have a history of confusing them for men"
"hes a gremlin and i can appreciate a pretty gremlin"
"that is to say i am attracted to VFlower vocaloid. This is a confession."
"note i am a lesbian"
"You may like Schezo wegey"
"why does he have one single expression"
"soul soul eater passes the vibe check"
"magic wand"
"I Want To Hold His Hand"
"i would commit a war crime for him any war crime idc which one"
"my favorite one is when he sounded rlly gay because he said "Muscular bodies keep me satisfied""
"p e a n u t"
"Klug is a homophobic homosexual its just facts"
"grug from the croods is peak male performance"
"jaw drops to floor, eyes pop out of sockets accompanied by trumpets, heart beats out of chest, awooga awooga sound effect, pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, slams fists on table, rattling any plates, bowls or silverware, whistles loudly, fireworks shoot from top of head, pants loudly as tongue hangs out of mouth, wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead, clears throat, straightens tie, combs hair Ahem, you look very lovely."
"tag yourself im the fireworks shooting from the top of the head"
"i like essays"
"central time gang"
"11:11 pog-" (wait... is that a suprise angel number?? yes it is lovelies just for you <3)
"Then again im also a dumbass bitch who wonders what the souls in soul eater taste like. SERIOUSLY THOUGH. THEY LOOK TASTY AS HELL!!!! LIKE GODDAMN BRO YOU'RE MAKING ME FUCKING HUNGRY. Like. that shit- it's Bone Apple motherfucking Teeth. hell yea my guy. Im hongy now.... shlorp I'm seriously considering this. Like. They seem kinda like a liquid? But a solid? Are they like jello? The fuck they taste like my guy???? I keep imagining they're like sour, like sour candy maybe? Or do they taste salty? Sweet? Maybe some combo of two? Do they even have a taste or is it about the texture? The sensation? God my mouth is watering what the hell. I am starving. I think I need to go get a cookie. I'm gonna go get a cookie. Brb. I'm better. I'm still craving souls though. Which is a weird-ass cringey thing to say but I'm being dead-ass rn. They just.... look tasty???? And I wanna eat one. Thus. I am shifting to Soul Eater for the express purpose of satisfying my fucking cravings. enjoy"
"points were made"
"jello? more like helloooo schloooAHFJDSDAIDWNALDHSJKDAIDANDM"
"anime girl voice: mmm! mm... ahhhhmp!! mmm, mmm... aaahmp!"
"i think it sounds great i'm going to start eating like that"
"several people are typing"
"do these look edible to you"
"forbidden gummies"
"when I was on lsd I couldn't eat my fruit gummies because I thought they were alive because they had little faces on them"
"oh shit yeah don't do drugs"
"anyways general consensus is puyos are edible, ty for your input everyone"
"everypony is a word so powerful it can bring nations to its knees"
"pls the self control it's taking me not to say "hewwo everypony" in gen chat when someone new joins-"
"hewwo evewrypony uwu deaw cewestia i hopwe it doewsnt wain owo"
"ive cooked up a sowution wiwth the knowwege ive acwued. they say a kitcwen time saves niwne, but im just savwing two. Ive gathewwed the inwedients to make a time sowbet. Thewe's hawdly woom fow seconds when the seconds mewt away."
"I had a ten year old sister... you know what happened to her??? very sad, very tragic... she turned eleven....."
"Guts dont say the secks word :( /j"
"watch your fucking language in front of the president"
"im so sorry lumi"
"i think you're like ehhhh 8/10 funny"
"now me???? 10/10. Hilarious"
"sometimes i have to take a step back and remember that this is the same guts i follow on tumblr /lh"
""ok every here's some good shifting advice!!! uwu have a good day" "yeah i did lsd and ate fruit gummies""
"i have one setting and it's whatever this is"
"my bitch ass cat just pushed the door open with his fuzzy face and now my sleeping dad is being lulled into dreams by Cosmo Sheldrake's 'Pliocine'."
"me on discord: nick wilde"
"me on tumblr: shifting water! haha funne! me on here: my hermit crabs are cannibals also i want to eat souls."
"u give off older cousin ive never spoken to but always admire at the family gatherings vibes"
"what the fuck"
"If you adopt me then yes"
"am I qualified for dad jokes???"
"we're all a lot smarter on tumblr"
"I'm like "awww... sweet... sweet little shiftlings... posting such sweet shiftling content... so pure, so wholesome... does not even know abcs....""
"can't think before you speak if you never think B)"
"I'm not responsible enough to be a mom"
"cat pet"
"show us pictures of the cat or i will do Crime"
"maybe thats me being a coward tho"
if y'all want I can make this a series bc shiftblr keeps giving me more content
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sunnibits · 3 years
hi, hello, here is your ask!!!! pls tell me your most feral venom-related thought.
okay? now pls tell me your most feral dw-related thought.
and here's a flower for you: 🌻 hopefully, you have a better day ahead!
Thank you very much for the flower!!!! This got a really genuine smile out of me last night 🥺
Also, I appreciate the ‘allow me to indulge you in your fixation’ 😂 I swear, with each new interest I am continuously amazed by the level of ridiculous content y’all are prepared to sit through with me. I am very grateful 😅
Oh god, theres not even original Venom Thoughts™️ in my head, it’s just ‘OH MY GOD THAT SCENE!!’ Like?? I just??? THAT MOVIE WAS SO FUCKING GAYYYY WHAT THE HELL THE FUCKING BEACH SCENE spoiler time now if anyone reading this cares
WHAT THE ACTUAL HECC ok for those who are not watching the funky lil man-eating alien movies THE MOVIE LITERALLY ENDS WITH THEM SITTING ON THE BEACH STARING INTO THE SUNSET And I swear I was like ‘oh my god if they do the *staring directly at lover* thing when Eddie says the view is beautiful-‘ BUT IT JUST GOT GAYER THAN THAT???
“When you love someone, you accept them as a whole person, with all of their defects” O K A Y VENOM?? HELLO?? Eddie’s face too PLS-
AND THE FACT THAT NOT ONLY DO THEY CASUALLY DROP THAT BUT EDDIE ACTUALLY WAS LIKE HOLD UP BITCH WHAT “Did you just say you loved me??” *sunny.exe has failed at this time*
I don’t know how they conveyed a jet-black alien symbiote blushing but they sure did that
This is not comprehensible I do not care. Ok gay venom rambling time over I needed to do that
My most FERAL doctor who thought… hmm.. 🤔
I don’t know if I have a particularly FERAL DW thought at the moment but I HAVE been rewatching some tenrose episodes (a quite rare occasion for me) and here are some of my thoughts as someone who probably hasn’t seen some of s2 for years lmao:
yeah they were in love in tooth and claw we all know moving on
I will always be a Ninerose bitch, but I do LOVE how, like, solidified Tenrose’s team dynamic is by the time of their run? Like in season 1 they were getting to know each other, Rose was figuring out how this all worked, ect ect. But by like, The Idiot’s Lantern? They are a well oiled machine and I LOVE seeing them in action!! They have that shit down! I wanna be their friend! (this is why I actually rlly like The Long Game.. the Ninerose team dynamic in that ep is just 🤌🤌)
Oh my GOD that scene in the idiot’s lantern??? The SCENE? Where they pull faceless Rose in and Ten sees her and gets all quiet and deadly? CHILLS. I LOVE IT. I still remember watching that scene for the first time and it just finaly convinced me more about Tenrose being in love (because I honestly had doubts then😂 I was salty ab Ninerose and I guess I just didn’t feel like Ten cared enough until that moment? Idk) anyways LOVE that
Okay rewatching the Satan’s Pit two parter and yeah, you guys are right, this two parter is really fucking good. I love the side characters in those episodes!! And the hug at the end… ouff…
Sorry this took ten years for me to get too!! Here is a whole flower field for you back for making me smile 😊
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holyxvi · 4 years
Fill out & repost! This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
Tumblr media
My muse is: Canon / OC / AU / Canon-divergent / Fandomless
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO. ( I’d say Mateus fans are a ~small~ collective )
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom? YES / NO.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom? YES / NO.
Are they underrated? YES / NO. ( I’d say so, many other villains of FF get the limelight a lot, but Mateus isn’t really touched imo )
Were they relevant for the main story? YES / NO
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO.
Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO
How’s their reputation? GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?
FFII as a game itself doesn’t have a lot of canon for Mateus to really go by, much less for the rest of the cast themselves, but for what is there, I follow it heavily. Game and Novel are my primary sources, DISSIDIA doesn’t really count as it’s only a campy, abridged version of all the characters ( and sometimes even makes the characters things they are not, which unfortunately the fandom follows :/ ).
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.
For an empire that was ( according to the novel at least ) mostly forgotten about to the world to spontaneously rise up and bring fourth chaos as it did to a point where the whole planet was at war with it is a impressive feat in itself. Mateus’ actions set a lot of firsts for the series from then on that would either be repeated or called back to in later games ( i.e. Mateus having poisoned the wyverns is akin to Kefka poisoning Doma Castle in VI ). Also the fact that this man literally put up fists with both God and Satan and usurped their places? Like bro, that’s metal as fuck.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?)
*insert jokes about how he looks like Jareth the Goblin King, how hot Mateus is to a point where it makes people obliged to disclose their weird fantasies, roleplaying him as an absolute mean-girl and missing the point of his character entirely*
...No, I’m not salty, not at all. What gave you that idea? /s
What inspired you to RP your muse?
I’ve been into FF for awhile prior to joining in 2017 due to a friend, and I hadn’t even been in the RP scene since my Cringy Days on Gaia Online back in 2010. I was a total airhead who never even played II and I just liked Mateus’ design until I begun doing my own research and even diving into the game itself.
What keeps your inspiration going?
Mateus has evolved into a coping mechanism I never even knew I needed, but he’s a welcomed one. There’s not a day in hell that I don’t think about him or II itself, and the people who stay around usually encourage me to keep furthering my portrayal and whatnot. :)
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice? YES / NO.
Do you frequently write headcanons? YES / NO. ( I think of more HCs than RP replies lmao )
Do you sometimes write drabbles? YES / NO. ( Occansionally )
Do you think a lot about your muse during the day? YES / NO. ( head empty its Thinking of Mateus Palamecia Hours )
Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO. ( I have what the kids call Low Self Esteem )
Are you confident in your writing? YES / NO.
Are you a sensitive person? YES / NO.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?
I’d accept it well if it was constructive, not something like “oh u suck” or “why don’t you play your character the way I want you to play him???”.  I’m willing to improve and learn, I’ve been doing it for all this time.
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?
Maybe too much, sometimes people will hit me with things I never even thought of and that’s when my brain gets really cranking.
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?
I don’t have to like your HCs and you don’t have to like mine, that’s all I can really say to that. As interesting as the conversation might be as well, I wouldn’t want to know why, I made that mistake once with a duplicate and never again am I doing that.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, Felicia. There’s more things in this world to worry about than some scrub who hates my BPD/Traumatized portrayal of the Emperor.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?
Your choice to have bad taste, not mine lol.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?
I make a LOT of errors and sometimes even use the wrong words and don’t see it until later, having ADHD/Asperger brain makes writing a chore sometimes so if you notice something, feel free to point it out.
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?
Perhaps I am, probably not “oh sweet babu uwu ur so spehscial” easy going, but I like to think I’m nice to a degree if I’m tolerable to all the people that follow me. For all the shit I’ve gone through on here, you’d think I’d be more rough around the edges, but nah. Just some things I’m very skiddish about or avoid entirely.
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
Tagged by: @xkuja​ bc this looked fun and the police can never catch Me
Tagging: Take it, say I tagged you, call Mateus and me stinky idc.
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Why not talk about our main man Ganon? What's your favorite Ganondorf design? You got any headcanons about him? Or just anything you really like about him?
Hyrule Warriors Ocarina of Time costume drives me nuts bro I love it so fucking much? And idc if its cheating but SSB Ganon is also a huge fave???The artwork design for Ocarina of Time is also a big howdy 
My dude I am so glad you asked but honestly I don’t think you’ll be glad because you’re about to get some fucking essays. I literally had to get my laptop so I could properly write all of this up???? 
Growing up he was ridiculously short and the Gerudos would make fun of him for it. They were very harsh on him, regardless of him being next in line as king and would say he’d always be too weak to do anything; that someone that small could never be destined for greatness and that he would let them all down. He took this all to heart but not the way you might think. He internalized it and made excuses for them, saying his people were ruthless by nature and they were just trying to get him to “man up”, that they were just scared of change and that he had to do everything possible to not let them down. 
Ignoring the fact that he’s 8 feet tall and unlikely to find someone taller than him, he only seeks out smaller people to surround himself with. The fact that Zant reached his shoulders made him very uncomfortable because he hasn’t been around anyone even near his height in a long time. 
 Having grown up in a desert where water is relatively scarce or at the very least extremely precious, he absolutely detests salty food. This leads to his food being pretty bland.
The weird thing is that as much as he hates it salty things, they’re all he eats. Its as if he’s trying to tell himself that he’s now in a position of power and can afford to eat them without having to worry about water 
He remembers it all. He remembers every life, every defeat, every single minute. 
He isn’t a villain, he’s an antagonist. He’s the antithesis to Link. Where Link is courage, the one who fights for what’s right, Ganon is cowardice, the one who rules over others instead of himself. Ganondorf is a puppet and he’s doomed to always be one. Ganondorf isn’t evil, he’s not bad for the sake of being bad because that would imply he ever had a choice. He knows that everything he does isn’t out of desire, it’s out of obligation. He was raised in a kill or be killed world, ruthlessness drilled into him, expectations of greatness on his shoulders. But even before that he was cursed. Cursed to carry an eternal hatred, a hate that was never his to begin with. 
His mothers were the worst part, not the Gerudos for even after being forced to be a King of Thieves, he realized they were in need of help and that they deserved a better life. He was an ambassador for them, for what they stood for and for what should have been. But behind that he was still on strings, his mothers strings and those of his curse; being told he had to manipulate, he had to kill, had to rule. It was never his choice and even after gaining Power, after being worthy enough to wield part of the triforce, it was never him. It was Demise, it’s always been Demise and he always takes Ganon down with him.
He is resentful. At first, in his first few lives, of Link and of what he did. But soon he realizes it was never Link’s fault. It wasn’t their fault that they were brave, that they loved. He’s resentful Link gets to love, to make allies not out of power but out of trust. He is resentful that he always has to die, always has to fail. He isn’t resentful that he has to be killed or stopped, he wants it to stop. Ganon gets desperate, makes his plans bigger and bigger so that Link has to take action quicker or doom their homeland. 
He likes Link. He likes the courageous little Hylian that will stop at nothing to stop him. He likes Zelda, he likes the compassion and sympathy she hides in her eyes when she sees him. She remembers too and it he knows it. 
What he doesn’t know is that Link remembers. He doesn’t know Link hates it; that they know they’re doomed to this game of cat and mouse always at an arms reach but never close enough to just talk. 
Ganon loses control. He wants to talk to the triforce- no,- curse bearers. He wants them to know he wants peace but his words are never his. The moment he opens his mouth it’s Demise’s hatred conjuring the words, sounding angrier than Ganon has ever felt in his life; he’s not a bad person and he would kill for a chance to prove it. But it seems that though they have learned their history, they all remain doomed to repeat it. 
But then again I’m also fine with him just being straight up evil like who gives a shit he’s still an amazing character through and through? Like, lmao who gives a shit about that sappy stuff I’m super down for him being apologetically evil and owning it? That’s very likely the case and that’s what makes Ganondorf so great. He’s cunning and powerful and he knows what he wants. It’s just always a shame he’s never allowed to obtain what he wants. 
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nyctimus · 4 years
Text symbols meme thing for Ivanpez and Talix and like lit anyone else you wanna do it for.
Set in MB:R verse!
8:03 am [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Hi handsome! Don’t forget you promised to meet me for brunch at that cute little bistro on main, okay?! Can’t wait to see your pretty face! 🥰
text that WASN’T SENT.
9:30 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] My mother has enough money to cover the slack for us if you just quit your job
RUSHED text.
4:45 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] I’m SOOO sooo sorry I’m running late :((( Got stuck in the goddamn metroplex traffic, swear to god I’ll move to the wilderness and abandon the city completely one day. I’ll be there soon! Promise!
DRUNK text.
3:09 am [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Move in with me wuit your job. I’ll quit mine. We can go somewhere nice like ...  3:12 am [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Whefe? Where you what to go 3:13 am [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Beach? We c an skinny dip every night 3:13 am [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Hou can buiold a nice beach hut an I will make nice curtains for it, okay?
2:57 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you insisted on wearing that skimpy little white tank to work in just to try and tempt me to tear it off of you. 
1:15 am [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Come here. I want cuddles, and my bed is nicer than yours
5:44 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Peter. 5:44 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] I don’t know what I’ve done to upset you, but I promise I’ll right it. 5:49 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] What do you mean? Of course I have, why else would you have worn those atrocious, eye- searing shirts every day for the past WEEK if not to punish me? 5:51 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] What? 5:51 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Don’t be ridiculous. Of course you’re punishing me. 5:52 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Still too angry to tell me what I’ve done, I see. Okay. I’ll try again later.
RANDOM text.
2:32 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Gold or indigo? I can’t decide.
SCARED text.
6:45 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Hey, I thought you’d be back by now? 7:02 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Pete? 7:13 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Peter??? Please pick up 7:26 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Baby please
LOVING text.
10:50 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Good night, sweet boy, I hope you have the very best dreams... I know you’re nervous about tomorrow, but you shouldn’t be... you’re perfect. 10:52 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] You’ve got this. Now get some rest... don’t make me come over there 10:52 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Fine, then. See you soon
3:13 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] What are your favorite appetizers? Salty or sweet? Party hosting has become just a little more complicated since I started caring more about your opinion than my own. Feelings can be so pesky sometimes 😛
3:13 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Pete!  3:13 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Can you believe we’re leaving on our veeeery first vacation together as a couple together today? Even if it’s just a little two day getaway, I’m SO excited, I’ve been looking forward to this all week. 3:13 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Can’t wait to have you all to myself. You may be sick of me by the time this is over. Fair warning!
1:19 am [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Oh, I don’t know. I think it’s entirely possible I’m just a way for him to pass a little time. And I’m fine with that. Obviously. Why wouldn’t I be?
1:19 am [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Pete? 1:24 am [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] My mother just died. I.... I’m packing to head home to Paris now. Can you go with me?
/ / /
5:25 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] I know you’re sleeping and won’t even see this for another 6 hours or so, but if you come give me a ride home I’ll smuggle you a whole loaf of that cinnamon coffee cake you like. Please
text that WASN’T SENT.
10:17 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] How do you do it? Live like that constantly? It was a ten minute experience two months ago but I’m still having nightmares
RUSHED text.
3:59 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] K, I know Ellis would probably throw the entire knife drawer at your face if you show back up here but there are SO many drunk assholes here right now it almost seems worth it to beg you to come save me
DRUNK text.
9:42 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] U just reality want you to hold me brighttnkw 9:42 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] Plea.Se. And pet my hair, Anne kiss my nose. Ok?
4:35 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] I know this is fucked up, okay... 4:35 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] And idk if it’s the full moon or what, but I can’t stop thinking about you with your gun when I’m getting off 4:35 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] Your actual gun. Not your dick, love that one too but the one you... you know what I mean  4:35 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] The way you hold it. Your fingers. Those fucking veins in your arms, Jesus Christ
1:32 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] Are you okay? I know it’s silly to be afraid for you every single time the news mentions turf wars and casualties, but I worry about you. Text me when you can
5:18 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] Swear to fuck next stuck up ass businessman that walks through these doors, orders coffee and then wrinkles his nose when he tastes it is getting the whole pot poured on his fancyboy suit. Why do people come here wanting Starbucks? I’m going to scream
RANDOM text.
7:30 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] ...Pretty sure your kid is here staking me out right now. Not even subtle. Staring me down as I text this. Should I be concerned? Pretend I don’t know him? SOS
SCARED text.
4:06 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] I think someone’s following me. I keep seeing the same car. At work, outside my apartment 4:07 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] In the parking lot at Krogers. What should I do? 4:08 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] I know if they see you it might make things worse but can you come get me? Please. I’m scared
LOVING text.
7:31 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] Hey, hot stuff. I’ll be dead to the world by the time you read this but I just wanted to tell you I hope you have a good day. Kick everyone’s ass. Don’t get arrested. 💖 xo
9:22 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] What do you have planned for Thanksgiving? My brother’s hounding me to bring you back to the farm. No pressure either way. He’s kind of a lot. I think he wants to shovel talk you, so... feel free to be busy, haha
5:48 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] You know that cat I’ve been leaving canned tuna out for for like, the last month and a half? 5:48 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] SHE CAME INSIDE 5:48 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] And killed my favorite plant, but! SHE CAME INSIDE!!!
8:57 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] I know you’re just worried about me, and I get that 8:57 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] But you need to fuck off. It’s none of your business, man
6:22 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] I know I’m being an asshole doing this over text 6:22 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] But I’ve been trying for weeks to say it in person, and I just can’t. I look at you and it wipes everything else out of my brain 6:22 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] I don’t know how to commit to a guy with a kid. 6:22 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] And I know you warned me, first thing, and I know I’m being horribly selfish 6:22 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] I just. I guess I’m looking for something else. 6:22 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] I’m sorry.
/ / /
7:37 am [Graham → bitchboy] it’s cold, jackass. if you’re gonna fucking leave me here to freeze by myself you could at least turn up the heat wtf 7:37 am [Graham → bitchboy] inconsiderate motherfucker
text that WASN’T SENT.
7:36 am [Graham → bitchboy] please come back, i dont sleep as well without you
RUSHED text.
6:44 pm [Graham → bitchboy] fucking setup? target expecting me so find your leak
2:57 am [Graham → bitchboy] i wasfn EXPECTING him, tyler 2:57 am [Graham → bitchboy] i mean everypnoes heard of him. what an asshole he is. cause he is. but hes this asshole who owns a TEDDY BEAR 2:59 am [Graham → bitchboy] of course you won’t believe nme but im not lyin i swear it on my mams grave 3:02 am [Graham → bitchboy] and its not his sons. its his. its so cute. hes cyte. ill stab your duck if you tell anyone 3:03 am [Graham → bitchboy] duck 3:03 am [Graham → bitchboy] duck 3:03 am [Graham → bitchboy] y ouknow.  3:04 am [Graham → bitchboy] god. 3:04 am [Graham → bitchboy] its’ terinle
11:52 pm [Graham → bitchboy] finally finished up here. 11:52 pm [Graham → bitchboy] eta 47 mins, have your office clear and my reward ready ;)
12:02 am [Graham → bitchboy] sometimes i feel like you’re intentionally giving me the lamest possible fucking targets. wtf. i like killing bitches that will stab me back, not pushing pathetic ass grannies down the stairs while her 50 cats watch me? im picking my own files from here on out 12:03 am [Graham → bitchboy] and im bringing the cats 12:03 am [Graham → bitchboy] maybe youll think twice before pulling this shit on me again
6:26 pm [Graham → bitchboy] you sign my paychecks. thats it. you dont get to tell me what to do outside of that. dont get it twisted just because were fucking, asshole
RANDOM text.
8:32 pm [Graham → bitchboy] idc what we do for dinner but i really want cheesecake so
4:30 am [Graham → bitchboy] idk what you and dj usually do for holidays. should i head out? i can crash at my old room at tys, i dont mind
4:29 am [Graham → bitchboy] idk, got me good thus time. pulling over. behind sunoco on 35. dont wnna crash but you should send someone to gt rid of the folders if not my body too by rhen. too much evidence sorry 4:30 am [Graham → bitchboy] im really sorry 4:30 am [Graham → bitchboy] i love you. sorry for not telling you until now . sorry. im so sorry
0 notes
problematic-camren · 7 years
Thoughts on Down
This is a long-ass shit, and I’m not forcing you to read. Also, please be reminded that this is just MY opinion. We all have different opinions, and I’m here to simply share my thoughts, and not to convince you to change yours. So please don’t go to my ask pushing your opinion. I already heard yours. I woke up to a bunch of “asks” and I already know that some don’t like it, while some do.
My initial reaction:
• why is this so auto-tuned? Okay, Dinah’s voice sounds like smooth warm caramel on top of a sundae. Why is this so basic? Lauren’s adlibs tho! Why are the lyrics so generic? Oooh WFH melody… It’s gonna be a bop! Wait why is the chorus so blandly repetitive? But it’s not that bad. Why do they sound so alike?
• and picture me with my earphones on listening to the first verse, pre-hook, chorus and shit with a pensive look on my face, and disappointment running through my head like damn I wanted more…
But then Gucci Mane came in, (and I know I’m the minority in this one), but for me, the first authentic reaction the song elicited from me was his part.
Why? Because his part was so off and out of nowhere that it took me out of the rut I was in. Like imagine a flat line where the song was just monotonous, like a car cruising on a smooth freeway (not bad, but also kind of boring) but then you run into a pothole and you get jerked off your stupor…
That’s what gucci’s part was for me. A tiny spike on that flat line. A deviation that held my attention. I’m not saying it’s amazing. I’m saying that the grating sound of the bass and the randomness of it was what made me smile while listening to it. I’m not even exaggerating when I say that I was smiling the whole time I was listening to that weird bass with a tiny bit of goosebumps on my skin because I knew then that I COULD like Down without lying to myself. It was the only thing that caught my attention, aside from Lauren’s adlibs (which, girl, I wish she did more. I live for Lauren going offffff)
Don’t get me wrong though, I’m so done with these collabs with rappers, like I wanted to hear them alone, like they did with Boss (idc if you say that one is trash lmao, Boss is a bop for me. I fucking love that shit 😂), but if they really have to collab with rappers, I wish it wasn’t Gucci. Maybe Chance, or Migos damn…
But if it were up to me, I wish they would have collabed with female rappers. I still am salty that NTKG wasn’t utilized much. A missed opportunity with Missy Elliott like bitch you had to release TMG over NTKG? NTKG was at least more authentic with the sound it’s trying to project. It was old school and it owned it. Like Voicemail was reminiscent of 90’s bops and not lacing it with today’s trendy dancehall or tropical vibe. It has its own sound, and not a mix of everything generic we hear today where we hear a song and we automatically hear the edm producers more than the artist.
But OMG I digress, sorry.
So yeah, DOWN…
So after my initial reaction, I gave it a couple more listen, and then I watched the live performance, then I slept, then I woke up the next day and I listened to the audio a couple more times, watched the live several more, and here’s my conclusion:
• Down is that kind of a summer bop which grows on you. It’s not a bad song. It’s simplistic but also season-friendly. It’s probably what the label insisted on as their first release.
The reason why it probably feels lacking for me, aside from its repetitiveness, is that maybe it lacks another verse. It’s shorter than WI and WFH so it feels incomplete. There must be a reason for it. It could really be just a teaser.
• at this point in my 5h-stanning life, I’m not even expecting anything mind-blowing. All I want is for 5H to slay the charts, because this should be their era. They seem genuinely happy now and my god after everything they’ve been through (label shit and all), ALL FIVE OF THEM deserve our unwavering support.
• Sure, Down isn’t what I expected. Yes, I wanted more. I wanted more lyrics. I wanted a kickass sound. But, idk man, after several repeats, I think it’s a good enough bop.
• with regards to the vocals, I still hate the auto-tuned shit. I get that maybe they’re finally utilizing Lauren’s range, but I prefer that they don’t auto tune much because I could barely hear her rasp (which was still obvious in her live performance, despite the higher tone she’s using).
Maybe they’re doing it on purpose, making them sound the same as a symbol of their new sound’s “cohesiveness”, but I prefer old 5h where their voices are uniquely different.
• and I’m not even complaining that it sounds like WFH. I don’t have a problem with an artist using a tried and tested formula for ONE of their album’s single. It’s meant to hook the audience. It gives them that familiar sound which could make a NON-FAN recognize their older hits and draw them to the new one. Just because they said “NEW ERA” doesn’t mean that they should change their ENTIRE sound. There’s always that one or two singles that are meant to hook the general public. It’s a constant compromise a mainstream artist makes with their label.
(I mean, The Chainsmokers basically generate the same sound over and over and they’re charting as if they created music. And no, I’m not a big fan of the chainsmokers.
Point is, re-using WFH is not something unheard of. It’s a business move.)
You really can’t please everybody. Because when Lady Gaga released an album that felt authentic for her, some people criticized it and kept saying they wanted the old “Bad Romance” Gaga. When Lorde released her new single, Green Light, her hipster fanbase called her a sell-out and didn’t like that she’s deviated from her “sound” to be more mainstream and I was like bitch can’t an artist explore a different side of her artistry?
And on the flip side, can’t an artist use their old sound? My point is, Down was produced by the same people who made WFH for a reason. They are playing safe. They wanted a single that would generate enough attention like their previous ones did. Then maybe, just maybe, their next singles which probably showcase their authentic sound and lyrics will have as much impact since now people are paying attention. Because no matter how much we want them to be authentic, they’re still a girl group under a greedy ass label who needs them to maintain what their idea of a girl group music and image should be..
And while Down is not something I’m particularly excited about, it’s starting to get stuck in my head, and I don’t hate it. It’s a light summery chill song that’s good to play with your friends while sipping on your drinks by the pool. It is what it was supposed to be.
I get it, I was disappointed too. Down is a downer. But I’m not gonna judge the whole album with one single yet. I’m gonna wait.
This is why I wrote this one before Down was released:
Because I knew that I wasn’t expecting much from their music. I sure hope for more, definitely, BUT stanning 5H isn’t always about their music.
And just because I don’t like a few of their songs, doesn’t mean they don’t deserve my support.
I’m supporting 5h because they represent girls who are not a standard definition of what society thinks a girl should look like or how they should act like. They symbolize us. They showed us that one can achieve their dreams through hard work, and while they have been mistreated before (by their label and by fans alike) they still kept their heads up high, with grace and maturity, and kept on spreading love and inspiration, and they kept on smiling even if their hearts were breaking. They kept striving to be the best they could be, and it’s inspiring. And to see genuine warmth from these pop stars, their love and appreciation for their fans, is something that makes me wanna stan them forever. That’s why even if i really don’t like their music, I’d still keep on stanning them, because what they shared to us, the representation they gave us, the beauty and poise they all showed us, man, even if they fucking screeched for an entire album, I’ll be fuucking putting that on loop and still support their asses.
And I know it’s blind support, but I knew what I was getting into when I started supporting 5h. I wasn’t a pop person before this, I knew I won’t love their music so much. I stan them because I like them, plain and simple.
And I know it’s different for everybody. It’s all just a matter of preferences. Some could unstan just coz they don’t like the song, and that’s totally okay. We’re free to stan or unstan whoever we want. But like I said, it’s just one song. Let’s wait for the other singles and the album.
Ideally, I would love for them to show us everything they have as artists. This is their chance to go big. They have so much potential and I would have liked to see it shine while they’re still in the group. I want the brand Fifth Harmony to leave a lasting mark in this industry. I want them to be on the same spot as TLC or SG or DC. I want them to legit deserve their title.
That’s all I want. And I hope I’ll find that in 5H3.
Yes, Down is empty.
But I won’t unstan just because of one song. We can be disappointed (as I sure was), but I think that 5H is worth more than a few musical disappointments.
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soupwillsaveyou · 7 years
do all of them bitch
cherry turnover: who do you live with? Just my parents
bananas foster: do you believe in soulmates? i think soulmates is a word you could use for some people, but its something they themselves have to make work. It’s not purely a ‘destined to be’ think, so, to a certain extend?
glazed donut: would you rather visit a zoo or an aquarium? how about a zoo with an aquarium part. i often have difficulty looking at the glass in an aquarium, although its super cool.
pumpkin pie: what were your interests as a child? idk? play mobile? and games like woody woodpecker, harry potter and commander keen.
lemon tart: how many languages can you speak? only 2 really. sometimes a teeny tiny bit proken german but. yeah no i dont speak german
chocolate mousse: how is your relationship with your parents? p okay? not bad but like. my mom can annoy the shit out of me and theres somes stuff we dont agree with. but yeah not bad idk man
creme brûlée: describe your style non existant
cheesecake: have you ever visited a sex shop? no
raspberry sorbet: favorite clothing stores? idc rly. i seem to find a lot at h&m but yeah just wherever the fuck i find nice clothes that arent super expensive
green tea ice cream: who was your first crush? if we’re talking about serious crushes that would be my gf
chocolate chip cookie: how has your life changed over the past year? Uhm. I have. Realised Things. Mostly about myself. A lot of things. Also I feel like im slowly growing up. but idk lmao
berry trifle: first & last concert you went to? ive never been to a concert thats like. you go listen to an artist. ive never done that
tapioca pudding: favorite animated characters? dont make me fucking choose
fudge brownie: do you like your name? im assuming youre refering to birth name. kind of. 
strawberry shortcake: are you good at keeping secrets? im.. i dont know?
tiramisu: are you daring when it comes to makeup & clothing or do you like to play it safe? i dont really wear makeup, like at all. clothing i’d like to be daring and i guess sometimes i am but im also. really self aware. im getting there though.
oreo milkshake: do you sleep a lot? if i can sleep in its usually until like 11:30/12:00 and i go to bed somewhere between 12:30 and.. uuhh... 03:30 tbh lmao so yeah uuhh it really depends
apple crisp: how do you relax? games, reading, drawing, tumblr, just whatever. orchestra can be relaxing too it depends. 
carrot cake: who is your celeb look alike? listen i know batshit about celebrities so i wouldnt know even if i had one
macaron: what is your ethnicity? im a basic white bitch
cinnamon bun: favorite salty snack? god fuck idk i love a lot of salty snacks. probably either pringles or pistachio nuts. i love pistachio 
red velvet cupcake: ask any question of your own it doesnt work like that lol
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sodasyrup · 4 years
i really let these build up
DAY 315: nah lol it okay. I was able to write, I was just staring at the screen. and I wrote more until I finished the second chapter today!!!!
congrats on writing!
DAY 316: THIS THUNDERSTORM IS A STRONG BOY TODAY OH FUCK!!! I actually heard the thunder even with my earbuds in max volume 😳
i fuckin love thunderstorms..........
DAY 317: I didn't get to write today 😔 honestly quite tired but I got to have hot chocolate so that's good
DAY 318: I was able to write and we're supposed to have really bad storms today!!!!! also I almost fell asleep before doing this lmao
Whore redacted
DAY 320: in a gift event and got my giftee. I'm so excited to start writing for them!!!!!!
day missing?
DAY 321: I was so distracted today and I don't know why 😔 also I really want a switch so I can play animal crossing but I don't want to burden my parents
oh.... if u get a switch we can play naminal crosigns 
DAY 322: OH MY GOSH, THAT'S AMAZING!!! GOOD JOB!!!! :D!!!!!!!!!!
DAY 323: this whole week, 0/10 for me. I've been so forgetful and keep procrastinating. the only reason I am able to finish what I have done so far is because of sprints 😓 oh well! but I'm tired so sleepy time night!!!
oh babe sorry. i hope u slept well
DAY 324: dunno if I already mentioned this, but I'm in two birthday events and I already reached the first minimum word count for one of them and am halfway to the other event's word count minimum!!! :D
time to pass the MAXIMUM WORD COUNT
DAY 326: my legs hurt from standing so much reorganizing my clothes 😪
id rather die than organize my clothes
DAY 327: I WENT OUTSIDE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A MONTH AND WATCHED TWO MOVIES I RENTED!!! Sonic was really good and Birds of Prey too!!!
outside......... *smacks u* dont get infected 
DAY 328: my knee HURTS!!! also I really hope I can get a new laptop soon so I don't have to worry about it and can write freely
*rips out ur knee* you deserve so much 
DAY 329: I have one day left of "school" and I doubt I even have much to do and I hate it :( but how have you been? are you doing good?
u did it..... today was my last day of work! twinsies....even tho im LATE
DAY 330: I'm gonna miss everyone but at least soon I will be able to sign up to finish my driving lessons and then focus on my writing completely :D
oh fuck epix! i cant drive im gay
DAY 331: my knee hurts but I finally figured out how I want my gift fic to keep going!!! also I hate america once again but I love the people who are rioting because honestly, I'm surprised we haven't lost our patience sooner
FIX UR FACKIN KNEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also god america is awful but my heart goes out to the protesters 
DAY 332: don't know if you've heard about pride///fall but be careful, okay? also I'm pretty sure there was a protest not too far where I live. however it ended, I'm just proud
ive heard of it but idc too much ive been around for awhile i know the internet well enough to just shrug it off. more concerned for others
DAY 333: dude it's okay. don't force yourself to answer them all at once. almost all of my daily anons have been written while I was half asleep in bed anyway, I vibe with that
owo........i answered them ALL
DAY 335: thanks dude. it's just painful to see innocent people be hurt or k*lled. nothing about this is right and I hate so much of this world right now. I can only hope things get better from here
also yeah it sucks so much but we can work towards something better, together
DAY 336: I made ramen two hours ago and ate it. in the middle of the night. my stomach may not agree fully but I don't regret it. also I cannot type at all today
i think ramen just does that? makes u shit ur pants
DAY 337: currently crying because I just finished reading a fic and I'm just emotional. I knew what was gonna happen because of the major character death warning but jesus fuck, it hurt so much in the end. I loved it. 15/10
i cant read angst no comfort it makes me depressed
DAY 338: I've had a headache this whole day 😔 and I think I'm starting to feel bored and lonely. I might take a walk at some point or just sleep a lot
sorry man, NZ has been out of lockdown for awhile. hope you feel better soon
DAY 339: I said fuck it and had ramen again at like midnight, however much my stomach disagrees be damned. and now I am sated uwu
DAY 340: sleeby... but playin sims... and eating cheese... mmmmmmm 😋
sims......chehze....... mlemlemelme
DAY 341: leggy hurts but I have ice cream so I guess it balances out uwu
dude fix your leg serious go to a doctor or something
DAY 342: it was raining today!!!! and I loved it!!!! it was so windy!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love rain when im not in it
DAY 343: I finished drawing a second of and started my third! I love them all so far
DAY 344: I was sad today but I had two cups of hot coco and did several sprints so I'm feeling better now :)
coco is very nice, you deserve it
DAY 345: it got cold all of a sudden??? excuse me, how rude. anyway, it's hot chocolate time!!!! imma add a little salt
the cold is me sucking away ur- wait wait wait salt in your fucking coco?
DAY 346: it was cold as a BITCH last night and it's cold again!!! 😭 at least I got blankets and hot chocolate 😋
DAY 347: I might have allergies, idk. but I can finally finish up my driving lessons!! and I finished my required hours so woohoo!!!
i’ll sneeze in ur mouth to fix ur allergies 
DAY 346: okay but real talk- I'll probably stop doing these after I do a whole year if that's okay. and I finishing up my driving lessons!
THATS FINE BABE one whole year like. fuckin dedicated!
DAY 349: I just realized I messed up the day number for the last one *dies* goddamnit. anyway, early sleepy time!!!!!! uwu
you’ve messed up a few but its ok bc youve done this for a fucking YEAR
DAY 350: MY BODY FUCKING HURTS????? rude. I don't even know why, it just did
im gonna remove ur bones
DAY 351: oof writing is hard and drawing is hard. goddamnit life is hard. BUT THAT WON'T STOP ME
i wish i had hands to draw and write
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survivorelara · 6 years
Episode #7: “Bon Appetite Bitch” - Dani
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Merge time baby, this is where the game starts. My first job is to figure out who flipped in that last tribal, I'm betting on Loris, but if it's John I'd probably understand as well. Regardless it's disappointing because as far as "OG Tribe Lines" it's now 5v5v2, which sucks.
I think I've likely got an ok position at the moment, the real move is trying to make sure I've got an in with a lot of people, and to make sure I find myself in the majority.
Here's hoping my first tribal council doesn't turn out to be my last due to social misplays.
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We merged woo, my streak of never dying premerge continues :D. However, it does feel like an early merge. There's still 12 people left, I have a strong feeling someone ain't gonna make the jury... 👀
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I just noticed im the only Aquarius left woot woot. Game wise, hello, it's merge. I'm finally messaging  people, introducing myself and what not. I'll check in later to list all of the people that don't like me, but for now let's go into this hoping that I'm charismatic
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Ok sooooo...... tribal did NOT go as planned but it still was good because I could’ve gone easily but drew t saved my ass because I saved his last week. we love good karma. Roxy literally forgived me without asking her to and we have merged so I don’t feel that at risk anymore. :) I just gotta keep talking to everyone so my name doesn’t get raised.
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oh lord. You know idk what I’m gonna do yet Because I don’t want to work with pre friends but i don’t necessarily like my tribe either So that leaves me with loris Idk I’ll figure it out
For now, I'll do a hot or not and comments Roxy- NOT. I have to talk to her almost continuously or else she'll think we aren't allies and vote me out. (not that we are allies rn but still) Ci'ere- DECENT. He's nice but replies are sporadic and idk if he wants to work with me. Loris- HOT AS FUCK. my #1 right now, he's p cool <3 John - STEAMING? He is so nice and so cute but he seems close to purple drew. Purple Drew - LUKE WARM. Love the dude, but I am semi trying to avoid pre game friendships. Little Mix Drew- STRAIGHT FIRE. only bc of LM. in reality, more SEMI WARM. it may turn out that each side has a little mix supporter? Drachus - WHO TF KNOWS. I cannot tell if this man is playing me or not. He tells me he can't vote him out, but is that true? We havent been to tribal and he seems to be lying to me about how much he knows. If he really doesnt know all that... he seems like someone I can maybe work with. We've been loyal to the end for each other before. Just keep in mind- I'm not playing for 8th. Emma- queen? She's inactive but a great number for me. We tell each other stuff and she's just precious. Kori- challenge threat, and someone who I want to be my shield. Dani- shes so inactive bruh like what even Dylan- also inactive.
so its 5 revati, 4 auva, 3 zosma. Zosma and Auva have 2 a piece of people who I loved pregame and would consider working with. So who knows? I have a double majority, so lets not be surprised when I'm first out.
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Well, I THINK I'm in an ok-ish spot. I've talked with a LOT of people, IDEALLY the next one gone is Sam just so that I can get Dani more on my side and make it clear that I wanna work with her.
I'm a little salty Altager didn't beat the basic tribe name of Orion... but I'll get over it... eventually...
In other news, I ate a burger today... it was adequate.
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MERGE BABIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I'm elated to make the merge AND get to name the tribe! Like that's fucking sickening! I'm excited to see what the merge holds for me because that was a rocky pre-merge phase. Like obviously I wasted my idol, blah blah. And like I was an emotional mess like the entire way through. It sucks being the one that has to blindside people and like break hearts- but in the end, that's the way it is. I just love that I'm getting to play IN THE MERGE. Like I rarely ever do that because I am too much of a physical threat (in most ORGs) to be allowed into the merge. So I'm super glad that I get to play in the merge and I just have to put myself in a mindset where I can be carefree and not let the stress of the pre-merge weigh me down!
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Well, The challenge went pretty well I think, not sure if I won or not though, we'll see.
I'm getting frustrated with Ci'ere though. Everytime we talk they take hours to respond, even when they initiate the conversation, and I respond within 4 minutes. My patience is definitely getting tested.
Well, I didn't win the challenge, I was closeish, got all the right constellations. I just kinda, didn't math correctly in calculating my Tiebreaker number... not sure what I even did to reach that number anymore.
Regardless, I just gotta keep the target off of me, get a feel for what others are thinking, and go from there. Ideally Sam or Ci'ere since Dylan who I'm still not a fan of won.
Ci'ere has been making a bit more effort with me, which has me a bit suspicious, so Sam is ideal just to make it clear to Dani that I DO wanna work with her.
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What do people do when they merge? Like this concept is so foreign to me that this laziness is actually nice. Its peaceful and serene. Like my god. If this is the case, why the fuck do I not try to make the merge more often? Honestly, this revelation is so beautiful, I may ugly cry just thinking about it!
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ok no offense but the conflict between dani and ci'ere seems literally so beyond fake i can't even comprehend it. maybe im wrong but like it feels so planned, like dan's funeral or smth.
also ci'ere just like formally asked to work with me which was really sweet so hi. they also spilled some tea about roxy/drew/drew2.0 and how theyve been working together without me so. yoinks. glad i won immunity because i wouldve been so lost
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Man i'm finna make that bitch dani leave, im working my ass off to save ciere and get her outta here since she's HELLBENT on getting us out. No no, you don't do that. Hope you enjoy merge boot and hopefully just missing out on jury :)
So yeah, the main name floating around has been ci'ere. But the thing is, I've been talking with people and dani seems disposable to a lot of people. So i'm tryna convince the people i'm close with to vote her out instead of ci'ere. Because here's the thing, if dani survives until next vote and ci'ere leaves, she's going to be after me. What i'm saying to my crew is that if ci'ere survives, he'll be with us while dani isn't close with like anyone, she just talks to throw names out cuz she sucks at this game. so like, if people really want ci'ere out, it'd be so much easier to simply blindside him next vote if we wanted, because he'd feel so safe. Esp since im 95% sure one of those 2 have an idol, so i'm gonna try my best to either flush it from ci'ere, or blindside the fuck outta dani sending her home packing with it
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suprise bitches after a boring pre merge i am actually playing the game i just need to see which side everyone is on i may use my idol to have my side be on control i could probably be first merge boot before i play yikes! also me and loris are powerful... he has the legacy advantage his mind omg
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I hate this cast. Yell at me for a short confessional if ya gotta.
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Deadass probably setting myself up for failure this vote with going after dani so hard but fuck it idc, didn't have a chance to get rid of her after louise had left and she told toby to get the fuck outta here, and now I do and she's going and hopefully joins him in the vl :) toby this one's for you homie, miss ya lots <3
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W e l l, things have went left here at the Orion camp 😄 I woke up to Andrea & Loris letting me know that Auva 2.0 was after me & that I should play an idol if I had one. Apparently the Auvacados are getting bad vibes from me? However, Dani was the one that made a move against y’all so why am I getting getting ya knickers in a bunch? I previously started laying down the groundwork to have people turn on Miss Dani, but I decided to toss that plan out the window. Last night, Loris told me that John Coffey was the Revati that flipped last round and it’s because he’s friends with Drew H. I’m certain that the Drews, Roxy, & John have an alliance that finalized right before the merge. So that needs to be broken up right away. I went to Dylan, an OG Auva, to let him know that his old tribemates said he was on the outs and they made an alliance with Louise, Dani, & I. He seems to be interested in voting with me, and if he isn’t, then he’s a flop.
Sam called me “babe” earlier & I really cannot with this flirting strategy, but I’m not opposed to it! I guess I would consider him my final 2, but I’d say he’s playing well so I might need to cut him before that hehe.
I don’t like this back and forth running around nonsense, so I’m laying it all out on the table. I exposed the Auvacado 2.0 alliance. I hinted that I have an idol that I really don’t want to use, but I probably will just in case they think I’m bluffing & people don’t target me in the future for it. Apparently this caused people to start scrambling which I’ll have you know is my favorite type of egg. Deviled eggs are good af too 😈
Sam says that we shouldn’t go for Roxy because he has an in with Drew T. & that we should keep Dani the target because she threw out our name. Dani says that John & Kori threw out my name to her. Do I believe her? Not exactly. In the tribe chat when I asked Dani to vote for Roxy, she says that she likes her & would rather do someone else. This is a mess. So right now it’s looking like myself, Sam, Andrea, Loris, Emma, Dylan & Drew T.?
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Why is everyone always going after me what the shit. Its drew t and h fault im like their fuckin scategost I jk I love them but im so annoyed why is the fall out if the shit theyfor do, gets blamed on ne when I havent dine anything loll fuck off
I love u drews tho
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I knew going into the merge that I wanted Ciere out sooner rather than later; and when an alliance with Dani and kori was formed I thought I’d be able to get him out right away. Dylan won immunity which is awesome because he’s easily my favorite right now. Idk what it is about him but we just vibe really well right now. I’m not sure where I stand with old revati other than kori who asked me to be his final 2 the other day. I’m a wannabe puppet master and nobody was taking my bait to vote ciere. Well it seemed like they were until little rat decides to announce that I had an alliance with the Drew’s and Roxy. I went telling everyone the chat is barely even active and we voted together once. As of now the majority is seeming to want Dani and Kori isn’t answering aoooo idk who I’m voting for I kinda still want to do ciere cause I swore to Dani I wouldn’t vote for her, but I also don’t like her attitude all that much tonight. Same old Dani from unifinished business, but I actually was going to have her back. I’m a mess!!!!!!!!111
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WELL BITCH I MIGHT BE GOING. These motherfuckers REALLY want me gone huh? WELL IM NOT GOING OUT WITHOUT A FIGHT. Roxy will rue this day. ROXY WILL RUE IT. She just fucked over her whole damn alliance.
Dani is voted out 9-2-1.
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exvee · 6 years
today i was voluntold to participate in a COMBAT LIFE SAVER coarse.. in the event of a emergency i am qualified to save someones life... its from 0900- UTC... i go the good news(sarcasm), last night at 2000... I then announced i would draw anything for anyone on just about everything IF they take my place in the class.. ...well not everyone raised their hand at once. salty faced, they asked me why dont i want to go? "because in the morning i talk to my girlfriend... i would rather talk to her then be with more dudes.." didnt make a difference... I sat there for a bit watching wonder years day dreaming until i got up and went to the back.. didnt bother to shower.. i undressed and sent you a text letting you know im in bed, hoping your up to talk or w.e i then check my fb and twitter like theres anything to check or anyone sent me a msg at all.. i just really check to see your thoughts or what your doing. i then nvm it all when i see an update, deep sigh and wait till netflix to load up twilight zone... watch it for a bit, i got it minimized and your msgr up just incase you text me i would see it... i fall asleep. the time was 1040 i dreamt about my grandmother last night.. a sudden wake up to thinking it was 2 am, realizing i was only asleep for a hour.. i move the mouse to turn the screen on, checking if you  texted me yet.. i call, text... w.e we had our argument.. i fall asleep not feeling any better. its 130 in the am.. waking up at 6, move the mouse to see if you texted me... and i just lay there staring at the ceiling, "man i dont want to get out of bed today.." i close my eyes forcin myself to sleep, alot of "what ifs" going through my mind, i cant help but be awake. laying there, okay ****... its 7 now, lets just get out of bed, shower... put on a new uniform and start a healthy day.. be strong, its okay.. she'll text you when she misses you, give her time.. she will miss you; it will be okay.. just get up. i cant help but touch the mouse pad and turn the screen back on.. damnit... why did i do that? i look through your pictures saved, every one of them.. i try to touch myself maybe i just need to have sex, im sexual frustrated... didnt even work. fuck it, fuck this desert. rolling out of bed at 730.. i go shower... i must of been in the shower for an hr i thought, letting the water run... it was only 20 mins.. i shave, brush my teeth, comb my hair and go back to the room.. place the soaps and towel away, rub the mouse pad to check.. then get ready... iv had this one acu uniform which fits me just right, gives me the perfect slim shape; not to baggy.. its pressed and everything is new on it, i was saving it for leave in october when i go home in uniform i looked decent, trying to impress you i guess. im not going home in october, so i say wht the heck.. i need something to boost my moral. i look in the mirror, my eyes look a mess... like iv havnt been getting rest and stress... dark shadowed eyes. real heavy. i brush the hair out my face and go on my way. jesus comes in and says hey you going to chow? lets go, i grab my weapon and go. the walk to the chow i hall, i keep my head down as i walk; just so the same i see the same thing every day, take the same path, walk the same way.. see the same people.. give me id to the same guard, nod my head to him as a thank you for letting me in then walk through the same white double doors. the red tile, theres exactly 75 red tiles from the door to the sink where i wash hands, the same soap, it smells like hash i think to myself.. i smell my hands, smells like i just smoked bud take my plate and tray, i tell the iraqi 3 times for 3 boiled eggs.. i get 3 water melon slices and some yogurt.. jesus grabs the same thing but he replaces the watermelon for an apple. man i wish i grabbed an apple i say to myself before i sit down.. we sit there, and eat..  i just day dream as i eat, quietly just listening to jesus and his friend miguel talk, miguel tells me man from the looks of your plate, thats how you stay so skinny.. he was eating a greasy omelet and hash browns... i just look at his plate and nod and continue to peel off my boiled eggs and remove the dry yolk.. looking around at everyone, 5 tables away, i see a group of officers sitting together, there were 3 females and 4 males... sitting there, stuffing their face and laughing among eachother. i look in discus, i them mutter i fucking hate officers.. i see the females and i just get so much anger, i call them a fucking bitch in my head.. jesus says, hey are you okay? yeah im just tired. jesus states his conversation, man im so sick and tired of hearing about cheating spouses, it seems like thats the fling now and days.. wives cheating on husbands, husbands cheating on wives.. girlfriends fucking this person boyfriends fucking this person.. im tired of that shit, if your going to mess around and play the game then be single why waste someones time? noone is more professional than I, he chants as a joke of the creed we recite... i just stare at his mouth as he talks... then his nose, then his had gestures... what the fuck are you talking about jesus i say in my head. the voice in my head is very calm soft spoken toned voice. i eat the eggs, the yogurt and nvmed the watermelon, it was hard and to cold for my liking, we leave. walk back together, silent. same path, same things to see.... desert. jesus pulls out a red apple and bites it.. i look the apple in his hand, man i wish i got a apple i say again in my head. we get back to the shop... i put my weapon in the rack, the same empty spot on the rack i plce my dirty weapon i care so less about, "im never going to use it" i say out loud to my self... and walk to the back of the office. agnew is sitting there on his ipad, drew is sitting there with a flash light pretending its a gun as he shoots me john is on the computer looking at cars and says hey ese, im sorry i unplugged your ipod from the charger to charge mine.. i just stare at everyone with a blank look like dude, idc about none of yall.. i just nod my head as a morning greeting and back to the front i sit on the floor against the wall waiting to go to this CLS class... jesus is coming with me so it might not be all that bad. its 850 by then, he ask if im ready to go down to the Aid station, i tell him hold on. i need to grab something.. when really i just wanted to see if you wrote me back yet.. saying in my head, your so pathetic eric. running to the back just to see if she wrote you, disappointed.. were suppose to let her text us; my mind is talking but my body keeps on moving in disregards to the commands my mind is speaking out. i rub the mouse pad, nothing yet... damn, let me call... no answer... jesus comes, hey man are you ready?.. umm yeeeah, lets go.. i close the laptop as to signify thats it eric, stay off your laptop all day and leave her alone.. i grab my stuff and go. we get there, we sit.. he asks whats wrong, i say nothing.. he ask how we are doing i say good, he ask have i talked to eric i say yes, last night.. he ask hows he doing i say good.... he shuts up, from the tone of my voice he gets the drift.. i dont feel like talking.. he offers a cigarette, i decline and drink my water. the instructor comes out and takes our names down, theres 5 of us... 2 guys from A co. idk 1 guy named collier from Eco. i went to military school with then me and jesus from HHC co.. the instructor, SGT Anol... says well the class was not suppose to be till tomorrow so just com back tomorrow at 0900 in front of this door.. roger, SGT; walking back jesus says hes going to bed... not telling anyone we got released early... so i do the same.. i dont feel like being at work any way.. walk to the back, open the laptop... touch mouse pad.. i check twitter then fb to see if your awake.. so frustrated, i just activate my old fb, i need to talk to scuba or end or my family i say to myself.. i change my profile picture, click on your profile to see if your up again, sigh> i deactivate it again, pointless.. i dont want to talk to anymore... but her i think to myself. i go on twitter, i wonder who ****** was, so i checked his profile out to see if i knew him.. i notice his name lingers around so i just check. i see some photos.. i do recognize him from school.. he got fat from the face i tell myself.. he's ugly... w.e, brittany wont leave me for this guy.. what ifs then come along.. i just exit out and sit out on the pouch for a bit.. i come back in, sit in the same chair.. touch the mouse pad... still no msg.. i then call, then text you whatever comes to mind, i then start to email you my day, a vent of thoughts and actions of my boring dumb life.. you finally msg me..
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