#fuyumi's mom grip on shoto's shoulder because he wants to leave so badly......
yugiohz · 2 months
hawks is weird with endeavor in a “he saved me as a kid/i see him as a replacement father figure” way, i’m not sure how people interpret that as hawks wanting him in any other ways, it kind of creeps me out
and i find it so interesting to dig more into this (barely there) subplot like yeah let's unpack hawks' clinginess and blind loyalty let's think about how endeavor would react to that and try to navigate that because hawks wants to be squeeze himself into that family so so badly and hten there's the dabi baggage too like where do we go from here!!!
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Haunting Shadows: Chapter One, Manifestation of a Powerful Quirk
📌Chapter Two
🔥Summary: Risae Shinamai’s favorite pastime is to play with Touya Todoroki, eldest son of the number two hero, Endeavor. However, one day, they get a look at one of Shoto’s training sessions. (Sorry I’m bad at summaries)
📝Word count: 1436
🔮Rated: T+
🚨Warnings: child abuse, trauma, endeavor being endeavor people
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"Naomi, c'mon! Shoto and Touya are waiting!"
Naomi, keeping her usual calm aura, didn't speed up, choosing to continue at her leisurely pace. "They'll still be at their home, Risae. If we run we'll only going slow down more when we have to wait to catch our breath so we don't pass out."
Risae scowled at her companion, she had a point but that didn't make her happy about it. Naomi snorted at her friend's face, "You know I'm right." She pinched her cheek, "Don't make that face, Papa said it'll freeze if you do."
"Just hurry."
The Todoroki household wasn't exactly far from Risae's house, but since Naomi wanted to go, Risae's brother, Kanto drove for almost twenty minutes to get her and bring her to their house. It was a warm spring day so they decided to walk the rest of the way. Kanto had work anyways.
The neighborhood Risae lived in was much different than Naomi's apartment building. It was a beautifully designed structure, but apparently beneath her father's standards because he refused to go near a building that didn't charge at least a hundred thousand yen per month. Pompous bastard. The only way Naomi was able to spend the night was if all her clothes went through the washers first, not returning them until morning. Thankfully Risae and Naomi were the same size. She didn't know how or why Naomi put up with her father but she wasn't about to complain.
"Hey." Naomi tugged at her friend to stop walking, "We're here, idiot."
Risae blinked, looking up at the large, traditional Japanese house in front of them. They were heading to Shoto's home. Right.
"I heard Aunt Rei is going to bake us green tea cookies today," Naomi commented, walking up to the door and knocking.
Endeavor himself opened it, obviously displeased about something else. Probably Shoto or Touya. He shoved the door the rest of the way open before stalking off.
Risae shot Naomi look that said don't say anything, it'll make it worse.
Naomi wrinkled her nose in disgust at the flaming 'hero' before turning back to Risae with a nod. "Let's go find Touya and Shoto-" She was interrupted by the sound of horrific coughing and sputtering. No. Training isn't today. The duo glanced at each other before sprinting down the hall to the room Endeavor entered. Naomi gripped the handle and, instead of flinging the door open like she wanted, she slowly pulled the door back enough for them to peek inside.
It was sickening.
Shoto lay on the ground, a puddle of vomit surrounding his front. Aunt Rei was by his side, her trembling hand running over his back while the other wiped his chin. "Please stop pushing him." She pleaded to unhearing ears, "He's only five years old."
Endeavor snarled, "He can take it. Get out of my way." A slap resounded through the room, making Risae bury her shaking body into Naomi's, peaking over her shoulder. Shoto lifted his head, "Mama?" He sounded so, so scared.
Suddenly hands pulled both the girls back and into a warm body. Naomi tensed, but Risae had already whirled around and flung her arms around Touya's neck, quivering.
"Make him stop." Naomi's voice shook. With anger or fear none of them knew. Both perhaps.
Touya hesitated, "If I even go in there, he'll go twice as badly on all of us. Even Fuyumi and Natsuo."
Sniffing, Risae pulled back from Touya's warmth when Naomi hissed out, "Then make it so he can't."
Touya's voice turned firm, "If I do, the house won't be able to take it. I can't risk everyone's lives for what happens daily."
Naomi felt a flare of anger run through her, "Can't or won't?"
He tensed slightly, but before the argument could further, Risae pulled on Naomi's jacket. "Don't be so loud. He'll hear us." She heard another loud smack before she recoiled deeper into Touya. "He's the number two hero Naomi. We can't do anything."
Naomi shook, "That's why this happens. Because people are too cowardly to stand up and say 'no'."
Touya's sapphire eyes went cold. "Our mother tried to say no. Look at her now." Faint sobbing could be heard, maybe Shoto, maybe Aunt Rei. It blended together, the halls echoed their pain. Hatred for the man that was supposed to be a hero was imbedded into the walls as assuredly as the nails are in the wood.
Tears were welling up in Naomi's mahogany eyes. Pathetic. Why couldn't Shoto live with Touya in an apartment close to her's? Why couldn't Risae visit them on weekends and walk home some weekdays? Why did Shoto have to live in this hell of a home? Touya didn't have to endure half of what his youngest brother did. She wouldn't even be around him as much if Risae didn't cling to him every chance she got.
Naomi shook her head. Those were her friends. No matter how upset she was, she shouldn't lash her anger on them. Even if it was the truth.
Touya stood, letting both girls loose. His voice was slightly hoarse, "Mom made some cookies earlier, want one? It can be our secret."
Naomi nodded mutely, ready to leave, but shockingly, Risae stood still. Her eyes, the color of seafoam, had glazed over. She stared at the door like she was remembering another home that deceived it's guests as much as the Todoroki household. Not home. Neither of their houses was a home. She was very aware of the ugly bruises on her wrist now.
She pulled her thin sleeve lower.
Steeled herself.
And walked right inside the training room.
Enji Todoroki stood like a wall of determination and toxicity in front of a kneeling Shoto who was beside his mother. Risae imperceptibly flinched when she realized Aunt Rei must be unconscious. She kept her head high though as she walked to stand between Shoto and his father.
Make him stop.
Can't or won't?
That's why this happens. Because people are too cowardly to stand up and say 'no'.
Risae bared her teeth at the number two hero in the world. She forced her spine to be straight as she somehow managed to glare at Endeavor. His brow twitched as he looked back. "Move." His voice boomed across the room.
Every instinct she had in her body wailed for her to obey. Not more bruises, please. The broken bones that would take months to heal. All of which could be avoided, if she would just move.
The shock was obvious on both Shoto and his father's faces as she widened her stance a bit and said, "I'm not moving and you're not hurting either of them."
A quiet snarl slipped from Endeavor's mouth. It was scarier than anything Risae ever heard and she had no doubt that it would haunt her nightmares along with the shadow figure that she called 'Father'.
Maybe he was in Shoto's dreams too.
"I'll make you move myself, you spoiled brat. Do it."
Risae trembled but made herself say, "I dare you."
Endeavor looked as if his heart would explode from the anger radiating from his very core. His lips pulled back into a horrifying look as he reached a burning hand toward her.
Just before he touched her, something ripped open inside of her chest. Flooding out and coating her insides. It left her body in a rush, and the room went lighter? Was that Endeavor's quirk doing that? No, it couldn't be. The shadows hadn't changed, they disappeared completely. The only darkness in the room was around her, making shapes of demonic animals. The largest, a twisted looking thing with pits for eyes and inky black dripping from its maw, hissed.
Risae felt weak, her legs gave out, her body sinking to the floor. The things circled around her, twisting between Endeavor and herself. Then, silently, they melted into the ground, returning to their rightful places in the room. Risae heard pounding footsteps but she couldn't focus. She heard a panicked voice, then another higher one. Touya and Naomi? Didn't they go get cookies? She hoped they saved one for her, Touya ate a lot. And Naomi would tell him he'll get fat if he keeps it up. He'd snort then suggest that they sleep off their food coma next to the pond and flower garden their house was centered around.
Sleep sounded nice though. Maybe she could ask Touya to take her there. She didn't feel like walking. She shut her eyes, body going limp as darkness rocked her under its warm waves.
End of chapter one: The Manifestation of a Powerful Quirk
Notes: So chapter one is down and published! I'm super excited to finally post a Mha fanfiction and I wanna hear your thoughts in the comments!
Special thanks to my best friend for being the inspiration for Naomi <3 who doesn’t have Tumblr otherwise I’d tag her. 🤷🏽‍♀️
I’ll update the story as I can but I’m busy so I’m not sure how often I’ll post updates.
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