#gay dvd
daniswoso · 3 months
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DVD x Reader
Summary: Daan sort of terrifies you, eventually you learn you had no reason to be scared.
Warnings: Swearing, gay panic, minor crisis No hate to Ellie and Daan’s current relationship or either of them I adore them!!!, overthinking (sort of?), reader and Daan being oblivious, use of Y/N.
You and Danielle had been teammates for the past 3 months. You however wouldn't consider yourselves friends.
You don't know why, you don't know when, but you just automatically assumed Danielle hated you. Maybe it was the way she'd have an unreadable expression on her face when you'd speak French to your other teammates. Or the way she'd absolutely show no mercy during matches or training.
The amount of times you had been on the receiving end of an angry Danielle Van De Donk in training, well... you had lost count, you just knew they hurt.
Today was a team bonding day at Ada's house, nothing too serious, just you and all the girls from Lyon sat around playing fifa and being competitive little shits.
However, it was just your luck you arrived late. And that the only available seat was the one next to the woman you swore hated you.
But you took it, despite being shit scared of her.
Everything was going well, you didn't necessarily speak to each other that much, only exchanging one word at a time. The dutch woman clearly not up for conversation, with you at least. But she was certainly up for it with the blonde on the other side of her, Ellie Carpenter.
You don't know why on Earth it bothered you so much. The way Ellie looked at Danielle with a lovesick expression, the way she'd laugh a tad too hard at her jokes, the way she'd hang off her every word. It annoyed you to no end, and you didn't know why. Which only made you more annoyed.
Which then led to you heading into Ada's kitchen, trying to not throw the glass you were pouring wine into at the wall out of frustration.
Why the hell was this bothering you so much? You were terrified of the woman! You had seen the way she tore her opposition apart on the pitch. You had seen the way she tackled so fiercely. You had seen the way her muscular arms flexed as she was in the gym, the way she panted after a heavy training session.
Holy shit. You were scared of her. But it was maybe possible that you like liked her too? You weren't sure, and that was a whole can of worms you had no intention of opening in the middle of Ada's fucking kitchen.
You're snapped out of your thoughts by none other than the brunette herself, looking down at you with wide, concerned eyes.
"You okay?" She asks, she was actually speaking to you.
"Yeah, just reconsidering life choices and pretending not to hate myself and the feelings I have." You chuckled awkwardly, hoping it would come off as a joke rather than you over sharing. You gulped nervously as the joke fell flat, only getting a concerned slightly judgemental look from Danielle, downing the remainder of your wine.
"Okay, Y/N, maybe you should slow down with the alcohol." She chuckled, although there was an underlying concern to her tone as she removed the wine glass from your hand gently. She offered you a bashful smile, which you returned; hoping it didn't come off as a grimace.
You stand there in not-quite-awkward but not-quite-comfortable silence for a moment, rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet.
She sniffs and wipes her nose, smiling at you awkwardly.
"So.." You say, dragging out the 'o' sound.
"So." She replies, much less dragged out than you did.
"I think I'm gonna go home." You smile awkwardly, moving to grab your bag.
She grabs your arm, turning your back around to look at her.
"I could come with you? Get a cup of coffee?" She offers, before adding to it in a nervous ramble, "If you want to that is! If not it's totally fine!" she stammers before shutting up at the sound of your laugh.
"Sure, Danielle." You replied.
“Please. Call me Daan, Y/N/N.” She smirks.
"You know," you say after a beat of silence that followed the dying down laughter, "when I first met you, I thought you were mean." You laugh, shaking your head.
Danielle looks slightly shocked, her brows furrowing before she grinned, "Well, I hope I've proved you wrong."
You laugh, nodding. "You have."
She smiles triumphantly and you go back to eating your pastries in comfortable silence.
"So, what about me made you think I was mean?" She bemusedly asked, raising an eyebrow.
You thought for a moment, before your face softened and you shrugged, "I don't actually know. I mean, your confidence and your work ethic alongside how you play on the pitch? Jesus that's fucking terrifying. But I don't know why I was scared of you off the pitch, or why I thought you were mean."
You both laugh, "Alright, anything else?" She snickers before taking a sip of coffee.
"Ah! There's also that face you make when I speak French with the others, it's like you're judging me." You laugh, you swear your abs are getting more defined with how hard you've laughed in the past 30 minutes.
"What! No! I wasn't judging you! I was jealous of you!" She laughs loudly, before your fits of giggles came to an end, "And it's incredibly attractive." She murmurs quietly, quiet enough you don't hear her.
"What?" You hum.
She sighs, "And you're so attractive when you speak French." she mutters, cursing slightly as heat rises to her cheeks.
"You... You think I'm attractive?" You grin as she nods, using your index and thumb to pull her head up, making her look at you. "If it helps I think you're pretty fit too." You laugh softly as her eyes light up.
"Y/N?" She asks quietly.
"Yeah, Daan?" You ask, your breath hitching as she leaned in.
"I like you." She admits.
"I like you too."
Silence, but only for a moment.
She leans in, her lips moving against yours, almost as if they were a perfect fit against your own. Well, at least she didn't hate you.
A/N: hi! sorry for not posting much, but here’s something while i write up some part 2’s (and 3’s!) of stuff :)
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modmad · 1 year
SAW STRANGE WORLD. MOVIE GOOD!! GOOD MOVIE. GO SEE MOVIE shame on disney for trying to bury this beautiful film. Discussion of generational trauma, hard decisions re: fuel sources and having an overtly gay main character? it's sad to say I can see why they tried. Failed! but tried.
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bernard-the-rabbit · 2 years
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i'm rewatching winx club <3
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rushingheadlong · 4 months
You know something I don't think I've ever seen people talk about is how Freddie changed the lyrics for Big Spender.
Because in case you don't know, all original versions of the song are sung by women - and it is made very clear that they are singing to men:
The minute you walked in the joint I could see you were a man of distinction A real big spender [....] So let me get right to the point: I don't pop my cork for every man I see Hey, big spender Spend a little time with me
Probably not too surprising, then, that when Queen performed this song in 1974 Freddie had to do a bit of a gender-switch on it:
Though, it would probably be more accurate to say that Freddie made this song gender-neutral because he didn't change it to be about a woman. He eliminated the first use of "man" entirely and then sang "I don't pop my cork for everyone I see" (instead of "every man").
And honestly there's probably a whole dissertation you could write just about those changes alone, but what I really love is when Queen brought the song back in 1986 and Freddie changed the lyrics again:
Because yes he still dropped the first "man" but the "everyone" is changed and Freddie instead sang "every guy" with just the barest hint of a "-rl" sound at the end to give him plausible deniability if anyone asked about it.
So much of Freddie's music speaks to his experiences as a queer man but, because of the nature of the times in which he lived, he couldn't always be directly open about that fact. Most of his love songs are intentionally vague, and he sang about "somebody" or "you" to avoid having to use gendered terms as much as possible.
Freddie singing "I don't pop my cork for every GUYrl I see" wasn't just an adjustment to the original lyrics, it was a specific change from how Freddie had sang it before in order to make it more gay in a way that he could rarely be with his own music, and that is what I adore about this. It's such a little thing, but it gives such a unique insight into how Freddie balanced his sexuality and his stardom, and how the relationship between those two changed over the nearly 12 years between these performances.
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donovan-writes · 1 year
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Your honor you don’t understand how much I love him.
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allthatlives · 13 days
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Steve Henson for the Like A Horse DVD Cover (1984)
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zer0point5ive · 8 months
lawrence gordon cosplay to go see saw x. rocking up in a three piece and standing ominously at the back of the theater
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manchesterau · 1 month
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oceanwithouthermoon · 4 months
watching the frozen movies and crying, call me saiki kusuo
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THE GETAWAY Director: Chet Thomas
Featuring: Derek Cruise ▪︎ Mark West
Marco Rossi ▪︎ Zak Spears
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ickypuppi3 · 2 months
has anyone actually written a lost boys harringrove au because i feel like that’s what’s missing from my life
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autumn-mint-tea · 22 days
woahgh agent washington save me
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smallhatlogan · 4 months
extremely subtle subtext in 1997
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ulfhednn · 28 days
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eggyrocks · 3 months
i hate streaming services so goddamn much im going to the thrift store and buying a dvd player and im ordering a box set of haikyuu english dub
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binch-i-might-be · 1 year
germany has an annoying habit of adding taglines to movie titles. idk why. like usually they'll take the original movie title, sometimes they'll adapt it, and then slap a little line relating to what the movie is about underneath
I recently got brokeback mountain on dvd because I clearly don't know what's good for me and the little line is
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"love is a force of nature"
like ok. y'all really had to choose violence huh
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