#general hardstop
simlit · 8 months
All odd numbers for Kyrie!😁
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What memory would your OC rather just forget?
I think he'd wish he could forget that he was given to the church as a baby. Not necessarily because he wants to reunite or even know his birth parents, he doesn't. But it's a constant reminder that he, quite literally, doesn't belong there. That he was given away as if he was a tool or some material good. It's just a lot to carry around with you.
What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
Fear of failure. Something that has only recently made itself evident to him (and me lol). In a way, he's a people pleaser. He doesn't want to disappoint those around him. He fears the ripple of consequences that might stem from his domino falling first, and doesn't want to be the person responsible for a larger collapse, so he sort of keeps to his duty as a cog, despite how he might not align with the objective.
How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
I would say... not very. He's lazy, certainly, but he's also sheltered, incredibly inexperienced, and lacks the means to get what he wants through pure brute strength, power or smarts. That being said, if the obstacle is something he can overcome, I think he'd be more inclined to actually try.
What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
I made Kyrie almost as a blank slate so that I could easily adapt him to the circumstances of the story. Because CotS is both interactive and filled with characters I didn't create, he had to be someone who could blend well with all types of people, and not have many "hardstops" so to speak, morally or otherwise. But along the way I've tried to make someone who is an "open template" entertaining, and I think Kyrie's almost lackadaisical unbothered humor emerged from all of ~that~. I didn't go in planning him to be such a huge fucking troll, but I'm glad he has his "thing". In a story with so many strong personalities, it would have been easy to get overtaken by the other cast members.
Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
"That's abominable." Because it's just so damn funny.
What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
Yes, he has one, and no he doesn't use it. And it's been called into question multiple times in the story, and I still don't think a damn one of them knows the actual truth yet lmao. It's funnier that way. It wouldn't save him from getting murdered, obviously. It would probably just get him murdered faster.
If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
Absolutely. If he wasn't so hot. Because honestly every time I look at him I just want to punch him in the face so 100% the conversation would go no where and I'd get arrested.
Does your OC have a faceclaim? If so, who?
No he doesn't.
What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
I kind of... took his sister. Mean Jade go grr. I have this terrible habit of killing off loving sisters. I leave the bad ones though. Elsera says hi.
How does your OC behave when enraged?
He's one of those awful people who just gets stoic and civil when angry. As Tay said while having the absolute pleasure of being on the other end of it: that's probably worse. He's not been confronted with a situation that would make him exceptionally angry though, i.e. nothing life or death, so maybe that would change.
Does your OC have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it?
He doesn't.
What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
I think it would be loss. Which I guess is a generic answer, since it's pretty typical of human nature not to handle loss well. But I think when you have so very little in your life that is truly meaningful, then you're grasping at straws and have nothing to distract you from your grief. I think in the story currently, he's in a constant state of bracing. Trying to remain outwardly hopeful even though his body is already starting to reject the premise that things will turn out well, and that putting so much mental strength into denying it, degrades his focus in other facets of his life. Outside of the few moments where he's truly and genuinely amused, I do feel he's starting to lose himself under the pressure he would have, otherwise, been able to stand against without hesitation. I can't really imagine him in a place where he has to accept that loss is real, and I don't know how or if he can cope with it when it does.
What is your favorite thing about your OC?
I love what a huge fuckin TROLL he is. Sorry, it's so entertaining to me. It's one of my main reasons for preferring him with ~certain~ members of the cast. Mostly the ones who are ripe for riling up ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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miss-psyson · 4 years
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She's short, strict, and very firm. She's tall, layback, and doesn't take many of HardStop's rules seriously. Either way, they don't get along very well
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envirogirlnj · 3 years
Professor Anaskov: Alright now lets start the day off with a simple math problem. So Annalise has 19 cars and gives Lucy six-
Speed: Wait why does Annalise have so many cars in the first place?
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Rules- updated
Muses- Rogue (Marvel canon divergent 616 based), Nilza Valdez (urban fantasy OC), Farrar Kilpatrick (urban fantasy OC).Kaylee Starke (urban fantasy OC, Sara Lance- White Canary (Legends of Tomorrow CW/Arrowverse- ON HIATUS), Padmé Amidala (Star Wars canon- by request and hc memes or semi-plotted para threads ONLY. Memes you see CAN be used for this but I’m not responding unless we have a vague idea of where this is going as discussed). 
I don’t always follow. I try to keep my dash to things that spark joy. I reserve the right to not follow back or unfollow at all times, without need for explanation. If I am going to follow back, I will not do so until I can get the time to read your rules fully.
Blog is 18+ due to multiple facets of adult content. If I find out you’re under 18, you will be immediately blocked. No exceptions. I also do not ship with muses under 18. 
I do not tag all the possible triggers that exist. My content is pretty trigger happy- drug use, violence, language, sex, mental illness, death, pregancy and miscarriage, etc. If you truly have a trigger, hit me up and I can tag it for you, most especially for visuals but when it comes to my para replies with a partner that’s already cool with the content, I’m not tagging every little possible thing. Things I always try to tag: pregnancy, miscarriage, vomit mention, current events, politics, images of spiders. 
I do not require you to follow me to interact with me if any of this bothers you. 
I am a multi-para blog. One to three lines is not enough for me to work with and I will get both frustrated and bored. I have had enough years writing really short threads, I’m far more interested in having threads that give me details on your muse, their emotions, the setting, etc.
I respond with what I can get to at the moment and have the brain power for. I utilize rpthreadtracker and will try to get to the older ones when possible but this isn’t first come, first served around here. What has inspo at the moment is what’s getting posted. I don’t use a queue, I’ve tried, it never works. Feel left out, I really can’t help you there. I’m not half-assing a reply because you want me to kick you back a response the day of when I don’t have the words for it at the moment.
Reblogs/Likes: If you see that I’m utilizing a source blog, please reblog the meme/prompt from said blog. I understand when a source is deactivated, that I don’t mind. But I am not a meme source and will block if I’m being used as one.
Do not reblog an rp thread unless you are directly involved. Seriously. Don’t.
Fictions I have specifically marked reblogs allowed in caption or tag can be reblogged.
Liking here and there is perfectly acceptable. That’s normal. Mutuals please, by all means, don’t feel like you can’t like something I posted. However, liking every single post I put up clogs my activity. Please don’t, or you run the risk of being blocked. Definitely don’t scroll back through a ship meme liking ever post I’ve put up for the past three months. I think I burst a blood vessel that morning… Especially don’t like rp memes and not send. Just go to the source to like it if you’re saving it…otherwise you look dickish.
UPDATE- No NSFW will be written with muns below the age of 21, preferably 25+, otherwise will be a case by case basis for 21+
I do not roleplay for the purpose of shipping. I love my ships, I get involved with my ships, but I am NOT here solely for ships, and definitely not solely smut.
I do not require any sexual scene to be fully played out, you are more than welcome to tell me you want to fade to black. I’m not here for the sole purpose of writing smut.
I do NOT smut unless we thread regularly AND regularly interact OOC. NSFW threads are a means to getting to know my muse, and our muses’ relationship better. I don’t write it for the heck of it. I’ve made exceptions to this rule on occasion and it’s never left me feeling comfortable. As of 12/28/2020, any and all approval for NSFW is revoked unless you interact with me on a regular basis OOC and we have discussed comfort level. If you wish to plot further and get more interactions going, maybe an actual thread will evolve to NSFW content. If you have to rely solely on a meme on Sinday to elicit that kind of interaction, that’s your cue my muse doesn’t know yours well enough for a NSFW thread. 
Ships are unique to themselves, don’t expect identical interactions ever, and I do multiship. However, I have a few mains I will only ship with unless long time interaction provides enough chemistry to rule otherwise. I will only ship Rogan with @loganweaponx, and Matt Murdock/Rogue with @holyxdefender. I am not  limiting interactions to just those muses, ONLY the shipping aspect unless chemistry proves otherwise. 
While I only ship chemistry, you are welcome to yeet into my DMs and be like “hey fuckface my muse is crushing hard can we explore this?!” That does NOT mean the ship is guaranteed to pan out. Just because I agreed to explore this does not mean I mean I signed some contract on OTP status.
Do not come at with me with “I have a plot idea and it’s we ship our muses” or *throws smut meme in your inbox* and we never interact. Fast way to get ignored or blocked. 
UPDATE- unless you’ve cleared it with me, please do not make our rp thread interactions into your muse’s general canon. I did not sign up for that and it makes me really uncomfortable to think anything I write is being inserted into your muse’s canon and subject to critique in that manner. On that same note, I will not write with canon-inserts (forced oc child, parent, sibling, etc relationships) unless I have a means to not have it affect my own muse’s canon. I don’t even play canon ships until I’ve felt out our particular muse’s chemistry.
I do not have many triggers but I have a hardstop at m!preg (magical male preg), magical/spedup/otherwise exaggerated pregnancy, A/B/O, breeder, DD/l. I will not roleplay them, and if I see them on my dash I will immediately unfollow. Y'all are welcome to do as you want, but I’m not making myself uncomfy in my antistress zone. 
I will not use pregnancy/children as plot points but for a select few muse relationships where it is part of the natural flow of the ship and has been plotted as such, or our ooc relationship is good enough for you to know my stance on sending a pregnancy meme. 
If you have gotten this far, bless your soul. Have a chocolate chip cookie. Please send “room full of rocking chairs” to my DMs or askbox so I know I’m not chucking my words into the ether.
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wat-the-cur · 3 years
15, 19 and 32!!
Thank you, friend!
15. Favourite book you read as a school assignment?: I only had two in state school, because I left in year 8 to learn at home. However, I had to read an assigned book for my English Literature GCSE, and that was “Pride and Prejudice”. A book I still love, despite having had to dissect it to death. 
19. Sleeping position?: On my side, one leg bent, one not, pillow under my head, pillow in front of me, cuddly toy, big duvet. 
32. Top five favourite vines?: Oh, difficult. If I like an individual vine, it’s probably because it reminds me of a favourite character. Otherwise, I have viners who I like generally, like Hardstop Lucas. 
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[[ get to know the mun ]]
[[ i got tagged by @nekokitty21 so here goes!
name: chaos
nickname(s): kiosk
height: 5” 5
nationality: american (if that wasn’t obvious by my lack of knowing how to properly write this anglophile)
favorite fruit(s): watermelon, pineapples, strawberries, cantaloupes, grapes, oranges, blackberries
favorite season: winter, babyyyyy
favorite scents: crisp after-rain smell, floral things, cinnamon, mint, cooked meat
favorite animals: cats, dogs, spiders, reptiles in general, anything i can imagine cuddling
favorite drink(s): pepsi, herbal/spiced teas, columbian coffee
average hours of sleep: 8 or 9 hours, give or take. sometimes even 12
when my blog was created: @orderlyxchaos is 7 years old and @maestro-of-clockwork is 10 months old according to postlimit.com
random fact: i knew santa wasn’t real when i was a kid, and the kindergarten teacher i had didn’t want me to go to the christmas party bc i was telling everyone santa wasn’t real
favorite food: barbecued ribs, chicken strips, rare steak, spaghetti w/mushrooms, salt and vinegar chips, chocolate cake and many others
favorite tv shows: while i’m not super passionate about it, i like steven universe
favorite movies: Big fan of horror movies such as - scream, nightmare on elm street (yes, even the goofy sequels, i love them to death), the poltergeist, the stepfather and maybe some others i’m forgetting atm
as for other movies, there’s disney in general, the scary movie series, shallow hal, hook, the polar express (watched it when i was a kid, brings back good memories), monster house, elf and just w/e makes me laugh
favorite vine: hardstop lucas is great, but i also love “hi, i’m chelsea, what’s your favorite dinner food?”
sexuality: bicurious
pronouns: it doesn’t really matter to me what pronouns you guys call me, but i normally go by she/her
favorite book series: i used to love goosebumps as a kid, but nowadays i just like reading absurd/funny fanfictions like ‘my immortal.’ they always cheer me up
favorite video game(s): pokemon in general, and super mario odyssey (my first mario game - i hope to play more)
favorite subject(s): math and english but also choir
favorite band(s): megadeth, nirvana, sepultura, metallica, soundgarden
now, if we’re talking about individual artists, i like mainly jack stauber and GHOST but more of my favorite songs come from video game soundtracks and classical/baroque music
guys or girls: why not both?
last time I cried: uhh i think it was last week bc i was missing my dog who died earlier this year
what I should be doing: taking some tylenol because i can feel a headache creeping up on me
favorite fandom: i may not be active in all of them but i like dhmis, steven universe, hazbin hotel, batim, undertale, deltarune and just other miscellaneous video game stuff
Tagging: whoever wants 2 do this :p
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ao3feed-joshler · 7 years
the start of a great friendship
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2qkZJwI
by phasedvelocity
a stranger bursted into tyler's house out of nowhere.
inspired by a sketch made by hardstop lucas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfYFhu98DjA
Words: 1183, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Twenty One Pilots
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Josh Dun, Tyler Joseph
Relationships: Josh Dun/Tyler Joseph
Additional Tags: this is inspired by a sketch, made by hardstop lucas, i love him he make such good gags, LMAO, he's the WE NEED WATER TO LIVE guy, ily if u know him, anyway this is so dumb jesus fucking christ, honestly dk why i wrote this, this is just stupid, Humor, oven mitts lmao, josh trynna act all buff in this, fight me boi
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2qkZJwI
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miss-psyson · 4 years
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She's short, strict, and very firm. She's tall, layback, and doesn't take many of HardStop's rules seriously. Either way, they don't get along very well 
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miss-psyson · 4 years
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So like I said in my other post:
I’ve been thinking about this for a while because I’ve posted the series on my DA and Instagram, but haven’t done it here yet because I’m still a little self conscious about my work, but I’ve started two comic series on my DA and Instagram. One being The Sugar Guardains and the Evilopolis series (which has already been explained in my other post).
The Sugar Guardain series is about the Sugar Kingdom is a kingdom ruled by the Sugar Princess, Princess Sugarcube, and is kept protected by her guardians the Sugar Guardians. The Sugar Guardians set forth on adventure to protect The Sugar Kingdom from danger and harm. Unlike the Evilopolis series through, I’m planning on doing a full story comic (with some mini comics one the side).
Anyway here’s the main cast for the Sugar Guardains series!
Princess Sugarcube - The princess of the Sugar Kingdom
General HardStop - The leader of the Gingerbread men army
Ginger and Snap - Princess Sugarcube’s guards 
Pockey - The Sugar teams weapon designer
Kate Cake - The Sugar teams doctor
Nurse Simon Sweetheart - Kate Cake’s partner
Cherri Cane - Peppermint Peter’s twin and the Sugar teams defender
Peppermint Peter Cane - Cherri’s twin and the Sugar teams defender
I’ll be posting the comics and art about them soon. If you have any questions, ask away!
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