#genseric dace
andaisq · 8 months
genseric dace's pState is Genseric Dace's Intentionally Ambiguous Relationship with Jenna Moran, the Author of Nobilis, and his Persona rating is 10
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kaaramel · 4 years
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i drew this months ago, it is hasty and silly, i didnt post it, someone asked if i ever posted it, so here, i post it
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Genseric: How did you manage to kill three people, burn a house down, AND do the laundry in a hour? Coriander: I am more talented than you like to believe.
(Source: Tumblr)
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thecottageinthedark · 4 years
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vaporwary · 5 years
Coriander Hasp: It is OK to shoot people in the head with flaming bullets. It does not hurt them.
Genseric Dace, already taking off his clothes: Coriander you're so fucking stupid
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Coriander: Ugh, I hate it when you're right.
Genseric: Really? See, I usually like it.
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excrucian · 6 years
Germaine Dace Is So Much Better Than You
Germaine Dace is a fancy elegant teenage delinquent who is also a shard of the Deceiver Genseric Dace. She is better than you and you know it, which is probably why you keep wanting to punch her.
Name: Germaine Dace Academics Skill: Excellent Sports Skill: Graceful Favorite Foods: Gourmet stuff Blood Type: A+ Animal: Swan Age: 16 XP Emotion: Death Glare or Exasperated Sigh
Skills Superior Torment 1 - You are supernaturally good at encouraging despair and torment. Fisticuffs 2 - You can put your hands up in a pinch! Grace and Elegance 2 - You swish past people with style and elegance. Knowing Things 1 - Trivia? Academia? You're decent with whipping out random facts. Cool 2 - Things don't faze you that much.
Perks > Something like Creature of Fable’s Iconic > Bond (2): I always look like I know what I’m doing!
Quests [3/5 XP Quest Structure] Basic Work and Study (0/9)  You like helping people with their problems and being cool while you're doing it! When you emote 'sparkle!' or 'ting!' to show how amazing you are, add a tick to this quest.
Second Skin (0/9) This Quest Miracle lets Germaine add a new Second Skin to her repertoire. She can tick the trigger by gaining information on her target, talking to her target or taking an item from the target, and the quest has to end with her winning a duel with them. Usually it's a punchup.
Shadow Hand Aura Activate! (0/9) This Quest Miracle lets Germaine summon a shadow hand that can be used offensively or defensively! Like her "father", it probably represents her ego or something. When you go Over the Top in one upping someone, hold up the sign that says "OVER THE TOP" and smirk at them.
Reality Syndrome 3
Germaine Dace is.. a lot. You see, she’s so insufferable, she exudes an Experience of “You are painfully aware that Germaine Dace is better than you.” This often makes people want to punch her, but because of Let’s Talk, people find themselves unable to actually be hostile towards her unless they put forward a feeling.
This annoys Germaine, who prides herself on being reasonably punchable. It is also part of her Second Skins System, where if she wins a duel with someone, she may take their powers, skills, bonds and afflictions. Usually, this is a punchup.
She uses Let’s Go, Everyone! to force people to acknowledge her superiority, True Experience to manifest proof and True Experience (Powered Up) to actually be better than everyone else.
I don’t know if Genseric Dace is posing as her dad. I don’t know if he’s equally as insufferable to Germaine’s teachers. I don’t know if Genseric Dace gives terrible Parent Teacher Interviews.
Germaine is dressed like this.
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geostatonary · 7 years
@wepon I see the falsity of linear time and raise you the collab of the Age
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prokopetz · 6 years
Excrucian naming conventions in Nobilis have exactly the same energy as troll naming conventions in Homestuck.
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viridiansunlight · 6 years
you’re either a fan of a specific deceiver or an antifan of a specific deceiver and this is how nobilis fandom organizes itself
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windienine · 5 years
Oh, yeah! I love Excrucian Deceivers! There’s Genseric Dace, Iolithae Septimian, Jasmine Apocynum... *looks at smudged writing on hand* Cory in the House
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askadeceiver · 4 years
FMK: Coriander Hasp, Iolithae Septimian, Genseric Dace
Aren't these suppose to be difficult choices?
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kaaramel · 4 years
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pose from this chart, prompt chosen by @windienine
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Genseric: Request for you not to be a bitch. Iolithae: Request denied.
(Source: Tumblr)
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dremolachofwar · 6 years
PSA: I am alone with Coriander Hasp, what do.
1) Look for escape routes. Remember that you can dodge the bullet as Coriander is poor in Aspect so he cannot easily break the speed of a human in his prime. You probably could try to get Ritho’s business end pointing away from you.
2) Remind him Genseric Dace is a tool and he’d never put whatever Excrucians have for hearts into their relationship. If needed, console him, maybe buy him a drink if you have money.
3) Whatever you do, don’t agree on anything he’s saying, remember to be the one initiating anything happening so you’d not be listening to Coriander Hasp.
4) Death is real. Coriander is not.
5) Neither is Genseric Dace’s love for Coriander Hasp. Coriander deserves better.
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retroactivebakeries · 7 years
Genseric Dace, Orderic Neustry and Textrix the Deacon for the fanfic meme.
Fake Date: Genseric Dace. Unless...was his pState “Those Who Pretend to Go on Dates with Genseric Dace all along??”
Enemies to Lovers: If I do this one with a warmain, I’m pretty sure it ends with me getting destroyed, so Textrix by default. 
Slow Burn: Orderic, I guess, by process of elimination?
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