#give Link top surgery scars and make him kiss men
hyah-through-hyrule · 1 month
Why the fuck are there even terfs in the loz and loz au fandoms, Link has one of the most trans swag energies of all time, get out of here and go back to the Harry Potter fandom.
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hmserebusadjacent · 5 months
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Part of Five Days of Izzy Hands Strikes Back
Izzy Hands x Male Reader (Both Trans Men, Both Aromantic Asexual. Established Friendship, Established Relationship.)
Summary: Izzy Hands muses on his reluctance to take baths due to memories of dysphoria, but decides to try and move on from the past so he can relax with you.
Word count: 513
Fic link:
Baths had never really been Izzy's idea of a good time. Sitting idle when there was other stuff to be done when he could be finished quicker and have his hands free.
That was the practical reason anyway.
The more emotional reason was bitter memories of gender dysphoria. The bubbles never hiding his chest as much as he wanted them to, the water not magically transforming his body into the shape it ought to be.
Even all these years later, the memories lingered and left a bitter taste in Izzy's mouth. Even with his chest now rightly his own and healed and the rest of his body caught up to speed, the sensations still felt a little too real.
There were times when a bath would have done Izzy Hands good, helping to ease his aching muscles with lavender bath crystals when he was ill for example. But even then a shower felt safer rather than risk tenuous peace.
When you arrived in Izzy's life he found out that you shared the same philosophy. You were not as far in your transition, still waiting for that chance to make your body your own.
In you Izzy Hands saw himself, and the want to protect you and help you through your transition were almost immediate. Seeing someone else go through the same joys as him was fantastic, and Izzy was there for every high and every low.
Izzy was there to take you to the hospital for your top surgery and he was there to nurse you through it afterwards. Perhaps that was when you mutually fell in love with each other, your friendship now cemented in extreme and loving intimacy. That was why it felt so right to ask Izzy for a kiss when you could finally let your chest heal without the binder and bandages, and Izzy had taken you in his arms and kissed you like you were the most precious thing on Earth.
Later on down the line Izzy found himself standing in the bathroom with you, naked in the afternoon light streaming through the windows. He'd looked at you in your naked beauty, found his eyes lingering on your scars and felt himself tracing the line where his scars once forged a path.
The original plan had been to shower together, but now Izzy's mind found itself winding down another plan. For a moment the memories of dysphoria were gone as he contemplated the tub, imagining you pressed up against his chest as you both relaxed in the soothing lavender smelling waters.
Perhaps now was the time to reshape those bitter memories and replace them with new memories. He'd been holding onto those worries for so long, but perhaps it was now time to try and move on.
“Could we…have a bath together”, Izzy ventured, and you had immediately stopped folding your clothes in order to give your lover a very fond smile.
“I'd like that”, you had replied, and Izzy realised with glee that you were willing to shed the past in favour of happier memories too.
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let-me-vibe · 4 years
Fine the first 10
Well now it feels like a challenge.
Full name- Spark Iguchi
Age- 18
I'm afraid of dolphins, the dark, and the inevitability of death
I love my family, Aimi, and Link the nonbinary legend we all deserved
I'm a minor, I can't legally be turned on you weirdos :P I'm like a broken car
My best friend is either Dai or Uncle Jin
I like gorls
Only had one first date, and that was... 😬
I'm "short"
I miss the house not being so loud all the time
We already discussed when Dad's innocence was truly lost
My favorite color is neon pink
I guess you could call it a crush? I have a girlfriend obviously
I don't have a favorite quote
I like this tea shop down the street
My favorite food is salmon
I absolutely use sarcasm
I'm listening to Ember, Kin, and Zome try to impersonate Dad's screamer music
The first thing I notice about a person is how aggressively they're looking at me
I have gecko feet, so shoe sizes don't really apply to me
My eyes are purple
My hair is naturally red, but I dye it blue
My favorite style of clothing is *aggressively hides all my curves*
I've done several prank calls
27 not applicable
My favorite movie doesn't exist for you yet
I don't have a favorite song
Or a favorite band
I feel alright
I lovvvvvvvvvvve Aimi
I still have a girlfriend somehow
My dads rock
My favorite holiday is Valentine's day
I don't have any tattoos or piercings
Nor do I want any, which works out, cuz scales (RIP Papa)
38 not applicable
I don't have an ex
I do get "good morning" and "good night" texts
I last texted Kurogiri, and I have kissed him in a grandkid way
I last held hands farrrr too long ago, poor lonely hand :(
It takes me about an half an hour to get ready.
I can't shave my legs, they are barren
I'm on my couch
Anybody on the team would handle me if I was drunk, it's just a matter of who finds me first
I don't listen to music a lot
I live with my dads and other various weird kinda family members
I'm excited to be an adult
Yes, I can speak to men
I don't fake smile unless it's for pictures
I last hugged somebody, like, ten minutes ago
If Aimi was making out with somebody else I think I'd scream so loud she'd assume I'm a dragonborn or something
I don't think I trust anyone I shouldn't
I still dislike my lack of toenail
If I could meet anybody, I'd meet God so I could punch him
No thoughts head empty
I can lick my eyeballs
I'm scared of dolphins
I hate having my picture taken
The last lie I told was promising Ash that I didn't find her annoying sometimes
I'd rather call people than video chat
I guess I have to believe in ghosts, and I don't see why aliens wouldn't be real
Obviously magic's real, look at Uncle C
I don't see why luck would be fake
Very sunny over here
I last read a Star Wars fanfic
I like how gas smells
I have too many nicknames to list
My worst injury is probably just binding stuff
I save money
I can touch my nose with my tongue
Ash is pink and in front of me
My favorite animal is Le Gecko
At midnight I was calling my gf
Satan's last name is Todoroki
Can't say I have a happy song, but MCR does make me feel nostalgic
Win my heart by feeding me and giving me ripped black jeans
On my tombstone, write "wasted"
My favorite word is "flabbergasted"
81 not applicable
If the whole world were listening, I'd say "****"
I don't think I have relatives in jail
If I could have a superpower, I'd fly
I'd be afraid to honestly answer anything about my sex life
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I've had sex
Never bought condoms
Never gotten pregnant
Never even been to a class
I've kissed a guy
I've kissed a girl
I've kissed in the rain
I have a job
I have left the house without my wallet
Never bullied anyone
Never had sex in public
Never played on a sports team
I've smoked weed
Never done any other drugs
Never smoked
I've tasted alcohol
I'm not vegitarian/vegan
Never been overweight
Never been underweight
I've been to a wedding
I've been on the computers for far longer than 5 hours at a time
I've watched TV for more than 5 hours at a time
I have left Japan
Never had my heart broken
Never been to a sports game
I've broken several bones
I cut my finger cooking once, but that's nothing compared to training with Papa
Never been to prom
Never been in a plane
Or a helicopter
Or been to a concert
I have a freAking girlfriend
Never learned another language
Never worn makeup
I lost my v card when I was 15
I have had oral sex
I have dyed my hair
Never voted
Never been in an ambulance
Or had surgery
I live with famous people
Never stalked anyone
Or peed outside
Or been fishing
I have helped a charity
Never been rejected by a crush
Or broken a mirror
Uhhhh I dunno what I want for my birthday
No kids 😤
I wasn't named after anyone
My handwriting's great
My favorite toy as a kid was Papa's face
Don't have a favorite show
I want to have a big rich person house
I don't play any instruments
I got a scar from itching my face too much
Only cheese should be on pizza
I'm afraid of the dark
I'm afraid of heights
I have been caught making mischief
Never dissapointed myself
I suck at knitting
My greatest achievment is beating Papa at Mario Kart once
Never really had anything specifically mean directed at me
If I won the lottery, I'd get top surgery
I like everything about myself
153 not applicable
I want a chocolate pool
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0non-bee-nary0 · 5 years
Red like Roses Part 1
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He never had much of a childhood. Most of his life was spent in the hospital, struggling to stay alive. He was never meant to make it past a month, but against all odds, he made it to seventeen. He was miserable, he rarely got to go home, spending months at a time in the hospital, machines hooked to him and needles in his skin. He hated the hospital, and the doctors, and most of all; he hated his parents. He was smart, all he could ever do was read, so he did school online; he had nothing better to do. His parents spent as much time with him as possible, but he could always hear them cry when they thought he was asleep. He begged them, pleaded with them, to let him die. He was so tired of everything. Tired of the surgery, the tests, the medicine, the pain, the weakness, the misery.
“Please don’t talk like that sweetheart, we love you. We know you will get better some day, we just have to wait! Please don’t say you want to leave us, we wouldn’t be able to bear it,” his mother cried.
“She wouldn’t be able to bear it? But she could bear my suffering? She would rather see me in this hospital bed, barely able to breathe, or to take care of myself, than let me be in peace?” He would think to himself.
“You’re our only son, don’t do that to us. Think about how it makes us feel.”
“Us? You want me to think about how you feel? Why? I Don't care, I Just want this to end!”
He never told them that, however. He just nodded his head, and pretended to sleep. He Knew he would never get better. He heard everything the doctors said, he knew they had no idea what was wrong with him, and definitely no idea how to fix it, either. He wanted to die. He wanted all the pain to end. He pleaded to whatever Gods that could be listening to just kill him now and get it over with. The Gods didn’t care. As far as he was concerned, they didn’t exist. How could they? How could they exist if they just let him suffer like this? He hated them, too.
The night he died, his body didn’t hurt, and he Felt calm, he Was tired, but in a different way. The heart monitor slowly came to a stop, and then flat-lined. His mother was screaming for a doctor.
“Liam, sweety, please! Please wake up! Please! Please!” She kept yelling that word, please.
“Hadn’t I begged that same word when I wanted to die?” He Had never hated her more than in that moment.
He couldn't feel anything, He was numb. He could hear the doctors talking, telling his parents that there was nothing they could do, that he needed a heart transplant. He couldn't get one though, his body had rejected any effort for blood transfusion they had ever tried, every organ they tried to give him was torn to bits by his body. They knew this. His mother screamed at them to try again as the doctor explained the situation. His father tried to reason with her, to no obvious avail. He heard them be escorted from the room, and then the room fell relatively silent. No screaming, no yelling, begging, or crying, only the sounds of the doctors checking all their notes and unhooking the machines. He heard the doctor say that he wasn’t brain dead, but that he would be soon. Things were a blur after that, he could hear, but it was like he was underwater.
“Maybe my next life will be better. What happens next? Is there a next life? Will I be like this forever?”  
He Began to think of his mother, she was beautiful. Her blonde hair was always messy, she could never run a brush through it. Her skin was always sun-kissed, like she was always in the sun. Her chocolate eyes were always sad when she looked at him, but in the pictures he saw they looked so full of joy. She was thin, like a model, she looked like the girls from the magazines, he could see why his father fell in love with her.
His father came to mind as well, his dark eyes and black hair. He was clean cut and business like. He never smiled, never laughed, and never really met the boy’s eyes. He had tan skin, darker than his mother’s. He was shorter than her, however, and was a bit less attractive. His hands were too big, his face a bit too gaunt. Not to mention, he was growing a bit in the midsection, his hair thinning as well. He didn’t know what his mother saw in him, not at all.
He Looked nothing like them, he overheard the nurse say his mother must have cheated, however, they took a test, she was faithful, he was legitimate. His skin was always pale, he never did like the sun. He was frail, thin, and had long limbs. He looked exactly how someone would think a boy who spent his entire life in a hospital would look. He had scars on his chest, stomach, and back from implants and surgery. He Looked like a skeleton with a thin sheet of muscle and skin draped over the top. His hair was black, and shone like the feathers of a raven. It was his eyes that really set him apart from them. They were red. Red like fresh blood.
The hatred inside him festers, like an infected wound. He doesn’t know how long it’s been. The only thing he feels is the rage, the anguish, and the hatred that made up every fiber of his being.
Then, suddenly, he feels the cold of his coffin, the texture of his tailored suit, the satin cushions he was placed on. His lungs hurt, like he’s suffocating, like he was starving. He opens his eyes to find that he see as if in perfect daylight. The wood above him is the only thing keeping him from what his body keeps telling him he needs. He can hear sounds on the surface, he can smell something, making him feel hungrier. The sound of something hitting his coffin startles him. The lid began to move as a crowbar jars it open, and he shut his eyes, and waits. His instincts took over, his mind was cloudy, a primal hunger taking over his entire body.
“This one has a nice ring. His suit looks nice too, cuff-links ‘ll prob’ly be worth somthin’!” A male voice whispers above him.
“Drag ‘im out then. Hurry up, we don’t have all night!” The second man ends his statement with a chuckle.
“This kid sure don’t look like he was buried a year ago. It’s kinda strange. I’ve robbed a lot o’ graves, ain’t never seen a year old body look so fresh,” The first man reaches into the grave to pull him out.
Taking this moment, Liam lunges. His mouth opens, fangs dig into the man’s throat, tearing it apart. The men scream, the first one doesn’t struggle for long, Liam’s teeth make quick work of him, draining every last drop of blood from his body, tearing out his jugular in the process. The other man falls over himself, screaming.
“What are you? Monster! HELP! PLEASE! ANYBODY!” His screams echo back to him. Liam laughs, dark and angry.
“Help! Help!” He mocks the man’s pleads, “Why would anybody help you? A pathetic grave robber? Although, I suppose i should thank you, you let me out after all. I’ll make your death quick.”
Liam lifts the man effortlessly by his neck. The man can only look on in fear as the undead teen licks his lips. His neck snaps like a toothpick in a vice, and Liam feasts on his next victim.
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jordan202 · 7 years
The Journey - Part Seventeen
Thanks to everyone who waited patiently for this. @jia911 and @bluebelle18 thank you so much for your help. 
Previous chapters are HERE. 
Timeline for Part 17:
How much exactly happened between Amelia telling Derek she was in love with Owen at the end of 11x18 and the opening scene of 11x19? One night? Why not a little more than that? This chapters explores the interactions between these two episodes. And sadly, we are getting ready to say goodbye to Derek. 
The Journey – Part Seventeen 
“What’s this?” Amelia asked widening her eyes. Owen had just moved his leg up to better accommodate the two of them in bed and she couldn’t help noticing the long scar on the outside of his right thigh. “Who did this?” Her eyes scanned it with concern, noticing the poorly done surgical repair. “It’s a disaster,” she joked, outlining the thin mark with her index finger.
“What?” Owen distractedly asked, taking his eyes off the TV to focus on the woman in his arms. “Oh, that,” He chuckled, knowing she’d probably be horrified by his answer. “I got a nasty cut there once and got it stapled.”
Amelia’s scowl of sympathy for the painful procedure amused him. Even though there was nothing but a pink discreet line visible on his fair skin, as a surgeon she could obviously identify the evidence of a severe laceration that has bruised his leg once.
“Oh my God, where were you when this happened?” Amelia leaned over, unceremoniously pulling the fabric of his boxers up his thigh to take a closer look at the scar. She knew Owen had been to a warzone more than once and wasn’t sure she was prepared to hear his answer. “It looks like a carpenter did it.”
“I did it,” He replied and waited for the surprise on her face, that didn’t fail to come. “That’s why it looks that horrible. I was in a hurry and didn’t have that much of an angle.”
“Where in the world were you that you couldn’t properly suture this?” Amelia asked with sympathy, supposing it was a battle wound.
“At the hospital,” Owen surprised her and couldn’t help a fit of laughter at her nearly offended expression. “Right here in Seattle.”
“You were at the hospital and you did this to yourself?” Amelia’s voice was a pitch higher than usual. She looked almost angry. “What the hell, Owen?”
He shrugged and chuckled, amused by her protective reaction.
“I guess I wasn’t thinking much back then. I had just made it back from war and my head was not in a very good place,” Owen followed her eyes and ended gazing at the result of his impulsiveness with the stapler. “The cosmetic result doesn’t bother me that much but I suppose I should have at least gotten the area numb before stapling myself. I probably would have done a better job if I weren’t feeling every staple slicing my skin.”
Amelia was silent for a couple of seconds before she finally admitted.
“Well, I can’t judge you that much on that because I once did something similar,” She pointed to her left hand, where a virtually nonexistent scar served as a reminder of her messy drunken days. “But at least I had the decency to apply some local anesthetic to it first.” Owen laughed along with her, and he couldn’t help cracking up harder when she added, “not to mention I used real, grown up surgeon suture line and not a quick carpentry patch.”
Owen wrapped his free hand around her waist, pulling her back closer against his chest. They were in bed, half lying, half sitting. Amelia was between his legs, comfortably leaned on him. Owen had grown to love holding her every night. It felt perfect to have her tiny frame captured in his arms, to be able to breath her in and smell the amazing scent on her hair as they did something as mundane as watching an old action movie on television together on a random weeknight.
After her sassy comment, Owen stretched out his hand and grabbed hers, inspecting the almost imperceptible scar on its left side before taking it to his lips, kissing the area with delight mirth.
“Do I want to ask how you got that cut in the first place?” He turned his head sideways, meeting her eyes as Amelia accommodated the back of her head against his shoulder.
The neurosurgeon saw the raised eyebrow and pretended to think long and hard of what to say before replying:
Owen chuckled at her response and saw the contained laughter in her eyes before burying his face on the crook of her neck.
“But you’ll tell me anyway,” he affirmed with conviction, playfully showering her shoulder and neck with kisses that made Amelia twitch her back in a ticklish response.
“Okay, okay…” Her giggles echoed through the small interior of Owen’s trailer as she surrendered. After catching her breath, Amelia finally confessed. “I was drunk and fell on a bar.” She met his eyes and noticed he was expecting something more. “Actually, I fell from the bar. Not that glorious, as you can see.”
“At least you were having fun.” He added, noticing she seemed to be avoiding sharing more details. Owen knew she was probably bothered because the memory was linked to her rock bottom days as an alcoholic. But he didn’t judge her for her condition. In fact, he thought her resilience and drive to overcome it everyday spoke a whole lot more than her addiction in the first place.
“Yeah, kind of…” Amelia grinned, thankful that she could now laugh about the situation that had once been so embarrassing. Her gaze had diverted back to the TV as once again she and Owen got caught up with the movie on screen when she felt his fingers idly rubbing the skin of her stomach beneath her shirt.
A lazy smile formed on her lips as Amelia relaxed even more in his arms, not making a lot of effort to contain a yawn. Over those past few days together, she’d come to notice how Owen’s hands were always seeking her back and belly under her shirt and she didn’t mind it one bit. In fact, Amelia found the act quite intimate and soothing. It felt amazing to feel the roughness of his hand against her skin, constantly reminding her that he was there.
His thumb was still distractedly rubbing the curve of her waist when Amelia intertwined her fingers with his, unconsciously offering him support as she heard the words slipping her mouth.
“How was it there?” She asked, unable to withhold the question much longer. “I know you’ve been to several tours but you never talk about your days in the army.”
Owen’s eyes were still on the screen but he was no longer paying attention to the movie.
“There is nothing much to tell,” He evasively answered, finally looking from the screen to her eyes. Amelia saw his discreet smile before he leaned over and kissed her temple with affection. “I spent most of my time there working at a campaign hospital, seeing patients and scrubbing in on surgeries the same way we work here every day.” Owen added.
It wasn’t exactly true and he knew it. Not only were the conditions at the war zone a lot different, it was a daily struggle to see the men and women he fought with having their lives hanging by a thread, or losing them despite his best efforts. Fighting alongside people he considered brothers and sisters was already hard enough, but being the one who worked on them when they were at their worst not knowing if at any moment he would turn out to the next victim was exponentially rough.
Owen had lived through a lot. He’d seen and heard everything. Those days were in his past and at the moment, he was much more interested in the present lying comfortably in his arms.
And who knew, maybe she might turn out to be his future too? Owen surely hoped so.
“Yeah, but you never bring it up.” Amelia gently insisted, thinking about his wellbeing. “It’s okay to talk about you, you know that, right?” She turned sideways in his arms, leaning the side of her head against his shoulder as she looked up to meet his eyes, feeling him adjusting to better hold her. “You should talk about it. I’m here if you want to.” She selflessly offered, waiting for his response, but all Owen did was to give her a quick peck on the lips.
“Thank you.” He smiled when they broke apart. “But I am okay,” he added, more worried about assuring her than about his own current status. Owen had been severely traumatized when he’d come back from his last tour, but a lot of hard work in therapy sessions and long years of taking care of himself had made that better.
It was impossible to talk about the war without bringing up some painful memories. Owen had lost people he cared too much about to it… Friends and family. Tonight, they were having a blissful moment, and he didn’t want to ruin it with memories that would only constrict his heart.
“Okay, then, but the offer still stands,” Amelia smiled genuinely at him, still playing with his fingers between hers. “Did you find what you were looking for?” She turned her head and looked deeply into his eyes. “In the army, I mean. Whatever made you join… Did you find what you were after?”
Owen slightly frowned, looking lost in thought. A lot of people asked him what had made him join in the first place, but no one had ever asked him that.
“I think so.” He was still surprised with the question, but tried to be as honest as possible while looking back into her eyes and speaking from the heart. “I don’t know, I guess I wanted to make a difference.”
“You can make a difference right here.”
The way Amelia said the words, without any hesitation while looking straight into his eyes moved Owen. In her shy smile, he learned the true meaning of her last sentence.
Feeling his heart being invaded by a warm, tender sensation, Owen wrapped his arms around her more tightly and kissed the top of her head, closing his eyes as Amelia snuggled closer to his chest. Minutes went by before they finally began talking again.
“Are you really taking a day off tomorrow?” She asked, raising one eyebrow questioningly at him. Ever since she’d started working at the hospital, it was rare to see Owen taking a personal day. He’d have free time sometimes on weekends, but Amelia couldn’t think of a single weekday where her boss hadn’t been at the hospital.
“Yeah,” Owen awkwardly replied, looking like someone who’d just been busted. Unable to keep the information a secret any longer, he finally confessed. “Your brother is going to DC in a couple of days to finalize his work with his project there and he told me he’s taking this time to do all the things he loves the most… You know, like spending time with his family, or being back in the OR.” Owen explained. “But he also told me he loves the quietness and silence he first found when he got here. So Derek planned a fishing excursion for tomorrow and after telling me about it, he insisted I joined him.” The chief of surgery looked at Amelia conspicuously. “I have a feeling he suspects about us.” Owen added with a semi apologetic grin.
The neurosurgeon thought it was cute the way he was apparently blaming himself for it.
“Derek knows,” Amelia affirmed with conviction, watching the transformation in Owen’s face as he showed surprise with the information. “Well…” She bit her lower lip with doubt. “I am not sure how much he knows, to be honest.” The neurosurgeon confessed, thinking about the conversation she’d had with her brother. She had openly admitted to be falling in love with Owen, something Derek didn’t look so surprised with, but Amelia had never told him that the two of them were steadily seeing each other.
“Oh God,” Owen widened his eyes with discomfort. “Do you think that’s why he invited me?” Suddenly, a look of alarm was stamped all over the surgeon’s expression. “He’s not going to…You know…” Owen hesitated, visibly uncomfortable. “He’s not going to be asking me questions, is he?”
Amelia studied his expression, having fun with Owen’s predicament. Derek was obviously protective of her, but he’d made it clear he supported the romance between his sister and his friend. She really couldn’t see him grilling Owen about it, but it was fun to watch their boss being so terrified with anxiety.
“Well,” Amelia chuckled, seeing Owen growing worried by the minute. “I guess tomorrow you’ll find out.”
The sun was shinning high in the sky, casting a comfortable heat on them as Owen listened to Derek’s monologue about rods, reels and lines. After a few minutes, the two men sat beside each other inside the small boat. Owen found out that instead of the awkward conversation he was expecting, there was actually comfortable silence.
Both surgeons had learned how to cherish those moments of peace and quietness. Derek, being born and raised in New York, had grown accustomed to noise and busy streets. Owen on the other hand had learned the true value of tranquility during his first deployment, while spending months deprived of it. After Derek popped open the first two beers, both guys remained immersed in total silence, enjoying the rare day of clear skies in Seattle.
After what it felt like a couple of hours, it was Derek who finally started the conversation.
“This is nice,” The neurosurgeon casually commented, pulling out his rod and collecting the medium size trout that had bitten his bait. “We took too long to start doing this.” He added with an encouraging grin.
Owen watched as his friend skillfully prepared another hook.
“Yeah,” He agreed with a head nod, looking over his shoulder to Derek. Owen had to admit he was enjoying that day more than he would have expected. It felt good to take a break from everything and be closer to nature. “I had no idea how much I needed this.”
“The quietness?” Derek raised his eyebrows in a clear mocking smile. Owen recognized the expression, it was the same one Amelia had on whenever she was about to tease him. “I bet you did,” Derek tried to contain a smile. “I mean, it’s not like you can have a moment’s peace with Amelia. In fact,” the neurosurgeon looked playfully at the other guy, as if knowing how uncomfortable he was starting to feel. “She won’t shut up whenever she can help it.” Derek chuckled. “But I’m sure you’ve already picked up on it.”
Owen breathed in, hesitating for a moment while he thought of what to say. The tension was building up and he had been caught by surprise.
“Yeah, about Amelia…”
“Hey, don’t worry, alright?” Derek interrupted him with a lighthearted grin. “I know.” He said without adding details. And then, almost as if giving his blessing, the neurosurgeon nodded his head. “She told me.”
Owen didn’t know how to respond to that, so he simply remained silent. At the same time Derek had no saying in Amelia’s love life, he was her brother and Owen knew the two of them were close. He and Amelia hadn’t really defined what they were yet, but the chief of surgery wanted to believe she was just as invested in their relationship as he was. And if that were the case, Derek would probably be a significant part of his life from there on.
Almost as if reading his thoughts, Amelia’s brother commented:
“You know, you are welcome to park the trailer in my back yard for as long as you want,” Derek started, smiling mischievously. “But if you ever feel like you need more space, I heard the owners there have been trying to sell the place for years now,” He pointed to a squared flat land surrounded by high pine trees directly across the smaller portion of the lake. “I almost bought it, but I would have no use for it. Everything I need I already have right here.” He pointed to the house and the yard with his eyes, smiling affectionately. The expression on Derek’s face showed he was thinking about way more than he was actually saying. “But how nice would it be to be my neighbor?” The neurosurgeon hid his telltale smile behind a bottle of beer.
Owen looked at him suspiciously. It was obvious what Derek was implying.
“I am already your neighbor.” He pointed out, refusing to give the idea and everything it entailed too much thought, otherwise Owen knew he would quickly be seduced by it.
“I meant a grown up neighbor.” Derek teased him, looking from his friend back to the vacant land. “Amelia is a big city girl, though,” he continued, completely ignoring Owen’s grumpy protest. He knew he was seeing way too much into the future but after his latest epiphany, Derek felt like there was no time left to lose. Life was too precious and went by too fast to waste any time overthinking things that already made a lot of sense. “So don’t expect her to celebrate the idea of living out here in the woods on the long run,” The older brother finished his beer and smacked the leftover flavor on his lips. “Just promise her you’ll never make her sleep in a tent and she’ll be on board.” He looked at the chief of surgery like he’d just given him privileged information. “It’ll also earn you some extra points if you add a big bathtub in her suite.”
Even though Owen was trying really hard to stick to reality, it was incredibly difficult to refrain from actually picturing what Derek was saying. It had always been his dream to build a family and a home with a woman he loved and wanted the same things in life. Amelia came from a big family and it was obvious Derek enjoyed having her around. No wonder why the neurosurgeon was pretty much making plans for Amelia’s future and including Owen in it.
“And then when you two have kids, you can even…”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Owen interrupted his friend, giving him a censoring look. “You should take a step back and come back to the present time.” The chief kept a heavy frown. “Actually, take several steps back.”
“What, you don’t want to have kids?” Derek playfully asked, smiling widely when he noticed the obvious answer in Owen’s eyes. The neurosurgeon was well aware of where his friends stood about having children, especially after closely witnessing how being deprived of them had contributed to put an end to his marriage.
“Of course I do.” Owen refuted him instantly.
“Then what’s the problem?” Derek spoke excitedly. “You know, Hunt, there will come a day when you’ll wake up one morning and find out there is no better feeling in the world than when your baby holds your face between their hands and smiles at you before saying dad.” His eyes were gleaming with mischief when Derek then finally added. “But then my mom will probably ring on your front door unexpectedly, or one of the kids will throw up on you and next thing you know, you’ll be wondering how you got yourself into this mess in the first place.”
Owen couldn’t contain a chuckle. He couldn’t deny how the idea was incredibly inviting. If things kept progressing the way they were, at some point he would love to embark on the idea of building the kind of life Derek had made for himself with Amelia. In a way, Owen already felt like they were already working on the foundation.
Truth was, Owen hadn’t been with Amelia for too long. And life had already taught him to be cautious and how to shield his heart from further disappointment. He had learned not to project his expectations into someone like he’d done in the past, because that didn’t work out. But with Amelia, it simply felt like he didn’t have to. So far, she had only given him reasons to believe she was everything he’d ever wanted and after months in her company, getting to know her and slowly falling in love with her, it became increasingly harder for Owen not to jump in Derek’s idea with both feet.
Involuntarily, his eyes searched across the lake and once again Owen spotted the piece of land Derek had just mentioned. It looked perfect. In a matter of seconds his brain filled in all the blanks. He could almost see a two-story house right by one of the corners, a small football field where he could play catch with his kids and they could ride their bikes on the summer. And right in the center of it all, he could see Amelia being the one right beside him building everything from scratch.
The thoughts remained on his mind for the following hours. Soon enough, he and Derek had already collected a bucket of fish and talked about enough topics to clear their heads. Feeling reinvigorated and more hopeful than he’d felt in years, Owen returned home with his friend, surprised when by the time he made his way to his trailer for the day, Derek insisted he had dinner at the house with the Shepherds later that evening.
The trauma surgeon was about to get dressed when something on the bed caught his attention. Narrowing his eyes with curiosity, Owen approached the bedroom, only to find a delicate white bra that certainly did not belong to him.
Reaching out underneath the blankets, Owen took the small piece and smiled affectionately. For the past week, Amelia had been spending pretty much every night with him. And even though it hadn’t been that long, her presence was already evident in every corner of his trailer.
Her forgotten lingerie was just one of the many traces she’d left behind. Now, his sink usually had two dirty coffee mugs instead of one. The smell of her hair was still very much imprinted on his sheets and the remote control on the opposite side of the bed where he usually laid on also gave away that lately, Owen hadn’t been sleeping alone.
After his eyes noticed the late hour, the trauma surgeon hurried to put the object he’d found inside his pocket and quickly finished getting dressed with dark slacks and a deep green button up shirt. When he rang the doorbell, Owen was surprised to find Zola opening the door right before Derek. He was escorted inside, served a beer and joined his friend on the living room couch, learning that Meredith had scrubbed in on a long surgery and would be home late that evening.
As for Amelia, Owen had no idea. He’d texted her a couple of times earlier that day, but she hadn’t yet replied. And he certainly wasn’t going to ask Derek. Just as Owen was wondering where she was, the front door opened in a hurry and the neurosurgeon barged in, looking absolutely surprised to find both men in the living room.
“Hi!” She recovered quickly from her initial shock, frowning in obvious confusion to what was going on. Amelia had her phone in her hand, and the way the looked from it to Owen let him know she’d just caught up with his messages. “How was fishing?” She asked, uncertain of what to say in that awkwardly surprising situation.
“It was good,” Owen replied evasively.
“Really good,” Derek replied at the same time, visibly more excited.
Amelia looked from her brother to her boss, carefully studying his expression. Owen didn’t seem exactly uncomfortable, but he seemed a bit guarded. As if he wasn’t entirely relaxed, even though the two men were simply watching a game on TV, like they’d done dozens of times before. And it was very obvious why.
Other than her childhood sweetheart, Amelia had never really introduced a guy to her family before but that situation was entirely different, because Owen was already friends with Derek by the time he got involved with Amelia. The younger neurosurgeon didn’t feel awkward to have her brother know about her romantic life, but she could see why a reserved, honorable guy like Owen would be hesitant to act intimate with his friend’s younger sister in his presence.
“So,” Derek looked from Owen to Amelia, determined to make the two of them feel as awkward and uncomfortable as possible for his own amusement. “Are we having dinner, or what?”
“Yeah,” Owen quickly stepped up to help, on board with the idea of having something to keep busy with.
“Good,” Derek nodded. “I am just going to take these little guys to bed first.” He picked up Bailey and called Zola. “Amy, why don’t you set the table?” The neurosurgeon gave his sister a not very subtle wink, clearly trying to embarrass her in front of Owen.
“Sure,” Amelia rolled her eyes at him, reading his intentions. As soon as Derek disappeared upstairs with the kids, she turned her head to the man left standing between the kitchen and the living room. “What’s gotten into you two?” She asked with good humor, trying to decipher Owen’s controlled expression. “You’re so secretive about your date today.”
“We went fishing today,” Owen said like that answered everything, openly ignoring the way she had mocked him by using the word ‘date’. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and followed Amelia into the kitchen, noticing the questioning look that still remained her eyes. “It was nice.” Owen tried again. He’d never really been that good with words and that whole day still felt very confusing.
“Did Derek give you a hard time?” Amelia asked accusingly. Being a big brother, she fully expected Derek to torment her as much as he could.
“No, it was actually very nice,” Owen repeated more emphatically this time. Memories of the future Derek had painted were still haunting his memory, and the surgeon was trying his best not to give into the temptation of fully investing in them without holding back. “We didn’t talk much but I guess… I don’t know…” Owen awkwardly hesitated and stopped laying the plates on the dinner table like he’d been doing. His eyes met Amelia’s and he took a deep breath before confessing. “I guess he was just trying to make sure I have good intentions about you… That we are not just fooling around, I mean.”
“Oh,” Amelia looked at the man in front of her, feeling touched by her brother’s devotion.
“And also, that I was sure I knew what I was getting myself into,” Owen added with a teasing smile.
Amelia scowled, rejecting his playful remark.
“Well, now he knows,” The neurosurgeon sighed in conformation. She had just realized that Derek knowing about she and Owen sort of officially meant they were something. Trying to contain her anxiety about the situation, for Amelia was not sure she was ready for a serious commitment yet, she resorted to playful banter to distract her mind. “You’ve always been the one to condemn our hiding and sneaking out.  Now it’s out in the open. Satisfied?”
“Yes,” Owen smiled with joy. Feeling particularly inspired, he took his hand to his pocket and slowly pulled out a white object that Amelia obviously recognized in an instant. “But mostly because of this.”
“What?” She chuckled, approaching him. “I was looking for that this morning!” The neurosurgeon tried to take the bra from his hands but Owen easily dodged her attempt. Amelia folded her arms in front of her body. “What are you doing?”
“You think you’re just getting it back like that?” Owen raised one of his eyebrows playfully and approached her, whispering with a seductive voice. “I don’t even get a thank you for returning it, first?”
Amelia was determined not to give into his bribery, but his charming ways and magnetic presence convinced her otherwise. With amused laughter, she wrapped one of her arms around his neck and pulled his head down towards her, kissing him with the same fiery passion she usually would when they were alone in bed at night.
Owen felt her lips forcing his apart and welcomed her sweet intrusion. Amelia stood on the tip of her toes and pressed against him, molding her body to his solid frame as she continued to explore and deepen the kiss.
“Now, that is a proper thank you,” Owen affirmed with a teasing voice as they slowly pulled apart. Her electric blue eyes were looking at him with desire and longing and he instantly regretted agreeing to that dinner instead of having her all to himself for the night. He was about to say it when they heard a noise coming from the living room and quickly went back to the boring task of setting the table.
As he entered the room, Derek looked from his sister to his friend, instantly picking up the animosity in the air. He smiled mysteriously, making Amelia believe she was in for a full round of teasing during dinner but to her surprise, Derek behaved impeccably, bringing up lighthearted topics that entertained the three adults while they shared a delicious hot meal.
As soon as they were done eating, Owen’s cell phone buzzed incessantly. Seeing it was the hospital, the chief of surgery excused himself for a moment, going into the living room to have more privacy as he answered the work call.
“You are unbelievable!” Amelia took advantage of Owen’s absence and immediately accused her brother, watching as he laughed with delight at her predicament.
“I thought you’d be happy!” Derek replied with pretend disbelief, knowing very well his sister was censoring the way he’d sneakily convinced Owen to spend time with him exactly after Amelia’s confession. “After all, you told me you were falling for the guy. All I did was try to set you up.”
“Derek!” Amelia lost her patience. “I am already going out with Owen.”
“You are?” Derek raised both eyebrows in an exaggerated reaction.
“Yeah, but somehow…” Amelia squinted, slowly reading into the situation. Derek was smiling like he knew better. “Something tells me you already knew that though, didn’t you?”
Amelia noticed the proud smirk lingering on her brother’s lips. She’d told Derek she was developing feelings for Owen, but she hadn’t given him any details of their relationship. It was obvious something was going on, but Derek couldn’t possibly know exactly what.
“Of course I know,” Derek playfully admitted, seeing the crossed look on his sister’s face as she realized she’d flagrantly failed to hide something from him. “I’ve known it since the day you two sneaked out through the back after throwing that noisy toy outside.”
“You saw us?!” Amelia asked with surprise. That had been Derek’s first night back in the city, exactly when she’d gone on her first official date with Owen to the auction.
“I very much did,” Derek laughed at her incredulity. “I am a neurosurgeon, Amelia. You wouldn’t believe how sharp my sight is.”
“Actually, I would.” Amelia replied, obviously butt-hurt by his sneaky insult to her neurosurgical sighting skills.
“You haven’t slept at home once in a full week.” Her brother cracked up with the busted look on her face. “No one has that many night shifts.” Derek logically explained. “Besides… how do you think I am so okay with this?” He asked, leaning on the kitchen counter to look into her eyes with an amused expression.
Amelia took her time digesting the meaning of his words.
“You don’t have to be okay with anything.” She playfully chided, even though she felt flattered with her brother’s concern. “It’s my life, not yours.”
“It’s my friend,” Derek pestered her.
“I stole your job, what makes you think I wouldn’t steal your friends?” Amelia wickedly smiled, determined to get back at him for his previous insult to her abilities as a surgeon.
“Well,” Derek shrugged in conformation. “At least Owen is an upgrade from Mark.”
“You know about Mark too?!” Amelia widened her eyes in shock, genuinely surprised. A few years before, she had once had a meaningless one-night stand with Mark Sloan.
“You think Mark would miss out on the chance to rub on my face that he slept with each one of my four sisters?” Derek grumpily asked, suddenly irritated with the topic.
Amelia didn’t miss out on the chance to get her revenge.
“Well, you’ve always known sleeping with Mark was a rite of passage,” she joked.
“Yeah but I expected him to keep his promise and not prey on you when you were still underage,” Derek scowled, still distressed with the idea.
“I was already a surgeon, Derek,” Amelia argued, laughing with his annoyance.
“So?” He dismissed her point, pretty much saying that to him, she would always be his kid sister.
Amelia was just about to reply to his smug comment when she spotted a movement with the corner of her eyes.
Owen stood by the door with his cell phone in his hand. His tight grip around the object didn’t go unnoticed and Amelia wondered how much of the conversation he’d heard.
“Is everything okay?” She asked, noticing the slightly irritated look on his face.
“Yeah,” Owen replied dismissively but didn’t smile back at her when Amelia sustained his gaze. “It’s actually getting a little late, I should probably go.” Amelia exchanged looks with Derek and instantly knew he was also wondering the same thing as her. “Thanks for dinner, Derek.”
“Anytime,” The neurosurgeon turned around and focused his attention back on the sink, clearly stepping out of the conversation.
Amelia made her way to the living room, noticing as Owen waited for her to catch up with him to walk towards the front door.
“Do you have to go back to the hospital?” She asked, hoping he hadn’t heard the last bit of her conversation with Derek and misinterpreted the situation. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing much, one of the ortho surgeons needs an OR for a last minute procedure and I had to talk Urology into giving it up,” Owen explained one of the perks of his position. He knew he was doing a lousy job at pretending nothing had changed but finding out Amelia had slept with Mark Sloan had completely thrown him off his game.
Not only it had just made Owen wonder if casually sleeping with her brother’s friends was a recurrent routine in Amelia’s life, which he chose to believe wasn’t, he also felt the stinging flavor of jealousy racing through his system.
“Don’t go just yet,” Amelia stretched her hand and touched his elbow, hopeful his apparent bad mood wouldn’t last too long. She had missed him and spent her day yearning for the moment she’d finally be alone with Owen. Deep down, Amelia was hopeful he would invite her to go join him. He seemed to be fighting an internal battle, so she quickly suggested the first idea that came to mind, taking the responsibility of being the one who extended the invitation. “I am going to take a shower. Why don’t you wait for me in my room? It’s not even ten pm yet,” she pointed out, hoping with all her heart he’d stay.
Owen was still unsure of what to feel or think, but saying no to her was almost impossible. Before he noticed, he was already inside Amelia’s bedroom for the second time in his life.
While she went to take a shower, Owen kept busy studying the place. He spotted the painting he’d gotten for her at the auction hanging on one of the walls. A smile accompanied by a sudden rush of warmth in his heart improved his mood. The chief of surgery lost track of time as he examined the furniture around him, noticing a pair of jeans and a couple of cardigans thrown over a chair by one corner. Next to it, there was a small study desk. Owen put his hands in his pockets and distractedly gazed through the opened books, spotting Amelia’s distinguished handwriting on a white sheet filled with surgical notes next to a small computer.
Without anything to keep him busy, Owen flipped through the pages of the heavy neurosurgery textbook Amelia had obviously used to prepare her classes for the residency program a while before. The volume looked a few years old, despite well kept. He was still aimlessly looking at the pictures when he reached a chapter about intracranial shunts. His eyes were too distracted with the words when suddenly, a squared piece of paper slid from between pages.
After reaching for the floor, Owen stood still for a moment, holding the old photograph in his hands. It had probably been taken a few years before, because Amelia’s hair was longer than he ever remembering seeing and she looked to be in her late twenties. Wearing dark pants and a light grey shirt, Amelia looked as casual as she looked worry-free. Owen couldn’t help smiling when he saw the image of her contaminating laughter flawlessly captured by the image. The picture depicted perfectly everything she was: lively, positive, spontaneous and contagiously happy.
“What do you have there?” Her curious voice trailed off his thoughts.
Owen turned around and saw her finishing drying her hair with a towel, looking more adorable than ever in dark leggings and an old Harvard T-shirt. He flashed her the picture, noticing the surprise in her eyes.
“It dropped from the textbook as I was going through the pages.”
“Oh,” Amelia smiled affectionately. “I didn’t even remember that one…” She was taken by surprised. “A residency colleague was passionate about photography… She’d just take the camera everywhere with her. And sometimes, she would capture some moments and have it printed for us. I think I was in my fifth year here.” She said, approaching him and unceremoniously stealing the picture from his hands to take a better look.
Owen noticed the look in her eyes as she studied the image. He could see she was being assaulted by old memories. And judging by her expression, they were good ones.
“I can see clearly nothing much has changed.” He commented charmingly. She still looked every bit as gorgeous as she had on the day the picture had been taken.
Amelia smiled at him, on purpose taking a step closer as she took his hands in hers and played with his fingers.
“You don’t have to be upset that I slept with Mark,” She decided to go straight to the point. With Owen, it felt like she could simply speak her mind and the feeling was liberating. “This is not the same as that.” Amelia explained, obviously meaning their relationship in comparison to her casual hook up with their colleague.
“I am not upset,” Owen lied. He knew he didn’t have any right to feel jealous about her dating history. But that didn’t stop him from feeling it. “You don’t have to explain it to me, Amelia.” He added, hoping to sound supportive.
“It didn’t mean anything and I was just trying to prove a point back then.” She went on, ignoring his words. Amelia wasn’t opening her heart because she felt like she owed Owen any explanations; she was telling him the truth because she wanted him to know how she felt. “You see, all my sisters had already done it, even Addie. And I didn’t want to be the odd man out. As always.” Amelia explained, biting her lower lip with mischief. She didn’t exactly regret sleeping with Mark, but it hadn’t felt too differently to driving her brother’s car or getting into Med School after all her four siblings had already done it. “But with you, it’s different.” She explained, slowly walking Owen to the bed and making him sit on it as she stood between his knees and held his face between her hands. He had just been seduced of the idea of hearing her sweet declaration reinforced when her words surprised him. “You can’t kiss or sleep with any of my sisters. Promise me.” She childishly demanded, watching as Owen’s face lit up with laughter. “I am serious.”
“I don’t even know your sisters, I…”
“Promise me!” Amelia interrupted him, feeling like she was starting to get worked up.
Owen gave up talking and looked into her eyes. She was frowning heavily, almost as if anxious with expectation. The reality that she too could be jealous of him completely won him over.
“I promise.” He smiled, wrapping his arms around his waist and pulling her closer. Amelia was still holding the old picture of her residency days in her hands when he gently took it, giving it one last look before commenting. “You should have this framed. It’s too pretty to be hidden in an old textbook.”
“You keep it,” Amelia replied, not really bothered with the picture. She ran her fingers through the back of Owen’s head, watching as he smiled back at her with affection and contentment. “Are we going to your place or what?” She straightforwardly asked.
“Yes,” Owen took her hand and gently got up, feeling better than he had before. “Let’s go.” He added as Amelia led the way.
Owen had taken the day off and it had served the amazing purpose of clearing his head. After the conversation with Derek earlier that afternoon, he’d finally allowed his mind to go to places where only his heart had wandered so far. It turned out that his old dream of having someone he could share his life and build a family with was still very much alive, and he’d just discovered that. The prospect of having Amelia in it only boosted his desire to accomplish everything.
Taken over by an indescribable sensation of bliss, Owen climbed the steps to his trailer. The moment they entered it, he kicked the door behind them, instantly pulling her to his embrace. He then kissed Amelia with passion, watching her melting in his arms as she moaned his name. He felt absolutely sure that he wanted to do that every night for the rest of his life.
But what Owen couldn’t possibly imagine was that this was the last night he’d go back to his trailer with Amelia in his arms, happily kissing him back. Life and love were too fragile. Things could change in a matter of seconds. And Owen was just about to be reminded of that.
 If anyone is curious, I got inspired for the description of Amelia’s picture Owen keeps after stumbling across this image. 
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