#half baked thoughts
penny-hartzs · 2 months
These past few weeks I've started visiting Twitter again because i have a very niche interest in a greek show and i want to find out all the spoilers/lurk the community and, since the algorithm keeps showing me posts of other media and celebrities I enjoy, I remembered exactly why I feel so uncomfortable with active, large fandoms.
There's a constant need for your favorite actor/singer/show to "win" at an invisible and never ending game to the point where every bit of new content that comes out is used for points that will get them (and you as a fan) to an invisible finish line. People get so obsessed with statistics, streams, RT scores, Oscar campaigns and top 10 lists that it almost looks manic and definitely seems exhausting and joyless. I genuinely don't understand how you can enjoy a piece of media this way and, especially when it comes to celebrities, it's almost like you're treating them like a racehorse you've bet money on (thanks @artsimpourtzi for the analogy) or a content machine that's supposed to entertain you with new shiny things every day (looking at a particular brand of swifties).
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shrew-woman · 4 months
when i was a tra i struggled way less with my identity. because it was fun play-pretend. tboy neogender genderqueer was just dressing up. it was a dumb dyed haircut and a septum and yes i ha(v)de dysphoria and i bound my chest and felt angry and frustrated with others but it was still easier than being a lesbian. being a lesbian is a hard pill to swallow. it rejects what i am supposed to be in a way that isnt cool subversive counterculture. im biologically different from other women. im a lesbian in my blood in bones, not my haircut or cargo pants.
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mellowmanatee · 7 months
I'm sure this has occurred to someone else as well so I apologise if this is an old discussion. I know it breaks all the ghost rules we know but... what if Havers is dead and that glimpse we see of him leaving through the gates isn't just Cap's memory but the actual ghost of Havers? What if he's somehow different and doomed to just return to the gates every night? Maybe Cap sits by the window every night to nod his farewell? Maybe only he can see Havers? Maybe he hasn't told anyone else? Maybe the others have seen him as well but respectfully keep their distance cos it's between Cap and Havers? Just something about that gate has always been niggling at the back of my head
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All the Losers have jumped into the barrens, Stan included, it’s just Richie and Eddie - Eddies nattering on about how filthy the water’s gonna be, how he has an open wound on his face, that there’s no way in fucking hell he’s jumping into unclean water. Why do that when they could just go back to the fucking townhouse and shower there
Richie’s staring at him owlishly, thinking back on the visions of Eddie dying from the deadlights. He’s not really taking in what Eddie’s saying, he usually does - just pretends he doesn’t to fuck with Eddie. But he really is just zoned out and having a crisis, Eddie’s talking about bacteria when Richie interrupts
“I carved our initials into the kissing bridge when we were kids. I’m in, like, total love with you, man.” He glances over towards the edge to where the others are fucking around in the water, “right. Cool, okay. See ya.”
He’s shoving himself towards the edge, ignoring Eddie who is growling at him, “Richie. don’t you fucking dare!”
But He’s taken the leap and has he plummets down to the water he hears a string of curse words between his name being shouted, a few ‘Richard’s’ making their way into the mix
Eddie catches up with Richie who tried to make a break for it, “I can’t believe you made me jump in that disgusting fucking water!” Richie petulantly replying, “I didn’t make you do it.”
Eddie says he loves him too somehow. Richie replies with something dorky like “that’s so rad”
Idk, they’re showered at the townhouse and the losers walk in sopping wet and catch them making out
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selkiehello · 6 months
Okay half cooked pol thoughts
Cheng henian was friends with Xu Rongyuan’s dad Xu Fei (learned that his name is Xu Fei thanks to CN website) and xu fei had interesting history with Li Yansong but neglected to tell Xu Rongyuan for some reason.
Idk why but I think it would be funny (and not possible in canon probably) if Xu Fei left Cheng Henian and Li Yansong to babysit his 1 year old son and shenanigans happen or smth
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urban-hart · 9 months
well, I've figured out what happened to Agnes by modern day!
good news: she didn't die :))
more, rather mixed news: she's remarried by the time she and Cas find each other again
so, the song 'I Lied' by Lord Huron (accompanied beautifully by Allison Ponthier) served as the basis of Grant and Penny's relationship in space cowboy. HOWBER it stopped vibing the more I develop that story with writer sister, so I've officially scrapped the concept of their relationship. Thematically there's no room for a doomed romance.
THEN i realized that it actually fits Agnes perfectly. She eventually would have to assume Cas deAD after him not returning for a while. with her 'soldier on' mindset with grief/loss, she'd inevitably move on. She'd meet someone new, and go for it. Another benefit of having her still not-dedded is that bringing up past stuff will be so much easier/natural feeling. having too many aspects of the main guys' past lives long gone already was giving me A LOT Of trouble trying to keep it relevant by the present day.
AND it actually gives me a chance to lean more into the themes present throughout LH's music with liminal, which has been a story very heavily steeped in their sound since its early development. in my head, anyway.
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cr0ftisprocrastinating · 11 months
The thing that interests me the most about dramione fics, and the dramione fandom in general, is that redemption is a key component of pretty much every story. 
A lot of the (justified!) criticism of the fandom is centered around the fact that Draco calls Hermione slurs at school. Which he did! You can’t escape this! 
And that, to me, forces to the surface inherently fascinating questions. 
Does everyone deserve the possibility of redemption? What does forgiveness look like? How do you decide whether or not you should forgive a person at all?
And because this is a key part of all these stories, they then become an exercise in the subjective that I think explores things that are useful for us *now*.
I’m not saying point blank that these stories should be taken as guidelines for life, more that they act as a jumping off point for thinking about how we engage with redemption, especially because...*gestures to the internet* 
Being held responsible for your actions is important. But if you have done your time and feel true remorse for your actions, are you allowed to move on from your past? Should you be? And who decides if you are or not? 
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the-golden-glade · 8 months
Okay I may have taken a shower and was struck yet again by the want to take this far more anthro
Like the cats are not feral no more they would wear clothes have houses school (tho it’s a dingy school)
The pros:
Better able to show off their humanity in a way
Anthro means they are more expressive both in actually body language/facial expressions but also they’re style
More clearly fits with the “small town secluded group just kind of stuck together”
The human history symbolism I can put in these bishes is unimaginable it will be like a symbol search in EVERY SINGLE ART PIECE
Actually add human elements like listening to music, headphones, smoking, real alcohol, (lil different category) disability aides, and so much more. Also less in the wild in a way tho they are still incredibly rural
The cons:
I need to actually learn humanoid anatomy. Plus being just generally harder to draw
Styling characters smh
Maybe less intrigue from people :(
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algumaideia · 2 years
One thing I realized about Juno is that she sees herself and in some ways acts like she is Jason's mother. For example, she trying to pair him with Piper, just a mom thinking she is helping her son with his dating life. She found a great partner.
I just think it would have been interisting to see her relationship with Jason, and well in my views Juno seems to be a controling mother. She cares for Jason deeply, and she thinks she knows what is best for him and won't consider his opinions on making decisions that will affect his life. I also think that she is not afraid to use him in her plans as a pawn although I believe she says to herself she is doing it for his own good.
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crvvys · 10 months
a lot of women tie in commiserating as a form of bonding in order to better understand their womanhood in surviving heterosexual supremacist institutions and I hate that.
it’s extremely common for women to have complaining sessions within their circles about how awful men are but they still often just come up with ways to deal with that and nothing more. or how the more restrictive burdens of femininity actually bother a lot of women but they don’t abandon them.
I’m all for complaining to feel less alone and to feel heard and understood, to form community. but what I don’t like is how we teach endless generations of girls how to endure the trials of heterosexual relationships and femininity bc of how that is often straight women’s understanding of womanhood. thus it’s assumed we all must go through these things and learn to survive relationships with men even if that doesn’t benefit some women at all. heterosexual supremacy primes all women to be forced into this kind of thinking and to even more or less accept misogyny at times.
i was just listening to a podcast with different segments celebrating Juneteenth and one mini podcast had these two black female comediennes who were discussing Moms Mabley which led to a conversation about black female storytellers and how women often learn family history and advice on life from our female elders. within that conversation one of them talked about how she learned how to survive relationships with men from her aunt and later jokingly said everyone hates their husbands.
and you see this everywhere. women are taught to survive misogyny but not how to imagine their lives without it bc that could mean understanding womanhood from a perspective that doesn’t center heterosexuality.
this is not an argument that attacks women who want to partner with men either. bc I don’t believe in women enduring relationships with men but I want them to know enough about themselves to know whether they enjoy the relationships with men that they engage in (bc I do believe that’s possible) or if they’re enduring them and I think that’s extremely hard to differentiate at times when womanhood is closely tied to heterosexual partnership and enduring all kinds of poor to abusive behaviour from men.
which is why we see the commiserating bc women seek out other women to confirm that they aren’t crazy. and they aren’t! but. when the social script we are taught is that we are not women if we don’t partner with men or perform our feminine role then how are we ever going to become independent self-actualised people who define ourselves as people alone separate from men. we are not opposite from them, we are people all on our own.
too often it’s easiest to follow the social script bc it makes life…more manageable. but the girls that don’t follow it need that support to keep being themselves so that they don’t feel crazy. and more and more girls will follow I think. the social script among women has to change. the mindset is still stuck in a heterosexual death dance between women and men and how all women must learn to survive it. but more of us need to just quit playing and move away from that. truly in order to fight misogyny, we’re gonna have to fight heterosexual supremacy as well.
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trickybonmot · 6 months
People saying Tumblr is gonna die, tumblr's not gonna die, etc
What's funny to me is, I always felt like Tumblr kinda...well, I'll be kind here... Tumblr makes community and conversation actually rather difficult, you know? It's a Content Sharing platform, not a community platform. A lot of us have found community here in spite of that. But it would be cool if the place people went next was actually better instead of worse!
I'm actually thinking about Dreamwidth? The problem there has always been a lack of critical mass, in my experience, rather than lack of features. What I'm saying is, I miss Livejournal, can we please have that experience again?
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yelyahnaloj · 13 days
"Middle English (in the sense ‘make (something) like another thing’): from Old French conformer, from Latin conformare, from con- ‘together’ + formare ‘to form’." - Google
Interested in this idea of conformity being an act of creation.
"late Middle English (in the sense ‘form out of nothing’, used of a divine or supernatural being): from Latin creat- ‘produced’, from the verb creare ."
Most of the time, all the time maybe, we don't create from nothing. in the simple sense, we create using a pattern, instructions, etc.
However, without instructions, we have materials in which we have to comply to. Its shape, properties and texture.
Ideas, we conform to the source material in which our ideas arise.
What is nothing and how can we pull ideas from it?
Is mass conformity an act of creation? Creating order where there wasn't? At least in part of the leaders, but possibly in part of the participants. Would there really be that order if it weren't mass producted?
I suppose that is an issue I take with conformity. It is not natural but it is posed as if so. It is like "this is the rule, so we will bend you until you fit it". But if we all fit the mold, why the carpenter's square?
I decided that the most original I could be is being myself. Because to "conform" is to make small adjustments (or large) over time to create an image. I notice it within myself, I was just talking to my mom this morning about it. I sometimes speak as if I was raised in public school. I say "when I was in middle school" to evoke a mental picture that is different than what I experienced, because it is less words to explain. We make adjustments like this all the time. Even with my "gender", either way I make adjustments. If I were to say that I am nonbinary, but post pictures of me looking feminine, it is not conforming to the image that I should think nonbinary to look like. However, if I was crafty enough (in the deceptive sense) I could conform that image, perhaps through photoshop or some other way to create a reality that conforms with my words. However, hold on, to have a feminine presentation required adjustments of its own. Maybe not even mine, but hours of labor from those that manufactured those materials, those that designed it, those that the design was based off of that the design was based off of that the design is based off of that the design was based off of...
"Man tends to regard the order he lives as natural. The houses he passes on his way to work seem more like rocks rising out of the earth than like products of human hands. He considers the work he does in his office or factory as essential to the harmonious functioning of the world. The clothes he wears are exactly what they should be, and he laughs at the idea that he might equally well be wearing a Roman toga or medieval armor." - pg 26, The Captive Mind by Czesław Miłosz (I am on pg 40, currently)
In reality, almost everything is from the collective wills of billions of people past to present. An act of creation and re-creation. The consequences of something our ancestors did. The reason I was born in the location I was in was because of my ancestors, the reason I lived in the places I did was a product of many many events that had to happen (towns being founded, houses being built, decisions from people to rent those places). In the Pacific Northwest, things are still new. Totally different people speaking totally different languages dominated this area just a couple hundred years ago. My parents watched the expansion of smaller towns. My dad has pointed out to me roofs of commercial buildings he has helped build or boxes his company manufactures. It is so strange to participate in normalicies that didn't exist within my lifetime. There wasn't a chromebook, or a Tumblr. The way we live is very very strange. I have told my mom that the homestead she live on is more normal in the course of history than the way "most people" (in middle class western society) live. It may not be all bad, but it is different.
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matthewarcher · 1 year
i know it’s a stupid take, but i am always so shocked by the wastefulness in the united states. i lived in denmark for a few years before moving to england in june, and denmark is wasteful in the sense that they produce a lot of household trash. but the US takes it to a whole new level and it really permeates every facet of life. people drive half a mile instead of walking. styrofoam everything. no recycling infrastructure and no attempt to recycle even when the infrastructure is there. this isn’t just some slice of the US either, it’s everywhere i’ve lived from mississippi to connecticut. just deeply sad and kind of enraging, but also really provokes a feeling of complete resignation. not a nice place to look for sustainability inspiration.
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takeme-totheworld · 2 months
Something about the specific kinds of disagreements and contradictory headcanons that I see popping up over and over again between GO fans who identify strongly with Crowley vs those who identify strongly with Aziraphale
...and, idk, life imitating art imitating life?
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