#hallett smith
wyrm-repository · 24 days
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[ID: A slightly worn cover that contains several black-and-white portraits and photographs of renowned English authors labelled with their surnames. The title reads: "The Norton Anthology of English Literature". The subtitle reads: "Major Authors Edition". The authors are "M. H. Abrams", "E. Talbot Donaldson", "Hallett Smith", "Robert M. Adams", "Samuel Holt Monk", "George H. Ford", and "David Daiches". The spine contains the title, surnames of the authors, and the silhouette of a seagull, the W. W. Norton & Company logo. End ID]
The Norton Anthology of English Literature: Major Authors Edition
Abrams, M. H. / Donaldson, E. Talbot / Smith, Hallett / Adams, Robert M. / Monk, Samuel Holt / Ford, George H. / Daiches, David
W. W. Norton & Company / 1962 / Paperback
"In both format and editorial procedure, the editors' primary aim has been to enhance the intelligent delight of students in literature as literature. The book has been printed on paper of such quality that its contents are reduced to the bulk and weight of one of the longer modern novels, while its pages have been reduced to a size that permits verse to be read as it was intended to be read, in a single column, and with comfortable margins."
The deification of crusty-musty old white dudes was evidently alive and well during the mid-twentieth century, but, in fairness to the editors of this volume, they seem to have applied a tasteful aptitude to their selections. A door-stopper in the truest sense, this particular copy has been battered, bruised, and hastily annotated with the fervor that only an English major in the throes of academic mania could display. I genuinely look forward to one day reading this compilation of classic English writings endowed with histories, prefaces, explanations of grammatical stylings, and footnotes that provide context for the (more-or-less) modern-day reader.
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britneyshakespeare · 4 months
It was formerly thought that Beaumont and Fletcher, the great practitioners and definers of tragicomedy on the Jacobean stage, had influenced Shakespeare by the success of their play Philaster to try the same sort of thing in Cymbeline, The Winter's Tale, and The Tempest. But it now seems that the influence, if any, was the other way. For Pericles probably comes before Philaster, and Cymbeline develops naturally from Pericles. Furthermore the characteristic effects of tragicomedy as practiced by Beaumont and Fletcher are different from those produced by Shakespeare. In Philaster there is a pervasive feeling of the presence of evil in a courtly-pastoral environment; innocence and virtue live as close neighbors to the kind of vice that incites the satirist's sharpest lines. The events are sensational, as indeed they are in Cymbeline, but Beaumont and Fletcher depend upon surprise whereas Shakespeare depends upon the more complex effects of awareness and anticipation. The audience knows that Guiderius and Arviragus are Imogen's brothers, though the three of them do not; it knows while the dirge is sung that Imogen is not dead, though the singers do not; it knows that the headless body in Posthumus' clothes is Cloten's, though Imogen does not. In Philaster the hero stabs the page, Bellario, in a fit of insane jealousy, and neither he nor the audience knows until afterward that Bellario is really a woman in disguise. Tragicomedy of this sort verges on melodrama, but in Shakespeare's play, though it contains sensational incidents enough—a princess in disguise finding her long-lost brothers in the mountains of Wales, an Italian villain hiding in a chest in a lady's bedroom, the taking of a medicine which, as in Romeo and Juliet, produces apparent death, the descent of Jupiter on an eagle in answer to the prayers of the ghosts of the hero's parents, the defeat of a Roman army by an old man and two boys in a narrow lane—the tone and atmosphere of the play produce a mood of reconciliation to things as they are. Theodore Spencer contrasted these late plays with Shakespeare's tragedies. "In the tragedies," he says, the appearance might be good, but the reality—the lust of Gertrude, the hypocrisy of Goneril and Regan, the crown of Scotland, and, to Timon, all mankind—was evil. In the last plays the appearance may be evil, but the reality is good." The reconciliation of Imogen with her husband and father, the reunion of Cymbeline with his long-lost sons and their faithful guardian, the harmonious settlement of the quarrel with Rome, all take place in a surprising way and yet as if it were all perfectly natural. The course of events is a riddle—the lion's whelp embracing tender air and an old oak regaining its lost branches—but the outcome is serenity itself: "Britain be fortunate and flourish in peace and plenty."
Excerpt from the introduction to Cymbeline from The Riverside Shakespeare (1973), written by Hallett Smith
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casasupernovas · 11 months
i'm realising that the reason i don't like how s3 and s4 deals with the outcome of the doctor and rose's actions in series 2, particularly when it comes to torchwood is because...the show kind of chickens out on holding them to account. their cautionary tale becomes a star crossed lover's tragedy rather than the very real warning. the doctor never tells jack the whole truth of how exactly he lost rose, nor is the connection between the deposition of harriet jones and the master AND brian green in 'children of earth' discussed. in fact, i think the reason why the show never addreses the tidal wave that series 2 causes is because it is too great.
and the doctor and rose should thank their lucky stars that neither died or worse. because the doctor tells rose that the death toll was immense. it was tragic but it could have been worse. they could have ended up like ianto and lisa. or adeola. or yvonne. or literally anyone else who had their lives destroyed that day. they got the best outcome possible considering what happened to everyone else. they may not be happy about it but it is what it is.
i'm not laying the entire blame at that pair, they didn't start the ghost hour or decide to build torchwood tower around a void, but the entire thing was a domino effect. and we know what started it.
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newestcool · 3 months
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Totême f/w 2024 rtw Creative Directors Elin Kling & Karl Lindman Model Awar Odhiang Fashion Editor/Stylist Camilla Nickerson Makeup Artist Hannah Murray Hair Stylist Holli Smith Manicurist Ama Quashie Casting Director Jess Hallett Newest Cool
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catominor · 14 days
Found some books and articles that might help with your research. These come from the bibliographies of Craig Williams' book "Roman Homosexuality," and Kelly Olson's article "Masculinity, Appearance, and Sexuality: Dandies in Roman Antiquity." Good luck!
Olson, Kelly. Masculinity and Dress in Roman Antiquity. Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies, 2017.
Alexandra T. Groom, Roman Clothing and Fashion (Stroud, UK: Tempus, 2002), 31-73; Julia Heskel, "Cicero as Evidence for Attitudes to Dress in the Late Republic," in The World of Roman Costume, ed. Judith L. Sebesta and Larissa Bonfante.
Mary Harlow, "Clothes Maketh the Man: Power Dressing and Elite Masculinity in the Later Roman World," in Gender in the Early Medieval World: East and West., 300—900, ed. Leslie Brubakerand Julia M. H. Smith
Brisson, Luc. 2002. Sexual Ambivalence: Androgyny and Hermaphroditism in Graeco-Roman Antiquity. Translated by Janet Lloyd. Berkeley.
Foxhall, Lin, and John Salmon, eds. 1998a. When Men Were Men: Masculinity, Identity, and Power in Classical Antiquity. New York. Thinking Men: Masculinity and Its Self-representation in the Classical Tradition. New York.
Gilmore, David D. 1990. Manhood in the Making: Cultural Concepts of Masculinity.
Gleason, Maud W. 1990. “The Semiotics of Gender: Physiognomy and Self-fashioning in the Second Century C.E.” In Halperin, Winkler, and Zeitlin 1990: 398–415.
Gleason, Maud W. 1995. Making Men: Sophists and Self-presentation in Ancient Rome. Princeton.
Graver, Margaret. 1998. “The Manhandling of Maecenas: Senecan Abstractions of Masculinity.” American Journal of Philology 119: 607–32.
Gunderson, Erik. 2000. Staging Masculinity: The Rhetoric of Performance in the Roman World. Ann Arbor.
Kleijwegt, Marc. 1991. Ancient Youth: The Ambiguity of Youth and the Absence of Adolescence in Greco-Roman Society. Amsterdam.
Porter, James I., ed. 1999. Constructions of the Classical Body. Ann Arbor.
Walters, Jonathan. 1997. “Invading the Roman Body: Manliness and Impenetrability in Roman Thought.” In Hallett and Skinner 1997: 29–46.
Williams, Craig A. Roman Homosexuality: Ideologies of Masculinity in Classical Antiquity. Oxford.
Wyke, Maria, ed. 1999. Parchments of Gender: Deciphering the Body of Antiquity. Oxford.
YAYY thank you so much!! this is really useful!! my idea is mostly to do with ideas about attractiveness in terms of physical features as opposed to presentation, but as far as i know there's no writing on it yet so all of these are useful as sort of... nearby topics. it'll be really interesting to dig into the masculinity aspect of it as well as like... age/youth too
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likeclarabow · 1 year
2023 Books Read
Our Wives Under the Sea - Julia Armfield (Dec 31-Jan 2)
See You Yesterday - Rachel Lynn Solomon (Jan 2-Jan 3)
All Dressed Up - Jilly Gagnon (Jan 4)
She Gets the Girl - Rachael Lippincott & Alyson Derrick (Jan 5-Jan 6)
Ready Player One - Ernest Cline (Jan 6-Jan 10)
Jamaica Inn - Daphne Du Maurier (Jan 10-Jan 13)
Greywaren - Maggie Stiefvater (Jan 14-Jan 16)
The Ballad of Never After - Stephanie Garber (Jan 17-Jan 22)
By the Book - Jasmine Guillory (Jan 22-Jan 24)
Portrait of a Thief - Grace D Li (Jan 25-Feb 4)
Pride and Prejudice (reread, audiobook) - Jane Austen (Jan 31-Feb 6)
Macbeth (reread) - William Shakespeare (Feb 6-Feb 10)
Normal People - Sally Rooney (Feb 18-Feb 22)
All the Dangerous Things - Stacy Willingham (Feb 23-Feb 25)
The Diary of Mary Berg - Mary Berg (Feb 17-Feb 27)
The Witch Haven - Sasha Peyton Smith (Mar 4-Mar 11)
Americanah - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (Feb 26-Mar 12)
The Witch Hunt - Sasha Peyton Smith (Mar 19-Mar 22)
Jonny Appleseed - Joshua Whitehead (Mar 19-Mar 28)
The Mysterious Affair at Styles - Agatha Christie (Mar 25-Mar 29)
Last Violent Call - Chloe Gong (Mar 30-Apr 1)
Beartown - Fredrik Backman (Apr 1-Apr 4)
People We Meet on Vacation (reread) - Emily Henry (Apr 5-Apr 7)
Notes on an Execution - Danya Kukafka (Apr 8)
Kiss Her Once For Me - Alison Cochran (Apr 8-Apr 10)
If You Could See the Sun - Ann Liang (Apr 11-Apr 15)
Murder at the Vicarage - Agatha Christie (Apr 15-Apr 19)
The Appeal - Janice Hallett (Apr 19-Apr 20)
The Black Spider - Jeremias Gotthelf (Apr 20)
Molly of the Mall - Heidi L.M. Jacobs (Apr 21-Apr 22)
The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein - Kiersten White (April 23-Apr 25)
Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen (April 26-Apr 28)
Happy Place - Emily Henry (Apr 29)
Us Against You - Fredrik Backman (Apr 30-May 3)
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald (May 3-May 5)
Juniper and Thorn - Ava Reid (May 6-May 10)
Meet Me at the Lake - Carley Fortune (May 11-May 12)
Cloud Atlas - David Mitchell (May 12-May 19)
Anne of Green Gables (reread) - L.M. Montgomery (May 19-May 22)
Anne of Avonlea (reread) - L.M. Montgomery (May 24-May 26)
Anne of the Island (reread) - L.M. Montgomery (May 26-May 30)
The Winners - Fredrik Backman (June 2-June 6)
Rebecca - Daphne Du Maurier (June 7-June 8)
Peril at End House - Agatha Christie (June 9)
The Many Lives and Secret Sorrows of Josephine B (reread) - Sandra Gulland (June 11-June 12)
Tales of Passion Tales of Woe - Sandra Gulland (June 13-June 14)
The Last Great Dance on Earth - Sandra Gulland (June 14-June 15)
Frankenstein in Baghdad - Ahmed Saadawi (June 15-June 18)
Crooked House - Agatha Christie (June 22-June 24)
Northanger Abbey - Jane Austen (June 20-June 30)
I Must Betray You - Ruta Sepetys (June 30-July 1)
Pageboy - Elliot Page (July 2-July 4)
This Time It’s Real - Ann Liang (July 6)
The Last Word - Taylor Adams (July 6-July 7)
The Fiancée Farce - Alexandria Bellefleur (July 7-July 8) 
The Guilt Trip - Sandie Jones (July 8)
Camp Zero - Michelle Min Sterling (July 8)
The Berry Pickers - Amanda Peters (July 8-July 9)
Family of Liars - E. Lockhart (July 9-July 11)
The Last House Guest - Megan Miranda (July 11-July 12)
The Last Tale of the Flower Bride - Roshani Chokshi (July 14-July 21)
Rolling in the Deep (audiobook) - Mira Grant (July 20-July 21)
Wunderland - Jennifer Cody Epstein (July 21-July 23)
The Stationary Shop of Tehran (July 24-27)
Yellowface - R.F. Kuang (July 27-July 29)
These Violent Delights - Micah Nemerever (July 29-Aug 3)
Wuthering Heights - Emily Brontë (Aug 3-Aug 5)
Begin Again - Emma Lord (Aug 6-Aug 8)
Medicine Walk - Richard Wagamese (Aug 8-Aug 12)
419 - Will Ferguson (Aug 16-Aug 19)
Harlem Shuffle - Colson Whitehead (Aug 21-Aug 24)
Ballet Shoes (reread) - Noel Streatfeild (Aug 25-Aug 26)
Songs for the Missing - Stewart O’Nan (Aug 28-Aug 31)
You’re Not Supposed to Die Tonight - Kalynn Bayron (Sept 1-Sept 2)
I’ve Got Your Number - Sophie Kinsella (Sept 2)
The Adult - Bronwyn Fischer (Sept 3)
Nine Liars - Maureen Johnson (Sept 4-Sept 6)
Small Things Like These - Claire Keegan (Sept 6)
The Honeys - Ryan La Sala (Sept 15-Sept 19)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea - Jules Verne (Sept 12-Sept 20)
Beowulf - Unknown (Sept 8-Sept 21)
The Mirror Crack’d From Side to Side - Agatha Christie (Sept 21-Sept 25)
Better Than the Movies - Lynn Painter (Sept 26-Sept 30)
Annihilation - Jeff VanderMeer (Oct 4-Oct 7)
And Don’t Look Back - Rebecca Barrow (Oct 7)
Hallowe’en Party - Agatha Christie (Oct 8-Oct 9)
Cannibal Island - Nichlolas Werth (Oct 9-Oct 22)
The Final Gambit - Jennifer Lynn Barnes (Oct 17-Oct 22)
Stalin’s Nomads: Power and Famine in Kazakhstan - Robert Kindler (Oct 16-Oct 24)
Six of Crows (reread) - Leigh Bardugo (Oct 25-Oct 30)
Crooked Kingdom (reread) - Leigh Bardugo (Nov 3-Nov 7)
Sadie (reread) - Courtney Summers (Nov 9-Nov 10)
The Invisible Man - H.G. Wells (Nov 6-Nov 13)
Hamlet - William Shakespeare (Nov 6-Nov 13)
A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder (reread) - Holly Jackson (Nov 11-Nov 15)
Good Girl, Bad Blood (reread) - Holly Jackson (Nov 15-Nov 18)
As Good as Dead (reread) - Holly Jackson (Nov 20-Nov 23)
Red White and Royal Blue (reread) - Casey McQuiston (Nov 25-Dec 5)
The Secret History - Donna Tartt (Dec 18-Dec 22)
The Day of the Jackal - Frederick Forsyth (Dec 24-Dec 25)
Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries - Heather Fawcett (Dec 25-Dec 27)
Murder in the Family - Cara Hunter (Dec 28)
Three Holidays and a Wedding - Uzma Jalaluddin, Marissa Stapley (Dec 29)
The Book of Cold Cases - Simone St James (Dec 30-Dec 31)
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whiskeyswriting · 1 year
CHAOTIC BAU: Meet The Characters
We all know the stories of Hotch, Rossi, Reid, Garcia, and the rest of the BAU. We know their names and their faces. But what about the team of new agents and recruits that have joined the BAU?
What are their names? What jobs will they be doing? How will they fit into the team?
First, let's meet the new members of the BAU.
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Name: Milla Dutton
Nickname: Milla-Raccoon
Job: Research Specialist
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Name: Raven Fischer
Nickname: Mouse
Job: BAU’s Paralegal & Assistant Techie
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Name: Amanda Hallett
Nickname: Birdie
Job: Profiler
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Name: Hailie Kovács
Nickname: Cupcake
Job: Undercover Agent
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Name: Elizabeth Lanera
Nickname: Lan
Job: Crime Scene Analyst
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Name: Alana Metcalf
Nickname: Cinco
Job: Field Techie
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Name: Rachael Parker
Nickname: Dragon
Job: MI6 Agent transferred to FBI
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Name: Jade Rogers
Nickname: Whiskey
Job: Media/Local Police Liaison
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Name: Baylie Rossi
Nickname: Lucky
Job: Undercover Agent
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Name: Robyn Simpson
Nickname: Venom
Job: Sketch Artist
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Name: Grace Smith
Nickname: Spicy
Job: Profiler
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Name: Lara Alice Tetch
Nickname: Scarlet
Job: International Liaison
Whiskey's Barrel: @gracespicybradshaw @bayisdying @cycbaby @ladylanera @callmemana @starlit-epiphany @dragon-kazansky @askmarinaandothers @breadsquash @hisredheadedgoddess28 @callsignscupcake
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morgan--reads · 5 months
Twyford Code - Janice Hallett
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Summary: In a series of voice messages sent to his estranged son, Steven Smith details his quest to discover what happened to his teacher Miss Isles on a fateful school trip forty years ago. As Steven explores his past, he becomes involved in a greater mystery that had consumed Miss Isles, that of the Twyford Code, the conspiracy that a secret code was hidden in the books of WWII-era children’s author Edith Twyford. 
Quote: “You must understand that two people may have different memories of the same thing. And both are correct.”
My rating: 3.0/5.0  Goodreads: 3.64/5.0
Review: Lots of fun, and even if not particularly brilliant, the mystery has layers that are trickier and more complex than they first appear. I was a little nervous about the promise of acrostics and codes-neither of which are my thing-but the reader has to do zero code-cracking on their own. All they have to do is follow along as Steve and then his son solve the mystery. Steve is a charming narrator, also more complex than he first appears. However, like in Hallett’s other work, The Appeal, the explanations at the end of the book are too long and the twist is overexplained. The first ten hours of the audiobook went fast, the rest far too slow.
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cheshirelibrary · 1 year
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Editors Recommend: 7 Brilliant and Surprising Spring Reads 
[via Off the Shelf]
With a seal of approval from publishing’s top editors, these new releases are guaranteed to hook you this spring.
The Twyford Code by Janice Hallett    
Cold People by Tom Rob Smith
The House of Eve by Sadeqa Johnson
Master Slave Husband Wife by Ilyon Woo
The Reunion by Kayla Olson
Regrets Only by Kieran Scott
Camp Zero by Michelle Min Sterling
Click through to see more titles.
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myrna-nora · 5 months
2023: Books
January 1. The Wall (1938) Mary Roberts Rinehart + 2. Fallen Into the Pit (1951) Ellis Peters ** 3. Agatha Christie: A Very Elusive Woman (2022) Lucy Worsley 4. Death on the Cherwell (1935) Mavis Doriel Hay # 5. A Death in Tokyo (麒麟の翼) (2011) Keigo Higashino 6. The Twyford Code (2022) Janice Hallett 7. Checkmate to Murder (1944) E.C.R. Lorac #
February 8. The Poisoned Chocolates Case (1929) Anthony Berkeley + # 9. Death and the Joyful Woman (1961) Ellis Peters ** 10. Bodies from the Library, 2 (2019) Tony Medawar (Editor) 11. Finlay Donovan Jumps the Gun (2023) Elle Cosimano ^ 12. Flight of a Witch (1964) Ellis Peters ** 13. Murder in the Basement (1932) Anthony Berkeley # March 14. Mrs. 'Arris Goes to Paris (1958) Paul Gallico 15. A Nice Derangement of Epitaphs (1965) Ellis Peters ** 16. These Names Make Clues (1937) E.C.R. Lorac # 17. House of Many Ways (2008) Diana Wynne Jones ^ 18. Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers (2023) Jesse Q. Sutanto 19. The Decagon House Murders (十角館の殺人) (1987) Yukito Ayatsuji + 20. Poirot: The Greatest Detective in the World (2020) Mark Aldridge + 21. Death of Jezebel (1948) Christianna Brand # 22. The Spite House (2023) Johnny Compton 23. The Cask (1920) Freeman Wills Crofts April 24. The Piper on the Mountain (1966) Ellis Peters ** 25. Crossed Skis (1952) Carol Carnac # 26. The Wintringham Mystery (1927) Anthony Berkeley 27. Wrong Place Wrong Time (2022) Gillian McAllister 28. Smallbone Deceased (1950) Michael Gilbert # 29. Heads You Lose (1941) Christianna Brand May 30. Black is the Colour of my True Love's Heart (1967) Ellis Peters ** 31. Murder of a Lady (1931) Anthony Wynne # 32. The Lake District Murder (1935) John Bude # 33. The Mill House Murders (水車館の殺人) (1988) Yukito Ayatsuji 34. Green for Danger (1944) Christianna Brand * # 35. The Case of the Howling Dog (1934) Erle Stanley Gardner June 36. Identity (2023) Nora Roberts 37. A Will To Kill (2019) R.V. Raman 38. The Grass-Widow's Tale (1968) Ellis Peters ** 39. The Enigma of Garlic (2022) Alexander McCall Smith ^ 40. Miss Pym Disposes (1946) Josephine Tey 41. The Seat of the Scornful (1941) John Dickson Carr # 42. Fell Murder (1944) E.C.R. Lorac # 43. The House of Green Turf (1969) Ellis Peters ** July 44. The Westing Game (1978) Ellen Raskin * 45. The Case of the Gilded Fly (1944) Edmund Crispin 46. Mourning Raga (1969) Ellis Peters ** 47. Grave Intentions (A Dire Isle) (2022) R.V. Raman 48. Weekend at Thrackley (1934) Alan Melville # 49. The Singing Sands (1952) Josephine Tey ^ 50. The Story of Classic Crime in 100 Books (2017) Martin Edwards + 51. The Only One Left (2023) Riley Sager 52. Death of an Airman (1934) Christopher St. John Sprigg # 53. The Knocker on Death's Door (1970) Ellis Peters ** August 54. A Disappearance in Fiji (2023) Nilima Rao 55. The Mistress of Bhatia House (2023) Sujata Massey ^ 56. Tour de Force (1955) Christianna Brand ^ 57. The Colour of Murder (1957) Julian Symons # 58. Post After Post-Mortem (1936) E.C.R. Lorac # 59. Death to the Landlords (1972) Ellis Peters ** 60. Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep (1997) Patricia H. Rushford * 61. The Plague and I (1948) Betty MacDonald ^ September 62. City of Gold and Shadows (1973) Ellis Peters ** 63. Red Sky in Mourning (1997) Patricia H. Rushford 64. Twice Round the Clock (1935) Billie Houston # 65. Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone (2023) Benjamin Stevenson 66. Please Don't Push Up the Daisies (2023) Diane Vallere ^ 67. Laughing Gas (1936) P.G. Wodehouse 68. The Black Spectacles (1939) John Dickson Carr # 69. The Last Devil to Die (2023) Richard Osman ^ 70. Rainbow's End (1978) Ellis Peters ** October 71. Thirteen Guests (1936) J. Jefferson Farjeon # 72. Ghosts From the Library (2022) Tony Medawar (Editor) 73. Black Rainbow (1982) Barbara Michaels ^ 74. The Stranger Diaries (2018) Elly Griffiths 75. Where Are the Children? (1975) Mary Higgins Clark + 76. It Walks by Night (1930) John Dickson Carr # 77. Jane-Emily (1969) Patricia Clapp 78. The Woman in Black (1983) Susan Hill 79. Midnight Bayou (2001) Nora Roberts November 80. The Progress of a Crime (1960) Julian Symons # 81. Just Another Missing Person (2023) Gillian McAllister 82. The Running Grave (2023) Robert Galbraith ^ 83. Murder by Matchlight (1945) E.C.R. Lorac # December 84. The Santa Klaus Murder (1936) Mavis Doriel Hay # 85. The Christmas Guest (2023) Peter Swanson 86. The Busy Body (2024) Kemper Donovan + 87. Murder After Christmas (1944) Rupert Latimer # 88. The Twelve Days of Murder (2023) Andreina Cordani 89. Trojan Gold (1987) Elizabeth Peters + read what I already own challenge ^ finished or caught-up in series * re-reads ** re-read series challenge (Felse Investigations) # British Library Crime Classics
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ao3feed-torchwood · 7 months
Sometimes opening up can be hard that's why we have the TARDIS.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/51211750 by Bisexual_potatofries So, did a lot of thinking and thought how tragic would it be if the Torchwood and Doctor who gang watched some stuff about the cyber-men, and see that some cyber-men do happen to retain some humanity (I'm so sorry Ianto). So this will probably focus of Battle of Canary Wharf, Cyber-woman, Danny Pink and Clara, then Bill Potts, but may delve into other episodes as well (Specifically CoE/sound of drums/game station/ turn left etc) Rated mature for language. It includes Torchwood, what do you expect. Also there will be spoilers for all episodes of modern who and torched. I have listened to some Torchwood audios, so I'll stick to cannon and much as possible, but those things are expensive, so have yet to listen to any of the Torchwood 1 before the fall stuff :(. Saving my money though, so hopefully sometime next year I'll get to listen. But that just means for Yvonne stuff relating to Ianto getting hired, I'm relying on the internet. Words: 2406, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Doctor Who, Torchwood, Torchwood (Big Finish Audio) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Ianto Jones, Jack Harkness, Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who), Ninth Doctor (Doctor Who), Eleventh Doctor (Doctor Who), Toshiko Sato, Gwen Cooper, Owen Harper, Twelfth Doctor, Thirteenth Doctor, Yasmin Khan, Danny Pink, Clara Oswin Oswald, Graham O'Brien, Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Donna Noble, Missy (Doctor Who), The Master (Dhawan), The Master (Simm), Rory Williams, Amy Pond (Doctor Who), River Song, Ryan Sinclair, Bill Potts, Nardole (Doctor Who), The Doctor's TARDIS, Dan Lewis (Doctor Who), Mickey Smith (Doctor Who) Relationships: Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler, Clara Oswin Oswald/Danny Pink, Heather (Doctor Who: The Pilot)/Bill Potts, The Doctor/River Song, Angelo Colasanto/Jack Harkness, Lisa Hallett/Ianto Jones, Amy Pond/Rory Williams, Jack Harkness & Rose Tyler, Martha Jones & Donna Noble, Martha Jones/Mickey Smith Additional Tags: Characters watch the show, Characters Watching Doctor Who, Characters watching Torchood, Post-Episode: s03e12 The Sound of Drums, Martha and Jack are besties, Past Lisa Hallett/Ianto Jones, Ianto Jones & Toshiko Sato Friendship, I may not have liked s1 Gwen but she's pretty awesome in s2-4, no gwen bashing, Immortal Jack Harkness, Bill Potts Deserves Better, The Doctor (Doctor Who) Needs a Hug, Jack Harkness Needs a Hug, Awesome Donna Noble, BAMF Martha Jones
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quoteoftheweekblog · 1 year
QUOTE OF THE WEEK 27/3/23 - NANCY MITFORD ‘ … notepaper, perfume, mirror and mantelpiece … ‘ (Mitford, 2015, p.460).
Mitford, N. (2015 [1945] ) ‘The pursuit of love’ in ‘The complete novels’.  London: Penguin Books, pp.413-534. *****
Writing paper / Notepaper
Scent / Perfume
Looking-glass / Mirror
Chimneypiece / Mantelpiece (’U and non-U English’, 2022).
‘U and non-U English’ (2022) ‘Wikipedia’. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U_and_non-U_English (Accessed 26 March 2023).
‘ “Oh, why can’t dogs read?” ‘ (Mitford, 2015, p.419).
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https://quoteoftheweekblog.tumblr.com/post/707162386989219840/quote-of-the-week-23123-jodi-picoult-and FEBRUARY - LUCY WORSLEY - ‘JANE AUSTEN AT HOME - A BIOGRAPHY’
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https://quoteoftheweekblog.tumblr.com/references FROM THE ARCHIVE
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newestcool · 1 year
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Chloé f/w 2023 rtw Creative Director Gabriela Hearst Models América González, Canlan Wang, América González & Ella Richards Fashion Editor/Stylist Camilla Nikerson Makeup Artist Fara Homidi Hair Stylist Holli Smith Casting Director Jess Hallett Production Alex Debetak Photographer Carlo Scarpato
Newest Cool on Instagram
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jeffstincotingz · 1 year
Oh. My. Gosh!!!!! Look at what I just found right here:
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Here, as you can see, Jeff Stinco is listed on the website called OnThisDay.com, where they have listed him under the August 22, 1978 section underneath "Famous Birthdays".
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Sometimes between 2018 or 2019, On This Day listed James Corden next to Jeff Stinco, who is still in the "Famous Birthdays" section for August 22, 1978, and I am supposed to be okay with that? This is not right at all.
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Here are the people born on August 22, 1975. Jeff Stinco isn't even listed here, for crying out loud!
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Here, they made Jeff's name go up in terms of popularity between him and James Corden. At least they knew something they didn't know about. But they still went ahead and made his year of birth/age incorrect!
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Here is a full length version of famous people who were born in August 1975, and Jeff Stinco is not even listed on there, he's listed on the August 1978 section instead! What the firetruck?????
This isn't even funny. This isn't even that funny. This is not funny at all! Is On This Day joking? Do these people know that this is a game? I'm really angry about this. They literally put Jeff Stinco and James Corden right next to each other on the August 22, 1978 section on their website. You can't just put this iconic pop punk king next to some loser who does carpool karaokes for a living on his talk show and who can't act to save his life like that! That's not how it works around here, On This Day!
Here, in the world of Jeff Stinco, you have to at least fucking try to get his year of birth and his age correctly right. 1978 is not the year he was born in!
Jeff Stinco was born in 1975, meaning that he was born around the same time as Charlize Theron (who was born sixteen days before Jeff) and Rodrigo Santoro!
He was not born around the same time as James Corden and Kobe Bryant!
Jeff Stinco and James Corden don't even belong together, and I wouldn't want to believe that a beautiful angelic man like Jeff, would be born around the same time as some slimy slimeball talk show host!
Now what if I changed every single website and told everybody that Jeff Stinco was born in 1975 and that he should've been a Grammy winner, a Oscar winner, a Emmy winner, and also even a Tony winner, to make him become a EGOT at 47 years old?
Now that is some comedy gold right there.
Because Jeff Stinco, Charlize Theron, Sara Ramirez, Mbali Gasa, Sheree Murphy, Shelly Cole, Vera Jordanova, Daniella van Graas, Stéphanie Szostak, Eliza Carthy, Shaniqua Miles, Chynna Clugston Flores, Eicca Toppinen, Kyle Cook, Nick Loeb, Rodrigo Santoro, Casey Affleck, Taika Waititi, Mandy Leigh, Ingrid Rubio, Aryiro Strataki, Chris Nevin, N.D. Kalu, Trevor Pryce, Andy Hallett, Beau Morgan, Kaipo Spenser, Antony Cotton, Jamie McGonnigal, Renate Götschl, Rik Platvoet, Victor Zambrano, Alshermond Singleton, Edgar Renteria, Jimmy van Fessem, Koray Candemir, Jeremy Scott, Mahesh Babu, Mathew James Coad, Mike Lamb, Lise Mackie, Davey von Bohlen, Ronald Clarke, Anders Myrvold, Paul Gaudoin, Raegan Scott, Regan Upshaw, James Carpinello, Jason Gleasman, Joe Perry, Shoaib Akhtar, Mike Vrabel, Viaceslav Ivanovski, Bertrand Berry, Vijay Bharadwaj, Didier Agathe, Felicia Zimmermann, George Stults, İlhan Mansız, Simon Katich, Marcus Mastin, Marianne Garvey, Tracie Thoms, Alicia Witt, Charles Cornelius Smith, Clint Bolton, Robert Enes, Joe Andruzzi, Mark de Vries, Jeremy Horn, Molly Tuter, Petria Thomas, Morgan Ensberg, Shea Seals, Jonny Moseley, Mark Rudan, Gareth Farrelly, Jamie Cureton, Dante Basco, Radhi Jaïdi, Takahiro Suwa, Daniel Harding, James Black, Gaahl, Mase, and Mineiro all share the same birthday month and year as each other.
August 1975.
Is when these people were born.
Just that.
That alone is literally funny.
Jeff Stinco and 81 other famous people were all born on August 1975.
It's way better than just putting Jeff's name up with people like James Corden, Kobe Bryant, Jess Margera, Kel Mitchell, Amber Brkich, and Countess Vaughn, and then claiming that he was born on August 1978, just like them, but he is not.
Holy Zydrunas Ilgauskas and Girmante Vaikute, I am so angry right now. I am so angry at these people and these websites not knowing who Jeff Stinco is and what year he was born in.
If James Corden ever starts doing a carpool karaoke episode with Jeff Stinco when he finally comes back to singing again on his talk show, I will lose my shit at this and there will be h-e-double hockey sticks to pay.
How dare you compare Jeff to that loser who is not a good actor, who is not a good comedian, his jokes are not even that funny, and oh, should I say this, he is terrible to his fans too, may I should say it again for once though?
I got anger management issues about three different things all at once: Jeff Stinco's year of birth and his age not being right by people, images and videos of Britney Spears attending the premiere of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood still being there on her name to this very exact day, and men with beards having no more than over 100,000 tweets to their names on Twitter and they are the ones who are child sex predators who does bad things to children. Those are the real things I am disgruntled about.
You're in a world into not being a Stinc Icon, On This Day. Screw your "accuracies" if you can't get Jeff's age right!
Make Jeff Stinco a singer again, On This Day. You'll get it right soon, you know? And he will get his singing career back and live his life in peace, thank you very much for reading this and goodbye ;)
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universomovie · 2 years
Kaia Gerber - Alexander McQueen Slash Bag 2022 Campaign
Kaia Gerber – Alexander McQueen Slash Bag 2022 Campaign
Alexander McQueen Slash Bag 2022 CampaignSource:alexandermcqueen.comPublished: November 2022 All people in this campaign: Sarah Burton – Designer Glen Luchford – Photographer Camilla Nickerson – Fashion Editor/Stylist Holli Smith – Hair Stylist Yadim – Makeup Artist Jess Hallett – Casting Director Emi Kudo – Manicurist Kaia Gerber – Model
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tempi-dispari · 2 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.tempi-dispari.it/2022/10/26/tra-i-prossimi-appuntamenti-al-biko-club-the-heliocentrics/
Tra i prossimi appuntamenti al Biko Club: The Heliocentrics
The HELIOCENTRICS (UK) in concerto
Malcolm Catto (batteria, percussioni), Jake Ferguson (basso), Dan Smith (chitarra, elettronica), Danny Keane (violoncello, elettronica, tastiere), Sylvia Hallett (Sarangi, ghironda), Barbora Patkova (voce)
L’ensemble cosmico, psichedelico-funk del Regno Unito pubblica il suo secondo album per l’etichetta del produttore anticonformista Madlib, Madlib Invazion. Gli album degli Heliocentrics attingono in egual modo dall’universo funk di James Brown, dalla disorientante asimmetria di Sun Ra, dalla portata cinematografica di Ennio Morricone, dalla fusione sublime di David Axelrod, dalla musique concrète accesa di Pierre Henry e dal ritmico Krautrock di Can.
A prescindere della label con cui hanno pubblicato la loro musica – il sound degli Heliocentrics è un nuovo tipo di psichedelia, che poteva venire solo da una band di musicisti affermati che sono anche fan ossessivi della musica dai gusti davvero eclettici.
Il batterista Malcolm Catto e il bassista Jake Ferguson, le menti e i produttori degli Heliocentrics, due figure eccentriche nel panorama musicale contemporaneo, suonano insieme da quasi due decenni e costruiscono la loro voce unica all’interno di una galassia alternativa dove le orbite della musica funk, jazz, psichedelica, elettronica, avant-garde ed “etnica” ruotano tutte attorno a “The One”.
Con l’etichetta Madlib Invazion di Madilb per Telemetric Sounds, gli Heliocentrics sono tornati a sviluppare la loro visione epica del funk psichedelico, esplorando le possibilità create dalle loro innumerevoli influenze: latine, africane e altro ancora.
Djset con SOUL FINGER Buttshakers, night disasters, party breakers since 2010 Flammable vinyl selection of 60’s-70’s Rhythm And Blues, Funk, Rocksteady, Afro and delights from all over the cosmossss.
mixcloud.com/night-disaster IG: soul.finger
Tommaso Cappellato presents: Collettivo Immaginario – new album release opening act: Letizia Kasala
Il live ensemble ideato dal batterista e produttore Tommaso Cappellato, tra jazz ed elettronica, suoni ancestrali e ritualistici, improvvisazione e beat tape culture. In formazione: Alberto Lincetto (fender rhodes/synth), Nicolò Masetto (electric bass), Tommaso Cappellato (drums).
Dopo aver dato vita nel passato a progetti in solo come Aforemention con Astral Travel, o collaborativi come Dreamweavers insieme a Mark de Clive e A. Lombardini, ha creato nel 2021 Collettivo Immaginario, trio jazz strumentale, che ha preso forma attraverso alcune live session tenute tra Los Angeles e Milano.
Collettivo Immaginario invita ora gli ascoltatori ad uno scintillante viaggio di evasione cosmica attraverso Trasforma, il loro album di debutto pubblicato il 23 settembre per l’etichetta di Los Angeles Domanda Music. Il collettivo nasce come laboratorio creativo in cui esplorare le influenze musicali e sperimentare in chiave retrofuturista suoni provenienti dal jazz elettrico, dal funk e dall’elettronica.
Trasforma distilla l’energia esuberante delle acclamate esibizioni dal vivo del trio in un album in studio lussureggiante e cinematografico, che intende sottilmente rendere omaggio a giganti del genere come Azymuth, Lonnie Liston Smith, Herbie Hancock e i compositori di colonne sonore come Piero Piccioni e Piero Umiliani. Nel corso della sessione, suddivisa nell’album in nove tracce, l’ascoltatore viene trasportato in un paesaggio sonoro che è sia organico che trascendente. instagram.com/collettivo_immaginario/ facebook.com/collettivoimmaginario/
opening act: Letizia Kasala https://www.mixcloud.com/domanda/domanda-radio-2-letizia-kasala/
Dopo il concerto: ABSTRACT, collezionista di dischi, selector e direttore artistico della scena underground Milanese, da The Electricalz allo storico DUDE Club. L’influenza musicale è profondamente radicata nei suoni jazz e soul che contraddistinguono i suoi dj set.
AARON DUNKIES Cresciuto musicalmente come batterista del coro della chiesa evangelica protestante che frequentava, costantemente esposto a generi musicali come Highlife, Gospel, Soul e Black Spiritual Music. Non amando le etichette si e’ sempre definito un “music lover”, la sua collezione spazia dall’ Avant-guard Jazz piu’ sperimentale ai classici house.
sabato 29 ottobre 2022 – doors h 22.00 – 15 + d.p. / tessera Arci
Relife in collaborazione con BIKO Milano presenta: BLUE LAB BEATS in concerto – posticipato al 2023
domenica 30 ottobre 2022 – doors h 16.00 – 5€ w /tessera Arci
ARMONIKA #5 DJ party, ambiente mistico, varietà performativo e riempi-pancia della domenica Armonika
domenica 30 ottobre 2022
Apertura porte h 16.00 Tessera Arci obbligatoria // Admission only with Arci membership Card sottoscrizione a partire da 5€
ARMONIKA Il varietà traumagico è tornato per la seconda stagione. DJ party, ambiente mistico, varietà performativo e riempi-pancia della domenica
Armonika è un ambiente per stare insieme, ascoltare storie tra i paralumi o seguire il groove sul dancefloor. Nel suo terzo episodio, dalle ore 16 DJ set, training, DJ set, performance & cena:
VELASCO Muziko de malproksimaj lokoj. Tempo Malrapida, kantoj tradiciaj, bunta sonoj. https://soundcloud.com/frankievelasco
Dj Barefoot è un tecnico del suono esperto, uno studioso dei suoni della natura in quanto essere umano. La solitudine gli è cara, tutto ciò di cui ha bisogno è la sua attrezzatura musicale. Il sintetizzatore è stato programmato per suonare da solo, ha solo bisogno di essere portato in un posto dove possa essere ascoltato. https://soundcloud.com/51beats/djbarefoot-432hz
Freddy Amoruso Live Armonica Bending sfrenati di armonica, improvvisa sul groove dei dischi suonati durante la festa.
Lester Mann DJ set (Lester Mann + Kamimmo) Seleziona musica d’ascolto di impronta dub, stranezze disco, psichedelia e ritmi per danze rallentate, da diversi anni organizza concerti e feste nel sottobosco milanese. In duo, con il nome di Lester Laura, è stato resident per le serate Wan Va in Cox18, Nessuno (Nobodys Indiscipline Party) e ha curato una serie di podcast per Radio Quartiere durante il primo lockdown del 2020.  https://www.mixcloud.com/lester_mann/
Mattia Dambrosio DJ set Cuore pulsante della surf band Wave Electric, guitar hero e animale notturno, seleziona beat caldi, dubby techno e disco hit. https://instagram.com/mattdambrosio87
Agnesoride Incursioni Per la prima volta performanti congiunte ma insieme già da molte birre.  Agnesoride, danzatrice attualmente di base a Cipro, coccolatrice professionista di quadrupedi e collezionista di trattorie. https://instagram.com/agnesoride
Federica Amoroso Vocalist Fondatrice della rivista Tutto Oggi, vocalist occasionale, ci aggiornerà sulle previsioni metereologiche dei prossimi giorni. https://instagram.com/vere.cundia
Marco Bukaqueja & Ilaria Zanotti accoglienza
Emmatoma Mani di Fata Creatrice di ambienti mistici, costumi lucenti e atmosfere di altri mondi. https://instagram.com/eesti.juust
— + special thanks to — Sali Moment Catcher La Simo General Manager Grandmaster Lele Bollettino Calcistico
lunedì 31 ottobre 2022 – dalle 20.00 – sottoscrizione + tessera ARCI
IL CORSO DI TANGO con Roberto Angelica e Natalia Cristofaro Milonga
Lunedì 31 ottobre 2022 – dalle 20.00
Corso di Tango al BIKO con Roberto Angelica e Natalia Cristofaro
h. 20.00 – 22.00 interm/avanzati sottoscrizione al corso + tessera Arci
Elegante e raffinata coppia di ballerini professionisti e maestri di Tango Argentino. Esprimono bellezza e sensualità attraverso l’uso di una tecnica tesa alla ricerca di un movimento armonico ed elegante. Vantano oltre 20 anni di esperienza in ambito professionale sul palco e nell’ insegnamento di Tango, Danza e Teatro.
La loro personale ricerca è tesa all´esplorazione di un tango che si nutre di sperimentazione nel rispetto delle forme più tradizionali di questo ballo. Il loro metodo d’insegnamento si basa principalmente su uno sviluppo consapevole e organico del movimento, sullo sviluppo di un ascolto ed una connessione profonda e reale, requisiti essenziali per una comunicazione efficace nel rispetto dei ruoli, con l’impiego del minimo sforzo per la massima resa.  
MILONGA con Dj Ausländer Milonga Irriverente con musica orientata anche all’elettronica del tango nuevo
Lunedì 31 ottobre 2022 – dalle 22.00
BIKO MILONGA – Milonga Irriverente – danze libere
sottoscrizione 7€ / tessera Arci obbligatoria
Ritorna la Milonga irRIVErente con la selezione di tango argentino e non argentino a cura di dj Ausländer
Free entry per chi non balla ma si vuole fare una serata di buona musica www.sullerivedeltango.it/
venerdì 4 novembre 2022 – doors h 22.00 – ingresso 10€+ d.p. – tessera Arci
OTR live | Dalla Sede 25th Anniversary 30 Anni Splendenti in concerto OTR
venerdì 4 novembre – porte h 22.00 tessera Arci obbligatoria / ARCI Membership Card mandatory ingresso 10€+d.p. : EventBrite.it
Tube Agency presenta: OTR live | Dalla Sede 25th Anniversary / 30 Anni Splendenti
30 anni di musica e amicizia, di nuovo sul palco insieme!
Tornano gli OTR, anche noti come l’Originale Trasmissione del Ritmo, per festeggiare 30 anni di attività musicale e di amicizia. E per celebrare questo importante traguardo, la band ha pubblicato a fine aprile un nuovo disco di inediti dal titolo Splendente prodotto da Esa, DJ Skizo, Ice One, DJ Shocka & DJ Sandal in cui troviamo gli scratch di DJ Vigor e ovviamente anche di DJ Bront degli Alien Army oltre ai freschissimi rap di Polare (ibernato e scongelato per l’occasione).
Esa vola tra le rime per necessità, ed è un piacere ballarlo e ascoltarlo. Ma non è tutto: per continuare come si deve i festeggiamenti, nel mese di novembre verrà ristampato in vinile lo storico album Dalla Sede del ’97, vera e propria pietra miliare del rap italiano. D?ue importanti anniversari per un live unico ed irripetibile in cui Esa, Polare, Vigor e Dj Skizo vi faranno volare tra rime, beat e scratch! www.tube-music.it
sabato 5 novembre 2022 – dalle 22.00 – ingresso 8€ + tessera ARCI
AFROTEQUE #2 ft. Nina Kipiani
Sabato 5 novembre 2022 – doors 22.00
Ingresso 8€ + tessera Arci obbligatoria / ARCI Membership Card mandatory
AFROTEQUE #2 ft. Nina Kipiani a new clubbing experience
Nata in Africa da madre camerunese e padre georgiano, è cresciuta a Parigi e ora vive a Roma dove sta crescendo nel panorama della musica afro. Grazie a questo ricco background e ad anni di viaggi in giro per il mondo ha sviluppato un gusto musicale molto eclettico. Dai suoni ancestrali di culture diverse all’Afrobeat e all’Afro House, il suo universo musicale è pieno di colori e profonde emozioni.
domenica 6 novembre 2022 – doors h 17.25 – sottoscrizione /tessera Arci
BOOSTA in concerto Davide “BOOSTA” Dileo in Post Piano Session Boosta
domenica 6 novembre 2022
Apertura porte h 21.00
Tessera Arci obbligatoria // Admission only with Arci membership Card Ingresso 17,25€ su piattaforma DICE:FM
Kashmir in collaborazione con Costello’s Live e BIKO Milano presenta: Davide “BOOSTA” Dileo in Post Piano Ssession
Davide BOOSTA Dileo (SUBSONICA) presenta dal vivo POST PIANO SESSION, il suo nuovo progetto discografico da solista. Dopo LA STANZA INTELLIGENTE e FACILE, Davide BOOSTA Dileo torna con un progetto discografico articolato in sei capitoli, in uscita tra settembre e dicembre. Il primo dei sei EP POST PIANO SESSION – Tape 1è già disponibile in digitale (https://bfan.link/PPStape1). «POST PIANO SESSION – racconta Boosta – è una piccola suite di elettronica e pianoforte, evocativa e romantica, con inserti di energia e ottimismo, frutto di una libertà desiderata e covata.
Questo è il tempo in cui celebrare questa libertà, anche quella di un artista dai propri codici. Diventa un’esigenza, in primo luogo, e un dovere subito dopo. Perché la libertà, in qualunque ambito, è un bene in prestito se non lo metabolizziamo e difendiamo».
L’intero progetto discograficoPOST PIANO SESSION è in uscita per la TORINO RECORDING CLUB, neonata etichetta dello stesso Boosta, un atelier musicale, un’officina in cui la musica è lo strumento che usa per riparare e (ri)mettere in funzione tutto quello che gli serve per affrontare questa seconda metà della vita. In POST PIANO SESSION viaggiano composizioni strumentali libere che partono dal pianoforte e finiscono nell’elettronica, passando attraverso suggestioni pienamente contemporanee.
Ognuna di queste suite è parte di un concept album inizialmente pensato come un’unica opera, poi ripartita in singoli Ep, e segna il ritorno di Boosta all’elettronica.
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