#he doesn't play video games bc he's a grandpa but he'd be so good at them if he did
idolpyre Β· 1 year
minjun can't play video games to save his life and the only games he DOES play are animal crossing and also minecraft. maybe a little bit of the sims as well
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hiraya-rawr Β· 2 years
Who would main who?οΏΌοΏΌ Modern AU HCs
A somewhat-extension to my Modern Acting AU hcs where Genshin is a popular series made into a video game based on the actors (but you don't need to know that to read this). Now the actors have to play the game, who would they main?
Would main himself honestly. Doesnt even mind that he's a starter character.
Probably whaled for Character Diluc, now he's got his brother on C6 with wolf's gravestone and CRIT artifacts.
(wonders why it's so hard to C6 himself πŸ€”)
He's the type to show off his own build and Diluc's build on twitter and instagram
Probably sacrifices Diluc on Barbatos' statue whenever he does a 10 pull (he'd stream it too)
Has all the other characters but probably stuck with himself, Lisa, and Amber (+Diluc) just to support the starters 😌
Gives me F2P player vibes at the start of the game 😭 He only played because he's the actor for the series
Kaeya probably had to carry him when he started.
Now he's kind of hooked. This man is loaded and doesn't hesitate to buy primogems and kits 🀩 it's a secret though
I don't think he'd main himself, it's kind of awkward for him so he uses whatever new character he gets and builds them
He's friends with Jean irl so she's probably a regular on his team tbh
Kaeya gets ignored (he says it's bc he hates him but he actually just finds it as awkward as using his own character)
help 😭 this grandpa does not know how to play.
As mentioned in the hcs, he only plays on set where Xiao and Hutao are there to help him
Co-ops a lot because that's the only way he can go on with the game tbh
Xiao and Hutao piloting for him like it's their second account πŸ˜”
Finds his character super useful, Xiao helped him build his Zhongli, he's smart enough to know that he only needs to long press his elemental skill for a shield
Shield = protection = no die = wait for Xiao and Hutao to defeat whatever for him
He mains whoever Xiao and Hutao left on his party list tbh
Mains himself, pretty obvious 🀨
His party can go from all of the tall women or all of the tall men tbh
Did not pull for the Ayato banner. He's scared to ever lose 50/50 to an Ayato. Needless to say, he doesn't want one ever
Hates it if another character gets artifacts better than his so he has to work on his build all over again
Will definitely put the other Harbingers on his team once they become playable
Signora didn't tell him she'll die and leave the cast :( so he was pretty disappointed when her episode was released
Tries to have everyone on friendship level 10 πŸ₯Ί
Please don't ask him who he mains, he doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings
He probably has all the characters on at least level 50 just in case they see his account, so no one feels left out
In truth, he played the starters for a while before switching to Ayato, Ayaka, himself, and geo Aether (a rare Aether main!!)
Feeds the stray dogs in Liyue and Dragonspine
I feel like he would main Ayaka just because they have a sibling bond on set. He also has Thoma on his team!
Ayaka probably also mains him and Thoma and they do co ops a lot
Also whales 🐳
He built himself to lvl 90 and really good artifacts but he doesn't use his character as often, kind of like Diluc
But whenever he co ops with Ayaka and Thoma, they each use their respective character!! Goes with the "travel together with friends" trope on genshin
He's kind of like Childe. Mains himself and works extra hard on his build.
But he also tries to level up all the other characters!! Doesn't care if it's a 4 star or 5 star, Itto will make you shine!!
Does damage showcase of 4 stars just to prove how all of them can be super strong
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