#he inherited his mommas murder aura
peapod20001 · 4 months
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Hheheheheheh ASH!!!!!! And his DAUGHTER!!!!
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klbwriting · 7 years
Preference: Kids
Fandom: Gotham
Note:  This was not written by me but the wonderful @may-we-fangirl-again who asked me to post it!  Please follow them!  They are amazing and I love them!
Oswald Cobblepot:
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You and Oswald’s little girl, Scarlett, was about three years old. She was spoiled rotten, but unlike most spoiled children, Scarlett was an angel! She was most definitely a daddy's girl. She was Gotham’s sweetheart being the Mayor’s daughter. She had Oswald’s sparkling eyes and your nose but his jet black hair. Now as any three years, Scarlett did have a very mischievous side to her. She had a thing for getting into sticky yet cute situations. Currently Oswald was pacing about the living room as you sat on the couch watching television. Little Scarlett curled into your side.
“What are you pacing for Ozzy?” You sighed in annoyance.
“This whole Mayor Business is overrated.” He complained as he stopped to look as you. Scarlett moved off your lap as she walked over to her father. She sat on the floor in front of him. Watching his feet move. Her dark brows furrowing at his weird walk. She slowly rose to her feet as Oswald walked into the kitchen with you in tow. What you two didn’t see was Scarlett limping behind her father. Her small frame not being seen as her raven curls bounced in her pigtails. Something shiny caught her eye as her eyes landed on Oswald’s jacket. She looked to Oswald, then the jacket as she ran over to it. She slipped it on with a giggle as she limped back over to the kitchen. Your eyes landed on her as you stifled a giggle.
“What?!” Oswald spun to see Scarlett limping into the room, the coat draped as it slid on the ground. His face softened as he took her in. Oswald was a whole other guy around you and Scarlett. He grinned as she spoke up.
“I’m walking just like daddy! Watch!” She proceeded to limp around the kitchen as you giggled.
“No Ed that isn’t right! I said do this! Not that!” She said in a deep voice as she sternly pointed a finger at no one. Oswald couldn’t help the laugh that made its way out.
“You’re a better Oswald than your dad.” Oswald stated as he picked up the miniature Mayor.
“You’re lucky you’re the cutest Mayor too.” He said as he kissed her forehead as she giggled.
Ed Nygma:
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You and Ed had a four year old son, Edward Nygma Junior. He was a mischievous little guy with a knack for getting into trouble, however he picked up his intelligence from his father. He could pass as the miniature version of Ed Nygma. They even had the same glasses. Ed Jr wanted to be like his father to a ‘T’. But don’t let that fool you, he was a momma’s boy at heart. Today Ed had taken the day off, making sure you were working so he could take Eddie out for the day. You had finally gotten home and you quietly opened the door, hearing both Ed’s whisper to each other.
“Remember what to do little guy?” “Yes. I give mommy the flowers and hit her with a good riddle. Right?” “Spot on my boy.” “Boys?! I’m home!” You said as you walked in. Little Ed ran up to you with a flower in his hand.
“Daddy took me to the park today I picked this for you mommy! A-and I have a riddle for you!” He turned to look at his dad who gave him a thumbs up. Little Ed swallowed hard, not wanting to mess up the riddle. “C’mere. Okay...I-It’s made with sugar….You can eat it….it-it tastes very sweet...What is it?” He said as your brows furrowed in fake confusion.
“Hm...I don’t think I know that one baby.” Ed ran to the kitchen table as you followed him with a large smile.
“A cake! Me and daddy baked it today!” He giggled as he pointed to the cake. The light green icing placed sloppily on the top. Arms wrapped around your waist as a kiss was pressed to your head.
“Hello Eddie.” You sighed as you kissed him.
“Hello princess. How was your day?” “Good...tiring.” You said truthfully. He nodded. You felt arms wrap around your legs as you saw Little Eddie bury his head in your side. You were thankful for your little family. Even the little one on the way as Ed rested his large hands on the swollen four month bump.
Jim Gordon:
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Charlotte Lynn Gordon was the princess of Gotham. A very sweet little three year old with a heart of pure gold. She was a very polite little girl for being three. Jim was very protective of his little girl, but she had Jim wrapped around her little fingers. Charlotte was little, having been born a tad bit early than expected. You walked into the GCPD with Charlotte attached to your hip. Bullock stood, Charlotte’s godfather.
“Well if it isn’t my favorite Gordon!” “Hello Mister Bullock.” Charlotte smiled shyly. Bullock shook his head. “You’re too polite for Gotham City little Gordon.”
“(Y/n)!” You turned to see Jim walking to you. “What are you doing here?”
“Daddy!” Charlotte giggled as she reached for him. “Mister Bullock said you had the rest of the day off!” Charlotte gave Jim an award winning smile. Her blue eyes she inherited from Jim. Jim sighed with a smile. He knew he couldn’t tell his little girl no even if he had to. She was just so polite!
“Alright princess. Let’s go home.” He said as she covered her ears.
“I’ss so loud in here!” She whined as she buried her head in Jim’s neck. Jim placed his coat around her small body to avoid the incoming criminals that they had just brought in from seeing her. Once the three of you got into the parking lot, he took the jacket off of her.
“All the bad guys gone daddy?”
“All gone baby.” He smiled as he buckled her in. She grinned up as you kissed her cheek. Jim smiled at his two girls with nothing but love in his blue eyes.
“Daddy! Guess what?!”
“I love you!” She said as Jim kissed your cheek. “I love you too Charlotte. I love you (Y/n).”
“I love you too Jim.”
“Now who wants ice cream?”
“Yes please!” Charlotte grinned as she grinned. Her brown hair bobbing in it’s small thin fountain. You smiled as Jim snaked his hand into yours. Lifting it and pressing a kiss to your knuckles. He turned the car on and drove to the small diner a block from your apartment.
Jerome Valeska:
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The only person crazier than Jerome was his son, six year Finneus. He was the literal carbon copy of his father. You couldn’t complain...they were both your sweethearts. Finneus adopted his father’s psychotic behavior. You could keep up I mean...you were the crazy clown family of Gotham. Jerome would often bring his son on small jobs, like robberies. You drew the line at actually letting Finneus see Jerome killing. But you digress.
“Momma! Look what dad got me today!” Finneus held up the butterfly knife as Jerome laughed maniacally.
“Ask your mother to teach you! She’s a pro!” Jerome said as he came into view. His shirt stained with blood as you groaned.
“You do the laundry this time!” You raised a brow as you carefully took the knife from your struggling son.
“You’re not doing it right honey...like this!” You expertly worked the knife causing your son to go slack jawed.
“Do it again!”
“What do we say?”
“Please.” He begged with big eyes. You did it again and your son let out an innocent giggle. Though you knew this family was far from it.
“Say do you think our new baby will be more into guns, or knives?”
“Oh we’re having another one are we?” You raised a brow. Carrying Finneus was difficult as you had been bedridden half the pregnancy.
“Junior, do you want a brother or sister?!”
“YES! I can teach them how to burn ants with a magnifying glass a-and I can teach them the best places to steal from!” Finneus giggles as you smiled. Jerome glided over to you, licking his lips as your finger traced his scars from the staples. You shook your head.
“Okay...let’s have another one.” You whispered. Nine months later and you gave birth to little Persephone, and your murderous family was complete.
Jervis Tetch:
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You and Jervis had a little girl, Aura Jane Tetch. She was five and very small for her age. She was adorable and knew how to use it to her advantage. She was a daddy’s girl, she inherited his big brown eyes and nose and curly wild hair. Currently you were picking up some of her toys as her and Jervis did their nightly reading session. You can almost guess what he was reading to her.
“Who are you?” said the Caterpillar.
This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, “I—I hardly know, Sir, just at present—at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have changed several times since then.”
“What do you mean by that?” said the Caterpillar, sternly. “Explain yourself!” Jervis read animatedly, eliciting a giggle from the five year old. You bit your lip as you watched through the crack in the door as your little girl stared up at her dad. She watched him speak, hanging onto every word with innocent eyes.
“Yes, my little flower?” “Can we read this every night from now on?” She whispered tiredly as she yawned. Her eyes closed as Jervis looked at you with a grin through the crack in the door. He kissed Aura’s forehead.
“Of course we can my little flower. Are you tired?”
“No…’f course not dad.” She whispered as she pointed to the page. “Keep….keep reading…” She yawned. Jervis shook his head.
“Star light, star bright. First star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might…” “Have the wish I wish tonight.” Aura finished tiredly as Jervis tucked her into bed.
“My darling.” Jervis said as he exited her room. “Let’s have another starling.” He grinned.
Alfred Pennyworth:
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You and Alfred were delighted with a little boy, Cedric Arlo Pennyworth. He was a true gentlemen at the age of six. He had excellent manners and despite the obvious age difference, got along great with ‘Master Bruce.’. You were beyond thankful that he has grown the way he has. He looked like his father and even gained the British accent. Currently you were gathering food for dinner till you saw little Cedric run into the kitchen with Bruce.
“Hide us mum!” He whisper shouted as he ran to the small cupboard as Bruce went into the taller one adjacent from where Cedric hid. You stifled a giggle. Suddenly you heard footsteps.
“Hello love.” Alfred said as he kissed your cheek.
“Hello Alfie.”  You smiled as you continued to chop up the potatoes.
“Would you happen to know where Cedric and Master Bruce are?”
“No. Not a clue. Why? Are you looking for them?” You smiled as you paused your cutting for a few seconds. Avoiding contact with Alfred, knowing he’d see straight through your lie. Alfred went to call you out but heard a small clatter from the cupboard that Cedric was in. Alfred playfully glared from you and pushed himself from the counter. He carefully walked over and whipped open the doors as Cedric laughed gleefully.
“Found you little mister!” Alfred said as Cedric crawled from the cupboard. Alfred picked him up and set him on the counter.
“Now...I’m going to ask nicely….where is Master Bruce….”
“I’ll never tell! Never!”
“Not even for ice cream after supper?” “...” Cedric pointed a small finger over to the cupboard where Bruce hid. You giggled as Alfred high fived his son.
“I know you, my best friend Cedric, just did not sell me out for ice cream.” Bruce faked a look of betrayal as you shook your head.
“I’ sorry mister Bruce! But ice cream is ice cream.” Cedric sighed as he hopped off the counter as you leaned down to peck your Cedric’s cheek. He playfully wiped it off as Alfred placed one on you and Cedric cheeks.
Harvey Bullock:
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You and Harvey were the proud parents of a little four year old girl named Ella Grace Bullock. She had your eyes but the rest was all Harvey. She was quite quiet for being Harvey’s kid around new people. But she was a very kind little girl. She had quite the imagination. Currently Jim Gordon was over, who you could tell she had a small crush on.
“Hello Mister Jim! Hi dad!” She greeted as you came in from picking her up. She ran into her fathers arms as he scooped her up. Sitting in his chair as he set his drink down.
“Hello little Ella!” Jim smiled at the innocent child.
“Hello my beautiful sunshine.” Harvey smiled as he hugged the little girl.
“Today we colored!” She said as she ran to you. You handed her the picture and perched herself back on her dad’s lap.
“Look! That’s you putting the bad guys away with Mister Jim!” She said as she then pointed to two stick figures, one with a hat and the other with brown hair.
“And there is me and mommy watching you make Gotham safer! See we have ice cream!” She gushed at her artwork with a smile.
“My little girl is an artist!” See that Jim!” Harvey smiled proudly as he leaned up to kiss your cheek. Slyly giving your butt a little swat. You gasped as he chuckled.
“That’s a pretty drawing there Ella Grace.” Jim smiled. Ella blushed as you giggled.
“T-Thank you Mister Jim.” Harvey picked up on his daughter’s innocent crush. He kissed his daughter’s cheek as he set her on the ground.
“Daddy?” “Yes ladybug?” “Can Jim stay for dinner? And color with me!?” “That’s a question for the man himself.” He said as Jim nodded. She squealed as she raced to get her coloring book and crayons. Harvey walked over to you.
“You pic on that too sweetie?” He asked as he acknowledged the child’s crush.
“You bet.” You smiled as you leaned up to kiss his lips. He sighed.
“It’s only going to get worse isn’t it honey?”
“Oh...you bet.” You smiled as he groaned.
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