#him introducing tommy to his parents the episode before the wedding
mattzerella-sticks · 20 days
We lost Madney wedding planning 😢 Henren bonding with Mara 😢😢 Bathena shenanigans with Harry (and May?) 😢😢😢 and Buck coming out to his loved ones 😢😢😢😢 by skipping to the wedding due to the shortened season.
This ain't just a fanfic gap it's a CANYON!
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callmebrycelee · 1 year
This reaction is for the season 4, premier episode titled "The New Hotness" which originally aired on January 24, 2023. The episode was written by Molly Green and James Leffler and directed by Bradley Buecker. Spoilers ahead!
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***LAST TIME ON 9-1-1: LONE STAR***The 126 was rebuilt and reopened! Owen nearly died (again) after a building collapsed on him. We also learned that he doesn't have cancer so yay! Tommy was finally settling into her new normal, being a single parent to her twins Evie and Izzy. Grace gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Charlie (named after Tommy's late-husband, Charles) and she and Judd got to experience childhood for the very first time. Judd learned he had a son and we got to see the relationship between he and Wyatt develop over the season. Nancy and Mateo got together which no one saw coming. And lastly, the couple that launched a thousand ships, TK and Carlos, got engaged!
Okay, now that we're all caught up, let's talk about the premiere episode of season four - THE NEW HOTNESS!!!
We began the episode with a cold open and two familiar faces - our favorite dysfunctional young couple, Brianna (McKaley Miller) and Caleb (Sean H. Scully) . Immediately I thought to myself, oh great! What's about to happen to poor Caleb. Just in case you forgot, we were first introduced to these two in the season one episode "Act of God" when Caleb got locked in his father's gun safe as he attempted to hide during a tornado. The next time we see them is in last season's "The ATX-Files". Poor Caleb gets thrown from an ATV, after he drove off without Brianna, and was launched into a barbed wire fence. 
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Caleb is fully recovered and he and Brianna are spending an evening at a loca fair. Caleb spends 80 bucks trying to win a giant ass teddy bear which he believes will show Brianna and her family (who thinks he's a big fat loser) how much he cares about her. When Brianna tries to address the current status of their relationship, the fried soup (eww) that Caleb ate starts to wreak havoc on his stomach. He takes off towards the portable toilets, nearly knocking over a man and his daughter (more on them later) along the way. He makes it into one of the porta potties and it is on. Caleb totally gets the poop sweats so he has to take off his clothes. Unfortunately for him, a violent windstorm picks that very moment to hit. Intense heat causes balloons to pop, the ice cream cone in Brianna's hand to melt, and the latch on the portable toilet's door to melt, trapping poor Caleb inside. The strong gust of wind carries the porta potty with Caleb inside off into the air and that is when we get a title card!
We rewind to eight hours before the events at the local fair. We head over to the firehouse where we see all of the 126 sans Owen gathered watching a weather report. They are warned of gray skies and drizzle which isn't that big of a deal to the same people who have battled dust storms, volcanoes, and forest fires. TK talks about his upcoming wedding and tells the crew about all of the 14 venues he and Carlos have looked at. The venue they really want is in their budget but since everyone in Austin wants to get married there, they would have to wait 18 months. 
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Owen arrives on a motorcycle because of course Owen Strand is now the owner of a motorcycle. Now, I'm the BIGGEST Owen apologist there is, mostly because I absolutely adore Rob Lowe (watch Dog Gone ... you won't be disappointed). Owen Strand in his firefighter gear really, really does it for me. Owen Strand in head to toe leather ... doesn't do it to me. Plus, and I'm not body shaming or anything like that, Rob Lowe, who is an extremely fit man nearing his 60s, looks really small in all the leather.
Anywho, Owen is now the proud owner of a brand-spanking new motor bike and he even has a few new buddies to hang out with. Mostly everyone seems amused albeit a bit concerned by Owen's obvious mid-life crisis but I'm gonna cut Owen some slack. Looking back on season 3, Owen went through a lot of shit, some of it health-related. I say let him have his big boy toys!
Next up, we get a scene between Carlos and his mother, Andrea Reyes (Roxana Brusso) and let me say, I adore Carlos' mom. She had that motherly, no-nonsense vibe about her that reminds me so much of Eddie's abuela and Aunt Pepa in the original 9-1-1. Now, the one thing that was hinted at prior to the airing of this season, the one thing the entire Tarlos fandom has been talking about, is this deep dark secret that Carlos is suppose to be keeping from TK. While Carlos has lunch with his mother, he gets a call from the wedding venue telling him they have an opening in 8 weeks. When he doesn't seem too enthused about it, his mother deduces that he hasn't told TK 'the truth'. Carlos assures her he will finally share 'the truth' with Carlos. Then the sky turns a hazy shade of green and it starts to rain.
Over at the fairgrounds, we see actual frogs falling from the sky like something out of Exodus. Grace receives a 9-1-1 call from the same man we saw in the cold open. Not only is it raining frogs, a car plows into a poor lady sitting in a ticket booth. As the man reports the emergency, he looks up just as a frog falls. The frog falls into his mouth and goes down his throat while his daughter watches in horror.
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The 126 arrive at the chaotic scene. The paramedics go to the aid of the man choking on a live frog while the firefighters tend to the lady who got run over. Tommy attempts to extract the frog from the man's throat but the frog slips further into his throat. As the man continues to choke, she goes to do the Heimlich and this actually works. Giant, tennis ball-sized hail starts to rain down so the firefighters huddle around the poor woman until it finally passes. The woman is placed on a backboard and it looks like she is going to be okay. When she looks up at the sky she sees the sun come out. 
Carlos is waiting for the 126 back at the station house and when they get back, he asks TK if he can talk with him in private. We are further delayed from this big secret when we see that Carlos has already told TK. TK paces back and forth as he processes the bombshell we still don't know about. Finally, we get to hear the big secret so allow me to give you the abbreviated version. Okay, here goes. Carlos is married, in name only, to Michelle Blake's (remember her) younger sister, Iris. Apparently Carlos and Iris were besties in high school and when Carlos came out, he really struggled with it, so his solution was to marry Iris. Carlos never got a divorce because Iris struggled with her mental health and went missing. He assures TK he thought Iris was dead but now that he knows she's alive, his health insurance is helping her afford the medicine for her schizophrenia. Whew, that was a lot!
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I felt really bad for TK because he is not given the time or space to fully process all of the information Carlos just dumped on him. This reminds me of when Judd found out last season that he has a teenage son. When he told Grace, we got to see her journey as she processed this information and what it meant for her and Judd, and their relationship, and their family. TK insta-forgives Carlos for failing to tell him that he's already married and he immediately jumps into fix-it mode. I'm sorry, perhaps I'm a big immature or petty or whatever you want to call it, but I don't know if I could even be in the same room with Carlos after hearing that news. I would feel so betrayed and not because he is married or married to a woman. I would feel betrayed because if the situation was flipped, TK would have been duly punished for hiding something so big. It also makes Carlos jealousy towards TK's sponsor seem super hypocritical. All I can say is, TK Strand is a better person than me!
And now it's time for a science lesson! We learn from a meteorologist that the huge storm that popped up out of nowhere and rained down frogs and hailed is called a derecho. We also learned there is a chance for a mild heat burst which could cause a rise in air temperature as well as gusty winds, however, we are immediately assured the chance of something like this happening is one in a million. You might want to file that tidbit of info away for the next scene.
We head back over to the fair and we see the same man who nearly choked to death on a frog and his daughter get on a ferris wheel. We are now back at the beginning of the episode. The mild heat burst hits causing several balloons to pop and the ice cream cone in Brianna's hand to melt. Several people start passing out due to the intense heat and the mechanisms controlling the ferris wheel malfunction causing the man and his daughter to get trapped in one of the cars on the ferris wheel. 
Meanwhile, Grace receives a 9-1-1 call from Caleb who is stuck in the porta potty. He is unable to tell her where he is located, however, he does let her know the portable toilet is slowly filling up with blue water. Grace tells Caleb that the water has chemicals in it which contain formaldehyde and they are giving off toxic fumes. Yikes!!! Thankfully the 126 are back and Grace lets them know about Caleb. Since his phone signal is still registering as being on the fairgrounds, they know that he didn't fly away too far. They do manage to find him in the dunking booth. They are able to get him out but he has to be revived. Caleb survives and Brianna declares her love for him. All I can say is Mr. Caleb must have nine lives and we've already seen him use three of them.
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The next order of business is rescuing the frog-gobbler and his daughter at the top of the ferris wheel. The 126 use a tarp as a net and Owen yells for the man and his daughter to jump down. The daughter hesitates and frankly I don't blame her. It's one thing to fall several feet onto something inflatable but falling down on a piece of tarp being held by a handful of firefighters is a completely different thing. One of the funniest parts of this episode is when the man pushes his daughter out of the ferris wheel car and all I kept thinking is, ten years from now she's going to be talking about this very moment with her therapist. The man jumps next but since he weighs a lot more than the little girl, he crashes through the tarp. Thankfully he hit the tarp before it ripped otherwise that would've ended nasty!
Tommy tends to the man and his daughter in the triage tent and we learn his name is Trevor Parks (D.B. Woodside) and his daughter's name is Melody. Trevor has recently gotten a divorce and has relocated to Austin. There is chemistry between Tommy and Trevor and Nancy sees it. She encourages her captain to make a move. Tommy walks over to Tony and gives him her number and mentions that Melody is around the same age as her daughters and they should do a play-date. Trevor asks if it will be a play-date or a date-date and I was like, Tommy, jump his bones now! I am so on board for this pairing! Plus Trevor has a shaved head just like our dearly-departed Charles. Tommy tells Trevor she is fine with either one before she walks off. 
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Carlos goes to visit Michelle Blake but learns that she's left on an outreach mission to Ecuador (and Liv Tyler is back in merry ole England living her best life). Carlos does find Iris, who is looking pretty healthy since the last time we saw her, and she slaps him. I didn't feel bad for Carlos at this moment because it needed to be done. The two of them do some catching up and Carlos tells her he's engaged and that he plans on getting married. Iris sees the writing on the wall and she tells Carlos that before she signs the divorce papers, she needs to meet TK. Something tells me she's not going to give over her John Hancock so easily. 
Perhaps the funniest part of the episode comes when Owen convinces Judd to go to a bar where his new riding buddies are gathering. When they get there, a young man named Mikey introduces himself to Owen and says it's an honor to meet 'an American hero and patriot'. He then asks if Owen was really involved in 9-11. Another guy named Red tells Owen to excuse Mikey and his excitement. He says that the Honor Dogs revere first responders. It is at this moment that I knew exactly what was going on and it was so funny to watch Owen and Judd figure it out. When Mikey is inducted into the Honor Dogs and branded, that is Owen and Judd's cue to leave because while the two of them may enjoy riding bikes, they are not down with white supremacy. 
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The episode ends with Tommy attending church with her girls, Judd, Grace, and baby Charlie. The current minister introduces the congregation to the newest minister - Trevor Parks. Tommy is completely modified but honestly I don't see anything wrong. Ministers can date and since he's divorced and Tommy's widowed, I don't see why they can't see each other. This is something Tommy's clearly going to struggle with during this season. Also, Owen receives a visit from Special Agent Rose Kacey who wants to talk to the FBI about his new 'associates'. Dun-dun-dun! End of episode!
This was a fantastic start to a new season of 9-1-1: Lone Star. I'm glad both franchises are veering away from the huge, multi-episode disasters we've become accustomed to. Frankly at this point, there's not many natural disasters we haven't tackled on these shows. I do feel like we need to get a hurricane at some point though. As far as the Tarlos drama, I'm not really a fan. The whole Carlos is married to Iris news came out of nowhere and while I think it's great we are being reintroduced to a character from season one, it's just yet more drama for TK and Carlos to deal with and their whole relationship has been wrought with drama. Give them a break! 
I am deeply amused with Owen's storyline. Owen really took a backseat in this episode which was nice since a lot of you haters be coming after him complaining about how he gets too much screen time even though he is played by Rob freaking Lowe who is the reason most people even tuned into this show in the beginning. I am wondering what's going to happen next with Owen and this white supremacist group. Something tells me it's nothing good. 
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I'm really excited about Tommy Vega getting her groove back. Last season we got to see her mourn the loss of Charlie. I think Trevor would be a good partner for her. They're both in the business of helping people. Tommy deserves to be happy and whether that happens with or without Trevor, I'll be happy either way. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Well, that's it for this episode's reaction. It looks like season four of Lone Star is going to be a good one. It looks like the next episode is going to go full-tilt into the white supremacist/terror plot. Until next time ...
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The Perfect Bad Boy (Pt. 10 of 18)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.7K
Summary: Working as a lifeguard in the Hawkins Community Pool, you try to fit in after moving from New York. Things were going pretty well when you notice you've been under someone's stare. Billy Hargrove, Hawkins' bad boy, has been staring at you since day one. You never intended to have anything to do with him, judging by the reputation he has. But Billy won't leave you alone, determined to show you his feelings are different this time...
As if your heart flooding you with confusing feelings wasn't enough, there are weird, strange animals lurking in the woods... But those have to be just part of the wild live of the woods surrounding Hawkins... Right?
<- Previous part (09)
Next part (11)->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
Monsters Lurking In The Dark
Yesterday's happenings are making a lot of people talk to you today. They ask if you're alright, if you had to go to the hospital, why Billy ran like a lightning bolt to reach you... Some of them are actually being kind. Others, not so much. It feels like they're trying to get you to say something else, scavenging for a secret. Jason is the only one to actually get into a long conversation, making sure you're alright and giving you tips to avoid heat exhaustion again. But the others, mostly the girls, make awkward questions. You get that Billy's behavior is changing. Monica is often telling you about how some girls ask her if she knows what's going on between you and Billy. She never answers though, saying this isn't their business.
As you pace around the pool, a bottle of water on your hand since Billy is literally forcing you to drink water by the hour, you spot him chatting with some of his friends. Tommy and Carol are the only ones you can name, and you never got why you only hang out with your friends and not his. Billy has his eyes on the pools and the whistle between his lips. Tommy goes on about something, and suddenly, Billy lets the whistle fall, giving Tommy a weird stare. You giggle a little at his expression, crossing your arms.
“Look who's staring now,” Monica says in a provoking tone, stopping by your side. “But I totally get it. I'd be shamelessly staring too if I didn't have my sweetheart.”
“How's Christopher by the way?” She told you he had an accident in the garden, which got him a nasty cut on the leg.
“Complaining. But I'm enjoying taking care of him.” She smiles, and her eyes shine. Every passing day you're more convinced they're in love with each other. That you'll be attempting to their wedding one day. “What about you? You gotta be careful with the sun.”
“I am.” Raising your hand, you show her the bottle. “Billy is driving me insane. I swear I can't drink any more water today.”
“Can you blame him? I thought he'd have a heart attack yesterday.” He tilts her head to where he is, across the pools. His eyes meet yours and he winks. “Poor guy, he has it bad for you.”
Giggling, you look down because you're surely blushing. “Oh, tell me something. Some people came to talk to me, you know. Asking if I was alright. But some of them made some very awkward questions.”
“Yeah, that's because they think you're pregnant.”
Your eyes go wide, and you gasp, feeling your whole body numb for a moment. “What the hell,” you exclaim, a little too loud. Looking around, you notice some eyes on you. “Holy shit, Monica. Tell me you're joking.”
“Small town, (Y/N), people talk.” She puts a hand on your shoulder. “Trust me, half the women here went through something like that. They'll let go in a few weeks.”
“Do you think Billy knows?” You lift your eyes to look for him, but you only find his friends.
“Probably. But look, don't worry about it. You're the new girl who managed to hook Billy Hargrove, the town's bad boy. People will talk, but don't let it ruin what you have with him.”
“No, of course not.” As much as it bugs you, it doesn't change anything. “You know I'm falling for him, right?” You burst out, feeling the sudden need to let it out your chest. “Completely.”
“I'm noticing. You–”
She's cut short when you're pulled into something. Someone. You roll your eyes because you know who it is. Billy pulls you against his chest, his lips on your ear. “Do you know what they're saying about yesterday's episode?” He whispers, a hand coming to caress your belly.
Great. Now this will certainly make people forget this story. “Yeah. They think I'm carrying a tiny Billy.” You mutter, waving at Monica as she walks away with a smirk on her lips. “Was that what Tommy told you? You made a funny face.”
“Yes, but he said it in a way that almost had me breaking his ugly nose.” He keeps you close, despite the public. And honestly, you don't mind. A few days ago you'd push him away, but now... They'll speak anyway, so it doesn't matter.
“Hey, why don't we never hang out with your friends?” You take the chance to ask. “You don't want them to see you with me?” It's impossible not to follow this train of thought, and it does sound stupid judging by the way he's holding you right now, for everyone to see.
“Of course not. It just that I know the kind of assholes they are and I'm sure you won't like them.”
“But it's weird. I don't want you to think I'm forcing you to only hang out with my party.”
He takes a deep breath, and you feel his chest moving. That reminds you he's shirtless... “I'll introduce you to them... In the funfair tomorrow.”
“Oh my God, the funfair!” You exclaim. People have been talking about it for a few days, but you totally forgot. “I've never been to anything like that.”
“You're gonna love it.”
“You two. Back to your chairs.” The manager shouts from somewhere behind you, and you both roll your eyes at the same time.
“Talk to you later,” you tell him, tiptoeing to kiss his cheek.
“Remember to–”
“Yeah, yeah. Water, stay in the shadow. If I feel dizzy I'll shout for my knight in shining armor.” Walking backwards, you smirk at him. “Eyes on the pool, Hargrove,” you warn him, turning around and making your way back to the chair.
You're glad you're feeling good, no sign of anything you felt yesterday. And it isn't as hot as it was, so that's a bonus. You're peacefully watching the kids, yelling at some, threatening some teenagers to ban them for life, just the normal stuff. Through the corner of your eye, you notice Billy gesturing. When you look at him, he shows you his bottle.
Shaking your head no, you try to ignore him. But you are a little thirsty, so you sigh before jumping to the ground. On your way to the cafeteria, you stop by his chair. “Want some?”
“Nah, I'm good.”
“Don't act like you can't be beaten by heat exhaustion too, Hargrove. I'm bringing you some cold water.” Punching his leg playfully, you go to the cafeteria.
You're a little startled to find James in there, seated on the table next to the wall, both hands on his head. As you silently open the fridge, you wonder if you should just leave him alone. You never really spoke, and since he switched his schedule with Billy, you have seen less of him. Today should be his day off if you're not mistaken.
“Hey, James,” you say in a soft voice, standing by the fridge as you take one of the bottles Billy has for you. “You ok?”
“Huh?” He looks up abruptly, suddenly aware he's not alone. “Hey.”
You were going to leave, but he seems scared... Red eyes as if he didn't get any sleep. “Is something wrong?” You sit before him, placing the bottle on the table. “You look... sad.”
“Oh, it's just... Nothing, really. It's stupid.” He's mumbling under his breath, a line of sweat on his forehead.
“Whatever it is it's not stupid. Who told you it was?”
“My parents, my brother.” He breathes out, his eyes suddenly meeting yours. “You're new here, right? Did you move from a big city?”
“New York. Why?”
“I'm from Washinton. Have you ever crossed paths with something in the woods? Some... Some kind of animal? And when you told someone they just said it was because you're some big city kid who's not used to live so near the forest and because of that you're easily impressed by anything weird you see?” James speaks fast, so fast it's hard to keep up.
“Actually yes.” You nod, keeping your voice low and soft in an attempt to calm him down. You never saw anyone so scared. “A few weeks ago I saw something, but I didn't get a good look at it. Don't know what it was.”
“I don't know what species of-of... Things they have here, but what I saw... I couldn't sleep. I thought about telling the chief of police but everyone keeps saying I'm crazy.”
“What did you see, James?”
He puts his hands on his head again, looking at the table. “It... It was the size of a dog. And I thought it was a stray dog so I stopped the car and followed it.” His voice cracks, so you get up, moving to sit on the chair beside him, touching his arm. “It was so damn dark and I had no flashlight. It was near a tree, eating something. I started calling it, trying to show it I was just trying to help but then... It-It turned at me and... Shit, the damn thing had no face. It was blank. Sticky... no fur, no eyes, nothing.” He moves suddenly, holding both your shoulders roughly. You gasp at the sudden change, looking at him, tears threatening to roll down from his eyes. “I ran like hell. I told my parents the moment I got home but they said it was something in the woods playing tricks on me but I know what I saw. The damn thing had no face, I swear–”
“Let go of her right now.” Billy's thunder voice makes James jump up, making his chair fall backwards. “What the hell do you think you're doing?”
“Billy, it's alright.” Quickly, you stand up and walk over him.
“I'm sorry, I just...” James tries to speak, hands raised in defeat. It looks like he didn't know what he was doing. “Sorry, (Y/N).”
He walks around the table, eyes on the floor. Billy gives a step towards him, but you hold him back, both hands on his chest. “Billy, no. Listen...” You whisper to him, your eyes meeting his when James finally leaves the cafeteria. “He wasn't trying to hurt me or anything, he was just scared.”
“Scared of what?” He looks down at you, his hands softly rubbing the skin of your shoulders. “It'll leave bruises. What the hell did he think he was doing?”
As much as you melt a little to feel his touch after the sting from James' grip, you have this feeling in your stomach. You can't seem to shake it away, and the more you think, the worse it gets. “Billy... Remember when I told you I saw something in the woods?” He nods, confused. “James saw it too... Same description. He... He said it had no face, and I... I think that's exactly what I saw.”
His expression changes, and you can't read his face. Taking a deep breath, he sits on the table, pulling you to sit beside him. “James came here a few months ago. From a big city too, so it's normal to be scared when–”
“He was desperate because that's exactly what people are telling him.” You cut him off, running a hand through your hair. “Billy, he wasn't scared. He was terrified.” Your voice gets lower, as your mind floats back to what you saw. Naked skin, as if it was green, covered in some disgusting thing... “I know it sounds crazy, but I swear to God his description matched what I saw that day.” It suddenly comes to your mind... There was a lab here. A lab and a bunch of weird stories about it. “Hawkins National Lab!” You exclaim, jumping to your feet. “What if they made an experiment with some kind of animal and now it's free in the woods?”
“Hawkins Lab was closed years ago.”
“I know but–” Billy takes your hand, pulling you close. He holds you by the hips, raising his head to meet your eyes from his seated position.
“Princess, listen. It's true there was a lab, and it's also true that the darkness and these woods play tricks on people who aren't used to them.” He speaks slow, eyes never leaving yours. “It may be something but it could also be a big misunderstanding. If it happens again, if you or anyone else sees anything like that, we'll tell the cops and let them deal with it.”
Taking a deep breath, you decide to let his calming tone relax you. “Alright...” Nodding, you take a look at your shoulders, spotting the purple marks of where James fingers dig into your skin. “The guy was really out of his mind,” you mutter.
“Yeah...” Billy stands up, placing a kiss on both your shoulders before straighten up, his index finger on your chin. “Let's go back there before Anthony notices we're gone again.”
Nodding, you follow him back outside.
• • •
You wish you knew how to draw. If you did, you'd make a scratch of the animal you saw, and another one of what James described, just to see if they would really match.
You're staring at the ceiling, on your unusually empty bed. Having Billy here was amazing. Beyond amazing. Having his strong arms around you, and waking up next to him on the morning was pure bliss. You never thought such a feeling existed. It felt like home, like life was nothing but a long road leading you to that very moment. To his embrace, so warm and calming.
You chose to think about that instead of the unclassified animal. That brings a shiver down your spine, different from the shivers Billy causes. The last ones are made of nervousness, excitement... All those silly things. Tossing around, you sit up, your feet on the cold floor. Your eyes fall on the necklace, that you always keep on the nightstand. Billy kept his promise, and he wears his piece every day. You have to tell him he doesn't have to, not anymore. He already made his point, and you know he has other earrings to use.
Smiling to yourself, you pick the necklace up, fingers caressing the metal. You need to tell Billy what you feel. Openly. You do have something going on, but it's still unnamed. And there's no reason to remain that way. If he wants you, if he truly wants to keep you... He has to know you want him too. That you want to be with him, and screw the rest of the world. Screw the past, the gossip, whatever people of Hawkins think. This is about both of you, nobody else. It's useless to keep pretending Billy Hargrove doesn't own your heart. This torture can't continue, there's no reason to.
Your train of thought is interrupted by the phone's loud ring. You're about to answer when you hear your aunt's footsteps downstairs. It's probably Robert, she was saying something about him calling her today. As she picks up, you put the necklace down and walk over the window, feeling the fresh summer breeze tickling your skin.
“(Y/N)!” Diane shouts, and her urgent tone startles you. “(Y/N)! Pick up the phone!” Her rapid footsteps bring her to your bedroom, a worried expression on her face. “Pick up now. It's Max, she's crying. I don't know–”
The mention of Billy's sister has you moving, picking up the light pink phone you have on the nightstand. “Max?” You breathe out, eyes focused on Diane as she breathes fast.
“(Y/N)..!” Her voice is weak, like a low scream. You hear voices behind her, and you immediately recognize Billy's. But there's someone else, a man's voice. “(Y/N), please, you need to–” She's cut short by something breaking. “It's Neil. He's here, please–”
“Hang up the damn–” Then it's over.
For a moment, a second, you just stand there, frozen, looking at Diane. But on the next one, you're moving, your heart threatening to beat its way out of your chest.
“Honey, what is it?” Diane follows as you rush downstairs, grabbing nothing but the car keys.
“Billy's father. I gotta go.” It's everything you manage to say before storming outside.
A/N: Things are about to get chaotic...
@chloe-skywalker @dpaccione @tilesandtokens @dreamin-of-dacre @funeral-7 @uncookspaget @youhavemyfantasticbeasts @dontxfearxthereaper
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beyoncesdragon · 4 years
The Sin (Tommy Shelby)
Requested: no, it also has no real...purpose. (same)
Warnings: Some unfaithfulness, a very pissed off Tommy and a very heated make out sesh. sorry Gracie nothing personal
Summary: It’s an invite that went missing and feelings got that returned. Just a little late, a little unfortunate and a little unholy.
a/n: I am not entirely happy with this, maybe I'll change up some things...also, I do not like a cheater, at all, but...I had this idea whilst re-watching Episode #3.1. and it wouldn't leave me alone. I hope you enjoy nonetheless...
My Masterlist
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The door of the car opened swiftly and I grabbed the hand that was offered to me as a help, for stepping out  of the high vehicle. “Thank you George.” I mumbled under my breath before I straightened myself up and raised my eyes to meet the monstrosity of a house that was in front of me. My gaze wandered up to the high windows, the fire bowls that were lit and the pale stone of the walls. A neat little mansion, no doubt. “No problem M’lady. When will I be picking you up again?” I turned my head towards him and gave him a little smile. “Oh don’t bother to wait. I am sure Thomas will provide something for me…that at least he owns me.” George nodded softly, bowing his head politely. “I then wish you a lovely night Ma’am.” I gave him another smile before clutching the little bag in my hands tighter. My eyes turned cold as I looked back to the house and walked towards it. The gravel under my shoes crunched and the beads on my dress scrapped against each other in an oddly calming manner. Just a few steps and I’d reached the doors…just on the steps I stopped. Was I really going to do this to me? Well, George was gone already, so there was no way of backing away from this. I tried to remember the hot feeling of anger that even made me come here…I remembered immediately. Pressing my lips together quickly, I entered the house and immediately ran into none else than Michael. His eyes grew wide at my sight, the girl next to him immediately shot me a suspicious look. But I ignored her – Michael was too young for me anyways, she should calm down a tad.
“It can’t be! Long-time no see!” Michael called out, immediately engulfing me in a tight hug. He’d grown a tad taller, so that he now towered me. “Yet I am here. Hello Michael, how have you been?” he shrugged softly, a sly grin falling from his lips. “Great, really. Business is going well and believe it or not, but I just recently thought about reaching out to you myself. About that steep we bought…seems ages ago. We just wondered if there’s been a chance of breeding those parents again.” I rose my eyebrows a bitter smile flitting over my lips. “I would have to check that.” Was my only answer before clearing my throat uncomfortably. “However Michael…I believe you have some unfinished business going on and I should probably go on and find the man of the night himself…” I excused myself hastily, ignoring his immediate frowning. He’s always been one to be good in reading people and this time was no exception. “Sure…” he stuttered a tad overwhelmed by my sudden urge to get going, reaching for my arm. “John’s somewhere back there, if you need any…guidance.” He offered gently, giving my arm a soft squeeze. I bowed my head softly, a tiny smile appearing on my lips. “Thank you Michael. Have a great night.” And with that I walked off, feeling his attentive gaze following me.
Michael had been right, John really stood there, right in front of a door…leading into a sort of ballroom. Surely, money wasn’t an issue in this household. But it seemingly had never really been, at least not since I knew the Shelby’s. Back to John: he was eagerly talking to a man who was strange to me, but as his eyes fell on my approaching frame, he excused himself hastily. “Look who turned up tonight challenging the Garrison with her looks!” he joked, hurrying towards me. The golden fabric and pearls on my dress threw soft specks onto his suit for a second, right before he wrapped his arms around me for a tight hug. “I thought I could give it a go…with all the gold you know.” I mumbled amused, carefully adjusting his suit as we parted. “You look good John-boy. All serious and grown up I see?” John laughed softly. “You sound surprised.” I shrugged softly, allowing my eyes to wander over the many people that stood just in the hallway. “I am only surprised that you behave decent in midst all these red uniforms?” a soft growly escaped his lips as he shook his head. “Provocation all along. They were supposed to come dressed accordingly.” I chuckled and carefully nudged his arm. “Relax John. I was only teasing it…” I tried to calm him down and he immediately loosened up. “There’s a race later on, I bet. Gonna use one of yours, that brown one.” I smiled softly. “Pacific Princess II.” I hummed adoringly. Good breed that one. “ ’xactly that one, Ma’am. Tommy said that we might need another one o’ those.” My smile fell a little bit. “Yeah, Michael who I met earlier, already told me that…speaking of your brother, where can I find him?” John’s eyes immediately clouded softly. “Come with me.” He had immediately understood and I appreciated it. I followed him into the ballroom and through the dancing people until John suddenly stopped. “Uh Tommy…I’ve got someone for you.” I heard him say before he stepped aside and revealed a dressed up Tommy Shelby in all his goring elegance. The effect my appearance had on him was truly remarkable: he instantaneously paled a bit, his eyes grew wide and he finished his drink immediately. John gave us a short nod before walking off and giving us the space we needed. “So?” I started, walking over to the trays with the drinks. “I supposed my invitation got lost on its way huh? Or how comes that I heard from you fucking wedding over someone who was certainly not you?” he grabbed another drink. “I thought it we be for the better if…” “If what? I don’t get to experience one of the most important nights of your life?” he just gulped. “I never got to see you waiting for that bride walking down the aisle, I never got to watch the bridesmaids squabble over the bouquet and I never saw you all dressed up and nervous and…I missed all of it! Why? How dare you not inviting me? You could’ve at least fucking told me that you get bloody married!” Tommy sighed, eyes trailing down my dress. “I am sorry. But I thought it would be for the better.” I just hummed, taking a small sip from my drink. “Better for who? Me or you?” He cleared his throat. “Both of us.”
My reply was a hollow laugh, the pure and epitome of what kind of bitter amusement I felt, the ache in my chest and the urge to slap and, sadly, kiss the beautiful bastard. “I would’ve been happy for you Tommy. I thought you knew that.” He said nothing, silently sipping on a new drink. “You are wrong for that Thomas, wrong and a selfish bastard.” He said nothing, just a flicker of regret sparked up in his eyes. His damn eyes, blue nothing I had ever seen before, like the sky and the ocean and every starflower growing in my garden back home.
“Nothing to say?” I huffed scornfully, taking yet another gulp of my drink. Tommy sighed, eyes wandering across my face, lingering on my lips for a second too long. “Nothing I didn’t already.” He said, eyes still burning into me. I couldn’t help but feel hot under his gaze, he still had that effect on me. Before any of us could say another word, a slender hand got placed on Tommy’s shoulder. “Tommy.” Her voice was soft like the silk of her lavender dress, her hair styled in delicate water waves and make up just so very subtle.
Grace Burgess…or Shelby, now.
“Grace...” Tommy cleared his throat, placing a hand on her waist. “Let me introduce you to someone…” he drifted off, eyes never meeting mine. He was nervous…interesting. He seemed to have lost his trail of of words completely, so I decided to take over the situation by introducing myself and offering her my hand. “It’s nice to finally meet you.” Grace smiled thin-lipped, sensitive to Tommy’s behaviour around me. “Nice to meet you as well. How do you know each other?” I could hear the distrust in her voice. “Work.” Tommy and I explained promptly, sharing an almost amused look. “I’m where he gets his horses from, some of them, at least.” I went on, giving her a forced smile. She just nodded again. “So your business partners then?” I squirmed at the word “business partner”. Tommy and I used to be so much more than that…yet, it was reduced to business partners. “Something like tha’.” Tommy mumbled, not looking at me. The atmosphere got tense again, uneasy, full of unsaid truths and heavy lies. “I have a gift for you, Grace. A wedding gift.” I suddenly said, reaching for my small purse I had around my arm. “Oh you do? That would’ve not been necessary, really!” Grace exclaimed, curiously watching my fingers pulling out a sleek, black velvet bundle. Tommy frowned softly, not really recognising what I had wrapped into the silky fabric. “Please…open it.” I said softly, handing her the package. She did, immediately. As she folded back the last layer, she as well as Tommy took a sharp breath. Just that Tommy’s eyes were wide of horror and disbelief, and hers of delight and wonder. “Breath-taking, really.” Grace exclaimed excitedly, lifting the necklace with the filigree heart-shaped emerald up. The cut stone captured the yellowish light around it and seemingly caught fire. A deep green gloom glinted in its core, cold and rich. The most beautiful gift Tommy Shelby had ever made me. “A heart for his rightful owner…” I said with a small but bitter smile. But I wasn’t looking at her, but at Tommy. Tommy, whose face was pale and full of pain as he obviously recognized the necklace. At my words he flinched visibly, causing Grace to look up from the emerald. “Rightful owner…what do you mean? Is there history, perhaps?” I quickly shook my head. “Of course not. Just because the emerald is in the shape of a heart.” No history at all. No Tommy kissing me in the dark after slipping the necklace around my neck. No Tommy kissing up my neck as he fastened the tiny fastener. No Tommy hugging me close when he came over. No Tommy burying his head in my neck. No Tommy making love to me. No affectionate touches and needy kisses.
No history. Of course not.
Tommy gulped heavily, eyes boring into the green stone. It flashed up as Grace lifted it up, as if it would throw me a mocking wink. It was now in Grace’s hands, just like the man I thought I loved.
“How…fascinating. Grace, dear, I need to quickly discuss something with her…about the horses. She so seldom around, I got to use the opportunity. You can handle this, ye?” Tommy asked, an angry urge now in his tone. It made me raise my eyebrows. “Sure I can handle that…I’m a Shelby, forgot? You go on about your horse-business.” She said with a soft eyeroll before giving me a quick smile. “Thank you so much. It is truly beautiful.” I gave her a small nod, watching her slender body turn around and walk away. Almost instantly I felt a tight grip on my upper arm and Tommy urging me out of the room. I almost expected him to drag me outside and kick me out of the house, but he stormed upstairs, towards a dark brown door. He had dropped my arm by now, his angry breathing echoing in the empty hallway. He pushed the door up with force, stepping aside to reveal a neat, yet incredibly large office. I said nothing, simply stepped into his bureau.  I heard the door slam shut and the clicking of a lock before I turned around to a fuming Tommy. “Why…why did you give her that? Have you lost your mind?” his voice was full of anger and hurt. “Have I lost my mind? Me? Shouldn’t I be the one asking you this very question, after all you did?” he only snorted, walking towards me in long strides. “Why this necklace? You know how fucking much it means…” I let out a dry laugh, crossing my arms over my chest. “How much it means? Nothing. It means absolutely nothing, not to you however. You didn’t even had enough balls to invite me to your wedding or…tell me that you have a son.” Tommy, who had his mouth opened again, shut it quickly. I laughed angrily, shaking my head. “What is this Tommy. Why did you drag me in here?” He looked like he was questioning it the same second, when suddenly he straightened himself up and walked over to his table. “Why did you come?” he then asked again, leaning against the dark wood. I shook my head. “I don’t know. To congratulate you.” he laughed humourlessly, staring on the carpet between us, as if he could spot the shatters of our relationship in between the thick threads. “You have not congratulated up to this point.” He only remarked, dark eyes darting up to meet mine. “Congratulations, you’re probably not going to fucking die alone.” A hollow laugh fell from his lips as he shook his head again. “Who would have fucking thought. Now, why are y’here.” It wasn’t a question anymore, more a demand. And it rubbed me the wrong way. “I don’t fucking know! Because I was angry, hurt who the fuck cares, right? Why did you leave us behind, why did you run?” He frowned angrily. “I did not run! There was nothing to run from, fucks sake! Stop bringing up the past!” this time it was me walking towards him, fire blazing in my throat. “Stop bringing up the past? Alright, then stop panicking over a fucking necklace then! You make no sense!”
“I make no sense? You know what, you…” he had started to walk towards me now, causing me to stumble back. Soon I was stood flushed against the bookshelf behind me. He was incredibly close now, so close that every time he took an angry breath, his chest brushed over mine. I could smell his perfume and the whisky from his breath, I could smell him. my eyes flickered over his face, stopping on his lips. His breath got caught in his throat when he realised and his angry rambling stopped. It was quiet for a second before he took a hazy breath. “Fuck.” I could hear him mutter, right before he finally pressed his lips against mine.
And oh how I had missed him. His kiss burned on my lips like a bonfire, a red glowing tickle that ran through my body. His lips parted softly, tongue running over my bottom lip. He was so desperately kissing me that I could hardly breathe. Hands wandered down my body, frantically drawing me closer, suddenly the other one went up again, stopping at my neck. I had my arms around his neck, fingers in his hair. His tongue brushed only against mine, but the feeling…the feeling was impeccable. He tasted to sweet, so dangerous so sinful against me, like everything I ever desired. Everything I missed and everything why I came here tonight. To see him. Not particularly to kiss him but…
As we parted, it was quiet again, panting breaths the only thing that could be heard. We were both staring at each other’s lips for a moment, not quite processing what had just happened before moving closer again. It was as if some unseen force was drawing us together as our lips met again. It was a frustrated kiss, we both knew that it was wrong, both knew that the other had to go. That the other was married. But the thought of guilt and shame was so quickly forgotten when Tommy let out a little throaty moan as I bit down on his lips. And as he deepened the kiss and tightened his fingers just slightly around my throat, I was sure that I even forgot my own name.
“This…” He pulled away just slightly, immediately attaching his lips to my skin again, “this is why you couldn’t come to the wedding.” He bit down softly on the soft skin of my neck and I closed my eyes in bliss. “Unfaithful…bastard.” I just pushed out, too lost in his touches to really care. “I know. Fuck.” His pupils were so far dilated that almost all his blue was gone. “You shouldn’t have come.” I only snorted. “I’ll go home then…” He had his lips on mine again, faster than I could register.
The envelope was heavy in my hands, a familiar heavy. I already knew what I held in my hand and I could only sigh about it. I carefully sliced the paper, letting its content slip into my left hand. The emerald glistened in the sun, its polished facets burning in all shades of green. I sighed and shook my head, almost slipping the necklace back into the envelope, when the ringing of my telephone ripped me out of my thoughts. I already knew who it was when I picked up, so I just waited. “Has it arrived?” the hoarseness of his voice sent chills over my body. “It has. Why did you send it back?” silence greeted me. “I did not send it back. I sent it home.”
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simonxriley · 5 years
liz x ghost for the ship break down? :))
Hi? Anon? I love you!!! I’ve been wanting to talk about this ship for like ever!!
How did they they meet?
They met when Liz joined the 141, Soap was showing her around and introducing her to everyone. When they came to her room, who she shares with Ghost, she met him there. It was a tiny bit awkward at first, that soon changed. 
Who developed romantic feelings first?
They both pretty much did at the same time. It was a slow process at first, first they couldn’t deny how attractive each other were, then they very slowly got to know him. About three months after she joined Ghost ended up having a pretty bad nightmare one night that woke her up. She ended up waking him up from his nightmare and asked if he wanted to talk about. He shook his head ‘no’ which was fine with her because she didn’t want to force him to open up. Instead she told him to scoot over and that night they cuddled and she threaded her fingers in his hair until he calmed down. That night was when they both accepted those feeling that maybe they like each other more than just friends. 
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
Roach and Soap. They’re both very happy that they got together. Both of them deserve a happy life. 
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
After Ghost confessed his feelings for her. Look below
Who confessed their feelings first?
Ghost did. It was after Shepherd betrays them and they were all in one of Nikolai’s safe houses recovering. They almost died that day and he needed to tell her how he felt, or he would’ve regretted it if something was to later happen to her. She of course shared those feeling and the agreed on starting a romantic relationship. 
What was their first official date?
They never had one. The 141 quickly became fugitives and they were hiding out in Nikolai’s safe houses for the most part until the 141 was reinstated. 
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
They’re both neutral on them, though they never go on any. The only other couple they know is Logan and Keegan and they live in another country. 
What do they do in their down time?
Liz will draw in her journal while Ghost is reading beside her or reading too her. He likes to read her what he’s reading. For the most part they just relax, maybe watch a movie or two. 
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
Oh boy, it was not good. First off Liz and her father left off on bad terms when she was transferred over to the 141, and Ghost doesn’t take too kindly to abusive parents, no matter how abusive they are. He will speak his mind. And we all know what happened to Ghost’s parents’, but Liz would’ve loved his mom. 
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
It was over Ghost keeping his emotions to himself. He’s constantly there for her when she has a nightmare or PTSD episode, he’ll stay up the night with her and just cuddle and talk about anything and everything until she’s calm again. Even after all they’ve been through Ghost goes through phases of being open to keeping to himself. One night, Liz woke up to find him not in bed, she finds him in their kitchen with a drink in hand. They ended up arguing about him being closed off. After he sobered up a bit, they ended up having a very long talk, where he also apologized for his behavior and why he’s closed off and he promised to be open more. It was a slow process but eventually he’s able to open up to her easily. 
Which one is more easily made jealous?
Neither, tbh. 
What is their favorite thing to get to eat?
They both love pizza, and every Saturday night is pizza night. 
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favorite cuddling position?
Ghost is surprisingly. They had a lot of platonic cuddles in the beginning (after the first time) because it helped calm him. Favorite would be the same as I answered here, but switched. 
Are they hand holders?
Yes!! They’ll hold hand when they’re sitting side by side.
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
About a week, they were injured at the time and didn’t have a lot of privacy. 
Who tops?
They switch. Mostly Ghost because he likes it, though sometimes Liz will dominate him.
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into?
When Ghost met her dad, that was the worst first. 
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
Liz will do the shopping because Ghost never picks up snacks, he just gets what they need. And he does the cooking. However Liz will help with the prep. 
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
Ghost, Liz is the most unorganized person ever. It’s pretty embarrassing.  
Who proposes?
Ghost!!! They were in London for some meeting and they had some time off so they decided to take a stroll through Hyde Park and he proposed at the lake in front of a lot of people. 
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?
They do because it’s very small. It’s only 10 people, not counting them. 
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
They didn’t have any. 
Big Ceremony or Small?
Small, very small! They didn’t have that many people to invite, which saved them money for other stuff down the road. 
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?  
No they don’t, they decided it wasn’t worth the money. Instead Price and Soap gave them a few weeks off to enjoy being newly weds. 
Do they have children? How many?
They do, they end up having four. Faith, she was actually unplanned, but the best unplanned miracle to happen to either of them and she was named Faith because Liz gave Ghost a lot of it. Thomas, named after Ghost’s younger brother Tommy, his middle name is Jonathon, named after Soap and Price because of all they did for the both of them. Claire and Alexsander. 
I love this family!!!!
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britishlyso · 6 years
Shows To Watch This Summer
Summer is here and so are my favourite summer shows.
The first one I'm excited about is The Bold Type. It was recommended to me and I binge-watched it shortly after it aired on Freeform, I even did a podcast about it (which you can listen to here). 
The first season ended on cliffhangers leaving the door open for a new one (or would have put our imagination to work hadn't it been renewed for a season 2). The show has returned on June 12th but I have chosen to wait a little bit so that I can binge-watch it.
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Our three bold ladies were left about to start a new chapter in their professional and personal lives - Jane left Scarlet Magazine for a new opportunity at Incite, Sutton officially became Fashion Assistant to Oliver, leaving the front desk behind, and Kat decided to join Adena on her trip, leaving her job of Social Media Director.
So many questions arose from this brutal change of setting - how will our three best friends continue to be each other's daily support system? How will Kat's parents react to not only her coming out but introducing her girlfriend? Will Jane and Sutton thrive in their new jobs?
The show has also touched upon sensitive subjects such as cancer, rape and religion - will they get inspired by the #MeToo movement and introduce storylines that echo the recent headlines?
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The second season is currently airing on Freeform.
The second summer show I am excited about is Younger.
The show is airing its fifth season on TV Land, with Liza's secret still being the centre of the story. 
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The last season ended with Josh getting married to his Irish girlfriend Claire so that she could stay in the US, with Liza as an important guest to attest the veracity of their marriage to the authorities. This new union could have brought its lot of problems with Josh kissing Liza the night before his wedding, but we escaped the disaster with Claire dumping Josh.
My Team Charles heart almost exploded with the bomb dropped at the end of the first episode - Empirical’s biggest author LL Moore was publicly laid off after being accused of sexual misconducts by several women, including Liza, and as a response, called for a late-night meeting with Charles, revealing him Liza’s real identity - a “bankcrupt divorced forty year-old single mother”, just when she finally poured out her heart to him. Ouch.
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There are new parameters that come into play, besides the fact that Liza is Charles’s employee, and that his ex-wife Pauline is back in the city and getting published by Millenial Print whilst being determined to win her ex husband back. It was guaranteed that the drama will certainly reach new heights with Charles knowing Liza’s new identity, and it has - he confronted her right in front of his ex-wife-to-be who clearly picked up on something. 
We saw the hurt, the betrayal and the anger on his face. Even though he chose not to fire Liza to avoid a scandal, something tells us Pauline might cause one by revealing to the press her ex-husband has been involved with an employee of his company, because clearly she cared more about getting her husband back than earning lots of money with “Marriage Vacation”, even when an adaptation with Reese Witherspoon could be scored.
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Another plot that will have an important place this season is Kelsey being torn between Zane (played by Charles Michael Davis) who is now her colleague, and her soon-to-be-published author. #LoveTriangleAlert
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The other supporting characters are back with even more new prominent storylines to balance the “secret debacle” that has been centre since season 1.
The third show I want to talk about has just returned with its fifth season - STARZ’s Power. 
If you are not watching it, do yourself a favour and please do. You will not regret it. It was recommended to me and first I thought “Why would I be into a show about drug dealing and violence?” But then I started watching it and was done with the three seasons within a week. 
It follows James St Patrick, the most successful nightclub owner in New York City, happily married (so we think) and father of 3. He apparently has it all, but he also happens to be the city’s drug lord alongside his best friend Tommy Eagan, co-running the two businesses.
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I love how the actual love story is between two best friends/brothers who remain faithful to one another despite all the lies, blood, the deaths and betrayals.
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One of the core relationships portrayed in the show is also the one between James and Angela, his teenage love who becomes his mistress. Despite it being my least favourite storyline, it has gotten juicier when Angela, as an FBI agent, found out that Ghost the drug lord, is actually James’s alter ego, which created an inner conflict between her professionnal and personal lives.
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I had high hopes of seeing James/Ghost back with his wife Tasha 100% after the big reveal to Angela, but unfortunately, it could not be this easy. 
The “couple” has been faced with several challenges and even if Tasha has suffered from the several infidelities, she remains with Tommy the most trustworthy people in Ghost’s environment.
The last season ended on a big tragedy and marked the return of Kanan played by 50 cent, former “frenemy” alongside Ghost and Tommy to undertake some severe punishment. 
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Just like The Bold Type, I am waiting a little bit to be able to binge-watch it and enjoy the creative genius of the writers of these shows who never fail to surprise us with never-ending cliffhangers.
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