#hira does fashion
hirazuki · 7 months
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Model + edits: me Photo credit: tranimaging2
you can take the cosplayer and cosplay photographer out of cosplay, but you can't take the cosplaying out of them XD
We didn't really have any set ideas/images to work from, just messed around with different poses and angles, and somehow ended up back near cosplay-land anyway lmao
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absolutebl · 2 years
I loved your beautiful ode to A Beautiful Man. (Even as someone pretty new to BL and unfamiliar with Yaoi I felt the power of that show.)
In it you wrote in passing, "Semantic Error is about perfection and ignoring all ugliness." If you have further thoughts on that I'm curious to hear them.
Semantic Error vs Utsukushii Kare how two BL’s tell us A LOT about Korean vs Japanese approaches to cinema 
"Semantic Error is about perfection and ignoring all ugliness." (from this post) 
Ah I was referring to the KBL inclination to create a perfect bubble in which being queer is not just irrelevant and unspoken, but ironically untouchable.
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As characters, JaeYoung and SangWoo can only exist within this bubble. 
It renders their perfection unmoored and somewhat etherial feeling to viewers. As if they are the gods on pedestals that Hira is trying to turn Kiyoi into. There is no attempt to address the impossible nature of their existence. JaeYoung and SangWoo aren’t meant to be REAL in any way, they are meant to be fantastical - almost like mythical caricatures. 
I say this not as criticism, Semantic Error is one of my favorite BLs of all time. But it is almost too perfect, as if we are watching the fae perform for us - ageless and immortal. It has no real grounding, no tether at all to reality. It is the ultimate escapism.
This is fine, I watch BL for the escapism. It’s why it got a 10/10 from me. But it’s also why it’s never whipped me into a verbal frenzy. It’s exactly as perfect as I always expected Korean BL to get to. It is the pinnacle of the mountain they have been climbing - but they never faltered on that path to perfection. They were always gonna make it. It’s what Hallyu does. They did it with music (Kpop). They did it with horror (Parasite, Squid Games). They’re doing it with romance.
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But Semantic Error’s innately KBL nature renders it, in a strange way, almost the polar opposite to something like My Beautiful Man, for all they share some really stunning visual similarities in filming techniques, manga framing and staging, uses of color and light, etc... 
The very perfect beauty of Semantic Error (both in visuals, execution, production, script, story arc, tropes and archetypes) is like the BL on the pedestal that A Beautiful Man is challenging within itself. 
Ironically of course, My Beautiful Man, is about the harsh honest ugliness of really loving someone, Semantic Error not only has no thought to address this, by it’s very nature it could never do so, since it sits on that pedestal with nothing to tip it off (yet) and nothing to pull it down to ground (yet) because KBL is still (mostly) at the pedestal state of it’s BL journey. 
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Korea is focused on producing perfect BL. Which I might argue they did with Semantic Error. But as nothing more than a perfect BL. Classic. Typical. The opposite of challenging. Easy. Easily enthralling and riveting.
Utsukushii Kare is work. Work to watch. Work to tolerate. Work to understand. But it’s work I enjoy. 
Japan has always farted around with that kind of thing. Japan doesn't have anything to prove. But Japan has also always been one to use film to examine itself, it’s that uncompromising point of view thing I talk about and the reason people get frustrated with Japanese cinema. It’s not about anyone but Japan. 
Korea is a the opposite, it’s producing its pop culture these days explicitly with an expansion agenda. It’s all about how perfectly can they hit it so they can GET us. Like, capture us. Make us watch. Make us happy. Dazzle us with their brilliance and beauty. Lure us into the fae realm, under the green hill where time passes differently. 
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Often I think Japan wants us to be uncomfortable. Ironically, that’s why I have such faith and confidence in them. 
But that’s also how they can surprise so beautifully. (Old Fashion Cupcake. Minato’s Laundromat. Gah.) They stay BL without shying away from difficult content, sometimes I think they stay BL so they can directly tackle it. 
Korea is doing everything they can to keep themselves safe and idealized, or to keep up the appearance of that. It comes off as disingenuous at worse, unfixed and fantastical at best. Semantic Error was all this, but correct, almost mathematical. I admire the precision art of it and the targeted intent. 
They are both master manipulators and I like watching manipulators at work. 
But with Korea there’s always a part of me that’s like, “I see you doing it. I see what you did there. Very good.” I’m noticing how good they are.
And with Japan, occasionally, I forget to notice. I’m still surprised. Even knowing what they are capable of. Even living in the shadow of 15 years of BLs. They can still surprise. 
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ssj2hindudude · 10 months
for the Pandavas sisters (including Kara): order them from how good they can hold to their drink to them getting drunk after a good hard sip.
p.s. also tell me what happen once they get fully intoxicated
The Other Potatoes' First Time Drinking (again After they turn 21)
Pt 1
Kara gets literally the cutest drink in the bar (Like a pink starburst cocktail or something)
At first no one bats an eye because all she does is act goofier and more laid back than usual.
But then the Shah genes kick in when she drinks more and starts acting even more chaotic than Aru when she's sober.
She casually drops disturbing facts about her childhood like it's nothing and laughs about it like the most Gen Z kid in the bar.
"yOu ShOuLd'Ve SeEn My DaD's FaCe WhEn I tOlD hIm I wAnTeD tO bE a LiBrArIaN! i ThOuGhT hE wOuLd LiTeRaLlY kIlL mE! XD"
"hEy, Aiby-baby!" "Please don't call him that." "hOw AbOuT I sHoW yOu WhAt YoU mIsSeD oUt On!" *Rips her shirt off* "KARA NO-" *Reveals a shirt that says "Sleeper Spelling Bee Champ of 2005"* "YOU COULDA HAD ALL OF THIS BRAIN POWER, BABE!"
Hira doesn't really drink but she took one shot of whiskey to keep up. Unfortunately, she's a lightweight and immediately starts roasting everybody.
"yOu ThInK yOu'Re So ToUgH?!? mY gIrLfRiEnD wIlL lItErAlLy SmAcK yOu WiTh YoUr OwN sPiNe!" "Hira, stop yelling at the dartboard!" "YO MAMA LOOKS LIKE A CANDY CANE, YOU FLAT CIRCLE!"
Nikita didn't care about the cost, she was determined to get the deluxe strawberry champagne. If only she didn't get totally wasted after one glass
You'd expect her fashion critiques to be on overdrive and they were...the problem is they were towards herself because now her self-esteem sunk like an anchor
"wHaT wAs I tHiNkInG wEaRiNg ThIs ToP?!?" "Nikki, you made that blouse AND sold multiple of them for thousands of bucks." "SO I'M UGLY AND I'M RIPPING PEOPLE OFF?!?"
Ok, I lied. Sheela got an even cuter drink than Kara with all kinds of fruity decorations and tiny umbrellas. It looked more like a parfait than a drink, but it had alcohol nonetheless.
She immediately passes out to the point where everyone thinks she's dead but she's literally just jumping from one person's head to another and everyone's wondering why they're suddenly daydreaming about having tea parties with this chick.
Aru took Aiden off designated driver duty and so he starts going at the drinks so he can finally get revenge.
Unfortunately, the man's surprisingly a heavyweight and almost beats Brynne's record. When she finds out, she's not sure if she's mad or impressed.
"I hAvE a HaReM..." "Not exactly, Wifey-" "Shhshhshh, LeT mE eXpLaIn! I hAvE a HaReM, wHiCh I gOt AfTeR i DiEd. My LiFe iS aN ISEKAI!" "...Don't do this. I swear, you'll make me get you drunk more often if you keep this up." "yOu KnOw, ArU, wHeNeVeR yOu QuEsTiOn SoMeOnE, yOu ShOuLd SaY 'ARU SHAH ABOUT THAT?!?'" "BARTENDER, ANOTHER ONE OVER HERE!"
Also, his Apsara powers get out of hand and he proceeds to dominate the karaoke show and suddenly has a bunch of girls flock to him. Aru's about to figure out whether she should electrocute him or them when he screams into the mike "THAT'S MY PAST LIFE HUSBAND! HIII, ARU!" and runs into her for a hug tackle before passing out.
Then the others are on hangover cleanup. Everyone's a mess in the morning and when Aiden says "This can't possibly get any worse." Aru goes "ARU SHAH ABOUT THAT???" and shows them everything she recorded on her phone. They then puked even harder...
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what do you think TPQ would pursue in like college and what about their careers?
(Please note that I have no idea how colleges work, so there will be lots of inconsistencies)
(Long-ish post incoming)
Aru: It's a personal headcanon of mine, that she'd be a lawyer, but realistically, going by what's in canon, she'd probably major in history to be an archeologist like Krithika. So, a History major, going on to be an archeologist/historian.
Mini: Medicine. Bio major, goes onto be a surgeon. Maybe a minor in pathology.
Brynne: Cooking. I don't know the technical, college term, but she'd major in cooking (?), and maybe a minor in martial arts (does that even exist? Point is, she continues martial arts as a hobby)
Aiden: Journalism, specifically, photojournalism. Wants to work for the Times, or any popular newspaper. Does wildlife photography and cooking photography on the side.
Rudy: Depends on whether he goes to human college. But if he does, probably majoring in musical arts, and DJing. His main career is obviously, "King", but, has a popular Spotify account on the side.
Nikita: Designing, and business management, and, in designing, specifically, fashion. She opens her own boutique in the future, which is very successful, and surpasses the Seasons in popularity.
Sheela: Psych. I don't exactly have an explanation, just that Sheela is extremely empathetic, and would be a good psychologist, so, yeah, psych.
Hira: Interior designing. Somebody posted a headcanon about Hira liking interior design, and I liked it a lot, so, interior design for her. Maybe even art, or event planning. We don't have much of her personality or interests, so I don't exactly have a solid idea for her.
Thanks for the ask, anon!
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fishy-lava · 26 days
Hello Lovely!
For the BL Asks -
🎥 favorite trope 👬 favorite side couple 🎇 favorite ending
May your day be beautiful and your sleep calm ^ㅅ^
Hi Ama!!
🎥Favorite Trope
you're really starting off with the hard ones huh XD hmmmmmmm I think maybe when both sides of a ship are Fucked Up™ in some way so it's just Insane Bastard x Insane Bastard (does that count as a trope??? idk)
👬Favorite Side Couple
are ai/chen yi a side couple?? the show is split pretty evenly I think but if they are then definitely them
if not, then probably ram/king from my engineer. I just love those boys so much and I miss them all the time :(
🎇Favorite Ending
WOW that's a tough one! I think I might have to go with Utsukushii Kare bc it really hit me a lot harder than I expected and I think the growth and development hira and kiyoi went through both individually and as partners and the consistency to their characterizations throughout the whole series even as they developed and changed alongside having one of the (in my opinion) most interesting love stories really just added up to creating one of my favorite endings (and overall series) I've seen in YEARS and it's very special to me (I spent pretty much the entire time I watched the movie nearly in tears over how proud I was of them and their progress 😭)
other contenders are Old Fashioned Cupcake and Perfect Propose
for me, both shows had very emotionally rewarding endings that felt right for the stories
did they all leave me wanting more? yes, but that's bc I wasnt ready to let go of the characters yet not bc they were unsatisfying lol
Thanks for the ask! and the lovely wishes, sending them right back at you<3
BL Ask Box Game
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smilingangel582 · 1 year
Tables turned?
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Ahh soo I did write something earlier for these dorks and yet I lost it so I had to write again. Ugh! What a day I'm sooo writing this at midnight, but it will be cute, I swear!
Warning spoilers ahead watch "Utskushii kare" both S1 and S2
It has been months since Hira began to be more affectionate towards Kiyoyi, kissing him more and also embracing him many times. Much bolder and he was loving it.
Hira felt like he should try studying more tips on how to look after ones boyfriend. It's a little hard since Kiyoyi is someone worth caring for properly, and he needed to be sure to satisfy the king.
"Oh you want to know more?" Koyama was arranging his stack of books by the cupboard when Hira brought this topic again.
His friend just huffed a little, thinking hard with a frown on his brow. Hira waited patiently when he heard more laughter seeing tachibana and aoshima talking about a joke. The brunet noticed them and reached forward to listen to their conversation now. "Oya? Hira-san, what's going on?" (San is a respectable term for someone older)
Koyama answered instead "He's asking me tips to love his girlfriend"
They blinked, Hira too since he used the term girlfriend rather, then Aoshima snickered "Why feed her with her favourite meal, buy her stuff she likes, tease her by saying cute, compliment her more... aaaand definitely cuddle her more"
Hira widened his eyes, that half solves it and even Koyama was impressed "Wow Aoshima... you sure are useful when it comes to these"
"Ahh Haa!" Tachibana snapped his fingers now "I say... when my girlfriend is down, I would comfort her with something to drink and then I would tickle her a little to make her happy..."
Koyama looked at Hira now. He was already thinking of something with deep thoughts, and gladly, the guys were gone because they had lectures to attend.
"I doubt Kiyoyi would like you tickling him," With a chuckle, Koyama shrugged before leaving and now Hira was alone to ponder about his options.
He fed Kiyoyi countless times, well buying stuff is taken care of by Kiyoyi himself since his fashion style is better, he unintentionally teases him by saying cute only to be punched or kicked, complements make him shy and blush which is cute, then cuddling he does it without even being told to.
Hira thought hard when he came home. Probably Kiyoyi won't like it, or maybe he's not ticklish?
Frustrated he came with a heavy mind and Kiyoyi was reading the new script.
"Okairi Hira (Welcome back)"
"Tadaima..."(I'm home)
Kiyoyi stared now and then lowered his script as he turned to see Hira's expressions "Something happened?"
Widening his eyes "N-no no... well nothing, just tired,"
Shrugging Kiyoyi dropped the matter much to Hira's relief.
After a shower, the two cuddled together to watch a movie together, Hira still wondered if he should tickle Kiyoyi. It's hard since Kiyoyi is easily offended, so it can ruin their relationship. Yet Kiyoyi's smile and laugh might be... worth everything?
Hira was ready... but he was going to start asking Kiyoyi permission first.
"Ah Kiyoyi can I ask you something?" Once the movie was done and the shrimp croquettes were eaten Hira began shyly.
Kiyoyi turned and then said, "Was thst a question?"
"Ahh n-no but... um... are you ticklish?"
Kiyoyi was puzzled. He didn't expect such a question. He ruffled his own hair nervously. "W-why do you ask?"
Hira looked up "well... I want to hear your laugh."
Kiyoyi blushed. He was flustered like thet onetime when Hira called him 'cute'.
"O-oi you can't just ask... ahem! Uhm... well ok fine I am... are you happy?"
Hira brightened a little "can I tickle you?"
Kiyoyi bit his lip and then looked down at Hira. Then smirked "If you can fight back that is..."
Hira was confused, but that was until he was tackled to the floor suddenly Kiyoyi began to dig into his ribs. He let out a startled laugh "A-ah Kiyoyi wahait!"
"Better fight back if you want to know... Hiiiiira~!"
Hira felt a little glad that he got a headstart. Since Hira could bear it a little, he switched their places and now began to dig into Kiyoyi's sides.
It was unexpected since Kiyoyi was more sensitive than Hira, he immediately pulled back with a giggle now sheltering his own sides.
Hira was surprised by this but didn't ease the attack, he kept prodding his sides and ribs firmly, Kiyoyi giggles contagiously "Ahahaha nohohooo Hihihirahahaha!"
"Kiyoyi's giggles are so cute."
Flustered from both the tickling and his words, he covered his face, but exposing his skin more as Hira reached down under Kiyoyi's shirt attacking his tummy now.
"Ah sorry! Sorry," though as he lightened Kiyiyi squirmed even harder. He covered his tummy now curling to the side. Hira was tempted to kiss his neck
Kiyoyi squeaked scrunching his shoulder "Wahahit... that tihihickles!"
"Kiyoyi your giggles are cute..."
But some time he eased on the play fight, Hira watched Kiyoyi gently recover from his giggles, leaning close to Hira despite pouting again. "You are so gross"
"I love you my beautiful man," Hira giggled back as he kissed him and Kiyoyi melted into it lowering down once more when Hira embraced him on top of him. He was beautiful when he blushed and Hira wanted more of him, "Beautiful..."
Kiyoyi looked away timidly but"Gross..." Kiyoyi shyly murmured with a giggle.
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arushahseries · 3 years
Can u do some headcanons on the potatoes as adult. And just to be clear: Kara lives and have reconcile with the Potatoes.
sure :D
-Mini is the adult who packs everything for trips and plans everything and has backup plans for literally every single scenario, even ones like someone getting struck by lightning and someone getting kidnapped by a shark. She's better at planning than the rest of them combined. Mini is the responsible adult, who never drives over speed limits and chooses a safe but fun thing to do when they are bored. She also loves sewing and knits sweater for all of them during winter. Mini works as a doctor
-Aru is the crazy adult who makes dad jokes and quotes LOTR 24/7. She is really messy and without mini to help her organise, her room would look like a dumpyard. She works as an interior designer and can make any room look neat and beautiful(apart from hers). She chews gum all the time and always has like 3 packets of chewing gum with her. she's also too cool for cars and she rides a motorcycle instead(she would prefer a giant hoverboard but the weapons are gone)
-Brynne is a cook(duh). She's like Gordon ramsay 2.0. Everyone is terrified of her, probably because she loves to yell at people when they add 0.02 spoons of extra salt. She makes awesome food every day for the potatoes and hates it when someone interferes with her cooking. She also loves animals. She and Hira go on dates and brynne usually takes them to some cool restaurant or a wildlife park.
- Aiden usually just take cool pictures of brynne's food but also takes great candid shots. Aru loves to photo-bomb his pictures and this annoys him every single time. He's super nice to everyone and always leaves a good tip at restaurants. He also hates heights and never goes on the roller coasters in amusement parks
-Nikita is a fashion designer and gets like 1483 random rose boquets from strangers on valentines day. unfortunately for them, she is not interested in a partner. She loves to fix the potatoes outfits and often gets annoyed at brynne because she is prone to spilling food on her clothes which nikita designed while cooking.
-sheela is an artist and she is really creative. sometimes she gets random prophecies at 3 in the morning. She's definitely one of the nicest potatoes and has like endless patience. All her clothes have some sort of celestial creature on it. Her favourite colours are silver and light purple. She's also really peaceful and whenever they get into arguments, she just leaves and doesn't get involved.
-rudy doesn't even need to work because he is so damn rich. He used to be stuck up but then the potatoes convinced him to give some to charity, but even then he has like a LOT of money. He plays the guitar really well and usually plays rock but can play other styles too. He is also into disney movies and has memorized all the songs
-kara is just there and she's very quiet and everyone underestimates her. She also rarely get's angry, but when she does, it's scary. She's a writer and she's amazing at her job. She loves decorating her stuff and has a great handwriting which everyone is jealous of. She rarely sleeps and stays up researching random things for her novels lol
I can't really say much for hira because she's barely there and we know nothing about her other than the fact that she's shy, she's nice and that brynne likes her.
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richincolor · 3 years
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New month, new book releases! Check out these books launching tomorrow, March 2nd -- are any of them on your to-read list?
Infinity Reaper (Infinity Cycle #2) by Adam Silvera Emil and Brighton Rey defied the odds. They beat the Blood Casters and escaped with their lives–or so they thought. When Brighton drank the Reaper’s Blood, he believed it would make him invincible, but instead the potion is killing him.
In Emil’s race to find an antidote that will not only save his brother but also rid him of his own unwanted phoenix powers, he will have to dig deep into the very past lives he’s trying to outrun. Though he needs the help of the Spell Walkers now more than ever, their ranks are fracturing, with Maribelle’s thirst for revenge sending her down a dangerous path.
Meanwhile, Ness is being abused by Senator Iron for political gain, his rare shifting ability making him a dangerous weapon. As much as Ness longs to send Emil a signal, he knows the best way to keep Emil safe from his corrupt father is to keep him at a distance.
The battle for peace is playing out like an intricate game of chess, and as the pieces on the board move into place, Emil starts to realize that he may have been competing against the wrong enemy all along. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Once Upon a Quinceañera by Monica Gomez-Hira
Carmen Aguilar just wants to make her happily ever after come true. Except apparently “happily ever after” for Carmen involves being stuck in an unpaid summer internship! All she has to do is perform! In a ball gown! During the summer. In Miami.
Fine. Except that Carmen’s company is hired for her spoiled cousin Ariana’s over the top quinceañera.
And of course, her new dance partner at work is none other than Mauro Reyes, Carmen’s most deeply regrettable ex.
If Carmen is going to move into the future she wants, she needs to leave the past behind. And if she can manage dancing in the blistering heat, fending off Mauro’s texts, and stopping Ariana from ruining her own quinceañera Carmen might just get that happily ever after after all. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
The Queen’s Secret (The Queen’s Secret #2) by Melissa de la Cruz
Lilac’s birthright makes her the Queen of Renovia, and a forced marriage made her the Queen of Stavin. But being a ruler does not mean making the rules. For Lilac, taking the throne means giving up the opportunity to be with love of her life, the kingdom’s assassin, Caledon Holt.
Worse, Cal is forced to leave the castle when a horrific set of magical attacks threatens Lilac’s sovereignty. Now Cal and Lilac will have to battle dark forces separately, even though being together is the only thing that’s ever saved them.
In the riveting conclusion to Melissa De La Cruz’s fantasy duet, love and magic are at war, and victory rests on a knife’s edge. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Yolk by Mary H.K. Choi
Jayne Baek is barely getting by. She shuffles through fashion school, saddled with a deadbeat boyfriend, clout-chasing friends, and a wretched eating disorder that she’s not fully ready to confront. But that’s New York City, right? At least she isn’t in Texas anymore, and is finally living in a city that feels right for her.
On the other hand, her sister June is dazzlingly rich with a high-flying finance job and a massive apartment. Unlike Jayne, June has never struggled a day in her life. Until she’s diagnosed with uterine cancer.
Suddenly, these estranged sisters who have nothing in common are living together. Because sisterly obligations are kind of important when one of you is dying. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Home is Not a Country by Safia Elhillo
Nima doesn’t feel understood. By her mother, who grew up far away in a different land. By her white suburban town, which feels both dangerous and familiar. At least she has her childhood friend Haitham, with whom she can let her guard down and be herself.
Until she doesn’t. As the ground is pulled out from under her, Nima must grapple with the phantom of a life not chosen, the name her parents didn’t give her at birth: Yasmeen. But that other name, that other girl, might just be more real than Nima knows. And more hungry.
This book is a story of mothers and daughters, of friends and enemies, of journeys and homecomings, and of realizing that sometimes the person you’re meant to be has been staring at you in the mirror all along. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
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madstars-festival · 4 years
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Hira Mohibullah is an expert is telling stories that have a positive impact. We’re delighted to welcome her to our Final Jury this year representing BBDO Pakistan, where she is Executive Creative Director.
As the most awarded female creative in Pakistan, Hira Mohibullah believes that storytellers have a responsibility to tell the right kind of stories – especially in an industry as influential as advertising.
Her most notable campaigns include #BridalUniform, which raised awareness of the prevalence of underage brides; #BeatMe for UN Women, which challenged men to “beat” women (at something they excel at; and Chai Ka Nishaan (The Hot Tea Stain), a campaign that raised awareness on child burns caused through negligence around hot tea."
Since joining BBDO Pakistan four years ago, she has won more than 170 international awards for her work. A mother of two, Mohibullah is also an advocate for gender balance in the workplace and helped set up a day-care room at BBDO to encourage more working mothers to join the workforce. 
You live and work in Pakistan. Did you grow up there, too?
I’m a third culture kid, and so I don’t really know what place I call home. I grew up in the Middle East and moved to Pakistan when I was 14. I have very fond memories of my childhood and, quite contrary to popular belief, it was fun being a kid in Saudi Arabia! I had friends from all over the world, and from a very young age I was exposed to different cultures and languages, which I feel has shaped who I am today as a creative.  
What led you to a career in advertising: did you always dream of impacting positive social change through your work?
Growing up, I’ve hopped (all too rapidly) from one dream career to another. One thing that I’ve always known about myself is that I get bored with one thing real quick, and so the versatility that advertising brings to my life every single day is what makes it such a perfect match. Right after I completed my A Levels (after having taken every subject under the sun), I chanced upon the communication design course. There it was, my love for creative writing and design brought miraculously together. Advertising was the most obvious choice after that, and I’ve never looked back since.
In my twenties, while my friends were writing their personal statements for college applications full to the brim with life-changing struggles, I was wishing I had more of a story to tell. I grew up in a house with parents who did not believe in gender discrimination. They had two daughters and they gave us the best education to the best of their abilities. There was absolutely no pressure on us to fit a certain mould. With a great support system, I grew up living a sheltered life of privilege. But today, I realise that’s what my story is: with advertising I use my position of privilege to help those who don’t have a voice. It's all come full circle.
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#BridalUniform was an incredibly powerful campaign, which won countless awards – including several at AD STARS. What challenges did you face in bringing it to life?
As with most pro-bono campaigns we do at BBDO, we had absolutely no money to spend on this one. So getting the word out to the entire nation, that it was not okay to marry off underage girls, seemed impossible. That challenge gave birth to a genius solution: we hijacked the biggest bridal fashion show of Pakistan, one that was already being covered by all major media channels in the country. We partnered Ali Xeeshan, Pakistan's foremost bridal wear designer and launched the Bridal Uniform: a merger between a little girl's school uniform and embellishments from a typical bridal outfit. Amidst the pomp and show, out walked the showstopper: a little girl wearing the #BridalUniform, symbolising the trade-off that happens when a child is deprived of her right to an education and instead is dressed as someone's wife. Without spending a dime, we were able to rack up one billion organic impressions.
Creativity can help to bring people together in times of crisis: are there any inspiring initiatives taking place in Pakistan right now? What is BBDO doing to keep its staff motivated during the coronavirus crisis?
It’s overwhelming to see everybody fighting on the same front, for the same cause. It’s brought the industry together in a way nothing ever has. Every brand I work on is doing their part to help the nation cope with this unprecedented struggle. We’re all working from home currently (being amongst the first few to implement the policy) and besides a few teething issues in the start, we’re meeting all our timelines even when the work has doubled in amount. My team and I usually get the brainstorming out of the way earlier in the day and then go our separate ways to finish off the pending tasks. Keeping meticulous checklists of individual workflows has helped me stay afloat by giving me a good visibility on the tasks lined up for the entire week.
What does your typical day look like?
I have two kids who I bring to work with me (a 6 year-old and a 7 month old) and in pre-COVID times, I used to joke about “traveling” to work because I would lug around all their stuff in a mini carry-on... everyday! These days in lockdown, I start early, get my 6 year-old’s homework done and ship him off to another room for his online classes while I find myself a quiet corner to tackle my checklist for the day.  
Do you have a process – is there a way you work through a problem? How much of your creative process happens subconsciously?
I’ve hardly ever had an idea strike me in a dream or in the shower, unlike many other creatives I know. For me, cracking a brief requires a formal session (always with a notebook in hand) where I start from a pain-point, deep-dive into real-world insights, colloquially unlock the idea for relevance, and finally tell the story in the voice of the brand. Also, being bi-lingual helps me tackle the creative process from two different vernacular angles.
Who are your creative heroes and why?
Fernando Machado. He’s brave, unapologetically relentless, he has an eye for what will absolutely shake the world and he’s not afraid to do it!  
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You recently spoke at TEDxLahore. What did you talk was about?
My joint talk at TEDx was about the importance of telling the right kind of stories. The stories we hear growing up shape us into the people we are today: they define our limits, our fears and our dreams. As advertisers, we call ourselves storytellers, and so imagine the kind of power we hold to change the lives of those around us. Moiz Khan and I talked about the stories we’ve told in our time at BBDO Pakistan, and how they have positively impacted our society.
As the most awarded female creative in Pakistan, do you have advice for others hoping to ‘make it’ in advertising?
No one makes it in advertising on their own! Find your tribe. Go out there and look for like-minded people and a place that matches your vision.
Are you working on anything interesting right now?
Pakistanis love their tea. They have tea for breakfast, tea in the afternoon and then in the evening. There’s tea with snacks and tea over gossip sessions. In a shocking revelation, we learnt that 80% of child burns happen due to hot tea spills. Now in a country where tea consumption is at an all-time high, there is considerable talk around removing tea stains from clothes but none around the perils of being negligent while preparing or drinking that tea. After a successful first leg of the campaign where we were able to bring down the number of accidents by 50%, we’re now working on Round 2 this year!  
You attended AD STARS in 2018. Do you have any favourite memories of Busan?
My fondest memory of Busan is going to The Library of Mystery Literature, a quaint little place which is a library, a cafe and a museum all rolled into one.  Due to an ongoing book-club, they were closed at the time I wanted to visit. I called up the owner, and with my receptionist translating everything for me, told her it was the only day I could come visit and she generously opened up the cafe especially for me. There I met the famous crime novelist Kim Seong-jong, read a crime novel with a cup of buckwheat tea offset against a book-reading in a foreign language… it was really something else.
Hira Mohibullah will judge the Brand Experience & Activation, Creative eCommerce, Direct, Media and PR categories at the AD STARS 2020 Awards. To enter, submit your work before 15th May via adstars.org.
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rueitae · 5 years
Either canon/ish verse or if putting it in an AU inspires you, whatever works best for you, but what about some good old fashioned torture for poor Lance, with either Pidge or Shiro as secondary protective!character forced to be there? (Romantic Plance optional if its Pidge.) If looking for motivations, maybe they ventured somewhere they shouldn’t have or someone thinks they have something they don’t have...have fun! 😘
Okay :) Roughly 1500 words. Plance.
Read on Ao3
Lance screamed the instant the hot metal rod dug into his bare side.
“Tell me where the comet is,” Hira demanded. She pushed the rod in further, forcing its way between muscle.
Lance gasped for breath. He squeezed his hands into fists, stomach clenching, squirming against the chains and straps that held him firm to the vertical table  - anything to take his mind away from the unbearable heat pressing into and under his skin.
His side cried in pain, his wrists and ankles hurt from desperate tugging, his throat burned in agony for water.
“Stop it!” Pidge’s hysterical voice carried clear over his ragged and increasingly hoarse screams. He could hear her struggling against the guard that held her in place. “We don’t know! We don’t even know what it looks like!” she said. “Please,  please  stop hurting him.”
The pain ceased and Lance slumped in relief, tears flowing freely. His hands remained restrained, unable to wipe the salty liquid away.
“The comet was seized by your doppelgangers from another reality,” Hira said evenly. It’s the first piece of information they’ve been given - why they’ve been kidnapped in the first place.
Another reality? She had to be insane.
“The probability that the two of you are involved with the Guns of Gamora is high,” she continued. Lance’s heartbeat rose. He’d heard of the Guns, but he and Pidge weren’t involved with them at all!
Oh Ancients, Hira was going to torture them both over  nothing . Over a theory about something that doesn’t exist.
“Your calculations are wrong,” Pidge insisted. “We don’t have anything for you. Let us go!”
Lance thought that maybe Hira would listen, that this nightmare would finally be over. He and Pidge could go back to Earth and finish their training at the Galaxy Garrison. Fighter pilot training was becoming more appealing by the minute. Then he  could  join the fight for Earth’s freedom - for the universe’s freedom.
Anyone opposing the Altean Empire and this crazy general was good in his book.
“Perhaps the two of you are telling the truth,” Hira conceded.
Lance let himself relax, head resting heavily on the metal slab.
“Prepare the boy for Non-Cog surgery.”
“No!” Pidge yelled, sharp enough to cut the tension in the room.
Lance eyes shoot open, heart seized with fear. To be alive, but without any sense of self was a horror beyond his wildest imagination. His voice cracked, “but I haven’t done anything!”
“Yet,” Hira says. “All realities have common threads. I will not have you compromising the peace of the universe like your doppelganger.” She turns to the guard. “If human implantation is successful, do it for the girl too.”
Red clouds his vision. Fear for himself was one thing, but for Pidge to be subjected to the Non-Cog… he couldn’t live in a world where her innovation, brilliance, and passion doesn’t exist.
“Don’t you touch her!” he snarled. It came out a whisper, hardly intimidating at all.
His muscles and nerves erupted on fire, painfully aware of the electricity coursing through his body. The feeling of weightlessness overcame him, back arched involuntarily. General Hira was not kidding, Lance thought fleetingly, an attempt to think of anything other than the pain.
The onslaught stopped and cool metal hit his bony shoulder blades, once more resting on the upright table. The room swirled. Lance tried to focus on Pidge but her petite figure twisted and blurred amid the fuzzy foreground.
“Please don’t!” Pidge said, her voice full of sobs.
His head suddenly dropped back past his shoulders, headrest taken away. Lance blinked as an Altean scientist towered over him. The scientist lifted his head and a cool sensation - a liquid of some kind, not quite water more gel-like, thicker  - graced the back of his neck.
A knot twisted in his stomach as his brain caught up with what was going on. They were preparing him for surgery  now . With all of his strength Lance fought against his bindings, hoping that something would give if he just tried hard enough.
It was all he had left for both himself and Pidge.
“I’m a scientist too,” Pidge pleaded. “I’ll do whatever you want, just don’t do this to Lance! He’s not dangerous!”
“I think your resistance is proof enough of your intent,” Hira said cooly. “By implementing the Non-Cog in both of you now, peace will be preserved.”
Pidge exploded. “You’re sick and twisted! Your peace is nothing but a lie!”
Hira tched. “Beings such as yourself will never understand our efforts.” She nodded to the scientist above him.
His heart ached. He’d never enjoy life again, never feel joy or sorrow. Would he even understand what was going on around him? His family -  Pidge .
“I love you,” he managed. It was barely a whisper as the scientist placed a mask over his face. In his last moments of self, he locked his eyes on her’s. He hoped his eyes and lips conveyed the message she  needed  to know.
Pidge sobbed, leaning forward though her arms are pulled back by her guard. “I know,” she confessed. “I’m going to find a way to reverse this,” she promised, voice cracking. “I love you.”
Lance stopped crying. Why? He was  sad .
He moved a finger - and couldn’t feel it.
He was still crying, still clenched in fear - but he couldn’t feel it.
The operation had started. The liquid substance that had been placed on the back of his neck numbed him.
Pidge struggled to escape, calling his name in desperation. Lance couldn’t stop looking at her. Maybe if he could commit everything about her to memory - her sharp hazel eyes, her long auburn hair, her eyebrows furrowed as if they played an intense video game - he’d at least have something nice seared in his brain before it went blank.
He mourned their lost time together. He mourned never feeling a hug from his mother again. Never being able to enjoy life, to experience the thrill of flying. If Pidge shared his fate, he mourned the loss of a genius to the world of science, and a good and loyal daughter and sister to her family.
He just hoped that his shell would never be used to hurt loved ones.
“Stage one commencing,” the scientist said calmly, as he were a mechanic changing a tire.
Life was good while it lasted. He might as well say hello to the afterlife.
…he hadn’t expected the afterlife to respond back, much less have a…  Scandinavian  accent?
The ventilation cover came crashing down in front of him, followed by two figures dressed in black, holding guns at the ready.
“Drop everything Alteans!” the one with - did he have  six arms ? - said. “Your ship is set to explode. You wouldn’t want your precious quintessence stores to be destroyed would you?”
Self Destruct Sequence Activated.   Came the message from the intercom system.   Twenty doboshes until central core meltdown.
Hira growled. “To the bridge!” she ordered. “The quintessence is our first priority! Leave the prisoners.”
Lance’s head fell back again, once again not supported by anything. Hira and her men left the room in a rush, Pidge pushed to the ground, but with  him  and their rescuers.
“Phew,” the taller rescuer says, the one with the accent. “That was a bit of a close call there. Looks like I have to save you in every reality, Lance.”
Lance had no idea what the man was talking about. His attention was preoccupied by Pidge’s lips on his, mask off and thrown to the side, trying to imagine the feeling of her small hands cupping his cheeks tenderly.
“We need to get out of here,” Pidge said as she cuts off the kiss. The six armed man helped her undo his restraints.
“I’ll pay you back for that kiss,” he promised her.
“I expect that and player one privileges on Killbot Phantasm,” she teases. Though the words are lighthearted, Pidge does not smile. They had come so close to losing each other and more forever.
The man with the accent was there to catch him when he fell, free from the bindings. Pidge held his arm tight, keeping him from falling all the way to the ground.
“I can’t feel anything,” he said. “I can’t walk.”
“We’ve got you, Lance. We’ll be back at the Galaxy Garrison in no time,” Pidge assured him.
“The numbing liquid should wear off in three varga,” the six armed man said. He scampered to the door. “Quickly! Our odds of escaping decrease by 2% for every tic we spent chatting!”
The four of them escape through the chaos. Lance decided right then that whatever happened next, he was not going to waste his time with his loved ones and doing the things he enjoyed. He  would   fly a fighter jet, he   would   goof off with his friends, he   would  spend time with his family.
And he  would   spend as much time as he possibly could with Pidge.
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st-just · 6 years
So, as previously mentioned, a world-building thing I semi-seriously work away at when bored is building a fantasy setting with a three-party Cold War. And what’s been puttering around my head recently has been...exemplars? Characters who almost perfectly embody their culture’s ideals of what they should be. So now I’m going to inflict them on all of you!
Academian Hira, Special Adviser to the Secretariat on Irregular Warfare. Called “The Sword of Reason” by her partisans among the Janissary Corps, (something she’s said to find rather embarrassing).
While she holds no committee postings or military commands, this is purely a matter of preference- Hira is easily one of the most influential women in the Commonwealth. Along with being so off-puttingly virtuous the Ideologists semi-officially use her as the standard to judge offending Janissaries against, she easily the most accomplished political technologist on the continent, being directly responsibly for at least twelve (variably bloodless) coups and revolutions in strategically relevant areas. While the Commonwealth frowns on personal propaganda as philosophically retrograde and politically unwise, her secondary role as an extraordinary auditor sent to ‘rectify’ troublesome or corrupt officials has given her something of a folk reputation as well (which her allies in Public Safety have seen little need to repress). Given her very precise Alignment and talent with basic applied metaphysics, it’s only her own personal intervention that’s kept some of the more thoroughly domesticated churches from declaring her a blessed or holy.
Personally, she’s very possibly the only person to take the teachings on dispassion and non-attachment entirely seriously, leaving her untroubled by the fact that friendships are hard to maintain when you consider it unjustifiable to get to the cofeehouse on time instead of making sure every beggar  you pass is properly taken care of. The closest thing she has to friends are political allies and coworkers, who do find that behind the agreeably kind persona there are a lot of truly bleak jokes.
The Exalted Vyas Asraya, Beloved of Glory, Thrice-Hailed, Maestro of Falling Stars, Tyrant of the Ashen Steppe, Artisan of Glass and Wind, Of Silver Tongue and Golden Hand, Great Man of the Republic (and a great many things besides), generally refereed to in dramatized accounts and propaganda as ‘The People’s Prince,’ in deference to his claimed descent from royal spirits or djinn.
Vyas is not the most important man in the Republic-he’s not even the most important once you discount all the old monsters for whom ‘man’ isn’t really a relevant signifier any longer. But he’s close. While Beloved of Glory, he has been reluctant to use her gifts except in the most auspicious circumstances. Instead, he dragged himself from the teeming masses of Quepta through his own arts-and has since been entrusted to raise and lead armies on a score of campaigns, to mint the currency of three full Cities, and a great deal besides. His generosity is legendary, hosting public banquets and festivals wherever he happens to be seemingly every week, employing the finest artists around to glorify his current project or whoever happened to catch his eye. All made possible through a merchant empire that touches three continents and a standing commission to extract tribute from the goblin hives of the steppe for the Republic.
He is a passionate, tempestuous man, his very public affairs and quarrels dramatized almost as soon as they fall off the newsreels (often with his own financial backing). His own genius besides-and the demon does not love him for nothing, and his names aren’t empty boasts-he has a great eye for talent, serving as investor and patron to whatever grand projects consume his lovers and companions (whether the investment or the relationship comes first varies).
Lady Binder Katerine sol Dalme sol Telrin ir Paimon, Heiress to the Viscountcy of Light and Darkness, Countess-Regnant of Tarlow, Grand Celebrant of the Order of the Leaden Mirror, and Royal Councillor by Blood. Called many things in various whispered conversations, but currently styled in court as the Lady of Einwil, a royal rebuke for her role in ‘saving’ the city.
The priest’s first lesson to any schoolchild is simple-”You Are Your Chains.” Normally this is meant metaphorically-about connections and obligations and the folly of fighting your proper place and the divine hierarchy that governs us all. But Katerine is the granddaughter of the Imperial Chamberlain, only three quarters human and born with the privilege of overseeing rather more literal bonds. The Queen-Empress is the Warden of Hell, sure enough, but she has a prudent lack of interest in dealing directly with all its devils. Her Chamberlain, in turn, needed trusted agents for missions far from the capitals-and in true Illyrin fashion, started a dynasty.
Katerine is easily and obviously Duke Paimon’s favoured scion, to the point where he personally intervened to ensure she would inherit her mother’s county over any number of step-sisters (her gratitude cooled somewhat after realizing just how many knightly families she was expected to take a husband from). She, in turn, is the ideal study of filial duty, loyally serving the interests of family, fief, and liege (in precisely that order). A once-in-a-generation ritualist, her aid restoring failed crops and constructing public works is viciously fought over by the highest nobility (even if it’s usually lesser vassals who sign a contract in blood and tears). She prefers providing her yearly service the crown in similar ways-for all that she can field a legion of spirits, she prefers noble estates to campaign tents.
By nature an academic, Katerine prefers to spend her time in one of the three appropriately stocked libraries in the world, conversing with one of the dozen or so people with whom she can have a productive conversation. She devotes the expected amount of time scheming to expand her family’s lands (with predictably greater success than most) and responds to challenges to her house or honour with enough thoroughness that they don’t come up often, but otherwise leaves administration to her favourite husband.
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hirazuki · 9 months
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Model + edits: me Photo credit: tranimaging2
... not sure what to write here, as this isn't cosplay lmao ^^; The water was freezing; there was far too much direct sun even though this was late evening, but we made it work; and I'm very happy with how photogenic this sword is, can't wait to use it for Eöl and Maeglin!
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fireyferal · 2 years
@necrophantasmagoria All Borna wanted was a break from work at times, or at the very least: to be able to do her business in relative peace. But no; whatever higher being(s) that exist have decided that she should be harassed by a literal, walking, fashion disaster of a vampire. It wasn’t just her that was tired of this bullshittery. Ha-Jun and Stavros were also more than a little peeved at the intruder; one threatening to roast the vampire alive while the other wished to give to inflict the creature with contagious diseases as his kind often does. The woman was a plain nuisance, through and through. Still no way she was ever embedding herself in this establishment. “No, I didn’t spot her,” she guessed when the other when she saw him look out the window. “But she had come by a few weeks ago. Did you know the dumb cunt tried to wheedle her way in by giving me flowers? Pink ones at that.” She shuddered; she could never abide the colour pink. “I don’t know what goes on in that thing’s mind; too thick headed to understand not everyone wants to do business with her.”
Huang nodded in response, crossing his arms over his chest. "I mean that type of persistence seems to come from people who don't seem to know how to take no for an answer." God, he hated the thought that Borna was at the very end of that, although he was thankful the vampire wasn't malicious with it. While he knew she could handle her own very well, it wasn't a plesant thought. "Well either way, I am sure everyone here knows she's free game to rag on." At this point, he wouldn't have been surprised if Hira would use the opertunity to make a victim of her riddles. He hadn't yet seen the sphinx use them for malicious purposes. "Ahh.. anyways.." he turned his attention back to Borna. "Do we have a plan for dinner tonight? If not we should make something together." Honestly, he'd mentioned because he was getting hungry as well. That and any excuse to do something together was a good one in his opinion.
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ssj2hindudude · 2 years
2nd Gen Pandavas Pt. 2
Part 1
Age: 10
Gets most of her looks from her mother but definitely has her father’s eyes. She might even be able tap into the Apsara smolder.
Sherlock Holmes outfit...until she got a 30 minute fashion lecture from her Aunt Nikita. So now she sticks with the closest thing by cosplaying as Detective Conan: white shirt, blue jacket, red bow tie, and a black skirt with leggings.
When Abha is visiting her grandmother’s museum, the first thing Krithika does when preparing is to find an archaeological paradox/mystery for her to figure out (Where did the city of Dwarka sink, what exact year did Kali Yuga start, etc.)
Her mom has been trying to get her into Lord of the Rings for years...it still hasn’t worked...Aru considered getting a DNA test but stopped when Abha got into Harry Potter...
Regularly goes on photography field trips with her dad. Most of the time they don't even go to any landmarks. They're content with simple places like parks and nature preserves. One of their favorite models is Aru early in the morning...and they both got grounded for taking pics of her just waking up...
Questions literally everything. Never takes anything at face value. If there is a mystery to be solved, she will find it.
Age: 11
Long hair with a ponytail meant to look like Lara Croft. Brown jacket, black T-shirt, and jeans to mimic Mikasa from Attack on Titan.
Wants to ask her dad to show her how to make her own sound rocks so she can make bullets that give off sonic frequencies...but the glare from her mom tells her it’ll have to wait...
Instead, Rudy just lets her pick from his own rocks. She made a slingshot to test them out and now whenever she needs a distraction, she just launches one. Both she and Rudy got grounded when she used a lullaby to put her math teacher to sleep and leave early. How was she supposed to know the rock would land right where Mini was pulling up?
Game night with her cousins are a constant thing. But since the adults keep looking in, they have to avoid the M-rated games and stick with Splatoons. Everyone is ok with it, though.
BB gets along with all of them, but he likes Priya best because she can sneak in a lot of flammable substances for him to snack on. She’s even fallen asleep with him after grooming his feathers (Nikita gave her a fireproof comb). Also, she has the best control whenever they’re flying.
*Sidenote: the next gen flies on BB to their missions like Dojo from Xiaolin Showdown*
Age: 9
Round glasses, bright eyes, slender frame. T-shirt and shorts that Mini had Nikita enchant to change with his snake form.
Cries a lot and has anxiety. Priya snipes anyone who laughs at him
Likes it when his dad transforms with him and they go on little trips to the forest.
Wants to be a doctor like his mom, but more specifically he wants to work with nagas and naginis. His grades aren’t bad, but he still has to take therapy to work on his social skills.
Eventually learns how to spray venom and depending on what Otherworld substances he eats, they can have different effects (burning, poison, smells, etc.)
Age: 13
Chubby frame, short hair. Anyone who makes fun of her for it will incur her moms’ wrath. Anyone that the parents miss will be taken care of by her cousins.
Likes dresses with belt buckles. Agrees with Aunt Aru’s philosophy that all dresses must have pockets.
Brynne actively tries to be a better mom than her own. She goes out of her way to make sure Ghata knows she and Hira love her.
One time, some kid told her her moms committed a sin and deserve death. That kid ended up face-down in a crater...
Well, that’s all I got for now. Again, let me know what you think! Maybe give me some ideas for other characters or even villains!
Part 3
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themangaguide · 3 years
Which usually method providing
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Just how Humanitarianism Can expand to be a hassle instead of a remedy gokufuri kyohi shite tesaguri sutato tokuka shinai hira nakama to wakarete tabi ni deru teams today appear to be increasing faster than ever earlier than. every motion, problem, social schedule appears to have a variety of different firms, a couple of which are not even arranged well, which back for countless answers, nevertheless on a regular basis reason also greater problems. In concept a humanitarian attempt or organization is expected to clear up or alleviate a social, human problem or problems to make sure that it will certainly have a far better and a lot more well organized society wherein mankind can broaden and develop with greater simplicity. whilst a few social scientists will certainly say that the human ego reasons maximum of our troubles, the truth is that so called selflessness can also intention a variety of our social, country large as well as worldwide emergencies. The aspect that escapes us is that it's miles tough to see in which our narcissism finishes and also where selflessness begins offevolved. In truth, one should certainly say that selfishness and also altruism are interconnecting. One with out the various other will in no chance be just feasible as long as there are individuals worldwide. human beings do from their ego's angle because it is much less complicated to operate along with your protection devices alert in a culture which loaded with various individuals's vanity's points of point of views if you intend to necessarily, once or some other, conflict with our individual. Altruism which usually method providing some point of ours with out expecting anything in return not also the feeling of doing top to others. however can a character clearly relocate up until now as to no more even experience delight whilst they're qualified of assist every various other to the good of their abilities? all of us obtain some point in go back for supporting others or an additional. entire sacrifice does no longer exist after that. despite the fact that a kid is saved by way of a number who after that passes away, the parent has currently not sacrificed some point as a result of the fact they recognized that it 'd be torment to live without their child. read manga online Saving their infant is their benefit, not their sacrifice. it's mosting likely to seem as a sacrifice for the child due to the fact that the child will mature without their parent. Altruistic groups these days do currently not operate from the factor of altruism. optimum of them are in truth in it for the revenue one fashion or every various other. An organisation benefit from numerous contributions, media attention, net marketing, and even government rate of interest and also subventions at times. This isn't to sentence all altruistic corporations, but the fact is they'll perform from the variable of selfishness camouflaged as altruistic program. with out a person in hassle or with out difficulties an enterprise disappears. Ergo, one requires problems which could be long period of time or may be sustained with the years in order for an enterprise to proceed with its negotiations, public member of the family, and also successful charity. much like the ouroboros the firm consumes its very own tail leeching off of troubles that could have also been solved if there sufficed will electricity and principles present. unlike the snake consuming its personal tail, the majority of firms that run in this type of way will certainly collapse on their very own head. it is not so complex then why we see such a great deal of altruistic disaster that are inserted the front of human beings's faces even when the crisis isn't always even near them. growing paranoia, parading misfortune and human vulnerability on all media properties has actually changed into a farce in which one is pressured to see humans deprive, eliminate Know more here : https://bookreadingblog.site123.me/blog/these-acquisitions-are-extremely the  history of
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins Review: Shared Universe Shows Promise
The biggest thing that Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins gets right is the casting of Henry Golding as the titular, iconic masked ninja. Not only is it nice to see the character played by an Asian actor (Snake Eyes has up to this point only been portrayed as a white man), but the Malaysian-English Crazy Rich Asians star does a fine job at kicking the living shit out of countless baddies, as well as giving the up-til-now silent character a voice that fans can get behind. And director Robert Schwentke treats the material seriously while still remembering to have fun along the way.
The movie opens with Snake Eyes as a boy, long before he becomes the wordless warrior fans know and love. He and his dad are on vacation at their family cabin when a group of militarized mercenaries led by a scraggly super-goon captures his father and forces him to literally gamble for his life by rolling a pair of dice. The old man, of course, rolls snake eyes (two ones) and is executed, albeit not before the kid is able to escape. 
Twenty years later, that child is now an underground cage fighter going by the name Snake Eyes as a sort of pledge or reminder to himself that he will one day find his father’s killer and end him in violent fashion. When a shady Yakuza-adjacent figure named Kenta (Takehiro Hira) offers to help him find his father’s killer, Snake Eyes agrees to come work for him. And when Snake Eyes befriends Tommy (Andrew Koji), the heir-apparent the heir-apparent to the Arashikage clan, a wealthy, powerful family in Japan, he gets caught in the middle of a clan war that sees him play both sides to ultimately get revenge on his father’s killer.
Golding does a fine job of remaining likable and sympathetic in spite of Snake Eyes’s incessant lying, which is quite the feat considering just how desperate the character gets in the final act. Both physically and dramatically, Golding is more than up to the task here and proves that he’s got the chops to be a leading man on the big screen for years to come.
He’s also got a great cast backing him up too. Koji is magnetic as the sword-swinging Tommy, who will later become Storm Shadow (the writers do a good job of explaining why the fan favorite character is so duplicitous by nature). Adopted sister Arishakage Akiko (Haruka Abe) is the only family member skeptical enough to sense that Snake Eyes isn’t being 100 percent honest with them, and the friction between them serves the story well. The Raid star Iko Uwais lends a tremendous level of physicality to the action as Arashikage fight guru Hard Master, and Peter Mensah brings a palpable sense of mystery to the proceedings as Blind Master.
Unlike the previous G.I. Joe movies, Snake Eyes takes a more personal, ground-level approach to both the action and storytelling, with a smaller sense of scale that focuses more on character dynamics than bombast, guns, explosions, and hero-posing. There’s also a notable absence of the military aesthetic and milieu the franchise is known for since the 1960s, which may seem like a major departure but actually opens the brand up for a more diverse line of titles going forward.
As for tie-ins to the larger G.I. Joe universe, Baroness (Úrsula Corberó) and Scarlett (Samara Weaving) join the fray in the later acts, seemingly for the sole purpose of providing on-ramps to future titles that expand the story. A Scarlett solo movie seems likely (Weaving falls into the role well and deserves a brighter spotlight in the future), but what’s even more likely is a continuation of the ninja blood brothers’ saga, perhaps in the form of a Storm Shadow movie. If Snake Eyes is any indication, the future of the franchise looks bright.
But being something of a supernatural Yakuza flick, this particular movie is filled to the brim with fight scenes, mostly of the hand-to-hand variety. The combat sequences are choreographed well, and with practitioners like Uwais on-screen, you know you’re going to see some cool-looking stuff. The set pieces are nice (a duel set on top of a moving car carrier trailer later in the film is a highlight, as is a neon-lit mob fight on the streets of Tokyo), though a tussle between Snake Eyes and a trio of gigantic anacondas comes off as just a little hokey in contrast. The shaky-cam is abused often, mostly during intimate fight scenes, but not enough to ruin the mood.
As an action/martial arts movie, Snake Eyes is rock solid. But the story is what pulls you through—getting to know Snake Eyes and his relationship to the other characters, and watching him confront his inner demons is more riveting than it has any right to be. This is the kind of summer movie you’d watch on a whim, or perhaps out of sheer boredom, only to be surprised at how legitimately awesome it is.
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from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3eLYzm4
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