#holy fuck you have a cool discord server
robobarbie · 2 months
Hello hellooooooo! We recently had a banner contest in the discord server, and I wanted to show y'all the awesome entries that didn't win. They're all really cool in their own ways, so I wanted to give them each a lil moment.
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(by @/jestie)
Love the focus on xyx!! He reminds me almost of what I'd think teenage him would look like. Very chill, sporty, and out with friends on a beautiful spring day. The linework in this feels really soft as well -- especially on those hat details. AND THERE'S CAT!! CAT!!!
All other submissions under the cut!
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(by @/hunddenseje)
I like the details in the flowers a lot for this one. The way people draw roses and how they choose those inner patterns is always neat. And the little plants and mushrooms on his shoulders are fun!! They go well with that striped shirt pattern!!!
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(by @/stintsy)
The way this artist circled the boys with that pink rosy pattern will stick in my brain for a while. It's v pretty, and it's like they opened a bush and found us in there for some reason. "Hello! Happy Spring!" Thanks boys please close it back up!!! It's my cry hour in the bush!!!!
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(by @/emmascient)
This person's artstyle is so unique and full of life. The little spots of light coming through the trees just adds to whole thing, too. And I really like seeing fanart of owl with textured hair!!! Also check out xyx's fucking biceps holy fucking sh-
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(by @/.mewo.)
Just a bunch of bros on their lunch break bayBEEEEEEEEEE!!! I like the detail of toast's coat tied around their waist and the fucking anti-societyboy shirt quest is wearing LMFAO. Also cat is ADORABLE in this. God. More cat art. Always need more cat art!!
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(by @/c1nnadoll)
Every time nightowl is drawn in a croptop, two months is added to my life. I just know it's true. God bless that cute ass flower crown and the perfect little peace sign. Man looks so stable and happy. I hope he had a nice day after this picture!!!
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(by @/fluffydeer21)
Toast and Quest look so content and cute with their flowers. And there's another neat rose with a lil interior pattern! Held, of course, by this artist's fave LI. Xyx looks pretty good with gold jewelry, I cannot lie. I have no idea why I made them green in game. LMFAO
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(by @/noneivly)
I like how this feels like a painting. Like those brush strokes and even the palette choice just look like something you'd see hung on a wall? It's really cool. Also the little detail of the chibi picnic boys in the background makes me giggle. Small!!!!! So fucking small!!!
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(by @/kiki_221)
The energy in this is excellent. You can almost hear them laughing together at Toast's expense (deserved I'm sure). I'd like to imagine they're all relaxing at a park after a big lunch. I hope they got to discuss all the good things that happened to them this week.
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(by @/01noxxie10)
Another excellent chillin in the grass pic! Purple actually looks really good on Quest. I don't think I've ever drawn him in that color before? So this image made me think about that a LOT. Also look at fuckin chill ass xyx. Calm beautiful motherfucker. Fuck you!!! Fuck you!!!
There's two more images, but those are the discord banner winner and the one I chose for my twitter! If you want to see those excellent drawings, check out my twitter here or join the discord server here!
Thank you everyone for all the submissions! I treasure them deeply!!
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chompisgay4mrbeast · 2 months
procrastinating so u guys get my hatchetverse hcs!!! (these are going to be a lot of shit i picked up from random posts that i dont remeber the ops of so sorry if u made one of these hcs and i dont credit you i love you sorry) ethan green
probably like 23? 25?
hes actually bi he told me himself
afab he/they boyflux sue me
lex is his first and only gf. he's probably had like one bf before but he loves lex sm more (simp) (malewife to her girlboss basically)
orphan sorry i dont make the rules
his dad left like immedately and his mom passed of old age when he was like 17 idk
hannah is basically his little sister. he'd die 4 her actually.
ted spankoffski
like late 20s early 30s at the most ithink
so painfully thirsty for anyone he has to be pan
amab he/him but doesnt really give a fuck
has never had a partner thats so sad. he makes up for this by constantly acting like everybody wants him. they dont. (exepct for me i love him)
doesnt really have a CRUSH on anyone speific but mark chastity is his fav to tease (sorry im a baby for holy bastard)
him and petes parents love them but theyre kinda like.. oblivious and absent. like theyre always on trips and leaving pete to live w ted
max jagerman
im not gonna list all of the teens' age theyre all 16-18
im assimilating with this one he/she pronouns amab
hes omni he told me himself pref 2 women
everybody wants him he only wants the nerd (hes just like me fr)
he isnt dead shut up shut up sHUT UP HES FINE OKAY
his dad is not good his mom died in childbirth
stephanie lauter
genderqueer. they/she/he in order of pref. also uses xe/xir idc sue me
pan thats cannon she told me xirself
does tiktok dances but really badly on purpose
the biggest simp on earth to her one guy and nobody ese
will fluster the living hell out of pete in public for fun
hates being the mayors daughter, feels alienated bcs of it
pete spankoffski
he/they afab i dont make the rules
bi if you argue youre homophobic (/J)
actually loves his big bro but acts like he doesnt bcsaude is ted hears him looking up ted he'll never hear the end of it
nickname seymour from ruth (bcause lsoh)
richie whateverhislastnameis
afab he/xe/nya/zap he would have so many cool neos. one of those people whos neo list is longer than the bill of rights
gay mlm yes
undertale enjoyer
nge enjoyer
discord mod in an anime server
owns several body pillows
xem and ruth have been friends since pre-k so they know eachother like the back of their hand
ruth whateverherlastnameis
afab she/they
omni large large large pref to girls. likes a few boys sorta
biggest theatre kid ever but sucks at acting and singing (the curse)
got ensemble ONCE and cried at the cast list
fav show is heathers
heather m kin i dont make the rules
grace chastity
afab she/her
liked a girl once and cried for a week str8 abt going 2 hell
i dont have alot of hcs for her but i think she would like fire a large amount
not even arson wise but like
a firebug
i already made my hcs for all the LiBs' true forms so go find those if you want
all the libs dont give a fuc about pronouns call them whatever
i do he/him tho
tinky is really just a 13 yr old girl freaking out abt one specific guy (ted) and making fucked up fanfics with him (time bastard nmt)
the "youngest" of the siblings
boy jerry
i beleive that every character jon plays is related. boy jerry is pauls fucked up brother. which means hes also richies uncle
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homocatphenomena · 2 months
How is it possible for me to be so autistic and miss 90% of social cues, yet so consistently romance repulsed? A slight expression around the eyes or change in the tone of voice is all it takes to make me wanna hurl and have my skin crawling. I stg it triggers adrenaline every time and I feel like I’m on red alert for hours after it happens. And no matter how I explain it to a partner, they almost always inevitably “forget” or decide they must be different, or we’ve been together long enough that SURELY I must have romantic feelings by now. How to explain that I am only really comfortable with physical touch from my cats? Some people I can hug, but even if my mom touches me when I’m not expecting it/we aren’t mutually initiating a touch, even that makes me feel gross. I just don’t want to be touched or looked at by any humans almost ever, and I want romance from NO ONE under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. I can extract oxytocin from my cats thank you very much. I have stuffed animals to hold at night. And I have no need for sex because god invented porn for a reason. What’s wrong with some good old fashioned loyal lifelong friendships. I don’t hate people but I don’t want to pay the blow job tax for the rest of my life just to have a companion that I can share bills with and rely on and hang out with. I don’t want to cuddle, and if you try to gaze into my fucking eyes I might just gouge them out. But I’ll yell at your health insurance company for you and help you write a stern email to HR. I’ll do your taxes and we can travel together and hang out. God why is everyone else so fucking weird. Always making it fucking weird. Bleh!
Even when I explain this upfront, and clearly state that I’m polyamorous and I encourage them to find romance and physical affection from someone else, they never do. They’re like “you’re enough I just don’t want anyone else”. Ok well first off gross. Second, I’m not actually enough. The fake version of me that lives in your head is, but in reality, I am being pressured to regularly go way outside my comfort zone just to keep you minimally happy. And for what? So I can grow to resent you and you can constantly feel lonely and touch starved?
Holy shit please someone just make me the admin of their polycule. I will do all your budgeting and filing and boring shit in exchange for companionship, stability, and loyalty, with the stipulation that you DO NOT TOUCH ME, minimize eye contact, and do NOT make a romantic expression or voice at me. Also I need my own room because I need 5 waking hours per day minimum where I am alone in a room and cannot be seen by other people. I can be in the discord server and hanging out but there has to be a closed door between us. I am not a starter pet. I am perhaps a chameleon or parrot level difficulty polycule member but I really believe there has got to be a niche for me. I mean come on. I have a lot of love in my heart and I’m very loyal and I’m just so frustrated that that keeps getting me in these unbelievably uncomfortable situations. Just because I would carry you up mount doom to deliver the ring into the volcano does NOT mean I want to cuddle afterwards. A “wow thanks man that was really cool of you, I’ll buy you a beer” is enough. Jesus Christ.
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panzershrike-pretz · 6 months
are there any hbowar people in the fandom u find iconic? whether it’s for their ideas, fics, gifs, edits, thoughts? jst anything really? u can list multiple btw!
Oh, hi anon! <3
I do have some, actually. To be very clear, I loves everyone of my friends, especially because of the Kinky Ron Server, but I actually do have a very VERY special spot for some people with whom I had the pleasure to become closer! Mainly, the people that made me actually want to stick around and stay a part of this amazing, amazing community in the first place, so here:
- @coco-bean-1218 - she was actually the first ever person with who I ever spoke on tumblr, I think? I wanted to read some Doc Roe fics and this blessing of a gal appeared to hand me some. If I may really be honest? It was her who made me look more into the BoB fandom and decide to start reading works, which leads us to the next person:
- @malarkgirlypop - Oh. My. God. Thanks to Claire, I started reading and ended up finding Kate's amazing MEDIC! Fanfic and if Clai was the reason I decided to read, Kat was the reason I decided to interact. Seriously, I'll never be able to thank them enough! If it wasn't for both of these gals, I'd never be here because I was a scared little shit. Also funniest person? Ever?? Yeah
- @next-autopsy - ok, if I remember correctly, I found out about Nex just some time after I found Kate and I was immediately in love. REALLY! I think Nex was the person I originally most looked up to, along with Lou. And I believe she still is. Seriously, never have I seen a more talented person? Ever?? I won't ever stop saying this but Made of Glass is the best piece of fanfic I've read in a long while and O wish I could print it out as a book!
- @luckynumber4 - along with Nex, Lou was another person I was most definetely a little gremlin fan of. I don't really know why but I was immediately drawn to her? And she was also one of my first mutuals; I remember the day she followed me I went insane talking about it to my friend like!!! THE celebrity of all time is following me!!!!!!!!! ITS HER!!! Anyway, nowadays we talk on Discord and I ADORE it!! Love u, Lou!!
- @xxluckystrike - I love Blu. She is so talented and kind and JSBDNWJA I love simply talking with her, her whole vibe is amazing. Also Francis is my daughter nd I won't be sharing her. She's my baby and I'll kill for her.
- @land-sh - you. You make me very happy. I love talking with you about our countries culture and having someone to relate with about the latin-american shit >:] and also you are very cool, i love when we talk and vibe kekekekeke
- @whollyjoly - finally, Em. I could NEVER let our cult leader out. Ever. This gremlin of a person here is the fucking reason Me and the Gang (Bottom Text) exists and I could not be more grateful. I LOVE YOU, EM!!! YOUR VIBES ARE INSANE AND YOU KNOW WHAT? GOOD. The Holy One. ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️
(To any mutual os friend I didn't include here, I'm very sorry and i love you too! Have a catfish)
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mihrsuri · 3 months
Some More Fictional Universe Discord Content
Ellie - just a warning that you will probably want to strangle Armada (i had to take five minutes to scream) but she gets smacked down and also I CANNOT EVEN.
i had a name before him/i took it back/but his brand upon me/will never wash away/in the light of the sun and stars/i thought i might be holy moonlight/instead of tainted ground/an eagle collar about my neck.
RestorationistKingsLeftButtock: I DON’T KNOW BUT I HATE IT [one fear dot gif] because Thomas has been associated with the moon so much (Henry’s poetry, Anne’s - the motifs in their possessions) and Norwich’s personal coat of arms is an eagle owl.
TransCrozier: SHIT SHIT SHIT FUCK. FUCK. I am going to go and lay in the DIRT. AND EAT IT. Waiting is unbearable.
RestorationistKingsLeftButtock: Okay the watch party is over in #show-watch - it will contain spoilers, live reactions and memes. And PANICK.
PoppyMcGee: THE OPENING. THE OPENING. SHIT FUCK FUCK. Let me break this down.
the entire scene with john and thomas is horrific just horrific. the threat the menace that bruise he left.
and then thomas ripping off all the sheets and covers on his bed and that part with trying to scrub his skin i just…god that’s awful. James Frain you owe me for emotional damages.
how he knew to cover up the self harm scars and the bruises like WHAT DOES THIS MEAN (we know about his father but the scars are…that’s something else).
Armada: it must have been a really bad breakup like that is some bad blood (sorry for the taylor swift) between them to send thomas into that spiral.
TransCrozier: respectfully this is not ‘a bad breakup’ reaction and that is not someone reacting to a bad breakup related guilt. that is an abuser. Norwich is an abuser/was abusive. The way he so clearly used ‘you ruined any trace of me Antonius - when did you gain the notion that you could so ruin that which I own’ that is not romantic.
Armada: Like, I love you Rhi but no - it’s maybe not the healthiest but they were both younger then - Thomas was still early twenties and you don’t make the best decisions then and he’d come off an abusive childhood in the 16th century, I think what we are seeing is a breakdown about how he regrets how it ended/how he ended it specifically (also side note James is so pretty when he cries!)
RestorationistKingsLeftButtock:……OH SHIT ANNE. ANNE. ANNE.
PoppyMcGee: look i am not an Annewell shipper but the way she absolutely takes care of him - gives him the choice every step of the way! Tells him what she’s doing!
TransCrozier: I am a Triad OTPer as we all know (I just find Cromwich interesting as a multishipper) by now etc and just, THE LOVE. THE LOVE. THE WAY ANNE made sure to ask Thomas what coverings he didn’t want. Also I am soft for bathing scenes.
RestorationistKingsLeftButtock: AGREED RHI. AGREED SO HARD.
Armada: UGH ANNE DO WE HAVE TO SEE HER SO MUCH [Edit: I’m sorry I know the server doesn’t allow character hate but i just don’t like her or Cromannery. Or it’s not that i don’t like her but i don’t like her with Thomas].
Poppy McGee:….yeah i agree with you Essie - I want Anne to be the cool lesbian of my heart that she should be but i do love her taking care of thomas.
Armada: that bit was sweet but yeah, what poppy said. She doesn’t need men and she’s much worse for them! But what’s going on now.
“I was ten years old, my mother not long dead and my father was in need of funds and drink. Lord Norwich, as he was then offered him silver under a disguise so my father would not extort more funds out of him. I came into his household and thought myself landed somewhere better. He branded and bedded me for the first time that same day - I cut it out of me the day I took my chance and fled - five years almost to the day after.”
……I am going to be sick. I am going to be sick.
“I am but a tainted thing - he has been on and in every part of me - I could not speak of the shame, though I should have done - I should have never let you, let either of you think I was worthy of you, Your Majesty. I am so sorry.”
TransCrozier: AMINA YOU ARE SO CORRECT. Queen Anne you perfect glorious woman I am once again AT YOUR FEET.
RestorationistKingsLeftButtock: hi @everyone i checked the history from several reputable sources (see here, here and here) and this is real. the show did not make it up - it’s just a recent discovery. Which i did not know about :(.
TransCrozier: neither did I i went in because RUPERT and then kind of fell into adoration - like obviously we all know triad is endgame because duh, history but i knew nothing else.
PoppyMcGee: I didn’t want to believe it :(. But I checked and it’s true :(. It’s fucking true. Norwich did that and he has no remorse.
RestorationistKingsLeftButtock: also fyi to several people who I’ve had to talk to about this - no ten was very much considered a child in the 16th century. Even fifteen was not ‘fully adult’ as such. This is rape and child sexual abuse and if you spout any more denial about that I will ban you.
TransCrozier: AMINA I AM KISSING YOU ON THE MOUTH. Also the fact that Anne volunteers to tell Henry, reassures Thomas that he won’t be angry just destroyed me all over again. CANNOT WAIT FOR THE POST SHOW CONTENT TO DESTROY ME AGAIN. ALSO HENRY’S REACTION.
Armada: …okay whatever. Sorry for having opinions i guess. can i even just say that even if it is abusive the triad is equally abusive.
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antimony-medusa · 9 months
other anon mentioned you are the exchange expert -- what exchanges/events do you know of that are coming up besides yuletide? looking to try one for the first time :)
Okay so. So. Let's see.
I normally keep up with exchanges through an 18+ discord server for exchanges. (You can DM me for a link, but it's a choose-not-to-warn space, so like, whole exchanges themed around major archive warnings, so reader beware.) I just cruised through to see what's in nominations right now.
Sick-Or-Treat is a hurt/comfort exchange that runs October 1 through November 30th. To participate, you just post a complete hurt-comfort fic to the collection that's named after a pokemon attack, and you can win badges, up to a total of eight badges!
Holy Fuck Exchange is an exchange themed around sexual or romantic relationships that have at least one diety involved! They're in nominations until 23:59 UTC on the 30th, so you have a little time to get your nominations into the tag set.
SEDORETUE EX is an exchange themed around sedoretue relationships, a four-person relationship found in the works of Ursula Le Guin. They've already closed nominations, but sign-ups are open through the 30th, and you can check out the tag set and see if anything catches your eye!
Star Trek Holidays, a fandom-specific exchange that ALMOST counts as multi-fandom cause they have so many sub-fandoms, is in sign-ups until the 1st of october.
We JUST missed the sign-up period for Trick or Treat, a fun low-stress exchange where you can choose to give someone either fluff (treat) or angst (trick) with a minimum of 300 words, so uh, you can keep an eye out for pinch hits I guess? And oh man, I'm scrolling through right now, and when I'm looking at exchanges in the creation stage, there's If I Fits I Fics, which is CAT themed, and Launch The Ship, where you sign up with a ship with no fics on the archive, and Pine4Pine, which is an exchange about yearning— so many cool themes out there. If you want to know what's going on, checking Fandom Calendar is a fun way to keep up with all the various events that are happening, including single-fandom exchanges. (I post there for my multi-fandom exchanges).
Season of Drabbles, an exchange for 100-word fics, opens nominations on the 1st of October.
Consent Issues exchange, an exchange (does what it says on the tin), focusing on dubcon and noncon tropes, has nominations running through October 10th through 19th.
Looking back over last year on fandom calendar, it looks like None English exchange, an exchange focused on works in any language other than english, opened up nominations starting in November last year.
FandomTrees is a fun holiday gifting fest where people sign up with fandoms, prompts, and DNWs, and then all the creators get to shop amid all the prompts for people they want to create for, sign-ups are going to start in November.
Femslash Kink Meme is a kink meme that kicks off in November, for f/f relationships. People sign up with prompts— a relationship and a kink— and then it's considered good manners to try and fill someone else's prompt for every request you put out! It doesn't have to be something long, just a scene that can fit in a comment! (I haven't done a kink meme myself before, so that's just what I picked up by reading their dreamwidth.)
Yuletide is Yuletide, a lot of exchanges don't run in this space cause like the WHOLE space is participating in that one.
I know that last year Bulletproof Exchange did nominations starting in December, with signups on the 29th. The whole idea for that exchange is that there are tropes or kinks or prompts that you like SO MUCH that you don't even care who's in it, so you match exclusively on prompt tags, and then someone else will write you arranged marriage, or gun play, or coffee shop au, or borrowers au, or whatever else is your Bulletproof Prompt, using their blorbos. I'm eyeing that one myself, I'm not gonna lie.
okay that's— a lot. Hopefully that answers your question and there's something there that's good for you!
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redjaybathood · 8 months
1, 5, 7, 8, 4, 11 and 15 for the problematique ships??
oh wow, that's a lot! thank you!
1) what is your favorite “problematic” ship?
Brujay. It is very interesting to get their canon mutual weirdness - their relationship is a mess, it's not healthy - and bring it up to 11. Both because it's like magnifying what's already there, to make it easier to drive things home: none of them is okay and they should, in fact, stay away from each other despite the fact it wouldn't be that hard not just to reconcile but also to respect each other and be deserving of said respect.
It's also curious to me that a lot of Bruce's fan ships are actually... have similar vibes to brujay, minus the "I was his father for 3 years or so" factor. BatCat - I can write an essay about similarities between Jason and Catwoman, and Jason actually feels jealous and replaced by her, at some point in his Robin era. BruTalia, BruHarvey, GhostBat. Especially the GhostBat. It's literally brujay without the incest. Whereas Jason's ships are the opposite. Like, Sladejay comes close but no cigar.
5) a ship you like but can’t find content for because it’s a fanpol fave?
I am like Jaytemis but not enough to go looking. I actually blocked a lot of jaytemis fans because they were dicks in tag. and on some discord server, don't remember details.
7) what kind of “problematic” tropes you like to put your ships through?
Sex while willingly or unwillingly mentally impaired, such as by alcohol (taken willingly), drugs (taken unwillingly), interdimensional demon possession, and having heat while also having a traumatic brain injury. There's also having sex not because you want but for reasons. Proving a point. Trying to manipulate. Things like that.
I think I have about... two fics where a character has sex because they want to have sex, and it ends badly in the second one.
Basically the moral of my stories:
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In one of them, it was quite literal.
8) a character you think did nothing wrong but fandom demonizes?
Damian, easy. I find it irritating especially when he's used as Tim's foil. The little guy was brainwashed, and he still is dealing with the consequences of this trauma and his upbringing overall. It takes years to unpack it.
Talia - just leave her alone. "She traumatized Damian" - the authors did that. She was just a tool, and she was character-assassinated in the process. I mean, it is a bit wrong of her to be, like, in charge of an international murder organization but, we all know what the grip fandom has with her is not about that.
4) a ship you think is fairly healthy and unproblematic but the fandom has decided to hate?
JayRoy and joyfire holy shit. I know it stems, in part, from the hatred to New52 overall and Lobdell's RHatO in particular, and I hear them even if I don't care that much (I see jayroy potential even before New52, and after). But "stealing friends from Dick", "age difference", what the fuck else there was - just no. As long as Jason deals with his commitment issues and self-hatred, this is the healthiest relationship he has ever had with the exception of Artemis and Bizarro.
11) is there a fandom that ever made you think “how are there antis in this fandom, why are they even into this”?
Hannibal, Good Omens, and Sandman, to name a few. Curious that they think that if the creator has public acknowledgment it means that suddenly he's not proship anymore. Or if he is, that's okay, we won't be principled and leave/not join the fandom but rather go bully the proshippers who do not have money and fame.
Oh, and Game of Thrones/House of Dragons - while I don't know if Martin is proship, the subject matter he deals with is no more taboo than what fandom does. "I watch dragon incest show for the dragons, y'all weird" no it's you who's weird, you literally watching a show about incest and complaining about incest. "it's not glorified in canon" That's cute, you sure it is in fics? you read them? you read incest fics? Like, come on.
15) something cool about the last thing you watched/read/listened to!
Last thing I listened to was this youtube comics podcast: Grandpas reading comics (eng subs are only auto-translated so bear with it)
It's about Ukrainian comics, The Will, and as a person who has two issues of this comic book and no idea of what's going on, I was glad to find out this video exist. I did not finish watching it yet tho - so I still have no idea what's going on - I will keep you guys posted. After I buy the issue 3, maybe.
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ghost-the-silly · 5 months
Ghost Intro, what
Name: Ghost_Bean/Ghost
Age: Minor. I don't want any creepy people following or interacting w/ me, get out
Pronouns: They/them
Interests (In order of how much I focus on them): Murder Drones (current obsession, as you can probably tell...), Splatoon (not very educated on lore sadly...), Wings of Fire (wof discord servers), Nevermore (Webtoon), She-Ra, The Owl House, Steven Universe, Amphibia, KIPO
Uhh... There's probably more but whatever
Hobbies: Drawing traditional art, wondering if I'm doing the right thing on Tumblr, not getting enough sleep, reblogging Tumblr posts at 2 am, finding more Murder Drones blogs to follow, sleeping... Huh, ironic
What I Do: I reblog and like posts from my favorite blogs! I basically just lurk around, throwing love at people's art and posts. I hope that I can help people find cool blogs to follow :]
DNI: LGBTQ+ phobic, TERF, MAP, Zoo, etc, Proshipper. Don't be a bad person. That's all I fucking ask. Have common sense
Fun facts/Trivia/Whatever you wanna call this:
- I'm in a lot of WoF Army servers, so feel free to ask me about them!
- I draw traditional art of wof ocs, but I'm also trying to figure out digital art! I also dream of being able to draw Drones one day, but anatomy is... a struggle 😭 (feel free to send me tips/guides btw!!!)
- My favorite MD characters and ships are: Doll, Cyn, Lizzy, and Yeva (top 4 char.) | Ships: Dizzy (Doll/Lizzy), RussianDuet (Yeva/Yeva's Husband ((does he have a name??)), Oilrose (J/V), Juzi (J/Uzi), and some others that I literally can't remember because brain no work
- I don't have any strong opinion or preference on ships when it comes to some characters like Uzi, V, J, N, etc as long as it's not problematic. I like seeing other people's ideas and headcanons, either about the characters or ships! I also like Butler N and Maid V, they would be so silly together fr
HOWEVER, I do NOT ship N/Cyn, I see them as siblings. Please, for the love of God..
- I may stop being active on Tumblr for a while at times, but don't worry, I'll be back eventually! [Update: Tumblr takes up ~69% of my screentime so... If I'm gone, assume I'm somewhere without wifi or just trying to save my battery]
- I swear. Just- I swear. I try to keep it to a minimum tho dw... Shit- (haha whoops). Ok but tbf MD has gotten me to say things like "Holy hell!" more often lol
- I like the color periwinkle!! I also like any color from teal to dark purple, and sage green on the side
- Uh... I also don't exactly know my way around Tumblr. Like... Can I reblog something without tags? Does it show if I accidentally un-liked then re-liked a post?? How does tagging work??? Just general stuff too, cause I mostly/only like and reblog cool things
- I'm an English speaker only :/ (but Google translate, my beloved <3)
- I use tone tags a lot! It helps me get my message across correctly, and I hope it helps others understand what I'm trying to say!/gen
- I say things like Dawg, Fr, On god, Silly, Goober, and other things like that quite often, so apologies if it gets annoying/gen
- My timezone is CST! 'Murica !!! 🔥🦅🇺🇲 (Get me out of here)
- Murder Drones is so cool, what, I can't see colors correctly anymore, help me (/pos, MD brings me joy)
- I don't do actual posts often so don't expect that much actual Ghost Content
- guh.
- I love yuri. I need yuri. I wake up, yuri. I go to sleep, yuri. Always yuri. Robot yuri? Yes please. I wrote an essay on why I love Doomed/Toxic Yuri because yuri
- Other socials: ghost_bean on Discord, JustARandomGayPerson on toyhou.se
That's it! Feel free to ask me anything (as long as it's not NSFW, political, hateful, etc), or let me know if I might've forgotten something! I'd love to answer any questions you might have, and I want to get to know Tumblr's silly and amazing community!
Have a great rest of your day/night, and may your favorite show get another season and an (actually good) movie
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tacroyy · 5 months
personal year in review 2023
warnings for mentions of animal death, education conditions, child abuse, self harm, suicidal ideation, school shootings, weight, fertility and pregnancy
current number of minutes until 2024 where i live: 20
discworld books read: 32/41
new friends made and old friends remade bc of discworld and tumblr and discord: so many and holy shit yall are all so fucking cool!!!!!!!
estimate of words written because i am not about to go count: 200k
pieces published/updated on ao3: 12
number of podcasts made of my work: 1!!!
number of times reading one particular discworld piece on ao3 (yes, the author has been informed): 35
discord servers joined: 7
discord servers created: 2
pk proxies set up: 5
number of dogs currently asleep on some part of me: 3
cats lost: 1. miss you so, so much, sweet pea.
cats gained: 1. hes so wonderful.
chickens lost: 1. she sure led a good life.
chickens gained: 2. however,
chickens given away because they turned out to be roosters: 1. thus,
net chicken gain: 0
days worked: 179
days on strike: 14
highest temperature in classroom: 93°F
lowest temperature in classroom: 56°F
largest number of students enrolled in one class: 37
length of contractual work day: 7 hours, 45 minutes
amount of protected preparation and planning time per contractual work day: 50 minutes
times called dhs: 4
self-harm & suicidal ideation screenings done for work: 23
risk of externalized violence screenings done for work: 6
lockdown drills: 2
cpr and first aid certifications received: 1
number of times i have activated an emergency medical response protocol at work: 2
estimate of ieps and 504s attended: ~30
estimate of hours of unpaid work done in 2023: ~100
estimate of individual children enrolled in my classes for all of 2023: ~300
estimate of children i have been so incredibly lucky to work with: ~300
piercings gotten: 1
piercings redone bc they had grown over a bit: 3
number of times tested positive for covid: 1
highest fever (with said covid): 103.1°F
estimated number of migraines had: 20-25
weight lost/gained: no idea for the first year ever!
number of people asked to donate sperm to myself and my wife: 1
contracts signed: 1
times handling semen: 3
times transporting a cup of semen up a flight of stairs and trying so incredibly hard not to trip holy shit: 1
times transporting semen by vehicle from one location to another with lube applicator filled w semen tucked under boob to keep warm: 2
times performing home insemination on wife: 3
number of pregnancies resulting: 1
current length of fetus: ~5 inches
current age of fetus: 108 days
current level of excitement about this: infinite
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pixiecaps · 1 year
thank you SO much for your liveblogs and explanations of everything, ive been out all day and they are such a huge help!! like, gosh, despite the fucking mortal stress the eggs being attacked makes me feel 😭 (bobby D':) HOLY shit the literal CREEPINESS and amazing mysteries that have been going on lately with the binary entity and the theory bros and cucurucho is so Fucking COOL!!!!!! i absolutely love this server man!!
yeah of course!! i love archiving and recording information. ive done it for so many other fandoms and my own interests. (i have a whole personal private discord server i use to archive various fandom things)
i love the qsmp and the general eeriness of the lore so im not surprised ive fallen in love with the server!!:D its no problem i enjoy making all those posts. especially considering the smp brings in a huge audience with varying timezones i want to ensure all the lore, at least from the streamers pov i watch, is recorded so that anyone from any timezone who might not be awake or even people who are super busy irl!! with whatever can look back at and not feel behind on lore ! it makes me happy you appreciate it as it’s something i really love doing:)
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six-demon-bag · 1 year
just read miss america and im too shy to comment on ao3 bc idk how to do it anonymously so pls have this instead
1) i fucking love how prolific u are holy shit like yaasss king/queen/royalty figure, please relentlessly pelt me with fics...ratatata me with ur machine gun lookin ass (very affectionate)
2) no for real im obsessed how do u write so fast, it's like ur drip-feeding me with fic and im flourishing (thank you sm)
3) im the same anon who was binging the other day and said night-night baby and man u seem cool as hell and i wanna talk to u in the wb discord but don't want to be perceived in big servers so i just lurk like a weirdo but i support u sm *insert kris jenner ur doing great sweetie meme here*
4) onto the actual fic comments (yes i needed 3 prior list items before i got to this), i enjoyed it sm. it was hot and funny LOL. i adore when soldat is just a horny puppy. and zemo, omfg. maybe the real treasure is the milking machine we become along the way, is what i was thinking as your fic ended and it was hilarious
5) i haven't read through all your stuff yet but i was wondering how you felt about AUs? like in settings unrelated to marvel at all but still WB. just curious!
aww thanks im glad you enjoyed that one too! such a fun prompt. love to eat peoples prompts. my fics are unlocked so idk if you can comment as a guest, but here works fine too (no pressure!)
i do not control the speed at which lobsters die fics happen to me 😌
the secret formula:
New Hobby Obsession Phase + way too much time on my hands = fic explosion
plus people dropping prompts and ideas into my brain. eventually fics fall out. plus whatever chaos exists in my head already. thats between god and the devil, i have nothing to do with it
servers can be intimidating!! you can always dm me if you want or continue anon lurking, i get it 💜
i dont have any full AUs posted, they’re all canon divergence at most. it takes a lot to reel me in on a full fledged AU, though of course i have 3 lurking in my wip (“wip”) files. who knows if they’ll ever happen tbh
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stopscammingartists · 10 months
(This went on longer than I thought please forgive me for making you read so much junk)
Here's something that's always been burning in my mind ever since seeing all the bullshit Glip and their collection of goons have done to people: How the fuck do they even get new members nowadays?
I know the answer is "Through the comic itself and the chance to have your own OCs be part of it" but why would anyone want to take part in such a erratic low quality piece of fiction? The story is a completely jumbled mess, most of the characters that get the spotlight are either just Glip self inserting into their new Sona of the week or someone else's OC used as a punching bag, and especially the severe degradation of the comic's art that went from a pretty cool cartoonish almost psychedelic aesthetic into middle school computer lab edgy MS Paint tier trash??? (It's been a while since I've seen any new stuff by Glip; last things I remember were those bdsm vent pieces and the covers for VNs actually looking similar to the stuff they made more of back then)
I can understand the poor people that have been suckered into liking Glip's bullshit ever since PMD-E, but what about Floraverse NOW is bringing people into it? Is it just people from the Discord just inviting their friends in? No way in hell can I believe that it's because they found the comic itself out of nowhere!
After attempting to read that shit a few times all it did was just keep me so fucking confused about everything, and then after seeing the art downgrade I can't even see anyone say "Well yeah the story's kinda trash but at least the art is cool!" It's all just this big burning pyre of shitty scribbles that just wants to scream at the OCs of people that dare insult the Golden Dogfucker Glip and their revolving motley crew of degenerate assets!
Ugh I'm so sorry for this being more of a rambling rant than just an ask, but holy shit man it boggles my mind still that this shitsmear of a comic can get anyone's attention nowadays that isn't related to the cult drama madness.
The Eastar server has people who joined hidden and you need to have a filled out character sheet so I'll only be looking at Owel for this exercise.
In Owel, 4 people have joined and introduced themselves in the past week.
An alt account of Iz, the wannabe rapist
A 19 year old who joined from the latest VN
A 21 year old who just started reading the comic and loves Andre
A writer who was working on a floraverse story
We can disregard the alt of the wannabe rapist. Person 3 joined because they started reading at the start of the comic. Which, makes some form of sense as the comics earlier material doesn't require knowledge on drama to understand and the art then was serviceable. Person 4 has already left or was kicked from the server (lol). Person 2....you got me, no clue why any of the latest VNs would attract someone.
Needless to say, 3 people joining a week isn't much and as person 4 shows, a person joining doesn't necessarily mean they will be staying. I would hazard a guess that more people end up like person 4 or end up just lurking then full on joining. Which is a good thing.
I checked back in April and there was about 450ish people in both servers. This remains true now in August.
I do think that, generally speaking, they aren't really gaining the dedicated sort of people.
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peaterookie · 2 years
Lupin III Chapter 39 Review
I had this thing going on in a discord server where I would try to cover every single lupin manga chapter every day (sometimes i take breaks)
It wasn't until now that i realized that it would be funny if i posted these on tumblr so here we go :) I'm too lazy to post all 38 chapters since who the hell would do that but if there's demand then sure
beware i am not normal this isn't a formal review by any standards
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but lets get on with the chapter WOOOOOOO kid lupin is going to FUCK UP SOME SHIT!!! in this chapter he manages to fake his own disappearance to transport 7.2 billion dollars out of the city thats insane if you ask me
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sorry to use the crusty english print but im not gonna translate one piece of text he enters the car of his subordinate and they drive back to his mansion, in which lupin decides to not work with the man anymore since hes too boring for him
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Panel 1: "What's this?" "Your reward, ten thousand dollars." Panel 2: "You're done with me?" "Quite." Panel 3: "I told you when I met you..." Panel 4: "If you want to work for me, don't ask me questions." "Right.." honestly what a boyboss he was forced to be a crime employer at the ripe age of 15 then the dude gets sick of his attitude and decides to attack him!! he threatens lupin that hell call the cops about his status but lupin kills him!!
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he is speaking facts dead men indeed dont talk meanwhile the police is like WHERE THE FUCK IS LUPIN then this lady is like we should save lupin since hes worth 7.2 billion dollar (holy shit thats a lot) then they're like ....stfu i wonder how much he is worth as an adult at this point it'd be funny if it decreased kid lupin does look more menacing than older lupin the woman then has a plan to capture lupin since shes also works for him as a ploy, she decides to drive lupin out of the mansion and try to find the 7.2 billion along with capturing him lupin finds out immediately but he still gets captured by the police who was following the lady honestly skill issue if you ask me
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also this lady's boobs are astronomically big in this panel holy crap
also about the skill issue sorry i take it back lupin you're pretty cool
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nevermind he is skill issue i bring back my previous statement
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why does this keep happening anyways the police is like WHERE THE FUCK IS THE MONEY!?!?!? lupin points to the woman surprisingly and says that he slipped the map to the money in her the police end up undressing the woman (average cop behavior) and while theyre distracted lupin prepares this machine gun mcgee lookin' thing idk what it is sorry i may know i lot about lupin but i dont know a lot about guns
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also that shot looks BADASS why is kid lupin so cool in addition these cops fucking suck dont they know that in the manga when lupin says something is somewhere he is indeed lying??? they should catch up more on my reviews then lupin reveals that the 7.2 billion is in this truck the ENTIRE TIME (it is filled with rocks as a trick)
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you can actually see the truck somewhere in the earlier panels
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i have a funny idea that monkey punch just smacked that truck in that panel which was previously empty to show like yeah im so smart see foreshadow mmm big brain anyways lupin drives???? the truck???????????? DOES HE HAVE A LICENSE????????????????? the answer is no. its always no. lupin gets away with the money, and the cops are tied up i guess? i dont think i get how that happened but it happened
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And that's the end!
One day thing though i couldnt mention this in the middle of the review but i find the detective guy interesting
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considering this was way before zenigata became lupin's archnemesis i wish this guy got more backstory n such bro had to deal with kid lupin back then thats a big deal!!! how did he get that job!!! was he the og zenigata before zenigata???????????? and it would be kinda cool if this guy ended up being zenigata's mentor or something idk just a fruit for thought i lowkey want more about him in lupin zero now, along with the maid in ch.38 and arsene lupin anyways next chapter is going to be HUGE IM SO EXCITED YOU WILL SEE WHY TOMORROW GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH
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chaoslynx · 2 years
i wrote an entire novel draft in under a week
Hey! For those of you who aren't in my Discord server or following me on my author TikTok, here's what I've been up to! Yeah. Yeah. I actually wrote an entire first draft of an original novel in six days.
Some notes on this experience:
holy fucking heck. jesus heck. fucking christ. god damn motherfucking hell.
I'm tired!
Don't do this, y'all. For one thing, yeah, I'm tired, but also editing this is going to be hell and a half.
I'm generally more of a quality over quantity person. I don't write every day normally. Some days are 3000 word days, and I have a LOT of zero word days. This was very different for me.
I've only had a few days above 10,000 words written before this. This past week, I had two days above 10k, and one of which was 17k.
Please don't write 17,000 words in a day, y'all. Don't fucking do this to yourself. Jesus Fucking Goddamn Hell. Don't do this.
So I wasn't actually planning to write a novel in a week. But after the 17k day, I kinda just went "... but I could." And at that point it was too late. I was gonna go for it.
I'd like to add that I currently have a full time job and freelancing on top of writing and drawing, and that this novel wasn't the only project I was working on during this week. I was also working on some oneshots and the model AU and a different novel as well.
Holy hell. Don't do this. I'm serious. This was not worth it.
Like, it's cool that I'll be able to say that I did it, but honestly I don't know if I'll ever even publish this novel, because it's gonna take SO much work to get it to a point where I can because of how rough this draft is. First drafts are meant to be rough, sure, but also like. Oh my god.
NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is totally doable and can be fun! It's not for everyone, and you're gonna need to do a ton of revision to get your draft to a place that's decent, but it's a good challenge.
ChaNoWriWe (Chaos's Novel Writing Week) is just ... okay honesty I don't regret this, but fucking hell. I'm afraid to even look at this draft anymore. Also the post-project blehhhh feeling is hitting hard.
Anyway! I did it. Remind me to not do this in the future. Fuck.
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zhindian · 1 year
I wasn’t really sure about creating my Judgment Day discord server, even though I want to enjoy Dom Dom in peace. Mostly due to anxious little worries, like maybe I won’t get enough participation.
But then this shit happened:
So I thought I found a reasonable newly established server to discuss wrestling. I was doing some light participation, mostly chatting about Smackdown (and I totally called Hit Rows heel turn. Yeah lol)
Then the discussion shifts to Royal Rumble winners and how they wanted either Naomi or Liv to win. I’m like cool, I’m ride or die for Naomi and I would want something like that for her. Then it shifts onto Rhea, and about how Rhea shouldn’t win it.
And holy fuck did the hating begin.
There were some gross accusations I don’t even want to mention about Rhea fans, talking shit about them. How they’re glad Liv isn’t teaming with her anymore, and crap like that. Then Dominik gets dragged into it and the hating begins again, with all the usual crap said about him.
In my mature age I don’t really give a fuck about what people think about who I like as wrestling fan. And if the hating hadn’t been such a damn cascade I probably would have interjected. But man, once again it just sucks to see discussion shift to shit like this. It’s not dislike. I get it if they don’t like Rhea, Dom, and the whole mami of thing. Really I do. Different strokes for different folks. But the hating on them was something else. Like damn, what did they do to you? And I get why people wouldn’t participate more. Why put yourself through a bunch of hate just to dare defend a fav of yours?
Now, I don’t care if inn the only one on my server because of that shit. If someone wants to be in a place that where you can actually like someone ne not feel you have to be on the defensive, I gotcha.
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acorrespondence · 2 years
ac, this is my first time talking to you (have to say i was slightly confused as to why a justified blog was following me, who could arguably be called a saw blog at this point, but i said eh why not i like justified, and followed back, which, i'm so grateful for now cause you've got such great insights!!!!!!) but what this was suppose to be about was your tags on the holy ghost art. same hat. us ex-catholics who got fucked up by said catholicism but still like how hard they went off with the aesthetics... we seem to find each other lmao
Hi! I’ve only been on here for like. A week and a half? And my dash was pretty bare when I was only following my friends from the justified discord server. So I went through the tags on a few justified posts and loled at your “ah yes the best worst Marshal in Harlan county” tag on some Raylan gifset, so I checked out your blog and saw that you reblog a lot of cool stuff! I’m glad that my insane justified tags have been entertaining/interesting in return!
Oh, we are two spider-men pointing. Catholic aesthetics are amazing, so it’s too bad the religion is Like That. Since I got this bizarre mix of Roman and Irish Catholicism on one side and South American Catholicism on the other, there’s also this whole other layer of really gorgeous art/architecture/symbolism/etc. that I grew up with and still appreciate so much even though I’m not religious anymore. But of course that also makes the exploitative/imperialistic aspect of the religion more immediate for me than it might be for others whose regions were “Catholicized” a lot further in the past. But then also when I contrast the Roman and Irish Catholicism with the South American Catholicism, it’s also so easy to see that the ways in which that side of my family practices and their beliefs were influenced by the culture that was there before, and how some of that is preserved within their faith today. It’s definitely an interesting conundrum. And this is definitely more information than you were looking for 😂 But thanks for sending this ask, good to know I have a fellow occupant in the trenches lol.
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