thefarrons · 7 years
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Clothes switch anyone? 😍
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thegrudgeytonberry · 7 years
Lightning Returns Re-Translation Mod
Our contribution to Hoperaiweek2017 - a little preview of our work on re-translating Lightning Returns. Thanks to @kyodoko and @tensai-shoujo for translation work. If you can translate and are interested in helping, please contact me, we can always use more help.
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Because you’re here
Well... better late than never, right? Again? 
“I know I said you could stay over whenever you want, but…” Lightning scratched the back of her head, hesitating for a moment. “Hope, my couch is pretty damn uncomfortable. Why do you keep coming here?”
Hope shrugged. “Your place is closer to work. Saves time.”
He grabbed a blanket and a pillow from her closet and placed them on the couch before lying down. He’d already changed into a tank top and his sleeping sweatpants, taken from the drawer in her bureau that had somehow become his. His button-down shirt and slacks lay neatly folded on the small ironing board squeezed in between the closet and the bureau. If it weren’t for him and his damn shirts, she wouldn’t even have owned an ironing board. Things were getting out of hand.
“Hope. Come on. Cut the crap.” She crossed her arms. “Is there something wrong with your apartment?”
“You’re not there.”
Lightning blinked. She wasn’t sure what she’d expected him to answer, but that definitely wasn’t it. “What?”
“That’s what’s wrong with my apartment. You’re not there.” He gave her a smile, kind but with a hint of sharpness in it—a smile she usually interpreted as I’m exhausted, you’re silly, and I’m way too done with everything to sugarcoat things for your convenience.
“So you’re staying here, because…”
“Because you’re here.” He draped the blanket over himself and closed his eyes. “Less nightmares. More sleep. Good for work.”
“Good for work. Of course.” She paused, unsure what to say. “Well… goodnight, then.”
His lips twitched. “Goodnight.”
A part of her wanted to tell him about the way his presence improved her sleep, too. Another part of her wanted to tell him just how terrifying she found that fact. A third part wanted to tell him to stay away before things got seriously complicated. A fourth part wanted to tell him to just get up from the uncomfortable couch and share the bed with her.
Lightning turned off the light and went to bed without telling him anything at all.  
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starrylionking · 7 years
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Hoperai week, Day 7 Theme: Because you are here …………Before I regret, let me post this shoddy work. Drawing is so hard! I can not recreate my imagine scene at all… Well, just imagine that when Hope is facing a new challage, he need to go on, and he remind himself that Light will be with him. Thank you for everyone who joined the activity, I am so satisfy, because of you guys' amazing works.
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comeonlight · 7 years
Hoperai Week, Day 7: Because You’re Here
Some garbage for the final day~~
Hope woke up in a sweat, his eyes wide and his fingers trembling. For a moment, he wasn’t sure what was going on. He looked around but could hardly see anything in the darkness. Where was he? What was happening? He was about to panic, but then he remembered. He remembered everything, and his rapid breathing gradually slowed. A familiar voice startled him, and then the calming effect set in. “You too?” Lightning sometimes woke up from nightmares as well. And even if Hope was the only one to have a not-so-sweet dream, his involuntary movements and occasional murmurs would wake Lightning, usually before he himself regained consciousness.
“Sorry,” Hope said. Lightning rolled over, facing him and squinting in order to make out his expression. “Tch. Don’t make that face.” She smiled slightly, attempting to wipe the frown from Hope’s face. It didn’t work. “Hey, Hope, are you scared?” Her hand  rose to Hope’s cheek, gently cupping it. “I’ll tell you something,” Lightning continued. “I’m not scared. Not at all. Do you know why?” Gradually, Hope’s frown eased. He brought his hand over Lightning’s, confirming that her words were in fact helping. “Not scared,” he echoed drowsily. “Because you’re here.” Hope’s lips formed a small smile, and he closed his eyes.
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cielleonette · 7 years
Hoperaiweek 2017 Day 3: Jealousy
A/N: sorry if the story seems short and ridiculous and weird, I have classes today but at I managed to post this. So without further ado, enjoy ;) ____________________________________ "Me? Jealous? Pftt no fucking way Estheim" she walk in quick pace as her boots made heavy  footsteps. She was trying to run away from him. It was already bad enough of the situation to begin for. It all started last week when a few envelopes were sent to their home. Hope have move in to Lightning's studio apartment few months ago after being in a relationship for almost a year now. They want to take one step forward and that is to stay under the same roof together. Back to the envelopes, almost all of them were from secret admirers. And Hope's to be exact. She knows that many people adore him for his kindness and good looking figure. Especially women. And she hid those somewhere where he can't find them in the house. Not until he found out few days ago when he was searching for his stuff. "Hey Light, why do I never know about these letters? All of these were sent to me..." he schemed through the envelopes, noticing that all of them had been opened roughly, maybe torned up would be best to describe it. "Hn..." she stirred her drink. She was just finished making green tea at the kitchen counter for the two of them until he was circling his arms around her waist, snuggling against the crook of her neck. "Why did you hide them from me?" He whispered against her right ear, nibbled the earlobe. "Does it matter if I hid them from you?" She tried to sound calm. Since she was trapped between him and the counter, she could punch him for her way out but hold the thought back since he didn't overly pleaded her for answers. He stepped back, giving her some space. She turned around facing him and relaxed her body against the counter, crossing her arms. "Say Light, are you jealous?" His lips curled into a devilish smirk. Somehow he had figured out the reason she hid them and she already saw that coming, if not sooner or later. "Me? Jealous? Pftt no fucking way Estheim" And that's how it all started. ____________________________________ "So she is jealous..." he murmured to himself. He didn't bother to chase her, since he know that it's better to let her have some own time than for him chasing behind her and making things worse. He had experience it a few times, and it did not end well. He had receive a few jabs and punches,.. He took a mug that she gave him as birthday gift and took a sip of the drink after pouring in the tea she just made. He didn't thought that she would be that type of a person to be easily jealous over these small things, since they are already in a relationship. But somehow it warmed his heart to know that she really did care and love him under all those stoic expressions she made. It was always a hard case for him to read her mind and to know and understand what she really wants. He sat on the couch, just waiting her to be back fully in one piece. Hopefully she didn't break any law by trying to kill someone just because of this. She's easily distracted when she's mad.... Maybe he should have rather to chased her back then than not to... ____________________________________ "Dammit Fang, stop making it sounds soo fucked up right now!" Why did she even think to come here in the first place? It was stupid to be jealous. Lightning knows how much he loved her, why to even be bothered by those stupid letters? "Oh, sunshine... tell me straight to my face that you're not even the tiniest bit jealous because of that?" Fang was super annoying and irritating on her nerves right now. How come she even willing to even tell her? She had been drinking, well just a bottle of beer, okay maybe more than that.... "Yes..." Fang could only shake her head. "It's not wrong to be jealous. It's in human's nature and yours too Light... If I were in his place, I wouldn't mind it at all, yet feel happy to know that you even cared over such small things..." "Huh? What does it mean by that, Fang? You make it sound confusing..." "You never know about that? He always worried whether you even loved him back or not..." "Why would he be worried? Of course I love him..." she sheepishly replied, her face flushed shades of pink. "Awww... never thought to hear that from you..." "Shut it Fang. Wouldn't want me to break your big secret would you?" "Oi... why did you drag me and Vanille into this? It's your problem, not ours. Heck it's not even a problem to begin with!" "Fine... I guess I should head back. It's already late..." "Tell the kid I said hello" "He's not even 14 anymore you know" her lips curled into a soft smile. "I know. But real deal is that I'm still older than the rest of us." "Yeah right..." she snorted. Maybe talking to Fang about it wasn't that bad after all. I wonder if it's true that he's worried about my feelings? I do denied how I feel about him in front of other people sometimes... I guess I have to found out by myself then... ____________________________________ "I'm home..."she turned the lights on, noticing that it was quiet, until she saw a sleeping figure on the couch. "He must have fell asleep while waiting for me to come back..." She kneeled beside him, brushed strands of silver hair to the side. "Light?"he stirred of waking up, looking at her being so close to him. "Yeah I'm here. Sorry for what happened back then. I shouldn't have ru-" before she could even finished his lips was already on hers. He pulled back. "Don't worry about it. I'm fine about the whole thing. You're okay?" "Yeah, I guess..." she stands up. "We should have dinner outside. It's already late...." he was about to stand up, but she pushed him back down. Then she sit on his lap, arms wrapping around his neck. "I'd rather have dessert..." her voice sounded seductive somehow, sending chills down to his spine. "Are you sure? What if you starve in the middle of the night?" He raised his brows. "I think it will be enough..." she pulled him into a kiss. What happens next, is only for theirs to decide. ____________________________________ A/N: fuhhh finally~ I did with the time I had between ( or maybe during class) to finish this. It was shorter but I'm okay with it since I have classes to even make this today~ hope you guys like it. Idk whether to catogerized this as post lr or even au ff13-2 😅 it can be both ways tbh haha. Maybe I will re-do it again one day~ or maybe just make it a complete version because this seems to have some plot holes or so ( or maybe I'm overthinking too much lol) thank you for reading~
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thewild--flower · 7 years
[Doujinshi English Translation] geranium by by パパンダ
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Hope: Light-san… does that mean… you missed me…?
Lightning: I-I…
Hope: I… I was scared of seeing you.
Lightning: …Huh?
Repost for Hoperai Week 2017 Day 1: An Unexpected Meeting
Credit: Original pixiv link. Artist’s tumblr. (please check out her wonderful Hopelight art!)
Story Summary: Set post LR in the New World, Hope is a scientific researcher trying to put the past behind him, until the day he encounters a certain rose-haired Vuitton model… who promptly runs away from him?! Also features appearances by Rydgea and Cid Raines, who show up to make fun of Hope give Hope and Lightning their greetings.
View the pages in full view here at pixiv (can still be viewed without a pixiv account, just hit the x button on the log in box), the full translation is below.
Pg 0:
fx: wind blows gently
fx: beep beep beep beep
Hope: Mn…
fx: clunk
Hope: …So noisy
Hope: You could at least let me sleep on my day off.
Hope: …Huh? A message?
Hope: …Scientific society get-together? Ugh, I’d forgotten…
Pg 1:
Hope: I’m totally going to be late, huh.
Hope: Why did they have to have it on my day off to begin with, anyway?
Chauffeur: Please give me your hand.
Lightning: I don’t need help.
Pg 2:
(narration) Hope: We were reborn into this world…
(narration) Hope: And before I noticed it, I had become the same age as back then.
Hope: This is really not good.
Hope: I’ll catch a taxi…
fx: slam
Taxi driver: Where to?
Hope: The international conference forum.
Pg 3:
(narration) Hope: In the end, I still haven’t met her.
(narration) Hope: Although I do hear about her from Serah sometimes.
Hope: Perhaps I’m afraid of going to see her after so much time has passed.
fx: leans head against window
Taxi driver: Huh? Sir, did you say something just now?
Hope: …No. It was nothing.
Pg 4:
Hope: …Huh?
Hope: Could… that be…?
fx: heart pounds
Taxi driver: Sir.
Hope: Y…yes… What is it?
Taxi driver: There’s a lot of traffic, so we might be held up for a bit.
Hope: That’s fine.
Hope: Just a chance resemblance…
Pg 5:
(narration) Hope: I’ve thought to myself over and over that I need to forget. That I should quit clinging to the past.
Hope: Thank you.
Taxi driver: Take care.
Hope: Sigh…
Hope: I feel bummed out.
(narration) Hope: Although I deny my feelings, when it comes to it… I end up searching for you again.
Colleague: You were late.
fx: clink
Hope: …Sorry.
Colleague: Work busy?
Hope: … Not really.
Colleague: Hmm… Then, a woman?
Hope: …Huh? Of course not.
Colleague: I’ll bet. You’re a workaholic after all.
Hope: That is…
Colleague: Could it be… you’re gay?
Colleague: I’m telling you, you gotta take a breather sometimes.
Hope: …Right.
Colleague: Hey, take a look over there.
Hope: …What is it?
Colleague: Must be because the research we’re doing at the moment has gotten attention from lots of different industries.
Colleague: You can see all kinds of people.
Pg 7:
Colleague: Hm… the one in the middle is the Vuitton boss and…
Colleague: The one next to him… isn’t she that model that’s been in the news lately?
Colleague: If I remember correctly, her name was Éclair… Well, that advertisement was pretty cool, I like her.
Colleague: I guess you wouldn’t be interested though.
Pg 8:
fx: thump
(flashback) Lightning: You should… live a happy life… Don’t worry about me.
fx: thump
Colleague: Hey…
Colleague: What’s up, all of the sudden?
Hope: Excuse me.
Hope: Just stepping through.
Hope: Ah.
Colleague: How rare.
Colleague: Don’t often see you in such a hurry.
Pg 9:
(flashback) Lightning: Even until now, I…
(flashback) Lightning: …have always overcome things on my own.
(flashback) Lightning: That’s why… you don’t need to worry.
Random person: …Hey, watch it.
Hope: Sorry about that.
(flashback) Lightning: That’s right, you’ve always been…
(flashback) Lightning: …my hope.
Hope: …Please wait.
Pg 10:
Hope: …Light-san.
Hope: It’s you, isn’t it?
Pg 11:
Lightning: …..
fx: blush
Hope: I’ve always…
Hope: …wanted to see you.
Hope: Light-sa…
Hope: …Eh?
Hope: Wait!
fx: steps away
Hope: …Why?
Hope: But, she’s… not an illusion.
Hope: I wonder if that person knows that…
Hope: …running away only makes me want to chase after her.
Pg 12:
Lightning: (pants)
fx: heels clack
fx: sits
Lightning: I… ended up running away.
Lightning: I… am…
Hope: Sorry to disappoint you…
Hope: …but I have no intention of letting you get away.
Pg 13:
Hope: Good evening, Light-san.
Hope: It’s a nice night.
Hope: You…
fx: moves away
Hope: …really don’t know when to give up.
Lightning: Your personality seems to have gotten worse, somehow…
Hope: (laugh) Well, I have gotten older.
Lightning: Sigh….
Pg 14:
Lightning: About before…
Hope: Hm?
Lightning: I’m sorry… about running away like that.
Hope: Haha… well… I was a bit surprised. (not to mention sprinting away in high heels)
Hope: But… becoming a model is quite impressive.
Lightning: That is…
Lightning: …
Hope: …Don’t stop.
Hope: I want to know more about you.
Pg 15:
Lighting: It could take a while to explain everything.
Hope: Go ahead.
Lightning: …You know that I was travelling, right?
Hope: Yes.
Lightning: Among the passengers…
Lightning: There was a sick-looking guy who called out to me…
fx: depressed
Lightning: And he was a clothes and accessory designer…
Lightning: He was worried because he couldn’t decide on a model…
Hope: …Ah, I think I see now.
Lightning: It went probably about the same as you’re imagining. He pleaded with me saying that I was ‘his ideal model’…
Lightning: And before I realised it…
Lightning: …I kept falling for it with the words, ‘Just one more time’… and so things led to the current situation.
(thinking) Hope: Light-san sure hasn’t changed…
Pg 16:
Lightning: …And also,
Lightning: something good came of it as well.
Hope: What do you mean?
Lightning: I needed the money for my travel expenses.
Lightning: …Not just that, if I became a model… I thought that… you might find me.
Lightning: I-it’s not as if… I mean anything by that… I just…
Lightning: Also, the reason I ran away wasn’t because I didn’t want to see you…
Lightning: You just kind of looked so different…
Lightning: Perhaps it caught me off balance…
fx: grab
Lightning: Hu-
Pg 17:
Hope: Light-san… does that mean… you missed me…?
fx: holds tightly
– Lightning: I-I…
Hope: I…
Hope: … I was scared of seeing you.
Lightning: …Huh?
Hope: Abandoning almost everything else….
Hope: …those days when I drowned in illusions of you…
Hope: … I thought that all the more, someone like me didn’t deserve you.
Lightning: Y-you… thought something like that…
fx: pull
Hope: Light-san… that kinda hurts.
Lightning: …Even though I had always been waiting for you…
Lightning: No matter what kind of ‘you’… I…
fx: turns face
Pg 18:
Lightning: Anyway,
Lightning: there is no need to worry yourself about it.
(narration) Hope: ….Ah.
Lightning: Hope?
(narration) Hope: You’ve haven’t changed at all. Always worrying about others, acting tough, but so very lonely…
(narration) Hope: There is no one else for me but you.
Hope: I…
Hope: …love you.
Hope: I love you so much it drives me crazy.
fx: caresses
Lightning: H-hey, wait.
Lightning: …This is way too sudden.
fx: pulls up
Lightning: …Ah-
Hope: I can’t wait.
Pg 19:
Lightning: S-sto-…
fx: kiss
fx: kiss
Hope: Light-san…
Hope: For now… just look only at me…
Hope: Choose me…
fx: huff
fx: huff
fx: pulls
Lightning: …Ho…pe, listen to me…
Lightning: Nn-
fx: kiss
fx: kiss
Hope: You’re so cute…
Hope: …I’m sorry. But,
Hope: I really do love you.
Hope: I don’t want to be away from you anymore.
Lightning: ….
Hope: Hey, Light-sa…
Hope: …Were my feelings a bother to you?
Lightning: I… I don’t know.
Lightning: But, being touched by you makes me happy…
Hope: Light-san…
Approaching man: …Sheesh. You two haven’t changed, have you…
p 20:
Rydgea: Well, this is your big brother’s advice…
fx: scratch scratch
Rydgea: …but how about showing a bit more of an adult’s composure, Hope-kun?
Hope: You are…
Rydgea: Long time no see.
Rydgea: Or perhaps, it should be ‘nice to meet you.’
Hope: What is it, Rydgea-san?
Rydgea: There’s no one else here but me, alright.
Rydgea: You guys were here, so I thought I’d call out to you, but then things suddenly went all teen drama on me.
Lightning: You were watching-…
Lightning: Why are you here…
Rydgea: Same as you guys, I had to come because of an acquaintance.
Rydgea: I’m tired of talking to all these big wigs.
Approaching person: I’m the one who’s tired, getting left behind like this.
p 21:
Rydgea: A-h, well…
fx: step step
Rydgea: Taking a breather sometimes is important, you know…
Cid Raines: Don’t you mean all the time?
Cid: I, also, wanted to greet the two of you.
Cid: You left your superior behind and went ahead, so you were probably saying something unseemly, right?
Cid: …In this world I suppose it should be ‘nice to meet you.’ I’ve been hearing about you for quite some time.
Hope: …I suppose you might have.
Cid: The presentation the other day was splendid.
Cid: Long time no see too, Farron-kun.
fx: breathes out
Lightning: …Raines.
Lightning: Is it, really you?
Cid: What a foolish question.
Lightning: …I see.
Cid: You haven’t changed.
Lightning: Huh?
Cid: You’re still caught up in the previous world.
Cid: …in Lightning’s memories.
Cid: Were there more painful memories for you than good ones?
Lightning: Both good and bad things happened.
fx: grip
Lightning: Actually…
Lightning: I wasn’t able to save even you…
Lightning: There were lives I couldn’t save, even if I wanted to.
Lightning: That’s why, I…
Cid: You’re so stubborn.
Lightning: What do you-
Hope: Please stop…
fx: grip
Hope: It doesn’t bother you…
fx: pushes in
Hope: … to touch a woman so freely, huh.
Cid: You’re making too much of it.
(thinking) Rydgea: …He’s definitely enjoying this. What a terrible personality…
Hope: …Not to mention,
Hope: it makes me uncomfortable.
Cid: I was joking.
Hope: I wonder about that.
Cid: Haha… having such a jealous lover must be troublesome.
Lightning: H-he’s not my…
fx: grip
Lightning: …
Lightning: …That is…
Pg 24:
Lightning: I watched over Hope.
Lightning: From far away… in Valhalla.
Lightning: The sad face you made when you separated from your father.
Lightning: Even when the world was devoured by Chaos,
Lightning: and you became lonely after experiencing setbacks in your research.
Lightning: Even so, you kept your eyes front…
Lightning: …and saved me.
Lightning: My…
Lightning: …hope…
fx: touch
Hope: …Light-san?
Lightning: …Sorry for making you wait…
Lightning: Hope is…
Lightning: …an important person to me.
Lightning: So, I don’t want you to make fun of him to his face like this.
Cid: Is your important person so very narrow-minded?
Lightning: …No… I just don’t want him to be worried.
Lightning: Since he was always thinking of me for so long.
Lightning: I don’t want him to look sad or in pain anymore.
Cid: …So serious.
fx: laugh
Cid: Actually, that’s quite like you.
Lightning: …So you were making fun of me after all.
Cid: …My apologies, meeting old acquaintances made me nostalgic. Well then, the two of us will be heading back now.
Rydgea: See you later… don’t forget to follow it up properly.
Lightning: Sigh… just like a sudden storm, huh.
Lightning: Not to mention, what did he mean by ‘follow up’? I don’t get it.
Lightning: Hope, we should go back soon too.
Lightning: People might start to worry.
Lightning: Hey, Hope…
Lightning: …Are you listening?
Lightning: Sheesh.
Lightning: You are…
Hope: …Please don’t look at me. I’m so happy… my heart beat… is going crazy.
Lightning: Fufu. That embarrassed face of yours… it hasn’t changed since you were a kid.
Hope: …Hey, I’m already a proper adult.
Lightning: I know. I love this side of you as well.
Hope: …Y-you’re so unfair.
Lightning: What do you mean?
Hope: ….
Lightning: …? Something wrong?
Hope: No… it’s just that, I was thinking I wanted to be together with you for just a little longer.
Lightning: I do too but… We snuck out, and we’ve been gone a long time.
Hope: Just a little longer, OK?
Lightning: Come on… Hope.
Hope: Since we worked too hard in the previous world.
Hope: Look, there’s such a beautiful garden here too. Let’s walk a little and then go back.
Hope: …Ah, these flowers.
Lightning: …Hm?
Hope: There’s some blooming close to my house… although the colour is a little different.
Hope: Geranium… I think they were called.
Hope: …Now that I think about it, this is something my mother told me about a long time ago.
Hope: Light-san… Do you know much about the language of flowers?
Lightning: No… not at all.
Hope: Haha… I thought as much.
Lightning: You… you’re making fun of me, aren’t you?
Hope: No… I wasn’t interested in it either.
Hope: Yellow geraniums signify unexpected encounters.
Hope: And…
Hope: Red geraniums mean…
Hope: ‘I am happy because you are here.’
Lightning: ‘Happy’, huh?
Lightning: It’s a nice word.
Hope: Yes.
Lightning: By the way, no more kissing.
Hope: Why?
Lightning: My lipstick is going to come off.
Hope: It’s OK, I’ll put something on them for you.
Lightning: So cheeky…
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ff13fandom · 7 years
HOPERAIWEEK2017 DAY 6: MEET THE PARENTS TITLE: YOUR PARENTS CREEPS ME OUT Hope finally confess his feeling towards Lightning. And Lightning can't help it but accept him as her lover since she was also has feelings towards the silver-haired-man-who-was-a-time-traveler-director-of-academia-scientist-world-leader-god-and-not-to-forget-the-most-good-looking-guy-that-lightning-ever-met. ---- Hope brings Lightning to go see his parents since his mom was really dying to meet Lightning. Lightning refused so many time because she was not ready the for the 20th time, she finally accept it but she was not ready at all. Lightning and Hope was now in front of the Estheim House. Hope who stood beside her can sense that she was nervous wreck. Hope grab her hand trying to calm her down. She was looking at him with a really hopeless face. When someone opened the door, Lightning automatically remove her hand from Hope's grip. "Hey Honey! Welcome home!" Said Nora Estheim, Hope's mother. Just about Nora wants to embrace her son, she saw Lightning who stood beside his son while smilling at her. "And this must be the great Lightning Farron!" Nora was embracing Lightning. "Oh it was sooo nice to finally meeting you" Said Nora while embracing Lightning who was actually surprised with her action. --- "Is Hope mad at Snow because he's mistaken that Snow the one who killed me?" "Is Hope holding a grudge for too long?" "Is Hope was an easy going person or was a kid who complain literally everything?" "Is my child well behave around all of you?" "Is my child do something that he shouldn't do?" "Is Hope always teasing and flirting with you?" "Do you know how many girls he dated before you?" "How did you guys realized that you guys have a feelings for each other" "Are you and my son already did that???" Nora and Barthalomew fire Lightning with a lot of question and Lightning who was nervous wreck was trying to answer their question one by one. Hope who was watching his parents action and his girlfried chuckle during their conversation. He felt bad for Lightning who was looking like a prey surrounded by predators but he was also enjoy watching them. --- On their way home after vissiting Hope's parents, Lightning began to speak. "You parents creeps me out" Hope laughed really hard. "And you just sit there and watch, why you didn't help me tho" Lightning looked at her boyfriend who was still laughing like an idiot. "Because i love to see you being a prey" Said Hope. "Oh i will show you who's the real prey is" Said Lightning while smirking. "I am going to die tonight but can't wait tho"
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digiandromeda · 7 years
Hoperai Week 2017 - Day 1: Unexpected Meetings
(A/N: hahahahaaaaa... i am so late... and this is so short DX i had finals this week plus my Tags started not working again but here’s my small contribution!)
Hope hadn’t noticed Lightning yet, not at all. He had walked right passed her and hadn’t even noticed but, considering he was in a deep conversation with someone, Lightning wasn’t all that surprised.
He was sitting two booths in front of her, his back to her and was dressed in a nice pair of gray pants, a white button up shirt, black shoes, and a yellow sweatshirt. He was gesturing a bit wildly as he talked to the older man in front of him.
Lightning sipped at her coffee as a waitress came and took the two men’s order and Hope resumed whatever conversation they were having.
The older man, who had balding white hair and a nice gray suit on, seemed just as enthusiastic as Hope, if not more so.
Wonder if he’s from the university? Lightning thought as she watched the two converse.
Hope pulled out a pile of paper from a backpack and handed it to the older gentleman, who eagerly looked through it.
Oh, that must be the essay Hope was writing. The waitress placed a plate of pancakes in front of Lightning, who thanked her, then delivered drinks to Hopes table. Lightning watched as Hope fidgeted in his seat, wondering if she should remain silent or say something.
Hope was obviously in a meeting of some sort but he was so focused on the task at hand he was completely oblivious to his surroundings and it made her want to tease him. Should she remain silent and wait for him to finish his meeting? Or maybe she should pull a harmless prank on him?
The old man finished going through the paper, then pulled out a red pen. He began making marks here and there, talking to Hope as he did so. Soon, their food arrived and they placed the stack of papers aside.
Right then, I know what I’ll do. Lightning stood up from her seat and, as quietly as she could, made her way to Hope and placed her hands over his eyes.
“Wha?!” Hope jumped slightly and dropped his fork. Reaching up, he grabbed her wrists just as she planted a quick kiss on his left temple. Yanking her hands down he turned around and came face to face with her.
“Light…san?” His face turned bright red as she gave a small but mischievous smirk.
“You look like you having fun, Mr. Estheim. Mind if I join you?” she asked as the older man laughed. Lightning did her best to hold in her laughter at the flabbergasted look on Hopes face.
“Oh ho!” the old man laughed. “A friend of yours, Mr. Estheim?”
“Uh…” Hope stammered a bit as Lightning straitened herself up. “Yes, this is my good friend Eclaire Farron.”
“Pleasure to meet, sir.” Lightning reached over to shake the man’s hand.
“Pleased to meet you too Miss. Farron.” The older gentleman returned the hand shake. “we’d love to have you join us.”
And So, she did. Much to the bemusement of the old man and the confusion of poor Hope.
(A/N: Due to my tags being weird i’m only add 3. i’m afraid if i add anymore this won’t show up in the tag search.)
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hoperaifandom · 7 years
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@meiko.nikita.sama made this again! Love ittt
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sailorcrafty · 7 years
Here’s my contribution (the link, I didn’t make the vid) to Hoperai Week 2017. I ship it like FedEx. SWEET DREAMS LOSERS
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thefarrons · 7 years
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One more for the night ❤️️ (sorry guys but the original source appears to be unavailable)
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Eh. Yeah. Better late than never, right? Officially participating in hoperai week! 
Lightning rarely got to see Hope drunk. A shame, really—drunk Hope was a train wreck and very amusing to watch. At least half of his otherwise impressive brain capacity seemed to go straight out the window after a couple glasses. She smirked as he approached her, slightly unsteady, his tie hanging uncharacteristically loose around his neck. Usually, she was the one who tended to have a drink too many at Serah’s oversized dinner parties. It was refreshing to be the sober one for once.
“Hey, there,” she said. “Having fun?”
“Not really.” He leaned against the wall next to her, his eyes roaming the crowd taking up pretty much every single square inch of Snow and Serah’s apartment. The other guests were clearly having a good time, just like always. Ususally, so did Hope.
“I thought you liked Serah’s get-togethers,” she said.  
“I thought you disliked them.” He clenched his jaw. The motion was nearly unnoticeable, but she caught it. “You seemed to have a good time back there. When you talked to that guy.”
She shrugged. “One of Serah’s colleagues. He was nice, I guess.”
“You were smiling.”
“I do that, occasionally. Believe it or not.”
“At him,” he said grimly. “You were smiling at him.”
“So?” She crossed her arms. “What’s wrong with that?”
His eyes, somewhat unfocused yet frighteningly intense, met hers. “It apparently puts me in a mood where I think downing three shots of tequila is a good idea.”
She stared up at him, trying her best to ignore the sudden quickening of her heartrate. “Why?”
The look he gave her made her shudder, and she immediately regretted the question. She got the feeling that an honest answer from him would be like opening a Pandora’s box. There would be no going back, and she wasn’t sure she could handle that.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he looked up again, his gaze was steadier. She wasn’t sure if it was possible for a person to force away the effects of alcohol by sheer will, but, well, if someone could do it, it would probably be Hope.
“I don’t know, Light.” He gave her a dejected smile. “I don’t know.”
“Right.” She hesitated for a moment.  “I… I turned him down, you know. That guy. He asked for my number, and I turned him down.”
“You did?” She could tell he was trying not to smile, but he wasn’t exactly succeeding. “Why?”
“I don’t know.”
And with that, their conversation was over, fading into a silence heavily laced with words left unspoken.
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comeonlight · 7 years
Hoperai Week 2017, Day 3: Jealousy
I didn’t wanna go with the Jealous Woman trope, but it came so easily. Have some corny stuff~
“You really engineered that?”
“Yes, I did.”
“Wow, you're so talented! And young.”
“Thank you.”
“He's so polite and handsome, too. Anyone would be lucky to get a date with you, sir.”
“I'm flattered.”
“So, Mister- Excuse me - Doctor Estheim, can you explain what this little machine does?”
Lightning tapped her foot with her arms crossed as the strangers continued to interrogate Hope. How rude of them. Hope was obviously on his way home after a hard day at work, and he obviously wanted to get to his destination as soon as possible. How dare those passersby hold him up? They couldn't even keep up with what he was saying. Admittedly, Lightning couldn't understand half that sciencey nonsense either, but at least she paid attention to more than just Hope’s face...his gorgeous, gorgeous face. Those strangers didn't know a thing about him, about them. No one had even realized that she'd come to meet up with Hope. She was invisible.
Lightning quickly decided to stop sulking and do something, so she marched right up to the noisy bunch. “So sorry to cut your conversation short,” she said, taking one cold glance over the strangers to petrify them. She laced her fingers with Hope’s, much to his surprise. “Light…” He said it in such a soft tone, as if just speaking her name took his breath away. “It's time to go home. Don't wanna be late for dinner, do we?” Lightning said the words with a hint of playfulness in her voice, her eyes focused on Hope and her mind satisfied with the knowledge that the passersby knew they had no chance whatsoever.
“Weren't we going to go out tonight?” Hope asked. Lightning suppressed a laugh. Of course Hope’s big brain was dense. “We were...but I changed my mind. We need to get you out of that stiff suit.” Lightning paused before deciding to hammer one last nail into the coffin. “Besides, I thoroughly enjoy your home cooking.” With that, she tugged Hope along, leaving the strangers to gape in shock.
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cielleonette · 7 years
Hoperaiweek2017 Day 2: Fireworks I already have some plots for this theme oneshot but I was kinda afraid that I wouldn't manage to finish it on time so I made this instead. However I will post the oneshot once it finish so don't worry~ I hope you like it this is quicker than writing fanfics TwT Maybe I should practice more then~~~ (but writing is hard tho TwT) Alright then the story is like this : -Lightning feels that since everything was over whereas she don't have to save the world etc. , she does feel herself useless and dull? -Hope however reminds her that even when people didn't need her help anymore, she's still Lightning like people always know her (like a firework... it's remain as a memory at the time when it burst to beautiful colours, people will always remember that moment) and of what she did -Somehow Hope's explanation had made her feel much more better -She remembers the past, of who she is back then and it made her who she is still now I think that's how it is? Idk because the song itself already bring its own strong meaning. So I guess you guys will understand the vid~
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ff13fandom · 7 years
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#HOPERAIWEEK2017 DAY 1: Unexpected Meeting TITLE: The Chains Of Bonds After the event of Final Fantasy XIII: LIGHTNING RETURNS, The gang reborn in the new world. Lightning, who was taking a break from her long fight is now are abroad from her hometown. She walked around the stalls that selling souvenirs, she was attracted to a stall that filled with cute keychains, cap, mini purse, teddy bears, plushies, clothes, scarf and many more. Lightning gets inside the stall to search something that she can buy for her friends. After minutes of searching she found one cap for her future brother-in-law, Snow, a big moogle plushie for Serah because Lightning knows that her sister really missed Moogle, chocobo plushie and one pair of glove for Dajh and Sazh and for those two oerban, Lightning found a necklace for Vanille and one pair of unique earings for fang. After she found all of them she went to the counter to pay the souvenirs, the seller that taking care of the stall smiled at Lightning then her eyes scanned on the things that Lightning wants to buy, then the seller said: "Madam, i suggest you buy our custom-made keychain. You can choose whatever keychain design you want us to put any name or words on it" The seller showing all of the keychain design while recommending her to buy this keychain. There's many different design of keychain that the seller shows to her such as surf board, palm tree, square, star, moon, sunflower, bag and more. "Its oka-" just about Lightning want to refuse, there's this keychain that got her attention, the keychain that makes her remember about her past life. Boomerang Lightning finally realized that she haven't found anything for Hope, the reason why she forgot is because Hope is the only person that she haven't reunited yet, she gets to reunite with everyone except him and unfortunetly non one of them know where is Hope Estheim live, she was dissapointed at first because she always thought that she will reunite with him first but in ended up she reunited with others before him, a few months after that she seems to forgot about him. "You know what... can i have this boomerang keychain and write "Hope" name at the in front and "missing you" at the back?" Said Lightning to the seller. "Sure" said the seller After minutes of waiting, the boomerang keychain is complete with Hope's name and "missing you" words on it, after that she bought all of the stuff then received a paper bag that filled with souvenirs that she bought. When she got outside from the stall and headed back to the hotel that she stayed, she accidently hit a man that probably didn't nottice her too, they both are on their knees now and the paper bag fell on the ground. "Im so so sorry" said the man. Lightning who is massaging her forehead thought that she heard a familliar voice. She look up and saw the silver-haired man trying to regain his unconcious. "Hope????" The silver-haired man look up to meet her blue eyes. "Light!" Hope immediately stood up from the ground and lend Lightning a hand to get up, Lightning took his hand and got up. "Oh sorry again Light" Hope said as soon as he saw Lightning's paper bag is on the ground. Hope bend down then he was picking up all of the souvenirs that fell on the floor to put inside the paper bag back until he was trying to reach the boomerang keychain. When he picked up the keychain he saw his name on it while Lightning saw something that fell from Hope's pocket when he was bending down to help her, so she was bending down to take the thing that fell, she scanned the thing and it turns out it was a  pink rose keychain that had her name on it. They both scanning the keychain again. Hope turned the keychain around and saw the words "missing you" at the back while Lightning...  well she's never been so surprised before because the only words that she saw at the back of the keychain is: 'i love you' Both of them looked up at the same time to meet each other eyes. "Where have you been???" Both of them said one at the same time while Hope was smilling at her while Lightning stayed in shock. -The Chains Of Bonds- Holla how are you guysss!  It was an honour to be the host for this year #hoperaiweek2017 What is #hoperaiweek2017? It’s a week that happens once a year where we celebrate this lovely pairing (Hope And Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII) Everyone can join this event with only post something or maybe write or draw or edit video/photo something that is about Hoperai based on the theme that has been given. For more information please check out @hoperaiweek2017 on tumblr thank you -ADM
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