#i also switched to decaf so that helps a ton
marauderundercover · 3 years
This Side of Normal Ch. 8
Marinette was seriously considering murder. She was pretty sure Jason would be able to help her hide the body, he was a lot stronger than her. But murder was seriously on the table. Why has she decided to break that one golden rule, you might ask? Lila Rossi. The bane of her existence. The very reason they were spending two fucking weeks in the crime capital of the world instead of their original destinations. But no, Lila just had to convince Mme. Bustier to take them to Gotham. And then, as if making Marinette plan a million things last minute wasn’t bad enough, Lila decided to talk. Nonstop. Throughout the entire first half of their tour of Wayne Enterprises. The only thing keeping her from strangling the girl right now was the promise of coffee in the cafeteria. She didn’t need food, she needed coffee. And then she’d go right back to plotting murder. Would anyone look in the river for her body? 
“Whatever you’re thinking, I’m sure you shouldn’t do it.” Adrien says, pulling her out of her murder plot. She glares at him. 
“I’m planning a murder, and I don’t appreciate you interrupting me.” She deadpans. 
“Murder’s bad, Mari. We don’t murder people.” Adrien sighs, throwing an arm over her shoulders. 
“Maybe you don’t murder people. I’m thinking about branching out.” She hums, getting in the line for coffee. Adrien huffs and grabs her arm, tugging her behind him. She immediately starts whining, reaching out towards the coffee booth. 
“Mari, you need actual food. You can have coffee after you eat something. I know for a fact you didn’t eat breakfast.” He says, staring her down. She huffs, crossing her arms. 
“You’re not my dad.” She mumbles, turning away from him. 
“Why the hell are you all pouty?” Jason asks, walking up to the two. Marinette smiles briefly, then drops her face back into a scowl. 
“Someone is keeping me from my coffee.” She says. 
“Good job kid!” Jason says, high fiving Adrien. Marinette’s jaw drops at the betrayal. 
“Honestly rude. Guess I’m not gonna ask you to help me anymore.” She says, sighing dramatically. 
“Help with what?” He asks, frowning. 
“Murder. She wants to commit a murder.” Adrien says, rolling his eyes. 
“Who’re we killing?” Jason asks. This time it’s Adrien’s turn to drop his jaw, Marinette laughing loudly. 
“Ha! I told you Jay would help me!” She cheers, shooting Adrien a smug smile. 
“Marinette! Lila needs your help carrying her tray.” Mme. Bustier instructs, walking over to the trio. Marinette immediately frowns, looking over at Lila who was carrying a tray. Just fine. 
“Uh, looks like she’s got it.” She says, nodding towards the liar. 
“Well, she got it okay, but she needs someone to carry it to her table for her.” Mme. Bustier says, frowning. 
“And one of her friends can do it. I’m not getting out of line for my own lunch just to carry Lila’s tray Mme. Bustier.” Marinette argues, crossing her arms. 
“Marinette-” She starts, then stops when she realizes Jason isn’t one of the students. “Very well. But we’re going to talk about this later.” She adds before walking away. Marinette rolls her eyes. 
“Is she the one we’re murdering?” Jason asks, leaning down a little so he could whisper. 
“Nope. The one whose tray I was supposed to carry is the one on my list.” Mari says, nodding towards the girl who was now fake crying. 
“Jesus. How does anyone put up with her?” He asks, face curling in disgust. Marinette shrugs. 
“At first I thought she was Meta. Now I think my classmates are just idiots.” She says simply. Jason snorts. 
“I believe that. I’m gonna go grab you a coffee. As much as I’d love to help you commit a murder, pretty sure the boss would be pissed.” He says, ruffling her hair before walking away. Marinette turns to Adrien and gives him a smug smile. 
“Ha, bitch.” She says, snorting as he starts spluttering. 
“You can’t just say that, Bug!” He whines, before turning to order his food. Marinette snorts. 
“Sure I can.” She says in English, before quickly switching to Mandarin and lowering her voice. “I’m a seventeen year old ex-superhero, I’m allowed to say bitch.” Adrien just snorts, thanking the lady and grabbing his food so that Marinette can order. Once she has her food, she follows Adrien to an almost empty table in the corner farthest away from their classmates. She smiles at the person at the other end of the table, Dick Grayson. He was their tour guide and had dealt with their annoying ass class surprisingly well. She was tempted to make him a certificate if he lasted til the end of the day without losing his sanity. Plopping down in her seat, she starts eating her food slowly, watching Jason across the room at the coffee booth. 
“Mari, he said he would get you coffee. He’s gonna get you coffee.” Adrien says, nudging her side to try and get her to actually eat. 
“You don’t think he’d get me decaf, do you?” She asks, remembering the time he’d brought coffee to one of their late night training sessions. It was decaf then, he claimed that she needed to be able to sleep after training. She argued that she needed to stay awake and do homework and commissions and some lameass decaf coffee was not going to help her do that. She just hoped he would take pity on her and get her actual coffee this time. 
“I think I’d get you decaf,” Adrien starts, dodging her attempt to whack him. “But, I think Jay’s a little nicer than me today. Probably since he hasn’t seen us in awhile.” He muses. Marinette stops trying to attack him, nodding in agreement. He’d be more likely to give her decaf tomorrow than today. So it was still safe to trust her coffee order to him. For now. 
“I’m sorry, did you say Jay?” Mr. Grayson asks, catching her attention. She glances at Adrien who just shrugs. She knew the two had talked earlier, but she really didn’t want to accidentally get Jay in trouble. 
“Uh, yes?” She says, wincing at the awkwardness. 
“You know Jason.” He says, and she nods, frowning. 
“Yeah, we got to know him last year when he was on a business trip in Paris.” She explains, dodging around the whole ‘he trained us as heroes and then found out our identities and helped us take down a supervillain’ part of it. “We ended up getting close and we’ve kept in contact over the last year.” Mari adds, confused as to why Mr. Grayson looks so lost. 
“Really?” He finally asks. 
“Yeah. He’s basically like our big brother.” Adrien adds, obviously sensing that Marinette was getting uncomfortable. 
“Hey Dick, long time no see.” Jason snarks, putting Mari’s coffee in front of her and plopping down in the seat next to Adrien. 
“Jason. So you have two new siblings?” He asks, gesturing to Mari and Adrien. Jason nods. 
“Yup. And they’re loads better than you lot. Pixie Pop here even said I could help her with her first murder.” Jason teases. Marinette’s face instantly heats up, as she turns her glare to Jason. 
“Jason!” She hisses. He’s lucky he’s on the other side of Adrien. 
“Wait, you two are brothers?” Adrien asks, and Marinette blinks. Oh, yeah. Wait, what. 
“You didn’t know?” Dick asks. Adrien looks at Mari who shrugs. She definitely hadn’t known. She’d assumed Dick was one of Jason’s bosses. 
“Yeah, unfortunately this dipshit is my older brother. Adopted, of course.” Jason says. 
“We also have two other brothers and a sister. And some unofficial siblings.” Dick adds, making Mari raise an eyebrow. 
“All adopted?” She asks. Adoption was no joke. It was crazy expensive in the US. 
“All but one. B kinda adopts every dark haired, blue eyed kid with trauma that he meets.” Jason says, smirking at Marinette’s face. 
“I’m feeling attacked right now. Are you attacking me? If anyone has enough trauma to be adopted by a serial adopter, it’s Adrien. Not me.” She says with a pout. 
“Hey!” Adrien objects. Marinette looks pointedly at his arm. 
“Your arm was cut off by your supervillain father who was an emotional terrorist for over three years. That’s a shit ton of trauma.” She says as he pouts. 
“Yeah, but if I get adopted in the US, I’d never see you anymore.” He points out. 
“But you’d see me all the time.” Jason teases. Adrien grins. 
“That’s right! Okay, sorry M, I’m gonna get adopted here.” He says with a wide grin. 
“Traitors, the both of you. Mr. Grayson, how’d you like a new little sister? I’m officially disowning both of these losers.” Marinette says, ignoring the indignant squawks from Adrien. Dick snorts, a wide grin stretching across his face. 
“Sure kid. And call me Dick. Do you happen to know any acrobatics?” He asks with a teasing grin. Mari smirks. 
“As a matter of fact, I do.” She says. Dick freezes before a huge smile makes its way onto his face, his whole body shaking in excitement. 
“Wait, really? You’re serious?” He asks. She nods. “That’s awesome! Sorry Jay, I’m stealing this one.” He says. Jason scowls. 
“I don’t think so. I’ve known Pixie Pop longer, therefore, she’s my sister.” He says. Adrien clears his throat. “Our sister.” Jason amends, nodding to Adrien. 
“But she’s an acrobat! You know I’ve been looking for someone to teach trapeze to!” Dick whines. Mari’s eyes light up and she starts bouncing in her seat. 
“Wait, trapeze? Seriously? Where? Oh my god, that would be so much fun!” She squeals, suddenly actually excited about being in Gotham. 
“We have one at our house, you guys have to come over! I could show you the basics.” Dick suggests, still grinning. Marinette turns to Jason, waiting to see what he’d say. If Dick didn’t know Jason, she’d never consider going over and learning trapeze. But since he’s Jason’s brother…..
“Ugh, fine. But if B ends up trying to adopt both of you, you can’t blame me. I wanted to keep you away from him. You’re the one who got suckered in by the damn trapeze.” Jason gripes, leaning back in his seat. Marinette just grins at him before turning back to Dick to figure out the specifics. Maybe this trip wouldn’t be that bad.
Tag list (open): @toodaloo-kangaroo @laurcad123 @kittenmywaythrulife @lost-in-the-world-of-maribat @queenz-z
89 notes · View notes
atlafan · 3 years
Burning Love - Part Three
a/n: the third and final part of this little series is here! I hope you enjoy! Feedback and reblogs are helpful! Support me here if you’re able! (not proofread)
Warnings: cocky!Harry flirting, a tiny bit of angst, fluff, and smut!
Words: 8K
Pairing: Harry x OC (kindergarten teacher Danielle Robinson)
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Having a firefighter as a boyfriend was anything but boring. Sometimes Harry was called away in the middle of the night for backup, sometimes he had to straight up sleep at the fire house if someone was on vacation, and sometimes he was cooking up a storm so the guys coming back from a fire had plenty to eat. Danielle would sometimes help cook as well. The guys really liked her turkey chili.
Danielle’s classroom knew who her boyfriend was too, and they loved it when Harry would come by for a visit. He’d bring them little coloring books, or sometimes he’d get Doodle to come for an even better surprise visit.
When they were together three months, Harry made sure no one was in the fire house so she could come to his office, and he gave her a little strip tease. She had practically been begging him to play the part of the sexy fire fighter and he was finally doing it for her. The only condition was that he got to bend her over his desk and fuck her. She even let him hit it raw, it was the greatest mutual gift in the world. Also hearing her moan out, “You’re hitting it so good, don’t stop, Harry!” over and over was pretty nice too.
Yup, things had been going pretty well for the new couple. Even though they were still in the puppy-love phase, it wasn’t all sex all the time. Harry would sometimes come over and help her late into the night as she was crafting activities for her class the next day, or he’d go to the art supply store with her because Danielle never made a list and she would often forget at least one thing she needed for class. Harry always remembered what she’d forget. Danielle was also a big help with the fire department’s fundraising efforts. She made the best hash browns anyone had ever had at the monthly pancake breakfasts. The deputy fire chief even got them a matching set of aprons. Things were going so well that she even started to let him call her Dani.
One Sunday afternoon they were walking through the grocery store together. Harry liked pushing the cart for Danielle as she mumbled to herself about what she needed for the week. She liked that he joined her because he could pick out the snacks he wanted to leave at her place, and vice versa. They were walking down the coffee aisle, Harry liked Hazelnut and Danielle liked French Vanilla.
Danielle looks over in the direction of the deep voice that said her name. Her eyes widen when she realizes it’s her ex, Oliver.
“Oh my god, it’s so good to see you!” He exclaims, throwing his arms around her. She doesn’t reciprocate. “It’s been what, three years?”
“Something like that.” She swallows, and hooks her arm around Harry’s waist. “This is my boyfriend, Harry.”
“Hi.” Oliver shakes Harry’s hand. “You shop here a lot?”
“Yeah…this is the grocery store closest to my apartment, why?”
“This is my first time as this specific store. My fiancé lives in the area, and we’re choosing to buy a house here so her son won’t have to switch elementary schools.”
“Her…her son?” Danielle wanted to smack him.
“Yeah, guess he’s like my son now too.”
“Olly? Did you find the decaf tea?” A woman long blond hair, and a slightly swollen belly comes rolling her cart down the aisle with a little boy sitting in it. “Oh…Danielle…hi.”
“Hi, Rory.”
“Miss Robinson!” The boy exclaims.
“Hello, Joey.” She tries to say with a smile. Danielle wasn’t sure how she could have been so stupid. Joey took the bus to and from school, and she had only ever spoken with his father. She also didn’t make a second glance at his mother’s name on his contact list since it was under Lorelei.
“Joey raves about you all the time.” Rory says, trying to cut some of the tension.
“Mumma, it’s Chief Harry!”
“Aw, nice of you to remember me, buddy.” Harry says. “Um, we’ve got frozen stuff in the cart, so we should probably get going, right, darling?” He says, looking at Danielle, and she feels thankful for him finding a way out of all this.
“He’s right, we should really get going.”
“Guess we’ll be seeing more of each other, huh, Dani?” Oliver says with a soft smile.
“So it would seem.” She looks at Joey. “See you tomorrow morning in class, Joey.”
Harry pushes the cart as they walk away. She was beyond mortified. They get in line and pay for their things. She had driven there, but she has Harry drive back to her place. She was quiet until they got inside her apartment to put the food away.
“He, uh, seemed a little delusional there, no?” Harry says.
“He’s always lived with his head in the sand.” She scoffs. “Rose colored glasses, you know?”
“Did you not know that-“
“No, I didn’t realize that Rory, the person he cheated on me with, had a son. I knew that she was a married woman. They got divorced because of Oliver.” She shakes her head. “Joey’s father is such a sweet man, I can’t believe I never put the pieces together.”
“How exactly did they meet?”
“The first school I worked at was a K-5 a few towns over. Rory was the principal’s secretary, she still is, I think. I brought Oliver with me to a holiday party, and they got to talking. She’s a couple of years older than he and I are. I don’t exactly know how things progressed from there, but apparently she’s pregnant with his kid, they’re engaged, and they’ve bought a house! Isn’t that just kick you in the crotch, spit on your neck fantastic?”
“Remind me to never watch Friends reruns with you again.” He chuckles.  “I can’t believe he had the nerve to hug you like that?”
“He hugged me like that because he’s still in love with me.”
“What do you mean?”
“Until I blocked him on literally every platform that I could, he would send me these messages about how he fucked up and that he’d do anything to win me back. He’s in a loveless relationship. He’s made his bed and now he has to lay in it.”
“Does Rory know it’s a loveless relationship?”
“I doubt it. If I had to guess they probably got engaged after they found out she was pregnant. It was probably her way of trapping him.” Danielle rolls her eyes. “You know what they say, once a cheater, always a cheater.”
“Well,” he comes around her to hold her from behind, kissing her cheek, “you don’t have to worry about that or pay it any more thoughts, alright?”
“Yeah.” She smiles and turns to kiss him. “I just hope I don’t start running into them all the time now.”
“We could always go to the market near my place, or we could do the online order thing.” He shrugs. “Whatever you wanna do. I just don’t want that idiot making my baby upset.” He pouts at her and she pouts back.
“I love that I get to be your baby.” She sighs as she nuzzles into his chest.
“Me too…I…I love you, Dani.” He kisses her forehead before she looks up at him.
“You do?”
“Mhm.” He smiles. “Guess there’s no perfect time to really say it, but that’s how I feel.”
“Oh, Harry, I love you too.” She kisses him, and blinks some tears away. “Like, a lot.”
“Let’s get these groceries put away, hm? Then I’ll fuck you on the counter. Would you like that, sweetheart?”
“I would, very much so.” She chuckles.
It was the last day of school, so Danielle had both of her groups in the morning. There was a small ceremony for the kindergarteners to commemorate them being able to move on to the first grade. They each got a personalized certificate with some type of achievement they earned in Miss Robinson’s class. She spent two weeks working on them. Once it was over, Danielle had to clean up her classroom for the summer.
“Happy last day of school, babe.” Harry says as he walks in, holding a small bouquet of flowers.
“I think you should ask for a separate office here with how often you come to visit.” She jokes as she takes the flowers. “Not that I’m upset, but what are these for?” She smiles.
“You made it through another year with a group of five-year-olds, thought you should have something nice for it.”
“Well, that’s very thoughtful, thank you.” She kisses his cheek. “I’m just finishing up here and then we can grab lunch.”
Harry nods as he waits for her, helping her take a few boxes out to her car. He thought she looked gorgeous today in her light blue sundress. They enjoy their lunch together before Harry has to go back to work.
“Wanna come to my place tonight?” She asks before they part ways.
“Sure.” He pecks her lips. “Want me to bring dinner?”
“No, I can cook. I’ve got stuff to make a taco salad.”
“Okay, I’ll see you later.” They kiss again and off they go.
Things had gotten quite domestic with one another, and Harry was really starting to like it. He also really liked that she was about to be off for the entire summer. Sure, Harry had bonfires, lawn mowers, grills, and other things of that nature to worry about, but his group of volunteer fire fighters would be coming on once again, so it freed up a little more time for himself. He’d be able to take a vacation with Danielle if she wanted. Or he could just take a ton of long weekends so he could spend some time with her. He wasn’t exactly sure what she did over the summer, but he figures they’ll talk about it soon.
When Harry gets to her apartment later that night, he realizes soon means tonight. Danielle was running around her apartment in a tank top and shorts boxing things up and packing.
“Hey, uh, what are you doing?” He says, startling her.
“Oh! I didn’t even hear you come in!” She gasps and clutches at her chest. “Sorry, I’m just trying to get my shit together. I always save this stuff for the last minute.”
“Are you moving?” He asks, almost frantic.
“What? No.” She chuckles. “But I do need a lot of my things with me for when I go up to Seabrook.”
“To my parents’ summer house. I told you they had one, they’re snowbirds, remember?”
“Yeah, you mentioned that…” He swallows. “Are you going for a long weekend?”
“No, I’m going for the majority of the summer. I was actually sort of hoping you’d be able to water some of my plants, but if you can’t I can ask the neighbor again.” She goes over to him and gives him a kiss. “Come on, I set dinner up in the kitchen for us.”
They both go into the kitchen and sit down with their taco salads.
“You’re sort of blindsiding me a bit, babe. I mean, you’ve known you were going to New Hampshire all this time and didn’t think to tell me?”
“I figured I’d come back on weekends.” She shrugs. “You’re going to be working all day, so I figured you wouldn’t really mind if I wasn’t around as much.” She takes a bite of her food. “I also thought maybe you could come up and visit…you know, meet my family.”
“It’s gonna be torturing not being able to come over and see you after work.” He pouts. “But of course I’d love to meet your family.”
“I know…that’s sort of why I was keeping it to myself. I’ll miss you just the same, I hope you know that. This is just really precious family time that I wait all year for.”
“I get it.” He sighs. “What weekend would you want me to come meet them?”
“I’ll have to ask my parents what weekend would work best for them. The first couple of weeks are spent catching up with their friends, and whatnot. The house is in a fifty-five and over community.”
“And you won’t mind driving back on weekends?”
“Not at all.” She shakes her head. “All of the traffic will be going the other way, and the beaches are always so crowded on the weekends. It’ll be perfect.” She smiles at him and leans in a bit. “Plus, I’ll be coming back to you with sun kissed skin. I’ll have lots of tan lines to show you.” She winks and it makes him chuckle.
“Alright, alright. I get to use more time off in the summer, so I’ll be able to take lots of long weekends. We have more of a crew because a lot of our volunteers are teachers, so they have more time to help out.”
“That’s good! I’m so happy the school year is over with. Did you see I put the flowers you got me in a vase?” She points over to the vase in her kitchen window.
“I did.” He nods, a smile growing on his lips. “M’glad you liked them.”
“I loved them.” She kisses his cheek. “You’re so sweet to me, Harry.”
“You’ve turned me into a total mush ball.” He sighs. “But I suppose that’s not a bad thing.”
“You were a mush ball the second you walked into my classroom for the first time.” She smirks.
“And you were a flustered little thing.” He smirks as her face falls. “Ah, she can dish it out, but she can’t take it.” He kisses her temple and takes their now empty plates to the sink. “When are you heading up?”
“A couple of days.” She sighs. “I hate packing so much, it’s the worst.” She groans. “I just keep telling myself I’ll be relaxing on a screened in porch soaking in the ocean breeze with a book in my hand before I know it.” She flops down onto her sofa and Harry sits next to her, rubbing her back. “At least I’ll see my niece and nephew soon too. I love getting to spend so much time with them.”
“Tell me about them, I wanna know as much about your family as I can before I meet them.”
“Really?” She sits up to look at them.
“Mhm.” He puts a pillow on his lap. “Come lay one me. I’ll play with your hair while you talk.”
“If I didn’t love you before.” She giggles, and rests her head in his lap. He starts scratching at her scalp and she sighs. “Okay, so, my dad…”
They both fell asleep on the couch that night talking. Harry told Danielle a lot about his family as well. In the wee hours of the morning, Harry carried her to the bed, and they both snuggled up while they got a few more hours of sleep.
“Danielle, it’s the middle of the night! Where are you going?!” Her brother Clark asks her in a panic. “Shit, are you crying?”
“I…I just got a call.” She sniffles as she throws her hoody on. “I have to get home.”
“Why, what’s happening.”
“H-Harry’s deputy chief called me…there was a really big fire a few hours ago, and a wall collapsed on him, and now he’s in the hospital.” Tears were streaming down her cheeks. “I have to get home to him, Clark, I need to be there when he wakes up.”
“You’re in no condition to drive, especially not for two hours. I’ll go with you. Let me just go to Isabelle.”
“You don’t have to do that, I’m fine.” She wipes her eyes. “I’ll let you know when I get there. I’ll be back in a few days, I’m sure of it.”
She rushes out of the house and gets into the car. She had the radio practically silent, and she was sucking down an iced coffee. Caffeine put her anxiety into hyper drive, but she needed to stay awake somehow. Harry wasn’t even supposed to be at that fire. He got called in as backup, but he wasn’t supposed to go inside. He went in looking for the family’s new puppy.
Once she gets to the hospital, probably looking like a mad woman in her pajama pants and oversized hoody, she checks in and asks where Harry’s being kept.
“Please, I’m his girlfriend, I need to-“
“Dani!” The deputy chief, Ralph, comes rushing towards her. “He just woke up, come with me.” He yanks her by the wrist before the nurse at the desk can say anything.
“Is he okay?”
“He will be.” Ralph nods. “Here we are, go ahead in. Take your time with him.” Ralph smiles, and Danielle returns it.
“Harry?” She says just above a whisper.
“Hey, baby.” He gives her a soft smile. “What are you doing here?”
“I hopped in my car a second after Ralph called me. I was so worried.” She sits on the edge of his hospital bed.
“I’m okay, sweetheart, just a few scrapes and bruises.”
“Harry…your arm’s in a sling.”
“Just a sprained wrist, it’ll heal up real soon.”
“How can you be so calm about this?” She asks as she curls up next to him. He throws his arm around her and sighs.
“Because if I let every little accident scare me, I wouldn’t be able to do my job properly. This is what I signed up for, babe.”
“Did you at least find the puppy?”
“I did, shielded the poor thing from the wall that collapsed on me. M’gonna have to go on light duty for a while.”
“Which means what exactly?”
“Lots of administrative work…that I can do remotely. So, I was thinking…maybe I could come up to Seabrook with you for a little longer than a weekend.”
“I’d love that! We can drive back up together. Everyone’s excited to meet you.”
“I’m excited to meet them too.”
After Harry rested up for a few days at home, with Danielle doting on him even though he told her she didn’t need to, the two drive up north together.
“Auntie Dani’s back!” Sarah exclaims as she bursts out of the porch.
“Sarah!” Isabelle yells after her. “We don’t run out of the house, no matter how excited we are to see Auntie.” She picks her daughter up. “Sorry, Dani.” Isabelle chuckles.
“No worries.” Danielle laughs. “This is my boyfriend, Harry. Harry, this is my sister-in-law Isabelle.”
“Hi.” Harry says, and Isabelle gasps when she sees his arm in a sling. “Just a sprained wrist, m’fine.” “It’s nice to meet you. This must be Sarah, yeah?”
“Hello.” The little girl smiles.
“Come on, everyone’s inside getting ready to head down to the beach.” Isabelle says.
Harry and Danielle follow inside. She takes him into the kitchen where her parents, Robert and Donna were finishing up their coffee.
“Dani!” Donna smiles. “How was the ride back up?”
“Fine, not a lot of traffic once we were out of the city.” She smiles. “This is Harry.”
“The hero that saved the puppy!” Robert says.
“I’m no hero, just did my job. It’s nice to meet you both. Thank you for inviting me to your home.” He shakes both of their hands.
“Are you kidding? We were over the moon when Dani said she’d be bringing a boyfriend with her.” Donna says. “Honey, why don’t you help Harry get settled and then meet us down at the beach?”
“Okay.” Danielle nods.
The two bring their things inside while everyone else makes their way to the beach. Danielle helps Harry put his clothes away in the dresser.
“So…are we alone right now?” Harry asks casually after putting his things away in the bathroom.
“Um, yeah. Everyone went down to set up at the beach, why?”
“Well…” He sits down on the bed and tugs her to sit on his lap, straddling her. “I haven’t been able to do much the last few days, and I’d like to make up for it.”
“Harry.” Her face flushes. “I can’t just fuck you here.”
“In the privacy of a bedroom? Here I was thinking this would be the perfect place.” He rolls his eyes.
“I just…” She bites her bottom lip. Before she can say anything when she opens her mouth again, he’s kissing her. “Fuck, okay, but we have to be quick. And no leaving marks, I don’t need to feel like a teenager at the age of twenty-seven.”
“How about no marks in any visible places?”
“Harry, I’m gonna be wearing a two piece, a lot is going to be visible.”
“Your ass?”
She whimpers softly and kisses him again. They both fall back on the bed, careful not to hurt his wrist. Danielle ended up riding his dick since he couldn’t really prop himself up with hands at the moment, but neither of them minded. It was a much-needed release for the both of them. Once they’re both cleaned up, they change into their bathing suits and go down to the beach to join her family.
“Auntie Dani, do you wanna dig a moat with me?” Ryan asks her the second she sets her things down.
“Sure! Just let me get some sunscreen on, okay?”
“You’re already looking a little red.” Clark remarks, and she glares at him. “Nice to meet you, Harry.”
“Same to you.” Harry says as he sits down in his beach chair.
Danielle peels her coverup off, and lathers up in sunscreen before grabbing a sand toy to help Ryan dig a moat. Isabelle was down by the water with Sarah.
“Harry, do you like seafood?” Donna asks him.
“I do.” He nods.
“Wonderful, I thought it would be nice to go out to eat since you’re here with us now. Celebrate having a full house and whatnot.”
“Oh, well…that sounds nice, thanks.” Harry smiles at her.
“I hope you won’t be too miserable working from inside the house…there’s no central air or anything.” Robert says.
“Oh, it’s not a problem. Heat doesn’t exactly bother me.” He smirks, and Danielle flicks some sand at him. “Oi, what was that for?!”
“No fire fighter jokes or puns.” She points a finger at him warningly. “We’re on vacation.”
“Come on, that was a good one, admit it.”
“I will do no such thing.” She looks at her parents who were chuckling at the exchange. “Don’t encourage him, it’ll only make it worse.”
“Anyways,” he side eyes her and then looks back at her parents, “I’ll probably just set up on the porch when I need to hop onto email. My deputy chief is taking on a bit more for me for the next couple of weeks.”
Harry never really saw himself being a dad someday, but as the day went on, and he watched Danielle interact with Sarah and Ryan, he suddenly understood why women would get baby fever seeing a man hold a baby. He may have only been with Danielle for five months, but fuck…he wanted to be the father of her kids. Yes, he got to spend an entire week with her and her classroom, but it’s not like he got to witness her loving on any of the kids. The way she cradled four-year-old Sarah to her chest as she napped, or splashed around in the water with Ryan, well, if he had ovaries they’d be bursting.
Seeing her help them at dinner was just as cute too. Sarah insisted that her booster chair be places next to Danielle, and Danielle ended up helping cut up Sarah’s chicken fingers. Then Harry got to witness Danielle tucking Sarah and Ryan in for the night to give Clark and Isabelle a break.
The two decide to turn in a bit early since it had been a long day. Danielle was sitting up in bed reading her romance novel. Harry was reading the same one. They had formed a little book club with another once they found out they liked the same genre of fiction.
“Dani?” He says to her.
“Hm?” She says without looking at him.
“Do you think you wanna have kids of your own one day? Or are your kindergartners enough kids for you?”
She immediately closes her book and looks at him. She was a little shocked.
“I…I always thought if I met the right person then I’d want to have kids. Like, turning that love into something physical, you know? What’s got you asking me about kids all of a sudden?”
“In all honesty…watching you with Ryan and Sarah today sort of sparked my interest. You’re so good with them in so many different ways. I…I mean I never really thought twice about having kids, but if you and I decide this is a long term thing…I’d love to be the person you have kids with.”
“Thought you didn’t like playing the what if game.” She leans in and pecks his lips.
“I don’t.”
“Okay, so, it’s not an if with us, Harry, it’s a when.”
He smiles and kisses her tenderly.
“You’re the love of my life, you know that?” He says against her lips before kissing her again.
The school year was just about to start again. Classes would begin just after Labor Day. How were Harry and Danielle spending their long weekend? Well, she was currently bouncing up and down on his dick reverse-cowgirl on her couch while he sucked a nasty bruise into her neck, rubbing her clit with one hand, and kneading one of her breasts with the other. She felt like she was drooling from how good everything felt. The two of them had both tanned nicely over the summer, and now they Danielle was fully back in her apartment, Harry was taking full advantage.
“Fuck, fuck!” She pants. Harry was thrusting up into her, pounding against her g-spot.
It was how she liked it, she didn’t care if she was sore later, and he was happy to give it to her like this. She turns her head slightly and she licks into his mouth to suck on his tongue. He replaces his tongue in her mouth with two of his fingers, which she was happy to suck on while his fingers continued to work her clit. They had been together for a while now, and sometimes when you were a little older, time didn’t make much of a difference when you were trying to check off certain boxes with the person you loved most. So, Harry just blurts out what he’s thinking.
“I think we should move in together.” He grunts, and she gasps around his fingers.
“Wh-what?” She says, whining because she’s so very close. This wasn’t the type of talk she enjoyed during sex. “Harry, please, I’m almost there, can we talk about this after?” She tugs at his hair, making him groan.
He grips her hips, helping her rock faster on him, and she goes to rub her own clit. He was fucking so hard and deep that she thought her spine was going to crack in half, but she didn’t fucking care. She wanted it. He hits it just right again, and her eyes roll into the back of her head as her back arches, her body molding into his as she rides it out. His come shoots up inside her a moment after, and he presses his lips to her temple. She tries to move off him, but he wraps his arms around her tummy to keep here there.
“Can we talk now?” He breathes, his breath hot on the shell of her ear and she whimpers. “I really think we should live together.”
“And whose place do you want to live at, hm? We’re both pack rats, Har. We both need home offices, we both-“
“Just answer the question: do you want to live together?”
“Yes.” She looks over her shoulder at him. “I do.”
“Okay, then.” He smiles and gently lifts her off of him. “Right when we started dating, I got pre-approved for a home loan.” He wraps her up in the blanket she has on the couch and carries her into the bedroom so they can both lay down before cleaning themselves up. “I put the house hunting on hold, obviously…I’d need to get pre-approved again since the three-month window they gave me lapsed, but…I can afford a pretty decent house.” He smiles fondly at Danielle. She had that after sex glow to her, and it always made him melt.
“You…you can afford a house?”
“I can.” He nods. “Been saving up for a while. I was sort of hoping…well…we could look at houses together. I could buy it, and then we could split the mortgage payments, or I could just pay the mortgage and you could take care of the utilities and other bills. Whatever makes more sense.” He shrugs. She blinks a few times and then licks her lips.
“I just…wow, I can’t believe you wanna do something so huge with me. Buying a house with someone is a pretty big deal.”
“I feel like it makes more sense to buy the house first, and then save back up for a wedding later, but that’s just me.” He gives her a smug look and her eyes widen. “I think that’s why the divorce rate is too high, not enough people live together before they get married.” A grin starts to form on her lips. “Don’t look at me like that, we’ve talked about long-term stuff before.”
“We’ve talked about hypothetical babies, not buying a house. Do you already have a realtor?”
“No, and we don’t really need one. We can just look up the houses we wanna see and contact the realtor that’s selling the home. A friend of mine did that and they said it was a way better experience.”
“I can’t believe this.” She shakes her and then giggles, throwing her arms around his neck. “You wanna be us a house! I wish I could help with the down payment, but my student loans have prevented me from putting a lot into my savings…”
“It’s no problem. You’re able to afford this place on your own, so I figured you’d be able to help with bills and stuff.”
“I definitely will be able to.” She kisses his cheek. “Let’s go take a shower and then we can start looking on realtor.”
“Eager.” He smirks as she tugs him up from the bed.
“Now’s the time to buy! All of the snowbirds who are looking to make the big plunge to warm weather full time will be looking to get rid of their houses, and with the school year starting we don’t really have to worry about competing with families. It’s perfect, Harry!”
It was, it really was.
By the beginning of October, the two were moved into a stunning home with four bedrooms, and four baths. They got just about everything on their wish list, and anything they didn’t, Harry said he could make happen. Danielle was able to pass out candy for Halloween to the kids in the neighborhood, which delighted her to no end because a few of her new and previous students stopped by. And when it came time for Thanksgiving, even though they weren’t full unpacked, Danielle was able to host a fabulous dinner for her family.
It wasn’t always perfect, they disagreed on paint colors, furniture, curtains, and rugs. They usually found some way to compromise, though. Sometimes Danielle had trouble checking her attitude at the door. There was one evening she got home a little later than usual, so Harry got dinner started. A nice gesture on his part, which she thanked him for. However, when it came time to clean up, she wouldn’t stop huffing while she loaded the dishwasher.
“Alright, what’s wrong?” He finally asks. “Why are you reorganizing everything?”
“Because you never put anything in here right.” She snaps. “Bowls and cups go on the top rack. Look at this! You put one of the little plates up here, how the fuck is that supposed to get cleaned properly?” She says as she moves the small plate to the bottom rack. “You also don’t load the silverware correctly. Did you want me to stab myself?! I’m usually the one that has to unload it.” She huffs again after throwing a pod in and turning the dishwasher on. She crosses her arms and looks at him. “I’m your girlfriend, not your mother.”
“I never said you were.” He crosses his arms as well, astonished at her tone.
“Yeah? So, did you think that your dirty socks and underwear just magically picked themselves up and put themselves into your hamper? Did you think that the bed magically gets made? Did you think that the broom and dustpan do a little fucking dance and that’s how the shmutz on the floor gets cleaned up?!”
“You’re making it seem like I don’t do anything to help out around here. I’m the one that rakes the leaves and mows the lawn, I’m the one that has to stop what I’m doing to come kill a bug every time you yelp, I’m the one that takes care of all the trash in the house-“
“Only when I say something about it overflowing. I have to tell you to do everything!”
“Look, I’m sorry I don’t load the dishwasher in the way that you’d prefer, but the dishes get clean, so-“
“No, they don’t. I either have to run it again, or I wash the stuff by hand. We’re gonna have kids someday, Harry, I don’t want them picking up on your bad habits.”
“My bad habits?!” Okay, now he was getting angry. “I have to ask you to clean your hair out of the shower drain. In fact, your hair is fucking everywhere! You never wipe off the mirror after you pop a pimple, which you know you shouldn’t be doing anyway.” He rolls his eyes. Her face falls into a deep frown. “Not so much fun when someone’s pointing out your flaws, is it?”
“Fuck off.” She turns on her heel and makes her way out of the kitchen.
“Oh, so that’s how it’s going to be. You’re going to start an argument with me, but you’re not going to finish it?” He says as he follows her out to the staircase.
“You asked me what was wrong, and I told you.” She states.
“Yeah, but you didn’t have to be such a bitch about it.” Her eyes widen with anger at that, and her nails press into her palms. She starts stomping her way upstairs. “Dani.” He sighs. “Shit, I didn’t mean to say that.” He follows her up the stairs.
“But you did.” She goes into the bedroom and almost shuts the door in his face, but he catches it, making his way in. “You men are all the same, you know that? Any time a woman calls you out on some crap, she’s a bitch.”
“You got upset over something as insignificant as loading a dishwasher. You know we’re lucky to even have one? There are people who don’t have the luxury.”
“Yeah, I know! And I’d probably be the one to always be washing the dishes.”
“If it bothered you that much, then why didn’t you say something to me before?”
“Because I didn’t want to come off as naggy! I don’t want to be one of those women that’s always telling their partner what to do and how to do it, but holy fuck, who actually raised you?! I mean, some of the things you do, I just don’t understand.” She shakes her head.
“We were obviously raised differently.” He sighs. “You know if you just told me-“
“But I don’t want to have to tell you! I don’t want to have to ask because I shouldn’t have to.”
���I’m not a mind reader, Dani!”
“I’m not asking you to be! But when the sink is full of dishes, do you think you could take care of it without me having to mention it? Do you think that when the trash is full you could just bag it up and take it and put a new bag in? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve accidentally thrown something out without a bag being in the barrel. It drives me bananas!”
“Okay, I’ll…I’ll try to be better about those things. I don’t want you to feel like you’re having to pick up after me.” He runs a hand through his hair.
“And…I’ll try to not just explode on you when something’s been bothering me.” She sits on the bed and lays back. “Ugh, I just had a long day. Kids are starting to get colds, and the meeting I had after school just wouldn’t end, I’m supposed to get my period in a couple of days so I feel bloated and gross.” Harry sits down next to her and rubs her thigh. He looks down at her with a soft smile. “Listen to me.” She sighs. “Here I am complaining about stupid things when you literally put your life at risk every time you go to work.”
“Don’t compare us, babe. You’re allowed to feel annoyed and stressed.”
“How do you always stay so calm?” She tugs him down to lay with her.
“I don’t know. It’s hard to stay upset when I have such a cute girlfriend.” He kisses her cheek and she giggles.
“I’m sorry I got so mad.”
“It’s okay, baby.” He kisses her cheek again. “We’re bound to have an argument once in a while. The most important thing is that we always make up afterwards.”  He starts kissing on her neck and she bites her bottom lip.
“Harry, I just told you that I feel bloated and gross, and-“
“So, let me make you feel not gross.” He says as he moves on top of her. “Let me love on you, darling, it’ll help you destress.” He moves her up the bed until he’s situated between her legs. He undoes her pants and drags them down her legs. “Are you wearing boxer-briefs?” He questions.
“Y-yeah? I started buying them a little while ago. They’re more comfortable, and they breathe better. Plus, no panty lines.”
“How did I not notice this?” He blinks.
“Because I usually change when I get home into something a little sexier.” She chuckles.
“Actually…” He tugs on the band and lets it snap back against her skin. “You look pretty sexy in these.”
He tugs them off of her and kisses on her tummy. He parts he legs and licks around her folds. She sighs and lets her body rest into the mattress.
“I really feel like I don’t deserve this since I was so nasty to you.” She says as she cards her finger through his hair.
“You can make it up to me by letting me fuck your mouth afterwards. Seems like you could use a break from running it, hm?” He sucks on her clit, making her groan, and she nods.
“Yeah, seems fair to me.” She gasps as he licks into her warm center, and uses his thumb on her clit. “Would you make me come a few times, though, at least?”
Her gives her a devilish smirk, which she takes as a yes while he continues to work his tongue in and out of her. He gave her four orgasms before crawling up her body and stuffing his throbbing down her throat. Feeling her nails dig into his hips as he thrusted in and out of her was everything he needed. They didn’t do stuff like this often. He didn’t want to be one of those couples where certain types of sex or positions were used as punishments. But he knew Danielle genuinely enjoyed feeling a little bit of pain, not that they’d ever talked about it. He didn’t want to embarrass her by bringing up one of her very obvious kinks. Whenever he did fuck her throat, though, she always moaned around him, and she’d end up drenched between her legs all over again, so he knew she enjoyed it. He also made sure to love on her right afterwards, praising her, telling her how good she did for him, and he’d get a glass of water for her to sip on while he cleaned her up. They had good, healthy relationship in many aspects. He loved her, he really fucking loved her, and he never wanted to be without her.
“Dani, fuck, I love you, I love you so much, shit!” He cries out as he comes down her throat. He pulls away from her carefully and she smiles up at him after swallowing. He wipes a few stray tears away from her cheek.
“I love you too.” She says, voice hoarse, but still there.
“Do you feel like taking a bath tonight? I could rub your shoulders for you.”
“I’d like that, yeah, thanks.”
A couple of months later, and it was fire safety week once again. They made it through their first holiday season together, and his thirty-third birthday. Now they had been together an entire year, owned a home together, and were looking into potentially getting a dog. Harry had told her all about the senior dogs at the shelter, and Danielle sort of liked the idea of not having to train a puppy, even if they were undeniably cute.
All of the kids in both of Danielle’s groups knew that Chief Styles was Miss Robinson’s very special friend because she had a picture of the two of them on her desk, and one of him as her desktop wallpaper. It was no surprise that some of the kids teased them a bit, and asked some personal questions, but other than that the week was going well as it usually did. When Friday rolled around, it was time for the kids to put on their performance for the fire department. It was an assembly all of the grades came to, along with the other teachers. Once the four songs, and a skit, are over, Harry goes up to give his thanks just as he did last year.
“Thank you all so much for another fantastic week. Fire safety is extremely important to learn at a young age. I know we had a lot of fun together, but remember, when you’re missing Chief Styles, don’t call 911 to talk to him. Have your parent or guardian come down to the fire house, and we can say hello there, alright?” That was usually where the assembly would end, but today things were going to go a little differently. “If I could have all of the kids back up on stage for a moment? Parents, I promise this won’t take more than a couple of minutes.”
Danielle was visibly confused because she hadn’t planned anything else with the students, and Harry hadn’t mentioned adding anything special today. So, she sat in her seat in the front row and watched. She leaned over next to one of her colleagues.
“Do you know what’s going on?” She asks.
“Just watch, Dani.” Her colleague says, and Danielle sits up straight in her seat again.
All of the kids were holding a piece of paper in their hands. It was facing blank towards the audience. Some of them were giggling as Harry and the other fire fighters placed them in certain spots. Ralph gives Harry a thumbs up, and he starts speaking into the microphone again.
“Not a lot of people know this, or maybe they do, I don’t really know, but last year was my first year getting to host fire safety week with the lovely Miss Robinson, and over this last year she’s managed to steal my heart, giving me the great privilege of calling her my girlfriend.” The kids behind him snicker and giggle. “You said you’d all be cool, come on.” He looks over at Danielle, who still really had no idea what the fuck was going on. “Miss Robinson, could you come here for a moment?”
She nods, and gets up slowly, walking over to him. He takes one of his hands in hers.
“What are you doing?” She whispers.
“You’ll see.” He winks. “Miss Robinson has taught her kids how to spell lots of interesting words already this year. She teaches them how to sound things out, and all that good stuff. I had a chance to teach them something this week and they’ve been dying to show you.” He tugs her to the side so the whole audience will be able to see. “Alright, kids, flip your papers over to show Miss Robinson.”
She gasps when she sees it, cupping a hand over her mouth as her eyes start to well up. All of the papers spelled out: M I S S – R O B I N S O N – W I L L – Y O U – M A R R Y – M E ? She looks at Harry, who was now down on one knee, holding up a gorgeous ring in a little black, velvet box.
“It says, Miss Robinson, will you marry me?” He says to her with a beaming smile.
“I can see that.” She says, wiping some tears from her cheeks.
“Will you?”
“Yes! Oh my god, yes.” Everyone in the room cheers as Harry slips the ring on her finger. He stands up, and kisses her, not to vulgarly because there were kids around, but enough to show how happy he was that she said yes. “When did you have the time to plan all of this with them?”
“Got their parents’ emails from one of the other teachers.” He smirks. “Are you surprised?”
“I’m shocked!” She turns to her students. “You all kept such a big secret from me!” They crowd around her to hug her as she opens her arms for them.
A ton of the teachers, parents, and fire fighters all come up to the congratulate the pair. Once all of the fuss is over, and the cafeteria is cleared, Harry and Danielle go back to her classroom so she can pack up her things for the day.
“Do you like the ring?” He asks nervously.
“Are you kidding, I love it! It’s so beautiful, baby.” She pecks his lips. “I can’t wait to call my parents, I’m buzzing! Think of how cute Sarah’s going to be as a flower girl. Oh, and they’ll start calling you Uncle Harry, how sweet!”
“Gonna have to let Ryan be a groomsman, or I think he’ll try to kill me.” Harry chuckles. “He’s quite protective over his Auntie Dani.”
“And don’t you forget it.” She presses her finger to his chest. He leans in and kisses her tenderly. Normally, Danielle didn’t like getting so lovey dovey in her classroom, but she figured she had a good excuse in case anyone walked in. “I still can’t believe you planned all of that and pulled it off. Those kids usually can’t keep a secret.”
“I promised them all a ride in one of the fire trucks if they kept their mouths shut.”
“Damn, that was really smart.” She chuckles.
“I’d say so.” He smirks. “Do you feel like going out to eat tonight to celebrate? Ralph and his husband were hoping to treat us.”
“Sure.” She nods. “I’ll just need to cancel my yoga classes really quick.”
“You can still teach your classes if you want. I can just tell him we won’t be ready until later.”
“No, see, I wanna go home, and stay there for a bit.” She tugs on the suspenders that were keeping his fire pants up. “I’d like to celebrate with you privately first, Chief Styles.” She takes his hat off and puts it on her own head before catching his bottom lip between her teeth and sucking on it. He groans into the kiss, and she lets his lip snap back. He had inadvertently put her into one of her ‘Chief Styles/Miss Robinson’ moods, which he wasn’t upset about in the least. “How’s that sound?”
“Well, Miss Robinson, I’d say it sounds like you’re trying to seduce me.” He smirks, and she rolls her eyes. It was her least favorite joke.
“I can’t wait to be Danielle Robinson Styles so that you can’t make that stupid fucking joke anymore. I’m not a forty-year-old woman seducing a recent college grad!” His face softens immensely. “What?”
“Nothing.” He puts his hands on her hips and gives her a squeeze. “I just…I didn’t think you’d want to change your name, is all.”
“Harry, I’d be proud to be called Mrs. Styles. Think of how cute it’ll be after we get married and I have a new class, and then when you come in for fire safety week, I’ll be able to say my husband, Chief Styles.” She pouts at him.
“Alright, it’s time we get you home before my stiffy pops through my pants.”
She giggles as she grabs her bag, and they both rush out of her classroom, and out to the car. They held hands the while way home, not wanting to be apart from one another’s touch for even a second.
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fleckcmscott · 3 years
Out of Sight
Summary: Y/N has an unexpected dash of inspiration. Arthur doesn't require much convincing.
Warnings: Swearing, Smut
Words: 4,221
A/N: This fun little request comes from @sweet-nothings04​​. You're wonderful and I hope this meets your expectations. Thanks for the request - I can't imagine ever writing this without it! 🙈 Special thanks to @jokerownsmysoul​ for agreeing to beta!
If you have any thoughts or questions, please comment, feel free to message me, or send me an ask. Requests for Arthur and WWH are open!
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Words didn't often fail Y/N, but the admission left her foggy, reminiscent of what she'd experienced after tipping over in a wheelbarrow race at a school fair. Her foot swung back and forth as she sat on the counter. Fiddled with the phone cord and twisted its beige, plastic curls around her fingers. Were there signs she'd missed? Was her gut right in insisting she was a terrible friend?
"Marriage counseling?" she repeated.
Arthur stopped filling his bowl with sandy, pecan cookies, alarm encroaching his features. She waved off his concern, mouthing "not us" before she spoke into the receiver. "I'm so sorry." With a grimace of understanding, he patted her knee and ducked out, sweets in hand. No doubt he'd ask her to elaborate. Not that she had anything to share. Not yet. "I had no idea you and Robert were having problems."
Patricia laughed lightly on the other end. "Neither of us have our bags packed." A whistle came from the background. Vague cheering. Then mild cursing about how terrible this season's Gotham Guardsmen's picks were. She sighed. "The little green monster's dropped-in since your wedding. Don't get me wrong. I couldn't be happier for you if you were my own sister."
Y/N wished Patricia was within arm's reach instead of all the way in Burnside.
"Next month we'll have been married thirty-five years," Patricia continued with a rare nostalgia. "We're a team, Robert and me. But we've both let things go, gotten old. I'd like the spark back before we lose the kindling."
Pursing her lips, Y/N bit back her qualms. Rebutting the steps Patricia had taken was uncalled for, and doubly so when she needed her support. Besides. Y/N understood them. She'd climbed them once, too.
When she'd begun to figure out the direction in which the weather vane of her life pointed, the comfort and confidence she'd shared with her ex-husband had started to wither. Transformed over the years into an awareness that her childish belief in love being enough was inaccurate. It was natural, she thought in hindsight. They'd wed at seventeen and twenty-one. But divorce had been uncommon back then, particularly in a small town in the Bible Belt. The night she'd moved in with a friend (a tactic to delay confessing defeat to her family), Jeff suggested they speak with a professional. Though her heart had known it was over, she cared for him. She couldn't deny them the chance to salvage their union, no matter how remote.
A solitary counselor was available, a disadvantage of rural living. The man claimed to be a pioneer in couples therapy, having begun his practice in the thirties. One forty-five-minute drive later and they'd found themselves squished into a leather loveseat in a smoky, cramped office. Diplomas and certificates covered the walls, the veracity of which she couldn't verify. Dr. Ellis's puffy pink cheeks and offer of sweet tea had been kinder than his approach.
Fountain pens and worksheets were provided with the mumbled instruction to answer honestly. But the questions had not fit her situation. They were for women who desired to be happy homemakers. To plan meals and do the weekly shopping. To nurse children and have dinner ready by six. Responsibilities and life stages that had given her mother purpose - a purpose that mostly eluded Y/N. Every comma and quotation mark inferred fault. And Dr. Ellis had read her responses like a disappointed teacher.
Somehow the filmstrips, accompanied by a crackling LP, were worse. Mr. Provider and Mrs. Housewife were featured. He consistently came home on time. She always wore an apron. The narrator's spiritless voice contrasted with the cheery soundtrack while matching Y/N's mood. A lively ping! cued them to advance to the next still, a duty switched between her and Jeff to practice teamwork. At least the sidelong looks they shared could still connect them.
The slides, the homework, the speeches. They all pointed to one problem: her. Her parents were a model couple. Didn't she know encouraging her husband in his livelihood was her job? That his main obligation was to invite her to share his success? She had to mend her ways. Make herself more attractive. Be grateful he displayed his affection by returning to her after a long day at the office; he could just as easily hang out at The Rusty Boot.
Not a little indignant, she'd stared at Jeff's profile. Downcast eyes betrayed his regret and assured she'd maintain composure, for his sake if nothing else. She fixed her focus on Dr. Ellis and gave the situation a good, long think. Jeff had never questioned her ambitions. Who the hell was this jackass to judge?
She'd covered Jeff's hand, rubbed his knuckle with her thumb. "You're the expert here, doctor. But isn't it possible neither party is at fault?"
"Mrs. Thompson, I've heard that misconception from many of my clients. It's never led anywhere positive. Now-"
"But what if they're both good people?" she interrupted, hanging onto diplomacy by a thread. Her resolve stayed, even as her volume lowered at the prospect of wounding the man she'd loved as a girl. "Good people who've grown apart?"
Dr. Ellis took what she'd learned was his usual position on the corner of his cherry desk. "You're mistaking natural sex differences for incompatibility. Not every husband allows his wife to work outside the home." His paternal smile hadn't diminished the sting of his words. "If you want your marriage to thrive, I'd advise a little more maturity. And I think I have just the book to help you."
Twenty tons of silence festered on the ride home, louder than the pulse beating her eardrum. Distress distracted her from noticing the run in her stockings. And it was drizzling. She cracked the passenger window of the Lincoln Continental, anyway. Closed her eyes at the bite of raw air against her overheated face.
"Look, I don't agree with what that guy says," Jeff started. He pulled at the gearshift and flicked the turn-signal. "Not when it comes to you."
As the car came to a stop, she swiped at her eyes. "I'm not going again." The press of a napkin to her palm prompted a mix of appreciation and annoyance. For his courtesy and that he'd detected her tears. "Do you even like being married to me?"
"Please." She flinched at his attempt to embrace her. "Don't spare my feelings."
Headlights from a passing car flashed in the cabin, revealing his stretched lips. He raked back his thinning hair. The quiet shake of his head when he moved to gaze at her was a relief. "I miss the girl I fell in love with."
She offered a slight shrug and pulled the corners of the tissue. "I don't like it, either."
His rapid blink softened her posture, along with the recognition that the dream they'd had was also out of reach for him. "I'm proud of the woman you've become," he said. "Even if she's not what I need."
"I don't want to be a lawyer's wife." A quiet laugh bubbled up. "The oral arguments are terrible."
He checked his blind spot and put the sedan back into drive. "I'll file the papers tomorrow. We can tell your parents and sister together. If you'd like." After some seconds, she'd slid across the bench seat and put her head on his shoulder, heartened by an affinity she'd nearly forgotten.
Counseling techniques must have evolved, Y/N considered. Perhaps Patricia would find help instead of blame. If not, tips in women's magazines were a tacky if economical alternative. She'd have to check the breakroom at work for forgotten issues.
She hopped off the counter and poured herself another cup of decaf. "Let me know if we can do anything. And how it goes."
"The first few sessions were great. I picked up a few booklets. 'Modern Marriage,' 'The Complete Woman...' Oh!" Paper shuffled as Y/N put back the milk. "'Enrichment & Exploration: Tips for Bedroom Fun.' I tried reading it with Robert the other night, but he left when I mentioned massagers and blindfolds."
"He's sixty," Y/N snorted. "Give him time."
Peeking around the corner, she spotted Arthur in his writing nook. He stood to stretch, then grab his lighter and pack of Stuttons. The low sit of his pajama bottoms was enough of a temptation for her to tuck her lip. An unexpected spasm tickled her abdomen. "Brief me on the blindfold chapter."
Nervous anticipation had kept her feverish for hours, ever since she'd bid farewell to Arthur with a "Save a smile for me" on her way out the door. His clumsy smooch lingered as she changed the date on her rubber stamp. While she cleaned the office refrigerator, she spent a good sixty seconds pressing a cup of expired yogurt to her flush cheeks. When the shoulder strap of her canvas bag gave out, she shrugged rather than cursed and settled the tote in her lap. With her plan in mind, the corners of her lips refused to relax .
After working the grand opening of the Gotham Mall, Arthur had the workshop she'd registered him for, a beginners' seminar for stand-ups. He'd be home right around six. That would give her thirty minutes to change into her mini nightdress with the ruffled hemline, dab musk oil behind her earlobes, and put on an LP. Dinner would be delayed - neither of them would be in the mood if they were too full. If she remembered correctly, they had a pizza in the freezer, the good kind with the real pepperoni and rising crust. She just had to figure out if she should wait in the bedroom or lounge on the sofa like a poor-man's Lauren Bacall.
As she unlocked the apartment, however, there came a muffled phomp-phomp-phomp. The unmistakable sound of a sink plunger. Fuck. This was the third time this month. Pushing through the door, she hoped the super had called a different plumber. It had taken ages to clean up the stray sediment left behind by the last one. Upon entering, Arthur's plaid bag came into view, next to his keys on the counter. A glance into the kitchen confirmed he was trying his hand at the repair. 
"Hey." Y/N hung her coat, glad her consternation was hidden by the wall. "What happened to your class?" she asked with deliberate playfulness. "Did they decide you were too advanced?" She crossed her arms and moved to the doorway. Tried to hold onto the tendrils of fading arousal by taking him in.
A pleased chuckle. "The instructor left a message." Phomp-phomp-phomp."It'll be rescheduled."
"I know you were looking forward to it." The rolled-up sleeves of his shirt and flexing biceps were having the right effect. She ambled towards him. "Let me help."
"It's fine. I had to do this a lot at my old place." The set of his jaw tightened as it gave it another go.
They went through the litany of usual questions. Arthur contently reported the mall had gone well, except for a couple of teenagers who'd given him grief at the start. ("Nothing serious. They were just kids.") Her nine-to-five had been quite low-key, she explained, and had allowed her to catch-up on a backlog of paperwork. ("With the new judge, we keep having to file motions for correction.") But when he asked about this evening, she mused and tapped her fingertips on the counter. Horny, annoyed at her thwarted plan, yet nevertheless itching to seduce him
Water streamed as he turned the faucet's handle, followed by his satisfied hum. He tidied up, then washed to his elbows. Grabbed the nearby dish towel and pivoted on his heel to face her. "What is it?" he asked at her lack of response. He wiped his hands a little harder. "I thought you'd be glad I'm already here."
Seeking to allay his concern, she scooted next to him with a gentle nudge. "You know I am. You've been running through my head all day." She scrunched her nose. "I just had this idea for a romantic evening and wanted to surprise you."
"Oh." Pink colored his chiseled cheekbones and his eyes softened. "You still could. I'd like that." Ardor sparked anew in her belly. Unfurled as he leaned into her, grin cutting across his mouth and straight into her heart. "Would ten minutes be enough?"
Her toes curled. His enthusiasm for her, for them, had a habit of sending electricity up her spine. "Better make it eight," she pronounced.
A sharp nod and a pat to her bottom later, he dashed off. Once the bathroom door shut, Y/N rushed to rummage in his workbag, delighted when she found her prize. She scurried to the stereo and put on one of her soul records. Adjusted the volume to a suggestion instead of distraction. Though the genre wasn't his favorite, it never failed to induce the swivel of his hips. Unbuttoning, unzipping, she made her way to the bedroom. Yanked off her tan skirt and jacquard sweater before carelessly tossing them in the nearby chair.
She'd just gotten settled on the foot of the bed when Arthur sauntered in. Clad in his white briefs and wrinkled socks. "That was five," she said and wadded her pantyhose to hurl at him.
He dodged it easily, stepping forward to gaze at her with hooded eyes, their clear green darkened with need. He licked his lips. "I think it was four." Without further preamble, he knelt between her legs. Scrambling up the bed, she kicked subtly against his hold on her calves. Bit her lip on a giggle as he crawled over her lap to smother her with kisses. She rested on the headboard and nabbed his red and gold Carnival tie from under her pillow.
He quirked a dark brow. "What, you want me to wear it?"
Before any reservation could resurface, she smoothed the broad neck of the tie over her eyes and secured it loosely at her temple. Hesitation floated through the air. Threatened to pierce the veil of desire that enveloped her. She wondered what he was waiting for. If he was wearing that wolfish grin he saved for the bedroom. Or if a modicum of anxiety had spawned. She had sprung this on him without prior discussion. The muffled music from the living room switched to the next song. She attempted to peek under the bottom of the makeshift blindfold, tried to make out more than a vague shadow in the muted light.
But then he sunk into her. Wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pressed her into the mattress. "If you're uncomfortable, tell me," he murmured into her mouth. "Please."
The implication of his request, albeit more loving than licentious, wracked her with want. She couldn't halt her shudder. Blindly, she reached to cup his face. "I trust you," she promised. To both him and herself.
His round nose dragged down the underside of her jaw. "Where'd you get this idea?"
The caress of his smile on the crook of her neck caused a delicious heaviness to settle in her center. "A pamphlet."
"On what?" He tugged at the knot between her ample breasts. Fondled her through the thin satin. "How to make your husband high-strung?"
She carefully skimmed the rigid bulge in his briefs with her knee. "It was actually on how to loosen him up," she retorted. He always loved it when she paraphrased one of his jokes.
Every hushed kiss, every whisper of him against her flesh was magnified. Forced her to concentrate solely on him, to pay attention to each move he made. His humid, hot breath teased her nipple, prompted it to pebble with a twinge. When she released an embarrassingly desperate whimper, he snorted lightly and slipped his palm to the middle of her back. Following his lead, she arched into him. His soft curls brushed her as he laved her areola, swirled his tongue around it, her skin coming alive at the contact. Weathered hands that had so eagerly learned how to touch her groped her neglected breast, rolled its peak between slender, nimble fingers. She fisted the pillow, tipped her head, and grasped his shoulder with a cry. "Arthur..."
Getting her going usually wasn't difficult. Especially when she'd been thinking about making love for an inappropriate number of office hours. But the suspense of not seeing where he'd next pet her, of every caress being a discovery, had her core already pulsing for him. The intrigue was a treat. The best case she'd ever worked on. His strokes walked a path to every clue.
His fingertips skimmed her inner thighs. Groaning, he hooked them under the waistband of her bikini, tugged until she lifted her rear. He pulled them off hastily. With a gentle pressure, he encouraged her to open herself to him. She did so gladly, splaying her legs without a hint of self-consciousness. The relatively cool temperature of the room hit her hot, swollen folds and she quivered.
Then there was an odd sensation at her clit. Scratchy. Rough like a canvas. And was that a corner? After a few seconds it was clear it wasn't doing it for her. And she didn't think Arthur was trying to wipe away her slick. Reaching down, she found a twisted bedsheet in his fist. She was relieved he hadn't run to the kitchen for ice.
"Not good?" he asked.
She softened the blow. "You feel better."
The pad of his thumb trailed over her patch of springy hair, a faint tease that sent a dizzying current racing through her limbs. She strove towards him but he didn't oblige. Rather, he took her hand and placed it on her labia. Guided her to dip within her inner lips. A short moan left her, at the sensation and the sound of his increasingly labored breathing, tinged by his deep voice. "You look like sex," he blurted.
Laughing, she halted. Whenever something brazen spilled from his mouth, however left-footed, she adored it. She clasped his sides. "What does that mean?"
"If I'd seen you in a magazine," he started, moving to settle over and straddle her. His hard-on grazed her abdomen, leaving a damp trail of his arousal in its wake. Even as she wondered when he'd taken off his underwear, her muscles tensed and she gasped. Playful pecks met her cleavage. "You'd be pasted on every page of my journal."
Her reply slipped out before discretion could take hold. "We better buy a Polaroid." A stitch of reluctance before she added, "Just keep them in your desk."
He uncurled her fingers and pressed her palm to his chest. "Touch me," he whispered, pleaded. Her pulse quickened. With an unhurried deliberation, he guided her over the peaks and valleys of his body. The lean pectorals she loved to nuzzle after a weary day. The freckled indent of his sternum. Downward, to the slightly loose skin around his navel, then the soft, toned curve of his abdomen.
Unable to resist, she stretched to chart the ridge of muscle leading to his groin. "You make me so wet."
He let out a bashful giggle, edged with excitement. The instant he rasped his next words against her forehead, she knew he was doing his damnedest to rival her. He pushed her hand to his erection. "You make me so hard."
She followed the bulging vein from base to tip, encircled him with a firm grip. The vibration of his harsh grunt rumbled through her and he jerked forward. Released her wrist to stroke her vulva and flick back and forth along her aching nub. Focusing on the satiny feel of his flesh, the heaviness of his length, she felt petite. Feminine. Powerful. Her hand glided between his legs, cupped the sensitive skin with care. His practiced rhythm faltered. The elbow beside her ear trembled.
While he was a captivating visual, one she missed, her imagination was determined to compensate for her lack of sight. Breathless moans spun her fantasies. Perspiration tickled her nose, woodsy and sweet, conjuring memories of his taste in her mouth. Then all at once he was inside her, going down on her, sucking at her while fucking into her. Impossible feats that nevertheless caused a fever in her brain. "Oh, god," she mewled. Her wanton writhing hastened. She ground against his thigh. "I want your cock in me."
He took hold of himself as she held herself open. The blunt tip of him slid just inside her entrance, a drop when she needed an ocean. She grabbed his hips and thrust upward, hissing as he stretched her completely. "You're fucking tight," he uttered through clenched teeth.
She smoothed her palms over his back, memorized each notch of his ribs. The odd angle of his distended shoulder. The strong tendons at the nape of his neck. He crushed her closer, until her mouth bumped his clavicle. She nibbled lightly, licked the salty sheen of sweat from its hollow, drawing her name from his lips and rapid bucks of his pelvis. "Fuck me," she said, a command and an appeal.
A creak came from above. She followed his taut arm to find he'd clutched the headboard. It occurred to her, then, that her inability to see had been liberating for him. Enough to let go of his inhibitions, to give voice to the bawdy, wonderful things he'd said, to not worry about his appearance.
She reached to swipe her clit steadily, relentlessly. Tears pricked her eyes as she became weightless. Her frame seized, and she came with a choked cry. She sniffled and laughed into his neck, overwhelmed by him. The way he made love to her as if he sought to erase her earlier trials and replace them with the present.
His throaty, punctuated groans, his fingernails digging into her ass divulged his approaching release. She ran her foot along his calf, relished in his body as its angles pressed into her. He balanced himself on his knees, snapping into her at an erratic pace. Then all at once he moaned sharply and went rigid, cock twitching. She cradled the back of his head while his essence marked her walls, closed her eyes when he sprawled on top of her.
Raking her hands through his loose waves, she swallowed thickly. Although she'd always enjoyed sex, exploring this way hadn't been conceivable with anyone else. Allowing that match to light, allowing herself to fan that flame had been unthinkable. She'd felt inadequate. Unable to live up to others' demands, especially her own. There'd been too many boxes to check. Revealing herself in that way would have been a demonstration of trust she wasn't quite ready for.
Being an established woman on equal footing with her partner wasn't something she'd believed possible. She'd been content to go without and find meaning through her work. Arthur had helped her augment that. She could be tough as old leather or delicate as gossamer without concern he'd see her differently. If expectations were left unmet, their easy discussions and compromises promised they'd never become resentments. They supported each other - authentically and as themselves.
For the first time, she knew she was loved for who she truly was. And she wouldn't have to change to keep it.
Choppy panting gradually ceased, replaced by leisurely, happy sighs. He skimmed her flank, then the curve of her hip. She tickled his midriff gently, only stopping when he reclaimed her lips and slid his tongue against hers. Tenderly, he loosened the knot at her temple. She blinked at the orange, evening light invading her eyes. When his came into focus, they were still dilated, a tad sleepy. And so full of affection her breath caught.
Cheek propped on the heel of his hand, he raised his eyebrows. "How was it?"
"You have to ask?" she chuckled, swatting his backside.
A stray lock tumbled towards her as he bent closer. "I wanna hear it."
"Wonderful." Her thighs tightened, keeping him within her. "What I've been craving all day."
His smile was a slow build, equal parts shy and deservedly smug. Then he stared at his tie. "I- I don't know if I'll ever be able to wear that again."
She snorted and looped it around his neck, secured it with a half-Windsor knot. "You're a professional, Mr. Fleck. You'll manage."
He rolled to her left and yanked open the nightstand drawer to riffle through its contents. "What else is in the pamphlet?"
"Hey!" She batted him half-heartedly, boosted herself on her elbow, and spooned him. "What if I had a surprise hidden in there?"
Undeterred, he huffed. "It wouldn't beat this."
"Patricia told me about it." He stilled and slanted his gaze her way. "I can get a copy."
At first, Y/N assumed he'd contradict her. That he wanted to keep their escapades private. But once a few seconds had passed, Arthur acquiesced with a smirk and snatched a nearby tissue. Wiped himself off and tossed it in the woven wastebasket. He reclined beside her, hands folded behind his head. "Okay. Just don't give away my whole act."
Tag list (Let me know if you want to be added!): @harmonioussolve​ @ithinkimaperson​ @sweet-nothings04​ @stephieraptorr​ @rommies​ @fallenstarsabyss​ @gruffle1​ @octopus-plasma​ @tsukiakarinobara​ @arthur-flecks-lovely-smile​ @another-day-in-chuckletown​ @hhandley80​ @jokerownsmysoul​ @mrscarnival​
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ohahahahaha · 6 years
Voltron Grocery Store AU/Headcanons
*based on my own experiences*
-Allura and Coran co-own the store (it’s a family business)
-Shiro is the store manager
-Pidge is over produce
-Hunk works in the deli with all the cakes
-Keith and Lance are cashiers (like I was)
-Lance is the cashier that does really well (can interact with the customers, flirt with them semi-professionally and resolve issues), but he often wanders off.
     -”Hiya Pidgeon!” “Lance, what are you doing here, it’s not even your break and FOR FUCKS SAKE STOP EATING THE GRAPES!”
     -Hunk, whispering horrified, “Lance, please tell me you didn’t leave Keith by himself.”
     -He did.
-”Sir, your total is going to be $54.69.” *customer hands Keith a $100, who checks to make sure its not a counterfeit*
     -”It should be good, I just printed it off this morning!’
    -Keith, with death in his eyes, biting the inside of his cheek, “Haha. Haven't heard that one before.”
     -”I’m gonna need two things: a bag of ice, and your number.” Keith, monotone, “Sir, I can promise you one of those things is going to happen. And the total for the ice is going to be $2.56.”
-Keith is also know for stealing all the box cutters and hoarding them all in his apron pockets.
     -”Excuse me! I would like a refund for this! Your store is terrible and so is your attitude! Let me speak to your manager!” *Keith pulls a box cutter out of his pocket* “KeITH NO!!”
-Nobody knows how Pidge is able to work there. And everyone is too scared to ask (it’s actually Matt who applied for the job initially; but one time Pidge covered for his shift and the rest is history).
-Shiro is trying his best to keep the store from burning to the ground.
     -It’s rumored that he got that white streak in his hair from the stress.
     -He is often the closing manager (Coran takes mornings).
    -Has been caught pulling cereal off the shelf, and eating it by the handful.
-Hunk’s cakes are legendary, he’s the Picasso of cakes.
     -He often sneaks pastries to Keith in order to keep his anger at bay.
     -It works sometimes.
     -”Lance, stop eating the cupcakes, and GIVE ME BACK THAT ICING!”
     -He’s probably the busiest because he’s always booked for birthdays.
     -He genuinely likes working here???
-The workers are supposed to pay for every cup of coffee they get.
     -Spoiler: they don’t. 
     -Hunk switches Pidge’s coffee to decaf.
     -Lance often brings Keith his coffee because apparently (in Keith’s words), he’s the only one who can fix it right (and totally not because their fingers brush against each other’s).
-There’s a betting pool on when they’ll get together.
     -Coran has the most money put in.
-One time, Keith locked Lance into one of the coolers because he wouldn't shut up about how he was “cooler than him.”
-When a grocery truck comes, it’s an absolute horror.
     -Lance was racing Keith to see who could unload it the quickest, and knocked over a whole display case. Keith just ran from the scene.
     -There’s footage on the security cameras of Lance riding on one of the trolleys as Keith pushes it, recreating the scene from Titanic.
     -Pidge once dared Lance to hide in the back of the truck until the driver rode off.
     -He did.
     - *Lance pops up from the back of the truck ”Oh hi there!” “JesUS CHRIST!!”
     -The truck nearly crashed.
-Keith helped Pidge in produce once.
     -He would try to stuff his pocket with one of the knifes.
     -Just kept cutting fruit, even the grapes.
     -He kept cutting off the fingers on the latex gloves.
     -”.....get out of my fucking department.” Shiro, over the intercom “Language, Pidge.”
-Lance somehow manages to dance to every single song that comes on. Classical? Yep. Elevator music? No problem. Dogs barking Jingle Bells? His hips don’t lie.
-Keith often goes over the intercom and whispers his distaste for the customers, mostly profanities.
     -He hasn't been caught yet.
-Keith fucking flies when he bags groceries.
     -When questioned, his only response was “Gotta go fast.”
-May continues this, but who knows! I have a TON of stories about working in retail and all that jazz. I still have nightmares.
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flulang · 5 years
Summary of the power of habits
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You can’t possibly call yourself a habit junkie and not know this book. It’s THE book about habits. Published in 2012 by Pulitzer-prize winning author Charles Duhigg, this gem has spent over 120 weeks on the various New York Times bestseller lists.
The book was sparked by Duhigg’s fascination with the wit of a U.S. army major in Kufa in Iraq, who nipped riots in the bud by persuading the small town’s mayor to keep food vendors out of large and growing gatherings – when people couldn’t fuel their anger and energy with kebabs, as they usually did, they just left. Tons of research and 8 years later, Duhigg published the go-to book about habits.
Here are your 3 must-takeaways:
Habits work in 3-step loops: cue, routine, reward.
You can change your habits by substituting just one part of the loop, the routine.
Willpower is the most important habit, and you can strengthen it over time with 3 things.
Ready to science the heck out of your habits? Let’s go!
If you want to save this summary for later, download the free PDF and read it whenever you want.
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Lesson 1: Habits work in 3-step loops: cue, routine, reward.
Roughly 40% of what you do happens on autopilot.
Habits are your brain’s way of saving energy, so given you spend around 6 of your 16 waking hours doing things you’re not aware of, it might be worth understanding what happens here.
Duhigg discovered that at the root of all habits, like drinking your coffee every morning, lies a simple 3-part loop.
The cue is what triggers you to do the habit, for example sitting down at your kitchen table to have breakfast every morning at 7 AM.
The routine is the behavior you then automatically engage in, which, for drinking coffee, might be to go over to your coffeemaker, turn it on, and press the “large cup” button.
Lastly, you’ll receive a reward for completing the routine, such as the rich smell of your coffee, it’s hearty taste and getting to watch the steam rise from the cup as it sits on your kitchen table in the sunlight (I really love coffee, can you tell?).
Note: My friend Sam Thomas Davies created an excellent blog post with a beautiful visualization of the loop.
Your brain’s activity only spikes twice during this loop. At the beginning, to figure out which habit to engage in, and at the end, when the link between cue and routine is reinforced (here’s a graphic from the book).
Wait, reinforced?
That’s how habits are built and the stronger this link gets, the harder it becomes to change them. But you can still do it.
Lesson 2: You can change your habits by substituting just one part of the loop, the routine.
Naturally, the more often you reinforce a habit, the more embedded in your brain it gets.
In case of the coffee, you might crave it the second you sit down at your kitchen table, and when you can’t have it that day, because the machine broke, you’ll probably get very grumpy and buy one later at work.
The trick to changing a habit then, is to switch the routine, and leave everything else in tact.
Duhigg calls this the golden rule.
If you’re trying to get off caffeine, the tweak is incredibly simple: switch to decaf (like my “friend” Replacing Rick).
You’ll still have the entire experience from A to Z, but instead of pressing a button you’re now pouring hot water over decaf coffee powder, and voilà, you won’t miss caffeine for even a single day.
Lesson 3: Your most important habit is willpower, and you can strengthen it over time in 3 ways.
Not all habits are created equal and Duhigg says willpower is by far one of the most important ones, as it helps us do better in all aspects of life.
Having been to the moon and back in terms of willpower research, I don’t want to tell you to eat right, sleep enough and exercise regularly. My friend Colin is much better at that.
Instead, here are 3 uncommon ways in which you can grow your total willpower capacity over time:
Do something that requires a lot of discipline. For example a tough wake-up regimen or strict diet will make you constantly practice delaying gratification and thus give you more willpower to exert throughout your day.
Plan ahead for worst-case scenarios. Even just thinking about your boss yelling at you before it ever happens will help you not loose your cool when it does.
Preserve your autonomy. Yesterday I learned that autonomy was a major part of living a passionate life. Today I learned that if you take it away, your willpower also goes down the drain. When you’re assigned tasks by someone else, which you must do, your willpower muscle tires much quicker.
Focus on improving these important, big aspects of your life over minor hacks, and you’ll develop great self-discipline in the long run!
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The Power of Habit Review
Duhigg has managed to combine the scientific research with his own ideas and personal experiences in such a way that the book tells many extremely compelling stories, while teaching you everything you need to know about habits. If I could have you read only one book this year, this would be it – although Duhigg has published a new book in 2016, Smarter Faster Better, hmmm. Nah, go with The Power Of Habit!
« Buy the book on Amazon || Read the summary on Blinkist »
What else can you learn from the blinks?
Why habits stick and how that changed the toothpaste industry
How Alcoholics Anonymous has helped 10 million people kick the booze
What a keystone habit is and how Paul O’Neill 5x-ed the value of an entire company with it
Why no one cared to put out a fire in the London tube in 1987
How Target helped a Dad find out his teenage daughter was pregnant
The 3 factors from which big movements develop
Why a gambling problem is always your own fault, but murdering your wife in your sleep might not be
Who would I recommend The Power Of Habit summary to?
The 9 year old, who always has a cookie after lunch, and might want to know why, the 28 year old, who struggles with sticking to her new diet, and anyone who has less willpower than they’d like to have. You can learn more about the author here.
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loadsix912 · 3 years
Starbucks Barista Coffee Grinder Manual
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The Grinder is not an Optional Thing
The Starbucks “Barista” Coffee Grinder, the EL60, is the grinder that just won’t die. It was a present from my wife many years ago, and it has truly been a gift that keeps on giving. It’s survival isn’t just amazing because it’s really well made. It’s amazing because it continues to chug away despite Continue reading 'Baratza Rescues My Starbucks Grinder Again!' Place the grinder on the scale and tare. Weigh out the coffee beans into your grinder. Finding the right amount will take some practice to get right. You can pick a starting point by filling your moka basket with beans until they mound over the top a little, and weighing and grinding that amount.
The Starbucks Barista Coffee Grinder, the EL60, is the grinder that just wont die. It was a present from my wife many years ago, and it has truly been a gift that keeps on giving. Its survival isnt just amazing because its really well made.
I still cannot stress enough how important it is to get a good grinder, even before you buy an espresso machine. Don't skimp, don't blow it off. Get one if you even dare to hope to have quality coffee in the home.
The following is a list of grinders to think about. This list is by no means complete, and there are other very suitable options on the market I haven't listed here. Apart from the looks there are two important things with a burr grinder - the quality of the burrs and the precision of the adjustment/bearing mechanisms. Ken Wilson has put up some of the old articles from alt.coffee and other sources about modifying grinders (some of which are listed below) to accommodate the espresso fineness required for great shots.
Budget Grinders The burrs on some of these (and some not listed, like the Gaggia MM) are generally not very high quality (exceptions exist of course. In general, these provide only consistent maximum particle size, with a variable amount of fines and dust. However:
Bodum Antigua, (Costco, $65 or so) The Antigua has the same burr set as some of the grinders in the mid-range prices, but emits more noise and does demonstrate some static problems. This is the cheapest grinder I can (barely) recommend. Krups Il Barista, (Around $80) It's hard for me to recommend this grinder as there have been many negative reports (and some positive ones), and it is no longer made. However, they do turn up still at overstock stores and on eBay. Consider it if only no other option exists, and you happen to find one.
Zassenhaus Manual Mills, ($40-$80) Some people swear by them, but to get a good grind for pump espresso machines, be prepared for several minutes' work per shot. Available in tabletop and knee (pictured) versions. Sweet Marias stocks tons of them.
Mid Range Grinders At this level you are getting well fitting brass burr holders and precision bearings in some models, and good pattern conical burrs (in plastic housings) in other models. The burrs are similar in appearance to those on professional grinders, but generally smaller. The conical burr models offer great value for the prices.
Saeco M2002 ($100-$120). With the Saeco, you're moving up into a 'quality' espresso grinder. This is what I would consider the lowest acceptable grinder for medium general use. Expect 2-5 years out of this before it's time to upgrade due to dull burrs or poor performance.
Starbucks Barista / Solis 166 ($100-$130) The Solis grinder, rebranded by Starbucks, is a good all around grinder with one serious shortfall - not enough grind selections. And the variance between 'clicks' is pretty large, especially compared to a Rocky. Still, many people are happy with this grinder, and I have used one myself for almost 2 years as my 'grind for everything except espresso' grinder, until it died.
Solis Mulino grinder ($100) Because of Starbucks and their litigation department threatening to sue Solis' N. American importer, the Mulino grinder was introduced to replace the Solis-brand 166 grinder. The Mulino is essentially the same grinder as the 166 in a different body, and easier to modify the grind. Still not enough clicks, and too much grinds left in the 'chute' inside, but a good choice for many.
Solis Maestro Grinder ($130-$145) My top pick for this category. This is the replacement for both the 166 and Mulino grinders, and is a solid performer, handling espresso to press pot grind with ease. Has some unique features built in, including the option to grind directly into a portafilter. Fairly quiet, nice looking, and a great company backing it. I wrote a detailed review on this product over at CoffeeGeek. Isomac grinder ($150) I know nothing about this grinder, other than the people who own it are big fans. Hard to find. Read some reviews on it over at CoffeeGeek.
Upper End Grinders These are serious performer grinders for the home that could also double as light to medium commercial models, especially in the capacity as a decaf or second grinder. Most feature flat burrs with a brass mounting, and dosers, but there are some doserless models and conical burr models in this category.
Rancilio Rocky ($200-$230) This is by far the best grinder on the market in this price range. It produces an excellent, even grind and is built for longevity - the Rocky has been on the market for 10 years now. Some negatives include poor fitting lids and a rather cheap doser assembly, but most of the money on this grinder was spent on the motor and grind plates and inner assembly. Very worth the money, but only if used as an espresso grinder. Using for non-espresso is a bit of a hassle for many.
Gaggia MDF Grinder ($200) Gaggia MDF owners love their grinder, but between this grinder and the Rocky, the Rocky is a better deal. Still, you can't go wrong with the MDF, and if the Rocky is hard to come by or the MDF is at a special price, definitely go for it.
Innova Grinders ($190-$250) Innova Grinders are brand new to market, and available in several variants, including doser and doserless models, conical burrs, flat brass burs, and with automatic options available as well. These grinders are very capable and have what is called a 'worm drive' grind selection that is completely stepless and very, very finite. Recommended.
Mazzer Mini ($375-$600) Possibly the best espresso grinder ever made, home or office (or commercial) use. Well, not necessarily the Mini, but Mazzer grinders are amongst the industry's best. The Mini is the most polished, most solid, and most capable grinder I have ever personally tried. This is the be all, end all, and in my opinion, highly worth the price. Nuova Simonelli MCF, Others ($350+) By the time you get up to this price range, you can't really go wrong with any grinder you choose. Keep in mind these are usually commercial grinders designed for espresso use only. Will last forever in a home use setting.
Still have that vintage Baratza Starbucks Barista and need parts? Here’s what you need to know.
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There are a number of different Starbucks Barista appliances out in the world including drip coffee makers, espresso machines, and coffee grinders. At Baratza, we specialize exclusively in coffee grinders. At one point in time, circa 2004-2009 we did make a Baratza Starbucks Barista coffee grinder, and my hope in writing this is to help clear up confusion for those searching for information and guidance.
The sad reality is several other grinder manufacturers made Starbucks Barista coffee grinders. Before getting into the units Baratza did not make or sell, let’s start with the one we did: The Baratza Starbucks Barista model 1MP1SP, which looks like this:
Like all of our units, we have parts and troubleshooting information for this unit on our website. Yay!
But over the years, I’ve fielded inquiries about other models and have seen a number of them in person. In particular, the Type 166, EL60, and EL70 Starbucks Barista models come to mind. These three models are not units Baratza ever made or sold, but I happen to have some insights from the questions I’ve fielded over the years.
The hopper and lid for Baratza grinders is not a direct fit on the Type 166, EL60 or EL70. But, they are close in size and a determined individual wrote up a how to make a Baratza grinder fit these units and wrote a guide back in 2014 that is still up and available- https://www.epiphanydigest.com/2014/05/03/replacement-hopper-starbucks-barista-el60-grinder/.
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Knob/timer switch:
The Type 166, EL60 and EL70 have custom knobs. However, the mechanical interface of their knobs, and the Baratza Maestro Plus knob are the same. So, if you’ve lost or broken your knob, you can buy the Baratza Maestro Plus timer knob and it will mechanically function. Cosmetically, our knob is a little smaller in diameter, so you’ll have a bit of an air gap around it when you put it on to the grinder.
The Type 166, EL60 and EL70 use a Solis gearbox/motor assembly. Baratza also used a Solis gearbox/motor assembly in our first years in business, so we do offer the few Solis parts we are still able to procure. Included in these parts is the paddle wheel, which is the sweeper that pushes ground coffee out of the burr chamber. If your grinder gets plugged up, is really slow or only grinds fine, a worn paddle wheel is likely and can be inspected visually (see the Solis paddle wheel guide in our Troubleshooting section of the website).
Motor, gears, burrs:
Unfortunately, these are no longer available parts from Solis. 😥
Starbucks Barista Burr Grinder Parts
Starbucks Barista Burr Grinder Repair
The Solis motor has an inline fuse on the motor- see the ‘Fuse Replacement’ guide in the Solis section of our Troubleshooting page. The fuse is not a part we have, but I believe it can be found at a well-stocked electronics store. If my memory serves, it is a 104c inline fuse.
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New Post has been published on https://fitnesshealthyoga.com/a-whole-day-from-start-to-finish/
a whole day, from start to finish
It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these posts! When I reviewed survey results earlier this week – I look at them all year, so thank you so much to those of you who chimed in! I truly value all of your feedback and refer back to it often – there were a lot of requests for more posts like this. We had a day this week that was pretty *normal* (what does that even mean?) and I remembered to snap some pics, so here we go!
7:15: I wake up feeling EXTREMELY rested. I reach down for my phone and see that it’s 7:15… an entire hour after I had set my alarm to go off. I had set it for “Every Saturday” so it didn’t go off and I just enjoyed a nice little slumber. We have exactly 30 minutes before we have to be out the door, so I throw on a lulu top and some leggings, some sneakers, run a brush through my hair, and blitz downstairs. The girls are hanging out on the couch watching a show, so I put their piles of clothes next to them to get dressed (feeling very thankful I put out their outfits the night before) and make them a quick breakfast. They have hard-boiled eggs, yogurt, and toast, and I put their lunches into their backpacks, fill water bottles, do their hair, make sure they have their teeth brushed, put sunscreen on them, and we’re out the door. 99% of the time, I make Bulletproof Decaf coffee in my Yeti mug to take with us, but I’m out of coffee. 
8:50: I’m done with school drop-offs, so I head to the Starbucks at the grocery store to grab a coffee. Decaf almond milk latte with 1 pump of vanilla.
9:10 Back at home, and I put some sourdough into the oven that I prepped the night before. While the first loaf is baking, I finishing writing my blog post for that day and hit publish before putting the second loaf into the oven. I know it’s kind of a busy day, which works out well since it’s my rest day from the gym. While the second loaf is in the oven, I head upstairs for 7 minutes of meditation, a quick journal exercise, and do some easy stretches and mobility work.
10:20 Bread is done, so I cut a couple of slices for myself and make breakfast: 6 scrambled liquid egg whites, 1 whole egg, sautéed spinach, nutritional yeast, and bread with Kite Hill everything cream cheese spread and Everything But the Bagel seasoning from Trader Joe’s + a side of strawberries.
In between eating, I run the eufy (still my favorite ever), clean up the kitchen from the girls’ breakfast and the bread adventures, throw some laundry into the washer, make the beds, and spray down the countertops. I also take my supplements and fill up my giant water bottle to take for the day’s adventures.
10:50 I pick up Nani to go visit Baby August! She hadn’t met him yet, and I wanted to take Kyle and Meg some bread, so it was perfect timing. I swoop Nani, and we have a wonderful visit with Kyle, Meg, EJ, and August. 
How perfect are his little toes???
I hang out outside playing games with EJ and get to hold sweet August again, and we have a lovely visit with them. 
12:30 I’m back from picking up P, and I grab her a quick snack (a Perfect bar and a sliced apple). We also play dolls and do a puzzle in the playroom for a bit. She settles down to watch a show – we try to let the girls stick to a “2 shows per day” rule – and I make myself some lunch and answer a couple of quick emails. I eat lunch outside while she swings on the swing set.
This is a frozen chicken burger from Whole Foods with Sir Kensington’s Mayo, roasted red bell pepper, spinach, mustard, on a brown rice tortilla. Notice the bite marks on the outside of the tortilla, courtesy of P, haha.
1:30 We take the dogs for a walk together around the neighborhood. The weather is so gorgeous and P is officially a pro dog walker. It’s crazy to think of how many walks I spent with her in the Ergo or in the stroller and now here she is, walking a dog completely by herself. 
I think it’s so cute that Bella lets her hold her, too. She doesn’t mind it at all. 
I switch the laundry out, and then P helps me make some cookie dough. I’ve been using this recipe and it’s INSANE (I just make the cookies smaller than the recipe suggests and skip the walnuts). 
I wish I could say I just had this tiny bit of cookie dough, but let’s be real here. After scooping spoonfuls onto the cookie sheets, I cleaned the bowl with a spoon. 😉 SO good.
After baking the cookies, we let them cool and head out to pick up Liv. 
3:15 We’re back home from picking up Liv. I make the girls a snack plate (bell pepper, carrots, hummus, pepperoni, cheese, and crackers) and they eat it outside playing while I make some dinner to take to Kyle and Meg’s house. While I’m cooking, I have a Larabar and some tea with collagen.
I put rice into the Instant Pot, and chop a quick Greek salad (romaine, spinach, tomatoes, cucumber, roasted red pepper, kalamata olives, and feta), then start on the Chicken Parmesan. Enchiladas are my go-to baby meal, but since I made them enchiladas a couple of weeks ago, I want to switch it up. I make doubles of everything and wrap it in the fridge since that will be the girls’ dinner that night, too. 
4:45 Everything is packed up and ready to go,
so we drive down to Kyle and Meg’s. The Pilot is there waiting for us, snuggling with August. <3
I watch the little cousins play outside while Kyle and Meg eat and the Pilot holds August. After a little while, we switch out. Usually we would be driving to gymnastics, but I let the girls skip class since they hadn’t met the baby yet. They loved holding their new little cousin. It’s hard to believe that he’ll be running around with all of them before we know it!
6:00 We’re back at home, so I make the girls their dinner plates, switch the dishes out, and clean up from the enormous mess I made baking cookies and frying chicken. Usually we would just all eat together, but I asked our babysitter to come over that night. (It wasn’t the best planning on my part. Usually when the Pilot and I go out, I make the girls something super easy, like meatballs, pasta, and some chopped fruit or sautéed veggies on the side.) I set out the girls’ pajamas and toothbrushes, and then we get ready to go. 🙂
7:00 Nerd date! The Pilot and I have a date once a week, and quite often they’re something we call “nerd dates.” Basically, we’ll grab a quick snack or glass of wine somewhere, and then head to a coffee shop to catch up on work stuff. We sit there with our computers and headphones on like nerds, but at least we’re together. 
We have poke bowls and wine at Ra, and then go to Cartel for tea and nerd time. He’s studying like crazy for airline interviews, and I have a ton of blog stuff to catch up on, especially since I didn’t spend much time working during the day. (Usually when the girls are at school, I blitz on as much work stuff as possible!)
9:30 We’re back home! The Pilot packs Livi’s lunch for the next day – P only stays for lunch at preschool a couple of times each week – and I head upstairs to fold laundry. I used to go to bed super late – easily midnight or 1am – but ever since the girls have been going to sleep at a normal time and staying in their beds (!!!) I’ve felt like I can go to sleep much earlier. I’m tired now by about 10, and ready to wake up around 6 most days. It’s amazing to meditate a little, catch up on work, or even take a Peloton class before we start on the morning chaos. I set out the girls outfits for the next day, set out my clothes and fill up a water bottle for a morning Peloton class, and crawl into bed to read for a few minutes until my eyes start to droop. 
10:15 Bed.. and ready to do it all over again. 
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morganbelarus · 6 years
11 Gifts For People Who’d Definitely Rather Be Sleeping Than Exchanging Presents
Have you ever noticed that finding the perfect gifts for people who love to sleep is almost too easy? You know the friend we’re referring to here, don't you? She’s easily the sleeping beauty of your squad who just #CantEven with Monday through Friday mornings. She's the BFF who you wouldn't blink twice at if you saw her shooting coffee through an IV to get her through 8 a.m. seminars and late nights at the office. Any gift that has to do with her bedroom, nighttime wardrobe, or a wind-down routine is one she's going to be grateful for because, for her, sleep is life, and she can’t get enough of it (who can?).
Plus, if you think about it, a better night's sleep is just one of those things everyone appreciates, but rarely gets enough of. Just because your giftee might be lazing in bed late into the morning doesn't necessarily mean they're getting the quality sleep the average human needs to function. In fact, if your friend is clocking in over six to eight hours of sleep every night, their bodies might be trying to overcompensate for a lack of a good rest. Therefore, as far as I see it, the most generous gift you can give them is an accessory or two to either a) better their space or b) prepare their body properly for sleep. Here are a few ideas to help you get the job done.
1A Sleek Sleep-Tracking Watch
Wesoo K1 Fitness Watch and Sleep Monitor, $29.99, Amazon
Fitness trackers are still a thriving trend in wearable tech, but have you noticed this one major upgrade recent models have installed in their machinery?
According to a new report issued by the sleep experts at Sleep Cycle, Americans' sleep quality has decreased by 10 percent from 2016 to 2017 (ouch). I have a hunch that this might be why technology brands are issuing trackers that not only count your steps and calories burned, but that also monitor your sleep quality metrics.
Wesoo's band is a bestseller on Amazon with a 4.5 star rating and unique sleep design that truly does it all.
2Their New Nightcap
Lipton Herbal Supplement Bedtime Bliss, $4.38, Walmart
Obviously, your girl has to switch to decaf eventually if she ever wants to fall asleep.
Remind her by gifting this doze-inducing sip from Lipton that combines chamomile leaves, mint, and orange peels to ease you into a comfortable sleep state "like a lullaby in a cup." Slip a Barnes & Noble gift card in her holiday card, and you've just set her up for the sweetest of dreams.
3A Comfy Pair Of PJs
Adore Me
Sleepwear Set in Christyna, $19.95, Adore Me
I cannot be the only person obsessed with cozy, holiday-themed pajamas. This season, Adore Me has expanded their merchandise with a ton of his-and-her styles to choose from, but the Christyna style is hands down my favorite of them all.
For some reason, black, white, and red plaid just looks like pure Christmas to me. Plus, the set is made stretchy for optimal comfort and with cotton for all the snuggly feels.
4An Aromatic Bath Bomb
Lush USA
The Big Sleep Jelly Bomb, $8.95, LUSH USA
If your giftee religiously takes baths before slipping into something comfy and hopping into bed, Lush's newest sleep-inducing bomb is about to be her new favorite bathroom accessory. It's the perfect formula to relax her body and mind, as notes of lavender, neroli, and chamomile fragrances transform her tub into an aromatic soak.
5A Soft Blanket To Snuggle Under
Bed Bath & Beyond
Madison Park Ruched Faux-Fur Throw, $39.99, Bed Bath & Beyond
Who couldn't use a gigantic throw blanket to hibernate in throughout the winter months?
Madison Park's blanket is made from 100 percent faux-fur, features micro-fur for extra warmth on those freezing nights, and it's also huge enough to share, so maybe she can finally stop hogging the covers when you sleep over.
6An Overnight Mask To Enhance Their Beauty Sleep
Too Cool For School
Too Cool For School Pumpkin Sleeping Pack, $20, Sephora
Beauty sleep isn't a myth, ladies. When you sleep better, you feel better, and when you good, you good. See how that works?
Chances are, your sleepy friend likely clocks in the recommended six to eight hours of sleep every night, which means her skin is probably glowing, but there's always room for improvement, right?
Too Cool For School's overnight mask will enhance her skin's recovery cycle with superfood ingredients and natural enzymes. Plus, it smells like pumpkin, and I can't imagine a better way to fall asleep than with the scent of pie all around you.
7An Artistic Diffuser
Saje Natural Wellness
Aromaart High Tide Ultrasonic Diffuser, $84.95, Saje
Essential oils for sleep are super trendy right now, but it doesn't look like the fad is fading anytime soon. Trust me, I'm not the type to talk up the trends if I haven't done the research myself, and diffusers are a must for bedroom.
TBH, diffusers can be super ugly and cheap-looking, but this Saje model is the prettiest piece of functional decor I've ever seen. The beautiful pattern was designed by San Francisco artist Heather Day, and was inspired by the healing powers of the deep, blue sea. So much zen, so many aromas to lull your giftee to sleep.
8A Soothing Candle
Primal Elements
Primal Elements Tahitian Vanilla Two Wick Color Bowl Candle, $19.90, Amazon
Doesn't this candle look good enough to eat? I can guarantee my 9-year-old niece had no idea just how lovely this candle was going to make my apartment smell when she gifted it to my husband and me last Christmas, but this decadent display is still burning bright, and veiling our home with the scent of sweet vanilla 12 months later.
You don't necessarily need essential oils to practice aromatherapy, and if your bestie has a sweet tooth, this yummy-scented candle from Primal Elements will have her dreaming of sugar plum fairies year round (not kidding, it's good for 60 hours of burn time).
9Go Old School With This Digital Alarm Clock
Peakeep Battery Digital Alarm Clock, $12.99, Amazon
I don't have to tell you that smartphones are low-key ruining our lives, especially in the bedroom (and no, I'm not referring to your libido). No matter how much a person sleeps, the blue light that shines from your cell phone is messing with your sleep cycle, but what's a girl to do when her only means of an alarm is via smartphone?
Be the best friend you are and buy your sleeping beauty a digital alarm clock. This old school model from Peakeep has a snooze option, so she can squeeze in a few extra minutes of shut-eye if and when she wants. It's also a "smart nighttime clock," which means it has sensory lights that turn a subtle blue at night.
10A Sleepy Supplement
Sun Potion
Sun Potion Organic Ashwagandha Powder, $36.99, iHerb
Adaptogens like ashwagandha are another social media trend that's actually making a difference in how people are sleeping. This is definitely the perfect gift for anyone who you know has wanted to try adaptogens for themselves, but couldn't commit to the pricy purchase.  
Trust me, I recently put Alaina Sullivan’s moon milk recipe for Bon Appétit to the test when I was tossing and turning through an awful couple of nights, and I was genuinely impressed by just how relaxed I felt by adding ashwagandha to my nightcap. Your giftee will love the combination of the powder's sleep and overall health benefits.
11Slippers They Can Sleep In
Out From Under
Out From Under Scruffy Slipper Sock, $16, Urban Outfitters
If your BFF takes a lot of heat for wearing slippers to bed, offering a pair of Out From Under's scruffy slipper socks tells them you're on their side (or, at the very least, won't judge them for it).
I'm a fan of this creamy-colored pair, specifically because they're subtle enough to wear with roomy Uggs on really cold days.
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11 Gifts For People Who’d Definitely Rather Be Sleeping Than Exchanging Presents was originally posted by 16 MP Just news
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jonasmaurer · 4 years
Dry January and Sugar Detox
This post is about a Sugar Detox I’m currently doing, plus Dry January. If you think this would be a sensitive or triggering topic for you, please skip the rest of this post and I’ll see you back soon! Read on for more about our experience, what I’m doing, and some of my favorite recipes when I’m doing a sugar detox.
Hi hi friends from a few days into Dry January and a Sugar Detox. This is something I often do after the holidays as a chance to get back to basics. I find that the holidays are generally an avalanche of delicious sugary treats and cocktails, and by this time of year, I’m usually more than ready to eat a vegetable or two. It’s usually a sign that I’m ready to get back to whole, basic foods when an apple tastes like water. After cutting out sugar for a while, it brings back foods’ inherent sweetness and I also remember why I like to fuel my body with as many fresh, whole foods as possible. It makes me feel so much more energized!
I definitely wanted to ditch out on sugar because my ultrasound is next month. While I know the end result is out of my control, I wanted to take any actions possible to encourage a good result. Crossing my fingers!!
You can check out a recap of a previous sugar detox here!
Here are the things I’m focusing on this month:
– Fresh produce and plant-based options (lots of berries, greens, apples, dates, citrus, non-starchy veggies)
– Lean protein (mostly chicken and fish with the occasional grass-fed steak)
– Healthy fats (chia, flax, almond butter, nuts, seeds)
– Whole grains (mostly rice and oatmeal) and smart carbs (like starchy veggies and sweet potatoes)
Here are the things I’m avoiding, which I’ve mostly stayed away from since my gallbladder attack:
– Fried foods (I loooooove french fries and am still having them occasionally because I need to live, but not super often)
– Gluten
– Dairy (Skipping dairy is easy for me because it kills my stomach. On my cheese boards, I like to include at least one or two nut-based cheeses)
– Alcohol
– Eggs (if I get a good result and don’t need to have surgery, I’m going to start having eggs again once or twice a week because they’re my favorite food… just not 2-3 per day like I did for at least 5 years haha)
A sample Sugar Detox shopping list is here:
– Fruit (berries, apples, bananas, dates)
– Veggies (carrots, cucumber, bell pepper, anything I want to grill or roast that week, sweet potatoes)
– Leafy greens (I switch it up each week but usually go for spinach, romaine, kale and/or arugula)
– White or brown rice 
– Oatmeal
– Almond butter
– Chia seeds
– Nuts and dried fruit for homemade trail mix and oatmeal toppings
– Protein (chicken, salmon, canned tuna, Beyond Meat sausage)
– Seite tortillas, Paleo waffles, cauliflower gnocchi
– Salad dressings (I love Primal Kitchen), salsa, and dip (guacamole and hummus are my faves)
– Protein powder  
What can you eat on a sugar detox?
Here are some of my go-to faves:
I always chug at least 8 oz of room temperature water when I wake up. I’ve heard of people adding lemon juice or sea salt for electrolytes, but plain water does the trick for me.
Then, I’ll have one of the three following things depending on how much time we have:
Decaf coffee with 1 scoop collagen, almond milk, and monk fruit to sweeten. I whisk everything up with this milk frother, which was one of my favorite purchases of 2019.
Green juice! I’ll use apple, spinach, cucumber, celery, mint, and lemon. This is my favorite pre-breakfast option. It gives me a ton of nutrients to start the day, hydrates me, and then I can wait a bit to have a real breakfast since I’m running around in the morning.
Morning detox drink. This is another fave for years! Liv says it smells horrible but I think it tastes great and the ingredients have a ton of benefits.
Chickpea scramble
Fab four smoothie
Oats with chia, flax, Truvani protein powder, berries, and almond butter
Chicken tacos (it sounds weird but it’s so good for breakfast! I use Siete tortillas, leafy greens, leftover chicken, salsa and guacamole)
Breakfast cookie or baked oatmeal. These are great to make in advance and the kiddos love them, too. 
Big salad with chicken (I cook it in the Instant Pot) and a sweet potato. My favorite dressing is the homemade Ranch from How to Not Die cookbook or the Primal Kitchen dressings (ordered from Thrive Market).
Daily Harvest bowl with tuna or leftover chicken
Daily Harvest smoothie with Truvani protein or collagen added
Soup! This is a staple during the winter. My go-to recipe is here! I usually just throw a bunch of ingredients into the Instant Pot. Recently, I made an awesome one with carrots, onion, ginger, lemongrass paste, and coconut milk.
Dinner is a bit all over the place and some of our healthy dinner staples are in this post.
Some more faves:
– Sunbasket meals (<— my link gets you $40 off your first shipment!). I still get these for two dinners each week. It’s an easy way to get something nutritious on the table fast when the Pilot is away. I also love that I can add pantry staples and meat to our shipment, like collagen nut butter, carrots, snap peas, crab cakes, jerky, Perfect Bar bites, and different dips. Their vegan spinach-artichoke dip is amaaaaazing.
– Ina’s skillet roasted lemon chicken. The family loves this one and it makes the house smell like Thanksgiving.
– Oh She Glows Kale Caesar
– PaleOMG cauliflower gnocchi soup 
– Herb-roasted salmon
– Mediterranean chicken bake
As far as Dry January goes, I decided to do this to help out my gallbladder. The liver and gallbladder are BFFs so if one is having a hard time, it’s going to affect the other. I don’t drink alcohol too often anymore – wine maybe once or twice a week – but really want to give my GB the best chance going into the ultrasound. I’m having champagne the night of the ultrasound, no matter the result lol.
Do you have any fitness or nutrition goals you’re working towards? Want to join me for a little sugar detox for the rest of the month?
If you’re looking for some extra fitness motivation, join in our HIIT Bootcamp! The fun starts on January 13th. You’ll get follow-along videos, a full fitness schedule to follow, bonus meal ideas, and group accountability. Enter the code FIERCE to get the month challenge for $34. Spaces are limited and enrollment closes on Sunday – click here to join.
Happy Monday and I’ll see ya soon!
The post Dry January and Sugar Detox appeared first on The Fitnessista.
Dry January and Sugar Detox published first on https://olimpsportnutritionde.tumblr.com/
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trendingnewsb · 6 years
11 Gifts For People Who’d Definitely Rather Be Sleeping Than Exchanging Presents
Have you ever noticed that finding the perfect gifts for people who love to sleep is almost too easy? You know the friend we’re referring to here, don’t you? She’s easily the sleeping beauty of your squad who just #CantEven with Monday through Friday mornings. She’s the BFF who you wouldn’t blink twice at if you saw her shooting coffee through an IV to get her through 8 a.m. seminars and late nights at the office. Any gift that has to do with her bedroom, nighttime wardrobe, or a wind-down routine is one she’s going to be grateful for because, for her, sleep is life, and she can’t get enough of it (who can?).
Plus, if you think about it, a better night’s sleep is just one of those things everyone appreciates, but rarely gets enough of. Just because your giftee might be lazing in bed late into the morning doesn’t necessarily mean they’re getting the quality sleep the average human needs to function. In fact, if your friend is clocking in over six to eight hours of sleep every night, their bodies might be trying to overcompensate for a lack of a good rest. Therefore, as far as I see it, the most generous gift you can give them is an accessory or two to either a) better their space or b) prepare their body properly for sleep. Here are a few ideas to help you get the job done.
1A Sleek Sleep-Tracking Watch
Wesoo K1 Fitness Watch and Sleep Monitor, $29.99, Amazon
Fitness trackers are still a thriving trend in wearable tech, but have you noticed this one major upgrade recent models have installed in their machinery?
According to a new report issued by the sleep experts at Sleep Cycle, Americans’ sleep quality has decreased by 10 percent from 2016 to 2017 (ouch). I have a hunch that this might be why technology brands are issuing trackers that not only count your steps and calories burned, but that also monitor your sleep quality metrics.
Wesoo’s band is a bestseller on Amazon with a 4.5 star rating and unique sleep design that truly does it all.
2Their New Nightcap
Lipton Herbal Supplement Bedtime Bliss, $4.38, Walmart
Obviously, your girl has to switch to decaf eventually if she ever wants to fall asleep.
Remind her by gifting this doze-inducing sip from Lipton that combines chamomile leaves, mint, and orange peels to ease you into a comfortable sleep state “like a lullaby in a cup.” Slip a Barnes & Noble gift card in her holiday card, and you’ve just set her up for the sweetest of dreams.
3A Comfy Pair Of PJs
Adore Me
Sleepwear Set in Christyna, $19.95, Adore Me
I cannot be the only person obsessed with cozy, holiday-themed pajamas. This season, Adore Me has expanded their merchandise with a ton of his-and-her styles to choose from, but the Christyna style is hands down my favorite of them all.
For some reason, black, white, and red plaid just looks like pure Christmas to me. Plus, the set is made stretchy for optimal comfort and with cotton for all the snuggly feels.
4An Aromatic Bath Bomb
Lush USA
The Big Sleep Jelly Bomb, $8.95, LUSH USA
If your giftee religiously takes baths before slipping into something comfy and hopping into bed, Lush’s newest sleep-inducing bomb is about to be her new favorite bathroom accessory. It’s the perfect formula to relax her body and mind, as notes of lavender, neroli, and chamomile fragrances transform her tub into an aromatic soak.
5A Soft Blanket To Snuggle Under
Bed Bath & Beyond
Madison Park Ruched Faux-Fur Throw, $39.99, Bed Bath & Beyond
Who couldn’t use a gigantic throw blanket to hibernate in throughout the winter months?
Madison Park’s blanket is made from 100 percent faux-fur, features micro-fur for extra warmth on those freezing nights, and it’s also huge enough to share, so maybe she can finally stop hogging the covers when you sleep over.
6An Overnight Mask To Enhance Their Beauty Sleep
Too Cool For School
Too Cool For School Pumpkin Sleeping Pack, $20, Sephora
Beauty sleep isn’t a myth, ladies. When you sleep better, you feel better, and when you good, you good. See how that works?
Chances are, your sleepy friend likely clocks in the recommended six to eight hours of sleep every night, which means her skin is probably glowing, but there’s always room for improvement, right?
Too Cool For School’s overnight mask will enhance her skin’s recovery cycle with superfood ingredients and natural enzymes. Plus, it smells like pumpkin, and I can’t imagine a better way to fall asleep than with the scent of pie all around you.
7An Artistic Diffuser
Saje Natural Wellness
Aromaart High Tide Ultrasonic Diffuser, $84.95, Saje
Essential oils for sleep are super trendy right now, but it doesn’t look like the fad is fading anytime soon. Trust me, I’m not the type to talk up the trends if I haven’t done the research myself, and diffusers are a must for bedroom.
TBH, diffusers can be super ugly and cheap-looking, but this Saje model is the prettiest piece of functional decor I’ve ever seen. The beautiful pattern was designed by San Francisco artist Heather Day, and was inspired by the healing powers of the deep, blue sea. So much zen, so many aromas to lull your giftee to sleep.
8A Soothing Candle
Primal Elements
Primal Elements Tahitian Vanilla Two Wick Color Bowl Candle, $19.90, Amazon
Doesn’t this candle look good enough to eat? I can guarantee my 9-year-old niece had no idea just how lovely this candle was going to make my apartment smell when she gifted it to my husband and me last Christmas, but this decadent display is still burning bright, and veiling our home with the scent of sweet vanilla 12 months later.
You don’t necessarily need essential oils to practice aromatherapy, and if your bestie has a sweet tooth, this yummy-scented candle from Primal Elements will have her dreaming of sugar plum fairies year round (not kidding, it’s good for 60 hours of burn time).
9Go Old School With This Digital Alarm Clock
Peakeep Battery Digital Alarm Clock, $12.99, Amazon
I don’t have to tell you that smartphones are low-key ruining our lives, especially in the bedroom (and no, I’m not referring to your libido). No matter how much a person sleeps, the blue light that shines from your cell phone is messing with your sleep cycle, but what’s a girl to do when her only means of an alarm is via smartphone?
Be the best friend you are and buy your sleeping beauty a digital alarm clock. This old school model from Peakeep has a snooze option, so she can squeeze in a few extra minutes of shut-eye if and when she wants. It’s also a “smart nighttime clock,” which means it has sensory lights that turn a subtle blue at night.
10A Sleepy Supplement
Sun Potion
Sun Potion Organic Ashwagandha Powder, $36.99, iHerb
Adaptogens like ashwagandha are another social media trend that’s actually making a difference in how people are sleeping. This is definitely the perfect gift for anyone who you know has wanted to try adaptogens for themselves, but couldn’t commit to the pricy purchase.  
Trust me, I recently put Alaina Sullivan’s moon milk recipe for Bon Appétit to the test when I was tossing and turning through an awful couple of nights, and I was genuinely impressed by just how relaxed I felt by adding ashwagandha to my nightcap. Your giftee will love the combination of the powder’s sleep and overall health benefits.
11Slippers They Can Sleep In
Out From Under
Out From Under Scruffy Slipper Sock, $16, Urban Outfitters
If your BFF takes a lot of heat for wearing slippers to bed, offering a pair of Out From Under’s scruffy slipper socks tells them you’re on their side (or, at the very least, won’t judge them for it).
I’m a fan of this creamy-colored pair, specifically because they’re subtle enough to wear with roomy Uggs on really cold days.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2BEzsga
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2mmEDeu via Viral News HQ
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ralphmorgan-blog1 · 6 years
11 Gifts For People Who’d Definitely Rather Be Sleeping Than Exchanging Presents
Have you ever noticed that finding the perfect gifts for people who love to sleep is almost too easy? You know the friend we’re referring to here, don't you? She’s easily the sleeping beauty of your squad who just #CantEven with Monday through Friday mornings. She's the BFF who you wouldn't blink twice at if you saw her shooting coffee through an IV to get her through 8 a.m. seminars and late nights at the office. Any gift that has to do with her bedroom, nighttime wardrobe, or a wind-down routine is one she's going to be grateful for because, for her, sleep is life, and she can’t get enough of it (who can?).
Plus, if you think about it, a better night's sleep is just one of those things everyone appreciates, but rarely gets enough of. Just because your giftee might be lazing in bed late into the morning doesn't necessarily mean they're getting the quality sleep the average human needs to function. In fact, if your friend is clocking in over six to eight hours of sleep every night, their bodies might be trying to overcompensate for a lack of a good rest. Therefore, as far as I see it, the most generous gift you can give them is an accessory or two to either a) better their space or b) prepare their body properly for sleep. Here are a few ideas to help you get the job done.
1A Sleek Sleep-Tracking Watch
Wesoo K1 Fitness Watch and Sleep Monitor, $29.99, Amazon
Fitness trackers are still a thriving trend in wearable tech, but have you noticed this one major upgrade recent models have installed in their machinery?
According to a new report issued by the sleep experts at Sleep Cycle, Americans' sleep quality has decreased by 10 percent from 2016 to 2017 (ouch). I have a hunch that this might be why technology brands are issuing trackers that not only count your steps and calories burned, but that also monitor your sleep quality metrics.
Wesoo's band is a bestseller on Amazon with a 4.5 star rating and unique sleep design that truly does it all.
2Their New Nightcap
Lipton Herbal Supplement Bedtime Bliss, $4.38, Walmart
Obviously, your girl has to switch to decaf eventually if she ever wants to fall asleep.
Remind her by gifting this doze-inducing sip from Lipton that combines chamomile leaves, mint, and orange peels to ease you into a comfortable sleep state "like a lullaby in a cup." Slip a Barnes & Noble gift card in her holiday card, and you've just set her up for the sweetest of dreams.
3A Comfy Pair Of PJs
Adore Me
Sleepwear Set in Christyna, $19.95, Adore Me
I cannot be the only person obsessed with cozy, holiday-themed pajamas. This season, Adore Me has expanded their merchandise with a ton of his-and-her styles to choose from, but the Christyna style is hands down my favorite of them all.
For some reason, black, white, and red plaid just looks like pure Christmas to me. Plus, the set is made stretchy for optimal comfort and with cotton for all the snuggly feels.
4An Aromatic Bath Bomb
Lush USA
The Big Sleep Jelly Bomb, $8.95, LUSH USA
If your giftee religiously takes baths before slipping into something comfy and hopping into bed, Lush's newest sleep-inducing bomb is about to be her new favorite bathroom accessory. It's the perfect formula to relax her body and mind, as notes of lavender, neroli, and chamomile fragrances transform her tub into an aromatic soak.
5A Soft Blanket To Snuggle Under
Bed Bath & Beyond
Madison Park Ruched Faux-Fur Throw, $39.99, Bed Bath & Beyond
Who couldn't use a gigantic throw blanket to hibernate in throughout the winter months?
Madison Park's blanket is made from 100 percent faux-fur, features micro-fur for extra warmth on those freezing nights, and it's also huge enough to share, so maybe she can finally stop hogging the covers when you sleep over.
6An Overnight Mask To Enhance Their Beauty Sleep
Too Cool For School
Too Cool For School Pumpkin Sleeping Pack, $20, Sephora
Beauty sleep isn't a myth, ladies. When you sleep better, you feel better, and when you good, you good. See how that works?
Chances are, your sleepy friend likely clocks in the recommended six to eight hours of sleep every night, which means her skin is probably glowing, but there's always room for improvement, right?
Too Cool For School's overnight mask will enhance her skin's recovery cycle with superfood ingredients and natural enzymes. Plus, it smells like pumpkin, and I can't imagine a better way to fall asleep than with the scent of pie all around you.
7An Artistic Diffuser
Saje Natural Wellness
Aromaart High Tide Ultrasonic Diffuser, $84.95, Saje
Essential oils for sleep are super trendy right now, but it doesn't look like the fad is fading anytime soon. Trust me, I'm not the type to talk up the trends if I haven't done the research myself, and diffusers are a must for bedroom.
TBH, diffusers can be super ugly and cheap-looking, but this Saje model is the prettiest piece of functional decor I've ever seen. The beautiful pattern was designed by San Francisco artist Heather Day, and was inspired by the healing powers of the deep, blue sea. So much zen, so many aromas to lull your giftee to sleep.
8A Soothing Candle
Primal Elements
Primal Elements Tahitian Vanilla Two Wick Color Bowl Candle, $19.90, Amazon
Doesn't this candle look good enough to eat? I can guarantee my 9-year-old niece had no idea just how lovely this candle was going to make my apartment smell when she gifted it to my husband and me last Christmas, but this decadent display is still burning bright, and veiling our home with the scent of sweet vanilla 12 months later.
You don't necessarily need essential oils to practice aromatherapy, and if your bestie has a sweet tooth, this yummy-scented candle from Primal Elements will have her dreaming of sugar plum fairies year round (not kidding, it's good for 60 hours of burn time).
9Go Old School With This Digital Alarm Clock
Peakeep Battery Digital Alarm Clock, $12.99, Amazon
I don't have to tell you that smartphones are low-key ruining our lives, especially in the bedroom (and no, I'm not referring to your libido). No matter how much a person sleeps, the blue light that shines from your cell phone is messing with your sleep cycle, but what's a girl to do when her only means of an alarm is via smartphone?
Be the best friend you are and buy your sleeping beauty a digital alarm clock. This old school model from Peakeep has a snooze option, so she can squeeze in a few extra minutes of shut-eye if and when she wants. It's also a "smart nighttime clock," which means it has sensory lights that turn a subtle blue at night.
10A Sleepy Supplement
Sun Potion
Sun Potion Organic Ashwagandha Powder, $36.99, iHerb
Adaptogens like ashwagandha are another social media trend that's actually making a difference in how people are sleeping. This is definitely the perfect gift for anyone who you know has wanted to try adaptogens for themselves, but couldn't commit to the pricy purchase.  
Trust me, I recently put Alaina Sullivan’s moon milk recipe for Bon Appétit to the test when I was tossing and turning through an awful couple of nights, and I was genuinely impressed by just how relaxed I felt by adding ashwagandha to my nightcap. Your giftee will love the combination of the powder's sleep and overall health benefits.
11Slippers They Can Sleep In
Out From Under
Out From Under Scruffy Slipper Sock, $16, Urban Outfitters
If your BFF takes a lot of heat for wearing slippers to bed, offering a pair of Out From Under's scruffy slipper socks tells them you're on their side (or, at the very least, won't judge them for it).
I'm a fan of this creamy-colored pair, specifically because they're subtle enough to wear with roomy Uggs on really cold days.
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11 Gifts For People Who’d Definitely Rather Be Sleeping Than Exchanging Presents was originally posted by A 18 MOA Top News from around
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jonasmaurer · 5 years
a whole day, from start to finish
It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these posts! When I reviewed survey results earlier this week – I look at them all year, so thank you so much to those of you who chimed in! I truly value all of your feedback and refer back to it often – there were a lot of requests for more posts like this. We had a day this week that was pretty *normal* (what does that even mean?) and I remembered to snap some pics, so here we go!
7:15: I wake up feeling EXTREMELY rested. I reach down for my phone and see that it’s 7:15… an entire hour after I had set my alarm to go off. I had set it for “Every Saturday” so it didn’t go off and I just enjoyed a nice little slumber. We have exactly 30 minutes before we have to be out the door, so I throw on a lulu top and some leggings, some sneakers, run a brush through my hair, and blitz downstairs. The girls are hanging out on the couch watching a show, so I put their piles of clothes next to them to get dressed (feeling very thankful I put out their outfits the night before) and make them a quick breakfast. They have hard-boiled eggs, yogurt, and toast, and I put their lunches into their backpacks, fill water bottles, do their hair, make sure they have their teeth brushed, put sunscreen on them, and we’re out the door. 99% of the time, I make Bulletproof Decaf coffee in my Yeti mug to take with us, but I’m out of coffee. 
8:50: I’m done with school drop-offs, so I head to the Starbucks at the grocery store to grab a coffee. Decaf almond milk latte with 1 pump of vanilla.
9:10 Back at home, and I put some sourdough into the oven that I prepped the night before. While the first loaf is baking, I finishing writing my blog post for that day and hit publish before putting the second loaf into the oven. I know it’s kind of a busy day, which works out well since it’s my rest day from the gym. While the second loaf is in the oven, I head upstairs for 7 minutes of meditation, a quick journal exercise, and do some easy stretches and mobility work.
10:20 Bread is done, so I cut a couple of slices for myself and make breakfast: 6 scrambled liquid egg whites, 1 whole egg, sautéed spinach, nutritional yeast, and bread with Kite Hill everything cream cheese spread and Everything But the Bagel seasoning from Trader Joe’s + a side of strawberries.
In between eating, I run the eufy (still my favorite ever), clean up the kitchen from the girls’ breakfast and the bread adventures, throw some laundry into the washer, make the beds, and spray down the countertops. I also take my supplements and fill up my giant water bottle to take for the day’s adventures.
10:50 I pick up Nani to go visit Baby August! She hadn’t met him yet, and I wanted to take Kyle and Meg some bread, so it was perfect timing. I swoop Nani, and we have a wonderful visit with Kyle, Meg, EJ, and August. 
How perfect are his little toes???
I hang out outside playing games with EJ and get to hold sweet August again, and we have a lovely visit with them. 
12:30 I’m back from picking up P, and I grab her a quick snack (a Perfect bar and a sliced apple). We also play dolls and do a puzzle in the playroom for a bit. She settles down to watch a show – we try to let the girls stick to a “2 shows per day” rule – and I make myself some lunch and answer a couple of quick emails. I eat lunch outside while she swings on the swing set.
This is a frozen chicken burger from Whole Foods with Sir Kensington’s Mayo, roasted red bell pepper, spinach, mustard, on a brown rice tortilla. Notice the bite marks on the outside of the tortilla, courtesy of P, haha.
1:30 We take the dogs for a walk together around the neighborhood. The weather is so gorgeous and P is officially a pro dog walker. It’s crazy to think of how many walks I spent with her in the Ergo or in the stroller and now here she is, walking a dog completely by herself. 
I think it’s so cute that Bella lets her hold her, too. She doesn’t mind it at all. 
I switch the laundry out, and then P helps me make some cookie dough. I’ve been using this recipe and it’s INSANE (I just make the cookies smaller than the recipe suggests and skip the walnuts). 
I wish I could say I just had this tiny bit of cookie dough, but let’s be real here. After scooping spoonfuls onto the cookie sheets, I cleaned the bowl with a spoon. SO good.
After baking the cookies, we let them cool and head out to pick up Liv. 
3:15 We’re back home from picking up Liv. I make the girls a snack plate (bell pepper, carrots, hummus, pepperoni, cheese, and crackers) and they eat it outside playing while I make some dinner to take to Kyle and Meg’s house. While I’m cooking, I have a Larabar and some tea with collagen.
I put rice into the Instant Pot, and chop a quick Greek salad (romaine, spinach, tomatoes, cucumber, roasted red pepper, kalamata olives, and feta), then start on the Chicken Parmesan. Enchiladas are my go-to baby meal, but since I made them enchiladas a couple of weeks ago, I want to switch it up. I make doubles of everything and wrap it in the fridge since that will be the girls’ dinner that night, too. 
4:45 Everything is packed up and ready to go,
so we drive down to Kyle and Meg’s. The Pilot is there waiting for us, snuggling with August. <3
I watch the little cousins play outside while Kyle and Meg eat and the Pilot holds August. After a little while, we switch out. Usually we would be driving to gymnastics, but I let the girls skip class since they hadn’t met the baby yet. They loved holding their new little cousin. It’s hard to believe that he’ll be running around with all of them before we know it!
6:00 We’re back at home, so I make the girls their dinner plates, switch the dishes out, and clean up from the enormous mess I made baking cookies and frying chicken. Usually we would just all eat together, but I asked our babysitter to come over that night. (It wasn’t the best planning on my part. Usually when the Pilot and I go out, I make the girls something super easy, like meatballs, pasta, and some chopped fruit or sautéed veggies on the side.) I set out the girls’ pajamas and toothbrushes, and then we get ready to go.
7:00 Nerd date! The Pilot and I have a date once a week, and quite often they’re something we call “nerd dates.” Basically, we’ll grab a quick snack or glass of wine somewhere, and then head to a coffee shop to catch up on work stuff. We sit there with our computers and headphones on like nerds, but at least we’re together. 
We have poke bowls and wine at Ra, and then go to Cartel for tea and nerd time. He’s studying like crazy for airline interviews, and I have a ton of blog stuff to catch up on, especially since I didn’t spend much time working during the day. (Usually when the girls are at school, I blitz on as much work stuff as possible!)
9:30 We’re back home! The Pilot packs Livi’s lunch for the next day – P only stays for lunch at preschool a couple of times each week – and I head upstairs to fold laundry. I used to go to bed super late – easily midnight or 1am – but ever since the girls have been going to sleep at a normal time and staying in their beds (!!!) I’ve felt like I can go to sleep much earlier. I’m tired now by about 10, and ready to wake up around 6 most days. It’s amazing to meditate a little, catch up on work, or even take a Peloton class before we start on the morning chaos. I set out the girls outfits for the next day, set out my clothes and fill up a water bottle for a morning Peloton class, and crawl into bed to read for a few minutes until my eyes start to droop. 
10:15 Bed.. and ready to do it all over again. 
The post a whole day, from start to finish appeared first on The Fitnessista.
a whole day, from start to finish published first on https://olimpsportnutritionde.tumblr.com/
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trendingnewsb · 6 years
11 Gifts For People Who’d Definitely Rather Be Sleeping Than Exchanging Presents
Have you ever noticed that finding the perfect gifts for people who love to sleep is almost too easy? You know the friend we’re referring to here, don’t you? She’s easily the sleeping beauty of your squad who just #CantEven with Monday through Friday mornings. She’s the BFF who you wouldn’t blink twice at if you saw her shooting coffee through an IV to get her through 8 a.m. seminars and late nights at the office. Any gift that has to do with her bedroom, nighttime wardrobe, or a wind-down routine is one she’s going to be grateful for because, for her, sleep is life, and she can’t get enough of it (who can?).
Plus, if you think about it, a better night’s sleep is just one of those things everyone appreciates, but rarely gets enough of. Just because your giftee might be lazing in bed late into the morning doesn’t necessarily mean they’re getting the quality sleep the average human needs to function. In fact, if your friend is clocking in over six to eight hours of sleep every night, their bodies might be trying to overcompensate for a lack of a good rest. Therefore, as far as I see it, the most generous gift you can give them is an accessory or two to either a) better their space or b) prepare their body properly for sleep. Here are a few ideas to help you get the job done.
1A Sleek Sleep-Tracking Watch
Wesoo K1 Fitness Watch and Sleep Monitor, $29.99, Amazon
Fitness trackers are still a thriving trend in wearable tech, but have you noticed this one major upgrade recent models have installed in their machinery?
According to a new report issued by the sleep experts at Sleep Cycle, Americans’ sleep quality has decreased by 10 percent from 2016 to 2017 (ouch). I have a hunch that this might be why technology brands are issuing trackers that not only count your steps and calories burned, but that also monitor your sleep quality metrics.
Wesoo’s band is a bestseller on Amazon with a 4.5 star rating and unique sleep design that truly does it all.
2Their New Nightcap
Lipton Herbal Supplement Bedtime Bliss, $4.38, Walmart
Obviously, your girl has to switch to decaf eventually if she ever wants to fall asleep.
Remind her by gifting this doze-inducing sip from Lipton that combines chamomile leaves, mint, and orange peels to ease you into a comfortable sleep state “like a lullaby in a cup.” Slip a Barnes & Noble gift card in her holiday card, and you’ve just set her up for the sweetest of dreams.
3A Comfy Pair Of PJs
Adore Me
Sleepwear Set in Christyna, $19.95, Adore Me
I cannot be the only person obsessed with cozy, holiday-themed pajamas. This season, Adore Me has expanded their merchandise with a ton of his-and-her styles to choose from, but the Christyna style is hands down my favorite of them all.
For some reason, black, white, and red plaid just looks like pure Christmas to me. Plus, the set is made stretchy for optimal comfort and with cotton for all the snuggly feels.
4An Aromatic Bath Bomb
Lush USA
The Big Sleep Jelly Bomb, $8.95, LUSH USA
If your giftee religiously takes baths before slipping into something comfy and hopping into bed, Lush’s newest sleep-inducing bomb is about to be her new favorite bathroom accessory. It’s the perfect formula to relax her body and mind, as notes of lavender, neroli, and chamomile fragrances transform her tub into an aromatic soak.
5A Soft Blanket To Snuggle Under
Bed Bath & Beyond
Madison Park Ruched Faux-Fur Throw, $39.99, Bed Bath & Beyond
Who couldn’t use a gigantic throw blanket to hibernate in throughout the winter months?
Madison Park’s blanket is made from 100 percent faux-fur, features micro-fur for extra warmth on those freezing nights, and it’s also huge enough to share, so maybe she can finally stop hogging the covers when you sleep over.
6An Overnight Mask To Enhance Their Beauty Sleep
Too Cool For School
Too Cool For School Pumpkin Sleeping Pack, $20, Sephora
Beauty sleep isn’t a myth, ladies. When you sleep better, you feel better, and when you good, you good. See how that works?
Chances are, your sleepy friend likely clocks in the recommended six to eight hours of sleep every night, which means her skin is probably glowing, but there’s always room for improvement, right?
Too Cool For School’s overnight mask will enhance her skin’s recovery cycle with superfood ingredients and natural enzymes. Plus, it smells like pumpkin, and I can’t imagine a better way to fall asleep than with the scent of pie all around you.
7An Artistic Diffuser
Saje Natural Wellness
Aromaart High Tide Ultrasonic Diffuser, $84.95, Saje
Essential oils for sleep are super trendy right now, but it doesn’t look like the fad is fading anytime soon. Trust me, I’m not the type to talk up the trends if I haven’t done the research myself, and diffusers are a must for bedroom.
TBH, diffusers can be super ugly and cheap-looking, but this Saje model is the prettiest piece of functional decor I’ve ever seen. The beautiful pattern was designed by San Francisco artist Heather Day, and was inspired by the healing powers of the deep, blue sea. So much zen, so many aromas to lull your giftee to sleep.
8A Soothing Candle
Primal Elements
Primal Elements Tahitian Vanilla Two Wick Color Bowl Candle, $19.90, Amazon
Doesn’t this candle look good enough to eat? I can guarantee my 9-year-old niece had no idea just how lovely this candle was going to make my apartment smell when she gifted it to my husband and me last Christmas, but this decadent display is still burning bright, and veiling our home with the scent of sweet vanilla 12 months later.
You don’t necessarily need essential oils to practice aromatherapy, and if your bestie has a sweet tooth, this yummy-scented candle from Primal Elements will have her dreaming of sugar plum fairies year round (not kidding, it’s good for 60 hours of burn time).
9Go Old School With This Digital Alarm Clock
Peakeep Battery Digital Alarm Clock, $12.99, Amazon
I don’t have to tell you that smartphones are low-key ruining our lives, especially in the bedroom (and no, I’m not referring to your libido). No matter how much a person sleeps, the blue light that shines from your cell phone is messing with your sleep cycle, but what’s a girl to do when her only means of an alarm is via smartphone?
Be the best friend you are and buy your sleeping beauty a digital alarm clock. This old school model from Peakeep has a snooze option, so she can squeeze in a few extra minutes of shut-eye if and when she wants. It’s also a “smart nighttime clock,” which means it has sensory lights that turn a subtle blue at night.
10A Sleepy Supplement
Sun Potion
Sun Potion Organic Ashwagandha Powder, $36.99, iHerb
Adaptogens like ashwagandha are another social media trend that’s actually making a difference in how people are sleeping. This is definitely the perfect gift for anyone who you know has wanted to try adaptogens for themselves, but couldn’t commit to the pricy purchase.  
Trust me, I recently put Alaina Sullivan’s moon milk recipe for Bon Appétit to the test when I was tossing and turning through an awful couple of nights, and I was genuinely impressed by just how relaxed I felt by adding ashwagandha to my nightcap. Your giftee will love the combination of the powder’s sleep and overall health benefits.
11Slippers They Can Sleep In
Out From Under
Out From Under Scruffy Slipper Sock, $16, Urban Outfitters
If your BFF takes a lot of heat for wearing slippers to bed, offering a pair of Out From Under’s scruffy slipper socks tells them you’re on their side (or, at the very least, won’t judge them for it).
I’m a fan of this creamy-colored pair, specifically because they’re subtle enough to wear with roomy Uggs on really cold days.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2BEzsga
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2mmEDeu via Viral News HQ
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