#i blame you for this jackie
vixlenxe · 1 year
Let it be known that @akumanoken​ is trying to get me to make Devil May Cry verses for my muses again, even tho I just got myself out of that headspace not to long ago.
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kori-senpai · 8 months
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Text posts slapped onto some crappy ofmd Screenshots in celebration of season two on Thursday (!!) ✨
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fabaceous · 1 year
exactly one (1) person asked for my thoughts on jackie’s pov of jackieshauna so me being me i obviously wrote an even longer essay than my shauna essay. so. here you go anon, SORRY or you’re welcome.
we can all agree that if you boil jackie down (um... sorry, too on the nose?) to her bare essentials, what you’re left with is basically a huge pit of insecurity. shauna is incapable of facing other people, but jackie is incapable of facing herself. jackie is incredibly inwardly/emotionally unstable but she doesn’t actually realize it because she does such a good job of distracting herself by curating her environment, her image, the people she’s surrounded by, their image, her hobbies, and on and on and on. she (without fully understanding that this is what she’s doing) tries to impose order on her outer world in the hopes that that will, by extension, bring order to her inner world.
so, here is my thesis statement: i propose that shauna is both jackie’s biggest source of stability AND her biggest source of instability.
shauna is the only one who’s always been there for her. it’s so telling that out of all the things jackie could’ve complimented shauna on in that scene (her intellect? her depth as a person? her looks?) she chose this. it shows us what jackie’s priorities are and why she values shauna: shauna is her rock, her best friend and trusty sidekick, she’s steady and loyal.
thing is, shauna isn’t. while shauna saintifies jackie after death and turns her into an  idea/symbol, jackie kinda does the same to shauna in life. she needs shauna to be her rock, and she needs it SO badly, like survival-level badly, that she just can’t leave space for shauna to be anything else. this sucks for shauna, because she doesn’t feel like jackie truly sees her in all her complexity. but it also sucks for jackie, because she just doesn’t realize when things are going downhill - and she doesn’t realize that her search for stability in shauna has been doomed to fail from the get-go, because shauna has a mind of her own.  
and this is when shauna becomes jackie’s biggest source of INstability: when she goes rogue. or, maybe more accurately, when she does what jackie interprets as “going rogue” - aka going against jackie’s carefully laid-out plans, whether or not she truly meant it as a snub. exhibit a: voting to go to the lake instead of stay at the crash site. for a healthy, secure person/relationship this would’ve been a simple difference of opinion. but for jackieshauna it drove a wedge between them for an entire day or possibly more, because by defying jackie, shauna destabilizes jackie’s very, VERY tenuous grip on the TINY amount of control she feels like she has over her world.
this control is EVERYTHING to jackie because it’s the only thing that can alleviate her internal turbulence. and she is DESPERATE for her fix, so she reaches, grasps, searches for the stability that she needs, that she only knows how to find in shauna, and it always seems to be just out of her reach, and of course we know it’s impossible to find internal stability through external things, but jackie thinks if she just stretches a little further and holds on a little tighter, she’ll get what she needs, so she clings onto shauna more and more desperately, not realizing that squeezing so tight could have unwanted side effects.
and just like with shauna - there IS genuine love here! but as much as shauna has warped ideas about what love looks like (and boy does she!), jackie has some messed up ideas about love too! jackie adores shauna, but part of that adoration is tied to how jackie builds shauna up in her own head, and when shauna fails to live up to the role that jackie needs her to play, it sends jackie into a tailspin and she lashes out. and i think jackie thinks that because she loves shauna, she can’t possibly be hurting her. it’s not a cage if i make it cozy, right? if i put some blankets down and keep her nice and safe? she’s not trapped, i’m taking good care of her, she’s choosing to stay, and if she wanted differently, she’d say so. (but shauna can’t/won’t say so, as we know.)
so. to sum it up. on a good day, shauna keeps jackie afloat, but on a bad day, shauna sends jackie spiraling. jackie needs her so desperately and the tragedy is that she loves shauna so much and she’s so terrified of losing her that she does everything she can to prevent it, but her desperation blinds her to the fact that, by holding onto shauna so tightly, she’s contributing to the very situation she hoped to avoid: shauna leaving her.
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forestshadow-wolf · 5 months
Hmm? Me? Working on another au despite having so much other shit to be working on?... nooo nono no I would never *suspicious Sideways glance* uhh... youcantproveanything
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shaunashoochiebae · 1 month
jackie taylor would be such a katy perry girl. she’d be hyping herself up to roar and dark horse without a doubt. fav summer song??? last friday night obviously
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arte-mis-t · 2 years
The picture:
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The comments:
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fungi-maestro · 1 year
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The Question #4 (1987)
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nerd-at-sea5 · 1 year
what’s gonna happen in the part i write today?
jackie has a gay crisis?
…..yes, yes she does.
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aromanticannibal · 1 year
(i started watching bnha again) i hope bkg doesnt come back to life. funnier that way.
listen at this point I wouldn't even be mad if he stays dead as long as it's actually well done
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jorgecrespo · 1 year
so they're all most haunted by deaths they indirectly caused i get it (i do not)
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florencewellch · 2 years
Why am I hyperfixating on What Makes You Beautiful...
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xkatchy · 1 year
Top 5 movies.
Fifth Element
Dune (2020)
Thor: Ragnarok
LEGO: Ninjago movie
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weishenmaa · 2 years
The fact that Jackie waves at Wei in the Nightmare on Northpoint dlc got me emotional. I think he forgives Wei..
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theloyalpin · 15 days
nobody knows what a masc/butch/stud is anymore tbh
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blackhawkcomics · 6 months
M!A: you have the uncontrollable desire to find your soulmate for 12 hours
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Pick up pick up pick up, Julie silently pleaded. She didn't have to wait long. The first ring had barely faded before she heard the click and Lucia's voice at the other end.
"Hey, perfect timing; I was about to call you."
Her laugh bubbled across the line to lift some unknowable weight from Julie's chest. For as long as she could remember, Lucia's laughter had always been infectious, but the fluttery feeling it planted inside her... That was new. Since the Blip, that was new.
Juliette Rodriguez, you pull yourself together, she scolded herself.
"I'm already on my way," Lucia said.
"Are you sure you didn't acquire an X-gene while I was gone?" Julie laughed, trying to ignore the rush of warmth to her face and not dwell on the fact that 'gone' meant 'dead for five years.' "Because I'm pretty sure you just read my mind."
"Ha! Yeah, Professor X said it doesn't work that way. See you in a few."
"I still can't get over you knowing half these people from our comic books now."
"I know, right!?"
"See you."
They hung up. Julie flopped backward onto her bed in the two-bedroom apartment she and Lucia shared and just laid there for a moment, grinning.
Oh no, she thought. Oh, I've got it bad.
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Adrian rolled onto his side, one arm tracing up the contours of Jackie's hip and over her stomach. Pulling her close, he nuzzled into the crook of her neck.
"Let's stay in today," he whispered. His lips brushed along her jaw, trailing kisses until a smile stirred beneath them.
"Mm. I was hoping to get some editing done, but I like your idea better," she murmured. A happy sigh rumbled in her throat, more felt through her skin than heard. "What's the occasion?"
"I love you. Only occasion I need."
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Was she pathetic or what?
Here she was - at two-thirty on a Wednesday afternoon - downing her umpteenth cheap beer with the despondent understanding, deep down, that it would never make her forget that she was visiting the bar alone.
Whenever the loneliness hit her hard, she always ended up here. Or, not here precisely, but at some sad bar somewhere, identical enough to be interchangeable. Not that it ever did her any good. She would get blind drunk, fumble around in the bar's grimy restroom stalls with a stranger's hand down her pants, and eventually end the night telling herself that was enough, that she didn't need anything more from anyone than a quick fuck or revenge. That she was - if not happy - at least fine like this.
It was an unconvincing lie if ever there was one, but it didn't stop her from catching the eye of the pretty woman across the bar and flashing her a suggestive grin. This could end in sex or a fight, and she'd take either option at the moment.
Maybe she'd go after SHIELD directly after this. Take them down before they could do the same to her. That young agent on her case, Castillo - she seemed interesting enough to be a distraction.
She'd take anything, right about now.
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trashlie · 10 months
every time i catch jackie liking my TXT reblogs and tweets I'm just like [elmo gif] YES YESSSSS LET ME LURE YOU INTO ANOTHER DELIGHTFUL GROUP OF MY PRETTY, PRETTY SONS lmaooooooo
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