#i feel so insignificant
sweetbabyara · 1 year
I can't do this. I literally can't. a part of me is missing ever since things happened and i can't deal with this.
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dearestdaffodils · 2 years
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voteforponton · 1 year
im going to listen to drake and live in absolute ignorance… goodnight.
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mi-corazon · 1 year
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torchickentacos · 3 months
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itzrafee · 4 months
A thing on Uran and Helena in Pluto
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Okay a short little thing on Pluto. Uran and Helena are my absolute favourite characters in Pluto. Urasawa has always had amazing side characters, from Mr. Rosso in Monster to Lee Harvey Oswald and Jackie in Billy Bat to God in 20th Century Boys, but very few have tied off the emotional ends of the story like Uran and Helena.
Maybe I'm projecting here but much like myself I feel like Urasawa is absolutely obsessed with Frankenstein. And he recognizes the influence Frankenstein has on Dr. Umataro Tenma. Or at the very least, the similarities between the two. And so when he made the protagonist of one of his most popular works Monster, Dr Kenzo Tenma, he solidified that connection. Kenzo Tenma calls back to Victor Frankenstein needing to end his creation while also calling back to Japan's other famous Tenma, thus making the connection explicit. Another throughline between the three of them is that all three are father figures to their creations and have obligations to their children, though all three have varying levels of success with them.
I've only read what I like to call Urasawa's "Core Four", conspiracy minded thrillers that are essentially road trips featuring usually two main protagonists that we see the world through, Monster, 20th Century Boys, Pluto and Billy Bat. Though I still haven't caught up to Asadora and that could still possibly fit this mold, Urasawa's Core Four share a lot of themes and ideas. One of the most important being the responsibility for one's creations, whether it was Kenji Endo and the Book of Prophecy or Kevin Yamagata and Billy Bat or Dr. Kenzo Tenma and Johan, all of his protagonists could arguably be seen as someone with the need to take up the responsibility of their creations. So where do the protagonists of Pluto fit in there? That's where Uran and Helena come in.
But first, we should take a look at Pluto's themes. While I could be wrong, at a cursory glance, I feel like the general consensus towards it's themes is that it's about hatred. I don't really think that's what it is as I feel like Urasawa is more trying to show us what it is to be human and what it is to be alive. And in that, he has a hidden protagonist in Pluto. Someone who's influence snakes through the plot and isn't seen much, but without who the story's themes would remain incomplete. Pluto tackles what it is to be alive through many things, such as memory, sadness, grief, hatred, love and parenthood. But none of that works without the realization by Tenma of his own mistakes. And Uran and Helena bookend these revelations and are absolutley key to understanding that.
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In my favourite chapter of the series, Chapter 37, Uran goes from person to person as she finds a way to deal with her grief and eventually comes across Tobio's grave, Tenma having left recently. It's an absolutely beautiful chapter that shows Uran's humanity and Urasawa's love for sharing these kind and soft moments. But it also sheds a light on Tenma as Uran realizes someone who was grieving has just left. Without saying much at all we realize that Tenma has finally realized his mistakes. In the process of grieving one son, he lost the other. While remembering Tobio, he let Atom go. His grief towards Tobio is clear in the following chapter, Chapter 38. All of the things he wanted Atom to be; Tobio come back to life, Tobio's ghost punishing him, Atom rejected. And Tenma could only see that rejection, and not what he had, another son.
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Uran shows us very clearly what Pluto, the story, is. It's a chapter in their lives. And we've come into a story nearing the end for Tenma. And it's through the humanity of two absolutely amazing characters in their own right, Uran and Helena, that we are able to so fully understand Tenma. Despite being robots, these two characters are the most alive of everyone. They love fully and freely and are catalysts of change. Uran's vibrant and full of life in a way that really sticks out. And Helena has such depth that it's evident in every scene she's in. She's not pointed out to be made by any famous scientist so all the life she has is her own. These two represent the life of robot's more than any other characters in the series.
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So it's that much more poignant when Helena finally breaks down after putting on such a strong front of everybody. Grief intersects and she brings out Tenma's sadness as well. They've both been putting up such strong fronts that it's heartbreaking to see them collapse. It completes Tenma's growth and strikes a heartbreaking contrast between the two. Tenma became the way he is through the loss of his son whereas Helena doesn't even get to remember her own loss. It makes you wonder if the grief for her and Geischt's child compounds her sorrow too.
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Without these two and their grief, a large part of Pluto becomes inaccessible. Pluto is largely about death so when two characters come in who've never had a hand in the grim work of taking life, you see the world through a lens that's absolutely crucial in order to fully connect with all of the character's and their situations. Death and Grief has scarred the characters in Pluto. Time and time again they've chosen the worst path. They've chosen revenge and hatred. But Uran and Helena are different. Without them, the story is incomplete. They provide an alternative. They provide the path towards healing.
im sorry for this one:
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cripplerage · 23 days
Please don't take it the wrong way but I've seen some people complaining about people in their early 20s and I have some thoughts. And I know 'haha, people make fun of other generations we're all having fun' but I don't think that's what I'm seeing.
It seems like people are claiming that the "your brain doesn't finish developing until you're 25" thing is starting to cause us to act younger than we are, and that we seem underdeveloped as adults in comparison to what older people were like at our age. That we act like we're still 16 and it's *annoying.* And these complaints are apparently regarding how we are in real life, not just being annoying online.
And don't get me wrong, we're still accountable for our actions. And I do understand what it's like to feel frustrated in adult spaces with such varying ranges of maturity and experience.
But these often seem to be the same people acknowledging that the cost of living crisis, the housing crisis, and a lot of politics as a whole have been drastically and rapidly declining for several years, particularly because of covid, and I'm not sure why they're not connecting the dots.
Like, yeah. I turned 18 in 2020. I won't get into details but it was very hard and very scary. I do sort of still feel like I'm 16, and I do still feel very lost and confused and unsure of myself. Most of us do. I know that I'm an adult and I have to act accordingly, but being annoying isn't a crime. If you have a more specific complaint then maybe don't direct it at an entire age range. Being able to exist normally around annoying people is part of being an adult, even I know that.
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sideblogdotjpeg · 18 days
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hey guys does anybody know whats the date today
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I love going to the local botanical gardens and being the Most Annoying Autistic alive
like I'm sorry but if a bird talks to me I am going to talk back these are Excellent Sound and I am going to Make Them
I have been honking at a goose for several minutes I'm having the time of my life
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mr-miss-sunny · 1 year
Realizing that they’ll never think of you the way you think of them
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daincrediblegg · 9 months
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addictt-with-a-pen · 3 months
I wish I was important to someone.
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flowercrowngods · 6 months
always so funky to be reminded that your parents might love you but they don’t actually like you very much
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fancy--that · 5 months
Writing Jefferson as the softer lover, the one doing the most pining and the most feeling and being the most vulnerable yet simultaneously hiding it all behind his....✨idgaf im Thomas mf Jefferson✨ and only being this vulnerable with Hamilton and even then at the slightest hint that Hamilton might pity HIM he has to be indifferent again because "love is for losers" and he doesn't really care as much as he seems to until he's eventually emotionally hurt and has to cope with the fact that Hamilton has done this because he seemingly believed that there was nothing emotional between them because of all of Jefferson's hiding and the only way the can try and salvage what they might be able to have is Thomas finally being honest with himself and Hamilton and telling him how he feels....is so much more satisfying than with Hamilton and idk why.
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skotiwolves · 16 days
I get the idea of everyone wanting an emotional reaction last week with omega being taken back to Tantiss, and while I also wished there was one, it doesn’t really make sense in my mind
They’ve already been through Omega being taken. While I don’t believe Hunter and Wrecker are completely desensitized to her now being taken there for a second time, I think there’s just an understanding to get to work. To put their anger, their frustrations, to getting her back, not to sit around and fight about it with Crosshair
Besides, that already happened in “The Return” when Cross and Hunter had their fight
“You let Omega be taken to Tantiss” and most of Crosshair’s point in that conversation, while directed at Hunter, is now all true for him, as well. To rehash that again isn’t necessary writing-wise. Both Hunter and Cross have grown since that point and Hunter finally trusts Crosshair now. To shove each other around and get in another pointless argument is counterproductive plot-wise, character-wise, and as watchers of the show
Also pretty sure that Crosshair gave them the run-down of why it happened. Im sure he mentioned that he didn’t want her to do it, but that she insisted. All of them know Omega, her choice to go and the guilt she carries is not a surprise to any one of them
And we don’t see them not react. Wrecker reacts as accurately as he can, as he was just knocked unconscious from the Marauder blast and was probably awake for 5 minutes when he heard the news
Hunter, on the other hand, seems to hash it out in the Juggernaut scenes, especially when the stormtrooper flew over the side and Hunter slammed him into the wall. How aggressively he drives, almost carelessly, to get rampart off-world so that they can get coordinates. He’s their best bet (as far as we know now), and Hunter is going to put that desperation and determination to work to get his little girl back
It is entirely possible for something to happen off screen or for it to be an understood for the viewers. It’s also entirely possible for characters to talk off screen *gasp*. We don’t have to see every little interaction or emotion—that would take away the fun.
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quaddmgd · 8 months
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Place me in my casket tonight Because I'm already dying inside Pale skin so cold to the touch Like a rose in bloom when we blush Dark eyes meet under the sky The stars are out, we're alive in the night My hollow heart finds it too hard to trust We're all alone until we turn back to dust
Sidewalks and Skeletons - GOTH
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