#i just also have literally like 15 WIPs going atm lol
da3drat · 1 month
20 questions for writers
tysm @wispstalk for tagging me! :D tagging back @ghoulingcooper as always but I thinkkkk everyone else has been tagged already. Questions under the cut~
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just elder scrolls so far, though I do have ideas for a palia fic floating around.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
lol. my top one is In the End, the World Still Turns. Which doesn't surprise me bc it's my only Oblivion fic.
5. Do you respond to comments?
YES sometimes it takes me a while to get around to it though because I have the memory of a goldfish
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Not Dead (Yet) will definitely have the angstiest ending when we finally get there. We love tragedy in this house.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uhhhh none? lets go with none of them.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope ! <3 I love you elder scrolls fandom
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
nah. frankly I don't think I would be any good at it so I prefer to just allude to sex and leave off right before or pick up right after. also to be real with you I'm still getting over my just came out of the closet lesbian repression. so maybe we'll get there eventually.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
My one Palia fic would be an Oblivion crossover! But idk if it will ever actually get written. The plot and lore in Palia interest me and I really think the effect they and the setting have on Celeste is interesting but I have so much Elder Scrolls fic I want to write that I just don't know if it'll ever be at the top of my to write list. Not to mention my personal project.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No and tbh I don't have the readership numbers to be worried about that lol.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also no!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
noooo but I have co planned a LOT of them with Cat even if they haven't been written. s2g they will someday.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I mean I think we all know its Ayem/Nerevarine lol. I think it shines a really interesting light on Almalexia and gives you the opportunity to dig into her character. It also implies an interesting Nerevarine (imo not to toot my own horn here lol) because it requires them to understand the danger of meeting someone who quite literally murdered you in a previous life and then still show them vulnerability and compassion. Idk shipping is sort of an exercise in character analysis to me, and I like what the Nerevarine can draw out of Almalexia and vice versa. With Meri and Almalexia specifically they're two chronic liars who meet someone that knows their tells and that's the closest to honesty they can get. And that breeds an interesting form of codependency. Having one person in the entire world who can see you for who you are no matter how hard you try to hide it, and then accepts and even loves that person even though they objectively kind of suck lol.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Don't have any atm! My only wip is Not Dead (Yet) and I'm so fucking determined to finish this even if it takes me years.
16. What are your writing strengths?
fuck if I know. I haven't been doing this long enough to have any real idea about it I'm just kind of throwing shit at the page and hoping for the best. I like to believe it's my character work.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
THIS one I could give u a list a mile long lmao but I will say I think I show my hand too early and I tend to lack subtlety. Working on that quite deliberately rn.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I mostly throw in bits and pieces for emotional effect. Terms of endearment and the like. I know basically nothing about linguistics or being bilingual so I feel like I would want to a lot of serious research before I tried anything more serious than tossing a few dunmeri cuss words or velothi nicknames into a fic lol.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
um. supernatural.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
NOT DEAD YET. NOT DEAD YETTTTTTT. it's the first multi-chapter project I've ever attempted and also I care so much about this story and these characters that it's really motivating me to try to improve my work every single time I sit down to write.<3
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aroaceaaah · 1 year
Mehn, síd, áŕá͡úyê͡î!
Writer ask thingy: 3, 8, 15, 20 !
Dia daoibh, fucker.
3.) What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need?
Everything I want to write for the WIP is Coming So Help Me God. If it doesn't fit but is still Mass Effect it's going in a supplimentary little oneshots catch all thing. That's been most of the brain atm, I've got some DW WIPs but I'm totally gonna get back to them I promise.
That Does Not Mean I have Never had half assed ideas I didn't write.
I wanted to make my DBH fic longer, I wanted it to be a whole thing about Connor getting super overwhelmed with being a Deviant and everything that entails and it was all a super thinly veiled metaphor for autistic burnout. I also briefly thought I would recreate the whole of DBH as a text-adventure that was naive hah.
I wanted to write a She-Ra fic focusing on what if Adora just let Catra come with her when she sneaked out of the horde to go find the sword in the first episode. It was gonna be a big long AU and basically everything would be different if that one thing changed. They were gonna be gay way earlier
I have a whole original thing I have never written much of at all but I do have ideas!! I also have Assignmence and Autism Special Interests which take precident a lot of the time.
8.) Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
This is a fun one because mostly no? Depends on how specific you get. I write fanfic, I read a lot of fanfic. In terms of genre, I love writing angst, if I do not feel 1000% confident that the angst will be held properly (no big dramatic plot twists or OOC stuff for drama or fuckin cliffhangers, dickhead) then I will just simply not read it. No. I do like when it's funny and nonsense and I write a lot of that, but I also like when random americans write about fucking Calculus man idk what I like that's between me, god, and a team of psychologists.
15. Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)?
I am simply built different these are all easy hahhaa. I am shit at suggesting titles for others writing but for me I just title everything either a joke or a song lyric and wham done. Idk if they're catchy or enticing I have no idea I just want it to all line up so you can scroll and sing a really weird disjointed version of a song weeee
20.) Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
WELL!! You are gonna read this and be like "none of this was new information to me" but idc I'm saying it anyway (SPOILERS FOR MY MASS EFFECT FIC LOL)
ROBOT SHEPARD. I adored that as a concept, it literally wasn't my goal with Tis Grace I have notes from the beginning trying to focus on the, like, social implictations of being dead for a while but it wasn't holding water and then I was like what about the physical implications and then I was like WHAT IF SHE'S AN AI
it was great and there is SO much coming for that, there's stuff in my ME3 one that revolves around that and I'm so excited for. It's all foreshadowed and set up and it's fun because a lot of it happened almost accidentally. In terms of relationships, I obviously love the title lesbians, I swear I do even though they have been together for maybe 15 minutes in the fic but look. I wanted an explanation for why Liara isn't with you in ME2 and I could not think of a cheery one for that. I also didn't expect to be as obsessed with Jack as I am but honestly herself and Shepard genuinely having a close friendship? Miranda gets roped in for dramatic tension? They should have let me write the games idc that I was 10 years old
Anyway if you want a clue as to what happens next listen to the playlist it's. Fairly explicitly stated tbh.
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envydean · 2 years
2, 3, 15, 20, 23, 27, 28, and 30 for the ao3 wrapped asks.
2: how many works did you publish this year?
13, and then a second and final chapter to an old thing :D
3: What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
This will have to be the one I'm publishing atm, it was meant to be a short little kinktober (2021) fic, but it grew by a bit and has ended up being 11 chapters and probably around 45k words lol
15: What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
Two WIPs into next year - that one project I've been working on for literal years will come with me and it will be the year I post it whether it's perfected or not... and also A Sip of Wolfsbane, this fic has challenged me in ways I didn't expect, so it's taking up more mental energy that I wanted it to.
20: Which work of yours have you reread the most?
of all time? probably The Fae Child. This year it's Heat Induction 😅
23: Did you do any collaborative works this year?
I didn't this year, and haven't done many in the past. I think it would be fun to do though!
27: What do you listen to while writing?
My "Liked Songs" playlist on spotify usually... but when writing on the last day of NaNoWriMo, there was Glenn Miller Orchestra playing and I've never been so productive, so I think I'll have to try that every now and then!
28: Favorite work you wrote this year?
Either Do Unto Others or Seven Thousand Nights of Darkness I think, both are pretty dark aha 😳
30: Biggest surprise while writing this year?
I think realising just how much I can write if there's something I'm very into and excited about... on the flipside that some projects just don't go the way you expected. Ultimately, it has to be the word count for Do Unto Others lol... I was seriously intending it to be like 5k maximum 👀
Thanks for asking!! :D
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sharkneto · 3 years
Celebration idea: I would love a little brotherly bonding snippet (if you have one, no pressure) of Five and Diego :)
Me: I have so many WIPS, I really shouldn't start something new even if it's short, but I don't actually have any good Five and Diego snippets laying around, what a shame Also me: “This is stupid.”
Diego looks up at Five from where he’s trying to position the kindling so he can get it to light. The rest of the family is busy setting up tents and laying out food for them to cook over the fire.
If Diego ever gets it started, that is.
He glances at the pristine nature around them. “Camping?”
Five nods, scowling at Diego’s sad pile of twigs.
Diego shrugs. “I don’t know, man. Could be fun.”
He actually agrees with Five. Camping is a waste of time. There’s a reason humanity moved out of nature to big, bustling cities where there’s always things happening and anything they could ever need at their fingertips.
But the family wanted a family trip, Vanya had suggested camping, and Luther and Allison had glommed right onto that idea. Klaus apparently didn’t give a fuck what they did, Five did his usual thing and just sulked about it in the background, meaning Diego would be the only one putting up a big fuss if he complained about it.
Five scoffs. “Yeah, real fun. Let’s sit on our asses in the middle of nowhere and pretend like we don’t have modern conveniences. A great time.”
“If you didn’t want to go, why didn’t you say something!” Diego leans closer. “If we’d both complained, maybe we could have changed their minds.”
“You didn’t want to go?”
“I was supposed to have a date with Patch tonight. But we had to cancel in the name of—”
“Family bonding,” Five says with him. He sighs. “Well, shit. I thought I was just raining on everyone’s parade about not wanting to go. That’s why I didn’t say anything.”
“I was wondering why you weren’t being more a dick about it.”
Five gives him a flat look. He crouches down and shoulders Diego to the side, reaching out to rearrange his tinder pile. Diego holds out the matches for him. Five ignores him, crouching closer over the pile and blocking Diego’s view of what he’s doing. Ten seconds later smoke starts wisping into the air. Five moves back so he can blow gently on his tiny flame. Within thirty seconds, he’s fed the flame and it’s grown to be a small fire, ready for larger sticks for fuel.
Right. Five’s started hundreds of fires in his life. Maybe thousands.
Probably thousands.
“Thanks,” Diego says.
Five shrugs. “You have to give it more air, let oxygen get to it, for it to really start.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Good! You guys got the fire going!” Allison says, walking over with a tray of food. Diego doesn’t even know what they packed, he just showed up and helped chuck everything into the van they rented. She sets it on a stump; looks like potatoes, a medley of vegetables, and a large baggie of pre-cooked chicken.
“You need to wait for coals to cook best,” Five says. He’s shifted to sit on another stump.
“Good to know,” Allison says absently, taking inventory of what she still needs to bring over. “I forget, you’re quite the Boy Scout.” She heads back to her prep area and Vanya to ferry more supplies over.
Diego glances at Five, to check if he’s going to be mad about the Boy Scout comment. Since he turned physically fifteen and finally grew six inches, he’s a little less prickly about comments that could be interpreted to be about his young age.
He’s squinting after Allison, brow furrowed and the corner of his mouth twitching.
Something hit his humor, then.
“Boy Scout?” Diego asks.
Five’s mouth twist up further. “I’m thinking about all my fucked up apocalypse badges.”
Diego snorts. “Is there a cockroach badge?”
“Oh, absolutely. Get it for your 500th cockroach you eat. There’s another when you hit your thousandth, and then after that they don’t keep track because it makes the scouts too depressed. And you can’t have them too depressed, that’s just bad for survival moral.”
Diego snorts again. They turned a corner, last year, where suddenly Five was willing to leak a bit more about the apocalypse. There’s still nothing of real substance that comes out, but little pieces, little tastes. Cockroaches have, weirdly enough, become a piece that’s good to test the waters for how chatty Five is going to be about it. They’re usually safe.
“Gross,” Diego agrees.
“Truly,” Five says. He points to the log pile behind Diego. “You need to add that log. No, not that one. The one—No. The one with the flat side. Yeah. Put it…”
Diego finally gets the specific log positioned exactly how Five wants it. He returns to his spot on the ground, across the fire from Five. “What other badges you got?” he asks.
“Hmmm,” Five sighs in the most old-man way possible. “Got the Set Your Own Bones badge, got the Set Your Own Bones Wrong badge—”
“It was just a couple fingers on my right hand, could have been worse… Got my Gardening badge, that was a good one.”
“Would you want to garden again?”
Five considers that before he shakes his head. “No. Well, no. Maybe. Ask me again when I’m old. Well, even older.”
Diego smiles with him. “Sure thing, old man.” He pokes at the fire with a long stick just to do it. Five frowns at him for it as the logs shift slightly. It’s fine, they’re still on fire, aren’t they. “I’m about to judge, Five, but all your shitty apocalypse badges are kind of lame. You don’t got anything more exciting?”
Five huffs a laugh. “Well, shit. I should have been cooler in the apocalypse, if I’d known you were in my future to tell me how lame I am.”
Diego shoots him a smile. They both know Five had hoped and dreamed and wanted nothing more than for Diego to be in his future to tell him how lame he was.
“Commission badges are probably more exciting?” Five offers.
“I prefer apocalypse badges.” Diego doesn’t really need a number for how many people Five has murdered.
“Me too.”
They sit and stare at Five’s fire. Five holds a hand out for Diego’s poking stick and deftly rearranges the charring logs so they’re flatter, starting to collapse one another.
“The Twinkie is probably something, right?” he says as he settles back on his stump. “Not many people almost die by Twinkie.”
“Sure they do.”
Five squints at him.
“I bet there’s a whole statistic every year about people who choke to death on those.”
A surprised snort escapes Five. “God, that would be an embarrassing way to go. At least mine was semi-respectable and some good, old-fashioned food poisoning.”
Hm. Fucked up. “Yeah, I don’t think they’re giving badges out for choking to death on Twinkies.”
“What are you two talking about?” Luther asks, expression folded in confusion as he walks past with two tent kits in his arms.
Diego makes the mistake of catching Five’s eye and they both lose it for a second in snorting laughs, as they try and hold it in. It’s really not that funny.
Luther just shakes his head at them and keeps on his way to the flatter part of their campsite, where he already has one of their tents up.
“You know,” Five says as his laughter dies down, “this is the sort of conversation I expect to have with Klaus, not you.”
“I don’t know. It’s just stupid.”
“You think I can’t have stupid conversations?” Diego hears it as soon as he says it. Five gives him a look to let him know that he is choosing not to destroy Diego on his phrasing.
“No, you say stupid things all the time.” Ok, so not letting him go unscathed. “I wasn’t really going anywhere with it. Just a thought.”
“Alright, then.”
They lapse back into silence. Five watches the fire. Diego watches their family.
Allison and Vanya are still at the picnic table, laughing about something as they chop up more vegetables for whatever their dinner plan is. Luther is halfway though erecting the next tent. Diego should probably go help him but the big guy looks like he’s got it handled. Klaus crashes back into camp from the woods, roll of toilet paper in one hand and a bunch of berries in the other. Allison smacks them from his hand as he shows her and then shoves the hand sanitizer at him.
Yeah, maybe some family bonding is nice. Even if nature sucks.
He turns back to Five. He’s still staring at the flames, gaze distant.
Diego thinks he gets what Five was getting at, before with his comment about them not having dumb conversations together.
They don’t really have a chance to, they don’t hang out that often, just the two of them. It’s not on purpose, it’s not like Diego is avoiding his older brother, but things have been busy for him. Him and Patch are on, again (who knew their on-and-off-again tendencies would survive to a new future; at least it’s not as explosive – just a fluctuation as they try and figure out if they’re romantic or platonic), he’s spending time at a mechanic shop a block down from the gym, enjoying the work with his hands, and he’s still helping out at the gym and helping out around the city as things come up.
He’s just not at the Academy as much and that’s still where Five spends most of his time, still working to figure out how a sixty-year-old-man that looks fifteen fits into the world.
“We should do this more often,” Diego says.
Five blinks a few times and pulls himself back to the present. “Camping? Diego, this fucking sucks. I camped for four decades, I don’t need to do any more of it.”
“No, not the camping. I’m with you there. But… you and me. We should hang out more. Do stuff.”
“Like what?”
Diego shrugs. “Does it matter?”
Five’s mouth quirks up into a smile. “No, I suppose it doesn’t. I can pencil you into my very packed schedule. And you know where to find me.”
They smile at each other. It’s interrupted and Allison and Vanya join them with the rest of the food.
“Alright!” Allison says, calling Luther and Klaus to join them and then launching into instructions for how to make the little tin foil dinners she’s prepared.
They’re simple enough, especially when his sisters have already prepped everything. Really, it’s almost more patronizing that they didn’t just put everything together for them, too. Still, Diego grabs a square of foil and a pat of butter to grease it up. Grabs one to pass to Five, too.
Five ignores it and just grabs a potato, instead, jams it onto a stick, and then promptly shoves it into the coals of the smoldering fire, wiggling it until it’s mostly buried.
“Or that,” Allison sighs.
Diego catches Five’s eye. “Got your potato badge, then, too, huh?” he says.
Five grins and snorts.
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sothischickshe · 3 years
1, 3, 12, and 15 for Found My Thrill (I know it’s not technically a wip, but with your very eccentric writing process, do you even have one wip atm???) ❤❤❤
<3 <3
1. has a comment someone left on a fic of yours ever made you laugh out loud?
Yeah, for sure! for example, @cavalieryouthposts commented on do you like drugs:
“Every time I read something you've written, I genuinely lose a piece of my actual mind. Truly I do, all sense of... well, sense, runs away screaming. I never get that piece of sanity back, so I hope you're happy.”
and, bc im a very unkind person, it made me cackle a lot
3. and because i know we’re all egocentric, have you ever made yourself laugh out loud or cry with a fic you wrote?
cry? i don’t think so. laugh, definitely! i think probs more in the staring into space thinking, or editing parts than the handwriting part though? howdy made me laugh every time in the edit. im a simple girl.
ive sent myself to sleep though a lot in the handwriting part also, and yea not the greatest endorsment lol, but i think i was just v sleepy
12. what headcanon will you keep implementing in your fics, even if canon ends up contradicting it?
dean is in love with rio
both beth and rio have horrible eyesight
rio is literally begging beth to slap him at least 30% of the time
beth and stan are friends
those all feel kinda like cheats bc i can’t see how canon could possibly contradict them bc they’re facts but there you go, i only perceive truth
15. describe (one of) your wip(s) in the weirdest/most contrived way possible! (asker can choose what wip)
haha, i think you’ll find im the one with the normal writing process, the rest of you are the weirdos! (and do i have any wips? mm i guess filing her nails counts?! but yea the creator of the meme asked me abt neighb*rhood, for this one so i think you’re good ha)
i mean the actual summary for found my thrill is: ‘Turner's POV of the pancake lie’ & you want more contrived? ok....
how bout ‘you can lead a fed to pancakes, but can you make him think (what you want?)’
ficcy asks
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fand0mfancies · 4 years
Came across this on Tumblr a few days ago, it amused me for a couple of hours or more, filling it in, while watching QI.
 Fandom Questions
 1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?
Star Trek: Voyager, I suppose at least for reading. Started writing with Stargate SG-1.
 2. What is your latest fandom?
I dip in and out of lots of fandoms on and off, the most recent ‘pick up’ is Ballam from Eastenders, I don’t watch soaps, but Robron and Ballam both appear a good bit on my tumblr, so I eventually gave in to checking them out via fic and youtube – thank god for youtube, lol! I still don’t watch soaps, but I watch those storylines!
 3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in?
Gosh, that’s... actually no that’s really easy. Primeval. For anyone not familiar, it’s a ‘silly little dinosaur show’ produced in the UK. It had 4 short seasons, with a somewhat revolving main cast – although they managed to keep 3 of them through all 4 seasons – but the fandom was/is amazing. I made life long friends through the fandom and even though I don’t write much any more I still read some and still talk with those people.
 4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms?
I would say no. I can’t say every fandom has always been amazing – ship wars anyone! – but mostly fandom has been a very positive experience in my life.
 5. Which fandoms have your written fanfiction for?
How long have you got... in genuinely no particular order (basically as they came to me) Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Star Trek (TNG, DS9, Voy, Ent & Reboot Movies), Marvel, Kingsman, Person of Interest, Due South, Quantum Leap, Firefly, Buffy/Angel verse, Harry Potter, The Sentinel, Torchwood(/Doctor Who), Hawaii Five-0, Shadowhunters, Sherlock, Primeval, Emmerdale (Robron), NCIS, CSI (Vegas, NY & Miami), White Collar, Empire Records, Bull, Diagnosis Murder, MacGyver (the original), 1-800-Missing, CHAOS, Without a Trace, M*A*S*H, Charmed, Queer as Folk (US), Will & Grace, Bring it On, Nash Bridges, Magnificent 7 (TV series), House, Babylon 5 – I think I got them all... a few of those were one time only deals, but a lot of them have more (anywhere from 2-52 (or more still!) ranging from 100 word drabbles, to thousands of words – hey I’ve been writing fic for 21 years... you tend to amass a lot of fandoms...
 6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
Oh geez, here we go, lol! Okay...
 Stargate SG-1: Jack O’Neill/Daniel Jackson
Stargate Atlantis: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard
Star Trek: Elim Garak/Julian Bashir, Chakotay/Tom Paris, Jonathan Archer/Malcolm Reed, James Kirk/Spock – I don’t particularly have an ‘otp’ in TNG, the couple I’ve written were Picard/Data, I’ve also dabbled reading Data/Gordi)
Marvel: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Kingsman: Harry Hart/Eggsy Unwin
Person of Interest: Harold Finch/John Reese
Due South: Benton Fraser/Ray K
Quantum Leap: Sam/Al
Firefly: Malcolm Reynolds/Simon Tam
Buffy/Angel Verse: Buffy/Giles, Angel/Spike, Xander/Spike, Willow/Tara
Harry Potter: Harry/Draco, Harry/Hermione, Harry/Hermione/Draco
The Sentinel: Jim/Blair
Torchwood: Jack/Ianto
Hawaii Five-O: Steve/Danno
Shadowhunters: Magnus/Alec
Sherlock: Sherlock/John, Mycroft/Lestrade
Primeval: Nick Cutter/Stephen Hart, James Lester/Hilary Becker Emmerdale: Robert Sugden/Aaron Dingle
NCIS: Gibbs/DiNozzo CSI: Nick Stokes/David Hodges, Mac/Danny, Horatio/Speed White Collar: Neal/Peter/Elizabeth
Empire Records: Joe/Lucas
Bull: Benny/Jason
Diagnosis Murder: Steve/Jesse
 I’ve left a few out where I don’t have particular OTPs
 7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in.
Here we go again... lol!
 Stargate SG-1: Jack/Sam, I just... no. I’ve read a few where it’s a background or secondary pairing, but it always makes me wince a bit. I’ve read a few with Sam/Daniel as a secondary pairing that didn’t make me react that way and I’ve read Sam with other characters, but Jack/Sam just is a nope for me.
Stargate Atlantis: McKay/Keller – no, just no. that was horrible. She treated him like... awfully, trying to change him to suit her, just... no.
Marvel: Contentious, but Tony/Pepper, also Peter Parker/Tony Stark. Maybe because I saw the movies before I ever looked at the comics, but meh.
Due South: Benton Fraser/Ray V – again, contentious, but honestly I think Ray V was kind of a shit friend to Fraser.
Firefly: Anything with Jayne. No really, I just can not stand the character. I spent most of the series wanting to punch him in the face and sometimes you get characters you love to hate, but I just hated him.
Buffy/Angel Verse: Buffy/Spike, Willow/Kennedy
Harry Potter: Ron/Hermione, Ron/Harry, Harry/Ginny... basically, Ron and Ginny should just be loveless hermits who live by themselves. Ok, no, that isn’t fair... but as much as Ron was Harry’s first friend, he was selfish and bitter and Ginny/Harry just... never sat right with me. Ron literally says she spent ‘all summer talking about’ Harry, when she’d met him for all of three seconds. She didn’t know him. It always felt like she fell more in love with the *idea* of Harry Potter, than Harry Potter himself.
Sherlock: Sherlock/Molly, he’d eat her for breakfast. Serious, she’d never survive him.
Primeval: Oliver Leek and anyway. Arg. Creepy little dude is creepy and evil.
NCIS: Ziva/DiNozzo – ugh, just no.
 Again, I’ve left out ones where I don’t have particular NoTPs
 8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom?
Tumblr, god damned bitches posting gifs of pretty boys falling in love, roped me in!
 9. What are the best things about your current fandom?
I dabble in several fandoms at once... but if we go by ‘most recently picked up’ as ‘current’ we’re talking Ballum, which hey, it’s always fun to have an actual canon pairing be my OTP, that’s rare for me, lol.
 10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
Well (so far) I haven’t written any Ballum. (I say so far, because I’m a realist, lol). I rarely read in fandoms and not end up writing in them at some point. Although I have probably dabbled in a few I’ve not written for, but if I read it with any sort of consistency, I mostly end up writing it. I am weak!
  Ship Questions for your Current Fandom
 11. Who is your current OTP?
Okay, so that list above, just basically go with that. While I do drop in and hour of fandoms and some I certainly read in more than others, I do tend to go back to fandoms... If we were talking about what I’m mostly focused on writing atm... Steve/Tony, Mycroft/Lestrade, Harry/Draco and Robron are ones I’m currently working on most.
 12. Who is your current OT3?
I’m not currently writing anything that’s OT3 with any real focus. I have a couple of Neal/Peter/Elizabeth WiPs that I will at some point finish, but they aren’t a big focus just now. I did recently read a fabulous Neal/Peter/Elizabeth fic that’s been on my tbr list for ages.
 13. Any NoTPs?
Just... see above, lol!
 14. Go on, who are your BroTPs?
Harry Hart/Merlin, those two are Bro’s until the end and I will fight you on this. Also, Eggsy/Roxy! OMG they are such a BroTP! And Tony/Pepper/Rhodey – I may no like Tony/Pepper as a pairing, but I love them as best friends and of course, our Rhodes, because again, I will fight you on this, they are awesome and Tony needs his best friends!
 15. Is there an obscure ship which you love?
I’m not sure there is. I suppose I’ve read a few fics for some random pairings over the years, but nothing that’s made me really ship-ship them. I like Clint Barton/Bucky Barnes, after seeing it as a secondary pairing in a Steve/Tony fic, but I’ve seen that pop up a few times since, so maybe it won’t stay obscure for long!
 16. Are their any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike?
Jack/Sam, Tony/Pepper, Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny, Buffy/Spike – they all seem to be het pairings, oops. But I am mostly a slash fic reader/writer, so I suppose that’s not too surprising.
 17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite?
Jack/Daniel from Stargate SG-1. I still love them. I still read them, although it has been a while since I’ve written them on their own (I have got some SG-1/SGA x-overs where they feature)
 18. What ship have you written the most about?
I’m genuinely not sure... without going and counting (and I’m not going any counting!) I’d guess Jack/Daniel, McKay/Sheppard, Jack/Ianto and Steve/Danno.
 19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?
No, not that I can think off. I either like it or not. I do occasionally feel bad for not reading a fic if it’s an author I really like, but I don’t read that fandom or pairing, but nothing specific.
 20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking?
Robron and Ballum, lol. I do not do soaps!
  Author Questions
 21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote?
 Stargate SG-1, Jack/Daniel, a story called The Dare, The Disaster, The Almost Happy Ending, And The Very Happy Ending – it was awful. Don’t go looking, lol!
 22. Is there anything you regret writing?
Don’t we all? No, I wouldn’t specifically say so. There are certainly fics, especially older ones, I wish I could have written better, but nothing I’d go, ugh I should never have done that.
 23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
Uh... honestly that’s really hard. I... um... yeah, I don’t know, really. I wrote a nice little flower one in POI that I felt worked rather beautifully. The Language of Flowers. An I wrote an SGA fic for NaNo a few years ago, called A Different Life, but it’s not online, because I didn’t finish it yet and I knew I wasn’t going to finish it any time soon, so I didn’t feel it was fair to leave it up unfinished (there is a reason I don’t read WiP fics and I don’t post them either, because I know how much I hate unfinished WiPs) Edit: After writing this I reminded myself of a POI fic I wrote called Hours of Separation – It’s a Harold/John break up story that I always intended to write a sequel too where I ‘fixed’ them, but I just couldn’t do it. I broke them a little too well. But I really love it actually.
 24. What fic do you desperately need to rewrite or edit?
The afore mentioned A Different Life needs to be edited and finished, lol! Also a Primeval fic with the working title Crypt Keeper (don’t ask) that I worked myself into a bit of a corner on and I figure out how to fix it, but I haven’t done it yet, so it’s still needs fixing and finishing, lol!
 25. What’s your most popular fanfic?
I haven’t the foggiest.
 26. How do you come up with your fanfic titles?
Sometimes, really easily, a quote, a line from the fic, a song title... other times it’s like pulling teeth, hence working titles on things like ‘crypt keeper’ which is a reference to one scene near the very start and has no actual hint of the plot, lol!
 27. What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries?
Oh the titles. Summaries you can just copy a few lines from the fic if you are desperate, if you had to post ‘untitled mcshep fic #67’ people would get cranky, lol, hell I’d get cranky!
 28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of?
Oh... I... huh. I mean who wouldn’t love fanart for their stories? Any of them honestly! But if I had to choose just one... I guess something in my Animal Instinct verse, which is Primeval (although I always intended to write other fandoms in the verse) where some people transform into animals, based on their ‘spirit animal’ and some art of the characters with their spirit animal form would be awesome.
 29. Do you have a beta reader? Why/Why not?
Sometimes, look if you’ve read this far, you know I write in a lot of fandoms, lol. In some fandoms it’s easier than others to find beta readers. Also, sometimes if it’s just something short, I won’t bother. But I do try for my longer fics.
 30. What inspires you to write?
That old adage, if you want to read it, sometimes you just have to write it? Spite? Boredom? Honestly sometimes I just have ideas I have to get out of my brain and it’s write or go mad(der)
 31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?
That it inspired them to write something.
 32. Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you?
Sometimes, sometimes I find it distracting when writing because I end up singing along and forgetting what I’m writing, lol! I do sometimes get inspiration from songs, I guess mostly from the lyrics, but no particular band or genre – although I listen to a lot of country music!
 33. Do you write oneshots, multi-chapter fics or huuuuuge epics?
Little from column a, little from column b... littler still from column c...
 34. What’s the word count on your longest fic?
Around 60k, I think.
 35. Do you write drabbles? If so, what do you normally write them about?
I have. Primeval had/has a week drabble challenge, mostly when I’ve written drabbles it’s been for a challenge, with a specific prompt.
 36. What’s your favourite genre to write?
Uh... I mean, my fandoms really span the genres, but I guess sci-fi or crime are probably my favourites.
 37. First person or third person - what do you write in and why?
Third mostly, I have occasionally written in first person, if it felt like the fic needed it.
 38. Do you use established canon characters or do you create OCs?
Little from column a, little from column b... it depends on the fandom and the story. Sometimes you just need more characters, mostly they are minor roles, I don’t tend to write much established character/oc fic
 39. What is your greatest strength as a writer?
Ability to convince myself people will want to read it, lol! No actually to be honest, I love to know people read and like my stuff, but I gave up a long time ago on trying to ‘please’ people with what I write. I write what I want to read.
 40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing?
Focus. The problem with 21 years of fandom history, is well... 21 years of fandom history. A lot of fandoms, a lot of pairings and as I say, I never really ‘leave’ a fandom, I just drop in and out and sometimes that means I’ll write on something consistently for weeks or months and then end up getting distracted by another fandom again and not touch it for weeks or months again. Hence, I don’t post WiP fics, because I know I’m easily distracted and don’t want anyone to suffer my lack of focus but me.
  Fanfiction Questions
 41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
I don’t read WiP fics, so yeah... but 5 I’ve recently read in different fandoms that I’ve really enjoyed
 Turns Out, I Have a Rose Garden by betheflame (Steve Rogers/Tony Stark)
Lucky by china_shop (Neal Caffery/Peter Burke/Elizabeth Burke)
Colors by Quesarasara (Sherlock/John)
Betrayal by Blackghost7 (Gibbs/DiNozzo)
Matchmaker (Part 1 of the Marmalade Series) by HastaLux, Mottlemoth (Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade)
 42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing:
See now this is hard, because... ahh so many...
 FredBassett – Primeval author, her Stephen/Ryan series is epic and brilliant and endless
 Keira Marcos – I know other people will have said her, I don’t care. I love all her stuff, across all the fandoms she writes in
 theapplepielifestyle – her Steve/Tony is amazing. Hands down some of the best I’ve ever read. I will fight you on this.
 JillyJames – her Tony DiNozzo is a real life grown up... exactly as he should be considered given he’s a goddamn federal agent!
 missbecky – I’ve read pretty much all her Steve/Tony and Harry/Eggsy and it’s awesome.
 Honestly, I could have listed so many more, but, I’m being good!
 43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you?
Everyone. The thing is, fandom at it’s best is like crack, the more you get, the more you want. The writing, the gifs, the art... it feeds you and makes you want to make more of it, because more of it needs to exist and if that means you need to do it yourself, so be it!
 44. What ship do you feel needs more attention?
 45. What is your all time favourite fanfic?
Oh hell no, not even, I can not. It took me an hour to narrow down 5 authors, I can not narrow down one fanfic!
 46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why?
I mean, it depends on what they like... probably the Hour of Separation I mentioned above, if they like the fandom/pairing, or my Animal Instinct stuff.
 47. Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net or Tumblr - where do you prefer to post and why?
Archive of our Own. I haven’t touched ff.net in *years* since they started getting super restrictive about what you could post. I do occasionally post stuff to tumblr, but mostly I now post to AO3. I did have my own site and I’ve yet to upload a lot of stuff to AO3 – one of these... months... that will be a project – but it’s amazing. Seriously, having been in fandom 20+ years, going from having to search all over a million different places and now it’s all in one place, where we’re honestly, spoiled and protected. The kids now have no idea how crazy impossible that once seemed.
 48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not?
Yes, but not as often as I should. I love AO3s kudos button, so I can sort of say ‘hey I enjoyed this’ without having to comment, because I sort of hate leaving comments just going ‘hey I enjoyed this’ because I always feel like I should say more, like, oh I enjoyed this specific thing, which yes is an unnecessary hang-up, but there ya go.
 49. Do you care if people comment/reblog your writing? Why/why not?
Of course it’s nice to get comments, kudos, reblogs etc. I’m not as attached to them now as I was when I was younger, because I learned along the way that it was more important that I like what I’m writing than that other people do, but it’s still nice to know that something I’ve created is enjoyed.
 50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?
I went looking for Star Trek Voyager stuff online, pics etc, waaaaaaay back when! And I came across fanfiction entirely by accident... and I read some – het stuff mostly, then I started watching Stargate SG-1, went looking for fanfiction for that, but was not on board with Jack/Sam, found Jack/Daniel went ‘huh really? That’s weird’ read it... and yeah... 21 years later... lol!
 51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
Ship Wars. No seriously, just don’t. Like, who the actual fuck cares. I like my ship, you like your ship. I don’t care if it’s canon or not. I don’t care if it’s popular or not. I don’t read my NoTPs, but I’d never dream of telling someone else not too. Yes I think they are terrible, bad, no good pairings, but that’s *my* opinion. Don’t try to change my mind and I won’t try to change yours. I avoid them like the actual plague. If someone starts that shit around me, I will shut it right down. You are a dick. Go to Jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect £200.
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the-astro-ace · 6 years
Merlin Writer Month: WIP Week Part 1 - Gen Fics (No Romance)
“Part one?” you ask in confusion upon reading the title.
“Hmmm yes, reader,” I respond, stroking my metaphorical beard.  “I found over twenty fics to recommend for @madaboutmerlin’s Merlin Writer Month, but I don’t think the mods would appreciate one giant post.  So I am splitting into two not-so giant posts.  Below I shall link the eleven gen fics I recommend, and then Part 2 shall be all the not-gens.  And they shall be linked from most recently updated to, well, not.  Please enjoy.”
Part 2: The Not-Gen Fics 
GEN FICS - May contain romance, but not the focus of the story (at least no more than the show)
Rend and Rebuild by PeaceHeather
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Chapters: 38/?
Last Updated: 2018-11-18
Summary:  One wrong move in the heat of battle changes everything. Merlin is a sorcerer, and Arthur has stabbed him.
My Comments: From angst to well-written battles to a wonderful Merlin and Gwaine friendship this fic has a lot of things that I love  It’s got Druids, it’s got BAMF Merlin, it’s got Gwaine just being GREAT, what more could you want??  And at 38 chapters, you have quite a bit to get through before you have to wait for updates, and even then it’s nearing the end. so I expect that you won’t be left disappointed.
Do You Feel Like a Young God? by onceandfuturewarlock
Rating: Mature
Chapters: 4/?
Last Updated: 11-14-2018
Summary: When Merlin's magic is discovered by the last person he ever would have expected, he soon finds himself a pawn in the most twisted, dangerous game he's ever played, no way to win, and no way out - unless, of course, he changes the rules.
My Comments: Okay, just a heads up: this fic is DARK.  HEED THE TAGS.  This fic is GOOD but it is HEAVY STUFF MAN.  You thought you couldn’t have Agravaine more?? HOO BOY THIS FIC WILL PROVE YOU WRONG; I have literally written the phrase “I want to shank Agravaine with a rusty spoon” in a comment to this fic.  Twice.
Stronger Than by NotNecessarilyInThatOrder
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Chapters: 8/?
Last Updated: 2018-11-12
Summary: “I said I was dying.” Arthur sighed.“I don’t have time for this.” “Would you have had time to retrieve my corpse?” Merlin thought, then nearly smacked himself when Arthur’s expression made him realize he’d spoken out loud. Could Merlin have told the truth if Arthur had been willing to listen that morning? What would that mean for their future? For Morgana's?
My Comments: An AU starting with s3e02 that it looking to be a MORGANA REDEMPTION YEAH BOI.  Excellent read, and I look forward to finding out where it will go :D
The Siege Perilous by CarverTwaine
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Chapters: 6/?
Last Updated: 2018-10-21
Summary: (Druid Merlin AU) Druids came for Hunith's son long ago. Years later, a man named Emrys and his apprentice are captured as Druids in Camelot. But Emrys strikes a deal with Uther: as long as the King allows Emrys to live as a political prisoner in the dungeons, the Druids will stay far away from Camelot. Uther agrees. Hated and feared, Emrys works to gain the trust of his jailers.
My Comments: I have a thing for Druid!Merlin apparently, and this fic falls into that.  Most recent chapter left off on a cliffhanger so I’m :OOO atm but it’s VERY GOOD and I recommend you all read this one as well :D
A Sea and Four Centuries by MDJensen
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Chapters: 6/10
Last Updated: 2018-09-27
Summary: In which Lancelot and Aramis wake up in the wrong beds-- and the wrong countries, and the wrong centuries. HIATUS until ~December 2018.
My Comments: Probably the fluffiest thing on this list.  A crossover with Three Musketeers in which the author literally swaps Santiago Cabrera’s characters.  That’s it, that’s the story.  But it’s not just crack- there’s angst, there’s emotions, and overall what I feel is a realistic reaction to what would happen if this, well, happened lol.  I especially adore the scenes in which Lancelot is learning French- THE AUTHOR ACTUALLY ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THERE’S A LANGUAGE BARRIER- IT’S GREAT.
Knowledge does not mean Understanding by Selene467
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Chapters: 5/10
Last Updated: 2018-09-27
Summary: In a time when Merlin's magic is outed and accepted -something he never thought possible months ago- Arthur is shown that despite knowing how strong Merlin is, he doesn't fully understand -comprehend- just how powerful he truly is. A dangerous conflict in which Merlin all but sacrifices himself to save everyone else, shows Arthur that there is far more to Merlin than he thought possible. Gaius wasn't kidding when he told Arthur that Merlin was the strongest sorcerer ever to have lived.
My Comments: I greatly enjoy the non-linear story telling of this one- with the present interspersed with flashbacks to the magic reveal, it allows the reader to see what happened without just an info dump lol (also I’m considering trying that style myself now).   Just I recommend this one too lol
A Criminal’s Burial by gecko818
Rating: Mature
Chapters: 8/?
Last Updated: 2018-07-02
Summary: Upon awakening in a strange castle with no memory of the last week, Arthur learned that not only had he been recovering from poison, but that Merlin was responsible for the betrayal. Unfortunately, the boy was reportedly killed by Arthur's own sword and left to rot. Little does he know, the story is a mere ruse to conquer Camelot. NOT a death!fic. Merlin!/Arthur!Whump.
My Comments: With Arthur angsting over the fact that he thinks he’s literally killed Merlin gd and Merlin being, well, not treated well in an enemy lord’s dungeon, this fic is hurt/comfort gold.  At least, when the comfort part reaches lol.  But with intrigue, and emotions running high, this fic is a good one and I sincerely hope it updates soon lmao
The Right Thing by AithuzahFic (veritably_mad)
Rating: General Audiences
Chapters: 3/?
Last Updated: 2018-05-10
Summary: Merlin jumped when Arthur spoke. “He didn’t deny it,” he said, his voice low and cool. “I’m sorry?” “He said he loved her and would never hurt her, but he never said it wasn’t true.”
My Comments: How the aftermath of the Arthur nearly killing Uther scene SHOULD HAVE GONE.  But if this exchange doesn’t convince you, idk what will: Every word Arthur had spoken had Merlin off-balance and reeling, but his next question threatened to knock him flat. “Will you help me?” Merlin gaped at Arthur long enough that the earnest nobility of his expression faltered. “I realize it’s a lot to ask—it is essentially treason, after all—” “I have magic,” Merlin blurted, and then slapped both his hands over his mouth. Arthur stared at him. Merlin stared back. “Well,” Arthur said at last, “I suppose treason isn’t a problem for you, then.”
Silence Cuts Loudest Through the Chaos by 1917farmgirl
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Chapters: 20/?
Last Updated: 2018-04-16
Summary: Kidnapped by a mad king, Arthur and Merlin must rely on each other like never before. While Arthur struggles with choices that put his heart and duty at odds, Merlin struggles just to stay alive after being stripped of his magic and freedom. With impossible choices and heavy secrets weighing them down, can they manage to escape before all is lost? 2018 Frog Award at HPFT for "Best Non-Harry Potter Fanfiction"
My Comments: I love this fic SO MUCH.  Merlin and Arthur’s friendship is done SO BEAUTIFULLY in this- feels exactly like the show’s.  I know the author plans to continue and I sincerely hope she manages to conquer this writer’s block that has had her down for months ;-;.  But, in the meantime, there’s over 70k worth of material to read, and I highly recommend you do :D
The Truth of Who We Are by Marie_Iliea
Rating: General Audiences Chapters: 4/?
Last Updated: 2018-02-20
Summary: Set into the wall, a brazier evenly spaced between them, were words, each with the imprint of a hand below it, and a pair of footprints set into the floor below that. Loyalty, Strength, Courage, Servitude, Magic, Nobility, Humility, Authority, and Discipline. Merlin recognized the riddle right away, having met the dwarf during Arthur’s quest. He knew three of the names, three of the matches — and it terrified him. What would the others make of him being Magic? He shivered, a thrill of fear running down his spine. Or: When Arthur and the knights go hunting, but events take a predictably unusual turn that exposes Merlin's magic to them all -- and then it all goes, quite literally, to the Otherworld. I finally figured out where this 'one-shot turned story' is going to go. Since I like Lancelot and originally this was "Arthur is King, Lancelot is alive," this tale explores how everyone finds out Merlin has magic AND the fallout -- during the chaos with the Dorocha.
My Comments: I also love fics that assign roles to the rest of the knights, and I would love to see where this one plans to go with it
Some Things Are Meant to Be by 1917farmgirl
Rating: General Audiences
Chapters: 2/3
Last Updated: 2018-02-15
Summary:  For Merlin, having the world fall apart around him was nothing new, but having someone there to help him pick up the pieces afterwards unfortunately was. Until it happened twice, with two very special people who appeared in his life when he most needed saving. Modern AU, friendship fic. Sort of Christmas story.
My Comments: A short, bittersweet one that left me sobbing and me wanting more.  Tender hurt/comfort with a side of Christmas.  And with only one chapter left, I hope the author won’t leave us hanging for much longer
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hallaig · 7 years
Tag Game 2.0 
I was tagged by @humanitys-shortest-soldier I’m glad you’re still kicking!
rules: answer these 85 things while i procrastinate on that monstrous prompt that’s calling to me
1. drink: currently drinking a steamed milk with sugar sprinkled on top
2. phone call: my mom
3. text message: actual text? my boss. otherwise group chatting with the fam
4. song you listened to: voluntarily, addicted to you by avicii while i thought about how flipping good that eruri art is. but something indie and unrecognizable is playing at the café I'm holed up at.
5. time you cried: i had a dream i cried a lot last night. twas weird, nezumi was there, i was nezumi who knows. i feel like in the waking hours it was recently, but i can’t recall for the life of me rn. it’s on the tip of my memory. or maybe that was a dream too? hmm.
6. dated someone twice: hah. 
7. kissed someone and regretted it: yes.
8. been cheated on: yeah, sort of.
9. lost someone special: um, probably? i had a dear friend once years ago that i didn’t keep in touch with and i hope she’s well and the world is treating her like the tiny goddess she is.
10. been depressed: currently, my friends, currently. writing tooth-rotting fluff helps, let me tell you. 
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: yes, but only twice and a long time ago. once was a decade ago and i still remember it clearly *shudders*
12. pink, like blush pink
13. yellow, but soft yellow, like afternoon sunlight
14. every other color, i love them all, but I prefer more muted, gentle colors. not that jewel-tones aren’t gorgeous. teal? mhmm. turner watercolors tend to be the types of colors i like. or my “palette” tag on tumblr
15. made new friends: i’ve met lots of lovely people <3
16. fallen out of love: no
17. laughed until you cried: it’s not a good day if i haven’t :)
18. found out someone was talking about you: yeah, but i think it was good? 
19. met someone who changed you: absolutely
20. found out who your friends are: this one always cracks me up. 
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: wtf, no haha. also, i don’t have a Facebook
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: i escaped Facebook hell long ago
23. do you have any pets: no, but i dream of the day i have multiple cats 
24. do you want to change your name: lol! funny story friends
25. what did you do for your last birthday: it was really nice actually. i had a fancy cupcake and stayed home :)
26. what time do you wake up: anywhere between 8am and 11am these days
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: finishing bsd s2, yass
28. name something you can’t wait for: nothing atm, finally reaching emotional peace and a place in my life where I'm financially stable by the ocean with my cats i suppose
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: just had dinner with her 
31. what are you listening to right now: that sort of bizarre indie station at the café. let’s change that. ....i just hit play on obsessions by marina & the diamonds
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah?
33. something that is getting on your nerves: plenty of things
34. most visited website: tumblr and youtube, or gmail i believe
35. hair color: brown
36. long or short hair: my own hair is short
37. do you have a crush on someone: no. i haven't had a crush in so long my heart forgot what that’s like
38. what do you like about yourself: i know myself well, i like my own sense of humor
39. piercings: none
40. blood type: o negative
41. nickname: well, everyone online calls me something different so
42. relationship status: single
43. zodiac: gemini! dazai is my birthday pal
45. favourite tv show: durarara? i don’t watch tv outside of anime just now
46. tattoos: none, but i want, oh how i want
47. right or left handed: right
48. surgery: just a topical one a long time ago, want to see my scars?
50. sport: no, but i used to play rugby and run a lot
51. vacation: this is so vague! i enjoy the ocean
52. pair of trainers: i literally wear sketchers guys
53. eating: again, vague but i just had some rice and veggies w/ guacamole which it was pretty magnificent. i like veggie curry like you wouldn’t believe.
54. drinking: coffee, always. though i do enjoy earl grey/chai/fennel-based teas
55. I’m about to: write this prompt?? finish izanyas glorious skk fic? get into bed and watch asmr videos?
56. waiting for: nothing in particular
57. want: to be better about writing daily, to be calm and organized about it, to finish my wips, not get overwhelmed by projects. all very attainable things that I'm working towards :)
58. get married: i very much doubt it, but i suppose you never know
59. career: i’m a librarian, to answer this the short way. trying to figure out what i want to do long-term in life is a big focus of mine rn
60. hugs or kisses: i dont enjoy being touched in general, but hypothetically both are wonderful 
61. lips or eyes: on people? i dont know, all people look different, their features come together in unique ways and that’s fabulous
62. shorter or taller: no preference?
63. older or younger: ahh i never know if these are about dating. i prefer people to be close to my age or older regardless
64. nice arms or nice stomach: ....psh you do you, y'all are lovely
65. hook up or relationship: *shrug* whatever you like, i can't imagine being in a relationship so I'm going to say neither just now
66. troublemaker or hesitant: myself? flighty troublemaker, in others...i dont know, i dont get out much ;) both are good, so long as you aren’t an ass i think
67. kissed a stranger: no
68. drank hard liquor: yes
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: i dont wear either
70. turned someone down: yes
71. sex on the first date: honestly, i dont think I've ever been on a date in that sense
72. broken someone’s heart: yes? maybe. at the time i think so.
73. had your heart broken: yes, my friends, yes.
74. been arrested: no.
75. cried when someone died: yes, both in real life and in fiction. crying is good, let out your pain
76. fallen for a friend: not since middle school
77. yourself: hmmm, i think that’s a complex answer. logically, yeah, I'm a tough muffin.
78. miracles: no, but coincidences sure are mind-blowing sometimes, aren’t they?
79. love at first sight: nah
80. santa claus: lol oh god
81. kiss on the first date: sure, if you like that
82. angels: nope, but sign me tf up for wing!fics
83. current best friend’s name: i think the closest i have to this is my sister
84. eye color: brown
85. favorite movie: i dont really watch films to tell you the truth. surely i have one. this is like the crying question, i know it’s there, i just can’t recall
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