#i really want to write this longfic ughhh
the-marron · 7 months
20 questions writer meme.
I've seen it twice with 'whoever wants to do it, please feel tagged' so I am taking it as a sign. I also want to tag friends to see their replies, so let's go ~
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 144
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 1,261,968
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Guardian and Weilan Derivatives, I am considering trying Beyond Evil at some point. Before - DC Comics, Yu-Gi-Oh, Star Wars, Harry Potter, from the more notable ones
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
This one I already answered many times so I will allow myself to skip it this time.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I love chatting with people and hearing their thoughts, and responding to them. I met some of my best fandom people like that, chatting under their fics or mine 🥰
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ughhh... Erm... that's a tough choice. Do we count stories where both of the characters die as good ending? We do, right?
Then it would be probably When I Make an Oath to the Flames (Guardian) because eternal separation is worse, right? Or maybe In Dreams You Lose Your Heartaches? (Yu-Gi-Oh) I like bad and/or bittersweet endings so it's really hard to choose.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Another good question. How do we quantify happiness? But if we go with the 'I fixed the character's terrible fate and gave them a good ending instead of it' then hmmm... Probably And We Mend Our Broken Wings (Harry Potter) series, because some people not only survived, they even went through a whole redemption arc.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
On fics as such not very often - I had a very notable 'good fic but the ending is so fucking stupid' comment in a bookmark, followed by 'it's great. I HATE it' on a different one, but nothing really, truly mean.
Got a lot of thoughtful feedback about writing, adjusting register to the character's manner of speech or just pointing out some mistakes, and those were usually rather nice and definitely needed.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No. No ideological reasons here, I just get bored with writing it, and it always shows when the writer is absolutely disinterested in what they are writing at the moment, so I just don't bother anymore. Fade to Black is my new best friend
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Oh, yes. The entire universe of weilan derivatives is based on crossovers. I enjoy crossovers a lot, provided I see some common points between the two original universes. The craziest one? Hmmmm... I am not sure? all of them are weird in their own right. But let's go with Murders and Mirrors because it features Bai Yu's variety show persona and an Evil Reflection from that one Zhu Yilong ad, all for crack reasons.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Parts of it copied and inserted into other people's fics, yes, all of it? No, thankfully.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, into Chinese, if I remember correctly!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Oh yes, and it's the best fun there is when it comes to writing for me!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Hard to choose really. Each time I meet a new ship that compels me, it gets added to the herd and it stays there. But out of sheer intensity of my feelings about this ship and how longterm my love for it is: BatCat
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I have a Luolin longfic idea that I am not good enough yet to attempt, not if I want to write it well. I would have to get better in many areas and to do lots of research to even try, so I am now just thinking about it fondly.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I would say I am flexible? I try to change styles and registers depending on what genre I am writing and which world/era the characters are, and I find it fun. I also have a lot of things that interest me at any given time so these interests filter through into my fics.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
White room, I never pay attention to what my characters eat and whether they actually have eaten anything in the span of the entire story, I tend to repeat certain words and not always notice the repetitions during the editing
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Sure, let's do it, but I would first ask someone who has greater knowledge than mine, to see if the dialogue sounds like something a person might say and not like an exercise from a textbook.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Either Harry Potter or Inuyasha, can't remember anymore which was first
20. Favorite fic you've written?
You can't make me pick a favourite child ;_;
Truly, no idea because it changes with time and with how much I've been thinking about this particular fic. I have some that I really liked but now I don't see anything special in them. I've had some that didn't seem special at all, but someone's excited comment made me see it in a very different light and appreciate it more.
Nothing to do with popularity here, just usually I am not touched emotionally by what I write, so someone else interacting with my stories gives me some semblance of feeling some way about them.
My all time favourites are always stories I wrote with someone else, because the story itself is a record of the good times we had together when working on it, plus usually I simply like them better as stories.
Finally, the part I am doing this all for!
Tagging: @babischlong-six, @omaenanimonoda, @mjsakurea, @elenothar, @the-cookie-of-doom, @yilian0203 and if you are reading it and want to try do it too, please do and tag me, I would love to see more replies!
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galvus · 3 years
Tumblr media
prompt: crane • words: 467 • era: shadowbringers patch content • [ masterpost ] stretch out one's body or neck in order to see something. Dawn's Respite smelled of herbaceous, freshly made salves and the acidic bite of cleansing solutions, of scrubbed linens, of cleaned away sick and cooling meals on simple trays. There was a hint of soap, closer than all the rest – clove and musk, with a hint of orange flower. The scent was familiar. Bianca's nose twitched even before her eyes opened. It was the sound of a caught breath at her bedside that encouraged her to do just that, blinking up into the warm glow of lamplight that circled the chamber.
That same lamplight made a shadow of Varis's face, but she knew it belonged to him for a scattered handful of reasons. The scent he wore was one she'd often picked out for him to wear. His shoulders were broader than anyone else she knew, his torso longer, causing him to cast a comforting shadow across her face when he leaned forward. And the hand he laid upon her cheek was smooth and warm and littered with worn calluses. Bianca leaned sharply against his palm, even before she entirely felt beholden to her own body. She might have been clumsy. She might have gotten sick right into his lap. She might have fainted the moment she first stirred. But after a few weeks spent abed and years spent away from him in the First, the choice was an obvious one. “Be careful,” Varis warned her in a careful tone, but she didn't have it in her to listen. Just this once. Curling over onto her side, Bianca arched her neck to press her lips to the skin of his hand, laying a dozen desperate kisses from his wrist to the tips of his fingers. Relief surged through her, running rampant through her, unwilling to be slowed. With each kiss, she pressed closer and closer to him, a glimmer of tears gathering at the corners of her eyes. “Bianca,” he murmured. All firmness bled from his voice, and it instead welcomed in a sweetened note that made her heart beat painfully hard. “Be careful.” Her kisses slowed, and she let go of a tired sigh as her time away from her body finally caught up with her. “I couldn't be happier to see you.” She shut her eyes, burying her upturned nose into the comforting cup of his palm. The fingers of his other hand slipped easily into her hair. “I heard what you did... and where we are. Thank you.” “It was the least I could do.” The words didn't smack of truth, knowing what had happened to bring the Garlean emperor to Mor Dhona. She did not have the means to understand the price saving her life, but she knew that it would be steep... and that he had paid the toll without thinking twice.
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sweetmotherof · 3 years
Haikyuu Fics: The Classics™️ (pt 2)
I already thought of more, and I didn’t want my first part to be super long, so here is a part 2!! I’ll probably make another couple of parts because I know I missed some. So again, please comment if you have any recommendations for me to add, it’s highly appreciated. Also, just some housekeeping, please mind the tags and go give the authors some love and support!! I hope you guys enjoy!! (My summaries are super bad for this one so just look at the summaries for the work or ask ahah id be happy to elaborate)
*contains nsfw fics, so please read the tags*
⭑=my faves
~quick deanpendragon spam (they are the mastermind of tsukkiyama fics read all of their stuff pls)~
campfire in your chest by deanpendragon
M, 74.4k words
This is the classiccccc slowburn, childhood friends to lovers, slowburn through high school fic. With an amazing plot, beautiful writing, and stunning characterization, if you like Tsukkiyama at all, you should literally just read it. It’s just....perfect.
the certain things we lack by deanpendragon⭑
M, 89.6k words
AHHHHHHHH STOP DON’T TALK TO ME IF YOU HAVEN’T READ THIS. no no no it’s so good like should be published good. It’s Kei-centric, and him and Yamaguchi are so <333 ugh i can’t stop. High school au, canon compliant, getting together yeah yeah yeah but the writing is.....i’m speechless it’s so good. Something about it connected with my soul and the writing, i can’t stop the writing is so good. If you like to read, like you just appreciate the art of literature, read this read this read this. 
blue summer sky by deanpendragon⭑
T, 32k words
Deanpendragon, take all of my money. You deserve it after this one because, oh, oh MY GOD it’s so good. Yamaguchi working in a pet store. Tsukishima working in a music store. Right next to each other. STOP READ IT NOW YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO. It’s Yamaguchi’s POV and his like stream of thoughts is SO relatable oh my god. It’s too good. This is hands down one of my fave fics so,,,,, u should read it. Also, it’s a series so, thank you for that one.
Stoplights by 5yenwish(iamacamera)
E, 48.6k words
Something about Tsukkiyama authors, I would literally ask the president to get you ppl published because JESUS we do not deserve these works for free. I mean, this is just Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, and Karasuno being VULGAR and hilarious, and it’s like,,,,you have to have a certain type of humor to enjoy this. If you don’t like sex jokes AVOID this fic, but I loved this SO MUCH. The writing, ughhhhhh the writing is horrifyingly good. I kinda just really want to pay this author money because you made my life smmm better. On Hiatus tho,, probs forever so <//3 STILL READ IT
boiled frogs by reginagalaxia⭑
E, 91.5k words, cw: EMOTIONAL ABUSE, mental health issues that come with that
SAD BOY HOURS ughhh. This fic is so angsty and hurt so bad to read,,,,,,but so,,,,goood. Of course it’s depressing, it’s Hanamaki, Oikawa, and Iwaizumi watching Matsukawa be in an emotionally abusive relationship, all the while Hanamaki is in love with him,,,, eyeroll it’s very hard to watch. But, the writing is amazing, the plot is painful but good, so if you’re considering, you definitely should read.
rated m for by orphan_account
T, 10.6k words
Voice acting au. The most beautiful voice acting au ever. I love Matsukawa and I love Hanamaki, and you should definitely read this because it’s so funny. The writing is so good, the plot is so funny, and I love to laugh my ass off and this fic is funny lol. They act in a BL even though they hate each other. PLS READ IT AHAHHAH.
plus one by orphan_account
G, 6.1k words
This is the cutest lil getting together fic that so adorably fluffy it hurts. If you want to come down from, oh let’s say boiled frogs ahahhaha plug (look above lol), this fic will literally rot your insides with how cute it is. It’s quick, easy, and a fun time at a wedding, so if you just want some matsuhana for bedtime or something like that (?? what am i saying lol) then I definitely recomeend this one.
Open Tab by Mooifyourecows⭑
E, 541.5k words, cw: anxiety, breakdowns (not that bad, but some parts made me feel a bit on edge so I thought I’d let u all know)
The longest fic I’ve read, and worth every second. I BINGED this mf, like in a couple of days lol and it’s so good. Artist Suga, bartender Daichi, gay panic and basically all of the other main haikyuu characters lol,,,,, read it if that sounds interesting. I think this is probably the staple Haikyuu longfic, so you should definitely check it out at one point or another. Also, it’s SO funny and the writing is rlly good. Oh, and it’s a SLOW BURNNN.
bell, book, and candle by skittidyne
M, 762.9k words, cw: blood, swearing, violence, minor body horror, death, anxiety/anxiety attacks/panic attack (part of the author’s warning)
I’ve seen so many people recommend this one, so I thought I’d include it in this recommendation, even though it’s focused around a lot of the ships, not just daisuga. It’s a supernatural hunter fic, and even just the summary is super captivating and interesting. If you like fantasy, mythology, or anything of the demons and magic sort, you should definitely check this one out. There is also some ~~magical~~ romance.
Cardboard Castles by valiantarmor
M, 18k words, cw: homophobia, mental strain that comes with homelessness
For the sake of your guys’ brains, I included this shorter fic that you could definitely complete in a short amount of time. Basically, this is about coffee barista Daichi, and how he meets Suga, who is secretly homeless. And romance blooms, of course. I definitely recommend this one if you want a short, kind of angsty, but happy ending read.
Police Dog by surveycorpsjean⭑
E, 34.9k words
This fic is so so sooo good. I usually stray away from like shifter, werewolf type fics, but this one handles the trope so so so well. I love the kyouhaba dynamic and this fic exemplifies it without making it too cliche. The premise of the fic is Kyoutani is a dog shifter and Yahaba is a police officer. I really had a great time reading this and I definitely think that you should check it out ahhah.
Close to the Chest by darkmagicalgirl
T, 61.1k words, cw: HOMOPHOBIA LIKE BAD (not violent but very internalized and prevalent) 
Yahaba and his self-acceptance journey,,,,ughhhh im crying. This fic is vvvery emotional and filled with angsty self-hatred that makes me :(((. but BUT its worth it because watching him grow :’) and find love in Kyoutani. it’s very warm and happy at the end. If you want a CLASSIC coming of age set in high school and very gay so <33 pls check it out. The plot and writing are really well done and it is a work of art srsly.
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paper-n-ashes · 3 years
Which of your fics?
Thank you to @safarigirlsp and @hopeamarsu for the tag! The writers block gremlin has been tormenting me as of late, making me feel pretty down, so I hope going over some of my writing might give me some confidence to push through.
Which fic got a better reaction than you expected? 
I would say Here, simply because it truly was the most self-indulgent, written for myself thing I ever typed out. And I struggle with fluff, so to get a positive reaction to a sweeter story was really warming. 
Which fic is your funniest? 
I am, uh, not naturally funny. So my writing tends not to be either. I think I’ve popped in a few comedic things into Calling The Light, because Poe as a character is much easier to write in terms of funny quips, and the Knights of Ren characterisations I went with added a few little lighter moments of hilarity. But hey, maybe I’ll make myself a challenge to explore my comedic side? Please someone help me do this.
Which fic is your darkest/angstiest?
Calling the Light, Only to Vanish into Darkness, ticks the angst box. Dead set. Writing a love triangle is just angsty trope city. The yearning, pining, jealousy, betrayal, heartbreak, all of it. ANGST. I haven’t delved into anything viciously dark yet, but that might change as I get more daring. 
Is your absolute favourite? 
CtLOtViD is my passion project, and the Poe and Kylo characters are still the most enjoyable for me to write, so it’s hard not to put that as my favourite. The only thing I’ve worked on longer is my nursing degree. It thrust me into fanficiton writing, brought me to an incredible international best friend, and introduced me to so many kind and talented people. I owe it everything. 
Is your least favourite? 
I only have a couple one shots/series, and I’m pretty happy with how they all turned out, and CtLOtViD works well as a whole but UGHHH some of the chapters I hate with a burning passion, mostly for how I still, to this day, can’t get them exactly how I want. *cough* 22 and 28 *cough*
Which was the easiest to write?
Under the Radar. Which, after whining I couldn’t write reader insert, was the first time I tried it and... it was so much easier than expected. All of it came so smoothly, knowing I was writing it specifically for someone else as a gift. I really had fun with that one. 
I’ll also say Chapter 38 of CtLOtViD surprised me with how much easier I found writing about a sub!Kylo and a tinge of blood play. THAT was a surprising revelation. 
The hardest? 
Chapter 41 of CtLOtViD. HANDS FUCKING DOWN. I agonised over that fucking chapter. I’m not in my strongest element with action scenes, so that was a struggle. Making Old Republic Star Wars lore sound interesting and coherent was also way more difficult than I ever predicted. And look, it is legitimately one of the most important chapters plot wise and my perfectionist ass lamented for so damn long over how a huge plot bomb was going to be dropped. This chapter ripped me a new one and I’ll never forgive it. 
Which fic has your favourite line/paragraph? 
I have two.
From Chapter 39 of CtLOtViD
“The gravity of fate had forced us in each other’s orbit. Clinging so close together for this brief fragment of time. But something told me, in the deepest chasm of my mind, our paths were destined to diverge again.”
From Here
“Words were fickle. They could be misconstrued. Altered by tone. Changed by moods and attitudes.
There was no differing interpretation. No miscommunication. The definition explained merely by the feeling invoked from every action each of you made.
Two people. Expressing love in the most basal way in existence.”
Which fic have you re-read the most? 
I’ve had to re-read CtLOtViD billions of times to ensure I’m not forming any plot holes. In terms of the reader insert stuff, I would say Consequences, because damn if I don’t love a simpy Charlie Barber and straight shooting Santiago Garcia. 
Which one would you recommend to someone reading your work for the first time? 
If you can possibly endure a canon-divergent Star Wars longfic that isn’t reader insert, I would love anyone to give Calling the Light, Only to Vanish into Darkness a chance. If reader insert is more your thing I’d definitely start with Under the Radar or Here. 
The one you’re most proud of?
It’s hard not be a little proud of a collection of 50 chapters I’ve poured my heart and soul into, so CtLOtViD takes the cake here. I’ll never undertake a story like this again as long as I live, and the hundreds of hours of writing have been almost too overwhelming and effecting. I could have given in so many times, not thinking it was good enough or worth it to continue, but I’m still here, typing it out. So... yeah... just happy to have not thrown it in. 
Tagging a few who I would die to hear talk about their beautiful writing, and who have inspired me immensely. 
@tlcwrites @roanniom @princessxkenobi @foxilayde 
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amjustagirl · 3 years
Hi Nikki, I hope you’re good! I just came across your page today, and I spent the entire morning reading almost your entire masterlist on ao3, and I have to say that I am a goner for the way you take your time developing all the various haikyuu characters you write for. The one with Kita is my absolute favourite, but Icarus is a very close second! You just ripped my heart right out with the angst, but I think you have a very realistic way of patching it back – you make the characters human. I look forward to the rest of your works, whenever that may be!! 🥰
i am especially good bcos you've sent in such a lovely ask <3
i...try my best to develop my characters gosh and sometimes i feel so longwinded that im still amazed how y'all have the patience to put up with me! but i do feel it's necessary for my fics cos i always question why the characters make the choices they do, and how they've led themselves to the situations they're in, and i think...in a sense every longfic is my love letter to the particular hq character im writing for!
so like in sea of flowers in bloom, i really wanted to delve into kita's psyche and tease out how he falls in love, why he doesn't decide to pursue a relationship right away, what's his back story, his relationship with his family, his grandma, his former teammates, his feelings about his current situation in life...like...idk! that's part of the joy of writing these longfics, i feel - getting to show you guys my interpretation of the character and just...trying to show my appreciation for them!
similarly, in icarus (btw ty for your love for it, i feel like it's one of my less popular works but like ughhh im just so happy anytime y'all pay it a smidgen of attention!!) it's rly my interpretation of oikawa - how he deals with the competing priorities of love and ambition, the change in his attitude towards the years. and gosh, doesn't he just remind of doomed icarus, striving and reaching and flying for the sky???
and so yeah i do try my bestest to make my characters real real real and add my own twist to their relationships and ehehe angst is rly my fav genre, even tho i generally do work in a happy ending :)
anw pls THANK YOU FOR SENDING THIS IN (oh and tumblr has more of my works than ao3 fyi HAHA).
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kevinqueenofexy · 7 years
Fanfiction Asks!
I was bored, so there we go!
1. Do you read fic? Do you write fic? Both!
2. Favorite genre of fic? Umm, don’t really know
3. Favorite fandom? Tfc, obviously! But they have a bunch of good things in the trc fandom as well!
4. Favorite pairing? Wolfstar (sorry Andreil)
5. Favorite fic author? My wonderful darling @arielcartwright
6. Favorite fic (or one of them)? Lessons In Cartography
7. One-shots or longfic? Depends, but usually longfic
8. Do you read WIPs? Um what?
9. What is the longest fic you’ve read? Armies (great Andreil fic)
10. Favorite trope/element/scenario in fic? Ughhh don’t know
11. Least favorite trope/element/scenario? I generally don’t like the whole scenario where someone loses their memory because so many people write it and it just gets boring
12. What turns you away the most from a fic? Disgusting pairings (example: Kevin x Riko)
13. Has a fic ever made you cry? Oh hell yes
14. What tropes/elements/scenarios get you the worst? Just in general someone dying @arielcartwright wrote a wonderfully hurtful Renison fic where Renee dies and I bawled my eyes out
15. Do you mind when characters cry? No
16. How do you feel about character death in fic? It’s cruel but I just can’t stop myself from reading those fics
17. Any characters who you can't stand to see in pain? All of my faves in general, but seeing Kevn in pain is always hurtful
18. Favorite angst fic? Ummm, can’t really name one
19. Do you read porn or does it make you uncomfortable? I do read it (let’s be honest, who doesn’t read smut?)
20. Do you like PWPs? what’s that
21. How and when did you get introduced to smut fic? Any horror stories? Um no horror stories, I don’t even remember how I found those kinds of fics. Must’ve been during the time I was into YouTuber fanfics
22. Biggest turn-ons in fic? Praise-kink
23. Biggest turn-offs in fic? stuff like the Hat Fic (that’s so disgusting who even wrote that)
24. Do you have any dirty kinks that you’re ashamed of? kinks are nothing to be ashamed of mate
25. Any kinks that you’d love to try in real life? I mean my biggest kink is biting and I have tried that one in real life soooo (Dave exposed lmao)
26. Any kinks that you don’t want to try in real life (but are still hot in a fanfic)? not really
27. Rough sex or gentle sex? both can be nice
28. How do you feel about masturbation in fic? if written well it’s a good thing
29. How do you feel about non-con and dub-con? um what?
30. Favorite porn fic? Does Lessons In Cartography count as a porn fic? There’s also a great Malec smut fic (I always forget the name) and an amazing Pynch fic but I also don’t remember the name (something with studies? Maybe?)
31. Do you read AUs? yes
32. Favorite AU tropes? don’t know
33. Least favorite AU tropes? also don’t really know
34. Do you like UAs (universe-alterations, when the main universe and characters are the same but one plot point/decision/outcome is altered)? yes, but I prefer these as oneshots to be honest (says me who’s writing a fic exactly like that)
35. Do you like high school and college AUs? I do, but most of them aren’t written very well (sorry)
36. Do you like crossovers? If so, favorite crossover? there are a bunch of good trc/tfc crossovers
37. How do you feel about parent!fics/lovechildren? How about mpreg? parent!fics are the best, I live for these but I don’t really like mpreg fics
38. How do you feel about genderbending? De-aging? Animalizing? Not my cup of tea
39. Favorite AU fic? mine (jk), the one where Andreil adopt this kid called Luke, I forgot what it’s called, I’m terrible with fic names
40. Do you like fluff? yES
41. Favorite fluffy tropes? ughhh don’t know
42. Least favorite fluffy tropes? don’t know (why don’t I have an opinion)
43. Do you like fluff on its own or in conjunction with other elements (angst, sex, etc.) angsty fluff always gets me tbh
44. How fluffy is too fluffy? there’s no such thing as too fluffy
45. Favorite fluff fic? I don’t really have one, I guess
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