#i ship them 😂 evil girlfriends
nobodysdaydreams · 5 months
...that could have gone better.
(Also it turns out Lovelace IS an alien. 👽 so that's fun, I think?)
(or my reaction to episodes 44-46 of Wolf359)
Welcome back dear readers, sorry for the delay. Procrastinating on finals has been taking up all of my time, thank you for your understanding.
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell @commsroom
Episode 44: Desperate Times
Now where were we? Ah yes. Cutter lied about their deaths and has an evil girlfriend who makes his robots. Hilbert and Lovelace told Minkowski about the death thing to get her on board, and once they have her, she should be able to get Doug and Hera on board.
Great point Doug. How many secret rooms can one space station have?
And how many copies of the SI-5? Because we already had two Duck boys. If another Kepler strolls in and starts talking about Whiskey again, that might just be too much for me.
No Minkowski. You don't want to kill anyone. But I understand.
Wow. Doug knows some fancy words. "Commander Eiffel" 😂
Oh, they're actually laughing. I'm sorry Doug. Wow, he just made that up too, very convincing.
Aw, Minkowski. I want to hug her. If she doesn't make it back to her husband...
oh yay, she and Doug are talking it out! Friends! My feelings exactly Hera! 💕💕💕
Hera is so sweet. It's weird to think she was built by and modeled after someone so horrible.
Ah. Taking a late night stroll around the ship Hilbert?
Evil chair will kill you. Evil chair will show them your brain which shows them your plan to rebel against them. Do not trust the evil chair Hilbert. For a smart man, you make some remarkably and unbelievably dumb decisions.
I want to believe in them. I do, I really really do. But unfortunately, I know that there is an entire other season left. So...
It's not looking good. Personally, I think the most expendable is Hilbert. They can kill the character off without having to fire the actor. If anyone's about to die, it's him.
The "terrible trio", I like it Doug. Good nickname for SI-5.
The um...the blunt force trauma face?
Oh my this hypothetical of Maxwell, Kepler, and Jacobi falling apart is music, sweet music.
If only...if only.
They are really counting on the SI-5 acting exactly like this. I hope they get it right. I do love the way they make Whiskey Boy out to be such a cartoon villain. He really is.
Oh they're conflicted about who to target. That's right Hera. Target Duck boy. I mean...they did already kill him once, right?
Although slight problem. Let's say they do kill SI-5. Let's say they try to fly the ship back to earth. Can't Cutter just blow the ship up remotely? He'll probably send a missel after them before they even get into the atmosphere. I mean...what would you even do in this situation? He's literally got them bargaining for every second of their lives. Makes you wonder how many teams he has out there like this...
What happened? No gas? Oh dear. Plan B?
I don't like how this is going.
"I'm glad I have you alone" Hilbert stop it.
Opponent is not going to hesitate to kill you. That's true. But you can't forget who the enemies are. Cutter and Pryce. And yes. SOMETHING IS WRONG!
Oh dear. Well this is terribly awkward.
...um...so...Maxwell. Duck Boy. Fancy a mutiny?
Guess not. Oh dear. This is bad. This is very very bad.
"Don't struggle?"
Not the brain sweeping. Maxwell you have lost all my respect, and likely your own if you still had any left in you.
Shut up Duck Boy, literally no one wants to hear from you.
Well this is a pickle. How will our heroes (and Hilbert) get out of this one? 👀
Episode 45: Desperate Measures
"Wakey-wakey", shut up errand boys.
"Passion for disciplining crew members, isn't that right Jacobi?" You're a sadist waste of space who works for a sadist waste of space, we got that Whiskey Boy.
Oh great. Another super secret room. There's probably thousands of them at this rate. A whole city in the sky.
What a nice little room of weapons. As a lover of dramatic irony, I do hope Dr. Robot and our dear Errand Boys find themselves on the other side of those weapons.
Hera you can delay having to respond to her commands! You can! Remember: You can't do this. You're not good enough. Use it to your advantage.
"I knew it!" you did Doug. And yeah, Hilbert didn't sink so low.
"Kill whoever you like least", well there goes Hilbert.
Good work Hera! 🥰 Oh dear it hurts.
THE VENTS! That's right! Go Minkowski!
Geez does Whiskey Boy ever tire of the sound of his own voice? I guess not.
Shut it Kepler! Yeah Doug! He can go to hell! Tell him off!
Doug: "You're crazy"
Kepler: "No Doug. I'm just a man that wants to be taken seriously. That's why I'm sitting here with a gun in one hand, glass of Whisky in the other, while singing "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe" like a cartoon supervillain. There's nothing more respectable or serious than that."
Lovelace is speaking FACTS. He has lost his humanity. But um...ironically so might have Lovelace. Or all of them still unclear on that.
"You're hilarious" "one more thing I have that you don't" ooohhh... dang, it that ain't the truth. No one will be as funny as Doug, but if anyone comes close it's certainly not Whisky boy.
"Very nice speech captain" Well it was better than the Whisky speech Kepler. Take notes.
That's right Lovelace. Who cares what Kepler see when he looks at you? No one. Because he is a waste of space.
She'll survive because of magic alien plot armor.
Aw, she did it for Doug. That's really sweet.
And...off goes the gun. But no screams. He better not have shot Doug.
"You have 30 minutes to think about what you've done. Then we'll talk about Eiffel."
I know I should be furious over the whole "what you've done" comment, but I gotta ask, how dangerously stupid is Kepler? 30 minutes is plenty of time to put a plan into action. What does Kepler need 30 minutes for? Swirling his Whisky around and telling Doug how much he loves the feel of it in his hands.
Why don't you mind your own business Maxwell? Why don't you shut up and mind your own business and throw yourself in the airlock?
Good stalling Hera...yes! Finally knocked out Dr. Robot. Now, as much as I am against murder, eye for an eye, and all that...in this situation, keeping her alive puts multiple innocents at risk.
Anyone got an eye on Duck Boy?
Kepler doesn't care about Maxwell! He doesn't care about anyone!
Doug...great speech for this to work, he has to care about human life, and he clearly doesn't.
Yeah, I don't really like chess either Doug.
Why do I feel like he's going to hurt Hera in a way that only Maxwell can fix?
Ah there he is. "I wouldn't do that so someone. I just blow people up to kill them! :)" ugh Duck Boy is the worst. I knew that he was off doing something silly. "Crazy Jacobi the loose canon" dude, you're Duck Boy. That's your existence.
And I knew Hilbert would be the one to go. They don't have to fire his voice actor to kill him, which makes him expendable.
Well it took a very long time to get here, but looks like Hilbert is finally gonna kick the bucket. And yeah, you guys have no idea how long they've been trying to kill Hilbert. If it was Doug, I'd be more worried, but between Hilbert and Doug, Doug's got the plot armor.
And...there he goes! Oh wait...did she shoot Maxwell! Oh be quiet Jacobi, it's not like you ever actually cared about her. If Cutter or Kepler ordered you to kill her, you would have done it.
You can't talk sense into him Doug. He's a nutcase. We established that.
I love Doug. "Well it's been a topsy-turvy day!"
And see Kepler? Not so fun playing with lives when yours is on the chopping block, now is it?
Yes Doug! Tell him! Oh poor Whisky Boy, are you gonna cry?
Right three people dead: Lovelace, Hilbert, and Maxwell. That's a lot. My money is on Lovelace coming back due to alien magic, Hilbert dead for good, maybe Maxwell lives on in Hera's memory or flashback land.
YES! I love Doug's loyalty to Minkowski!
Does Kepler have an escape pod? I feel like he would. Oh he's telling his duck boy to stand down. But duck boy doesn't seem too happy about that. I guess he cared a bit more for Maxwell than Kepler, even if he would have shot her if given the order.
"Finally over" hm...I seriously doubt that.
Ah yes the aliens. I wonder what they have to say about all this. And Kepler please shut up. "You want to be in charge of this mess, fine." The mutiny literally just happened on your watch. You spent half the crew budget on expensive Whiskey. You don't care at all that Maxwell is dead.
Episode 46: Bolero
Is that music? Um... what is this? I do wonder why they chose to send music, when they've demonstrated that they can send voices.
Yeah...this is a lot. And they lost their human doctor and robot doctor. As much as I hated them, they were useful. Unlike the errand boys, who only seem to be good a cowering in fear from ducks and giving speeches about whisky.
Oh and apparently they like music too. How nice.
"If the commander wishes for silence, then silence she shall have" and yet you're still talking.
Yeah...what do they do now. They have to warn everyone, expose Cutter and get him to jail, but the aliens are also invading. Oh gosh, are Cutter and Pryce aliens? Is this a plot to replace humanity with aliens? That at least makes more sense than Cutter's a loon who just wants to take a gander at some dangerous aliens, but why do I get the feeling that "Cutter's crazy" is what's actually happening here?
Oh right Kepler's special DNA. But your DNA still works even if it's detached from your body, right? 🧬
"We owe it to Lovelace, Hilbert, and Maxwell..." good work Doug. They were evil, they were flawed, but they were still humans.
Oh Hera. Wow, we don't have funerals for animals???? Yikes... I'm starting to see how she was modeled after Pryce now. In that case, I wonder what happened to Pryce. Also Hera, I get what you're saying, but that's an insult to animals. Many cats and dogs I've met are very loyal, kind, and useful.
oh dear she's talking to Lovelace's ghost/memory. 🥺 It's not your fault Minkowski. It was never your fault. And yeah...you all deserve to make it home.
That is if there is even a home to come back to...
Doug, Hera, come on. You're best friends. Wow. And yeah, she and Maxwell were friends, that's why she's so upset! Oh right...if one human friend betrayed her...oh Hera...Doug's not like her you know that! Maxwell would sell you out, Jacobi would sell her out, and Kepler would sell him out, but Doug? Doug would never sell anyone out.
"I know what it's like to not get a chance to say goodbye. And I don't think you're past the point of not caring. Not yet." That's sweet Doug. But you're giving him a bit too much credit. Oh he's mad he killed her? Fair enough, but Jacobi...you said yourself you were monsters! Do you really want to try to claim the moral high ground here? That's right Doug! Tell him! "You're gonna like it...I mean you're gonna feel sad!" Yeah! That's right! Shove the compassion down his throat Doug. Sometimes that's the way you gotta do it.
Minkowski is gonna have some pretty severe PTSD after this. I want to hug her.
Oh no, Hera's remembering Maxwell. "Was everything you did for me part of a secret evil plan?" it's not that simple Hera. Bad people can do good things. Good people can do bad things. Cognitive dissonance Hera, that's how it's possible. Compartmentalization. Circular and deluded thinking. And fake Maxwell is right. It's about you Hera. It's not about her. Forget about Maxwell. Forget about Pryce. You're better than them, and more human too.
Yes Hera, get the feelings out. No, Doug she's coming around!
Oh no...no no no...Doug is wasted isn't he? Kepler's private supply no doubt...oh no... oh Doug.
"I killed them Hera." no you didn't Doug! Intentions matter! You are the ship's moral compass. Don't drink yourself off.
"I'm a drunken mess whether I have a drink or not." oh Doug. Doug.
Please don't give yourself alcohol poison. Oh good self-talk from Hilbert. Yeah Doug never wanted anyone to die.
"How else did you think this was going to end?"
Aw, Doug has so much hope. Never lose that Doug. Never lose it. And yeah, it's nice to believe in redemption. It is theoretically possible. Though in certain cases, highly unlikely. I won't name names.
So...it's just Doug and Jacobi at the funeral? Well. This is incredibly awkward...
Oh right, Hera's never been to a funeral...
Oh nvm Kepler's here for the food. He's so gross.
They gave Hera grief but no way to deal with it? Oh she can't understand why they are gone? The "I wonder if I'll miss you when you go away forever too" is hitting different.
Minkowski came through!
Wow, Jacobi actually is able to say a few nice words.
Dr. Hilbert was a monster 😂. Fair. Completely fair. See ya later Doc. I think Hilbert would have liked it.
Oh don't let Kepler talk. He'd ruin the funeral. Though to be fair, he'd ruin anything.
Never mind looks like the aliens beat him to the punch.
Looks like the aliens decided to come early.
Tell me the aliens aren't already here.
Is Lovelace coming back? Oh Kepler knew this was going to happen.
"It can't hear you." DO NOT CALL HER AN IT KEPLER. Alien or not, she's a...well she's a someone.
So she IS an alien? An alien who acts like her? Okay... and yes please, let's start at the beginning. It's about time Kepler. If you're going to talk, you might as well say something useful.
Now I've procrastinated enough but...wow this doesn't look good. Hopefully the crew can get back safely.
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burned-lariat · 1 year
Lowkey Spencer was outta pocket and a ducky boy by running around flirting and touching trina as if he didn’t have a whole as girlfriend. Because if Esme wasn’t such a evil person and I didn’t ship Sprina, I would be looking at Spencer sideways😂
Oh for sure. Very sus behavior. It def turned me off from them a bit when Esme first came on, but obviously things changed and I'm back on the Sprina train.
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cyratania · 3 years
I saw this post and couldn't help it, so here have a story. XD @misskirby Please take my humble contribution to this legendary au. 😂
The Force, as it would seem has two things it would like to do; Mess with people or is the wise cosmic power that connects everyone and everything in life.
Today is not one of those days.
Or at least that seemed to be the only plausible reason for the imperial shuttle to beak down causing Darth Vader to have to come down to Tatooine. Yes, Tatooine to get the parts necessary for the ship to be fixed.
Of course, this is when baby Luke Skywalker, 3 years old decides to come out onto the street, bumping straight into Darth Vader's leg.
Obviously, this wouldn't have been an issue if baby Luke did not indeed have the Force. However, he does, and a Force bond springs into existence, causing Darth Vader to stop and stare at this child.
He brushes his force presence with the child and jerks back.
He pieces a few things together.
Namely, the hows? The whens? And eventually, he realizes that, hey, maybe that evil boss he works for who's been lying to everyone for more than a decade has actually been lying to him all this entire time.
So in true Skywalker fashion, he picks up the child and runs as fast as his metal legs could go to the nearest ship, leaving his men in a flurry of confusion ultimately deciding to follow him.
On the other side of the planet, Obi-wan Kenobi had just started his 742nd day on Tatooine (not that he was keeping count) when he felt a presence he had not felt in a long time 3 years. Opening the door he found Darth Vader sprinting across the sand with a child and not just any child, but Luke Skywalker. Trying to figure out his best course of action for this, what does he decide to do?
Follow Darth Vader of course.
Now we move to the last person on the Force's messing-with-people list. Firmus Piett. Firmus Piett was just an ambitious Imperial officer. He was also currently staying back on one of the ships keeping guard when a very agitated Vader with a squealing child runs in fastening the child on the seat and jabbing random hyperspace coordinates.
In the panic, Piett did not notice a certain Jedi master sneak aboard the ship.
This is when they stumble into each other. This ruckus causes Vader to come out of the cockpit with the child who has now quietened down, fascinated by the lights on Vader's chest.
A pause.
"Kenobi, what are you doing in my ship?"
"Well if you must know Darth," He points to the baby, "I'm here to take back my son."
Vader lets out something that suspiciously sounds like a laugh, before continuing, "First of, your girlfriend was dead the last I heard, and second, 'Darth' really?"
"I found someone on Tatooine-"
Vader is full-out wheezing, which is probably bad for his lungs but he can't seem to stop.
Kenobi huffs, "Yes, Darth, now give me my son."
Vader snorts again, "Sure, one moment." He turns to the baby, "Hello Luke, could you tell me what your name is again?"
"Wuke Skywakeh"
Vader looks pretty pleased for someone with a mask, the same could not be said of Obi-wan however. The two are in some sort of glaring competition when Piett coughs. Both heads swivel towards him and he now has to face the wrath of two glares. Raising his hand in surrender he asks, "I just would like to know where the ship is uh heading my Lord."
Vader appears to answer, before stopping turning and checking the navigation.
"Wonderful, you have absolutely no idea where we are going."
"Shut it, Kenobi."
"Seriously, what is with the 'Kenobi'?"
"What's with the 'Darth'?"
Piett sighed since apparently, he was going to be stuck with non-stop bickering for the foreseeable future, he wouldn't be getting answers any time soon, he checked the navigation maps which told him Darth Vader had just sent them on a course to Dantooine. Spleendid, this was going to be a long 20 hours.
Read the rest on here Ao3 by the_starlight.
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dee-toraburu · 3 years
Oye una pregunta si te gusta el kojiken, que piensas de Maki Akamine, la chica que (dicen) es la novia de kojiro hyuga, yo siento que la sacaron de la nada solo para que hyuga no se quedará solo, un saludo desde Colombia (◕ᴗ◕✿)
Hola amigo/a~☆
Siento haber tardado en responder, estaba muy cansada... 💦
No escribo muy bien en español, así que responderé en inglés. Lo siento mucho... 😥
Un saludo desde Francia 💐
Rough translation of Anonymous’s ask:
I’ve got a question if you like KojiKen, what do you think of Maki Akamine, the chick who (they say) is Kojiro Hyuga’s girlfriend, I feel like they took her out of nowhere just so that Hyuga won’t be left alone, greetings from Colombia (◕ᴗ◕✿)
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It’s funny because someone already asked me more or less this question 5 years ago.
My opinion is of course more nuanced than before – you should have asked me that 10 years ago and I would have been rabid and in a state of deep depression all day long LMAO! Thanks god, I matured since then.
► As a KojiKen shipper, what do I feel about her?
To be honest, I feel indifference toward her. She isn’t a main character, so I don’t get to see her on every pages. I just try to avoid the moments and the fanworks involving her. I know that her crush "love" for Hyuga is canon and it can’t be helped – it’s Takahashi’s decision and story.
Anyway, I don’t care about the canon anymore since the World Youth series – I don’t like how the story developed, and the art style is so ugly that even Japanese people make memes about the author’s disproportionate characters. 😂
I just want to add that even if I love KojiKen from the bottom of my heart, it stays fictive and for people who get triggered easily by "rival ships" here is a piece of advice: take a look at your priorities again – there are many things in life that are way more important.
Conclusion: I don’t care about her and I’ll ship KojiKen forever! I pity KojiMaki shippers as their couple doesn’t get a lot of development tho
► As a CT reader/watcher, what do I feel about her?
I feel exactly the same as you anon – Akamine gives the impression that she has been took from nowhere just so Hyuga won’t be left alone, as if Takahashi wanted to show us that “HEY LOOK HYUGA’S NOR GAY NOR ASEXUAL, LEAVE HIM ALONE WITH YOUR GAY EVIL DOUJIN”.
There are some rumors (let’s be careful about them, it’s not official) that Takahashi is not very fond of gay ships... Or at least he doesn’t understand why some fans like to ship male characters with each other.
In case you didn’t know, CT grew in popularity in the 80s and the early 90s. A lot of women got interested in the series and created doujinshi focused most of the time on Hyuga and Wakashimazu. Of course Takahashi noticed that CT was being associated more and more with homo-romantic doujin, and here comes fast forward the creation of Maki Akamine in 1994!!...
Here is my point – there is a theory saying that the author created a female love interest to dissuade people from shipping Hyuga and Wakashimazu together. KojiMaki gained a lot of shippers, but at the same time it fueled KojiKen shippers' imagination even MORE. Some of them saw a potential love triangle, a bit like in Kimagure Orange Road – the main character (Hyuga) must choose between the cute, short-haired, boyish genki girl (Maki) or the beautiful, aloof, mature, long dark haired "girl" (Wakashimazu).
Conclusion: Akamine is just a tool to drive away shippers from CT rather than being a character with depth and development. Honestly, shame on Takahashi – he treats the girls in his story like shit. He already showed us that he can create amazing, charismatic, charming male characters, so why not girls?
Damn, I like CT but there are so many things that could be done better.
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