#i will never not be over how protective wynonna has gotten of nicole
danvurs · 4 years
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waverly & wynonna looking after nicole in 4.05
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freedom-of-writing · 3 years
Life turned her that way
Just a nice heart to heart between Nicole and Wynonna taking place after the intervention at the beginning of episode 4x10
“Do you want me to stay?”
“No, you have to go.”
Nicole leaves the house with a heavy heart. Today’s her first day back as sheriff. She didn’t think she had it in her to walk in those shoes again. In the past, her uniform had always made her feel strong and in control, but for 18 months all she could feel was alone, and completely lost. Wynonna went into the Garden to save Waverly, and Doc, while she had to go home, alone and broken. Literally broken. And, yes, it’s true, she wasn’t actually alone, Rachel was with her. But half her family was gone. And then Black Badge showed up, Nedley disappeared, and Jeremy went MIA. Little by little, she’d lost everything: her job, her dignity, her hope. Her heart. Waverly Earp was her heart, and she was beginning to fear she’d lost her forever. At last, she was so afraid of losing Rachel as well that she put all her strength into protecting her, to the point that it was consuming her. Growing up she had always been a loner. She was used to being independent, but here in Purgatory she had finally found a team to work and fight with. And yet in that moment, she was all alone against the world. Again. She had nobody to talk to about the darkness inside her, because Rachel was still just a kid, who’d gone through a lot herself, and she didn’t want her to deal with her own shit as well. In the end, she was so blinded by fear and despair that she couldn’t even see it was Nedley she’d been haunting for so long. And she even traded Doc to the Clantons to get Waverly back. She knew he would’ve been able to take care of himself, he always does, but still. If she weren’t so desperate, she would’ve looked for some more options for sure. She’s not the type to betray her friends and family like that. But 18 months is a long time to be alone. And she couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t sleep anymore. She could barely live. The only thing keeping her going was Rachel. That kid was the only reason to get out of bed every morning, and not let herself slip away.
Nicole is about to get into her car to go to the station, when she hears some noises coming from the barn. For a second she tells herself that Wynonna needs time, and she should just leave her alone. But then a voice inside her head makes her change her mind. You might lose her again, and you didn’t even try. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she walks to the barn door, and knocks lightly calling for her friend.
“Get back to your perfect life, Haught!” A voice answers from the inside in a very harsh tone.
Nicole ignores it, and lets herself in. Screw time, she is not going to risk losing her best friend again, not when she can try and save her. Once she’s in, she finds Wynonna sitting on her bed and playing with a bullet in her hands.
“Perfect… if you really think my life is perfect, then you don’t know me at all.”
“What do you want from me, huh?” Wynonna tries to sound annoyed, but the emotion in her voice makes her sound more broken than anything. “I thought me storming out was a clear sign of ‘intervention’s over’.”
“Wynonna, we’re just worried about you...”
“Well, you can stop worrying now because I’m fine.” The small crack in her voice made her sound all but convincing.
“Sure you are…” Nicole says with a scoff as she moves to sit on the bed next to Wynonna.
“Can you just leave, please?” Wynonna begs in the smallest of voices as tears come streaming down her face.
Nicole looks at her for a moment, and then she turns to stare at somewhere in front of her. She takes a deep breath, gathering the strength to say what she’s about to say. It’s a secret she’s been keeping from everybody, even Waverly. But maybe talking about it could help both her and Wynonna. Ignoring her friend’s request, she starts speaking.
“I wake up every day in the middle of the night and have to check on Waverly and Rachel to see if they’re still with me. I even check on you most nights.” She pauses a second, waiting for Wynonna’s reaction. She expected her to say something mean, or to tell her to leave again, but she doesn’t. She doesn’t need to turn towards her to see that her words have gotten Wynonna’s attention, and she’s now looking at her. Taking that as an invitation to continue, she takes a deep breath and she resumes her tale. “One night it was 4am and you weren’t in your bed… I panicked so bad I couldn’t breathe. Then I looked better and saw you were passed out on the floor in a corner of the barn. I didn’t want to wake you, so I got the blanket from your bed to cover you up, and then, I put the pillow under your head. The truth is, you were so out of it, I don’t think a bomb could’ve waken you. But my heart was racing so bad, my hands were shaking, and it was still hard for me to breathe. So I left you there on the floor, and went back to sleep. Well, to bed. I forced myself to stay awake. I just didn’t want to see it again.” Nicole’s voice is so small and broken when she says that last part.
Wynonna doesn’t need to see the look in her eyes to know Nicole’s lost somewhere in her mind. And by the sound of her voice, it must be a really dark place that she’s in. All of a sudden, a rush of worry hits her, because she’s never seen Nicole like this. Not even when she was vomiting frogs all over the place.
“How bad is Nicole?”
“She was alone for a really long time.”
As she recalls Rachel’s words, her attention moves from Nicole’s face down to her hand on her thigh. It’s curled up in a fist, and her nails are digging hard into the flesh of her palm. As gently as she can, Wynonna slips her hand under her friend’s forcing her own fingers into the fist. She waits for Nicole to let go of the tight grip, and when she does she clasps her hand giving it a reassuring squeeze. She would like to say something to bring her friend back to reality, but she doesn’t know what to say. She has absolutely no idea what is happening inside her head, or what she meant when she said she didn’t want to see it again. But at least the touch seems to have worked because she can feel Nicole squeezing back lightly. Wynonna doesn’t push her to continue, she just waits for her to be ready to speak again. At last, with a deep breath, Nicole goes on with her story.
“I have the same nightmare every night... I’m at the homestead, it’s morning and I’m making breakfast. I go upstairs to wake Rachel up, but she’s not in her room. So I start calling out for her, but I get no answer. I start panicking as I look for her in every room of the house. But I can’t find her anywhere. She’s not there. It’s just me. I’m alone. By then, I can hardly breathe, but I still take the shotgun and start looking for her outside. I don’t know where I’m going. My eyes are blurred with tears, and my lungs are burning, but I keep running, and calling... And then suddenly I’m on Dolls’s grave. I take a step back in confusion, and I see there are other tombstones next to his. I start reading the names: you, Doc, Jeremy, Nedley... I’m afraid to look but there’s two more. Rachel... and Waverly. Then a voice comes out of nowhere: They’re all dead because you were too weak to even try to save them. They trusted you, and you did nothing to protect them. You deserve to be alone. You were never worthy of their love. I turn to see where it’s coming from, but... all I see are the ghosts of the people I love. But when I take a step towards you, you all disappear. All but Waverly. She stands there, looking at me with tears in her eyes. Why? I thought you loved me... So why didn’t you fight? She asks, and then she’s gone too.” Nicole becomes suddenly aware of the wetness on her cheeks.
“Nicole...” Wynonna tries to call her back to reality. She can hear her ragged breathing as she’s struggling to get air into her lungs. She’s never seen Nicole so broken before, and it is scaring her. She doesn’t know what to do, how to help, she’s usually the broken one.
“You’re all dead because of me...” Nicole’s voice is barely above a whisper, but Wynonna hears it loud and clear, and those words break her heart.
That’s it. She has to bring her back. She can’t take seeing her best friend like this anymore. Without letting go of Nicole’s hand, she falls onto her knees in front of her. Then she brings her free hand up to her chin to tilt her head up gently.
“Nicole, hey, look at me.” Nothing.
“Haught!” She screams this time, and at last, Nicole snaps out of it. “We’re not dead. Do you hear me? No one. Is dead.” She says staring straight into Nicole’s eyes, which are completely welled up in tears.
As gently as she can, she brushes her thumb onto her cheeks to wipe away the tears that keep streaming down her face. She can feel the tears forming in her eyes as well, but she doesn’t let them fall. She can’t cry now. Nicole needs her to be strong.
“We’re here.” Wynonna says grabbing both of Nicole’s hands and giving them a squeeze. She hopes the touch will further prove her words. “I’m here.”
She takes a sigh of relief when she sees Nicole’s eyes starting to focus on hers. She’s back.
“You can breathe now.”
And with that, Nicole slumps forward into Wynonna’s arms, sobbing hard in the crook of her neck. Everything she’s been holding back in the past 18 months, the pain, the loss, the fear, the despair... all that she’s been hiding from both Waverly and Rachel has finally come to the surface. And it’s the strangest feeling ever, because for the first time in so long, she can actually breathe again, even if the sobs are wrecking and chocking her.
“I’m here. We’re all here.” Wynonna says over and over in her ear in an attempt to calm her down.
And it is in that moment, as she holds a broken Nicole in her arms, that Wynonna makes a promise to herself and to her friends: no matter how hard it is, she will overcome this darkness inside her and she will start to take care of herself, because her family is worth staying for.
“We’re gonna be okay. I promise.”
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uhhhhhhokay · 5 years
My Unpopular Opinions of 2018
This is messy, a bit mean, and full of my mad/irritated feelings. You’ve been warned. No slipping into my asks as an anon to fight with me because I’ve posted this on my account. These are my opinions and I’ve already said that they aren’t that nice to some shows
1) Charmed and Black Lightning are the only good CW shows and it has the best lesbian rep of 2018 (and Rosa from b99 would be the best bisexual rep)
2) Melanie Scrofano/Wynonna Earp is the best part of Wynonna Earp. Honestly lately the rest of the characters for me have either awful or boring or funny but given nothing to do
3) Also even though she’s the main actress, Melanie is somehow the most underrated actress/character in the show. She’s disregarded by so many fans, either in favor of Wayhaught or Doc, and the show treats her like shit by constantly putting her with Doc
4) Descendants fans who pit Dove Cameron and China Anne McClain against each other in the hopes of making the other seem superior are doing absolutely nothing for their careers and are contributing to the unnecessary comparison between successful women
5) Also I don’t care if you don’t like Dove Cameron, but hating her for that Mal/Harry comment she made months ago is so fucking ridiculous. She’s a girl in love who also loves her character, god forbid she make her own headcanons for it, and it wasn’t like she was asking for it to happen (and no she wasn’t disregarding Mal’s current relationship Ben because she was talking about Mal and Harry being exes god damnit) 
8) Timothee Chamalet or whatever his name is, isn’t that great. Like he’s fine I guess but like....Have you seen other actors? I mean, there’s Fady Elsayed, Jack Black, Jordan Renzo, Greg Austin (rip Class), and so many more actors that are, in my opinon, significantly more talented
9) Letterkenny and Galavant are the best comedies out there
10) Riverdale is shit for erasing Jughead’s asexuality and queerbaiting fans at the beginning with Beronica 
11) I’ve said this before, but people disliking Cole Sprouse because of the abuse allegation against him is incredibly valid. 
12) Mike Flanagan, Jordan Peele, and Kate Siegel are the only people I trust to write some bone chilling horror stories 
13) The Haunting of Hill House is better than American Horror Story and The Chilling Adventures of Sabrine combined 
Now it’s time to get serious.....
14) I have no respect and cannot get along with people who talk about how ugly people are 
15) The hellsite is shit for so many reasons but some of its worst qualities are when people take a situation and make it black and white, have zero sympathy or empathy for other people, and twist peoples words and put in meanings that were never there
16) I also hate how how people only care about mental illness when it doesn’t come to their jokes or memes. For example, mental health has been talked about a lot in regards to Ariana Grande, which is good, but once her engagement with Pete Davidson ended, no one hesitated to attack him in almost every way possible even though the man has been very outspoken about his depression. I don’t know shit about Pete Davidson but I’ve seen him relentlessly be attacked and have his depression and suicidal thoughts be joked about. 
17) Stanning is a fucked up culture that we need to leave behind in 2018. There are some celebrities who have a lot of projects that I love and I admire their talent, but the concept of stanning either includes an unhealthy amount of devotion to a celebrity or it erases them as a human being and reduces them down to objects. In some cases, both of these are true. It’s a sick thing for both fans and the celebrities. If a celebrity does something wrong, call them out, and if they don’t listen, well forget it or move on. Cancelling them as if they can be thrown in the garbage and disposed of promotes negativity and hatred, which is doesn’t solve anything, and it can inhibit any growth from that celebrity. They are human and will inevitably fuck up. It’s the only way to learn and grow. 
18) This is about Wynonna Earp but it’s a serious post. I’ve made my thoughts about this show abundantly clear but there is one thing I haven’t talked about at all and that’s the racism in the show and in the fanbase. Disclaimer: I am white. This show hasn’t treated any of their poc or black characters well. The latest example would be the treatment of Dolls and Kate. The last two seasons Doc has had two women of color as his love interests, and both of these characters have been treated as objects to make Wynonna jealous. There is also the lack of story and villainization of these women. There is also the major lack of story with Dolls, which most likely led to Shamier Anderson’s decision to leave. I won’t get into anymore, this is how I’ve always viewed these poor storylines, but I will say this: white fans of Wynonna Earp, we do not get a say on how black viewers should feel about any of these storylines. White lesbians, you would be livid is Waverly or Nicole were killed, and rightfully so. Black people or people of color probably felt the rage you would’ve felt if you lost one of those characters when Dolls was killed off. Telling people to get over it is cruel. If people want to stop watching, that is their right. We have no place in telling them how they should feel about the treatment of their representation. 
19) I made this post a while ago but it holds true: https://uhhhhhhokay.tumblr.com/post/179314393735/shows-with-good-lgbt-rep
20) Everyone needs a break from social media. I know that for some people, it really helps because we have friends on here that we can talk to, but it also has so many negative effects. The real world is nothing like this toxic website. You should take breaks from it every once in a while. You need to get hobbies. You need some other past time than this website. The majority of people on this site aren’t good and everyone should take a breather from it. I take breaks from this site on a regular basis and when I do it feels so fucking good. 
21) Random but The Lodgers is the worst movie ever and it’s an even worse horror movie. Would not recommend. Unless you feel like roasting something for an hour and a half. The only good part about watching that movie was that I watched it with my roommate who I am good friends with and we laughed our asses off and made fun of it so much. It is truly awful. Even though I had a blast roasting it, I will never get that time of my life back. 
22) The Last Jedi does not deserve that 91% on rotten tomatoes. Just like how The Lodgers deserves far less than 56%.
23) Time to get serious again. I get that a lot of us wished that the shows we loved were real, but they aren’t. That’s a fact that everyone needs to realize and accept. To me, hating an actor for their character’s actions is just as fucked up as stanning. They aren’t their character. They are not responsible for the shit their characters pull. They are carrying out the story written for them. As for writers, sometimes the writers do not support their characters actions either. Just because the character is evil or mean or whatever does not always mean that the people who work behind the curtain support that. 
24) Shipping real people and harassing them is sooo inappropriate and messed up. I shouldn’t really have to explain this one but too many people on this site don’t seem to grasp it. I mean, didn’t Harry Styles say a while ago that all the smutty fanfics, tweets, and fanarts about him and his bandmates effect his friendships with him? Him reacting that way is not homophobic, btw. It is him reacting naturally to people fetishizing and sexualizing him and his friends. These are real people. Their relationship, sexuality, and god just so much of their lives is none of our business. They don’t owe us any information about their personal lives. We don’t own them. They are their own people, which also means that they make their own mistakes. 
25) Random again, but original Charmed fans put their show too high of a pedestal. I never got really into show. I tried it, think I watched half of the first season, and I did a little research on it and I was in the fanbase for a hot sec but it was very short. From my research, it seems to me, that for a feminist show, the cast (except Shannon Doherty) was the opposite behind the scenes. I know you can’t help who you don’t like but you can control how you talk about someone, especially to the public, and from what I’ve seen there’s been more negative comments from them about their castmates than positive. I don’t think anyone will know the whole story but to me the feud between the og’s leading ladies has always very catty to me, and it’s gotten even worse with the remake. You can be protective of your show without being rude. You don’t have to support the remake, and you can do that without being rude either. By the way, this is more directed towards Holly Marie Combs, who I believe has been the most outspoken about being against it. Three young actresses are doing the job they love and they were given a chance to be the new charmed ones for a new generation. There is no reason to be so negative about it. It looks even more immature when you see the cast of the original Sabrina who gleefully gave their support to the new cast. 
26) Adults please stop thinking every show is for you. it’s not. Some shows are for kids, some shows are for teenagers, and some shows are for you. If you enjoy the show that’s directed towards a younger audience then that’s great. If you don’t enjoy it, then that’s fine too. What is not fine is you acting like that show was meant for you and tearing it apart and bullying people of that directed age group online. I can’t believe the amount of times I’ve seen some 19-40 year old dipshit on the internet go and bully a 15 year old only because they said they loved a show. That is not only sick and immature but it’s uncalled for. 
27) Also 15 year olds or younger, do not use your age as an excuse to be mean either. You might be young and you will definitely make huge mistakes, but there’s is nothing to justify you telling someone to kill themselves or insulting them just because they don’t like your favorite character or something. You might not be as experienced as some adults, but you’re old enough to know what the fuck you’re doing and how wrong it is. Don’t be cruel and blame it on you being young and stupid. You maybe young and all of us will always be a bit stupid, but that does not excuse your behavior. And @ older people who do that shit too, your older age and power does not excuse your cruelty either. Nothing excuses telling someone to kill themselves. Ever. Especially if it’s over a goddamn tv show. 
28) Can Ryan Murphy please just make one tv show and stick with it until it ends? He has so many great concepts but because he wants to do all of them at once they all go downhill after one season. 
29) On the same but different note, fuck Ryan Murphy for having Violet and Tate get back together. My girl deserves better than a serial killer/rapist that also got her mom killed because he impregnated her with the anti christ. Fuck that.
I never intended this to be so long lol no one will read this
30) The Hormone Monster is literally a metaphor for hormones. Stop twisting it into pedophilia. That show is so sex positive and is so much better than most of the sex ed that we got. 
31) Let’s leave monster fucking behind please
32) Puzzles are a treat to do
33) Funko pops are cute but they make a lot of dumbass decisions regarding which ones to make (like I saw pops of that new nutcracker movie a while before it was released like maybe wait and see how it does first????)
34) Also lets stop thinking of ships/shows as a way to up yourself as more progressive or whatever. We all have our trash shows and ships, stop acting like a saint. Just because someone has a trash ship, does not mean they are lesser than you. 
35) Fanbases are usually always trash. This didn’t change at all in 2018. 
36) Class’s first season was significantly better than Torchwoods first season. You guys are just mean. 
37) While I adore Class, Patrick Ness’s dialogue was really YIKES sometimes (the Charlie April deleted scene nearly killed me). Overall it was good though because it was the closest depiction of how teens speak.
38) Also any teen drama show that has a teen speak seriously in a hashtag should burn in hell (if a hashtag is used in dialogue as joke then it’s fine because it’s funny)
39) An actor being on a show you don’t like does not warrant hate
40) It’s been two years since Class but still, fuck the dw fans who were/are so mean to the class actors, especially Vivian Oparah and Sophie Hopkins. 
I think that’s it.
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haughtbreaker · 6 years
Wynonna thinks Nicole needs a little bit of socialization, but will a party bring more strife than joy?
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Thanks again to @jaybear1701​. Always a rockstar. This chapter gets a bit... much. Sorry. But also not sorry. I like breaking things. I'm horrible. TW: Mention of Suicide; Anxiety; Heavy alcohol use; Abortion
**Companion song: Across the Universe (Fiona Apple Cover)**
 "Are you going to tell him?"
Wynonna stared out the window, watching as the world skimmed by. She hated this town and the town hated her. "No." Unfortunately, it would always be home because it's where Waverly was.
There was a soft sigh as the SUV continued out of town, heading towards Gus's property.
Wynonna reached up to trace a path of water dripping down a window, trying not to think about the cramping, or… "It's better he not know. You know Henry. He'll probably cry or some bullshit like that." She didn't want to think about it. She needed to just lock it away. 
"And you don't think you should have…"
"No." Wynonna looked at Xavier who was behind the wheel. "Telling him would destroy him. It would literally kill him." She'd known as unfair as it was to Xavier, he would help her. He was always the most dependable of her tiny circle. She might even consider him a friend at that point, even if it was just because he was in love with her.
"It's your choice," Xavier finally said, returning his eyes to the road.
"My choice," Wynonna repeated. As they coursed down the road, Wynonna was relieved to finally see the shape of the house they'd lived in since… that night. Choice was such a bullshit word. There was no choice really. Two forms of birth control and fate still felt like fucking with her. 
As the SUV came to a stop, Wynonna put on the smile she'd been practicing, turning to Xavier. "Thanks X, you're a lifesaver." She opened the door and hopped out, turning back to him again. "You should come over Friday night. I'm gonna have a party."
"Do you really think you should?"
Wynonna rolled her eyes. "I'm fine. I just need to drink… a lot."
Xavier nodded. "What time?"
With a snort, Wynonna pulled her phone out of her pocket, swiping away a text from Henry. She was definitely not ready to see him. "I'll text you. It'll probably be 7ish but I need to convince Waves first."
Xavier nodded again. "Ok. Get some rest. Take your antibiotics."
"Thanks, Mom," Wynonna called out before shutting the door. She made sure she had her bag on her as she made her way up the front stairs. Gus was thankfully gone, probably getting supplies to prepare for her upcoming trip.
Waverly's Jeep was parked out front but when Wynonna entered the house, she only saw Nicole, sitting at the dining room table which surprised her. Over the last few weeks, it was rare that Nicole and Waverly were separate, which she found strange. Waverly had never been one to stay home all the time. At first, Wynonna had attributed it to the breakup with Champ and their overlapping circles. It wasn't until that one afternoon she smelt weed coming from downstairs that the sight she was greeted with made her think otherwise.
"Is this really your hair color?"
Wynonna stopped mid-stair at the scene she saw before her. She'd only swung by home to switch shoes when a familiar smell had brought her to the basement door. It was still early afternoon and she did not expect to see her sister sitting on the couch with Nicole's head resting on her thigh as she ran her fingers through auburn hair.
"Unfortunately," Nicole answered slowly, her toes tapping to the soft music that poured from the speakers connected to the record player.
"What in gay shit is going on here?" Wynonna asked as she walked over to the couch.
"Hey Earp," Nicole spoke in a slurred speech, on the verge of passing out.
"Shouldn't you two be in school?"
Waverly chuckled. "She had a panic attack earlier. so I drove her home."
"Man panic attacks are the worst." Wynonna picked the box up, looking at the diminished supplies. "Good choice of strains." A thought occurred to her as she looked at her sister who was way too high and seemed to be studying Nicole's face. It took her a minute to register what Waverly had said. "You drove her home? What about your perfect attendance?"
Waverly shrugged. "It's fine. I mean… I'm sure my college app is padded enough."
Wynonna blinked in disbelief at Waverly's nonchalance. From what Gus had told her, Waverly had kept her attendance spotless and now she was willing to give it up that easily? Just another thing she filed away for later.
"You know what you need, Haught?"
Nicole sighed softly, looking up from her text book. Wynonna had an excited look on her face and one of the things she'd learned over the past few weeks was that when Wynonna was excited about something, it was probably going to be chaos. "What's that, Earp?"
Wynonna slung her arm over Nicole's shoulder, leaning closer and whispering, "A house party."
Nicole sighed again. That was the last thing she wanted. In the past few weeks, school had been… strained to say the least, after her panic attack. While she'd managed to ignore most of the negativity, a party would be inviting that negativity into her after-school life. But parties weren't always bad. She didn't want to be around a lot of people, but she could really use a drink. "Aren't you a little old for house parties?"
"Haha." Wynonna removed her arm before slugging Nicole on the shoulder. "Funny. You're a real riot. Well let me tell you something about Purgatory, Cali-girl. In Purgatory, you're never too old for a house party."
Nicole winced as she rubbed her shoulder. "Sounds…" She wasn't even sure how it sounded.
"You don't have to say it, I can see the excitement in your eyes." Wynonna slapped the top of the table. "Gus is out of town this weekend with her annual tomatuh festival," she mocked Gus's accent. "So we've been tasked with, you know, protecting the house, protecting Waverly's chastity, making sure you don't off yourself…"
"I'm pretty sure Waverly is old enough to watch herself." Nicole refused to be baited.
"You're killin me, Smalls." Wynonna looked up as Waverly entered with her own stack of books. "Help me out here, Waves."
Waverly rose an eyebrow. "Experience tells me I should take Nicole's side on this." She sat down at the table beside Nicole, beginning to spread out her books in preparation for their study session, a habit they'd formed the second week of school together. After all, it made sense. They had almost all the same classes.
"So you don't want a party this weekend?"
Now, Waverly pursed her lips, looking from Nicole to Wynonna.
"See!" Wynonna laughed as she moved over and threw her arm around Waverly's shoulders. "Waverly has the true spirit of an Earp."
"I mean…" Waverly toyed with a pencil between her fingers. "I do feel like since I broke up with Champ, I've been a little isolated."
"Excellent. Hop onboard the hype train, Haught."
Nicole sighed, looking at Waverly who was watching her with an amused look. "I guess."
"Fuck yes." Wynonna yelled as she left the room, heading upstairs without another word.
Waverly seemed to be watching her closely. "Are you sure you're going to be ok?"
Nicole gave her a tight-lipped smile. "Well… I guess we'll see. I really need a drink and the people… well I can just hide in my room if it gets too much." When Waverly began going through her homework, Nicole felt a ball of anxiety beginning to form in her belly.
Nicole looked around the crowded house, trying not to let anxiety get to her. It hadn't worsened, but it hadn't gotten any better.
"What are you doing?" Waverly suddenly popped up, drink in hand.
"Just… observing." Nicole took a sip from the cup in her own hand. It wasn't too bad for a high school party.
"You're brooding."
Nicole rose an eyebrow. "I don't brood." Somehow, Waverly's sunny presence was comforting and Nicole felt herself beginning to relax. "I'm just a fan of watching."
Waverly laughed at that. "Ok. If you want to watch, you can at least be comfortable." She reached down and grabbed Nicole's free hand, beginning to pull her through the crowd.
Looking down at their joint hands, Nicole allowed herself to be pulled forward. She could have easily stood her ground, could have resisted, but she couldn't find a reason to. She was surprised as she was pushed down onto the couch and Waverly sat down beside her.
Nicole noticed that Waverly was like a beacon - a strong light drawing in her friends that appeared one by one, plopping down on the chairs, or on the floor until it seemed like they were surrounded by what felt like half the party.
"All right bitches!" Wynonna kicked a chair over to the coffee table, her hands filled with glasses and a new bottle. "Time to have some fun."
"Oh no." Waverly gave Nicole a look.
Nicole didn't move from her position, instead she took a sip of beer. "What's on your mind, Elder Earp?" She could already feel a light buzz going and she was comfortable.
"I say we play a game." Wynonna plopped down into a chair and began setting out shot glasses. "Nerd, get in here." Wynonna pointed at Jeremy as he was about to run away. "Henry, Bitchy Blonde," Wynonna slid a shot glass over to Stephanie. "Haught pants, Baby Girl." Glasses found homes to as many people could fit around the coffee table.
"Not playing, X?" Waverly called over to Xavier who was lingering always in the background, sipping from a bottle of water.
"Designated driver." Was all he said with a shrug.
Nicole sighed as she turned to face the coffee table. "Okay… what are we playing." So much for staying under the radar.
"Never have I ever," Wynonna declared, getting a round of groans. "Oh believe me, it's a lot safer than truth or dare. Ask Henry." She gave him a wink.
Everyone wanted to ask, but it was Jeremy who broke the silent taboo, "What happened to Henry?"
Wynonna laughed, but didn't answer.
As if he knew just explaining wouldn't do it justice, Henry tugged his shirt up, revealing a silver barbell that went through his right nipple.
"Nope." Waverly shook her head. "Just nope."
Chrissy was about to reach out to touch it until Waverly captured her wrist with a shake of her head and Henry lowered his shirt.
Nicole had to laugh at that. "Not a fan of nipple piercings?"
Waverly shook her head. "Nope. Just nope." She crossed her arms over her chest before freezing, turning to look at Nicole. "Why? Is it something you've…"
Nicole cleared her throat,having learned that Waverly's curiosity was immeasurable and would often take over and drive her crazy. Instead of answering, she turned to Wynonna. "So, Never Have I Ever…"
"Everyone knows the rules, but let's go over them for the nerds." Wynonna poured herself a shot just to have one. "We go around the table. One person says something they've never done, and if anyone else has done it, they take a shot. I'll start." With a smirk, she spoke, "Never have I ever gotten straight A's in a quarter."
"Asshole." Waverly laughed, setting her shot glass on the table. She was joined by Jeremy and Nicole almost laughed at the look Waverly gave her when she set her own glass down.
"What? I used to be a brainiac…" Nicole lifted her glass, mentally preparing herself for the shot. "Until I discovered alcohol and sex," she said before drinking the shot. She tried not to laugh as Waverly began coughing up her shot, her face turning bright red. Nicole reached out and gently pat her on the back.
"Well, this is going to be fun." Wynonna rubbed her hands together as she handed the bottle to Jeremy.
"Oh." He looked around in surprise before his face screwed up seriously. He looked like he was trying to conjure an entire army of dark spirits or something nerdy like that before Wynonna gently kicked him. "Okay okay. Never have I ever…" Jeremy paused, his cheeks coloring a bright red, "kissed a boy."
There was a groan as most of the glasses hit the table. Nicole knew her own glass would have probably been the most surprising if it weren't for Henry's glass sliding towards Jeremy. Jeremy's eyes grew twice as big as he stumbled with the bottle of liquor, beginning to fill the shot glasses.
"Something you wanna tell us, Hank?" Wynonna commented with a smirk.
Henry retrieved his filled shot glass with a shrug. "A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell," he commented before swallowing the shot.
They continued around the group once, each turn getting equal amounts of groans and laughter. They'd each had a sufficient amount of alcohol in their system as they began the second round.
It was her turn again as Waverly hummed softly to herself. She tapped her lips, obviously trying to think of something good that hadn't already been said.
"Never have I ever seen such a bigger waste of time," Wynonna commented, nudging Waverly with the tip of her boot.
"Okay okay." Waverly's eyes came up to meet Nicole's before quickly moving away. "Never have I ever kissed a girl in a more-than-friends way."
"Well fuck me." Wynonna sighed heavily as she set her shot glass on the table.
Nicole set her own down, a small spike of curiosity flowing through her as Waverly's eyes kept darting to her and quickly away.
Henry put his glass down and looked at Jeremy.
"Thankfully not me." Jeremy shook his head. Although he'd only had one shot, being so obviously the most innocent of the group, he was still a little more than buzzed. He didn't drink often.
Chrissy set her shot glass down and everyone looked at her. "What? Shit happens when you drink too much." She chuckled.
"Why Chrissy Nedley... as I live and breathe." Waverly laughed as she dished out the shots.
Nicole couldn't help laughing as she retrieved her glass. She was feeling significantly more relaxed and was starting to enjoy the night.
That is, until it came to Stephanie's turn for a second time.
The night had been going a little too smoothly until Stephanie, who'd obviously drank too much, lifted the bottle and pretended to think. Her smirk was thick with malice as she looked across the table directly at Nicole. "Never have I ever wanted to kill myself"
It was as if time slowed down, everyone at the table frozen in a moment of disbelief.
Surprisingly, Wynonna leaned forward to speak. "What the…" Her voice trailed off as Nicole set her shot glass on the table, one eyebrow twitching up in challenge.
Stephanie seemed to find glee in it as she began to fill up the shot glass.
Another clink made the group jump as a second glass hit the table, sliding towards Nicole's.
Nicole barely heard the gasps that went around the room as she followed the path the glass came from, her eyes locking with Waverly's. She froze, not sure if she should say something, or if Waverly even wanted her to say anything. She'd known for a while there was a sadness behind those eyes, but they'd never talked about it.
After a second, Waverly broke the eye contact and looked at Stephanie who seemed frozen in place. "Well, what are you waiting for? Fill it up."
There was another clink, and Wynonna pushed her glass towards the middle, looking at no one but Stephanie with venom in her gaze.
Suddenly there was a fourth glass, then a fifth, then a sixth and Nicole felt her eyes burning with unshed tears. She looked around to see familiar somber faces, each person willing to bring their demons to the surface at that moment.
To her credit, Stephanie didn't dare say anything as she filled the collection of glasses on the table.
Everyone retrieved theirs before Nicole but didn't drink, as if waiting for her to take the lead, each of their glasses filled with the guilt that was too hard to swallow. Nicole lifted her own glass and stared at Stephanie before quickly knocking the shot back.
Without saying anything else, Nicole set the glass down, stood up, and walked away from the table.
"What the fuck, Stephanie?" Waverly turned to her friend. She couldn't believe the girl would be so cruel.
"What?" Stephanie asked in defense. "It's just a game, Waves."
"If you seriously don't see what you did wrong, you need to get the fuck out of my house." Waverly pushed up from her seat, ignoring the shocked silence around her and walking off in the direction Nicole had disappeared. She went from room to room on the ground floor, regretting inviting as many people as had shown up. She'd thought she'd seen Nicole go into the kitchen but when she got there it was empty.
Turning to leave, she didn't expect to run straight into Wynonna.
Wynonna's eyes scanned the room quickly before settling on Waverly.
"Wynonna, I'm trying to find…" Waverly was cut off as Wynonna pulled her into a hug. She froze.
It seemed like forever until Wynonna pushed back, looking in her eyes. "You're the most important person in the world to me. I just wanted to make sure you know that."
After a long moment, Waverly nodded. "I know, Wynonna."
Shifting uncomfortably, Wynonna quickly kissed Waverly on the forehead and pushed her away. "I need a damn beer."
Watching her walk away, Waverly smiled before returning to her search. Not finding her anywhere downstairs, Waverly wound her way between the people to get upstairs. She was about to head towards Nicole's room when she felt a draft coming from under the closed door. Furrowing her brow, she opened the door to find the room empty. On the wall opposite the door, the window was wide open, letting in a gust from outside. "What the…" Rubbing her arms, she moved across the room. "Nicole?"
Nicole sighed softly as she tucked the bottle of vodka into her pocket, lifting the window open. A gust of cold air poured in and Nicole was glad she was wearing thermals under her clothes and coat. Ever so carefully, she stepped out onto the roof, making sure her boots wouldn't slip on the shingles.
The music from down below seemed to shake the house slightly, but with no neighbors for miles, it didn't matter much. Apparently the Earp girls knew a LOT of people, Nicole mused as she took a seat on the roof and pulled out the bottle of vodka, trying not to think too much about the game before.
Maybe she'd gotten used to the cold a little, but she swore it didn't bother her quite as much anymore. Taking a swig from her bottle, she looked up at the stars. She'd spent many nights under the stars back home and it was so strange for the stars to not be where they were supposed to be. Not only that, but there were so many more stars. Back home, the light pollution made it difficult to see more than the larger stars, even in the desert.
But here, on the roof of Gus's house, she could easily see an endless amount of shining pinpoints of light . She could almost see the ribbons of colors wrapped around and defining galaxies, or maybe she was imagining it. Was Shae somewhere up there, between the earth and infinity?
Her parents hadn't raised her to be religious, so she wasn't sure about the afterlife - if there was an afterlife at all. She couldn't imagine heaven or hell, but she knew her dreams were haunted by Shae's presence. She had to wonder if it was helping or making things worse. Either way, she couldn't imagine her life without Shae, even if it meant just in her dreams.
Swallowing another mouthful of vodka, she looked down at one arm, her hand pulling back the sleeves slowly, revealing marred flesh inch by inch. She could still feel it, the pull that came from within, tempting her with promises of peace. It was a strange feeling, knowing that a handful of pills a few times a day was the only thing helping her resist the voice. But now, it was like the idiotic game played by children was almost enough to break the dam of control she'd maintained.
Nicole's mind took her back to that night, when the grief had taken over. She remembered watching her lifeforce escaping her body. She'd never thought that much blood would look like that, the way the color had flecks of texture, not unlike the way metallic paint shined in the light. It was almost as if she could see the red and white blood cells spreading across the desk, watering down as it began to mix with the bottle of vodka she'd dropped when she lost strength in her hands.
Pulling her sleeves back into place, Nicole wiped away the tears she hadn't realized had streaked down her cheeks before looking towards the window.
Waverly's head popped out the window, looking around before curious eyes settled on Nicole. "Oh, you're out here…" She let her voice trail off, whether from not knowing what to say or the cold, Nicole couldn't be sure but she saw the girl wrinkle her nose, beginning to rub at her arms to fight the chill.
Nicole nodded. "Yeah, I just needed to get away from the crowd for a few," she said, as if Waverly hadn't been there, witnessing everything that had happened..
"Oh, okay." Waverly paused for a second before disappearing back into the room.
Waverly was so strange sometimes, Nicole thought as she took a drink. And yet, she wondered if she'd been a bit rude, going over her response. It wasn't rude to want peace was it? Did Waverly think Nicole was trying to get away from her to avoid talking about what had happened? That wasn't it at all.
Nicole sighed. It was just another thing she would probably have to apologize for later. Whenever she saw Waverly again. Which came a lot sooner than she thought as she heard a noise at the window and saw Waverly squirming out, this time dressed in more suitable clothes, a blanket in one hand, and a thermos in the other.
"Here, take this." Waverly didn't give Nicole a chance to protest before she handed her the thermos, shaking out the blanket and taking a seat next to Nicole.
Nicole rose an eyebrow as she handed the thermos back. "Hello."
"Hi," Waverly responded simply, uncapping the thermos and pouring the steaming liquid into the cover before handing it to Nicole, who took it more out of polite habit.
"What's this?" Setting her bottle of vodka aside, Nicole couldn't help but be drawn in by the heat being emitted from the drink.
"Hot chocolate." Waverly answered with a big smile before leaning closer.
"You…" Nicole brought the cup up to smell it, surprised by the chocolate scent. "You made hot chocolate?"
Waverly nodded with a proud smile. "Don't be so surprised. It's vegan… including vegan Bailey's and whipped cream flavored vodka."
Nicole eyed it suspiciously.
"It's not poisonous, Asshole." Waverly nudged Nicole's shoulder before taking a drink straight from the thermos.
With a soft chuckle, Nicole took a small sip. She paused for a moment to let her brain try to catch up with her taste buds. After a few seconds, she took a larger sip.
"Mmm hmm. That's what I thought." Waverly took another sip from the thermos before looking up at the stars.
It wasn't traditional hot chocolate, slightly sharper and actually silker, but Nicole enjoyed it nonetheless. "Thank you." Looking up at the stars, Nicole felt a strange shift in the environment, or maybe it was a shift in herself. She had been thirsting for the silence, away from the crowd of teen obscenity that was happening on the bottom floor of the house.
Away from Stephanie.
And yet she didn't mind Waverly's presence. She didn't take up too much space like people often did when invading your privacy.
Waverly sniffled, rubbing a bit of steam away from her face. "I um... I wanted to…"
"Don't apologize for her," Nicole quickly spoke up. She gave Waverly a tight-lipped smile. "There's enough in life we all have to apologize for. You don't need to take the weight of other people's bullshit."
Waverly paused, a pensive look on her face. "I'm not gonna apologize for her," she said softly, looking down into her thermos as she thought about her response. "Stephanie is a bitch and she shouldn't have said that."
Waverly sighed. "But I do want to say I am extremely sorry… from a completely not in my house kind of way… even though it's not really my house, it's Gus's."
Nicole had to smile at that. "So… is that why you came out here? To apologize for something you didn't do just because it happened in a house that's not yours?"
Canting her head to the side, Waverly shrugged. "I wanted to make sure you were okay, which you seem to be. What are you doing out here?"
Finishing the last of her hot chocolate, Nicole set the cup to the side. She leaned back until she was laying on the slant of the roof, feeling the chill of the surface even through her coat. "It's quiet and the view is nice." She pointed up at the sky. "I've never seen this many stars before."
Waverly looked up at the sky and it was quiet for a moment, with the exception of the ever present sound of bass coming from downstairs. "I suppose it would be different for a city girl like you."
Nicole rose an eyebrow as she looked at Waverly, seeing the smile in her side profile. "That's mighty small town of you to say."
"It's not even the best view," Waverly commented as she closed up her thermos, grabbing the cup Nicole had emptied and fastening it to the top. "You should see it from my old house." She sighed softly, seeming to be lost in her own thoughts for a minute. "It's further from town so there's not as much light pollution...Especially in the fall and winter when the skies light up." Her voice was soft and Nicole found herself sitting up to hear better.
"Really?" Nicole could see the emotions in Waverly's face even from the side, a bit of sadness and loss seeming to surface, but when hazel eyes turned her way, it took everything in her not to gasp. With the angle she was sitting at, she could see the glimmer of emotion and an expression she couldn't quite identify - it was like Nicole could see the stars reflected in her eyes.
"Chocolate finally hitting you?" Waverly asked, a smirk spreading across her face and washing away any bit of melancholy that might have been peeking through.
It must have been the alcohol, Nicole told herself as she found herself inspecting the features of Waverly's face. "Yeah." Nicole looked away, her mind spinning. "Must be the chocolate… and all the alcohol."
A comfortable silence fell between them for a minute until Waverly spoke once more.
"You don't really have pierced nipples do you?"
Nicole just laughed.
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sanversinsane · 7 years
The Tour: Chapter 3
I promise this will get better! Thanks for reading. Last chapter is here if you want to read it. 
A month flew by faster than she thought it would.
Her and Nicole had kept in touch, exchanging emails and text back and forth about what to bring, and how excited they were. It felt like two kids getting ready to go away to camp for the first time.
Now she was standing outside of Shorties in the brisk early morning air, waiting for the bus to arrive. The suitcase by her side was one of Wynonna’s old ones. Waverly had never needed a suitcase before.
Wynonna walked outside, bundled up in her coat, with a mug of coffee warming up her hands. “You’re gonna be fine Waverly.” She said as she stood next to her sister.
“I know.” Waverly nodded but didn’t fully believing it.
There was something nerve wracking leaving the only place you've ever known. The only home you've ever had. Yes, Purgatory is backwards and strange sometimes, but it's all she knew.
Wynonna sensed her anxiousness and threw her arm around her shoulder, and kissed the top of her head.
Moments later the bus was rolling down the street and started pulling over in front of Shorties.
Waverly took a deep breath and Wynonna gave her shoulder a tight squeeze. It all felt real now.
It was really happening.
For a split second Waverly felt like she might get sick. The nerves in her stomach bundled up so tight, she felt it every time she breathed in. Her hands were gripping the handle of her suitcase so tight her knuckles were turning white.
And then the doors hissed open. 
The first thing she saw was that smile. Those dimples looked deeper than she had remembered. And just like that, like pouring water over a fire, the knots in her stomach disintegrated to ash.
“Waverly!” Nicole's cooed as she came down the steps and headed straight for Waverly. She immediately engulfed her in a huge hug. When she pulled back she grabbed Waverly by the shoulders and looked into her eyes. “I'm so glad we’re doing this!”
“Me too!” Waverly laughed.
Before they could say anything else two men came jumping out of the bus.
“Fuck it's cold.” The one with sandy blond hair cursed.
“Yeah well maybe you should have brought a jacket. Seriously who goes on a tour in the middle of winter and doesn't bring a jacket.”
“I forgot alright! Give me a break. Shit.”
The interaction made Waverly laugh.
“Waverly this is Mike, he plays drums.” Nicole introduced Waverly to the taller man with the stockier build, the beard and the striking blue eyes.
“Hi nice to meet you.” She said as she shook his hand.
“And this is Joe, he plays keyboard.” Nicole said holding her hand out to the shivering blond.
“Hi Joe.” Waverly laughed as they shook hands. “Your hands are freezing.” She laughs again.
Mike let out a loud laugh and patted him on the back “Let's get back in the bus before we get sick. Waverly I can take your bag for you.”
“Oh wow thank you.” She smiled before he wheeled her suitcase towards the bus.
“I'll let you guys have a minute.” Nicole took a few steps back and leaned against the bus with her phone in her hand.
“I'm so excited for you Waves. This is gonna be great.” Wynonna grabbed Waverly by her shoulders as she spoke.
“It will. Right?” Waverly questioned as her nerves started to bubble back up.
“It definitely will.” Wynonna laughed. “Just promise me you'll have fun. Go a little crazy Waverly, you deserve it.”
Waverly laughed and hugged her sister tight. “I love you.”
“I love you too baby girl.” When their hug ended Wynonna turned Waverly towards the bus and slapped her butt. “Now go.”
As Waverly walked towards the bus Nicole gave her a soft smile “Ya ready?” She asked sweetly.
“Yeah.” Waverly nodded.
“Hey Haught!” Wynonna yelled before they could get inside. Nicole turned around and Wynonna was motioning for her to come over. She stepped back down and walked over to Wynonna. “Wynonna Earp, Waverly's sister.”
“It's nice to meet you.” Nicole smiled as she shook her hand.
“Listen, I only have two requests. One, keep her safe, okay? Just make sure she doesn't get hurt or anything, she can be a real fucking cluts sometimes.”
“No getting hurt. Got it.” Nicole smiled.
“And two, make sure she has fun. Waverly’s been stuck here her whole life, I want to make sure she really enjoys this.” Wynonna shoved her hands into the pockets of her jacket.
Nicole turned to see Waverly still standing in the door of the bus, watching them with a confused look on her face. She turned back to Wynonna “I promise, she's gonna have a great time.”
“Okay.” Wynonna nodded. “And congrats by the way. This is pretty cool.”
“Thanks Wynonna.”
Wynonna turned and headed back into Shorties as Nicole made her way back to the door Waverly was still standing in.
“Sorry, she's a little over protective.” Waverly chuckled.
“I like it.” Nicole smiled. “She seems cool. Come on, let me show you around the bus.”
As they stepped inside they bumped into a big man headed back to the driver's seat. “Waverly this is Paul, our bus driver.”
Paul was a bigger man, tall and stocky, with the greyest hair she had ever seen. He had a sweet face. He almost reminded her of Santa. “Nice to meet you sweetheart.” He said as they shook hands.
“You too Paul.” She smiled back.
“Everybody ready? We’ve got a long ride ahead of us.” Paul said as he buckled in.
“Let’s get these wheel’s moving Paul!” Joe clapped from the couch.
It was honestly nicer than Waverly had expected. It had hardwood floors and everything looked fairly new.
“So here we have the living room.” Nicole motioned to the space in front of them. It had two long couches, and a TV. Joe and Mike sat on one couch playing Xbox. “The boys brought their Xbox, of course, but it doubles as a DVD player too.” They moved through the living room into the kitchen. There was a long table behind one of the couches that connected to the kitchen. “Here's the kitchen. It's not big but I assume we’re not really gonna be doing a lot of cooking as it is. These cabinets have plates and cups. In here, forks and knives.” She explained as she opened the drawers. “And this is the pantry, fully stocked with all the best junk food anyone could want.” Nicole laughed. They moved further back to where the beds were located. “So here's where we sleep. Mike and Joe are on this side.” Nicole motioned to the left side of the bus. “We’re on this side.” Nicole motioned to the right. “I waited to unpack my stuff because I wanted to see if it was okay if I took the bottom bunk. I tried the top bunk but I'm too tall and hit my head on the ceiling.” Nicole laughed.
Waverly had zoned out for a moment listening to Nicole laugh again. She quickly came back to life. “Yeah, no problem I love the top. Bunk. Top bunk.” She stuttered. She internally kicked herself for being such a mess around this girl. This very talented, very nice, very attractive girl. She just wished she could have gotten some words out. She sounded like an idiot.
“Okay good.” Nicole blushed and smiled. “Thank you.”
Waverly’s bag sat at the end of the hallway. “And back there is the bathroom. Again, not very big but it'll do.” Nicole shrugged.
Waverly nodded and looked around the bus.
“Oh! I wanted to show you something!” Nicole jumped as she pulled her suitcase out from under her bed. She ruffled through her bag until she found a folded up black t-shirt. She stood back up proudly, with a huge smile on her face. Waverly could help but smile back. “What do you think?” Nicole asked as she revealed the front of the shirt she was holding.
It was one of the pictures Waverly took. On a shirt. A tour shirt.
“Oh my god.” Waverly reached for it to make sure it was real. “This looks amazing!”
“Doesn't it?!” Nicole nodded with glee. “We’re selling them at the shows!”
“Are you serious?” Waverly asked looking back at Nicole.
“Yeah.” She nodded. “But this is my favorite.” She bent down and grabbed rolled up poster paper from under her bed. She unrolled it to show Waverly.
It was the last picture Waverly had taken that night. The one with Nicole on stage facing the crowd. Her head was a bit turned and it caught a glimpse of a small bashful smile.
“Wow.” Waverly gaped at the poster.
“Isn't it beautiful?” Nicole asked as she looked back at the poster.
“It's stunning.” Waverly nodded. “Are you selling these too?” She asked. Nicole nodded. “Nicole I….” Waverly took a seat on the bottom bunk, Nicole’s bed. “I really can't thank you enough for this opportunity. Not just bringing me on tour with you, but to use my stuff as your promo, it's unreal.”
“You deserve it.” Nicole smiled as she took a seat next to Waverly. “You're ‘stuff’ is amazing.” She said with air quotes around “stuff”.
Waverly looked up at Nicole. They weren't sitting close enough to touch but...Waverly felt like she had never been closer to anyone else.
“Thanks.” She blushed. She could feel new nerves build up in her stomach, but not like the kind she was feeling before. These nerves made her heart beat just a little bit faster, and her head feel light.
“I'll let you get unpack and stuff.” Nicole smiled before she stood up. “Come hang out with us when your done?” She asked.
“Yeah.” Waverly nodded up at her and watched as she made her way into the living area.
As she unpacked and set up her bunk she tried to decipher her feelings for Nicole. She wasn't sure what it was about her that made her so nervous and so calm all at once.
She could hear her laughing from the living room.
Waverly would be lying if she said she didn't think she was beautiful. Stunning actually. She was one of the most gorgeous people Waverly had ever met. She’d never really felt that kind of attraction towards women before. I mean, she would acknowledge beautiful people, but she'd never felt her body react to another woman the way it did with Nicole. In fact, her body never reacted to anyone this way.
When Waverly finished unpacking she headed into the living room where the boys were still playing Xbox, and an oven heated pizza sat on the table. Waverly grabbed a slice and sat on the couch Nicole was on.
They all chatted as the time passed. She got to know the boys a little better. They were funny and seemed pretty light hearted which Waverly could appreciate.
When it started to get late the boys headed for their bunks. “You guys are wimps!” Nicole yelled at them as they walked back. She stood and headed over the the kitchen. “You want a beer or anything?” She asked Waverly.
“Sure a beer sounds good.” Waverly nodded.
Nicole came back with two in hand. She gave one to Waverly and then took a seat on the opposite end of the couch. Waverly took a sip to calm her nerves.
“So did you know them before this?” Waverly asked as she nodded her head into the direction of the guys bunks.
“Yeah. I use to sing background vocals and sample tracks sometimes, they worked at the studio I recorded in.” Nicole explained
“They seem funny.” Waverly said with a slight smile.
“They are. They’re actually really nice guys, and I know I can trust them...which is hard to come by with men most of the time.” Nicole took another swig of her beer and tucked her legs under her body to get more comfortable.
“So are you excited about starting the tour?” Waverly asked.
Nicole gulped down a mouthful of beer before answering. “Excited...yes. But I think I’m more nervous.”
“Really? You don’t strike me as someone that gets nervous.” Waverly smiled as she took another drink.
“Are you kidding me?” Nicole laughed. “I’m the most nurotically nervous person I know. But I’m glad I hide it well.” She smiled into her next sip.
“What are you nervous about?” Waverly asked. She folded her legs together and turned her body so she was fully facing Nicole.
Nicole groaned. “So many things.” She rolled her eyes. “I mean, I’ve only ever played at dive bars, and open mics...I’ve never done anything like this before, which is scary in and of itself.”
Waverly nodded and listened intently as she continued.
“But then…” Nicole glanced down at the beer in her hand and nervous played with the damp label wrapped around it. “I don’t know I guess my biggest worry is that people won’t like me, ya know? That I’ll get up there and no one will care about what I’m singing or what I’m saying.” She looked up at Waverly who was still listening like there was going to be an exam on the subject later. Waverly didn’t try to speak because she felt like Nicole wasn’t done...and she wasn’t. “I’m nervous I’ll be forgettable.”
“Well now that’s ridiculous.” Waverly laughed as she rested her beer on her lap. “You are everything but forgettable.”
“Am I though?” Nicole shrugged. “I mean, what makes me any different than every other young singer song-writer out there trying to make it?”
“Nicole trust me…I…” Waverly didn’t know how to say that she hadn’t stopped thinking about her since the day they’d met. She didn’t know how to say that she was beyond special, and that by the end of this tour people would more than remember her, they’d love her. “People will love you.” She settled on. “That night at The Brick you looked so comfortable up on that stage. And your music, Nicole you’re music is amazing. It’s real, and it’s authentic, and it’s vulnerable. That’s what I think everyone is going to see when you’re up there.”
Waverly could physically see Nicole relax, a small smile grew on her face. “Thanks Waverly, I...I really appreciate that. More than you know.”
“Anytime.” Waverly smiled back before taking another sip of her beer. She could feel her pulse speeding up with every second they stayed on that couch.
“What about you? Nervous? Excited?” Nicole asked, diverging the attention from herself.
“A bit of both.” Waverly sighed. “I’m...I mean this is my first time leaving Purgatory. I kind of feel this pressure to make it worthwhile, if that makes sense.”
“It does.” Nicole nodded. “But if it’s any consolation I think it will be, totally worthwhile...no matter what.”  
“I think it will be too.”
Nicole smiled before saying “I know I keep saying this but...I’m really happy you decided to come.”
God, Nicole was making it hard to not like her. Waverly could feel her palms beginning to sweat.
“I’m really happy I decided to come too.”
There was silence for a moment, and even though Waverly was looking down at her beer, she could feel Nicole studying her face. She didn’t dare to look up, because she wasn’t sure what would have happened if she looked into her eyes at that moment. She had never been so confused and so exhilarated by feelings like this in her life.
“I should get to bed.” Nicole sighed as she stood up. “Thanks for talking to me though.”
“Oh, yeah...of course. Anytime.” Waverly felt the disappointment hit her chest at the fact that she didn’t want the conversation to end. She wanted to keep talking about everything. Anything.
“See you in the morning.”
“Kay. Good night.” Waverly said over her shoulder as Nicole walked back to their beds.
She stayed on the couch for a little while longer, trying to weed through the thoughts in her head. So many new questions, new urges and desires, were running through her mind. And it was all happening so fast, she wasn’t sure how to process it all.
I know this is a little rough around the edges but I promise the other chapters will be better once the tour gets started. I’d love to hear your feedback if you’ve got it! 
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Y’all Gotta Chill About Nicole Haught acting OOC
Post WE 2x08: I don’t understand why everyone’s saying Haught’s acting out of character and I definitely don’t understand why people are calling her toxic and unforgivable. This absolutely fits in with her previous behavior - even her “I can’t lie to her” line in 2x07. And here’s why.
My dudes,
She put the DNA test in her purse.
In her PURSE
She could have left it at home, or in her locker at the station, or in her car. But she left it in her purse. She intentionally brought it with her when she went to see Waverly. This proves a couple things.
1. Nicole absolutely did intend to give her the damn envelope.
2. Nicole felt guilty as fuck about it. So much so that she made it incredibly easy for the DNA test to be easily found. 
But what about 2x07 when Nicole said “I Can’t lie to [Waverly]”?
Her line in 2x07 referred to when Waverly is talking to her. She’d never lie to her then, but she’s absolutely capable of being dishonest. She didn’t outright tell Waverly she’d let Wynonna drag her  to the strip club, and she did attempt to deny that they were at one. In that instance, she was trying to be Wynonna’s friend and let Wynonna do what she needed to do. It was only after Waverly pressed her that Nicole spilled the beans. So she can’t and won’t lie, but that doesn’t mean she feels the need to tell Waverly absolutely everything outright (especially things she thinks Waverly wouldn’t be happy about). In the case of the DNA results, Nicole thought they’d upset Waverly and thus didn’t tell her she had them. But when accused of opening them, Nicole didn’t try to deny it (even if doing so would have meant Waverly was less pissed at her). So this seems totally in character.
But she opened her mail and was trying to hide the results from Waverly! That’s so bad! Why would she do that.
And this is where I, (totally unpopular opinion), totally sympathize with Nicole Haught.
Waverly Earp’s been worried about her Earpy status since season one, and Nicole was the first other person she told about it. Back than, this was a rumor spread by a demon who’d very nearly killed the whole town with poisoned Champagne. Nicole didn’t have a high opinion of Bobo Del Ray’s honesty or character and doesnt now, nor was she aware of the extent of Waverly’s particular trust in him. So when Waverly is worried she isn’t an Earp because Bobo said so, Nicole automatically assumes the demon’s trying to mess with Waves’ head (even says as much). 
That’s why she was so eager to support Waves doing the genetic test. She thought it would prove Bobo had lied. She thought it would be the hard evidence Waverly needed to be affirmed in her identity. 
I think perhaps, over the course of season 2 with Wynonna’s pregnancy arc, Nicole’s gotten to see just how much the thought of not being an Earp is getting to Waverly. And she’s also probably learned way more about Waverly’s past than she did when she initially floated the idea of genetic testing. She probably knows now that Ward was especially neglectful of Waverly. She has probably learned that Willa believed Waverly wasn’t an Earp. She’s probably heard more about Bobo and has a better understanding of his and Waverly’s relationship. 
At the same time, all of season 2 has happened: Waverly’s possession and near death at the hands of Mictian. Nicole’s protective instincts are more than certainly through the roof after that.
And then we get to 2x07
Given that she’s spent the whole day with Wynonna trying to help her investigate her own baby Daddy, perhaps Waverly’s own situation was on her mind as well.  If it was so likely a possibility that Doc wasn’t the father of Wynonna’s child, maybe that threw her previous certainty that Waverly was an Earp into more doubt. 
Throw in the uncomfortable realization that Wynonna’s kid could be half-demon, and it’s no wonder Nicole’s a little worried about Waverly’s own origins, or worried that Waverly will be worried.
2x08 looks like it happens quite close to the events in 2x07 if the Earp sisters’ conversation by the lake is any judge. Nicole’s still thinking about half-demon kids and baby-daddy what ifs and everything they’ve just learned about Wynonna’s kid is making Nicole take another look at all the evidence that Waverly isn’t an Earp. Nicole’s probably freaking out. 
Was she wrong? What if Bobo was telling Waverly the truth? What if her dad or her mom or both her parents really aren’t Ward and Michelle Earp? What if, heaven forbid, Waverly’s some part-Purgatory-evil-nasty. That’s ridiculous right? Of course it’s ridiculous. Why’s she even thinking it?
But Jonas did say it had happened before?
How many times before? To who? Why is she listening to what that rev-head said? What if Waverly’s part-demon? That… that can’t be true. She won’t let it be true. Was that why Willa hated Waverly? Was that how Bobo knew she wasn’t an Earp? 
But he was just messing with Waverly, Nicole would have kept insisting to herself. Waverly was the Earpiest Earp. That was true. there was no way she and Wynonna weren’t sisters.
Funny how the more you repeat things to yourself the more you start to doubt them.
All keyed up from the revelation of “Potential Demon Baby” in 2x07 and a short time after, she sees that DNA results have come in about Waverly Earp.
I’d bet you my left arm Nicole opened those without a thought to the fact that it was a federal offence. This is the same woman who illegally bugged Tucker Gardener’s phone. She didn’t even think about protecting Waverly in that moment. She opened it to assure herself. A completely impulsive move born of sitting on her own worries and fears. She’d open the envelope and it would say that Waverly and Wynonna were sisters. It would show that fucking Boby Del Ray was wrong. It would mean Nicole could stop thinking about him, and Jonas, and all Purgatory’s other evils. Because there was no way that any of the things Nicole has spent season 2 worried about are true. There’s no way Waverly isn’t an Earp.
It takes Nicole 2 seconds to say fuck it and unseal the envelope. It takes 2 seconds to pull out the lab results and look them over. And look. And look.
And Waverly isn’t an Earp. Rather than proving Nicole’s fears wrong, it’s only proven them right.
Moreover, this is not going to be a result that reassures Waverly about who she is. Protective Nicole wonders if this is really something she needs to see.
30 seconds after opening the Envelope I bet you Nicole’s eyes went wide as saucers because oh shit she really shouldn’t have fucking opened that. She would have carefully folded the lab results, tucked them into the envelope, resealed it because Waverly doesn’t need to know she opened it. Waverly ought to have been the first one to know her own lab results. And Nicole knows it and Nicole feels guilty as fuck about it.
And Waverly isn’t an Earp.
Nicole probably sat at her desk staring at the envelope until the end of her shift. Knowing she ought to give it to Waverly. Knowing it wouldn’t do a damn thing to help Waverly. Knowing this was not the result she thought they’d get when she’d convinced Waverly to do the test to prove Bobo Del Ray was a fucking liar.
And now… how can she possibly give it to Waverly now? when she’s worried about the baby and Wynonna and the Widows how can Nicole let her worry about her heritage too???
There has… got to be a better time to give them to her. And Nicole’s absolutely going to. She thinks about locking them up, but feels too guilty about that. So she puts the resealed envelope in her purse and decides that when there’s a good time, or when they know Wynonna isn’t carrying a three-headed devil spawn, or when they’ve got a handle on the Widow situation, once they know those things, then she can give Waverly the envelope. 
She absolutely knows her purse isn’t a good place to keep these. She knows she should put the envelope back and let someone else give it to Waverly like it hasn’t been opened. But she wants to give it to Waverly herself. She wants to be there for her when she finds out she isn’t an Earp. Because if there needs to be another crisis in Waverly’s life, at least Nicole can control when it happens. At least she can make sure the world isn’t ending when Waverly finds out.
And maybe, by putting it in her purse, she is setting the stage for Waverly to find it. Oh yes, Nicole rationalizes that decision by thinking that she needs to have the envelope on hand for the perfect moment to break the news to Waves… but in actuality? This is another manifestation of her own discomfort with lying. She really doesn’t want to keep Waverly in the dark. She really does want to be honest. She also wants to protect Waverly at all costs. Instincts are at war with eachother.
Nicole put the envelope in her purse. And Waverly found it. And Waverly called her over-protective and accused her of treating Waverly like a child and Waverly’d heard Nicole say I love you for the first time and it hadn’t budged her fury an inch.
And Okay, Nicole knows she deserved that. She probably turned to the bar, banged her fist on the counter and called herself seven kinds of an idiot for opening the envelope in the first place and then for hiding it, and then for dropping the “L word” during an argument. Waverly’s pissed and Nicole’s upset and Waverly isn’t an Earp. And while that opens up a whole other can of worms Nicole’s been desperately trying not to look at, she thinks then she has no right to be the one freaking out. Waverly’s the one with that right. And Waverly has every right to be mad. 
It’ll occur to Nicole later that Waverly hasn’t said I love you too yet. And Nicole’ll feel miserable about it. But she’ll know she opened the envelope and tried to hide it and really really shouldn’t have. And she’ll think she deserves it
Nicole Haught loves Waverly Earp. And love clouds her judgement just like any other human. Is she going to make other stupid mistakes for Waverly? Yes, absolutely. She’s in too deep to make good choices all the time. Is Waverly gonna be pissed at her. Yes, and she has every right to be. But she’s gonna talk it out with Nicole like an adult and they’re both gonna have a stronger relationship afterwards. And then they’re both going to go and make other stupid mistakes for each other. It happens. They’re humans. Not unicorns.
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takadasaiko · 6 years
Such Great Heights (a Wynonna Earp fanfic)
Summary: Everything looks perfect from far away, but the closer she looks the more cracks in that perfect façade Wynonna finds.
Part Two
The Sheriff's station was surprisingly empty as Willa made her way in that early afternoon, a hot tea in hand and she hadn't dared pick up a coffee for Wynonna. She knew herself well enough to just avoid the temptation. No alcohol and no caffeine. She'd forgotten how cranky being pregnant could make her.
"Hey, sis, what are you doing here?"
The eldest Earp sister turned to find Waverly standing at the front desk, leaning on it a little as if she had been chatting with Nicole before she'd interrupted. "I was looking for Wynonna."
"Oh, she and Dolls are out tracking down a lead on one of Wynonna's special cases," Waverly answered. "Something about a judge using kids to work illegal angles or something."
"She's been working more and more of those cases lately. You guys get the demons under control?"
"Dirtbag and demon aren't exactly mutually exclusive," Nicole pointed out. "The guy had some serious ties to Revenants back in the day."
"Anyway, I thought you wanted to stay away from all the Earp stuff," Waverly teased.
"Hey, I served my time with it. Daddy thought I'd be the Heir until you came along and Peacemaker all but flew into your hand."
Waverly gave a small smile and ducked her head. Willa reached out, playfully pooping her on the shoulder. "What did Mama always say? Everything has a purpose. You ended the curse and we're all free because of it. Grace too. Anyway, they used to come after all of us. Could you even imagine Robert fighting a demon?"
"I'm kind of surprised he even believes in all of the supernatural," Nicole murmured thoughtfully. "Most people I meet that are from Purgatory are all but brainwashed into ignoring everything that is happening around them."
"He's always been pretty open minded about it." Even so, Willa had plenty to be grateful for in that he'd never been dragged into the fight. He was a stubborn man and loyal as hell. He would have tried to do anything he could to help protect her, and it would have gotten him killed in the end. No, Mama was right, things work out as they should.
"Should I tell Wynonna you're looking for her?" Waverly asked, her voice a little hesitant as she pulled her older sister out of her thoughts.
"I'll catch up with her. She's just going to get the news second."
"What news?" Then it seemed to click. "Oh! You had you ultrasound today! Did you find out?"
Willa's grin only grew. "We did. Grace is having a baby brother."
Waverly squealed. "Have you picked out a name yet? Greyson maybe? Or is that too close? Maybe that's too close."
"Actually Robert and I like the name Wyatt."
The youngest Earp sister paused, her eyes growing just a little bit wider and her voice was soft when she spoke. "I like it."
Willa pulled in a steady breath. "Good, because I was going to ask if you'd be Wyatt's godmother."
Waverly blinked at her, her expression blank. "What? You want me to be…."
"Wynonna is Grace's, so it just seemed… right that you should be Wyatt's. I mean, you are kind of the keeper of all the family history and with us naming him Wyatt-"
"Yes!" Waverly squeaked. "Yes! Of course! I just thought… nevermind what I thought, yes! Wait, what's his middle name? Is it going to be Earp? Or would that be overdoing it just a little?"
A laugh escaped and she shook her head. "We haven't gotten that far yet. Probably not though." Her hazel gaze flickered over to Nicole. "We're asking you too, Nicole. I know you guys haven't tied the knot yet, but you're family."
Nicole's smile stretched. "Definitely. You know I love you guys."
"You hear that, Wyatt?" Waverly asked. "I'm not just Auntie Waverly anymore. I'm your godmother."
Willa groaned dramatically, swatting at her younger sister. "Gah… don't make me regret this," she teased, but suddenly she was being dragged forward as Waverly wrapped her arms around her tightly.
"I love you, sis."
"You too, Waves. Just… keep it quiet until I tell Wynonna? I promised her she'd be the first to know."
"I think she'll forgive you. Anyway, won't Robert tell her?"
Willa tilted her head in question. "Why would Robert tell her?"
"That's where they are, over at his school following up on some of the rumours about the judge," Nicole explained, glaring at the phone on the desk that started to ring.
"I need to get going," Willa offered. "Did you ever decide on a date for that announcement party?"
"I'm thinking the beginning of next month."
"Just let me know. I'll clear Shorty's for you and we'll get Doc to decorate. Who knew the man had a hidden talent?"
Waverly grinned at her and Willa offered her another quick hug before waving goodbye to Nicole who had the longest-suffering look on her face as she told whoever was on the other end of the phone that, again, this was the sheriff's office, not the bakery. Just another day in Purgatory.
It was amazing how certain judgements lingered long after they should have faded away. Wynonna felt like she was a student all over again as she shuffled through the halls, avoiding eye contact with some of the older teachers that recognized her from her days there. She hadn't been that bad, not really. She had smoked weed behind the gym, skipped a few classes, but all in all she'd been no worse than Willa the year ahead of her, and once they'd both been in high school together they had definitely raised more hell than they had separately, but no one seemed to remember Willa like they remembered Wynonna. It probably didn't help that Waverly followed after, her 4.0 average and perfect attendance a goal that Wynonna never would have been able to reach when she was there, much less in retrospect. Their parents hadn't played favourites, per se, but everyone loved Waverly. The perfect student, the perfect Heir…. Well, that was one thing Wynonna wouldn't envy her sister. She could keep that.
"I still can't believe you actually went to school here," Dolls said, breaking Wynonna from her train of thought. "I mean, like a normal teenager." He was bent over looking at the trophy case like he hadn't seen it half a dozen times since moving to Purgatory years before with the intention of working with Ward Earp to end the Revenant threat in the town. Instead he'd found three sisters dressed in black for their father's funeral after a terrible car accident and the youngest Earp the one able to fire the gun passed down from generation to generation. Wynonna had understood why he stuck it out in their crazy little town for the two years that it took Waverly and Team Earp - as she liked to call them - to take out all of the Revenants, but what had kept the war hero that could have taken his operation anywhere in the world in Purgatory of all places was still beyond her. Not that she was complaining. Dolls had given her purpose in her job. Apparently plain ol' Wynonna was pretty good at taking names and kicking ass, even when some of those asses she was kicking were demons drawn to Purgatory in the wake of the broken curse.
"Sort of normal. I was still an Earp."
"And all that entails. Tell me you weren't a cheerleader."
"You wish. That was Waverly. Willa went out for it one year too, but she didn't last long. Something about an attitude problem." A small smile played on her lips as she remembered how smug her big sister had been when she'd gotten booted. That had been the real accomplishment, not making it.
"Every teacher in this place hates you, don't they?"
"Well, not every one. There are some that don't know me. And I don't think Robert hates me. Kinda hard to get a read on the guy sometimes."
"He's been married to Willa since before I came into town."
"Six years…? No. Five. Between five and six." She struggled to put the memories in order. "They didn't date very long before tying the knot. They started dating after Doc and I did, but got married before us."
"Okay, that part doesn't shock me."
"Why's that?"
"It takes you a while to commit, Earp."
"Hey now, asshole."
Dolls lifted his hands in mock surrender. "Once you figure out what you want, you're all in, but getting there? Don't even try to tell me you're the trusting type."
"None of us are," Wynonna murmured. "I think that's why it surprised us that it happened so fast, but she trusted him. Robert was the exception to every norm Willa had."
"Seems to have worked out."
The bell rung overhead and doors opened all around them, sending kids flooding into the hallway. Wynonna and Dolls were bumped and jostled as teenagers rushed for their lockers. "This was a terrible idea!" she called over and between, wherever she could find a hole to try to shout at her partner.
"Not like we could just call her to the office," Dolls answered, pushing through to get closer to where Wynonna stood. "What'd you say her name was again?"
"Jessica… something."
"Hey. Alice refused to go to sleep last night. She was determined we needed to watch Frozen at least five times before she'd even consider bed. You're lucky I'm not still sleeping, pal."
Dolls rolled his eyes, but she was sure she saw his lips quirk at the corners before he turned to use his height to survey the running students.
Somehow it was Wynonna who spotted her though, and she reached out to grab hold of Dolls' jacket to drag him along with her. "Hey! Hi. Jessica, right?"
The girl she'd spotted looked over with suspicious blue eyes, adjusting her backpack over one shoulder. She was tall and skinny, her clothes hanging off of her like they were hand-me-downs from someone much more broadly built. "Who are you?"
"I'm Deputy Marshal Dolls and this is Deputy Earp. We just have a few-"
"I didn't do anything and I have a class to get to," the girl answered and started past them.
"We know," Wynonna said as she reached out and latched onto the bag, effectively halting her escape. "We just want to ask you a few question and I promise you get to walk off to wherever you want to go after with a free pass through the class you're supposed to be in if you want it."
That caught her attention and she looked around as if to make sure they weren't being noticed. "The whole thing?"
"Yep." Wynonna could feel Dolls glaring at her, but it was the only way she was going to get this kid to talk. She felt familiar, somehow, like she knew her even though she couldn't remember seeing her before this.
Jessica nodded slowly, positioning herself in a less visible spot of the hall, her stance still tense and nervous. "I don't know what you think I know or what you think I've done," she muttered.
"Oh, we know what you've done. A few B&E's mostly," Dolls said and Wynonna felt the urge to elbow him in the ribs. Hard. She resisted though. Good cop, bad cop.
"Yeah, well, that's not news," the girl grumbled, her fingers playing at a long necklace that caught Wynonna's eyes. A key hung at the end of it, a few beads worked into the necklace itself.
She shook the strangest feeling of deja vu from her mind and focused. They were here to help this kid. The necklace wasn't important. "And you're answering to Judge Cryderman, right?" She watched the girl go quiet at that. "Yeah, I thought so. Real dick. That's the guy we're after. We just need to know if he's asked you to do anything illegal. Anything that he told you to keep to yourself. If he-"
"No," the girl snapped.
"Jessica, we can't help you if you don't help us," Dolls warned.
"I can't help you with something I don't know. So, if we're done, I gotta go."
She shoved past them, not even bothering with the pass for the class. Wynonna looked at Dolls and he huffed a frustrated sigh. "That guy is so dirty."
"Oh yeah."
"But if none of the kids will talk, we can't prove anything."
"I'm not saying I'd be willing to break into his office to find evidence, but I'd totally be willing to break into his office to find evidence."
Her partner offered her a glare that lacked any real commitment to it, but the conversation came to a halt as they spotted a familiar face. Robert Svane, his messenger bag hanging from one shoulder and keys in the opposite hand, paused in the middle of the hallway, peering through his glasses at them. "Hello," he greeted with one dark eyebrow quirked upward and a small, hesitant smile starting at his lips. "Harassing my students today?"
"Trying to catch a bad guy. We were hoping that one of them might have some answers for us."
"Oh, you won't get them to talk to you directly. Not with that," Robert said, motioning to the badge on Dolls' belt. "That makes you the enemy in their eyes."
"And you?"
Robert shrugged. "Depends on the student. Some talk, some don't."
"This one's Jessica. Long dark hair, key necklace?" Wynonna prompted and watched her brother-in-law's eyes narrow just a little as he tilted his head to indicate that they should follow him. He moved towards a room and pushed the door open.
Wynonna hadn't been in Robert's classroom in some time and her gaze swept over the rows of desks, the overflowing bookshelves, and finally came to rest on the framed photo of Willa kissing a giggling Grace that sat on his desk, a small smile working its way into place. He must have caught her looking at it because his own expression had lightened considerably when she looked back over at him. "Found out we're having a boy today," he told her. "That's where I've been, so you caught me just in time. I'd have had a class next hour."
"What do you know about the girl?" Dolls prompted.
Robert pulled in a deep breath, starting to unpack his bag on his desk. "She's in the foster system. I don't know the whole story, but I do know she's been in and out of St Jude's."
"Just Cryderman's type," Wynonna grumbled. "Someone no one would believe even if she'd be willing to ask for help. You think you could talk to her? Let her know we're not trying to hurt her?"
"I'll see what I can do."
She nodded, feeling like there should be more. It was something dancing on the edge of her mind, something that didn't fit or that shouldn't fit, she wasn't sure. After a moment she pushed it back. If she thought of it later, she'd know where to find him. She started to turn, but stopped. Maybe that was it. "Congrats, by the way."
Robert's grin flashed immediately. "Thanks."
"You guys have a name picked out?"
"Yeah. Wyatt. Just act surprised when Willa tells you. She's been lookin' forward to it."
Wynonna found herself smiling too. "Oh I know she has. Doc'll want to take you out to celebrate tonight. Just don't giving him any ideas, got it? Alice is more than enough right now."
"No promises," he offered with a sly wink and she rolled her eyes at him as she turned, Dolls moving with her as they went back onto the trail of a dirty judge.
Word traveled fast in the Earp clan and just as Wynonna had predicted Doc called for a celebration that evening. The last minute timing meant that only he and Robert actually made it to said celebration, but that worked out well enough. It would be like old times, just him and Robert and a few glasses of whisky between them. It would be just like their undergrad days.
Robert had rolled his eyes a little at that one, but Doc knew the man. He had always needed a little coaxing to loosen up and he relied on Doc to be the one to do it. What better excuse to have a few drinks and smoke a couple cigars did they have than finding out that Grace was getting a baby brother, just as Doc's precocious little niece had predicted.
"I'd say things worked out," Doc said, the words tumbling over each other a little more than they had a drink or two before. "We always said we might as well be family. Who'd've thought we'd marry two of the Earp sisters?"
Robert snorted a laugh, taking a long sip from his own glass. "Times do change."
"Ha. But sometimes you stick with the people who've seen it all." He motioned to the bartender. "You know he shaved most his hair sophomore year of undergrad on a bet he lost? I want you to picture Robert Svane with a mohawk for just a second. Man looked like a damn viking."
"That's his last one," Robert told the chuckling bartender, motioning to Doc's drink.
"Willa know about that?" the younger man asked.
"Oh, she has photos. I made sure of it," Doc assured him. "And one more. We're celebrating, and Robert ain't near drunk enough."
"Wynonna's gonna kill me," Robert managed as the bartender did as Doc asked and refilled his glass.
Doc flashed him a grin and gave a him shove, a little disappointed that the other man didn't tilt any more than he did on his barstool. Nope. Definitely not to their limit yet. "Another for him as well."
"Oh hell," Robert chuckled. "We are not repeating that night before graduation, you hear me, Holliday?"
The grin didn't fade as Doc lifted his glass to toast. "To every decision we've made that brought us here, good and bad, and to little Wyatt Svane."
Every argument that he might have made seemed to wash out of him at that as Robert clinked his glass to Doc's and the two tossed the whisky back in celebration of the newest addition.
Doc watched the other man as they both set the newly emptied glasses down, noticing the slower movements and the clumsy way he reached up to shove his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. There was that limit. He'd seen it many an evening over the years of their friendship. First in college, then when Robert had had visited each other during the darker haired man's master's program and Doc's brief stint through dental school. As different as they were, they'd remained close throughout it all, and here they were, years later, family.
And family took care of each other. He reached into his wallet and pulled out enough to cover both sets of drinks and tip before motioning to Robert. "C'mon."
A pair of icy blue eyes blinked owlishly at him from behind those glasses. "What?"
"You think this is the only thing I had planned? What kinda best friend would I be?"
Robert shook his head and stood a little unsteadily from his barstool. "You're the one that'll hate yourself in the mornin'," he drawled and Doc swung an arm around his shoulders.
"Oh, we'll find somethin' that gives you a hangover one of these days, don't you worry about that. It's on my list of life goals after all the times you've been fine and dandy the next mornin' with me sicker 'n a dog." His friend snorted and Doc grinned, guiding him towards the door of the bar. This was going to be a fun night.
By the time they reached the end of the main street that wound down to the path that led out towards the edge of town Robert was starting to recover at least some of the feeling in his face and extremities. His steps had steadied out just a little better, or he thought they had anyway, but then all of a sudden that strange sensation of sudden tunnel vision would hit that would screw with his equilibrium. Drinking with Doc Holliday was always a bad life choice. Fun, but a bad life choice.
"You got a lighter on you?"
It took a moment for the words to make their way through his mental filter to make sense of them and Robert looked over to where Hank had somehow managed to turn and actually look at him while still walking forward. Okay, well at least one of them was steady on their feet. "I quit when Gracie was born. You know that."
"Sure you did."
"I did."
Hank offered a shit-eating grin as he pulled out two cigars and Robert shook his head. "I hate you."
"You do not," his friend argued and started digging around in his own jacket pocket with his free hand for something to get them lit with. He held one out and Robert took it.
"So we needed to come all the way out to the town line to smoke these?"
"Nah. Coulda done that back behind Shorty's." He found what he was looking for and the flame jumped up from the zippo.
Robert shook his head and leaned in, letting the flame burn the end of the ready cigar and he inhaled, feeling the nicotine hit and the smoke travel down his throat. Damn. He'd really tried to forget how much he missed smoking.
"We came out to the edge of town because I'm gonna teach you to shoot."
Blue eyes popped open and glared over his glasses, smoke releasing along with the one word answer he gave. "No."
"Yes." Hank lit his own cigar and Robert watched him carefully as he inhaled, his lips twitched upward like he thought he'd already won this argument. "You grew up in Purgatory and never learned to shoot. That's why you don't like guns. You don't know how to use one."
It was only then that Robert caught sight of the pistol tucked away in its holster. More people carried than not in Purgatory, even into the bars, so it hadn't phased him until right then and his thin lips twitched doward. "You're drunk."
"So are you. That's when you make the best decisions of your life."
"Oh that is not true," the darker haired man managed, the words riding out on a chuckle. Funny, he thought he was sobering up a lot faster right about then.
"I promise not to shoot you if you'll say the same," Hank laughed as he started for the fence line, eyes scanning for something along the bushes. It took him a few minutes, but he found a few empty cans from whatever teenagers had come out here to avoid getting caught with their party. He lined them up on the rock fence between the metal bars, grinning as he finally returned, pulling the pistol from his belt and Robert took a very purposeful step back.
"You're drunk enough to see double. Exactly how do you plan to hit-"
The first shot made him jump and the first can, fit between the bars, went flying. The second went after that, and finally a third. Hank looked very satisfied with himself. The fact that Robert was gaping at him probably didn't hurt. He'd always known the man was a good shot, but this drunk? Not to mention at night and between the bars of the old fence.
"Your turn."
"Oh no. I'm more than happy to watch."
"You married an Earp, Robert. The fact that Willa hasn't-"
"Willa was well aware I couldn't shoot when we got married. Hadn't forgotten that in the five years since either."
Hank all but shoved the pistol into his hand and Robert took a deep drag from his cigar. He thought he could use another whisky right about then. "Fine," he all but growled, shoving the smoking cigar into his grinning friend's hand as he shifted the gun from his right to his left hand and back a couple more times, trying to decide which it felt more comfortable in. Neither. Neither was the answer to that question.
"You're a lefty aren't you?" Hank asked.
"I write with my left, yeah. Few things with my right."
"Think they call that ambidextrous."
"They do," Robert agreed and he leveled the gun, wondering just what would happen if the bullet happened to hit one of the bars. He could just see it ricocheting off to one side, doing some damage or the other that he'd never meant. This had to be the dumbest thing he'd done in years. If he thought about it, most of his truly dumb decisions had been made after he and Hank drank way too much. He had the scars to prove it.
Motion to his left caught his attention and Robert spun to look, taking the gun with him and causing Hank to jump back. "Woh, first lesson is you don't point that thing at someone you ain't willin' to shoot."
Robert immediately let the barrel drop. "Did you see that?"
Hank turned, scanning the treeline where Robert was sure that he'd seen something move just moments before. He shrugged. "Probably a bird or a coon. Maybe a deer?"
"Don't let it spook ya. Just aim and fire."
"Right," he repeated, swallowing hard and forcing himself to relax. He put pressure on the trigger, steadying himself to pull it, and nearly jumped out of his skin as his phone started vibrating in his pocket. The shot went off and the gun recoiled, leaving him standing there for a long moment just gaping in the direction the bullet had sailed, finally snapping his mouth shut hard enough that his teeth clicked together and he shoved the gun back into Hank's hands. "I shot it."
"You have got to be the worse shot I have ever seen in my life," his friend chuckled, exchanging the gun for the cigar and Robert was much happier for it.
He put the cigar to his lips and inhaled deeply as he fumbled to pull his cell out of his pocket, his fingers still feeling a bit clumsy. Apparently the adrenaline hadn't fully burned the alcohol out of his system. "'lo?" he answered, not bothering to look at the caller ID.
"Is Doc still with you?"
Dark brows drew together and he double checked the phone, seeing Wynonna's name and a photo of her flipping him off light up the screen. "Yeah. He's got a phone too, y'know."
"That'd be great if he would answer it. What the hell are you boys doing? You're not at Shorty's."
Robert chuckled, shifting the phone so he wasn't speaking directly into it and mouthed Wynonna in answer to Hank's confused expression. That seemed to confuse him even more and he went searching for his own phone.
"We're at the town line. He thought it'd be a smart choice to try to teach me how to shoot."
"Yeah? How'd that one go?" his sister-in-law chuckled.
"'Bout how you'd expect. Hank, you lose your phone?"
"Mustta left it at the bar. Let's head back for it. You're a hopeless case anyway."
"On this, yeah. I do a few other things alright though."
"You guys heading back then?" Wynonna asked, reminding him that she was still on the line.
"Yeah, you wanna check with the bartender to see if he's got it. We're…" There it was again. The same movement. It caught Robert's gaze and this time he was certain it wasn't an animal.
Robert spun when Hank shouted, but it wasn't his friend that was suddenly behind him. He thought he heard Wynonna yell over the phone, but it went flying from his hands as he stumbled back, finding a creature standing right in front of him that was most certainly not human either. Robert hit the ground hard, rolling to his left to avoid the clawed creature that came down after him, and he struggled to his feet as a shot rang out from Hank's direction.
The creature stumbled, hit square in the chest, but it only knocked it back enough to give Robert a chance to put a little distance between himself and it. Hank shot again and a terrible roar erupted from it.
"I think the only thing you're managin' to do is piss it off," he said lowly as he finally got to his friend's side. "I thought all the Revenants were supposed to be gone. Waverly broke the curse. What the hell is that thing?"
"There are still plenty'a demons drawn here. Looks like we found one of them."
Robert couldn't help but stare, the creature straightening itself out so that it loomed over both men's heights. It was ragged, dark, and looked ready to rip them limb from limb. He'd always believed in the supernatural, but seeing it like this, up close and in person, was something else entirely. "We can't outrun that."
"We're gonna have to try. Aim for the line. Maybe it's like the others and can't cross it."
It was worth a shot. It couldn't get both of them at least and if Hank's theory worked out, then they could get across the line and wait for Wavelry to bring her gun and send the thing back where it belonged.
Robert risked a look behind him, spotting the demon making a beeline for Hank who raised his pistol, the gun giving a echoing click proving that he'd used the last bullet in the chamber. "Hey!" he called out, catching the demon's attention and suddenly it was on him. Robert turned and ran.
He made it to the gate and was right at the line, but his boot hit a patch of ice and he felt himself falter. He twisted, trying to catch himself and he felt a burning sensation as he did, but he didn't have time to try to figure out what he'd twisted out of place as one of the clawed hands grabbed hold of the back of his jacket and dragged him back, throwing him roughly to the ground. He hit hard, his head bouncing off the half-frozen ground and the world pulsed around him dangerously, dark spots dancing across his vision. He was fighting a losing battle for consciousness, Hank's shouts sounding further and further away as the darkness closed in around him.
Notes: Well, that didn't take long for them to find trouble, did it? I hope everyone has a fantastic New Years! I plan to get some more writing done this evening :D
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alrightpoppins · 7 years
I had an angsty prompt for Wayhaught I feel like Nicole when receiving the text would automatically think about what Goononna had said to her and also what Wynonna said to her “you’re not my sisters keeper” etc. I feel like she’d feel terrible and like Waves deserved better and they having the talk
Wayhaught prompt for Nicole thinking about what Goononna said to her about Waverly needing space and actually doing it
I’ve had two angsty Wayhaught prompts in my inbox for like… months and they’re similar so I’m combining them. Sooo this is happening now.
**for this to work, there would’ve had to have been a biiiit more time between the text and the widow attacking Nicole. it takes place between the finale climax and the final group scene (so the scene with the laughing and cute little kiss hasn’t happened).
Dear Control Freak. I will talk to you when I want to talk to you. Until then, have a nice life hurting the people you love.
The backlight of Nicole’s phone felt like a heat lamp, her face aflame, redness rushing to her cheeks. Waverly’s words cut into her deeper than she cared to admit, a text sent out of anger shouldn’t have hurt her this way. Shouldn’t have made her lungs feel like they were on fire, her eyes burn, her heart contract with every beat. Breathe Nicole, breathe.
She knew that Waverly was angry with her. That she wouldn’t use such harsh words if she weren’t hurting because of what Nicole had done. What Nicole had done… On some level, she knew that she deserved this.
This wasn’t the first time she had taken the reigns of a situation that wasn’t hers to dictate. With only the best of intentions, she had managed to slip her nose into places it didn’t belong, places that she should never have thought to violate, more times than she cared to admit. Nicole is a fixer, it’s just her nature.
She sees her loved ones hurting and she wants to help. More than that, she wants to protect them from any pain that they might feel in the future. This was the case with Waverly more than anyone else who came before her. She had loved that girl since the moment she laid eyes on her, never wanted anything more than to hold her and protect her. To shield her from any pain.
But trying to do that for her girlfriend had only hurt her. And now she was the one who had caused Waverly pain. And that… That was something that she couldn’t accept. Words from weeks ago rang in Nicole’s head.
“You’re not my sister’s keeper.”
Wynonna was right. Nicole had no control over Waverly. And that was fine, she didn’t want to control her. She just wanted to protect her. But that wasn’t her place either, not without behind her girlfriend’s back anyway. Not when it meant keeping secrets from her.
Certainly not when it meant hurting her.
And as much as she hated it, as much as she told herself that it wasn’t true, that it was just the demon talking… Nicole couldn’t help but think of what Mictian had said when possessing Wynonna. Maybe Waverly really did need space. Maybe Nicole was smothering her.
Now more than ever she believed that it was true. She decided that she’d rather take a step back than lose Waverly for good.
So Nicole took a step back.
Waverly noticed. 
She noticed how Nicole would gaze after her at the station without attempting to speak to her. She noticed how Nicole stopped texting her apologies every hour on the hour, didn’t reply when Waverly asked if they could talk. Eventually she noticed how Nicole didn’t reply if Waverly said hello to her in the morning. But mostly she noticed how much she missed her, worried that Nicole had gotten tired of waiting for Waverly’s forgiveness but too mad, too stubborn to end this charade they had fallen into.
And then Nicole almost died. 
Nicole almost died thinking that Waverly hated her. She almost died without Waverly knowing if they would have ever been okay again. Nicole almost died without Waverly ever having told her that she loves her.
And God, how she loves her. Every part of her loves Nicole, every part of Nicole. Her flaws, her overprotective tendencies, her infuriating little smirk when she’s pretending to be coy.
Waverly Earp loves Nicole Haught and she does so fiercely. 
And it’s that thought, a thought that she has in a hospital room with her entire heart lying in a bed unconscious, that makes Waverly realize why Nicole had done what she did. She was trying to protect her. Misguided and invasive? Maybe. Probably. But would Waverly have done anything differently if the roles were reversed? Maybe not.
She would do anything to keep Nicole happy, to keep her safe.
She would do anything to keep Nicole alive.
And then she betrayed Wynonna to save Nicole. And the witch cursed them, made her sister disappear. And she forgot.
In a twisted alternate world, she forgot her love for her sister and she forgot her love for Nicole. They could have been blown up in a barn in a world where she didn’t know that she was in love with Nicole until it was too late. In a world where they were drawn to each other but kept at arm’s length. A world where they were no less in love but so much less together. And now Waverly aches.
With so much weighing on her mind, she needs her girlfriend. She needs to still have Nicole as her girlfriend. To hold her and talk to her and God, if they make it through this fight she will never freeze her out again, she swears it.
The redhead takes a deep breath when she heard her girlfriend’s voice sound through the station. It’s happy hour at Shorty’s, Nicole is alone in the office on a slow day. No buffers. No excuses. 
They had kissed after the barn explosion, had turned to each other for comfort, for affection, for support during all the craziness that went down with the widows. Had brushed everything under the rug, pretended as if they had moved past it.
But no, no they hadn’t moved past it. And if they both wanted to move forward, and they did they did they did, they had to talk about this… this mess that they had created.
Nicole takes another breath and meets the hazel eyes that she loves so much, so fiercely.
Waverly makes her way to Nicole’s desk, perches herself on the edge, takes Nicole’s hand. “We’re going to talk about this.”
Nicole squeezes her girlfriend’s hand, her free fingers plucking at her uniform pants. “We’re going to talk about this.”
“You ghosted me. I know, I know that I was being petty and ignoring you but... I didn’t- I was just trying to gather my thoughts. I would have called you but you stopped talking to me when I was here, didn’t reply to my texts. You ghosted me.”
Nicole blanched, “I- No! I didn’t…” Her brow furrows, “Yeah… I guess I did, didn’t I? Shit, Waves. I didn’t mean to. You weren’t answering and Wynonna told me that I should give you space and get a Tinder and I was already being so overprotective and controlling, I didn’t want to smother-”
“Wait wait wait, Wynonna told you what??” 
Nicole is quick to backtrack, “No! No no, it wasn’t Wynonna. It was Mictian. I mean… I didn’t know that at the time but it was the demon talking. I just- Wynonna- the real Wynonna- had said something about me not being your keeper. And she was right! She was so right. But when everything went down between us and I read that... the text, it all came back and I…” Nicole sighs, ending her ramble weakly, “I thought that you needed time away from me. And the longer it went on, the worse it got. I was hurt and... I don’t know, Waves. I didn’t know how to reply. I wasn’t ready to talk when you wanted to.”
Waverly shakes her head, eyes locked on the floor, “I never should have sent that text, baby. I was angry and stupid and I wanted to hurt you because I felt betrayed. But that’s no excuse, I hurt you and I’m sorry. God, I’m so sorry.”
“I deserved it.”
“No!” Waverly meets Nicole’s eyes, “No, you were trying to protect me. And you went about it the wrong way and yes it hurt me but your intentions were good. Me- I was… I was cruel and I wanted to get back at you, I kissed Rosita! Why? Why did I do that?”
“I forgave you for that,” Waverly had mentioned it on the drive to the edge of the triangle. Nicole had been hurt but she knew that there was nothing behind it. And she didn’t really have a place to be angry about it considering her current marital status. 
“You shouldn’t!”
“I have a wife.”
Waverly pauses. “Two wrongs don’t make a right.”
“No, but do you have feelings for Rosita?”
“No! Of course not.” 
“And I don’t love Shay.” The implication was there, I don’t love Shay but I love you. I don’t love Shay like I love you. I’ve never loved anyone like I love you. She’s said it before. So has Waverly. 
But death bed confessions and alternate reality realizations didn’t count for Nicole. And she wasn’t going to push Waverly, never again. This next step had to be Waverly’s to take.
The younger girl nods slowly and then takes Nicole’s other hand, holding them both tightly, holding them against her own chest, her heart. “We can’t do this again Nicole. We need to talk, communicate when things are going wrong. We need to be honest with each other. Always.”
“Always. I promise you, Waverly.” Nicole’s eyes wide, her face showing her vulnerability, letting herself be completely open to her girlfriend.
“Good. Because Nicole, I can’t lose you,” Waverly takes a deep breath. “I felt like I was going to die when you were in that hospital. There was a piece of me missing in that crazy non-reality that we were in, a piece of my heart-”
“Waves you didn’t have Wynonna.”
“Nicole don’t interrupt me when I’m monologuing.” She fixes her girlfriend with a stern look and they grin at each other for a moment before Waverly grows serious again. 
“I love my sister with my entire heart, but she doesn’t hold it.” Waverly kisses Nicole’s hands, presses them to her cheek and then her chest again. “You do, Nicole. You have my heart and I trust you with it. I ache when you’re not around, I hurt when you’re in pain, my heart sings in your hands when you’re happy. I-... I love you, Nicole Haught.”
Nicole’s eyes go wide, tears springing up without her permission, “Yeah?”
Waverly lets out a watery laugh, “Yes, baby. I love you. God, I love you so much.”
Nicole bites her lip, releases it, squeezes Waverly’s hands, “I love you too. I have since that first day I met you. I didn’t- I couldn’t explain it- I still can’t. But I’ve loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you, Waverly Earp. Maybe even before then.”
Waverly releases a heavy breath through a light laugh. She slips off the desk and into her girlfriend’s lap, arms tight around her neck, Nicole’s wrapping around Waverly’s waist. Their lips meet, soft and slow, just feeling each other, reminding themselves that they’re okay again. 
The brunette breaks the kiss after a short time, their foreheads coming together, eyes closed. “I never want to fight with you again.”
Nicole smiles, “Girlfriends fight all the time baby, it’s normal.”
Waverly’s forehead scrunches up. Nicole can’t see it but she feels it. “Ummm it’s kind of the worst.” There’s a smirk in her voice and Nicole knows that her girlfriend is remembering the same moment that she is.
Nicole lets out a light chuckle, breath ghosting across her love’s lips, her head nodding just slightly. She tightens her arms around the smaller girl and drops her head to her shoulder, letting a kiss press against Waverly’s neck, “It’s totally the worst.”
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queercapwriting · 7 years
Prompt: Alex and Wynonna bond over being protecrive big sisters
The Sanvers x Wayhaught saga continues. Others linked backwards through here: https://queercapwriting.tumblr.com/post/164730635649/sanvers-x-wayhaught-ft-wynonnas-awful-timing 
She orders a beer before changing her mind and ordering a beer and a shot. She contemplates ordering two. Or three.
She remembers the night she came out to Maggie, the way she had three shots all lined up for herself.
This might be one of those nights.
Because while she and Maggie were in Purgatory, Kara was back in National City. And Kara got hurt.
Not badly.
Not badly at all.
But any pain for Kara was too much for Alex, and Maggie was out with Nicole, and Alex had just gotten off FaceTime with Kara – she’s fine, she’s fine, she’s fine, she repeats like a mantra in her head – so the alcohol will have to be enough.
Enough to assuage her guilt, enough to ease the lump in her throat and the hatred in her fists.
“You look like you could use something a little harder than that beer,” a voice somehow utterly lacking in judgment chimes next to her, and Alex nods silently in Wynonna’s direction.
She sits. Alex doesn’t stop her. She talks. Alex doesn’t stop her there, either.
“Something wrong between you and your lady?” she asks as she orders her own beer, and Alex shakes her head.
“No, nothing like that. I mean, it’s a little weird watching Maggie and Nicole, just because it’s like part of Maggie’s life I’ve never seen before, and apparently she has a thing for redheads – “
“I noticed.”
“But it’s nice, mostly. Like I’m learning about her more fully.”
Wynonna nods and drinks and waits.
“It’s my sister.”
“She okay?”
Wynonna’s spine stiffens, and whereas a moment before, Alex couldn’t understand why she was spilling her guts to a basic stranger like this, she suddenly understands.
Because she’s seen Wynonna with Waverly.
Because Wynonna will understand in a way that maybe no one else can.
About baby sisters and about responsibility and about…
Well, about failure. 
To protect them. Not only from physical pain, but emotional pain. Any pain.
Inevitable failure.
Alex nods as she drinks, deeply. As Wynonna silently orders them both a shot.
“She got injured out in the field today. She’s fine, just a little banged up, but if I were there…”
“If you were there, unicorns would have broken free from the sky and protected her.” 
Alex turns to Wynonna for the first time, a fight in her eyes, but Wynonna is nodding. 
“Yeah, I get it. You know I’ve seen Waverly with her neck in a noose. I’m the reason she saw our father die, I… but somehow, it doesn’t matter the things we can’t protect them from, right? Because they’re always gonna live their dangerous lives anyway. And we’re always gonna try to protect them from everything from papercuts to Revenants anyway. Aliens, in your case, I guess.”
Alex nods and they silently toast each other before downing the whiskey Wynonna had ordered. Alex gets the next round.
Neither of them speak until it comes.
Only after they drink again does Alex speak.
“Do you ever feel like… like your entire life is defined by how well you keep her safe? By whether she’s happy, whether she’s loved and cared for and just… happy?”
Wynonna chuckles and turns her shot glass over thoughtfully. “Every damn day. That’s why I’m so happy she found Nicole, you know? She’s happy with her, and I know that’s got nothing to do with me, but I just… I feel like I must have done something right with her, if she’s able to be with someone who makes her that happy.”
Alex withers and Wynonna arches an eyebrow.
“You know it’s not your fault if your sister’s with some asshole. Hell, Waverly’s almost exclusively dated assholes until Nicole.”
“Everything’s my fault with Kara.”
“And everything’s my fault with Waves. In the eyes of my town. And mine. Whose eyes are you looking through?”
Alex hesitates before shrugging. “My mom’s. And mine.”
Wynonna nods like she understands, and Alex’s heart feels a little less heavy. “Except when the kids get success, it’s entirely their doing. They get all the credit when they’re right, and we get all the blame when they’re hurt or wrong, huh? Great system.”
Alex chuckles. “Yeah, but they deserve all the credit.”
The two clink their glasses.
“Ain’t that the truth.”
When Waverly finds the two of them leaning into each other, still talking, swaying some, a few hours later, Wynonna tosses up her arms.
“Hey babygirl! Come here, you. Alex misses her Waverly, and I miss mine!”
“Her Waverly?”
“Kara! My baby sister!” Alex chimes, and Waverly smiles, biting her lip slightly as she looks Alex up and down.
“Wanna FaceTime her?” she asks, whipping out her phone. Wynonna and Alex both cheer.
It makes Alex’s night to see Kara’s face again, and it warms Kara’s heart to see Alex with… friends. 
Friends, and pride in her baby sister, and something different, something developing: pride in herself.
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mac-tire-dubh · 7 years
Saying “I love you”
I see references to a lot of ugliness being thrown around in the WayHaught tag. Though I haven’t seen much of that ugliness myself, it seems quite a few fans are really upset about Waverly’s failure to say those special three words to Nicole so far.  This has definitely gotten me thinking...a lot. What better place to throw one’s Thoughts out into the void than on Tumblr?
First and foremost...Earper fandom, settle down please!  These characters are not you!  If you would have said “I love you” sooner, then that’s fan-fucking-tastic.  But these characters are being written and developed as their own complex selves. They’re not going to make your same choices.  They’re not going to make your same mistakes (or maybe they will).  And on that note, let’s explore a little about them individually...
Nicole is clearly an out lesbian, though she knows to be discreet to protect a career she loves--particularly since she’s in a small town.  She is confident and goes after what she wants, but she also respects boundaries.  She never pushed Waverly into a relationship--she expressed her interest and then backed of when Waverly essentially said so.  She has let Waverly “drive the bus” on the physical aspect of their relationhip from the time Waverly bared her soul on Nedley’s couch, and has been extremely conscientious to obtain consent when moving into new territory.  She has wanted nothing more than to be close to Waverly and protect her from harm.  
Nicole’s expressions of love have not come from an anticipation of hearing those words back from Waverly.  They were simple statements of fact...first as an attempt to explain a bad decision, then over voicemail as part of an apology for that bad decision.  The final time was when she might have been on her deathbed, wracked with burning pain throughout her body, and all she wanted was to make sure Waverly knew how much she was loved in case it was her last chance to talk to her..
(Side note:  Nicole totally had to know Shay would be contacted.  Who the hell do you think listed her as next of kin on the employee paperwork when Nicole was hired on at the sherrif’s department?  She wanted Waverly to know that no matter who showed up in her hospital room, it was Waverly who Nicole loved as she has never loved anyone else.)
Waverly is the neglected (possibly adopted) youngest of three sisters.  How many times did she say “I love you, Mommy” before Mama Earp left?  (By the way--how long do you think til we see her??  Season 3?).  How many times did she try to say “I love you, Daddy” seeking affection from a man who essentially ignored her?   Her oldest sister Willa tormented her mercilessly and practically tried to kill her until Willa was abducted, and how many times did she say “I love you” to Wynonna before Wynonna would get sent off somewhere or just decide to leave town again?  While it’s clear Gus, Curtis, and Shorty did what they could to show Waverly love, it’s not like she has had a good foundation of knowing how to love and be loved in return.  And let’s not even mention Champ, who was probably her most serious romantic relationship in her young adulthood but we all saw that dynamic and cringed multiple times!
When Waverly hears Nicole first express her love, Waverly is pissed at being lied to on top of being anxious about the DNA results themselves.  NOT the time to talk about her own feelings there.  She’s also not going to reciprocate on the voicemail apologies/declarations of love because she’s still angry and that’s not the best time for a conversation like that.  And faced with Nicole on her deathbed, I will NOT blame Waverly for being reluctant to share her own declaration out of fear that it would only guarantee Nicole would leave her, too.
Nicole absolutely deserves to hear Waverly declare her love.  But from where I’m sitting, I think Nicole knows the words need to come from Waverly when Waverly is truly ready to express herself.  And she knows the actions are already there...from their time in bed together to Waverly fighting Mercedes and holding onto Nicole as she called for an ambulance. We know Waverly will find the words at some point...just as she did that glorious day on Nedley’s couch.
I was going to go into my own experience with “I love you” with my first girlfriend in my early twenties, but this thing is long enough and y’all aren’t here for that.  I am really surprised how long this thing got, though!  Thank you to those who stuck around through it all.  
Goodnight Earper family. Hang in there...Friday’s only a few days away!  
In Andras we trust.
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taylor144 · 7 years
Where You Belong
Sooooo I wrote a kinky Wyaught fic!
Wynonna isn't allowed to speak. Or even think for that matter. Not about the remaining revenants, not about her past, not about the terrible things she had to do with her body in order to get by, not about protecting Waverly, and most definitely not about the future. No, right now she was to just watch and obey. Nothing else. It was apart of their agreement. One of their many rules. Nicole tells her what to do and she listens. Nothing more. It was all about pleasing Nicole right now and Wynonna's focus should be on nothing but her.
Th brunette woman stood completely naked in front of her lover, (her teacher, her protector) expect for a leather collar around her neck which was attached to a chain leash that Nicole gripped tightly in her hand. Another rule. During their play, Wynonna was to be completely naked and she was nothing but Nicole's property. Just her little play thing eagerly awaiting its Master's orders.
It was what Wynonna needed. She needed to be told what to do, to be told to relax, to be told to completely empty her mind of the many worries she let weigh her down every single day. She needed someone who would help her to refocus on the here and now, on what truly mattered.
Before the tall ginger came into her life, Wynonna had always tried to be in control. In her younger years she wasn't given very much control. From her mother leaving them to a curse being thrust upon her without any warning and then the horrible accidental act she committed that changed her life forever.
So she vowed that once she was old enough to be able to make her own decisions she was going to be the only one. No one was going to tell her what to do, what to say, where to live or how to act. Even in the bedroom Wynonna never once gave up that position of power. And for a time it worked. that is up until she was back in Purgatory again. She was rudely reminded that she was in fact not fully in control of her future and that the curse would find a way to forcefully take it away from her. To be honest it seemed as if the curse was rigged to be her downfall and for a split second there Wynonna was almost willing to give up and except her fate.
However after meeting the tall cop all of that changed. She let her guard down and was able to see that being submissive to her lover, even if it were just on occasion was something she enjoyed immensely. It made her feel safe, it made her feel more empowered than she had ever felt in life because she was freely giving that side up to someone else. She had never felt safe enough with someone else until she met Nicole because deep down she knew Nicole would make decisions for her that would allow her to become the best possible Wynonna she could be. And quite honestly these sessions cleared her mind. Allowed her to see things in ways she hadn't before, to approach the curse in ways that made her believe she was in fact going to beat it. They were going to win.
After their sessions, the redhead would hold her brunette lover, whispering sweet words of affection, praise and appreciation into her ear; thanking Wynonna for allowing her to take care of her and giving her what she needed. She would then cradle and cuddle Wynonna until she drifted off to sleep. It always amazed Wynonna how Nicole could go from being so dominate and commanding to her usual soft and gentle self in just a matter of seconds. Wynonna couldn't help the small smile that crept across her face as she thought about her girlfriend. Nicole was truly amazing.
A firm yank of her collar brought the demon hunter out of her thoughts. Light blue eyes met dark brown ones that had darkened considerably from arousal. Wynonna swallowed thickly, her eyes dropping to soft pink lips and Wynonna was tempted to have a taste but she quickly stopped herself. She hasn't been granted permission to do that just yet and it almost pains her to know that she has to wait. She was never good at waiting. Patience? Not a word in her vocabulary. However she batted her cheeky will to disobey down because she knew her reward would be worth it in the end.
Nicole notices the struggle behind her girlfriends eyes and it only fuels her fire. The dominance bubbling quickly to the top. Turning swiftly on her heels she being to guide Wynonna further into their bedroom. She's wearing nothing but a blue lace bra and panty set and Wynonna couldn't help but watch silently as Nicole swayed her hips ever so slightly as she walked ahead of her. Wynonna gulped again, her own arousal rearing its head and she groaned lightly.
Once she's made it to the bed, Nicole takes a seat on the edge of it. Wynonna is of course still standing in front of her as she had not yet been given an order to do anything else and the redhead smiles at her unprompted obedience. Wynonna was most definitely learning. The cop takes a moment to take in Wynonna's beauty, raking her eyes over the toned frame of her lover. Wynonna kept her body in great shape but God she was filled out so perfectly in all the right areas and Nicole loved every bit of it.
Nicole reached up, her eyes never leaving the other woman's as she placed her left hand on the collar around Wynonna's neck. She stroked the hard smooth leather for a few seconds before pulling gently on the D-ring, smirking at the little jingle it gave off. Wynonna whimpered. She loved that sound. Nicole's hand slide down lower, taking the older woman's left breast in her hand and giving it a a nice rough squeeze before flicking the already hard nipple. Wynonna's breath hitched in her throat but she said nor did anything else.
"Such a good puppy." Came a whispered compliment.
Tugging on the chain leash firmly, Nicole spoke up. "On the floor...where you belong." The redhead added a second later, smirking. And without missing a beat the brunette beauty kneeled in front of her lover, her eyes trained on her girlfriend, intently awaiting her next instructions. She subconsciously licked her lips, mentally preparing herself.
"Take them off slowly." Nicole spoke evenly, referring to her panties.
Wynonna nodded softly and with slightly shaky hands she slowly began to remove the noticeably damp garment. She made sure her nails raked gently down the gingers thighs which managed to draw a light gasp from Nicole.
After discarding the item off to the side, Wynonna returned her attention back to her lover and Nicole nodded, silently giving her permission to continue. The pads of her fingers ran smoothly up from her anjles, up her calves, over her knees, and across her thighs. The leaning down the demon hunter started again at her ankles, placing soft kisses here and there as she dragged her lips up Nicole's legs. Occasionally she let her tongue come out to play, licking, sucking and nipping at the sensitive skin.
Wynonna had fully immersed herself in the world of submission, becoming lost in solely worshiping the other woman. She honestly could spend hours just doing this, It would have been enough for her, such an honor to just have her lips on such an amazing work of art. God, when did she become such a sap?
Once again a firm yank of her collar was used to get her back on track and she practically growled at being stopped before she was ready. "Enough." Nicole stated sternly. Her eyes boring into Wynonna's.
Making herself a bit more comfortable, the redhead leaned back on her elbows and scooted off the edge of the end, just enough to give her lover some room to work. Nicole pulled the leash swiftly, prompting her obedient sub to come closer. The cop slowly spread her legs, giving Wynonna the view she had been waiting on all day.
Wynonna's eyes dropped to the younger woman's pussy and was completely mesmerized by what she saw. Nicole was literally dripping wet and her intoxicating scent made the brunettes head spin. Leaning in she trailed her tongue along the other woman's thigh where some of her wetness had collected and she moaned loudly at the taste. It was like the first taste all over again. There was nothing better than the essence of her girlfriend. Flattening her tongue she leaned in again, licking Nicole's sex from her opening up to her clit.
A low groan escaped Nicole's lips and Wynonna had to squeeze her thighs together again to relieve some of that glorious pressure. She wanted to touch herself so badly but she knew she'd be in a world of trouble if she did. And she hadn't come this far to not be allowed the one thing she had been craving all day. She quickly latched on her lover's clit, swiping her tongue back and forth, silent reveling in the sounds it was eliciting from Nicole. Moving her attention lower she slipped her tongue inside of Nicole, angling herself so that she could push it in as deep as possible effectively fucking her with her tongue.
The redhead's chest heaves, her moans becoming louder and wanton. She tangled her hands in Wynonna's hair tightly as she grinds her sex onto the other woman's face. "Fuck...right there baby." She breathed, her grip was strong but the pain only spured Wynonna on as she continued. As much as she wanted to touch the redhead she hadn't been given permission yet so she just buried her face in Nicole's puss the best she could, her tongue working in and out of Nicole, stopping periodically to suck and nip roughly at her clit.
It didn't take long for Nicole to cum (it never did when it came to Wynonna and her tongue) and when she did she wasn't shy about it. Obscene profanities fell from her soft lips and she called out her subs name as she bucked her hips against Wynonna's mouth. The brunette was happy Nicole's home was some distance away from her neighbors otherwise they would have gotten an earful however it wasn't like Wynonna would have care, and she mentally patted herself in the back for obviously doing her job very well. After a few moments Nicole fell back against the bed with a huff, riding out the aftershocks of her orgasm.
However Nicole's telltale sign of cumming didn't make Wynonna stop and seconds later she was languidly lapping at her girlfriends sex, eager to get every little drop of her. Nicole was quickly becoming a drug, one that she seemed to never be able to get enough of when she pleasured her with her mouth.
Nicole was fast approaching another orgasm and as much as she wanted to continue and cum again she knew she would lose the control she had over the session. "Oh...fuck. Stop..." She whispered roughly, grasping Wynonna's long hair between her fingers and yanking it back. Wynonna gasped at the action but met her lovers gaze. "Naughty puppy, you know you only get what I give you. I wouldn't want to punish you for disobeying me. I don't think you'd like what I had in mind very much, now would you?" The brunette shook her head. She would not because often times Nicole's punishments ended with Wynonna being tied up and getting edged well into the night with no end in sight.
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johnisntevendead · 7 years
For the fall ask thing: 3, 6, 7, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22
*strums guitar* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
3. haunted house
“Why do you want to do this?” Dolls demands as the linemoves.  “Like, really, every day isHalloween, we get a day off and you wanna go to the haunted house.  What’s that even about?”
Chin dropping and eyes widening, Wynonna smooths her handsdown the front of his sweater and says, “Haunted houses are fun. I’ll let you hold my hand in case you get scared, though.”  Her voice is so low, so syrupy-sweet that hecan’t not be kissing her, a brief slide of his lips on hers, as she whispers,“Do you think you’ll get scared?”
“I’ll try to contain myself,” he mutters.
“Buddy, the line,” some guy behind him says.
“You’re so distracting,” he grumbles, pushing her untilthey’ve caught up with the people ahead of them.
“It’s what I do best,” she nods, threading their fingerstogether and leans into his shoulder. They’re close enough now to the house that they can hear screams.  It’s just for fun, but he’s got a knee-jerkreaction to that sound for pretty obvious reasons.  “Deep breaths, boss.”
“I’m fine,” he says.
They follow a group inside, and it’s too dark after the sunlightoutside, not even dusk yet—it smells like dust and a fog machine.  He can just make out the figures of thepeople ahead of him, holds her hand maybe a little tighter than necessary.
He jumps when someone leaps out at him, illuminated brieflyin the quick, jerky strobe light.  Hehears Wynonna’s quick, giddy giggle as she tugs him ahead, hears her startledshriek when someone else jumps out of another corner.  She pulls his arm, they catch up with thegroup of people huddled close together at the next door.
When he screams when someone grabs his ankle, he knows he’smade his fatal mistake.
6. ghost stories
Baby monitor in the cup holder of her lawn chair, Wynonnaleans forward with her hands wrapped around a warm mug of spiked cider.  Dolls watches her, bright eyes illuminatedoddly by the fire as she looks around at the others, circling the firepit.  He knows what she’s doing before she evenopens her mouth.  “I wanna tell you guysa story,” she says, voice pitched low.  “AboutDisney.”
“Disney?” Nicole parrots, frowning.
“Yes, Disney, don’t ruin the mood,” Wynonna scolds.  “So, there was this park that was abandonedby Disney, and they cited all sorts of reasons…”  Dolls has read this one—because she made him—listens to her recite the storywith unnerving dedication, and she does a good job, riding the line of suspensefuland suspension of disbelief.  As she getsto the part about the dressing room, her voice grows urgent, breathing staccato,her eyes wide and scared.  She talksabout Mickey, photo-negative and crumbling, standing in the middle of the room,and he could almost see him swaying where he stands.  “And then Mickey looks at him, and asks, ‘Hey,wanna see my head come off?’”
Her strange, strained Mickey Mouse voice is so perfectly wrong it makes the hairs onhis arms stand on end.  Out of the cornerof his eye, he sees a shudder ripple through the others.
After she finishes her story, the others are completelysilent, and the only noise is the crackling of the fire.
“Quick question:  whatthe fuck, Earp?” Nicole demands.
7. scary movies
“Oh, no,” Wynonna moans into his shoulder, eyes glued to thescreen.  “Why did you pick this?”
“I’d never seen it before,” he says quietly, cringing at theunnerving, mask-like faces of the people on screen.  They’d expected Waves and Nicole to jointhem, but as soon as they saw what they were planning on watching, neither evenbothered to come up with an excuse, just noped their way upstairs.  He’s starting to realize the genius of theirforesight.
“This isn’t even that scary, I just don’t like them,” shemumbles, curling closer.  “I wish they’dblink.”
“You know, if we don’t finish this, no one has to know,” heoffers.
Snorting, she pats the center of his chest and says, “But I’dknow, and I dunno if I can handle that.”
There’s an effective jumpscare and they both gasp.
11. pumpkin patch
This had really been Dolls’ idea—if she’s honest, Wynonnadoesn’t hate it.  She looks over hershoulder and sees Sprout sitting on a picnic table next to Doc who’s seated onthe bench so they’re nearly on-level.  He’sgot his hat tipped back, smile bright as he listens to whatever she’s saying.  There’s something warm and fuzzy in her chestas she watches them.  Dolls’ hand skimsher back as he asks, “Cocoa or cider?”
“Cider,” she says, looking back up at him; then, shecontinues fondly, “This is so cheesy.”
“Yeah, but fun,” he counters.
“Fun,” she huffs. They get their drinks, warm their bare hands on paper cups.  She carries Doc’s cider as well, while Dollshas his and the cocoa that he’d gotten for Sprout, cooled with cold milk.
As they trek back, footsteps crunching brown grass, shehears, “—and then Ava bet he couldn’t slide on the ice—”
“And that’s how Michelle became the proud mother of thefirst five-year-old detention of the year,” she mumbles confidentially toDolls.  “Honestly, I thought it’d be me.”
“Honestly, me too,” he shoots back.
As cheesy as Wynonna may find it, Sprout has fun runningthrough the pumpkin patch, plucking oddly-shaped ones and offering them untileach of them is carrying their own misshapen gourd.  “Mine looks like a Batman villain,” Wynonnawhispers.  There’s a barn where an oldwoman dishes up homemade applesauce, the space taken up almost entirely bytables and carving stations.  She andSprout have way too much fun diggingout pumpkin guts, sleeves rolled up to their elbows and paper aprons on but notentirely protecting their clothes from the gore.
“I worry about you,” Dolls says mildly as she makes soundeffects for her pumpkins death rattle and claws the last of the stringy seedsfrom inside.
14. baking
been done, my friend
15. bobbing for apples
Looking like someone challengedher, Wynonna throws her hair up and Dolls laughs, whispers, “I like the greenones,” as he brushes his lips to her white-painted cheek.  She winks and gets on her knees, handsgrasped behind her back, as she waits for Chrissie Nedley to give her and theothers kneeling at the kiddie pool full of water and apples the go ahead.  When she does, Wynonna lunges forward.  Dolls laughs, hears people cheering otherson, watches her chase the elusive fruit. There’s a little fighting, a lot of splashing, she elbows Nicole next toher playfully.
Soon, though, she sits up, green apple clutched in herteeth, and turns to grin at him around it. She’s the first to stand, the fake blood that had smeared her chin andneck now faded away to a pinkish stain. She crunches down loudly and offers the rest.
“Proud of me, boss?” she teases as he takes a bite.
“Always, love,” he says earnestly.
With a quick eye roll, she shrugs and pulls her hair out ofits ponytail.
17. caramel/candy apples
also done
18. wine tasting
20. crunching leaves
After a while, Dolls realizes the growing tension in theroom is mostly because Wynonna’s starting to go a little stir-crazy.  When he can’t possibly stand the antsy wayshe’s been fidgeting for the last, like, hour anymore, he stands and asks, “Youwanna go for a walk?”
“God, yes,” she huffs, pushing her chair back with a creakand shoving to her feet.  “Coffee, let’sgo get coffee.  From not here.”
He grabs his jacket as they leave the room, and at Nicole’squestioning look from the front desk, he explains, “Coffee run.  Usual?”
“Yeah, thanks,” she says, and he can feel her frown afterthem.
Outside, he hears Wynonna’s deep inhale, her slow exhale,but her face is pinched and tense and closed off.  He thinks he knows what’s going on—it’s beenquiet lately, and they needed the break, but it’s hard to feel like the momentthey fully unclench the world’s gonna go to shit around them again.  It would almost be better to be in constantmotion than to get a break you can’t trust. He takes her hand in his as the sidewalk begins, blanketed by dryleaves, every footfall a crisp crunch. She puffs out a sigh and frowns over at him.
“My hair is doing the tingling thing again,” she finallysays.  “Something’s coming, and it’sgonna be bad, and people are gonna die, and—”
“Hey,” he interrupts gently, combing his fingers through herhair, “When something else comes up, we’ll take care of it.  It’s okay not to be able to saveeveryone.  You physically cannot saveeveryone.”
“Pep talk needs work,” she mumbles, but something in herseems to loosen as she leans into his touch.
22. raking leaves
“I would not be doing this if you weren’t broken, I want youto know that from, like, the depths of my soul,” Wynonna says haughtily.
“And I really, really appreciate you doing it!” Nicole callsfrom the porch, leaning on a crutch under the arm that isn’t in a cast.  “Like, Iappreciate it so much, you’re such a good friend!”
Pausing, Wynonna rocks the rake back and forth beforeasking, “Doctors give you the good drugs?”
“They sure did,” she grins.
“Go inside before you freeze your tits off—you know Waveswould never forgive me,” she says, firm and serious.  Shaking her head and laughing, Nicole atleast does as she’s told.  In spite ofthe cool fall air, it only takes a few minutes for her to shed her jacket.  The yard isn’t exactly small, and Wynonna decides as she’s finally packing away the lastpile of dead leaves that she’s really gotta review the Black Badge hierarchicalchart to see how on earth she endedup being the one with this job.  Her noseis numb and her palms are red and starting to feel a little blistered.
After tossing the rake back into Nicole’s shed, she snagsher jacket on her way up to the door, hollering, “Not for nothing, but a reallyappreciative host would have made me coffee.”
“Rude,” Nicole mumbles from the couch, injured leg proppedup on a pillow on the arm.  “And I did make you coffee, so there.”
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themetaisawesome · 7 years
The Demon in Her
Summary: Nicole finally meets the thing living underneath Waverly’s skin.
Rating: PG-13
“What was that?”
Waverly turned away from the blood crest on the stone wall to look at Nicole. It was just the two of them down there, Wynonna and Doc had went off together to explore the other side of the colossal cavern that they had found. “What was what?” she asked, more than a little confused and worried at the shock on Nicole’s face.
“Waverly, do not mess with me,” Nicole said, perhaps too harshly but goddamn she knew what she just saw and she was going to get a straight answer. “You’ve been acting strangely for weeks, and it’s only gotten worse since we came down here. I just saw something happen to your eyes when you touched that wall. Now tell me what is going on.”
The confusion on Waverly’s face lasted only for a moment. Her mouth seemed to start to open to let a response out, but then she stopped, and her face became still, her expression calm.
No, not calm. Cold. Hard.
Before Nicole could speak again, Waverly’s eyes turned black.
Well, that which was supposed to be Waverly said, I guess the secret would have gotten out sooner or later.
Nicole’s hand shot to her side for her gun, but froze before she could pull it out. No matter what she was looking at, no matter what years of training and instinct was telling her, that was still Waverly, and no force in heaven or earth would make her draw a gun on the woman she loved.
“What are you?” she demanded to know.
It was hard to tell what thoughts were happening behind the obsidian eyes. They were so inhuman and unmoving that it pained Nicole to look, but she could not look away either. The thing looked her dead in the eye, never blinking.
I am the prison and its warden, all in one, it finally replied with Waverly’s voice.
While her right hand remained frozen, hovering over the gun, her left curled into a trembling fist. It started to hurt from how hard she she was squeezing, her nails digging into her palm, but she did not care. “Get out of her! Now!”
The thing forced the smallest of smirks to Waverly’s lips. Never before had Nicole seen those lips make such a cruel expression. It’s not that simple, it said. When that man created the curse of the Ghost River Triangle to cage his villainous victims, he created me.
“What man?”
A terrible chuckle came from Waverly’s throat. It was a voice that had always brought a smile to Nicole’s lips. Now it was being used by something evil to hurt them both. Come now. Surely you can figure it out for yourself.
Nicole’s teeth dug into lower lip, almost hard enough to draw blood. If this thing weren’t in Waverly’s body she would unload every bullet she had into it.
Then it dawned on her. Everything in Purgatory, from the salt lake to the trailer park, from every billboard to the sign that once hung on a wall in Shorty’s, pointed to one man. “Wyatt Earp created you?”
Not intentionally, but there is power in blood. The blood in his heirs. The blood of evil men that he soaked the land with.
“What are you doing to Waverly?”
Nothing. She’s not aware of me. When I step in, her mind falls asleep and rises again when I am done. She is either none the wiser or I let her believe what I want her to.
“Get out of her!” Somewhere in the back of her mind Nicole hoped that defiant roar would be heard by Wynonna and Doc, but she had to wonder if they could really do anything to help.
The thing seemed almost offended at the order. I have saved her life. I protect her. If I was truly so wicked, why would I do all that?
“What do you want?” Nicole snapped, not buying its bullshit for a moment.
For a while, it said nothing, simply keeping its gaze fixed on Nicole. Finally, it all came tumbling out.
I lived without true life for near a century. I am defined by three walls, yet chaos was my form. Never did I know the light of the sun or the cold of winter. All I have known is the pain and hatred of dozens and those of the hunters who pursue them. That all changed when Waverly reached out to me, when I... touched her.
For the first time, the thing looked away from her, turning Waverly’s head as if wrapped in ecstasy, its sickening smile felt in every word it said using Waverly’s voice.
Now... now I see through her eyes. I can see and touch and hear all that which was denied to me. There is so much about the world that I do not know, so much that I want to see. But for her, the thing turned Waverly’s head to look back at her, you are the world. 
The thing started to approach her, step by step.
The fluttering in her chest when she sees you,
The feeling of your hair in her hands,
The smell of your skin,
The taste of your lips.
Step, and with that there was no more space left to keep Nicole and it apart. Nicole’s back was to the wall. There were no windows this far underground, and the only door was on the other side of the room. No way out, no where to run or hide, and though there was a way to fight at her hip, Nicole’s hand was still frozen at her side.
“Get. Out,” she said, trying to sound strong in the face of something that made her feel powerless.
The shift it made in Waverly’s expression was small, but for the first time Nicole saw something akin to anger in those black eyes. In a voice riddled with a fiercely veiled desperation it said, I can give her power. I can help destroy the Revenants, once and for all, and reduce Black Badge to ashes. I can free her from them.
Nicole once smiled when Dolls welcomed her to Black Badge. Half the town had been poisoned, and when push came to shove Doc finally spat out the whole truth. It had all seemed so grand then, to finally be let in on the big secret, to be welcomed to fight the monsters alongside her girlfriend. To be trusted.
Then Black Badge killed one of their own. She heard them say, in no uncertain terms, that the only person they truly needed was Wynonna. These people would kill Waverly, Doc, Dolls, Nedley, and everyone else in Purgatory. Hell, they almost did.
And Waverly signed a deal with them in blood.
With her right hand still hovering above her gun, Nicole asked, “What do you want?”
The anger and desperation that the thing put in Waverly’s face faded as its smile returned, and the answer that slithered out from that smile was, Survival, and some time for myself.
“What do you mean?”
If all of the Revenants are destroyed and the curse is lifted I do not know what will happen to me. The influx of outside demons and monsters has changed the game, but not entirely. I could be facing oblivion. But, if I stay tethered to a human host, it would improve my odds.
“And time?” Nicole’s throat was so tight the words strained to get out.
The thing was silent. Then it raised Waverly’s hand to Nicole’s face, and never before had the touch of these fingers brought so much fear. I want a piece of Waverly’s world.
The thing brought one more smile to Waverly’s lips. I’ll let you think on it, Officer Haught.
And with that the black eyes were gone, and Waverly was back. She looked at Nicole, dumbfounded. Then she looked down at the hand frozen over the gun.
“Nicole? Nicole, what are you doing? What’s wrong?”
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takadasaiko · 7 years
38 & 40? Bobo & Waverly? thank u
Summary: Waverly just needs a little hope that her childhood friend wasn’t completely a lie. Prompt #38: “Everyone keeps telling me you’re a bad guy.”
Who He Was (Fallen Series)
She hadn’t told anyone where she was going. Not Wynonna, not Doc, and not even Nicole. They would have wanted to go with her. To protect her, but this was something she had to do alone. This was something she needed to face alone, and as those gates pulled open and she saw them watching her warily, she knew they wouldn’t touch her.
No one harms the baby. My word. My law.
For those that were there in the trailer park, Bobo Del Rey’s law still stood and they wouldn’t risk his wrath by harming a hair on Waverly Earp’s head.
She’d been there before and she thought she remembered there being more people. The humans must have left the park and between how many Revenants Wynonna had put down so far in her tenure as Heir and those that had fled to Bulshar’s side, there weren’t many of those left either. Fewer than she had assumed, at any rate, and while she knew Bobo had said that he’d bring as many to the fight against the demon that had cursed them all as he was able, the Call had taken many away.
“Lost, little Earp?” a voice asked and Waverly spun, wishing now that she’d brought her shotgun with her. No. She was there in peace. This one was just trying to spook her.
“I’m looking for Bobo.”
“She’s looking for Bobo,” another Revenant chuckled, pulling Waverly’s attention in the opposite direction. “You’ve got guts, Little Sister, coming here.”
“That’s enough.”
Both Revenants shrank back at the deep, snarling voice and Waverly saw Bobo Del Rey rounding the corner, his eyes flashing red as he looked at them both. “Go.”
One word was all it took and they ran, tripping over each other to get away. She watched red fade back to blue, the darkness around his eyes easing back to his natural pale, and there was something almost worn about his expression. Like he was being stretched in too many directions these days.
He turned those tired blue eyes on her. “I told Wynonna to be patient. Not in her vocabulary, is it?”
It took her a moment to realize what his immediate thought had been. It made sense. It wasn’t like she’d gone out of her way to seek him out a great deal since he’d joined their side. “Wynonna didn’t send me. I came to see you.”
That startled him and his gaze shifted, sweeping the area. When those blue eyes came back to meet hers she saw him tilt his head, motioning to follow. She did, and as she had to quicken her own pace to keep up with his long stride a flash of memory broke loose to the front of her mind of a little girl skipping to keep up with her large, fur coat-clad friend that everyone else thought was imaginary. Her secret best friend.
Bobo led her to a trailer with a canopy stretched out from it, a foldout table and a couple of lawn chairs next to it. She saw maps of Purgatory and the surrounding area on the table, pencils lying next to them and it looked like he’d left his work very suddenly. He’d heard her voice and come running. Probably without even stopping to think about it with as quickly as he’d covered the space between the trailer and where she’d been.
“What’s so important that it’d bring you here?” he asked, his voice gruff and irritable.
“Should I not be here?”
He quirked an off-colour eyebrow at her. “Ain’t the smartest move you’ve ever made.”
“They won’t hurt me.”
“What makes you so sure?”
“You won’t let them.”
His expression was guarded, but there was a flicker of something just behind it and he pushed a short breath out through his nose, bending back over his table and his maps.
Waverly waited a long moment before walking over to one of the chairs and taking a seat, sinking down lower than she had expected in it. Silence stretched between them and he seemed content enough to let it as he studied whatever it was that he was studying, her eyes fixed on him. “I’ve been… thinking a lot about my childhood recently. About you and me and our friendship and… exactly what that meant. You were one of the most important people in my life when I was little.” He didn’t look up, but he didn’t tell her to shut up either. “You were this… giant that would chase away everything scary. Even though you never came to the house - I guess you couldn’t, could you? - I used to think that you would come scare off any monsters under my bed. They wouldn’t dare come for me because I was your angel and you would protect me.” His scribbling had slowed, so she knew he heard her, even if he was doing his damndest not to respond. Waverly pursed her lips together. “Who are you really, Bobo?”
The pencil finally stopped and she saw him hunch just a little more. “You know what I am.”
“I didn’t say what. Who. Who are you really? Wynonna told me what she saw in her vision quest. Robert Svane was a good man. He was friends with Wyatt Earp-”
“Keep your voice down,” he growled.
“- and knowing you like I did as a kid, I can believe that now. I just… everyone tells me you’re a bad guy. And you are, but you’re not. Who are you really?”
Bobo sighed, straightening and running his hand through across his now white mohawk, smoothing the wild hair down a little, and Waverly waited as patiently as she could. Finally he set his pencil down, turned, and took a seat in the chair next to hers. “Fine,” he said at last. “What do you wanna know?”
There it was. The opening she really needed. Waverly found herself smiling and she opened her mouth to let the first question tumble out, closing it again as she realized that she couldn’t ask them all at once. She had to choose one. Should she start small and work her way up? That really depended on how many questions he gave her. If he got frustrated or bored he might cut the conversation short. She had to be careful. She had to choose wisely. “Why me?” Or just ask the one that burned the deepest. That worked too. “If you’re not my father, why me?”
“I never said I was your father.”
“That doesn’t answer the question.”
“You’re kin.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means you’re kin.” He reached a hand up, his thumb working at the inside of the bridge of his nose. “It’s not a simple question. Not a simple answer and… There are bigger things to focus on before I can tell you. You ain’t a Revenant, if that’s what you’re scared of.”
“I’m not scared.” He snorted a laugh and she shot him a glare. “Fine. Why’d you stop coming to see me when Daddy died?”
She watched the very subtle changes in his expression and there was a hint of sadness there. “I was… trying to do right by you. Angels don’t need to live in a demon’s shadow.”
Her lips curled just a little at the corners and she caught his gaze. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re kinda a drama queen?”
“There’s that judgy Waverly again,” he teased, and there was something about it that felt right. That hint of a smile that made it to his eyes, the way his tone lightened. She remembered it. She had held onto it for a while, hoping that he’d come back for her. He’d told her once that he’d thought about saving her too. If he’d asked her then, she would have gone willingly. She would have lived out her childhood with her Bobo, hoisted up on his shoulders and sleeping curled up in his coat. She could have very easily have told him yes. She would have told him yes.
Waverly blinked, a tear slipping down her cheek and she sniffed hard. Another question. She needed another one that wasn’t quite as close to home. Her thoughts about what he’d said in that treehouse led to the next one. “Willa. What was the deal there?”
“The deal?” he echoed.
“Did you love her?”
There was a long pause and he refused to meet her gaze. “Yeah.”
“Did she love you?”
“How did that… work? You have to see how creepy that was, right? I mean, I get that everyone’s really young compared to you, but, I mean, you stole her away at thirteen.”
“I didn’t steal her anywhere. I saved her when the others wanted to do…” He stopped, his teeth clicking together and he looked like he was considering his phrasing. “Wanted to do terrible things,” he finished slowly. “Everything else came later. On her terms. It was always on her terms.”
Right up until the end, Waverly thought as she watched him. He looked so beaten down, so hurt, and she wondered if he’d heard the words Wynonna had told her that Willa had said. She’d left him to die. She’d been willing to leave him to die to get free. He had been collateral damage just like she and Wynonna had been.
She reached forward on impulse, her fingers touching the back of his hand and pulling his attention. “You put on a really good act, but I think they’re wrong. You’re not as bad of a guy as you want them to think.”
He blinked and she could see the way his eyes glistened just a little, trying very hard to hide those emotions. It was dangerous for him to show them, surrounded by the other Revenants like they were. These demons that he had to earn the respect of to make sure they didn’t desert them all for Bulshar.
Waverly gave his hand a quick squeeze before releasing it. “It’s okay. Your secret’s safe with me. I won’t tell.”
Bobo huffed and stood, gathering up his maps and rolling them. “C'mon.”
“Are those the coordinates that Jeremy’s been waiting on?”
“Jeremy. You know, about this tall, totally geeky in all the best ways? Used to work for BBD.”
“Oh. Junior.”
“You didn’t know his name, did you?”
He shrugged, the glint of a smile back, and Waverly rolled her eyes theatrically as she followed him towards the gate. Things weren’t going to somehow return to the magic, woodland princess fairy tale games of her childhood, but there was a chance they could find something new. He’d been her dearest friend once, then gone, and then her enemy. Sometimes things came around full circle. They took time, but she’d gotten what she had come there for. Hope. Hope that he hadn’t used her and hope that he wasn’t lying to them now. Hope that the man that Wynonna had met in her vision quest was the same one that had pulled her out of the icy waters as a little girl. Hope that she could know who he was, not just what he was.
Notes: I’ve been having trouble with a Bobo and Doc fic I’m working on, so I decided to dabble in some Bobo and Waverly feels. That always seems to help.
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