annagoober · 5 months
TBT: Today’s post is from 2018. It’s a collection of Christmas moments on Frasers Ridge by various amazing authors. Enjoy “Christmas On The Ridge”🎄🎅🏼⛄️🎁
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sharpesjoy · 2 years
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I can’t believe I’m writing this but I recently reached 3k followers! I’m so incredibly grateful for every single one of you who decided to follow me and support my silly little gifs 🥺 This year has not been easy on my mental health and seeing so many of you supporting something that I do and that makes me happy truly means so much to me and makes me feel loved, so thank you, I love you all (even if I’m not really skilled in making friends)💖
To celebrate this milestone, I wanted to do a little celebration and follow forever post so here it is: 
🌻 - a gifset of a movie/tv show/character of your choice. (please be specific with what episode/if you would like certain colours, quotes, etc.) 
☀️ - make me choose between two shows/movies/episodes/characters
⏰ - a timestamp roulette of any movie or tv show of your choice
please follow me and reblog this so everyone can join in!!
if you’re not sure which fandom i’m in, i tag everything but in case you’re not sure just send me an ask!
i’ll be tagging the celebration under #emsi3k
please be patient with me!
follow forever: (in no particular order, i’m really sorry if i forget anyone): 💕
@alohamochridhe @lexiihowardd @leojfitz @henricavyll @jemscorner @kathanibridgertons @neve-campbells @nessa007 @nicknellsons @nova-on-standbi @mulderscully @mcbride  @mcgregor @hayden-christensen @haydencristensen @mercuryacttwo @danieljradcliffe @whiteraven-s @laurens-german @three-drink-amy @lighbringer @livelovecaliforniadreams @deckerschloe @delphines @badbitchbeauchamp @displaceintime @balfie @dextrmorgn @thomas-ellis @chloedckers @katebeckett @kitvoss @katesbecketts @zoekinsellas @robntunney @robintunney @roseapothecary @itwasmagic @rebeccapearson @ferrisbuellers @usermeggy @userskywalkers @bishmonts @laurenxgerman @hillaryscotts @wheelernancy @elifshafak @spencerolivia @dontfreakout @donnaalyman @max-goodwin @maygrant @jenniferiawrence @juliettes-fairmont @julesfairmont @helcnsharpe @helenas-mangos @elevenriver @yelenafbelova @yellenabelova  @sharpeshelen @shivs-roys @seeleybooth @kevsophie @kenobiis  @trixiedeckerstar @avasetocallmyown @matt-casey @margaret-rhee @mcxmayfields @margotfairmonts @fionagallaqher @paceyjoeys @lizzybennets @evelyn-wang @enbyjinx @calmfolklore @thesunflowerx @holygraund @stevienick @daenerys-targaryen @hannahswaddingham @elinorsfairmont @ewan-mcgregor @eddiemunsens @michellesmalon @mikewheeler @katherineebishop @924inlegend @scotsmanandsassenach @scullay @naiey @jakeperalta @userjamiefraser @star-kovs @burningblake @benjiwyatt @bellamysgriffin @nelsonnicks @amanitacaplan @ameliaapond @matthew-goodes @theroseapothecary @kim-ruzek @joycebyersz @jonmercer @inejqhafa @ilsafaaust @ianmuyrray @oliviaisrodrigos @tomhollandd @obiwankenobis @federicocesaris @natasharomanovf @jakejperalta @dacre-montgomery @perfectopposite @grant-sattler @gotham-ruaidh @abreathofsnowandwaffles @robinbuckly @nofurtherexplanation @callhimnowmarisamylove @padmaemidala @benwwyatt @beautyofthend 
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walkinginland · 5 years
14, 30, 45!
Thank you so much for asking, my dear!! I apologize in advance, I’m about to get very long-winded.
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs?
Ian and Rollo, always. Germain and Jem, because of all the trouble they cause, bless them. And Claire with LITERALLY ANY SANE FEMALE PERSON. LET THE WOMAN HAVE SOME FEMALE FRIENDS WHO ARE NOT CRAZY FFS.
30. What inspires you to write?
Welp, seeing as I only have the one fic and it’s suffering from a lack of inspiration at the moment... But I started it because I just need to see Jamie and Claire raise their kids TOGETHER. Goodness. And currently... what little inspiration there is lives at the coffeeshop, so that’s where I do all my writing, even if it’s only 75 words in a sitting.
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic?
ok ok I’ll answer this with three different categories because these things are just so separate in my mind I can’t pick one.
Outlander Modern AU: Loss. I’ve already apologized to @missclairebelle for how creepily in love I am with this world. It’s truly a masterpiece of artful writing and beautiful storytelling.
Outlander Canon Divergent: I could not decide between Metamorphosis by @anoutlandishfanfic and A Hundred Lesser Faces by @bonnie-wee-swordsman. Both of these stories straight up had me confusing what was canon and what wasn’t. I genuinely had a moments later on where I was trying to remember when something happened in canon, only to remember that it was from the fic. That is damn well flawless, if you ask me. 
Non-Outlander fanfic: I’ve been in and read fic for a good number of other fandoms over the years, but the biggest one was Supernatural. I haven’t watched the show for several years, but I still go back and read some of my favorite fic. This is one of them; it’s the “Sammy has asthma” ‘verse by shangrilada on LJ (this was pre-AO3-predominance-days). It’s a beautiful beautiful ‘verse and if any of you are into spn fic, I HIGHLY recommend it.
From this ask meme
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whiskynottea · 5 years
How do you headcanon Rachel and Young Ian falling for each other? Much of it happens 'off-screen' in the books
I love this question @ianmuyrray because I really love Ian and Rachel (as you very well know)! 
So, what I need is a close up on them in this scene in Echo:
Miss Rachel Hunter’s voice, surprised and questioning—a man’s reply, low-voiced and husky. A familiar voice—Ian Murray!
They first meet when Ian takes William to the Hunters, to tend his wounds. And then he returns to bring a horse for William. 
Ian: Murray’s tall figure was visible at the edge of the dooryard, gaunt in buckskins, the huge dog at his side.
Rachel: Rachel Hunter was leading it around the house, her apron and petticoats aswirl in the rising wind, one hand on her cap to keep it in place.
I think they both found each other intriguing. A Quaker and an Indian, so different from each other...
Also, for some reason, when Rachel goes back to give William the letter and the package, this happens: He glanced up at Rachel Hunter, who looked away, chin high, but with color rising in her cheeks. He cocked an eyebrow at her, then bent his attention to the packet.
Why is the colour rising in her cheeks? Does this have to do with something Ian told her? Where is this conversation? Because I’m sure that Ian said something funny down there!
Anyway. Ian goes to find Emily after Fort Ticonderoga (Why then? Did he want to clear things up because he met Rachel? Am I delusional? I don’t think so because when he returns to Fort Ticonderoga he thinks: he would like to see Rachel Hunter again sometime) and then he meets Rachel again at the Continental Camp, where they fall for each other, for very different reasons I believe.
Rachel reminds Ian of Claire (healer!), and she’s very, very different from Emily, with her plain speech, the way she’s dressed, etc. She’s also kind, empathetic and assertive and these are traits of both Jenny and Claire, women Ian loves and admires.
On the other hand, Ian stands out with his tattoos and Indian clothes, and he is very different from all the men Rachel has met. He is a wolf and she is the adventurous type (*wiggles eyebrows*). He also earns her respect and gratitude after saving Denzel.
-- Insert here various short, witty remarks between the two of them, and a lot of teasing (“Rollo!” she said, bending down to scratch his ears. “And I see thee’ve brought thy friend along, too.”Ian smiled, lifting the little tin) --
I think we’ve missed a lot of these interactions, or silent moments when they just observed each other. Coming closer. Because then... tada!
She reached to take the tin from him, and her fingers brushed his. The tin box was smeared with the grease and slippery; it fell and both of them bent to retrieve it. She straightened first; her hair brushed his cheek, warm and smelling of her.
Without even thinking, he put both hands on her face and bent to her. Saw the flash and darkening of her eyes, and had one heartbeat, two, of perfect warm happiness, as his lips rested on hers, as his heart rested in her hands.
Then one of those hands cracked against his cheek, and he staggered back like a drunkard startled out of sleep.
“What does thee do?” she whispered. Her eyes wide as saucers, she had backed away, was pressed against the wall of the tent as though to fall through it. “Thee must not!”
He couldn’t find the words to say. His languages boiled in his mind like stew, and he was mute. The first word to surface through the moil in his mind was the Gàidhlig, though.
“Mo chridhe,” he said, and breathed for the first time since he’d touched her. Mohawk came next, deep and visceral. I need you. And tagging belatedly, English, the one best suited to apology. “I—I’m sorry.”
She nodded, jerky as a puppet. “Yes. I—yes.”
He should leave; she was afraid. He knew that. But he knew something else, too. It wasn’t him she was afraid of. Slowly, slowly, he put out a hand to her, the fingers moving without his will, slowly, as though to guddle a trout. And by an expected miracle, but miracle nonetheless, her hand stole out toward his, trembling. 
It seems abrupt, but I think it was slowly built. Ian here made a leap of faith and Rachel responded. She hadn’t expected it, and William expressing his interest for her possibly pushed Ian to act, but it would happen, sooner or later. Ian had acknowledged his feelings for her (he calls her mo chridhe! oh my wee heart), and I think that subconsciously, Rachel knew, too. They were so different, but they felt comfortable with each other and they offered each other a whole world to discover.
Ahhh, I love them so much!
What do you think? What's your headcanon?
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theministerskat · 5 years
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For the Love of Outlander Fanfiction 2018
January 5th - Fic that surprised you.
Fersali Ficlets by @ianmuyrray
Read them on Tumblr or AO3.
I was never a huge fan of Fergus and Marsali’s relationship in the books. I appreciated it and love them as characters, but the age difference always spooked me. Then @ianmuyrray came into my life, made me see them in a different light, and started writing her Fersali modern AU ficlets. And now I’m hanging out enjoying this ship immensely.
Though each ficlet can stand alone, as a series they tell the story of two people who came together quickly (and in a very NSFW way), had to work through all their personal demons, but love each other deeply.
These stories are hot, entertaining, and capture Fergus and Marsali beautifully. Read them and you’ll become a stowaway on the Fersali ship too.
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Mystical creatures AUs? With mermaids? Or faeries? Werewolves?
Hey Nonnie!
We found a few fics that feature mystical creatures!
Scotia by @kalendraashtar shtar
Thrush by @ianmuyrray for @otheroutlandertales ales
Humble Pirate by Mod Bonnie at @imagineclaireandjamie amie
Woman of Balnain by suhailauniverse
Like Thunder, A Storm, A Helpless Rage by @fallofrainblog
Happy Reading!
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fergusandmarsali · 3 years
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Fergus & Marsali Fan Fiction: A Collection
Welcome to my collection of Fergus, Marsali and Fersali fan fiction featuring:
Fersali (Main) + (Secondary)
Fergus (Main) + (Secondary)
Marsali (Main) + (Secondary)
Other Stories Worth Reading
There are close to 100 stories listed below yet I have no doubt there are some missing or that have been categorised incorrectly. Please feel free to comment on this post or drop a message in my ask box and I will update as soon as possible.
As always, heed the tags but also take them with a grain of salt - quite a few stories have been tagged incorrectly (mixing / with &, for example) so don’t let them put you off. They’re all worth reading!
Enjoy! -- fergusandmarsali
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Fersali (Main)
A Risk He's Willing to Take by bella_af
basically a re-imagining of Outlander but from Marsali's perspective. Based more on the TV series and filled in the gaps how I imagine they would go. Also with a less antagonistic relationship between Marsali and Claire from the get-go.
A Sweeter View by @fergusandmarsali
Five times Fergus got caught in the rain alone and one time he and Marsali danced in it together.
After The Storm by @wunderlichkind
World War II is coming to its end but relief hasn't really reached Marsali - until a long awaited return brings with it a rollercoaster of emotions and unexpected news.
An Ardsmuir Man Found by @lenny9987 
Prompt: Would love to see Marsali and Fergus finding Murtagh and bring him and the baby home to Jamie and Claire. The old and the new x
Courage by obstinate_as_an_allegory
Fergus tries to do the honourable thing, but somehow he ends up eloping in the dead of night. Missing scenes from book/series 3, Fergus PoV. In which poor Fergus is no match in an argument for any of the MacKimmie women.
Falling For My Father’s Daughter by KMuir90
Fergus gets offered a job as a journalist at his best friend Jamie’s paper in Scotland. That means leaving his mother Claire all alone down in London.
To make things complicated, Fergus starts a secret relationship with Jamie’s eighteen year old step daughter Marsali.
To make things even more complicated, Jamie is also Fergus’ adoptive father. They lost contact when Fergus was a child and when they reconnected, they decided to be friends rather than father and son.
Félicité by obstinate_as_an_allegory
A scattering of missing scenes from seasons 4 and 5, focused on Fergus and Marsali.
Fergus’s Problem by @renee-writer​​
A modern day take on Fergus and Marsali 's romance. A romance complicated by an unintended pregnancy.
Fersali by @ianmuyrray
Fergus/Marsali Modern AU | IN PROGRESS
Ficlet snapshots of what Fergus and Marsali’s relationship might be like in a modern setting. Intentionally written out of order, but assembled chronologically. Can also be read as stand-alone stories.
First Date: how they met
Oversight: Fergus is a romantic at heart
Pictures: Anonymous said: Fergus doesn’t know what to get Marsali for her birthday
Milk and Coffee: Anonymous said: Would love to see a modern Fergus introducing Marsali to his parents for the first time
Paper Cups: Fergus deals with his biological mother's death
The Jacket: Fergus wrestles with the tension between being poor and wanting to marry (and provide for) Marsali.
Cold Feet: Marsali and Fergus recover from a fight that threatens their relationship, just before their wedding.
Airport: Marsali delivers some life changing news at an airport terminal
Why Bother?: “Papa,” said Germain, all of a sudden sounding older than his five years. “What were you and Mama doing?”
Glimpses of a Life in Love by @kattahj 
How Marsali fell in love with Fergus, and how - much later - he came to return her feelings.
Heal You Anyway by @fergusandmarsali
Fergus comes home with self-inflicted injuries and Marsali tends to his wounds - both new and old.
I Promise, Mon Amour by @lordjohnfraser​
A short drabble of Marsali telling Fergus she has a surprise for him!
Kiss It Better by @abbydebeaupreposts 
The MacKimmies moved to Balriggan when Marsali was eight and lived there for nearly ten years before Jamie returns to Lallybroch and is reintroduced to Laoghaire but, of course, Fergus met her long before then.
Nights Like This by @fergusandmarsali 
Five times Fergus couldn’t find his shirt and one time he found all five (in Marsali's bedroom).
Potions and Promises by @fergusandmarsali​
Desperate for something to heal her mother's persistent cough, Marsali seeks out fellow high-school student Fergus Fraser. With the aid of three little sisters they discover more than just the benefits of home remedies.
Promise in the Dark by @fergusandmarsali 
Decades later, Fergus Fraser still bears the mark of Black Jack Randall and Marsali's innocent questions bring forth repressed memories, distressing nightmares and a long overdue conversation.
A book!canon compliant one-shot set at Fraser’s Ridge.
Reconciliation by @wunderlichkind
As @thelallybrochlibrary has stated - June 1st is world parent’s day. Thanks to their prompt I already got to read wonderful (💖) ficlet’s by @smoakingwaffles and @katnoenau and I couldn’t resist to write a little thing of my own. The following is a Fergus/Marsali snippet. Contains minor spoilers for ABOSAA. I hope you’ll enjoy :)
Rock Me Like the Waves of the Sea by LilyFire
Marsali are pledged to one another, but not quite married. Yet she cannot wait another moment to feel the touch of her lover.
Seeing Him in Outlander Drabbles by @lenny9987
Prompt: Fergus meets Marsali for the first time. Either at Lallybroch or Balriggan.
Stars and Shadows by @fergusandmarsali
Prior to the birth of his and Marsali's first child, Fergus worries how he will manage parenting with only one hand. Marsali helps to put things in perspective as they sit under the stars on a warm summers night.
Surprise Proposal by @fergusandmarsali​
Fergus's plan to inform Jamie and Claire of his relationship with Marsali includes good food, even better wine and two little sisters as his witness. What he gets instead is a motorcycle accident, painkillers and a tongue so loose it catches everyone by surprise – including himself. Modern Day AU.
That First Night of Many by TaleNeverTold
- Je t’aime, ma femme!
- I love you too!
... And what came after
The Borders Between Us by @wunderlichkind 
Fergus and Marsali are members of opposing biker gangs, and that's not the only obstacle to their relationship.
The Scars that Bind Us by ShadowOfHapiness
A collection of Fraser family one-shots for Whumptober 2021. Featuring a lot of gratuitous hurt/comfort, angst, whump and, of course, family feels.
Day 3: Who did this to you? Featuring: Marsali and Fergus
The Theory of Fulfillment by ShadowOfHapiness
Marsali has always dreamed of falling in love. It’s just such a pity she’s not whole enough to love the right way. Fergus might disagree.
The Tree by futurelounging 
Fergus tests himself to do something special for Marsali. This is set in the Scalamandre universe after the events of the final chapter.
To Try, And That Is All That Matters by ohhihoney
Fergus kept his promise, his vow and his oath, for a long time and that was the exact reason it hurt so bad when he fell again.
Or, Fergus fights with all of his might but ultimately loses the battle against the drink and he and Marsali are left to pick up the pieces.
Vows by ohhihoney
The door closed behind them and Marsali proposed to Fergus that they should have a talk. Fergus believed he didn't deserve it, he didn't deserve any of this, not his innocent son in his arms or the love and care of his dear wife, but he promised. He told Marsali 'never again'. So, a talk they would have.
Or, the post Episode 3 Season 6 angst, hurt/comfort we all desperately needed.
Part 2: to try, and that is all that matters
Wreck my Plans by @fergusandmarsali​
Faced with the prospect of her mother setting her up on a date with yet another man she doesn’t know (and certainly isn't going to like), Marsali announces she’s handfasted to Fergus Fraser of Lallybroch. Now all she needs to do is convince said Scotch Thistle Inn co-worker to play along and then, together, convince those around them it’s more than a passing folly long enough for her to escape this small town once and for all.
You're Bleeding All Over My Carpet in Outlander Ficlets by @cranesmuir-witch
This past week I posted several ficlet challenges on my @cranesmuir-witch tumblr and asked people to submit one of the many quotes in the list to be incorporated into a ficlet. I hope you enjoy them!
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Fersali (Secondary)
Adopted Daughters by @lenny9987
Prompt: Imagine if Joan tagged along with Marsali when she left with Fergus.
Are You Gonna Be My Girl by @whiskynottea
She's there, dancing in the same nightclub with him, and Ian knows that he has seen her before. But now he's not going to just stare at her.
Felicitacions by fardareismai
Love Diana's storytelling but sometimes she skips over details l would love to know like the introduction of Brianna to young Ian, Fergus & Marsai. Imagine how Jamie introduced her and their reactions to this daughter no one knew existed. #Drums
Fergus ( A Jamie and Arabella ficlet) by @renee-writer
Fergus has something important to discuss with his parents.
Nerves by @wunderlichkind
Fergus goes to Roger and Jamie for advice on becoming a father.
Next Generation by HillandGlen
The Fraser Clan grows, and a new Generation begins.
Phantom Hand by @whiskynottea
Fergus contemplates the loss of his hand. Set in 'A Breath of Snow and Ashes', before Henry-Christian is born.
Strength by sbstevenson2
Claire comforts Marsali as she grieves, which brings back memories of Paris and the child she never forgot.
Strength in the Quiet Moments by Entwinedlove
When things are looking bad, Marsali has the urge to stay close by.
The Crux of Siblings by @wunderlichkind
Germain has a crush and his siblings tease him about it.
The Mother's of Fraser's Ridge by @renee-writer
A quick one shot in honor of America's Mother's Day, tomorrow.
Based on an idea from shadowfire here and @farmerscat on Tumblr to honor the mother's of Outlander.
Happy Mother's Day to all the mom"s, grandma's, aunties, stepmom's, single daddy's, foster mom's, and, mom's of fur and feathered babies.
The Storm’s Wreckage by Brissy
What happened on the Artemis after Jamie dived overboard to save Claire.
Tilted by RobynTko
Claire is surprised by multiple Christmas guests, though she was expecting a quiet evening with Jamie. But she can't seem to shake the uneasy feeling sitting quietly beneath the joy.
To Have and to Make by @lenny9987
Prompt: Laoghaire dies soon after marrying Jamie. Jamie introduces his two stepdaughters to Claire.
We Need To Talk, Brother by LowlandSassanach
What if Brianna had bumped into Fergus that first night in Wilmington? Would he know her? Would she know him? Had Claire told her about him?
Part 1 of a what if series focusing on the Fraser family. I am open to prompts.
Where There's A Will... by @lenny9987
Another Unrelated Faithlet.
Rebuilding the sibling relationship Faith and Fergus had before Faith left will take some time but she'd more than willing to help him with a problem he has concerning Marsali.
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Fergus (Main)
A Birthday by @just-a-kid-at-heart
Sometimes you find family in unexpected places and ways. 
A Blessing in Disguise by @clairecrive​
On their way to meet Claire, Jamie and Fergus come across a damsel in distress. Being the gentlemen that they are, they offer her help. (Fergus Fraser x reader)
A Chuisle by Ealesshar
Jamie returns home and sees Claire tending to Fergus' stitches. He goes to his son.
A Midnight Chat by Judybrandtner
Jamie and Fergus are sharing a late night story.
A Million Tomorrows by @wunderlichkind
They haven't seen each other in seven years, but their reunion sure is one to remember.
A Token of Appreciation by @levisqueaks
When Jamie's birthday comes around, he gets a present from a certain imp. 
A Whole Family Once More by orphan_account
Jamie and Fergus crossed the stones at Craigh Na Dun and now have to adjust to the 20th-century life. Luckily they have the help of Claire, Faith and Brianna.
An Instant Connection by @just-a-kid-at-heart
At a community center event orphan Fergus meets Faith and Brianna Fraser. After a fun day of pay together one little Fraser is not prepared to leave their newfound friend behind.
And a Place to Rest my Head by ShadowOfHapiness
In the aftermath of Wilmington, and with her parents and Roger's fates unknown, Brianna struggles to piece herself back together.
As it happens, a chance encounter with her brother and a little conversation might do her soul some good.
Or: Bree and Fergus get to interact, deal with their own trauma and actually be the found family they're supposed to be.
Battlefield Discoveries by @fergusandmarsali​
When Fergus fails to return from the Battle of Prestonpans it falls upon Murtagh to locate his body and bring him home to Jamie and Claire. A canon-divergent one shot set during Season 2 / Dragonfly in Amber based on the prompt ‘Presumed Dead’.
Being a Man. by @redstarfiction-blog
*Potential spoilers for those who have not read the books*
This continues on from my first work in as much as it further explores Jamie learning to be a father. Throughout the books we see how important his family are to him and how he responds to them but really Fergus was his first experience of fatherhood and responding to children and the only chance he and Claire actually had to raise a child together as a young couple.
Biding Time by @fergusandmarsali​
A canon-divergent one-shot set during Voyager/Season 3 (Episode 7: Crème de Menthe) where Fergus and Young Ian find themselves kidnapped after a sale gone wrong.
Christmas On The Ridge by futurelounging, @ianmuyrray, @theministerskat, @whiskynottea, @wunderlichkind
December 25, 1779 - A collection of moments from Christmas celebrations on Fraser’s Ridge.
Cloudless Skies by @fergusandmarsali
Fergus goes through the stones but comes straight back to his current time... as his one-year-old self, giving Jamie and Claire the chance to provide him with the loving care he so desperately needs. Set during Book 6: A Breath of Snow And Ashes.
Coins and Conversations by @fergusandmarsali​
When Murtagh is mistaken for the kind of man who would pay to spend time in Fergus’s company, he reacts accordingly – with creative insults, much violence and an overdue conversation with the boy himself. A canon-compliant one-shot set during early Season 2.
Come And Sit With Me by LadyBeloe
Fergus comes to visit Claire in the aftermath of season 5, episode 12 "Never my love".
Conflicted Feelings / Certain Feelings by @wunderlichkind
Ian reflects on his feelings for a certain dark-eyed lad after his visit at the Edinburgh brothel. /  Fergus' take on the events in "Conflicted Feelings"
Cry On My Shoulder, I'm A Friend by LadyBeloe
A missing scene in the aftermath of season 5 episode 12, "Never my love": Ian and Fergus share a moment as they try to process what happened to Claire and reminisce their own past traumas.
Desperate Medicine by @fergusandmarsali
What if it was Claire, rather than Jamie, who met Fergus in 1744?
A canon-divergent one-shot set during Dragonfly in Amber / Season 2 (Episode 3: Useful Occupations and Deceptions) where Fergus has a little sister, gets caught attempting to steal from the medicine cupboard at L'Hôpital des Anges and still ends up getting adopted anyway.
Do You Remember by KatysOutlander
Fergus finds Claire in her garden at the Ridge, thinking about someone from her past. They discuss their time together in Paris and one of the painful events that took place there.
Fergus's Edinburgh Adventure by HillandGlen
After Jamie is captured and taken to Ardmuir. Fergus is left behind at Lallybroch. Growing up and a small estate is difficult for a one handed French city lad.
Fergus's Wooden Hand by Claireswildhair
Fergus and claire share a moment on the decks of the Artemis.
Fine Tuning by @ianmuyrray & @whiskynottea
Fergus, running in from the rain smacks into Roger the bloke who sings at the pub on Friday nights …
Fraser Photography Universe by Judybrandtner
School Photos: Jamie has an assignment at a school.
Homecoming: Fergus is coming to live with the Frasers.
Healing a Neglected Fergus by rach2322
In the time in Paris we see fergus eating in the aftermath of that disastrous dinner. He is always trying to prove his usefulness to Milford and milady. We also hear some truly disturbing details about his life at Madame Elise's. Could fergus have been neglected. What can Claire and Jamie do to fix this.
Fergus talks about sleeping under the stairs and SOMETIMES getting food from the ladies. Her heart brakes for the sweet boy. Reminding her of war orphans.
Whilst telling Jamie about the different ladies at the brothel. Fergus let's slip that one used to box his ears. Jamie promises him he will never lay a hand on him.
His Petite Etoile by @whiskynottea
With Milady gone and Milord hiding in a cave Fergus takes it upon himself to take care of Faith.
Imaginary by @crossinginstyle
When a young patient captures Claire’s heart, she finds herself unexpectedly in the position of foster parent. Fergus has been shuffled from foster family to foster family, branded as having psychological issues due to his preoccupation with his imaginary friend.
But what Claire discovers is Fergus’s imaginary friend might not be quite so imaginary...
Imagining by christinawithav
Set a year after Culloden, Fergus goes to see Jamie and they allow themselves to imagine life if Jamie hadn't sent Claire back through the stones.
Importance of Truth. by @redstarfiction-blog 
This is my first work of fan-fic and concerns Jamie and Fergus as the father/son dynamic developed during the period when they returned from France.
La Guérison by @redstarfiction-blog 
Part one of a quick two-shot of Jamie and Fergus healing in the aftermath of Randall back home at Lallybroch and how I imagine it may have effected them both.
La Petite by @bonnie-wee-swordsman
A very short, standalone Fergus ficlet taking place mid Dragonfly in Amber as the Frasers make their way back to Lallybroch from Paris. Paternal!Jamie fluff.
La Responsabilité D'un Frère | Protégé by @writtenthroughtime
Prompt: Hi! Could you please write a prompt where Jamie introduces Brianna and Fergus and they have some brother-sister time? Thank you
Life's Rhythm by futurelounging
Inspired by an OtherOutlanderTales prompt on Tumblr. Anon said: What was it like for Fergus when Milord arrived home to Lallybroch from Culloden?
This is a story from Fergus's point of view after Jamie is returned to Lallybroch, wounded, with Claire missing. He tries to work out his place in the world now that Milord is unwell and Milady is gone.
Lingering Wounds by @fergusandmarsali​
A canon-compliant one-shot set during Voyager / Season 3 where Jamie suffers a flashback, Fergus temporarily finds himself with zero functioning hands and Young Ian gains a whole new understanding as to their father-son relationship.
Loss Makes Us Feel Less by rach2322
A Fergus Centric fic. Fergus looks back on his life and the times he feels less.
Love Made of Iron by @inmyfxith
Fergus x fem!reader
Ma Famille by @writtenthroughtime
Prompt: Pretty please write me a story with Fergus calling Claire and Jamie “Mam” and “Da” because I need these feels in my life like I need air. <3333
Maman's Boy by @writtenthroughtime
Prestonpans: Ferguson making his way from the battlefield, just wanting to see Claire and Jamie. He realizes that he thinks of them as his parents.
Man to Man by sock_bealady
In the aftermath of Jack Randall's brutality, Jamie and Fergus come to an understanding. A gapfiller that picks up in the brothel.
Measure and Man by fluffernutter8
Fergus thinks about being enough. Episode tag for 6x03, featuring flashbacks.
Midnight Illusions by @fergusandmarsali
Sick with fever, Fergus assumes Murtagh's appearance to be a hallucination and says everything he’s thinking out loud. A canon-divergent one-shot set during early Season 4 (because Fergus should have been the one to find Murtagh, not Young Ian, thank you very much).
Milord's Story by Brissy
The story behind Fergus' remark in Episode 9 Season 3 'The Doldrums' - 'You forget I know your story, milord." How and when he heard the story.
Misguided Reactions by @fergusandmarsali​
Fergus comes down with tonsillitis for the nth time, panics, gets into a fight at school and his new foster mother, Doctor Claire Fraser, gets called down to the Principal’s office. A Modern-Day AU where Fergus learns that even the most troublesome of teenagers deserve to be cared for and doubly so when they’re feeling unwell.
Mon Coeur in Outlander Ficlets by @cranesmuir-witch
@atheart150 submitted a prompt to my @cranesmuir-witch tumblr - "Claire and Jamie’s reaction to Fergus calling them Mother and Father."
More Than a Cure by @fergusandmarsali
In 1747, Dragon Pox infection is once again on the rise and St Mungo’s Healer, Claire Beauchamp, isn’t at all surprised when a number of students in poor condition are transferred in from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry… until she meets James Fraser, Captain of Scotland’s most beloved quidditch team and adoptive father of one of her most unruly patients.
Mother by PentoPaper23
One shots and a few random short stories about Claire being a mother figure to Fergus.
New Names and Old Habits by @fergusandmarsali​
A canon-divergent one-shot where Fergus's newfound delight in using the Fraser name leads to a chance meeting with Milord and Milady's daughter, him warning her to stay away from Stephen Bonnet and receiving all the motivation he needs to utilise his pickpocketing skills once more.
No Matter the Cost by @redstarfiction-blog
A look at a scene which could have unfolded in the nights immediately before Culloden. Spoilers *sort of* for anyone who has not read the books or is watching the show but still in denial *grins*
As always thank you so much for reading and all of your comments/kudos. I really appreciate it.
Our Own by thatsoccercoach
Fergus was a nearly-forgotten dream in the recesses of their minds that they hadn’t remembered until they held him and suddenly saw it clearly.
Outlander Drabbles by @lenny9987
Chapters 1, 9, 11, 14, 22, 38, 44, & 74
Outlander Ficlets by @cranesmuir-witch 
This past week I posted several ficlet challenges on my @cranesmuir-witch tumblr and asked people to submit one of the many quotes in the list to be incorporated into a ficlet. I hope you enjoy them!
Chapters 6 & 25
Photographs by @adso-fraser
After the twins’ birth, the Frasers have a chat with their oldest son.
Popcorn and Haydust by @wunderlichkind
It's the start of summer vacation when the circus comes to Broch Mordha. It is a bit of a sensation in such a small village and occupies all its young people - especially Ian Fraser Murray, who's fascination is more with a certain artiste than the actual show. 
See also Popcorn and Haydust Outtake:  This is a missing (very explicit) scene from my fic "Popcorn and Haydust".
See also Radio Signal: Fergus sure knows all Ian's buttons to push.
See also Stage Fright: Ian isn't particularly looking forward to holding a presentation in front of a lot of people and his nerves cause a bit of a chaos that turns into steam very quickly.
Reading You by @wunderlichkind
Roger and Fergus first get to know each other through a pen-pals program in school - the relationship progresses when they meet in person as exchange students.
Sanctuary by @written-rebellion
Takes place mid S2 / Dragonfly in Amber
In the midst of all the schemes and intrigue, Fergus has a nightmare and Claire's able to squeeze in some mom practice.
SAWNY by @writtenthroughtime
Prompt: Now I don't remember if you had written something like this before but I was thinking about Jamie's first meeting with Fergus in the tv show where you find out he's the one who took Sawny so I thought a story about Jamie actually giving it to him either just before Culloden or before he arranges to get himself arrested would be really nice.
Shadows Aligning by @fergusandmarsali​
When Jamie turns up at the docks unannounced, Fergus is caught off guard by the men he’s fighting and ends up in the freezing cold basin leading to a moderate case of hypothermia, huddling for warmth and a conversation that he had been hoping to avoid.
A canon-divergent one-shot set during Voyager / Season 3 featuring Vigilante!Fergus (because if his story isn’t a vigilante origin story then I don’t know what is).
Shite Happens by @levisqueaks
When young Ian returns to the family from his time with the Mohawk, he and Fergus rekindle what they had once had in Edinburgh. Overtaken with seeing each other again, they make a choice that has dire consequences. But desperate times call for questionable choices, will they regret theirs? Written for the Outlander Bingo 2020 Challenge for Drivablecar.
Sister by PentoPaper23 
One shots about the Siblings relationship between Fergus and Brianna.
Starlight, Starbright by @abbydebeaupreposts
Anonymous said: Hi, this is a prompt for Abby. Abby would you write a missing scene of Fergus reuniting with Bree after she comes through the stones in DOA? Thanks!
Stay Awake! in Outlander Ficlets by @cranesmuir-witch
This past week I posted several ficlet challenges on my @cranesmuir-witch tumblr and asked people to submit one of the many quotes in the list to be incorporated into a ficlet. I hope you enjoy them!
Stolen Dreams Took Our Childish Days by @ofmermaidsandmarauders
Claire and Jaime Fraser find themselves unable to have a child of their own, instead deciding to explore alternative options to grow their family. A modern AU about foster care and found families.
Sutures by @smashing-teacups​
Canon-compliant, missing scene, 6x03, showverse. Jamie brings Fergus to Claire for stitching after his suicide attempt. Both parents offer comfort and advice to their son, and get to the bottom of some of Fergus's doubts.
The Art Of Waiting by @wunderlichkind
Family dinners can be a tedious affair. Especially when someone's teasing you relentlessly. 
The Attic Room by Judybrandtner
Jamie and Claire are refurbishing their new house, and Jamie has a special thought for one of the rooms.
The Finer Points by @fergusandmarsali​
While Jamie and Claire are off trying to convince Old Fox to join the war effort, Fergus is left in the care of one Murtagh Fitzgibbons Fraser. Luckily, Murtagh doesn't need to be a genius to see that Fergus isn't sleeping… or to set things to rights.
The Greatest Gifts in Small Blessings by Zoe1078
Claire has a Lump.
The Lady’s Rosemary by antigone_breathes_still
Fergus knows he isn't supposed to go sneaking into guests' rooms, let alone steal any of their things. But when doors are left ajar and perfume bottles are left unattended, things can get very quickly out of hand... / OR / Fergus loves Claire and is not about to let any silly rule about "not stealing" get in the way of impressing her. / OR / A potential alternative to a very upsetting incident from Season 2 (if you've seen the show, you know the one).
The Midnight Kitchen by @thescarlettpeacock
A short fic featuring Fergus, Claire and the midnight munchies...
(This fic is not associated with Just Desserts and acts as a standalone one-shot)
The One Where its Official in Idyllwild by @anoutlandishfanfic
What you need to know: Fergus is officially becoming a Fraser! The how's and why's of this haven't been written yet (including the showdown Claire eludes to) but it should be pretty self explanatory anyway. Enjoy!
The Scars that Bind Us by ShadowOfHapiness
A collection of Fraser family one-shots for Whumptober 2021. Featuring a lot of gratuitous hurt/comfort, angst, whump and, of course, family feels.
Day 2: choking, drowning Featuring: Roger, Jemmy, Germain and Fergus. Set sometime between 5x08 and 5x09.
The Sweetest of All by catrinwrites 
Claire Beauchamp is determined to make her adopted son’s first Christmas with her his best ever; she decides to adopt a dog for him from one Fraser’s Ridge Animal Rescue.
The Tagalong by @lenny9987
Prompt: What if Fergus had gone through the Stones after Culloden accidentally or on purpose and found Claire and Bree?
The Words Get Stuck In My Throat by @abbydebeaupreposts
“They had knelt together by the spring, embracing, wet with blood and water, locked together as though he could hold Fergus to the earth, to his family by force of will alone, and he had no notion at all what he said, lost in the passion of the moment –until the end.” ABOSAA Chpt. 64
Three Nightmares by antigone_breathes_still
After being attacked by BlackJack Randall, Fergus suffers from chronic nightmares. Jamie and Claire do their best to look after him, all the while grieving the loss of their daughter.
To Build A Home by anotherplaceintime (marvelleous)
James Fraser, an inspector for Police Scotland, has his life turned upside down when he is called up as an emergency foster parent, after a child is found abandoned in the streets of Inverness.
Trouble Sleeping by @fergusandmarsali
Fergus follows Claire through the stones to 1948 and learns the beauty of modern medicine including childhood inoculations… and their unfortunate short-term side effects.
Une Nouvelle Famille in Small Blessings by Zoe1078
How Fergus came to live with the Frasers.
Unfortunate Timing by @fergusandmarsali​
Fergus attempts to show off his pickpocketing skills, an unimpressed Jamie gets called down to the police station and Brianna accidentally lets slip a previously well kept secret.
What if Roger Met Fergus in Wilmington by rach2322
Fergus and Roger au in willmington. When Roger asks about bree in willmington fergus takes note and offers to help the frazzled man. By chance leading him to Claire and Jamie who are surprising him and marsali with a visit.
When Home is Lost by gray_autumn_sky
A canon divergent AU set at the very end of season 2.
Instead of letting Jamie take her back to the stones, Claire insists on accompanying Fergus back to Lallybroch. Though Claire promises Jamie that she'll go through the stones once she knows Fergus is safe with Jenny and Ian, she finds that she can't bring herself to do it, even if it means going back on her last promise to her husband.
Which Door? by @thescarlettpeacock 
"He is greeted by his new foster parents in the living room of the Glasgow Fostering Centre, both of them wearing smiles and warm winter jackets. This is the tenth time they’ve met, he thinks, but for the first time he isn’t exactly sure what to say."
Families come in different shapes and sizes. Not all begin the same. He hopes, he wonders if this could be it for him?
(W)hole Again by MxBelle
Young Ian has a dream about Fergus and invites him over for dinner to make it come true.
Without Us by @bonnie-wee-swordsman
A follow up to Season 2 Episode 13 (Dragonfly in Amber), showing Fergus' journey back to Lallybroch
Wrapped Up With A Red Bow by Greens
Jamie is upset when he is unable to find the perfect Christmas gift for Claire.
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Fergus (Secondary)
Children of Their Times by @her-majesty-wears-jeans
"Brianna was the spitting image of Jamie, but today she didn’t remind Claire of red curls towering over her and arms wrapped around her waist but of a mop of dark hair tucked under her chin and dexterous, slim fingers fisted in the hem of her skirt."
word: play | setting: historical/modern setting
Daytime Friends (Night Time Lovers) by clairefrasers 
Jamie Fraser adopted Fergus from the children’s home his sister, Jenny works in.
Jamie moves to Boston to set up a whisky business with his God Father - Murtagh FitzGibbons Fraser.
Jamie is in need of a Nanny to take care of Fergus while he is working.
Claire Randall is married to Frank Randall; Claire was a paediatric nurse until her husband asked her to step away from the hospital to spend more time together.
Claire’s fondness for children and the need to care for them sent her in the direction of Nannying.
Her first client(s) Jamie and Fergus Fraser.
His Prudent Heart by LallybrochLoser
Five years have passed since Jamie Fraser, widower and single father of two, fled Scotland in order to give his sons, Fergus and Willie, the best life possible without their mother. He works his way up to become the chief editor of Boston’s premiere weekly newspaper, The Rising Sun Times. When Fergus comes down with a harsh illness, he decides it’s time to give the local apothecary a run for its money. His life will undoubtedly be turned upside down when he meets one Claire Beauchamp, a former doctor with a dark past of her own.
Hogmanay Hauntings by preciouslittleingenue
Jamie is broken beyond repair, even years after sending Claire away with their unborn child. Hogmanay rolls around again, and Jamie cannot bring himself to celebrate with the family he has left...until he is visited by three spirits.
A Christmas Carol/Outlander Mash-Up for 12 Days of OL Ficmas.
Innocent Revelations by @fergusandmarsali​
When young Germain Fraser makes the newfound ‘discovery’ that his Papa once lost a hand to the men in red coats, he seeks the comfort and knowledge he believes Grandpère Jamie can provide. As it turns out his grandfather is the one in desperate need of comfort, still very much affected by events of the past.
Memories of the Moon by @phoenixflames12
Jamie considers the moon and prays for those he’s lost and those who still remain
More Than A Cure by @fergusandmarsali​
In 1747, Dragon Pox infection is once again on the rise and St Mungo’s Healer, Claire Beauchamp, isn’t at all surprised when a number of students in poor condition are transferred in from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry… until she meets James Fraser, Captain of Scotland’s most beloved quidditch team and adoptive father of one of her most unruly patients.
Somewhere Only We Know by Psychic101
Jamie Fraser is a single dad raising his 7-year-old son Fergus with the help of his family. After being expelled, Fergus attends a new school with a teacher who specializes in teaching children with ADHD- Claire Beauchamp. Fergus finally gets the help he needs to succeed in school while Jamie gets what he thought he'd never have. True love. Jamie thought being a single dad was the hardest thing in the world but then again, he's never secretly dated his son's teacher either. Set in modern-day Scotland.
Previously named "Nous Sommes Prêts (We Are Ready)"
Sojourn of a Thousand More by JRC10
A sequel to "Journey of a Thousand Kisses."
Jamie and Claire take a sojourn to Paris in the months after their wedding and are surprised by what they find.
Temporary Home by @renee-writer
Claire is a social worker. Fergus an at-risk child brought into protective care. Jamie his foster father..
This will be a very angsty slow burn.
The Scottish Manny by @ladyviolethummingbird
Dr Claire Beauchamp’s life revolves solely around her job, but when a close friend passes away and names the busy surgeon guardian of her six year old son, she becomes a mother overnight.
Clueless about kids and desperate for help, she hires a nanny. Expecting a sedate older woman who spends time baking and embroidering, she’s thrown for a loop with the arrival of James Fraser. Young, fun and carefree, he’s exactly what Claire’s new son needs - could he be just what she needs, too?
Tomorrow, When The World is Free by @thestarrystarryknight
In 1943, Claire Fraser takes in a French orphan named Claudel, who lost his home, family, and all but his name when his village was bombed a year earlier. With her husband away fighting in Italy, Claire does the best she can to maintain some semblance of a home and family for the small child even as everything she holds dear is upended by the war. A modern(ish) au, about life, love, and family during wartime.
We Only Do This For Fergus! by @underthewingsofthblackeagle
“We only do this for Fergus!” is a short Outlander Fan Fiction story and my contribution to the Outlander Prompt Exchange (Prompt 3: Fake Relationship AU: Jamie Fraser wants to formally adopt his foster son Fergus, but his application will probably not be approved… unless he is married and/or in a committed relationship. Enter one Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp (Randall?) to this story) @outlanderpromptexchange
See also Deutsch version Wir tun das nur für Fergus!
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Marsali (Main)
A Call to Arms by @lenny9987
Part of my Gaps in Canon series. Set during A Breath of Snow and Ashes.
Jamie is looking for Claire when he learns that something happened to her and Marsali down at the brew house.
A Sister's Return in Outlander Drabbles by @lenny9987
Prompt: Marsali breaks down upon Brianna's return.
I Have Another Daughter Now by rach2322
What did Claire think of Marsali and how did their mother daughter relationship develop. I see Marsali as having become really close to Claire eventually seeing her as a second Mother. ONESHOT
Living In The Past: A Story In Four Parts by AuntieCait
A slightly canon-divergent extension of Marsali and Brianna’s late night conversation over a bottle of whisky in episode 504 (“The Company We Keep”), this is a tale of the two women telling tales of their own, each sharing a story about their adolescent years that shaped who they became and their relationships with the men in their lives.
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Marsali (Secondary)
Second Wife by @betweensceneswriter
What happened in Jamie's life between leaving Helwater and Claire's return? If you've ever wanted to see more of Jamie as a father, an uncle, a grieving, yet still-in-love widower, this canon-consistent novella explores those years.
Although we see Laoghaire, this is not her story--this is still the story of Jamie and Claire. We see the events and emotions that led Jamie to re-marry, we see him remembering Claire. And Jamie's moments with Marsali and Joanie are adorable!
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Other Stories Worth Reading
Starting Young by @fergusandmarsali
When Marsali is too ill to assist Claire in the surgery, Germain decides to become Grandmère’s newest apprentice and, while neither hurt nor ill, Grandpère is the very first patient he tends to. A fluffy one-shot set during early Season 5.
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80 notes · View notes
mo-nighean-rouge · 4 years
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Gone - V
Jamie Fraser prepares to send Claire and Faith through the stones. A last-minute interference puts them all at stake.
A/N: Huge thanks to @ianmuyrray for dedicating a lot of time and patience to help me clean this up, as well as @lady-o-ren for always saying something kind.
There’s a lot going on in the world right now. Take care and look out for ways that you can help -- including but not limited to:
Black Lives Matter | The Equal Justice Initiative |  Invest in the future for FREE
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | AO3
Murtagh was being pulled down from Donas by two Redcoats. As they set his feet on the ground, he met Claire’s eye, his own full of guilt and shame.
She slid down from her own horse and sidled up to Jamie’s back as he tried to make himself impossibly bigger to hide her, lowering Faith to her arms.
Over his shoulder, she studied the English officers in the dim light. There was something oddly familiar about one of them.
April 17, 1746 | Scottish Countryside
“Please.” Jamie’s voice rang clear in the still morning. “Leave him be.”
Claire’s eyes flooded as she watched him march toward the scene in surrender. She pressed her forehead into Faith’s mangled curls to hide her tears.
“I’ll wager ye know who I am,” Jamie said decidedly. “Take me, and let my companions go free. I’ll no’ fight.”
The silence was deafening as each party studied the other.
“James Fraser,” the ranking officer bellowed from his mount. “Notorious Jacobite.”
One of the younger men holding Murtagh in a vice grip paled at the obvious confirmation.
“Then this could only be the Stuart Witch in your company, Mr. Fraser?” The officer continued, breaking into a dark chuckle. “It seems we’d be foolish to let any of you get too far today.”
“No!” Jamie shouted, but it was too late. He thrashed violently even as three men surrounded him. All Claire could see was the sun shining against his brilliant red hair as the men dragged him away.
The remaining soldiers approached Claire and Fergus, gripping them indelicately as they led them on a solemn march toward the camp just visible through the clearing. Even though no one tried to remove her, Claire tightened her grip around Faith’s middle until the little girl began to squirm and whimper.
Each unfriendly face they passed jeered at them, recognition of the long-awaited captives flashing in their eyes.
They were all forced into a semi-circle together, surrounded by their captors.
Claire lowered herself to the ground, hit with another bout of nausea. Little wonder, as they’d had nothing to eat since supper the night before.
“Mama?” Faith whined softly, the impatient tones of a temper tantrum in her voice.
Jamie dropped to his knees beside them, using dirty palms to check each of them over for injury. “I’m sorry. Sae sorry Claire. So verra sorry,” he whispered, shaking.
Claire palmed his cheek in return. There was nothing he could have done. They had chosen their path, knowing the consequences it might bring.
She leaned into him and together they shielded Faith, sure these were their last moments but uncertain what they might bring. 
Claire barely registered the weary young man from before as he slowly backed away from his post and then dashed toward the largest tent at the edge of camp.
The commanding officer approached their huddle. “Captain Jacobs, at your service,” he sneered. “As long-sought after criminals in a losing battle, we’re certain you have plenty of information to share with us. Who knows, in the end your cooperation just may give us leave to be more lenient.”
Claire felt Jamie tense, her own breathing growing shallower. All they’d lost already, and their lives still on the line.
“Now,” Jacobs began. “I’d like to question each of you individually, starting with…” his cold eyes narrowed on Claire.
A throat cleared behind him, and the captain straightened. “Colonel.”
The colonel inclined his head as his inferior officer bowed.
“If you’re quite done, Captain… James and Mistress Fraser, I presume?” he asked them formally. He turned. “And Murtagh Fitzgibbons Fraser. And…” he tilted his head at the sight of Fergus. “Hello, young man. If you’d all accompany me to my quarters, it seems we have much to discuss.”
Jamie gave a slight nod. His face was the mask Claire knew would cover his thoughts, but he quickly rose, pulling Faith and her up with him.
As they walked, Faith dove toward Jamie and he caught her easily. Her eyes slipped closed at last, tucked against her da’s chest. It was likely for the best, as Claire herself hardly wanted to see what happened next.
 As they ducked under the entryway of the large tent, the colonel motioned them toward a long table. 
They’d need to keep their story straight. Balancing Faith’s slumbering form in one hand, Jamie ruffled Fergus's hair with the other, imploring him to keep quiet with a stern glance. Then Jamie reached for Claire, who accepted his touch, gripping his thigh firmly with her free hand.
After ensuring the tent flap was secure behind him, the colonel sat opposite them at the table. “I believe I’ve been remiss in introducing myself.” He straightened in the high-backed chair. “Colonel Harold Grey, Duke of Pardloe.”
Jamie frowned at the surname. Why did he know the name Grey?
“I’m told you’re all in acquaintance with my younger brother,” Grey continued. The young soldier from earlier stepped around a fold in the tent, flushed.
“Mr. and Mrs. Fraser, meet John William Grey.”
Surprised and a bit uneasy, Jamie and Claire glanced at each other before fully acknowledging the young man.
“Mr. Grey, pleasure to make your acquaintance again.”
“Mr. Fraser, Mistress Fraser, I trust you are both in good health.”
“Aye lad, at least my wife tells me so.” Jamie stroked Claire’s palm with his thumb.
John Grey nodded, smirking. “I suppose I should have guessed as much that night at Carryarrick, Sir.”
“As my brother reminds me,” Colonel Grey began, rubbing his temples. “He swore to you an oath of honor in exchange for his life.” He paused, looking from one Fraser to another. “It seems to fall on me to fulfill that promise today.”
“Just what will that mean, Colonel?” Jamie asked, his voice dropping to hide his nerves.
“I wonder if you’re familiar, Mr. Fraser, with Captain of Dragoons, Jonathan Randall?”
Claire’s nails dug into Jamie’s thigh as he shifted in his chair. “We’ve heard a bit in passing, aye. Most of it isna good.”
“Is he as nasty a man as they say?” Claire asked, trying to hide her emotions.
The colonel rose and fetched a decanter, pouring himself a drink before offering one to his guests. Jamie and Murtagh accepted, while Claire refused. Jamie knew she’d have a hard time stomaching ale on an empty belly.
“I’m afraid that everything you’ve heard, Mistress Fraser, pales in comparison to the truth. Allegations of abuse have followed him for years. But he always manages to shake them off before the consequences reach him.”
“That’s a shame.” Jamie swirled the drink in his mug. “But how does it relate to myself and my family?”
“We received word just this morning that Captain Randall met his end before the battle yesterday.”
Claire inhaled sharply.
Seemingly oblivious to their reactions, the colonel continued, pacing back and forth. “There was an outbreak of influenza in the camp. Terrible conditions, as you might imagine.”
Jamie shrugged, lifting one shoulder in response.
“As it turns out, he left behind a young widow with no other family to speak of. Mrs. Randall will be on her own to establish her inherited estate in Paris. She is also expecting his child.”
“I can’t imagine,” Claire whispered, rubbing her own belly underneath the table and trying not to shudder at the casual use of her friend’s married name.
“So, to conclude, I’m offering you both parole to her property in France. If you accept, you’ll leave on the next ship.”
“Mmmph.” Jamie nodded slowly, considering.
“Otherwise, I’m afraid there aren’t many options left in Scotland than the noose. For any of you.”
Jamie leaned forward, careful not to jostle Faith. “And what about my godfather, Murtagh?” he asked, his voice low.
The colonel turned his attention to the man in question. “I suppose any additional service would be to Mrs. Randall’s benefit.”
“And the children?” Claire asked. She rubbed Faith’s back.
Fergus perked up at this, looking between Claire and the colonel.
Grey cleared his throat. “As long as Mrs. Randall is willing to accommodate them, I see no issue in sending them along with you.”
“Ye should know,” Jamie warned. “I signed my estate away to my nephew. There will be no need to harass its residents.”
The colonel fixed his gaze on Jamie. “I have no desire to disturb properties that no longer belong to you, Mr. Fraser.”
Jamie and Claire exhaled together. “You have our gratitude, Colonel.”
Grey nodded. “To tell you the truth, I’ve watched many men fall over the past months. If only a few…” He cleared his throat again. “You’ll be detained here until our ship leaves in three days’ time, but you may move about the grounds as you wish. We will post any letters you wish to write before you leave. They will, of course, be read by myself first.”
 Claire knelt by the stream with Faith in her arms, the remnant of a gooey bar of soap clenched in her palm.
“Time to get cleaned up, lovey.” She trailed a wet finger down Faith’s cheek.
Faith giggled, dropping her chin to her chest to get away. When her mother paused, she looked into Claire’s eyes and placed a hand on her cheek. “S’okay, Mama?”
Claire paused and gathered her baby tighter to her. “Yes, my love. Things are looking up for us.” She pulled back to meet her eye. “But you are safe no matter what, do you understand?”
Faith nodded, turning around and leaning back as Claire lathered her hair with soap.
“Stay close, but out of the water,” Claire reminded her gently as she started her own ablutions. She needn’t have worried though, as a quick glance over her shoulder assured her that Jamie was standing guard at the tree line.
She grimaced as she felt water hit her back. She turned around in time to see Faith standing by the shallow of the creek, splashing. She shook her head and chuckled, sweeping Faith up and spinning her around, her little girl giggling madly.
Claire stripped down to her shift as night finally fell over the camp. Fergus was tucked into a separate tent with Murtagh. The dour old man had scoffed at their accommodations, but Claire caught the grin he tried to hide as Jamie pulled the blanket snug over Fergus’s shoulders.
She checked on Faith one more time, snoozing soundly on her pallet at the other end of the tent. Smoothing out her bedroll, she dropped down next to Jamie, who had left on only his shirt. Even as she curled into him, he continued staring a hole through the wall of their tent.
“Ready to get some rest, soldier?” she asked, smoothing her hand over his freshly shaved cheek.
Jamie caught her hand in his, and placed a kiss on her palm, but said nothing.
Claire sighed. This was no good. “You know I’m feeling different than last time. You don’t suppose it could be twins?” She caressed her belly.
He jerked around to face her, then rolled his eyes when he caught her smug grin. “Och. So ye’re a wee jokester tonight, eh?”
“What is it?” she asked, stroking the hand she had healed for him with delicate fingers.
“I’m sorry, Claire,” he said softly.
She tilted her head. “Whatever for? Things looked dodgy there for a moment, but we’ve a way out now.”
One side of Jamie’s mouth ticked upward. “Aye, and I’m grateful for that, but once again it seems that being here has put ye in danger.”
Claire shifted to hold his face in her hands. “We’ll be fine,” she whispered. “There’s nothing we can’t do, together.”
Jamie squeezed his eyes shut. “I just canna help thinkin’ it was my fault.”
She hesitated before nodding, slowly, with an air of finality. “You’re right.”
He went still for a moment, her sarcasm taking a second to fully settle on him. 
Claire shifted to drag their bodies fully together, nestling against his neck. His arm wrapped around her shoulder.
“You nearly gave up everything to make sure the children and I were safe.” She bit his earlobe. “When we get a chance to be alone,” she purred, pulling his mouth close to hers by the collar of his shirt. “You’ll find out whether I’m more inclined to punish or reward you for it.”
Jamie smiled at her and gripped her bottom. “I’ll hold ye to that.” He met her with a kiss, rubbing circles into her lower back. “I do love ye, Sassenach.”
“Mmm, you’ve mentioned that a time or two.”
He rolled to his back, folding her into his side with her palm over his heartbeat.
Claire could feel the heady tug of her exhaustion, and she was ready for sleep. But Jamie’s fingers tapping on her hip wouldn’t cease.
“Ach, sorry.” He stilled his hand into a grip instead.
“What’s on your mind??” Claire wondered.
Jamie looked at her in surprise. “Sassenach,we’re surrounded by men that have likely no’ seen a woman in months. I willna give them a chance at ye.”
“We’re 15 paces from Colonel Grey’s tent. I don’t think anyone is bold enough to try anything.”
“Mmmph. That Captain Jacobs. Dinna like the way he was looking at ye.”
Claire sighed, thumping her head against his shoulder. “Even in sleep, you’ll know if he shows up.” She scratched the back of his head, knowing his eyes would droop as she did.
His body relaxed. “Will ye wake me if anything’s amiss?”
“Of course. And I can defend myself, you know.”
“Aye.” He smirked. “But ye shouldna have to.” He pressed a kiss to her temple before letting his eyes drift shut at last.
 Jamie’s family patiently stood to the side as Colonel Grey conferred with the harbormaster -- almost patiently.
Faith wriggled in Jamie’s arms as she rubbed her eyes and adjusted her position against his shoulder again. Fergus paced back and forth under Murtagh’s nose, causing the older man to mutter under his breath.
And Jamie himself twitched in the breeches provided to him by Redcoats. Colonel Grey insisted that tartan was outlawed and didn’t want his prisoner wearing a kilt in front of his colleagues. Jamie complied, albeit reluctantly. It wasn’t just the loss of his kilt that bothered him, nor Claire’s tartan shawl that he’d spread her out over more times than he could count. It was their last day in Scotland for an indeterminable amount of time. He couldn’t say when the next time he’d see Lallybroch or even a patch of heather would be.
But then Claire tightened her grip on his elbow, leaning her head against his shoulder. Regardless of what he was going to lose, he’d managed to keep his wife. His family. Everything else could bide.
Jamie came to attention as Grey turned back toward them. He didn’t like the look on the man’s face.
Grey’s face was drawn. “It seems that demand for passage is quite high. Only official prisoners are allowed transport.” He met Jamie’s eye. “Now, your… Fergus… I can assign parole status, but your daughter…”
Jamie felt himself begin to quake. Claire went white beside him.
“I’d be more than obliged to have some of my men deliver her to your family estate while I accompany you to France…”
“Ye said you would leave Lallybroch alone,” Jamie bit out.
“It would remain safe, Mr. Fraser, it would be a simple business matter— ”
“We go as one, or not at all. I canna…”  His eyes fell to Claire’s silver ring, remembering all it represented. To leave part of his heart in another country for years… The carpet bag in Claire’s hand caught his eye.
The piece was clean, if threadbare, also provided by Grey. Perhaps it was fortunate after all that their belongings had barely covered the bottom.
“I’ve an idea, if ye’d be agreeable, Colonel.”
The bones of Jamie’s hand ground into Claire’s as they crossed the dock toward the awaiting ship. His other arm held the carpet bag against his hip.
“Halt,” barked the harbormaster . “We have orders from the Crown to check your cargo. They suspect you lot may try to smuggle contraband to whatever miserable place you’re headed.”
Grey nodded as the dockhands moved to pop his trunk open, but cleared his throat as they reached for the bag Jamie carried. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
The harbormaster, a fellow Redcoat, looked at him suspiciously. “And why would you say that?”
Grey leaned toward the man sternly. “I’ve checked their belongings already. I don’t imagine the discipline that would follow second guessing me is worth peering inside Mistress Fraser’s medical kit. You can only imagine the ghastly methods that pass for medical treatment in the Highlands -- dead toads, mummified crickets, and something that strangely resembles a man’s toe…” He shuddered.
“You folks are free to board,” the harbormaster blanched.
Murtagh and Fergus carried little cargo, and nothing the dockhands were willing to risk investigating.
They hastened onto the ship and locked themselves away in their respective cabins, while Grey went to introduce himself to the ship’s captain and explain their unusual situation.
Jamie watched the carpetbag wiggle as Claire undid its fastenings, followed by the appearance of a curly head.
Before Faith could react, Jamie plucked her from it and pulled her to him, embracing her so hard she squawked.
“Wonderful, Lovey.” Claire crushed herself into their embrace.
“Da is sae proud of ye, a nighean,” Jamie whispered into her ruffled curls. “I ken ye dinna understand now, but ye will someday.”
Faith raised her finger to her lips. “Shhh!”
“Yes, you were very brave.” Claire smiled. “But you don’t have to be anymore.”
 Claire smoothed the blanket over Faith’s slumbering form, then stood up from the bottom bunk and closed the door softly behind her. She knocked on Murtagh’s door and asked him to listen for Faith.
She climbed to the deck of the ship, spotting her husband leaning over the railing in the darkness. She wrapped her arms around him from behind.
“You’re not thinking of abandoning ship are you? All this effort would have been quite a waste.”
Jamie turned in her arms and wrapped her in his own. “Nae. ‘Tis just such a beautiful a night.”
“Hmm. Any seasickness yet?” Claire turned in his embrace, her back to his chest.
“Not yet. I think my heid’s working too hard to catch up with all that’s happened.” He rested his chin on her shoulder. “And all I have to be grateful for. But what about ye?” He rubbed his hand in a circle over her belly.
“Nothing to report yet.” She shook her head. “But I have a feeling it might return with a vengeance in the morning.”
“I wish there was something I could do to help ye with it,” he murmured into her hair.
“Just be with me,” she sighed.
They looked out over the moon-lit water together, swaying gently.
“Did you ever think we’d get here?” Claire whispered. “When we took that first ship ride?”
Jamie exhaled. “No’ at all. I could scarcely imagine putting the parts of me back together to make a whole man. But ye did that.” He turned her to face him, lifting her chin to meet his eye. “Now the Scotland I knew is gone, but me and mine and hale are provided for.” He placed a hand on her bottom. “And my bonnie wife has already given me two and a half bairns to cherish.”
Claire laughed as her lips met his. Not even a week ago, she’d expected to find herself pregnant and alone with a toddler, preparing to face a man she’d let go of first physically, then emotionally.
Instead, they’d fought for each other, and their family. Though they would part one day, it wouldn’t be today. Nor any day soon, if they had anything to say about it.
epilogue to follow
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phoenixflames12 · 3 years
Hey Phoenixflames- I just got done reading True North by IanMuyrray/muykonos. You two seemed close when I was reading the comments. I see the story wasn’t completed, and her social media hasn’t been updated since March 2020 that I saw. Did something happen to IanMuyrray that she’s not posting anymore? Do you know if True North was ever finished? I see you have written some stuff on A03, so I’m off to read yours. I need to figure out what my login was for A03. To be continued…
Hi nonny,
I think that with COVID and everything going on in the world right now, @ianmuyrray is just taking a step back from tumblr and social media in general. She's moving on with her life and that's great- we've all got to remember that fandom isn't everything. I don''t read Outlander fanfiction any more, so I can't comment on whether True North was ever finished or not. if you want to read my Outlander stuff, feel free, but you need to know that I stepped away from that fandom in 2019 after having some pretty rough experiences, and I don't intend to go back. If there's any unfinished fics/series on there, they're going to stay unfinished.
Hope this helps!
Much love,
Phoenixflames12 xxx
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11 Fics Under 100 Kudos 
A huge thank you to @holdhertightandsayhername who submitted this prompt to @thelallybrochlibrary’s Holiday Prompt Exchange: 
‘Reader prompt: write a short article about a great fic UNDER 100 kudos!’ 
In the spirit of 12 Days of Outlander, here are not one but eleven fics under 100 kudos that, we think, are totally worth reading these holidays. Enjoy! 
Wee Shadow. by @redstarfiction
A wee one shot of Jamie and Claire fluff with Jem and Mandy set around ‘Tell The Bees' 
Note: A short but lovely in-canon moment between Outlander’s leading couple. If you have only a moment these holidays to read something ‘new’ - click on the link above. You won’t regret it.
Before Light by @westerhos
Murtagh comforts Jamie after Faith’s death.
Note: This one-shot is a perfect accompaniment to Season 2 in helping fill the lengthy gap between the end of ‘Faith’ and the beginning of ‘The Fox’s Lair’. It simultaneously pulls at heartstrings while helping both Jamie and readers find a little [much needed] closure. Highly recommended to anyone in the mood for some short-lived emotional turmoil. 
Of Kith and Kin by @ianmuyrray for @otheroutlandertales
Jenny returns to Lallybroch from delivering a grandchild and Ian tells her about Brianna. A missing moment from 4x07.
Note: A short one-shot that - not only those who love Jenny and Ian, but - all fans of Outlander will enjoy. This conversation between husband and wife is likely to bring a smile to your face and perhaps even prompt a happy tear or two. If, after reading this, you find yourself in need of even more Jenny/Ian, we recommend checking out Muy’s A Deal for some fake/pretend relationship goodness.
The Midnight Kitchen by @thescarlettpeacock
A short fic featuring Fergus, Claire and the midnight munchies… 
Note: A very sweet moment between mother and son in a modern-day alternate universe that is bound to leave you wondering ‘what if’ in the best way possible. Warning: late-night reading may induce cravings for jam sandwiches.
The Knife by @whiskynottea for @otheroutlandertales
Murtagh Fitzgibbons Fraser is asked to craft a knife and finds love in the new world.
Note: Life for Murtagh post-Culloden is a storyline not often explored and this tv!canon divergent one-shot can only be described as a blessing - for both Murtagh and all his fans. Nothing more needs to be said - just go ahead and click on that link above!
Without Us by @bonnie-wee-swordsman    
A follow up to Season 2 Episode 13 (Dragonfly in Amber), showing Fergus’ journey back to Lallybroch
Note: As the comments will attest, this story is as likely to provoke a display of emotion as watching the episode itself. Please make sure to browse the tags before reading as there are vague references to events in Season 2 Episode 7 (Faith) that some may wish to avoid. Those willing to proceed, however, will not be disappointed.
Which Door? by thatsoccercoach
Claire intends to go to Frank’s Super Bowl party.
Note: Don’t be fooled by first impressions. These initial 256 words lead to an astounding 78 one-shots (totalling 80,829 words!) that all fit within the parameters of this post including Powerful | Wonderful | Ridiculous and The Anniversary Present. Perfect for those who, after a hearty meal, find themselves surrounded by napping family members and are in need of something both fluffy and lengthy to keep them company.
Lucky Lad by @abbydebeaupreposts
From a Tumblr prompt: Can we get a story about Jamie and Roger and Jemmy bonding?
Note: A perfect example of how even the vaguest prompt can result in the most glorious of fics. Best of all, you don’t need to be a fan of Roger in order to enjoy this domestic moment on Fraser’s Ridge from Brianna’s point of view.  
The Fire in my Soul by @queen-in-the-northx
Set sometimes after the end of MOBY, Claire reflects on falling in love with Jamie.
Note: Anyone who is in love with Jamie and Claire’s love story will fall in love with this fic, too. For that extra touch, imagine Claire reading it aloud in a voiceover similar to those we have been blessed with on occasion throughtout the television series.  
Cross That Line by MooseDeEvita
While traveling from town to town to lure Jamie back to them, Murtagh and Claire turn to each other for physical comfort. After all, confessions of lost love go so well with an ocean view and a sky full of stars. A bit of a deleted scene in episode 14 “The Search” after they hug in the cave by the sea.
Note: Murtagh x Claire: it’s the rarepair you never knew you needed. And trust us, you do. Recommended to absolutely everyone who is, like Murtagh and Claire, open to new [and undeniably erotic] experiences. 
Clair(e)voyance 1.0 by @notevenjokingfic
Detective Sergeant James Fraser and Chief Medical Examiner Claire Randall. Both are perhaps a little jaded, and shut off from the world, until the other steps into theirs. It’s supernatural. Intrigue. Romance. Murders. Mystery. All of that and so, so much heart. It’s the telling of several different cases that span over their partnership – which is a word that comes to take on several different meanings as the story goes on. And each case is more interesting than the next.
Note: If you have ever needed an excuse to reread this well-known fan favorite, this is it! Almost every single instalment in this popular series has less than 100 kudos, so, after you have browsed the list above, head on over to AO3 to start at very the beginning - and make sure to leave kudos each step of the way! 
Bonus Challenge!
There are hundreds of wonderful, amazing, incredible fics under 100 kudos on AO3. As such, we challenge you to add to this very short list by sharing one of your own favorite fics under 100 kudos, leaving a more personal message in the author’s ask box, or perhaps finding that unfinished multi-chapter fic under 100 kudos and leaving a comment to tell the author how much you would love an update one day in the near future. Whatever you choose, we are sure all authors will appreciate your love and support this holiday season! 
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Marsali is rapidly becoming one of my favourites characters! I would love a Marsali story focusing on her relationships with Jamie and Claire.
I think this fantastic one shot by @ianmuyrray might be right up your sleeve, anon. It’s a modern AU where Fergus is going to introduce Marsali to his parents. You can read it over on AO3. It’s one of my faves!
Mod Katy
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purpleheatherdream · 5 years
A Happy Halloween Outlander Fan-Fiction Reading List
Trick or Treat! Here’s a Halloween reading list for your enjoyment! 
Draco (chapter 12 of the Constellations Series) by @kalendraashtar
“Witches all to burn at the stake.”
The Evanora @bonniebird17
The full moon hung over me, giving me the strength to keep me going and I was heading east, leading the witch hunter further away from my home and my sisters.
Part 1
Part 2
An Leabhar Dìlseachd by @thetranquilteal
Claire Fraser had always known she was a witch. Her affinity for healing hinted at it and her ability to time travel confirmed it. What she didn’t know was that she would come into her full power the day she became a mother. Concerned with how her pregnancy is progressing, she's seeks the help of apothecary Master Raymond in the hope that he will be able to teach her how to utilise her newfound power and protect her family from disaster. A canon-divergent AU told through the pages of the Fraser Grimoire ‘The Book of Faith’.
Bewitched by @julesbeauchamp
Jamie and Claire Fraser are like any other young married couple, except for some tiny detail: he's a mortal human being and she's a witch, something which she does not divulge to him until after their wedding.
Jamie just wants them to live a simple, mortal life, to which Claire agrees, meaning no witchcraft and no telling any of their mortal friends and relatives of her being a witch. However, that no witchcraft vow is more difficult to maintain than Claire had expected.
Brujerìa by @julesbeauchamp​
Being a witch was a detail Claire Beauchamp omitted to tell people. She was determined to live her life as normally as possible and she was doing a pretty good job of it. At least until her meeting with a stranger sent her life into a spiral and revealed secrets about her past she never suspected.
The Witch and the Red Man by @lady-o-ren
He was a man meant for a life of loneliness but was relentlessly hunted for the darkness lurking within.
To Kill a Witch by @owlish-peacock36​
Jamie doesn’t know much about women. Even less about the strange Miss Beauchamp. Outlander AU. One-shot.
Three Witches by @westerhos​
An AU where Claire, Jenny, and Geillis are three modern-day witches. A big ole house, a "No Men Allowed Policy", rituals in the woods - the usual witchy norm. When Jamie shows up, things go to hell in a hand basket.
Three Witches Stories by @westerhos​
Little ficlets set in the Three Witches universe, where Claire, Jenny, and Geillis are modern day witch friends with hilarious love lives.
The Thief, the Whore, the Witch, and the Strange Woman by @westerhos​
An Outlander AU in which a 22 year old Claire Beauchamp Randall travels back in time on August 1st (Lughnasadh), 1941/1739. Ellen and Brian Fraser, both alive, offer her shelter in exchange for help in aiding Ellen's recovery. The growing attraction between Claire and Jamie leaves Claire torn, while suspicions arise regarding her past...Soon, it becomes clear that the Frasers know more than they let on.
The White Witch's Gift by @sapphiresassenach
A Christmas gift is given to Jamie and Claire during their twenty-year separation. The gift of each other.
I am a Witch by wongirl
What if after the witch trial when Jamie asks Claire if she is a witch she says yes?
P.S. Don't take it too seriously it's just a bit of fun
This is a Harry Potter/Outlander crossover story.
Witches by @whiskynottea​ at @otheroutlandertales​
1739 -Fort William has a new garrison commander - one who is decided to break the Scots’ spirit. Will Jenny and Claire be able to save the tenants of Lallybroch with their magical powers, while staying safe?
Red Jamie and the White Lady by @takemeawaytocamelot​
Claire Beauchamp is dragged by her best friend and flatmate, Geillis Duncan, to go visit a powerful psychic to prove once and for all that true love exists. Claire is a practical woman and finds the idea of true love pointless. Jamie Fraser is a powerful psychic who can glimpse the future. When he meets Claire, something changes. Like they were destined to find each other.
Legend of the Faerie Wife by DiverseMediums
A legend from the written history of Clan Fraser.
While this is a stand alone story, it is intended to be a companion piece for takemeawayocamelot's Red Jamie and the White Lady. There are no spoilers, but it adds a bit of depth to the brilliance she's creating over there :)
The White Witch by BlackStarNYC
The Scottish matriarchal family—known as the "Thomson Witches"—have a long and forlorn history... As the youngest of the clan, Claire’s life turns to chaos at a young age due to the power she has inherited. Pulled into the 18th century, she becomes bound by love that is threatened to be torn apart by castle intrigue, a 100 year old clan feud, war and a man possessed by a spirit that has haunted her family for centuries.... what could go wrong?
This Life by @calliopemoonbeam​
Claire is a healer from a very young age. She trains in the mystical arts around the world, as well as the traditional medical field. She finds herself in London as a surgical resident in the late 1980s and early 90s. She starts having dreams of a past life. Where will they lead her?
Philomene by @ianmuyrray​
Jenny -- thought dead by the rest of the world -- has lived in quiet exile since her king brother betrayed their family by allying with Black Jack Randall, who is on a mission to weed out any and all women who possess magic. Execution now waits for any woman who shows herself to know and use magical powers, or any woman merely suspected of being magical - no matter her rank, her family, her influence, her children, or her own desire to live.
Jenny was supposed to be the first in the rising storm of murdered women, but, by some miracle, she survived. And has lived in hiding. But now she has been found.
Exsanguinate by @owlish-peacock36​
Exsanguinate: to drain of blood
No one ever asked for his name anymore. They gave him a wide berth, avoiding him at all costs. Whispers of rumors filled his ears, closer to the truth than they realized.
Monster. Incubus. Strigoi. Upyr. 
No. His name was Jamie.
Step Into the Night by LadyRevolution
An Outlander AU where Claire didn't fall through the stones, she was on the run from the vampire coven that has been trying to enlist her for centuries. In her reprieve at Castle Leoch, it has been a challenge to both hide her vampirism and stay away from Jamie. He smells good, too good, and for a thousand year old vampire with steel control, that's worrying.
"Ye need blood, Claire, I can tell ye do," Jamie whispered, backing her into a wall, a hand on either side of her head. Breathing heavily, he leaned forward and exposed his neck, "so take it from me." Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the moment Claire gave into her desires, her almost black eyes zeroing in on his neck.
Scottish Vampire in Boston by sunshineduckies
After Culloden, Jamie is turned by a vampire with a political agenda. Now he must find his way through his new life without Claire and his new burden, vampirism.
Scalamandre by @futurelounging​
An outbreak of a contagion causing violent psychoses across the globe sends the world into chaos and destruction. A scientist and a mountaineer meet in the wilds and join together to try to stop the men behind the madness.
Dawning in Dust by DiverseMediums
The Last War has ended. Civilization is no more. For Claire, solitary wandering is the only way of survival. What if it didn't have to be?
But I love you until the end of time. by   @maybeimdoingsomethingright
With her husband constantly away not long after their marriage, Claire lives mostly alone in their house at the Scottish Highlands. However, she is not exactly alone and there is quite more to this house and her future -or is it her past?- than meets the eye.
Endless-loop theory and ghost!Jamie with a wee spin.
Reaching Through the Veil by @westerhos​
Prompt: Imagine that Jamie somehow travels to Claire's time when Bree is still a baby and drops in on Claire randomly like she does in Voyager.
The Far and Distant Places by @westerhos​
After fighting with Frank, Claire goes to a nearby church for a moment of peace. On her way home, she runs into a certain red-haired Scotsman...
The Haunting at Mrs. Baird's by @frasersridgeforever
The kindly hostess of a bed and breakfast notices some ghostly activity in her establishment, as the culprit sees his wife for the first and last time. A Halloween tale of Mrs. Baird and Jamie’s ghost as the Randalls arrive in Inverness for their second honeymoon.
Through the Magic Lantern by dielle
He didn't know how it worked, how he could float across the flow of the time and be there. - Ghost!Jamie, as seen in the first episode.
Purgatory by suspiciousteapot 
Anonymous asked: what if because Claire's in the future Jamie as a ghost got to see her grow up or see bits and pieces of her life
Ghosts in the Daylight by @owlish-peacock36​
"It's easier to dismiss ghosts in the daylight..." All Jamie wanted was quiet loneliness to work on his novel. But, are we ever truly alone? Ghost AU
Through the Door by @ianmuyrray​
Proper Highland protocol held that the door must be opened at once after a death, to allow the soul to leave. - An Echo in the Bone, Chapter 2, "And Sometimes They Aren't"
Ghost!Jamie AU by Mod Eloise @imagineclaireandjamie​
Story 1
Story 2
Other Magical/Fantastical/Horror Stories  
Scotia by @kalendraashtar​
An AU based in Myths and Legends. Written for the Tumblr 2017 Secret Santa challenge.
There Is More Beneath The Surface (Than We Can See) by   @maybeimdoingsomethingright
When she was young, Claire saved a boy from drowning. Meeting again eleven years later, their worlds are forever changed. (Mermaid)
Thrush by @ianmuyrray
Roger goes sailing to meet mermaid Bree. (Mermaid)
A Fairy's Stone by @sapphiresassenach
Prompt: I was thinking if you could come up with a fanfic where what if Claire actually was Fae and revealed it to Jamie but stated that since she was bound to Jamie because they were soul mates and whatnot and thus she became fairly human when the deal was sealed and whatnot. If you get inspired maybe by this it would be cool to see what you come up with. (Fairy)
An Infinite Variety by orphan_account
Challenge on Infinite Earths, Outlander style 
The Shape We Take by @westerhos
An AU inspired by Black Mirror's slightly dystopian "Hang the DJ," in which a dating app pairs you up until it finds your perfect match.
Just Happen During Halloween
A Costume Party by @sassenachpetals
Jamie and Claire ring in the Halloween holiday by attending a costume party. Claire has surprised Jamie with their couple costume idea and it's one that they'll never forget: Gomez and Morticia Addams…
Across The Hall by @thetranquilteal​​​
Growing up in Scotland, one of Jamie Fraser’s all time favourite things to do was carve turnips on All Hallows Eve. Having recently relocated to the United States of America, Jamie assumes carving pumpkins on Halloween is no different and finds himself in a situation that he never expected.
The Doctor’s Companion by @theministerskat
After coming back through the stones, Roger and Bree get ready for a Halloween party.
Back To You Ficlet - Halloween by @balfeheughlywed
Set in the Back To You world, Jamie and Claire spend their first Halloween together at a costume party; smut ensues.
Halloween At the Ridge by @abbydebeaupreposts
Four Part Halloween Fluff set after MOBY imagining what traditions Jem and Mandy bring with them to Fraser’s Ridge
Halloween Through the Years by @takemeawaytocamelot
Claire and Jamie participate in a costume contest every Halloween.
Year One
Year Two
Year Three
Year Four
Year Six
Halloween, 1955 by @westerhos​
Prompt: After [episode 305] with the making the 'batsuit' scene you should totally do a story about the first time Claire made some sort of costume for Bree.
****If an author whose work is listed is actually on Tumblr but is not tagged, please let me know. 
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luciferloveschloe · 4 years
thank you to @lucifersmorningstars for tagging me! ❤
mostly staying home to work, but i usually have one or two meetings per week.
just my fiancé. :)
god, yes.
my birthday party, our house-warming party, easter with our families, the new formula 1 season, our croatia vacation and going to the hungarian gp... i could go on. man, it’s depressing. 
call me by your name, rocketman, the kingsmen movies, the batman trilogy.
rewatching lucifer again! also rewatching brooklyn 99. i just finished babylon berlin and it was awesome! also still haven’t finished tiger king but wtaf, and watching the office with my fiancé right now because we’re a little behind on some things in germany, lmao.
the national, billy talent, imagine dragons, florence + the machine, coldplay, frightened rabbit, hozier, bosse, enter shikari, frank turner and so many more! also i don’t usually listen to his songs but milow’s ‘nobody needs you like i do’ is PERFECT for deckerstar?!
fanfiction. i’m reading fanfiction.
eating ice cream on the balcony, sleeping in when i can, playing animal crossing and anno 1800, indulging in my unrealistic day dreams.
tagging @narastories, @venividivictorious, @foldingstars295, @mitashade, @ianmuyrray, @theministerskat, if you want to!
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convivialcamera · 4 years
14, 15, 17, 20
14. Abandoned OL fan fiction that you wish would be updated?
Anytime @thescarlettpeacock wants to bust out a bit of “Just Desserts,” I’d be pleased as punch. I’m still waiting for @gotham-ruaidh to get back around to “Shifted.” And “True North” and “Hummingbird” by @ianmuyrray can come back nowish.
15. Describe your ideal OL fan fiction?
It’s probably a J/C Modern AU, where they screw a lot but don’t talk too much during it, and where their problems aren’t too contrived but also pretty real. That said, I also love some of the more off-the-wall fics that highlight other characters and more outlandish (hehe) situations (see: the works of @futurelounging).
17. Do you have head canons that are the result of reading OL fan fiction?
I do headcanon that Uncle Lamb and Firouz were more than just archeologist and dragoman, if you know what I mean. I’m sure there’s others, but that’s the only one I can think of right now!
And, I answered 20 right here.
Thanks for playing @kkruml!
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whiskynottea · 5 years
Hi friend! Tell me which of the pieces you wrote this year is your favorite and why?
Happy New Year my Muy!!
And… you’re killing me. I am the worst at choosing my favourite things.
I can’t possibly choose between my multi-chapter stories (I love each and every one of them for different reasons), and I decided to focus only on one-shots (am I allowed to do this?). If so, my favourite would be “It was there with every breath”, which is written for Faith. 
Thanks for the torture! ILY!
P.S. You didn’t ask me, but my favourites from your one-shots are Thrush and Over Ocean!
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theministerskat · 4 years
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@ianmuyrray asked: Headcanon ask for you! How did Brianna and Roger come up with the name Amanda? Hope is one of her middle names— how about that one? And how did the nickname Mandy come about?
Author’s Note: @ianmuyrray​ sent me this ask a long, long time ago, and I started it right away, but life got busy and it fell to the wayside. Here it is though! A small, quiet moment between Roger and Bree. Thank you to @abbydebeaupreposts​, @faeriesfanficblog​, and @ianmuyrray​ herself for their beta work.
Her Name’s Amanda
The fire had been smoored for the night, the embers casting a warm, soothing glow about the cabin. Brianna could still make out the intricate features of Roger’s face from the light of the hearth. She had long since memorized every hard ridge and supple slope of him, but with time, she inevitably discovered a new line or curve to commit to memory. The changes were a comfort, each one a celebration of the time she had been given to watch him age and grow as a man, a minister, and a father.
Nestling closer into the crook of his arm, she traced a slim finger down the line of his jaw. A day’s worth of beard growth had hit that sweet spot where it prickled just a bit when he kissed her, yet was soft when she brushed her fingertips down along his skin.
Roger responded to the intimacy of her touch with a contented sigh as he nuzzled his face into her loose hair. The hand resting lightly on her hip tightened. She smiled to herself as he slowly caressed the smooth skin of her back in small circles, humming a blissful tune only the two of them would recognize.
Brianna’s own hand continued its downward path, drifting over the faded, jagged scar across his throat. Her touches never lingered on his scar, not wanting to give it conscious thought, instead she rested her palm over his heart. The dark hair of his chest contrasted with his olive skin that had been burnished by long, sunlit, spring days working in the fields around the Ridge.
The inventory of his body stopped there, and she rested her head on Roger’s chest. Brianna caught a glimpse of the two little forms across the room. For what felt like the first time in a long time, both of their children were sound asleep.
Jem lay in his trundle bed, sprawled out across every inch of it. He had insisted on helping his father and grandfather with their chores and the late spring plantings the last few days, and it tuckered him out. And Mandy, her sweet little Amanda, was wrapped tightly in a thin muslin blanket in her crib, her chest rising and falling with each small breath she took. 
A feeling Brianna couldn’t describe had permeated her soul since Amanda’s birth five days before, making her thankful to have their family close and more stable than they had been in a very long time. 
After several moments, Brianna spoke, her voice a quiet murmur in Roger’s ear.
“Why Amanda?” she asked, still staring at the crib.
Roger continued to draw lazy circles on her back, somewhat reluctant to stop humming. “Hmm?”
“Amanda. Why that name out of all the others?” She turned her face towards his, hoping to speak more clearly. “You were so certain of it that I didn’t think to ask.”
His fingers stopped their movement, his hand coming to rest on the low dip of her back.
“Oh,” he said, clearing his throat. His voice still wavered at times after periods of rest. Finally, he continued, “Well, it was my grandmother’s name.”
Brianna was silent, trying to recall if she had known Roger’s grandmother’s name before that moment. She realized she hadn’t; when he spoke of her, he would simply refer to her as “Gran.” They once planned on using his mother’s name, Marjorie, if the baby was a girl. But never once had he mentioned his grandmother’s name as a possibility.
“She took us in after my father was declared missing in action, ye know. And she died with my mother in The Blitz.” His voice was still heavy, but she knew it wasn’t due to the damage done to his vocal chords. “I don’t remember much of it, but at the funeral, Dad- the Reverend, he talked about how the name Amanda meant ‘loved by everyone’. I never forgot it.”
After a moment, Roger continued. “She held my hand as we sought shelter in the tube station, my mother on one side of me, her on the other. And in spite of everything we had been through and the danger I knew was still to come, I felt safe. She always brought us both, my mother and I, a sense of peace, and I think Mandy did the same for you, when I couldn’t be there.”
Brianna felt the prickle of tears. Roger had known great loss, but he still saw the love to be had in this world, and recognized those who were worthy of it.
“I hope ye don’t mind.” She heard the hesitancy in her husband’s voice, and it made her heart ache.
“No. Roger, I love it.” Her statement was sincere. He kissed the top of her head and she lifted her face so he could place another on her lips.
“She did do the same, you know. From the moment I realized that she existed, I knew we’d find a way back to you, and she brought me peace.”
“And I hope she continues to bring that to us. That, and so much more, Bree. Because I think peace and love will soon be in short supply and we will need to hold fast to what we have of it and not let go.”
“What do you mean?” 
“With the war. With all the uncertainty coming. And I can’t help but feel there’s something else. Something that makes me so grateful that we are all together right now.” Brianna pressed closer to him, and he drew her tightly against himself.
“Don’t worry yerself about it now though, hen. Sleep, before she wakes and needs you again.”
She let out a contented sigh, allowing the warmth of the cabin and her own tiredness overtake her. But on the edge of consciousness she heard Roger’s voice one last time.
“Amanda Claire MacKenzie. That’ll be her name.” The pride was evident in his voice, even in her sleepy state. “Our Mandy.”
“No,” she said on a yawn. “Amanda Claire Hope MacKenzie.” And with that, sleep overtook her.
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