annagoober · 2 months
TBT: A great story from @kkruml. Enjoy “SIRUN AJNABIUN/THE FOREIGNER’S SECRET”, written 2018!
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kathonydaily · 2 years
Question! What do you imagine everyone's reactions were to Kate and Anthony coming back from Pall Mall covered in mud? Really wish we could have seen some shots of that... shock? Expectation? I feel like it would have signified to the family in another way that Kate is his match... right?
I think Daphne was too happy because she won and the others too grumpy because they didn't to check on them immediately, then probably they remembered they were out there in the woods, but by the time they got there they were already gone. Also Anthony probably took a walk outside the property to clear his mind and then went back to his study, while Kate returned in her room. Basically: I don't think anybody except the help saw them covered in mud.
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wafflesetc · 4 years
What's your favorite scene or moment from the book that the show has translated to the screen?
Hi @kkruml!
This is SUCH a fun question. It made me think so hard that I had to really sit and ponder for a few days what I really loved. As a book lover, there are a lot of  one-off quotes that I love. Sometimes the show changes the circumstances around the quote but they still deliver the line. An example of this would be the first law of thermodynamics quotes. I know S4 is a topic of debate, and I do think some people didn’t like the deliverance of that line, but I actually enjoyed the show’s version of the quote and the situation in which it was delivered. 
Now as for a scene or moment? I’m a little biased but I really do love the A. Malcolm reunion. I think S/C did such a good job portraying that entire event and really it was a love letter to the fans. 
I think though, the fight in 1x08 is the *one* scene that I have loved from the beginning. It translated SO well from book to screen. It’s very close to the original canon, yet it’s just different enough. To add to that, I ADORE how it’s Jamie narrating over the episode. It adds a new twist, dimension, and depth to the scene that wasn’t originally there. 
“She asked forgiveness, and I gave it. But the truth is, I’d forgiven everything  she’d done and everything she could do long before that day. For me, that was no choice, that was falling in love.”
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kkruml · 5 years
I have a short and sweet list of fic (I would write more but I seem to lack the foc- OH LOOK A BUNNY). Here are some quick links if you’re looking for something Outlander related to read during this drought!
I don’t even know your name (affectionately nicknamed IDEKYN cause why did I choose such a long title?)
Sirun “Ajnabiun//The Foreigner’s Secret (I clearly didn’t learn anything from writing the first fic- this is a longer title with a second language included just for good measure)
STAY (Slow learner over here, but 3rd time’s a charm)
GAOL//LOVE (a sweet little one shot I wish I had fostered into a full blown fic)
And... that’s it. That’s the whole kit and caboodle.
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convivialcamera · 4 years
14, 15, 17, 20
14. Abandoned OL fan fiction that you wish would be updated?
Anytime @thescarlettpeacock wants to bust out a bit of “Just Desserts,” I’d be pleased as punch. I’m still waiting for @gotham-ruaidh to get back around to “Shifted.” And “True North” and “Hummingbird” by @ianmuyrray can come back nowish.
15. Describe your ideal OL fan fiction?
It’s probably a J/C Modern AU, where they screw a lot but don’t talk too much during it, and where their problems aren’t too contrived but also pretty real. That said, I also love some of the more off-the-wall fics that highlight other characters and more outlandish (hehe) situations (see: the works of @futurelounging).
17. Do you have head canons that are the result of reading OL fan fiction?
I do headcanon that Uncle Lamb and Firouz were more than just archeologist and dragoman, if you know what I mean. I’m sure there’s others, but that’s the only one I can think of right now!
And, I answered 20 right here.
Thanks for playing @kkruml!
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kalendraashtar · 5 years
Tale Time #24
With a small groan she loosened her grip on his waist, shifting slightly to allow him the freedom to move from the bed. He pulled up his boxers before stepping out of the room and quickly returning with his guitar. He came back to see her propped up against a pillow, and he paused slightly at the sight of his favorite rugby shirt- now hugging every curve of her frame.
He coughed slightly as he sat down on the side of the bed, facing her. He lightly tapped the body of the guitar and his eyes shifted from her face to the strings and back again. His fingers pressed against the strings and his thumb strummed, a slightly sharp note reverberating. He froze, pressing his palm to the neck of the guitar, muting the sound quickly. “Och that is… No’ how it starts.”
“Well I’ve never…” she feigned shock as she watched him. She tilted her head as a smile played at the corner of her mouth, “Didn’t think you were inclined to stage fright.”
“Well I’m no’ on stage,” He clarified as he cleared his throat as a smile pulled across his face, “… and I havena played a song to a lass in my bed in… a long time.”
The words hung between them. Another shade of his façade fell, and she saw a clearer glimpse of Jamie, offering a small piece of himself. He saw the question in her eyes. Why. He watched her lips form the word when a knock at the door shattered the moment and Jamie looked towards the door.
Stay, at Chapter 4, @kkruml
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Life is too short to worry about what others think – @kkruml 
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frasersjamieclaire · 4 years
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I have recently reached 3000 followers, which is absolutely incredible. Thank you all so much for following this blog!
In celebration of reaching this milestone, I decided to do a few things to celebrate:
♥ Since this is a smaller fandom, I am going to start tracking a tag to reblog all of your amazing creations. Please tag me with #usersteen: gifs, edits, art, fics - if you post it, I want to see it!
♥ Favourite Outlander episodes as voted by my followers - please vote for your favourite in the poll linked below. You can choose multiple episodes for every season. 
♥ Favourite Outlander season as voted by my followers - in the same poll please vote for your favourite season as well! 
In a week or two I’ll close the poll and gif the most popular choices.
Vote here! 
(hope it’s okay but I’m tagging some mutuals under the cut so this doesn’t flop - reminder I follow from @danieljradcliffe)
@jemscorner @three-drink-amy @fishkreizler @evanzbuck @balfie @breefraser @stewartandclarke @clairebeauchemp @abreathofsnowandwaffles @literaetures @nyx4 @sincerelyfraser @acciofrasers @kkruml @laird-brochtuarach @whiteraven-s @beauchamp-fraser @yasminaaitomars @beauchaamp 
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annagoober · 2 years
TBT: A great modern musical story from 2018 by @kkruml “Stay”. Enjoy!!!
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ecampbellsoup · 4 years
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Weel, genuinely never thought this day would come, but here we are: my first fic. Firstly, just to put this out there: I have no idea what I am doing. I have no idea how long this will last, if it’s a story yet, etc etc etc. But this wee scene came clear as day to my mind the other night, I had a blast writing it, and I felt compelled to share it with all of you. 
Thank you @thelassthatisgone​ for being so supportive & @thefraserwitch​ @kkruml and @abreathofsnowandwaffles for reading, encouraging, and being my betas. 
*Small note: I wrote this entire piece while only listening to “The Kiss” by Trevor Jones, so feel free to listen to this brilliant score as you read*
Here goes nothing...
A Trip to the Sun
We just stared at each other.
Moments passed, seconds, minutes, hours...I’ll never know.
We stood there, unmoving. We didn’t speak a word. 
Jamie's eyes remained locked on mine, but they narrowed, and I knew exactly what that meant. 
My breath quickened. I felt as if I were running, yet I still never budged.
My cheeks burned. Even after all these years, this man could still make me blush.
Just with the look of his eye, my entire body responded with anticipated pleasure. Heart pounding, palms sweaty, skin flushed, chest rising and falling, pulse racing...I waited. 
And then, like a crack of thunder, he was against me.
Slamming me into the wall, lifting my legs off the ground, he held my weight.  
I felt every square inch against me. 
His warmth, his desire.
I felt him.
Jamie’s hands slid inside my shift. His fingers laced around the edges of the fabric, and in a second he ripped the gown straight down the middle as if it were no more than a piece of paper; it fell to my feet. 
Jamie had all of me to himself. 
Every pore exposed to the winter air, I shivered. But I didn’t feel the cold. My entire being was lit on fire.
Heartbeat in my throat, my lower back arched waiting for him, needing him, longing for him, ready for him...pressing my hands into his back, I willed him into me. 
But then... 
Suddenly everything slowed down, stilled. 
Normally Jamie was considerate, thoughtful, bloody brilliant, but efficient. As soon as we started, there was no slowing down either of us. It would be like attempting to hold the tide back from the shore. 
Yet this time, I felt his restraint. 
After a deep exhale, he pulled away from me slightly so he could look me full in the face. With a coy smile, and that slight tilt of his head, he just stared at me for a moment. His eyes searched me. 
Those eyes, oh his eyes. 
Gently brushing a stray hair from my face, his gaze remained steady, unwavering. He pierces me. Jamie always has. He and he alone. 
Then...hardly loud enough to hear, he rasped, “Do ye have any idea how much I love you?”
Blinking hard, my eyes welled. Struggling to draw breath, let alone form words, I couldn't respond. I simply remained there at his mercy. He wiped the tear I didn't know had fallen away from my cheek and kissed it. 
He didn’t seem bothered by my silence. On the contrary: his gaze landed on my lips. Looking into my eyes, then back down again. Lingering for just a moment, he took them. He kissed me lightly, but there was a hunger there that mirrored my own. 
Slowly, deliberately, his hands went seeking. He searched, exploring my body, setting it ablaze. His calloused fingers grazed my delicate skin. I catch my breath reacting to every spot he touches. Delicately at first, then firmly, decidedly. My burning flesh tingled with chills all over in response.
Jamie made the seconds stand still as he took his time. He was teasing me. I would have laughed if I could've managed, but I was enraptured by my husband. Completely under his power and happy to be there. 
He never broke eye contact. He remained cemented on me and I utterly transfixed. 
He was in no rush. He was there for me. Only me. 
Our breath mingled together as we both began to breathe more and more rapidly: our desire heightening with every passing second.
Whimpering, I bit down hard on my lip as he finally reached what he was hunting for and where I yearned to be touched. Pinned, bare before him, I awaited his bidding. 
Leaning into me, even closer, there was no space between us anymore. Completely pressed against the wall, I was his captive. I could not have moved even had I wanted to. I didn't.
While his hands continued to bless me with their attention, licking his lips, he tried to kiss me. 
Unable to concentrate on anything else, I threw my head back. Eyes sealed shut, my mouth open, I started moaning in response whether I willed it or not. Beyond controlling myself any longer,  I clutched at his shirt, grasping at anything to brace myself with as I flew higher and higher. 
He knew what to do to me, he knew exactly how to touch me, he knew precisely how to please me. But Jamie was doing it this time with such attention, such selflessness. 
Jamie had always been a generous lover. From day one. I always felt him prefer my needs, but this...this was something else entirely. It was as if his entire goal, purpose, aim in life was to give me pleasure. And he was succeeding.
Breaking my concentration, Jamie grabbed my chin and forced my head forward to face him. His hand then clutched the back of my head, sliding his tongue inside my mouth, he kissed me. Thoroughly, withholding nothing. 
My entire body tensed, completely overwhelmed with explosions of bliss, electric currents of goodness. I moaned loudly inside his mouth. This could very well be how I die. 
So close, I groaned, “Jamie”...breathing out, “ Please.”
Hearing the smile in his voice, unable to open my eyes, he whispers in my ear, “Not just yet, mo chridhe.”
Jamie’s mouth skimmed the surface my skin. Light kisses begin to trail all over my neck...collarbone...
He was relentless, unyielding; he pursued my pleasure to the end. Taking care not to rush, not to haste. But deliberately, thoroughly, give. And I could feel his unbridled joy knowing that he was taking me to the sun. 
When I couldn't take it anymore I grabbed both sides of his face, crushed my forehead against his, crying out. I held him there for a moment as the spasms of euphoria washed over me. Dear God, this man. 
Panting, I leaned my head back against the wall, my body shaking. It took me several minutes to recover. The lids of my eyes remained closed. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in...
Finally putting my feet back on the floor, I slowly floated back to the earth with them. His hands wrapped around me and land on either side of my hips, hugging me. Hearing a chuckle, I crack one eye open. Jamie takes this as an invitation and kisses me again. Dear God, this man.
Opening both eyes, I looked at him, “What is it?”
Face shining, “Och, nothing Sassenach. It’s just ye’ve been knocking me with that rock solid head from the beginning.” With that wicked grin, “Some things never change.”
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wafflesetc · 4 years
3, 4, 20❤❤
3. Do you remember the first OL fan fiction you ever read? 
I think it was either @gotham-ruaidh‘s Vietnam AU or @bonnie-wee-swordsman and her Flood My Mornings. It’s been ages since then and I honestly cannot remember! 
4. Which OL fan fiction you have re-read the most times?
It’s a tie between LOSS and I don’t even know your name. 
20. All-time favorite thing about OL fan fiction?
As a reader, I love the escape that it provides. I also love the fact that it gives us an extra space to see the characters we know in love in so many different settings other than just the canon. 
As a writer it’s pretty similar- I love being able to take the characters and explore scenes whether it’s a missing moment or just a whole new AU setting. 
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kkruml · 6 years
kkruml Masterlist
Just in case you’re looking for something to pass the time during this droughtlander...
I Don’t Even Know Your Name
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(credit to @sassenachwaffles for this gorgeous whisky label)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 2.5 | Chapter  3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11| Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21| Chapter 22 | Chapter 23
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(credit to @cantrixgrisea  for this gorgeous artwork)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
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Oneshot/Chapter 1
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notameeksassenach · 4 years
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I was tagged by @thefraserwitch and @walkinginland to post my lock screen and the last song I listened to.
I’m tagging @abreathofsnowandwaffles @missclairebelle @kkruml and anyone else who wants to play!
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Category List: Famous Claire/Jamie
Fandom, please enjoy this collection of fics featuring Jamie and/or Claire as famous people! 
After The Tide by @holdhertightandsayhername​
In 2000, Claire and Jamie starred in the same movie and fell in love, but life got in the way. Ten years later, they meet again at an award show in L.A.
Bluegrass by @dopescotlandwarrior
Claire Beauchamp is a veterinarian with a unique ability that opens doors to the horse racing elite. Together with her trusted assistant Dusty, it is initiation by fire when they walk into a crime in progress with estimated damages of twenty million dollars and prison for the owner of Highland Brothers Farms, James Fraser.
Conversations in the Dark by @thistlesandherbs
Heartthrob actor, Jamie Fraser, is at a crossroads in his life. The demands of his career are playing havoc with his personal life. He wants out of the Hollywood lifestyle, while still maintaining a home in the United States, as he ponders his acting career. He is drawn to the mountains of Seattle, which are so reminiscent of his home in Scotland, and when he’s presented with a unique opportunity in the wine industry, he is convinced that Seattle must become his primary home. In the process of purchasing property to build a home, he meets potential neighbor, Claire Beauchamp, a widowed university lecturer, who captivates and intrigues him and makes him re-evaluate some important decisions. Complicating his ability to chart his own course is his manager and uncle, the irascible Dougal MacKenzie. Will Dougal’s drinking habits and loose lips trigger chaos and heartbreak?
Gold Dust Woman by balfey
That’s who she was when she was on stage. Fearless and nearly possessed by the lyrics she sang to crowds all over the world. Free. She couldn’t explain the thrill it brought her. It was like a rebirth. She was the biggest rockstar of her generation, travelling all over the world and making art.
But that was all a facade.
Offstage, Elizabeth turned back into plain Claire Beauchamp. Wrapped in silence and insecurities. Wrapped in her solitude, her only solace in a world of pretend.
When her world finally goes crumbling down, she flees to the Highlands to heal more than a broken heart.
I’ll Find the Music in You by gjwandkids
Claire and Jamie are musicians that meet prior to WWII.
Off The Cuff by balfey
Claire Beauchamp is the most respected and feared person in the fashion industry, running one of the most prolific publishing empire with a hand of steel.
Her public life is a success — her personal life, not so much.
One evening in Paris, she is looking for a little bit of fun when her path crosses the one of a certain red-haired Scot and everything she knows is turned upside down.
Is a second chance at love exactly what she needs?
Ride Off by @awesomeeyeroll
Jamie is living the jet set life of an international high goal polo player when he meets Claire.
Something to Believe In by CatrinWrites 
World renowned chef Claire Beauchamp settled in the small, but wealthy, foodie city that is Santa Fe, NM, upon the birth of her daughter, determined to give her a normal life. Jamie Fraser is the heir to, and distiller for, a famous Scottish whisky and gin producer, and is bound for Santa Fe for a lucrative business deal. When their business interests collide, and bring up some unfinished business, the two manage to turn each other’s worlds upside down.
Librarian Note: you will need an AO3 account to read this story.
Starting Over by melodyheart
Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp, a promising surgeon with a bright future, is engaged to a successful and handsome Chief Consultant of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Frank Randall. Her closest friends, Geillis Duncan and Joe Abernathy, are not convinced that Frank is the man for her because of his controlling attitude. Claire has her own doubts already, and more confusion ensues when she crosses path with her long time crush, James Fraser.
James Fraser was Scotland's Rugby Union best ever centre player until a back injury ended his career. Devastated with the turn of events and undecided what to do with his life, he turns to alcohol to numb his depression. After meeting Claire briefly in Lallybroch, he thought he would never see her again until one day, she literally drops from the sky and into his arms.
Stay by @kkruml
Modern AU, Claire is a doctor who stumbles upon a musician- a tall, redheaded Scot with a knack for the lasses.
We Live For Love by @gotham-ruaidh
Jamie Fraser and Claire Beauchamp, guitarist and singer, work toward rock and roll stardom in 1981 New York City. 
As always, if there are any fics in this category that we’ve missed, please let us know so that we can update. Happy Reading!
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kcblues2 · 4 years
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Only One Day 90%off @blueliac @nanepic-reborn @lovecraftiandelight @shaplemaid @rowerfeminist @blueoatmeal @comas-are-for-sleeping @thatmajesticbastard @yourdairyproduct @haileggs @crafty-dirtbag @god-my-abundance @bracelitwoman @poppyflour @aestheticgenzangel @here-comes-the-girl-wonder @starlangstephens @not-another-porn-bot @awaiting-new-management @seeiamgroot @circusscreams @aevoo @godkhamit @asirxrowena @peridotplumbob @shandyripley @mbasangcebetsha @kkruml @ohsosims @wxllqz @aquadragon10
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rochibolettieri · 5 years
Let’s talk about writers and fanfiction
Over the past weeks I saw a lot of writers in my dash receiving tons of nasty anons criticizing their style of writing, writers I really  appreciate even if they don’t know me. Then came the plagiarism thing, so i decided to write a few things about the matter (forget my English, is not my first language 🙃)
I have to be honest, a year and a half ago, I thought of fanfiction as a silly thing until I decided to give it a try and read and definitely changed my mind. I have no idea how to write fiction is, the only approach I have about the subject is the journalistic writing I have to do for school and even if it’s different, I get that the feeling of posting something you’ve done can be scary, nerve-racking, gives you a lot of anxiety. Will people like it? Is it a silly thing to post? What if I said something wrong, if I’m misunderstood?
What I intend to say with this, is that it takes a lot of courage to publish something so intimate, something to which you dedicated a lot of time, effort and what you did with love, and also, for free. And I say intimate because I firmly believe that when writing fiction, a part of each writer appears there, a piece of how they are, what they think, their believes. As for example in the last chapter of BTY. I don’t know @balfeheughlywed , we never talked but I read a post recently about how that chapter meant for her to be a love letter to motherhood and it perfectly reflects her intention while mixing it with the story (beautiful chapter btw, I end up crying when Jamie started to talk to their bairn)
When it comes to feelings, many times the way to channel them is through writing. Other times it is through music, painting, dancing, etc. there are a lot of ways to express them, but since we are talking about written stories, let's keep it that way. I think what Lauren did was something beautiful, I’m not a mother but I thought of my mom and what she has been through, and it must have been a terrible yet beautiful experience. Other author I can think of right now is @whiskynottea with Death dreams. Her writing there is so beautiful yet so painful because she talks about things that happens in the real life. I sort of know how it is to live with someone suffering depression and let me tell you, it breaks your heart. Her portrayal of Claire as the partner of the one suffering, and Jamie as the depressed one seems so real, like you can feel what they feel in every chapter, and is a clever decision to add topics maybe not everyone is brave enough to talk about, be it depression, abortion, PTSD, miscarriages, some terminal disease…
Also, I want to comment on the subject of plagiarism. Since the beginning of last year I read OL fanfiction, and I can *shamefully* say that I read a lot, much more than all the books I have on my shelf that I didn’t read yet. And in many cases things are repeated, such as the meeting of the main characters, how they fall in love, the use of quotes from the original books, even the personalities of the characters involved. That doesn’t mean to plagiarize anyone’s work, in my opinion, it’s because within this community, many people think about the characters in a way (i.e. Frank being an abusive sexist who cheats on his partner and doesn’t care), many topics are repeated (Jamie being librarian, Claire being a doctor), what really changes is how each one writes a story based on it, and among everything I read, it's always different, because as everyone is different, so is their writing.
But also, we are in 2019 guys, I doubt there’s something that hasn’t been invented yet, everything gets recycled, so what’s the point in blaming people for writing similar things? Also, what a waste of time to be searching some specific quote of a fic and compare it with another one, i’m tired with only think about it.
For me, writing it’s a very difficult thing to achieve since I suck at words and have no idea how to express my feelings/what I want to say properly (you are seeing that now, haha). But these people out there who week after week transmit magic with each chapter, who write them in such a poetic way, research enough to give a quality content, deserve nothing but praise. If you don’t like what they write, there is only one thing to do, don’t read it. And if you have nothing good to say, it is better to say nothing. There is no reason to be filling their inbox with horrible comments, insults, pointing their mistakes if there’s no a constructive reason behind. Im always saying this but we don´t know what’s in each other lives, so maybe by leaving those things, you’re ruining their day.
There is a huge variety of styles to choose from, so it's a matter of looking for what you like and keep going. There are stories that are simpler to read, others more complicated, with metaphors, more description, maybe more elaborated (I don’t say that the simple ones are bad, but they are easier to read, at least for me, and I like it), some have shorter chapters, others longer. There are about J/C, about secondary characters, one shoots, multichapters, fluffy, angsty, canon divergence, AU... And luckily, the number of people who dare to write their own stories grows day by day, and the ones we already know improves every week, with every new story so, why don’t we go for kindness, good comments, and constructive criticism instead of sending hateful inboxes?
For writers: I can’t express how much happiness you give me every day, how I improved my English since I started reading. Reading every story makes me understand how you write the characters we love (and hate), how you understand them, how can you put them in different scenarios, different eras, in which they are presidents, florists, doctors, professors, businessmen, swimmers, make them go through difficult times, beautiful ones, and that so and all you make them shine. The possibilities you have are immense and I can’t wait to read everything they have to offer, because I’m sure is going to be a masterpiece. I know is easier said than done but it’s better to focus in the ones who really cares for the time you put into this, who waits impatiently for a sneak peak, an entire chapter, background information about your story, pics, whatever. Haters gonna hate and I personally believe it had nothing to do with you, they are just mean people, maybe bored ones who thinks is funny to send those kind of messages and don’t really care if they are hurting you in the process. Keep doing your thing, you are free to do it and there are a lot of people willing to read whatever you do.
Thank you for being brave enough to share a piece of you, of your creativity and sorry for being lazy and sometimes forget to leave a comment, or read the chapters 657946 years later, believe me when I say I do love everything you write and I end up laughing, crying, jumping in my bed when some characters kiss for the first time after a long slow burn, and sometimes completely shooked at the end of every chapter and wanting for more ❤️❤️❤️
@imagineclaireandjamie @missclairebelle @notevenjokingfic @abbydebeaupreposts @kalendraashtar  @jmoonrise  @sassenachwaffles @lenny9987 @curlsgetdemgurls @bonniebird17 @wunderlichkind @julesbeauchamp @sassenachwriter @ladyviolethummingbird @jack-andthestalk @balfeheughlywed @claryclark @thatsoccercoach @kkruml @whiskynottea @laythornmuse @magnoliasinbloom @written-rebellion @phaedrecameron @takemeawaytocamelot @thefraserwitch @gotham-ruaidh @mybeautifuldecay @mo-nighean-rouge @monigheandonn1743 @suhailauniverse @anoutlandishfanfic @owlish-peacock36 @devaigh @holdhertightandsayhername @dancinginadaydream @crossinginstyle (i’m sorry if i forgot someone 🙏🏼) 
I hope this makes sense since I’m writing this with the help of google translator bc I’m tired, sleepy and my English sucks lately 😊
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