#if I had an issue with how someone writes their muse I wouldn't have them following me
acoldsovereign · 3 months
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// @scarlxtleaves / @thuganomxcs / @peoplcshope
{{ Happy Birthday, you fuckin' fucker! (I say this with love). I remember when I first came to the DBZ RPC months ago and I was so shy I didn't know how to communicate properly. People scared me. Following people scared me. People following me back scared me. I was freakin' scared of EVERYTHING. I even unfollowed a person I followed (and then followed them back when they checked in with me) because I realized how bad that looked/how problematic it could be if I didn't address it. I felt so bad, and I still do sometimes. I'm so glad that mutual was understanding and patient with me, aaaaaaaa. Needless to say, ya girl had SO many issues in the beginning. I was a HOT MESS. Hell, I didn't even have all of my muse info up but you didn't give a shit about none of that. You just took one look at my blog, saw 'despot of the universe' on my header and said 'LET IT RIP' like Beyblade. DUDE, you were ballsy as fuck and I'm so glad for that! You gave me my first ever starter here!!! THAT made me remember you! Everytime I logged in, it was to respond to our Future Gohan/Maiz fight thread. (I'm actually looking for it now because that's gonna be something I continue after I reply to someone else first 👀). You're one of the first people I ever plotted with too, even if that intimidated me a little. I mean, granted it was after you gave me the starter because I was freaking worried about everything, which was why I was all over your inbox, "okay, so she can do this and that...", "i have no problem with them having this sort of dynamic", etc. Gosh, you were overwhelmingly sweet and kind to me and I appreciate that. I know this is not something I should apologize for, but I'm still sorry that I scared you slightly when I changed my username to acoldsovereign from maizthefemalesaiyan, and didn't tell you in advance. I didn't realize you wouldn't recognize me so I had to put the former name in my old promo post. YOU'RE why I did that. I didn't know what other accounts you had and I just wanted to let you know it was meeeeeeee! ;w; But then you forgot your password to the blog so we couldn't even communicate anyway! One thing I will say-- it is funny I recently posted about Toriyama and Future Trunks and what the latter means to me because guess what blog I found you on. Guess what reunited us. Yeah.
YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN?????? That man is always doing something for me! You would've thought he was REAL. But anyway, it was so cool to have you back on my dash again! It took me an embarrassing amount of time to realize who it was. I saw the name "Jay" on your promo post and it didn't cross my mind it was you, man. Not until I went down the blog and saw the writing style matched up. Remember how I just burst into your inbox and made some noise? And then you realized it was me? That shit was hilarious. We were so happy to see each other. Everything's been smooth sailing since then and we've created so many cursed memes, threads, jokes and storylines. Dude, we fuckin' made Rengakura. That little psychopath LOL. Well, moreso I made him but your response to that thread in particular made it so that he didn't come out any worse than he could've. Damn you for having Trunks make the right decision! (Again, I say this with love). At least in one verse, Trunks finally gets a happy-ish ending though. He lives with his mostly mellowed-out/former-tyrant for a wife and a pseudo-sane Saiyan-hybrid child on a spaceship, having space adventures. 🥺 Papa Trunks isn't something I knew I needed until I got it so thank you. I also did not know Maiz was actually capable of chilling the eff out-- THAT was a surprise to me. The fact that she's actually a decent mother is hilarious, considering all the fucked up stuff she's done before without blinking an eye. I also love how through our threads, you can see how she naturally came to care for him, even if she's sadistic and still messes with him from time to time. One of my favorites scenes with them unironically was when she offered to take Trunks to a tropical planet for his birthday. She was actually affectionate towards him the proper way more or less, but he didn't realize it because he was so used to her being busy/selfish/frosty/teasing. Bro thought he was dying. That was tragically sad yet funny all at once. I'd say more but this is already a lot and you already know how I feel about your Yusuke and our favorite assassin, Sanosuke.
Long story short- thank you for warmly welcoming me into this small, but chill RPC. I'll always love and appreciate you.
Happy birthday, Jaybird.
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
Maybe I'm asking for a lot, but is it possible to do all of the let's talk about romance prompts for Sanzo ? If it's too much then 💐, 💝, 🌹 and 🌵 please 🙏
I hope you feel better btw
Hey! First off, I'm so sorry this took forever for me to ask. While I had initially been planning on doing the whole prompt list for you, where I am just getting back into writing, getting comfy, and am trying to get the inbox kind of cleared out, I hope you don't mind I'm just going to stick to the four! Thank you so much for sending this in and I hope you'll enjoy the headcanons!
What small things go a long way for your muse? What small favours can someone do to get on their good side?
Okay, small things mentally and emotionally that will go a long way with Sanzo is definitely having patience with him and understanding or empathy. Don't push him too hard, don't put pressure on him. He has enough pressure and enough responsibilities to begin with, don't add to those. Physically, I think doing little things that would normally fall onto him would mean a lot to him, as would occupying Goku and spending time with Goku, allowing Sanzo a little more relaxation time.
What's their love language?
Okay, but Sanzo's love language is definitely quality time as a giver. Sanzo goes out of his way to not have to spend time with ninety-nine percent of the population. He kind of hates most people, even if he wouldn't exactly word it that way. If he's willingly spending time with you, even if he pretends it's a burden to do so because he's shit at showing his emotions openly, and doing so on a regular basis you are important to him. Once he stops making so many cracks about how he wishes he wasn't spending the time with you or telling you to go away or be quiet and just genuinely spends the time with you without making a big deal of it and relaxes around you, that is a form of love for Sanzo. In terms of receiving, I see Sanzo recognizing love in that same form and also in acts of service that a partner does for him.
If asked to define love, what would your muse say?
Now, Sanzo is a Buddhist priest, so I think his first instinctive answer is going to be the Buddhist definition of love - unselfishly wishing the other to be happy, being delighted and happy in someone's presence, and offering your smile, hugs, and help freely to them without expecting anything in return. It's just force of habit though and I think deep down, what he would answer if really pushed is that love is when people allow you to leave, to go and do what you need to do, to grow, but yet you always find your way back to each other, like bad habits you just can't break.
How toxic would a relationship be with your muse? Would it be able to be fixed?
Honestly, this is where I think everyone who is a huge Sanzo fan is going to be disappointed or upset with me. I do think that initially, a romantic relationship with Sanzo would be at least a little unhealthy in several ways. Sanzo is someone who is fiercely independent, who does have both commitment and intimacy issues, and he's someone I could see really having a strongly avoidant attachment style. Depending on his partner's relationship needs and ability to be patient and understanding with him and their own unique personality and attachment style, this can create some or a lot of issues in the relationship. He's always going to be a little bit emotionally unavailable and he will always have some intimacy issues, simply because of his life to date, but I do think these issues can and will become better with time and patience and letting Sanzo get comfortable and his partner showing him time and time again that they are willing to be patient and that they won't hurt him.
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priwenshallprevail · 4 months
respond to the following prompts out of character. then, tag others that you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
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( Picture optional )
ROLEPLAYER NAME: Mjodvitnir , or Wraith to some.
MUSE NAME: Geoffrey Aodhán McCullum
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: Tumblr messages, or even Discord if you'd prefer. If you want my discord, just ask. Whatever is easier for my partners.
EXPERIENCE: At the very least 20 years of experience in role playing. Back in the chatrooms of american online, or myspace. Am I showing my age yet ? I know, it's such cringe. I want to say my first three characters I ever role played was Rufus Shinra from Final Fantasy VII and two oc characters, one VtM relative , the other Werewolf. I'm wanting to say my character had been Tremere clan. Can't remember my generation I had him under, though. My werewolf was from the tribe Silver Fangs. An Ahroun if I can remember correctly.
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: Well... absolutely everything! Dark, torturous gritty, gore-infested, action, combat, drama, comedy, angst, fast paced, slow paced, smut, fluff, one shots. I enjoy them all ! Hit me with all the above !
PET PEEVES & DEALBREAKERS: I don't have many, but the few I do hold -- are more toward general respect for your partners. Don't be a dick.
God moding/meta-ing the RP. Don't use any info your character wouldn't have the slightest clue on. Unless it was discussed on how they may have acquired it prior , or planned through other threads. What remains in a thought collective, stays in the mind. Unless your muse holds telepathy in some aspect. Then it's a different story.
Judgement of writing style. My writing is far from perfect, and I often have one hell of a time judging myself. I don't need others on top of that, adding to my horrendous insecurities. I like detailing things, from the environment, to facial expressions, or even course of actions. I sometimes hyper focus on one thing and become brief with another. I don't understand it myself, nor always catch myself doing it. I hold horrible habit of having issue with repeating a certain word when writing my own posts, and I do sometimes get carried away over different synonyms to these said words. To the point that not every definition becomes so literal. How, or when I developed this habit, I do not know. It's a tick that only happens on my own writing, never on any of my partners. I judge myself too harshly in everything, not just writing. However, if I flood you with a lot of paragraphs -- that usually just means you struck my muse in a massive way and I wish to shower you with love. That I want to engage with you at what my brain considers my best. No body ever has to match whatever length I spew out. Please remember that. Also note, that even if my muse is struck so highly for your muse. My brain can still muck it up. It's a fickle beast. But that is adhd in a nutshell.
Judgement over ships/shipping. ... This one, the more I think on it, is a big one. I have been judged on ships in the past. On several accounts, actually.. some more recent. That it has gotten me reluctant to approach anyone to ask " hey lets try to smoosh these two together ! ?" Judging someone's ship is a disgusting form of shaming someone because they didn't conform to your ideals of said characters. Judgement with narcissistic attempts to push stuff a certain way -- yeah, no. Don't do it. Also, don't try to force ships . I support McReid, but if a Reid does not ? You back the fuck off the suggestion. It's really that simple. Respect. Your. Partners. Not everything revolves around romance anyways. Plenty of other relationships they can aim for. Friendships are a beautiful thing too. I mean -- platonic is also a thing as well, you know. It can bloom just as heavenly.
Constructive feedback though is more than welcome.
PLOTS OR MEMES: Yes ! I enjoy everything you're willing to throw at me, and will happily plan entire story lines to multiple connectives we can later link if that's what you'd like.
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: The in-betweeners. I love doing long replies when muse hits like a freight train, but if my muse isn't as strong -- or if my brain struggles to focus. Which it does, trust me. It'll be between that short and long range, or sometimes drop short all together. I don't ever expect you to match length if you don't wish to. That is not a requirement with me. As long as you can provide me with a paragraph to work with , I'm more than game.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: This is .. .. a tricky one for me. Cause my adhd makes it hard for me to write when everyone else is up in this household. So it would be somewhere between late night and early morn, for me. Eastern time.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: I'm honestly not sure if it's the we have similarities, or if my constant processing of what can be done to improve role play, suddenly bleeds into my own characteristics on a daily basis. Taking a bit of my characters with me every time. I'm a little withdrawn, keep a lot of my emotions on the inside, sometimes quick to become surly with forced authority types, described grumpy often , can be witty with the usual sarcastic bites -- if that accounts to anything.
Tagged by : I stolez it, but I don't remember from who. o.o;
Tagging : @fangsforhire , @coivi , @arcanescholxr , @anedendarkly , @undeadunalive , @astridnorddottir , @luposcainus
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celesticlnstcrs-aa · 9 months
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@momijiba asked: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. && 24 :3
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you sent all of them-
When did you start writing on Tumblr? December of 2011!
Who was your first muse? On Tumblr It was Kanda Yuu from D.Gray Man hehe
Who are your longest rp friends? The people who have known me the longest are @infintasmal , @orecrowned , & @eraba-reta-unmei ! Met all these weenie's during my Magi days hehe
Favourite thing about roleplaying? I love being able to build up worlds and dynamics with other people. It does wonders to my mental health honestly. It also helps my creative juices come out.
Least favourite thing about roleplaying? The creation of drama over something so small. Like I need people to learn to communicate better if not just block and move on. Don't make a mountain out of an ant hill.
OTP for your muse? My biggest on this blog is MaoRitsu, which Elio is subjected to on a daily lolol. A new one is JingHeng
NOTP for your muse? I wouldn't say I have NOTP's just more of please don't be gross lol
What are some similarities between you and your muse/muses? This one works with Ritsu the best but I'm also a chronically ill person who struggles with old deep rooted abandonment issues. But therapy really does wonders haha. Also according to the internet Jing Yuan and I have the same Personality type same with Rei LOL
What are some differences between you and your muse/muses? I'm too self conscious to be clingy JFIOWFEJ
Would you be friends with your muse if they were real? Jing Yuan & Himeko 100%
Would you write with duplicate characters? How do you think your muse would react? I love writing with duplicates! As for how they would react- it would really vary. I don't think Ritsu would like too see another him stealing his Maa-kun's attention.
Have you any old muses that you’d love to bring back? I've been considering Judal from Magi!
What’s one random headcanon about your muse that people mightn’t know? Jing Yuan enjoys having his hair played with. It relaxes him enough to fall asleep.
Who is an author that inspires you? Rick Riordan! I grew up on a lot of his books.
What do you look for in a rp partner? Someone who is willing to listen and participate with my brain rot. I tend to be more invested when people talk to me about our muses.
Favourite trope? You'll see the trend but Childhood Friends to Lovers.
Least favourite trope? There's not a specific one, but I get uncomfortable with the uh...weird ones.
Are there any AU’s you’d like to explore but haven’t had the chance to yet? Honestly I've done so many au's you don't even know-. But I'll always do Royalty, Single Parent, & Soulmate.
Do you listen to music whilst writing? If so, what kind of music? I do! I usually listen to MafuMafu soundtracks. If not him then character specific playlists I make.
How do you overcome writer’s block? I give myself time to do other things and then come back later! Forcing yourself to overcome it isn't going to help. Let your brain recover from overuse!
Are there certain characters that you gravitate towards? I would say no but my friends would say otherwise EWIJFIOEJ
Short, medium, or long threads? I prefer Medium and sometimes short cause my attention span is god awful. But I don't mind long ones when I get into the mood.
Do you ever get jealous when rping? How do you handle this? I used to during my earlier days of rping, but I just remind myself that my way of writing my muses is different then another person. There's no need to compare myself. You also can't force people to pay attention to you.
What about your muse are you most proud of? I do a lot of research into the muses I write! A lot of thought goes into each character I portray hehe
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♡ Munday Meme ♡ ;; accepting
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arcxnumvitae · 6 months
(25) did you ever play a breakup? (27) did you ever play a wedding? (35) how would your muse react to someone flirting with them? (for Aur)
@lured-into-wonderland || Shipping Questions for the Mun || Accepting
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(25) did you ever play a breakup?
A few! Never anything that actually lasted though, if a pair ended up going their separate ways for a time then it was usually due to some personal issues/trauma within the muse itself. So, they generally ended up being able to resolve the problem and got back together. I wouldn't ever be opposed to writing a more permanent break up if that's how things would play out between the muses.
(27) did you ever play a wedding?
Nope! I've had a muse become engaged, and then with other pairings chatted out what the wedding would look like or wrote out stuff past a point where they'd have been married, but I've never actually written out one's wedding.
(35) how would your muse react to someone flirting with them?
That depends on why they're flirting and who they are. He's used to a lot of people who are only interested in him because of his crown and title. Lots of people only see the appeal that comes with his title and treat it like a score to snag themself a king, even if only for one night. So flirting like that, and any flirtations from his gentry (generally) he's used to and not very affected by it personally. Were it to be something more genuine and out of actual interest in him as a person, there you'd see him actually grow more flustered and affected, although he would try to hide that.
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countlessrealities · 6 months
What is an aspect of your muse that you’ve wanted to explore the most? (for SR, Rick & Morty?)
Burnout Scotty meme || Accepting !
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SR: This might sound a little boring, but his family issues. I've mentioned the contrast he has with his daughter-in-law being a problem for him here and there, but I never had a chance to dive into them properly. They are one of the reasons why SR has chosen to live on the Citadel, even if he wouldn't easily admit it, so they are a big part of his backstory. Also, they show how he's not as little problematic (for Rick standards at least) as he seems to be.
Rick: This is a hard one, because I had a lot of things I'd love to explore about my portrayal of Rick and I can't say that I have one(1) thing I wanna explore the most in general. Right now? As in this very moment? The aftermath of him getting to kill his nemesis...if we can call it like that since someone else did most of the work for him. This should have been the climax of the last 40 years of his experience, the moment when he set his world back on track...but it turns out that it was not. The show kind of glossed over the emotional long term consequences (even if I hope that they will go back and dig into it a bit more) and I'm craving a chance to expand and analyse all that shit >.<
Morty: His anger issues / ruthless side / cynicism. I mostly write Morty as the mediator / pacifier / the on who defuses the tension in situations, since it's a role he often takes upon himself when Rick gets them in trouble or pushes it too far. However, I ever hardly have the chance to write him as unhinged as he can be. That boy has so much pent-up rage and trauma inside him and I'd love to explore it, at least from time to time. And the same goes for his more cynic / detached / apathetic side. There are moments in canon when Morty does sound a little like Evil Morty or, in any case, he acts like he is way older than his age, in a way that can give the creeps. I long to write him like that too.
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I think I might've missed the posts about the situation but why did you split your blog up and (most importantly) are you doing okay? I know that was something that was a big source of stress for you. Also can people follow your new blog?
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((First and foremost: thank you for asking if I'm okay or not. I know that's a rather easy thing to just assume one way or another online and I appreciate the care and effort. Also I'm sorry if you missed anything important, I tried to reblog the related posts a handful of times but you can't always reach everyone, you know? It wasn't intentional I assure you. To answer if I'm okay or not I'm....getting there, is the best way to put it I suppose? I'll try to keep this brief.
I'm taking a slight break (not a hiatus and while I do occasionally slap a post on the dash I'm not really speaking or engaging ic) from this blog because; and I'm trying to keep this is a simple as I can, I'm dealing with a lot of feelings of anger and resentment towards this blog (which I know is unfair to the people--which is pretty much everyone here---who haven't done anything wrong but I'll spare detailing you the intricacies of my deeply rooted anxieties and etc) which is harder for me to reconcile/progress with in a positive way compared to feeling stressed and lonely over on the new blog at the moment and so I'm choosing to focus my efforts over there because I feel like I can progress in a positive/healthy way, enjoy what I'm doing in a safe space, and so on. I am incredibly stressed---what I did and am still working on diligently to the best of my ability every day---is stressful to the point of being overwhelming if I think about it too hard, look at everything on the whole, etc, but it's necessary. It's necessary to enforce boundaries and not neglect myself a space where I can write what I want and what I love so dearly and that makes it worth it.
I split my blog up due to a lot of unwarranted harassment (anonymous for the most part but some people weren't, all of them have been blocked) that has been going on for months a thing that only increased in severity in spite of my earnest attempts to understand or work through what was going on, reconcile any expressed 'issues', repeat and thorough attempts to explain my side of things including offering to help people around the content that they professed to hate so strongly (said hate which bled over to me as a person and writer/roleplayer in general) and so on. It became untenable incredibly quickly---and if you followed me to alexandrite (which had a different name/center muse originally but I digress) from my former rp blog you'd know how severe the harassment there was and how I promised myself I'd handle such things in the future--- and this is me doing that. This experience on the whole was incredibly similar to the one that happened on my og blog and I promised myself that I wouldn't go through that again if i could help it.
I deserve to be treated better; both by myself and by everyone else, and this is me doing that (meaning treating myself better at the very least rather than staying in a hateful/hurtful environment) even if most days it makes me want to scream. Did I want to split everything up? To be completely honest no I did not. But I think in the end this is the best solution for everyone involved---but most of all this is the best solution for me---and once the stress ebbs a bit (and by a bit I mean a lot, a fucking lot, because I'm kinda drowning rn lol) I'm hoping to feel more secure. I'm....getting there, like I said. One thing at a time, always one thing at a time. I'm already doing good things over there and soon I'll be doing good things over here again too. Both blogs can (and will) coexist and we can all have fun together no matter where you follow me or who you want to interact with....eventually. I wish that people would realize how they treat others---that driving someone out of their own space when they've done nothing wrong, when the only thing they've done (or tried to do) is share something that they love with their friends/writing partners---isn't okay. I wish people would realize that how I was treated was not fucking okay (and most won't unfortunately) but I realized it and that, at least, is important. I said 'this isn't okay' and did what I needed to do not only to better myself (which is something that is incredibly hard for me to do; honestly it would've been impossible for me to do even a year ago) but to keep doing what I love. I'm trying to focus on that. I'm trying to let that drive me forward over everything else.
And to end on a further positive note: Yes, you can follow my new blog if you want to, all that I ask is that you make sure that your interest in the blog and the muses featured there is genuine and that you actually want to interact with them before following. If you liked them (any of them) and wanted to interact but never had the chance for whatever reason, or if we started something but never finalized anything yet, so and so forth, you're welcome to come on over because I'd love to have you. And if you don't (because as I've said a hundred times to idk how many deaf/closed ears) have any interest that's okay too. They're not for everyone and it's a lot to learn/take in even with my offering to help people in a variety of ways (an offer that is always open!), I get that and hold no resentment in that regard whatsoever, all that I ask is that you understand that I'm taking care of myself by doing this...all of this...and that I appreciate you too. The people who remain here waiting for me to come back and post for the muses here are just as appreciated as the people who follow me on my new blog. I love all of you very much no matter what and I look forward to writing with you all again, it's just that some of you will see more of me than the others will, at least for a little while.
If you want to follow my tcol blog you can go here @constellationcrowned (you'll see my self promo for the blog over here periodically as well, it's obvious af lol) or if you have any questions please feel free to contact me privately either over there or on discord. And thank you again for your kind words anon, truly, I hope you have a nice day/night and I look forward to potentially writing with you soon no matter where that might be.))
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deathdxnces · 9 months
👫 any verse. All verses. I don't care 💕💕💕💕
— @deathfxnds
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teehee of course i'll do all of them get ready for 10 pages of text i'm sorry ily mwah 💖
— base verse.
i mentioned before she doesn't usually dance outside the battlefield unless she's alone, but there could be exceptions and, well, if anyone would fit the exception category it'd be kayn; if he happened to arrive unnanounced while she was dancing, or in idk, some situation she'd try to drag him to dance with her and even if he didn't want to join she'd still dance, i can see it happening and irelia not having an issue with it. which ultimately is about trust and openness more than anything. it's not a part of herself she frequently shares, despite how important dancing is to her and how much joy it brings her. over time i just think she'd allow herself to show all those little things that have been kept to herself for so long, not always consciously but always because of how deeply she trusts him. is letting an assassin close dangerous and possibly deadly? yes. but it's far more difficult for her to open up like that than risking physical harm, and far more meaningful that she's willing to share things like that with him.
can't stop thinking about irelia being utterly vicious towards noxians, even civilians, and the fact even though she doesn't enjoy hurting children she wouldn't be beyond doing it when it comes to those serving the empire, or about kayn asking her to chill. she's not prone to listening, honestly, not when she feels justified in what she's doing (and she seldom feels more justified than when she's fighting noxians), and i suppose some people might take that intervention as lingering loyalty to noxus on his part, but neither would happen whenever something like this happens. distrustful as she'd be of the noxians, irelia would as easily stay her blades for him as she'd use them. on the other side of that is her unwillingness to harm other ionians, even when they try to harm her; but she is always very intense and deeply loyal, and even though she often hesitates to fight people to protect herself, she'd slice them in a heartbeat if it was to keep kayn safe :/ i also think she'd usually not be as filled with remorse in a situation like this. protecting someone she loves is reason enough to feel acting is justified. she lost everyone she loved before. i think the idea of losing him would terrify her and that would weigh far more than the usual guilt.
she loves playing with his hair actually. if his head is on her lap, she will invariably be playing with his hair. and i know you said he's very touchy about the hair especially because of the braid and zed's influence on that, but if/when she got to have the honor of brushing his rapunzel hair and braiding it, she would do it with all the care and affection in the world, and she'd very much enjoy it. plus if she knows how significant the braid is to him and why and if she knows how touchy about it he is, she would very much take being allowed to do so as a privilege and be extra careful and tender.
a bit of cliche mayhaps but i'm very fond of the idea they would sleep much more peacefully when together. that it simply feels safe and comforting, and that the habitual restlessness (and nightmares) would trouble them less, even if they wouldn't go away entirely. plus irelia is very attentive and caring and if/when he had trouble sleeping or was restless for whatever reason, she'll always try to leave him more at ease and be comforting and help in any way he needs. on the other hand, if she had nightmares or trouble sleeping or something bothering her, she's not very likely to volunteer the information and would avoid disturb him at all (or try to). as caring as she is and as much as that never feels like a burden to her, the moment the roles are reversed she's very i don't want to trouble him it's fine i'll be fine. please forgive her she's too used to carrying things on her own.
last but not least love will undoom his narrative she will have so much faith in him and so much love for him it will change the course of the story bye rhaast
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— star guardian.
i like the idea they were already friends when they became guardians. irelia is a lot more responsible for sure, and she does care about school and stuff even after they become guardians, but i also think she'd be very prone to get to shenanigans with him. not that unwillingly, either.
as per usual, she puts a lot on herself and isn't prone to just. share the burdens because she doesn't want to trouble anyone else. you mentioned before kayn noticing anyway and not wanting to add to it being part of his reason for leaving, but she'd very much blame herself for not being good enough. and, with the fact they were friends before, i just think it'd hit her extra hard. but because they care for each other and wouldn't really have parted on bad terms, i also like to think even when they're following different paths they keep going to each other from time to time.
despite dutifulness compelling her to keep to the oath to the first star, irelia definitely comes to question a lot when she does learn what being a guardian entails. even though she leans toward self-sacrifice to protect others way too often, she does come to resent the first star for what it demands from a pledge taken without revealing to the guardians all it entails. for a time, irelia would remain convinced that is the better path; but when we wrote a little sg stuff i remember kayn thinking he'd find a different path and convince her to leave that behind, and while she'd be much too worried about him and the possibility of corruption to accept it right away, i do think kayn could (would?) eventually persuade her to forsake that oath and go toward the middle-ground of using both the first star's power and the dark star as well. it definitely helps his case that she simply cares for him a lot.
that's a constant for any verse where they get to fight together, but i feel compelled to point out how well they'd work together on the battlefield. very complementary and always having each other's backs. probably having too much fun cutting down monsters before things go terribly awry. i do think irelia is a lot more starry-eyed and hopeful and carefree before that, to the shift, when it happens, would be very obvious for someone who knows her. and i also think following their team's first loss, for whatever little time kayn stayed before he chose to leave, her fear of losing anyone else (and him, specifically) would also be clear in how she fights — and how likely she'd be to put herself in danger first and care for consequences later when faced with even the possibility someone else might be harmed. by which i mean i also think that inherent trust of having each other's backs, while it still exists, comes second place to that impulse of protecting someone she cares so much for, even if that's at the cost of herself.
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— modern.
she absolutely knows he's involved with shady business well before he says or she gets to learn anything. kayn isn't as good at hiding it as he thinks he is, and when it gets to the point he gets to her house all bloody, irelia is simply letting him keep lying until he feels comfortable with talking about what he really does. yes it's obviously illegal and she's 99% it involves murder but. have you considered she's still poorly adjusted after seeing her family brutally murdered and having to kill two men as a child to get out alive? and also she loves him
irelia tends to be very private about her personal life. public accounts in social media are run by people hired for that, she never takes questions about her personal life, she isn't usually seen in public with anyone. which is to say, i think not unlike in base verse, at least initially their relationship would be very. just between them. over time people close to them would learn about it, and eventually they'd be openly together, though, which likely would be a very rare (possibly only?) occurrence for irelia. but also we talked about them meeting by going to the same places/events because kayn does enjoy being influent and being around important people, and i just think at any point when they might still be trying to be lowkey about things she'd. not be happy i they had to be in the same events and such without actually being together. i also think in any scenario like that she'd be much more prone to jealousy, even if irelia would do her best to keep it to herself; i say in a scenario like this because i think it's more about... not being openly together than actual possessiveness.
despite kayn's initial hesitance to pick horror movies thinking What If It Is Too Much? What Will She Think? whenever he realized she's not only okay with it but also enjoys horror movies too, they'd definitely have horror movie date nights. might disappoint him a little she would not get afraid and hide in his arms, but i hope the fact they get to do something chill together that they both enjoy makes up for it jfkanfkn and hey, they 100% would not need excuses to get that close.
pretty sure when it comes to texting or you know general long distance communication or even the frequency with which they meed and when, kayn wouldn't really keep a regular pattern. sometimes he replies right away sometimes it takes hours. irelia usually doesn't mind. she's very much not like that though and would mostly always reply to him pretty fast, unless that isn't possible for some reason. she's probably better at consistent communication while traveling the world on tour than kayn is t any point kjsnfkdn but that habit of hers would also make it obvious when something is wrong. if she was mad at him for whatever reason she'd reply less, her messages would be shorter, etc (but i don't really think she usually gets mad at him askfnasjkn). and of course, if she suddenly disapears completely for hours it's 100% because something bad happened and he should very much be worried.
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— 1shot. (yes i am including it, your hcs when)
i like to think they didn't really know each other before the group was formed. it depends on how it came to be, of course, but i just like the idea even though they were probably at least vaguely aware of each other's existence, they didn't really know each other before.
kayn strikes me as someone who'd enjoy it far too much whenever irelia and vayne ended up disagreeing and fighting aisdhfaisdufh generally speaking, he's probably too encouraging when it comes to irelia not being nice, as usual. honestly, probably very much an enabler on many aspects; with irelia being an idol since she was pretty young and trained for it even before, and all the perfectionist pressure and lack of freedom, she's definitely prone to holding back, and i feel kayn would be there to support her letting go and doing the things she wants and not being as concerned about the pressure other people put on her. and she'd definitely like that
i have no concrete idea of how/when but considering the previous point and them possibly getting closer in the middle of that, the eventual friendship would then lead to the romantic feelings, and i wanna say irelia acted on it first. sometimes a girl is simply trying to live her life and enjoy things and take some risks and not care for what other people will think, and sometimes she ends up kissing her bandmate as a result. it happens.
if they're a kpop type of group irelia would definitely be the lead dancer. hope kayn knows being a good dancer and learning the choreos is mandatory. she'd not go easy on him regardless of their relationship. but hey, i'm sure he could get private lessons that would end up entirely derailed c: sometimes practice just turns into a make out session you know how it is --
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— odyssey.
i pretty much just use infiltrator as the premise for this, meaning irelia is the criminal here for once. how the turn tables. anyway, she's infamous for her heists and espionage missions, and i hc she's been doing this since she was pretty young, so i'm sure even before he was an ordinal he'd have heard of her because there'd likely be some sort of bounty for catching her. and the other way around! he was one of demaxia's best and bffs with the king/emperor whatever j4 is, and as an ordinal everyone would know who he is. so they definitely knew each other's reputations before they met, and regardless of how they met, they'd definitely not be on the same side. she is a nuisance to the empire most of the time, and he is acting on the empire's behalf.
that said, irelia is exceptionally skilled as a spy as much as she is as a thief, and she holds no loyalty to any faction. she'll work for the templars if they pay well, she'll steal for the syndicate if there's something to be gained, but she'd also be willing to work for the empire. she's not picky. so long as she gets something from it. which is all to say i like the idea how they actually get to know each other and interact and develop the beginning of something is by working together in a truce sort of thing. maybe it was j4 who sought to hire her, considering kayn, especially odyssey kayn, doesn't strike me as the type to seek help even when he needs it. and at the same time irelia is not trustworthy so even if her skillset was necessary j4 would likely want to ensure she wouldn't just double cross them auhdusyd (she would try tbh) but also as usual, i think they'd make a very effective (and deadly and dangerous) team. eventually they get along better than planned. it doesn't hurt she appreciates his looks. but i think she'd like the audacity + ambition combo as well, even if he's a little unhinged. don't question her tastes ok
they do have very different goals and lifestyles though. kayn very much serves demaxia's interests and is out there trying to get as much ora as he can and become emperor and immortal and the most powerful being in the universe. irelia is just vibing iahdishf as long as she can live comfortably she's fine. she doesn't have huge galaxy domination plans, nor is she interested in pledging herself to the empire or any other faction. so i feel they might meet more sporadically than in other verses, between heists and attempts to take over the whole galaxy. she probably goes visit sometimes c: should she be worried about being this close to an ordinal when she's a wanted criminal? maybe. that won't stop her though
still, i feel in this verse it'd be much harder for him to have her undying loyalty or any sort of real commitment, because irelia is out for herself first and foremost, and she doesn't really trust anyone else. it'd take a lot of effort on his part if he wanted her complete trust and if he wanted her to stay more permanently, but he doesn't strike me as someone very willing to try hard (and rather he seems like he'd think it's the other person who should be chasing him sjhrishr) but yeah i think even when it became more Serious she'd be a bit skittish and wouldn't easily commit. maybe he'd be interested in the challenge? maybe not. either way if (when?) he actually gets her undying loyalty they can commit war crimes together or whatever it is he does in his galaxy domination plans. but even then she'd still be loyal to him and not the empire tbh. there's no convincing her to care for any of the factions in the galaxy, but personal loyalty is a different thing, and as is always the case once you have her trust and love she'llbe loyal to the end.
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bigshot · 1 year
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Permanent Plotter Call for Spamton G. Spamton I made the first one in the old editor and back when I was still getting a grasp on writing Spamton, so I'll be deleting or ignoring it and rewriting it entirely! If you already liked the first one, you can still like this one.
Spammy needs himself some long-term relationships, be they good or bad, so hit this up if you want to let this awful little man into your muse's life! All are welcome and I'm always up for suggestions!
Liking this post definitely nets you:
Memes! Loads and loads of memes!
A live horse (me) stampeding your DMs!
Maybe an unexpected starter or meme reply!
Wanna see some fun suggestions for potential palling around? Or whatever the opposite would be, if you hate him that much? Click Here!!!
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Friends! Spamton's great at making people think he likes them, but it takes a specil kind of person for him to trust! Muses who see straight past his bullshit are the best candidates, as he wouldn't feel like he's gotta sell himself or his products to them! He's got serious abandonment issues, though, so it may be an uphill battle to make him believe someone's kindness is genuine.
Enemies! It's easy to upset him if you go for the ego and he's not exactly an easy person to talk to. In fact, he probably annoys most people to death! Be ready for some nonsensical and colorful insults if you get on his bad side and maybe even a fight! If you wanna kick Spamton's ass, go for it! He is small and awful. He also bites pretty hard.
Business Partners! This guy's been around the server a few times by now, so he's got a fairly firm grasp on running a business and crunching numbers! Things just... tend to go downhill once he starts acting on his ideas. He doesn't care so much about the money as he does being able to run things his way, so he'd be totally willing to hand out advice or help behind the scenes (... ironically, for a price).
Customers! That said, he does love making a sale! If you're looking for somebody willing to obtain and sell your muse something a little less savory, you've got a muse gullible enough to buy absolute junk, or you got a job nobody else is desperate enough to do, Spam's your man! If the price is right, he'll sell or do it!
Romancing! (Why!!?) Haehehaha....! Wait... you're serious!? Spamton's all but convinced he isn't really worthy of affection (hm yes, woobify the scrimblo), fully aware of how ugly most people (including himself) think he is, and every relationship he's had in the past was either shallow or exploded extraordinarily (and that was BEFORE the whole puppet thing happened). He keeps himself pretty guarded when it comes to his own feelings, so if you're really up for it... well, [[God]] speed and buy him things. I do love my angst.
Star/Sungazing/Nature Lovers Spamton is in Heaven right now, literal or not. Most of his previous life was devoted to escaping his home in the Dark World (specifically, the Internet) and getting into the (presumably) Light World, which he called Heaven. He's never experienced things like a natural sky, wild animals, weather changes, seasons... He's often taken hostage by the beauty of it all, he practically worships the sun, and may need help figuring some of it out. Guy's liable to fall into the ocean or get stuck in a tree or just melt his eyes staring at bright lights.
Staring Into The Void Until It Stares Back (But With a Bro) Have you ever been so far even as decided to use go want to look more like? Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food? Spamton's great at following nonsensical discussions and gets a lot of joy out of it when people entertain or understand his glitching thought patterns, but he's also somewhat aware of his status of being a side character in a video game. Self-Aware muses, ones prone to mad ramblings, or even other Internet citizens would find an amazing conversational partner in him!
And there's always more ideas!! Like I said before, I'm always up for anything and if I ever write up a meme for you that screams "turn me into a thread," know that I'm TOTALLY game.
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technodromes · 11 months
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NAME. Sabine/Saby
PRONOUNS. she/her
BEST EXPERIENCE. I had many good experiences, I couldn't just name one without feeling like I don't do the others justice by not mentioning them as well. And while my memories of being part of tumblr multi-fandom rpc's are somewhat bittersweet now, but I wouldn't be here writing if a friend didn't convince me into it back then.
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION. I definitely prefer to plot and discuss ooc things on discord. tumblr's IM's are fine for quick small things and to get to know each other for a bit before exchanging discord, but I find the small chat window impractical for in-depth discussions.
MOST ACTIVE MUSE. Krang. He was my blob boy back then and he still is the main character on this blog for me. As a multimuse, my moods and interests may shift around, but there's always room for Krang if I'm here to post around.
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS. On tumblr, it's about 10 years? Maybe 11? I have no concept of time tbh. I wrote already on a different site before, which is about 17 years ago, but it was all in german. With that plenty of experience you'd think I'd know better than to repeat certain mistakes over and over but alas
RP PET PEEVES. Definitely anything drama-related. Coming on my blog to have fun and seeing someone declare war on someone else ooc on my dash without any tags on it is a huge turn-off for me and often ruins my own mood. In that same vein, I can't stand callout culture. Forcing people into a 'me or them' situation because you don't like that person they rp with, is bullshit. Ask them to tag their blog and blacklist the tag, problem solved. I want to unwind here and have fun in my little sandbox, not to become the president of the united states. Also, vague posting and the inability of people to talk about their issues? If you have a problem with a partner, talk to them?? How people prefer to vague-rant about their partners over actually trying to solve the problem, while actively doing a hobby that requires writing with other people is honestly beyond me? If you can't handle the stress of writing with people, then why do you engage in a writing hobby with said other people? Note here, I prefer people come forward to me if I did something wrong, even though I have severe social anxiety myself. Partners talking to me about shit I did is a LOT of stress to me, but I don't just block and run. I listen and I acknowledge it. And I try to do better. I can only learn to righten mistakes and get better at handling my social anxieties when I actually deal with it instead of running away. It's not rocket science. Does my pulse race and I get all sweaty and uncomfortable? Yes. But I feel a lot better having a problem solved afterward than having it linger around forever and the constant trash-talking behind each other's back like pre-schoolers.
PLOTS OR MEMES. Both? Both is good. There have been instances where I received prompts that left me a little clueless on what to do with them, and in other instances, I wrote up a whole starter for a potential fun plot from a received prompt alone. Memes can lead to interesting situations and are good ice-breakers. The trick is to pick the right muse/s and the right prompt. It's definitely a hit or miss, but I DO like prompt memes. Plotting helps to solidify the chemistry between the muses through it all and to not suddenly run into a dead-end. How a muse will react to option A or option B, where they actually are, and if there will be any potential NPC. But I'm not into plotting things out from A to Z. There are always variables and it sucks to run into a situation in the plot that actually feels out of character for your muse to do, just to keep the plot going. It takes the fun out of writing a story for me. I like to have a little freedom in a moderately plotted thread. It helps to just talk about the muses with a partner, to find a common ground. Maybe both muses mourn about losing a beloved one, both muses have lost everything and need to rebuild themselves up from the ground. I don't like people coming to me and ask me right away if I have 'any ideas for a plot'. My brain usually goes into static mode right away. I prefer people just asking about my muses or telling me about theirs to hit off with a plot.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES.  Definitely long to medium in length. I don't mind short, light-hearted shenanigans to get in the writing mood, but they usually get on the longer side very fast lmao. I just like to set the mood and describe my muse's processings, but it is also important to me to include my partner's muse into it. So it gets inevitably long very fast. I don't expect my partners to match length. But if a reply feels very lackluster with many errors and little content to work with, I am likely to ask for a change or ask to drop it if the mood for it seems gone.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES? Not really. I mean, there are bits and pieces that resonate with me. Like Shredder's anger. I won't lie, I am a very spiteful little goblin and I can get angry about anything and everything. I am not as vengeful tho, I let go of things that pissed me off eventually. I am also very insecure about myself and the things I do, so I can relate to Krang's hidden insecurities. It's really more about relating to them than really seeing myself in them in any way or capacity tho.
TAGGED BY: @dynamoprotocol
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midnight-mama · 1 year
While I'm rambling on, I wanted to go on about how Alya(My idiot Oc) and Butcher would deal with a child version of Homelander. That's random asf I know, but I literally am on a plane without my emotional support animal and human.
I've been dying to write Alya and Butcher again, but my brain hasn't been musing for either until now. So....yeah, imagine this with me, okay? Somehow, some way, Homelander's crazy ass gets bapped back into a Baby(Not literally. He's like 10 years old). He has no memory of what he's done and what he grows up to be like. All he knows is the trauma from being in the lab.
Butcher starts out with a "Fuck Dem Kids" point of view on it. He really doesn't give a shit if the boy can't remember, he still ruined his life. Even still, he's not handing little John over to Vought. The kid stays with him and The Boys. Honestly, mostly MM and Hughie take care of him. I can't see either of them being mean to this child, even if it's Homelander. Nor do I see them allowing Billy to bully him. No one is fully relaxed around him, though. Like, no one wants to trigger him back to adulthood or the trauma that bottled up in the kid. Butcher will NEVER treat him as will as he treats Ryan. Not even close. At max, he tolerates him and keeps him fed. In return, Tinylander won't trust Billy at all. He won't directly try to hurt him or fight with him. He's just not asking him for anything unless he really needs it. If John does warm up to any of the Boys, He will completely shut down once Billy is in the room.
With Alya....Its quite different. First and foremost, I don't think she would just find him and take care of him on her own accord. Nonono. Someone higher up at Vought just pops up at her Condo and drops him off with a vague explanation. "This is Homelander. Yes, THE Homelander. He responds to John...sometimes. He likes grapes. Bye." Baby girl didn't even get a Hello! Literally, no one at Vought has a reason why SHE had to deal with him. So she gets stuck with a traumatized 10 year old AND her overly energetic 10 year old. It's really not fun for the first few weeks. But Alya does give Tinylander much needed affection and attention. She isn't a Homelander groupie by any means, but she understands that's what the kid needs because that is what she needed when she was handling her own childhood trauma. The fact he would have a friend in Alya's daughter, Luna, also helps a lot.
With Butcher, John is allowed to be....more normal than he was originally. If he had to grow up again, he would definitely not be as batshit insane as he is in Canon. Under the influence of the Boys and Butcher, he would be more put together but still have issues. With Alya, John is allowed to be an actual kid. He gets to play baseball with Luna, watch movies and enjoy his childhood. However, I reckon, That wouldn't last too long. Alya is still connected to Vought and I have no doubt they would just take Tinylander and rid themselves of the woman completely. Sadly, I think here he would be pretty close to Canon in the crazy department. He was abused, allowed to be happy for a short period and then tossed back into the abuse. I think he would have some morals but not much would be retained from what he learned with Alya.
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Hello hello! I hope everything has been going well for you. I had a prompt idea pop into my head, and rushed to type this out before i forgot lol. Anyway, I was wondering if you could write Sonic having a nightmare and/or suffering from the aftermath of one and Scourge helps him through it? Or the other way around, if that speaks more to your muse. I just really want to see these two learn to be more vulnerable around each other, and there is little doubt in my mind that these two have issues and really need a hug. Have a good week!
Omg how did you know I love writing about characters having nightmares... how did you know...
One of the downsides of travelling with someone was the lack of privacy options during the night. Sonic had grown to tolerate travelling with other people - although the slower speed always got on his nerves, no matter how necessary it was - but he'd never liked sharing his sleeping space with them. On bad days he was quick to awake at some of the most minor sounds, and being stuck with several other people shifting and mumbling in their sleep or getting up in the middle of the night for some water was a terrible thing to combine with that.
And on worse days, well. Even the thought of waking someone up because his stupid brain gave him a bad dream made his skin crawl.
It wasn't that he thought sleeping around someone was a show of vulnerability. Having a nightmare in front of someone, though? That was a completely different story.
Thankfully, nightmares weren't common for him, and the rest of the Freedom Fighters knew to keep their mouths shut and not bring it up if they ever caught him having one. It was the least he was owed after saving the world's ass time and time again. Occasionally Amy or Tails tried to make him, eurgh, open up about them, but for the most part he was left alone, and they were never brought up while travelling.
Still, despite learning to tolerate travelling with other people, he couldn't help but mentally cheer whenever he could do so alone at his own pace. So getting a new mission that required speed and small numbers, and thus no group of slower friends holding him back? A blessing he was long overdue.
Well, sort of. He wasn't travelling alone, but it was Scourge who was tagging along, and the good thing about travelling with Scourge was the slower speed thing was no longer a problem.
The bad thing was he had no idea if Scourge would keep his mouth shut on the off chance of a nightmare arising.
So when they settled down for the night, was it really any wonder Sonic volunteered to take watch?
With a sigh Sonic rolled his neck for the third time that night. Just because he'd chosen to take watch didn't mean he liked it. Honestly, he was tempted to lie back and get some rest. Not sleep, he'd be just awake enough to spring into action if anything happened, as unlikely as that was, but just doze a little to rest his eyes and energy.
Maybe it was dumb to offer to take watch in the first place. They'd chosen a spot secluded enough that they wouldn't be easily spotted by any of Robotnik's troops, and fear for their safety wasn't even really a concern in the first place when he'd pitched the idea, although he'd tried to make it seem like it was, and brushed off Scourge's call of "bullshit" with a comment about being the more experienced Freedom Fighter, and thus the one more equipped to decide what was and wasn't safe, so shut the fuck up.
Scourge had rolled his eyes but reluctantly backed down, muttering about being too tired to deal with his "paranoid bullshit." The fucking hypocrisy.
No, safety wasn't his concern at all. His concern was that stupid, stupid nagging voice in the back of his mind hissing "but what if tonight's a bad night?" over and over, even though there was no fucking reason to believe it would be other than having gone several months without one.
It wasn't that he didn't trust Scourge. He did, against his better judgement. Somehow the fungus fucker had gradually kicked in the hesitations he had about lookalikes and became a trustworthy ally on the battlefield and a surprisingly hilarious friend. He was cunning and a jackass who didn't whinge about Sonic's attitude (usually) and a fierce fighter who didn't give a shit about the "morals" of fighting dirty, an attitude the Freedom Fighters desperately needed. "Clean" fighting was a nice sentiment, but just not practical in a lot of situations, and Sonic couldn't say he cared too much about Scourge's dirty tactics. Rather their side than the enemy's, after all.
Against all odds and previous bad experiences with lookalikes, Sonic trusted Scourge with his life.
With his nightmares, though? That wasn't something he was ready to expose to him yet. Not even out of fear he'd be seen as weaker or less capable for them, or out of worry they'd be used against him somehow, which was the reason he kept them hidden from everyone except close friends. It was just... a lot.
Better to just not sleep in front of him and avoid the risk entirely.
Ugh, now he remembered why he never bothered with this "taking watch" shit. He was always more likely to overthink about dumb shit if he had the whole night to himself doing nothing but sitting and watching without something or someone to keep him entertained and distracted.
Cracking his neck, Sonic settled back against the rock he was leaning against. It was a quiet night, no midnight adventurers or obnoxiously loud birds or bugs, not even any wind ruffling the leaves on the trees. Peaceful, just like the nights he remembered from when he was younger, before Robotnik came to be. If he closed his eyes he could almost pretend he was back to those days, lounging on his back and stargazing on the roof of Kintobor's old laboratory.
One day. One day they'd beat Robotnik for good and he'd be able to have as many peaceful nights as he wanted; not every night, that would be way too boring, but some nights. Depending on how much action he wanted. Any fights he got involved in would be on his terms, not tethered to stopping every scheme he stumbled across regardless of if he was in the mood for fighting or not.
His eyes fell on Scourge, who was sleeping a couple of metres away, lying on his stomach with his face buried in his elbow.
He hoped Scourge would stick around to see those nights, too. He'd probably get bored of them, even quicker than Sonic would, but that was fine. He would provide good company for the nights Sonic didn't want to sit around and spend the night in peace. He was always up for finding something fun to do no matter the time of day, something his other friends just weren't down for, and it would be fun to run around looking for ass to kick together without having to worry about a threat as huge as Robotnik looming over them.
With his eyes on Scourge it was impossible to miss the stuttered hitch in breath even if he wanted to.
There was no threat, nothing to be worked up over, a simple shift in someone else's breathing pattern was all that had changed, but somehow Sonic found himself on full alert anyway. He sat up, staring intently at Scourge, cataloguing every little twitch just in case something was wrong. Scourge's breathing grew heavy, his face screwed up, his hands balled into fists as he made a pitiful attempt to curl in on himself. A shuddering inhale, a flinch accompanied by a... not a whine, or a whimper, but some kind of noise that was definitely unpleasant-
He hadn't considered the possibility of Scourge having a nightmare.
Sonic was torn between watching in case the nightmare escalated and made Scourge hurt himself or looking away in some kind of attempt to respect Scourge's privacy. He'd never been on this end of the situation before and he had no clue what to do. Should he wake him up? Leave him be? Stay sat down and pretend he hadn't noticed anything, or leave and come back when Scourge woke up, pretending he had something to deal with and conveniently missed the whole thing?
Fuck, he wasn't good at shit like this. That was what the rest of the Freedom Fighters were for. He didn't even know if he hated or was grateful for being woken up from his own damn nightmares, how was he supposed to know what Scourge would want?
For an entire minute he sat and stared helplessly at Scourge, frozen in place despite the urge to just shake him awake. He didn't want Scourge to continue whatever awful dream he was having, but he also didn't fancy getting punched in the face, which was a very likely option even when Scourge was awake, never mind half asleep and still pumped full of adrenaline.
Finally, though, Scourge jerked awake with a strangled gasp, still for only a moment as he refamiliarised himself with his surroundings before he pushed himself up on shaky arms, still panting.
Sonic averted his eyes just as Scourge's landed on him.
He half expected Scourge to call him out for sitting and watching him during his nightmare; he sure as fuck wasn't shy about calling him out for anything else. But surprisingly, he didn't. He just kept staring at him in silence, wrestling his breathing back under control as his gaze drilled holes into Sonic's head. Sonic didn't turn to look at him, just stared straight ahead like he was very dedicated to his self assigned role and hadn't been contemplating dozing off for the past twenty minutes.
"You still up?" Scourge said at last.
"That's what someone who keeps watch does, yes."
"You don't stay awake when you keep watch. You, like, half sleep, half keep watch."
Damn. When did he notice that?
"I'm not tired yet."
"Bullshit, but whatever."
Neither of them spoke again for several minutes. Scourge sat up against the rock, drumming his fingers against his knee to a beat Sonic couldn't follow, and joined Sonic in staring straight ahead pretending to scan for threats they both knew damn well weren't coming.
Was Sonic supposed to ask him about it? Pry into the details of the nightmare? For what? Just to seem like a good friend? Fuck, this stuff had never made sense to him. Emotions were a battlefield he was... less than prepared for at the best of times, and for more delicate shit like this, he was far from the first choice for assistance, and he wanted to keep it like that. One wrong step just made things worse for everybody, but the right step changed from person to person, and how the fuck was Sonic supposed to magically know what the correct steps and words for each person were? Fighting robots or the moronic minions Robotnik had somehow managed to recruit was so much easier in comparison.
Again, there was a reason the other Freedom Fighters handled all the emotional shit. And why Amy frequently scolded him for being insensitive.
But the other Freedom Fighters weren't there. It was just Sonic. And as much as he hated dealing with situations like this, he also didn't want Scourge to be fucked off and upset.
But he also didn't want to make Scourge feel like he had to talk if he didn't want to.
"I don't want to talk about it," Scourge said suddenly before Sonic could come to a decision on if he should say something or not.
Well. That made it easier than just blindly guessing.
Scourge squinted at him. "You're not gonna... try and make me talk about it? Encourage me to open up about my feelings?"
"Not gonna stick your hero nose where it don't belong?"
"I never stick my nose-"
"Yeah you do. That's, like, your whole thing. You wouldn't run around saving people if you always minded your own business."
... Damn it, he was kind of right, wasn't he?
"Look," Sonic said, still not looking over, "do you want to talk about it?"
"Fuck no."
"Then we won't."
Scourge huffed. Out of the corner of his eye, Sonic could see him fiddling with the zip on his jacket.
"... Why? Why aren't you pushing?"
Oh boy, honesty hours. Yay.
He could just brush it off. Say he didn't care, he had better things to do with his time, hearing about it wouldn't change anything because there was nothing he could do to help. He could just be the dick he knew Scourge probably expected him to be.
... Fuck, but he didn't want to.
"I hate it when people try to make me talk about shit I don't wanna talk about," Sonic said. It sounded more like an admittance from how quiet it was, like it was a dirty little secret he was sharing with Scourge and Scourge only. Which it wasn't, he made it perfectly clear that he hated being forced to talk about shit every time someone tried to make him, but... but it was different, somehow, saying it to Scourge under the quiet blanket of the night. "If you don't wanna talk about it, I'm the last guy who's gonna make you."
"... Huh. Everyone just always tells me to talk about shit 'cause apparently it'll make me feel better."
"Yeah." Sonic turned his gaze back up to the sky. "I hear that a lot, too."
They lapsed back into silence, or at least, as silent as it could be with Scourge fidgeting with his jacket. Sonic wanted to say it was a peaceful silence, but the conversation somehow didn't feel... done.
Sure enough, eventually Scourge piped back up, voice so much smaller and... less guarded, somehow, as he said, "You're really not gonna make me talk about it?"
Sonic paused. Tapped his leg as he thought over all the possible answers. He could just keep up the reassurance, or...
Amy kept telling him he was unapproachable and difficult to talk to sometimes, and kept nagging him to work on it. Normally he didn't care because he wouldn't know what to say anyway, but he was the only one around, and if Scourge needed it...
"If you want to talk, you can," Sonic said slowly, hoping he was doing this right. "I'm not... I can't tell you I'll say anything helpful, or anything at all, 'cause we both know I'm shit at this. But I can listen."
Scourge was silent.
"I'm not saying you should, or that you have to. I'm just saying, if you want to talk, talk. If you don't, don't. Up to you, I don't care either way." Fuck, that was rude. Oh well. Scourge was fluent in rude, so it was probably fine. "Just... do whatever helps."
There. That was the best he could do in terms of support. Happy, Amy?
Scourge stayed silent for a few more seconds. Then...
"It... it was about prison." The words were halting, hesitant. Like Scourge didn't know how this worked either. Like he was trying something new with Sonic. "Nothing... fuck, it wasn't even coherent. Just random shit I thought I'd forgotten about. Stupid inmates I can't even remember the names of anymore, acting like they're hot shit just 'cause they're bigger and stronger and have a whole gang..."
Scourge trailed off, voice shaky. When Sonic turned to look at him, he was running a hand through his quills like he was reassuring himself they were still there.
They used to be shorter when he first arrived, Sonic remembered. Shorter and choppy and just barely long or sharp enough for self defence.
"Guards did nothing, y'know? They didn't care. We was just a bunch of troublemakers who got what was coming to us to them. So they just let fucking anything happen. Didn't give a shit who got hurt or who started fights or who got their shit stolen. Fuck, they kept going on about rehabilitation like it was something they gave a fuck about, but they wouldn't've even cared if someone got killed in there-"
Scourge was shaking, fist buried in his quills and tugging on them as he stared at the ground, face scrunched up in rage.
Sonic hated it. He hated that look on Scourge's face. He hated that there was something much more fragile, much more vulnerable, hidden away under that rage. He hated that there was nothing he could do to make it go away.
Wordlessly, he shifted closer until his arm brushed against Scourge's.
"Just... it was shit." Scourge's head landed on his shoulder. Sonic didn't mention it. "It was shit and I fucking hated every minute of it. That's what it was about."
Sonic hummed. He didn't have anything to say in response, because what was there to be said? But Scourge was already relaxing against his shoulder, so he probably didn't need to.
Instead, he just linked his arm with Scourge's.
This time the silence between them was comfortable. Scourge was done, Sonic was done, they were both done, no more words required. Scourge was still leaning on Sonic, and apparently neither of them saw any reason for him to move, because Sonic didn't push him away and Scourge didn't bother pulling away.
It was nice. The night wasn't cold but Scourge was warm, and it was easy to relax with him leaning on him.
Unsurprisingly, it didn't take long for Scourge to fall asleep. Well. No point in moving him, was there? Sonic was already perfectly comfortable, and he didn't need to worry about waking up with a crick in his neck from an awkward sleeping position since he needed to stay awake anyway. He was on watch after all.
By the time the sun peeked over the horizon, Sonic was slumped over Scourge, cheek smushed against his head, fast asleep.
It just didn't feel like a risk anymore.
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hkblack · 2 years
Finding and Working with a "Long Term" Beta reader
An ask came up in the DIWS Discord about how people got long term betas, coupled with a fear of pinging the beta-reading role in the server “too often.”
I wrote a rough version that I shared in the server, with the promise to clean it up, and put it on Tumblr for posterity.
Below is that post.
First off, never ever, ever feel bad about "constantly" pinging for Beta-Readers in Discord servers that have that role. Beta-Readers are, first and foremost, fellow fans. If they did not want more content, they wouldn't be in these kinds of spaces period. I've yelled about it before, one large reason I love beta reading is that I am a voracious reader on AO3 and am always looking for new content. So, if I say no to beta-reading, or don't answer a call, it is almost always a timing issue and sometimes a content issue (I say this as someone with rather lax content boundaries and harder timing boundaries). I won't speak for all beta readers by saying we all just want more content and enjoy beta reading because we get that content sooner than ye average reader but like...the desire for more is a factor for most of us.
Now of course, beta reading is work, and to think "ah well, the joy of reading my amazing work is thanks enough" makes you a jerkface. Credit. Your. Beta. Reader. But also, "is my work good enough to be Beta-Read?" should never be a barrier for entry. We are usually people who want more fan-content, enjoy helping others create more fan-content, and would only opt into the role if we have the time for it (which means we'll opt out too if we don't!). Your work is always good enough to be beta-read because a good beta-reader is interested in helping you grow and elevate your writing for the interest of the common fandom.
Now. As to how to get a long-term beta reader. It's no secret that @ambrasuembra and I have become long terms for each other so I'm going to talk about her specifically. Interestingly enough, we didn't start as beta readers for each other. She needed help with musical terms for Striking Chords and I had answers. And then I fell in love with her story and made her a playlist. (Two actually) And then we became friends via a transatlantic love of country music (specifically queer country music) and then started beta'ing for each other all the time.
All that to say, most long-term beta reading relationships have a mutual friendship built underneath because, my favorite mantra, beta reading is all about trust. Now these friendships are varying levels. Ambra is one of my closer fandom-friends, but is not my only fandom friend. And some of those friendships started because I was beta reading a longer fic, or multiple fics, or a series, and we just were talking all the time. Which, outside of "be friends then beta read for each other", is probably the most usual way to get a long-term beta reader. Find a beta reader who you vibe with...and then ask them again. And then become friends through that.
It should also be noted that I have serial offenders on my list that I beta read for that like... Maybe don't fall in the "friend-friend" bucket. I don't talk to them outside of public spaces about anything really other than their work, but I like their work and we vibe well together. So, we're like... Work friends. With fanfiction. Beta friends? That sounds weird.
Also, I think it's important to note that while long term betas are amazing--sometimes you gotta be polyamorous with your beta-readers. I've got a WIP that isn't Ambra's cuppa that when I sit down to seriously write as opposed to muse on, I'm gonna need someone new to work with on. Dash @ineffableomenshusbands beta-read for me recently because I was doing a big surprise for Ambra. I participated in another server's GTA and had ArcticRose beta read for me because Ambra was also participating. HolRose did a polish read on an upcoming WIP for me (Goats Part the First) after Ambra and I couldn't look at it anymore. And I gotta say--all three of those folks flagged things about my writing that Ambra never picked up on, and all three of them had very valid points and all three of them have contributed to my growth as a writer. Long term betas are great, but you'll still need to go a'beta-reader huntin' from time to time.
Anyway, this is how you get a long-term beta reader. You find someone you work well with and keep asking until it gets to the point where they go "why'd you ping the beta role, dingus, I'm right here." (If that kind of playful banter is your style).
If it's always no, then they might be too busy (often the case), they don't think they can fit what you're currently looking for/handle the content you're working on (also pretty often), or maybe they don't feel the vibe as well as you do (sometimes the case). Don't take it personally!
After all, a long-term beta reader is like a therapist. If you don't vibe... It's just not gonna work. No matter what. So, if you don't vibe with a beta reader, that's okay! There's another out there that's perfect for you. You'll find them by:
being clear in your asks about what type of beta read you need
communicating clearly about when your beta reader does something that doesn't work for you
and remembering that above all else, they are a fellow fan, as ready to go feral about stupid fandom stuff as you are, and happy to consume and create more free content.
So never, ever, feel bad about pinging the beta role and asking.
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florafound · 1 year
knowing your partner well can potentially make writing together a lot easier. ( repost do not reblog ! )
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✿ name:  rook ✿ PRONOUNS:    he/they ✿ preference of communication:  discord is honestly easiest, please ask for it. ims are good but they can be lost sometimes bc tunglr's bs ✿ name of muse(s):  Birth name is Sophie Poole, but known as Kit.
✿ EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?):    i've been on tumblr for over 10 years now so....jesus uh....awhile. Quite awhile. I'm thinking I started in middle school so like...16+ years now.
✿ PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED:   i've been on tunglr for 10 years now as i said - and wow holy shit that's....wild. Because it feels like yesterday I was on my other websites -- I also used dreamwidth, some livejournal forums, gaiaonline and my start was with neopets forums.
✿ best experience: i've had so many wonderful experiences roleplaying. it's a great chance to meet and greet with other people. i've found so many good friends who put up with my shit so often. but shout out to meeting @badassxbirdy 10 years ago when I first started roleplaying Mel and the extremely hilarious way Tyler and she met. Demons. Nakedness. Awkward all around. The works. But how that meeting became a friendship that I wouldn't trade the world for is so important to me. I'd love to go back to England and see Emmy again soon and hope the world will let me.
✿ RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS:    starting with the basic, i'd say most people would agree that hate and drama is a big dealbreaker and I'm one of them. But some of my other pet peeves are people who come into your ask/ims and guilt trip you. And I'm pretty uncomfortable with large amounts of nsf.w, specifically imagery. If your blog is like 3 pages of nsf.w on any given day, blacklist is probably breaking down on my dash and cant block it all. And I'm super easily squicked out by sexual imagery. But that's about it.
✿ fluff, angst or smut:  smut is never an option on this blog. and while I've tried dabbling into it again with my older muses, my fluctuating nature of squickiness about smut can be limiting so it's very very very rare. Of the other two, I used to be well known for writing ONLY angst, but over time I've got much better at writing fluff. But i'm a sucker at exploring trauma, trauma reaction and the emotional outcomes, so more than likely my longer threads are angstier than fluffy.
✿ plots or memes: i want to say both, because plots can be so thereapeautic to see them through. But for me memes are ALWAYS easier to work with. I'm nervous about plotting and can almost NEVER think of anything on the spot when someone says "hey let's plot" and it ruins the vibe. However, if I ever have a thought about our characters or vice versa, I am hELLA ready to slam into DMs.
✿ long or short replies: preference for long replies because I'm a big sucker for novella level emotions. on the other hand, I know I struggle to write a lot. And I'm sure my partner's run into the same thing as well, so sometimes short things are a good way to continue building character dynamics without as much effort or plotting.
✿ best time to write:    when i'm not absolutely dying from exhaustion or mental health issues. I have such a chaotic activity, I'm aware. And I wish it wasn't like that but sometimes my brain just says 'nope' and that's been a lot lately too.
Honestly though, I find that I write a LOT better when I'm at work because when I'm NOT on a call, there's really not much else to do once base chores are done. But at the same time it's at the whim of the EMS gods if I have the chance to sit down and write at all or if I get interrupted in the middle of my flow. Doesn't really matter what time of day though.
✿ are you like your muse(s):   if I'm being honest - most of my muses have SOME bits and pieces of me mixed in. They say write what you know and all that. And as my comfort muse, I'll admit that Kit is a LOT more like me than the rest. While I'm by no means an escaped science experiment that's been brainwashed, a lot of Kit's interaction with the world and in particular her autistic traits, are very heavily based on my own or how I perceived the world in some cases. In other ways we are very different - I am not a nature encyclopedia for one. And also cannot punch to save my life.
tagged: @byanyan & @femtaile tagging: anyone else who hasn't done it, please please please
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soulventure91 · 2 years
😇 for diric please i need to know, but also ✨ and 🤝
screaming yelling crying well well well
[ 😇 ] what would your muse do if they became a god? After about ten minutes of stunned silence and what the fuuuuck, I think Diric would have to allow himself a long think about the why/how/now what. And that's even before figuring out his portfolio! [Hint: one of his aspects would probably be a protector of wanderers, kind of a 'light in the darkness' vibe] I don't think Dir would be interested in having a Big Following, temples, or any of that - he didn't grow up religious and his own link to Bahamut is more based on a willingness to trust than honest faith (sometimes faith has to be based on the facts of experience, rather than blindly following divine directives). Anyone that somehow stumbles into worshiping him or being empowered by him might be someone that helps others on the road, or offered a stranger a drink in the tavern - and that person helped might could be a tired old warrior looking to offer some friendship along the way the helper might be headed. Probably he'd be one of the few gods regularly walking among mortals, watching how they grow and willing to give a little nudge in the right direction if he can.
[ ✨ ] what aesthetics or symbols do you reference when writing your muse? are these backed up by canon, if your muse comes from a canon? is there any specific relevance to these choices? Obvi Dir is my own OC so the only canon to reference is MY BRAIN. A lot of Dir's aesthetic sort of comes naturally on its own, meaning it's sometimes VERY accidental. I know we've ended up yelling in DMs about the multifaceted "oppositions" between Diric and Maahes: sun/moon, sword/shield, mortal/divine. Hilariously I don't have official 'aesthetics' for Diric aside from 'he'd like this kind of weapon!' or 'he'd wear armor like this!', so more functionally it's really just A Vibe, if you will. [vis a vis, Diric's pinterest board compared to Trin's, where Trin has like. Two sections for aesthetic things and Dir, uh. Has swords and armor.]
[ 🤝 ] how does your muse approach intimacy? are they hesitant, or do they like it? what types of intimacy do they like and dislike? (ex. physical intimacy, sexual intimacy, emotional intimacy, etc.) Hoooo boy okay. SO. Intimacy is weird for Dir both because of Drow Things and because him. As Drow (both half and whole), sexual intimacy can be either a 'fuck around and find out' notion (as a young soldier he did, indeed, fuck around and found out) or VERY much a business transaction - marriages of love are VERY rare and VERY MUCH kinda looked down on (from my understanding in general, Matt may have a totally different setup that I wouldn't know). Physical intimacy (like massages and cuddles) require, obviously, a level of trust typical Drow wouldn't offer just anyone - especially in a society where if you let someone too close they can, will, and should kill you for letting them too close. Those levels of physical intimacy are a silent sign of trust, literally to the degree of I will not stab you in the back because I know you won't stab at me. Emotional intimacy - something Diric has never really had until he met the Talisman and is trying to sense out with Mio especially - is definitely a level that is very new for Diric but also something he's learning to value very quickly. As you likely noticed during the Blackthorn arc, emotional intimacy is like. The rarest thing to have between Drow, imo.
But more specifically with Dir: he can, and has in the past been, very casual with sexual intimacy but doesn't actively seek it out; he highly values and will definitely seek out physical intimacy (WHY HAS NO ONE GIVEN THIS MANS A MASSAGE -) from people he trusts won't hurt him.
Diric is, though, in a period of his relationships where he's seeking emotional intimacy and trying to be more open with his feelings. He doesn't go to one of the Talisman looking for a solution to his emotional issues, far from it; Diric wants to talk about his feelings so he can process them on his own and understand why he feels certain ways. He verbalizes his current depressive cycle to prevent it from actually hitting him full-on. Sometimes he repeats it because the person he's telling it to is someone he trusts to listen. He doesn't always have great timing in trying to talk out his feelings but Diric knows it's better that he airs his emotions before they eat him up from the inside and he either ends up hurting himself or the people he cares about in the event he lashes out. In return, all Diric hopes is that whoever lets him go through his inferiority cycle yet again is being equally open and honest with him about their feelings - to let both of their walls and masks down and not be afraid of sharing what they're going through. He only wants to listen, because he's just one man and probably can't fix the root of an emotional issue even if asked. But he does want to know his friends will be okay, that they see where their weaknesses are and are willing to look for ways to overcome and grow.
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sapphicrpc · 2 years
it's also worse if you're writing a trans man & he's gay like the fetishism is next level and so pervasive that it's basically impossible to call out. like part of why i don't generally ship in groups anymore is because of the way that i ( a trans masc person ) would be asked really invasive questions about my character's body/genitals
like bad rp experiences can really shape what you're comfortable with and personally i really struggled/struggle with how to bring stuff like that up to admins because i've had admins say stuff like "well those are valid questions" "i don't think that is transphobic" or get mad at me for not interacting with everyone if i try to just back out of a ship
so if you any tips on how to approach/handle that kind of interaction, i wld love to hear them
sorry that i've sat on this for a while because i wanted to give a really thoughtful response.
first of all, if you're reading this and you're thinking that the admins are right and there's nothing wrong with those kinds of questions/actions... just think about whether you've ever asked a cis person about their genitals? would you approach a cis man and ask about the size of his dick? no. if you're a respectful person you wouldn't and therefore you should extend the exact same level of respect to trans people. go do some basic research and do better.
as for advice? my god... this is an awful situation if the admins are acting like that. you did everything i would say you should do. go to admins, etc.
honestly? my genuine advice on this exact situation? leave the group and protect your peace if you're really uncomfortable. take some screenshots and put a callout post in the tags and let the mob ruin the group for being assholes. trust me - they'll do the work for you.
however what i would do, because i don't mind a bit of a fight. i'd make it an in character problem. play your muse but anytime they're faced with a question like that have them fight the person about it, have them defend themselves in character. if there's social media in your group have them go on a twitter rant calling them out, if there's no social media post a starter where they rant about being faced with transphobia. when someone is being creepy/fetishising, call them out. have your character respond like "wow you're really creeping me out right now, would you treat a cis person like this?" i GUARRANTEE you they'd panic because they're not used to being called out.
don't rely on crappy admins, fight your own corner yourself. cause some fucking problems. out of character send links to people with reading materials about why this is wrong. send them to admins. send them to members. kick up a fucking FUSS. i'd made their lives bloody miserable until they kicked me out or changed their ways if it was me. and if they kicked me out for calling out transphobia (because that's what this is, lets be honest)
anyway... i know that my methods are not for everyone, but that's my advice as someone who has no issues with being a problem to problematic people. equally, i understand wanting a safe space online because a lot of us deal with these problems enough irl that we don't wanna deal with it online so... in which case there are groups out there that WILL give you a safe space. admins that WILL take your side on this. i don't know what platform you like to write on but i can recommend discord groups that'd protect your safe space (because i or a friend admin them and i'd go up to fucking bat for trans people any day of the week)
if anyone else has advice for this anon please respond with it
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