#if your male character is cool and pretty and dark-haired unfortunately i am already gripping them in my fist
thatmightyheart · 1 year
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catching up with the csm manga and i am, hmm, very predictable
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zevlors-tail · 4 years
(1/2) congrats on 300 followers!! 💜💜💜 may i ask for a matchup with a male character? i’m a 5’4 girl, dark brown wavy/almost curly hair, dark brown eyes, slim, i have a dimple on my left cheek! Libra, i love purple but pink is a close second, kinda shy at first when u meet me, sometimes comes off as a snob but only because i’m shy & i’m not sure if you’re referring to me when u waved hi 👉👈, but i open up quickly and will ramble if u let me, i’m a soft 🥺🥺 girl & the baby in my friend groups
(2/2) i’m very chill and go with the flow type of person, i’m down to do anything and i match my vibe with the people i’m with, quiet night in? i’m down! wanna impulsively do something at 3 am? i’m in! i’m a great listener and i’m super empathetic and people love venting to me or talk about anything & everything, i’m naturally affectionate & clingy, my love languages are physical touch and quality time, i’m very dense & oblivious when someone has a crush on me, words - rain and fall festivals
I match you with: Shouto Todoroki!
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-Todoroki first saw you when you were hanging out with your friends, and you seemed like a really fun person to be around! He saw how much you were laughing with them and how supportive you were of them, saw how much they valued you. Todoroki is no fool; he knows you’re pretty much the glue that holds your group together, and he immediately wanted to be friends with someone like that. 
-Thus, the awkwardness of Todoroki trying to get your attention ensued. Shouto doesn’t always understand social cues, so when he first tried to say hello, it was a huge misunderstanding. You weren’t entirely sure if he was really saying hi to you specifically, so you just kind of...walked by him and ignored him. Because in your mind, he didn’t really know you and you didn’t really know him, so why would he try to talk to you? Unfortunately Shouto took this as a sign that you didn’t like him at first. which put him a foul mood for almost a week before Midoriya had to clear everything up.
-During that week, you both are pining over each other so much but you each manage to be completely oblivious to the other’s feelings somehow. All those longing side glances from Todoroki? You miss them. All those times you just happened to be in the same place as Todoroki? He thinks it’s a coincidence instead of you trying to get him to strike up a conversation. Everyone else can see that you’re clearly interested in each other, but the two of you just can’t see it for some reason. 
-But once Todoroki knows that you don’t hate him, he tries again to get your attention, only this time it’s much more direct. This boy walks right up to you and without any hesitation asks, “I really like you. Do you want to go on a date?” And of course, how could you say no? The feelings are mutual, so you’re elated that he asked you out. From then on out, Shouto is direct and to the point to avoid repeating the past.
-The two of you fall head over heals for each other extremely fast. Even though Todoroki can be somewhat reserved, he opens up to you fairly quickly because you’re just so welcoming and empathetic, and you make him feel at home. And that’s a good thing, because he really needs someone to listen to him. You’re probably one of the few people to know the absolute truth about what happened to him and his family, about the things that involved his father. And despite what people might say or think, he’s also an excellent listener, so if you ever need to vent to him, he’s got it covered. He’s very attentive and will give you his honest opinion about a situation if you ask for it.
-Shouto loves the fact that you’re clingy. He won’t openly admit it because it would really embarrass him, but he lives for your cuddles, hugs, and kisses. Every time he gets an “I love you” text or better yet, hears you say it in person? Swoon. He wonders how he could have ever lived without you. Sometimes he’ll leave his bed in the middle of night and end up in yours in the morning, and no one really says anything because he seems so much more...whole? In touch with his emotions? Open to people? There’s definitely been a really good change in him and you can take pride in knowing that you made that happen. <3
Fall Drabble: Rain/Fall Festivals
“Are you sure you want to go today? It’s supposed to rain, you know,” you reminded your boyfriend. 
Shouto only shrugged before he tugged on his jacket, then handed you yours. “It’ll probably be fine; I’m not really concerned about it. Besides, I promised I would take you to the festival, didn’t I?”
Not a cloud was in the night sky as the two of you explored your way around the festivities. Warm paper lanterns were strung up at the top of every booth, decorative leaves scattered on the countertops of most, and sweet smells drifted out from certain stands with sugary treats and baked goods. Your right hand was laced in Shouto’s left one, your shoulders bumping every so often while you walked. You couldn’t ask for a better date. Even if there was a slight chill to the air, it was hardly noticeable when you felt so warm inside next to your partner.
“Are you getting hungry? Do you want anything to eat?” Todoroki’s soft spoken voice pulled you gently from your dreamy mood as your eyes focused on your interlocked hands. 
“I wouldn’t mind something sweet. I can eat if you’re hungry, or I can wait. I don’t mind!” you cheerfully responded. 
“Do you think they have soba here?”
You laughed as he led you in the direction of one of the booths with food. “You never know!”
The hostess greeted you both with a friendly smile when you made it to the front of the line. She made idle chatter as she took your orders, and within the same minute you were receiving your food and waving goodbye as you left.
“Wow, that was hardly a wait at all. Actually...” You took a look around the festival grounds, confusion evident in your voice as you continued. “Seems like people are really clearing out. Did we stay too late? Is the festival over already?”
Todoroki pulled you into his side at the sound of disappointment from you, not ready to give up on your night yet. “No, I don’t think so? It was supposed to go until midnight. None of the booths are being packed up...”
“I wonder if-” 
You were cut off by a sudden sensation of coolness on your nose, and it took you a minute to realize little droplets of water were falling on your face, slowly at first but coming faster the longer you stood there. A glance up told you all you needed to know- the once clear sky was now overcast and dreary, clouds rolling in from the east while thunder rumbled far in the distance. You shuddered as the water slid down your nose and dripped onto your shoe. Shouto gripped your hand in his tightly and pulled you with him to the nearest group of booths were there was a bit of an overhang, and very conveniently, an empty bench. The two of you claimed it before anyone else could and watched as the heavens opened up and poured down rain, all the while sharing your food and feeding bits of sweets to each other. You leaned in closer to your boyfriend and reveled in his warm side, which he very kindly had raised the temperature of a few degrees to rival the drop in temp outside. After you were finished eating, he rested his chin on your head and nuzzled into your hair as he spoke.
“Looks like you were right.”
“About what?” 
“Didn’t you tell me it was going to rain earlier? Maybe we should have stayed home after all.” He seemed doubtful even as he said it. You could tell he didn’t want to leave, and neither did you if you were being honest.
“Yeah, but...” You smiled and shook your head no, not wanting to trade this for anything in the world. “I don’t mind. I’m glad we came out even if it rained. A little rain can’t stop me from enjoying my time with you.”
You wrapped your arms around his torso and he sighed in content. He wouldn’t trade this for the world either. As long as he was with you, nothing could stop him.
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assortedcorn · 7 years
Safe and Sound? CullenxFemale
I’m thinking that I’m going to write this as a fic and see where it takes me. Sound good? Cool! This is gonna be like sort of different, the inquisitor is going to be a male, mage, Trevelyan and my character will also be a mage but a female Lavellan. You’ll see how cullen plays out later ;)
It was pouring in the Emerald Graves today, as it has been for the last two weeks. Flooding the pathways, the wildlife stirred up, and the civilians tucked away in their camps.
Unfortunately, Seren wasn’t so lucky. She was stuck in a tiny little hut made from sticks, mud, and the native brush. It wasn’t ideal but she knew how to use her fire to keep herself warm and dry, for the most part. Why was she without her clan, wet, and miserable you ask? Good question, actually. She was kicked out because she lit her keepers breeches on fire. Seriously. He made a snarky comment about her “being a disgrace to the creators” because of how she chose to dress, so, she lit him up. Literally. So now this is how she lives or has been for a month or so.
Seren was barely awake as it is the early hours of the morning. The suspicious noises continue to grow closer and closer, the hair on her arms standing at attention from her slight anxiety.
She summoned a small flame into her palm, slowly becoming more battle ready if need be.
At the blink of an eye, she was thrown into the air. The loud, painful noise that came from the deepest parts of Seren’s body echoed through the forest. She immediately spit up blood, the impact of her body slamming into the boulder across the river was stronger than anything she’d ever felt. Serena lifted herself onto her hands and knees, heaving the contents of her stomach and blood into the water. “Fuck you!” She screams, sending electricity into the twelve foot tall beast before her, making it cry out as her shocking tendrils encased it’s body.
With one swing of its hand it picked her up and threw her once more, through a patch of trees and onto the hard ground under her. Seren rolled onto her side in pain, crying out. Blood, spilling from her side. She had been thrown through trees and must’ve caught a branch on the way down.
“I’m NOT in the mood today!” She yells in agony. She had no energy left, the pain in her side was sucking up all of her stamina. Seren could barely stand, barely speak, and was beginning to lose consciousness from blood loss. With all the energy she had left she put her palms together, then her index finger and middle finger together, pointing them at the beast standing unfazed before her. She barreled out a deep, loud scream, sending her strongest bolts of lighting out of her fingers into the monsters midsection. Once her bolts make impact, they explode, the beast exploding into pieces around her.
Seren dropped back down to her knees, slinking herself over the fence next to her. She keeps trying to hold herself up, she managed to do this and fall down a dozen times and even got a couple feet from the bloody site before completely collapsing into the brush. “Shit” she whispered to herself before falling into a black abyss.
“We can’t just leave her, Cassandra!”
“No, Inquisitor. We do not need anymore scoundrels running around skyhold.”
“Aw, come on, she looks pretty rough, Cass.”
“She’s dalish, maybe we should take her?”
“See! We can’t just let her die out here.”
Serens eyes slowly fluttered halfway open to see a party of four standing over her. What was left of her heartbeat started to quicken at the sight of strangers.
“She’s awake, now we can go.” Cassandra says, turning on her heel.
Seren tried to summon something to defend herself from these strange people. But before she could lift a finger, a warm hand wrapped around her wrist, gently squeezing her. “We’re not going to hurt you, I promise.” She looked up into two blue eyes. They looked like the secret pools she found while searching for shelter. His hair was black as night and his skin was lightly tanned, touched with freckles from the sun. His smile was radiating, so welcoming. “Come with us back to where we have shelter. We can have you healed in no time!”
“Which is where?” She said in short breaths, her chest on fire.
“It’s a secret but I promise you’ll be safe there.” He smiles. “I’m Maxwell Trevelyan, you?”
“Seren Lavellan.” She coughs, getting blood onto Maxwells breeches. “I’m so -cough- sorry!” She scrambles to clean it but she can barely lift her body.
“At least she’s polite if given the chance.” A bald, elf says causing Seren to scoff.
“And who are you? Some outfit ya got there, elf.” Seren chuckles lightly.
“I think she’ll fit in nicely, don’t you think Seeker?” A dwarf says. “Varric Tethras. Cassandra Pentaghast. Annnnnd Solas, no last name on record.”
Solas rolls his eyes along with Cassandra who made a disgusted noise.
“Let’s get you on your feet, yeah?” Maxwell says, throwing her arm over his shoulders, a tight grip on her wrist and a gentle grip on her wounded side. Seren winced at the pain but allowed Maxwells kindness not to sway her too much, she knew she needed to be healed.
“Well, well, so this is the little lady who’s the talk of the keep?” A soft, sassy voice echoes through the small stone room.
Seren sat up to greet the voice and the man who owned the voice walking towards her. He was average height, dark, and very manicured. “You are quite the beauty, aren’t you?” He smiles, sitting on the wooden stool in front of her bed. “Dorian Pavus, enchanted I’m sure.”
“Why are you here?” Seren asks, one eye closing as she winces from the tight bandages wrapped around her core.
“I am here because the Inquisitor brought back a lady from one of his missions, an elf lady! Seems the rumors are true.” He laughs. “Everyone talks around here, you’ll get used to it darling. How are you feeling?”
“It still feels like something doesn’t feel right, if I’m completely honest, Dorian.” Seren says, sighing.
“Well what doesn’t feel right?” He asks, his brows arched quizzically.
“I think my ribs are broken, I need to see if they have someone here who can set them before I get an infection. Or worse.” Seren replies.
“Come, come. Let’s find the inquisitor and he will help us.” He says, holding his arm out for her to hold onto.
“Uh, I need to put clothing on.” Seren says, suddenly aware of her nudity in front of a man, she covers herself.
“Oh, please, you’re not my type.” He winks.
Oh...oh OH OKAY
“Here, take this cover.” He laughs.
Seren took the floor length cloak. It was plush velvet, a dark green color. It was soft but it itches with the bandages so tightly wrapped around her. She took Dorian’s arm and they left the chambers.
Dorian gave her a small and brief tour of the main hall before reaching what he called the “war room.” Dorian knocked a few times and they were let in with ease, greeting two familiar faces and two unfamiliar faces. “This poor dear wishes to speak with Maxy here.” He speaks.
“Dorian, you know you’re not supposed to come into this room unannounced.” Cassandra retorts.
“Exactly, whatever this is, can wait until the meeting is over.” A tall, broad shouldered, Man across from Seren replies. His hair reminded her of the fields of wheat from her home, his eyes the color of amber gems, his pale skin, glistening in the sun. His voice, deeper than any hole or cave she ever explored. She was enraptured by the fine specimen of a man before her.
“Actually, it can’t.” Maxwell says, sternly. “Seren, what’s the matter?”
“I’m sorry to interrupt.. Inquisitor.” Seren says, the pain radiating through her already fragile body. “I need a favor.”
“Anything, you name it.” Maxwell smiles, brightly.
“Oh my.” Leliana giggles.
“Do you have anyone here who knows how to set broken bones?” She asks, breathing slowly and talking in between breaths.
“What is the problem?” The man across from her asks rudely.
“Clearly she broke something when she was brutally attacked, Commander Cullen. Have some passion, Ser.” Maxwell scoffs. “I’m not sure if we do, my lady.”
“Dammit.” Seren curses.
“If I may, I don’t think she has much longer ladies and gentleman. She’s incredibly pale and her heart rate is terribly slow, I can’t even feel it in her wrist or neck. I believe she’s in grave danger.” Dorian adds.
“Maker. Cassandra do you know anyone? Do you?” Maxwell asks, clearly panicked.
“I’m sorry, I do not.” She says, placing her hands on the table. “Will she live long enough for us to send one?”
“No, she won’t. I have little experience but I know the basics, what bone is broken?” Cullen asks, gripping the pommel of his hidden sword.
“My ribs.” Seren says, sighing.
“Andraste save me, meet me back where they healed you and I will do it.” He sighs.
“Thank you, Commander.” Maxwell says, beaming at his sudden act of kindness.
“Don’t say I ever did anything for you.” Cullen laughs.
“This IS going to hurt, are you ready?” Cullen asks, raising his brow.
“It needs to be done. So, yes.” Seren says. “Um. I need to get undressed.”
Cullen’s breath hitched in his throat. He forgot that he was going to see her completely bare on the bed. This was going to be rough. It’s not like he hasn’t seen nude ladies, but he did not know her like the others. “Ah, Yes. I’ll turn around.”
He could hear Seren stripping behind him. He opened his eyes hoping to see a stone wall but instead he sees a mirror. A mirror with the small elfs petite figure behind him, back facing him. Her slightly tanned skin was smooth with the exception of the deep scar rubbing across her shoulder blade into her spine. Her long, silver hair cascaded down her slender and small back. It was hard for him to breath, but he knew it must be harder to breath for her considering her wound. He pleaded with the maker to make him stop staring but he couldn’t. He looked away just in time for her to call out that she was ready.
Her arms were covering her bare chest, her small blanket woven between her fingers and palms in hopes of covering up most of her chest in decency for Cullen. “Do you want me to lay down?” Seren asks, her hands shaking.
“Yes, um, straight on your back.” He says.
“Do you need this off?” She asks, nervously.
“Maker, no, please make yourself comfortable.” Cullen replies, sitting in the chair Dorian once sat in while making his introductions. “Are you okay?”
“I’m, fine. Please just make this as quick as you can..” she sighs.
“Okay, do you mind if I feel around? I have to determine where your ribs are broken.” He states.
“No, no go...ahead.” Seren replies.
Cullen’s fingers lightly touched her skin, raising hundreds of tiny little bumps on her stomach and hips. He heard her suck in a sharp breath. “Does it hurt already?” He asks.
“No, no... Just been awhile since anyone has touched my bare skin’sall.” She says, biting her lips.
Cullen continues, although his gaze that was once on her lips being bitten had now traveled down her neck and he saw two little mounds under the thin blanket covering her chest. A blush rose onto his skin and he coughed, quickly averting his eyes before she noticed anything.
He laid his palms against her skin, gently smoothing over the blanket off of her wound. She was horribly bruised, blacks and dark purples surrounding her small frame, deep lesions dividing her soft skin. Cullen wondered what she was attacked by, feeling bad for the pain she must’ve felt and is feeling now. He pressed a little harder onto her midsection feeling around her fragile body until he heard what he needed.
“THERE!” She shouts, pain ripping through her body.
“Okay, are you ready? It’s in your lower ribcage, it’s not fatal like it would be if it were by your lungs but you will catch infection if I don’t set it.” Cullen braces, afraid of his hands harming such a little creature.
“Just do it, Cullen!” She yelled, he could feel the electricity in the air crackling around her. She was in a high amount of pain.
Cullen shifted both of his hands around her, finding the spot he needed at the base of her ribcage and the other hand underneath her back. He took a deep breath in and -crack-
“FUCK!” She screamed, biting the blanket, tears welling in her eyes. Seren could feel the energy in her fingertips, a knee jerk reaction to physical pain.
“Two more times, okay?” Cullen breaths, wiping sweat from his brow.
Serens tears were streaming down her cheeks and into her ears, down her neck and into her hair. The pain felt like she was being thrown into the boulder and through the trees again.
“Maker, I’m so sorry. One more!” He says, pushing into her with all his night snapping her brittle bones into place.
“Please... tell me.. it’s done...” she breaths, on the verge of passing out.
“It’s okay, you’re okay. It’s all over now.” Cullen says, holding her hand in both of his large hands.
“I think I’m gonna”
“It’s okay, go to sleep.. your medicine should be kicking in. We’ll see you tomorrow.” Cullen says, using her blanket to wipe the tears and the sweat from her face and neck.
“You’re a good man.. even though you don’t know me.” Seren smiles, a wave of exhaustion hitting her. Maybe it’s her medicine. Who knows?
“I can’t watch someone on the verge of death suffer, I didn’t know if this was going to work but I’m glad it did. No pain?” He asks, his eyes squinting, trying to read her.
“You are a magnificent creature.” She giggles.
“Well, thank you, Seren.” He laughs.
“Cold.” Seren whines like a child. “Cold.” Her medicine was kicking in now.
“Andrastes tits! I’m very sorry, I should’ve brought you a heavier blanket.” He curses to himself.
“Gimme.” She smiles, reaching for his pelt hanging over his armor. “Warm.”
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