#image de soi
bechirhouman · 2 months
Tant de personnes de votre passé connaissent une version de vous qui n'existe plus
‍ En tant qu’êtres humains, nous sommes des êtres complexes et multidimensionnels. Notre identité est le reflet de nos expériences, de nos valeurs et de nos choix. Cependant, elle n’est pas figée. Nous grandissons, nous changeons et nous découvrons de nouveaux aspects de nous-mêmes. Parfois, certains amis et proches que nous avons côtoyés dans le passé peuvent connaître une version de nous qui…
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#29 L’Image de Soi – Partie 2 : Un Exercice pour la Changer
Salut à toi ! Je t'ai déjà parlé de l'Image de Soi. Je vais plus loin en te proposant un exercie pour changer ton image de toi-même ! J'en profite pour ajouter quelques éléments... Je te laisse cliquer pour voir à tout cela ! 😉 Namastē 🙏🏾
L’Image de Soi, Un exercice pour la changer. Salut à toi ! 😊 Te souviens-tu de notre discussion précédente sur l’Image de Soi ? 🤔 Nous avons exploré comment notre perception de nous-mêmes influence notre existence, nos Relations et notre Bonheur. Aujourd’hui, je souhaite te présenter un exercice pratique qui peut t’aider à transformer cette Image de Soi. Te demandes-tu comment un simple…
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dandanjean · 8 months
À ceux qui veulent être admirés
Épictète a écrit de nombreux textes. Cette vidéo présente aujourd’hui: À ceux qui veulent être admirés. Épictète: À ceux qui veulent être admirés
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infoscoop · 1 year
Tibo InShape disculpé des accusations !
Tibo InShape disculpé des accusations ! https://infoscoop.fr/wp-content/uploads/le-youtuber-tibo-inshape-responsabilise-2957.webp Tibo InShape, accusé par une diététicienne d'être responsable de troubles alimentaires chez les jeunes, réagit au scandale. #tiboinshape #diététicienne #journaliste #anorexie #fitness #coupdegueule #régime #jeunes #youtubeur #scandale #réglementation #santé #imagedesoi #libertédexpression #responsabilité https://is.gd/YLOp6x
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dieuxcerf · 2 years
j’en peux plus des gens qui pensent que boire du whisky fumer des clopes et faire des rimes pauvres c’est des traits de personnalités
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reneeonline · 16 days
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Filtre d'amour?
À l'instar du philtre d'amour, mystérieux élixir concocté pour forcer l'amour d'autrui, les filtres photo sur les réseaux sociaux font croire, à nous-mêmes et aux autres, en une beauté bien au-delà de la réalité. C'est une fois confrontés à la vraie vie, loin de notre avatar virtuel, que la vérité frappe : ces belles lèvres pulpeuses et ce teint parfait n'existent pas! Et voilà que naît un cercle vicieux où estime de soi, anxiété et pression sociale s'entremêlent, laissant sur son passage des dommages qui eux, sont bien réels.
En tant que mère d'une jeune ado, je ne peux m'empêcher de m'inquiéter des effets néfastes de ce phénomène sur cet être qui, il n'y a pas si longtemps était mon petit bébé. Comment peut-on se trouver "assez" avec l'incessante comparaison à l'autre, qui bien sûr ne montre que le meilleur... et le photoshopé côté de lui-même. Est-ce possible de ne pas tomber dans le piège? Surtout à l'âge de 11 ans, où l'estime de soi est en construction et que les écrans s'imposent (je vous le promets, j'ai résisté le plus longtemps que j'ai pu) de partout, pour tout. Est-ce qu'il y a effectivement plus de dangers pour la santé psychologique de ma fille en 2024 qu'il n'en existait pour moi en 1991? Un peu prise d'anxiété moi-même, je suis partie à la recherche d'informations sur le sujet.
Dans un blogue daté d'octobre 2023, le Labo des images propose une réflexion fort intéressante sur le sujet, mais surtout quelques suggestions pour protéger nos enfants, et nous-même, disons-le. Avec une série de 8 questions, le parent peut "évaluer l'impact des réseaux sociaux sur l’estime de soi" de son adolescent. Pour lire l'article complet :
Le Cégep de Victoriaville a quant à lui créé en 2022 une campagne de sensibilisation "Et si on se regardait pour vrai". Durant une semaine, une exposition présentait des photos d'étudiantes et d'étudiants, améliorées par un filtre. "Les conséquences psychologiques de l’utilisation des filtres photo seront abordées à travers celle-ci".
Le phénomène est bien réel, mais il est rassurant de constater que la société ne nous a pas encore tout à fait lâchés. Plus on en parle, mieux on se portera. Cela dit, vous me feriez tout de même un petit velours si vous likiez cet article! 🤦‍♀️
Bibliographie :
LE LABO DES IMAGES. L'impact des réseaux sociaux sur l'estime de soi des adolescents, [En ligne], 4 octobre 2023. [http://www.labodesimages.com/2023/10/l-impact-des-reseaux-sociaux-sur-l-estime-de-soi-des-adolescents.html] (Consulté le 14 avril 2024).
PASSEPORT SANTÉ. 3 complexes que les filtres sur les réseaux sociaux nous donnent!, [En ligne], 8 avril 2023. [https://www.passeportsante.net/magazine/psycho?doc=3-complexes-donnent-filtres-sur-reseaux-sociaux] (Consulté le 14 avril 2024).
CÉGEP DE VICTORIAVILLE. Et si on se regardait pour vrai? [En ligne], 23 novembre 2022. [https://www.cegepvicto.ca/nouvelle/semaine-de-limage-corporelle-saine-et-diversifiee/] (Consulté le 14 avril 2024).
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akel-hair-transplant · 8 months
La Greffe de Cheveux et son Impact sur la Vie Professionnelle
Introduction : La greffe de cheveux, bien qu’étant principalement une procédure esthétique, peut avoir des effets profonds sur la vie professionnelle d’une personne. La confiance retrouvée grâce à une greffe de cheveux réussie peut influencer les performances au travail, les interactions interpersonnelles et le bien-être général sur le lieu de travail. Cet article explore l’impact multifacette de…
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analyzing some images (for fun)
so i found this pair of promotion images for good omens season 1 on the good omens reference library server and it’s hooked me so so bad im having feelings about it. we’re analyzing them now. not really for meta purposes just fun to see the parallels and differences :)
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everything under the cut !
unique traits
1) his plank background. its older, its crisp, it smells like wood from the screen. mmmm
2) the pencil shavings at the bottom. he does a lot of writing honestly, so i like this. also adds a messy and cozy vibe he always seems to have in that shop…. i like that blessed shop fr
3) his SUSHI. little soy sauce drops near it too—just the right amount of deliberate mess. our first formal introduction to aziraphale in the present day and beginning the Tomfoolery just happens to have sushi... i watch that scene and i go “yeah, that sums up aziraphale i suppose” very nicely. (they dont have sushi Up There) (im literally never gonna forget that)
4) the ray of light shining on the scene. tiny thing, but a bit of the heaven is peeking through..it also sort of blurs the whole image but i think thats just me.
5) and we’ve saved the best for last: the big whopper. the nice and accurate prophecies of agnes nutter, witch. I LOVE THAT BOOK!!!!!!! i cant remember if that ring stain was there but if it isnt in the show on the actual book i’d assume thats to add that ‘thy cocoa doth grow cold’ thing. ALSO. you know what’s being used as a bookmark in the pages?? a check for the ritz. he bookmarked their one chance for living . with a ritz check . MMMMMM. my GOD. that means so much to me even if i cant convey it in words. he KEEPS THE CHECKS 😭😭😭😭😭😭
1) let me get my favorite out of the way. crowley’s glasses have fire in their reflection. we’ll talk about the glasses themselves later but the REFLECTION IN THEM. fucking FIRE, BOOKSHOP fire, PAIN, SRIVING THROUGH THE M-25, HELL, I DONT KNOWIM HAVING FEELINGS!!! i do believe this is a bookshop fire reference though, the flames feel too Familiar. the lengths people will go to to attack others 🤧
2) the leather seat background!!!!!!! probably meant to look similar to the bentley’s seats but i cant recall their texture, exactly. maybe just meant to convey modernness—unsure. still, its there <3
3) the tiny little crisp plant </3 its trying his damned best to stay perfect. it might a specific plant that means something, but i cant tell at thsi angle, so i’ll assume its a mini version of the ficus he keeps in the flat. its so SMALL and sitting in ANOTHER POT i CANT
4) the snake slithering!! black and red (in this image it looks orange lol) bellied scales!!!! slithering there, chilling, being crowley, showing hints. love it
5) QUEEN RECORD!!!!! TRYING TO OVERRIDE IT WITH TCHAIKOVSKY!!!!!! the tape over it does a reminisence to crowley’s handwriting, but in a clean ‘this made made to be a font’ way. not exactly just yet. ive become a fan of tchaikovsky recently. amazing darling wonderful crowley, trying to push the rock up the hill for eternity 😞
6) HIS LITTLE DEMON KEY THING. HOLDING A TINY LITTLE BENTLEY CAR KEY OHHH. thats how he doesnt lose the tiny key despite probably not needing one of those. and he CHOSE that intentionally probably. little wings and red circle….URGHHHHHHH
mmmmm now here’s the good shit. similarities! i’ll bullet point most of them but ohhhhh. ohhhh these. i’ll go from top to bottom as best i can….
1) one of their shoes, obviously. crowley has them iconic snakeskin shoes while aziraphale has his old loafers like the old loafer he is /pos
2) chateauneuf de pape wine bottle labels! (crowley’s is under his glasses, aziraphale’s is next to his shoe). oh my fucking god theyre MATCHING. the labels are old, battered, of course labeling the drink’s age, but mmmmm its these tiny details that get me going….
3) their respective drinks in their mugs—crowley’s a black mug coffee (or what looks to be coffee) and aziraphale’s angel mug tea (or what looks to be tea). i think about that mug sometimes. where did he get that from?? mystery for the ages….
4) their glasses, of course. crowley’s iconic sunglasses and aziraphale’s reading spectacles. i cant really tell the reflections in this pair, but if its supposed to be fucking fire, im done with this. im giving up forever
5) their own watches! aziraphale’s is visibily older while crowley’s is visibly modern, but they function just the same. also, crowley’s is set to 2:56:59 (presumably PM), which is around the time we see when crowley starts checking his watch at warlock’s birthday party. its almost time for disaster to strike!! 😃
6) and finally….their ties!! they have their own ties!!! or more accurately, neck accessories, but i digress. i mesn i assume its crowley’s neck tie, because the fabric looks… different. either way, crowley’s neck thingie is very whispy and aziraphale has his funky little bowtie i love so much,,,
okay thats it. there’s no canonical implications, any fantheories, none of the sort. just saw a pair of images and my mind went GOD DAMN!!!!!! theyre very important to me. i need to look at more promo material 😔
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lazoneestlibre · 1 year
" Éveiller le mensonge et ce qui est véritable émergera " Guy ROGER ZON...
Les images de soi sont les histoires que l'on se donne d'atteindre, se rendre compte que l'on se ment à soi-même permet de se libérer d'une vie de mensonge proposé par la règle établie  comme étant  la seule ligne de conduite.
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somerandomdudelmao · 7 months
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I really like this image for a reason… We all know how delicate Donnie is in his shell… and physical contact is not his “favorite thing in the world.”
But allowing Casey to rest on his back seems like a higher level of trust to me. It makes me die of love, tenderness and happiness. It makes me happy because I see him at peace.
At other points in the story, I remember Donatello actively pulling Casey towards him. (I am very aware of the “baby Donatello” scene, when he returns to his adult form and catches up with his earrings, which he hugs Casey towards him to get to work).
I am a person diagnosed with autism, and I see that Donny treats Casey as his security/comfort object/person.
My question is, am I right? Or am I projecting?
PS Thank you for your wonderful work. It is one of my favorite things in my life that gives me a lot of peace and happiness.
🍕 🍕 🍕 🍕 🍕 🍕 🍕 🍕 🍕 Voy a poner esto en español (mi lengua natal), por si alguien que vea esto lo lee y lo puede expresar mejor que yo en ingles... Esta imagen me gusta mucho por una razón … Todos sabemos lo delicado que es Donnie con su caparazón… y el contacto físico no es su “cosa favorita en el mundo”. Pero permitir que Casey descanse en su espalda me parece un nivel de confianza superior. Me hace morir de amor, ternura y felicidad. Me hace feliz porque lo veo en paz. En otros momentos de la historia, recuerdo que Donatello, activamente, acerca a Casey hacia él. (Tengo muy presente la escena de “bebe Donatello”, cuando regresa a su forma adulta y se pone al corriente con sus pendientes, que abraza a Casey hacia a el para ponerse a trabajar).
Soy una persona diagnosticada con autismo, y veo que Donny trata a Casey como su objeto/persona de seguridad/confort. Mi pregunta es, estoy en lo cierto? O me estoy proyectando? PD Gracias por tu maravilloso trabajo. Es de mis cosas favoritas en mi vida que me dan mucha tranquilidad y felicidad.
Yes. Yeas you are right:>
I want to disagree a bit about the whole touch thing, though. Donnie is less tactile than his brothers, yes, but he's still very tactile.
Physical contact is actually quite often his favorite thing in the world. It's just that sometimes it's not.
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creatives-argentines · 3 months
We called for argentinean artists, writers, animators, graphic designers and musicians to send us their work to boost them in the international market, and here we all are!
Because of our country's political decline in the hands of a fascist government we are in need of help.
We are in need of visibility and financial aid, so everyone that you see here is open for commissions, and the masterpieces you see are what you can look forward to.
We will update this post every month according to the entries we might get in the future, until the end of June. On the 15th of July there will be another masterpost, hopefully with more people!
Also, we will be reblogging their pieces so stick around and see what they'll do in the future, and please consider reblogging anything you like from us or from them directly, it goes a long way.
Lastly, we're trying to keep it bilingual, so if you see an image that has writing in just one language (or both!), check the ALT TEXT, it will have both spanish and english versions.
Convocamos a artistas, escritores, animadores, diseñadores gráficos y músiques argentines a que nos envíen sus trabajos para potenciarlos en el mercado internacional, ¡y aquí estamos todos!
Debido al declive político de nuestro país en manos de un gobierno fascista necesitamos ayuda.
Necesitamos visibilidad y ayuda financiera, así que todes los que ven aquí estamos abiertes a encargos, y las obras maestras que ven son lo que pueden esperar de nosotres.
Actualizaremos esta publicación todos los meses de acuerdo con la cantidad de fichas que podamos recibir en el futuro, hasta finales de junio. El 15 de julio habrá otro masterpost, ¡esperamos que con más gente!
Además, rebloguearemos sus obras así que quedate por acá para ver qué hacen en el futuro, y por favor considerá rebloguear cualquier cosa que te guste de nosotres o de elles directamente.
Por último, estamos tratando de mantenerlo bilingüe, así que si ves una imagen que tiene la escritura en un solo idioma (¡o ambas!), fijate en el ALT TEXT, tendrá las versiones en español e inglés.
Without further ado, enjoy~
Escritores / Writers:
@fatheriimaginedyoutaller (they/he - elle/él)
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Escritor/e de 21 años. Especializado en relatos cortos y cuentos. Con pasión por el género realista y la fantasía. Inspirado en el estilo de George R.R Martin, Suzanne Collins, Liliana Heker y Kafka. Ofrezco servicios como ghostwriter y como escritor/e propiamente dicho. También puedo desempeñarme como escritor de blog y columnista de opinión en revistas online. Manejo bien el idioma inglés, con nivel bilingüe. Siendo capaz de traducir textos Trabajo en remoto. Mis tarifas oscilan entre $10 y $17 (EN PESOS) por palabra, dependiendo de la complejidad y longitud del texto comisionado. Mi obra más reciente "Pueblo Crepúsculo" fue publicada en la antología Purapalabra 2023. ________________________ 21 year old writer. Specialized in short stories and tales. With a passion for the realism and fantasy genres. Inspired by the style of George R.R Martin, Suzanne Collins, Liliana Heker and Kafka. I offer services as a ghostwriter and as a writer myself. I can also work as a blog writer and opinion columnist in online magazines. I am fluent in English, with a bilingual level. I am able to translate texts. I work remotely. My rates range from ARS$10 to $17 per word, depending on the complexity and length of the commissioned text. My most recent work "Pueblo Crepúsculo" was published in the anthology Purapalabra 2023. Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes: Tumblr: @fatheriimaginedyoutaller Email: [email protected]
@mearpsdyke (she/her - ella)
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Tengo 20 años, soy del NOA y me podés llamar Zee. Soy una escritora freelance, me especializo en narrativa aunque también incursiono en la poesía. Para proyectos pequeños (o sea: historias cortas) mi tarifa es de ARS$800 por cada mil (1000) palabras. Para proyectos grandes que involucren un conteo de palabras más alto, podemos charlar el precio por privado. Me especializo en el género de romance: las imágenes visuales y descripciones de emociones son lo que mejor se me da, pero también puedo escribir otros géneros como el misterio o historias más introspectivas con respecto a la psicología de los personajes. Tengo un blog de escritura bastante nuevo que empezaré a usar como portafolio, el link está abajo. Estoy dispuesta a escribir de todo por el precio justo. ________________________ I'm 20 years old, I'm from NOA and you can call me Zee. I'm a freelance writer, I specialize in narrative although I also dabble in poetry. For small projects (i.e. short stories) my rate is ARS$800 per thousand (1000) words. For international clients, my rate is USD$1 per fifty (50) words. For larger projects involving a higher word count, we can discuss pricing privately in both cases. I specialize in the romance genre: visual imagery and descriptions of emotions are what I'm best at, but I can also write other genres such as mystery or more introspective stories regarding character psychology. I have a fairly new writing blog that I will start using as a portfolio, the link is below. I'm willing to write anything for the right price. Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes: Blog: https://servilletaliteraria.blogspot.com/ Email: [email protected] Discord: mearpsdyke
Artistas gráfiques / Graphic artists:
(they/them - elle)
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Denwenai (elle) es une artista y diseñadore multimedia que realiza ilustraciones digitales de personajes y entornos con distintos niveles de detalle. Su estilo es fluctuante: según el objeto a retratar oscila entre las terminaciones definidas o bocetadas, un aspecto tradicional o plano, la reminiscencia con un cómic o un concept art. En cuanto a diseño, se especializa en el armado de piezas editoriales y la creación de marca. Ofrece servicios de vectorizado (tanto piezas ya existentes como de diseño propio), edición de video y motion graphics. ________________________ Denwenai (they/them) is a multimedia artist and designer who creates digital illustrations of characters and environments with different levels of detail. Their style is fluctuating: depending on the object to be portrayed, they oscillate between defined or sketched finishes, a traditional or flat look, reminiscent of a comic book or concept art. In terms of design, they specialize in the creation of editorial pieces and branding. They offer vectorizing services (both existing pieces and their own design), video editing and motion graphics. Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes: Tumblr: @denwenai Instagram: @denwenai Relevant links: https://linktr.ee/denwenai
(any pronouns - cualquier pronombre)
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Sunny es un artista cordobés, se especializa mayormente en la figura humana (retratos, fichas de personaje) o antropomórfica en general. Se destaca en entornos de fantasía y diseño de personaje. ________________________ Sunny is an artist from Córdoba, they specialize mostly in human figures (portraits, character tokens) or anthropomorphic in general. They excel in fantasy environments and character design. Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes: Tumblr: @sunnysideup1847 Relevant links: https://www.atom.bio/sunny_sides_up/
(they/she/he - elle/ella/él)
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Aifas vive en La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Dibuja en su mayoría fanart de franquicias que le gustan, ¡pero también le encanta hacer retratos de mascotas! Últimamente ha estado probando animación cuadro por cuadro y diseño con el OpenShot Video Editor e Inkscape, respectivamente. Se especializa en el arte pop. ________________________ Aifas lives in La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. They draw mostly fanart of franchises they like, but also love doing portraits of everyone's pets! Lately, they have been trying their hand at frame-by-frame animation and design with OpenShot Video Editor and Inkscape, respectively. They specialize in pop art. Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes: Tumblr: @aifastic Instagram: @aifastic
(he/him - él)
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Dibujos en técnica tradicional desde lápices, marcadores o acuarelas. Con diferentes niveles de estilización y juego con las texturas. Hago dibujos e ilustraciones, diseño de personaje y mini cómics. Me inspira la gente, los detalles únicos y la versatilidad de lo morbo. Hace un par de años ya que hago arte por encargo, me dedico principalmente al diseño de personaje. Trabajo con texturas, buscando una representación un poco más única de cada uno. Dentro de ello, puedo trabajar a detalle, puedo utilizar gore, puedo retratar con más realismo o mayor estilización; se adapta a la esencia de cada obra. ________________________ Drawings in traditional technique, from pencil, markers or watercolors. With different levels of stylization and play with textures. I do drawings and illustrations, character design and mini comics. I'm inspired by people, unique details and the versatility of morbid things. It's been a couple years since I've started doing commissioned art, I mainly do character design. I work with textures, seeking a more unique representation of each one. Within this, I can do detailed work, I can utilize gore, I can portray with more realism or more stylization; it adapts to the essence of every piece. Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes: Tumblr: @localshoulderdevil Discord: dm me for it
(he/they - él/elle)
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Soy artista profesional, investigador y profesor. Me apasionan el horror y los mundos fantásticos. Mis fortalezas son el diseño de criaturas y personajes, obras emotivas, y arte conceptual en diversos estilos; tanto digital como traditional. Me enorgullezco de mi educación en grabado y arte impreso: soy excelente iterando y experimentando. Para mi trabajo digital utilizo Photoshop y Clip Studio Paint. En lo que respecta al arte tradicional, uso pinturas al óleo, gouache, acuarelas, lápices de colores y tintas de varios tipos. También hago grabado xilográfico y serigráfico. Ilustré dos libros, uno de ellos también escrito por mi. Trabajo en comunicación constante con mis clientes y permito pagos flexibles y en cuotas. ________________________ I’m a professional artist, researcher and professor with a passion for horror, and fantasy worlds. My strongest suits are creature and character design, emotional pieces, and concept art in diverse styles; both traditionally and digitally. My background as a printmaker is my pride: I excel at iteration and experimentation. For my digital artwork I use Photoshop and Clip Studio Paint. When it comes to traditional work, I use oil paint, gouache, watercolors, colored pencils and various forms of ink, as well as block and silkscreen printing. I’ve illustrated two books, one of which was written by me as well. I work in close communication with my clients and allow for flexible payment plans. Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes: Tumblr: @orfeoarte Instagram: @orfeoarte Twitter : @orfeoarte Illustrated books: https://issuu.com/orfeoarte
(she/her - ella)
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Soy una artista tanto tradicional como digital. Estoy estudiando Filosofía y Artes Visuales en la universidad. En mis pinturas, amo usar colores vivos y disfruto dibujar animales y personas (principalmente personajes ficticios). ________________________ I’m both a traditional and digital artist. I’m studying philosophy and visual arts at university. For my paintings, I love using vibrant colours and I enjoy drawing animals and people (mostly fictional characters). Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes: Tumblr: @tomicaleto Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/tomicaleto?l=es Discord user: @tomicaleto
(they/he - elle/él)
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Ilustrador argentino de 23 años. Me gusta mucho el diseño de personajes y principalmente enfocarme en diseños de fantasía inspirados en D&D. Mis inspiraciones principales son cosas inspiradas en sueños, música de Vocaloid, caricaturas, anime y arte de otros artistas. ________________________ 23-year-old Argentinian illustrator. I love character design, mainly D&D-inspired fantasy designs. My main inspirations are things like dreams, Vocaloid music, cartoons, anime, and other artist's pieces. Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes: Tumblr: @ramadejazmin BlueSky: momomottaro.bsky.social Gmail: [email protected] Toyhouse: https://toyhou.se/RamadeJazmin
(she/her - ella)
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Starrynightsoversunflowers es una artista argentina que se enfoca en los dibujos digitales, fanarts y retratos. Su estilo se basa en el uso de colores brillantes y en técnicas que emulan la pintura tradicional.  ________________________ Starrynightsoversunflowers is an argentinian artist that focuses on digital drawings, fanarts and portraits. Her style is based on the use of bright colours and techniques that emulated traditional painting. Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes: Instagram: @starrynightsoversunflowers Gmail: [email protected]
(they/he - él/elle)
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Ilustrador argentino nacido en 1996. Trabajo principalmente mezclando los primeros pasos en tradicional para realizar y terminar en digital. Los programas que más uso son PT Sai, Photoshop y Krita. Aparte de hacer arte en digital también hago bordados y pintura en acuarela. Encuentro inspiración en dibujos y animaciones de los 90s y 00s. Aprendiendo a dibujar nsfw. ________________________ Argentinian ilustrator born in 1996. I mainly work with mixed media, combining traditional sketching and inking with digital painting. My preferred programs are Paint Tool Sai, Photoshop and Krita. Besides doing digital works, my favorite mediums are embroidery and watercolors. I take inspiration from cartoons and animes fom the 90s and 00s, fashion, and cute stuff in general. Im learning how to draw nsfw to add to the repertoire. Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes: Instagram: @twiginthecreek
(she/he - ella/él)
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Palluniskillas (ella/él) es una artista de 20 años que se especializa en dibujo e ilustración digital de personajes y personas, en un estilo de dibujo estilizado. En su mayoría trabaja temas como el amor, el cariño, la moda y la naturaleza. ________________________ Palluniskillas (she/he) is a 20 year old artist who specializes in digital drawing and illustration of characters and people, in a stylized drawing style. She mostly works on themes such as love, affection, fashion and nature. Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes: Instagram: @pallunis_killas
(she/her - ella)
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Nita es una artista argentina que se enfoca en dibujos digitales de animales en un estilo “chibi”. ________________________ Nita is an argentinean artist that focuses on digital animal art in a “chibi” style. Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes: Tumblr: @nitadraws Redbubble: NitaDraws.redbubble.com Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/nitadraws
(he/it - él/eso)
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Arián es un ilustrador del norte argentino que saca inspiración de videojuegos y medios de terror. Estudió diseño gráfico por 3-4 años y es un artista autodidacta desde su adolescencia. El juego que lo envió a perseguir el sueño de convertirse en un artista conceptual para videojuegos es Journey, y los que lo impulsaron son Spiritfarer, la saga Uncharted y la trilogía de Dark Souls, especialmente su segunda instalación. Sus inspiraciones actuales son DnD, Vocaloid y Bleach. ________________________ Arián is an illustrator from northern Argentina that takes inspiration from videogames and horror media. He studied graphic design for 3-4 years and has been a self taught artist since his teenage years. The piece of media that sent him chasing the dream of becoming a concept artist for videogames is Journey, and the ones that pushed it further are Spiritfarer, the Uncharted saga and Dark Souls trilogy, especially the 2nd installment. His main current inspirations are DnD, Vocaloid and Bleach. Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes: Email: [email protected] Instagram: @arian.v.art Relevant links: linktr.ee/azover Patreon: patreon.com/Azover
Image ID for writers under the cut / ID de impagenes para escritores debajo del corte
@fatheriimaginedyoutaller (En discord y Tumblr) They/he - Elle/él
Pueblo Crepúsculo Resumen: Un hombre afroamericano se encuentra varado en las sienas cordobesas cuando su auto le falla. Allí el es plagado por la visión fantasmagorica de su abuelo, quien fue asesinado por el Ku Klux Klan.
Devin no creía en las maldiciones, era un muchacho de ciencia, de las sociales, pero de la ciencia al final del día. Pero si, uno "podría" decir que todo había empezado con su abuelo. Si decidía darle crédito al poder de las coincidencias. A Devin JI lo habían colgado de un árbol miembros del Klan, y si, era porque se le había roto el auto en el pueblo equivocado. Pero si creía en el miedo. Y no en cualquier miedo. Pero ese que viene de tus antepasados, que parece transmitirse por una mera gota de sangre en el mar que son los seres humanos. Como el temor a nadar en una pileta profunda, no por el agua en sí. Si no porque alguien podría venir y verter ácido en ella en cualquier momento."
Caballito de Mar Resumen: Un hombre transgénero reflexiona sobre unas noticias inesperadas
"Cuando por fin te hayan atendido primero les preguntaras cómo estuvieron sus respectivos días, porque sí te quedó alguna de las cosas con las que te criaron seguro son esos modales católicos. Luna te hablara de su madre, Sam de su padre. Trataras de contener tu entusiasmo mientras aprendes de las experiencias de tus novias. Esas cosas únicas de ellas. Sus relaciones, sus manías, sus sueños … "
Diccionario Resumen: Un hombre hace dedo hasta su casa luego de la marcha por la vuelta de Perón
"Má siempre decía que había dos mundos, el de Uno y el del Otro. Nunca supe que quería decir hasta que se me rompieron la suelas de los zapatos entre Avenida Rivadavia y Callao. La mayoría de la gente ese día estaba en El del Otro, donde lo importante era el movimiento y que no había ningún sacrificio demasiado grande; mientras yo estaba en el Mio, donde lo único que me preocupaba era mi Tana que estaba en casa sola con el pibe. Cuando llegué a Balvanera ya se me había partido el alma en dos. Me paré en una esquina y extendí mi brazo con el pulgar arriba. No sabía para qué .La ciudad estaba vacía y no inspiraba confianza mi cara de indio. El simpático siempre fue Carlitas, mi medio hermano. Él sí parecía recién bajado de la parte de arriba del barco."
La Luna Resumen: Un cacique de Puerto Iguazú, desprotica contra la luna por haberse llevado a su hijo.
"Hola ¿Cómo estás.? Perdóname que te deje este recado por medio del dueño del almacén. Vos sabes que nuncafuí muy bueno con lo emocional, los sentimientos _ Soy el hijo de mi padre en ese sentido. Cuando ya hayamos llegado a la luna, será el momento de la verdad, sabremos por fin si un lobizón sobrevive allí en el espacio. Vos nunca entendiste porque me gustaba tanto la luna. Era una obsesión infantil, capaz todavía lo sea. La verdad es que: Siento que tengo un propósito, de devolverle algo a la humanidad, porque la amo demasiado. La amo con sus defectos, sus manías, y si, con sus personas.
Twilight Town
Summary: A man finds himself stranded in the Cordovan siennas when his car breaks down. There he is plagued by the ghostly vision of his grandfather, who was murdered by the Ku Klux Klan.
Devin did not believe in curses. He was a man of science, the social kind, but science at the end of the day. But yes, one "could" say it had all started with his grandfather. If he decided to give credence to the power of coincidences. Devin II had been hung from a tree by Klan members, and yes, he was Klan members, and yes, it was because his car had broken down in the wrong town. in the wrong town. But he did believe in fear. And not just any fear. But the kind that comes from your ancestors, that seems to be passed down through a mere drop of blood in the sea that is human beings. human beings . Like the fear of swimming in a deep pool, not because of the water itself. But because someone might come and pour acid into it at any moment."
Summary: A transgender man reflects on some unexpected news.
"When they've finally taken care of you first you'll ask them how their respective days were, because if you have any of the things left that they raised you with I'm sure it's those Catholic manners. Luna will tell you about her mother, Sam about his father. You'll try to contain your enthusiasm as you learn about your girlfriends' experiences. Those unique things about them. Their relationships, their quirks, their dreams…"
Summary: A man hitchhikes home after the march for Perón's return.
"Má always said there were two worlds, that of One and that of the Other. I never knew what he meant until the soles of my shoes broke between Avenida Rivadavia and Callao. Most people that day were in El del Otro, where the important thing was the movement and that there was no sacrifice too big; while I was in El Mio, where the only thing I was worried about was my Tana who was at home alone with the kid. When I arrived at Balvanera, my soul was already broken in two. I stopped at a corner and extended my arm with my thumb up. I didn't know why, the city was empty and my Indian face didn't inspire confidence. The nice one was always Carlitos, my half-brother. He did look like he just got off the top part of the boat."
The Moon
Summary: A cacique of Puerto Iguazú, reproaches the moon for having taken his son.
"Hello, how are you? Forgive me for leaving you this message through the owner of the store. You know I was never very good with emotions, feelings _ I am my father's son in that sense. When we have reached the moon, it will be the moment of truth, we will finally know if a werewolf survives out there in space. You never understood why I liked the moon so much. It was a childish obsession, maybe it still is. The truth is: I feel I have a purpose, to give something back to humanity, because I love it too much. I love it with its flaws, its quirks, and yes, with its people.
@mearpsdyke She/her - Ella
-La canción del mar
Le sostiene la mirada, preguntándose por las ciaturas que alberga, por los naufragios y cadáveres que reposan en el fondo de sus aguas. Se pregunta si, tal vez, el mar tiene consciencia y los humanos no lo saben, si la melodía de las olas que se estrellan contra las rocas son en realidad palabras que usa para llamar su nombre, diciéndole que se adentre en sus aguas, prometiendo unas rocas cómodas para que su cadáver pueda reposar. Los peces se remueven, peleando por una libertad que no llegará. Pronto se quedarán sin oxígeno y morirán lenta y dolorosamente. A Kika a veces le gusta jugar a que es un Dios y los peces son su creación agonizante, quienes esperan el dulce alivio de la muerte. Ve cómo la vida abandona sus ojos y dice una oración antes de guiar el cuchillo por sus entrañas.
-Cliffs Edge
Cuando la luna está llena y es la hora donde las penas y arrepentimientos te sofocan, tiene el impulso de tomar su auto, manejar hasta la casa de Gina y pedirle que se den una segunda oportunidad, que hará bien las cosas esta vez. Pero entonces recuerda el anillo que Gina porta en su dedo anular en cada partido, y se obliga a volver al presente y dejar el pasado en el pasado. Le parece cruel que su familia la quiera más que al nuevo prometido de Gina, que aún la inviten a la casa donde tienen fotos de las dos jugando partidos juntas, en reuniones familiares, en fiestas y hasta en Navidad. Nunca encuentra el coraje para decirles que se olviden de ella para poder pasar página; la casa Zelarayán es su casa lejos de su verdadero hogar, allá en Jujuy.
Buscas en el recoveco más profundo de tu alma, alguna pasión que salve tu gris existencia, pero solo encuentras eco y telarañas sin moscas. Y cuando entruentras algos a lo que aferrarte, no es lo suficientemente serio para el resto, ¿y realmente importan los insultos ya? ¿Qué le hace una cicatriz más al guerrero, un clavo más a Jesús en la cruz, otro volcán a Pompeya? Así que te envuelves en tu capa más roja, pelas los dientes cual animal acorralado y hieres a todo lo que oza cruzarte.
-La tierra del nunca
Persigo un atardecer que no existe, espero un día que nunca fue y escucho palabras que nunca pronunciarás en cada mirada tuya. Vivo el mismo día todos los días esperando que alguien se apiade, a que Te apiades, y las palabras salgan como balas. Porque es más piadoso morir por obra y mano tuya a que la incertidumbre me consuma.
-The Sea’s Song
She holds its gaze, wondering about the creatures it houses, about the shipwrecks and corpses that rest at the bottom of its waters. She wonders if, perhaps, the sea has consciousness and humans don't know it, if the melody of the waves crashing against the rocks are actually the words it uses to call her name, telling her to enter its waters, promising some comfortable rocks so that her corpse can rest. The fish stir, fighting for a freedom that won’t come. They will soon run out of oxygen and die slowly and painfully. Kika sometimes likes to pretend that she’s a God and the fish are her dying creation, waiting for the sweet relief of death. She watches the life leave their eyes and says a prayer before guiding the knife into their insides.
-Cliffs Edge
When the moon is full and it’s the time when sorrows and regrets suffocate you, Nerea has the impulse to take her car, drive to Gina's house and ask her to give each other a second chance, promising to do things right this time. But then she remembers the ring Gina wears on her ring finger to every game, and forces herself to return to the present and leave the past in the past. She finds it cruel that Gina’s family loves her more than Gina's new fiancé, that they still invite her to their house where they have photos of the two of them playing games together, at family gatherings, at parties and even Christmas. She never finds the courage to tell them to forget about her so she can move on from her; the Zelarayán household is her house far from her real home, back in Jujuy.
You search in the deepest corners of your soul for some passion that saves your gray existence, but you only find echo and cobwebs without flies. And when you find something to hold on to, it's not serious enough for the rest, and do insults really matter anymore? What does one more scar do to a warrior? One more nail to Jesus on the cross? another volcano to Pompeii? So you wrap yourself in your reddest cloak, you bare your teeth like a cornered animal and you hurt everyone who dares to cross you.
-The land of Never Ever
I chase a sunset that doesn’t exist, I wait for a day that never was and I hear words that you’ll never say in every look of yours. I live the same day every day waiting for someone to have mercy, wait on you to take pity, and let the words come out like bullets. Because it is more pious to die by your work and hand before uncertainty consumes me.
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#23 L’image de Soi
Salut à toi ! Et si nous parlions d'un suejet peu abordé : l'Image de Soi. Qu'est-ce donc ? Quel est son lien avec l'Estime Soi ? Je réponds à cette question et à quelques autres... Je te laisse cliquer pour voir à tout cela ! 😉 Namastē 🙏🏾
L’image de Soi. Qu’est-ce que c’est ? Quelle est la différence avec l’Estime de Soi ? Comment la changer pour qu’elle soit plus adaptée à nos préférences ? Bonjour à toi ! 😊 Nous avons des expressions pour parler de l’image de Soi. Par exemple, des toutes faites comme « ce n’est pas comme ça que je me vois » ou « j’ai une mauvaise image de moi ». Toutes ces expressions traduisent une…
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gadriezmannsgirl · 3 months
I have this idea for a fic and you are the very best to write it🥰.
Sports journalist reader and Pedri being in a private but no secret relationship, she is ok with it until people start commenting that Pedri surely wants to keep her private bc he wants to keep his image of being single and linked with ig models, and maybe it gets worse whe he fucks it up with a public comment along the lines of him not being in a relationship and she is like "ya basta de estupideces" and we get drama. Here I don't know what could happen but it ends with our beloved reader doing the post match interview with the players, when it's Pedri's turn they do the questions as normal but at the end he knows the mic is on and he says something like: "me esperas para llevarte a casa amor?".
It's Enough -P.G8
Summary: You're tired of people assuming things that are not true while your boyfriend shuts them up
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You loved your work, you loved being a sports journalist, you were happy when you got the job at Sport and you loved being able to make people see a different point of view from what other journalist do, make players feel comfortable around you and ask them different questions than: "How was the rival team? Any thoughts on winning a certain trophy this year?"
And that's how you met and eventually make Pedri, your ten months boyfriend, fall in love with you, you being yourself even while working.
You had let people known you were in a relationship together two months ago and while everybody knew that, you both liked your privacy and you both tended to keep things on the low. And mostly, Pedri.
Everything has been great, both of you understanding each other, talking of anything, making time to be together, rarely fought but this one... it was the biggest one, you could ever have.
"I'm sorry"
"You really just think a simple sorry will cut it? I have my best friends asking me if you take this relationship seriously! My mom's calling me like crazy because she saw the video and my co-workers are sending me <<I'm sorry>> kind of texts, my brother wants to hit you in the face and I would gladly let him!" You shook your head "Why did you do that?!"
How on earth will he say "I'm not seeing anyone at the moment" when he clearly has you?!
"Y/N, amor-" You cut him off
"Comments about you with other girls have been going on and on lately, I honestly don't care about them, I know you and I know you wouldn't do that but then, you went ahead and said that shit that sent everyone into madness, it makes me rethink of everything I thought I knew about you once!" You admit with tears at the verge of falling "Did you lie to me? Do you really love me? Or you want me just to keep you company at nights?"
"Hey, no. Please, don't think that" Pedro shook his head "I've never lied to you, I'm in love with you, you are the girl of my dreams and the love of my life"
"Si lo soy, entonces ¿Por qué carajos dijiste eso?" (If so, then why the hell you said that?) Your voice broke lightly and the first tear fell down "You just embarrassed me in front of everyone, Pedri. There's nothing you can do to take it back, people think I'm good with open relationships, with you cheating, people are saying that you are hiding our relationship because you're embarrassed of me, people are saying you broke up with me just because you had what you wanted, people are saying shit about us, about me and it's all thanks to you"
"No, I didn't wanted that. I didn't- I'm not ashamed of us, of you, I just wanted to protect you, I-"
Your phone ringing interrupted him, you looked down at your hand and your boss's name flashed across the screen, you sighed in fear. You were news and bad ones.
"I gotta answer this"
"Please, amor-"
"Don't call me that, Pedro. In fact, don't call me, don't text me, don't even look at me, nothing at all because if you do I will do something I will later regret on"
"Like what?" He asked softly
"Like breaking up with you" You said strongly looking at him "I really can't bear with you right now, Pedro. We'll talk later" You shook your head and answered the phone going upstairs
Pedri felt like crying.
He knew he screwed up the second those words came out of his mouth, but it was as his body just blurted them out before his mind could process it. He just wanted to keep you safe.
But what a way of doing so, right?
He tried to do something else to shift his attention to the small office he set up for you at his house like washing the dishes, play some NBA, laundry and eventually get ready for his match.
He went upstairs with the intention of going straight into his room but his body tricked him and he ended up at your office, his heart breaking up when he heard you sniffing while speaking to your boss.
"You're giving us bad reputation with those news, Y/N" He heard your boss say
"I know, sir; my apologies" You said "He must have been really tired, you know he isn't like that"
"Whatever it was, it's done"
Pedri closed his eyes, his hand on top of the doorknob ready to come in and defend you but his phone interrupted him
"Ya vamos a empezar a calentar. ¿Dónde estás?" (We're starting the warm up. Where are you?)
He sighed and went to your chat: "I love you, always have and always will. I'm truly sorry about everything, my love. But I'll make it up for you, I swear to God"
And leaving a kiss on the door, he left the house quickly, his body was on his way to Lluís Companys but his mind and soul stayed with you at his house.
You sighed, coming out of the shower. You had to go to Barcelona's match because you were scheduled for tonight's interviews, looking at the watch on the wall, you saw you were a bit early but still needed to go so you could make it on time.
You weren't in the mood for anything today. From being called names, to have all of your contacts worried about you and your relationship, to have your boss onto your neck wanting for you to dissolve any rumor but won't even knowing how to do so.
You wanted to simply disappear but you never had powers back in high school and you won't grow powers now being an adult. So the only thing you did was buckle your pants up and act as if nothing was affecting you.
Calling a cab, you went to Lluís Companys and with the help of Aaron, the cameraman you started the reportage in which ended up with Barcelona being the winner. 2-0. Both goals from Pedri.
Both goals that were dedicated to you.
Your heart beating incredibly fast at the gesture of your boyfriend who changed his glasses celebration for your name on a personalized Barcelona jersey, still with the 8 number
"Te quiero" he had said before giving the jersey to one member of the staff and return the game.
You felt extremely proud knowing he was the MVP however your happiness slowly turned sour because as he was the MVP of the match you had to interview him, you wanted it or not and you weren't ready to face Pedri yet.
"Buenas noches, Pedri" You said with a small smile, professionalism running through you
"Buenas noches" (Good night) He said softly
"Vamos a ser un poquito rápidos que sabemos que tienes que irte... Enhorabuena por la victoria de esta noche" (Congrats on the win tonight) ", 2-0 against Getafe How do you feel?"
"Well... Good. We played very well, we had control, we managed to knock the rival mostly from the sidelines, we knew we had to be strong since Getafe is a great team as well. And well, it was a very good game which we won and now to focus on the next game"
"Both goals from you with amazing assists of Fermin and Raphinha. They were amazing, by the way"
"And you are the MVP for tonight's match. Congratulations as well with that, Pedri. How do you feel about that?"
"Good, good. It feels amazing, my goal is to score more and make more assists this season and hopefully I'll be able to help the team in any way I can"
"That's good to hear, Pedri. Once again, congratulations. Have a good night!" You said quickly wanting to get over with everything. "¿Lo agarraste?" (Did you got that?) You ask Aaron who nods and goes to show you a bit of the footage.
"Amor, ¿me esperas para que vayamos a casa?" (Babe, you wait for me so we can go home?) You heard Pedri asks "Por cierto, esto es para ti" (By the way, this is for you) He hands you the jersey
"What? Why?" You receive the jersey looking at it
"I'm dedicating goals to my one and only girl, is it bad?" And as much as you wanted to refuse a smile slowly came up to your face. You shake your head softly coming over to him to hug him "Te amo" (Love you) He said "And I'm sorry" You smiled and kissed his lips before kissing his sweaty, dirty but rosy cheek
"Don't do it again please" You whispered watching his big brown and beautiful eyes
"Never. You're my girlfriend, I'm in love with you and I see the rest of my life with you by my side, amor" He whispered back before pecking your lips softly "Entonces... ¿Me esperas? Voy a bañarme y a cambiarme rápido para que vayamos a casa y descansemos" (So... You wait for me? I'll shower and change really quick so we can go home and rest) You nod softly
"Better be quick, I really want to go home" You smiled untangling yourself from him
"I'm off right now"
"Y/N..." Aaron called you softly with a panicked look to his face
"Football players mic was on and that was live" You open your mouth in shock, troubles keep coming at you.
"Don't mind" Pedri said "Let everyone know I'm taken by the best girl ever" You looked at him and he winked at you squeezing your hand.
What a sneaky boy he was.
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Taglist: @gaviymarcsbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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agusart2blue · 5 months
No soy fan de poppy playtime pero amé el diseño y descripción de Craftycorn, me identifico Xd
y la otra imagen me hizo shipearla con Dogday XD 🧡🩵
I'm not a fan of poppy playtime, but I loved the design and description of Craftycorn, I can relate Xd
and the other image made me ship with Dogday XD 🧡🩵
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adriennebarnes · 1 month
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Hispanic/Latina Plus Size! Reader
Summary: Y/N has been dating Henry Cavill for a few weeks and everything was going fine with their relationship until she found out that his ex is Ana de Armas.
Warning: I think this turned out a little more comical than I wanted to but it was fun to write.
A/N: Obviously his dating history is made up, this is inspired by Obsessed by Olivia Rodrigo (I definitely prefer GUTS over SOUR, its more my vibe, not a stan though) ANYWAY, as a plus sized Latina who struggles with her body image and has tons of insecurities, i will be projecting. Let me know if you want more plus sized Y/Ns in the future
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When Y/N was younger, she always had the dream of walking the red carpet like Salma Hayek. Though she wasn’t a singer or an actress, she couldn’t believe her dream is coming true as she walks alongside Henry Cavill, her super handsome actor boyfriend. They met on the set of the ministry of ungentlemanly warfare, Y/N was the guest of Eiza Gonzalez, Henry confused her as one of the wardrobe designers, Y/N explained who she was, and they hit it off. They were invited to the premiere of an action movie. She had on a smoky blue dress with a slit up to the middle of her left thigh and a corset bodice, absolutely beautiful. Henry and Y/N were posing for photos and Henry leaned down to whisper in her ear.
“You look ravishing, darling.” Henry whispered and kissed her temple when he pulled away. After a few more pictures, they entered the area, Henry began to talk to some people he knew and that’s when Y/N bumped into someone.
“Ay que boba soy, im so sorry.” Y/N told the Woman she bumped into but couldn’t see her face.
“No se preocupe, está bien.” The woman said, she turned to face Y/N and Y/N was in shock.
“No way, Ana de Armas de verdad lo siento mucho, no me estaba fijando.” Y/N said,
“Toda está bien, de verdad, me encanta su vestido.” Ana said, gesturing to Y/N’s dress. The twos were talking until…
“Ready to go in, love?” Henry said, putting his arm around Y/N. “Ana, how are you?” Henry asked the Cuban woman.
“Henry, I didn’t know you came with someone, she’s stunning. It was nice seeing you again, guapo, un placer conocerla, querida.” Ana said goodbye with a kiss on the cheek as she went inside. Henry and Y/N stayed back.
“How do you two know each other? I don’t think you guys made a movie together, right?” Y/N asked, curious how the British man knew the Cuban actress.
“Well, love, um, Ana and I dated…for a while.” Henry said. Y/N’s eyes widened.
“What?” Y/N questioned. So many questions were going through her head. Why did they break up? Was it jealousy? Is that why Henry chose her to date? He wouldn’t get jealous dating Y/N because no one else would want to date the fat girl? Henry’s voice pulled her away from her thoughts.
“Let’s go in and watch the movie, yeah?” Henry asked, leading Y/N in the theater to watch the movie but Y/N couldn’t pay attention. She couldn’t help but compare herself to Ana de Armas, like Ana was basically perfect! Ana’s hair looks so healthy, her amber eyes were just beautiful, her skin was flawless, and then there’s her, her hair is frizzy no matter how she styles it (wavy hair problems), there’s nothing special about her eyes, and no amount of makeup or skincare would give her that airbrushed look. Why is Henry going out with Y/N? That is what she keeps asking herself.
When the movie was over, Henry and Y/N went back to his house to unwind.
“You staying the night, darling?” Henry asked, hanging up his coat.
“Yeah, Fortachón, I’m staying.” Y/N said, sitting on his couch. “I didn’t know you dated Ana.”
“Yeah, it was a long time ago.” Henry said.
“If you guys never had any movies together, how did you meet?” Y/N asked. She was curious about his past relationship.
“My love, I don’t think we should be talking about this.” Henry commented.
“Fine, I’ll drop it.” Y/N said.
“Good.” Henry said. “Now let’s get you out of this dress because I’m tempted to see what’s underneath.” Henry grinned.
And he did just that. However, when Henry was asleep, Y/N was wide awake, looking at Ana’s instagram. She is so perfect! Not too short, not too tall, Ana had an hourglass figure unlike herself. Did Ana slept in the same bed as Henry, same side as Y/N, she bet Ana had those sexy silk pajamas unlike her, opting for her Macy’s pajamas set. She googled Henry and Ana together and their size difference was PERFECT, Henry and Ana looked like Hercules and Meg, Y/N, however, saw herself as Merryweather from Sleeping Beauty.
“Why do I do this to myself?” Y/N mumbled, her hands covering her face. She decided to watch Overdrive, which is one of Ana de Armas’s movie and she was gorgeous, but Ana was definitely prettier in person. Y/N fell asleep watching one of her interviews on YouTube, turns out Ana and Henry are the same sign.
Henry woke up and found Y/N already awake, stalking Ana’s Instagram.
“Darling, what are you doing?” Henry asked,
“Nothing.” Y/N said, quickly exiting out of the app.
“That didn’t look like nothing, why are you looking at pictures of Ana?” Henry asked, sitting up in the bed.
“I’m just curious. How long have you two dated?” Y/N asked. Henry rolled his eyes.
“I thought you dropped it.” Henry said.
“And I’m picking it up again, how long have you two dated?” Y/N asked.
“4 years, I met her when I was filming ‘A man from UNCLE’ in Italy.” Henry told Y/N, knowing what her next question would be.
“Why did you two break up?” Y/N asked.
“I guess we just grew apart.” Henry commented and Y/N looked at him.
“Why did you grow apart?” Y/N asked.
“Oh my god, angel, leave it alone, please, I have never seen you act this way, you know I’ve had previous relationships, why is this one different?” Henry asked
“Because it’s Ana de Armas! You went from Ana de Armas to me, do you understand how mind boggling that is?” Y/N gets up from their bed. “She’s an 11 and I’m a 4, and that’s on a good day, Fortachón. I know you love me and clearly looks don’t matter to you,” Y/N said gesturing to herself. “But I can’t help but think about you and Ana. What about your other exes? Are they actresses too? Or are they models? Singers?“
“You think I don’t wonder about your exes too?” Henry gets up as well. “Of course I think about them! But I don’t obsess over them like your obsessing over Ana right.” Henry said.
“You wanna know why? Because you don’t know who they are! You never met them, I never really told you about them, so you could imagine them however you want! You are a public figure so your previous relationships are all on Google.” Y/N said and goes downstairs to the kitchen, Henry following quickly behind her.
“Y/N, i love YOU, i am with you, Ana and I haven’t talked in years, we only make small talk if we see each other at award shows or premieres. You are so beautiful and I love you because you make me feel safe, happy, and at home.” Henry said, looking at Y/N in her eyes.
“I love you too, Fortachón, but I still have some questions. Did she give great head? Like I know I’m not the best at it, I’ve been told before, but…” Y/N started but Henry kissed her, after a while he pulled away.
“You’re better…wait, who said you weren’t good?” Henry questioned.
“Not the point..” Y/N said but was interrupted by Henry.
“No no, you obsessed over Ana, now it my turn to talk about your ex, what did he do?” Henry asked with his arms folded in front of his chest.
“Mm, He’s a hockey player, his name is James Oleksiak.” Y/N said. She went to the fridge to look for what to make for breakfast. “How do you feel about pancakes?” Y/N asked. Henry googled him and his eyes widened.
“James Oleksiak? HE IS 6’7!” Henry exclaimed.
“Yeah, i was a hockey WAG, good times.” Y/N said. “If it makes you feel better, I dated Lewis Hamilton for a while too, he’s 5’9 so you’re good.”
“You’re doing this on purpose now.” Henry said, also looking up pictures of Lewis Hamilton. “Okay, now I know how you feel.”
“I guess we’re both obsessed with each other’s exes. Can we stop doing that? That was actually exhausting.” Y/N said.
“Yeah, as far as we know, we only date each other.” Henry said, kissing Y/N. “How big was James?”
“I am not answering that.” Y/N said, laughing at Henry’s question.
“Why not? I answered your question about Ana.” Henry tried to convince Y/N. “Wait, did James say you weren’t that good or was it Lewis?”
“I’m good, I just can’t deep throat.” Y/N said and Henry thought for a second.
“It was James, wasn’t it?” Henry asked.
“Oh my god, stop, help me make pancakes.” Y/N said
The end
Because of the poll results, I am trying to write more Henry Cavill x Reader, I’ll still write about Walter and Mike, just not as often. ALSO, Henry Cavill’s nickname going forward is “Fortachón”, I can’t BELIEVE I forgot that in Hercules, his nickname in the Spanish Latino dub is fortachón, and since I had the idea to make Henry dress up as Hercules in a fanfic @shellyshellshell wrote, Fortachón is PERFECT! I was going through a crisis trying to figure out a good nickname for Henry, like damn.
Face Reveal
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microcosme11 · 8 months
This is only part of a love letter Napoleon wrote
Je ne sais pas quel sort m’attend ; mais s’il m’éloigne plus longtemps de toi, il me [devient] insupportable ; mon courage ne va pas jusque-là. Il fut un temps où je m’enorgueillissais de mon courage, et quelquefois, en jetant les yeux sur le mal que pourraient me faire les hommes, sur le sort que pourrait me réserver le destin, je fixais les malheurs les plus inouïs sans froncer le sourcil, sans me sentir étonné. Mais aujourd’hui, l’idée que ma Joséphine pourrait être mal, l’idée qu’elle pourrait être malade, et surtout la cruelle, la funeste pensée qu’elle pourrait m’aimer moins, flétrit mon âme, arrête mon sang, me rend triste, abattu, ne me laisse pas même le courage de la fureur et du désespoir… Je me disais souvent jadis : les hommes ne peuvent rien à celui qui meurt sans regret ; mais aujourd’hui, mourir sans être aimé de toi, mourir sans cette certitude, c’est le tourment de l’enfer, c’est l’image vive et frappante de l’anéantissement absolu. Il me semble que je me sens étouffer. Mon unique compagne, toi que le sort a destinée pour faire avec moi le voyage pénible de la vie, le jour où je n’aurai plus ton cœur sera celui où la nature aride sera pour moi sans chaleur et sans végétation… Je m’arrête, ma douce amie ; mon âme est triste, mon corps est fatigué, mon esprit est étourdi. Les hommes m’ennuient. Je devrais bien les détester : ils m’éloignent de mon cœur.
Je suis à Port-Maurice, près Oneille ; demain, je suis à Albenga. Les deux armées se remuent ; nous cherchons à nous tromper. Au plus habile la victoire. Je suis assez content de Beaulieu ; s’il manœuvre bien, il est plus fort que son prédécesseur. Je le battrai, j’espère, de la belle manière. Sois sans inquiétude, aime-moi comme tes yeux ; mais ce n’est pas assez : comme toi ; plus que toi, que ta pensée, ton esprit, ta vie, ton tout. Douce amie, pardonne-moi, je délire ; la nature est faible pour qui sent vivement, pour celui que tu animes. [...]
Adieu, adieu, je me couche sans toi, je dormirai sans toi, je t’en prie, laisse-moi dormir. Voilà plusieurs jours où je te serre dans mes bras, songe heureux mais, mais, ce n’est pas toi…
I don’t know what fate awaits me; but if it keeps me away from you any longer, it [becomes] unbearable to me; my courage only goes so far. There was a time when I prided myself on my courage, and sometimes, casting my eyes on the harm that men could do to me, on the fate that destiny could have in store for me, I stared at the most incredible misfortunes without frowning, without feeling surprised. But today, the idea that my Joséphine could be unwell, the idea that she could be ill, and above all the cruel, fatal thought that she could love me less, withers my soul, stops my blood, makes me sad, dejected, does not even leave me with the courage of fury and despair… I often used to say to myself: men can do nothing to those who die without regret; but today, to die without being loved by you, to die without this certainty, is the torment of hell, it is the vivid and striking image of absolute annihilation. I seem to be suffocating. My only companion, you whom fate has destined to make with me the painful journey of life, the day when I will no longer have your heart will be the day when arid nature will be for me without heat and without vegetation… I stop, my sweet friend; my soul is sad, my body is tired, my mind is dizzy. Men bore me. I should hate them: they take me away from my heart.
I am in Port-Maurice, near Oneille; tomorrow I'm in Albenga. The two armies move; we seek to deceive each other. The most skilful wins. I am quite happy with Beaulieu; if he maneuvers well, he is stronger than his predecessor. I will beat him, I hope, in a good way. Don't worry, love me like your eyes; but that’s not enough: like you; more than you, than your thought, your spirit, your life, your everything. Sweet friend, forgive me, I am delirious; nature is weak for those who feel keenly, for those whom you animate. [...]
Goodbye, goodbye, I'm going to bed without you, I'll sleep without you, please let me sleep. It's been several days since I held you in my arms, happy dream but, but, it's not you…
link to the entire letter on napoleonica
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