#indepth interview
blschaos3000-blog · 2 years
8 Questions With......actor Timothy J. Cox
8 Questions With……actor Timothy J. Cox
It’s 4:30 pmT-Storms,humid Welcome to 8 Questions with……my ongoing interview series of talking to various artists from around the world.  I started doing live interviews on my YouTube channel and of course you know I had to chat with our good friend Timothy J. Cox.  As some of you may know,we have reviewed quite a few of Timothy’s films here on the blog and we have have also interviewed him in…
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tyrefire · 2 years
If you were wondering whether or not the show was being purposeful in its comparison between lestat's abuse and slavery, yes it was
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psalmsofpsychosis · 2 months
anyway if i had a nickel for everytime i started following after a sx/sp e4 strong Ti user like a lost lamb latching to a herding dog i'd have enough money to buy both Jon Luckovich and Cameron Monaghan yellow lollipops and thank them for their immense service to humanity as death obsessed freaks
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bijoumikhawal · 7 months
hello! i hope it's alright to ask you this but i was wondering if you have any recommendations for books to read or media in general about the history of judaism and jewish communities in egypt, particularly in ottoman and modern egypt?
have a nice day!
it's fine to ask me this! Unfortunately I have to preface this with a disclaimer that a lot of books on Egyptian Jewish history have a Zionist bias. There are antizionist Egyptian Jews, and at the very least ones who have enough national pride that AFAIK they do not publicly hold Zionist beliefs, like those who spoke in the documentary the Jews of Egypt (avaliable on YouTube for free with English subtitles). Others have an anti Egyptian bias- there is a geopolitical tension with Egypt from Antiquity that unfortunately some Jewish people have carried through history even when it was completely irrelevant, so in trying to research interactions between "ancient" Egyptian Jews and Native Egyptians (from the Ptolemaic era into the proto-Coptic and fully Coptic eras) I've unfortunately come across stuff that for me, as an Egyptian, reads like anti miscegenationist ideology, and it is difficult to tell whether this is a view of history being pushed on the past or not. The phrase "Erev Rav" (meaning mixed multitude), which in part refers to Egyptians who left Egypt with Moses and converted to Judaism, is even used as an insult by some.
Since I mentioned that documentary, I'll start by going over more modern sources. Mapping Jewish San Francisco has a playlist of videos of interviews with Egyptian Jews, including both Karaites and Rabbinic Jews iirc (I reblogged some of these awhile ago in my "actually Egyptian tag" tag). This book, the Dispersion of Egyptian Jewry, is avaliable for free online, it promises to be a more indepth look at Egyptian Jews in the lead up to modern explusion. I have only read a few sections of it, so I cannot give a full judgment on it. There's this video I watched about preserving Karaite historical sites in Egypt that I remember being interesting. "On the Mediterranian and the Nile edited by Harvey E. Goldman and Matthis Lehmann" is a collection of memiors iirc, as is "the Man in the Sharkskin Suit" (which I've started but not completed), both moreso from a Rabbinic perspective. Karaites also have a few websites discussing themselves in their terms, such as this one.
For the pre-modern but post-Islamic era, the Cairo Geniza is a great resource but in my opinion as a hobby researcher, hard to navigate. It is a large cache of documents from a Cairo synagogue mostly from around the Fatimid era. A significant portion of it is digitized and they occasionally crowd source translation help on their Twitter, and a lot of books and papers use it as a primary source. "The Jews in Medieval Egypt, edited by: Miriam Frenkel" is one in my to read pile. "Benjamin H. Hary - Multiglossia in Judeio-Arabic. With an Edition, Translation, and Grammatical Study of the Cairene Purim Scroll" is a paper I've read discussing the Jewish record of the events commemorated by the Cairo Purim, I got it off either Anna's Archive or libgen. "Mamluks of Jewish Origin in the Mamluk Sultanate by Koby Yosef" is a paper in my to read pile. "Jewish pietism of the Sufi type A particular trend of mysticisme in Medieval Egypt by Mireille Loubet" and "Paul B Fenton- Judaism and Sufism" both discuss the medieval Egyptian Jewish pietist movement.
For "ancient" Egyptian Jews, I find the first chapter of "The Story of the Jews: Finding the Words 1000 BC-1492 AD” by Simon Schama, which covers Elephantine, very interesting (it also flies in the face of claims that Jews did not marry Native Egyptians, though it is from centuries before the era researchers often cover). If you'd like to read don't click this link to a Google doc, that would be VERY naughty. There's very little on the Therapeutae, but for the paper theorizing they may have been influenced by Buddhism (possibly making them an example of Judeo-Buddhist syncretism) look here (their Wikipedia page also has some sources that could be interesting but are not specifically about them). "Taylor, Joan E. - Jewish women philosophers of first-century Alexandria: Philo’s Therapeutae reconsidered" is also a to read.
I haven't found much on the temple of Onias/Tell el Yahudia/Leontopolis in depth, but I have the paper "Meron M. Piotrkowski - Priests in Exile: The History of the Temple of Onias and Its Community in the Hellenistic Period" in my to be read pile (which I got off Anna's Archive). I also have some supplemental info from a lecture I attended that I'm willing to privately share.
I also have a document compiling links about the Exodus of Jews from Egypt in the modern era, but I'm cautious about sharing it now because I made it in high school and I've realized it needs better fact checking, because it had some misinfo in it from Zionist publications (specifically about the names of Nazis who fled to Egypt- that did happen, but a bunch of names I saw reported had no evidence of that being the case, and one name was the name of a murdered resistance fighter???)
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Mentions of smut
Imagine if you will, that when Robin and Steve go to get a job at Family Video, it's Eddie Munson behind the counter. They get the job from him. Eddie likes to be a menace.
"You can have the job if you do an indepth interview with me in the office there," Eddie said as he scribbled on a piece of paper and slid it across to him.
Steve’s cheeks turned red, but he smirked when he looked back up at him.
Eddie led him into the office while Robin waited patiently and then not so patiently for them to come out. When they finally did come out of the office, their clothes were messed up, and their faces were red. Steve’s hair was crazy, Robin was pretty sure that his shirt was backward. One pant leg was showing his leg, and his zipper was down.
"Lunch?" Steve asked, Eddie whistling behind him.
"Did you get the job?" Robin asked and Steve nodded before walking out the door.
Robin turned to stare at Eddie, who waved at her with a gleeful expression on his face. She had no choice but to follow him out the door. She slid into the passenger seat. Steve was straightening himself up.
"I think I'm a whore for Eddie Munson. He jokingly asked me if I wanted to suck his cock to get the job. I knew it was a joke, and I wanted to see how far he would take it. He caved when we went into the office and that I had the job, so I didn't have to do anything. I told him I still wanted to, and then I stripped naked while he bent me over the desk. So, yeah, I am definitely bisexual. Also, I don't think I'm wearing my underwear," Steve said calmly with a grin on his face. "Anyway, where do you want to go for lunch?"
He turned to Robin, who was staring at him with her mouth open.
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shpadoinkle-day · 1 year
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Came across this really really good book with an indepth interview with Trey and Matt, these are just some random excerpts but I recommend reading their whole segment, it's so good!
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tea-earl-grey · 1 month
since i know there have been a lot of issues regarding harassment/censorship/unclear moderation on tumblr lately, particularly in regards to transmisogyny, racism, and antisemitism, i thought i would point out that tumblr seems to be gathering survey data and collecting sign ups for research. i saw this notification at the top of my blog:
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(link here)
and it asked a few rating scale and free response questions about how i used tumblr, how satisfied i was with it, and what changes i would like to see implemented and then whether i would want to be involved in research/interviews. it only took a few minutes to fill out and would encourage everyone to partake to ensure our voices are heard and tumblr at least gets data about what the userbase wants in the future. even if it seems redundant and obvious to say "i don't like algorithmically generated feeds" and "i reblog a lot of fandom posts" and "tumblr should implement better moderation/support", i know that from experience, having those statements on official surveys does Actually Make a Difference especially if you volunteer for more indepth interviews or testing.
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im gLAD YOU ASKED (seriously thank you)
SO. I DONT KNOW IF THIS IS COMMON KNOWLEDGE, but EVERY SINGLE dragon featured in the Book Of Dragons short appears at some point in the film franchise, most of them in Riders of Berk/Defenders of Berk. Every single one with two exceptions. One - the timberjack And Two - The snaptrapper.
The Timberjack, however, IS featured in the background of the opening flight scene of HTTYD2, and in THW if im not mistaken but that doesnt count. This still is strange because every other dragon (e.g whispering death, changewing, scauldron) is explored in a somewhat indepth level, whereas the Timberjack has more of a cameo than anything. My interpretation is that the Book of Dragons short was made to dump a lot of the concepts they hadnt FULLY ironed out and see how people took to it. One dragon that comes back constantly in the shows is the Typhoomerang which is INCREDIBLY similar to the Timberjack. it seems to me that they recycled a lot of the ideas.
But! this doesnt happen with the Snaptrapper. And why? was it removed from canon? and the answer is:
...Kind of?
The Snaptrapper is not canon to the film franchise. thats almost certain. Which is fair, considering most of its bit is about its breath smelling like chocolate which vikings were yet to discover. But its in every other continuity. The comics, the games, etc. It looks like everyone on the teams wanted it back somewhat. it just never came back. If i remember correctly, the wiki even says that at some point, they call it the "Snappertrapper". SO WHY IS IT THE ONLY DRAGON MENTIONED, NEVER TO BE FEATURED? YOU WANT THE TRUTH? I DONT KNOW.
Ive searched high and low for a statement. an interview. any sort of reason. and there doesnt seem to be one.
And it probably is just, the design was lacking, or the budget couldnt afford 4 heads, or they just didnt like it. but why cant i find a reason? I feel delusional sometimes because surely theres SOMETHING. but theres nothing. at all.
But regardless, I really feel like they could have thrown in a throw away joke or like. A quick mentioning of the dragon eye saying that Snaptrappers are an extinct relative of the Zippleback, since thats clearly what they were inspired by. (And the Zippleback/snaptrapper situation is NOT the same as the Typhoomerang/timberjack situation because both zippleback and snaptrapper are in the Book Of Dragons.)
Does this imply anything worldbuilding wise? No! does it have any weight on the story whatsoever? no! but did 6 year old me throw a fit when it didnt show up at ALL in ROB/DOB? YES!!
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nrdmssgs · 7 months
Any advice in making a character
Oh, I`ve got so many, I actually had to restrain myself))
Be self-indulgent! This is the most important thing to do. If any of my further tips conflicts for you personally with this one - this must always win! The main purpose of your character is for you to have fun, to get a voice, to be able to talk about whatever is important to you! Pay no attention whatsoever to people accusing you of making Mary Sue or Bella Swan. It is ok to learn, make mistakes, make characters, that will make you cringe in a few years.
Make as much moodboards as you need! 5 pinterest boards for 1 character is ok, even great! Don't hesitate to make a full moodboard for their home, even if you are planning like 1 short scene in the house.
Moodboards are good not only for pictures! Feel free to add quotes, that remind you of your OC, make playlists for them, go to your favorite clothing online catalog and pick, what would they buy from it! I for example have a thing for scents and I make perfume moodboards for characters (just helps me to feel them better). I use Miro for multimedia moodboards, highly recommend it.
Try starting your character as an 'archetype'. What I like to do is to go to this page and take a test from a perspective of my character The results often help me understand, how would my character react to different people and manage different situations. There are different personality tests, you can use. I believe, this one is the most well known, but I find my first option more helping in writing.
Character 'growth' is not obliged to be something positive. Your character can always become a worse person and it is still a growth.
'Play' with your character constantly! Even if you made them for one short text - ask yourself questions about them every now and them! Would they pick the same type of cheese as you? What was their favorite music genre, when they were 10? And now? What was the most awkward date, they ever had? Dont be shy, use writing promts to come up with little stories about them. This all will give you an indepth understanding of your character.
One of my favorite games to play with my characters is '3 interviews'. I imagine my character taking part in: 1. a talk with a psychologist 2. a cross-examination in court 3. an interview with a journalist. These are 3 situations, that motivate the same person speak on very different topics and relive different emotions. So I like to just examine their behavior. You will be surprised, how many ideas this little game adds to your character.
Don't be shy to ask others to tell you about your character. Request little stories or headcannons about them. The goal here is not to have the same perspective on your OC as your friends do. The goal is to understand, how others see them and which detail (and why) work good or bad for you. There are some authors out there, that take requests and commissions for others OCs.
It is ok to make your characters look like an average person and it is absolutely ok to make them look incredibly beautiful. Don't force yourself to change anything in your OC just because their partner is very good-looking, or because some said to you, that such a beautiful person has no place in this fandom.
Give your OC friends, hobbies, interests outside their job and love-life. Please. You will be surprised, how useful it is to keep this emotional hideout for your character.
Killing your OCs parents is not the only way to make them move out of their parents house. (don't worry, I myself have 2 OCs, whose parents are dead).
Making your OC kill someone is not the end of your OC. Your readers wont start hating them.
The more power your character has - the less freedom they get. Life of a queen is planned to the minute, life of a peasant - endless pool of possibilities))
Watch video essays where therapists talk about different characters in popular culture! There are so many ideas, you can get there for your character. My favorite channel is cinema therapy they have so many wholesome, funny, serious vid on this topic!
By the way, never be afraid to borrow some ideas.
Wanna see a trick? Ok, I'll describe briefly a character to you and you will try to guess, who am I talking about. So our guy, a middle-aged man, lives in a depressing gray world, full of violence and indifference. He loses his job and escapes his constant suffering in fantasies, where he is famous, has his own show on TV, the audience loves him and even his favorite late night show host applauds him. But these are only his fantasies, when in reality nobody care about him except for his senior mom, who genuinely loves her son. Youre thinking something like "Arthur Fleck" or "Joker"? Well, I've just described you Rupert Pupkin, the main character of 1982 American comedy "The king of Comedy", which had a great impact on 2019 film Joker.
My message here: it is not bad to revisit your favorite stories and characters and let them form your OC.
Abandoning one OC and moving on to the next is not a betrayal. Having multiple OCs for one fandom is not an inability to concentrate. Your brain produces many ideas - it is ok to give yourself creative space.
Self insert can be fun and interesting. Just don't forget, that you are not obliged to insert yourself in one and only character - you can always give your thoughts and traits to multiple characters in the story!
Your character needs flaws, not because it is a shame to write somebody perfect. They need flaws, because that will actually help them navigate through their lives.
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dragoneyes618 · 3 months
"Of course, there are individual Palestinian Arabs who are opposed to Hamas, but the vast majority aren’t. The vast majority are their supporters.
In a poll reported recently in the Jerusalem Post 67% of all Arabs say the October 7th slaughter was “legitimate resistance” against Israel. According to the Associated Press 82% of respondents in the West Bank believe Hamas was correct in launching the October attack. Reuters reports 72% support for Hamas among Gazans.
Hitler and the Nazis could only dream of support at that level. In 1930s Reichstag elections the Nazis won 18% of the vote. Even as late as 1943, the percentage of members of the party in both Germany and Austria was only 10%.
Hamas enjoys the enthusiastic and overwhelming support from the Palestinian people and that means enthusiastic and overwhelming support for the killing of all Jews anywhere on the planet. The Palestinian flag is the new Nazi flag and the Palestinian Arab people’s agenda is overwhelmingly and unapologetically Islamo-Nazi.
What of the demonstrators protesting for a “Free Palestine” across the USA from campuses to airports?
Some commentators are over-generous to my mind and call them naïve or useful idiots to use Lenin’s term. I don’t believe it for one moment. Even if over and over interviewers can embarrass them by asking them to identify where the “River to the Sea” is on a map, that does not address the critical truth about those joining pro-Hamas demonstrations.
It is not a concern for Arab suffering. There have been zero massive demonstrations by these same people against the 306,887 or so killed by Hamas’ pal Bashar al Assad of Syria or the 5.3 million Syrian refugees registered globally.
There have also been zero massive demonstrations against the Islamophobic incarceration of one million Muslim Chinese in concentration camps by another Hamas pal, President Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist party.
I could go on adding to the list of outrages and massacres that don’t trouble Hamas supporters on the streets of the U.S. today, but I don’t need to. The point is obvious. Hamas’s supporters and advocates inside the media, governing party and across society are attracted to and motivated by one Hamas key policy ambition; finishing the job that Hitler started."
- Rubinstein, R. Y. (2024, January 24). My shot at a razzy! The Jewish Press – JewishPress.com. https://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/columns/my-shot-at-a-razzy/2024/01/25/
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saintmeghanmarkle · 5 months
Tom Bower - Harry's exclusion from wedding is proof he's now an outcast by u/wordscapesx
Tom Bower - Harry's exclusion from wedding is proof he's now an outcast https://ift.tt/zfO0VaW hoping at some point Bower will do an indepth interview on the legalities connected with the release of names. He's written over 25 books, is an attorney, and knows the system. Bower is a credible resource. post link: https://ift.tt/4rRCpUi author: wordscapesx submitted: December 03, 2023 at 03:27PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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cinnaminsvga · 5 months
hi bestieeee
ive been following & have had notifs on for years. i actually dont even pay attention to kpop anymore AIDBBFHFDISO but ive always wanted to know sooo badly: how does LOOH end?
I know it's on indefinite hiatus but it doesn't seem like itll ever be completed, and the curiosity has always killed me 😭
"it doesn't seem like itll ever be completed" PLEASEEEEE i screamed but yeah youre 100% right LOL
its kinda hard to say how looh was supposed to end because i kinda write smaus on the go without indepth storylines lol (i.e. basically i bullshit on the go and fake it til i make it)
fair warning also that ive forgotten almost all of looh by this point... i used to have a notebook with my ideas for the smau but i lost it during my last move so this is what i can remember. apologies if there are inconsistencies but i genuinely dont remember LMAOOO its been (8)4 years...
i can give you an idea of how i was thinking of ending looh... under the cut for the sake of people who dont give af lol
i do know for a fact that i planned jimin and y/n to be endgame. it was going to be a long process of "will they or wont they" because of jimins underlying insecurities and y/n's inability to introspect would always be a hindrance in their relationship
i know i framed y/n as like a "really good person" but she really isnt perfect. i was gonna lay more groundwork to "expose" her for some of the fucked up shit she did in the past (i forgor 💀) and i was planning on exploring her internalized "holier than thou" complex
that was gonna be the second main conflict after the whole jimin vs tae conflict... kinda like a season 2 lol
BUT BACK TO SEASON 1... tae vs jimin lol so yeah tae releases that slander video on jimin and he runs away... y/n is supposed to have a big altercation with jin and make him release a statement proving jimin's innocence... jin ofc says no and y/n + jimin (+kook on the side) have to figure out a way to improve jimin's public image
my initial idea was that he tries to pivot towards becoming a professional dancer and joining hoseok's crew... i was planning on introducing a new character (likely seungkwan haha gotta keep with the seventeen member cameos) who was gonna be like a PR manager... they'd make a youtube channel and post content about their dancers. not just their dances, but interviews, challenges, etc. just to "prove" jimin is the good guy or something.
on the side, the seungcheol/jeonghan/yoongi drama... yeah seungcheol gets dumped by y/n like an additional two times LOL and for funsies, jeonghan confesses his feelings for seungcheol to y/n (shocker) and its all very messy mwahahah (yeah they both end up sad in the end my bad). as for yoongi... OH BOY
so yeah he got rejected by y/n which RUINS his ego and he doesnt give up for a while. then he starts crushing on seungcheol (who previously had a crush on him lol) and it gets very messy but overall he gets called out on his power tripping ways and ends up alone at the end teehee (he was gonna get an epilogue scene where he goes to the club all drunk and shit and a younger guy hits on him but calls him "sir" after seeing his face properly lol)
as for jin/hoseok/namjoon... uhhh yeah 2seok dont end up strictly together... theyre both chaebols with fucked up senses of humor (they both enjoy playing with people like chess pieces) and jin gets super pissed when he finds out hoseok has been playing with HIM on the side. they have a heated argument that causes the collapse of bang ent (hoseok has more money/influence than him and essentially grabs the company off jin's hands) and BOOM friends to lovers to enemies to ???
oh and namjoon is there. uhhhh yeah he becomes jin's little puppet for a while. essentially namjoon spies on y/n for jin and breaks her trust. this further strains kook's mental state because he feels super guilty about everything. i was planning on kook being pro-joon and breaking y/n's heart, but i wasnt sure. it all depends on how i was feeling tbh LMAOOO sometimes i like making jungkook cry (all the time)
as for tae... yeah he wins LOL he's essentially the main antagonist (its not jin... surprise) but he actually succeeds in becoming a very popular pornstar. even when hoseok grabs the company, he keeps tae on their roster and tae becomes very rich. he continues trying to slander jimin but he eventually stops when hoseok forces him to stop (out of guilt? bribery? revenge? who knows lol)
umm back to jimin and y/n... yeah they get together blah blah y/n confesses first, jimin gets hurt a lot, y/n is bad at relationships (shes got bad interpersonal skills), they have a large argument where y/n accidentally dehumanizes jimin (ouch)... so many things. all that matters is that they do end up together... maybe not so happily, but they'll get there. i think.
SO YEAH THAT WAS SO MESSY idk how coherent this was... again like i said, i kinda write smaus on the go so a lot of these things arent necessarily canon. i only consider things canon when stuff gets posted, but again like u said thats probs never happening LOL but in the meantime, if u have more questions about any of the points listed above, lemme know!! i'll try my best to explain further (sobs i am so rusty at writing u dont even know) anyway blessings be upon ye!!
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82mitsu · 18 days
{18Trip} The 18 Questions Corner - Kamina Yukikaze
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This is a translation for the 18 questions interview uploaded on the official Youtube channel. I suggest to read this translation alongside it!
Note: P stands for "Player", this series has a voiced male & female character for the player. The interviews are conducted by the male player in this case.
TL note:
The 5 o’clock chime, as the name says, is a chime that is broadcasted around 5 pm in various parts of Japan. It's a fossil of a system used to mark the time of the day. If you'd like to read more indepth about it, I suggest this article.
P: 18 questions for the Tourism Ward Mayors! We look forward to your cooperation!
Yukikaze: Yes, I’m in your care.
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What’s your name?
I’m Kamina Yukikaze.
How old are you?
25 years old.
Tell us about your occupation!
I’m a figure skater.
What’s the first thing you do when waking up in the morning?
I stretch.
Anything you’re particular about with lunch?
I need to keep an eye out for calories and protein.
What pops up in your mind when it comes to “evening”?
The 5 o’clock chime. I’d hear it whenever I was on my way to ice skating practice when I was a student. 
What’s your routine before bed?
Where do you start with washing your body?
My legs... calves specifically. I wash them while massaging thoroughly.
What’s essential when leaving for a trip?
My bag. It’s good for stuffing a bunch of souvenirs in it.
What do you check before traveling somewhere?
I check if there are any climbable mountains. 
What’s your favorite method of transportation for traveling? 
I like walking.
What’s one item you’d bring to a deserted island?
…you, Chief. As long as you’re there, I’ll be fine.
Please give us some fanservice! 
✧・゚: *It's a pleasure to have you here, enjoy HAMA as much as you'd like.*:・゚✧ We also have special Siu Mai to offer. 
Who’s someone you’d lean on for support? 
Noon Squad’s Ushio. I can rely on him when I need some help with recipes for sweets.
Who would you swap bodies with for a day?
Noon Squad’s Kiroku. 
What would you want to do as them?
I would like to try drawing something only he’s capable of. 
Pass on a message to your roommates!
Liguang, it’s nice to see you get passionate about work but watch out to not stay up too late. 
Tell us from the heart, what’s a “journey” to you? 
An opportunity to let myself be free. 
P: Thank you, those were all 18 questions!
Yukikaze: Thanks, good work there. 
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Yukikaze: I’m HAMA’s 2nd Ward Mayor, Kamina Yukikaze. As long as you’re watching out for me, I can do anything. That's why… you should always keep your eyes on me.
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blueiight · 11 months
abdulrashid armand ali nazarkhan<3 armand<3 andrei<3 amadeo… rashid…
First impression
I dont even remember LMAOSKSKDKDKS i was just like why is flop pitt tugging on that man face like that. but book wise i imagined iwtv armand as a red head zaddy on some sweeney shit imagine my shock when i realized he was like a boticceli angel. and show wise i saw the painting n was like oh that ipad guy is armand
Impression now
hes the funniest character in existence
Favorite moment
book wise its putting a blood air tag on daniel… segwaying from aspects of his life story in tva to randomly give his indepth opinions on vampires to david re: reality tv shows cutting to interview the actor later on as they show a past scene happening.. when hes begging lestat and gabrielle to give him something + they pretty much give him the third draft of lestat’s life (the theater they left hanging around somewhere) and gabi tells armand u have to live and move with the age and armand proceeded to become a super rich guy after the fact. blenders. Why cant we kill them all? :( show wise so far its when hes like DUBAI IS BUT A CHILD MR MOLLOY. :) ..WHAT IS A SUN TO A VAMP
Idea for a story
My brain is blank for that ig id wanna see armandlou travel the world re: what was briefly mentioned to in book iwtv w/ their show counterparts. i talked abt this w @likethemodel a bit
Unpopular opinion
this is my unpop opinion? ig .. id just wish ppl to keep in mind that show armand was in no way a child when turned LOL. or better yet, stop treating show armand like hes the Big Bad to blame details of a yet to be told story that make u uncomfortable! theyre all Evil no doubt & armand is a manipulative control freak but theres no Big Bad in the chronicles outside of akasha and the rhosmsddekdkdes guy just a bunch of antagonists that for the most part join the fold of misfits.
Favorite relationship
U cant make an armandlette w/o cracking some eggs<3
Favorite headcanon
ummmm mind drawing a blank here soz. hes a yandere fasho
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bitteropinions · 10 months
There is a reason the most successful actors and writers have individual businesses and everyday jobs. There is a reason you also see some sort of mentor ship and sidelong project planners with new upcoming actors and actresses.
Sans any misconduct people have been KNOWN to give warnings of Hollywood and holding YOURSELF down when you are financially able to do so! Intentionally paying higher thresholds for their friends, so come their next project, they can "rationally" raise the offering!
There's a reason most directors or box office holders like the Wayans brothers, Adam Sandler, Jamie foxx, Ben stiller, Robert Downey junior, Andy samberg, Wes Anderson hell even Tyler perry (despite my personal views of some these people-these are just examples of media i've encountred and not really a inclusive indepth list) also hire the same cast and people and you see the reported results of how well they are taking care of and appreciated with luxuries and offers!
Like these people have been telling is for years in interviews that this isn't a lucrative business (all encompassing the fees bills expenses, etc, that they have to self provide outside of funding). And idk how many actresses have to continuously state that all those cute fancy dresses set or carpet they were, they literally won't even be able to cover the cost to own it for real, and they get by from those media presences endorsing perfume and even doing shitty AMC commercials etc.
Like ya'll know how tlc had to explain why they were broke??!! And then the writer and creator of squid game after all the rah rah media is still struggling!?!?
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cultfaction · 3 months
Tony Ganios passes away aged 64
It is Cult Faction’s sad duty to report that Tony Ganios, star of The Wanderers and Porky’s, passed away on Sunday at the age of 64 years old due to suffering a heart attack following surgery. The sad news was announced on social media by his fiancée, Amanda Serrano-Ganios. Tony gave a lot of time to Cult Faction. This included an indepth interview with us, as well as providing us with his…
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