#investigator rp
detectiveconnor · 6 months
perhaps hit like and i'll tag u in a starter where connor and your muse are investigating a murder/crime together? your muse does not need to be an investigator, they could just be. in the same vicinity as the crime and connor could be. around
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mcflymemes · 7 months
PROMPTS FROM CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION *  assorted dialogue from season 2 of the show, adjust as necessary
i told you i dropped them down the bathroom sink.
haven't you ever spilled a drink?
don't pin that on me.
my life's pretty routine.
when is this thing going to be done?
i remember the first time i saw you. you didn't have any clothes on.
i would've taken you home right then if i could have.
you can't make a deal if you keep your mouth shut.
oh, don't touch it. that's mine!
no one can predict more than a few seconds into the future.
where are we going with this?
i can't be everywhere, [name], and they've banned human cloning.
thanks for noticing. you're very observant.
you showered.
it's easier to get a master's degree than a parking spot on campus.
that would explain that smell.
what's the matter with you?
does that name mean anything?
so how's your new toy working out?
you just made yourself useful.
you never get a second chance to make a first impression.
i don't even know where to start with this one.
any of this sound familiar?
i'm going to forget you called me that.
you're too hard on yourself.
you wanna take a walk around the block? get some air?
i don't believe in rules that tell me how i should live.
how many crusades were fought in the name of god? how many people died because of someone's religion?
always thought you kept your porn in there.
that's not what i was thinking.
i take that as a compliment.
so how do you survive?
i'm that obvious, huh?
i just realized that you and i have a very healthy relationship.
the average american hotel room is covered with stains invisible to the naked eye.
you sound like you're making a commercial.
you've got to get out more.
oh look. one of your friends.
i've always wanted to go there. what was it like?
aren't you going to tell me anything?
how many dinners have we shared?
since when have you been interested in beauty?
what is victoria's secret, i wonder?
if you found a bomb in your car, would you close the hood?
i could have been a rock star.
have you ever been to a swingers party?
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pupstim · 9 months
Okay but really I just... Dapper's Admin <3333333 its probably just me but I just feel like it's not a coincidence that Dapper's really cooking up something and leaving all sorts of clues for Bad to pick up on and investigate.
Its just rly nice for Bad to get some lore and from how Dapper is acting they REALLy want Bad to investigate this. I know the admins are not to blame and they're just really overwhelmed with work with adding new players and everything but its just... its just really nice for Dapper to be cooking like this and try and leave trail for Bad to investigate
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bunberiii · 2 years
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𝟶𝟹. 𝚔𝚑𝚊𝚍𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚝 𝚒𝚗𝚟𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 - google docs oc template
a police investigation board aesthetic google docs oc template for single muses including general information, backstory/biography room, personality, multiple pages for character relationships, an area for extra information/headcanons, and school or occupation information. This document features many images and drawings such as a fully customisable evidence bag, iPhone lock screen, newspaper clipping, id card and receipt made by me! feel free to edit this as much as you wish, but do not remove my credit.
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jeandejard3n · 3 months
True Detective: Rust Cohle's Office
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Now looking for Ace Attorney role-players (again)!
After a bit of a break, we are once more posting to welcome newcomers into our Ace Attorney RP Discord. We're hoping to meet some new faces soon!
Once again, requesting only 18+ users try to join!
While most major characters have been taken, we still have an abundance of side characters available, both from the mainline game and from various spin-offs.
We are actively seeking role-players for the following characters, as per server requests: Ron Delite, Iris Hawthorne, Bobby Fulbright, Juniper Woods, Amara Sigatar Khura'in, Shih-na, Justine Courtney, Mael Stronghart, & more.
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Join below if you're interested!
Reblogs to spread reach are also appreciated! ♥
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k66-official · 10 months
i know its probably because keroro doesnt know what happened but imagining him not noticing a difference with the kululu dororo switch is SO funny to me
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Kululu's not a very good actor, as far as I know.
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asknealfire · 11 days
So how are you currently paying the bills? Do you have a job or are you still breaking the law?
Nah, I've gone legit. For reasons that are my own, I'm gonna end answering that there.
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allabouttaleblr · 17 days
some gmod shenanigans ft. @elijahtheghostof as ghost, @denpapie as spooker, myself as toast and @disasteryxs as gavin and colon
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gavin killed ghost
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ghost kissed colon and he died
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mcflymemes · 7 months
PROMPTS FROM CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION *  assorted dialogue from season 1 of the show, adjust as necessary
you want to be different? pin me up against a wall; lay one on me like you mean it.
it could be four minutes. could be four days.
if you stay, with my right hand to god, you will never regret it.
i need you to roll up your sleeve and give me a pint of your blood.
how do you know all this crap?
it's our job to know stuff.
there are other ways to tell, you know.
i'm a scientist. i like to see it.
you're standing in my crime scene.
people leave us clues. they speak to us in thousands of different ways. it's our job to make sure we've tried to hear every single thing they've said.
stop flirting with me.
i can't believe i used to live in a place like this.
and here i had all this respect for you.
i come here for calamari.
well... that's good news.
no way. use your own hand.
you just compromised our investigation.
i guess you just have to be on the wrong end of an affair to understand.
look... could we have a truce?
blood's like my grandfather. never lies.
are you hitting on me, david?
you may not like where it takes you.
i think our killer was counting on that.
maybe i saw you perform.
what do you got for me? i could use a rush.
you don't owe me anything.
wow. you look so... normal.
when are we going to talk about what happened?
you'll have to excuse me.
somebody left a message. i need to see the rest of it.
you guys will never get it, will you?
you know, you can joke all you want. it's your ass on the line.
life's like holding a dove. you hold it too hard, you kill it. hold it too soft, and it'll fly away.
you look a little tired.
something very wrong happened in this plane.
now you want to go down that route?
please tell me you have something.
it took five people to kill him. it would have only taken one person to save his life.
you have empathy for her. you want someone to pay for what was done to her. that's normal.
you want to sleep with me?
how do you know about that already?
whoa. somebody likes their job.
hey! this has nothing to do with you!
why is it every time we meet you're wanting me to take my clothes off?
you weren't in your office.
you don't have a worry that technology is gonna make us obsolete?
next time, why don't you try talking to me instead of going around behind my back?
what the hell are you doing?
i don't know whether i'll help you or not.
i don't mean to stare.
am i disturbing you?
what are you so afraid of?
you could be a little more supportive.
you just love that, don't you?
i would never doubt your word.
how a person does one thing is how a person does everything.
so are you thinking what i'm thinking?
someone's bitter.
you're awake. i hate you.
i slept like a baby yesterday.
do you need a hand with that?
are you looking for work?
you can't read anymore?
i can't drink any more coffee. my body clock is so screwed up.
what do you drive?
how much do you make so you can take care of me?
caught in the act.
every day we meet people on the worst day of their lives.
i wish i were like you. i wish i didn't feel anything.
what do you do for fun?
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// Starter for @wayward-sword (Welcome to Eden!)
Meia had been on a shopping run in the mid-sector of the city with her brother, pulling her nearly full mini-trolly cart behind her as she headed to their meeting spot by the main transfer station. Traversing the layers wasn't ever too hard in Eden, but it was prone to delays during high traffic hours. Unfortunately, such a time was rapidly approaching as the late afternoon was turning to evening. People were starting to flood to the transit platforms and elevators en masse, and it would soon be chaos.
As such, it was never hard to spot a tourist getting caught up in these waves. They'd usually be a little lost trying to get to the ticket machines, or be swept up in the crowd. Just the average sort of behaviour for those unfamiliar with the tiered tree city that made up the better part of Eden.
Today, however, one man caught up in the sea of people stood out to Meia.
His aura seemed a little off to her in a way, between the ones she was used to seeing. Different than most that left her curious. There was also the matter that she could tell he was like a deer caught in the headlights near an information kiosk. Enough so that she was worried he might get pickpocketed if he didn't start moving as the crowd grew.
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Making her way nearby to him, she moved her cart to in front of herself and leaned into his view while giving him a greeting smile, "You trying to look for anywhere in particular?"
As she said this she covertly showed him how to use the kiosks controls, opening the search display. Not everyone was used to this form and level of technology that Eden offered if they came from the other cities. Helping the odd tourist was just second nature now for her where she could do it.
She also hoped that her artificial eyes wouldn't make him uncomfortable, as the iris colour display mimicked more the surface of blue water than anything natural. Some folks were put off by that once they noticed.
Enzo had arrived at the main transfer station entrance a little later than he wanted, though still within time for the transit with his sister. He knew she'd never reliably stay in any exact spot he gave her, and started scanning the crowd almost immediately for her while resting his bag on his shoulder.
It didn't take him long to spot her for her platinum blonde hair, seeing she was helping an unfamiliar man at one of the information kiosks. Something that wasn't entirely unexpected from her. Still, he scrutinized the man from afar for his build. He knew too well the look of someone whose been in a few fights was, and that stranger was fitting the bill a little too well.
Weaving through the crowd he worked to make his way over to them, meeting some resistance as the sea of people was gradually picking up. Soon it would be a flood for the elevators that could separate them. A thought he didn't like.
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When he did reach them, he came up behind the man first before greeting Meia at a distance, "You can't be stopping to help every lost tourist you see, sis. We can't really afford to be caught down here for rush hour."
He was trying to say it in a joking tone, but he decided to linger behind the man somewhat imposingly with his meager advantage in height over him.
Enzo already knew he looked like a punk given his choice in street wear, green dyed hair and piercings. It was something he counted on when he needed to blend with crowds below the canopy district streets. It also came in handy to out anyone with ill intentions near him or his sister pretty fast too.
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truthisntsweet · 4 months
Blog Rules / Introduction 🐦‍⬛ 🍭
”Do I need to teach you a thing or two about how to speak to adults, kid?!” —
Be wary of AAI spoilers! (They’ll be present in reblog and any interactions)
My portrayal of Badd can change at any time, but typically I like to stay close to canon as possible. (With some exceptions, especially since mod’s in their gregbaddfaraday era) (Specify if you’d like to speak w/ young or old Badd, I might just pick if you don’t specify 🤷)
🐦‍⬛ - No nsfw. At all. Character is 18+ but mun is a minor. However, account is 13+ as it may include swearing and dark themes.
Any out of character posts will be tagged with #baddmod or #modral or be marked like this //test or like this ((test
character goes by he/him! Mun ral goes by they/she. If you ever wanna talk to me please lmk,,
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grimmhorizen01 · 9 months
Before the World Died
He could feel it’s pull no matter where he went, in Europe, in America, in Asia. Now In this thick forest, deep in the Utah forest he searches.
He walked slowly, trudging through the mud and underbrush under a dark sky, walking through a forest being lead by something, something in his old bones.
He’s been feeling it’s pull for awhile, could it be a god? Someone sending a signal only he can feel? No this is different. A draw that calls to his very being, his very strength and ability.
He draws his revolvers and checks them, both fully loaded, both being placed back in their holsters under his trench coat as he reach’s too his back and grabs his lever action shotgun, checking and holstering it like his revolvers.
Then he draws his two sword, both sharp and ready to spill blood. Both sharpened to cut flesh and bone.
He sighs and fixes his fedora, seeing a distant cabin…. He can smell magic, a Demon, a Angel an something else. He walks slowly, scooping the place out, he’s learned how to move quietly in any terrain over he 520 year long life, he peeks through a window.
He sees three figures, a hybrid, the Demon and a Angel. The hybrids a Cat mixed with dragon features. Good if it was a full dragon he’d have to kill it, and he’s to exhausted to kill another dragon.
He’s been walking for hours, trekking through this damn forest for too long, whoever built this place is going to get a firm talking too.
He simply watches them, seeing them talk and chat so happily, he wonders what they could have to do with what’s drawing him here, he’ll have to ask in the morning when their awake as they seem to be going off to bed.
He nods and watches them all leave the main room, finally being hit by hunger as he searches for some rations he should have….. unfortunately he ate the rest of it a couple hours ago.
“Great…” he sighs and looks inside again, he can see the kitchen.
“Well being getting buddy buddy soon anyway… they shouldn’t mind” He goes to the front door, reaching to open it and finding it look before holding a hand out and yoinking a key and unlocking the door before slowly slipping in.
He goes to the kitchen, it’s nearly empty, all but a single jar of olives.
“Perfect” He pops open the jar and steals a spoon and starts eating, he eats for quite awhile, having not eaten olives in so long.
After an hour of slowly eating he finishes the jar, sipping some olive juice before dumping the rest down the drain and puts the spoon into the sink and heads for the door.
“wonder what this place is gonna be like?” He leaves and heads for a sturdy tree and climbs and hides, before resting his head and waiting for tomorrow.
When tomorrow did come, his life was changed forever, he meet friends, made a family among the group, not by blood but by camaraderie….. they fought monsters, gods, multiversal beings together.
But in the end, all this family got in return from him?
Was a terrible end by his hand.
The world gave him so much.
And in return he ended it.
And now he walks alone, his dull brown eyes, hidden under their new blood red iris, his swords exchanged for a slab of blackened steal showered in the bloods of so many, his friends, his foes, even his own.
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eleanorsallow · 1 month
The High Table’s office of affairs is rather buried in work… my department especially. It’s rather stressful nowadays, and who is this about a “Nickandr Shikalov”?
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fleshcousin-m-x-25 · 2 months
bites yuo
It does not seem to care, turning and sniffing at you.
"Grrrrggghh? Curiosity sparked in the odd one, teeth are not necessary."
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@ladiesofhell continued from x
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He was just gonna ignore the sign pointing. Great, another fucking 'neighbor' in this place. At least Verosika was on better terms right now, but he didn't like this bitch.
"Immediate Murder Professionals, yes." He says simply. "Just don't go snooping around in our office, and we'll be fine, got it?" He tells her plainly. He had no desire to really make friends with her, but he was willing to leave things be if she did.
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