#isobel claymoore
I saw your Regency ask and couldn't stop myself from asking for an Isobel x Alcina snippet. You don't have to do it at all but I would love to see something with them. They're the ones you see together right?
The beautiful Isobel Claymoore is from the absolutely amazing @vahnyawrites.
"Do you ride?"
The soft, slightly accented, question pops over from over her left shoulder. Her entire body stiffening accordingly as she turns her head to meet cool emerald. One brow raising instinctively at the surprising sight that greets her.
Long raven black hair was kept away from an elegant face in a simple up-do. Fair skin standing out against the deep black of the suit the woman before her was wearing. Her entire aura screaming power as she patiently awaits for Isobel to answer.
"Is that any of your business?"
Her words don't get the desired affect, however, as the woman simply smiles. Amusement clearly dancing within sparkling emerald as she shifts to lean against the fence. Her tall form easily allowing for easy purchase against the wooden frame.
"I suppose not," she replies with a small inclination of her head. "I must admit I was intrigued. As I've never seen someone stare at passing horses so intently."
Frowning, Isobel crosses her arms. "I wasn't staring, madam."
The woman smirks. "I'll take you at your word." There's a small beat of silence before the woman grins. Amusement, tinged with mischief, sparking within her eyes. "I apologize for being so cavalier in my attentions towards you."
Stepping away from the fence, the woman proffers her hand. "Alcina Mercier."
Hesitating for a moment, Isobel takes the hand and shakes. "Isobel Claymoore."
"The town pariah?"
"The French Duchess?"
Once again her response, and tone, only elicits an amused chuckle from Alcina. "There's no need to respond in such a manner, Isobel. I assure you that I find your reputation quite refreshing." Alcina barely contains an eyeroll. "Especially when you take into consideration my prospective betrothed preferred company."
Isobel arches a brow. "That bad?"
"No." Alcina smiles. "Worse."
Before Isobel is able to respond, Alcina turns her attention away from her. Keen emerald eyes watching the passing mounts with something akin to warmth.
"Now do you know how to ride, Isobel?"
Pursing her lips, for only a moment, she finally relents. "No."
Warm emerald meets narrowed brown. "Would you like to?"
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outoftheblue-if · 3 years
Out of the Blue IF — A Regency Romance
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Out of the Blue is a romance/mystery/fantasy interactive fiction set in Regency Era England for anyone (like me) who is obsessed with Jane Austen and other period dramas, and always dreamed of being transported into that world to find romance and intrigue.
It’s also just a lighthearted project I’m working on to practice my writing skills and get familiar with Twine as a platform for other interactive fiction projects that I have in the works. Definitely a WIP, so characters and plot might change throughout.
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You are a university student struggling to find the motivation to finish your degree as the world seems to be falling apart around you, when you find yourself transported to what appears to be Regency Era England. With no idea how you got there or how you can get back, you are at the mercy of the fates. Given the probability of being classified insane if you reveal your true origins, you decide to feign amnesia. Lucky for you, a wealthy couple decides to take pity on you and take you in.
Will you be able to keep your secret hidden from your new friends, or risk ending up in an asylum? Will you conform to the expectations of regency society, or show regency society what a modern person is like? Will you solve the mystery of how you ended up there and find your way back home, or perhaps decide that you’d much rather stay?
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Fully customisable character - name, gender, pronouns, appearance, sexuality, background, studies ++
Character driven story with choices that matter
Try to solve the mystery of your time travel
Romance - romance any of five different love interests, two male, two female and one non-binary
Friendship - build friendships and meet new people
Explore an AU England in the 1800s
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Isobel Claymoore [she/her] | Portrait | Playlist |
Isobel resides at Oakley Estate with her father, who runs the local coal mines. Being the daughter of a man whose fortunes were acquired through trade, she is not widely accepted amongst the higher class society, and her reputation is only made worse by her being an unmarried woman in her thirties. At first glance, Isobel appears to be cold and haughty; a proud woman who has little interest in you, but as you spend more time around her, you might discover there is more to her than meets the eye.
Maximillian “Max” Winthrope [they/them or he/him] | Portrait | Playlist |
Max is the eldest son to Lord Charrington, the Earl of Charrington, and thus the heir to both title and land. He is upbeat, frivolous and a bit of a flirt, and people aren’t quite sure what to make of him. Although he seems to be cheerful and unconcerned, you can’t help but feel like he’s holding something back. Will you discover what lies behind his careless facade? 
Richard Winfield [he/him] | Portrait | Playlist |
Richard is a Captain of the Royal Navy, just returned from the Napoleonic Wars to his childhood home to visit his brother and his wife at their new abode. Though he has made a name for himself, and amassed a sizeable fortune, his deepest desire is to find a spouse to start a family, and build a home, with, but he seems to be caught up on the past. He is suspicious of your intentions and sceptical of the credibility of your story. Will you be able to change his opinion of you and help him move on from his past?
William Taylor [he/him] | Portrait | Playlist |
William is a local farmer who struggles to get by while raising his two children by himself since his wife disappeared. Given that William and his son are the ones who found you and helped you, you feel like you should repay him somehow, but William seems to take an immediate dislike to you and wants nothing to do with you. Will you be able to weed out the story behind his harsh, biting shell and worm your way into his fortified heart?
Clara Amelia Hamilton [she/her] | Portrait | Playlist |
Clara is the daughter of one of the wealthiest families in Charrington, the Hamiltons of Ainsley Park. She comes from a life of comfort and privilege, seemingly lacking in nothing. Being cheerful and outgoing, she is well liked and generally always surrounded by people, so why does she feel so bored? Will you help her find some sense of purpose in her life, and possibly fill that void in her heart?
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FMK for the ROs but with the cast of Citadel and Out of the Blue as the choices?
For the Citadel ROs (by the wonderful @bouncyballcitadel)
Fuck- He'd choose Ivy, I think. As I could see Ivy being someone Christian could connect with but not on the level of it being relationship worthy.
Marry- Definitely Jean. I think Christian and Jean would be very happy together. As they're two people who understand that the feelings in your heart shouldn't be overruled by your brain. (Or a platonic marriage with Peter... bromance right there.)
Kill- Probably Eli... Christian doesn't have an issue with Eli but I don't think he'd want to kill anyone else. Not that he wants to kill Eli but this is purely hypothetical anyway.
Fuck- Dr. Grey... there's no question on that one. Probably for the same reason that Christian would sleep with Ivy. Though, I think, if either of them allowed it to, they could have a relationship that could blossom into something more.
Marry- Ivy (her Ivyprofen) would be the one that Alcina would marry without a second thought. As Ivy would be the one that truly understood Alcina in a way that I don't think the others could. If it was solely for a platonic way though? I could see Alcina choosing Davy as they have a similar background... but it would definitely be for friendship.
Kill- Can she still choose Christian? No...? Then, I think, she'd probably choose Vic. As she doesn't want to kill the literal ray of sunshine, the person who's never chosen for anything (so why would she choose them for this?), the person who's still pining for their best friend, her wife, or her fuckbuddy... Vic just gets the short end of the draw with this one.
Fuck- Dr. Grey? Probably. As I think Grey is someone that Stephen could look up to on a business level. Someone that Stephen would want to be friends with but nothing more.
Marry- Jean. The two would be the sunshine couple and nothing can ever change my mind about that. Or he would choose Eli because of their similar tropes... Stephen is just less clownish with his.
Kill- Davy? As I think Stephen would be much too intimidated by the others. Especially Vic... so Davy would be chosen. Which is very unfortunate in the long run.
Fuck- Vic. I think they have the same sense of duty in the long run but I don't think Quinn would be adept at entering a relationship with Vic... as they don't know the first thing at handling all of that.
Marry- Eli. Eli's sense of loyalty is a huge pull to Quinn. This is why I think Quinn would choose Eli to have as a spouse. I think they'd be pretty happy together too.
Kill- Peter Grey... there is no hesitation with that. Again... Quinn has been around the elite of Washington D.C. long enough to know when someone is trying to look spotless. But it's always the one who preaches about unity, about perfection, that has the most to hide. Which is something that will never sit well with Quinn.
For the Out of the Blue ROs (by the incredible @vahnyawrites)
Fuck- Max? Probably because I don't think Christian would want to have sex with someone that would be looking for a serious commitment afterward... as it's not something Christian normally does (one-night stands). So if this was purely a one-off thing... he'd go for Max.
Marry- Clara. For the same reasons that he would marry Jean. He attaches to people that care with their entire hearts. Even if it isn't good for them in the long run.
Kill- Richard..? I think they'd have an understanding as they're both Navy men. So, even though it's not something Christian would want to do, he'd be the most comfortable doing so with Richard.
Fuck- Clara. I think Alcina would be curious about her. As she'd want to see what type of wildcat could be unleashed in the privacy of a bedroom... or house. I think Alcina would also be charmed by Clara's heart and warmth. Compassion is a big thing for Alcina when choosing her partners.
Marry- Isobel... does this even have to be asked. Iscina is something I will go down with. There's no way that Isobel could be an option and Alcina wouldn't choose to marry her. They click in a way that I think is completely heartwarming.
Kill- Richard, probably. As I don't think Alcina would want to choose William, for his children, or Max because she can tell he's kind-hearted despite everything else. So she'd choose Richard because at least he stands a chance. If Christian is an option, however...
Fuck- Max. Just the personality type being something Stephen would be attracted to. And I think they'd have a connection that, unless pursued, wouldn't turn into anything else except friendship.
Marry- William. Stephen adores kids and I think he'd love to help William with his. Plus, he's always down to learn a new way of life when he's curious. So farming would intrigue him in the end.
Kill- I'll say, Isobel... mainly because I think Stephen would be too intimidated to actually do something. Maybe throw something at her and then bail on the plan completely.
Fuck- Clara. Quinn would find her honesty and caring nature refreshing but I don't think they'd want to get involved with someone that they could so easily hurt. A sample of what could be... but will never be so.
Marry- Richard. They share the same sense of duty and honor. Something that I think would progress into a deeper connection in the long run.
Kill- Max. Not that Quinn has anything against Max... even though they don't understand the need to be a flirt. It's a hypothetical situation that needs a hypothetical answer. So, Max would be Quinn's choice in the end.
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I saw that you have a crossover with Citadel but I was curious if you’d be willing to do a crossover with Out of the Blue? I’m just curious which ROs the Scandal cast would get along with?
Of course, I absolutely adore @vahnyawrites and I would be honored to do something like this with her amazing characters.
Christian: My first instinct is to say Richard-- they're both Navy men after all. I could see them both bonding over something like that. Plus, I think they're personalities would mesh well with one another. I could also see Christian getting along with William. They're both fathers who adore their kids.
Alcina: Isobel. Hands down, Alcina would get along with her the best. They come from similar(ish) backgrounds and have the same no nonsense attitude surrounding them. I can't see anyone else from the cast meshing as well.
Stephen: Clara and Max would be a good fit for Stephen. The cheerful, outgoing gang. I think they'd make excellent friends.
Quinn: Probably Richard too. Quinn gets along best with people who have the same sense of duty as they do. So, I could see Richard being an excellent person to become Quinn's friend.
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Who would the Scandal characters hook up with in OotB-verse and Citadel-verse? Forgive me 😂
I'm just going to think of it as turning from occasional sex buddies to an actual relationship.
Citadel-- by the amazing @bouncyballcitadel
Christian: F!Jean, I think Christian would be pulled in by her gentleness and kind nature. Something that he doesn't see that much of in D.C., it would be like a breath of fresh air. They also have some of the same interests which I could see them bonding over.
Alcina: Either Ivy or Davy. With Ivy, I could definitely see it turning from being chaotic best friends to lovers. Late-night calls still holding the same depth but somehow being more. The trust that they already have with one another just multiplying exponentially. With Davy, I could see Alcina having a common ground with them. Something that connects them both that not many other people can truly undestand.
Stephen: Probably Eli if we're being honest. He finds loyalty really attractive-- especially when it's directed at one's family-- so I think that's something they would both bond over. Plus, they're both idiots in love when it comes to actual romantic feelings. (He'd sleep with Grey if he was drunk though. Not that there is anything wrong with Grey, of course, but he's not Stephen's usual cup of tea.)
Quinn: Vic. They both take their jobs seriously and I think that would correlate well with a potential bond like that. Plus, Quinn isn't the type to just sleep with anyone. They've never understood one-night stands... so they'd have to get to know Vic before going to that next step. Which, I think, would work out better in the long run.
Out of the Blue-- by the incredible @vahnyawrites
Christian: I think Christian would hook with Clara for the same reasons he would do so with Jean. He's drawn to gentle souls, even if they're not the type to actually showcase them because it's so refreshing to see. To see someone love with their entirety. Without preconceived notions or barriers between themselves and their hearts. It's exactly how he is and he bonds with people like that.
Alcina: Isobel. Easily. She's the one that I think Alcina would bond with the best. Someone who she could see herself actually getting attached to-- ignoring their similar(ish) backgrounds-- because Alcina doesn't really do one-night stands either. If she's going to have sex with someone she wants to make sure she knows the person she's going to have sex with. And, I believe, that Isobel is the perfect person for Alcina in that regard.
Stephen: Either Max or William or Clara. Max because he enjoys the type of person that Max is. With William, he's always found that people who are good parents are exponentially more attractive. And Clara? Well, they both have the same sunshine disposition that I think would bond them together.
Quinn: Richard. Richard's sense of duty would be the foundation for the two. It's something that Quinn shares and respects wholeheartedly in another. Something that will pique their interest and cause them to take a second look. Plus, Richard and Quinn share a lot of other interests that I think would only be the final nail in the coffin.
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Well there go my Alcina x Isobel x Ivy dreams 😂 But, gotta respect the ROs boundaries ofc 🥰
Canon ROs wouldn’t do so but you all can HC however you wish. Sort of like how Canon Alcina would never be a Mob Boss but you can still HC a Mob Boss AU… if that makes sense 😅. You all can HC to your hearts desire. I would never stop any of you from doing so— I just try to make it a point so people understand it probably wouldn’t transfer to canon all that well.
Alcina x Isobel x Ivy would be an unstoppable force… I’m very sure of that.
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outoftheblue-if · 3 years
You asked for angst...
Snippet of RO reactions to MC dying in their arms?? Maybe from a pistol wound or something??? 👀👀
Ay, I asked for angst, and you came through, anon, yikes 😭😭 This took me so long to write, help
Under the cut for length
“Isobel Claymoore! This is for you!” A voice rings out across the lot, and Isobel’s head jerks up to scan her surroundings, looking for the source. She glances down in confusion as she senses you rushing in front of her. 
A gunshot reverberates in her ears, snapping her eyes up to find a man pointing a smoking revolver towards the two of you with shaking hands, looking frightened, yet resolute. 
She feels ire spreading through her veins as she snaps at the man. “What is the meaning of this?”
A gasp from her side draws Isobel’s attention to you, and a surge of shock seizes her as she sees your hands clutching at your chest, where scarlet blood is already seeping through your fingers. 
Isobel calls out your name urgently, clutching your upper arms to steady you.
There’s a flurry of activity around, as people rush to seize the man and wrangle the gun from his hands, but Isobel hardly notices, her eyes are glued to yours.
You glance up, eyes wide in panic, as you feel your knees buckle underneath you, but Isobel immediately catches you, lowering you steadily to the ground. 
“Isobel…” you whimper as tears begin to flow unbidden from your eyes. 
The sight of your tears shakes her out of her stupor and she lets out a choked scream as her hands come to cover your own, pressing against the wound shakily. 
“Somebody fetch the surgeon!” 
Isobel is dimly aware of someone shouting commands in her vicinity, but for once in her life she is not in a mindset to take charge. Her eyes are fixed on yours, a range of emotions flickering over her face as her mind begins to connect the dots. Horror. Fear. Anguish. 
“Why did you do that?” She wants to shake you. “That shot was meant for me!”
“I wanted… to protect you…” you gasp out through shaky breaths. 
She squeezes her eyes shut, fighting back tears. “You fool!” She snarls, but it comes out more like a tremble. 
The blood is everywhere, escaping through her shaky fingers like a rushing river and she doesn’t know how to stop it. With her pulse drumming in her ears, she looks around frantically for the surgeon. “Where is the doctor?!”
As your breaths begin to come out in short gasps, Isobel feels an icy fear spreading through her, chilling her down to her very soul. She feels out of control. Helpless. She wants to comfort you, tell you that all will be well, that the surgeon will be here any moment, but her mouth has gone dry and unresponsive. 
“Isobel…,” you squeeze out, drawing her attention back to you. “I don’t… think…”
“Shh,” Isobel urges you, eyes watering as she takes in your pale, haggard face. “Don’t exert yourself, just focus on breathing.” 
You shake your head weakly, struggling against your blurring vision. “No, I… don’t…” You draw in a shaky breath. “I’m not… going to make it.”
“Do not say such things!” Isobel’s eyes blaze with anger as she admonishes you, but you can clearly see the fear gleaming through her eyes.
“I’m… sorry,” you whisper feebly as your eyes begin to flutter shut.
“No!” Isobel cries out. “Come back!”
But it’s no use. She watches helplessly as your body takes its last shuddering breath, before you go completely still. A desperate scream tears from her lungs  that quickly turn into a raging fury as she gets to her feet.
“You!” She thunders, turning towards the shooter, who is still held back by two men. He stares back at her with his jaw raised, but in his eyes there is a flicker of doubt. “What have you done?!” 
She moves to launch herself at the man, driven by a blinding wrath, but she too is held back by bystanders. She needs to make him pay! “Let me go!” She demands. But they won’t relent. 
Eventually her anger fades, leaving behind a dull, aching grief that makes her collapse to the ground as she stares hopelessly at your lifeless body. A violent sob wrecks through her body as she crawls over to grasp your motionless hand. You’re gone. Never coming back. Taken from her in the blink of an eye. She lets tear stained eyes scan frantically over your features, trying to memorise them one last time, and as she watches your emotionless face, Isobel feels her heart shatter into a million pieces. 
The narrow alleyway the thief has brought you into is cold and dark as Max turns their pockets out to offer whatever riches they have to the man that’s currently pointing a revolver at the two of you. Their body is protectively hovering in front of yours, determined to shield you, but hoping the thief will just take the money and go.
“Oi! What is the meaning of this?” Comes a shout from the opening of the alleyway, and you all jerk your heads to see a soldier approaching.
“Stay away!” The thief implores, turning to point his gun at the newcomer instead.
“Come on!” You shout, grabbing Max’ hand as you begin to pull him away, intent on using this distraction to your advantage. “Let’s go!”
The soldier advances, and a scuffle breaks out. The two of you have almost slipped past them, when the deafening sound of a gunshot echoes through the narrow lane, and you both jump, freezing in place.
The thief takes off running, with the soldier close on his heel, and Max tries to tug on your hand to make you move, but you’re frozen in place, eyes drawn to the sharp pain blossoming in your stomach. 
Max frowns at your immobility. “Name, is something…” Their eyes trails down to land on your stomach, where they see, with rising horror, the scarlet blood trickling through the fabric of your clothes. 
Time seems to slow down as Max instinctively rushes forward to catch your sagging form. They help you down to the ground as fear claws at their throat. “Oh God,” they mutter, panic rising in their voice. “Name! You… You have been…” 
A voice from the street shouts, calling for someone to fetch a surgeon. 
“What can I do, Name?” Max stares imploringly at you, their voice shaking with anxiety. “Please tell me what to do! Anything!”
“I…” Your mouth has gone dry. “We need… to stop… the bleeding…”
“Yes, of course…” Max trails off, wringing their jacket off, and hovering over the wound, hands shaking as they hesitate. “I uh… Shall I just…?” 
You let out something between a laugh and sob, but manage to nod your head. “Yes… put pressure… on it.”
They press the fabric against the wound, and you can’t help how you flinch. Water wells up in their eyes as they stare at you, crestfallen. “Forgive me,” they whisper. “This never should have happened… If only I…” 
You shake your head weakly, feeling yourself slipping further and further away. “No, Max…” you gasp out between shuddering breaths. “…not… your fault.”
They shake their head, guilt corroding their insides. “It was me he was targeting.. If you had not been with me, this never would have happened. I you had never met me you would have been safe. How could I ever think…” 
You raise a shaky hand to grab on to his wrist, knowing that you don’t have much time left. “Max… listen to me. I won’t… make.. it.” 
Their face falls as their heart stutters painfully in their chest. “No, God, please…” They let the jacket fall from their grip as they see you begin to slip away, and they lean forward to cup your cheeks with both hands, pleading. “Please, Name! Don’t leave me alone.” Their voice is wrought with desperation as they clutch your face. “I cannot bear to face this world without you.”
But it’s no use. The light is fading fast from your eyes as black spots appear in your vision. “I’m… sorry..” You gasp out on your last breath, before your body slumps back and goes eerily still. 
Max collapses over your motionless form as grief shatters his insides, and he lets out a wrecked sob. “Please,” he begs helplessly. “Come back.” 
You and Clara are walking along a forested path at the edge of the Hamilton property. It’s a beautiful sunny day, with birds chirping all around you, and the rustling of leaves in the breeze would make for a particularly soothing atmosphere, had it not been occasionally broken by the sound of gunshots from the hunting party in the distance, but you make do. 
The deafening sound of a gunshot ringing much closer than you expected makes the both of you jump in unison.
Clara’s head turns, her attention pulled towards you as she hears a surprised gasp escape your lips. Your head is bowed, and she follows your line of sight with a frown until her eyes land on your hands clutching at your stomach, where crimson blood is already flooding through your fingertips. 
Fear hits her like icy water as she too sucks in a gaps. “Name!” She cries. “You’re bleeding!”
You begin to feel lightheaded and sink to your knees, and Clara immediately follows, clutching at your arms in a desperate hold as she helps you to the ground. 
“What do I do, Name?” Her voice is frantic as her eyes flicker from the wound to your eyes, hands hovering helplessly over yours. “Please, tell me what to do!” 
“I don’t….” You gasp out, jaw gritting against the pain. “I don’t…know.” 
Tears begin to fall from Clara’s eyes as she bites back a frantic scream. “You need a surgeon, I must fetch a surgeon!”
Your bloodied hand reaches grab her wrist as she begins to get to her feet, and she stops.
Tears begin to trickle from your own eyes, and you blink, fighting against your blurring vision. “I think…” You swallow, trying to catch your breath. “… it’s too… late.”
“No!” She yanks her hand out of your grasp, a desperate fear blazing from her eyes. “Do not say that!”
You shake your head weakly. “I’m sorry… Please… Stay with me.”
“Please, Name!” Clara sobs as she crawls over to cup your face with both hands. “You cannot leave me. Please be all right!” 
You try to offer her a feeble smile of comfort, but it quickly turns to a grimace as you’re wrecked with shivers and your vision fades. 
“No, no, no!” Clara cries as she pulls your head into her lap. “Please, stay with me!”
But it’s no use. The light is already fading from your eyes, and Clara can do nothing but watch hopelessly as you take your last gasping breath of air. As your figure goes still, she stays clutching your unmoving body in her arms, violent sobs wrecking her small frame as her heart is wrenched from her chest and her spirit crumbles inside of her. 
The shot that rings through the air makes Richard flinch as he ducks on instinct, reflexively grabbing you to shield you with his body. He’s immediately transported back to the war and the chaos that reigned on the ship in the middle of battle, and his pulse is racing as he lets his eyes scan the surroundings for incoming threats. It takes his brain a couple of seconds to remember that the war is actually over, and that the surroundings he finds himself in are not his ship, it is in fact his home town. 
Shaking himself out of this stupor, his eyes snap down to you, who have gone very still in his arms. His heart clenches in his chest when he finds you staring up at him, pale faced with wide, fearful eyes.
“Are you hurt?” He implores, voice shaky with repressed anxiety, as he squeezes you a little tighter, needing to know that you are safe and well. He freezes in place as you let out a pained hiss at the contact, and he nearly drops you, worried that he has caused you pain. 
He frantically traces every inch of your body, looking for injuries, and as his eyes come to a halt on the side of your torso, that’s when he sees it. Crimson blood soaking through the fabric of your clothes.
He falters for a moment at the sight. “No,” he whispers, breath hitching in his throat. “Please, no…”
“Richard…” You whimper, your breath now coming in short gasps. 
He grits his teeth, fighting back the panic that surges through him, as he gently lowers you to the ground. “Have no fear, name, all will be well.” He’s not entirely sure who he’s trying to convince as he rips the cravat from his neck with shaking hands, pushing it against the wound to stem the blood flow.
Your painful yelp almost makes him jerk his hand away, but he knows this must be done. He has seen this type of injury before, too many times. He must stop the blood. He needs a doctor. Now.
Scanning the surroundings for any bystanders, any movement whatsoever, he desperately calls out. “Someone, please help! We need a doctor.”
But there is no reply. The forest is quiet. It seems you’re all alone. The cravat is quickly soaked through, and with a curse, he wrings his jacked off to replace it.
 Knowing no one is coming to help you, he knows that he must bring you to aid himself. He hefts you into his arms, careful to keep the jacket pressed against your side as he carries you.
“Stay with me, name,” he urges as he feels your head loll against his neck. “Just stay with me, that is all I ask.”
His mind tries to calculate how far into the forest you have wandered and how long it might take him to reach the town from there. All the while a thousand emotions flash through his body like burning embers. Fear. Guilt. Anguish.
“It ought to have been me,” he chokes out. “I should have protected you.”
“Richard,” you whisper, voice so weak and distant he might not have heard it if your mouth wasn’t right next to his ear. “Richard, I won’t—“
“No, please!” He begs as he sees your eyes flutter closed. “Name! Stay with me!”
But it’s no use. Your body goes slack as a final breath escapes your parted lips, and Richard falls to his knees, clutching you to his chest as a guttural, broken roar is wrenched from his chest, echoing through the empty forest.
The market place is teeming with activity, and spirits are high as people go about enjoying the festivities. William is filled with a contented warmth that seems almost too good to be true, as he navigates through the crowds with you on his arm.
The sounds of laughter and music is soon interrupted by the loud bang of a rifle going off, making people jump and scream as they look around for the source of the commotion. 
A farmer is stood by the booth selling hunting rifles with one of the wares in his hands, and it seems to have gone off on accident. The crowd laughs a little in relief as they realise what happened, but the dawning look of horror on the man’s face as he stares in your direction, makes William’s heart run cold. 
A quiet “Oh,” from your mouth draws his attention to you as your hand slips slowly from his arm to clutch at your stomach, where ruby red blood is now gushing through your fingers.
For a moment, his world stops spinning as his eyes struggle to make sense of what they’re seeing, his brain scrambling to explain away the nightmarish scene unfolding in front of him. 
As you wobble dangerously on your feet, William is jerked out of his catatonic state, as he instinctively moves to catch you before you fall, gently lowering you to the ground.
The crowd seems to have frozen for a moment too, but suddenly there is a frenzy of activity as people begin to scream and shout. William has no idea what they’re saying, all he hears is the white noise of his heart pounding in his ears, and all he sees is you, the pained and frightened expression on your face making his chest tighten in fear. 
“Here!” Someone hands him a bundle of cloth. “We’ve called for the surgeon, but you must keep this pressed against the wound to stem the bleeding.”
William nods and complies. “Hear that, name?” He says, struggling to keep the shakiness out of his voice as he pushes the fabric against your wound, pain gripping at his chest when you wincing at his touch. “Everything is going to be fine. The surgeon is on his way. You will be fine. You’ll see.” His voice takes on a hint of hysteria, and he’s not entirely sure who he’s trying to convince. You, or himself. 
“Will…” you ground out shakily. “This is… bad.” You swallow thickly, struggling to keep your breathing normal. “I don’t think… I’ll make it.”
William interrupts you, moving one hand to cup your cheek, desperation blazing from his eyes. “Don’t say that! Please, just hold on. For me, please.”
You shake your had weakly, as you feel your vision blurring. “I won’t…” You try to quell the fear rising in your chest. “I have to...”
William struggles against the panic welling up in his chest. “Stop, please.” He begs, tears welling up in his eyes. “Don’t… Just stay with me.”
He tears his eyes away from you to scan the crowd frantically. “Where is the surgeon!?” 
People stretch their necks to check the area, but there seems to be no sign of him. 
Your breaths are coming out in short gasps now, and the blood has all but soaked through the bundle of fabrics. William has never felt so useless in his entire life. 
“Please,” William begs, lowering his forehead to rest against your. “Please, don’t leave me, name, I need you I—,” he breaks off as he chokes back a pained sob. “I can’t loose you, I just…” 
He leans back to plead with his eyes, but there’s no use. The life is slowly dimming from your beautiful eyes. “Please,” he whispers brokenly as your eyes flutter closed and a last gasping breath escapes your lungs. As your form goes still and your face turns vacant, sorrow shreds his insides, leaving him gasping for breath as he crumbles. “Please,” he whispers despairingly. “I love you.”
Thank you so much for your ask! 😭✨
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outoftheblue-if · 3 years
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Name: Isobel Claymoore
Age: 29
Height: 175cm / 5′7″
Skin: Warm Beige
Eyes: Cognac Brown
Hair: Black
Isobel resides at Oakley Estate with her father, who runs the local coal mines. Being the daughter of a man whose fortunes were acquired through trade, she is not widely accepted amongst the higher class society of Drayton, and her reputation is only made worse by her being an unmarried woman in her thirties. At first glance, Isobel appears to be cold and haughty; a proud woman who has little interest in you, but as you spend more time around her, you might discover there is more to her than meets the eye. 
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