#israfel nge
buggreawlthys · 9 months
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because eldritch abominations with apocalyptic agendas also like to go for nice walks in the sunshine while holding hands
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takerfoxx · 7 months
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I'm not traditionally a poly shipper (though I've been delving more into it as time goes by), but if there's one that I'm absolutely gaga about, as if in makes my personal top five ships and might even slot in right beneath KyoSaya and SuleMio, it's the one that almost certainly could not and should not happen in canon, but the thought of it still kinda makes me rabid with what could have been.
I am of course talking about AsuReiShin, AKA the Israfel Special.
Evangelion shipping is often a bizarre experience, especially amongst the core trio of pilots. There is just so much material among these incredibly fucked up characters, so many things that ought to be drawing them together, and yet they are all damaged in such specific ways that drive them to behave increasingly toxic, avoidant, or even abusive toward one another. They're all such hot messes of trauma and hangups that, hate to say it, the Rebuild ending of everyone essentially just making peace with one another and fucking off with Shinji hooking up with the controversial new girl that he at least doesn't have any baggage with was probably the healthiest choice, if not the most satisfying.
But even so, the reason I dig this triad specifically is because if you change even just a little bit about each character, you find the same traits that drove them apart suddenly drawing them together, and each individual pairing makes so much sense. Asuka and Shinji is the most obvious, with Asuka's aggressive bullying suddenly becoming proactive encouragement, and Shinji's meek avoidance now becoming the calm, stabilizing force that she needs. With Asuka and Rei it's similar, with Asuka's hatred of Rei's passivity now being being a drive to push Rei to experience and enjoy life and establish an identity, while Rei's gentle observation and lack of a filter would be give Asuka a much-needed source of self-reflection. And with Shinji and Rei, we've already seen how Shinji's kindness has encouraged Rei to step outside of her sheltered world and seek human connection, while also providing Shinji someone he felt was worth stepping up and fighting for.
Now, take all three of those dynamics and combine them together. You've basically got the perfect Id, Ego, and Superego situation. It's practically the adolescent Kirk, Spock, and McCoy dynamic!
Plus, there's also the other factors that would bring them together, even beyond the whole being hormonal teenagers in a stressful situation. Despite having wildly different personalities, they all had their lives destroyed by NERV, from Shinji losing his mother and being neglected by his father, to Asuka's mother losing her mind and taking her life thanks to the Evangelions, to Rei literally being created by Gendo to serve a terrible purpose and thus being robbed of ever having a life. That sort of "in the trenches" experience is exactly the sort of thing that would cause them to form bonds and seek comfort with one another, especially if they were all to learn of each other's past histories, and motivate them to stand up for one another against NERV's machinations, but ah, I'm delving into AU fanfic territory.
Point is, no, I don't think it would be wise for these three to seek out romance with one another, either as couples or all three of them together. But man, if they each just had just a little bit changed about them, can you imagine the pure emotional catharsis?
Note: I didn't really say anything about Kaworu because while I feel that he's probably the healthiest singular choice for Shinji, it's basically only with Shinji, making him his own separate deal entirely.
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mastomysowner · 1 year
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使徒との遭遇 by 甘井ヤドラキ
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reachartwork · 2 years
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The fifth of the Apostles to attempt to intrude on Tokyo from the otherworld of Tokyo-3, Israfel is defeated without much issue by our heroes, despite their dazzling array of light-based attacks and swift dodging ability. However...
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amythedemisimp · 1 year
NGE Angels
Adam (#nge adam)
Lilith (#nge lilith)
Sachiel (#nge sachiel)
Shamshel (#nge shamshel)
Ramiel (#nge ramiel)
Gaghiel (#nge gaghiel)
Israfel (#nge israfel)
Sandalphon (#nge sandalphon)
Matarael (#nge matarael)
Sahaquiel (#nge sahaquiel)
Ireul (#nge ireul)
Leliel (#nge leliel)
Bardiel (#nge bardiel)
Zeruel (#nge zeruel)
Arael (#nge arael)
Armisael (#nge armisael)
Tabris (#nge tabris - #nagisa kaworu)
Lilin (#nge lilin - NGE adults - NGE children)
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transgirlfiend · 7 months
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If two heads are better than one,
What do you think that says about two* bodies?
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masterpost of all polls and other posts so far. (this will be updated when newer polls are made)
why are the things called that (a post badly explaining the naming conventions of the different forms of media)
round 1:
1 misato's car vs Kaji's watermelons
2 Eva 08 vs Eva Imaginary
3 9th angel vs Magi-3 Casper
4 Zuriel vs Magi-2 Balthasar
5 Gaghiel vs Magi-1 Melchior
6 Mark.09 vs Leliel
7 Armisael vs berserk Unit 01 (rebuilds)
8 5th Angel vs Unit 00 (NGE)
9 Eva 44A vs Pen Pen
10 12th angel vs 4th angel
11 Eva 03 (NTE) vs 3rd angel
12 Sahaquiel vs Eva 44B
13 Unit 00 (NTE) vs Unit 01 (NGE)
14 Unit 05 vs Adam (NGE)
15 Shamshel vs 6th angel
16 Mark.06 vs berserk Unit 01 (NGE)
17 Mark.04A vs Unit 02 Berserk (EoE)
18 Unit 03 (NGE) vs Bardiel
19 Eva 04 (NTE) vs Failed Evangelion Prototypes
20 AAA Wunder vs 9th Angel
21 Unit 01 (NTE) vs Unit 02 (NGE)
22 Sandalphon vs Mass Production Evas
23 Adams (NTE) vs Seventh Angel
24 Mark.04B vs Kaworu Nagisa
25 11th angel vs Ramiel
26 Arael vs Israfel
27 Mark.04C vs Matarael
28 10th angel vs beast mode eva 02
29 Eva 04 (NGE) vs Sachiel
30 Eva 02 (NTE) vs Berserk Unit 00 (NGE)
31 Eva 13 vs Ireul
32 Eva 4444C vs Lilith
round 2:
1 Misato's car vs Eva Imaginary
2 Magi-3 Casper vs Magi-2 Balthasar
3 Magi-1 Melchior vs Leliel
4 Armisael vs Eva Unit 00 (NGE)
5 Pen Pen vs Twelfth Angel
6 Eva Unit 03 (NTE) vs Sahaquiel
7 Eva Unit 01 (NGE) vs Adam (NGE)
8 Sixth Angel vs Berserk Unit 01 (NGE)
(I fucked up. berserk Unit 02 vs bardiel and failed prototypes vs Wunder should be 9 and 10 but I accidentally skipped them. they're gonna be 15 and 16 this round. thanks for understanding)
9 Eva Unit 02 vs Mass Production Evas
10 Seventh Angel vs Kaworu Nagisa
11 Ramiel vs Arael
12 Matarael vs Eva Unit 02 Beast Mode
13 Sachiel vs Unit 00 Berserk (NGE)
14 Eva 13 vs Lilith
15 Berserk Unit 02 (EoE) vs Bardiel
16 Failed Evangelion Prototypes vs AAA Wunder
(I want the seeding to work correctly, so the winner of poll 15 and the winner of poll 16 will still compete against each other in what will be poll 5 in round 3. and then the winner of poll 5 round 3 will complete against the winner of poll 6 round 3 in poll 3 round 4. I hope that makes sense. basically, the seeding will still be correct. it's just round 2 that slightly off in numbering because I can't edit the polls. just pretend that poll 15 and 16 are actually 9 and 10, and everything else has been moved back by two polls.)
round 3:
1 Misato's Car vs Magi-3 Casper
2 Leliel vs Eva Unit 00 (NGE)
3 Pen Pen vs Sahaquiel
4 Eva Unit 01 vs Berserk Unit 01 (both NGE)
5 Berserk Unit 02 (EoE) vs Failed Evangelion Prototypes
6 Eva Unit 02 (NGE) vs Kaworu Nagisa
7 Ramiel vs Eva Unit 02 Beast Mode (NTE)
8 Sachiel vs Lilith
round 4:
1 Misato's Car vs Leliel
2 Pen Pen vs Berserk Unit 01
3 Berserk Unit 02 vs Kaworu Nagisa
4 Ramiel vs Lilith
round 5 semifinals:
1 Misato's Car vs Pen Pen
2 Berserk Unit 02 vs Ramiel
Final round!:
1 Misato's Car vs Ramiel
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evansh01 · 3 years
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What is your favorite angel from Evangelion? Anime part 1.
- Sachiel
- Shamshel
- Ramiel
- Gaghiel
- Israfel
- Sandalphon
- Matariel
- Sahaquiel
- Ireul
- Leliel
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shinjito · 3 years
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Cover i made for the Evaposteo group
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rocketorca · 4 years
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You Can (Not) Affix is now live!  Get them on my etsy!
My passion project of Neon Genesis Evangelion angel inspired enamel pins is becoming REAL! 
Please share & spread! It would mean a lot to me. 
This is my first Kickstarter!
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strikerjoshy · 4 years
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I dunno, i'm randomly into NGE today and....well. I like Padoru...so.... Padoru Angels.
MI wanted to make all, but Adam, Lillith and Kaworu didnt fit on the paper anymore >.>
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takerfoxx · 9 months
So I was wondering why my go-to Evangelion pairing was Shinji x Asuka when to be honest, I kinda couldn't stand Asuka the first time I watched the show, and their dynamic wasn't not my usual thing when it comes to shipping in general, but then I remembered that I read that one infamous hentai doujin RE-TAKE like right after watching the show, and I think it rewired something in my brain, so after that it all made sense.
Also, say what you will about RE-TAKE, but any NSFW doujin that releases an actual original soundtrack, and that soundtrack fucking slaps, deserves some kind of props.
p.s. number one Evangelion ship is still Israfel Special.
Also, speaking of which, why exactly is Shinji x Asuka x Rei called that, anyway? Like, I read Advice and Trust, but I still don't get it.
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elzarth · 5 years
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Israfel is the embodiment of of the 👯‍♀️ emoji
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reichu-doodles · 7 years
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Grand Exit:
An unfinished piece for Holy Shito!, intended as a follow-up to this one. Planning began in January 2002; the Photoshop composite was done in August; and then... nothing. Damned if I can remember what happened. School, maybe? School is always a perfectly reasonable distraction from the frivolous things.
The intent here was to launch the fic in a big way, with most of the gang rushing out of the theater -- following the Eden premiere of EoE --  in a mad frenzy. Judging from my earliest thumbnails, the title “Holy Shito!” would have been featured top and center in the final version. That certainly explains all the empty space. I assume the matter had temporarily slipped my mind when I put Arael’s layer where I did, and would have eventually corrected itself.
Most of the featured figures are self-explanatory to the seasoned NGE fan. I’ve attached solo drawings for the more straight-forward Angels to this post. Drawings for the Evas and the remaining Angels, along with my delightful rambling commentary, may be found here and here.
Note #1: All of the humongous Angels are made much, much smaller in HS! on purpose. Though, true to NGE scaling tradition, sizes continue to fluctuate dramatically depending on the scene...
Note #2: “Alephel” and “Bethel” are fabricated names for the Israfel twins. In Japanese, they’re only called Kou ( 甲 - the gold one) and Otsu ( 乙 - the silver one), which roughly mean “(Target) A” and “(Target) B”. To make those sound like Angel names, simply convert A to Aleph and B to Beth, and add the “-el” suffix (”of God”) to both. 
Note #3: I have no idea why there is a doodle of an Eva on a bed on the Sahaq rough. There are some things (wo)man was not meant to know.
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reachartwork · 2 years
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After its first defeat, the fifth Apostle splits into Israfel Alpha (left) and Israfel Beta (right). Alpha possesses keen senses and powerful psionic attacks, while Beta is the more defensively oriented of the two and strikes at our heroes with sharp, metallic blades! When one of the duo is slain, the other regenerates into Israfel Prime, only to split once more! Only by defeating the twosome in synchronicity can this Apostle be felled!
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lunarreaper-ut · 3 years
I'm not sure, but there is something on YouTube that has something like this. I think it's a ride? But it has Shin Godzilla and involves Evangelion. And a surprise Shin Ghidorah. I honestly didn't know that was a thing.
Oh that video is so cool! It's like a simulation of a vehicle's launch! Oh and getting rescued by Eva-01! Uwaahh that's so cool! Seeing the Evas all three working together looks so cool! They even got their fighting styles right! Seeing the A.T. field in action was cool too!
I actually looked it up, and the Angels in NGE are all pretty vastly different sizes (There's only rough size estimates, but I'll put them under the cut cause I still think it's cool)
There are actually a few Angels who rival Godzilla in terms of size!
Israfel was apparently about 377ft tall. That was one of my favorite battles. I like to call that episode the one where they used dance dance revolution to beat an angel >w< (It's not exactly that, but it's funny)
Ramiel was huge!! Ramiel was about 1400ft, but the Evas couldn't use hand-to-hand to beat that one. That was a real tense episode, and it was even more intense in the movie!
Leliel was technically freaking huge, but not in height. They covered a surface area of about 2230ft in diameter. That was another tense episode >w<
Matriel was the spider angel, and their legs were super long, but their main body wasn't as big. They're technically about 4600 ft tall, but it's mostly just leggies
Gaghiel was huge! They were almost 6000ft long, and they were the water based angel. That fight was entirely on/in the water. (Makes sense they were so big, since they were out in the ocean)
They only get way more ridiculously huge honestly, making each fight way more interesting because of the different methods they needed to use!
Sahaquiel for example- 6560ft long! (I'd say tall but their size was spread over length) The movie's version of this fight was my absolute favorite! It's a bit underwhelming in the show in comparison, but the movie version was so freaking cool! I'm gonna link it here in case anyone wants to watch, cause honestly it's just really cool.
Arael was 9 miles long, and they actually are the only Angel that stayed in Earth's orbit during the fight (If you could call it that- I don't wanna spoil too much if you're planning on watching >w<)
The other angels were about the size of the Evas. Though honestly I'm pretty sure some sizes change throughout the show, this all seems pretty accurate to me. Ah so many good fights... I'll stop rambling about it though >w<
Edit: They removed the video for Sahaquiel's fight, so I had to look for one similar with the original english voice acting. (Redub is subpar in my opinion, but I'm judgemental XD) They got Sahaquiel's name wrong in the title but it's whatevs XD
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