#it's a little unsettling might as well be living among demigods
chamerionwrites · 3 years
Disney’s business practices are so evil and the creative decision-making behind most of its Star Wars stuff so blatantly cynical that at this point I leave most of it to people who can enjoy it, but I will say that the choice to look at Rogue One and go everybody gets a Vader hallway scene! (Maul and to a lesser extent Ahsoka in TCW S7, Luke and arguably Ahsoka again in The Mandalorian) would be extremely fun in the hands of more committed storytellers. Like yes, please tell me more about how all Force-wielders regardless of Jedi/Sith creed have something a tiny bit uncanny horror about them
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grifalinas · 4 years
(Crossposted from Dreamwidth)
A few days ago, I was playing around with a draw of Eurig and inverted his color pallet for funsies, and thought it looked cool and made him look like an ice elemental. Last night I decided to play with the idea, so I drew him goofing off with some of my elemental dnd characters.
Which has me thinking of them again, and how I'm probably never gonna get to do anything with them and definitely won't get to do anything with ALL of them, so I'm going to make a little world to keep them in. I'm also sprinkling in a few of the Crescendos, because I want Eurig to be there and I can't bring him over without Axel and Saul, and etc. I think all told it's the main five? Because the only other two I've decided to bring over are Raptorr and Howl.
Anyway! Need to do a bit of organizing of thoughts and characters. The story/world is called Mosswall, for the area where they live, with Safepoint being the name of the specific village. (Funnily enough, Mosswall is a part of the Abyssal Crescendo setting. Hmm.) Rather than start off as a big group, the characters are sorted into smaller groups, and the stories are about their mundane (to them) day to day lives as inhabitants of an inherently magical world. Over time the groups start to overlap, because Mosswall is a small area, and everyone knows everyone.
-Group One: Ash and Bron. Ash is a local schoolteacher, and Bron is her boarder and general dogsbody. To all appearances, they're two ordinary people in a slow burn domestic romance. What people don't know is that both of them are ex-soldiers- Bron fell in battle during a war between the bigger kingdoms to the west of the largely unsettled area that Mosswall falls in, and Ash was a general in the same war, on the opposite side. (Ash may be a demigod, I need to think this through.) Bron was restored by a goddess who was moved by his sacrifice, and he now serves as her cleric, putting good in the world to atone for the wickedness he was responsible for before (which I need to come up with the details to). Among these includes discovering that the war was not a case of good vs evil and more a case of politics vs politics with gods involved. Ash, on the other hand, was created by her father to help them take care of the people on their side of the war, because he realized that the god he served saw them as mere tools and he loved them. Ash is biding her time regaining power so that she can look for her father, who was diminished after their defeat but, being a god, not actually destroyed. Right now she and Bron are doing their best to put more good back into the world, in part by helping people, in part by getting people to help each other, and in part by teaching the next generation to be a little more kind.
-Group Two: Rall, Seven, and Poe. These three are the only ones to remain adventurers in the carry-over; Rall and Seven are both thrill-seekers, while Poe is seeking his missing lover, who vanished in the area several years ago while doing work as an adventurer himself. Rall is a water-elemental who was raised by turtle-people, and after finding out a few years ago that she was adopted ("What do you mean I'm adopted?!" wailed the five-foot-tall mammal with no claws, no shell, and humany flesh), she set out into the world to find out what, exactly, she IS. (What she is, for those curious, is the daughter of a human (?) and a minor water god. Since such beings are relatively common but also manifest in lots of different ways, she's never actually met anyone like her and has no idea what she is.) Seven is a bird-person, who was kidnapped by pirates after his colony was raided, and then after leaving his ship went on to become an adventurer instead. (By the way, the pirates weren't the ones who raided his colony, they happened to come along afterward and found him while they were searching for survivors. The pirates rescued him.) Poe, as mentioned, is seeking his lost lover; they were a case of a rich boy falling in love with a woodsman's son, and Poe's parents were against the union. His lover, Cadius, went out to seek a fortune by helping tame the unsettled land to the east, and vanished. Poe was at school at the time he received word of Cadius's death (the news was fudged by his parents), and after he shut down in grief, he was visited by a divine entity who offered him power and help in finding his lost love in exchange for fealty, and he accepted this. So now he's a magic user, and he works as an adventurer (called "for hires" in this verse, since they're essentially people for hire to do pretty much anything, whether that be typical mercenary work or something else entirely). Cadius will eventually be found in the forest, magically transformed into a bear and needing the curse on him broken.
-Group Three: Cylev and Raptorr. Cylev is a friar in the forest, as well as being a werewolf, and Raptorr is his young... ward? roommate? boarder? Well, he lives there, anyway. Like in the original Crescendo story, Raptorr is a unicorn who ran away from home when his father refused to recognize him as a boy, and he ended up in Mosswall, where Cylev gave him a place to stay. He alternates between learning Cylev's healing arts, and just being a general nuisance to the populace at large. Cylev, contrasting his brash young ward, is a gentle and quiet soul, and is seeking the inner peace needed to live at harmony with the wolf within him.
-Group Four: The Branu. Yeah, them again. Too many to name here; the relevant members are Axel, Howl, Quin, Jackdaw, Merla, and Jay. The Branu are in this instance a group of entertainers, who during spring and summer travel to the various villages in Mosswall to perform. In this verse, Howl is a foundling, who was taking in by Quin and is now studying to be a stage magician. She also may have accidentally killed her family but she doesn't want to talk about it.
-Group Five: Eurig and Saul. Both members of the Knightguard, a knight order who have been charged to protect people within the boundaries of Mosswall. Eurig also happens to be an ice elemental and Saul has cool sand powers, so they've got that going for them too. While not adventurers, the sort of jobs they have to do overlap in type with the for hires in group two.
At some point these stories are going to start overlapping (this is one reason I deliberately but Eurig/Axel and Raptorr-Howl into separate groups). Also I didn't realize until I started typing it up how many of them have a direct connection to deities, or were set on their path specifically by a deity of some kind, and now I'm wondering how much overlap there is. Maybe all of them were put into place by a single string-pulling deity? It's an intriguing thought that would point to something bigger at play, but if I don't have much to do with it I might leave it alone. That said, the more deities there are between them the more I personally have to create.
(Also, I have two defunct deities sitting in a folder somewhere that could either/or be perfect for this, so. Something to consider.)
Anyway, I don't expect to do much with this idea, I just want to have a world where my characters can exist and enjoy themselves. Also, it feels like the sort of setting you'd use for an animated show, so it'll be nice to have it here in case I ever get the chance to pitch a show idea to an animation production company who will be all "ooh that sounds cool, let's run with it!"
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queenofcats17 · 5 years
The Admiration Of A God
So, @insane-control-room has amazing characters and art, and I find their interpretation of Bertrum especially interesting. I’m very into mythology. And I was talking with Control recently and learned Bertrum’s transition was a fairly recent thing. So I wanted to write something with it
Bertram knew very little about the Norse pantheon. He had had virtually no contact with them in all his many years of existence, and that was the way he’d expected it to stay. After all, the Norse deities moved in a separated circle and were all busy with their own lives and problems. Most of them probably weren't even interested in what went on in the Greek pantheon. However, one day, when he showed up to work, one of them was waiting for him. He entered his work area to find a woman seated at the desk he used for drawing up plans. 
She looked young, maybe 20 at the very most. Upon first glance, he thought perhaps she was an ordinary person. But then he looked closer. Although she was dressed in ordinary clothing, a simple black dress and brown boots, there was something distinctly inhuman about her. Her hair was black, so dark it seemed to swallow up all light. Her skin was pale, as though she’d never been in the sun before. The eyes that wandered about were a shade of green that was most definitely not found in nature. For a moment, he thought she was perhaps from Olympus. But...No. Her presence was unfamiliar to him. Finally, the woman seemed to notice him, standing up and brushing her dress off. 
“I hope you don’t mind my using your desk.” She said, folding her hands in front of her. “I wasn’t sure how long I would be waiting, and Mr. Drew informed me that I should come here to see you.”
“It’s...fine.” Bertram edged over to his desk. “Is there something I can do for you?”
“No.” The woman remained standing, watching him. “I didn’t come because I needed something from you. I came because I wished to see you.” She was honestly a little unsettling if he was being honest. She didn’t seem to blink. 
“I see.” He said slowly. His instinct was to look anywhere but at the woman, but he forced himself to maintain eye contact with her. Despite her stoic expression, he could see warmth and understanding in her eyes. That was probably a good sign. 
“Forgive me, I haven’t introduced myself.” The woman smiled ever so slightly. “You must be rather confused. My name is Hel. I’m the Norse goddess of death, a colleague of your uncle, Hades.” She held out her hand. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Bertram tentatively reached out and shook her hand. If she was a colleague of his uncle’s then perhaps he could trust her. Still, he couldn’t fathom why a goddess of death would want to see him.
“You as well, Mr. Piedmont.” She nodded her head in a gesture of respect. After a moment, they both withdrew their hands. 
“You said you came to see me,” Bertram said, sitting down at his desk. “May I ask why? I’m sure you have duties you have to attend to.” 
“I do have duties, yes,” Hel admitted, sitting as well. “But there was a lull and I thought now was a good a time as any to come.”
“But why?”
“I...” Hel’s eyes lowered to where her hands laid in her lap. “I wanted to say that I admire you.” Bertram just stared at her. He was quite certain he had heard her incorrectly.
“I admire you,” Hel repeated, looking up to meet his eyes. 
“I’m...not entirely sure where this came from.” Bertram cleared his throat, beginning to shuffle some papers on his desk. “I’m quite certain we’ve never met. Surely, I’ve done nothing notable enough to draw your attention.”
“I’ve heard about you from Hades. He talks fondly of you.” Hel said. She paused, her cheeks beginning to turn pink. “I realize it might have been a bit...rude of me to show up like this. You’re right, we’ve never met.” She began to play with her hair. “But...I heard about your transition from Hades and I...” She laughed quietly. “I couldn’t help but admire you for that. For putting your own happiness first. For defying your role. I could never be that strong.”
“You think I’m...strong?” Bertram asked, feeling his own cheeks begin to heat up. He paused in shuffling the papers, placing them down.
“Incredibly so.” Hel smiled softly. “There are so few deities who have the strength to do what you have.” Bertram just stared at her. 
“I’m sorry.” She laughed nervously. “Have I gone too far? I don’t interact with many people outside of my wards. Have I...offended...” She trailed off when she saw Bertram’s expression change. He looked as though he was trying to hold back tears. 
“Are you alright?” Hel’s voice was quiet. Her first instinct was to reach out and try to comfort him with her touch. It was what she always did when someone in her family or one of her wards was upset. But she thought better of it. It would have been terribly rude to touch Bertram in such a familiar way.
“I’m...I’m fine.” Bertram cleared his throat, trying to compose himself. “I’m fine. There’s no need for you to be concerned.”
“Very well. If you say so.”
They lapsed into silence for a moment or two before Bertram spoke once again. 
“...Thank you.” He whispered. 
“For what?”
“I appreciate your admiration.” Bertram allowed himself to smile. “I...I would be lying if I said that this has been easy. I appreciate that you find what I did to be...positive. Not everyone feels that way.”
“Change can be difficult for many people to process,” Hel said. “Granted, my experience with others rejecting change comes from people begging for me to return their deceased loved ones. Still, I think as long as you’re happy, that’s what matters.”
“I appreciate that you think that way.”
Hel leaned on the desk. “Do you enjoy working here?”
“I...I do.” Bertram said after a moment of thought. “The people here can be rather strange, but I find myself becoming rather protective of them.”
“That sounds nice.” Hel’s expression grew wistful, and Bertram couldn’t help but observe just how young she looked up close. He could also now see the dark circles under her eyes. 
“I’ve always wondered what it would be like, to live as a human.” She admitted, resting her head on her hand. “My father has told me it’s quite nice. Not having the expectations and responsibilities of a god.”
“Have you never tried living among humans?” Bertram asked. He was a little curious about her, admittedly. She was from a different pantheon, after all. Hel’s expression darkened, her lips set in a thin line. She drew back, her hands returning to her lap. 
“I’m...forbidden from doing such things.” She said. 
“Forbidden?” He echoed. Hel nodded, her hands curling into fists. 
“I’m allowed to leave my kingdom, but I cannot live among humans.” Her voice was small, resigned. “I am a child of evil, or so they say.”
“I’m sorry.” Bertram honestly wasn’t sure how to react to this. There was clearly some sort of story behind her words, a story he didn’t know and felt it would be inappropriate to ask about. 
“There’s no need for you to apologize.” Hel took a deep breath, uncurling her hands and smoothing out her dress. “I shouldn’t have brought that up. It’s a long story and I wouldn’t want to drag you into the drama of my pantheon. I’m glad you enjoy working here. You deserve to be happy.”
“Thank you?” This interaction had started out strange, become touching, and now it was back to strange again. He got the distinct feeling that Hel didn’t talk to a lot of people. Thankfully, the conversation was interrupted by Lacie’s arrival. Bertram visibly relaxed when he saw hir enter. 
“Am I interrupting something?” Lacie paused in the doorway, frowning slightly.
“No, not at all.” Bertram couldn’t help but smile upon seeing hir. “This is Hel. She’s a colleague of my uncle’s.” He fully expected Hel to introduce herself to Lacie as she had to him. Instead, Hel just stared at Lacie intently, her brows furrowed ever so slightly. Lacie stared back. 
“Is she...alright?” 
“I’m not sure. Miss Hel? Are you alright?” Bertram asked, gently shaking her shoulder. 
“Have we met before?” Hel asked, standing up. 
“Not as far as I know,” Lacie replied. Hel took a step closer, continuing to study Lacie in a manner that was rather unsettling. Lacie didn’t like things that didn’t blink. It was one of the reasons why she disliked the Bendy animatronic so much. Hel didn’t blink.
“Can I help you?” Lacie instinctively took a step back.
“You remind me very much of my father,” Hel said. She seemed to understand that she was making Lacie uncomfortable and had stopped advancing. But she was still staring. Still not blinking. 
“Is that supposed to be a good thing?” Lacie raised an eyebrow. 
“It could be.”
Lacie looked over at Bertram, a deadpan look on hir face. Bertram grimaced. 
“Anyway...” Lacie moved away from Hel a bit. “You drew up plans for a new attraction yesterday, right?” 
“I did!” Bertram began sorting through his papers. “Give me a moment. I’m not sure where I put it.” He frowned as he flipped through them. “That’s strange. I could have sworn I had it here.”
“Maybe you gave it to Joey,” Lacie suggested.
“Ah, yes, that’s probably what happened.” Bertram murmured. “I’ll go fetch it.” He left the room before Lacie could stop him. Lacie tensed a bit upon being left alone with Hel. Both of them were silent for a long time. Then Hel smiled apologetically. She had a rather nice smile. 
“I’m sorry. You must think me terribly rude.” 
“Not really,” Lacie said. “You just seem kind of weird.”
“I suppose that should be expected.” Hel extended her hand. “Let’s start over. It’s nice to meet you. My name is Hel. I’m the Norse goddess of death and a colleague of Bertram’s uncle, Hades.”
“Lacie Benton.” Lacie shook her hand. “Nice to meet you too.” She still wasn’t entirely comfortable being in the same room with Hel, but at least Hel seemed to be remembering to blink now. The fact that the woman before hir was a god didn’t really phase hir. Bertram was a demigod, his father was dating Norman. This stuff was pretty much par for the course for hir life at this point.
“Are you and Bertram friends?” Hel asked, withdrawing her hand. 
“Kind of.” Lacie fought to keep hirself from grinning. Oh, she and Bertram were so much more than friends. Hel noticed this reaction. 
“More than friends, then. Lovers perhaps?”
“So, why did you come here, exactly?” Lacie asked, quickly changing the subject. “You’re from a different pantheon, right?” 
“Well, I’d heard a lot about him from Hades,” Hel said. “And...I wanted to tell him how much I admire him for being able to defy his role and put his own happiness first. So many of us...We don’t get to be people. We have to live our lives according to a story written long before we were born.” 
“He is pretty great, isn’t he?” Lacie couldn’t help but smile. 
“He is.” Hel agreed. “And I’m glad he has someone like you to support him. You seem like a lovely person.”
“I should probably be going.” Hel glanced down at her wrist. She wasn’t wearing a watch, but there was a bracelet there, made of leather cord and with a black stone in the center. 
“It was lovely meeting you.” She continued, looking back up at Lacie. “I wish both you and Bertram the best.” Then she vanished into the floor. Lacie let out a sigh of relief she hadn’t known she’d been holding in. Hel seemed like a nice enough person, but there was something about her that just put Lacie on edge. Bertram returned a few minutes later and the two of them returned to their normal work routine. Bertram was in rather good spirits, which made Lacie happy to see. Bertram deserved that admiration. He was strong. Strong and kind and clever and Lacie loved him. She was glad she wasn’t the only one. 
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
OK OK OK So I really really fell in love with your Helios x Apollo story and I've been toying with asking you about writing a small thing about Helios' reaction to Zeus banishing Apollo? And what he does about it. Or just his reaction to Zeus /trying/ to banish Apollo. A sort of fix-it-so-it-never-happens type thing. Totes get you're bogged down with stuff so if you don't have time that's totally okay. If you do decide to do it, could I get it by January 4th?
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || (You are here)|| The whole thing on AO3
Helios was exhausted.
His duties were straining in on themselves, but in the past years in particular. After all, his lover was very busy with Olympian duties - mainly so related to his prophetic gifts. So Helios, being the good, caring boyfriend he was, of course took over some of his lover’s duties. Mainly the sun-related ones.
Only that his duties had been very straining and distracting lately. Especially the closer the Giant War drew. Helios hated that. He wished to stand by his lover’s side, have Apollo’s back.
Apollo had smiled sweetly at him, those mismatched eyes sparkling brightly as he had leaned up on his tip-toes to kiss Helios’ cheek and then shove him hard.
His little sunshine was a fighter, not just a lover. Helios knew that. Of course did he know that. The only one matching him with a bow and arrow was his twin-sister Artemis. Apollo could hold himself in a fight if he had to.
That didn’t mean Helios wanted him in the middle of a fight though. A war no less.
Yet this one… was different.
Gods loved using demigods as pawns. But this war required the gods to also fight themselves. To slay the Giants at the demigods’ side.
Helios trusted his sunshine. He knew Apollo would be fine during the war. And now that the war was over, Helios was looking forward to embracing his lover again, just grab Apollo, take him home and live in peace for a century or two.
Maybe take some time off to spend in Alfheim? They did have this cozy little vacation home there… It would be nice. And Apollo surely would be happy to spend more time with his best friend Frey. That might sway Apollo.
And to be honest, that idea wasn’t so spontaneous. Helios had spent the past few weeks preparing said vacation home, making it as homey as possible for his love. Apollo deserved the rest.
“Helios, my dear, old friend.”
Helios paused. He didn’t turn around. That sweet voice, like poisoned honey. A scowl etched its way onto his face as he took a deep breath to turn around and give Loki Laufeyson a piece of his mind. Said piece of mind was stuck in his throat when he noticed that Loki wasn’t alone.
“Hel Lokisdatter. A rare pleasure, milady”, stated Helios, voice very soft as he bowed.
He knew to respect a king or queen when he met them, regardless what pantheon they were from. Hel offered him the smallest smile in return, a shy one. Her long hair fell into her face, covering the rotting half and only revealing the beautiful one. Her dress, long sleeves on one side, a glove that reached all the way up to her shoulder in addition to it. She half hid behind her father and Loki, as always, stood in a protective stance in front of his only daughter.
The trickster had a pleased half-smirk on his face as he regarded Helios curiously, fingers playing with his well-groomed goaty as he tilted his head. It were his eyes that had always unsettled Helios, if he was being honest. Green as poison, shimmering silver with lies and danger.
Helios stood straight, looking at the two Norse gods curiously. What were they doing in Alfheim? Loki preferred… Well, none really, he was always everywhere - wherever he could cause most mischief. But Hel? The queen of Helheim? Why would the Ice Queen seek the realm of the sun god? Helios could see how clearly uncomfortable the goddess was, looking a bit red-cheeked there.
“Listen, this isn’t a favor for you, Titan”, stated Loki, voice unusually serious.
“A favor?”, echoed Helios surprised. “What do you want, lie smith?”
Helios was startled as Loki threw a golden apple at him. Helios blinked slowly, eyes wide as he stared at the holy fruit. The immortality granting fruit, guarded by the Goddess Iduna for all the gods and pantheons (though she had gardeners assisting her from all the pantheons too. The Hesperides from the Graeco-Romans, for example). Not many knew that ambrosia, the food of the gods that granted them immortality, was actually made, among other ingredients, of the golden apples.
“Father speaks the truth”, pieped Hel up, looking displeased. “That’s why I’m here. I know how unreasonably unrealistic that statement is.”
“Hey. A bit more respect for your old man”, grunted Loki with a glare.
Hel gave him a deadpan look before returning her attention to Helios once more. “Your Olympians have decided to strip one of your own off his immortality. Your king couldn’t make that decision without Hades knowing. After all, a god now runs the danger of being killed and dying. And, well, when I was in the park with my puppy Garm last week, we walked with Hades and Zerberus for a while and he mentioned it. And when I heard who…”
Helios didn’t like where this was going. He gripped the apple tighter. Loki’s smirk grew more knowing and wicked. Helios had the urge to throw the apple into his pretty face.
“My dear daughter told me and I could not let it stand like that”, drawled Loki. “I mean, he is my best friend’s favorite brother. Hermes would be quite unbearable if something happened to precious Apollo.”
“Then why not go to Hermes?”, asked Helios, still suspicious.
“Ah”, grunted Loki with a careless shrug. “Daddy issues. You know the guy can’t go up agains Zeus. You? A Titan? This could be… entertaining.”
Helios gritted his teeth and averted his eyes to stare at the floor. Loki and Hel remained for a long stretch of silence. He really didn’t like Loki - mainly because Loki and Apollo had kind of a fling prior to Helios and Apollo getting together. Helios wasn’t a fan of how much Loki enjoyed reminding him of this.
“Thank you, Loki. You… have my grattitude”, grunted Helios out unwillingly. “You too, Queen Hel.”
The self-satisfied smile on Loki’s face made Helios really want to throw the apple. “My, it would be a shame if something so pretty would be wasted. Just… take care of this, Titan.”
“I will, Eldojotun”, replied Helios sharply, watching with satisfaction how Loki flinched.
The Aes did not like being reminded that his status as a god was an earned one and that, foremost, he was still a born Fire Giant. Loki sneered at him briefly before returning to his charming smile.
“Very well then. Come along, sweetie. Grandma invited us for tea and cake”, declared Loki, waving a dismissive hand in Helios’ general direction.
“Oh! Grandma Laufey makes the best cakes. Bye, Helios”, chimed Hel, seemingly far more motivated by that prospect.
With that, the two Norse gods disappeared. Leaving Helios with his apple.
“W–Who in the world…?”, grunted a startled teenager.
The boy, with messy black hair, stared up at Helios with surprised, sea-green eyes. Helios only spared the human one glance before turning to the one in the boy’s company. A scowl found its way onto Helios’ face as he threw the golden apple at his boyfriend. Apollo smiled brighter than the sun as he caught it.
“Oh! Wonderful. Early rescue. Just started wondering where our new little dynamic duo was going to head next to solve this little… problem of mine”, chimed Apollo happily, rubbing the apple against his robes. “Huh. Those things are not handed out easily. Iduna is possessive of them. How did you…?”
“A thief dropped it off”, growled Helios and grabbed Apollo by the arm. “Come.”
“…I don’t like it when you’re angry”, noted Apollo dubiously. “Are you… angry with me?”
“No”, replied Helios, the growl growing darker as the sky above them clouded over. “Someone else. I’m glad you’re fine, my love.” His voice grew gentler at that as he cupped Apollo’s cheek and checked him for injuries before turning toward the human. “Thank you, for protecting my sunshine. I am indebted to you. If any god gives you a hard time again, call for Helios and I will stand by your side.”
“A free favor from a god. That’s a new one. Cool.”
Apollo wrapped one arm aroung Helios’ neck, the other hand still holding the apple as he brought it up to his rosy lips and took a large bite from it. To grand immortality, one needed a whole apple. The tiny bit that was mushed into the ambrosia was enough to keep the immortality going for the gods, but it would never be enough to restore Apollo’s godhood. Apollo yelped as Helios teleported them away.
The sky around Olympus darkened as though night had come early. Zeus frowned confused. He knew Helios was taking care of the sun - it was the main reason why he had even gotten his punishment for Apollo through.
“How dare you”, roared an angry, dark voice.
Zeus sat up straighter on his throne as the Sun Titan materialized in front of him, looking like a vicious, avenging angel. There were still many Titans around and the general rule of thumb was to perhaps not anger them. They were ancient and also powerful in most cases. Zeus blinked as he spotted his son behind Helios. The son Zeus had only just banished from Olympus.
“Apollo”, growled Zeus in warning.
“No”, hollered Helios.
“You broke an Oath of Styx twice, siring two demigods.
You interfered and turned one of them into a tree to cheat Death himself.
You are the king and were responsible to keep things such as Tartarus secure yet you allowed for your Father to reform and nearly overthrow you.
You let a teenage boy steal your symbol of power.
You let your son Ares allign himself with Kronos during the Titan War without repercussions.
You let your wife make a fool out of you by playing with the memories of the heroes and having Romans and Greeks mingle, single-handedly throwing all of Olympus into an identity crisis that very well nearly cost you all your lives and this war.
And yet here you are, acting like you are the one, true king who does no wrong. Punishing Apollo for… What exactly did he do wrong? He has helped your little pawns during both wars. He has done his best to restore the Oracle after it had been lost because you had to anger Lord Hades.”
Helios had stalked up to Zeus and by now was lifting the young god up by his throat, a nasty expression on Helios’ face as he squeezed. No amount of thundering and sparks was going to get Zeus out of the supernova-hot burning fury of a Sun Titan.
“You will never lay a hand on Apollo again or you will find yourself right down there alongside your father”, growled Helios in warning. “Believe me, no one is pleased with you and Hera anymore. The past handful of years alone have proven what incapable rulers you have become. You allowed not one, not two, but four major wars to happen right under your nose within the last century alone. And so far, the only thing keeping from a revolution is that everyone is still licking their wounds. But so help me Chaos herself, if you ever lay hand on Apollo again, I will personally throw the first speer.”
Zeus looked positively mortified as Helios just dropped him. Still glowering, Helios went to his lover and picked Apollo up bridal-style before teleporting them to Alfheim. Apollo blinked dazed up at him as he slowly oriented himself.
“That was… really fucking hot”, grunted Apollo stunned. “My knight in golden-shining armor.”
Grinning and batting his eyelashes playfully, Apollo pulled Helios down into a kiss. “We’re taking a vacation. Right now.”
“No arguments from me, babe”, hummed Apollo pleased.
So you caught me on the right foot there. Because I just got back from seeing Thor: Ragnarok and I needed some comfort. Fics are comfort. And I found a nice way of including Hel and Loki in this too. Pleased by that. I hope this was the kind of comfort you were looking for too there? ;)
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