#it's about the 24 years being that one last night on darillium. it's about the sunrise symbolism. it's about the
i still think hold me closer is an incredibly Doctor/River on Darillium song Argue With The Wall
No need to apologise, cause there's nothing to regret. Well, this is not what I wanted, guess all the good things come to an end
Hold me closer although you'll leave before the sunrise
So baby, bye, bye. Know it's for the best, still I can't see how that would ease the pain in my chest
But until the sunrise, could you just hold me tight? I know i have to let go but just give me the night
Cause tomorrow will hurt, hurt really bad. Cause I'm about to lose the best I ever had
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hedonistbyheart · 4 months
I think River is relieved when she dies. I think she is relieved because she knew the rumours about Darillium, but I don't think she thought it meant either of them would die.
By the time of tHoRS she's gone a while without seeing the doctor, implied by her being 200 years old and by how insecure she is about his feelings for her, so I think she might have interpreted the rumours about Darillium as him spending one last night with her and then leaving her.
She's obviously pleased by the reveal that a night on Darillium is 24 years long, but I think she might still think of it as their last hurrah before the doctor moves on.
She obviously doesn't know how long she's going to live, but having lived for 200 years already with little physical change, she probably assumes it'll be a while more, so she wouldn't think that Darillium was at the end of her life, just at the end of her life with the doctor.
Then the library happens and he doesn't know her and it's a kind of confirmation that her marriage is over and it kills her, as she says to Donna, so when she actually is about to die, she's so relieved. She doesn't have to live without her husband knowing he's her husband and he's still got all that to come.
Only to add the bittersweet ending of her being saved into the library - with people she liked, but without the doctor - because they spent just enough time together for 10 to fall in love with her and want to save her.
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gallifreyan-heart · 3 years
The Husbands of River Song
Okay, this is gonna be a long one, kids. I know it’s the unpopular opinion, but I have issues with River - that’s a post for another day though. 😅
So, now that I’ve finally recovered from Face the Raven - Hell Bent (I mean, recovered as I’m likely ever gonna be), I decided to finally watch this and boy do I have thoughts. I even made gifs. lol. 
TL;DR - basically, the whole “in love with River” thing is more kindness than anything and even with the block, he still remembers Clara. 
To start though - really, this whole neuro-block thing makes no f***ing sense at all. Like, he doesn’t wonder why there’s graffiti all over the box with the girl from the diner on it?! He sees a message on the chalkboard, but doesn’t react or think ‘hey, that’s weird, someone’s been in here’? So he can remember some of what they did, but not her? 🤦‍♀️ Convoluted much? Ugh. Anyway...
1) The TARDIS was trying to ‘cheer him up’ from a melancholy he couldn’t have understood, right? Obviously it also knew Clara and everything between them, having been there for most of it. The TARDIS’ memories weren’t erased, so that’s a real sad start right off the top. Geez.
2) River - the supposed genius, ‘great love’ of the Doctor, his ‘wife’ of all people, couldn’t figure out it was him? Really? Or as he said, “Seriously?” Even after he flat out said it like 5 times?!  Look, Clara MF Oswald would have figured out it was him, I guarantee. Just sayin.
3)  DOCTOR: “Stop holding my hand, people don't do that to me.” Ok, ouch,  right in the “things he’s forgotten” feels, I see how this is gonna go. 
4) Here, however, I think he absolutely was still having bits of memories about Clara (even if he didn’t realize it/couldn’t see her?). The first one that struck me was in the restaurant. I whipped up this GIF - just look at his face here:
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He is so uneasy. You can see he’s thinking it’s familiar somehow, but he can’t place it, so it’s upsetting him. Even River asks why he’s frowning. He blames it on concern for the deadlock seal, but I don’t think so... ’cause, well, hello:
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5) “I don't like lying down people.” It struck me as such an odd comment. This one may be a stretch, but all I could think was...
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6) I’m big into body language cues, especially with people who can’t seem to use their words to say how they feel *cough* 12 *cough*. When Flemming is asking River about the Doctor, he’s watching her. BUT when he says “ You're the woman he loves” - he immediately glares at him & looks away, swallowing hard. 
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Aversion of the eyes relates to uncomfortable feelings & embarrassment. The hard swallow indicates high stress & embarrassment as well. If the statement were true, there would be no reason for him to feel ashamed. He feels bad. 🤷‍♀️
7) Speaking of body language... her reaction when she finally realizes it’s him:
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Looks *super* thrilled, doesn’t she? WTF. To add insult to injury, the first thing she says is that he needs to dye his hair. Are they serious with this? I realize it was supposed to be funny, but I didn’t think it was, she looked 100% dismayed.
8) River asks how he managed to get a new face and he simply replies “ A thing happened.” So...does he not remember what or how? That the only reason he is even still alive is because of a ‘thing’ that is 5″2′, with big brown eyes who loved him so much, that she literally begged the Time Lords to save him? 😒
9) As the towers play music, River notices him looking very sad and even asks if he’s crying. People assume it’s because he knows it’s their last night, BUT I disagree and posit that it was making him think of Clara for several reasons: 
Of course he averts the question, but moments later he says... EVERY CHRISTMAS IS LAST CHRISTMAS! Literally. Quoting. Her. 
River says she expects him to save her somehow and he flat out tells her I will torture myself for 4.5 billion years and burn this whole fucking universe to the ground to try and save you no. Adding, rather bitterly, that he can’t always save the day and there's no such thing as happy ever after. Hmmm...
The Doctor, about the towers, “when you least expect it, but always when you need it the most  (ahem) -pause for him to get INCREDIBLY choked up- there is a song.”  Literally the last thing Clara would ever say to him:
           You said memories become stories when we forget them. Maybe some of them become songs.
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10)  RIVER: You can't expect a monolith to love you back.
       DOCTOR: No, you can't.
       I mean... that seemed pretty clear to me, especially with her reaction.
11) Supposedly a night on Darillium is 24 years, but does that necessarily equate to earth years? This was about the most out of character thing. I’m sorry, but when have you EVER known the Doctor to be able to stand being in one place for a long time (not including 3 because he was exiled without a working TARDIS, so that was unwillingly). Not to mention leaving Earth unprotected for a quarter century??? 
12) Having the hotel built, making her a sonic and staying with her are all touted as grand gestures that validate his love for her. I've never gotten that vibe with them though. Whenever I see the Doctor interact with River - I feel like it’s watching that one friend that falls all over themselves about a guy who’s really not interested. But he’s nice about it, not wanting to hurt her feelings - because he can see how much she idolizes him and he *does* care for her in his own way. But is River Song his ‘true love’? Absolutely not. Sorry. 
13) No Kiss?! You finally have an “age appropriate” (insert eyeroll) woman, they’re in this big romantic setting, on supposedly their last night, on Christmas and nothing? I feel like that kinda speaks volumes on its own.
As an aside, I’d also like to point out in 7x13 when River begged him not to go into his own timestream. He had no idea if he’d make it out alive, which if he didn’t, would have ended their story. Instead, he sweetly kissed her goodbye and yeeted himself right in there with no hesitation - all to save Clara. 
Oh, did I mention the 4.5 BILLION YEARS OF TORTURE? Ok, just checking. 
Airing only a couple weeks after “Hell Bent” felt like kind of a slap in the face in a way, if that makes sense? Just seemed to me more like fanservice for the Yowzah crowd & Moffat wanting to wrap up her storyline before leaving the show. 
This is all just my opinions, and how I see it. It’s okay if we disagree.  ✌💙 
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riversofmars · 4 years
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Here is part two, just needed a bit of extra time on the second half but happy with it now, just a bit too long to be a oneshot lol. Enjoy! <3
At the End of the Universe Part 2
“Get myself together? That’s rich coming from you.“ The Doctor unscrewed a bottle and took a swing. “If one of us has impulse control issues it’s you, isn’t it.“ She jabbed her finger at Missy. “And to think I wasted all this time on you.“ She laughed in a bitter sort of way and shook her head to herself as she recalled all the time she had spent on trying to rehabilitate Missy. She had given her a chance. She had tried her best to reconnect with her childhood friend and to help her become good… But she had betrayed her in the end. “Seventy bloody years and you actually had me going, didn’t you. Actually had me believe you were willing to change. Only to abandon me.“ She had tried so hard to talk Missy around at the time, to stand with her, but she had turned her down and gone to save herself instead, leaving her - well him at the time - to be mortally wounded and forced to regenerate. Missy just stared back at her, looking confused, so the Doctor carried on with her rant. Maybe if she let it all out, that would make her go away. “That was such a disappointment but hey, I was naive back then, wasn’t I. But then you just had to come back, didn’t you, to outdo yourself and prove you hadn’t changed one bit. If only I hadn’t been so stupid. I should have executed you when I had the chance. But hey, hindsight is always 20/20, isn’t it.“ 
“What are you talking about?“ Missy frowned feeling uneasy. Had she abandoned the Doctor, taken the opportunity and run? Maybe she could fill in the gaps, retrieve the memories she was missing. But why would she have done that? Things had actually been going so well… But she couldn’t be sure she wouldn’t have just seized the moment if the chance of freedom presented itself. She had only entertained him because she had been his captive, right?
“Oh what, don’t tell me because you’re still Missy you don’t know what you’ll end up doing when you regenerate again. Bullshit. You’re in my head, of course you know.“ The Doctor wasn’t even sure why she was still carrying on but the words just kept tumbling out of her mouth.
“Doctor, you’re not hallucinating.“ River said calmly, taking a step towards her. “We’re here.“
“Of course you are.“ The Doctor sighed sarcastically and turned her attention to River. “You know how much I miss you, River? Do you have any idea how hard it was to let you go when our night on Darillium was over?“ The memory still haunted her. Having to part ways with her, knowing, that she would be going to her death in the Library shortly. It still chilled her to the bone. 
“Yes, actually, I do, I…“ River’s heart lifted a little. If Darillium was the last time the Doctor had seen her, this was the next encounter for both of them. The stories had been wrong. Clearly a lot of time had passed for the Doctor but it didn’t matter now, they could pick up where they left of. 
“You and me, our time together is just one cruel cosmic joke isn’t it. I mean, come on. Imagine meeting this mystery woman who seems to know every last thing about you and you watch her die. And of course, I just brush it off like I always do and carry on. But then I meet you again and again and again and of course I fall in love with you across the centuries. All the while knowing how it’s going to end.“ Angry tears sprung to her eyes. “How and when and why you will die and knowing that I was no comfort to you whatsoever, because I didn’t even know you then. And Darillium, oh how I dreaded it… knowing it would be the last time I would see you before the end. I put it off and put it off and then suddenly, there we were. And now I would give anything to go back, anything! But it’s too late now, our time is up.“
“Doctor, that’s where I’ve come from, Darillium, 24 years, I have no intention of dying just yet.“ River tried to intervene without letting the weight of her words crush her. The sadness in her eyes was heartbreaking. If this was true - and why wouldn’t it be? - the Doctor had been carrying this burden for such a long time, it was no wonder she was breaking under the weight of it. 
“Don’t. Don’t, River. Just stop talking.“ The Doctor held up her hands defensively before wiping the tears off her face frustrated with her own weakness.
“Doctor, the Professor is right. You’ve come to the end of the universe to blow of some steam. Well, so have we. And you know that’s possible, we’re all time travellers here. And frankly, you have to admit, partying away the end of everything is something both of us are likely to do.“ Missy tried to reason with her. 
“No, no, no, you're not really here, I'm making this up.“ She shook her head definitely. She took another swing from the bottle. “You know what, this was a terrible idea, this is proper messing with my head, fucking hell.“ She put the bottle down and buried her face in her hands. 
“Yes, this was a pretty bad idea.“ River tried to sooth her. “What happened, Doctor? What brought you here?“ River wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to ask what triggered her coming here today. Clearly there were a lot of contributing factors but something must have set her off. Seeing the Doctor like this broke River’s heart. 
“Don’t try and make me talk about it, I’m sick of everyone wanting me to talk and share, I’m not gonna have this out with my subconscious. You can pretend as much as you like not to know and try and make me talk but that’s not what I’m here for.“ Why was she even doing this to herself? The Doctor closed her eyes, trying her best to regain control of her mind.
“What are you here for?“ Missy asked.
“Fuck knows.“ The Doctor exclaimed and stumbled, nearly falling over her own feet. She caught herself on the back wall and leaned against it to steady herself. “I don’t even know why I thought this would help. This has been a disaster, look at me, talking to the two of you like you’re actually here.“ She started laughing. There was nothing else she could do at this point.
“Doctor!“ River snapped in frustration and circled around the counter. “For the last time, we’re here.“ She reached out and the Doctor scrambled back, nearly falling over. 
“Don’t do that. Don’t try and trick me and try and give me hope, that’s not fair.“ She sobbed. She went for another bottle of drink.
“Doctor!“ River ripped the bottle out of her hand and threw it against the wall airing her frustration. 
“How did you…“ The Doctor stared at her in shock, her brain was slower than usual, struggling to catch up. How did she do that if she was a hallucination?
“Stop acting like an idiot and get yourself together.“ River grabbed her by the collar of her coat and gave her a shake, proving beyond a doubt that she was real. 
“You’re here… River, I…“ Tears sprang to the Doctor’s eyes again and her stomach turned. All the things she had just said to her - to both of them - and they were really here. She couldn’t think or see straight anymore but she managed to fling her arms around her wife. How many years had it been since Darillium? She wasn’t even sure anymore. Suddenly, her brain was racing with possibilities. What if this was her chance. Even after all this time she had never figured out a way to get River’s consciousness out of the Library. What if she never would? What if the only way to save her was if she never went and this was that opportunity. “Come with me River, right now, come to the TARDIS, let’s go, let’s run and never look back.“ She pleaded burying her face in her curls. She would just never let her go to the Library. They would push it further and further away from them, further into River’s future. 
“Well, I’ve actually got a very exciting expedition lined up.“ River chuckled, relieved by her enthusiasm. 
“Don’t go to the Library.“ The Doctor burst out unable to stop herself. She wasn’t thinking at this point. Her head was swimming with alcohol, drugs, hormones and the most dangerous thing of all: Hope. “Promise me, don’t go. Never go to the Library, that’s where it happens, that’s…“
“Doctor.“ Missy interrupted realising what she was saying. She would be creating a paradox. If River Song never went to the Library, she would never have met the Doctor…
“Don’t, this is none of your business!“ The Doctor barked at Missy and pulled away from River grabbing her wife by the shoulders. “River, listen, time can be rewritten, it will be fine, I’m still going to travel with Amy and Rory, they will still have you, we will still meet, maybe a bit later but…“ She tried to justify it to herself just as much as to River. Surely undoing River’s death wouldn’t effect any other part of their timeline, would it?
“Doctor…“ River didn’t know what to do or say, she was still trying to wrap her head around what she was saying. Had she really just told her where and when she was going to die? How was she supposed to chose to go to her death? How was she supposed to cope with that knowledge? She knew she couldn’t change her personal timeline, not like that, and the Doctor had to know that too, didn’t she? No matter how intoxicated, desperate and impulsive she was being, she had to know that simple fact. How could she put this burden on her? Why would she tell her? Anxiety swept over River as she pushed the Doctor away, she felt like she couldn’t breath, she needed space.
“River…“ The Doctor tried to pull her into her arms but River wouldn’t let her.
“Why would you tell me that?“ River exclaimed. “It has to happen. You can’t just undo something that’s already happened cause you didn’t like it. But how am I supposed to go there now knowing I’m going to die? Why would you tell me that?“
“Yes, really, why would you.“ Missy knew the Doctor wasn’t thinking straight, but she still couldn’t believe she would do this to her wife. And perhaps to the universe. All sorts of things could happen if River didn’t show up to her own death. Missy turned to River who looked helpless and lost, just staring at the Doctor. Missy wasn’t entirely sure why she chose to get involved. This was the Doctor’s mess to clean up but maybe the seventy years she’d spent with him had left a mark after all. Why else would she do something that could be considered kind? “Sorry about this Professor but it’s for the best.“ Before River could protest or the Doctor could intervene, Missy grabbed a hold of River’s face and placed her fingertips on each side to wipe her memory of this encounter. 
“NO!“ The Doctor shouted when River collapsed to the floor. She gave Missy a shove with surprising strength knocking her back against the counter. The Doctor dropped onto her knees to check on her wife. She breathed a sigh of relief when she realised she was just unconscious.  
“You know she can’t know about this, why would you tell her how she has to die? That’s cruel, even for you.“ Missy shook her head in disbelief as she pulled herself upright, bracing against the counter. Suddenly, she felt another surge of regenerative energy rush through her body. The mind wipe her taken more out of her than she realised. “Not. Now.“ She growled clenching her fists, forcing the process to a halt again, she wasn’t sure how many more times she would be able to. 
“You’re dying.“ The Doctor looked up at her in disbelief, cradling River’s head on her lap.
“It would appear that way.“ Missy ground her teeth, the Doctor was the last person she wanted to see her like this. 
“When is this for you?“ The Doctor asked with a frown, trying to put the pieces together. Holding River close, she felt calmer now. “What happened?“
“Oh, I don’t know.“ Missy waved it off. “Don’t even remember… We went aboard that colony ship reversing out of a black hole, things are a bit fuzzy after that.“ 
“Crossing of timelines… you were there, younger you…“ The Doctor answered slowly. This was Missy after she had left with her younger self. Somehow she had gotten herself killed on the way off that ship by the looks of it. Just like the Doctor had. But if Missy didn’t remember what had happened, chances were they would never find out. 
“I guessed as much…“ Missy mused as there weren’t many other options for such perfuse memory loss. The lost time bothered her but there was only so much the Doctor could help her piece together. “Is that where I abandoned you? Is that what you’re cross about? Because I’ve got to be honest, I can’t justify actions I don’t remember. Or ones I haven’t done yet.“ 
“Why did you come here Missy?“ The Doctor asked avoiding the question. She had revealed too much already but the temptation was certainly there. Like with River. She stroked her hair softly. Would the Master reconsider if she told her now she would commit genocide and kill their entire race? Probably not… She would find out about the secret of the timeless child regardless, that explosive anger would be the same and no foreknowledge would stop that. And if she stopped her now, killed her here… Then the Doctor herself would never have came here struggling with the memories of Gallifrey burning after the Master had destroyed it, creating a paradox. It was no use. She shook her head to herself, disappointed in herself for even thinking it.  
“A last hurrah I guess.“ Missy shrugged looking around. Somehow, the raving party had lost its appeal rather in light of more serious revelations. “Just like your wife… who thought she would never see you again.“ She added in an off hand sort of way.
“She won’t remember now…“ The Doctor mumbled stroking River’s hair. “Which is probably for the best.“ She felt incredibly guilty. She could blame it on her intoxication but that wouldn’t be entirely fair. It had been impulsive and thoughtless. It had been about seeing a way out and bolting for the exit.
“You can thank me later.“ Missy retorted.
“I’ve been trying for so long to work it out, to find a way to save her, I was jumping at the easy solution…“ The Doctor admitted, looking at her wife absentmindedly. 
“Some things just can’t be done. You have a thing about hopeless cases, haven’t you.“ Missy retorted, squaring her jaw. 
“You might have been, River is a different story.“ The Doctor shot back, she didn’t want to go down this road with her. If Missy didn’t even remember what she did, there was no point. “
“It was all very touching, your star-crossed lovers story but word of advice, I think it’s time you stopped torturing yourself and let her go and move on. Look at what it’s doing to you.“ Missy pointed to her, barely keeping it together, sitting on the floor of an underground club at the end of the universe, cradling her unconscious wife. It was a ridiculously pitiful image. 
“You don’t know the first thing about this, about me.“ The Doctor snapped, her eyes shooting up. Missy had no right talking to her like that. Not after everything she had contributed to her fragile state of mind.
“Well, I preferred you when you were all sulky, dark and moody. What’s happened since? Have you gone soft in the head?“ Missy retorted, feeling like picking a fight now. The hadn’t said as much as thank you for her surprisingly well-meant and actually helpful intervention. 
“You have no idea what I’ve been through since we last met.“ The Doctor growled. 
“No clearly.“ Missy took a step forward and crouched down across from her. “But when I last saw you, River Song was already dead. And she’s dead now. Her death happened centuries ago and you can’t change that. You couldn’t then and you can’t do now, so why beat yourself up over it now? Just cause she’s here looking all pretty on your lap?“ It made the Doctor snap, she let go of River and lunged forward throwing herself at Missy. Caught off guard, Missy crashed onto the floor and the Doctor was on top of her pinning her down with her weight.
“I wish I could just kill you.“ The Doctor shouted in wild rage. Her memories of Gallifrey flashed before her eyes, devastated, empty, burning Gallifrey. All the pain and death Missy would cause if she was allowed to regenerate… 
“Then why don’t you?“ Missy shot back with a mad twinkle in her eyes. She could feel the regenerative fizzing inside of her, trying to bubble to the surface. What was one more death?
“Like you pointed out already, I can’t mess with fixed events.“ The Doctor pressed through gritted teeth. 
“You didn’t care about that with your wife a minute ago.“ Missy retorted with a laugh. Until tonight she had never seen the Doctor like this. Desperate. Angry. Unhinged. 
“I clearly care more about saving her, than about killing you.“ The Doctor growled. 
“You’re not going to save her, Doctor.“ Missy laughed. She couldn’t believe that she still hadn’t accepted that. 
“I will find a way. You have no idea what I’m capable of.“ The Doctor growled. “The things I’ve done… You’ve only caught a glimpse.“
“Go on, Doctor, go off the deep end, why don’t you. I’d pay good money to see that happen.“ Missy tried to push herself up a little and the Doctor pushed her back down.
“I always control myself, always hold back, be kind, be measured, keep the universe safe.“ The Doctor laughed bitterly. “Well quite frankly, the universe can get fucked for all I care. All the times I’ve saved it, and what have I ever gotten in return? For every crack I fixed I got one in return. For every life I saved… the universe is a cruel place.“
“Yes it is.“ Missy couldn’t help but agree, marvelling at how the Doctor’s expression went from fury to resignation. 
“I’m so sick of it.“ The Doctor let go of Missy and sat up, her anger fading away. 
“So what are you going to do? Are you just gonna forget to get back into your TARDIS? Put an end to it.“ Missy pushed herself up. 
“If only it was that easy.“ The Doctor mumbled, getting off Missy. 
“It could be. I mean, it would be a shame but if I’m dead in your future, I suppose I shouldn’t care.“ Missy shrugged. 
“No, there’s still things I’ve got to do.“ The Doctor looked back to River. She would have to get her to safety on the off chance she didn’t wake up before crunch time. She had to take her back to Luna University, she would be fine there. And she would be able to go to the Library, she would be back on track… She was thinking more rationally now. She knew it was a fixed point that had to happen. She would have to find another way and rescue her from the Library, like she had always meant to. That had always been the plan after Darillium. She had bought herself time by saving her consciousness to the data core. She just had to figure out what to do now. Somehow. There had to be a way. One day she would find it. The universe owed her this. “I guess I’ll just keep trying. I have to keep going.“ She crouched next to River and lifted her up, cradling her in her arms, she would have to carry her back to the TARDIS. “Maybe one day I will find a way, change the punch line on that cruel joke that was our time together. I will find a way.“ She was talking more to herself than anything else as she pressed a kiss to River’s hair with her head cradled against her chest. “You’ll be seeing me again soon.“ She told Missy and turned to leave.
“So I gathered… I’m looking forward to it.“ Missy smirked. “Tell me though, Doctor, was it me? That did this to you? That made you come here today.“ She sat up and gestured around herself. Desperation, fear and sorrow were almost palpable in the air now as the end drew nearer. “Because I really want it to have been me.“ 
“Die already, Missy, save the theatrics.“ The Doctor huffed. 
“Not here, imagine if I fall asleep after regenerating and don’t leave in time. No… I think this time, I’ll go home to die.“ Missy slowly stood up steadying herself again the counter.
“To Gallifrey?“ The Doctor questioned without looking around, she didn’t want her to see her reaction.
“I’ve not been back for a long time now… Will you ever go back, Doctor? Come home?“ Missy asked almost hopefully.
“I can’t.“ The Doctor retorted curtly. 
“Why not?“ Missy sounded confused and the Doctor wanted to tell her it was because she would lay waste to it soon but she didn’t. She wouldn’t be that cruel as she went there for comfort. Even if it probably meant that this was when she learned the timeless child secrets and set this whole chain of events in motion. 
“Because I have other things to do first. Sometimes I forget the reason why I’m still going.“ The Doctor turned back to face Missy one last time. “I had forgotten when I came here earlier. I was so wrapped up in it all, in myself and sometimes I just forget… The need to keep going is there, always urging me on but I lose sight of what it is I’m still going for…“
“And what’s that?“ Missy asked. 
“I haven’t saved her yet.“ The Doctor looked down at River.
“You sentimental idiot.“ Missy huffed and shook her head as the Doctor turned and carried on on her way out of the club without looking back. She held on tightly to her wife, enjoyed the feeling of her skin under her fingertips while she could. She carried her like she was the most precious thing in the universe. As the TARDIS came into view she realised that it didn’t matter who exactly she was and what had happened to her. In time, the images of Gallifrey burning would stop haunting her and she would accept that it wasn’t her doing. She would move past this in time. This had been a trip worth making. At the end of the universe she had found the one thing no-one else around here had: A reason to keep going. 
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Moffat Era Rewatch: The Husbands of River Song
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River Song needs help from her husband to murder her husband, except she doesn’t know he’s her husband...
Warning: Spoilers Sweetie 
This is my favourite festive special after ‘A Christmas Carol’. 
I think we can all agree that Twelve makes the best signs. 
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Nardole. I can say with certainty that I am not a member of the Nardole fanclub. I don’t detest him, but feel he’s not as funny as the show clearly thinks he is and was an unnecessary addition to season ten.  
Love how they got the biggest hood they could find to hide Alex’s enormous hair. 
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This is the face of someone who knows they are going to get lucky tonight. 
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“RIVVVVAAAHHH!!!” He’s just so happy to see her. Assuming ‘The Name of the Doctor’ was the last time they were together, it’s been close to a thousands years since he last saw her. 
“How do you know me?” “Well, it's a tiny bit complicated. People usually need a flowchart.” Having River not know that Twelve is the Doctor is one of the best ideas Moffat has ever had. 
First and only time Alex Kingston’s name has been in the opening titles.
“Yes, that's who you're married to? Not anybody else?” Aww, he’s so jealous.  
“You have given me days of adventure and many nights of passion.” I’m not at all surprised to discover that River had sex with a giant robot body. 
Twelve’s reaction is priceless. This is the best episode for Capaldi reaction faces.  
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“There's something in his brain.” “You could have fooled me.”
“I basically married the diamond.” Do we count the diamond as one of her husbands?       
“You're talking about murdering someone.” "No, I'm not. I'm actually murdering someone.” 
Her second wife. Who was the first? 
Sonic trowel. Brian would be so proud. 
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“We're being threatened by a bag! By a head in a bag!” He’s having so much fun right now. After what he just went through he deserves this. 
I’m always amazed by how Alex has instant chemistry with whoever is playing the Doctor. This is the only time she and Peter have worked together on the show and yet it feels like they’ve been doing this forever. 
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Jealous Twelve is the best Twelve. 
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That look when you realise your wife has been going behind your back with your wife. 
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“Oh. My, God!” This is probably Peter Capaldi’s finest moment as the Doctor. 
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“My entire understanding of physical space has been transformed! Three-dimensional Euclidean geometry has been torn up, thrown in the air and snogged to death! My grasp of the universal constants of physical reality has been changed forever.  Sorry. I've always wanted to see that done properly.”  
Not only has she been stealing his TARDIS she’s installed a drinks cabinet! 
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He still can’t accept that River is a better driver than he is. 
“You're very quick.” "Yes. For a Doctor.” “Yes.” “Seriously?” Like I said, this is the best episode of Capaldi reaction faces.    
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“Does sarcasm help?” "Wouldn't it be a great universe if it did?”
“Is the gentleman here for dinner?” "Yes, he is.” "Excellent! I'll have the chef prepare him immediately.”
Only the Twelfth Doctor could look at River in that dress like this. 
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“The man who gave me this was the sort of man who'd know exactly how long a diary you were going to need.” *shipper tears*
“We honour thee, we prostrate ourselves in your name, Hydroflax.” Awkward. 
I think River’s just met wife number three. 
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How dare he read her diary. 
“And you've just been to Manhattan.”  *heart breaks all over again*
“The Doctor does not and has never loved me. I'm not lying.” “Confirmed. The life form is not lying.” *shipper agony* 
“When you love the Doctor, it's like loving the stars themselves. You don't expect a sunset to admire you back. And if I happen to find myself in danger, let me tell you, the Doctor is not stupid enough, or sentimental enough, and he is certainly not in love enough to find himself standing in it with me!” This is mixture of strategy and confession. She telling them all this because she needs to keep them distracted until the escape plan kicks in, but part of her really wants to get all of this off her chest and what better time than when surrounded by strangers who are all going to be dead in a few minutes. 
“Hello, sweetie.” *shipper happy crying*
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“How could you know?” "I'm an archaeologist from the future. I dug you up.”
“What do you think, by the way?” "Of what?” “My new body.” "Oh, I'll let you know. I've only seen the face.”
“He had a bad day on the market....sorry, I appreciate that wasn't very funny, but I couldn't help saying it.”
River married Stephen Fry?
So was Cleo wife number one or two? 
“That's Darillium!” *shipper so not ready for this*
“This is my job!” "I've been doing it longer.” "I do it better.” That is true.    
“River, not one person on this ship, not one living thing, is worth you.” “Or you.” *shipper can’t handle these emotions* 
It wasn’t enough to just take her there, he made sure they built a restaurant right there, with a great view and made sure he got the best table in the house. 
“Now that, my dear, is a suit.” That’s because it has a tie and we know River loves ties. 
The sonic!!! 
He’s scanning her brain! He’s saving her! *shipper heart shattering* 
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They finally made it to the Singing Towers. 
“Spoilers” That word has never been said with more heartbreak. 
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“Every night is the last night for something. Every Christmas is the last Christmas.”   
“No, Doctor, you're wrong. Happy ever after doesn't mean forever. It just means time. A little time. But that's not the sort of thing you could ever understand, is it?” 
“They've been there for millions of years, through storms and floods and wars and time. Nobody really understands where the music comes from. It's probably something to do with the precise positions, the distance between both towers. Even the locals aren't sure. All anyone will ever tell you is that when the wind stands fair and the night is perfect, when you least expect it but always when you need it the most there is a song.” *shipper blubbering*
24 years!!!
“I hate you.” "No, you don't.”
If Chibnall hadn’t been tied up with Broadchurch, this would’ve been how Moffat’s tenure as sowrunner ended and I honestly can’t think of a more perfect ending than this, bringing the Doctor and River’s story full circle in the most beautiful way possible.
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Next Time: The Return of Doctor Mysterio
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snapadoodlez · 7 years
Doctor Who Series 10 Playlist
So I make a lot of playlists as a hobby and, par for the course, I wound up making one for Series 10 of Doctor Who. I’m quite happy with how it turned out, so I’m sharing it here on the off-chance you’ll enjoy it as well!
Here’s the Spotify link (will prob. post an embedded version later):   https://open.spotify.com/user/sirenssongs/playlist/0lvaeVUc8YcjG7QVUb1qiA
In this playlist, the songs/events are organized chronologically (versus by episode order): it starts off at the execution planet scene in Extremis ( “See I’m Smiling”) and picks up later at the university with The Pilot and the introduction of Bill (”Dear Old Shiz”/ “See Her Smile”).  Along with the Twissy/Bill emotional arcs, it fills in some of the (*cough*vault-shaped*cough*) gaps.  It is long: but if you need something to listen to and feel like revisiting the story while you work/study/etc., hopefully this’ll do the trick!
I’ve included the track-list and guide below (full-list below “Keep Reading” line). I hope you enjoy it, and I’d  love to hear if you do!  If you don’t listen to the whole thing, maybe you’ll find a new song or two.   I’ve made some other DW playlists for previous series’, so if you like this, I may go back and post those as well.
Track-list & Guide:
1. See I’m Smiling – The Last Five Years
“Oh… Doctor… I didn’t expect to see you.  Thought you’d retired… domestic bliss on Darillium, that’s the word among the Daleks…”
“Please, teach me… teach me how to be… good.” “Without Hope? Without Witness?  Without Reward?”
2. Say No To This – Hamilton
“I am your friend.” “Makes no difference.” “… I have to say it, the truth.  Without hope.  Without witness.  Without reward.  I am your friend.”
“You swore an oath! “I swore an oath I’d look after her body for a thousand years.  Nobody mentioned dead.”
The Doctor is conflicted.
3. Hey #1 – Next to Normal Uncertain early days in the vault.
4. Do You Want to Build a Snowman? – Frozen *vault* Missy doesn’t want to build a snowman.
5. I Won’t Say I’m in Love – Hercules *vault* Missy wrangles with her feelings.
6. Back to Me – Marian Hill & Lauren Jauregui *vault* Missy sets to schemin’ on Twelve.
7. Dear Old Shiz – Wicked Professor Twelve.
8. See Her Smile – tick, tick…BOOM!
“My mum always said, ‘With some people you can smell the wind in their clothes.’” “Oh.  She sounds nice.” “She died when I was a baby.” “If she died when you were a baby, when did she say that?” “In my head…There’s hardly any photographs…But if someone’s gone, do pictures really help?”
9. You’re Welcome – Moana
“Time And Relative Dimension in Space.  TARDIS for short.”
10. What’s This? – Nightmare Before Christmas Bill has a lot of questions
11. Sally Ride – Janelle Monáe
“The last thing she said to me.  She promised she wouldn’t leave without me.” “Her last conscious thought, driving her across the universe.  Never underestimate a crush.”
12. You’ll Be In My Heart – Tarzan (Phil Collins)
“What changed your mind?” “Time.” “Time?” “And Relative Dimension In Space. It means, what the hell?”
13. Everything Else – Next to Normal
“A piano?  You’ve put a piano in there?  You don’t learn, do you, sir.”
14. Light My Candle – Rent *vault* Missy gets bolder. The Doctor is flustered.
15. No Angel – Beyoncé *vault* Missy makes a move.
16. Wondaland – Janelle Monáe
“I’m smelling home twenty lightyears from home.  Thanks for bringing me! This is a great day out.”
Bill and the Doctor venture out in Time and Space.
17. Champagne – In the Heights
“Hey!  Do you want dinner?  I’ve got Mexican.”
18. Heaven’s Light/Hellfire – The Hunchback of Notre Dame The Doctor has conflicting feelings about his oldest friend.
19. Partition – Beyoncé Quality *vault* time
20. Take Care (feat. Rihanna) – Drake *vault* Twissy angst.
21. Malibu – Miley Cyrus *vault* Twissy fluff.
22. Go To The Mirror Boy! – The Who (Tommy)
“Nardole, I can’t… I can’t look at anything ever again.  I’m still blind.”
23. Handlebars – Flobots
“If you do not ask for help, then see the days to come.  These are the threads that lead to one year in your future.  Take them as proof.”
“I’m asking you for help.  I’m giving my consent.”
The Monks invade.
24. Tango: Maureen – Rent
“God, the way you and Nardole have been carrying on, I thought you had some kind of monster in here, or something!” “I do.”
25. Many Moons – Janelle Monáe
“Our mission is to interrupt their broadcast and replace it with the true history of Earth.”
“Oh, you clever, brilliant, ridiculous girl… The lie is breaking.  Bill’s mum, you just went viral!”
26. Life Support – Rent
“I keep remembering all the people I’ve killed.  Every day I think of more… I didn’t know I even knew their names.  You didn’t tell me about this bit.”
27. Every Single Night – Fiona Apple
“I’m sorry… but this is good.” “Okay.”
28. Life on Mars? – David Bowie
“I need to get back to Mars.. and I was wondering if you could tell me how to fix…” “Of course I can. It’s probably easier if I just show you.”
29. Haunted – Beyoncé
“This can’t happen.  This is not what we agreed to.  I’m going to have to put you back in the Vault.  You know that.” “Sure.  That’s fine.  But Doctor, please tell me.  Really.  Are you all right?”
30. Training Wheels – Melanie Martinez
“ The alternative is that this is for real, and it’s time for us to become friends again.” “ Do you think so?” “I don’t know. That’s the trouble with hope. It’s hard to resist.”
31. I’ve Grown Accustomed To Her Face – My Fair Lady (Rex Harrison) The Doctor realizes he’s been catching feelings.
32. Satisfied – Hamilton
“ She was my first friend, always so brilliant, from the first day at the Academy. So fast, so funny. She was my man crush.”
“ She’s the only person that I’ve ever met who’s even remotely like me.”
33. Bonfire Heart – James Blunt
“ We had a pact, me and him. Every star in the universe, we were going to see them all. But he was too busy burning them. I don’t think she ever saw anything.” “And you think that if she did, she’d change?” “I know she would.”
34. Moonrise Kingdom – Angel Haze
“She scares me. Like, she really scares me…So promise me one thing, yeah? Just promise you won’t get me killed.”
35. It’s Gonna Be Good – Next to Normal Missy joins Team TARDIS.  What could possibly go wrong?
36. There’s a World – Next to Normal
“Would you like some tea?”
“They are the cure. They are the future. To survive, they are what we must all become.”
37. Sincerely, Jane – Janelle Monáe
“This was a good place once… But this ship is old, everything is dying… You see, my dear. You must be strong to leave the hospital. And you will be. Soon. Very soon.”
“This won’t stop you feeling pain, but it will stop you caring about it. It fits over your head.”
38. I’m Alive (Reprise) – Next to Normal
“ He’ll never forgive you, you know, He’ll never set you free. Not when he discovers what you did to his little friend.” “I haven’t done anything to his silly little friend.” “ Oh, but I’m afraid you did. But a long time ago.”
“Hello, Missy. I’m the Master, and I’m very worried about my future.”
39. The Break – Next to Normal Try as she might, Missy can’t outrun her past.
40. The Master Vainglorious – Murray Gold (Doctor Who Series 3)
“You’ve met the ex?”
41. You Don’t Own Me (feat. G-Eazy) [Candyland Remix] – Grace
“Oh, am I a woman now?” “Well, kind of, yeah.” “Hold me!” “ Kiss Me!”   “Make Me!”
“The whole city is a machine to turn people into Cybermen.  What do you think? Exciting, isn’t it?”
42. Make Up Your Mind/Catch Me I’m Falling (Reprise) – Next to Normal
“I was secretly on your side all along, you silly sausage.” “Is that true?” “It’s hard to say, I’m in two minds…”
43. Skyscraper – Demi Lovato
“I can feel it.  In my head…It’s like I’m hanging on in a hurricane. And I can’t hang on forever.  I want you to know… as my friend…I don’t wanna live if I can’t be me anymore.  Do you understand?…Then it’s not possible, is it?”
“I tell you what else isn’t possible.  A cyberman crying.  Where there’s tears, there’s hope.”
44. This Woman’s Work– Greg Laswell (Kate Bush cover)
“You are so strong. You’re amazing. Your mind has rebelled against the programming. It’s built a wall around itself. A castle made of you, and you’re standing on the battlements, saying, ‘No! No, not me.’”
45. Louder Than Words – tick, tick…BOOM!
“Winning? Is that what you think it’s about? I’m not trying to win. I’m not doing this because I want to beat someone, because I hate someone, or because I want to blame someone. It’s not because it’s fun. God knows it’s not because it’s easy. It’s not even because it works because it hardly ever does. I do what I do because it’s right! Because it’s decent! And above all, it’s kind! It’s just that… Just kind.”
46. I Am the One – Next to Normal
“Stand with me…Why not?  Just to the end?  Just be kind.”
“See this face? Take a good long look. This is the face that didn’t listen to a word you just said.”
“Missy.  You’ve changed.  I know you have.  And I know what you’re capable of.  Stand with me.  It’s all I’ve ever wanted.” “Me too…  But no.  Sorry.  Just… no.  But thanks for trying.”
47. Tomorrow Will Be Kinder – The Secret Sisters (Hunger Games) The calm before the storm.
48. Blackout – In the Heights
“Who I am is where I stand. Where I stand is where I fall.”
49. The Rains of Castamere – The National (Game of Thrones)
“I loved being you. Every second of it. Oh, the way you burned like a sun, like a whole screaming world on fire. I remember that feeling. And I always will. And I will always miss it.”
50. The World Was Wide Enough – Hamilton
“Missy, seriously, why?” “Oh, because he’s right.  Because it’s time to stand with him.  It is where we’ve always been going, and it’s happening now.  Today. It’s time to stand with the Doctor.”
“I will never stand with the Doctor.  You see, Missy, this is where we’ve always been going.  This is our perfect ending. We shoot ourselves in the back.”
“Pity… no stars… I hoped there’d be stars…”
51. Whispering – Spring Awakening (Lea Michele)
“Without hope, without witness, without reward.”
52. Across the Universe – The Beatles
“I can put you back home, you can make your chips, live your life, or you can come with me.”
“It’s a big universe.  I hope I see you again.”
53. A Good Man? (Twelve’s Theme) – Murray Gold
“I don’t want to change again. Never again.  I can’t keep on being somebody else. Whatever it is, I’m staying.”
54. Doctor Who (Original Theme) – Ron Grainer
“Who is that?” “I’m the Doctor.” “The Doctor? No.. I don’t think so. No…dear me, no.  You may be a Doctor, but I am the Doctor.  The original, you might say.”
Bonus: This is Gallifrey: Our Childhood Home – Murray Gold (Doctor Who Series 3)
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spoilersandguns · 7 years
Do you have any controversial headcanons that go against what is generally accepted by the fandom? Do you incorporate this into writing your muse or keep it to yourself?
//Okay so I spent a long time last night thinking about thisone. So I don’t know if this has ever really been discussed by the fandombecause, like I said with the other one, I stopped paying attention to it along time ago, but I think about this one probably a lot more than I should.
So, going back to Name of the Doctor, River finally gets her“proper” farewell from the Doctor in a way she “wants” it and that ismanageable for the both of them (I could make a whole essay long argument aboutthis, but I won’t).
HOWEVER, as can be seen in the Time of the Doctor, thisliterally can never happen. Yes, there is still a huge battle on Trenzalore,but the Doctor doesn’t die like he should and neither does the TARDIS because(surprise) more regenerations. Now, it may be possible that he goes back andhas the battle that finally takes his life eventually,but this just seems unlikely.
And, even if it was true, it wouldn’t be the Eleventh incarnationgoing back and saying goodbye as he did and likely no incarnation wouldbecause, let’s be honest, the Doctor seems to just forget things if they don’tfind their way into his view of attention. I mean, Darillium really onlyhappened by accident.
So, in my view, I think it never happened and really onlythe Doctor, Clara, and the Paternoster Gang would know that it ever happened atall since they were at the center of the event.
With this in mind, this brings up two possibilities on River’sside:
1.     Because she was at the center of the event, she remembersand gets the closure she needs to fade. Completely fade, as the Doctor said. Ireally don’t think she’d return to the library because there’s nothing therefor her. Could she? Absolutely. The woman both found a way to mentally escapethe Library and does things that apparently are impossible (by Jenny’s reaction),but I don’t think she really would since all she wanted was a goodbye.
2.     (And my preferred option) Because she’stechnically only data and not a timetraveler in her current state at the Library, she never left to help the Doctoror Clara, Trenzalore didn’t happen, and she never received her goodbye. While,because of the “Husbands of River Song”, she may be less questionable about himloving her, the fact of the matter is that he still never visited her in theLibrary in any means over who knows how many years and, however much hereassured her with those 24 years, time apart is the biggest affliction to arelationship. So, while she may stay stronger for longer, I think she’llseverely question it.
So what does this have to do with how I play her? A lot,actually, across all of my verses. See I think a lot of people play her as avery strong woman with only slight weaknesses around her family. Me, there is alot more of that fragility andinsecurity – especially concerning how much she is loved – that shows in theway she reacts and is. And I think a lot of it stems from her excuse for achildhood and why she hides so much behind the guise of a psychopath. That’seasier than admitting or showing how she actually feels. She acts like she’sstrong or doesn’t care, but around her family (and even others) it’s all anact, it’s all being as well behaved as she can manage so she doesn’t lose themlike she fears. She may seem calm, but her mind would be running at insanespeeds trying to find the best way to not lose any of them, either by fatalsituations, or by any of them finding out how she really is and shunning her.River Song is a surprisingly fragile and humanwoman, though she would never everwant anyone to see it. And I like it when I have a chance to play that.
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riversofmars · 3 years
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December 1st  December 2nd  December 3rd  December 4th
December 5th  December 6th  December 7th  December 8th
December 9th  December 10th  December 11th
Ryan followed Eyebrows and Bill through the crowd, they didn’t seem to be doing very much apart from having a stroll and taking in the sights.
“So this is exciting.“ Bill grinned and popped an almond in her mouth happily.
“What is?“ The Doctor huffed as she pulled out his sonic screwdriver.
“Your wife! She’s alive.“ Bill exclaimed.
“Yes.“ He nodded and scanned some Christmas decorations that gave him no useful readings whatsoever.
“Are you not even the least bit excited.“ She asked, annoyed by his lack of response. This was their opportunity to actually talk and reflect about what they had learned.
“Of course I am.“ He looked to her bewildered, as if he didn’t even understand why she was bringing it up.
“Doesn’t look like it…“ She huffed.
“What does it look like?“ He retorted, slightly annoyed.
“Like you have no reaction towards the whole thing whatsoever and that’s just weird! You should be over the moon and jumping that wife of yours because I’ll be honest, I would!“ Bill carried on.
“Can you just stop.“ The Doctor interrupted, maybe a bit too sharply, before returning his attention to the decorations.
“Alright, no need to get cross, why are you being so touchy about it?“ Bill held up her hands defensively.
“Because I am!“ He snapped, in an unexpected emotional outburst and turned back to Bill. “Why wouldn’t I be?! I said goodbye to her. I took the plunge, I took her to Darillium, the last night we were meant to spend together, our story has concluded.“ He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts.
“You’ve gone this whole time knowing when you’d last see her alive?“ Bill frowned, trying to understand.
“Of course. Just like I’ve gone this whole time with knowing when she would die!“ He shot back.
“Damn.“ She sighed.
“For lack of a better word…“ He huffed, calming down a little when he realised people were staring at them. “I took her to Darillium.“ He explained. “We had the most wonderful 24 years…“
“That’s quite the night.“ She gave a little smile, 24 years was a long time, longer than a lot of people got.
“It was.“ He smiled, reminiscing about happier times. “And then I had to say goodbye.“ His expression darkened at the thought, grief-stricken. “I had to let her go, knowing where she was headed and I did.“ He shrugged and took a deep breath. “I put myself through the grief, I… I came out the other side.“
“Sort of…“ Bill half-smiled. The Doctor wasn’t exactly the spiting image of good mental health and little baggage but she could imagine how much worse he had been in the immediate aftermath.
“Shut up.“ He huffed, almost amused for a second, before turning serious again: “I did it and I let her go and now…“
“All that was for nothing and she’s here.“ Bill finished his sentence for him.
“Well, yes.“ She had summed it up nicely.
“You’re angry because she ruined your years of grieving and trying to get over her.“ Bill carried on and again, she hit the nail on the head.
“Yes.“ He grumbled.
“But Doctor, she’s alive.“ Bill exclaimed, as if his whole argument had been utterly pointless. She understand what he was going through but she couldn’t help but feel like he was missing the most important point.
“Yes…“ The Doctor said utterly bewildered, as if only just realising it properly for the first time. “She is, isn’t she.“ It had yet to sink in.
Bill smiled, nodding encouragingly and the Doctor smiled.
“Right, so let’s figure this place out so we can get out of her and you can take your wife home.“ She grinned at him and they started walking again.
“That’s right, I get to take her home, don’t I.“ He grinned and she chuckled.
“Well, you are the present Doctor, are you not?“
“That’ll show them.“ The Doctor smirked, thinking of his former selves.
Ryan smiled to himself listening in. It was all starting to make a lot more sense now. The Doctor was probably going through the same thing as Eyebrows, only worse, as it had been much longer for her, that she would have seen her wife. In the same way as Eyebrows, she seemed to be missing the most important bit: River was alive. It was obvious how much they all these Doctors cared for River Song and he could only imagine the Doctor’s joy should they actually get to reunite. He could only hope that she wouldn’t mess it up for herself right now, as she was probably still speaking to her.  
“You know, these almonds are amazing. You want one?“ Bill asked, holding the paper bag out to her Doctor.
“I’m allergic.“ He retorted.
“No you’re not.“ She huffed. “You’re just a funny old man.“
“Who are you calling old?“ He glared at her, just as she stumbled unexpectedly. “Are you okay?“ He frowned reaching out for her.
“Yeah just… feeling a bit woozy…“ Bill mumbled grabbing on to him as her legs started feeling incredibly weak.
“Are you allergic to nuts?“ The Doctor asked.
“Now you’re just trying to be funny.“ She chuckled.
“No, seriously, you felt fine a minute ago, didn’t you?“ He asked as he held her upright.
“What were we doing?“ Bill looked around, suddenly distracted, not really listening to him. Instead she looked at the sparking decorations all round. “Wow those lights are so pretty, I just love Christmas, don’t you.“
He scanned the burned almonds in her hand getting no results, then scanned Bill herself. She appeared to be under the influence of something, her endorphins were off the charts, pupils were dilated and she was utterly out of it. It was almost as if she was on a Christmas high. He scanned the almonds again to no avail.
“Something’s happening to you… why is it not giving me any results?“ He shook the sonic in frustration. “It must be the food.“ He deduced, it was the only reasonable explanation. “We need to get you back to the others.“
“But the lights, Doctor, aren’t they just beautiful? Like stars!“ Bill carried on, pointing to the fairy lights strung across the road.
“Come along.“ He insisted and pulled her with him.
Ryan managed to just jump out of their way as they headed back. He suddenly felt very glad for not having gone for almonds himself earlier. He had to warn the others.
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