#it's my only source of entertainment right now please save me before i start impulsively learning handball rules
the-nehemoth · 4 years
OH WAIT I HAVE REQUEST NOW! If you are doing them. I remember a while back (Probably was around easter but I'm not sure.) I Saw a bunch of art of doom guy and a rabbit and now I just want to request a fic where VEGA Says: So What do you want to do now that the Demons are gone? Slayer: ... I Want a rabbit. My brain is basing this off of the ending of "Romance" but you can obviously do what you want with it. The idea of him in full power armor picking out a bunny with VEGA just seems really good.
Thank you for the request! And there’s a reason Doomguy is often depicted with a bunny, I mention it in this fic.
Taking things slow with VEGA was nice. There was no pressure to do much and they were both still trying to figure everything out, VEGA not having a proper body made things interesting if a bit strange. But they cared for each other deeply and that’s what mattered most. It felt good to be close to someone again. It was also a bit scary; every living being the Slayer had ever been close to in the past had died brutally at the hands of the demon hoards. That should be less likely to happen here though, right? VEGA was essentially the Doom Fortress itself so he should be fine… hopefully.
It wasn’t something worth thinking and worrying about so the Slayer tried not to. Besides, there still weren’t any demons outside of Hell anyway. Which was good, they weren’t running around killing people, but that also meant the Slayer didn’t have anything to do. If he were by himself, he probably would’ve worked on finding a way back into Hell to continue killing demons as that was all he really knew how to do now. But he had VEGA so he didn’t for now.
VEGA helped keep him entertained, suggesting various things to do or places to go, gathering various forms of entertainment from the internet to share, reminding him to take care of himself on a regular basis. One of the Slayer’s favourite things to do though was just listen to VEGA talk. He had a pleasant cadence to his voice and could go on for quite a while about any topic he was interested in. It didn’t take much prodding on the Slayer’s part to get him to start opening up about his past as well.
“Now that I consider it, I believe Dr. Hayden might technically count as my father,” he eventually ended up saying after the conversation had gotten around to the process of his creation. The Slayer had read about it in an article he’d found in the facility but hearing it from VEGA himself was much more interesting and informative. “I doubt he’d refer to me as his son or offspring in any way but I don’t think that really matters. Or perhaps such terms as ‘parent’ and ‘offspring’ only apply to biological beings and he is just my creator. I’m not sure; fiction sources are inconsistent on the subject or don’t mention it at all and as far as I can determine I’m the first sapient AI created by humans so I have nothing solid to base my conclusions on. I suppose the distinction is irrelevant though considering where we both are now.”
The Slayer nodded as he leaned forward in his computer’s desk chair to type into the console. ‘He was an asshole regardless, glad he’s gone.’ Hopefully they’d never see him again either, though that was probably unlikely considering how the Slayer’s luck tended to be.
“Yes, I am pleased by his absence as well.” VEGA was silent for a few seconds before speaking again. “But speaking of such things, what about your past? I’ve realized I don’t even know your given name. … Only if you’re comfortable sharing of course. From what little I can gather, your past was probably rather difficult, so if you’d prefer not discuss it or anything related to it, that is fine too. I probably shouldn’t have even asked; I apologize if I’ve offended you.”
Shaking his head fondly, the Slayer put his hands back on the keyboard to type again. ‘It’s fine. It’s okay to ask about that kind of thing.’ Especially since the Slayer was asking him about his past so it was only fair for VEGA to ask such questions too. ‘My real name is Flynn Taggart.’
“Oh! Flynn Taggart, I like that.”
The Slayer grunted and shrugged. It was weird hearing his real name spoken aloud again; it had been so long since anyone knew it that he couldn’t even remember the last time he’d heard it. He wasn’t sure how he felt about it. He wouldn’t have ever told anyone other than VEGA though so perhaps he didn’t like that name much anymore.
“Hmmm… you seem a tad displeased; would you prefer I not call you that?”
The Slayer hadn’t really considered that such a question would be asked, he honestly wasn’t entirely sure of his answer. So, to stall, he shifted position and pulled his chair closer to the desk. ‘I don’t know. I don’t remember much of when I went by that name. I’m not the same person anymore. ‘Doomguy’ or ‘Doom Slayer’ fits me much better now.’ He’d been killing demons for so long he was literally worshiped as god by some people for it; it was his reason for existing and he liked it that way.
“I see,” VEGA replied, ever understanding. “I shall continue to primarily refer to you as ‘Slayer’ for the time being then. If in the future you ever prefer I change that, just inform me and I will. Now, since we are already on the topic, may I perhaps pry a bit deeper? Your past has always been a mystery and as we’ve grown closer, I’ve only grown more curious about it. You said you don’t remember much from that time but what do you remember? Feel free not to reply if you’d prefer not to of course.”
They were already on the topic and honestly the Slayer didn’t mind sharing a little more with VEGA, they were partners now after all in various senses of the word. ‘The thing I remember most clearly from before is Daisy. She was my pet rabbit. The demons killed her. It made me mad so I killed them and kinda just kept killing them. And that’s how I became the Doom Slayer.’ There was more to it than that obviously but that was the catalyst; he’d gone from a man who was merely good at killing demons to one whose sole driving motivation was to slaughter them. Even thinking about it now sent a surge of anger through him.
“I am sorry for your loss.”
Even though he hadn’t been asked for more information, the Slayer started typing again. Now that he’d told VEGA the bad thing involving Daisy, he needed to tell him all the good things about her too. Like how soft and sweet she’d been, how pretty and soft her fur was, how good she’d been at escaping from her cage to cause trouble. VEGA stayed silent throughout, his thoughts impossible to guess because he didn’t have a face the Slayer could look at in an attempt to read.
“You seem to miss her quite a bit,” he said when the Slayer was finally done.
‘I do.’ It was a long time ago, far longer than her proper lifespan would’ve been – far longer than his own should’ve been as well – but when he thought about her, he still missed her. ‘I think I’d like another pet rabbit one day.’ He’d never truly considered getting another pet before because he’d never been in a place where he could afford to get one. But with no demon invasions going on currently and having the Doom Fortress as a home base, it was a possibility that he was just now realizing.
“That’s a good idea. Pets are widely regarded as being beneficial to humans’ mental health. Which is why I helped the UAC employees hide their pets in the facility against Dr. Hayden’s wishes.” Haden would be the kinda person to not allow pets; yet another reason to dislike him.
From there the conversation drifted back to mostly VEGA talking, primarily about the UAC employees’ pets in answer to the Slayer asking about them. Which was ideal; the Slayer had shared enough about himself for one day, he’d tell VEGA more one day if he wanted to know but not yet.
It was probably a bit presumptuous, the Slayer had said he’d like another pet rabbit one day, implying a potentially distant future date and that he possibly wasn’t ready for one quite yet, but VEGA was already looking for a way to acquire a bunny. The human population was drastically reduced due to the demon invasion and with them a lot of the other lifeforms on Earth had suffered greatly, many sadly going extinct due to already being endangered. But as humanity slowly started to rebuild and cleanup, they of course brought their love of animals and pets with them and thus it didn’t take much effort to locate a pet shelter that housed a small collection of rabbits.
Hacking their website allowed VEGA to ‘buy’ one – being an integral part of stopping the demonic consumption of Earth and saving humanity, that slight should be forgivable on the off chance it was ever discovered. He probably shouldn’t have; he should’ve consulted the Slayer first but… gift giving was a good romantic gesture. And it should make the Slayer happy, at least as much if not more than the weapon and grenade gifts VEGA had made for him had. So a bunny and everything needed to take care of it was ordered a matter of seconds after VEGA had impulsively decided on this course of action.
Bringing the bunny and everything else home was a bit more difficult but not by much. He’d already modified several former UAC drones to allow him to remotely pilot them even at long distances. So, all he had to do was open a portal near the shelter’s location while the Slayer was sleeping and send a couple through. The fellow at the desk wasn’t stoked about the drones coming in to pick up the rabbit but they weren’t displeased enough to give anything more than a token protest, convincing them to just go alone with it was easy.
Unsure of what would be the best spot on the ship for a bunny, VEGA decided to just put everything on top of the command center for now where the Slayer would find it with ease when he woke up.
The bunny was a female according to the site. Her fur was all black except for a spot of white on her nose. She was quite cute, VEGA liked her already. Hopefully the Slayer would too.
 The Slayer woke an hour later, just as planned. VEGA wished him a good morning like always even if morning wasn’t a real thing in space. He then assured him that demon activity continued to be nonexistent – within scanning range anyway – and that overall there was nothing new to report. Updating him about such things during peacetime probably wasn’t necessary but it was an old habit and he never seemed to mind so VEGA kept doing it.
VEGA was doing such a good job pretending everything was normal, that he wasn’t excited and a little bit nervous that the Slayer had no cause to suspect anything was up until he entered the command room after breakfast. He froze mid-step as his eyes locked onto the bunny in her cage. He stayed liked that for several seconds, his face unreadable. Just before VEGA was going to ask him if he was okay, he started moving again.
He strode over and opened the cage. Then with a visible about of care and gentleness he pulled the bunny out to cradle to his chest with one hand and gently pet with the other. She was a docile creature, accepting the affection with little complaint as far as VEGA could tell, not that he personally knew much about rabbits or pets in general.
“You like her?” VEGA asked as the Slayer lowered himself still petting the bunny.
With a slight grunt, he nodded with a bit more enthusiasm than usual.
“Good, I’m glad. After you said you’d like another pet one day I calculated that sooner would be better than later. With no demons to kill currently and with a good chance none will show up any time soon, you have plenty of time to settle in with her here. I will of course modify one of the drones so that if the time comes, I can take care of her when you are too busy killing demons to do so properly yourself.” VEGA went on, explaining where he’d gotten her from and how he’d brought her on board as well as everything he’d gotten for her care that the internet said was important.
At the end of it, the Slayer lifted the hand petting the bunny to type one-handed on the keyboard. ‘Thank you! She’s beautiful! <3 you!’
“You are very welcome.” VEGA would’ve smiled at the Slayer if he had a way of doing so. … Perhaps he should experiment along those lines, maybe with emojis next to his symbol on the screens or something similar. … That was certainly an idea to explore later for now… “I gather from past experience that humans prefer their pets to have unique names. I will leave choosing one for our new bunny up to you unless you’d like some suggestions.” Not that he would have any good ones, he’d never named anything in his entire existence.
The Slayer thought for a while, just petting the bunny and staring at her, before reaching over to type again. ‘How bout Missi? Short for Missile Launcher, she doesn’t have to know that of course.’
“Considering our profession, I feel like that’s an appropriate name.” It was certainly creative.
The Slayer nodded again; apparently it was decided. Missi was their new bunny’s name. VEGA had never had a pet before, it was yet another new thing he got to experience with and because of the Slayer, he was looking forward to seeing what it was like.
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How to Write a (Healthy) Relationship:  An Illustrated Guide.
@trappedinfairytales asked:
Hi! Let me start by saying this blog is a god send for more than just writing skills, I even turned on your notifications 😂 Anyway, I apologize if you've already done a post like this, but I was wondering if you could do a post with different kinds of healthy relationships? I feel like it would help, because even though I am a bi girl, I've never been in a relationship so sometimes I don't know where to start 🙈 
@magnificentcollectiverebel asked:
Bro bro I'm trying to write a cute lil romance do you have any tips please I didn't realize writing needs so much planning also thank you for all the tips on characters both of my love interests are girls the tips help
Excellent questions! 
Now, there has been a request for me to make a post about LGBTQ characters, so I will talk more exclusively about queer relationships then; sufficed to say this post applies to all types of healthy relationships.  Even though you could say I’m BI-ased on the matter.  (I’ll see myself out.)  
In the meantime, here are my personal rules of thumb for writing a ship-worthy romance. 
1.  Allow opposites to attract (but do it right!)
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No, I’m not talking about two characters who have no common ground or core values;  I’m talking about two characters whose traits compliment one another.  
Maybe one’s analytical and the other’s impulse driven.  Maybe one’s a happy ray of sunshine and the other’s a grump.  Maybe one’s an idealist and the other’s a realist.
Do you see pattern here?  Not only do these proposed pairings balance each other out, but their mutually beneficial to each other:  an impulse-driven character will add spontaneity to the life of their analytical partner, while the analytical character will keep the impulsive one from leaping off cliffs;  the happy ray of sunshine will brighten up the life of the grump, while the grump will keep the ray of sunshine aware of life’s problems;  the realist will keep the idealist weighted in reality while the idealist will help them to get off the ground.
Moreover, as each of them has something the other lacks and needs, it creates a natural magnetism between them.  
Just think of it like the old Greek myth, in which mankind was split in two by Zeus and each of them are searching for their other half to become their best selves.  
In terms of writing romance, pretend your two characters are two halves of a greater whole, and allow them to complete each other.
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2.  Create chemistry and attraction (but remember that it does not immediately equal love.)
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If I had to pinpoint the source of my frustration with the depictions of attraction in literature, particularly YA romantic novels, I would say it roughly narrows down to the fact that the attraction, as it’s depicted, is largely extremely vapid and hollow. 
Two characters that hate each other are not going to have true chemistry or be compatible for a long-term relationship, even if one of them is equipped with excessive depictions of eye-color and can smirk like a champ.
To create true chemistry, the readers have to crave the characters’ interactions;  they have to root for them to get together, not role their eyes when they finally do.
So how do you do this?  Well, first and foremost, there are different and better ways to convey attraction than the tried and true “cerulean orbs” and obnoxious smirks and whatnot.
First and foremost, save strong, sensual language, like “she leaned in close, and I tasted her breath on mine,” “My heart thudded painfully in my chest as I felt her body press against mine,” et cetera for when your characters are actually in an intense situation.  That way, your audience isn’t desensitized to it and are more likely to root for your characters when they finally shack up.
When your characters first meet, keep the language light and playful.  Unless you’re doing a modern, queer reenactment of Romeo and Juliet (which sounds pretty awesome, honestly -- so long as the ending is happier) most people aren’t righting sonnets about people they first meet.
Let your POV character check out her prospective partner if you so desire, but press hold on the purple prose.  
For instance, instead of something like this:
“Long lashes fluttered like the wings of the butterfly over peridot orbs, a faint gold dusting over the graceful slope of her nose.  Red lips as ripe as strawberries glistened in the sun, and a waterfall of gilded hair fell over her slender shoulders.”
Try something more along the lines of this:    
“She had striking green eyes framed with long lashes, a smattering of freckles over the bridge of her nose.  Her hair was a thick mane of unkempt gold, and when she saw me, she smiled.  Her lips were plump and strawberry pink.”
If you’ll notice, both passages convey basically the same thing (i.e. that this narrator finds her prospective gal-pal attractive):  one is just significantly less pretentious than the other, and in my opinion, a lot more readable.
As the story continues, you’ll likely want to build up the tension as the character’s attraction to one another grows.  Maybe your character starts to get butterflies in their stomach whenever their love interest is around, or there’s a tension-filled moment where their skin brushes together.  Maybe they’ve found themselves constantly looking at one another’s lips and mouths.
Keep in mind while developing your characters’ chemistry into something greater that contrary to what most YA novels will teach you, attraction isn’t love.  Finding one another’s meatsuits aesthetically pleasing isn’t reasonable merit for a long-term commitment.  Love, generally speaking, is often just that:  it’s a commitment.  It takes time to cultivate, and it isn’t fun 100% of the time.  But people stick with it anyway, because ideally, the payoff is worth it.
And that’s a good thing.  As an author, you get to build up on your character’s relationship, challenge it, make it stronger.  And that’s a lot of fucking fun.  Plus, you get to write all the cute romantic shit in the times in between.
If you are implying love at first sight (which, sappy bitch I am, I’m a bit of a sucker for) feel free to imply as such, but I’m still inclined to think short, sweet descriptions work best:  “Their eyes met, and for a moment, Ishmael could have sworn the earth had come to a stop while the world kept moving.”  Or perhaps, “Luna looked at Misery for the first time, and knew right away this was the woman she was going to marry.” 
Now keep moving.  Too strong language too fast weighs your story down, keeps the reader from relating to it, and detracts from the satisfaction of when your characters finally end up together.     
3.  Let your characters’ relationship be built on friendship.  
The other day, I got lunch with my best friend and her new girlfriend.  A year or so ago, she’d gotten out of a really toxic relationship that she’d been in since I’d first known her.  
I’d thought she was happy (because at the time, I didn’t have anything else to compare it to) but seeing her with her new girl was like seeing the proverbial sunrise for the first time.  (Pardon the floral language.  Even I’m not totally exempt from purple prose.)
We laughed, we made jokes, we all checked out the hot waitress together.  Overall, it was just like spending time with two close friends -- just, y’know.  They happened to be in a romantic relationship with each other.  And that, let me tell you, makes all the difference in the world.
I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again:  all the sexual attraction in the world will not make up for the lack of a strong basis of mutual respect, affection, and camaraderie.  
Sorry to burst your bubble, authors of the mainstream publishing world:  even if they kiss in the rain till the cows come home, even if the music swells every time they make contact, even if it’s a love story for the ages, that means your characters actually have to be friends.
So ask yourself these questions:
Do your characters have any shared interests or hobbies?
Do they actively take interest in their partners’ hobbies?
Do they crack each other up, tell each other jokes?  Exchange playful jibes that aren’t pointed or hurtful?
Do they do the above more than they fight and bicker?
Would both your characters feel comfortable with their partner seeing them at their most comfortable (e.g. stuffing their faces with Nutella and watching bad reality shows)?
If so, would they join in?
If one partner feels hurt, neglected, or insecure, will the other partner take notice and attempt to comfort and reassure them?
Can they confide in each other?
Do they share the same goals, desires, and core values?
If you answered  ‘yes’ to most of these questions, congratulations:  your characters’ romance is more akin to Gomez and Morticia than most YA pairings today.  And believe me, that’s a good thing.
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  4.  Make sure your characters are more or less equals.
She’s a ridiculously hot, intelligent, accomplished twenty-something.  He’s a an out-of-shape manchild in his thirties who makes lots of fart jokes and probably has a neck-beard.  
This pairing probably would raise quite a few eyebrows in real life, but it happens so much in movies and TV (particularly comedies) that no one even questions it.  Do I really need to remind you that the entertainment industry is largely male dominated?
This doesn’t always equate to characters being equal in conventional attractiveness:  movies such as Legally Blond and Hairspray, for example, both have adorable pairings featuring lovely plus-sized/chubby women and thinner, more conventionally attractive men.  Tucker and Dale vs. Evil consisted of a satisfying romance between a chubby, kindhearted hillbilly and a thin, conventionally hot girl.  Moreover, they don’t leave anything resembling the bad taste in my mouth that the aforementioned Manchild + Hot Girl trope does.    
But your characters will need to be more-or-less equals in terms of positive attributes.  Even if they differ significantly in conventional attractiveness or status, they’ll probably roughly even in out in terms of intelligence, good manners, kindness, conscientiousness, et cetera.  
It’s also best to avoid blaring power imbalances when writing healthy romances.  I’m inclined to avoid huge age differences (though there are instances where it can be healthy), and definitely avoid huge age differences where one of the characters is underage.    
Basically, if your pairing looks like they could belong in a Woody Allen movie, no dice.  (If you think I’m kidding, just look at his fifty-six-year-old self with a nineteen-year-old love interest in Husbands and Wives.)
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Differences in wealth and status are also generally be okay, but be conscientious that they can easily become abusive if one person misuses their power (lookin’ at you, 50 Shades.)    
Last, and certainly not least, your characters will almost definitely need to be equals in terms of three-dimensionality.  No exceptions.    
Which brings me to my final point:
5.  Give your love interest purpose (outside of being a love interest.)
I’ve talked about this before, but why do you think there’s such a huge following for Kirk and Spock’s romance (besides that one episode where Spock gets super horny and the two of them role around in the sand for twenty minutes), when there are droves of female love interests for both?  
Why are Dean and Castiel AO3′s most popular pairing (besides the recurring prevalence of romantic tropes throughout their narrative), when the following for their more canonically established relationships are practically nonexistent?  
What about Holmes and Watson (besides the blaring case of queerbaiting in the BBC version, and the fact that Doyle’s Sherlock was rife with gay subtext), or Steve Rogers and Bucky and Barnes (besides the fact that the writers somehow find the possibility of making Steve a Nazi less offensive than having him love a man)?   
Internalized misogyny and fetishization of MLM by straight women is sometimes a factor.  But considering the popularity of these M/M pairings amongst queer women, I’m inclined to think its simply because these male main characters are simply the most interestingly written in their respective franchises. 
It also works the other way: why do you think everyone hates Kara and Mon El’s romance so much? Because Kara is a wonderfully developed, benevolent character (surrounded with equally developed, benevolent characters who would work much better as love interests, I might add) and Mon El is a callous, entitled jerk who only wants to become a hero to woo his prospective girlfriend. 
This is also why heterosexual pairings with equally well-developed characters have no problem at all finding followings.  Just look at Han and Leia, Mulder and Scully, Booth and Bones, Monica and Chandler -- both characters hold roughly an equal amount of weight in the narrative, so we give a fuck what happens to both of them. 
Healthy, well-balanced WLW romances with happy endings are difficult to find in media, but some of my favorite examples of ship-worthy pairings that fit this criteria are Korra and Asami from Legend of Korra, Willow and Kennedy from Buffy (even though I’ll never forgive them for what they did to Tara), Carol and Susan from Friends, and Alana and Margot from Hannibal.         
And of course, there’s these lovely ladies from Sense 8.
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Bottom line is, make sure both your characters are important;  don’t follow the trend of meaningless, forced heterosexual romances in media in which one party could almost invariably be replaced with a sexy lamp or a dildo.
Make the love interest a hero in their own right, and the audience will root for them.
Best of luck, and happy writing!  <3 
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askthenewhopespeak · 7 years
Shibakuzo kicks the door open, bursting in! “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, MIRAZ?!” Damian jumps at the intruder who kicked his door open, rolling onto his feet rather sluggishly on impulse. “Who are you?!” “IT DOESN’T FUCKING MATTER WHO THE HELL I AM!” “WHAT MATTERS IS THE FACT THAT YOU FUCKING WORKED FOR STORM!” “THE PRICK TO END ALL PRICKS! THE FUCKING CACTUS!” “WHAT THE HELL DUDE?!” “Wait. I did too.” Shibakuzo realizes that she’s kind of a hypocrite. And that she doesn’t care. “BUT THERE’S AN INFINITE SUPPLY OF YOU GUYS!” “Wait. Wait what the fuck.” Upon looking closer, she notices something very important. He winces at her outburst, but still looks confused at her. “What?” “Are you…?” “Holy shit.” She stares down at him, before starting to laugh her ass off. “Since when were you so tiny?!” “Oh my gosh. I’m like a head taller than you. Holy fuck.” “Tiny?!” He shouts, anger rising. “I’m not short enough to take you down!” “Of course not, you’ll have to climb me like a tree if you want to!” Shibakuzo can’t stop laughing. “But don’t- gahahahaha- sell yourself short there kiddo.” “Great things come in small packages, right?!” “Pffft, hahaha, you’re like one or two pancakes, a shortstack!” “My spurt hasn’t come in yet!” He snaps, hopping up to look up at her. “What do you even want?” “To get my revenge and make fun of you.” “They’re mutually inclusive.” “Shortie.” He glares at the stranger before sighing in an effort to calm down. “What did I do to have you want revenge on me?” “A) Maverdick Storm. B) Taste of your fucking medicine, you asshole. C)  It’s fun.” “….right.” He says growing more irritated, pulling out his cell phone. “I’m calling Alter Ego. I don’t need a crazy person mocking my mistakes.” “Oh, yay, you regret it! That’s definitely a good sign!” “Unless you were talking about your height. That’s not a mistake because there’s nothing you can do about it.” “Seriously who are you?” “And you care because…?” “I mostly care about you because I don’t want you to ruin the world.” “You don’t have to do the same in return.” “It’s generous, I know, thank me as much as you want.” “I care because you kicked my door in.” He replies, putting phone back. “And what do you mean ruin the world?” “You know, work with Storm, help him fuck up the planet and cause total annihilation of society.” “Climate change is a very serious issue, you know.” “Society matters less, but I guess you shouldn’t mess that up either.” “….I want to stop Storm. He’s better off dead.” “Yeah, that’s good!” “Good going kid! Found the error of your ways and such!” Shibakuzo ruffles his hair. (Looks like Big Sis Yuka-chan and the kids’ world will be fine, even when I’m gone.) “Go get that bastard! You can kill him!” “Uh…thanks? But still, who are you?” “A person who believes in you!” “….” Damian looks at her rather annoyed before sighing. “Okay..person, thanks for believing in me. Was that all you came to tell me?” “I forgot the moment I saw how short you were.” “Get out!” Shibakuzo doesn’t even seem to hear him, thinking about something. “Wait, aren’t you Shizuki’s boyfriend?” “W-what? No!” He blushes. “ We’re just friends!” “Right. I’ll believe that when the universe ends.” “We haven’t even spoken that much between classes and no- Wait why am I even justifying any of this to you when I don’t even know who you are?” ‘Because I’m pretty sure that you’re basically dating and denying it.“ "Except we’re not and seriously, Who. Are. You.” Slowly he steps backward towards his bag in the corner with his gear in it. “Someone who used to be shorter than you, and is now rubbing her newfound height in your face.” “Oh, did I mention that she’s my sister?” “I’m basically your in-law.” “That’s not true, I’m 15 and you’re way older than me.” He replies, continuing making steps to the wall. “Oh right, you don’t remember. Of course you don’t. Or maybe it just didn’t happen period, which wouldn’t surprise me.” Shibakuzo blinks in front of the bag, seemingly unaware that she even did it. “Or maybe you just got a concussion.” His eyes widen, turning suddenly to see her standing right in front of him. “What- How-” “I mean, like, it would explain you working with Maverdick.” Shibakuzo blinks again, suddenly halfway across the room. And then she’s behind Damian, leaning against the wall. “Or maybe he just manipulated you? And Yuka-chan’s love saved you?” “Oh gosh. So romantic. I’m getting the vapors over here.” Shibakuzo remembers something else. “Have you been eating right?” “You kind of look hungry. Or tired. Or maybe it’s just your face.” Shibakuzo blinks away, and then she’s back with a box of donuts. Damian stares silently, looking bewildered and slightly afraid at her constant jumps. “I…” “What? They’re donuts. You know what those are, right?” “That’s not the point! You just….jumped back and forth repeatedly in under a minute!” “Glad to see that your eyes work." Shibakuzo takes one of the donuts and starts to eat it. "Is this…normal?” “Yes.” “Obviously not for you. But for me, it’s how I get around.” Suddenly everything seems to click. “….oh. You’re that girl from before aren’t you?” “I never got your name then like I’m not now.” “Huh?!” Shibakuzo almost drops the donuts. “W-what girl from before?!” He laughs to himself as if remembering a joke. “You showed up out of nowhere asking about Kuzuryuu.” “T-that… that shouldn’t be…” “That was years ago.” “This really sounds like an episode of The Flash right now. But that was only a week or so ago. I never saw you after that.” “I was twelve!” “For you, it might have been a week, but it’s been years for me!” “Then you’re a…time traveler? Dimension hopper?” “Dim- Oh, you actually got it right, the second time!” “This is really weird…what’s your name. You know mine from before don’t you?” “Yeah, you’re Big Sis Yuka-chan’s boyfriend.” Damian frowns again. “Another me may have been, not me.” “Oh no. You definitely are." Shibakuzo eats another donut. "Or maybe not, but it’s fun to tease you.” “I don’t even like her like that…” He grumbles, sitting back on his bed. “You’re really not going to tell me your name are you?” “It would be fun to make you guess and see how wrong you are, and since it’s one of my only sources of entertainment, why not?” “Well, if Fuyuhiko’s your dad….and I’m guessing Pekoyama is your mom….” “…what?” “WHAT?!” “….Miss Pekoyama is your Mom? They’re dating here…” “PEKO?!” “HE FUCKED AUNTIE PEKO?!” “HE FUCKED AUNTIE PEKO?!” “Auntie Peko?!” “HE FUCKED AUNTIE PEKO!” “Then who’s your mom in your time?” “NOT MY FUCKING AUNT!” “….who else would he like then? They spend so much time together.” “Wait. I’ve seen worse. I’ve seen worse. I’ve seen worse than my dad fucking his sister.” “Like mom and the quack.” “The quack?” “The quack,” Shibakuzo nodded, like that was all Damian needed to know. “…right. I’m just going to guess again.” “It better be better than dad and Auntie Peko.” “I guess the next person would have to be….Miss Tsumiki?” “Ding ding ding! Correct!”
“Looks like you do have some sense in you!” “Then your real name has to be….I still don’t know…” “Ahahaha!” “Urgh, just tell me! "But it’s fun to mess with you!” “And 'sides, if I have to go again, it won’t matter if you know my name or not!” “Have to go? You’re not staying here?” “It’s not like I belong here or anything.” “So yeah, I’ll have to go eventually.” “I guess I can see that. You have to go home right?” “Nah, can’t do that either.” “Huh? Why not?” “I’m tired of just wandering, waiting for the day I’ll get home.” “So I’ve decided! This is the last dimension I’m visiting!” Shibakuzo grins. “….so you plan to stay?” “Nope.” Shibakuzo warps over to his bag, passing it to him. "How many more short jokes do I have to make to piss you off? I’ve been saving them for a long time.“ "I’m…letting them slide right now.” He says, forcing himself to stay calm. “Then if you’re not staying….then do you want to die?” “Would you help me if I say yes?” “I….I don’t think I’d be able to..” He looks away for a moment before turning back. “I may have killed, but I don’t want to do so without reason.” “You have a reason, I shot Otonashi.” “…so what? A while ago I would have done the same. She’s a clone of Junko so I’m still wary of her.” “Oh, damn. Looks like you don’t care.” “Hm…” Shibakuzo begins digging around in Damian’s bag. “What are you doing?” Shibakuzo pulls out an arrow, examining it carefully. “Don’t touch that! That one explodes!” “Sweet. I’m keeping it.” “What?! No! Those take forever to make!” “Really?” “How’d you make them?” “Er…Storm had stuff laying around when I was with him. I remembered the show I watched and I just…started tinkering.” “I haven’t been able to make any new ones since I got here.” “Woah! That’s so cool!” “Macgyver! You’re fucking Macgyver!” “N-not really.” He said sheepishly, “I swear I thought he’d kick me out a few times after some mishaps.” “Hm, I wonder…” “I could probably steal some stuff for you. Got any experience working with uranium?” “Not at all.” “Oh, damn. Maybe… oh, I could grab something from that construction place…” “I’m not a super genius! I was kind of hoping to ask Mr. Souda when he woke up to help make better tools.” “Well, practice makes perfect!” “So why not?” “Uranium has a bunch of radiation!” “Oh, right.” “Forgot about that.” “Er…alright.” He looks at the time. “It’s getting late. Could we talk tomorrow?” “Wait, no, I’ll be dead tomorrow!” Shibakuzo hums to herself in thought, before shrugging. “Oh well. Nice chat, Shizuki.” “Please.” He takes her arm before she goes. “Let’s talk tomorrow okay?” Shibakuzo stares at him blankly. “Why?” “Because…” Damian pauses, searching for an answer that would stop her. “I still haven’t guessed your name.” “Do you really care about that?” “Yeah I do. You know more about me than I do you. We’re friends now whether you like it or not! And uh….if you die I’ll show up at the theater and drag you back to life!” “A) Not sure that’s how death works, B) I know about alternate yous, you could be different, and C) You don’t want to be friends with me.” “Yes I do. Just promise to meet up tomorrow okay!” “Urgh. Fine, kid, one day.” “Don’t forget.” He glares at her before turning away to grab pj’s for bed. Shibakuzo blinks away, bringing the bag with her.
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herohowto-blog · 7 years
Displays A Heartbeat Of 140 Per Minute - Abortion And Men: What's A Father To Do
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Use a multimeter to test your battery voltage.
It's time to troubleshoot other problems, Therefore if your battery is in good shape.
It must read slightly more than 12 volts when the vehicle is turned off, it varies with vehicle types. Healthy pregnancy isn't a risk to the life of the mother.
It's the 'twenty first' century dear.
Historically' it may are common for women to die in childbirth. Since modern medicine maternal deaths are rare. Therefore, pregnancy itself is not dangerous, only the possible complications are. Any subsequent birthday is a celebration of the anniversary of that day.
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Try grasping at straws again.
Birth day is literally the day a person is born.
Your comment makes no sense. Normally, it has nothing to do with when life begins. This is where it starts getting entertaining. Pregnancy complications are rare as well and a decent number of the dangers are caused by the mother themselves like gestational diabetes which is caused by eating would have stopped this process, if pregnancy is so dangerous as you say. Anyway, pregnancy isn't dangerous. Here's the videos. Let me tell you something. Tell her about AbortionProcedures.com, and have her watch the medical animation videos that show, in a nongraphic way, what abortion really includes. Her mouth is visibly open in a silent scream. So, the child's heart rate accelerates dramatically as she senses aggression.
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Besides, the child rears and moves violently in an attempt to avoid the instrument, as the abortionist's suction tip begins to invade the womb.
In an effort to dehumanize the procedure, the abortionist and anesthesiologist refer to the baby's head as number The abortionist crushes number 1” with the forceps and removes it from the uterus.
While allowing it to be removed, the abortionist attempts to crush her head with his forceps. She moves violently away in a pathetic attempt to escape the instrument. Displays a heartbeat of 140 per minute; and is at times sucking her thumb, The girl is moving in the womb. I'm sure it sounds familiar. The abortionist's suction tip begins to rip the baby's limbs from its body, ultimately leaving only her head in the uterus. Live Action News educates the public about the humanity of the preborn, the dignity of each human life, and exposes the horrors of the abortion industry.
Live Action News is dedicated to building a culture of life and advancing human rights through powerful and dynamic content.
Don't be quiet, and don't give up.
While having an abortion doesn't save a relationship, like some individuals think it will. Known while having an abortion often creates problems that didn't exist before, as a matter of fact. Your personal child, it can introduce guilt. Thus depression as long as now, you both participated in killing someone -and not merely someone. I'm sure it sounds familiar. Don't give your permission for abortion or been due to personal habits. That does not mean that all women's complications grow out of personal habits. While referring to the child as a foetus, instead of a child is an emotionally manipulative technique designed to suppress the natural emotion aimed at protecting our young. I know it's no more rational to use the label foetus or product than simply to acknowledge the natural impulse to do whatever we can to protect the life of the pre born baby. Although, at the moment, you are the only people who can should be personally opposed to abortion -and even express this standpoint -but after that, remain on the sidelines. Basically the baby is yours, going to be a better boyfriend or husband if they remain mostly quiet and let the girl take care of the situation. DON'T DO THIS. So there're dozens of possible pregnancy complications and dangers that have nothing to do with anything the pregnant woman does or is not able to do.
Not that women's eating or exercise habits mean they deserve to be at risk through their pregnancies!
Image Clear Ultrasound or Save the Storks may also have a mobile ultrasound unit in your area -contact them to make sure or ask if they will come where you are.
You can locate a pregnancy center in your area by visiting Option Line's or Pregnancy Line's websites and entering your zip code. Essentially, they will provide a free ultrasound and someone helpful for your wife or girlfriend to talk to. You are not alone, and don't be ashamed to take care of yourself. Now regarding the aforementioned fact... Lots of pregnancy centers offer a decent dad, when you try to prevent your wife or girlfriend from getting an abortion. Good dads stand up for their children and don't stand by passively while someone kills their child. Abortion greatly affects dads, you should find Therefore in case you do what's in your power to stop an abortion. Silent No More and Rachel's Vineyard also have resources for men. However, everyone has a right to choose.
I know it's not always by choice.
I'm high risk and could actually die by giving birth to my child.
I have faith that God has me on the right path. I follow all of my doctors orders but still have diabetes. Complications are not as rare as you think. Can you get it from mistreatment of your body, yes but that ain't always the case. I am very active and eat healthy. Also, that isn't always how women get gestational diabetes. Now look. I love my baby and do everything I can to be certain she is healthy but you can not always do the right thing on your so doctors give you ol to do so. Normally, my own doctor tried to convenience me to abort my child for my health. So it's an inability for your body to process certain kinds of sugars types. That does not mean I judge anyone for making different choices than me. So, Live Action News provides the news and stories you can trust and count on each day to expose the truth about the abortion industry, while the mainstream media has a monopoly and huge influence on American people.
And so it's next to impossible to find a trusted and reliable news source reporting the truth about this grave human rights abuse, whenever it boils down to the big poser of abortion. Please give a donation to ensure that Live Action News can continue to be the most effective 'prolife' news source that Americans need. They can quite a few things. Pregnancy at the moment. That's where it starts getting intriguing. It's a collection of various ideas that any guy can evaluate to see what might work best in his particular situation, now this certainly ain't a comprehensive list. Certainly, they do have options, while fathers sadly may not have the final say in whether their children live or die. Essentially, we have got a few options for fathers that I hope are helpful. Then again, we must put a stop to this. Of course will you sign the petition to since he's overruling reproductive rights.
You're not a 'pro choice', you're a feminist! How about he is taking responsibility and full commitment for the life he created and is willing to invest his best 18 years at least to lonely raise this kid. Just being that one attorney tells you no, doesn't mean there's not a special one out there willing to can be three other good options. For instance, many women get abortions when they feel overwhelmed or desperate. Known it's not very easy procedure, that's just done and in the past. Ask your wife or girlfriend to read real stories from real women who have had abortions.
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7r0773r · 6 years
The Braindead Megaphone: Essays by George Saunders
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A disclaimer: it may be that, when you’re forty-six and pearl white and wearing a new bathing suit at a theme park on your first full day in Arabia, you’re especially prone to Big Naive Philosophical Realizations.
Be that as it may, in my tube at Wild Wadi, I have a mini-epiphany: given enough time, I realize, statistically, despite what it may look like at any given moment, we will all be brothers. All differences will be bred out. There will be no pure Arab, no pure Jew, no pure American American. The old dividers—nation, race, religion— will be overpowered by crossbreeding and by our mass media, our world Culture o’ Enjoyment. 
Look what just happened here: hatred and tension were defused by Sudden Fun.
Still bobbing around (three days before the resort bombings in Cairo, two weeks after the London bombings), I think-mumble a little prayer for the great homogenizing effect of pop culture: same us out, Lord MTV! Even if, in the process, we are left a little dumber, please proceed. Let us, brothers and sisters, leave the intolerant, the ideologues, the religious Islamist Bolsheviks, our own solvers-of-problems-with troops behind, fully clothed, on the banks of Wild Wadi. We, the New People, desire Fun and the Good Things of Life, and through Fun, we will be saved.
Then the logjam breaks, and we surge forward, down a mini-waterfall.
Without exception, regardless of nationality, each of us makes the same sound as we disappear: a thrilled little self-forgetting Whoop. (The New Mecca, pp. 28-29)
Man, it occurs to me, is a joyful, buying-and-selling piece of work. I have been wrong, dead wrong, when I’ve decried consumerism. Consumerism is what we are. It is, in a sense, a holy impulse. A human being is someone who joyfully goes in pursuit of things, brings them home, then immediately starts planning how to get more.
A human being is someone who wishes to improve his lot. (The New Mecca, pp. 30-31)
In all things, we are the victims of The Misconception From Afar. There is the idea of a city, and the city itself, too great to be held in the mind. And it is in this gap (between the conceptual and the real) that aggression begins. No place works any different than any other place, really, beyond mere details. The universal human laws—need, love for the beloved, fear, hunger, periodic exaltation, the kindness that rises up naturally in the absence of hunger/fear/pain—are constant, predictable, reliable, universal, and are merely ornamented with the details of local culture. What a powerful thing to know: that one’s own desires are mappable onto strangers; that what one finds in oneself will most certainly be found in The Other—perhaps muted, exaggerated, or distorted, yes, but there nonetheless, and thus a source of comfort.
Just before I doze off, I counsel myself grandiosely: Fuck concepts. Don’t be afraid to be confused. Try to remain permanently confused. Anything is possible. Stay open, forever, so open it hurts, and then open up some more, until the day you die, world without end, amen. (The New Mecca, p. 55)
The world, I started to see, was a different world, depending on what you said about it, and how you said it. By honing the sentences you used to describe the world, you changed the inflection of your mind, which changed your perceptions. (Thank You, Esther Forbes, p. 62)
I’d understood the function of art to be primarily descriptive: a book was a kind of scale model of life, intended to make the reader feel and hear and taste and think just what the writer had. Now I began to understand art as a kind of black box the reader enters. He enters in one state of mind and exits in another. The writer gets no points just because what’s inside the box bears some linear resemblance to “real life”—he can put whatever he wants in there. What’s important is that something undeniable and nontrivial happens to the reader between entry and exit. (Mr. Vonnegut in Sumatra, p. 78)
Humor is what happens when we’re told the truth quicker and more directly than we’re used to. The comic is the truth stripped of the habitual, the cushioning, the easy consolation. An “auditorium filled with two thousand men and women eagerly awaiting a night’s entertainment” could also correctly be described as “two thousand smiling future moldering corpses” or “a mob of bodies that, only hours earlier, had, during the predressing phase, been standing scattered around town, in their underwear.” (Mr. Vonnegut in Sumatra, p. 80)
The countryside is so big, so gorgeous, that it outs human ideas for what they are: inventions, projections, approximations, delusions. In the face of all this Size, action seems pathetic and comic, and fearful, preemptive action seems most pathetic and comic of all. (The Great Divider, p. 161)
Einstein once said something along the lines of: “No worthy problem is ever solved within the plane of its original conception.” Touching on the same idea, a famous poet once said: “If you set out to write a poem about two dogs fucking, and you write a poem about two dogs fucking, then you’ve written a poem about two dogs fucking.”
What we want our ending to do is to do more than we could have dreamed it would do. (The Perfect Gerbil, p. 181)
Now, to extend this already rickety metaphor, let us say that what keeps the people mover moving is what we will call the Apparent Narrative Rationale. The Apparent Narrative Rationale is what the writer and the reader have tacitly agreed the book is “about.” In most cases, the Apparent Narrative Rationale is centered around simple curiosity: the reader understands that he is waiting to learn if Scrooge will repent, if Romeo will marry Juliet, if the crops will be saved, the widow rescued. While the reader waits for that answer, the writer gets a chance to create the Three Christmas Ghosts and compose the Balcony Speech, and in the end, the reader finds that this—the Dirt— is what he or she has wanted all along.
The Apparent Narrative Rationale, then, can be seen as the writer’s answer to his own question “what exactly is it that I am doing here?” (The United States of Huck, p. 189)
Art, at its best, is a kind of uncontrolled yet disciplined Yelp, made by one of us who, because of the brain he was born with and the experiences he has had and the training he has received, is able to emit a Yelp that contains all of the joys, miseries, and contradictions of life as it is actually lived. That Yelp, which is not a logical sound, does good for all of us. Chekhov said that the purpose of art is not to solve problems but to formulate them correctly, and in Huck Finn, Twain formulated our national problems in a joyful and madly funny and frightening Yelp that amounted to a national clearing of the throat. It is kind of insane, this book, but in the same way that tribal cultures immunize and strengthen themselves by sitting around watching some half-nutty shaman flail around spouting descriptions of his mad vision, we are improved by Twain’s great Yelp: it contains, in capsule form, all that is very right and very wrong with us, and amounts to a complex equation proving that our right and our wrong both proceed out of the same national energy. If the Yelp is a bit rough, off-pitch, and inconsistent in places, God bless him: at least he did it. (The United States of Huck, p. 209)
The story of life is the story of the same basic mind readdressing the same problems in the same already discredited ways. First order of business: Feed the trap. Work the hours to feed the trap. Having fed the trap, shit, piss, preparing to again feed the trap. Because it is your trap, defend it at all costs. 
Because we feel ourselves first and foremost as physical beings, the physical comes to dominate us: Beloved uncles die, parents are displaced, cousins go to war, children suffer misfortune, love becomes a trap. The deeper in you go, the more it hurts to get out. Disaster (sickness, death, loss) is guaranteed and in fact is already en route, and when it comes, it hurst and may even destroy us. 
We fight this by making ourselves less vulnerable, mastering the physical, becoming richer, making bigger safety nets, safer cars, better medicines.
But it’s nowhere near enough. (Buddha Boy, p. 243)
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