#it's so fun to think of silly tidbits of space lore or like
frosteee-variation · 1 year
new character for a friend's campaign that I got invited to! I'll probably draw some smaller doodles and/or a better reference sometime soon, but I was figuring out colors and design and thought this looked good so. eh.
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The whole gimmick of the campaign is that everyone is from a different timeline/universe/dimension/all that jazz and is kind of scattered across space-time, so this here's my lizardfolk warlock, Skip! I figured that since other people were probably going to go for deals that were geared towards fantasy, I went for an interstellar pilot from a rickety old cargo ship called The Rascal. It's technically an artificer, but it's a bit hard to get advanced tech when you're thrown back millions of centuries.
The campaign itself is probably going to happen sometime in January, so for now I've just been trying to flesh out Skip itself a bit more!
Which admittedly I have done, uh. A lot.
It's mostly been the rest of its crew, The Rascal itself, and superstitions, though. Like how members of The Rascal can be identified by the trinkets that they wear, which they pick up whenever they stop at a new location! It's both a way to catch stowaways (by being able to track what locations they've been to and catching inconsistencies using their own souvenirs) and see how long crewmates have been on the ship. Fun!
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spiribia · 8 months
FOR ME gw2 is strongest in its open-endedness and movement systems, its rewarding of exploration. I do have a lot of fun with its linear story, but I feel like some of its narrative issues arise from the disparate existences of a focused narrative localized in a story journal & missable major character interaction or lore tidbits that exist in the open world in random real time events or journal entries tucked away in niches, sometimes taking place in between chapters of the main story without certainty of if you’re even at the point of the plot for it yet. and because of the freedoms the game wants to grant you, there is no way for them to guarantee you experience, not core plot stuff per se, but specific ambient things that pad out story that might otherwise feel oddly brief, abrupt, or empty if you just beeline the story they do guide you on, and yet the main story is written to assume you did all that. I think every player has had a moment of at least minor disorientation, a “who is this npc and what are they doing here”, a “wait, when did this character show up”. SOTO spoilers under cut.
it doesn’t particularly help in some cases that there is a certain detached brevity to some emotional beats. while characters have so much dialogue space to banter, there’s a lot of characters outright telling you how they felt about things you didn’t actually get to experience. here’s what zojja says after you kill an npc that as far as I know merely exists for you as a one-off possessed enemy you come across in a room of an instance.
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what am I supposed to do with this information, and how am I meant to parse it emotionally? I didn’t even know that npc at all. She is not brought up before this or after.
I’ve seen a lot of people say they felt distant from mabon’s death. You are kind of just listening to zojja TELL you why this death is devastating to her and what Mabon meant to her basically anew.
Can you think of a single memorable moment off the top of your head between Mabon and Zojja before he died? That isn’t a rhetorical question, & I don’t mean to say that you can’t - but for me, I couldn’t.
When I was first starting out the game, I remember seeing player complaints about the storyline that all the characters do is talk and talk about their FEELINGS, and I thought, that’s a silly thing to hate about a story! Don’t you want to care about these characters and what they’re going through emotionally? But I think that has become part of the problem for me in time – that these characters TELL me what they’re feeling all the time and yet somehow it doesn’t mean anything to me emotionally. A heart-to-heart does make sense – there is sometimes just no other way to hear a character parse out to you specifics of what is going on inside of them – but in many cases I don’t even have the context for the situation to be more than a character all but saying ‘this loss has affected me deeply for these reasons, and I will now undergo character development.’ This isn’t an issue exclusive to SOTO to me, to be clear – there are many times in the broader story when the emotional impact of something has been more told to me than felt.
I understand that they are on a limited runtime storywise in things like a game, but it’s not that I feel like there’s not even dialogue – I feel like there is SO much dialogue and yet major beats in the story don’t feel properly fleshed out to me sometimes. I don’t know how much I can articulate this without textwalling everyone. But I love the game, I actually do. I say this because there have been definitely profound singular moments too.
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blobracing · 4 months
1) Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker
Featuring gay Wormie lore, Alan Dean Foster's sharktooth earring, and the earnest adventuresome spirit of late 70s scifi.
So, this one feels a little weird to start out on, because of all the Star Wars stories there are to know, A New Hope is probably THE one folks know. Not a lot of new ground to tread. Wookieepedia has a whole list of differences between the movie and the book, so that won’t be my main focus– also, it strikes me as kind of tedious to be like “ummmm achtsually in the movie the callsign of the stormtrooper that Luke is impersonating while infiltrating the Death Star is TK-421, NOT THX-3118” for the next (checks watch) two hundred novels. Instead, I want to look at the author, things I found funny and cool, and how effective it is as an adaptation. 
Here’s a quick overview of Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker AKA A New Hope:
Whoa, written by George Lucas? No way dude, ghostwritten by Alan Dean Foster. More on him later.
Wait, didn’t ANH come out in 1977? Yes! This came out a year before, and seems to be based on the script, rather than the finalized film. 
Lowkey... kinda silly goofy!
You may note that George Lucas gets billed as the author of this first novel, presumably as a clarity thing, but it’s very much written by Alan Dean Foster. You may know him from beefing with Disney about unpaid royalties in 2021 or for his goofy ahh take on the Rise of Skywalker script that Jenny Nicholson covered. I met him first as a grade school kid picking up Splinter of the Mind’s Eye and for the first time knowing what critical derision felt like. (Guess what’s next on the list! 🤪 ) For whatever it’s worth, I’d say he’s an industry legend, but from the adaptations I’ve seen him do, I think ANH is probably perfect for his strengths, whereas I felt like I was reading his Alien adaptation through a thick reduction sauce of Flash Gordon vibes. 
That actually works perfectly here with ANH: it’s supposed to be a little swashbuckly, a hero’s adventure in the classic sense, inheriting cultural cues from scifi comics and pulpy novels. It feels retro in a way that made me feel fond and almost nostalgic for a time I didn’t live through, but also nostalgic about the kind of wonder and mystery that Star Wars held for me as a kid. It’s earnest. 
Further improving my mood, I just saw this picture of Mr. Foster wearing a sick fucking earring.  
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Not really sure how else to categorize these: they’re things I noticed and earmarked as I was reading that felt like fun trivia, something to talk about, or gave me a sensible chuckle.
(with the cadence of welcoming Norm into Cheers) WORMIE! This fun fact circulates around Tumblr every now and again, but in this novelization (arguably the movie as well) Luke is characterized as an overeager little twink who hates farming and is always kicking up a fuss in the local young adults dive claiming to have seen space battles or things way too exciting to ever happen in a backwater like Anchorhead. For reasons totally unaddressed and unexplained, his nickname is Wormie. Imagining how he got that is now my favorite brain screensaver.  
Right when you think ah, that was a fun thing that happened, I’m sure we’re done with delightful Luke trivia, Biggs shows up. If you’re new to Biggs Darklighter lore, he’s Luke’s childhood friend who leaves first to join the Imperial Academy and then defects to the Rebellion– and also bites it attacking the Death Star later in the movie. That backstory is cut in the movie, but exists in the script and the novel, and I was delighted to run into it. I truly can’t emphasize enough the Slightly Older Cool Friend Who Moved Out Of Town And Is Now Living His Gay Truth And Just Came Back To Say Goodbye To His Hometown Not-Really-Boyfriend Because The Relationship Could Never Be Formal And Is Confusing In The Way Of First Love Entwined Inexorably With Feelings Of Brotherhood And Also Now Saying Goodbye vibes. Thankfully, I don’t have to describe it: it exists as a deleted scene and you can watch it for yourself. Mark Hamill couldn’t be cuter if he tried.  
Alan Dean Foster (it doesn’t feel right if I don’t say the whole name) has a hell of a way with words– and he’s also in an interesting position where the Star Wars trend/rule of using in-universe comparisons doesn’t yet apply. Character descriptions are usually fairly light, but he comes for Tarkin’s throat with this one: 
“The nearest to Tagge was a thin, hatchet-faced man with hair and form borrowed from an old broom and the expression of a quiescent piranha.” 
Another issue with the book pre-dating the movie (and likely some versions of the script) are that iconic lines are altered or different:
[Leia’s message stored within R2 is playing for the first time] “Obi-wan Kenobi,” the voice implored huskily, “help me! You’re my only remaining hope.” A burst of static dissolved the face momentarily. Then it coalesced again, and once more the voice repeated, “Obi-wan Kenobi, you’re my only remaining hope.”
Like famed haute couture designer Miku Hatsune says, take one thing off before you leave the house. “Remaining”? C’mon. 
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Luke doesn’t know what ducks are, but did once have a dog. He’s randomly thinking about the dog later as they’re about to leave Tatooine. (“Oddly, Luke was thinking of a dog he had once owned when an immensely powerful something wrenched at the ship’s hull with the strength of a fallen angel.”) It always feels like missing a step on the stairs when you realize that if this lore had made the cut we’d have gotten like a four issues long comics run about Luke’s dog having kid-friendly adventures and at least one “the camera lingers on a dog in the alleyway of Mos Espa…” moment in the Boba Fett series. 
Chewbacca is written as having one, singular line of dialogue:
“This way,” the Wookie grunted– at least, it sounded something like that to Luke.
Of course there’s Greedo in the cantina scene, Han shoots first but the dialogue is a lot less cool– more egregiously, later there’s a scene where Jabba shows up and he’s just a guy. He’s literally just a guy. 
This is another deleted scene you can still see on Youtube – he’s just a guy. I grew up with the versions of the original trilogy without any digital alterations, so I never saw Jabba in any form until ROTJ. Still can’t believe he’s just, like… a guy in this version. I see that guy at Dunkins every day. 
Mr. Alan Dean Foster does occasionally go hard, never let it be said I don’t also see him doing things like this:
“You sense only a part of the force, Darth,” Kenobi murmured with the assurance of one to whom death is merely another sensation, like sleeping or making love or touching a candle. “As always, you perceive its reality as little as a utensil perceives the taste of food.”
Some little prose bits that would seem nigh-unthinkable– the Force isn’t really capitalized at all. There’s like, once instance of it being capitalized but is otherwise just the force. The Death Star is also not referred to by name, and is instead just “the battle station.” (Also droids are ’droids, and there’s at least one ’puter which rendered me incapable of saying anything else for at least five minutes.) 
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“Luke was then treated to a sight unique in his experience, unique in most men’s. Several rebel technicians walked up to Artoo Detoo, positioned themselves around him, and gently hoisted him in their arms. This was the first, and probably the last time he would ever see a robot being carried respectfully by men.”
We don’t have time to unpack all that.
In the final ceremony scene where Leia is putting medals on everyone, he doesn’t… call them medals.
“She placed something heavy and golden around Solo’s neck, then Chewbacca’s–having to strain to do so– and finally around Luke’s.”
And then it just goes on– why don’t we call them medals? Was it just “something heavy and golden” in the script? Were they going to dream up some kind of space medals but hadn’t committed to it? My only recourse is to imagine she's gently bestowing "1pc Iced Jesus Piece Pendant Large HIP HOP Style Big Crystal Jesus Piece Pendant Necklace Chain For Men Hip Hop" from temu on the heroes of the Rebellion.
Is it successful? I’d honestly say hell yeah. It walks a line between believing in itself and taking itself the appropriate amount of seriously, without going overboard. Alan Dean Foster’s prose works well in this specific instance– even some of the goofier comparisons or word choices don’t feel like speed bumps, because ANH ultimately reads to me as a movie that wants you to have fun. 
In the color photos section of the novel, Georgie actually says this: “[...] I’d make a film so rooted in imagination that the grimness of everyday life would not follow the audience into the theater. In other words, for two hours they could forget. I’m trying to reconstruct a genre that’s been lost and bring it to a new dimension so that the elements of space, fantasy, adventure, suspense and fun all work and feed off each other. So in a way, STAR WARS is a movie for the kid in all of us.” 
Ultimately, the adaptation I think is kind of the purest possible emotional translation of that intent for ANH– it feels very one-to-one. All of the potential, adventure, unknowns in the movie are here in the script, and there’s a sense that this really is just a small window in a very big universe. It makes total sense as a predecessor to the EU’s spirit of exploration and weirdness, and also makes sense in a way that myths are made out of people who don’t know how important they are in the moment. It feels crazy to look at the road ahead and know we’re going to be spending so much time following freakin’ Wormie on his path to demi-godhood.
Should you read it? If you’ve got spare time and are in the mood, sure. It’s not going to blow your tits clean off, but it was fun. 
Was it successful as an adaptation AND as scifi alone? Honestly, resoundingly as an adaptation. It’s hard for me to be objective about it as a standalone thing since the movie is probably engraved into my genetic code at this point.
What do you think happened to Luke’s dog? I’m gonna be real, Tuskens probably got him.  
Star Wars: Splinter of the Mind’s Eye, by Alan Dean Foster
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eight-cats-in-a-box · 5 months
Hello! This is my 'about me' post! You can find some more detailed info about what I'll write, my limits/boundaries, and just silly little tidbits here!
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OC lore pt 2, electric boogaloo!!!
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I have nine cats. Buzz, Gracie, Lucy, Betty, Bill, Frank, Honey, Cheddar, and Flip-Flop.
Buzz is our oldest girl, at 14 years old!
Bill is a girl.
My favourite colour is blue!
I like space! Always have, always will.
I'm in. So many fandoms. I think at last count it was like. 42?
Currently into Transformers
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modmamono · 4 years
Why Space Channel 5 is one of SEGA’s best dumbest games ever, no questions asked. (Report 1 & 1/2.)
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Space Channel 5 on the Dreamcast is one of my favorite things ever, let alone favorite video games. Though I more often watch it on YouTube then actually play it.
For those not in the know, Space Channel 5 is a game series developed by United Game Artists and published by parent company SEGA. And that’s the most Wikipedia quoting I’m gonna do in this gush piece.
There aren’t many games quite like this rhythmic, Simon says game. At least in style because this game has that in spades, the gameplay anyone can do. And I am not at all qualified to explain its style because I wouldn’t how to describe it as besides maybe very 70s?
Point is there’s something charming about this game, and I think SEGA agrees with me on that. The lead character, Ulala (seen above), appear in these games to name a few years after new Space Channel 5 games stopped being made after 2002:
2004: Sega Superstars
2006: Sonic Riders
2008: Sega Superstars Tennis and Samba de Amigo
2010: Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing 
2012: Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed and Project X Zone
2015: Project X Zone 2
And not to mention the invading aliens have been skins of the titular Puyo Puyo in that series for a while I can’t determine. Possibly since at most 2007 up until current day with Puyo Puyo Champions in 2018/2019.
ALSO not to mention the VR game that came out recently! (How could I forget that? That’s the main reason I’m doing this.)
So it is clear SEGA loves this game and it’s sequel a lot. I don’t think their most beloved cult classic NiGHTS: Into Dreams gets that much love from the company though it certainly does get a lot itself, most games wish their parents still loved them that much long after they had a game. Anyway...
Now the part where I actually talk about the game.
I wanna say, first and foremost. This is not a review of the game. This is just gushing about why this game makes me happy.
And everything I’m gushing about is just what you get from the from one playthrough of the game. Save for one exception, I will not be talking about supplementary material, nor Space Channel 5′s lore.
And yes, this colorful dancing/rhythm/simon says game has lore. Basically any non-repeated character model has their own biograph. So I will not go into that.
You’re not missing too much, there are interesting tidbits, sometimes they fill you in on background details of the story.
Speaking of the story. I’ll start in a second. But if this is new to you, you can watch it here first (The first playthrough is only half the video):
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We start off with a bunch of alien sitting on a space couch watching space TV. These aliens are known as the Morolians and they’ll be the main antagonists for the evening.
This cutscene has no dialogue, so this is all open to interpretation for a first time viewer. Though I do enjoy this split second foreshadowing:
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And that’s when the title screen appears. Blasting you with the series’ main theme Mexican Flyer. Look it up if you must. You’ll be hearing it a lot, it’s the game and Ulala’s leitmotif.
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Report 1: This is terrorism attack on an airport... I’m gonna ignore that.
This is the only piece of supplemental material I’ll talk about, as it’s present in the game itself, but not elaborated on, and it is important to two of the character.
The game starts in a flashback. In the year AD 2489 a spaceship exploded. Everybody on board died safe for a little girl.
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She was rescued by a man working for Space Channel 5. A news organization that with a specific focus on dancing. That last bit is nothing special though, as everything in this galaxy revolves around dancing.
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After the little girl is saved by this kindly Channel 5 Gent (Age 25) she knew what she wanted to be after she grew up. She wanted to be a sexy dancing reporter for Space Channel 5 just like him (presumably). And to meet him so she can thank him in person.
10 years later......
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It is AD 2499! And the Morolians attack a space airport and their ray beams hypnotize people to dance silly.
And that’s when Space Channel 5 sends in Ulala to report on the progress.
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But what they’re actually doing is for Ulala to solve the problem instead of the Space authorities.
One character I do wanna mention now is that Ulala’s producer, Fuse, is an unseen character yet is important later. He’s the one briefing Ulala in the screenshot above. And oversees Ulala’s every move.
Also Ulala never got to meet her rescuer. He either left shortly after Ulala got rescued, or shortly before Ulala joined. Given what we learn later, likely the former.
Anyway onto the show:
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I will always love that. Ulala got down on the ground in the panicking space air port to coolly report on the panic.
As quick aside, I wanna mention that Ulala doesn’t run in this game, she slowly struts and all of her struts are simply majestic. And those amazing struts lead her to the first gameplay section of this game.
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Some Morolians hold a few hypnotized people hostage. This is is a dance battle. Meaning you got repeat exactly what the aliens do in the exact rhythm they did it in order to save the hostages. And I love this gameplay. It’s simple yet fun (provided you got minimal lag, you should look into that if you wanna play this game).
The controls are:
Up: Up
Down: Down
Left: Left
Right: Right/Light
Button 1: Chu (Aliens)
Button 2: Chu (Humans)
And this is how normal people settle things in this world apparently:
Party 1 (usually the Aliens) make up a tough but fair pattern for Ulala to copy in the hopes of psyching her out.
Party 2 (Ulala & Co.) gets as many chances ad she got. And the better she does more people tune into her news report. If she wins she gets what she wants. Saving the hostage and getting Party 1 out of her hair.
Every single one lives by this code of honor and I honestly have no clue if there’s an in-universe reason. But I love it regardless. I love it when people say: Up Down Chu Chu Chu. And the Ulala repeating it.
Though frankly, I don’t like it when the Morolians issue the commands. I like it when others do the exact same commands in this same game, so it’s a little bit of a bummer the Morolians do it.
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Anyways. You save the hostages and they join in on Ulala’s unstoppable strut as will always happen if you rescue people. And they strut to the second gameplay type: The Shoot-out.
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The controls are the same as the above but now you gotta watch out for humans in the mix.
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In general these are trickier. And I might go into that later. But they do work on the same rules.
Don’t worry I won’t go over every dance or shoot-out unless there’s something special about it.
Also I’m pretty sure you kill people if you push the wrong Chu. Don’t do that, it’s bad for the ratings!
Skipping over three battles.Something new happens, rival space news station: Space(?) Channel 42 has a reporter of their own out on the field. And that reporter is planning to steal Channel 5′s viewership. And this is HER!
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You do a dance battle and she dies.
Though seriously, I like this game does this. It’s not only aliens you fight, but other factions of the Space News Media. And it’s always a nice shake up when someone besides her shows up.
You see, for the most part any reoccurring enemy has recognizable mannerisms you gotta batlle, and her is no different. It’s hard to describe for me. You kinda gotta play or watch the game for yourself to see what I mean, but I think it’s best exemplified in Report 2. And the following games.
Though one thing’s for sure, each non-normal Morolians or rival reported does bring their own genre switch with them. Heck sometimes even normal battles have unique genres. I’m am not musically inclined so I wouldn’t know hers or most others. 
Any way, before she dies she give an emotional speech and gracefully suggests to take her Channel 42 guitarist with her and Ulala accepts that’s the least she could do for a lousy reporter like her.
And then it’s boss time!
Yeah, actual bosses with actual boss characters. And not like the recently deceased as shown above. She’s practically for all intents and purposes another Morolian dance battle.
And it’s down to funky jazz music, not unlike what you’d see in Sonic Adventure! Even Ulala comments on it, confirming it’s dietetic  Where does it come from? Not sure, there might be an explanation somewhere. But do keep that in mind. That the music we hear is also the music the characters hear as well.
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Not Pictured: Super Stretchy Arms.
I think it’s a bit of a misnomer. Invader is correct, that’s what it’s here for. But is it really a robot? It moves like an organics and is a bit rubbery. This basically goes for all Morolian robots.
I can suspend my disbelief. You shouldn’t nitpick too much about Space Channel 5, it doesn’t want you to think too hard about it’s world even if there’s a lot to it. I’d be concerned if Space Channel 5 did wanna put its story and world building first and foremost.
But “Hypnotized Robot Invader”?
Robots and hypnotism... I’m pretty sure a sign that we made perfect human-like Artificial Intelligence if they can fall susceptible to Hypnosis. Even then I doubt it.
Sorry, that’s always bothered me, I get what they mean by it. It’s just the word choice... Did they mean Hypnotizing Robot Invader? This boss is great.
It starts off with a normal dance battle, but you get to watch a new Morolian enemy’s moves. It’s also quicker on the draw along with a few softballs to throw your timing off. Pretty good stuff.
And that applies to the next phase as well, where the the shooting starts.
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I don’t have much to say.
Unlike the robot’s final phase where it’s the first phase again, but with guns and the robot goes to berserking speeds with the input commands.
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And after you beat it, it joins you in a strut.
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As does everyone you saved, No matter the gender, nor age, nobody is embarrassed imitating Ulala no matter what she does. We’ll be half as lucky to get a cool future as cool as 2499.
And with that the first report is over.
Report 2: (Age 35)
At the Morolian HQ (Presumably), their boss doesn’t like failure.
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But like a good boss he doesn’t dwell on failure and moves on to the next plan. One of his lackeys has this plan: Another boss battle dance robot who operates on:
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The everyone at the table is impressed. So I guess Ulala is screwed, game over.
This level is more of the same as the last one more or less, it’s possibly the most boring level in the series in that regard. It’s not bad, this is just the game bulding enough a status quo before they change things up in Report 3.
But that doesn’t make this level any less interesting to talk about, so I won’t go over it much.
The short story until something new happens is: Space Ship (think of it as a fancy yacht but in space) is being attack by Morolians, Ulala is send to report on it, and being the professional she is saves hostages as well.
She saves the captain, crew members, stewardesses, waitresses, the Space Diva (OH NO! NOT THE SPACE DIVA!), passages and the like.
He voice says “I’m gonna steal you show, Space Channel 5”. And you see this ship flying by:
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Another rival reporter, this one a pirate broadcasting station.
Side note: That’s sounds like the most important kind of pirate ever. Alternative news/non-mainstream with no money/rating motive blinding everything with journalistic integrity? Yes, by all means. If they’re pirates then so are Secular Talk & The Humanist Report.
Back to the silly dance game. The Pirates either jam or hack Channel 5′s signal and the Ulala is stuck with them for a while.
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And then we meet that where we meet the gent above.
“[His] name is:“
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(Age 35)
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Dude, I love Jaguar (Age 35) he’s gotta be my second favorite character in the series on account he’s just cool and incapable of embarrassment.
Remember the deceased of the last report? The Channel 42 reporter in the blue dress? He’s her counterpart for this chapter.
But whereas the deceased’s gimmick sounded air headed for a lack of a better term. Maybe, girly? Point is, battling her didn’t feel too dissimilar to battling Morolians despite her rhytmic mannerisms.
Jaguar (Age 35)’s gimmick is that he just adds. He starts with a simple Up. And then he adds a Chu, and another Chu. Eventually it becomes a really long chain of commands, it has to be some of the longest in the series. And you have to do them all from start to finish because he does them all sequentially. Can you repeat?:
Up. Chu. ChuChu. Right. Left. Down. DownDown. Down. Chu. Chu. Chu.
He is easing you into it, but it is by no means an easy fight. Because after the chain is at its longest, he just spamming ChuChuChu in quick succession. And then a simple Chu.
After defeat Jaguar & Co, escape by jet-pack, saying they will meet later.
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This battle is a highlight for me. Coco Tapioco and the big bosses to come are better if you ask me (with exceptions). But Jaguar (Age 35) is some of the best the normal gameplay goes.
And you could argue what normal means in the context of Space Channel 5. But effectively, like Channel 42′s deceased, functionally he might as well be another Morolian if he wasn’t there to be set up for later. Because you do get person that just joins your Strut Club like everywhere else.
You gain his Jazz Man and you get a great sax solo as a reward beating him. Like how you got Channel 42′s guitarist for beating them. I like the think the Jazz Man can work for Jaguar (Age 35) again while the Channel 42 Guitarist is blacklisted.
And before we move on from Jaguar (Age 35) check out his Chu pose:
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Jaguar (Age 35): The alien mothership is retreating. Don’t you have to follow them, Channel 5? Fuse: Blast you, Jaguar [Age 35].
With the pirates giving chase, Ulala is left with the cowardly alien robot to elegant music.
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Ignoring the robot’s title, while silly, its cowardice is its greatest asset. For it has kidnapped some space schoolkids, making their space teacher worry. Their space teacher can actually be seen at the start of the report.
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Space fashion, am I right?
I’ve exceeded Tumblr’s invisible limit of what to put in a blog post. I’ll have to rewrite this boss what I have to say for this boss. So full, can’t spell check! We’ll be back!
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techpriestess · 7 years
Had some thoughts about the community and the recent growth. Proceed at your own risk.
Let’s preface with this.
I’m super pleased to see a sudden influx and interest in the Warhammer 40k roleplay scene. It’s fun to watch all these ask blogs spring up with named canon or otherwise characters and bicker and play and otherwise have a good time. It’s awesome to see the influx of silly art and other things spring from the surrounding community. Some of them are are old blood, but it seems like there’s some newer blood that may have been around before but not on the RP scene. It’s nice to see a refreshing excitement, and to see these kind of crack-style RPs between ask blogs and RP blogs.
It’s awesome to see new names circling. But as a full fledged role play blog, these flurries of ask blogs are nice, but the reality is it’s not actually much of an expansion of the roleplaying community. Sure there’s the banter and the back and forth, but a good majority of the ask blogs aren’t role play blogs in the sense that we’re not telling a story or furthering a character arc or any of that.
Which makes mingling them with the Roleplaying list very conflicting experience. I had them separate before, but combined them this last time around... I think I will be separating them again. So some of you may be getting private messages from me to get an idea of where you fit on the spectrum.
From my perspective, so take this for what you will, a good majority of the 40k RPing community takes the canon relatively seriously. We each have our heresies and plot holes and inaccuracies(whether it be from RP etiquette or from our own understandings or headcanons in relation to the lore), but there’s a sense that for the most part there’s some fidelity to what has been published. Which makes a lot of these ask blogs just that much more challenging to RP with beyond crack fun, because so many of these characters are dead, or from 10k years pre-current timeline, or would not interact with their opposing faction with anything less than a chainfist to the face.
Here’s the part where people might be offended, so bear with me and try to hear me out for a second, or stop here and carry on your tumblr experience.
As most of you know I ventured into another RPing community for the first time a number of months ago, and from that learned a whole slew of things relating to rp etiquette, and canon vs. headcanon and the application thereof. And some of it I had never heard of before because it doesn’t come up terminology-wise in the 40k community for whatever reason. One of the things that I think we ought to be using and respecting is the concept of ‘canon divergence’.
The most blaring example of this in our community is the very polarizing topic of female space marines. Regardless of what side of the argument you’re on, current canon has no lady marines. Pseudoscience aside, that is the way GW has laid it out. Whether that will change in the future is anyone’s guess, but such as it is.
Some blogs run with their own headcanons, which is totally fine. I have no problem with that. But with any topic that diverges from canon, I do expect respect towards those who do not, or prefer not, diverge from canon, regardless of what particular tidbit that is. Fanon is not canon and I get the sense that there’s this attitude that if you don’t embrace lady marines(or anything any group views as a form of representation) you’re a bigot/sexist/discriminatory or whatever the hot button insult is this week. I personally don’t care if they make it canon or not. If they do, congrats to those who have been cheering for that. If they don’t, oh well. But being rude about it doesn’t change things.
For other communities’ problems, I have really come to appreciate when I see people respect other people’s preferences and rules. If you want canon to change, if you have your own headcanons, if your blog is canon divergent, that’s fine. But that doesn’t make those who don’t subscribe to that idea wrong or lesser. This is for fun, a role playing GAME, so let’s not make it a conflict.
TL;DR: Lets all please just get along?
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