gale-gentlepenguin · 5 years
What your Favorite ML ships say about you
Adrinette: You were a huge Naruhina fan back when you watched Naruto. Because you want to date a cute girl that stutters or you want to date a blond that has the awareness of a bag of rice.
Ladynoir: You think a relationship is 90% banter and 10% puns. You also think that dating your colleague would be daring and sexy.
Marichat: You believe that the best way for two people to fall in love is to take their crush off of the pedestal and see them for who they are. You probably are a furry and think balconies are romantic.
Ladrien: You like the reversal of the damsel in distress trope. You also understand better then anyone that there is nothing better then a strong women carrying a cute guy bridal style. You also probably really liked that scene in Spiderman where Spiderman and Mary Jane did the upside down kiss. You think wonder woman was the best movie ever.
Lukanette: You were originally into Adrinette but you have become so jaded with the show that you would ship a cardboard box with Marinette if the box showed love and support for Marientte more then the love square. You also think Dyed hair and musicians are the coolest thing ever.
Adrigami: You are sick and tired of most of the fandom being angry at Adrien for not returning Marinette’s feelings despite not know what they are. You also believe that a girl that can kick your ass is the best thing in life (and in that you are right)
Alynino: You think the best friends of the Main characters getting together is a must. You also believe that a chill bro and an assertive no nonsense woman are a combo that work perfectly. 
Julrose: Your favorite dynamic is a morning person preppy girl with a night owl goth. You also just really want cute girls dating, and really there is nothing wrong with that.
Chlonath: You really like the character redemption arc. You also believe that in order for that arc to be complete, the bully has to get with one of the people that they initially bullied. you may also like sarcasm far more then you should.
MarcNath: You really just want some queer representation in a children show, and there is nothing wrong with that. 
Ivlyne (Ivan x Myléne): Beauty and the beast is your favorite Disney movie. You also think Origins is the best episode of season 1. You also like tall bois and short girls.
Kimax: You believe  that the nerd and the jock would solve all of their problems by smooching. You also love chaotic dumbass with a smart guy who says “And thats my dumbass”
Marikim: You are Morosexual. You liked Adrinette but felt that this fit your niché even better.
Alynette: Your favorite ship dynamic is Gals being pals 
Adrinino: Your favorite ship dynamic is Bromance but  All of the homo.
Ninette: You just really like cinnamon rolls
Renanoir: You are definitely a furry and you are proud of it.
Marigami: You think that instead of being rivals, making out will solve all of their problems
Lukadrien: You like Luka, but you don't like Lukanette, You also may also be a fan of ‘Kiss him Not me’
Gabenath: You think all villains need someone to hook up with. Plus you may have a glasses fetish
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gale-gentlepenguin · 5 years
ML Dream Cont: (Cause my mind wants to make a ml saga for some reason)
Previous Dreams: (ML Dream Episode) (My Subconscious is f***ing taunting me) (Because my mind finally wants to be nice) (Yes there is more) (The one with Zag Spoilers)
Who is Arséne?
This episode seemed to have taken place right after the previous dream episode ‘Mask Master’ So apparently Lila was pissed about what happened at the masquerade ball, and told Gabriel.
-Gabriel was scolding Adrien about the whole thing. Adrien was just sort of looking sullen and sad. 
-Arséne is let in because he had something to discuss with Gabriel about some financial paper work (I think it was investing)
-Gabriel told Arséne to come back tomorrow that he was busy. Arséne said that won't work since he has a business trip, and asks Adrien whats wrong.
-Gabriel explains that Adrien had embarrassed Miss Rossi (the new model/ aka the lying B****) and that he will be taking Adrien out of school effective immediately.
-Adrien stands up. He tries to protest.
-”You have disgraced the Gabriel brand Adrien. Until you understand what that means, you will be here.”
-Arséne steps in.
-”It is my fault the boy did this Gabriel.”
-Arséne explains in detail about how Adrien was not at fault because it was his lesson (honestly I don't really remember the full explanation, but it worked)
-Gabriel tells Adrien he has a warning and to not do anything remotely of the sort to Lila in the future.
-Arséne was relieved... until Gabriel fired him instead.
-”You are a terrible influence on my son and I want you as far away from him as possible. Consider your lessons canceled.”
-Adrien tried to defend his tutor but Arséne told Adrien it is okay.
-”A gentleman knows when it is time to walk away.”
-Arséne said farewell to the young blond and began to walk away. Being ever so polite about it.
-”You would do better in the future to work on your manners Mr. Manochot.” Gabriel commented.
-Arséne got PISSED. He stops.
-Arséne turned back and went up to Gabriel before shouting at him, listing everything Gabriel did wrong as a business owner, as a socialite, and especially as a father.
-”I have known this boy for a few months and I am certain I have been a better father figure to him then you have been in his entire life.”
-”What are you implying?”
-”You may be his father Gabriel, but you sure as hell are not his Dad.” Arséne left in a huff.
-Marinette is with Kitty Section, She seemed to be just listening to their new set.  
-After they finished, Luka asked what the designer thought of the set. She said it was really awesome, but the third song did feel less... (she couldn't phrase it) But Luka understood.
-”Yea, I do think that song still needs some work.”
-Ivan approaches Marinette asking to talk to her for a second.
-Marinette knows why Ivan wants to talk and the two move to the side. Marinette shows a cat bandana with the Kitty section logo on it. It was a commission that Ivan asked for. It was for Myléne’s birthday.
-Ivan hugging and spinning Marinette out of thankfulness was adorable.
-He takes the bandana and goes to wrap it up.
Marinette was glad the drummer liked it.
-Ivan tells the band he needs to leave so that he can meet with Myléne, there is some encouragement from the band and he runs off. Practice pretty much over, everyone kind of splinters off.
-Marinette comments to Tikki that she wishes she could have something like that.
-Luka approaches Marinette, asking if she wanted to help him with the song in the third set.
-Marinette looked a bit flustered saying she is no good at rhyming and all that.
-”I could use some inspiration, and you are very inspiring” (WHY IS LUKA SO F***ING SWUAVE! THIS IS MY DREAM, HE SHOULD NOT BE) 
-Marinette agrees.
-Arséne is walking out of the mansion and Adrien ran after him.
-Adrien saying he doesn't want Arséne to leave, that he has been such a good tutor and mentor.
-Arséne smiling at Adrien.
-”You're a good kid Adrien, promise me you won't become anything like your father, and I will know that my lessons paid off.”
-There is an akuma, it was originally headed for Arséne, but seeing Adrien calmed the gentleman down. But Now Adrien was sad and akumatizeable. So Arséne got in the way (Zombizou parallel) got his pocket square.
-Arséne telling Adrien to run, fighting the akumatization.
-Adrien tells him to keep fighting it. That he will get help and he runs off.
-As soon as Adrien is gone, Arséne gives in. But it seemed like he Wanted to get akumatized.
-Hawkmoth introduces himself, blah blah blah.
-”Now I will Make Gabriel Agreste suffer!”
-Hawkmoth realizing errors were made.
-Monsieur Manner is born! He is wearing an all white suit, with a butterfly shaped eye mask. He has a cane, and his hair is prim and proper brown. his eyes are purple.He has an incredible mustache.
-Hawkmoth quickly changed back to Gabriel to avoid his lair being found.
-He kidnaps Gabriel and takes him to the Eiffel Tower. 
-Adrien sees this. Plagg asking if this is even a bad thing. They transform and go off to fight him.
- Gabriel pretending he has no idea whats going on. But is internally screaming.
- Marinette is listening to Luka play and looks a bit smitten. Then her phone goes off, news alert. Marinette says she needs to answer a call. and walks out.
-Luka shrugs and keeps playing.
-Marinette checks the news and sees Chat noir fighting an akuma.
-Marinette tells Luka, ‘Bakery emergency and that she has to go.’
-”No worries, I feel plenty inspired thanks to you.”
-Marinette left smiling before she transformed.
-Monseuir Manners had an ability to create ‘Rules’ which if people didn't follow they get punished.
- Ladybug and Chat noir realizing they were a little out of their depth and needed to find a way to beat him. Ladybug needed to go get back up.
-Myléne gets inflicted by an effect of the rules and her punishment was being turned into a statue.
-Ivan was furious, and wanted to fight against the akuma.
-Ivan helped by allowing Ladybug to escape, so Ivan got the bull Miraculous in this one. I think he was called ‘Long horn’ I just know his costume was so so, I liked other fan designs better.
-Ivan’s power was something that made him able to endure the rule breaking. I can't for the life of me remember and I know it sounded so OP in this episode. Like it made him immune to powers of others for a short time.
-The fight itself was really cool, Chat noir trying to talk down Monsieur Manners the entire time.
-They win, and Long horn is holding Myléne is the cutest thing in the world.
- Chat noir checking if Arséne is okay after he was freed.
- Arséne thanks the cat hero.
-Gabriel makes a rather vicious remark about Arséne, and Chat noir fires BACK!
-Ladybug and Arséne watching the cat go OFF on Gabriel Agreste. Arséne has some suspicions on who Chat noir is.
-Ladybug backs up her partner, because quite frankly, she agrees that Gabriel is an awful parent, (who lets Lila be a model anyway?)
-Ladynoir moment that is sweet.
-Gabriel apologizes to Arséne, asking him to come back working with him. Arséne looks at the cat hero for a moment.
-”The only reason I am agreeing to this is because of your son.”
-Kind of a touching scene.
-Later, Arséne is on his own and Tuxx comes out.
-”Did you have fun being an akuma? Did it give you insight on which side we should take?”
-Arséne doesn't say anything.
-Tuxx smirks.
-”Going soft on me?”
- “If I take down Hawkmoth, Adrien loses a father, but Hawkmoth doesn't deserve the miraculous. I need more time to think.”
-”Is time really something you have? You know the ....”
-Arséne coughs loudly into his hankerchief.
-”I know I am on a time limit Tuxx, but playing rashly will also be just as detrimental.”
-”I don't want to lose my best friend.”
-”And you say I am going soft.”
-There was a bit at the end where Arséne is going out for a date, and Miss Bustier is there. But my dream kind of cuts off there.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
ML What if: Alt Origins Part 4b
(Master post)
(What if Fu didn’t send out the miraculous in origins?)
(Exchange Hero au)
-The next day, Jess and Chloé end up butting heads when Marinette and Alya snatch the seats (like they did in the original origins.) And Jess and Aeon snatched the seats that Chloé and Sabrina sat in canon. So now Chloé and Sabrina are stuck in the back of the classroom. 
-Alix laughs at Jess’ jokes and a bond is formed.
-Nino helps Adrien adjust to classroom life, with help from Marinette and he is having a great time.
-Ivan is super quiet after everything, doing his best not to draw attention to himself. He doesn't want people thinking worse of him after the incident. Plus, he does want to confess to Myléne, but feels like he would scare her.
-Marinette notices. Aeon, (who just discovered shipping) sees this and wants to help to. Aeon and Marinette talk to Ivan and help encourage him to confess with the song he wrote. But just like in Origins, it goes belly up.
-Hawkmoth decides now is the time to strike. Having his akuma on standby he sends It out. The akuma has multiplied in the secret office and now went out like a swarm. Spreading out all over Paris. (Making random people into rock monsters.
-And Ivan gets akumatized again, (Stone heart is back)
- And just like in origins, he kidnaps Chloé and Myléne.
-Aeon and Jess slip out of the class room to go transform and fight the monster.
-Alya runs after to go get the scoop. 
-Marinette runs after alya to prevent her from getting killed... again.
-Adrien also goes because he doesn't want to lose his new friends.
- Alya almost gets crushed by a car, but is saved when a laser slices it in half. Uncanny valley arrives.
-Alya was star struck. HEROES!
-”You are unharmed?” Uncanny Valley asked.
-”y-yes. Thank you.”
-Sparrow arrives.
-”Its dangerous work being a field reporter. So try and stay safe while we handle it.”
-Alya nods, starstruck.
-Uncanny valley scoops Sparrow up and they head to find the main stone giant.
-Meanwhile the other stone hearts start attacking.
-Marinette asks if Alya is okay, and she says she just got saved by super heroes. This day is amazing!
-Marinette sighs. Her friend is weird.
-”Do they know about the monster’s weak point?” Marinette questioned.
-Alya was confused.
Uncanny valley and Sparrow managed to catch up to the original stone heart. Who just like in canon, throws Chloé. But she is caught by sparrow. (Chloé now thinks sparrow is hot and Jess is mentally screaming.) But has to play it cool.
-Uncanny valley activates combat protocol and scans stone heart. Weak points unknown.
-”I can't get a proper analysis on him. I can't scan his weak points. And he has a hostage.”
-Sparrow put Chloé down and moved to Uncanny valley.
-”So we will have to make a weak point.
-But before they could (just like in canon) akuma pop out of an agony roaring stone heart. Forming Hawkmoth’s face.
-Hawkmoth demands that the new heroes arriving concede. He only is after two items. After he attains them he will leave. But any action against him will be seen as a threat, and the damage done to the city will be their fault.
-Sparrow tells the villain that he can't start making demands and act like he isn't guilty of causing the destruction. He is a jerk.
-Uncanny valley scans the akuma and deduces that they are not natural beings. But thanks to Majestia programing her to fight all sorts of foes. She was able to create a countermeasure against the akuma.
-”Countermeasure determined. extermination.”
-Basically a massive laser to destroy the akuma. It was calculated to avoid hitting the tower,
-”Nice work.” Sparrow praised.
-The two made their way to stone heart. Unfortunately, All of their attempts of fighting him only mad him angrier, and bigger.
-Marinette, Alya and Adrien make it to the scene. Where they can see the two heroes failing, Stoneheart was now getting bigger then before.
-”Poor Ivan.” Adrien comments. “He probably didn't want any of this.”
-”Its my fault, I encouraged him to tell Myléne how he felt and... Wait. Thats it.”
-Marinette started rushing to the tower.
-Adrien went after her, Alya tries to chase after the two, but officer roger noticed her and stopped her.
-Uncanny valley and Sparrow were finding themselves in a stalemate against the rock monster.
-”I wish Majestia was here, she could chuck this rock thing into the sun and be done with it.” Sparrow said, clearly tired.
-”Wait. I have an idea!”
The two heroes turned to see Their classmate there.
-Myléne noticed Marinette. She tells her to run.
-Stone heart roared and tried to swipe at Marinette, but Adrien pulled her out of harms way this time.
-”Cant let you get smushed princess.” 
-Uncanny valley awws at the two. They are so cute.
-Sparrow manages to get the two away while Uncanny valley distracts the monster.
-”You said you had a plan?”
-Marinette explained that Ivan has a crush on the girl in his hand. If they can get them closer, they can get him to open his hand and get the item that is making him a monster.
-Sparrow decides its worth a try, because (she clearly has no other ideas on how to beat this monster.)
-So Marinette and Adrien start singing the song’s lyrics (minus the metal part) Causing Myléne to better understand what Ivan was trying to do.”
Sparrow then uses her grappling hook to wrap around stone hearts hand and have the two kiss. Causing Ivan to drop Myléne and the paper.
-Uncanny valley catches Mylene. The paper. The akuma flew off without them noticing.
-Though as it passed a rooftop, a yo-yo snags it before it could multiply again.
-Causing Ivan to turn back to normal.
-Then a mysterious force of magic fixes everything that was broken. Turning all of the giants back to normal people. The day is saved.
-Everyone cheers for the heroes. Sparrow and Uncanny valley thank Marinette and Adrien for their help.
-”You know, you both would make great super heroes.”
-Sparrow tells the people of Paris that the city will be safe now that they are here. Then they leave with Uncanny valley.
-Meanwhile on a far off tower, it shows Fu taking off earrings.
-”Seems it worked out.”
-Tikki commented. “Wont he notice everything fixed?”
-” We will have to wait and see, Putting you and Plagg out there would be dangerous right now. With these heroes here. All I need to do is some clean up. At least for now.” Fu did have his eyes on two candidates that could wield the ladybug and cat miraculous, SHOULD the need arise. But for now. This situation worked out.”
-Hawkmoth growls at the failure. Even his akuma was gone. So his rock monster army was gone. He would need to go back to the drawing board.
-Though he did notice that something forced the cleansing of his akuma. The three eyed hero only destroyed the akuma swarm. She couldn't purify them.
-”Seems this wasn't all for nothing.” A dark smile appeared on his face. This was only the beginning.
-Jess and Aeon do run into their legal guardians for the time (civilian Mercury and snowflake.) Both of which were a bit mad that they weren't contacted about their ‘Early departure.’
-The two apologize, wanting to get some sightseeing in before being heroes.
-The heroes do say they are proud of the work they did, and that their parents back in the States would be proud.
-”So, while we are here. We are suppose to look for potential hero recruits to. See anyone of interest?”
-Jess smiles.
(End of part 4B) (This is when it would shift outside of Origins)
Exchange heroes au
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
ML What if: Alt Origins Part 5c
(Master post)
(What if Fu didn’t send out the miraculous in origins?)
(Miraculous Initiative au)
-Of course the question of how they would carry the super suits did come up.
-Professor Silver, was more then happy to reveal this next part. She told them to say the phrase
-”Miraculous standby”
-The two watched as their suits suddenly came off of them (they were instructed to put the suit OVER their clothes so don't worry) And appeared in their hands like wristbands.
-”Wow, that is cool”
-”As a bonus, any camera that would somehow catch you on film will malfunction and be unable to show up.”
-The duo had to admit that was cool.
-”To activate, just say, “Miraculous Activate.”
-Marinette looked at the rather standard bracelets.
-”Can we... alter these. They kind of stand out.”
-”The can take any form you like. Simply say “Cloaking” and whatever form you want it to take”
-”Cloaking... Earrings”
-She watched as the bracelet turned into a pair of earrings (similar to the ones she wears in canon)
-”Neat. Let me try.”
-”Cloaking... Ring!”
-And it turned into a silver ring.
-”How is it doing that?”
-”I would love to explain all the intricacies, but I do believe you two need to get back to school”
-Marinette realized that they had missed most of their classes and was freaking out.
-Agent H arrived to assure them that they handled the absence and that it will not come to trouble them.
-They set the two up ups special keys, and communicators.
-”We will go over more of the suits details later.”
-The professor waved them off and the two teens smiled as they left. Both excited and nervous about the whole thing.
-They made it back to classes, with no one really caring. The excuse about some checks to make sure they were alright and some bits about having to answer questions about the incident. No one pushed them on it.
-Though Adrien and Marinette both had their gear, and a new purpose.
-Hawkmoth was questioning what to do. His last plan was... a failure.
-But it wasn't completely foiled, he did still have the akuma, and if he let it, it could multiply and give him an army. Sure one Stone heart may have been defeated by luck, but an army? That would be a lot more difficult, and something that couldn't be ignored.
- He focused to see the boy’s emotional state.
-He is calm for the moment, but it was only a matter of time before he was emotionally vulnerable. That is when he will strike.
-Ivan wasn't feeling great about things, people didn't blame him for what happened, but he was the only person in Paris to turn into a monster. It didn't help his self-esteem. He noticed even Myléne looked more nervous around him.
- Sure, no one was calling him a monster right now, but he still didn't feel right.
-He accidentally bumped in chloé on his way out of the classroom.
-Chloé was pretty cutting with her remarks. She didn't need to be that mean, but she was not one for subtlety. Comparing him to his rocky form from before.
-Ivan was angry and hurt by the comment. But he could tell everyone was staring. He held off on saying anything and just walked off.
-Marinette and adrien had seen the exchange. Marinette called out chloé on her vicious comments.
-”What is wrong with you? Why would you say that to him?”
-”I didn't say anything that wasn't true.” Chloé defended. She looked to adrien for support. But Adrien was not in agreement with her actions. He told chloé that it wasn't cool at all. And that she should apologize.
-Chloé scoffed at that.
-Myléne tells Chloé that Ivan is not a monster like she said. If he was, he would have been mean back to her, but he didn't. She’s the only monster.
-Myléne and Marinette go to Ivan, while Adrien tells chloé to stop being mean, and then getting called by his father’s assistant to head back.
-An akuma was sent after Ivan, and Marinette tries to calm the guy down. But the akuma gets to him. Ivan does try to resist. Telling Marinette to get everyone away. He doesn't want to hurt anyone. Especially not Myléne.
-Cue Stonehearts return.
-Just like in Origins he ends up snagging Chloé and Myléne.
- Marinette of course realizing that she had stop him.
-She sends Adrien a text and then goes to make a quick change. Her hero debut was happening sooner then she thought.
End of 5c
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