#jace being silly
twin-chains · 2 months
Kinda weird how some heroes have dark/shadow links and others don't what if i fix that
Here are some dumb little names I came up with while bored lol
Dark Hero = Villain
Dark Mighty = ?
Dark Mini = Dini (it sounds cute!)
Dark Four = Door
Dark Chosen = Dozen
Dark Neptune = Timothee Chalamet
Dark Tracks = Drax the Destroyer
Dark Captain = Dappy
Dark Legend = ?
Dark Star and Sun = Eclipse
Dark Clover = (ben) Dover
Dark Clover, Ember, and Aqua = Doppel (D:)
Dark Fay = Night
Dark Mask = actual hell
Dark Twilight = Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dark Aspect = ?
Dark Tears = Dear Diary
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alouvrr · 8 days
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the rat grinder are such little guys
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t4tozier · 2 days
aguefort students’ theories as to why mr stardiamond wears that massive scarf in all kinds of weather:
he’s a vampire and weird about it
ms. sool made him a vampire and that’s why he’s weird about it
he and ms sool are fucking and don’t want anyone to know
he and mr cliffbreaker are fucking and don’t want anyone to know
he actually is a half elf but the other half is a cold-blooded creature
he’s literally just a normal guy who’s cold all the time
he has a rash on his neck that won’t go away (has anyone tried greater restoration?)
he’s a fashion icon and wants everyone to know it
(aka 8b) he owns nothing but v-necks but he’s gotten in trouble more than once for wearing them to school so he’s covering up for modesty purposes
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whoblewboobear · 2 months
I love that by the time we get closer to a new ep airing, the theories in the tag get more squirrely. Really throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks
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mistninja · 1 day
Ive been reading a lot good things lately so I have to balance it with bad stuff. In other words I'm rereading shadowhunters
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dulcewrites · 2 years
IF IF you want the reader to end up with someone else that could be JACERYS and that will be a slap on Aemond's face.
Aegon and Ser Quinton are predictable and Jacerys could be the perfect match and yes there is Sara Snow but what if he chose to marry the reader to ensure her safety and to have an heir( Alaric).
There's just duty from both parts yet Jace still has the thought to end the things with Sara and be a dutiful and caring husband and one thing led to another and they fall in love!!
Aemond can rot and suffer in silence.
I’m not gonna hold you, reader is definitely bastardphobic im sorry. If she wasn’t before alys (which I think she was) she def is now 💀💀
I’m not super interested in team black (outside of the baela and rhaena) but jace is someone I’ll be keeping my eye on for s2. I’m very curious if the writers will actually go with the Sara snow thing. I have many… thoughts on that!
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kellystar321 · 2 years
#periodical life updates#is that spelled right;;; bluhhhh :') okay anyway#im too tired to draw but too awake to sleep; cursed to be stagnantly unproductive :pensive:#cant even draw an eca; much less my artfight attacks. ALSO everytime i finish a revenge TWO OTHER PEOPLE ATTACK ME#and i am thankful for art but also STOP MY REVENGES WILL NEVER GO DOWN and i still need to do friend arts!!!#ough cursed with my trivial little problems u-u i may be overwhelmed (''oh you think?!'' <- brain balancing 36+ different artfight pieces)#animating for a few hopefully; multiple characters for several; i dont want to do backgrounds anymore but i should :'>#one of my notes for one is ''jegus chrimst jace are you going to draw a whole -ss car?!'' hfhgfg#it was a mistake trying to name them all flowers but im committed to it now#also mom wants me to go back to school and i literally have no more gen-eds to cover for me and i still dont know what major i want#i feel stuck in that regard so i just try not to think about it. but the semester is approaching :'/#guhhh im too tired to go on my laptop but i physically cant nap :'/ cursed forever /lh#body please either stop being tired or settle down enough to take a sleep!! make up your mind you silly lil guy!!#maybe i'll reblog things or scroll tumblr or something; oh unproductive mindless activity u-u#aight peace out; love you all <33#edit: i realize ive accidentally been using ''periodic life updates'' instead of ''periodicAL life updates'' hfghf well sht
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percentstardust · 2 years
alicent: aemond, my sweet boy?
aemond: yes mother? [ engrossed in his book and doesn’t look up ]
alicent: why is that tapestry on fire?
aemond: [ looks back at the fire before looking her dead in the eyes ] i set it with my mind.
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magnusedom · 2 years
my villain origin story is the scene in shadowhunters 2x01 when magnus says “i get it, i’m a lot to get used to” and the writers didn’t have alec reassure him that he’s not, or say something like. idk not in a bad way
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lloyds-department · 2 years
brain stuff should not be fucking with the stability of other organs
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cassandraclare · 4 months
Rhea asks" Is Kit going to be like super super powerful? Because I'm rlly rlly rlly excited abt his powers and I'm literally picturing him being like super super powerful (more powerful than like Magnus, Tessa, Clary, Ash, Jace ect. but only once he meets full power obviously). I'm just so so excited!! Also Kit and Ty doing necromancy is going to have major consequences in TWP right? I'm so excited for all the drama when the rest of the Blackthorns find out ect."
Well, the problem with super super super powerful characters is that nothing is really much of a threat to them. You see it in superhero movies where the more the hero powers up, the more his opponent has to be like, THE GALAXY PERSONIFIED. Also it makes the small conflicts of daily life a bit silly, like if you have the power of a god, you don't spend much time worrying about catching the bus.
Not that I want to write a book about Kit being worried about catching the bus. I do like characters with power! — often because what will always remain a challenge to them is other people. Love, friendship, those always remain issues they don't have power over and can't control. Which is fun!
I suppose all that is to say Kit may well be very powerful. But he will also need to be clever, and also need to work with others as a team, if he wants to defeat the fairly enormous evil they have to face in TWP.
And yes, there are always consequences to necromancy!
*if a question doesn't have a tumblr username it probably came in through my website or was posted on Instagram
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alliyanna462 · 1 month
☆A Party To Remember☆
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Summary: When your boyfriend is late picking you up for a party, you find your own ride there and the night takes an unexpected turn.
Pairing: Fratboy!Matt x Reader
Warnings: Lots of cussing, unprotected sex (please wrap it before you tap it!), p in v, spanking (?), Dirty talk, degrading if you squint
Author's note: This is my first ever fic so if it's bad please ignore it I'm sorry if you don't like it, anyways I love you tumblr Sturniolo Fandom! Hope you enjoy
The time on my phone read 7:45. Fuck I'm gonna be late. I dug through my vanity drawers looking for my signature lipstick. Of course it's at the bottom. I mentally groaned at the mess I made of my room while trying to get ready. I applied the lipstick with a 'pop' of my lips and did a once over in the mirror.
I headed down my stairs and shot a text to my boyfriend, Jace, that I was heading out since he was my uber for the night. I locked the door on my way out and to my surprise (not) his car wasn't outside..again.
'Hey I'm ready for Jessica's party, where are you?'
I waited for 5 minutes on a text back and started to lose my patience. I decided to call him.
"You better pick up, bastard." I spit. He's always late for everything and never has a good enough reason why. I let the phone ring a couple times before hanging up and calling my best friend Maddie in a haste.
The phone barely rang before I heard a gruffy voice on the other line.
"Hey Y/n it's Nick. Where are you girl you're missing all the fun."
"Yeah yeah I know, stupid ass Jace is late again."
"Oh shit he was your ride? I thought you broke it off with him?"
"I did but we made up last week."
"Oh...well I hate to break it to you Y/n but he's not late..he's all over the birthday girl right now."
"WHAT?!" I hissed. "He left me here to be with Jessica are you fucking kidding me?!"
"I know", Nick sighed, "I don't even know why Matt fucks with her knowing she's been passed around worse than a blunt."
"Because your brother is just as bad as she is." I seethed.
Matthew Sturniolo was the biggest playboy in the whole college campus, and lucky me I fell for his charm. We dated for almost a year before I found out I wasn't the only girl visiting his bed if you know what I mean. I really thought I could change a fuckboy, silly me.
"And that's a story for another time Y/n. Look Maddie and I will come get you. We haven't started drinking just yet."
"Okay thank you Nick really. You know you're my favorite sturniolo." I praised.
"Yeah yeah, we're coming see you soon." Nick chuckled.
The phone clicked with a beep before my screen went black. They'd be here fairly soon considering the party is just a couple blocks down but your girl can't walk in heels to save her life.
Now back to the bigger problem at hand, I sent Jace one last message.
'You're a fucking dick.'
I hugged my jacket closer to my skimpily clothed body searching for warmth. Soon enough Nick came and picked me up in Maddie's car with her jamming out in the passenger seat to Genie in a Bottle. I giggled before climbing into the backseat.
-------------At the party----------------
I was downing vodka shots back to back while Nick and Maddie left a while ago to go dance. Jessica was grinding on, my now ex boyfriend, Jace in the corner of the dimly lit room to shitty rap music that was being played in the background. I couldn't take my eyes off them as I was drinking my anger away into the bitter shots I was slamming down my throat, first Matt now Jace too? Desperate bitch.
Well that was until none other than the fuckboy himself walked into the kitchen.
"Well hello Y/n long time no see hm?" Matt said cockily.
"Yeah what a pleasure it is." I said sarcastically.
"Always is. Now I'm no expert on faces but isn't that your boy toy out there getting dry fucked by Jessica?" He said gesturing to the blonde that was throwing herself onto Jace.
"Yeah and isn't that your whore who's doing it? Better get your bitches in line Matty baby, its kind of embarrassing for you." I rolled my eyes at him.
"Now you know I can satisfy, darling," he said with a wink.
Jace locked eyes with me as he started kissing on Jessica's neck. And the LAST thing I'm going to let Jace do is think he won.
I grabbed Matt by the scruff of his hair an slammed his lips on mine. He let out a whimper in shock but hesitantly started kissing back. I could feel Jace staring, so I grabbed Matt by the hand and whispered in his ear.
"Let's take this upstairs Matty." Hate fuck my ex, that seems like pretty good payback.
I dragged him by his hand up the stairs at a quick pace with him fumbling to keep up with me. Jace watched with a dumbfounded expression until we both disappeared into the many bodies fondling each other on the stairwell.
With Matt still holding my hand I found an empty bedroom. I opened the door and shoved him inside. Once the door was closed I locked it and let out an exasperated sigh.
Matt looked at me and said, "So what was all that about?" He quirked an eyebrow up.
"That motherfucker doesn't get to have the last laugh, I do." I ran my hands down my face starting to feel tipsy.
"Well we're both locked in this bedroom, and I've got to say Y/n, you look hot." He inched closer to me with a smirk.
I opened my eyes to him standing right in front of me, cornering me to the door. My face felt hot as I shivered in excitement. Seeing him this close to me all over again, God I missed this. He put one of his hands on my hip and the other tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.
"Why don't we make him really jealous hm?" He whispered. His breath hit my lips and my core fluttered. I may hate this man but God was he hot.
"Convince me." My voice came out barely audible. He shot me a boyish grin and touched his lips to my ear. "You know I missed you babygirl." He gripped my hip harder. "Missed hearing you whine my name and those pretty little noises you make." He growled, getting desperate by the minute.
"Will you please let me ruin that pretty little cunt baby?" He hissed grinding his painfully hard erection into my clothed core.
I whined at the friction and couldn't do anything but nod. "Need you to use your words love." He stated firmly.
"Y-yes Matt, please I want you." I whined pathetically. Honestly the truth is I did miss him but I wouldn't let a soul hear me say that. So I'll settle for him fucking me tonight.
He licked a trail down my neck and started sucking on my sweet spot making me moan into it. In some sick twisted way this is my way for getting back at Jace, yes, but also getting my lick back at Jessica because it was no secret she wanted Matt but he made it very clear all he wanted from her was sex, so therefore she was always jealous of me. So now I get him all to myself all over again.
He picked me up by my ass making me wrap my legs around him while he was still sucking on my neck. He sat on the edge of the bed with me in his lap. I ran my fingers through his hair to the nape of his neck and pulled him away from mine. I slammed my lips back onto his.
I licked his lip asking for entry in which he happily obliged. I ran my tongue along his and bit his bottom lip only for my tongue to dive back in. He moaned into the kiss and started bucking his hips up, showing me how needy he was.
I broke away from the kiss long enough to take his shirt off and went back in for more. I kissed down his jaw to his torse working my way down to his pants. I unbuttoned them and signaled for him to raise his bottom half. I slid both his pants and boxers down to the middle of his thighs and sucked at his hip bone.
"Fuck baby, please." He pleaded, his blue irises almost completely taken over by his blown out pupils. He looked so pretty laying underneath me like this.
"Fine." I huffed. I kissed his tip, making his dick jump at the contact before sitting up and straddling him. I took my shirt off, my tits bouncing at the motion. He quickly grabbed them and put one in his mouth, tongue swirling around the bud with his other hand fondling the other. I let out the most pathetic moan at the notion.
He slid my shorts and panties to the side in one quick move while continuing the assault on my nipples. He swiped a finger through my dripping folds.
"M-matt I need you." I sighed in pleasure. He pulled my nipple with a 'pop'.
"Shhh baby I've got you." He raised me up and put me on my back on the bed quickly getting on top of me. He looked at me for reassurance and I nodded my head.
He smirked and lined his tip up with my entrance slowly grinding his hips into mine, hitting every spot only he knew how to.
I sighed in ecstasy, seeing stars behind my eyelids.
He grunted once he fully bottomed out in me. Plopping his head into the crook of my neck waiting for me to get accustomed to his size.
"Tell me when you're ready baby girl." He whispered while peppering kisses on my jaw.
I gave him his answer by jutting my hips up into his making him go even deeper. He moaned and started to slide in and out of me at a rapid rate. I decided it'd be fun to tease him so I did something I knew would piss him off. "Oh my God Jace you feel soo good!" I moaned.
He stilled his movements and rose his head up to look down at me. "What the FUCK did you just say to me Y/n." He spit. I just smirked at him in response. "If you want to act like a slut I'll fucking treat you like one." He seethed.
He pulled all the way out and flipped me over onto my back. Before I knew what was happening he pulled my hips up and forced my head into the pillow before slamming back into me harder and faster than before. I started moaning uncontrollably and clenching around him.
"How could you ever call me that bastard's name when you fit around me like this. He'd never fuck you like this, slut. Only I can." He growled. "What's my name, Y/n." He asked as I felt a harsh smack on my ass. I whimpered at the contact.
"Oh my God, Matt, please I'm s-so..so close baby." I could barely comprehend what he was saying.
"Who's pussy does this belong to? Hm slut?" He pulled my hair making me arch my back. He went impossibly deeper, making me scream. "It's yours Matt! It's always been yours!" I wailed, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.
"Good girl," he pushed my head back into the pillow, continuing the assault on my sore cunt. I gasped for breath before I felt my release building up in the pit of my stomach. My legs shaking was a sign for him that I was close. He spanked me again stilling his movements once more. "Come on baby if you want to cum you're gonna have to fuck yourself on my cock." He challenged with his hands digging into the flesh of my hips. I started rocking back onto him at a fast pace, desperately chasing my high.
He reached across me, running the pads of his fingers across my puffy clit. That's what did me in.
"Shitt I'm cumming, Matt!" I whined as the coil in my stomach suddenly burst, white clouding my eyelids as I squeezed them shut, tears flowing out uncontrollably. Still rocking back into him to ride out my high. Matt rubbed my hair and shushed me, "It's okay baby I'm here." He cooed.
I wailed into the pillow as I got overstimulated, pulling off him. That didn't last long though before Matt grabbed my hips pulling me back onto him. "I was nice enough to let you cum don't you think I deserve to?" He uttered before rutting his hips into mine and bottoming out once more. His pace was animalistic almost. He leaned over and grabbed my neck to have a better angle. Making me a bawling mess due to the mix of pain and pleasure.
His hips started to stutter as he grunted in my ear. "Your pretty pussy takes me so well, Y/n baby. Don't know why I ever let it go." Matt said before letting out a string of curses and a mantra of 'I love yous' as his hips faltered. Hot spurts of cum flooded my walls. He pulled out with an exhausted sigh, making me frown at the empty feeling. A very fucked out Matt laid beside me letting out small pants.
As I come to, I realize the fact he said I love you and I become enraged. I roll over to face him and shove his shoulder. "You don't love me and you never did otherwise you wouldn't have fucking cheated on me!" I yell while getting up.
"Woah what the actual FUCK are you talking about Y/n? Cheated on you?!" He he says in a dumbfounded tone. Watching me rush to put my clothes back on.
"I heard about the women you brought to bed when we were together!" I cried. "This was such a mistake oh my god." He rose up putting his boxers back on.
"Who told you that? What women Y/n?" He said genuinely confused and concerned, fully standing up now.
"I overheard Jessica telling one of her girlfriends last semester in the food court about how you fucked her!"
As I said it out loud the more stupid I felt. That bitch was lying.
"Y/n baby, you know she was jealous of what we had, of course she'd try to break us up. Is that why you left me?!" Matt asked running a hand along my cheek causing a tear to trickle out of my eye.
"I guess I was scared of getting hurt so I left before you could confirm it," I looked down in shame. He picked my chin up, kissing me.
"I'm sorry you felt that way my love. But I've lived my life far too long without you, give me another chance to prove you're the only girl for me?" Matt asked with a hopeful gleam in his eye. I kissed him once more.
"Of course Matty." I giggled.
Please tell me what you think and what I need to work on!! Thank you for your time! Hope you all enjoyed.
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greenscreenscream · 12 days
being a child doesn’t negate the fact that your actions and beliefs have consequences. consequences are part of how people learn, right? kipperlily is a giant asshole to riz because she’s weirdly jealous and potentially has some hateful views, and she’s getting the shit kicked out of her in response. you say something mean at school and hopefully someone’s gonna metaphorically (or forreal) slap you and tell you to knock it off and you learn not to say that shit anymore. it’s a game so the actions and consequences are silly and over the top and sometimes violent!
children can be lead astray by hateful and manipulative adults (looking at you porter and jace) and they should suffer more intense consequences, but that doesn’t negate the harm the ratgrinders have done to the bad kids. if someone killed their own friend after telling the whole school i was lucky my dad died i would kill their party member’s grandma and swear to shoot them too, rage crystal or not lol.
sure the ratgrinders are kids but so are the bad kids. they don’t deserve the treatment and absolutely should get to dip the ratgrinders in lava one by one. augefort would love it!! this is a comedy show and i’m down for some violence!!!
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madame-fear · 5 months
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★ amira speaks! : dedicated to my sweet @lady-ashfade. Happy Birthday, my most dear love! I hope your day is filled with people that love you as much as we all love you in here. I wish you health, safety, joy, and tons of success in your life !! I adore you, you are one of my fave people in here, and you deserve all the best. Enjoy this, sweetie! 🩷 ˗ˏˋ ꒰ summary : your husband, Lord Lucerys Velaryon, gets a bit too possesively jealous when another Lord flirts with you by making silly jokes and remarks, and you giggle along. But, your Lord Husband will teach you how to behave — and who you truly belong to. ˗ˏˋ ꒰ word count : 2.8k
˗ˏˋ ꒰ genre : smut, dom/sub (maybe, I think?). ˗ˏˋ ꒰ pairing : Jealous!Lord!Lucerys x Wife!Reader
WARNING.ᐟ THIS FIC CONTAINS ; possesive behaviour, Dom!Lucerys, spanking, slight profanity, fingering, cunnilingus (oral sex, female receiving), slight praising.
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Jealousy was a fiery thrill when it came to your husband, Lord Lucerys Velaryon.
For him, it’s a juxtaposition between aggressive possesiveness, and arousal. It was knowing that, as much as he craved to turn into ashes the person provoking jealousy on him with a simple dragonfire, he would simultaneously get to have you under his mercy — prove who you belong to.
There was nothing that caused more jealousy on him, than seeing someone having the audacity to flirt with you. Not even his older brother Jacaerys was spared with Luke’s possesiveness, when Jace sweetly offered his hand to you for a dance one day, during a dinner feast.
Of course, Jacaerys was doing nothing but merely trying to be the gentleman he had always been with you, plus a good brother-in-law and friend you could trust in. Yet, Lucerys, despite being delighted at the sight of you being happy and bonding with his family, couldn’t help but feel that overwhelming burning jealousy over his older brother. And, as expected, the (then) young Velaryon prince fucked your brains out afterwards.
Despite having the need of being dominantly feral over you in a possesive manner — he managed to treat you softly, proving that he could be even far more delicate and loving than his brother; pampering you with soft kisses, neck bites, and fucked you in a way that made you crave for more of his gentle touch.
But, his gentleness over your body faded away at the sight of another man that wasn’t part of his family having the audacity to flirt with you right in front of his face. Especially, the audacity of another Lord that had tried to flirt with you during a feast Luke hosted in Driftmark, shortly after being officially named Lord and Lady of the Tides, right in front of his face.
The way giggles spurred from your lips so sweetly at the most stupid remarks the other Lord did, with a honey-like sound, inevitably made the young Velaryon boy clench his jaw discreetly with ire. You were so endearingly delicate, like the petal of a flower, and the most polite woman — needless to say, you were charmingly precious. How could the other Lords not try and flirt with you?
Which, of course, the second the Lord had gotten far too close to your body, Lucerys had to intervene by abruptly showing up by your side, pressing a quick smooch to your lips, and possesively wrap an arm around your waist while giving the other Lord a death glare. It was his way to establish his dominance in a public space, in front of other men.
And in private? This type of jealousy wouldn’t so easily fade away from him by merely gluing your body to his own in front of the other Lord. You had to be taught your lesson, of not trying to get along with other Lords so easily. And Lucerys would teach you how to behave.
The sound of soft, yet firm fleshy sounds echoed through the walls of your private quarters, along your own hushed gasps. Laying on Lucerys’ lap, your hands gripped on the silky sheets, digging your nails deep into the texture as you bit your lower lip. His hand continously kept smacking your sensitive ass that already had a shade of red forming on your skin with each slap.
“You can only belong to me.” another gasp spurred deep from your throat, making you grip yourself tighter on the sheets, feeling the bittersweet stinging pain in your ass as Lucerys kept smacking it; increasing the pressure as he kept going. “I’m the only one who can pamper you with my love. The only one that knows exactly how to fuck you.”
Every smack he did with the palm of his hand against your rear, also hit against your achingly needy, wet cunt. Occasionally, his fingertips brushed against your folds on purpose, for the fun of seeing you squirm. “And if I need to, I could spend all night long spanking your pretty little reddened ass, until you learn how to behave, and who you belong to.”
The way he spanked you was dreadfully delicious, enjoying the stinging pain leisurely appearing around your — already reddish — skin, and your stimulated pussy. “M-My Lord,” you whispered faintly, gasping with each smack, feeling your nipples harden in arousal under your nightgown. “I-I can only be yours, and no one else’s. I promise I will behave.”
Noticing the way your cunt was already stimulated, along your ass being reddened and the sound of quiet pleasured whimpers escaping from your beauteous lips, caused a grin to tug at the corner of his rosy lips. You were such a good girl when it came to being put in your place and behaving, as well as a fast learner that obeyed to every one of his orders. “Repeat that for your Lord, dōna riña.”
Another spank surprised you, making you whince as you clenched your jaw, feeling the sore skin on your ass stinging from the repeated hand motions, and the sounds increased the more firmer his hand became against your stimulated skin. “I-I am only yours, my Lord– Fuck!” his smile grew wider as in the middle of your stuttered words, he smacked your ass louder, and harder this time; enjoying how you were both wet from arousal, yet, Luke knew his spanking was rough at times and the pain was sore on your flesh.
“I... I only belong to my Lord of Driftmark, Lucerys Velaryon, and I will behave for him.” you managed to mumble out, trying to catch your breath. The tight grip you held on the sheets loosened, feeling your hands tremble weakly. His proud grin remained at your submission, as the same hand that was used to spank you groped your ass tenderly, making your breath hitch.
Not only his touch was warm, but as well it was firmly possesive over you; using his thumb to trace shapes on your sore flesh gently, squeezing your ass in a teasing manner. And in a ravenous manner for your cunt, his fingers moved upwards to brush against your pussy, enjoying the feeling of your moist folds being rubbed against his digits.
Gods, you were so pretty when you held back your moans and whimpers from pleasure. It was undeniable that Lucerys was the only one that knew how to be so rough, yet so gentle. And he could be rougher, if he wanted to.
“Good girl. So obedient for your Lord and husband.” he praised, looking down at you with his green hazel eyes. While doing so, his fingernails scraped your skin merely to admire the goosebumps you had when he touched you that way. “You deserve to be rewarded for learning who you belong to, issa perzītsos.” as you still remained laying on his lap, quivering under his touch, his hand continued to explore your skin, only to then slightly lower the skirt of your dress.
“Sit.” Luke ordered, in a firm whisper. Eagerly and obediently for your husband, you did as he had commanded to you. The marks and bruises left from the previous spanking, along the reddened sore flesh stung the moment you stood up, and the moment you sat at the edge of the bed. But of course, you weren’t complaining; you had great pleasure when your husband disciplined you just like that, and became feral from jealousy.
With trembling legs, you sat on the edge of the bed, with both of your hands at your sides. Quietly, you observed how your husband stand from where he had been sitting — and spanking you —, and place himself in front of you, only to immediatly lower himself on his knees. “Let me show you just how much I adore you.” at his words, your breath hitched, feeling your chest rising and falling constantly. Both his hands went to your legs, spreading them apart carefully, and you unconsciously helped him to do so by spreading them yourself as well. The sexual tension between the two of you lingering on the atmosphere made your pussy glisten with aroused moist, aching to feel his cock, or tongue, or fingers inside of you.
Softly, his lips were pressed against your knee. With tender smooches, keeping his lips lingering on your skin for several seconds before continuing, he moved upwards towards your inner thigh. Each kiss made a shiver run down your back, gripping the sheets tighter as your gaze was fixed on the way he so sweetly moved to kiss your inner thigh. Every passing second made you feel wetter in between your legs, with slick dripping from your cunt excitedly to feel him.
Having reached your inner thigh, his lips focused on placing several smooches on that overly sensitive zone of your skin, and occasionally nibbling on it as to leave a bitemark. Teasingly, as he focused on moving dreadfully slow towards your pussy with his lips, his fingertips began grasping against your wet folds, making you release a soft gasp from your partly open lips. “Fuck.” you breathed out, fluttering your eyes shut as you panted softly. The feeling of your wetness being enough to coat his fingertips as they stroked you gently made him proudly grin at his own work, moving his hand so his fingers would apply pressure on your clit. “So wet for me, already?” Lucerys teased, looking up at you with his green eyes before finally focusing on your aching sex.
“W-Why are you surprised, Lord Husband?” you retorted back in a stutter, slowly opening your eyes to stare at him, and in response, he scoffed in a playful manner. The seconds felt dreadful until the young Lord decided that it was time to give you your very much needed reward, but when he did, your eyes closed again and a groan escaped deeply from your groan. His hot breathing hit against your wetness, feeling his lips become glossy with your slick as they focused on pressing tender kisses on your folds. Not one inch of your genitalia was safe from his kisses, and his tongue that occasionally appeared between those pecks to tease you further.
You tasted just like sweet honey, and he couldn’t get enough of savouring you. By the time his tongue was already vehemently passing through your wet cunt, selfishly drinking from your moistness, his fingers began teasing your entrance. The sound of your growls and the feeling of your wetness increasing to the point it dripped down onto the sheets made his cock throb with need. He so badly wanted to roll you on your stomach, and fiercely fuck you from behind like you deserved to be fucked - but he preferred to patiently wait, and reward you with little treats and some pampering.
“You taste so, so sweetly, issa dōna riña.” Lucerys whispered, between his soft nibbling on your wet folds before moving to take care of your sensitive clit. His fingers immediatly entered your tight, hot pussy — making you lean your hips forwards to encourage Lucerys to move his fingers deeper. “L-Luke,” you moaned in between quiet pants, feeling your body nearly melt the moment his lips nibbled on your sensitive nub. “And you take me so well. What a beautifully obedient girl you are.”
Vehemently, his fingers began deeply moving in, and then out in a continous manner. His lips focused on your clitoris, nibbling, sucking, and kissing it desperately to increase the delightful sound of your moans. Whenever he groaned against your sex, and he increased his finger fucking, you could feel a knot forming inside your stomach. A fiery heat tightened on your chest, sliding your hand down onto the back of his head, intertwining your fingers in between dark strands of his hair, pushing him deeper. “P-Please, don’t stop.” you begged in between ragged moans and pants, in a rather desperate manner.
“I don’t intend to. I plan on drinking from your sweet tasting pussy tonight, my love.” Luke murmured, pulling apart briefly, with his lips glossy from your own lubrication before going back to his deeds. His mouth hungrily ate your throbbing cunt, trying to catch the strong flush of wetness continously oozing from you as his fingers moved faster and deeper inside of you, trying to stimulate you further.
The knot on your stomach became tighter, as well as the heat overwhelming your chest. Throwing your head back with your eyes shut, pulling him deeper in between your legs as he kept stimulating you, your moans intensified. Their sound became slightly high-pitched the closer you felt to cumming in his fingers and mouth, with some whimpers mixed in your moans. “L-Lucerys!” his name kept escaping mindlessly from your lips, not managing to form a proper sentence. “I-I think I’m about to cum.”
It seemed that your words were all that he needed to hear, besides your continous whimpers of pleasures and the way his name rolled from your mouth so endearingly. “Cum, then, my sweet.” he encouraged, with his own breath sharpened by the intensity of his arousal. One of his hand took hold of your leg, digging his nails deep into your skin, while his other hand moved his two fingers more intensely inside of you, making almost a fleshy sound.
Slowing down on the motion with his fingers, he managed for his thumb to stroke your clit and apply pressure on it. “Cum for your Lord Husband.” his tongue moved around your entrance, teasing it further as he delighted himself with the sweet taste of your cum. At his words, your shaking hand desperately caressed his messy brunette hair, pulling slightly strands of his curly hair as you could feel yourself reaching your climax.
In between hot, moaned pants, his name continously spurred from your lips as your eyes closed, throwing your head slightly back in pleasure. From your partly opened lips, all types of sounds escaped from them faintly, progressively becoming louder the closer you were to orgasming, and cumming into his mouth. The young Velaryon Lord seemed pleased with the noises he was making you do, growling pleased against your sensitive pussy as he desperately ate you out the wetter you became.
The knot that had formed on your stomach abruptly broke out, coming out as a pleasant flush of wet, slick cum against his lips, and his tongue wasted no time in taking all of the sweet taste of yourself that you offered to him — pussydrunk from your cum as if his life depended on it.
The way you yelled his name had intensified in sound, which satisfied him because, surely, it could be heard from outside your private chambers. Several satisfied growls escaped from him, enjoying the way your hand gripped his hair. His hot breath continously hitting against your wet folds as he devoured you, making you squirm under him. It felt as if a wave of relief washed over you the moment you felt all the built-up tension be released, and him being delighted by it.
Violently, your legs trembled as soon as you had finished cumming into his mouth. The feeling of your own lubrication oozing down from you, moistening your inner thighs and the sheets below, made you softly shiver. Your hands weakly gripped the sheet, digging your nails as Lucerys continued to caress gently your wet folds with his tongue and fingers for a few more seconds shortly after you had orgasmed, just to tease you further and observe the way you so beautifully squirmed delicately under his touch.
“I don’t think I could possibly grow tired of tasting you, my love.” before pulling away, moving his cum-coated fingers out of your pussy, he placed a kiss on your overstimulated nub; which made you shiver. His hazel green eyes stared at you as he scraped his nails on your leg, across your skin.
“You taste so good, I could spend hours like this... Seeing you squirm so beautifully, cumming on my tongue.” a little grin formed at the corner of his lips, rising slightly as he had been kneeling in between your legs, just to caress your skin under your chin. Noticing the crimson tint creepin on your cheeks, the young Velaryon Lord placed his glossy lips against you tenderly, allowing you to feel your own taste.
The kiss deepened heavily, as if he were devouring, and savouring your taste. As Luke pulled away, his lips lingered on your own, grasping gently against each other while his panting breath delicately hit your skin. “You are mine, and no one else’s.” his voice whispered quietly, as his fingertips continued tracing shapes on your inner thigh in a slow manner, while his rosy lips littered your chin, cheeks, tip of your nose, and lips with several loving pecks.
If this is what you would get for merely giggling at the remarks of another flirting Lord, you were going to make sure to get Lucerys as jealous as possible more often — it was as if Luke was encouraging to keep going, and you would.
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♡ taglist : ♡
@jacesvelaryons @jjamieberry @anemicroyalcore @countsmoon @beeebo234 @manuholland6 @keiratonks @kyuupidwrites @tchatso @phantasyy @tasty-nutella @mstxdes @valeriecash @cookielovesbook-akie @zzz000eee @bellarkeselection @feliuuuksks @visenya-reigned @maria699669 @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @sweethoneyblossom1 @jamiemydeer @snowprincesa1
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
lookism boys realizing they have a crush????
Mmmm lookism boys dealing with their crush on you. My faaave. Love this developing blossoming romance shit. Loveeeee the realisation and dancing around their feelings and figuring out what to do. Thank you for this.
Lookism Boys Crushing on YOU
(Johan, Jake, Vasco, Gun, Goo... who's playing favourites?!) Part 2
Ugh it's hard enough getting used to having a friend around. He had his whole lone wolf thing going on before you came along. And now he has to deal with feelings? What's that all about??
And the way Eden and Miro loves you? Stop. Stoooop. He works hard to try and repress his budding crush for you but why do you have to keep worming your way into his stone cold heart.
He's a weirdo at the best of times and now he's just extra odd. He stares at you. A lot. And he can't help but want to be by your side even when he pulls himself away. He catches himself smiling at you absentmindedly. When he realises what his stupid heart is doing he is annoyed and unfortunately it shows outwardly.
Don't even ask about his jealous tantrums. Yikes.
They're something else until he figures out what to do about this. Yeah he knows he's childish but even he is perceptive enough to realise how he acts around you isn't normal or healthy. But you mentioning spending time with other guys? How cool someone else is? Or sweet? Please don't, his poor lil heart can't take it.
Sigh. Maybe he should have reined it in with his flirtatious banter and winks. At first they were just empty words and innocent silliness. I mean, don't think about it too hard, he's like this with everyone.
But when he starts wanting a sincere reaction from you? And hoping for a grain of truth behind your teasing responses? He was doomed.
So yeah. He has a big old crush on you and he feels like he should really keep it a bit more professional as Big Deal No.1. Try as he might to restrain himself though, the honeyed words can't stop slipping from his lips. They just get more intense and sillier.
...And start to get completely directed at you. All of it. Well this is an interesting development that the rest of Big Deal take note of. Of course they notice their boss is soft on you. It's obvious.
If he learned one thing from Sinu, it's that mutual pining especially for over ten years does no one good. He's not a coward. He will confess, he just needs you to take him seriously.
Listen. Our Vasco Tabasco is already commited. He's married to the Burn Knuckles and he's got bad guys to beat up. He's already tried his hand at dating and he knows what his priorities are so he doesn't have time for a crush-oh.
The realisation creeps up on him. He's dense but he's not that dense ok? He finds the way his cheeks warm and heart pounds strange when he's in your presence or talking to you. And yeah he may need a little help with Jace to realise what's going on but he does realise. Sooner or later.
Type of silly guy to start fantasising about all sorts of wholesomeness with you even whilst just crushing on you. What was that Jace? Just thinking about Y/N and if they think it would be cute if we shared a chocolate milk hehe.
Ohoh I should confess first? How am I going to that!!!
It irks him when Goo is anyway involved with his personal life at the best of times, but when Goo points out he's getting soft on you? He finds this annoying, he finds YOU annoying. How dare Goo and how dare you and especially how dare himself.
Outwardly, he doesn't change how he behaves with you once he comes to terms with his feelings. It doesn't do well for him to try and develop his crush further.
But this man barely has a threadbare excuse for being topless most of the time, so what if he does it a little bit more in your presence?
And so what if he cuts back on smoking because it makes you cough? And wears his hair a little messier cos he found you staring at him a bit starry-eyed and slackjawed that time? And if he responds back to your texts a little quicker even if it's just saying "I'm fine"?
Are you going to fight him about it?
Mercy above, you're giving him a migraine.
For a man that loves himself and loves money as much as Goo, to actually start turning down money making opportunities to spend time with you?? Oh boy. That's a pretty big achievement. Well done you for getting the attention of this menace.
He is definitely not happy with this realisation, he doesn't like anything that messes with his finances but no matter, this is a problem he can solve.
If you thought this man was irritating and clingy before, have I got news for you. He is texting or calling or just wanting to hang with you all. The. Damn. Time. You're constantly on his mind these days, and he thinks he should be on yours too even if he barges his way in.
That's what you get for forcing this crush on him.
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igotanidea · 9 months
Laugh: Jason Todd x fem!reader
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requested by @thefandomdiaries07 - I AM SO SORRY!!
“Oh my god!” Y/N started laughing at another Bad dad joke Dick Just Said. Honestly, she wasn’t sure whether it made her giggle like a silly teenager because it was so stupid or because Dick was ginning and being so full of himself. 
“That’s a good one right?”
“No....!” she gasped wiping the tears away, smudging her mascara in the process. “It was terrible. Terrible, Grayson! I swear every time I believe you reached the bottom of the groaner well, you surprise me with another one!”
“Now that’s hurtful!” Dick grabbed his heart, pretending to be deeply cut by those words. “Your words are like knife to my soul!”
“Please stop watching soap operas….” She laughed even more at his choice of words.
“Hm.” Dick smirked. The position he was in allowed him to see behind Y/N’s shoulder and notice something she could not.
Once her laugh reverberated through the room in the Manor, Jason, who was just casually passing by, with his signature face expression being the mix of broody and smug, stopped in his tracks. To give it justice, he looked like he was just struck by the lighting by the sound. Rooted to the ground. Frozen. Transfixed. Taken into another dimension. Whatever words might come to person’s brain – he was just that. With his eyes almost turning into hearts he looked like a love sick puppy. Just because he heard her chuckling at something.
“Hey Jaybrid!” Dick called to his younger brother, unable to stop himself from a little bit of teasing. Todd might have been lying about how he felt for Y/N, denying the obvious, but his actions were pretty self-explanatory. Especially in the family of self-appointed detectives, trained to read into every detail and gesture. “You look surprisingly non-threatening.”
“Shut up Dickhead.” His face expression turned back to resentful, the slightest blush showing on his cheeks due to being called out like this. He was a grown ass man acting like a boy who saw a girl’s bra for the first time.
“What’s with the attitude, little bird? Someone step on your toe?”
“Shut up!”
“Oh come on, cheer up! How about I give you a joke to relieve the tension?”
“Oh, no!” Y/N cried out in despair, turning to face Jason “Jace! Save me! Dick won’t let me go until I die from the embarrassment from his jokes! Please, don’t let me suffer alone!”
Once she looked at him with those pretty, pretty, shining, smiling e/c eyes he was gone. Like gone. How could he possibly tell no to her? How could he…..
“Not in the mood…” he muttered, looking down, terrified to death to meet her gaze.
“Come on Jay! Pretty please? We’re friends. It’s kind of I’m in shit you’re in shit situation. You can’t run from it.”
“I hate you.” He hissed crossing his arms
“I give you a chance to realize that you hate Dick’s sense of humor more than you hate me. So? what’s it gonna be?”
Yeah, he couldn’t tell her no.
“Did you get home safe?” Dick texted a few hours later, once Y/N left the manor and got into her apartment.
“You could have given me a ride with that fancy porche of yours, so you wouldn’t have to ask after.”
“I was kind of hoping Jason will pick you on a bike and give you a romantic trip, but seemingly we can’t always have what we want.”
“Jason?” if they were talking not texting she would raise an eyebrow at the moment
“Sure? My younger brother? Do you remember Jason?”
“Fuck you Dick. Stop playing around. We’re friends. That’s all.”
“Y/N for crying out loud. I saw that boy almost snap his neck because he heard your laugh and wanted to see why you were laughing.”
“but yes, keep telling yourself you’re friends.”
What the hell?!
She lost her patience in an instant and dialed Dick’s number.
“What the hell was that Dick?!”
“I believe it’s something you call telling the truth”
“I believe it’s acting like a freaking gossip girl!”
“It’s not a gossip!
“stop playing with me!”
“Am not! Did I ever lie to you?” he trailed and for a moment there was silence in the phone as they both were thinking about the years of keeping a little secret of his vigilante persona. “It’s true. I swear. “
“so why tell me now?”
“Cause I am seriously scared of what injuries Jay maysustain if someone doesn’t speak up. Last week Steph did as much as mentioned your name and he fall off the stairs.”
“You’ll never let him live it down, will you?”
“Not a chance!” Dick laughed “but hey, we both know you have a crush on him too so…”
“This reverse psychology is not going to work on  me Grayson. No circus for tricks.”
“Please don’t tell me you tease him absolutely absentmindedly…..”
“Tease? Dick this is just who I am. I play and twist words with everyone. I do that all the time with you.”
“can you at least talk to him about it?”
“wouldn’t that make it a bit awkward?”
“sure. And I’ll be right by the corner with the camera to video it.”
“I swear to god you’re the definition of an older brother.”
For three days Y/N was trying her best to avoid the conversation. No matter what Dick said, Jason was her friend and taking their relationship to another level was…. Hard. Honestly, Y/N wasn’t even sure how she herself felt about it. Did she like Jason as more than friend?
How do you even recognize the moment when you stop thinking of someone as a buddy and move to I want to be more stage?
Sure, there’s physical attraction but that is not necessarily the sign of deeper feelings.
Just cause you feel you want to kiss someone doesn’t mean you love him.
So how did she feel?
She was postponing even thinking about it, but there’s no escaping when you serve as an emotional support and voice of reason for the whole family of vigilante seeing them *him* on a day to day basis.
So yes, Y/N was pretty much conflicted and feeling like a silly teenager, even though her metrics was showing quite a different age number.
And she was sad.
And that was something Jason could not stand.
“did you switch the position of your bed lately ?” he asked her after a few days of her being shy, withdrawn and silent. Obviously he did it in-character with the teasing tone and that freaking edgelord attitude.
“What?” she raised her gaze from the bat computer, frowning in confusion “there’s still no place for you to crush at my place one way or another.”
“Oh, please…” he rolled his eyes, plumping onto the seat next to her “as if that was what I meant.”
“What did you mean then?”
“You seemed like you’ve been getting off on the wrong foot, hence the question. I thought you were smarter than that and will get the reference.”
“Haha… very funny Todd.”
“I’m serious though.”
“You are never serious.”
“I miss your laugh…..” he babbled without thinking and his eyes grew wide at the words. “oh, fuck…I mean… you have terrible laugh. Terrible. And I miss laughing at your laugh. That’s what I meant to say.”
“I swear you’re the only person I know who can both offend and complement someone in one sentence.” She scoffed, turning back to computer away from him 
“Yeah, kind of my signature.”
“You’re a terrible person Jason Todd and I hate you. God I swear you’re so annoying. I can’t believe Dick was thinking you likelike me….” She babbled and this time it was her turn to blush because of saying too much. “oh, shit….I mean… Dick is delusional obviously and I’m pretty sure he was drunk while using the word.”
“Grayson told you I liked you?” Jason smirked.
“Yeah…. Funny, right?” she chuckles awkwardly
“Extremely funny.” Jason looked down avoiding meeting her eyes.
“Haha ….” She muttered.
And then, once they mocked Dick and the whole situation to the most possible extend and there was nothing more to say the silence fell between them. At first it was normal since they were both lost in their heads but after a while it started getting uncomfortable. Even the air in the batcave became heavier and it was becoming hard to breathe.
“Y/N…..” he looked at her
“Jace…..” she looked at him
And when their gazes met they were gone.
Acting on impulse they both moved forward, meeting halfway when their lips connected.
It was not like they write it in the books or how you see it in the movies or not even how you imagine kissing someone you like.
It was their first kiss together and yet, there were no sparks, no electricity, no butterflies in the stomach.
Nothing so obvious and, well, spectacular.
And yet, there was something more to this display of affection.
The deep sense of doing something right.
Something pure and perfect.
Feeling of finally belonging somewhere.
With someone.
The inner peace.
It was….natural, but it didn’t take away the wonderfulness of being in the bubble together with that person.
Getting out all those emotions they were trying to hide.
And at this moment Y/N knew she was fooling herself. She did like him more than friends.
“Y/N…..?” he pulled back after a second, both pair of eyes closed, foreheads connected.
“I like you.”
“Yeah, I kind of notice……”
“Yes, I like you too.”
“So what do I have to do to make you laugh again?”
She pulls back, opening her eyes and smirking teasingly.
“You can just be yourself. I swear sooner or later you will do something silly or stupid enough to make me laugh. At you…..”
“I think you and I have very different definitions of liking someone.”
“Maybe….but if there’s anyone I want to work towards creating joint meaning…. It’s you , Todd.”
“Oh….” He cooed “don’t give me diabetes with all that sweetness.”
“enjoy it while it last, Todd…..” she laughs and hearing that sound after a few weeks of silence he couldn’t help but grin widely.
Like a man in love.
Who he was.  
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