#jacques saulnier
andersalsdieandern · 1 month
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Jeremy Irons and Ornella Muti in Swann in Love (Volker Schlöndorff, 1984)
Cast: Jeremy Irons, Ornalla Muti, Alain Delon, Fanny Ardant, Marie-Christine Barrault, Anne Bennent. Screenplay: Peter Brook, Jean-Claude Carrière, Marie-Hélène Estienne, Voilker Schlöndorff, based on a novel by Marcel Proust. Cinematography: Sven Nykvist. Production design: Jacques Saulnier. Film editing: Françoise Bonnot. Music: David Graham, Hans Werner Henze, Gerd Kuhr, Marcel Wengler. 
I certainly don't think that Proust's In Search of Lost Time couldn't, or shouldn't, be adapted to another medium: A well-produced miniseries might well do the trick. But for all the talent involved in this adaptation of the "Swann in Love" section of Swann's Way, the return on investment is slight: an opulent trifle, a pretty picture of the Belle Époque. The most significant contributions to the film are made by its production designer, Jacques Saulnier, and its cinematographer, Sven Nykvist, who keep the eye ravished even while the mind feels hunger pangs. There are some remarkable performances that make you feel that at least Proust has been read, including Fanny Ardant's Duchesse de Guermantes, Marie-Christine Barrault's wonderfully alive and vulgar Mme. Verdurin, and especially Alain Delon's Baron de Charlus. Yes, Proust's Charlus is fat where Delon is lean, but Delon's dissipated beauty -- he's like the picture of Dorian Gray when it had just begun to reflect its subject's debauchery -- and his sly appreciation of the Guermantes footmen give us something of the essential Charlus. I have a sense that Swann should be a good deal less handsome than Jeremy Irons and that Odette was not quite as sex-kittenish as Ornella Muti, but they move through their roles well even if their voices have been dubbed by French actors. (The dubbing is most noticeable in Irons's case, since his purring lisp has become so familiar over the years.) The screenplay plucks scenes from here and there in the Search, not confined to the titular section, but fails to put it all together in a satisfying whole. If ever a case could be made for a voice-over narrator, reflecting Proust's own Narrator, I would think it would be here.
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goalhofer · 1 year
2022-23 Belleville Senators Roster
#10 Philippe Daoust (Barrie, Ontario)
#13 Egor Sokolov (Yekaterinburg, Russia)
#16 Matthew Boucher (Quebec, Quebec)**
#18 Jarid Lukosevicius (Squamish-Lillooet District, British Columbia)*
#19 John Quenneville (Edmonton, Alberta)*
#23 Cole Reinhardt (Calgary, Alberta)
#26 Brennan Saulnier (Halifax, Nova Scotia)*
#34 Roby Järventie (Tampere, Finland)
#36 Angus Crookshank (North Vancouver, British Columbia)
#49 Scott Sabourin (Ottawa, Ontario)
#7 Viktor Lodin (Leksand Stad, Sweden)
#8 Jayce Hawryluk (Roblin Municipality, Manitoba) A
#9 Jake Lucchini (Trail, British Columbia) A
#11 Kyle Betts (Grey Highlands, Ontario)**
#12 Cole Cassels (Dublin, Ohio)*
#14 Rourke Chartier (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan) A
#20 Matthew Wedman (Edmonton, Alberta)
#47 Mark Kastelic (Phoenix, Arizona)
#3 Dillon Heatherington (Calgary, Alberta) C
#4 Jacob Larsson (Ljungby Stad, Sweden)*
#5 Xavier Bernard (Mercier, Quebec)
#21 Max Guénette (Quebec, Quebec)
#24 Jacob Bernard-Docker (Canmore, Alberta)
#27 Jack Dougherty (Cottage Grove, Minnesota)
#33 Lassi Thomson (Tampere, Finland)
#44 Kristiāns Rubīns (Riga, Latvia)
#48 Jonathan Aspirot (Mascouche, Quebec)
#31 Kevin Mandolese (Saint-Jacques, Quebec)
#35 Antoine Bibeau (Victoriaville, Quebec)*
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reginadeinisseni · 5 months
Nous sommes tous des assassins (1952) Bande Annonce VF [HD]
Un soldato, ottuso e ignorante, sopravvissuto alla seconda guerra mondiale, continua a uccidere una volta finita la guerra. Quando provoca la morte di una guardia, viene condannato alla ghigliottina. Il suo difensore farà emergere durante il processo le responsabilità sociali dei suoi comportamenti devianti.
Note Cayatte, giornalista e avvocato, al 13° film affronta il suo tema prediletto: il film è un appassionata requisitoria contro la pena di morte. Alle volte un po' didascalico, ma nel complesso un'opera avvincente. Scritto dal regista con Charles Spaak. Premio speciale della giuria a Cannes.
Siamo tutti assassini (Nous sommes tous des assassins) è un film del 1952 diretto da André Cayatte, vincitore del Premio Speciale della Giuria al 5º Festival di Cannes.[1
Titolo originale Nous sommes tous des assassins Paese di produzione Francia, Italia Anno 1952 Durata 115 min Dati tecnici B/N Genere drammatico Regia André Cayatte Soggetto André Cayatte, Charles Spaak Sceneggiatura André Cayatte, Charles Spaak Fotografia Jean Bourgoin Montaggio Paul Cayatte Musiche Raymond Legrand Scenografia Jacques Colombier Interpreti e personaggi Marcel Mouloudji: René Le Guen Raymond Pellegrin: Gino Bollini Claude Laydu: Philippe Arnaud Louis Seigner: abate Roussard Georges Poujouly: Michel Le Guen Louis Arbessier: avvocato del tribunale dei minori René Blancard: Albert Pichon Amedeo Nazzari: dottor Detouche (versione italiana) Jean-Pierre Grenier: dottor Detouche (versione francese) Yvonne Sanson: Yvonne Le Guen (versione italiana) Jacqueline Pierreux: Yvonne Le Guen (versione francese) Antoine Balpêtré: dottor Albert Dutoit Léonce Corne: capitano Girard Henri Crémieux: avvocato di Bauchet Jean Daurand: Girard, l'uomo della cabina telefonica Yvonne de Bray: prima cenciaiola Lise Berthier: seconda cenciaiola Guy Decomble: un ispettore Monette Dinay: la ragazza di Charles Julien Verdier: Bauchet Yvette Etiévant: moglie di Bauchet Juliette Faber: Francine Saulnier Paul Faivre: Biribi Anouk Ferjac: Agnès Paul Frankeur: Léon, capo delle guardie Renée Gardès: madre di Le Guen Jérôme Goulven: Noblet Elisabeth Hardy: madre della bambina François Joux: Saulnier Alinda Kristensen: donna svedese Charles Lemontier: procuratore Roland Lesaffre: detenuto barbiere Liliane Maigné: Rachele Daniel Mendaille: carceriere capo Eliane Monceau: amica di Dutoit Jacques Morel: Charles Jean-Paul Moulinot: direttore della Santé Lucien Nat: avvocato dell'accusa Line Noro: Louise Arnaud, madre di Philippe Marcel Pérès: Malingré André Reybaz: padre Simon Alexandre Rignault: gendarme Solange Sicard: madre di Agnès Sylvie: Laetitia Bollini, madre di Gino Georges Tabet: la pianista Jean-Marc Tennberg: Fredo André Valmy: il piccolo Louis François Vibert: madre di Mousset Henri Vilbert: signor Arnaud
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lesombresnomades · 6 months
Les ombres dans le Quercy
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Nous sommes partis dans le Lot faire le tour du Quercy en randonnée (133 km) en octobre 2023 durant une semaine. Il s'agit d'une boucle à partir de Saint Cirq Lapopie en suivant les GR36, 65 et 651. Nous avons réservé les chambres d'hôtes en avance et avons choisi de faire transporter nos bagages par la malle postale. Nous avons laissé notre véhicule sur le parking P1 gratuit, situé en bas du village (non loin du camping) après avoir informé la mairie (seul parking autorisé pour une longue durée).
Etape 1 – Saint Cirq – Varaire - 23km :
Nous commençons cette première étape assez tôt le matin, en grimpant jusqu'au village de Saint Cirq par un petit sentier assez raide. C'est un site médiéval, tout en pierre perché au dessus du Lot. En ce matin brumeux tout est calme et les rues sont désertes.
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Après avoir franchi le village nous parvenons à la chapelle Sainte Croix, au-dessus de la mer de nuages, le ciel est magnifiquement bleu.
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Après 2h de marche, nous arrivons au village de Concots où se trouve un petit marché en ce dimanche matin. Nous en profitons pour acheter le pique-nique du déjeuner.Nous poursuivons notre marche sur un plateau traversant champs et sous-bois et pique niquons au bord d'un champs assis sur de grandes pierres plates. Nous reprenons notre escapade sur un sentier bordé de murs en pierres sèches ; nous découvrons les premières bories (constructions traditionnelles en pierres sèches ).
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La végétation est encore bien verte pour la saison, noyers et châtaigners ont encore leurs feuilles.
Nous finissons par arriver à Varaires et à notre première auberge, « le mouton à deux pattes ». C'est une petite auberge de deux chambres, située sur le GR et ouverte depuis le 1er juin 2023. Nous dînons un rougail saucisses sur une grande tablée en compagnie d'un couple de coréens (Yoon et Jin) qui fait le chemin de St Jacques de Compostelle.
Etape 2 – Varaire – Gaillac 22km :
Nous reprenons le chemin en faisant un détour par Varaire pour nous ravitailler à l'épicerie du village. La brume matinale rend l'atmosphère un peu mélancolique. Nous empruntons un chemin large toujours bordé par les murs en pierres recouverts de mousse. Comme le déplorait Yoon et Jin, c'est un chemin assez pierreux, qui monte régulièrement dans un sous-bois clairsemé.
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Nous passons par Limogne en Quercy, où nous profitons d'une belle place ensoleillée pour prendre un verre en terrasse. En fin de matinée nous sommes surpris par une grosse averse et sommes obligés de nous abriter sous un chêne afin de mettre nos pantalons de pluie et couvrir nos sacs à dos.
Nous pique niquons à l'abri d'un vieux lavoir, non loin du Mas des Bories.
Nous poursuivons notre chemin par une montée importante, la pluie a stoppé. Nous profitons de la vue sur les champs et pâturages où paissent des brebis et moutons.
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Nous redescendons vers Gaillac à travers la forêt et arrivons à l'auberge des « chats malicieux » après 6h de marche. Nous sommes accueillis par Valérie qui est déjà aux fourneaux pour le repas du soir. Ancienne éleveuse de chats, elle en a encore quatre dont deux chats de race sphynx. Nous dînons en compagnie d'un cycliste qui réalise le trajet Toulouse – Lons le Saulnier.
Etape 3 – Gaillac - Béduer 24km :
Après avoir petit déjeuner de gourmands pancakes « maison », nous entamons une belle montée jusqu'au château de Gaillac.
De là, nous dominons cette belle vallée du Lot sinueuse.
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Après 4 km de marche et une succession de pentes et descentes, nous parvenons au bourg de Cajarc non sans peine où nous en profitons pour acheter les sandwichs. C'est un petit village médiéval composé de ruelles étroites et pavées resserrées autour de l'église.
A la sortie du village, face aux falaises, le chemin grimpe brusquement et passe à proximité d'une grotte avec une résurgence et nous offre, après quelques sueurs, une superbe vue sur le bourg et la vallée du Lot.
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Nous parvenons enfin sur un plateau, doté d'une belle forêt de chênes aux couleurs d'automne. Nous poursuivons, notre marche jusqu'à un dolmen situé à proximité de Gréalou où nous en profitons pour déjeuner. L'atmosphère est paisible sous ce soleil, personne à l'horizon.
Nous reprenons le chemin bordé par des murs en pierres dont certains sont peintes par un artiste locale à l'effigie des pèlerins. Cette longue étape nous semble interminable sous ce ciel azur.
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Après 7h de marche nous arrivons à la « Forge de Béduer », gîte tenu par Sandrine et ayant ouvert en juin 2023. Il est situé au bord de la RD19, la chambre est assez bruyante.
Etape 4 – Béduer - Brengues 19km :
Nous partons ce matin sous une légère pluie et nous arrêtons au restaurant-épicerie du village où règne une ambiance chaleureuse, avec un feu de cheminée dans la boutique. Nous faisons attention d'emprunter le bon chemin, ici plusieurs GR passent dans le village. Nous prenons le GR651, en direction de la Vallée du Célé. Le chemin descend jusqu'au bord du Célé en passant par un petit sous bois. Le terrain est glissant à cause des feuilles mortes mouillées, la prudence est de mise. Nous longeons la rivière à travers champs sur un large chemin à un rythme élevé du fait de la pluie. Les eaux du Célé paraissent boueuses du fait des pluies récentes.
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Après avoir passé le pont de Boussac, nous grimpons quelques temps avant de redescendre en fond de vallée jusqu'à Corn, village typique de la région avec ses maisons en pierre.
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Nous poursuivons le chemin en alternant les montées et descentes pour atteindre vers 13h le village d'Espagnac Sainte Eulalie. C'est un lieu médiéval et très religieux avec la présence d'un ancien prieuré du XIIème siècle, formant une cour intérieure. Nous nous abritons sous le cloître de l'édifice où se trouve un bar fermé.
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Nous pique niquons dans ce lieu paisible avant de repartir sur le sentier. Le GR se poursuit par un chemin pierreux et glissant nous faisant parvenir sur une colline où se dresse le château des anglais. Il ne reste qu'un pan de mur plaqué contre la falaise, dominant la vallée du Célé.
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Nous marchons sous ces falaises durant quelques temps, ce qui n'est pas très sécurisant. Ça et là, nous apercevons des maisons troglodytes. Nous finissons par descendre jusqu'au village de Brengues.
Le gîte du Ricochet, situé le long du GR se trouve tout au bout du village. C'est une maison entièrement dédiée aux randonneurs, la propriétaire Bénédicte vivant dans un autre bâtiment. Cette dernière nous accueille chaleureusement et a préparé un feu de cheminée très réconfortant après cette journée pluvieuse.
Etape 5 – Brengues - Marcilhac 12km :
Après avoir pris un petit-déjeuner copieux, nous repartons sous la pluie pour cette petite étape. Le chemin est étroit et caillouteux, bordé de ces murs en pierres sèches. Les nuages sont bas et nous prenons conscience que cette journée sera humide. Une montée rapide nous amène sur le causse.
Le paysage change : les forêts ont laissé la place aux prairies entrecoupées de murets en pierres sèches. Malgré le temps, ce secteur paraît beaucoup plus aride.
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Nous parvenons au village de Saint Sulpice et nous arrêtons sous un abri médiéval troglodyte, où subsistent encore un vieux four à pain ainsi qu'une ancienne fontaine. Nous profitons d'une accalmie pour reprendre le chemin et remontons sur le causse où nous retrouvons les bories le long du chemin.
Nous apercevons Marcilhac au pied des falaises.
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Nous arrivons rapidement au gîte de Galance où nous attend notre chambre très spartiate. A cette époque toutes les boutiques et restaurants sont fermés à l'exception du café associatif géré par l'association Olterra. Nous y passons un agréable moment en échangeant avec les bénévoles et villageois.
Etape 6 – Marcilhac – Cabrerets 20km :
Notre hébergement ne proposant aucun repas, nous sommes contraints de prendre un petit déjeuner frugal au bord de la rivière, entre deux averses.
C'est une étape assez escarpée avec une succession de montées et descentes qui nous attend. Nous arrivons à Sauliac non sans mal et découvrons le village ancien (le Vieux Sauliac) qui est accroché à la falaise, percée de grottes fortifiées qui servaient de refuge pendant les guerres. Toutes les maisons sont en pierre, certains abandonnes d'autres en reconstruction.
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Le temps se dégage, le soleil fait enfin une apparition et profitons de la vue dégagée sur la vallée du Célé en contrebas. Nous poursuivons le chemin sur un haut plateau venté. Avec derrière nous, les nuages noirs menaçant, et face à nous ces champs éclairés par les rayons du soleil : ce contraste est magnifique et donne une lumière magique !
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Enfin, après 6h de marche, nous distinguons un château puis le village de Cabrerets en contrebas. Le chemin débouche sur un hameau, nommé le « bout du lieu », doté de maisons adossées à la falaise.
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C'était une étape difficile mais peut être la plus jolie grâce à ses paysages diversifiés, son habitat atypique et cette lumière saisissante.
Nous traversons le village de Cabrerets pour atteindre l'auberge de la Sagne où nous sommes chaleureusement accueillis par les propriétaires anglais.
C'est un endroit très cosy et chaleureux. Nous retirons nos chaussures de marches afin de ne pas salir la jolie moquette épaisse de l'auberge. Le soir, nous dégustons un succulent dîner préparé et servi par le propriétaire en personne.
Etape 7 – Cabrerets – Saint Cirq 13km :
Nous repartons en passant au droit de la grotte de PechMerle et nous retrouvons rapidement sur les hauteurs. La brume de la vallée du Célé s'élève petit à petit face à nous. Nous poursuivons dans un sous bois avant de redescendre dans la vallée du Lot à hauteur de Conduché. Nous traversons la rivière à Bouziès en empruntant le magnifique pont suspendu accroché à la falaise.
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Après avoir traversé le village très calme en cette saison, nous parvenons au bord du Lot et à ce fameux chemin de halage creusé dans la falaise. C'est un lieu peu commun que nous parcourons sans touriste.
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La falaise blanche et la végétation encore verdoyante se reflètent dans les eaux claires du Lot. Le chemin serpente à travers champs en s'éloignant petit à petit de la rivière.
Face à nous se dresse le village de Saint Cirq.
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Notre marche se termine après avoir parcouru 133km et découvert une région magnifique aux paysages contrastés entre les causses, les fonds de vallées, les falaises, les murets en pierres sèches et les bories.
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badgaymovies · 2 years
Les Cousins (1959)
Les Cousins by #ClaudeChabrol, "the perfectly-wrought performances make a film that is, seemingly, an aimless character study feel as carefully mapped out as a great mystery narrative"
CLAUDE CHABROL Bil’s rating (out of 5): BBBB France, 1959. Ajym Films, Société Française du Cinéma pour la Jeunesse. Scenario by Claude Chabrol, dialogue by Paul Gegauff. Cinematography by Henri Decae. Produced by Claude Chabrol. Music by Paul Misraki. Production Design by Bernard Evein, Jacques Saulnier. Film Editing by Jacques Gaillard. Claude Chabrol’s sophomore directorial effort has him…
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sesiondemadrugada · 4 years
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La prisonnière (Henri-Georges Clouzot, 1968).
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histoireettralala · 4 years
Jean Navarre
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08/08/1895- Jouy-sur-Morin, 10/07/1919- Villacoublay
One of the pioneer flying aces, credited with 12 confirmed aerial victories, plus 15 unconfirmed.
Jean and his twin brother Pierre are the first of the 11 children of engineer André Navarre and his wife, musician Jeanne de Coëscon.
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Jean is an unruly child, as well as his twin. They are frequently expelled from school. He is even sent to an English pension, which he runs away from. His father tries to have him work  in his factory to calm him down, but Jean doesn't stay. The only thing he really cares about, as well as Pierre, is the nascent aviation.
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In June 1914, he enters the Ecole Aéronautique of the Caudron brothers, two months before war breaks out. He lies to get into the army (about his age, flying capacities, and having the necessary civilian diploma).
He learns. He is still notoriously undisciplined. In 1915 he joins in Muizon the first fighting squadron , the M.S.12, commanded by Lieutenant de Bernis, and gains his first victory on April 1, forcing a German plane to land behind the French lines. Named sergeant, he earns the military medal. He will score six more victories that same month, but only two are accredited (the French system of accreditation for aerial victories is the hardest among the Allies). He will be made a Knight of the Legion d'Honneur in June; after this, the squadron, now the N. 12, will mostly fight with the Nieuport XI "Bébé".
In 1916, Navarre joins the N67 and flies over the great battlefield of Verdun. He is often seen fighting german planes (even if he "forgets" to ask for permission to take off) and is nicknamed "the Sentinel of Verdun".
He gains there a well-deserved reputation, generally flying solo for lengthy hours at a spell, tracking enemy aircraft from below and behind, machine gun at the ready.  Flying the Nieuport 11 aircraft he downs two German aircraft in a single day on 25 February, the first Frenchman to achieve the feat.
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Navarre flying over Verdun in his plane adorned with the French colors
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Navarre also famously flew with a bright red plane, before Manfred von Richtofen did.
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On April 1, he is appointed second lieutenant and joins the club of the Aces (pilots with more than 5 approved victories). One of his techniques consists in attacking wheels in the air while taking advantage of the enemy's surprise to strafe him. When he is not flying, Jean Navarre loves to party, drinks more than he can and commits many escapades (including a landing on the roof of a building in 1916). He is therefore frequently, but very temporarily, under arrest or in prison. Actually, the man does not fear anyone, neither the Germans, nor his hierarchy. In May 1916, he is the first French pilot to count 10 approved victories, victories for which there are several witnesses or when the enemy plane fell back into the French lines. These will be his last fights because in June he is very seriously injured in a duel over the Ardennes, however managing to land his plane in Sainte-Menehould.
On 17 June 1916 Navarre's aircraft is shot down above the Argonne, an accident which brings with it the severe head wound that ultimately led to Navarre spending some two years in a Parisian asylum; at around this time his twin brother is similarly involved in a (fatal) air accident.  Navarre's aerial tally at the time has reached 12, and he is the first Frenchman to be considered an 'ace' (reaching five victories).
He then has 12 accredited victories but in reality he obtained more than double that. A few months later, on November 15, 1916, he is very affected by his twin brother’s death, Pierre Navarre, who had followed him in the Air Force. Drinking heavily, nervously strained, he resumes his training in 1917, but does something irreparable on the night of April 10-11, 1917, while on leave in Paris, when he runs into several police officers with his automobile. He injures one of them, stops to help him, but is attacked by the other officer and escapes into the night. Arrested by the gendarmerie at his squadron, he is imprisoned and tried but military doctors declare him irresponsible for his actions, recognizing what modern psychiatrists would qualify as post-traumatic stress syndrome.
The doctors' report states "We can say that he would not have committed the fault he is currently accused of if he had not been in this clearly pathological phase which followed his injury and concussion, and which was aggravated by the moral shock caused by his brother's death”.
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Jean Navarre, wounded.
In a rest home for the rest of the war, Navarre never returns to the front. Doctors will only accept that he goes training again in September 1918. War is over. Navarre doesn't want to leave the aviation and dreams of crossing the Atlantic or flying under the Arc de Triomphe. He won't have the time.
Engaged by Morane-Saulnier, he does demonstration flights for the clients, and is also known for his aerial acrobatics.
On July 10, 1919, while gliding down to earth, he hits a wall and dies on the spot. He isn’t yet 24.
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His funeral happens on July 12 in the chapel of the Dominique Larrey Hospital of Versailles. He is buried in Tartas (Landes) where his family originates from, alongside his twin.
Famous for his boldness, he is credited with the first double & quadruple victory of WW1.
His behaviour wasn't accepted by all, but his way of flying was unamously admired by his peers.
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“The Eagle Twins”, Pierre & Jean Navarre
Pierre, his twin, starts the War in the Infantry; he was at last transferred to aviation, but only had time to know victory once, in the battle of Verdun, before he was killed. He was known for his bravery and drive .He dies in a plane accident in November 15, 1916 - having been just transferred to the N67 with his brother. He is 21.
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Pierre Navarre
An anecdote among many:
Stationed in Brias (Somme), on a rainy day, there was nothing to do. He decides to go for a trip to Amiens accompanied by an observer officer while he is placed in custody for having done prohibited spins in the air. They go to eat pastries and drink port. He takes off to return but before he has a meeting above the city and they throw bouquets of flowers in the main street. Seeing a young woman waving to them from her balcony, he lands again in the countryside and they go to their admirer who offers them more port. To spend the night in town Navarre calls their captain, claiming the plane to be broken down. The next day, out of camaraderie, the team of mechanics who came to repair the plane which is in perfect condition does not breathe a word about this matter.
What did his peers think of him ? Not all of them appreciated his temper or, especially, his misdemeanours, but many had praise for him.
"He had a courage that can only be compared to that of Guynemer or Nungesser and the skill of Fonck. Most ignore the fantastic work he did in Verdun. He possessed a spontaneous generosity and even a natural delicacy of feelings that only those who knew him closely could appreciate "
Captain P. de Bernis, his squadron leader.
"Navarre, who was believed to be my rival, was above all my friend, it was he who was one of the first, along with this brave Guynemer, to launch single-seater hunting. I have always had a deep admiration for him, whom I consider of very first class, both from an manoeuvers point of view and from a shooting precision point of view "
Charles Nungesser (43 wins).
"If he doesn't kill himself, he will surpass us all"
Roland Garros
"He was generous: every time he fought in the company of another he" gave him "the plane that was shot down, unless that plane fell in our lines, which was rare!"
"Jean Navarre's generosity was also manifested during the fighting. Before the hell of Verdun, he maneuvered and fired in such a way as to force the enemy plane to land. This result obtained, he landed near him, took the crew under his protection, even going so far as to invite them to his table. If there was a dead man, he ensured him a decent burial. "
René Fisch, fighter pilot for the N 23, squadron based in Vadelaincourt.
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Navarre, Sentinelle de Verdun - Jacques Mortane
A short bio in English:
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sweetsmellosuccess · 6 years
TIFF 2018: Day 6
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Films: 4 Best Film of the Day: First Man (pictured)
First Man: Epic films, almost by definition, operate out of a hyper-real, melodramatically grand scale, everything is meant to be bigger than life to justify the hagiography of the film’s subject matter. Damien Chazelle’s film about Neil Armstrong and the first lunar landing, takes a contrary approach. Despite the obvious urge to paint larger than life subjects in full bas relief (THE REAL STUFF, more or less), he traps his focus down to the nuts and bolts of the man, and the program of which he was such an instrumental part. Armstrong (Ryan Gosling) is many impressive things, but emotive is not one of them (a moment from press conference, after the Apollo crew has been named: a reporter asks him what special thing he’d like to bring to the moon with him, his answer “More fuel”). There are some reasons for this, one of which is the death of his toddler daughter from cancer before he joined the space program, but we are also lead to believe his desire to go to the moon outweighed his emotional obligations with his family, including his two young sons and his long-suffering wife (Claire Foy), who understands but does not take kindly to his increased detachment as the mission approaches. Chazelle, who, like Gosling, appears preternaturally versatile, is less interested in the mechanics of the project than he is the grinding gears of the man most associated with the eventual landing. It is shot beautifully, of course, and has strong performances from the entire cast — though Foy is the real standout and should be recognized as such comes award season — but the real glue is Chazelle’s vision, and his attention to the smaller emotional nuances that so often get dropped like a third-stage rocket on such pictures. Because he keeps the film, and Armstrong’s character, so understated, a simple moment towards the end packs far more of an emotional punch than you would expect. In many other directors’ hands, it’s the kind of emotional hotspur that you could bring full battlements on, but Chazelle keeps it so quiet and simple, it’s that much more devastating as a result.
The Sisters Brothers: Part of the appeal of the western genre is the simple tropes that can be bent and twisted into new and exciting shapes, like a pack of pipe cleaners. Jacques Audiard doesn’t do anything revolutionary in his approach, but working from a  script he co-wrote, he throws enough feints and downbeats in to keep the film rumbling along at its own eccentric pace. It also helps when you have a powerhouse cast — Joaquin Phoenix, John C. Reilly, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Riz Ahmed — that are totally on board with the approach. The story involves the Bros (Phoenix and Reilly) as they try to track down a detective (Gyllenhaal), who in turn is tracking down a chemist who has invented a compound that he claims will reveal gold nuggets in the river. Eventually, the quartet all join together with not so wonderful results, but not before we’ve dealt with bears, vertical teeth brushing, and a spider crawling into Reilly’s mouth as he sleeps. Filled with odd, stylistic accents — Reilly also carries with him a scarf given by a woman somewhere which he fetishizes; Gyllenhaal inexplicably speaks with a British inflection and keeps a highly literary journal for himself, and so on — it’s less of a conventional western (there actually isn’t a grand showdown, per se) than an exploration of the male consciousness, it’s avarice, brutality, aspiration, and kindness on full display.
Free Solo: Anyone who has had the pleasure/terror of watching Jimmy Chin’s previous mountaineering doc (co-directed with Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi), Meru, have a pretty good idea of what awaits them. Chin, a climber himself, understands both the mindset of his subjects, and the best technical way to show the terrifying nature of what they do, but even he was given pause at this concept: Following world-class climber Alex Honnold as he attempts to free climb (sans ropes, in other words) the formidable El Capitán face in Yosemite, a feat never before accomplished (and likely not very much attempted). In a faction of people that tend toward the eccentric, Honnold stands out, both for his preternatural abilities and for his quirky personality, which generally doesn’t allow for a lot of emotional breadth. As he prepares for this climb, easily the toughest of his life, he’s also negotiating a relationship with his newish girlfriend, and dealing with the actual act of having this attempt filmed by Chin’s cameras. As with Meru, Chin is gifted with the ability to draw out these narratives in a way that feels incredibly powerful without being exploited. Watching Honnold make his attempt to climb a 3000-foot face made over the course of several excruciating hours, and knowing that a single wrong grip or misstep will lead to his death, can be almost unbearable at times – and we’re not alone, one of the camera operators, stationed at the base of the mountain with a huge, telescopic lens, is forced to turn away along with us – but the film gives a sense of the freedom and exhilaration that accompanies such risk. It’s well worth the psychic trauma, unless you happen to be deathly afraid of heights.
The Predator: You could say Predators, those space aliens who venture down to Earth every so often to partake in some trophy hunting of he-men in the military, have caused a lot of suffering amongst humans, but our suffering pales in comparison to what we’ve done to them over the course of the last 30 years: Each new installment of the series has been notably worse than the one before it – and don’t even get me started on that loathsome ‘Alien vs. Predator’ nonsense – and this film, sadly, doesn’t break that cycle.
Tomorrow: On my last full day at the festival, I’m going out with a bang: I begin by watching Elizabeth Moss tear up the stage in Alex Ross Perry’s Her Smell; finally get to see one of the more buzzworthy films of the fest so far in Steve McQueen’s Widows; slide over to the Princess of Wales theater to see Jeremy Saulnier’s latest, Hold the Dark; and close things out for 2018 by watching, Everybody Knows, the new film of one of my favorite international directors, Asghar Farhadi.
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extrabeurre · 6 years
Automne 2018 : Défrichage
J’avais l’habitude de faire un top 10 des films que j’avais le plus hâte de voir lors de la saison à venir, mais c’était souvent arbitraire et réducteur. Je vais donc essayer quelque chose d’autre : passer à travers le calendrier des sorties (en date d’aujourd’hui) et indiquer les titres qui, d’emblée, m’allument le plus. Avertissement : toutes les dates sont sujettes à changement et j’oublie sûrement des trucs.
14 septembre : J’ai déjà vu Mandy et Madeline’s Madeline à Fantasia et les deux sont géniaux. À voir absolument. Sinon, je suis curieux de voir The Predator de Shane Black (à noter que le Predator original sera présenté en 35mm à Cinema 1999 le 11 septembre)
21 septembre : Vu au FNC l’an dernier, Laissez bronzer les cadavres de Hélène Cattet & Bruno Forzani est un autre incontournable pour les amateurs de cinéma de genre.
3 au 14 octobre : J’ai toujours de grands espoirs pour le Festival du nouveau cinéma. Ils ont déjà annoncé le controversé The House That Jack Built de Lars von Trier. Aussi de Cannes, j’aimerais y voir Climax de Gaspar Noé. Et la programmation québécoise est généralement solide. Peut-être The Death & Life of John F. Donovan de Xavier Dolan? La grande noirceur de Maxime Giroux?Ou encore mieux, Avant qu’on explose de Rémi St-Michel? On saura tout le 25 septembre.
5 octobre : Il y a A Star Is Born de et avec Bradley Cooper ainsi que Lady Gaga, promis aux Oscars selon plusieurs; le western The Sisters Brothers de Jacques Audiard avec John C. Reilly et Joaquin Phoenix; et parce que je rate rarement un film de super-héros, Venom avec Tom Hardy.
12 octobre : Un des événements cinématographiques de l’année. Juste le nom de Damien Chazelle à la réalisation est majeur pour moi, mais en plus, il s’attaque à une spectaculaire page d’histoire en racontant l’histoire de Neil Armstrong (Ryan Gosling), en IMAX en plus. 
19 octobre : Halloween de David Gordon Green est, si j'ai bien compris, une suite du classique de John Carpenter qui ignore toutes les suites. Jamie Lee Curtis aura-t-elle enfin sa revanche?
2 novembre : Bohemian Rhapsody de Bryan Singer & Dexter Fletcher, car Queen est l’un de mes groupes préférés des années 1970 et je suis toujours partant pour un bon (espérons) film de rock. Et j’ai quand même hâte de voir le remake de Suspiria par Luca Guadagnino, surtout pour la musique de Thom Yorke!
21 novembre : Un des gros morceaux de l’automne, Creed II. Avec un nouveau réalisateur, le méconnu Steven Caple Jr., mais avec Sylvester Stallone lui-même à la scénarisation en collaboration avec Cheo Hodari Coker. Et surtout, le retour de Dolph Lundgren en Ivan Drago! (Il n’est pas dans la bande-annonce ci-dessus.)
30 novembre : Barry Jenkins a réalisé un des films les plus émouvants de la décennie, Moonlight. Son plus récent, If Beale Street Could Talk, semble tout aussi touchant et brillamment réalisé. 
14 décembre : Encore là, parce que je vois presque tous les films de super-héros, je vais sûrement donner une chance à Spider-Man - Into the Spider-Verse, même si je ne suis pas sûr quoi penser de ce spin-off animé.
21 décembre : Par contre, j’ai hâte de voir Aquaman de James Wan pour vrai! Jason Momoa était l’une des meilleures choses dans Justice League. My man! Yeayuh! Aussi en salle juste avant Noël : Bumblebee, la version Iron Giant de la franchise Transformers; et Holmes and Watson, qui réunit les “step brothers” Will Ferrell et John C. Reilly!
NOTE : Je ne les ai pas inclus ci-dessus, mais j’estime qu’il faut garder un oeil sur les films produits par Netflix. Cet automne, on pourra notamment découvrir Hold the Dark de Jeremy Saulnier, Apostle de Gareth Evans, 22 July de Paul Greengrass, Roma d’Alfonso Cuarón, et rien de moins que The Other Side of the Wind d’Orson Welles!
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andersalsdieandern · 2 months
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byneddiedingo · 9 months
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Jean-Claude Brialy and Gérard Blain in Les Cousins (Claude Chabrol, 1959)
Cast: Gérard Blain, Jean-Claude Brialy, Juliette Mayniel, Guy Decomble, Geneviève Cluny, Michèle Méritz, Corrado Guarducci, Stéphane Audran, Paul Bisciglia. Screenplay: Claude Chabrol, Paul Gégauff. Cinematography: Henri Decaë. Production design: Bernard Evein, Jacques Saulnier. Film editing: Jacques Gaillard. Music: Paul MIsraki.
Chekhov's gun plays a major role in Les Cousins, heightening the suspense about who will use it on whom. But the film isn't a suspense thriller, despite Chabrol's admiration for Hitchcock, so much as a deliciously perverse adaption of some classic fables: the country mouse and the city mouse, and the ant and the grasshopper. It also resonates ironically with Balzac's Lost Illusions, the novel that a bookseller (Guy Decomble) allows Charles (Gérard Blain) to "steal" from his shop. In the Balzac novel, a young man from the provinces goes to Paris to seek fame, fortune, and love, and his misadventures wreak havoc on himself and the people he loves. In Les Cousins, country mouse/ant Charles goes to Paris to share an apartment with his cousin, Paul (Jean-Claude Brialy), the city mouse/grasshopper, while both study law. Paul is a somewhat decadent hedonist, who tries to introduce the straiter-laced Charles, who is very much dedicated to his mother back home, to the delights of the city. One of these delights is the promiscuous Florence (Juliette Mayniel), with whom Charles falls in love, only to have things end badly when she chooses to live with Paul instead. Chabrol fills the movie with quirky, somewhat sinister characters, though never turns the film into a clear-cut tale of good vs. evil. Innocence doesn't triumph over cynicism here, though cynicism pays a price, which is what makes Chabrol's film such a grandly satisfying one to watch and to think about afterward. Blain and Brialy (in a suitably Mephistophelean mustache and beard) are brilliant, and the cinematographer, Henri Decaë, gives us a grand evocation of Paris in the 1950s.
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modage · 6 years
My Most Anticipated Films of 2018
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Looking out at the cinematic landscape on January 1st and trying to handicap which films you’ll end up connecting with is always a fools errand  (see: 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009), but also a fun one. So with a mix of naivete and enthusiasm here are the films I’m looking forward to most in 2018.
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1. The Irishman (Martin Scorsese) Deniro. Pacino. Pesci. Keitel. Scorsese. (TBD)
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2. Roma (Alfonso Cuaron) In the last 12 years Cuaron has only made 2 films: Gravity and Children of Men. This simply cannot stand. For his latest he returns to a smaller scale Y Tu Mama Tambien territory. (TBD)
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3. Widows (Steve McQueen) Four Chicago women decide to take fate into their own hands in McQueen’s (very unexpected) follow-up to his Best Picture-winning 12 Years A Slave. (Nov 16)
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4. First Man (Damien Chazelle) Biopics are boring but sometimes you have an make exceptions. Hopefully Chazelle’s La La Land follow-up, which stars Ryan Gosling as young astronaut Neil Armstrong, will be one of them. (Oct 12)
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5. Suspiria (Luca Guadagnino) A re-imagining of the Dario Argento horror classic from the filmmaker behind Call Me By Your Name and A Bigger Splash. (TBD)
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6. The Incredibles 2 (Brad Bird) The original just might be Pixar’s best but with a 14-year gap between films and writer/director Bird seemingly cajoled into returning, can they recapture the magic? (Jun 15)
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7. Creed 2 (Steven Caple Jr.) The first film is the best Rocky movie and has become one of my most rewatchable movies of the decade. Fingers crossed that Caple Jr. will be able to fill Coogler’s massive shoes. (Nov 21)
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8. If Beale Street Could Talk (Barry Jenkins) In the Oscar-winning Moonlight filmmaker’s highly anticipated follow-up, a woman in Harlem desperately scrambles to prove her fiancé innocent of a crime while carrying their first child. (TBD)
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9. Black Panther (Ryan Coogler) After knocking it out of the park with Creed, here’s hoping Coogler will be allowed to bring an actual directorial vision to the Marvel Universe and not just allowed to color in the margins. (Feb 16)
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10. Solo: A Star Wars Story (Ron Howard) There is no way this can be good, right? (May 25)
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11. Apostle (Gareth Evans) A man attempts to rescue his sister who's been kidnapped by religious cult. From the director of The Raid. Bones will be broken. (TBD)
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12. The Girl In The Spider’s Web (Fede Alvarez) I didn’t care at all for the Swedish original but after Alvarez’s Panic Room-esque Don’t Breathe, I’m oddly excited to see if he can follow in the Fincher’s footsteps again to make a satisfying Dragon Tattoo follow-up. (Oct 19)
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13. The Old Man & The Gun (David Lowery) An aging bank robber pulls one last job in this improbable true-life folk tale which features Robert Redford, Elizabeth Moss, Tom Waits, Casey Affleck, Sissy Spacek, Keith Carradine and more. (TBD)
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14. Hold The Dark (Jeremy Saulnier) Green Room proved Saulnier has the chops to make a balls-to-the-wall thriller. His latest centers on a writer hired by the parents of a missing 6-year-old to track down their son in the Alaskan wilderness. (TBD)
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15. Isle Of Dogs (Wes Anderson) It’s always nice to see Wes Anderson getting out of his comfort zone. JKJKJK. (Mar 23)
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16. Avengers: Infinity War (Russo Bros.) It’s disappointing to see the biggest superhero film of all time being directed by guys who who film action scenes like they’re from the early 00s TV show Alias but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯? (May 4)
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17. Ready Player One (Steven Spielberg) The book is nerd catnip filled with references to Spielberg films so it’ll be interesting to see the man himself pay himself homage though the CGI videogame visuals in the trailer do concern me. (Mar 30)
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18. The Predator (Shane Black) While I’m not at all interested in another Predator film, I am very interested in another Shane Black film, so they kinda balance each other out. (Aug 3)
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19. New Mutants (Josh Boone) X-Men as a teen horror movie? Sure, why not. (Apr 13)
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20. Under The Silver Lake (David Robert Mitchell) A long-in-the-works modern noir thriller set in Los Angeles starring Andrew Garfield and Riley Keough from the director of It Follows. (TBD)
Also: The Favorite (Yorgos Lanthimos), Mute (Duncan Jones), Halloween (David Gordon Green), Unsane (Steven Soderbergh), Annihilation (Alex Garland), Deadpool 2 (David Leitch), The Sisters Brothers (Jacques Audiard), Bad Times At The El Royale (Drew Goddard), Black Klansman (Spike Lee), Oceans 8 (Gary Ross).
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architectnews · 4 years
2024 Paris Olympics Aquatics Centre Building
Paris Olympics 2024 Aquatics Centre, Saint-Denis Building, French Architecture Images
2024 Paris Olympics Aquatics Centre
11 Sep 2020
2024 Paris Olympics Aquatics Centre in Saint-Denis
Architects: VenhoevenCS and Ateliers 2/3/4/
Location: Saint-Denis, Paris, France
Aquatics centre and pedestrian overpass in Saint-Denis
The architectural team of VenhoevenCS and Ateliers 2/3/4/, in cooperation with Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France, Récréa, Dalkia and an extensive team of consultants, has won the competition to design the new Aquatics centre in Paris which will be completed for the Paris 2024 Olympic games. The design includes a new pedestrian bridge that connects it with the existing ‘Stade de France’. The bridge will be the new gateway to the Aquatics centre and the upcoming Eco neighborhood which will be created after the games.
This winning proposal, created by a passionate and highly engaged team of experts, sharing an inspiring dialogue with the client La Métropole du Grand Paris, will contribute to an unforgettable experience of the Olympic Games 2024 in Paris. Even more important, it will lead to a building that offers an innovative and monumental Aquatics centre to the people in Saint-Denis: a place to learn how to swim, to practice sports, to relax and meet.
Healthy city district
This plan goes beyond environmental regulations and requirements. Sustainability and biodiversity are key in all aspects of the design. It is a modern and innovative sports complex surrounded by abundant vegetation that seriously contributes to a livable and healthy city district for the people in Saint-Denis. To also stimulate a healthy lifestyle after the Olympics, the building will be open and transparent and accommodate a wide range of sports and events, both indoor and outdoor.
Nature was the main inspiration for the design concept. Nature is continuously evolving and adapting to changing circumstances, resulting in harmonious and balanced ecosystems. The Aquatics centre also invites nature itself in the heart of the new ‘city-district-in-the-making’ of Saint-Denis. This very compact proposal creates room for one hundred trees that will be planted to improve the quality of life and air, stimulate biodiversity and create new ecological connections.
Impressive wooden structure
Wood, one of the quintessential bio-based construction materials, is used to create the main structure of this building. The design of the Aquatics centre features an impressive wooden roof, a suspended shape with minimal construction height that strictly follows the required minimum space for tribunes, people and sightlines, thereby minimizing the amount of air that needs to be conditioned during the coming 50 years.
By using wood for this monumental structure, the proposal doubles the required minimum percentage of bio-sourced materials. The Olympic arena under the roof, with tribunes on three sides, can host 5000 spectators around an innovative, modular and multifunctional competition pool.
90% Renewable or recovered energy and upcycled furniture
Energy consumption is one of the big challenges for swimming pools, due to water treatment and high temperature demands. By reducing the energy demand and creating a smart energy system, 90% of the needed energy can be provided with renewable or recovered energy. The solar roof will be one of the biggest solar farms of France and will cover 25% of all required electricity production, which is the equivalent of the electric power use of 200 households.
Water is both a key element of a swimming pool and one of the resources we should preserve most. With a very efficient water system we can seriously reduce the need of fresh water, re-use 50% of the remaining water and still guarantee enough very clean water for all purposes.
Upcycling was also a main design principle. All furniture in restaurants, bars and entrances is made out of wood waste coming from the construction site and other demolition sites. All tribune chairs are newly designed and made out of 100% recycled plastic collected from schools in Saint-Denis.
Livable neighborhood for the community
By gathering people around sports and leisure, the new Aquatics centre creates a livable neighbourhood that builds bridges between cultures and districts that make use of the facilities and surrounding public spaces of the Aquatics centre. This proposal also makes a literal connection, with a new pedestrian bridge that crosses the highway and connects the public spaces around Stade de France with the aquatic centre and the new heart of the future Eco neighbourhood of La Plaine Saulnier. Finally, this design also promises an innovative Aquatics centre supported by the community, with local associations and enterprises.
Sustainable design concept improves city life
The design for the new Aquatics centre for the Olympic Games 2024 is a balanced ecosystem in itself. It shows how sustainable design concepts can evolve in new architectural aesthetics that contribute to the improvement of the quality of life in our cities.
2024 Paris Olympics Aquatics Centre Saint-Denis – Building Information
Client : Métropole du Grand Paris Main contractor : Bouygues Bâtiment Île-de-France Operations : Récréa Maintenance : Dalkia Control office : Socotec
Architects : VenhoevenCS and Ateliers 2/3/4/ Landscape architect : Ateliers 2/3/4/ Structural engineer : SBP Schlaich Bergermann partner Mep : INEX Water treatment : Katène Acoustic consultant : Peutz Sustainability consultant : Indiggo Economist : Mazet & Associés Security consultant : CSD & Associés
Location : 361 avenue du Président Wilson, 93200 Saint Denis, France
Programme For the Olympic Games, Paris 2024: Olympic pool hosting the diving, water polo and synchronized swimming competitions. For the Paralympic Games the stadium hosts Boccia.
After the Olympic games: a public facility with a 50m pool, a diving pool, a 25m learning pool, multipurpose pool, aqua-kids area. When organizing level 1 to 4 competitions: 2500 fixed seats and 2500 temporary seats. Bouldering, restaurant, 3×3 basketball, fitness, 5×5 football
Floor area Aquatics centre : approx. 20 000 m² Pedestrian overpass : 106 m x 20 m
Total Cost Aquatics centre : approx. 126 M€ Pedestrian overpass : approx. 21 M€
Calendar Completion : April 2024 for the Olympic committee, Summer 2025 opening to the general public
Design Team:
Ateliers 2/3/4/ 234 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine 75012 Paris T +33 (0) 1 55 25 15 33 www.a234.fr
VenhoevenCS architecture+urbanism Hoogte Kadijk 143 F15 NL1018 BH Amsterdam T +31 (0)20 6228210 www.venhoevencs.nl
2024 Paris Olympics Aquatics Centre Building images / information received from VenhoevenCS architecture+urbanism and Ateliers 2/3/4/
Another 2024 Paris Olympics Aquatic Center design on e-architect:
2024 Paris Olympics’ Aquatic Center Design: MAD Architects ; Jacques Rougerie Architecture ; Atelier Phileas Architecture ; Apma Architecture image courtesy of MIR 2024 Paris Olympics Aquatic Center Building
Location: Paris, France
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Renewal Concept for Notre Dame Cathedral, Ile de la Cité Design: Architect Habibeh Madjdabadi image courtesy of architect Notre Dame Cathedral Renewal Concept
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badgaymovies · 4 years
The Widow Couderc (1971)
Today's review on MyOldAddiction.com, The Widow Couderc by #PierreGranierDeferre starring #SimoneSignoret and #AlainDelon
Bil’s rating (out of 5): BBB.5
Original Title: La Veuve Couderc
France/Italy, 1971.  Lira Films, Pegaso Cinematografica.  Screenplay by Pierre Granier-Deferre, Pascal Jardin, dialogue by Pascal Jardin, based on the novel by Georges Simenon. Cinematography by Walter Wottitz.  Produced by Raymond Danon.  Music by Philippe Sarde.  Production Design by Jacques Saulnier.  Costum…
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sesiondemadrugada · 6 years
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La prisonnière (Henri-Georges Clouzot, 1968).
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