#jalex drabble
neon-danger · 1 year
Drabble requests.. 👀
Jack decides to talk to Alex about the stage kisses they have been having on the last tour because more than once Alex has turned and kissed him on the mouth and usually stage kisses in the past haven’t been reciprocated.
It’s been happening a lot, Jack’s noticed.
It started as stage banter, Jack would kiss Alex on the cheek, then go back to his side of the stage like nothing happened.
But then Alex started to turn to meet Jack’s lips.
Then the kisses got longer, and longer, and more intense.
Once they had a full blown make out session with tongue and everything.
It’s been eating away at Jack, getting more and more obvious with each passing set. Until one day, it stops.
Alex doesn’t turn to meet him. He just goes right back into the next verse, and Jack goes back to his side of the stage.
Except this time, it feels like a big deal.
After the set, Jack stops Alex, just before he exists the stage. He nods toward the hallway, the universal signal for “come with me.”
Alex follows, curious but not anxiously so. Jack often asks Alex to meet him after the set, usually for drinks or to meet some guy promising free weed.
The weed is never actually free, and if it is, it’s not good weed.
But Alex remains curious nonetheless.
They end up outside, just behind the venue. There’s no drinks or any dudes selling giving away free weed.
Just Jack and Alex, which immediately tells Alex something is seriously wrong.
“Can I ask you something?” Is never a good sign, especially not from Jack. Jack will usually just blurt out whatever question with no regard for context or anything, so when he asks, it means it’s really serious.
Alex responds with a simple, “Yeah, of course,” but what he really wants to ask is “What’s wrong?”
“It’s just, well… we’ve been kissing on stage a lot, and that’s cool and all, I don’t mind, it’s kind of nice, but today you didn’t kiss back like usual. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay.” Jack waits then, hoping Alex will understand the silent question that remains unasked.
Suddenly thankful for the darkness outside, Alex flushes, quickly regretting every decision he’s ever made until now.
His answer could make or break his relationship with Jack, platonic or otherwise.
“Oh, well uh…” It’s not that there’s anything wrong, it’s that Alex is prone to this stupid little thing called feelings and he’s trying to save them both the hassle.
“It’s okay if you don’t want me to kiss you on stage anymore,” Jack says casually, though a small part of him is dying inside. “It’s really not a big deal.”
Why does that phrase feel like a punch to the gut?
“It’s not that…” Alex isn’t really sure what he should say, or if he should say anything at all. “It’s kind of the opposite actually.”
Jack blinks, confused now. “You.. want me to keep kissing you?” But then why would Alex suddenly stop acknowledging Jack when he does it?
Alex nods, adrenaline coursing through him as his heart pounds in his chest. “Yeah, actually,” he continues. “Maybe offstage too.”
Too bold! Abort! Abort! Abort!
Now Jack is really confused. “But… why? I mean, that’s cool too, I don’t mind, but we don’t really have to entertain fans offstage.”
Oh, he’s real dumb then.
“Dammit, Jack, I’m trying to tell you I like you!”
The younger man startles, but only because of Alex’s sudden shift in tone. “Well, yeah, obviously, we’re best friends. I like you too-“
“Fuck, you’re dense.” So Alex gets forgets trying to explain it, and attempts to show Jack instead. He grabs the guitarist by the collar of his shirt and pulls him in for a real kiss, all messy and heated and everything Alex was too scared to show him during the set.
Then they both stumble away, eyeing each other like a pair of wolves, circling each other, waiting for the other to attack first.
They pause for a moment, just processing what this would mean for them, for the band.
Then they’re kissing again, like none of it ever mattered to begin with.
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allsassnoclass · 3 years
omg i saw you said jalex,,, you've opened the floodgates now m. jalex w 53 (listening to the other's breathing) would be super cute thank you i adore you xoxo bella
bet you forgot about this one, huh. surprise!
jalex: listening to the other's breathing
warnings: Alex is on the verge of a panic attack
Over the years, Alex has become fully familiar with Jack's breathing.
It happens when you share space with someone for an extended period; he's just as familiar with Rian and Zack's gentle snores or sleepy snuffles from nights on the bus, traveling 60 miles an hour to the next venue, but Jack's breathing is more familiar in different contexts. Alex can recognize the sound he makes when he's about to laugh but trying to muffle it, how his breathing gets wheezy and scraggly in those moments. He can recognize the hitch in his breath when Alex is leaning in for a kiss or the heavy sighs that come from long days. He has the rhythm of Jack's breathing while deep asleep engraved into his memory, calling on it whenever he needs to calm himself down and doesn't have Jack himself easily accessible.
Thankfully, tonight is a night where Jack is here.
Alex doesn't know why he's feeling so panicky, just that this feeling has been growing inside him the entire day and everything that usually helps alleviate it has only delayed the climax. He's going to have a proper freak-out soon if he doesn't do something quickly, heartbeat already thrumming just a little too intensely under his skin. He's been shaky all day, jumping at the slightest sounds and unable to focus on anything for very long, but he just needs to hold on a little more until Jack to get home.
He takes a deep breath, trying to match it to the rhythmic inhale-exhale of the sleepy Jack in his mind, but it's not nearly as good as the real thing and it's not working.
Fuck, why is this happening now? Life is good. Everything is fine. He doesn't have anything to panic about and yet here he is, anxious and stressed and unable to do anything about it. He hates being useless. He hates not being able to regulate his emotions like a normal person. He hates that he's so dependent on Jack to calm him down.
He hates that Jack isn't here yet.
The front door opens and he has to amend that thought.
"Honey, I'm home!" Jack calls, voice carrying through the house easily. He's so fucking loud. Alex loves it, because Jack is loud and vibrant enough to drown out everything else trying to take up space in Alex's mind.
"Bedroom!" he replies, making himself sit up so at least Jack won't find him in the fetal position. Jack appears in then doorway a moment later, shrugging out of his jacket and smiling Alex's favorite lopsided smile. A little of the tightness in his chest eases. He reaches out, making grabby hands that Jack rolls his eyes at, and then he has an armful of his favorite human. He tucks his head into the crook of Jack's neck and hopes his hands aren't shaking enough to be noticeable.
"What's wrong?" Jack asks, always as in tune with Alex and Alex is with him. It's nice, but he kind of hates how easy he is to read like this.
"Don't know," he says. "Been on the verge of a freak out all day."
Jack hums, wrapping his arms around Alex more securely.
"Have you tried your affirmations?" he asks. Alex nods.
"I am safe and secure, I am loved by those around me, I deserve good things, blah blah blah. I know all of that already. Tried working out and distracting myself, but that didn't work, either."
"Want a massage?" Jack asks. "I'm getting better at them, I promise. Or a bubble bath? We could order takeout and make a night of it. I'll let you chose the movie later if you want."
Alex hums, testing out those options in his mind. All of them would require that he move, and being in Jack's arms right now is the calmest he's felt all day. He's scared that if he disrupts this delicate balance now it'll send him spiraling.
"Can we stay here for a bit?" he asks. "We can try that other stuff later."
"Yeah, of course," Jack says, shifting a bit so they're both more comfortable. Alex takes another deep breath and tries to relax.
"Do you want me to talk?" Jack asks. Alex shakes his head. Jack will probably get restless in a few minutes, but for now he just presses a kiss to Alex's head and takes a deep breath. Alex feels him relax and tries to follow suit, matching every inhale and exhale until he feels like he can breath on his own again.
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jackinalex · 4 years
I have no idea what this is. I just found it in my notes. I guess I wanted to see if anyone had interest in it? Whatever it is?
I’m aware that I started a story and only posted one chapter, I’m working on it, i promise.
Looking at Alex now brought back the ache in Jack’s chest, one that started right in the middle and sliced him from the center of his heart to the outermost of his shoulders. It was a weird kind of ache, one that hurt and seeped into his stomach until he felt nauseous. It was akin to being hungover, like there was a double-edged blade in the pit of his stomach stabbing him from both ends.
“You’re so goddamned scared of getting hurt again, like Meg hurt you, that you settled for someone that you don’t love, that you barely even like. Because Lisa is fucking safe. She’s obsessed with the idea of you guys being high school sweethearts that made it. Made it through you being a quirky Little Rock Star and her being a prim and proper college girl.” He swallowed hard. “You said it yourself in your fucking vows, that you hurt her more times than you can count, and she forgave you more times than she can count.” Jack laughed bitterly. “That’s not fucking love. You know what love is. You had it once, and you’re so jaded that you won’t ever have it again.”
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bonfireintrovert · 7 years
gonna start a thing called daily drabbles ; will take topic requests once i have a following today’s daily drabble (going to count for 12.10.17 since it’s only 1 am here) 
dd #1 topic ; driving?  alex & james drive to maine
alex through his packed bag in the backseat of james’ hatchback before hopping in the front seat. “you going to tell me where we’re going now?” james looked over from the driver’s seat, sunglasses hiding his eyes and a lit cigarette hanging from his lips. “nope.” “okay well what about why the hell we’re leaving at eight in the morning?” “long drive.” james said curtly before smirking slightly and putting the car into the drive. a seven hour drive ahead of the two of them with nothing but country road and highway. it actually wasn’t awful. alex held control of the radio, making sure to keep just the right mixture of mellow and lively. occasionally he’d steal a cigarette from james, either of his lips or from his pack and slip it between his own. that was until he complained about how james always smoked around him but never carried a pack of menthols, and at that point he’d pull out one of his own packs and light up. it came to be around noon when alex ended napping in the passenger seat while james got gas in some passing through state. it was around three when they finally reached their destination and james flicked his cigarette out the window and shook alex awake. “hey, we’re here.” alex woke up groggily, pushing his sunglasses on top of his head and instantly regretting it. “where’s here?” “if you open your eyes, you’d see.” “well it’s fucking bright.” “that’s what sunglasses are for smart ass.” alex pushed down his sunglasses waiting for his eyes to adjust when he finally saw it. they were parked at a campsite. a wooded one like the kind you see in catalogues advertising camping gear, not those bougie cabin type shit. it’d always been some weird dream of his to go real camping. one of those dreams that only come from a kid living in an urban city.  “j... what the - did you?” james just smirked, sticking another cigarette in his mouth. the guy really was a fucking chimney. before he could light it though, it was ripped from his mouth only to be replaced by another mouth. he kissed back, not really too shocked.  “so i take it you like it?” “shut up smart ass.”
well that was cute. literally made this up line by line but i think it came out well. alex and james are cute too - gonna draw them soon maybe ( ;) ) hope you enjoy daily drabbles
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enduringalexblake · 3 years
Alex Blake Self-Harm Headcannons
Tumblr media
*my gif
Warnings: self-harm/cutting, mentions of blood
A/N: This is the first thing I’ve ever written, and I honestly don’t even know what this is.  It started out as headcannons but somehow turned into a Jalex drabble?  Idk.  Also, this got kinda long, sorry.
•It started when Alex’s mom died.  This was the first time Alex lost someone close to her, and she didn’t know how to cope with the strong emotions she was feeling.
•Her mom was the person she always went to when she was upset.  With her gone, she didn’t know who else to talk to.
•Of course she loved her dad and her brothers, but they just didn’t have that kind of relationship.  And they were each trying to cope with the loss in their own way, so she didn’t want to bother them anyways.
•The first time was an accident.  She brushed by a rose bush and one of the thorns scratched her arm, drawing blood.
•For a brief moment she forgot about her sadness and loneliness.  There was only the stinging feeling she felt from her injury.
•It didn’t last long, but it felt nice not to have to think about anything else.
•In an attempt to recreate that same feeling, she started making small cuts on her arms.
•She hid it from her family for months before her dad finally found out.
•He was in over his head, and didn’t know how to help her himself.
•He sent her to therapy so she could learn healthy ways to express her emotions.
•She learned the importance of communicating her feelings and emotions to those around her.
•This is what ignited her passion for linguistics.  She never wanted to be at a loss for ways to communicate again.
•When she joins the BAU, she is 5 years clean of self harm, but it’s still a struggle for her sometimes.
•JJ is the first to find out.
•They always end up rooming together on cases because they’re the only two females in the field.
•Alex always wears a pajama set with pants, even when it’s hot, but one night the AC in their hotel room was out, and there were no other rooms available.
•It was far too hot to wear her usual pajama pants, so Alex opts for a pair of shorts.
•Her and JJ were watching some tv to wind down before bed, and Alex didn’t realize that her shorts had ridden up just enough for some of her scars to be visible.
•JJ glanced over at her when something particularly funny happened in the show they were watching, and she quickly noticed the scars on Alex’s thighs and got concerned.
•Alex sees JJ’s expression soften, her gaze directed toward her legs.  When she becomes aware of what JJ is looking at, Alex quickly pulls her shorts down to cover her scars.
•She searched her brain for a believable explanation for the scars that isn’t the truth, but she realizes she doesn’t want to lie to JJ, because she trusts her (maybe more than anyone she’s ever trusted before).
•Alex takes a shaky breath, doing her best to hold back the tears welling up in her eyes.
•”Alex, it’s ok.  You don’t have to explain.  Just know I’m here if you ever need to talk.”
•”It’s ok JJ, I want to.” and with one last deep breath, Alex opens up to JJ about her struggles with self-harm.
•”I started cutting myself when my mom passed away, and it’s something I’ve struggled with ever since.  I’ve been clean for five years now, but I still get urges sometimes, especially when my emotions feel overwhelming.”
•JJ placed a light but reassuring hand on Alex’s arm because she could tell how difficult it was for the older woman to allow herself to be vulnerable.
•”Thank you for trusting me with this Alex.  I promise your secret is safe with me.”
•”That means a lot JJ, thank you.”
•After that night, Alex no longer feels the need to wear pajama pants instead of shorts when her and JJ room together on cases.
•JJ learns to recognize when Alex is having a particularly hard time, and does everything she can to help her (without the rest of the team noticing).
•She makes sure to always pack some basic first aid supplies in her go bag just in case.
•As soon as she finds out what Alex’s favorite movies and tv shows are, JJ downloads them onto her laptop to make sure they are available when Alex needs a distraction from her urges, which tend to be especially strong at night.
•JJ knows Alex doesn't like to be alone much because it's harder to fight the urges, so she makes sure Alex knows she's always available to come over whenever she needs.
•It doesn't matter if it's the middle of the night and they have to be at work early the next morning. If Alex texts or calls JJ because she's having a rough time, JJ is walking out the door as they speak.
•Alex is hesitant at first, because she hates feeling like she can't handle things herself, and she's not used to asking for help.
•She's also never let herself be vulnerable with someone as much as she does with JJ, and it scares her.
•Soon after JJ first tells Alex to call if she's struggling, Alex has a bad night but doesn't call JJ and she almost relapses.
•When JJ finds out, she panics and starts crying because she can't bare the thought of losing Alex. Not like that, not after what she went through with Ros.
•After that, Alex never hesitates to reach out to JJ when she's struggling because she realizes how much JJ cares and that it's ok to need support sometimes.
•When they don’t have cases, JJ often comes over to Alex’s house (sometimes Penelope comes too) and they just spend the whole day lounging around the house and enjoying each others’ company.
•They watch their comfort movies/tv shows, do face masks, get take out from their favorite restaurants, and most importantly, talk about anything and everything.
•Alex loves these days most of all.
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reveriesofawriter · 3 years
*Bout Damn Time*
All of these are rated T or G unless stated otherwise
Here’s me on ao3: sunsetmagnolia
Almost Like A Perfect Lie (ao3)
Fake dating fluff. If organic gay pining is unavailable, store-bought is fine: Bollywood Edition
All I Need For Now is You to Save Me (ao3)
Everyone has superpowers that set in when they're kids. Michael's is fire.
Don’t Know If I’m Gonna Make it Out Alive (ao3) (side Lashton)
Secret agent au
Don’t Say Yes (ao3)
Based on Speak Now by Taylor Swift
Quarantine zoom call part 1 Christmas reunion part 2
Airplane prompt
Meteor shower drabble
Pretty Venom drabble
dive into the ocean and you'll never drown (ao3)
The face is, again, not quite human. It has the same green tint, long green hair, and yellow eyes that almost glow. It stays there, only barely above the surface. (mermashton part 1)
even mountains crumble into the sea (ao3)
Mermashton part 2, in which there is a near-death experience and also possibly kissing (Michael doesn’t know for sure)
Kitty-verse prompts part 1 part 2 part 3
Red White & Royal Blue-verse (ao3)
The Great Turkey Calamity A National Gay Landmark
NYC romanticization drabble
Get Out Of This Town prompt
The Protect Michael Clifford Club
A Wish Your Heart Makes (ao3)
Cinderella au feat. nonbinary fairy Michael
Red Riding Hood prompt
Trouble Is I Can’t Find A Way (You’re Part of Me) (ao3)
Ashton didn’t know what to make of the thought that Luke was here. In his city. After all the effort he’d put into making sure they were a whole country away from each other for so many years.
Trouble Is (platonic Mashton) prompt
Extraordinary Magic (ao3) (gen/pre-slash)
Michael walks into an enchanted garden
Mystery 5sos Pairings
You Keep Me Alive (ao3)
Based on The Edge Of Tonight by All Time Low
Pretty Venom In My Veins (ao3)
Choose Your Own Vampire Adventure!
High School Musical AU (5sos, 1d, atl)
(I Feel in My Heart) The Start of Something New
The movie, nearly word for word, featuring Calum as Troy and Luke as Gabriella, and other band members as everyone else, including Jack as Darbus, which was honestly the best decision made here.
I’m Jingle Belling and Everyone’s Yelling (ao3)
Alex gets dumped for Santa. Jack gets revenge. Based on Santa Stole My Girlfriend by The Maine
What are you after? Some kind of disaster? (ao3) (side Malum)
5+1 brunch Malum as told by Jalex.
We Dream Impossible Dreams (ao3)
Jalex based on Starlight by Taylor Swift. The night they snuck into a yacht club party...
I can picture it after all these days (ao3)
Post break-up fic based on All Too Well by Taylor Swift. Sad boy hours with happy peppered around.
Remind Me How It Used To Be (ao3)
All Too Well boys: it’s longer now. Alternate title: How You Get the Jack
The more you treat me cruel (ao3)
Based on Fuel to the Fire by The Maine. not happy. beware.
Knock Me Out (hit me with your punch-drunk love) (ao3)
5+1 punches (not as violent as that would lead you to believe but I mean it is still punching) friends to lovers
romancing what might've been (ao3)
Short & sweet prose based on Street Lightning by The Summer Set
if you leave the light on, then I'll leave the light on (ao3) (rated M)
Kissing Alex is as good as playing with fire, and Jack has always liked the smell of smoke.
one more time for second chances (ao3)
I stole a prompt that was initially given to bella. time travel magic, kidfic, probably the best thing I’ve posted as of july 2022
outrun the setting sun (ao3)
Do you wanna go for a drive?
and forget in the morning (ao3)
Clandestine hookup while a party roars downstairs
I'm hoping you'll figure it out (ao3)
Idiots to ~enemies~ to idiots to lovers based on Figure It Out by Orla Gartland.
I've been going crazy (I'm stuck in here) (ao3)
3/4 of atl are stuck in an elevator for half an hour and they collectively live tweet it (based on a true story)
can't you look me in the eyes and say (ao3)
Alex thinks Jack’s new bf is a vampire and goes to great lengths to prove it
a time, a place, & a person (ao3)
Public transit crush
All your exes found me and so beware (ao3)
ATL high school au based on Psycho by Maisie Peters. The same boy cheats on all of them, but Jack has a plan to get revenge.
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atldiscourse · 6 years
Do you know of any active atl fanfic blogs?
@alltimefanfiction has recently hosted a submission contest, so there’ll be a lot of fics being submitted just now! also, @jupiter-rae often posts jalex drabble to their blog. apart from that... i think atl ff is a sort of dying breed in the fan base.
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neon-danger · 1 year
Maybe a Drabble request Alex is separated for Lisa and he’s looking for someone new so he goes on a gay dating site to test the waters and none other than Jack finds his profile. Jack reaches out to Alex but Alex don’t recognize it’s him while chatting bc you can’t see his face in his profile picture and his name is different
Y’all we can have aus that don’t directly revolve around the (not) divorce
Alex is bored. No reason in particular, he just is. He doesn’t know why he joins the site, nor does he know why he swipes right on one of the first three guys he sees.
It doesn’t even seem weird when he matches with the same guy maybe an hour later. It makes perfect and complete sense that some guy on a site would start messaging him the second they matched.
A simple “Hey Alex whatd up” followed by “whats,” a quick correction of the typo Alex had barely even registered.
What is weird is that Alex responds, and quickly at that. He just finds this guy’s profile interesting. At the very least, they could be friends.
They have a lot in common, and by the looks of it, the same awful sense of humor. If Alex were gay they’d be a perfect match.
In fact, they are a perfect match. Alex finds himself more and more intrigued by this Mystery Man on this gay dating site. He’s not sure if it’s attraction or curiosity, but he spends the next week chatting back and forth with the stranger.
At some points, Alex finds himself wondering if maybe he could be gay.
And then he has a weird dream about Jack that has him all sorts of fucked up.
He’s definitely not straight, he’s just not sure if he likes this guy because he likes him, or if it’s because he reminds him of Jack.
And after another week of talking to both Jack and the mystery guy, Alex knows it’s time to say goodbye to Mr. Mystery.
He starts our honest, with how he ended up on this site to begin with, and then how he’s opened up to the idea of actually being with men. Alex goes on to thank this mystery guy for guiding him through this experience, known or otherwise, and then admits that he’s hopelessly in love with his best friend, and not the mystery man.
It takes a minute for the guy to respond. Alex can see him typing, watching speech bubble pop up and disappear over and over until finally.
There isn’t any other response for a moment, and then Jack is calling. Why is Jack calling? It’s late. He should be asleep, and-
“Alex!” Comes Jack’s voice through the receiver, before Alex even has a chance to say hello, “you are the single dumbest person in the history of ever.”
“Did I leak my phone number again?” It’s the only thing Alex could think Jack would know of. Alex hasn’t been receiving any strange calls though…
Except this one.
“No, you idiot, you’re gay.”
Alex freezes. “How did you-“
“Did you really not know this entire time?”
“That I’m gay? I mean, I’m probably bi, if anything but-“
“No, stupid, that I’m the guy you’ve been messaging back and forth with for two weeks.”
It takes Alex a solid minute to process those words. “You’re…” he doesn’t even know what to say to that. What is he supposed to say to that. “Oh my god, I sent you my nudes.”
Jack laughs. “Yes, yes you did.”
“And then- oh god and…” there’s so many things Alex would’ve have never said or done if he’s known it was Jack. If only he’d known…
“So you’re hopelessly in love with me, I hear,” Jack says instead, changing the subject before Alex can delve too deep into his own thoughts.
“Fuck, can we just forget that happened?”
Jack hums, though he sounds more amused than understanding. “I mean we could, but then it would be really fucking awkward if I said I loved you back.”
It takes a very, very long time for Alex to think of any way to respond, and all he comes up with in that time, is “Oh.”
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neon-danger · 1 year
Drabble idea maybe? Alex wants to show his commitment to Jack so he thinks a good idea is they both get a matching tattoo or maybe one they design for each other. And idk why but I think like a hip would be a good placement
Alex thought it was a bad idea at first.
It was Jack who suggested it. “We should get a couples tattoo!” He’d said, beaming with excitement. He’d suggested their names first, each getting the other’s on their collarbone.
Though Alex would admit later he reacted… harshly, to say the least, he’d immediately turned Jack down.
Until they were sat in a circle with the rest of the band, working on a setlist for the upcoming tour. Alex and Jack both doodling in the margins.
“The tour starts in June, so we have to play Glitter and Crimson,” Zack had said. It was kind of a null point, being that most of the songs on their discography were about Jack anyway, but when Jack absentmindedly drew a star… exploding (?), Alex knew they had to add it to the list. He drew a four leaf clover directly next to Jack’s doodle.
It wouldn’t be until he found the setlist again that Alex would recall Jack’s earlier proposal of a matching tattoo.
Now came the hard part of admitting that maybe Jack was really onto something after all.
Needless to say Jack was thrilled when Alex suggested getting their doodles tattooed. He’d practically dragged Alex to the nearest (reputable) tattoo parlor the minute they had a day off.
Alex made Jack hold his hand the whole time, because he’s a grown man and he’s not afraid to admit needles are scary. Jack was more than happy to oblige.
And soon enough Alex had a “supernova” tattooed on his hip, directly opposite to the semi-matching four leaf clover on Jack’s. He maybe, sorta regrets wearing skinny jeans as they both pay the artist, but in the end, jeans are the least of his worries.
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neon-danger · 2 years
Newly dating Alex is sleeping over at Jacks and a bad storm comes and Jack learns Alex doesn’t do well with bad weather and he tries to distract him
Alex fully planned to go home, really he did.
It’s not his fault the storm of the century decided to wreak havoc on the entirety of Baltimore. And most of the rest of Maryland, but who the fuck goes to Maryland for Not Baltimore?
Jack absolutely refused to let Alex drive off in this weather. Jack couldn’t see past his porch through the rain.
That’s how they end up watching home alone on the couch in Jack’s living room until it gets dark.
The rain hasn’t let up at all, and Alex is pretty sure he just saw a flash of lightning outside.
He’s never done well in storms.
Thunder cracks, and Alex nearly jumps out of his seat, succeeding only in startling Jack as well.
“You’re scared of the storm?” Jack asks, though his tone isn’t playful, more sympathetic.
Thunder rolls again overhead, louder this time. Alex can only nod in response to Jack’s question.
With a small smile, Jack pulls Alex closer, turning up the volume on the TV. “My sister was always scared of thunder too. If you count the seconds between the lightning and thunder, you can tell how many miles away it is.”
“I know,” Alex whispers. “It doesn’t really help.”
Jack nods, trying to think of something else. He’s always found distraction works best for these kinds of things, Jack’s just not sure what would be most appropriate.
“Do you want to help me make some hot chocolate?” Jack asks. Surely Alex can’t be scared while cooking? Alex loves cooking! Not that heating up milk and Chocolate powder is really all that much of a gourmet dish.
Still, Alex smiles at the idea, and they spend the worst of the storm making hot chocolate and telling stupid jokes in Jack’s kitchen
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neon-danger · 2 years
It’s so hard to think of a drabble idea that could be 100 words or less 🤔
How about Alex and Jack have their first kiss during a game of spin the bottle
Rian’s parties are always crazy
Everyone’s like absolutely wasted
It was Zack’s idea to play spin the bottle
First it was Pete and Mikey, then Hayley and Andy. Rian kissed Cassadee. For a long time
By the time it was Jack’s turn all hell had broken loose
The game was basically over since no one was even paying attention.
When the bottle stopped spinning, it was pointing at Alex, who was one of maybe two other people still paying attention
He glances up at Jack shyly, not so much nervous as he is excited.
Jack’s mind actually goes blank for a moment as he crawls across what’s left of the circle.
They’re both drunk and giggly. Jack’s lips brush clumsily over Alex’s, seconds before Alex is returning the favor with more passion than Jack was ready for
They crash to the floor together, as a few onlookers cheer them on.
Most everyone is preoccupied, but a few of the party goers still remember the night “jalex” began.
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neon-danger · 2 years
I know it’s new but I would love to hear what happened after lights camera where the fuck is Jack. Another story I would love to hear what happened after is sex ed
Lights, Camera, Where The Fuck is Jack
Jack and Alex order room service and talk feelings
They’ve never really done the whole relationship thing before, but maybe it’s worth a shot
They mostly stay in bed all day, just talking and kissing and cuddling
Alex is pretty nervous the whole time. He still hasn’t broken things off completely with his soon to be ex, but now he knows he has to. Jack just tries to be supportive of Alex’s mixed feelings, even if they sort of hurt.
As for long term, they probably keep their relationship under wraps for a few months. They tell the band first, then the touring crew, and eventually, much later, the fans.
They take it very slow.
Sex Ed
They have shower sex duh
They’re young in this one, and probably don’t delve too far into feelings. Jack and Alex are just messing around for weeks before it gets complicated.
Jack gets jealous first when Alex is talking to some girl at the skatepark they regular at. He plays it off like he’s not bothered, but then get really possessive once he and Alex are alone.
Like, really possessive
So much so that Alex start to wonder if Jack actually caught feelings, which causes Alex to realize he caught feelings.
Basically it’s just a few more weeks of endless pining and “meaningless” sex until one of them (Jack) caves
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neon-danger · 11 months
Hey friend. Been working on anything new? Stories, drawings, drabbles? Anything Jalex I’m not picky 😂
So you see,,,, I’ve recently downloaded the sims medieval,,,
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neon-danger · 6 months
So would you ever consider writing a story or a Drabble about Jalex using anal beads 👀 or maybe could be a toy used in Starcrossed or even CBTH when Alex is desperate
Did yall not see that I put the last ask about this in #requests
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neon-danger · 1 year
So late to your drabble requests but how about one about the Avril tour since it’s been a year and I’m still in love with the picture Jack posted and he’s like leaning his head against Alex’s head and Alex is making a kissy face
I am not making a sequel I had a hard enough time writing this one
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neon-danger · 1 year
Drabble request
Alex is fighting insomnia on tour and he was trying to hide it from the guys especially Jack but Jacks a light sleeper and can’t help hear every move Alex makes and try’s to help Alex beat his insomnia
I’m glad we all collectively agree Jack is a light sleeper.
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