shiftythrifting · 1 year
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The best part of waking up is bulgers on your cup. At Goodwill in Norman, OK
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irlannieedison · 10 months
i will live bicuriously through you
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characterlimit · 2 years
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Thought I was involved in a new text-your-partner meme today
Anyway send your person jeanu and see what they do
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wumblr · 2 years
jeanus. creanus. where'd you get that
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whaddup... its ya boy... skinny jeanus
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jaunefleurwrites · 1 year
Jeanu Reeves
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senatortedcruz · 1 year
what are your thoughts on the oscar noms this year? who do you think will win and who do you think SHOULD win (often very different lol), esp for acting and best picture?
I feel like I don't have any intense rooting interest this year tbh EEAAO was for sure my favorite movie of the year but i won't be like, heartbroken if it loses best picture. Think Spielberg or Daniels for best director. Best Actor I think it's Colin Farrell's year but I think an Austin Butler dub would be incredibly funny. Jeremy Pope should be here!! Still mad about best lead actress and how I can name at least 3 performances passed over for Norma Jeanus and the funky fetus....it's a dead heat between Michelle Yeoh and Cate Blanchett but I want Michelle to win because I don't like Cate lol. Best supporting actor I think Ke Huy Quan's got it which is fine but it would also warm my cold miserable heart if Barry Keoghan wins too. Angela Bassett i think is a lock for best supporting actress. fine whatever it was an aggressively mid year for supporting actresses I guess. Jesse Buckley should be here! I don't think it has a chance but i hope my king Kazuo Ishiguro wins best adapted screenplay. What even is this category. since when are sequels adapted screenplays. Original score needs to go to AIQOTWF because that score goes sooooooo hard. Best documentary I'm rooting for everyone except Navalny because that guy is mad racist. And I still need to see all the shorts!
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444names · 4 months
Names generated from French forenames and Latin given names
Abene Abria Abromy Acart Acheor Achon Adeascla Adephaël Aderia Adette Adeus Adium Adose Adrenatro Aethium Aethus Aetranus Aetus Agarius Agaël Agmus Alaamus Albie Albium Alcal Alces Aldes Aleme Alicis Alilome Alius Amathurus Angabrius Angentas Angeos Anmichric Anonianus Anpate Ansent Ansus Anterbalis Antia Antiane Antin Antinidera Antus Apolybulus Appus Archugo Aricus Artigno Artius Artus Aspaurmia Augordus Aulippus Aulus Aurba Aurio Aurolis Aurégo...
Baematte Banaque Barcus Barocraria Beanpa Beaphamus Belle Benique Benzo Berdus Berinus Berre Bistilor Blanus Bratius Buderus Budidimus Budor Budordavus Caine Caleissis Calicus Calio Calippa Calla Callette Camico Cantianus Caphosian Cartius Casdristus Cattes Chamicus Chand Charla Chaël Chria Chrinus Chrio Chriserier Chrydix Chrylus Clasine Claudius Clemmacus Clentilis Clessaus Cleud Cleus Clevick Clevine Curus Cynce Cyndus Cyntium Céatus Cécise Céliela Daena Dalinus Dartus Delphus Demaedrius Demard Demin Demones Demusius Denrius Derie Deris Destylvice Dinièvetra Dippatius Dirus Dobelades Dobrin Dobrio Dorgio Elemaes Elenoniel Elines Emarna Emondus Emoslaerus Enges Epiderin Ergermil Etleu Eugorysius Eurus Fabricus Fantilous Felidine Feligius Fidus Flole Flomyrice Florus Forta Forus Frachanius Franmistio Frastorus Frick Friettel Frisen Gadostinus Galania Galien Galiste Galline Galus Geiliscus Geilissium Gelaud Gelavus Gelia Genius Geraphemus Gerbec Gericler Gilcopho Gileadna Gividam Goysius Gricopilus Grisertus Grusla Guine Gymus Hadia Hadne Harle Heleon Heligium Hentine Hentitatte Hiervalus Hietolytus Huguen Huguet Iacquentus Ianique Ianus Iaphue Iaphus Iosichure Iosine Iosius Isidia Isidicus Istitamiph Jachetius Jachine Jeadnes Jeaechue Jeania Jeanue Jeanus Jeariane Jeatine Jerubelle Jocle Jonianne Joscaris Josiderry Jules Juluc Kardime Laengrinus Lamir Lamus Lancepa Latrasius Latrum Laurellem Leanincius Lemus Leorus Levicus Lianus Licus Lidus Lopaurc Lorus Lucish Lustervé Lutle Lybus Lycoruca Lydine Lydinus Macque Maemarcine Magilce Malemus Mandrus Manel Manice Manimes Manmarles Marchilda Marcundis Marica Marichus Marier Maripus Maristorix Marius Marlaratus Marlaus Marnus Martus Matte Maulus Meganne Menosicus Mestio Mette Metter Miene Milias Milphygia Miluc Milus Minus Miphartus Mistyco Mnegyra Mnevene Modovice Mysimes Mélie Mélisenas Naudente Neanus Neapocle Nicis Nicle Nicolaulie Nidales Noenricus Ocrannegia Olandus Olybio Orobus Oroent Palasish Panon Panus Parançois Pardaliel Paride Pasimi Patopicus Pattes Pellerdus Periennora Pertus Petras Petrin Phanus Phardide Phillevi Phillio Phillus Phimus Phius Phondris Phothius Pimus Planic Pleorascle Polauus Poleximus Poliscus Polluc Polus Pomes Pomicus Pomyria Prides Prone Pronia Psertalena Ptocra Putavus Racius Radid Raphal Raphiandus Rebis Renomus Rheodes Rionius Rodine Rodorgius Rogous Rolaus Rolis Rolus Rédrenie Rédrogo Rémes Rémirucius Saligo Salterna Sance Sandruc Sania Satille Satus Scenée Semarelias Sephanus Simian Simice Sochus Sopauderus Sophio Sophoce Soprosium Sotie Sotinus Sotius Spathilus Spaudel Stavus Sycolinus Syndus Synevenus Syrathia Sébalio Tanadam Tanniclan Tanpime Tanus Teline Thalémyrre Thelita Thelloscus Themicis Themmas Thenasisse Theon Thettes Thome Théronia Tibione Tobrichus Tycannicio Tychius Tynce Tyndanes Urbeliel Urber Valicus Vanoniette Vesilles Vicia Vicus Videphil Vilonisa Willine Woiionia Xavie Yancis Yandris Yannio Yvestra Yvone Zenangério Zence Zenciand Zenoé Zentia Zoiione Élianes Élodet Élène Érius Éroense Érène
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melimiam · 10 months
Où manger du bon poisson braisé à Lomé ?
Hello les foodies, Ça fait un moment que je ne partage plus de bons plans food par ici 🤧 Récemment à lomé, j’ai testé pour vous un maquis spécialisé dans les grillades de poissons braisés 🐟🐠 Il s’agit du Maquis Chez Brovi à lomé togo. Tout d’abord on vous montre les poissons du jour pour que vous puissiez choisir. Il y avait la carpe, le tilapia, le jeanus et le sole. Ensuite vous choisissez…
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headless-killjoys · 4 years
I'm making a killjoys crew called the jilljoys. jean killjoys. denim only.
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awful-little-goose · 4 years
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Player 1: Jeanus, the wizard of truth and deceits
Player 2: Virgil, the mage of the ever passing time
Player 3: Remus, master of boobs and dick jokes
Got inspired by the new sanders sides video, especially the “video game” aspect of it. Since we don’t get to see Virgil nor Remus in person, but only the purple sentences under the “time” icon on the top right and the green “80085” on the top left corner during the “battle against the terrible reptilian tyrant”, so I thought I might as well give them some video game character’s appearances. You know, so they wouldn’t feel left... a-side
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lios-archive · 5 years
John Wick Artwork, made with Adobe Illustrator
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moved-silvenarts · 5 years
J stands for Jelly you Nerd
Jelly, Janus, same difference
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jaunefleurwrites · 1 year
You doin okay, Jeanu?
No. Because I’m being cyber-bullied.
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gnfkitten · 4 years
hello ginger I would like you to know that your participation in the election has permanently connected your existence in my mind to catboys,,, also I hate the real housewives of mcyt concept why would you do this to me ginger I trusted you I put my life in your hands and you've stabbed me in the back bark bark woof grr /lh /nm
LMAO im so glad ive made my mark thank u this is my proudest momebt 💗😳💕
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thokage-archive · 7 years
Hey guys, kids, dudes,,,, WHATS UP. I just wanted to let everyone know I'm a fuckin IDIOT.
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