#jen was in on the whole thing
houseofborgia · 4 months
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"Juan and Lucrezia stepped forward to kiss the pope’s foot. They were followed by the ladies who once again passed in single file before the papal throne. A few of the more prominent women remained kneeling by the pope while the others moved to stand by his right. Among the prelates and other male guests at the pope’s left stood Cesare, an insignificant figure in ecclesiastical black who must have resented the stellar role of his younger brother. Juan again took his sister’s arm and led her and the other wedding guests into the Sala Reale, where the pope seated himself on his throne and the rest of the company found places on the cushions scattered on the floor."
— Lucrezia Borgia (by Emma Lucas)
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novantinuum · 4 months
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when the blind reactors you watch are starting to get into the Nitty Gritty of plot and you are going to have to be Very Careful in your meta ramble comments from now on so as to not accidentally sway their thinking or Give Anything Away
#SoEverdream on patreon just finished s3#and got to the 'rose shattered pink diamond' (*major irony Air Quotes*) ''reveal''#we really in it now boys#jen rambles#man tho it's so funny at the end of s3 he was musing on if the reveal of what rose ''did'' would at all change steven's willingness to be#more offensive on the field in a situation of need and he was like... 'man part of me... actually really wants that and a part of me#Does Not because steven is a literal child and at the end of the day i want him to stay innocent'#and meanwhile in the back of my head i'm just#war flashbacks to 16 yr old steven Going On the Offensive and uh#it not ending well :')#which i still think... narratively- how it's presented- was kinda genius on a meta level#they play up that fight the whole episode... building up towards it with a whole anime-esque training montage#playing it up like some fuckin shounen shenanigans#for Many audience members i think they were like 'holy shit lets GOOOOOO fight fight fight'#but then like#WHAM. consequences hit#and it's not a fun little shounen fight scene anymore#and you realize that this is the worst possible thing that could've ever happened to steven- truly giving himself over to the offensive#like god damn holy SHIT i cannot wait for this reactor to eventually get there#bc his reaction to steven having to stab a sword clear through bismuth was VISCERAL#and i just KNOW it'll be the same at That Moment#and i CRAVE it#but i need to be patient ahahah#all in good time :)
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 8 months
I think one of the biggest things that's helping me feel more certain in my transition is the realization that I am extremely good at enduring. I've learned to endure pretty much anything. I can be in a situation that I hate and just switch off and ride it out until it's over. When I was a kid it was because there was nothing I could ever do about it. I hate long loud boring gatherings but I'd have to stay until my parents took me home many hours later. I hate traveling but I'd have to endure it for weeks. It's taught me a great deal of patience, I do it all the time now. I endure long journeys, events I didn't want to attend, trips I didn't want to take, people I don't want to hang out with... It's an important skill to have. but the thing is, I was subconsciously planning on doing that with my gender dysphoria for the rest of my entire life. I WAS doing that for years, not even trying to explore what that horrible feeling was. I'm the endurer! I endure! I switch off and ride it out until it's... over.
Maybe this isn't one of those things I have to put up with. Maybe it's time to stop enduring my life and start enjoying it.
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relicsongmel · 19 days
Was doing some thinking today and realized that one of the reasons I'm really drawn to Kieran is because he's a rare example of a character that's shy (and usually good-hearted) but still has some rougher edges to him.
I feel like all too often shy characters are shoved into being portrayed as either "smol bean who would never hurt anyone and just wants friends uwu" or "brooding loner who snaps at people to cover up the fact they don't actually know how to socialize" with not a lot of wiggle room in between. While I can and do enjoy characters that (arguably) fall into those respective categories, they're a bit reductive in the sense that things are very rarely that black and white in reality. Even the kindest people have a limit to what they can tolerate. They have bad days or respond poorly to events around them that cause them stress. And the same can be said in reverse as well—point being, people are multifaceted and don't always behave as predictably as we'd like to think.
And I think Kieran reflects that dichotomy perfectly. When we first meet him, he's meek, timid, and relies heavily on his more brash and forceful older sister to help him navigate social situations where he would otherwise lose out on something valuable because he's too afraid to come forward and ask for what he wants (like how she has to ask the player to battle him on his behalf). He's often quick to cower whenever she starts to get heated, but he's also not afraid to point out when he thinks she's wrong and sometimes even gets sassy with her himself. He's undeniably sweet and gentle and shows eagerness to make friends with the player, but he becomes much more curt when he notices we're lying to him about Ogerpon. The rest of the Teal Mask storyline shows him fluctuating even further—yelling at Carmine and the player for keeping secrets from him, punching things in fits of anger...then backpedaling and apologizing for the trouble he caused a few scenes later. Spreading the truth about Ogerpon to everyone in the village to help make her happy...then selfishly demanding a battle to see who's worthy of being her Trainer when she has already clearly chosen the player.
After being lied to and suffering repeated losses at our hands (including the Pokemon he's idolized all his life choosing us over him), he leans even more heavily into his bitter side during the Indigo Disk—being cold and ruthless to pretty much everyone around him, but at the end of the day it's primarily overcompensation for what he perceives as his own personal weakness (because he's still just a kid trying to be taken seriously). He's shown to drop the act on multiple occasions—most notably when he's caught off guard by our appearance at Blueberry Academy and at a few points during the Area Zero expedition. He antagonizes the player up until the moment of his defeat and tries to catch and use Terapagos in a last-ditch moment of desperation that ends up going horribly wrong, but after everything resolves he's quick to admit his mistakes and asks the player for forgiveness and if they can still be friends. After the epilogue he's mostly back to his old self, but still seems to get worked up when provoked (e.g. when he yells at Drayton for refusing to stop calling him "ex-Champ" in one of their League Club Room interactions).
And I think this varied and sometimes contradictory behavior is precisely why Kieran is such a cohesive and believable character—because it shows how even kind, well-meaning people may have a hidden darker side that can show itself under the right circumstances. How they might let their insecurities get the better of them. How a shy, timid kid might not have the experience to know how to deal with sudden feelings of frustration and/or jealousy that are far too strong to keep to himself, so he lashes out as a result. How despite all this he remains kind, sensitive and loving at his core and shows willingness to learn from his mistakes. And that is what makes him so compelling to me.
#mel's musings#kieran#pokemon#all this to say i now have brainrot and you all are going to suffer for it#me: *sees any pokemon boy with attitude problems* son? son boy? he my son boy? ;_;#kieran is also. oddly relatable to me in a way#in the sense that i was a neurodivergent kid whose overstimulation issues among other things weren't taken seriously#and it made me really bitter and angry at both the people who caused them & the people that didn't know how to deal with me#i lashed out a lot back then. i yelled and hit and said things i didn't mean and lied so i could stay in control#and while i still think i deserved better than the shit the adults who were responsible for me put me through#i do regret a lot of what i did. and i try to make up for it by being as patient as i can with others#ALSO. oc tangent time. kieran and denise are very similar in this regard#dena felt a lack of control w/ her dad leaving but couldn't blame him bc then she'd have nowhere to vent her anger#but she's also too young and too hurt to blame herself. so she lashes out at her mom instead (granted. jen made some poor choices too)#but after her treasure hunt and her first trip into area zero she sees things in a different light and is able to reconcile with her#and that's the exact reason she's able to forgive kieran so quickly. bc she had been through a similar thing with jen#i am filled with a whole WHIRLWIND of ideas for my au denise and this cast are a match made in HEAVEN#forest for the tree#mel plays scarvi
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Cover reveal coming when? 👀
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sidekick-hero · 1 year
you’ve discovered something you don’t even have a name for
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Once again, things escalate when @legitcookie and I write on our fic I wore his jacket for the longest time and after almost 10k of pure smut (with a lot of feels) we decided to share this smuttie goodness as a stand-alone chapter. It still hits harder if you read the whole fic though 🫠
This chapter is pure smut. Consider yourself be warned (or enticed, whatever floats your boat).
Also, if you want to listen to some amazing music while reading this fic, our beloved discord wife (Jen) and Schwester (me) @yournowheregirl created an amazing Playlist for this fic. It hits all the feels, so give it a listen.
Sneak peek under the cut:
As soon as the door closes behind them, Steve pushes Eddie against the door with his body, pressing them against each other, their lips never breaking apart. As much as Steve has wanted this for the last three years, ever since Eddie asked him to leave, he keeps it slow. Gentle. Just a closed-mouth press of their lips, slowly dancing over each other's skin as if they have all the time in the world.
And they do. Because this time they're not on borrowed time. This time no one is waiting for either of them. This time it's real.
Eventually they have to pull apart because they're both smiling so much it's hard to continue kissing. So, Steve pulls back a little, still beaming, and finds Eddie's eyes looking at him with such warmth that it warms Steve to the last atom. His beaming face turns soft and he nudges his nose against Eddie's. "Hi."
Eddie's hand cradles Steve's face, his thumb stroking Steve's ear, making him shiver. "Hello, handsome."
Steve circles Eddie's wrist with his fingers to keep him in place and turns his face into Eddie's palm to plant a soft kiss on his skin. A hushed Steve escapes Eddie's lips, his voice full of wonder. The moment reminds Steve of the last time he had Eddie pinned against a door. It's eerily reminiscent, but also the farthest thing from what they had been to each other back then.
Still, the strong sense of déjà vu makes Steve ask, "Do we need to talk about this?"
Eddie's eyes search his face, lingering on his mouth for a second too long to be casual, before locking eyes with Steve. "Yeah, we do. Later, though. Right now, all I need to know is that you want this. Want me. The rest we can talk about later,” his eyes drop back to Steve's lips, “After."
Steve leans back in, his lips a breath away from Eddie's as he whispers against them, "I've never wanted anything, anyone, more than this," before sealing their lips together again. This time it turns heated quickly, too much pent-up desire, feelings too big to put into words for now, so they let their bodies do the talking again. There will be time to talk about this. Later. After.
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stevesnailbat · 2 years
i think the things that upset me the most about the way that eddie’s death was written are how they just wrote it off like “wow foreshadowing!!!” like you guys are all about the element of surprise you couldn’t help him to beat the fucking allegations? let him be a hero and still LIVE? and also that NOBODY out of the hawkins gang but dustin mourned whatsoever. i understand lucas being focused on max but outside of that it just makes no sense like. he very obviously was apart of the gang already and they couldn’t even let the characters properly mourn? literally only a few minutes later aka literally two fucking DAYS after he dies steve robin and nancy are just. moving on with their life like he didn’t die trying to help them? they could’ve at least had a scene with them idk. comforting dustin or being sad with him?????
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ivomartins · 1 year
honestly what's disappointing to me about cy2 is simply the fact that it's another new book that i know won't immediately hook me or keep me excited for every new update like psi or hell or high water did when they came out, especially because it's been this way for several updates now. like there was a time where we could always count on new books being interesting and exciting but now it's just like oh... another one...
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paperstarzz · 3 months
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Tom Jennings was done so fucking dirty by the plot.
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minijenn · 3 months
Quick update time! I'm working on a special surprise for Keys upcoming completion anniversary, hence Shades is being put on hold for just a little bit. But don' worry! We're about to get to the real good bits of Shades anyway.... :3
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jeonqkooks · 3 months
turns out things can be done if you would just - get this - Do Them! who knew
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houseofborgia · 8 months
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"This, dear sister, is a gift for you like no other" "For me?"
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doctorbrown · 5 months
Doc absolutely read A Match Made In Space when it was published half out of obligation because he had a very different relationship with George and Lorraine in the LP timeline given Calvin's presence and the fact that both of them would have known that Doc was his 'uncle' and subsequently went to him to enquire after Calvin; the usual is he coming back, how's he doing, all that.
And I think that George, given his newfound confidence (much to Doc's initial dismay) sought him out to discuss science and science fiction given their overlapping interests. And George occasionally needed some inspiration and input for different elements of his book.
So Doc read it out of equal parts obligation and interest, given the fact that it was very clearly a retelling of the way he and Lorraine met and given the impact that week had on, well, everyone (but especially Doc) there was no chance he was going to pass on the opportunity.
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lunatheskier · 2 years
Hate to be another person posting about she hulk just because of Matt however I think you all need to know that ive been getting up really early so I can watch the new episode before class and every week I text my friends and say no daredevil and this week I got to say yes daredevil. and it was good. It had the perfect kind of banter and joking that Netflix Matt has with Foggy and the little bit of the DD theme that played when he said “im daredevil” and the hallway fight scene and Matt still being dramatic but in a happy healthy way now. The fact that Matt did a walk of shame back to wherever instead of Jen just driving him somewhere or him ordering and uber. Also I loved Pug and Nikki cheering on Mallory Brook at the Gala and the little wolverine thing Nikki did with the makeup brushes and how Jen keeps getting dumb as fuck clients that she just has to deal with but in a comedic way. The cgi was not great but I overall loved this episode
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glitch-in-the-code · 1 year
Marigold Emily is a fucking real one, let me tell y’all that
Her husband walked out on her in 1953, leaving her to care for three young kids on her own. She worked long hours which met that Henry and Jen had to take care of themselves and their little brother, Lewis
Clara started sleeping over on the weekends and Marigold started thinking of her as another daughter and the twins were teens Peter started staying over as well as William and his little sister, Eleanor-Josephine
She was the most stable adult in all of their lives. She took of Clara after her mother died, took Peter in after his dad kicked him out, and helped William with the paperwork to gain custody of Eleanor-Josephine
Marigold also treated the Afton kids like they were her actual grandkids from the moment Michael was born
After Charlie died, she tried to help Henry but it was clear he didn’t want help so she flew out to help Evangeline and Sammy instead. When Evangeline died and Jen was named Sammy’s legal guardian, she was there to play support as well
Marigold died in 1997 at age 78
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myearts-uwu · 2 years
Idk how me not wanting to ship Jennette with anyone from the wmmap cast cause I feel like literally no one is ‘romantically compatible’ with her (But really I just think they won’t be able to give her the love and treatment she deserves) somehow ends up with me creating my asexual!Jen headcanon so I don’t have to deal with imagining Jen ending up with anyone.
Do I regret this choice? Ha! Absolutely not. My Jen is literally just vibing in the corner and I love that for her. Love her for only caring for her family members but having no wish and desire to have children (she’d just give people the silent stare if anyone brings the topic of having kids to her).
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