#just like how i want ben and jimmy to be friends
bluebird990 · 2 years
Random thought...I want Jake and Gray to be friends...👀
I don't even know where I was going with this..guess I was just desperate to have a conversation about weak hero with someone XD
Hear me out...
We know (or at least I think) that Gray doesn't hate Jake after their encounter in the amusement park. He's just mostly confused by Jake's actions?? So I think it's not entirely impossible...
Jake's whole thing is that he doesn't want to get his friends involved in any of his mess with the union. Thats why he doesn't ask them for help. Who else do we know was selfless and self sacrificing? Stephan. Now I know that Jake isn't as nearly as selfless as stephan, and that Jake is much much stronger than stephan, but their situations are very similar.
Stephan would endure all the bullying from his classmates without telling Gray because he wanted to protect Gray. Jake is enduring Donald's bullshit, doing illegal stuff for him, because he owes him and doesn't want his friends to get too involved in this shit, that's why he does it alone. Stephan was also enduring the bullying alone, which Gray desperately wishes that he hadn't and that he should've confided in Gray, then maybe things might not have turned out THIS bad.
Stephan and Jake are really similar actually. Imo Jake is just a less nicer, more violent version of stephan.
The difference between them is that Stephan was simply trying to protect Gray, while Jake got into this union mess cuz he wanted revenge for his brother. Though it definitely wasn't Jake's fault. Manwol's leader definitely deserved the beating. Like, injuring someone permanently just to spite them cuz they wanna leave is just straight up evil. And Jake knew he couldn't do it alone...so yeah...I think he was right in doing what he did (cuz apparently, as we all know, the police doesn't exist in this world, neither do responsible adults).
Now I'm not too sure as to what the author has in line for Jake's character, cuz there has to be a point where he breaks and actually needs help right? Like a point where his opponent goes too far? Though I can't really imagine that opponent being anyone other than Donald, cuz we know Ben wouldn't go too far, but it also seems really unlikely that Donald and Jake would fight...
Hmm, I don't know what's gonna happen but I know that Jake's self sacrificing ass needs a closure.
Now this is just my fantasies seeping into my theories XD but I think (read: want) gray to maybe see the similarities between stephan and Jake's situations and maybe save Jake?? 😬 cuz ya know, he doesn't want the same things that happened to stephan, happen to someone else.
Yeah. I know. Sounds dumb. Maybe.
Uhh so, my point is, that I want them to be, if not friends, then definitely at least on friendly basis.
There was also this moment in Gray's fight with doyun (cheongang no. 4, I think thats his name?) where Gray thinks about Jake's words about getting addicted to fighting. I know it doesn't have THAT much relevance(or maybe it does), but as a webtoon comment said that Gray is atleast conscious about his actions, which will, in the end, make all the difference between him and Donald. If it weren't for Jake saying that then I don't think Gray would've realized it??
Soo yeah, there's potential, and I'll keep hoping for any kind of (positive) interaction between these two.
So let me know your thoughts!!! Do you think they could be friends??😀
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hardrockshrimp · 9 months
I am holding up. Well.
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#WHEN I TELL YOU#i went to go piss at a jimmy johns nearby and saw Richard across the street at the bus and decided to try to talk to him#the most cheesiest 'omg are you from orbit culture' and i had my fanny pack with all the sock puppets in them#and decided to just do it now [great idea bc the venue was so small they couldnt be at the merch table after the show]#and nick was there!!!!#also ben their touring guy um#BUT NICK WAS THERE#i was like 'um i made sock puppets of you guys' and theyre both like WHAT#and this is making me think that... maybe sock puppets are a mainly american thing? someone correct me if im wrong lol#but it seems like they didnt know what the hell i was talking about#but i was like shaking putting one of them on to like. demonstrateIWKGISKVOSKJV#and nick was like oh my god like he was speechless im gonna fucking fjksigkshflajvlsof#and they were so sweet about it and let me take a picture of them with them#the openings were too small for their hands [loud breathing thinking about how big their hands are] but nick tried to put them on anyways 🥺#and ben also took a picture and posted it on the orbitculturefans ig acc EEEEEEEEEE#hes like lol look out for these in a music video like SHUT UP I WOULD DIEEEEEEE#so if i ever see these in the background of touring vlogs/stories etc i will bawl my eyes out#orbit culture#spencers little things#im so happy i decided to peer pressure my friend who can drive to take me i think they enjoyed some of it and wants to go to more shows now#but!!!!!! really hoping they do a US headline tour soon pleaseeeee i would love to see a full setlist from them#anyways this is one of the cutest things ever#also nick shook my hand before they left EEEEEEE HE WAS SO SWEET I LOVE HIMMMM STTOTOPPPPP HES MY EVERUHTJGJ
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twopoppies · 2 months
Hiya Gina!
So, I'm writing a fic (and you know that writing is mostly just staring at a blank cursor, rereading, googling random things for context and actually very less writing than intended)
I found something I couldn't Google. So I have to come up with a few antagonists in the story, and I wanted to them to be maybe some of the most hated people in the Harry/Larry Fandom. Totally something you can't Google. Please help me out with a list! If you can't and you've still read this, thank you.
Love your account and your presence!
Huh… most hated.
I suppose everyone will have a slightly different take on this, but I’d say most people hate anyone from Modest!Management, Simon Cowell, Dan Wootton, Simon Jones, Ben Winston, many of the beards but Olivia is probably the one that was most universally hated although back in the day I would have said Swiftie and Eleanor, Briana Jungwirth, Cousin Ashley, Tami and Brett Clark, Rob Stringer, James Corden (funny how he was once so loved in this fandom).
Some people don’t like Nick Grimshaw, and he’s occasionally the bad guy in fics. But just as many write him as Harry’s friend or as a romantic partner for H or L. A lot of people hate Ellen Degeneres and Jimmy Kimmel for the way they treated the boys on their talk shows. And then there’s the crowd who hates Jeff and Irving Azoff.
That’s all I can think of at the moment. But I hope that helps! 💙
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satankilledmyghost · 1 year
Hello!! Not a request, but wanted to know what are romantic tropes you associate with the weak hero characters??
FUCK. YES. I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE. idk if i answered this fully but here are my thoughts.
warnings: swearing
donald na - grumpy x sunshine OR academic rivals to lovers
i could totally see the short, chaotic s/o with donald who's this tall, silent wall of imminent death if you so much as try to insult his s/o or do anything to harm them. i could also see donald and his s/o both be the smart types, constantly trying to one up each other, enjoying the chase and taunts. but his s/o definitely needs some spice because i feel like opposites would totally attract for donald. he lives his life so uptight all the time so his s/o would be carefree.
jake ji - golden retriever boyfriend x chaotic troublemaker s/o
if jake and his s/o are together, they're getting into trouble and jake's bailing them out of it because he loves them too much. jake's too happy to be involved in their antics to get mad at them.
wolf keum - boOK NERD X DELINQUENT. BOOK NERD X DELINQUENT! B O O K N E R D X D E L I N Q U E N T ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
i am SCREAMING with this. i feel like he'd be with someone who likes to talk/ramble a lot(the only person he'd let break the silence). Since wolf prefers to be quiet, he'd find comfort in his s/o's daily ramble about what happened in their book. definitely the protective boyf. there's no way a harasser will live to tomorrow once he hears about it. he likes to tease his s/o a lot. i also have this head cannon where wolf has like super rich parents who are like never home so he's supposed to take care of his younger siblings(twins, brother and sister), but he clearly doesn't so wolf's parents hired the s/o to babysit and that's how he met them.
forrest lee - best friends to lovers/utterly in love x extremely dense s/o
forrest has been agonizingly WAITING for them to finally realize his affection for them. it's been YEARS. he's had to sit through hundreds of rants about shitty boyfriend after shitty boyfriend, fighting the urge to scream at how much better he could treat them if they would just open. their. damn. eyes.
jimmy bae - enemies to lovers
personally, i can't stand this trope, but it fits so well for jimmy with his quick rise to temper and insufferable ego. s/o would be a friend of jack's or partnered up with jimmy for a project. immediately they just don't get along, like oil and water. a landslide of tension and hatred later, the s/o starts to look forward to arguing with jimmy and immediately starts to avoid him. jimmy gets upset and it's one of those arguments that goes along the lines of: "why do you care so much?!" "because i like you!"
big ben - golden retriever boyfriend x black cat s/o
he met his s/o at the arcade or pool place because they worked there and ben tried to shamelessly flirt with them. it was so bad they found it charming somehow and they got together.
alex go - brother's best friend
with how much time alex spent at ben's house, it gave ben's sibling long enough to develop a puppy crush when they were younger that never really left them as they started high school. alex doesn't sneak behind ben's back, though, and will let him know with or without his s/o. late night dates at the park on the swings.
gerard jin - shy x shy strangers to lovers in a coffee shop.
i'm not accepting anything else. enough has been said. just imagine gerard in that long coat with a scarf and it's snowing on their first date- asdbdhfjjlfjf
teddy jin - chill boyfriend x fiesty s/o
his s/o is always ready to throw hands. so much so that teddy has to hold them back and keep an eye on them at all times.
rowan im - pen pals/long distance
i don't even know if this is a trope but i'm going with it. rowan lived in Australia for a short while so it would make sense that he would meet his s/o there, and then when rowan moved back, letters were the best way of communication since the time difference was a pain in the ass to manage all the time. i could also see him as a letter with photos/postcard guy.
gray yeon - tutor x tutee
the s/o was struggling, to say the least, so the teacher linked them up with gray and he found charm in the way they focused and tried their absolute hardest every session. gray would purposely add extra work so he can see them longer.
eugene gale - childhood friends to lovers
i have nothing to say about this. we all knew it was coming. it just makes sense. like eugene's mom and grandma already see them as a couple and constantly tease eugene about it, so why wouldn't it happen? bets were totally made on whether or not eugene would be able to confess to his s/o.
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voidnoidoid · 6 months
Thoughts on Weak Hero's Ending
Weak Hero ended a few weeks ago, and I took some time to process the ending after I read it. Overall, I think it was a great ending to such a wonderfully written series.
I like how things were mostly wrapped up, but left as an open ending. I appreciate how the Union, although mostly defunct, is being kept somewhat alive by Kingsley, who can't accept that Donald is truly gone and that the Union is over. I might write a more detailed Kingsley analysis, but it's interesting how Kingsley, as Donald's right hand man, never fully understood Donald. He placed him on a pedestal and deified him. He did care about him, the most out of everyone, but it is still sad how he got so caught up in making Donald king that he failed to recognise how Donald's rapid ascension and ceaseless violence was a cry for help.
Jake being the one to recognise Donald's true feelings is rather apt. I haven't thought much about his character (as is not fully analysed) but I think he's much more complex than he lets on. He's in a similar situation to both Ben and Donald I think, that being both Ben and Jake are the leaders of their schools, they just want to hang out with their friends and have fun, both shoulder the burden of being the strongest of their schools alone... It's just that Jake has a darkness within him that led him to join the Union. He has an inner bloodlust, one that he recognises in Gray. Jake is very perceptive of others emotional state, so it's no wonder he could correctly guess how Donald was feeling, given that he's one of Donald's most reliable officers.
I'll have to update my Donald analysis soon, because of the revelation that Donald willingly put himself in danger, running in the road screaming for Gray to fight him again. I think on one hand, Donald wanted that connection he felt with Gray again, as well as desiring gray to defeat him. But also I think he felt like death was the only escape left, hence the panel where he had a resigned and accepting expression as the truck neared him. As if he was waiting for his end.
I'm sure the Union will dissolve soon despite Kingsley's efforts. Wolf and Jake have left, and maybe Forrest and Jimmy too. I also like how Jimmy's character arc closed off, with him admitting that all he wanted was to be acknowledged by Donald.
Now then, let's go over to the Eunjang kids!
Although they lost the fight, they won the war. Losing meant they didn't have to bear the burden of being the strongest. Though they may face some fights in the future due to the resulting power gap left in Donald's wake. But that's a story for another time.
Eugene woke up and is happy and well! I really love how despite Eugene thinking he didn't contribute much to the fight, all his friends comforted him and reassured him of his major role thanks to his light controlling device! Yay Eugene appreciation!
Unfortunately Gray was deeply affected by Donald's death and entered a spiral of self guilt... the scene with his reflection mocking him hurt to read. Thankfully his friends were by his side to ground him. Gray really does have a kind heart after all.
Finally, Stephen and Gray meet again! I like the reintroduction of Jeremy, and that he remains a good friend of Gray by telling him Stephen is okay! His reactions to Gray being the White Mamba was so funny to read. I can't express how happy I was to see that not only was Stephen still alive, also that he's all better and working part time at a cafe! Gray's monologue at the end was so touching, and im glad he was able to greet his most treasured friend with a big smile.
I really wanted a Stephen and gray epilogue where they interact, but I do like the happy open ending. I think Stephen would be so happy for Gray and he'd fit right in with the eunjang kids! I guess that's what fan fiction is for lol. (sorry for the lack of weaktober writing... ill try to write something.)
I kinda wish some side characters had more cameos, like Toby, Lily and Julia, but their arcs were wrapped up relatively well too.
That sums up my overall thoughts on Weak Hero's conclusion!
Thank you to Seopass and Razen for creating a wonderful story!
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weakhero-diaries · 8 months
Weak Hero: Eps 264-265 Reaction
TW: Depression, Trauma, Grief
"Sometimes I count up to ten just to see when... when will I see the sun? In my mind I've just begun... " - 'GONE', Thirteen Senses
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During Baekjin (Donald)'s funeral, everyone in the Union was devastated. But the most devastated was Seokhyeon (Kingsley), who found it hard to accept that he really had to prepare the funeral (oh my god how unfair this world was to these kids).
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Whereas Dongha was in tears, while Seongmok, Sehan (Forrest) and Jongyeon (Jack) were too stunned to process the tragedy, Hakho (Jake)'s kindness shone the most during the funeral. In a quick understanding of the human vulnerabilities of the once-omniscient Baekjin and the immovable Seokhyeon, he managed to support Seokhyeon like a friend (and no longer just a fellow executive of the Union) would.
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In the meantime, Jihoon (Jimmy) was coping with his belated realization that, true to his name, all he had ever wanted was to be acknowledged by someone as strong as Baekjin (Jihoon's name means "The Will for A Merit/Recognition").
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To every Union members's surprise and indignation, Humin (Ben) showed up at the funeral, against his friends' advice. Always being genuine and generous (this is also true to the part of his name that means "genuinely generous") , he was paying respects even to his bitterest enemies.
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Being perceptive of the role that Sieun (Gray), and Humin & co.'s in trying to get help for Baekjin that night, Hakho later talked to Humin outside the charnel house. He even asked Humin how Sieun fared, and unfortunately he hadn't showed up to school, and so hadn't Juntae, according to a flashback to Taeoh (Teddy), Juyang (Rowan), Gayool (Gerard) as they talked at school. (WHAT...)
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From a hill behind the charnel house, we saw Hwangho and Seongje (Wolf), paying their last respects, or rather, saying a badass goodbye, to Baekjin.
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Elsewhere in the city, Sieun woke up and washed his face. But his own reflection taunted him, calling him the seed of all misfortunes since he had caused Juntae, Suho (Stephen) and even Baekjin so much unhappiness. (YOU'RE NOT THE SEED OF MISFORTUNE. YOU NEVER WERE, SIEUN. THIS IS ONLY YOUR OWN DEPRESSION TALKING!)
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Sieun couldn't forget Baekjin's last distraught face and words, as he was standing alone and wounded on that road before the tragedy happened. All that Sieun wanted was for the memories to stop but they wouldn't. He tossed and turned in his sleep, beset by the nightmares.
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Meanwhile, to Jihoon's frustration, there were already talks from Seokhyeon that the remaining finances of the Union would be evenly distributed, meaning that no further activities would be made in the name of the Union. He understood however, that everyone was still in shock, although he wondered why "that bastard" Hakho spent so much time with Seokhyeon.
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Hakho told Seokhyon straightforwardly that it was Baekjin's last wish to dissolve the Union, but to Seokhyeon, it was only right to respect Baekjin by maintaining the Union and only temporarily halting its activities. He refused to accept that this was where Baekjin ended up. (Learn to let go, kid, it's not good for your health).
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It wasn't just the Union members' moods that was somber. It turns out that Humin, Hyuntak (Alex/Gogo) and Pilyoung (Phillip) went to the funeral, too.
Hyuntak and Pilyoung didn't go into the funeral house because Hyuntak was only worried about Humin, while Pilyoung was too overwhelmed by his own emotions.
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The other Eunjang kids were gloomy too, especially class 1-5 whose two students still hadn't returned to school. Juntae had regained his consciousness (YESSS) but Sieun went off radar completely. So Humin decided to come to Sieun's house after visiting Juntae at the hospital, and the others agreed. (The fact that only Gayool knew Sieun's address broke my heart, Sieun had never really opened up to his new friends. And Humin, you're such a precious human being).
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Hyoman (Colton) & co. found Pilyoung, and thought that he looked cooler than Humin, standing alone. But Pilyoung was actually privately grieving Baekjin's death and worrying about Sieun, as he realized that what he was missing was not the Union itself but the sense of companionship. Only Hyuntak knew about this as he found Pilyoung crying in a Dorim street alley the other day. (My goodness I love these small details. ALSO PILYOUNG YOU DECENT KID YOU).
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Somewhere far at Donghae Beach Rest Area, a Byeoksan Middle alumni (EDIT: Jihwan a.k.a Jeremy. Also, REMEMBER that he went to Suho and Sieun's middle school) spotted someone that he thought he knew...
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WHO WAS IT? Was it Suho? Oh my god.
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reanbowful · 1 year
Hiyoo^^ I’ve been reading your stuff and let me tell you I.am.in.love.
Can I request the union boys and maybe gray and the boys with a s/o that’s really good at fighting. Kinda like Mikey or Senju from Tokyo revengers.
~Thank you🌸
Hi anon!! AAA THANK YOU SO MUCHH! And yes plss baddie reader 😘
Also, whoever you are, I hope you’re not a Jimmy stan because I really dk how to write for him 😭
“hot blooded youth”
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if you can fight well
*harsh languages, implications of SA in Ben’s part (not towards the reader)
(jake, gerard, donald, gray, wolf, ben)
jake ji / ji hakho
Jake was walking to class, heading up the stairs when he heard some faint yelling under the alleyway.
He scrunched his eyebrows, leaning forward to see two girls seemingly arguing down there. One of the girls have bandages all over her face. The other one, the shorter one, sports a casted arm.
“Subin-ah.. I’m sorry. I told you I was sorry, didn’t I?”
“Huh.. n-no. I’m sorry too..”
The short girl winced at the loud voice, backing herself away into the corner.
“W-what? But, you were kicked out of school.. and y/n-“
“Oh yeah. Y/N. You know what, call that bitch. Actually, GO SCREAM HER NAME! SEE IF SHE’S GONNA COME SAVE YOU THIS TIME AROUND!”
Jake is now on high alert. His hand is already unclasping the windowsill.
He was about to jump down when he saw your figure rounding up the corner.
With one hard pull on the collar, the taller girl fell backwards. Losing her sense of balance.
“You fucking scum. I told you I’ll kill you if you ever go near her again, didn’t I?”
The girl struggled to get up, stumbling around when she does. Seemingly akin to that of a drunk person.
Picking up a stray broken piece of glass, the girl charged at you.
This was the moment Jake decided to jump down.
What he didn’t expect was you evading that swing, twisting her arm as you go, and kicking her to the ground. You picked that piece of broken glass up.
“You- Did you seriously even try to think up that question just now? Why? Because unlike you, Subin is not a goddamn psychopathic narco.”
You threw the piece of glass away from her reach, heading towards your shaking friend.
“You good?”
“Ah? Oh. Yes, I’m fine. Thanks, y/n.”
Jake stared at you, in complete awe at what he just saw.
When you left with your friend, he would approach the booze smelling girl and ask.
“Yo. So, you know y/n? Can I have her number?”
gerard jin / jin gayool
Gerard has been noticing you for a few weeks now.
You worked at the karaoke room down the street.
You were Teddy’s middle school friend. Well, not really friend. But you used to go to Seong-Il.
Teddy offered to give him your contact, but he refused. Wanting to introduce himself to you face to face. (old fashioned cutie)
So when he finished his shift early, he thought it was the perfect opportunity.
He bought some drinks, one of each kind since he doesn’t know which one you’d prefer.
While he was walking towards your work place, Gerard noticed a couple of girls, maybe around 4 of them rushing in front of him.
“You sure this is where the bitch works?”
“Yeah, I’m sure of it.”
“Okay, we’ll teach that bitch a lesson alright.”
Gerard’s eyes, taken aback. Why are girls so scary these days?
He continued to walk until he reached the front of the karaoke room. Deciding to wait outside as to not disturb your shift.
“You bitch. You think you can talk shit about my friend and expect us not to come for you?”
Hearing a ruckus in the small alleyway beside the shop, Gerard sneaked to peek in.
It was those girls from before. All 4 of them surrounding you, who seemed to be taking out the trash.
“Tch. What the hell..? Are you seriously this pathetic?”
Oh, that seemed to anger her.
“You..! Shut your damn mouth when I’m talking to you!”
Taking a full swing, the girl threw a hard punch to your left jaw.
Gerard stared in shock. He wanted to intervene. But he really didn’t want to fight a bunch of girls.
You grimaced, spitting out the blood that rushed in your mouth from the impact.
Gerard watched as you glared at the girl, looking extremely pissed.
“That hurts, asshole.”
Taking a full fist of hair, you brought the girl down to your knee. Breaking her nose. When she rose up, you throw a punch at her. It was hard enough to hear a deafening crack from the impact.
“Take another step, I’ll give you worse than what she’s having.”
The rest of the girls shivered, dragging their unconscious friend and ran as fast as they could away from there.
Gerard stared in disbelief at the scene. What the heck just happened? He jumped when you called onto him.
“Hey. You here to fight me too?”
“Um.. I bought some drinks?”
You tilt your head, making him gulp.
Wah.. girls really are so scary these days.
donald na / na baekjin
Unlike the rest of the boys on this list, Donald knows that you can fight. At least to an extent.
He knows that you can take care of yourself if something happens, so he doesn’t really worry about you too much.
You’re a de facto Union member. So you often take commissions from Donald for matters that the Union executives can’t reach.
Today, this is the commission.
“I can’t believe it.. y/n, 18 years old, professional babysitter.”
He made you escort a CEO’s son for the entire day. The man was an important asset for Donald currently, and he needed a babysitter in urgent.
His first thought went to Jake, since, well it’s the most logical choice. But he’s currently out of town visiting his grandparents. He can’t possibly ask Forrest or Jimmy. Or god forbids, Wolf. On a kid sitting job.
So, he asked you.
Plus, the kid seems to like you. So, there should be no issue on that.
“Noona, do you know those guys over there? They keep staring at us and following us for a while now.”
Alerted, you turned your head to where the kid pointed. There was indeed like at least 8 guys in total, some of them leaning by a lamppost, some are in front of convenience stores, and some are blatantly following the two of you.
“It’s okay, just keep walking-”
You suddenly felt a sharp blade pressed against your back.
“Follow us, if you know what’s best for that kid.”
You held the kid’s hand tight in yours. Fuck. This is gonna get messy.
At his office, Donald was still compiling a few contracts for Daehyeon when his phone rang suddenly.
“Yes, y/n?”
Except when he heard the reply on the other end, it wasn’t you. Instead, was heard the cry and wailing of a boy.
“A-ahjussi!! It’s me. I- We-“
Donald was panicking now. What the hell happened? He threw his jacket on, making sure to make his voice as calm as possible.
“Calm down, kid. Take a deep breath. What happened?”
“We were-“
He heard the boy take in a sharp breath, trying hard to calm himself.
“We’re at X road, in the alleyway next to the clothing store by the crossroad. We were attacked, ahjussi..! Right now, noona is- Eh? Noona!”
“Ahjussi, she wants to talk to you.”
Taking the phone into your hand, you groaned as you stand up. Teeth gritting as you clutch to your throbbing side.
“Hey, Donald. Some babysitting that was.”
“Are you okay? Stay still. I’m almost there.”
“Oh fuck off. I’m perfectly fine..”
Donald reached in time as you fell onto his arms in exhaustion. He eyes moved to see the remains of 10 grown dudes all bloodied and battered behind you.
He caressed your head softly, a proud smile on his face.
“You are one scary fucking girl, aren’t you?”
gray yeon / yeon sieun
You were on the way home from cram school with Gray and your other friend.
The poor girl came up to you and Gray saying that she has been getting harassed for a while by some older guy near the school.
You offered to walk her home. Fearless as always.
Gray decided to come along since he’s worried shitless that something bad will happen to you. He has no idea.
“Hey, Missy. I see you’ve decided to bring your friends over. Let’s have some fun, okay? All three of us!”
The girl scooted over behind you, holding your uniform tightly. Obviously scared out of her wits.
You extended your arm to her side protectively. Gray already calculating ways to defeat the guy if they decide to get violent.
Gray’s eyes widened when you brought the guy twice your size down to his knees with a single kick.
“Let’s have lots of fun, Mister! You and me!”
Gray had wanted to stop you, he really does. But his body couldn’t move an inch, and he felt a chilling sensation seeing you be so violent like that.
“P-please..! Stop-“
Clicking your tongue, you stood and sent him another kick across his face.
“What are you saying? We’re having fun, aren’t we?”
The guy was now quivering pathetically, looking up at your empty eyes with fear.
You throw your fist, watching as the man braced for impact.
“That’s enough! Y/N.. that’s enough..”
You looked at the girl, tears are free falling from her eyes. Sniffling profusely next to Gray.
You sighed.
“Next time, if I even see your face in this part of town, I will personally kill you. Now scram.”
The man scattered to get up, running away as fast as he could.
Picking your bag up from the ground, you threw both frozen figures behind you a cheery smile.
“Whew. That got me worked up a little. Hey, don’t worry. He won’t be coming back no more. Now, let’s go home!”
He’s suddenly really glad you guys are on the same side together.
wolf keum / keum seongje
I think Wolf, like Donald, would also be proud if you could fight well.
Wolf was at one of the bars he usually frequents, bored out of his mind.
You haven’t been answering the texts he sent. Though you warned him about this beforehand since you have to meet with your friend today.
Wolf took a drag from his cigarette. Checking his phone once again. Once again, still no texts from you.
He clicked his tongue. Are your friends really that much more important to you than him?
“Hey. I’m going out for a sec.”
Closing the door behind him, Wolf opened his phone and dialled your number.
Within two rings, a response was heard.
“Wolf! How have you been?”
Wolf frowned, that’s not your voice.
“Can you give the phone to y/n-noona?”
“Yeah.. about that.”
Wolf clicked his tongue, he hadn’t even bothered to tell the rest of the boys about where he was going. Jumping on his motorbike the minute your name was uttered.
“The thing is, y/n is batshit drunk right now. Come be a good boyfriend and pick her up. I’ll text you the location.”
Wolf chewed on his bottom lips, oddly uneasy knowing that you’re probably not yourself. At a club. Without him.
Well, your friends are there. But still, he doesn’t trust that they are all lucid enough to take care of you if anything happens.
Once he reached the location your friend sent him, he wasted no time barging into every room looking for you.
Eventually, he meets your friend walking out of the bathroom. Looking slightly amused at his arrival.
“Oh, Wolf. You actually came.”
“Where are they?”
Your friend gestured to the bathroom.
Man is crazy enough to actually went into the girl’s bathroom, where he sees you groaning by the toilet seat. Your other friend holding your hair for you.
“You can leave. Noona.. it’s Wolf.”
You groaned, feeling like your head is gonna split in two.
Wolf took the hint and shut his mouth. Rubbing your back to soothe the nausea.
“Where the fuck is that kid?!”
Remember that Wolf barged into random people’s room earlier. He also left without an explanation :)
The man banged at the door, making you wince at the loud noise.
“I saw you went in there! Get the fuck out of here before I break the door open!”
Wolf noticed that you were getting uncomfortable when the man began to send a series of kicks to the door. He was about to get up and deal with them himself, before you beat him to it.
Wolf stared in confusion as you open the door with a click. Moving to walk past the raging man to get your bag and just continue puking at home.
“Hey! Where the fuck you think you’re going!”
The guy made the wrong decision to grab your shoulder.
You flipped the man over, elbowing him on the ribs, before kicking the back of his knees down.
You gazed at the man sleepily. Looking like you’re contemplating on what to do next, which after a few seconds, you decide to just leave him there and continue your walk.
Wolf stared at your figure. Completely mesmerised until he heard a cackling from beside him.
“Ooh that’s my girl.”
Wolf shifted his glance towards your friend, raising one of his brows.
“I guess she never told you. Y/N was actually the top dog of our school back in middle school. She’s pretty damn good at fighting, you know.”
Wolf smirks. Well he’ll be damned.
ben park / park humin
You and Ben have been dating for like almost three months now.
So far, everything has been going great.
You know about his whole business fighting the Union and stuff. And while you do get worried, you’ve never really said anything.
Ben thought it was a bit odd, but you acted normal aside of that so he just merely shrugged it off.
That day, you were supposed to head to Eunjang to go on a date after school with Ben.
You two reserved a flower arranging class since you thought it was a nice activity for a change from the usual cafe hopping.
Ben was in a great mood the entire day. He couldn’t wait to see you. Especially since you two haven’t been able to see each other due to the packed schedule with the midterm examinations and other school activities.
He ran to the front gates, expecting you to already be there.
You weren’t.
Oh well. He leaned against the side of the school gates, lips pursed into a smile. Rocking himself back and forth on the balls of his feet.
10 minutes became 20. And 20 soon became 30.
Ben frowned. You couldn’t have forgotten about him, could you?
As a matter of fact, no, you haven’t forgotten. You’re just in a really, really sticky situation.
“Never would’ve thought I’ll meet you again out here, y/n.”
“Please. I’m not in the mood for fighting right now.”
The man laughed, pulling you harshly by the collar.
“Ah, y/n. Did you forget about me already?”
“I bet you never told Ben Park about how you went to juvie, did you?”
Feeling anger bubbling inside you, you broke free from his hold. Throwing a hard punch into his jaw.
When he fell to the ground, you got on top of him. Throwing punches after punches after punches.
Even as the man under you get more and more bloodied. Even when your knuckles broke skin. With all the blood rushing to your head, you can’t stop the dizzying sensation you felt that night three years ago.
You were about to throw another punch when you felt a strong grip on your wrist.
“Y/N. Stop that.”
Ben got immensely worried when you didn’t answer any of the calls nor text messages he sent you. So, he decided to check the tracking app to your phone.
He felt his heart shatter when you look up at him with tears running all over your face. Your expression dazed as you look around to see what you have done.
“…why did you do that?”
“-ill me..”
Both you and Ben turned to look at the figure under you who is squirming around weakly. Tears rolling out of his eyes.
“Kill me, y/n. It’s the least you could fucking do. KILL ME YOU COWARD! KILL ME LIKE YOU KILLED MY FUCKING BROTHER!”
You let out a scream. All memories of the past coming back in an instant.
Ben pulled you up, hugging you tight in his arms as you cry your hearts out. Bloody hands dirtying his white uniform.
“I promise it wasn’t on purpose, Ben.. That son of a bitch touched my sister..!”
Ben clenched his jaw, pulling you closer into his arms. This is not how he imagined the day to go at all.
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lawnmowereater · 1 year
My requesting rules if u wanna request something.
(If you want a full story please specify, if not, it will probably be in bulleted short sentences.)
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What I will do
One Shots
Character x Reader
Character x Character
LGBTQIA+ stories
Dr-g Usage/Abuse
Alc-hol Usage/Abuse
Sh, Suicide, Mental Illness Comfort
Platonic Relationships
Romantic Relationships
Paternal Relationships
Male Reader
Female Reader
Gn! Reader
What I won't do
Long Stories ( Like 3 parts max )
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👍 = Experienced
🤔 = Not Experienced
🤠 = In Between
Bob's Burgers 🍔
Calvin Fischoeder 👍
Grover Fischoeder 🤔
Felix Fischoeder 🤔
Jimmy Pesto 🤔
Umbrella Academy ☂️
Klaus Hargreeves 👍
Five Hargreeves 👍
Ben Hargreeves ( Sparrow or Umbrella ) 🤠
Encanto 🏘️
Camilo Madrigal 👍
Isabella Madrigal 🤔
Luisa Madrigal 🤠
Dolores Madrigal 🤔
My Hero Academia 🦸
Shota Aizawa 👍
Izuku Midoriya 🤔
Katsuki Bakugou 👍
Denki Kaminari 🤔
Marvel 🦾
Loki 👍
Steven Strange 🤔
Tony Stark 🤔
Mobius 🤔
Monica Rambeau 🤠
Miles Morales 👍
Hobie Brown 🤠
Super Mario Brothers 👨‍🔧
Luigi 👍
Princess Peach 🤔
Undertale 💀
Sans (please specify au) 👍
Alphys 🤔
Undyne 🤔
Papyrus 👍
Frisk 🤠
Lorax 🌲
Onceler 👍
Percy Jackson 🌊
Percy Jackson 👍
Annabeth Chase 🤠
Grover 👍
Nico DeAngelo 🤠
The Amazing Digital Circus 🤡
Jax 👍
Ragatha 🤠
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flipper-kisses · 9 months
Same anon who had a list on why Rami’s not a “villain” and is actually a good person. I have a whole list on why I love Rami!
Rami’s donated to charity on many occasions.
Automatic points. 
He played in a children’s film!
He gave his account on how wonderful it was to make children laugh and go home after the movie with great memories!
Literally every interview you see with Rami, he can’t help but NOT give credit to his fellow actors AND crew. 
Which means a lot to those in crew who’s work doesn’t get much representation or appreciation). He literally says people’s full names which is also a nice little thing he tends to do. 
Rami has so many people who praise him for his personality and kindness. 
Every interview, when someone mentions Rami, the smiles people give when Rami’s name is mentioned is so wonderful to see! Also the things that Rami’s fellow colleagues say is usually along the lines of “he is wonderful to work with”, “is a leader”, “so respectful and respectable”, “easy to get along with”, “acting is amazing!”
Rami has crap tons of friends. 
Like we weren’t able to see many pictures of him with his friends since it was usually pictures of him and Lucy but now we’re getting more pictures of Rami with his friends and enjoying life!
Rami is smart and knows his boundaries and makes sure to be stern about it but also respectful. 
Example: Rami said he won’t take videos for people and won’t say things on camera for someone or the internet. This also includes what information he gives to the media. He’s really smart about being private. No one needs to know the important things about him, none of our business. 
But at the same time, Rami will take time out of his day to take pictures with fans which is so kind!
Rami has awesome fashion sense (even if he might be working with a stylist)! 
I love his classy outfits (and no I’m not talking about Ilaria Urbinati… that’s a whole different story…)
Rami is so humble and he knows when to take credit and when to not. 
He’s just so humble and such a great person! So down to Earth!
Rami with his mom 🥺 
You can tell how much he loves his mom! So sweet!
He gave a shout out to his sister and brother for their jobs
Yes he did make a funny joke after the shoutout but still. An ER doctor and teacher which are two very hard professions and I love how he gave them credit.
Rami can be a bad boy sometimes 😏 
That one time where he pranked Ben Hardy and switched spots with Sami to help him pass a class.
Rami never forgets his older movies that helped get him to where he is now! 
Literally years after doing Night at the Museum, Rami gave credit to acting in Night at the Museum and talked about his experiences with Robin Williams and you can tell he cherishes those moments!
Alongside not forgetting his movies that helped him gain attention, he also literally keeps his older friendships as well! 
The time where he reunited with Ben Stiller during the Amsterdam premiere!!! (also don’t forget the time Gwilym went to the Amsterdam premiere with Rami!)
Rami is so friendly with everyone! 
I love to see how close he is with people and is so affectionate!
He also doesn’t play into stereotypes as well. 
Rami made his stance about never playing a terrorist role ever again and was hesitant to do No Time To Die because he didn’t want to play a stereotypical role. 
Rami is respectful even when some interviewers aren’t (side eyeing that one time with Jimmy Kimmel and another interviewer that made Rami uncomfortable). 
Like the patience Rami has for that kind of stuff is crazy and I salute him for it even though he doesn’t deserve to go through the disrespect. 
He gives the best advice!
Telling people to work hard and do their best!
Sorry if this is so long 😅 this’ll be it for now but I have so much more, I will certainly put down the rest of the list because I have so many! Like you said, we are here for our king! Our moment has arrived!
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rolaplayor101 · 2 years
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There's this thing in the Ben 10 fandom that i wanna talk about that often goes ignored and its the fact that there's always conversations about "The Girls Of Ben 10" and how they deserved better... But here's the thing
All the characters of Ben 10 are underdeveloped. All of them are robbed of times to shine. Its not just Ben's old dates, who get the most attention in these conversations, it's women who exist outside of Ben completely. Its men who we see a few times but still know next to nothing about.
Look at Charmcaster. Charmcaster had a huge story line. She had soooo much going for her that was outside of Ben completely. She was the daughter of a man who fought against oppression and died, then she went into Legerdomain and took it back from said oppressor, and became its new ruler. But then?? She was a bad guy again?? Like, even outside the Michael Morningstar thing, she wanted to get her dad back and she killed all those people and even managed to kill the plumber squad, and then after uaf they completely got rid of that storyline. She has a rich backstory and so much ahead of her story wise that is so interesting!! And it was left for.. Whatever happened in omniverse..
And then there's Pierce, who was the older brother of Helen and friend to Manny, who had so much personality hyped up before we'd actually met him. He was capturing plumbers kids, then got sucked in himself, and met Max, and... Then what?? He joined Max's team with Helen and Manny, who, also, we know nothing about, and then we didn't really hear anything more about them. They went to Plumbers school. I dont even wanna talk about the Rooters arc rn, that's so far away from, like, an actual in depth character analysis to even mention. How did they grow up on Earth if they looked like that... How'd they meet Manny... That was covered?? In Omniverse?? I guess?? But whyd they stay together??
Oh my gosh Elena lets talk about Elena. Shes gotta have PTSD. Her body was taken over by nanites, she didn't even have a full sense of self by the end. She was creating these robots, then she went into the sewers, and eight or something months later shes in a gameshow for Ben's heart. What's up with that?? She has such a plot, a story line-- How'd she get her body back?
Then theres Alan. How long has Alan known he could turn into a alien. Who's his dad? Ok rooter arc stuff again but can we all agree that that retcon sucked?? What is Alan doing now? He was the same age as Ben when he first got his Omnitrix when we were introduced to him for the first time. And his last line was "i think my story is just beginning" like WHAT we were ROBBED
What's Cooper doing? Sunny? They introduce characters with so much interesting stuff going on in their lives or stories and then they never get to have a satisfying story line. Its not just the girls. Its really just background characters in general. They do a couple of things with Cash and JT too, but they never go anywhere--despite having some regular human high schooler dudes with a average redemption arc in play could be interesting in itself. And Jimmy! He's a kid detective! And he has one episode dedicated to it and then rarely shows up again!
I mean, look how many Anodite aus are on this site. Gwen isnt a love interest to anyone but Kevin-- and her, Sunny, and Verdona's experiences with being anodites have people so curious that you have countless headcanons loitering about the tag all the time. Anyway, all im saying is that various plot points are brought up and never seriously or fully explored to their full potential with both the men and women of Ben 10.
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stocious · 7 months
ben, carl & the pack, let's go.
ben: remember how i was supposed to pick up the dog today? carl: aw, where's the ba- ben, opening the trunk:🙂
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after a while the boys get the very strong feeling halloween might be actually possessed. everyone still loves him.
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baz and carl love to watch those "let me change your entire style" shows. and the great bake off. ben joins them for golden girls marathons when the weather changes in october.
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ginger snap's a very trusty sports partner, he goes swimming with ben and running with carl. but he'll also steal their pancakes.
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ben & tony are one heart and soul. ben's sad? no, dad, play something on the kalimba, it'll help. (carl taught him, actually, because he noticed it.)
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carl, out of breath and exasperated: why are you and dirty in the goat pen. AGAIN. ben: he's a CATTLE dog, carl, i don't want him to get DEPRESSED.
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carl: walking in on ben and machete. carl: what the FUCK are you trying to teach him now. ben: ... law.
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ben, trying to coax jims, who has had bad staircase experiences due to his gangly limbs. down to go for a walk. carl: just carry him- ben: he can DO THIS, just give him TIME- carl: you've been at this for FIVE HOURS.
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carl: does mini carl really need a massage pillo- ben: he's not AGGRESSIVE, he's ANXIOUS, this HELPS.
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snickers loves whipped cream. carl feeds him when ben doesn't look. don't tell the others, but he's carl's favourite.
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firecrotch has many opinions about the pack's diet. ben: 🥺 carl: babe, NO, the dogs CAN'T have burgers every night.
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carl: did you let van damme hang out with the neighbour's shepherd again? ben: yeah, they're besties :3 carl: honey, our dog's a mafia leader.
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seagal just wants cuddles. he's also a cockblock for his dads.
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SO MANY PUPPERS IN MY ASK 🥰 and carl + ben + puppers adventures? you truly are a treat nosho!
-halloween IS called halloween after all. maybe he's always been a little possessed? but you're right, everyone still loves him!
-do you think baz knows that trick? i think he does. that's the only tick carl has taught any of the dogs. because golden girls.
-GO GINGER! HE'S FAST AS FUCK BOI. he loves running and swimming and fetch and zoomies and!!! you can always count on ginger snap to be your work out partner. we love him for it.
-tony is the best emotional support pupper in all the land. he gets the big sad. he will cuddle with you and lay in bed all day if you need it. but he'll also encourage you to get up eventually. he's a good boi. (they all are)
-dirty loves all his friends in all the shapes and sizes. he loves the goats though. they're his favorite.
-chettie making shady deals AND knowing law? is he the evil villian in the pup pack? machete pleads the fifth to that question.
-OH NO JIMS. poor baby. you can do it! we have treats and pets and cuddles down here! i believe in you slim jimmy! maybe he needs tony for emotional support?
-MINI CARL DOES INDEED NEED A NECK MASSAGE. big carl is just jealous. it's okay big carl, you can have a neck massage after mini carl is done (never).
-snickers likes 'em sweet. carl has all the treats. carl is snickers favorite too.
-no burgers? how about a tasty stake? no? but he makes such convincing paw geastures!
-everyone thinks machete is the evil genious. but no, it's van damme. he has all the neighbourhood doggies running deals for him and he just sits back and gets his cut. he's smart like that.
-he's always sneaking his way into the bed, smack dab in the middle. on his back. slobering all over the sheets. but he's a cutie so that's okay. if he happens to cockblock, that sounds like a carl and ben problem for going at it in HIS bed.
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bluebird990 · 1 year
Hello, I'm back and hope you're doing well!!! (This is late but schools been swamping me with more work than i need hnnngh) The fact that if Stephen was okay after his accident would have hurt Gray's character and growth is honestly so true! He'd just have a bunch of built up anger inside of him and would probably be going off on ppl left and right (okay not that much but yk) and yes I can totally see donald being the cold, tormented character that eventually falls into the pit of despair 😭 this is getting long lol I wanted to ask your take on who in wh would have siblings cause I know lots of people have made voiced their opinions so I was wondering what you think! Lots of love and have a good day or night! (And I realised that I use wayy too many exclamation points haha )
Hello again anon!! I'm doing great, I hope you are well too!! (You're not alone on the "using too many exclaimation marks' front lol)
As for who I think would have siblings in WH??
First of all I agree with everyone on the "Wolf has a little sister" headcanon. I can't express how IN LOVE I am with that concept. I've spent an insane amount of time on imagining different dynamics for that!!
Some of my hcs for big bro wolf:
Wolf would definitely be the MOST overprotective big brother ever
Hwangmo is the ONLY guy allowed near his sister
If some guy tries to approach his sis in front of him, he'd definitely scare them away lol.
He'd also worry a LOT
"It's 7 PM already, why aren't you home yet? Should I come pick you up??" "Jeez hyung I'm THIRTEEN I can get get home by myself" " Yes you CAN but you don't HAVE to" *sister hangs up* "brat" *He goes to pick her up anyway just to annoy her lol*
He is the fussy mom kind of big bro but he also LOVES annoying his sister
His sister knows that he's a delinquent but he tries his best to never show his crazy side in front of her
Big Ben definitely has little twin sisters you can't convince me otherwise!!
Leaving Ben incharge of his sisters almost always ends up in him calling Alex over for help
For some reason his sisters won't listen to anything he says but always do whatever Alex asks them to without little to no complaints
"This ISN'T FAIR, why do they listen to you and not me??" "Maybe cuz you act like you're five" "NO I DON'T" *proceeds to sulk in a corner like a five year old*
The twins have a competition going on to see who's gonna marry Alex when they grow up (Ben: Alex is MINE, Twins: No he isn't! Alex: Shut up and finish your food all three of you. Park siblings *pouting*: Yes sir)
Sometimes Alex feels like he's babysitting triplets
They also LOVE getting swung around on Ben's shoulders
There's this fanfiction I read where Jimmy had a little sister and their dynamic in that fic was so fun!! I'm totally on board with that idea.
Oh and Gerard definitely has a little brother!!
He loves to embarrass his brother in front of his friends.
He'd be like the most annoying big brother ever lol.
You know those sibling dynamics where the big bro is this really popular, hot and talented guy who loves putting up the cool guy act when in reality he's just an embarrassing & annoying idiot. Yup. That's what I imagine Gerard to be.
I also think that Forrest would make a really good big bro. Oh and hwangmo. This perfect man. Anyone would be blessed to have a sibling like him honestly.
And that's about it. I hope you like it and have a good day/night dear anon <3
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seraphtrevs · 2 years
Is there any demographic Lalo would not be able to charm the socks off? I think Travelwire Fred was an anomaly, as was the German dude in the forest because it was suspicious from the get-go. Example: Do you think he could've got information out of that librarian like Mike did without resorting to violence? How about someone like Kai?
I think that Lalo's ability to charm really depends on his target.
Mike is actually much better at charm - or maybe persuasion is the better way to put it. He's on par with Jimmy and Kim at manipulation. The reason he's so skilled in it is because his understanding of human nature is excellent.
Lalo's...is not. His attempt on Fred falls flat because his lie is not very good - compare his performance with Mike, who knows exactly how to tug at his heartstrings and get around all of his objections. Something I love about Tony's performance is his decision to make Lalo a bad actor. Jimmy asks Lalo to look scared at the bail hearing, and he can't do it. He's terrible with Fred - very insincere and suspicious. Even as Ben America, his performance is a little flat. And Nacho certainly doesn't buy his "I'm just a fun and laid back dude!" routine when they first meet.
This is because he's a sociopath. His own emotions are shallow, and his ability to empathize is extremely limited. He's good at figuring out people's motives and how they're likely to act, but he deduces this with logic, not with an instinctual understanding of what they're feeling. It's why it took him a minute to realize that Kim must be in love with Jimmy. It's only after she mentions they're married that Lalo puts the pieces together, whereas someone like Mike would have clocked it immediately.
But I'm not saying that he's not charming at all, because that clearly isn't true either. What he's really good at is tempting. He gets Jimmy on the hook by tempting him with money and infamy as a friend of the cartel. Lalo uses his sexiness to tempt Margarethe into lowering her guard - he's aware that lots of people find him attractive, and he uses it to get his way. If Lalo can offer you what you want, then he's extremely charming.
I'd say he'd definitely be able to flirt the information out of the librarian if she was attracted to him, and I think that he'd be able to use the same temptations on Kai that he used on Jimmy (or maybe a combo of both depending on Kai's tastes lol).
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satankilledmyghost · 1 year
Helloo^^ Can I request the union guys or ben and the boys with a s/o that’s like joker from windbreaker.
If you don’t know windbreaker then like a cage fighter s/o.
If you don’t want to write this you can ignore this (Love your writing<3)
hey anon! i'm going to be honest with you, i thought you were talking about joker like from batman and i tried to google a movie that doesn’t exist lmao. also, i ended up reading windbreaker and i do not regret my decision. at. all. thank you for making me aware of this masterpiece.
warnings: swearing, mentions of violence, manipulation, and emotionally constipated characters in a relationship
Weak Hero x Cage Fighter s/o
Donald Na
he sees a lot of him in you and that’s what drew him in.
i don’t think donald would date you because he likes you, he thinks he does, but he’ll probably date you to find out more about himself.
your quiet nature, how you notice every little thing, even your explosive power, donald finds it alluring how similar he is to you.
he’ll put you in situations where he tests your abilities and will manipulate you to do whatever he wants.
donald will stress you out constantly, find out what makes you tick, crack, and break. and if your reactions anything like donald’s, he’ll study you to find out how he could possibly regain control of himself when he loses his composure like you did just now.
he’ll either make you an executive or throw you to the curb and break your heart once he gets what he wants.
but his words are so vilely toxic, they seep through your ears and rots out your tongue and anything you wanted to say goes with it.
you’ve been used and put into your place. and there’s nothing you can do.
Kingsley Kwan
treats you similarly to how he treats donald, but since he’s your boyfriend, he’ll try and mediate you in tense situations sometimes.
kingsley surprisingly likes pda, specifically holding hands, and you’re wary about it at first.
while he tries to get you to lighten up sometimes, kingsley understands the importance of beating up people so he won't really care.
100% will always have bandages and antiseptic on hand at the ready. your mans is prepared.
he might lecture you on being more careful, though.
Jake Ji
you and jake have the dynamic of that couple where one is super energetic and the other one is just dead inside but goes along with whatever their s/o wants to do because they love them so much
he’ll drag you to the computer cafe, to hang out with his friends, introduce you to kenny, and whatever else his chaotic mind comes up with
and you just go along with it because jake is jake. no one can say no to him, especially you.
his version of bonding with you is doing couple-y things. yours is beating the shit out of people side by side with him.
jake will totally try and get you to stop being so explosive.
you can’t even try to count how many times you’ve heard him say, “just drop it. they’re not worth fighting.”
you definitely pout after that sentence. and jake definitely finds it adorable.
Wolf Keum
you two are more of the silent company couple. you don’t need words to be exchanged, just existing next to each other is more than enough.
there’s no pda. wolf won’t allow it.
unless you consider beating people up together pda, then y’all need to be separated.
you and wolf are super toxic for each other but neither of you care nor do you acknowledge it.
Jimmy Bae
he's a bit intimidated by you, but also feels the urge to boast about his strength in the weirdest way possible.
like, you two could be hanging out with one of your friends and they mention a time where you beat the shit out of multiple people half asleep or whatever and jimmy butts in like, "shit, really? my baby's starting to grow up! next time, call me, i could've helped ya." and you and your friend are just silent like ???? okay?
other than that, jimmy's pretty chill.
he loves seeing you fight in the cage and tries to see you almost every night.
he'd take you home on his motorcycle and you enjoy the night like whizzing past you both.
you tend to find yourself feeling peaceful with jimmy.
Forrest Lee
this man has the sassiest comebacks and you two will have constant lighthearted banters.
i can see you two at about equal physical strength, but your explosiveness and silence is what puts you above him the slightest bit. and forrest holds on to that, unfortunately.
forrest will probably feel pressured to be the dominant one in the relationship, but he’s secretly okay with whatever power dynamic you two have going on. he’s totally a bottom you don’t get to change my mind.
Big Ben
he'd be confused as to why you hate everyone around you and go looking for fights, but as soon as he understands that 1. you don't. you just need the money and 2. you do care a lot about everyone else, you just can't stand bullies, ben is way more apt to support you.
ben would check in on you daily, whether you see each other or not. text messages like "hey! i'm eating chicken with gogo for lunch, are you eating lunch?" with the most unflattering selfie of your boyfriend and his best friend attached would be your reminders from ben to you that you need to eat.
always sends a good morning text, but sporadic goodnight texts are also common.
Gray Yeon
he really won't do anything about anything.
gray doesn't care who you beat up because he's just as psychotic as you can be.
will be there so you can tell your stories, though. gray will nod along and later do more research about this bitch. what for, i have no idea, he just would.
gray has made it a habit to carry around antiseptic and band aids.
dates would be gray tutoring you because you can't focus or retain anything from your classes for the life of you.
Gerard Gin
while gerard doesn't really care about what you do, he will try and stop you once in a while. and you do listen to him, but that's because when gerard stops you, you know the fight was petty to begin with.
you'd meet up with him at night and he'd take you out for a convenience store dinner, play you music, and bandage you up.
you will definitely be receiving good morning and good night texts daily, without fail.
Alex Go
training buddies. all. the. way.
gym dates.
he loves your strength and admires your ability to keep at your training.
there was one time where you got gogo a gift for no particular reason, and while you didn't think it was a big deal, alex got so flustered he didn't know what to do.
he accepted the gift with a red face, stammering out a thanks, and you just looked at him so confused.
gogo comes to you for advice on how to keep going when it gets tough.
Teddy Jin
fucking scared of you, but also respects someone who can pick fights with anyone and win.
your guys' version of date is just walking around, not really having an idea of what you wanna do, but neither of you care as you stop at a convenience store for a quick snack break.
you'd totally crash at teddy's after a long night.
you'd arrive all bloody at like one in the morning and take a shower, bandage yourself, change into comfy clothes, and head to teddy's room and fall asleep with him and co.
in the morning, you both wake up early but have no energy to actually start your days so you both end up playing with co in bed.
Rowan Im
he's very similar to jake, except rowan's basically all bark and no bite.
you teach him to fight, and he's forever grateful.
he tried, once, to watch you fight professionally, but he got freaked out and had to leave halfway through.
definitely took a picture of you with a comic book character filter at one point and now has that as either your profile photo or his wallpaper. probably both.
Eugene Gale
people will probably think you’ve bullied him. only the people who actually care to get to know you more and eugene will know that that isn’t what happened.
you teach eugene how to be more confident and stand up for himself, while he teaches you how to be there for people better.
you pick him up at cram school and spend the rest of the evening with him most days.
"study dates"- aka you two struggling to comprehend your academics and eventually giving up and ordering pizza and watching cat videos.
honestly, you two probably have one of the healthiest relationships.
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pixiemage · 11 months
If one of these is another TNAWY au I SWEAR TO SANTA PEARLA
Anyway have multiple
29, 39, 49, 59, 78.
I swear if I get even more songs from TNAWY AU and as I’ve said love how we semi talk through discord while in tumblr comments at the same time.
[For the Rancher Playlist Ask Game]
YOU PICKED FIVE?!?! You're INSANE! Do you WANT people to have to scroll through FIVE of my Rancher rambles????
...very well.
Track #29 - Stitch Me Up by Set It Off
Guess what? This one also inspired a TNaWY scene, a rather sweet and melancholy one that won't show up until about the halfway point :3 Hurray!
This is a song I've had rolling around in various playlists for ages, but THIS one got added to Ranchers for a few reasons. One, it reminds me of a Jimmy that's too fed up with being picked on by his friends, and of a Tango who's still not over Bdubs' betrayal. And then there are also the lines about needing stitches (Like a doll in lost and found, so mistreated, thrown around) and it makes me think of those crossover fics where Jimmy has been turned into a toy or ragdoll and he needs literal stitches to repair himself. But to pick some lyrics:
Are you the one to fix me up, patching up the work they done? Try and sew me So thread the needle, tie it off, teach me how to trust someone Really hoping that you stay That you never walk away (...and later...) Really hoping that I stay I could never walk away
Track #39 - Eyes Wide Open by Gotye
If I remember correctly, I THIIIINK that Hybbat suggested this one to me way back when, but I might be wrong! All I know is it resonated with me and it ended up on the playlist :3
This one's a bit tricker because I like it almost more for the vibe and a few stray lines than anything else, but it's still a quality song. And if I have to pick a section, this bit does remind me of the canary's curse and everyone ignoring the warning it represents:
And only a few ever worried While the signs were clear, they had no idea You just get used to livin' in fear Or give up, when you can't even picture your future
Track #49 - Danger To Myself by The Unlikely Candidates
This is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT a Tango song, perhaps especially before a point where he's come to accept that Jimmy cares about him as much as he cares about Jimmy. It's also, I imagine, around the time of the fire at the ranch in some stories, where he's worried his rage will scare Jimmy off. But it's SO good, the kind of sing I like to dance to, and the lyrics are great. This chunk in particular feels very much like a reference to B.E.S.T. and any lack of trust that followed Tango from that game to here:
'Cause I was founded In a bed of liars Walking the streets someone before me set on fire And after all this This love I borrowed I'm waiting on the day you don't want me tomorrow And I, I don't know why you love me I'm a danger to myself
Track #59 - Feeling Mean by Ben Bostick
I'll admit, I stole this one straight out of a Minecraft Manhunt.
This is ALSO a Tango song - you're on a roll lol - and it's very much meant to be a mix of Tango's rage after the burning of the ranch, and him plotting the rise of Rancher's Revenge. But this bit in particular is the line that resonates most with Tango post-fire in my opinion:
I'm feeling mean, I'm feeling mean The meanest hunk of meat that anyone's ever seen Get out of the way of the hurricane or there's a heavy price to pay Tonight I'm feeling mean, I'm feeling mean
Track #78 - Oh Yeah, You Gonna Cry? by Lovejoy
OH BOY LOVEJOY! :D Also the last song on the playlist, nice pick, nice pick lol. Most recent addition. Lovely.
So THIS one is - hah - okay listen. I love Scott as much as the next person, and I LOVE Flower Ranchers. That being said. Have y'all READ Trust Life??? This song ABSOLUTELY gives me Trust Life vibes, with some lines feeling like Tango, and some lines feeling like Scott. It's GLORIOUS and I've played out a CMV in my head just listening to this song before lol. So - god how do I even pick a line from this - uhhh...oh! Here! The chorus! Because honestly, this could be EITHER of them depending on the chapter!
Well, now, now, you need to calm down What good's this energy? (It's no good!) When you devote it to me Why not be a little more friendly? Now, now, you need to calm down Does she still think of me? Say my name in her sleep? I thought you knew her better than me
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thevindicativevordan · 11 months
Comics this week ?
rezonan asked: What did you think about Ultimate Invasion #1? I thought it was pretty good and just barely justified the 9 dollars. 6160 man so excited
A great week all around for comic books! How nice to read good stories featuring both of my two favorite guys, Superman and Hulk.
Superman #5 - Another great issue, particularly for Jimmy who came off cool and competent, loved the shot of him donning his own jet pack and flying off with Superman to save the day, that's my pal! Williamson managed to win me over on a Silver Banshee who isn't a villain (for now). I've been leery about "redeeming" villains lately. Don't really see the point since all it does is further cut down on Superman's Rogues Gallery when he desperately needs for them to get used more not less. Banshee and Jimmy are cute enough together, and Marilyn Moonlight seems cool enough to stick around and take Banshee's place, that I've decided to get on board. Really it was seeing Banshee wear a bow tie on a date night with Jimmy that did it, who can resist the bow ties?
World's Finest #16 - Enjoyed this issue more than the rest of the arc, the Green Arrow/Batman banter was funny.
Nightwing #105 - A fantastic art showcase for Redondo. Oh hey and Heartless does actually show up again finally, so credit to Taylor for showing he isn't just sitting around doing nothing.
Wonder Woman #800 - Picked this up just for King's story and I'm on board for his WW run. First WW issue I've read in ages that left me eager to get my hands on the next issue. Nice feeling to have with regards to WW, haven't felt that way since Rucka.
Superboy #3 - Interesting twist to have the Cosmoteers potentially be new villains for Conner rather than friends. Forcing Conner to fight an evil/amoral version of the archetypes he was teammates with on YJ is a cool creative decision.
Vigil #2 - Another great issue even if it leaves me with more questions than answers. Love getting details on Indian conspiracy theories, that's an aspect of other cultures that you don't get in Western textbooks.
Cyborg #2 - Dropped. Take a look at the list, at this point I need a book to either be great or have a personal investment in the character to justify the cost, and Cyborg doesn't check either box.
Black Adam #12 - What an odd, odd book this ended up being. A story all about how there is no redemption for Black Adam, greenlit for synergy with The Rock's movie which starred an Adam who could barely be called a "villain", now ends long after the Adam movie flopped and killed the DCEU. The Adam parts I liked a lot, the Malik parts I didn't enjoy anywhere near as much. Much like the movie, I don't see this book leaving much of a legacy, but Priest did at least write a believable way for Adam to transition out of his anti-hero era and back to being a villain. Will the next writers to tackle Adam acknowledge what Priest did? Maybe Waid will.
Ultimate Invasion #1 -
This was the good shit my fellow Hickmaniacs. Not HoX/PoX tier but absolutely reminding me of Hickman's Avengers and Ultimates. Of course I grinned at seeing "Earth 6160", perfect number designation, if that's the Earth which will be the one Hickman is using for the relaunch then this is indeed a proper reboot for the Ultimate line. Theory time: Maker chose this Earth because this is a world that doesn't have a Reed Richards. Hickman might even make it the Earth that Doom got his Sue from in Secret Wars, their origin had Dr. Franklin Storm in Reed's place, and I could see Maker wanting this Earth partly to spite 616 Reed for crying over that Sue on Battleworld. Maker's already prevented 6160 from having a Spider-Man, and it looks like he's going to prevent the other heroes from forming too. I'm dying to know what he's going to do to the Sue, Johnny, and Ben of this world if my theory is correct.
I predict that the ending of Ultimate Invasion will be 6160 getting rebooted to undo Maker's changes, and 616 Reed is going to fold Maker into this Earth's history somehow, rebooting him back to being Mr. Fantastic. The problem the Illuminati have with Maker is that they can't kill him and they can't keep him locked up, meaning they have to find another way to deal with him. Given this was kicked off in part by 616 Reed admitting he would like to erase Maker, I think the ending will be 616 Reed realizing that's the wrong approach and instead opts to try and redeem Maker. That would also explain rumors that there's going to be a lot more interaction between 616 and 6160 than there was with 1610. 6160 becomes Maker's prison, and the 616 Illuminati keep watch to ensure he doesn't fall back into being a villain again.
Incredible Hulk #1 - Shocker I know but I liked this. Great Southern Gothic atmosphere thanks to Klein's art, and PKJ is directly following up on Ewing while also taking advantage of the Banner/Hulk reset that Cates did. Seeing Betty under Eldest's control was surprising, I did not expect her to be in the first issue but I'm happy she's back. Eager to dive into this monster mythos surrounding the Mother of Horrors that PKJ is creating, Hulk vs. Man-Thing is a fantastic matchup that I don't think has ever been done before.
Scarlet Witch Annual - Orlando handled the MCU synergy very well. Agatha is straight up MCU-ified now, no real way to avoid that after the popularity of Wandavision, but he did a good job acknowledging Agatha's previous history with Wanda and at least tried to reconcile the differences between the two takes.
Avengers #2 - Plotwise this remains great, characterwise it's clear McKay is still finding his footing in terms of juggling the cast. Writes a great Black Panther though, so at least T'Challa is finally getting treated with respect. Too bad that only happens outside his solo.
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