#k thx bai!
poisonedsimmer · 2 years
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☀️ my only sunshine ☀️
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hello. today at 8pm (whenever that is where you are) drinks (mostly alcoholic but I can make exceptions) will be free. bar stools will be provided for
1. sitting
2. brawls
3. non-descript..things
come. or don't. fuck if I know.
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cellberry · 1 year
Whatever Empires 2 Jimmy is planning, it is completely warranted.
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monsterinmoonlight · 1 year
um, as if 💅🎀💝
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mingi-bubu · 1 year
Okay I'm prefacing this by saying I absolutely know this means shit all to anyone esp the actor himself but.
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Girlies I'm going insane about this. I might die regardless even tho I probably know it's gonna be smth like a heart reaction or a thumbs up thingy. This is still the most celebrity interaction I've had in. Quite some time.
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pcrfectstorms · 2 years
if anyone wanted to maybe reply to my eddie open that’s set post vol 2 with him moving to indianapolis and one of his old friends showing up at his place after he kinda isolates himself from everyone… that would be neat xD
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azukiel · 5 months
Nightfall Heir HALP
UGH GUUUUUUUYS I'm at a dilemma! For the longest time I have shipped Halstarion x Tav as a poly love circle. It has been a not-so-secret secret guilty pleasure of mine... I am wondering if perhaps I should incorporate this a little into Nightfall Heir. Like, maybe Halsin has a casual and occasional secret, no strings attached, friends with benefits relationship with Tavrin and Astarion. It's kept secret because basically ALL the companions have simped after Tav at one stage or another - especially when she and Astarion had broken up in the past - and they don't want anyone getting jealous now in case anyone has lingering lusts (like Gale) 😂😅
What do you think? LET ME KNOW PLEEEEASE? K thx bai
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1-mini-1 · 6 months
After the Rain- Tokyo Clone (東京クローン) English Lyrics
High-sense nonsense
Beat the shit out of it, ok?
道行く人の波は お手元の画面に涙
Destroy this unhappy, sob-story of a world
Waves of people in the street cry at the screens in their hands
Everyone’s emotions swing with their signal and they’re bugging out
Tell me the truth?
It’s the truth
Then look me in the eyes?
I’ve done the crying. I’ve clapped my hands so hard that I've cried
On the other side of every word
And behind that bareface you paid to fix, what’s your actual mental state?
今日も一日0点で完 はい
ぱっぱらぱなしで問題はない はい
Got a 0 today and that’s a wrap. ‘Kay!
Not gonna clean up everywhere, not gonna do my share. ‘Kay!
All these annoying ideologies are bringing me down, so they’re going out with the unburnable garbage today
東京クローン 近未来は表の裏で踊る
映えない日常を捨てたら 今日から本当のボクら
東京クローン どうしてなんで 常識も何も壊せ
上下なんて関係ないぜ 好きに踊ればいい
k bai
Tokyo Clone, the near-future dances behind what’s on the surface
If we throw away these un-instagrammable lives, we could start being our real selves
Tokyo Clone, why are we like this? Common sense, anything, destroy it
Hierarchies don’t mean anything here! Just dance how you like
Until tomorrow comes
Expose how the world is reflected in your eyes
Not like it matters if you make your deadlines
Each of these pasted masks
Act like they’re high-sense; what a disgrace
どうだっていいこと 有象無象を集めた
Pointless things draw the masses
That’s the monster this city is
あー切って貼って 正しいってなるなら
そりゃ結構 期待はしないぜ
Ah, cut and paste, as long as it becomes “right”
Anything you wish for can come true, apparently
Well, no thx. I’m not gonna get my hopes up
The cards I was born with
Decide the outcome of this gamble
There’s no way to cheat
This cheating game of life
長考したって何も変わらない どう転んでも
Thinking long and hard won’t change anything, this life doesn’t give out good lemons
I just want to get it all done and over with
Got a 0 today and that’s a wrap
Not gonna clean up everywhere, not gonna do my share
Not like I can change anything anyways
Let your delusions run wild
東京クローン 誰だって モラル トレンド被せ
消えない傷なんてむしろ特別さ 洒落て見えるぜ
東京クローン 似通った 服着てボクと歌おう
上下なんて関係ないぜ 好きに踊ればいい
k bai
Tokyo Clone, everyone, anyone, wear the morals and trends
Permanent wounds are what’s really special. They look lit as fuck
Tokyo Clone, I wear the same clothes as everyone elseー sing with me 
Hierarchies don’t mean anything here! Just dance how you like
Until tomorrow comes
東京クローン wow
Wow 東京クローン
Tokyo Clone, wow
Wow, Tokyo Clone
For the nights you want to cry
東京クローン wow
wow 東京クローン
Tokyo Clone, wow
Wow, Tokyo Clone
We’re gonna go all out!
High-sense nonsense
Beat the shit out of it, ok?
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get-punked · 1 year
crust punk isn't just grime and patches, it is its own entire subgenre with an extensive history and incredible bands.
if u wanna get all patched up that's cool, but don't go calling yourself crust punk when the only band patches u have are mcr and ajj.
k thx bai.
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kokoasci · 5 months
hi hello dont have many questions at moment exept, your arts sketch for young chuuya and dazai so so yummy gave me ideas. reminded me if i wanna see girl dymanics in ways i can just make em- so ya anyways im asking your permission to credit you and posibly draw from your designs? i dont think im gonna do exact same for young chuuya but your young dazai is so so yummy and idk- is here is art have made so far and posibly gonna make a cruddy animatic because ohhhh fudge has hayley kiyoko girls like girls hit too hard and give too many ideas. ya- yees right also heres art have done so far so can get idea. ill send over other proper character design drafts if wants just want your blessing
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k thx bai-
hi!! thank you im glad you like the designs! 🫶 sure np feel free to draw them !!
I'd love to see the take people take on the design since it's pretty victorian/gothic inspired so there's a lot to experiment with there :)
And these are really cute !! hehe i like the colors in the bottom left one :D
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fayes-fics · 8 months
Would you rather share some buttery bread with a certain someone doing your taxes or go on a promenade with Moments! Ben? 😜
Hi lovely 🫶
Ok soooo this “doing your taxes” character is a private Discord joke/long running saga that I can’t even BEGIN to explain to the folks of Tumblr. 🤪🤣🤣
But this is a TOUGH CHOICE cos I fucking love butter and bread. However Moments Benedict looking like this?!?!
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Can I just walk behind and perv?! Then maybe in front of and perv some more?! Cos if so… I’m going promenading with the hottest, sluttiest jacketed Regency triangle in existence. K thx bai.
Thanks for this ask my friend 😁🧡🧡
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themolluscasometimes · 6 months
I spiritually identify as genya eat the rich shinuzagawa k thx bai
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truekrisdreemur · 9 months
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* also i hate the way i drew the eyes so pls ignore that k thx bai
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icarusthelunarguard · 10 months
This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter.
Yet again we’ve been requested a themed Horrible-Scope. So here we go. This week’s ‘Scopes are all based on Characters from Star Wars. Now pull up a seat, add more butter-flavoured oil to your stale popcorn, and get ready for the THX Audio Logo.
You are the Mos Eisley cantina musician “Figrin D’an” from “The Modal Nodes”.  His Kloo Horn playing was so good he earned the nickname “Fiery” Figrin. This week do your creative part and don’t get between people arguing over stupid things… like who has the most death sentences.
This week, Momaw Nadon is your spirit guide. Otherwise known as “Hammerhead”, he knew secrets about agriculture that the Galactic Empire didn’t know about. How there’s a possibility to hide plant-growing information is anyone’s guess, but his species did. This week… start a compost pile.
This week you get to sing and dance in a band with your spirit guide, Greeata Jendowanian! She’s a Rodian with orange hair and green skin, working as a singer-dancer in the Max Rebo Band for Jabba the Hut. This week just remember: If the money is good, a gig is a gig is a gig is a gig, right?
Cancer Moon-Child 
For you Garindan aka “Long-Snoot” will be guiding your path. He’s a shrewd, professional finder-of-information who can be bought by whomever has the best credit line. This week stay away from Docking Bay 94.
You won’t believe your luck. For you we have Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. The only Moff that was able to keep Darth Vader on something resembling a leash while allowing him to flex his Force powers enough to instill fear in his subordinates. This week remember - it doesn’t matter how smart you are or how many battles you’ve won, Hubris will, eventually, come knocking at your door.
And for you, we have Moradmin Bast. You likely won’t know who that is until we remind you of his famous line, “We've analyzed their attack, sir, and there is a danger. Should I have your ship standing by?” This week remember that someone else’s hubris could cost you everything. Keep your friends close and your own escape routes closer. 
The first droid on this list, you get K-2SO. The problem with this reprogrammed Imperial Security Droid is… well, his looks. Those long, spindly arms and legs, the squat body and small head give him a very Sirenhead feel to him. This week do NOT pilot a plane through the air; you are NOT a leaf on the wind.
Your character is Romba… not ROOMBA. He was an Ewok who lost his tribe to the Empire when they built the Shield Generator on Endor. He joined a nearby tribe, helped with the fight against the Empire, and gained revenge for his tribe. This week remember, it doesn’t matter how furry you are on the outside, but the size of your will on the inside that counts. 
And finally we get to a Jedi! Follow the teachings of Aayla Secura, a Twi'lek who served as a Jedi General of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. She was a courageous General, fighting alongside her soldiers in multiple combats… only to be shot in the back when Order 66 was given. This week don’t stick your neck out so much.
Let’s take a fun twist and give you Maz Kanata. Maz is a complicated character who’s lived a complicated life. She’s been known as Maz Kanata the Usurper, Kanata the Despoiler, Kanata the Benevolent, and Kanata of the Free Fleet. She’s old, wise, looks like she’s spent way too much time in the sun, but she’s got the coolest glasses. This week find your own Inner Name and the glasses frames that go with it.
The leader of Red Squadron, Garven "Dave" Dreis was a fighter pilot extraordinaire. He knew his way around an X-Wing, fought off TIE Fighters, coached a first-time flier in the middle of active conflict, and it took no less than Darth Vader himself to take him out. This week follow Garven Dreis’ example and get a nickname that doesn’t make any sense at all.
You need to get out more. You need to do new things, get in better shape, and stop being such a grump about everything. We expect that by the time you’re done with your workout your muscles will burn, but you’ll have lost a lot of weight. This week follow Owen Lars’ example and complain to the manager when you’re sold defective merchandise of dubious legality.
And THOSE are your Horrible-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook and Discord.
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stingslikeabee · 1 year
gib me kid meme for kaz & mel please lov u k thx bai
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child . accepting
Name: Olivia Hope Drysdell-Miller (Kazuhira insisted that Melissa's name was included; he didn't want to be the only parental reference on Olivia's documents). Gender: Female. General appearance: Much to Kazuhira's delight, she looks like a younger version of Melissa - fair skin, the same honey color of the eyes, full hair (here is where one might notice that Kazuhira's dirty blonde and Melissa's dark chestnut colors mixed, since Olivia's hair is a lighter shade of brown that pairs in a lovely way with her eyes). She grows to be of average height (just a little taller than her mother), not overly curvaceous or owning a voluptuous figure but staying rather on the slender side like a ballerina. Personality: Sweet, innocent and really befitting of her names associated to peace and hope for better, brighter years. Kazuhira did his best to shield Olivia from his own anger and hatred; having a daughter somehow worked beautifully to have him get in touch with his softest side, and the protective and caring nature of his youthful years clearly left a lasting impact in Olivia. She also shows a lot of the nurturing and cheerful disposition of her mother, making her incredibly gentle and compassionate. There is never anyone in the room who doesn't want to hug the girl - she is really too precious. Special talents: A very good listener and supportive individual for as long as both her parents can remember; in a direct opposition to many kids who are often able to talk non-stop, Olivia was always very happy to lend an ear and to counsel others, from her dolls who faced imaginary problems to her own friends and even Kazuhira and Melissa (if she sensed they were struggling with something). Her selfless nature is a weakness that can be exploited, what concerns the former soldier - but he's more focused on protecting her from external threats than forcing her to change. The world needs good people - Kazuhira is honored he was given the chance to contribute to that goal despite everything; it feels like he has been given a second chance by karma. Who they like better: Both! Olivia feels very lucky in relation to her parents - some of her friends have crappy families, but she is just delighted to have been born to a such a loving couple. The way her mother and dad found one another and overcame obstacles by being each other's source of strength (even if it came in the form of a rather forceful push sometimes) fascinates Olivia, and she makes no secret of the fact she wishes to find someone just as nice for herself one day. Who they take after more: Melissa - she is physically and emotionally a small clone of her mother, being very open about her affections, assisting others through their endeavors and finding meaning in not only holding someone close but to do acts of service for them as well. They share many hobbies and similar approaches (with Olivia having inherited Melissa's famous 'hand on the hips' gesture which means that Kazuhira is in trouble when she pulls that one) and if the two ladies of his life join efforts... He is absolutely doomed. He means this fondly, of course. Personal Headcanon: Olivia really likes birds - watching them, hearing them sing, feeding the little ones who come to her. It is an adorable hobby and one that makes the frequent Disney princess allusions even stronger, but the girl really is dedicated to them and has always asked to be gifted with themed books or to be taken on strolls where she could try and spot them. Olivia is very against holding them captive in cages - but she likes to offer fresh fruit and water at their home garden to see them voluntarily come for the food and keep her company. Faceclaim: Nicole Gale Anderson.
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gatoplanet · 2 years
Wait I need more about Dave and The Hargreeves.
I absolutely looooove Ghoulish Klaus and Lila doing strange things vs Dave and Diego just being Bros, Ali and Dave talking shop (you know what I mean), Dave being a sci fi need with Luther and Five and then of course shopping at The Gap with Viktor. It all makes perfect sense.
Do the siblings squabble over who gets Dave for Quality Time? I can see them all getting annoyed at each other and Klaus swooping in like, sex time, gtfo, k thx bai. And ruining everyone's plans.
the hargreeveses Acquiring their siblings’ spouses in general is so sacred to me!! if you hitch your cart to one hargreeve you get all the other ones as like a fun bonus prize. and dave seemed so starved of that kind of love, at least while he was with brian, that i think he’d really welcome it and thrive, not to mention what it would mean for klaus to have his family enthusiastically cosign one of his favorite choices he’s ever made. ugh it gets me all gooey. one big happy family wouldn’t make for a compelling season of narrative television but i will rotate it in my brain forever
and lmaoooo yes this is a recurring problem, everybody’s gotta start consolidating their activities so that people have time to get laid. scifi nights with luther five sloane ben and dave where they pick apart fake movie science, ben and sissy join gay book club, ray and viktor pop in on normal bro time, lila sometimes emerges in the middle of ali and dave’s conversations and says something insightful and/or alarming. hargreeves spouse support group for telling each other about weird superpower sex things that happen to them on accident. that one post that’s going around is right, those s1-era fics where everybody lives happily ever after in the reupholstered hargreeves mansion ……. that’s what’s up
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