#kaikaina/dylan andrews
sypsart · 10 months
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good morning rvb woman likers
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RVB Romantic Relationship Royale- Round 1, Part 2, Poll 4
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vanlegion · 3 months
I don't buy it.
I mean, if Bernie legit flat out said " This is a retcon; we're throwing it all out," staring at the screen like Steve from the Office, then. . . obviously, okay he's saying it is. But I just don't buy it, if it's all being based on what was in the teaser for S19. In order for Seasons 15-18 to be Epsilon Simulations, that would imply Epsilon would need to know information he could not possibly have: Knowledge of the AI Gods Knowledge of Huggins Knowledge of Dylan Andrews Knowledge of Kaikaina's deepest regret/fear from her early childhood Knowledge of Tucker's fear of being a shit leader Knowledge of how the other Alien Temples actually work - not just their function but how they'd actually work on the planet Knowledge of both sides of the war on Chorus and every single inhabitant's motivation, feelings, flaws, speech patterns And so much fucking more between interpersonal thoughts, memories of people he's never touched, locations he'd never been to, etcetera. Like, No. There's no fucking way you can run a simulation on data you DO NOT POSSESS. Or at least, not without it being very unbelievable. Unless they're trying to just say all this shit was made up, which frankly would be such a dick move to do. Not to mention, as someone else also pointed out, that Red Team finally got some awesome story beats and arcs for all their people. Finally got some movement on some much needed interpersonal developments. Like, the way I took the teaser, it felt and sounded more like Church(Epsilon) was saying how he was going over the big fight we didn't get to see, and how he was trying to make sure everyone would live - and that THAT was what was causing him problems. Like there would have to be some kind of sacrifice somewhere, and the only way to keep everyone else alive was for himself to be that sacrifice... AND then, on top of all that... Once he does, and the events we witness do come to pass, perhaps the change is that maybe there's a moment here and there that plays out just slightly differently or we see like, missing moments during 15-17... like Retconning to add in moments/tweek moments...instead of flat out trying to rewrite/rid all that development and emotional journeying we all did. I dunno. I want to have faith and be hopeful for S19, but to just think that everything we got from 15-17 (not counting 18 atm since it's not full out and also very different) could be hand-waved? I REALLY do not want S19 of Red vs Blue to do to it's series as a whole what Trollhunters: Attack of the Titans did to it's legacy.
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entrancedsnow70 · 1 month
Here’s my live reactions to Red vs Blue Restoration! Have fun I guess?
Restoration bby!
Dylan Andrews!!
Why is she like this?
They vanished?? The Reds and blues vanished?????
Wilhelm scream
Music sucks ass what is this bring Trocadero back
Why is Grif talking like this? Why hasn’t Sarge shot him yet?
Caboose knows Spanish?????? The fuck??????
Lopez said Shit in English
Doc and Wash talking about AI experience. Wasn’t expecting that
Tucker fighting back!!! He is very aware and doesn’t want to be here!!
Grif oddly sentimental. Idk how to feel about that.
“The mean one’s all died” damn
Geoff is out here giving Grif THE crisis
“Not sure I even got his voice right” Ummm. Okay???
The video? With Eps
Anyways. I hate the recap video. It’s not good
Hate sigma’s new voice. Still very scary though
Tucker’s real voice echoing in the background? I love it
The counselor talking in the mental health ward? Stop it. Stop it now get him out of here
Why is Wash institutionalized?????
Where’s Donut?????? Where’s Carolina??????
479er??? Is that you????? Different voice I think, but that’s 479er!!!!!
Zoom. I hate it here
Meta throwing Caboose better be Tucker fighting back. He should have ripped the ai out of his helmet
Also the choreography is ass
That shield thing was clever as hell holy shit
SARGE???????? SARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“You should come with me” I AM SOBBING
What is this off-brand Trocadero
The scene itself is great but. I hate the music
Idk how to feel about the mixed animation/machinima
Wash and Doc are doing their shit. Idk how to feel about Wash’s deal though. How’d he even get institutionalized??
Oh shit Caboose is telling the story of Alison
“You brought back Tex? Why?” “I wanted to win” I love him
Wash broke his leg. I hate it. Let him be cool
Fuck yeah Jeff Williams ROUND ONE BABY!!!!
Kinda sucks that Carolina or Tex won’t get to be characters here
Like holy shit! That’s Tex and Carolina! In the same room! And they won’t be able to talk!
Also I can’t prove it but it feels like they reused old Tex and Carolina dialogue
Oh no that’s new dialogue nevermind
“I’m not based on his memories, I’m based on theirs. And I always kicked their asses” OH SHIT
Oh my god. Is donut not here because they couldn’t get pink armor? Because he just showed up as a memory in red. I hate it here
Oh. Did it eat Tex too? That’s. Disappointing
Oh. Nevermind then.
Oh that. What wholesome and heartwarming but I have. Conflicting feelings
Oh Wash is hallucinating hallucinating
I think this would be more touching if it was like. An arc. That we knew about. And had buildup.
Like. He didn’t have to be here. At all. Wash added nothing
Huh. One. From Zero. Idk how to feel about it
Vale Deah
Wasn’t prepared for that
I’m sobbing
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quetzalcactus · 3 years
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Happy holidays @artistic-ailurophile!!! I was your secret santa! :) I hope you enjoy this 💜
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aro-ortega · 4 years
RvB Ladies Week May 18-22 2020
monday may 18 
fluff / bgc ladies (sheila/filss, kaikaina, tex)
tuesday may 19
angst / freelancer ladies (carolina, south, ct, 479er)
wednesday may 20
trans rights / chorus ladies (kimball, grey, jensen)
thursday may 21
alternate universe / shisno paradox ladies (dylan, huggins, kalirama, chrovos)
friday may 22
femslash friday / minor characters (ohio, volleyball, girlie, etc.)
This week is meant to focus on & celebrate the female characters in Red vs Blue ! You can follow with the prompts or do your own thing, m/f pairings are allowed just please keep in mind that the focus is meant to be on the ladies !
Fanart, fanfiction, headcanons... whatever you want to create for this event is okay ! And please @ agentwashlngton / rvbweek or send it to either blog so I can reblog it !
If you want to get involved with events, have suggestions for future ones or prompts, or have any questions absolutely feel free to message me !
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agent-murica · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Red vs. Blue Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Dexter Grif, Lavernius Tucker, Dylan Andrews, Siris | Mason Wu, Felix | Isaac Gates, Locus | Samuel Ortez, Sharkface (Red vs. Blue), Kaikaina Grif | Sister Additional Tags: Whumptober 2019, Prompt Fic, Embrace, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Mercenaries, Recovery, Angst with a Happy Ending Series: Part 31 of Whumptober 2019, Part 8 of A Merc Menagerie Summary:
Grif never thought for a second that he'd get a happy ending- people like him just didn't deserve it.
((Day thirty-one of @whumptober2019 and a Happy Halloween to all! I’m finally FREEEEE-))
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leonardalphachurch · 5 years
Y’all want some fucking Tex/Sister? Some Tex & Carolina reconciliation? Some character study on Tex’s individuality and motivations? Just some fucking more Tex??
I got you! Here’s a fic that takes place during seasons 11-13 about Tex discovering Carolina’s alive and teaming up with Dylan Andrews and Kaikaina Grif to find the missing Reds and Blues.
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grimmmons · 7 years
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some misc stuff
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So about that new meme going around..
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renaroo · 7 years
The Search (14/16)
Disclaimer: Red vs Blue and related characters are the property of Rooster Teeth. Warnings: Language, Canon-typical violence, Psychological manipulation and trauma Rating: T Synopsis: [Canon Divergence - Alternate S15] The Reds and Blues saved Chorus, but it has been a year and they are still missing. A motley crew has been gathered with the common goal of finding the war heroes, though the road is more troubled than anyone seems to realize.
A/N: I am so so sorry for the very long wait, but for those who don’t know, my schedule updating fics is somewhat in the air because I’m preparing for a huge move halfway across the country and I really appreciate everyone’s patience with me. I hope this delivers!
Special thanks to @secretlystephaniebrown, @xhauntedangel, Yin, MKDemigodZ-Warrior, and DisneyFreak-Lover for the comments and feedback!
Washington had been searching for that very moment — the one where the Reds and Blues were found, were safe, were… well, they were never quite sound — but Washington had been searching for so long for his family to be saved. And in those blurry, amazing moments as they removed the helmets from each of them and watched the life return to their movements and saw the light return to their eyes, it was all worth it.
Every last moment of it was worth it. The worry and the confusion and the painful surprises along the way.
It was worth it for the moment that Caboose lifted him off his feet in a tremendous hug that would have squeezed the life out of a lesser man, no doubt.
“Agent Washington!” Caboose yelled at the top of his lungs despite all the other simulation troopers flinching in unison at the headache that was hitting them. “I knew we’d see you again! I knew it! You never leave for long and I told everyone that you would be back! Tucker did, too.”
“Caboose, you have no idea how glad I am to be nearly crushed by you,” Washington said as truthfully as he had ever said anything before in his life.
The giant Blue looked up at him with a crinkle in his eyes as his smile only broadened. “Aw, Agent Washington, that’s just the nicest thing anyone could ever say. Except Church. Church can say some nice things sometimes. In between the shouting.”
Up close and personal with Caboose, Wash could see there was a hollowness to his cheeks and some dark rings under his eyes. Maybe some emaciation, but definitely a paleness from no exposure to light.
For a moment, Wash allowed his glee to slip from him as he looked around. The others were getting checked over and embraced by the members of the search team. Namely Grey was running between them all with quick evaluations, setting them down. Kai was hanging between Simmons and Grif, her arms slung around their necks as they were all but malleable to her grip. Carolina was asking questions of Donut and Doc as they rested, sitting with their backs against the walls. Sarge wasn’t sitting, but his back was against the wall for balance all the same as Doctor Grey tried to help his thrown out back.
A cold, numbing rage was building within Wash’s stomach. His teeth gnashed and ground back on his molars as the full extent of his family’s inhumane treatment was catching up with him.
“You can let me down, Caboose,” Wash said gently.
“Whoo, okay. Thanks, Agent Washington,” Caboose said, doing that and stumbling a bit in the process. “You were spinning with the room too much.”
“I was’t spinning, Caboose,” Wash assured him before gently guiding him to sit. “You all are weak right now. Don’t worry. We’ll get you back to Chorus and take care of you. I promise.”
“That sounds great,” Caboose sighed fondly. “But we’ve gotta find Church first.”
As usual, Caboose was loud enough to be on stereo, but his words that time caught Carolina’s attention. She left Doc and Donut to walk in their direction. “Caboose, did you say Church is still alive?” she demanded.
“Yes. Well, no, not yet,” Caboose answered. “He died. But that just means we have to go find him so he can come back again. And be my friend forever again. Like every other time.”
Wash pressed his lips to a thin line, taking in the news without betraying any emotion that could upset Caboose. But he could sense that just over his shoulder, Carolina was far from portraying the same. There was still a lot that needed to be done, but one thing that Washington was prioritizing above everything else was the wellness of his family. All of them.
He turned and looked toward Carolina as she stepped back away from the two of them, looking away with her fists shaking at her sides. “Carolina, there’s a lot going on. We don’t know for sure what’s happened yet,” he tried to remind her. “We have to take care of things here first. Right?”
“I…” she said before taking a heralding breath and looking away from them both. “I need a minute.”
“Carolina…” Wash tried to press, beginning to get back on his feet.
“I said I needed a minute, Wash! I can take at least a goddamn minute!” she snapped back angrily.
And then, because their lives were endless in their need to complicate everything, the echoes of gunshots could be heard down the hallway where Hargrove had taken Tucker and Junior.
“Oh god no!” Washington uttered, jumping to his feet at the same time that the rest of the search team also did.
“I’ll get there the fastest. Wash, lead Grey after me. Li’l Grif, stay here with the Reds and Blues and make sure they don’t do something idiotic,” Carolina ordered before zipping off.
“What— that’s impossible! It’s a job for a cop!” Kaikaina screamed after Carolina. She then looked to Wash. “Trade me.”
“No,” Washington answered before reloading his rifle and looking to Grey. “Are you ready?”
“Very,” Grey assured him, gripping her first aid administer.
They ran side by side down the hall. It was long and without the sound of further gunfire, it left the air to be filled with their own panting. Washington knew he should have been asking about what Grey’s professional opinion was on the Reds and Blues’ conditions. He knew that this was the opportunity for Grey to explain to him what else they could do or what damage could be undone after their family’s neural implants had been so ludicrously been invaded and abused.
Those were all things that perhaps a stronger man would have been able to concentrate on but instead there was only one thought in Wash’s head.
Who else had to die before this would all be over?
“Agent Washington, are you alright?” Doctor Grey asked as she ran alongside him.
“Ask me in about fifteen minutes,” Washington replied without so much as processing her words. His full attention was on moving forward no matter the pounding anxieties in his head.
“I only ask because I cannot help but notice that you’re shaking,” Doctor Grey answered.
Glancing down to his hand, Washington saw that she was right. Damn it. But he didn’t stop. His eyes went back to the long hall before them and he kept running.
“It could be low blood sugar, we didn’t have a meal right before landing on this frigid planet, and the amount of energy we’ve expended in the cold can’t be understated,” Grey rattled off. “I only mentioned it at all because of concerns for what it would do for your aim if there’s a gunfight once we reach the end of this tunnel.”
“Emily, all due respect, one thing at a time,” Washington said shortly just as he saw a flash of light from the end of the hall that was enough to make both him and Grey stop in their tracks. He initially held up his hand to block the light, but once it died down to a soft, blue glow, his heart only beat faster. There was a body lying in the chamber door. “God no— wait.” He squinted. “Isn’t that the…douchebag from earlier?”
“Oh how curious, his vitals are still not critical, though not great,” Grey announced with some surprise as she looked down at her medical scanner.
“Wash! Grey! In here! We have a bleeder! A bad one!” Carolina barked.
Without another moment’s hesitation, Wash and Grey both ran past the coughing mess of a mercenary on the floor and reached the chamber at long last. It was completely alive — ancient technology sputtering with power, lights activated everywhere, and most importantly of all, Tucker and Junior standing up and seemingly uninjured.
Washington wanted nothing more than to sigh with relief but the opportunity was stolen from him when he noticed in the near corner that Carolina was on the floor with Andrews, clasping both her hands on a wound to the reporter’s abdomen. Her gauntlets were already red stained.
“Keep the pressure, Carolina, you’re doing well,” Grey said, leaping into action and getting to Andrews’ other side as she expertly began pulling out supplies and scanning the injury. “Oh, Miss Andrews, there are several other ways to get a doctor’s attention, you must realize by now.”
For a moment, Wash considered offering assistance but his instincts were holding true. His real attention was back on Tucker and Junior, and almost immediately he realized that Tucker wasn’t moving.
He stood with his sword arm outstretched, still holding to the plasma sword that was impaling a long dead Hargrove, and the source of the temple’s current power surge.
Junior was cooing something unintelligible toward his father, nearing him apprehensively.
Tucker’s shoulders began to heave with his breaths, the arm at his side trembling.
Slowly, Wash approached Tucker, too. “Tucker,” he called out warily. “It’s me. It’s Washington. Are you alright?”
“No,” Tucker answered without hesitation. “No, I’m not all right. I’m not alright. This fuck took a year from me. He took a year from all of us! He took—“
The sim trooper didn’t finish his words. He didn’t have to for Washington to know exactly what he meant. He didn’t need to explain the outrage and defilement someone felt when someone played with their brain like it was something expendable.
Washington knew. He knew what they were all about to go through.
The only thing he could really offer was what Junior had already beat him to. A solid hug, a guiding hand that let Tucker sheath his sword and drop the arm the held it. He was weak and hollow like the others, head shaved, face haggard.
It was enough to make Wash wish he could have been the one to kill Hargrove instead. And then give everyone else their turn.
But since he couldn’t bring that to reality, he settled on hugging his shellshocked friend as Junior did much the same. He let Tucker lean on him just like he had once leaned on the Blues for everything he had worth fighting for anymore.
“You’ve gotten yourself into quite the situation, Miss Andrews,” Doctor Grey said, dropping to her knees by Carolina’s side as the Freelancer maintained pressure over the bubbling wound. “One would think you were looking for this, the way you ran off without any of us to back you up.”
“I’m just… here to tell… the story,” Andrews gritted out, looking in Grey’s direction weakly. “Guess I… got involved. Risk of… field reporting.”
“There’s no risk,” Emily assured her. “You’re with the greatest medical mind outside of UNSC sanctioned space.”
“Whoo,” Andrews coughed back with some attempt at fanfare.
Seeing the clear pain the reporter was in, Emily adjusted her scanner to a sedative stunning setting and then cleared back some of the kevlar already torn by the bullet wound in order to expose skin and allow her to administer.
“I brought her into this, Emily, I refuse to have anyone else die fighting my battles for me,” Carolina said sharply. “Tell me what to do.”
“I am about to administer a coagulant as soon as I get a clear scan and am sure that it was a through-and-through. If the bullet is still inside then I don’t want to run the risk of a clot surrounding it, dislodging, and stopping her heart,” Grey answered. “Once I give you the clear, you need to lift her and use your speed boost to get her onto the ship. Then come back to get me. Her best chance of surviving is going to involve getting her our of this weather and us on a way to Chorus where I can call ahead for them to prep the surgery room.”
“Who is this chick anyway!?” Tucker’s voice carried from across the room. He was slowly following behind Washington and Junior who were more hurriedly coming to check on their traveling companion. “I mean. I want her to be okay, whoever she is. She came to save Junior. From… from me.”
Junior turned his head to look over his shoulder and let out a gentle cooing, as if trying to comfort his father’s frayed conscience, but Grey had to keep herself focused. She had a patient trying to die on her. A patient who had proven to be a friend.
That was unacceptable.
“Dylan Andrews, a reporter. She helped us on the way to finding all of you,” Carolina answered. “She’s good people.”
“What can the rest of us do, Doctor Grey?” Washington asked seriously.
“Contact Kaikaina and get her, and all the others, loaded and ready to go. Time is of the essence,” Grey assured them.
“You’re already out of time,” a gravelly voice said from the hall entrance, followed by a series of coughs.
Grey’s eyes snapped toward the body they had passed on the way — the mercenary. She didn’t know anything about him, but what interactions she had had and the familiarity she had gotten from Locus and Felix had already decided her judgment for her. Scum.
“What the fuck does someone have to do to kill these assholes?” Tucker all but moaned.
“Siris,” Carolina spit out in the man’s direction.
Quite frankly to Grey’s amazement, the man was able to push himself onto his elbows, even bleeding as much as he was. “You did kill someone. That’s your problem,” he grunted, nodding to the lump of hatable human that was Malcolm Hargrove across the room. “You killed the most powerful man in the UNSC and in the industrial underworld. An honest-to-god robber baron and war hawk profiteer. A real son of a bitch, but someone who everyone from all those corners — all those powerful people — are going to be interested in killing first for revenge and asking questions later. Especially with UNSC and Charon forces on the way.”
“On the way?” Washington snapped, stepping toward him. “Why would that be?”
“Because I was shot first,” Siris coughed again, putting his hand down to his utility pockets and producing, to everyone’s surprise, a badge. “I’m a special investigator for the UNSC. I was deep under cover. Investigating Hargrove. When he had me shot I sent out a signal. Regulation for Charon is to get here ahead of the UNSC and carpet bomb active alien sites and worry about claiming casualties after. And the UNSC might not be much different. Not wanting a place like this to fall into alien hands.”
Almost in unison, Tucker and Junior let out a disgusted snarl at the comment.
“What is this place?” Washington asked.
“This temple… it has the power to transport people to any other temple site in the universe,” Siris explained. “Instantaneous warfare for over half of the UNSC colonies and then some. If the UNSC can’t have it, then they definitely don’t want Forerunner worshippers to get a hand on it and try another glassing spree on humankind.”
“This whole building’s a transporter?” Carolina asked before turning back to Grey. “You said the quicker we get Dylan to Chorus the better, right? We had camps on plenty of alien temples there. This is a perfect setup. You just have to figure out how to get us to one we know will have people stationed.”
“Because I’m the only one who reads Sangheilli?” Grey asked even though she very well knew the answer. “Honestly, some of you should at least take a community college course on it. It’s not like it’s more difficult than Spanish.”
“Fuck, Doctor Grey, have you met us? None of us would learn Spanish for the past fifteen years for Lopez!” Tucker cried out.
“If we transport everyone in this temple, that means we’re taking this Siris, too,” Washington pointed out warily, looking in Siris’ direction. “And I can’t say I completely buy the undercover special agent bit. Especially when he left us all to die.”
“I didn’t say I was a good guy. I just said I was doing everything legally,” Siris responded. “I tried to stop him from killing the kid. I’m at least as worthy of being saved as your reporter friend. And my side of the story will carry a lot more weight to it with the UNSC than a tabloid reporter.”
Carolina turned from her duties in order to stand at full height over Siris, fury shaking through her body. “Insult any of my team again, and you won’t have to worry about telling your story because I will personally put my foot through your jaw. And that’s only if you’re actually undercover and worth keeping around. I can’t even put into words what I’ll do to you if you’re lying and of no use to us. There’s a minor in the room.”
Washington looked at Carolina for a silent few seconds, as did everyone else. Then he looked away a bit sickened. “Jesus. She means it.”
“Of course I do. When have you ever heard me joke?” Carolina demanded.
For a moment, Siris seemed to lose his cool demeanor, leaning further back and away from Carolina’s imposing stature.
But Emily Grey’s mind was already working at a mile a minute. “Carolina, get back down here and stabilize Dylan. We don’t know how this will work and it is important that she not suffer any physical damage. If this is anything like the transportation cubes it could get bumpy.” She got to her feet and raced to the console-like device that was lit up on the far wall of the room. “Tucker, I may need your sword—“
“Bow chicka honk honk!”
“Junior! Timing is off,” Tucker complained before pulling his son into a hug. “God, I fucking missed you.”
Carolina got to her knees again, pulling Dylan’s limp body into her lap as Tucker and Junior came to Emily side.
For her part, Emily held her fingers to her temples and focused as hard as she could.
“Um. What are you doing?” Washington asked worriedly.
“I remember the exact sector that is the coordinate pattern for Chorus so now I’m attempting to remember what the latitudes and longitudes of the alley base’s temple is so that I can accurately transport us there and not make us all splatter somewhere in the depths of space,” she answered.
“You’re joking,” Washington said, baffled. “You can do that?”
“I’m the smartest human mind I have ever come across, and I’ve dissected more than a few,” Grey replied before opening her eyes and then looking to the lit up console. “I have it. Now… translated into Sanghelli that would be…” She deftly used her fingers to touch the glowing alien script on the console, then to the next, the colors changing as she did so. Confident as she read over the script again she looked at Tucker. “Now! Put your sword in the hole and take us home!”
“That’s what she said!” Tucker said, unleashing his plasma sword and thrusting it into the same hole not he side of the wall that Emily had directed him toward.
The lights of the script that Emily had touched changed back to the blinding white that the rest of the temple was covered in, but it grew only brighter.
Tucker had done his job, and they were one tingling, discombobulated, partially conscious journey away from discovering whether or not Grey had managed hers.
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cinaed · 3 years
Chapters: 42/? Fandom: Red vs. Blue Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Dexter Grif/Dick Simmons, Dexter Grif & Kaikaina Grif | Sister, Michael J. Caboose/Leonard L. Church, Kaikaina Grif | Sister/Huggins, Lavernius Tucker/Crunchbite, Agent Texas | Allison/Sarge, Chrovos/Donut's Moms, Franklin Delano Donut/Agent Washington Characters: Dexter Grif, Kaikaina Grif | Sister, Dick Simmons, Franklin Delano Donut, Sarge (Red vs. Blue), AI Program Epsilon | Leonard Church, Lavernius Tucker, Michael J. Caboose, Dylan Andrews, Frank "Doc" DuFresne, Agent Washington (Red vs. Blue), Agent Carolina (Red vs. Blue), Vanessa Kimball Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, Secret Identity, Friends to Lovers, Temporary Character Death, Implied/Referenced Torture, Heroes & Heroines, Villains, Slow Burn, Canonical Character Death Summary:
Dick Simmons has a multi-step plan. Move to Blood Gulch, become a superhero, assume a civilian identity, and save the day with the other heroes of the city. He didn't count on his fellow superheroes being so weird, the villains even weirder, and getting stuck with the most annoying coworker in the universe at his civilian job. But there are secrets and danger in the city, tensions boiling under the surface, and Simmons may be in over his head.
Chapter Forty-Two: Issue 42
Chapter summary: 
An important ceremony is derailed, with several immediate consequences.
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artesoterica · 2 years
RvB Secret Santa gift for @artistic-ailurophile ! Prompt was any of the RvB ladies hanging out, and you got a soft spot for Dylan Andrews, so! Kai, Carolina, and Dylan hanging out together shortly after the events of season 15- so that it doesn’t end up a long post, most is under the keep reading line
    “This is Dylan Andrews from Interstellar Daily, signing off.”
        With a final click of the recorder, the journalist took a deep breath. “I think that take turned out pretty well. Still feels a bit like a first draft for right now, though. What did you think?”
         “Well, I think I’m never going to get used to hearing someone talk about us in such a... ‘heroic’ light. Even with this not being our first go around in the press.” Mused Carolina, hearing the distant antics of the reds and blues as the two of them stood in the “velocirocktors” studio- it was the one place Dylan would get a half decent draft recording while she was still here. “Still, it’s well written. You really have a knack for journalism.”
         “Thanks, I just think that- “
         Before she had a chance to continue, Kaikaina burst into the makeshift studio, nearly tripping over a loose wire during her rather... dramatic entrance. “’Well written’? Fuck yea it is, after the bullshit she tried to claim about my bro last time! Told ya he was a total softy.” The yellow simtrooper stood there triumphantly, having not even taken notice that her sudden entrance resulted in Carolina instinctively reaching for her weapon, before relaxing. Dylan had noticed, of course, but she wasn’t going to judge her on that- who wouldn’t be jumpy after everything they had gone through, especially for one of the two freelancers. Hell, wrapping up this adventure of a story, her own therapist was going to be rich.
         “Oh, Kaikaina. I.. thought you’d still be with your brother? You haven’t spoken to each other in a while, plenty of catching up to do-“
         “Eh, just call me Kai or sis. And like, yeah, but I’m gonna be chilling with these guys for a while, and you’re just about ready to ditch, so!” With a smirk on her face, she did some awkward finger-guns that seemed to be… some sort of attempt at joke flirting? “Why not spend as much time as I can with the hot reporter lady ‘till then?”
         Carolina, admittedly, felt a bit out of place- even Andrews knew Kaikaina Grif fairly well, or at least they had spoken before; out of everyone here, it seemed she was the only one who learned about her second hand.. she hadn’t actually considered ever coming across her. This would make a good chance to get to know her better, without having to handle the potential awkwardness of a one-on-one chat-
         “-And, just gotta say, strong women are also like, exactly my type~ I mean, how come the moment I’m gone, they manage to get someone like you? Carolina, right? Thank God you actually have a different helmet from all of them. Like, it’s hard to tell them apart sometimes!”
         -…Never mind on that. Definitely feeling out of place now. As much as she’d never admit it, though, it was nice to be complimented by someone other than Tucker of all people. “That’s... me, yeah. Wait, isn’t it obvious who everyone is?”
         “I’m colorblind, like, super colorblind, kinda led to some funny situations back in that canyon before I started hosting my raves there! I’m actually blue teams ‘field negotiator’, n’ I never fucked up that job. Guess you could say I got a silver tongue that’s good at talking... and then some.”
         Dylan cleared her throat, interrupting the two and virtually saving Carolina from having to reply to that. “Looks like you two have plenty of catching up to do with each other… y’know, while it’s not information I’d need for my job, I wouldn’t mind hearing the finer details after I got the gist of it when I interviewed you.”
         Carolina glanced at the reporter, a silent ‘thank you’ in her eyes for the save, but looking at her questionably. “I thought you were heading out in a few minutes?”
         “My boss has waited months on this story, he can stand to wait an extra hour or two. Besides, I could use the breather.”
         While the base’s kitchen was left in quite a state- likely thanks to whatever the hell Grif had been up to here alone that he refused to admit to- thankfully the ship the lieutenants and Kai landed with had a good number of snacks and drinks on it. Made a quieter place for them all to relax and sit as well now that the reds and blues were showing off their mess of a home to their lieutenants before they leave. Apparently, Dylan wasn’t the only one stalling to spend more time together. Carolina couldn’t help but smile fondly. It was good to see them again, especially in a situation that didn’t involve an entire genocidal war. Even after everything, the reds and blues always bounced back to their typical antics. She couldn’t ask for any better family than that, really.
         Between Dylan and Kai chatting away- even in such a casual conversation like this, she spoke in a professional tone as if this really was some second interview, Carolina was a bit lost in thought. She was... tired, but at the same time, curious; listening in as she sipped away on some much-needed caffeine.
         “You mentioned doing business on Chorus- is it related to your... raves?”
         “Nah, I’m going totally professional business shit now- Real Estate!”
         “Real estate is booming on… Chorus? But tensions with the UNSC haven’t been taken care of just yet-“
         “So like, hear me out, that’s actually a positive- new government and all, which means I don’t gotta deal with The Man or anything like licensing or having to worry about ‘structural safety post-war’ on the properties. Yet-“
         “So once laws are put in place, do you plan on continuing?”
         “Because of ‘the man’?”
         “Aw come on, have a little more faith in me, woman’s gotta do what she can to get around in the galaxy! But actually...” Kai looked out towards the base, as what smelled like something catching on fire followed by plenty of people yelling swears at each other went on inside. “I miss these idiots. Might end up making this more than just a visit so that I can annoy my bro a bit more! And make sure he doesn’t get himself into another stupid mess while I’m gone. If there’s gonna be a shit show, I do NOT wanna miss it this time!”
         As much as she tried to hold back, a small chuckle came from Carolina at that. “Hopefully there’s not. At least, anything more than whatever kind of ‘shit show’ they’re making right now.” She pointed her drink in the general direction of... whatever the hell was going on over in the base. They could handle whatever antics they were up to without her for a few more minutes. “Sure you can handle being with these guys again?”
         “I could handle ‘em back when they were trying to kill each other, this’ll be a walk in the park.” Kai boasted confidently, “But I think the real fun will be getting to spend more time with someone like you. Least unlike Wash, you don’t give off gross cop vibes.”
         Carolina blinked, “Cop.. vibes?”
         “Kaikaina thought he was a cop when they first met.”
         “Well like, they gotta tell you if they’re a cop, it’s like, the law or some shit. And he was super suspicious!”
         “That’s not a law.”
         “Yeah, he told me that too, but like. Sounds like something a cop would say.”
         ...On second thought, Kai would mesh right in with the group all over again, even if she spent some years apart. What she would give to actually witness Wash being harassed like that. Interrupting the two of them, she asked a new question. “So.. how did you end up on Blue team instead of Red with Grif?”
         “Colorblind, duh.”
         “That’s still a pretty big mistake to make-“
         “Yeah yeah, that’s what he told me, too! I’ve heard it all before, geez.” With a huff, the yellow simtrooper crossed her arms, rolling her eyes in defiance. “I was just, so excited to get to see him again I hadn’t even thought about it, I just went with it, okay?”
Seemed like she struck a nerve. Whoops. Carolina wasn’t exactly the best at small talk, shifting the topic just a bit more in the direction of her brother. “Already told Andrews about this part, but I took some uh.. lessons on being lazy from Grif while we were ‘retired’.” So much for that- hopefully this time, they could actually get a true break from all this action. At least for a while- who knows, with their luck; something or other always seemed to find its way to them eventually.
“He must’ve been real bad at it, ‘cause you look like you still got a real big stick up your ass.” She was teasing, of course, giving the freelancer a little shove on the shoulder, a playful grin on her face just as bright as her armor. A fraction of the tension Carolina was stuck wrestling with dissolved at getting to talk with Kai like this; and meanwhile, any kind of topic about her brother definitely made it easier, getting to see how easy it was to make her smile like this. After all, however many years she probably spent worrying about this ragtag group of “heroes” was something Carolina easily understood. Even if the siblings pretended to hate each other shortly after their reunion.
A small laugh came from Dylan, speaking up again. “Well.. I wouldn’t exactly call the last few months ‘fun’, but it’s been quite the adventure. And, I’m glad to have met people like you guys. But y’know. Never exactly wanna go risking my life like that again.”
“Aww, sappy words mean you’re about to ditch us, isn’t it? And here I was thinking we could hang together a ton more... Ooh, my god I have an idea-“
The other two women were caught to attention, Dylan pausing as she truly was getting ready to leave.
“So, like, I always talk about how killer my raves are, but you guys have never gotten a chance to really see how much of a fuckin’ banger they are! So like, hear me out- the three of us, next time we’re all free? And maybe some other cute girls or guys you happen to know- go to one of my raves!” There was a mischievous grin as she took out a datapad, clearly about to demand their numbers so she could message them on a hyperlink later. “There’s a cool, not-completely-fucked place on Chorus from them rebuildin’ shit where I could host one. Have a girl’s night to ourselves! I’ll even like, give you a discount or whatever.”
At first, Dylan looked like she was about to protest, but that charming, if overtly casual and impulsive way of talking worked wonders on her. “Well.. alright. Feel free to reach out to me, then. I can’t exactly guarantee I’d be open to suddenly go partying on the edge of the galaxy at the drop of a hat, but I don’t think I’d mind.” Hey, where was the harm in breaks? Besides, she couldn’t help but feel Chorus would be a big spot for journalism for some time, at least until everything started to work itself out as the planet recovered.
“Pfft, alright. Count me in, too. Just don’t be surprised if one of our shared acquaintances tries to get involved if it ever happens.” Just when was the last time she went to an event like that? She’d most definitely feel out of place in one, but… maybe that sort of situation was what she needed to get to learn how to relax a little bit more.
Dylan prepared to leave the two of them, handing the datapad over to Carolina next, before turning back to Kai. “It was nice meeting you again, Kaikaina. Even if our first meeting was a bit of… a lot of misunderstandings.”
“No hard feelings, yeah? And it’s just Kai. But like, no reporting at my rave! That’s like, cop stuff.”
“Alright, alright. No suspected police activities at your totally-legal raves, I got it.”
“And no inviting Dex, either! He’s too lame for my parties.”
At this point, Carolina realized it was more like Kai was practically stalling just to get Andrews to stay as long as possible. She decided to rescue the reporter from needing to get back to work, much like she ‘rescued’ her from needing to chat with Kai by herself until now. “Hey, Kai? Back in that studio, one of those instruments were Grif’s. I think I have a few clips laying around of us playing together back in the studio. Wanna go have a listen?”
“My bro? Actually getting a hobby that doesn’t involve food? How come you didn’t say so when we were there?! Without proof, you’re totally bullshitting me!” And with that, the simtrooper grabbed Carolina’s arm and started practically dragging her back to the base, leaving Dylan behind.
What a story this would end up being, Dylan thought to herself in the now-empty ship entrance, watching the two women heading off towards the once-possibly-on-fire base. She was both glad it was over, but… was also going to miss them. A bit. Wouldn’t miss the nearly dying part, but who wouldn’t want to spend more time with these unlikely heroes?
Quite the story, indeed. ..Meanwhile, Kaikaina was about to learn that maybe, just maybe, Carolina wasn’t as good of a singer as she claimed to be, rambling to her about the velocirocktors the entire time they managed to push themselves through the raucus activity of the base, between all the reds and blues and liutenants.
But hey, even she knew better than to call Carolina out on it. 
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Dylan: *says "Kaikaina" aloud without any hint of hesitation*
Me: *throws hands up in the air and stays there for a full 30 seconds*
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artistbloomyk · 7 years
RvB15 spoilers under the cut!
Dylan is heading to Blood Gulch first to look for clues, and if I remember correctly, isn’t Sister/Kaikaina still there?  Is this gonna be how she is brought into this season?
If so, I am looking forward to Dylan and Kaikaina interactions, because Kai will probably tag along if she wants to find her brother.
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aro-ortega · 4 years
RvB Ladies Week May 18-22 2020
RvB Ladies Week May 18-22 2020
monday may 18
fluff / bgc ladies (sheila/filss, kaikaina, tex)
tuesday may 19
angst / freelancer ladies (carolina, south, ct, 479er)
wednesday may 20
trans rights / chorus ladies (kimball, grey, jensen)
thursday may 21
alternate universe / shisno paradox ladies (dylan, huggins, kalirama, chrovos)
friday may 22
femslash friday / minor characters (ohio, volleyball, girlie, etc.)
This week is meant to focus on & celebrate the female characters in Red vs Blue ! You can follow with the prompts or do your own thing, m/f pairings are allowed just please keep in mind that the focus is meant to be on the ladies !
Fanart, fanfiction, headcanons… whatever you want to create for this event is okay ! And please @ agentwashlngton / rvbweek or send it to either blog so I can reblog it !
If you want to get involved with events, have suggestions for future ones or prompts, or have any questions absolutely feel free to message me !
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